#not a kinning joke but a secret other thing. though I suppose if you think it's funny enough it can be a kinning joke
abyssalzones · 20 days
idk how to explain it but you're literally irl ford pines to me
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whatever gave you that impression
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Nemesis - Part 6
Based on the votes from last time, it’s time to get Hero some help! With A winning out, Hero has decided to trust Teammate-- let’s just hope they deserve that trust.
Thanks everyone for their suggestions, again! @freefallingup13​ had a particularly good and whumpy :)
As of time of writing I have to wake up for work in an hour but uhh. Worth it
Without further ado:
CW//Unreality, hallucinations (including spiders, body horror, blood, and needles), strong language, gags, restraining
When Villain awoke, the spiderweb that held them in place, the web that that turned and held their limbs until they choked for air and the bitter taste of salt, was no longer made of the same silk.
That was not to say that it had, beforehand, been made of silk at all-- to say that it had not been made of veins turned inside out, a ring of plastic choking on a seagull. No, they knew what it was like to be a fox tripping on its own tail, and that was not this. The glycol in their veins still made them shiver, a mouth full of dry ice stubbornly refusing to melt, but it seemed as though the spider that wrapped their own veins around their neck had turned the other way.
Simply to test this theory, somewhere, someone kicked out-- a twitching gesture with a leg that may or may not have been attached to Villain’s body, somewhere. The silk web yielded easily, though it did not break.
The spider would not allow that to happen, which meant...
A pair of eyes, for the first time in a millennium, snapped open.
The face that stared back at them could not have possibly been a face, as faces were supposed to have eyes and mouths and...
But the doctors, the nurses, the orderlies and scurses, did not always have faces. Not when they did not feel like it. Not when balancing the formulae would take too much energy.
The faceless face that was not a face reached forward, reached towards them. An appendage, a spiders leg.
Villain fought with their muscles, willing them to scrape up long-forgotten memories on how to contract, which they agreed to do in slow order. Propelled by things that were perhaps limbs, they scrambled backwards-- only to soon find themself backed against something far less yielding than web.
The hand, the hand, the spiders leg, it would not give way. Villain’s breathing quickened at the thought of the appendage piercing their veins, piercing their heart, as it had done so many times. Yet, even as they fought, the wall would not yield to them.
They had spoken to walls before, and they did not usually reply, but usually and its kin were unimportant in the present moment. By some miracle, their tongue emerged from its cage of ice.
Villain screamed, but there was no one to hear it.. No, there was only a face without a face, a spider’s limb, and a knock on the door.
Hero froze.
For the first time in what was now far more than a year, they moved less than Villain. They were reckless-- that was what everyone had always said, in jokes and insults alike-- but this time, their impulses failed them. If they had any sort of impulse at the moment, it was the urge to hide under their bed covers and wait for the noise to stop.
But it was not going to stop. They knew that, they weren’t stupid.
Or, maybe they were.
They had been stupid enough to drag Villain back here. Stupid enough to hide them in a closet of all places, in which they were now thrashing and screaming loud enough to shred their throat. Stupid enough to let Teammate hear. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The smart decision would have been to slam the closet door shut, shout something about watching a horror movie, and handle the problem on their own terms. In this disaster of a situation, the fact that only they knew Villain’s whereabouts gave them at least the slightest modicum of control. That secret, it was all they had.
Giving that away, giving away their only tiny piece of leverage, that would be a stupid decision. But... Ah, to hell with it. Sitting at the bottom of a pit, there was no real reason not to grab a shovel.
Whatever facial expression they answered the door with, it seemed to do absolutely nothing to alleviate Teammate’s worries.
Again, Villain screamed, though this time it wasn’t coherent enough to be described in words.
“Oh god.” Teammate shook their head, as if they had only just realized that, whatever was happening, it was more than real. “Oh god, Hero. What did you- Please don’t tell me you’re like, murdering someone in there.”
Another scream. A string of ‘please’s’ and sobs.
Hero opened their mouth, but found their tongue too dry for words. Instead, they gripped Teammate by the hand, practically throwing them into their room before slamming the door.
Teammate’s bewildered gaze spun around, finally landing on the frenetic figure in the closet.
“Hero, is that-”
“What the fuck.” Quick as always, they seemed to take only a moment to let the gears in the head grind. Seemingly having made their choice within that split-second, they dropped to their knees next to the closet’s entrance. “Hey, hey. Villain! You need to be quiet. The first step in figuring this thing out is you shutting your mouth.”
Hero dropped next to them, crawling forth to their friend’s side. They shook their head somberly.
“They can’t hear you.”
“Their, um, their head isn’t working right now?”
“Care to elaborate?”
“Not right n-”
“I don’t want to leave! I want to go home! You don’t have to do this- Please don’t do this! Let me go, no, no, no!”
“You’re not...” Teammate sounded breathless. “You’re not even touching them.”
“They don’t know that.”
“They can’t hear me?”
It took Hero’s eyes a moment to process the flash of activity. If Teammate had an ounce of hesitation in their body, it seemed to have dissipated as they threw themself forwards. The full force of their thrown weight slammed into Villain, sending them sprawling onto their nest of blankets.
If they thought in that moment, they certainly did not act on those thoughts, as their next action seemed so impulsive that Hero wondered why they hadn’t thought of it.
Teammate shoved their hand on Villain’s face, struggling to hold their mouth closed-- when this proved impossible, they went a step further, simply shoving their hand as far into the half-conscious Villain’s mouth as it could go.
Villain’s screaming stopped, though its finale was accented by a yelp from Teammate. They gritted their teeth in pain as their trashing captive gritted their teeth around their hand.
“This really hurts.” It may have hurt, but Teammate, by some miracle, did not lose their composure. “Do you have anything to like, gag them?”
“Gag them?”
“Um, um.” Probably making far more noise than they thought have, Hero scampered about their dorm. A moment later, a hand towel from the bathroom was thrown to Teammate’s hand. “There!”
“It’ll do.”
Yanking their now-bloodied hand from the villain’s jaw, they quickly replaced it with the fabric, forcing it between Villain’s teeth and securing it firmly around the back of their head.
For the first time, Hero breathed.
The ice in Villain’s mouth was torn from their jaws, replaced in short order by something fleshy, throbbing, and tasting of iron.
The spider had moved far too quickly for them to resist, holding them firmly from behind. Though they could see eight twitching legs forcing them still, they could only feel one of them-- wrapped around their chest, restraining their arms against their sides.
Their arms?
What were... Bones and tendons wrapped in muscles and ligatures and skin and it was theirs and they could feel it. Oh, god, it was warm. The blazing warmth of a furless animal held against bare skin.
How long had it been since they had had arms?
They could not move them, not far, but at the moment, that was far from their largest concern. Instead, they were far more focused on the fleshy thing (a hand? what did that word mean?) as it removed itself from their jaws, replaced just as quickly by something cold and silken.
Again, again, again they tried to talk to the wall, to beg it to allow them passage, but something rough and scratchy was holding their tongue.
The orderlies, the spiders, the seagulls, did not want them to scream. They did not want them to run away. They did not want the walls to wake up, to listen to them.
There was two of them, now. Two tormentors. One behind and one in front, en devant. They had multiplied, as if their webs alone were not enough to hold their prey.
Even without faces, they managed to speak, and even with eight limbs, they managed to only move four of them as they shifted positions. Switching places. The one behind became the one in front and...
Two limbs, now, wrapped around their front. Warm. They were so, so warm. Villain felt to be wading into the ocean, letting the hot, salty water carry their weight.
It was a spider holding them-- they should not feel like this! The web yielded easily against their thrashing, their legs, they had legs now, but the orderly held firm.
The orderlies... the orderlies were cold. Their veins ran thick with liquid nitrogen. Why was this spider so warm?
Villain felt to lose control of their limbs, yet, this time, that control was not snatched away from them. Not like so many times. It faded, warm ocean waters pleasantly taking the weight of wakefulness away.
The tide came in, gentle and slow. Villain breathed it in, filling their lungs with the orange waves, until the water took the pain away.
“They’re asleep?” Teammate raised a brow.
Hero shook their head, moving as little as they could in doing so. They were equally as cautious as they tilted their head downwards, looking to where Villain’s head had slumped backwards, resting on Hero’s shoulder.
“Not asleep. Just... Just relaxing, I think.”
“Okay. Please don’t tell me they’re gonna start screaming again once you move.”
“Uh... Hopefully not. I doubt it. They’re calm now, I think.”
“Are you going to explain to me what in the world that was all about?”
“Mhm. But first... I don’t think they can eat yet. But let’s get them some water.”
“A bottle?”
“Just a cup. They’re still weak.”
“That’s why my hand’s bleeding?”
“You know what I mean.”
Teammate rolled their eyes playfully, but nodded. They took a moment to wash their hand of blood and possible infection before returning, a paper cup of water in hand.
“I’m scared they’re gonna choke.” Teammate admitted.
“You’re scared for Villain?”
“I- I mean... They’re not really Villain right now, are they?”
“They’re Villain. But I don’t know if they’re a villain.” On queue, the unconscious person in Hero’s grasp shifted and whimpered. Hero tightened their grip, holding their charge secure until they quieted once more. “I just know they’re weak.”
“Do you think we can get some water down, then?”
“If we go slow. I don’t think I can let go. Can you just, kinda, tip it into their mouth?”
Teammate shifted their position on the floor, gently tipping Villain’s chin upwards with one hand, using the thumb to coax their mouth open. With the other hand, they tipped in what amounted to less than a swallow of water.
For a moment, Villain seemed confused, before some latent instinct kicked in. Again, Teammate tipped the cup forward, and again, helping more water go down each time until the glass was empty.
“Thank you.” Hero smiled, wavering, only then realizing just how much exhaustion threatened to grip their bones. “Let’s get them back to sleep.”
“And then, you are going to tell me everything.”
Outside Hero’s window, a choir of unseen crickets chirped, calls reaching from the grass to the top of the skyscraper they called HQ.
It wasn’t exactly the most appropriate ambience for the situation, but it was better than screaming. A lot better than screaming.
In the earliest hours of dawn, two figures sat on a bed, swinging their legs over its side.
“So... Let me get this straight. You got messaged by a random person claiming to be some kind of hacker?”
“And then they showed you classified documents saying that Villain was being drugged.”
“So you pretended to be the most powerful man in the city and... effectively kidnapped your nemesis.”
“I think at this point I’d say former nemesis, but... yeah. Pretty much.”
Teammate stared at Hero for a long moment, countenance as incredulous as it was dismayed.
“I love you, you goddamned idiot.”
“Gay.” Hero snickered.
“Is not. Your partner is in that closet over there.”
“Villain is not- I am not awake enough for this discussion. But, yes, pretty much. That is the story up until now. If you’re gonna yell at me, please be quiet. I don’t want to wake Villain up.”
“I wasn’t going to yell at you.”
“You weren’t?”
“You did the right thing.”
Hero blinked in disbelief.
“You really think-”
“They were suffering, that much is clear. What you did was impulsive and stupid, no doubt, but anything is better than that rehab place. Even if you just kinda, shoved them in your closet.”
“T- thank you. I think.”
“I do have one question, though.” Teammate looked up. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just did.”
“I mean before.”
“I didn’t-” Hero sighed, dipping their head. “I thought you would have told me to get over it. To leave it be.”
“I wouldn’t have. But there’s nothing we can do about that now.” Teammate exhaled. “So... what do we do?”
“About Villain?”
“Yes, about Villain.”
“I think- I mean, I’m no doctor, but I think it’s going to be a rough few days. I don’t have the documents, but they were heavily, heavily medicated. Coming off all of that will be difficult.”
“It would kill them, will it?”
“If it does, then we have a bigger problem. I don’t know anything about any of that stuff. The best we can do, I think, is just to keep them comfortable. Water is important. And maybe some food if they can get it down. I hate keeping them in, y’know, a closet, but moving them isn’t an option right now. Not when they’re liable to go all crazy-eyed at any second.”
“We’re really going to play, what, wildlife rehabber for your nemesis?”
“Pretty much, honestly.”
“Well.” Teammate gave the look- the look they always fixed Hero with, right before dashing into a plan that was ill-advised but somehow always successful. The look of possibly misguided determination. “Then, we need to take shifts. You have a calendar on you?”
The world was made of blocks.
Villain moved their hands to their face, trying to remove the dirtied glasses that they were certain sat in front of their eyes, but found nothing of the sort. With leaden eyelids, they blinked, though the world refused to clear itself.
The beige block atop them was warm, coaxing them back to sleep, but they had no interest in returning to unconsciousness. For a reason they could not quite understand, the very thought of it made their mind spin with spiderwebs.
Instead, they hauled themself to their hands and knees, all four limbs under them shaking and struggling to stay still. When at last they gained the strength to lift their head, they did so-- only to find two faces, an inch away.
Oh my god, they were faces! Blocky and blurry, but faces with eyes and mouths that moved, showing tongues and teeth and...
And they were speaking.
Villain blinked, again, the nonsensical action managing in some confused way to clear their ears.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. Don’t push yourself. It’s Hero. I’m here to help you.”
From one of the blurry bodies, a limb emerged. A hand. An offering.
A hazy offering.
Still wobbling, Villain attempted to copy the gesture, lifting their own hand, attempting to pass it through the other limb. To shake away the ghost made of mist.
Instead, they found flesh. Real, solid human being.
Something was in their mouth, but it could not quiet their thoughts:
You’re real?
Thanks so much for reading! Just like last time, there are two options along with every part of this story. Alongside each options is a question, so that you guys can give more specific suggestions if you so wish. This time, the option is for Villain, not Hero.
A.) This may all be a little confusing, but if Hero says they’re here to help, then they must be telling the truth. Trust Hero - Should the same trust be extended to Teammate?
B.) This doesn’t make sense. This can’t be Hero. Even if it is, it’s some kind of trick. Don’t trust Hero - Should Villain attempt to escape?
(This time, it’s less about what’s more sensical for Villain to do, and more about what would be the most fun, and whumpy! :) )
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ray-jaykub · 4 years
Hello... Could you write a Story with Leo? Have a first date, romantic evening or something else?
I tried and for the first time in awhile i finally feel like im somewhat put of the rut i was in. I hope this gives you good people good dreams.
Leonardo x fem reader
Warnings:none, just love and amazingness
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The past few years have been nothing but new for Leonardo. A good new that left his heart racing and face flushed. Laying awake at night with a wild grin on his face from just thinking about them. Them being you.
April needed a new roommate after hers ran off and you had tooken up the oppurtunity. Only a week into living with her did you run in on the most obscene thing. They had dropped by to say hello, which had Mikey flirting and making jokes, Raphael ended up knocking over boxes of your belongings and Donatello had tried to pick them up all while Leonardo just wanted to have a decent conversation. But then Keys jingled on the other side of the door.
Now imagine... April trying to shush Mikey, Raphael knocking over yet another 3 boxes from standing to look out the door and Donatello getting stuck in the window. Leonardo tries to shove at Donnie's butt, praying that maybe they'd drop their keys or it's the wrong person but the door swings open. Leo turns to the door and his heart nearly stops.
The most heart-stopping, butterflies in the stomach inducing girl had walked in. Even when looking stunned she was stunning. Somehow she kept her cool and steady, shoulders back and curious of him and his brothers. It seemed as if quickly you both took a kin to eachother, you were absolutely fascinated with the art of meditation and his katanas. Sharing so many similar beliefs and ideas of what you wanted for your future lives.
That ended up allowing you both to get together. His father happy for him and brothers estatic. You made him feel loved and cared about more then ever and that's why he's planned today. A velvet box sat in his pants pocket, something he saved up for at the beginning of your relationship. He felt that you deserved the world but for now he settled on just a simple silver ring with the phrase 'Together and always' engraved on the inside. He wanted to get you sapphires and lapis lazulis just like the other hot shot men out there but Leo wasn't exactly working a paying job. For years he would sit at his little desk twirling it between his fingers and polishing it, for years he thought of you as his wife doing the same thing.
Leonardo wanted to give you a good dinner with the stars above you on the rooftops. Mikey would help him cook grilled chicken and lemon. Raphael was setting up the table and Donnie was stringing lights around the place. April was keeping you busy for the day and Leo would sit with his father trying to take in the wisdom of a widowed husband who would help him prepare for his speech. It were moments like these where the help and efforts of his family really shown how much they loved him and how happy they were for him. But before he could whisk you away from April and surprise you things took a turn for the worse...
Your sniffles and coughs echoed through the lair and made his heart ache. Your face was tear stained and you shook like a leaf underhis touch. Donatello had reassured him that it was the common flu and that leo just needed to worry about taking care of you and putting his plans on hold. But that didn't stop him from giving you love and attention. Nice warm teas and plenty of blankets. Leo would be on his knees at the edge of your shared bed waiting for you and whatever ypu needed. You could convince him fighting a bear would make you feel better if you wanted, he would do it and win. On multiple occasions you tried to sit up and get things but it was always the same.
"Love, you need to stay in bed. I can't risk you hurting yourself." You groaned, barely able to put up a fight against his strong hands against your shoulders.
"But I have things I need to get done, places to go."
"Well let me do them, your self rightchousness will be the end of you." Finally you decided that maybe a nap would sound good and while dosing off you tried to los off the chores you were going t get done. Laundry, bathrooms, and finally organizing that god foresaken pantry.
Laundry and bathrooms were easy, albeit he had to go in there after Raphael used it. The major problem was straightening the pantry. Even before you came into his life Leo had avoided that task, a too great a feat for him. Yet you were determined to get it done and he felt silly for trying to put it off in the first place.
Cartons of food and cans laid all over the kitchen as he tried to empty the damn thing. Michelangelo watched him in wonder, never thinking he'd see the day it was bare of things.
"Yo, what're you doin? Thought you sworn off doin this." Mikey was impressed with the determined look in Leo's eyes. How he looked like a man on a mission.
"Y/n wanted to get this done herself but since shes sick I decided to be a good hubby and do it for her."
"Correction, good boyfriend." Leo gave his little brother a sharp look and heaved a heavy sigh of sadness. The sight of all this junk laying in the kitchen made him feel even more defeated. Mikey patted his shoulder in an attempt of comfort.
"Maybe proposing to her will make er feel better?" Leo scoffed at the idea and went to looking through expiration dates.
"This is supposed to be perfect, not while she's got nasty sickness." Leo's back was turned to Mikey, who had rolled his eyes. Of course Fearless would  think that.
"Listen Lee, as a master of the women I'm gonna share a secret with you." His big brother turned to him now, arms folded and an eyebrow ridge lifted in scepticy. Mikey leaned in as if to whisper a dirty secret or confess his sins.
"They don't care-" "That's ridiculous, of course they do!" Mike shook his head, giggling at his brother's incompetence of the matter.
"What they care about is that you asked in the first place. They don't want fancy dinners and have you serenade them! They just want you... at least if she really does love you that is. Y/n does love you right?" Leo sputtered and he felt almost offended at the question.
"Yes!" Mikey was now giving him a toothy smile and nodded.
"That's exactly what she's gonna say when you ask." With that, his little brother left him standing in the kitchen to think by himself. Think and sort the godforesaken pantry.
It was later in the night, exactly 12 a.m., when you woke up. Your body was still sore and you felt light headed but overall better then since this afternoon. The soft light of the lamp drew your attention to the oak desk. Leo sat with his back to you, fiddling with something in his hands. What you saw of his face seemed in deep thought and when you sat up he tucked away whatever was in his hands and turned to you.
"Do you feel better?" You weakly nodded and opened your arms as an invitation. Leo came and snuggled into your neck, arms wrapped around you. Before you could drag him to lay with you though he pulled away. Leo was never usually nervous save for your more physical of firsts so his behaviour worried you.
"What's wrong?" Your voice, barely a whisper.
"I want to talk to you about something that i've been thinking about for a long time... years in fact." Now you were more curious then worried. What could possibly be bugging him that badly? His hands grasped both your own as he opted to sit in front of you. Leo was nearly as shaky as you but he cleared his throat and continued.
"I... i recently have been thinking about it more and more though. It's to the point where i think of it everyday." You squeeze his hands in comfort and he starts to tear up. "I think of you and me, for the rest of our lives, everyday. I think about seeing you and me grown old and have kids and anniversaries and moments." Leo's rambling now, too scared. For a moment he closes his eyes and sees these images flash through his brain yet another time, like so many before. He opens them, strikingly blue and now overflown with tears.
"I think about marrying you..." he whispers the last part, knowing his voice would have cracked and the dam would break. Leo reaches into his pants pocket pulling out the velvet box and opens it before you.
"Do you think about it too?" You both know what he means by that question and there was no hesitency. You nodded, almost frantic, and sob when he hugs you like never before. He hugs you like a husband, strong and full of love all the while you cry into his shoulder and grab onto him as long as possible. 
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kaigarax · 3 years
Life by the Sea
Series: BNHA various x reader
Title: Of Shared Secrets, Stolen Kisses and Silent Hearts
Chapter: 8
Fanfiction / reader insert / 1st person P.O.V.
Quote: “I wonder if people truly do love each other as much as they do in romantic stories?”
Extraordinary people are not loved because they are born special. It’s quite the opposite actually. Extraordinary people like her are loved because they are extra ordinary.
Despite living on the small island known as Japan, I’d never actually seen the sea. While my family never fell into the lower class we never really had enough to be able to indulge on trips outside of the country. When there was enough money saved up there was never enough time.
Just because I’d never seen the ocean though didn’t mean I wasn’t happy. In fact, it never even occurred to me that I was missing something very important until I was standing in front of it.
It glistened blue and sparkled green. A single body of water that reached out across the horizon farther than the eye could ever see. It was crazy that something this amazing had existed; but what was even crazier was that it had never even occurred to me before. I knew right then and there that this would be the place I wanted to live when I was older.
With an exhausted body I, I fell to the ground sighing. There were many things that I dreamed about. Sometimes I dreamed about being a hero everyone looked up to and other nights I would relive embarrassing moments I hoped to forget about. My most recurring dream though, centered around a single want and obstacle.
An object that is always just out of reach on the other side of a creator. I wondered if I’ll ever be able to reach it.
A jump that I likely won’t be able to make, so I never take it.
Living by the beautiful ocean was likely one of those dreams. A leap that I’ll never be brave enough to take.
Exhausted, I looked out towards the night sky and sighed. And that’s when you came along.
You smiled and waved as if we had been childhood friends. For a brief moment, I wondered if you had been looking at someone else. Sure, we had a few brief conversations before but none of them warranted this kind of warmth. Unsure of what to do or say, I stood there like an idiot while you approached.
“How was your first day?” I asked.
“Mr. Stark spent the whole day in a meeting before we went out to greet the public. I think apart from the excessive hand shaking, it was alright.” you answered before asking, “so how was your day?”
You took a seat beside me, before gesturing for me to sit beside you, “I can tell.”
I hesitantly took the seat beside you, “I’m enjoying it though!”
“That’s good, this is what you want to be doing for the rest of your life after all! Oh that reminds me, earlier this week Mina mentioned that you felt that you and the spider hero were kin with each other…” you trailed off as if pondering more on your conversation with the pink haired hero in training.
“Oh…” I paused, feeling another flush of embarrassment before attempting to change the conversation from something so embarrassing, “so… why’d you decide on Stark Agency? You received the most offers in class, and from some of the top heroes in the country!”
There seemed to have been a joke I wasn’t in on as you grinned at my question, “I put the first ten agencies on a dart board before throwing darts at it with a blindfold.”
Your answer was nothing less than shocking. I knew you to be a playful and carefree person but I didn’t think it was to this degree. It was no secret that you tended to do things in an unconventional way but I hadn’t thought that you would be the kind of person to jump forwards blindly.
“So… it was sort of like a leap of faith?” I asked.
You smiled with a simple, “exactly!” though it wasn’t like the ones you had given before. It wasn’t that carefree smile you flashed when you did something unconventional; nor was it one of those practiced smiles you gave to the camera. This smile was honest and excited.
Suddenly you didn’t seem so far away. Sure, you were currently only sitting inches apart from me right now, and in class, but you had always seemed as if you were in another world. Separating yourself from our classmates. Keeping everyone at an arm's length.
Right now though, I suddenly remembered that you too were a teenager that just started high school. You too, was just another kid who wasn’t all too sure on where life would take them. Sure, you were much more carefree about where life would take you but that didn’t erase the fact that you were still a kid.
I decided then and there that I liked this version of you. The you that was as happy as a child on Christmas morning.
“So why did you pick this agency?” You asked, leaning back to look at the sky. “Apart from the spider boy, of course?”
“Well…” I pondered, “I guess because it was the safest option. Someone that I knew would be able to help me.”
“Nothing else?”
“I guess not.”
“Huh. I didn’t think you’d want to squander your chance on a safe option like this.” you explained, “not that there’s anything wrong with picking the safe option. I just thought you were the kind of person who likes challenges.”
“W-well what about you! Miss, I threw darts blindfolded! Why would you squander a chance like this on fate and luck?”
“Two reasons really.”
“Well, the first is because I know I’ll make a big splash no matter where I decide to start.”
I chuckled, teasing you, “aren’t you full of yourself Bakugo! And is your second reason just as modest?”
“The second reason is even more selfish, believe it or not!”
“Oh? Do tell!”
“It’s because I wanted to work with you.”
And with those simple words, I was suddenly at a loss. Was that a confession? What in the world was I supposed to do now!? How in the world could you say something like that!? And with such a straight face! How in the world was I supposed to respond? Is this the part where I reject your advances because I didn’t know you well enough? Were you even romantically interested in me, or was I just making everything up in my head?
And then you just had to make things even more complicated as you stood up with my hand wrapped tightly in your own.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Don’t worry, I’m not confessing or anything!” You chuckled, “we’re gonna go cliff diving!”
“Come on! What’s the point of just laying around when we could be doing something crazy!”
I smiled as you pulled me along. I guess there was no harm in taking a chance.
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rrandomtthings · 4 years
Judging you based on your Sanders Sides kin(s):
Hey guys!! Just a quick message to say that there are dark themes ahead (i.e. what the sides are going through and how that may reflect on you). Please be cautious going forward. Please read the message after each individual character (especially if you kin that character) as those messages are to spread positivity and love. Also, please note that points that are made may not apply to you and that’s okay. These are just assumptions, which also means that not every one of them is true. Love you all and stay safe <33
You probably really like MCR and maybe Greenday. You also probably tend to really like the emo characters from different TV shows and you also really like Disney but don’t really talk about it too much. Along with that, you feel like you can’t always be yourself. That, if you express how you really feel, you’ll only end up hurt. You feel that you have to hide apart of you because you’re either too ashamed or too afraid to express it. You also may or may not have a huge secret that has been on your mind as of recent.
*** Don’t be ashamed or afraid, as long as it isn’t anything that would potentially harm someone, express yourself. We would all love to see the real you, not the you that you’re making yourself out to be. The secret part at the end was more of a joke, but it could still really apply to Virgil kinnies. If this secret has been something on your mind, talk to someone who you really trust about it. It could be someone with no involvement at all so you could get an outside percpective. It’s better to let out those inner feelings before it’s too late. Remember that you have this and I’m proud of you :)) love ya!
You’re the parent of your friend group. You are the friend that helps your friend(s) when they’re injured. You are the medic on scene, the one who truly thinks about whether this option is the best option. You are also super extroverted and love to chat around with others and make sure that everyone feels atleast a little bit of love. However, you also put others before you put yourself. You tend to put their priorities over your priorities. You also probably have high expectations for yourself.
*** Just remember that you should put yourself over others. Yes, it is important to be selfless when you can rather than when you want. Everyone always wants to be selfless, but there is a distinct line between when you should and shouldn’t. Also, don’t set yourself to these high standards. Yes, you should always try to achieve bigger and better things, but not if it’ll lead to harm. Please, just, put yourself first and ask for help when you need it. We are all here with you and love you kiddos !! You go take that second cookie and enjoy it <3
You’re honestly just kind of done with everyone’s bullshit. You probably wish that people would pay more attention to you and stop portraying you as this one individual thing. You are also probably scared to express your emotions. Probably thinking that others are gonna cast your emotions aside and/or you feel like you’re not wanted so your emotions aren’t either. You’re also probably sick of everyone assuming that you’re super smart because you’re a Logan kinnie. That’s not to say that you aren’t, but that assumption probably gets on your nerve after a while.
*** Just remember, don’t be afraid to talk to people about your feelings. You are not a burden. You are wanted. We all love you so, so much. Please realize that you are needed and your feelings do indeed matter. Talk to someone when you need it and remember that there is more to you then what others see. Don’t be afraid to express that you <3
You probably really like rewatching old vine compilations on YouTube and laugh even though you’ve probably watched that vine atleast 15 times. Youre also probably super into horror movies. You dont give two shits about what others think about you and you just kind of do your own thing. However, you also probably view yourself as second best and always in someone’s shadow.
*** Please remember that you are important. You are not second best. Despite what anyone says, you are needed. You are just as important as anyone else and we all really appreciate and love you all :)))
You’re super into politics and probably think that Trump is awful (rightfully so). For real, you’re probably gonna be the next president one day, I swear. However, you’re also always so mistreated. No one allows you to speak your mind without bashing you. However, you still are vocal. Others may have a hard time letting you speak, but you don’t let that hold you back. You also only want the best for others.
*** Remember that your opinion does matter. Like I said, one of y’all are probably gonna be the president one day. You are just as important as anyone else. We need you and appreciate you so much. Thank you for looking out for others even when they may not be looking out for you. Love you <33
Orange side:
You’re honestly just kind of thriving rn and, quite honestly, can’t blame you. Probably just sitting in the back with some tea watching everything go down. You probably have a twitter account and are just keeping up with all the drama. You’re doing great sweetie, love ya :D
No doubt, you are 100% a theatre nerd/ and or love Disney. Spotify? Full of Hamilton, Wicked, Newsies, Falsettos, Moana, etc. However, even though you may be really loud and seem really confident, you are super insecure. You hate being compared to others— if anything you fear it. You feel like your opinions don’t matter and that you’re better off just standing to the side sometimes. You feel like sometimes you can be super mean and it’s something that bothers you like no tomorrow. However, you are super apologetic. You realize the wrong in your actions and do your very best to correct it, no matter how little or big it is, you own up to your mistakes.
*** Please, just, talk to someone. Insecurities are not something that should be held in. You need to talk to someone about those insecurities, let other people know how you’re feeling rather than keeping it all in. Also, your opinion matters. You matter. Please, don’t stand off to the side because we need you. You are our hero. Love you guys so much, remember we are always there for you <33
Oh gosh, this was supposed to be like two sentences per character,, but I don’t regret it. These characters have so much depth to them that I wouldn’t be doing them or their kins justice by putting two or so sentences. Kinning a TSS character at the moment probably isn’t only for the sunshine and rainbows. Also, please let me know if I missed tagging anything. I love you all so much, please don’t forget that. You all matter. You are all needed. I love every single one of you (I really can’t emphasize that enough) have a good day/night <33
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demons-fanatic · 4 years
The Choir: Chloral Madmen or Misguided Fools?
Spoilers for Bloodborne below for the entire post:
So, for my first lore post here, I wanted to keep it within the season. Believe it or not, the Choir is quite a scary prospect of Yharnam when you look at it in depth. First of all, what is the job of the Choir? As their set states outright: “Members of the Choir are both the highest-ranking clerics of the Healing Church, and scholars who continue the work that began at Byrgenwerth.“ This means the choir continues in Eldritch Knowledge and the pursuit of ascension in the path of Master Willem and not Laurence. The origin of the Choir is also explicitly stated with the Orphanage Key: “Key to the Orphanage, birthplace of the Choir. The Orphanage, shadowed by the Grand Cathedral, was a place of scholarship and experimentation, where young orphans became potent unseen thinkers for the Healing Church. The Choir, that would later split from the Healing Church, was a creation of the Orphanage.“ This explicitly tells us that the Choir are just Orphans who grew up and were taught to essentially experiment on people their whole lives, along with a lot of Eldritch Knowledge. If you’re wondering where the rest of the Choir is well, presumably they’re in the third floor of the Upper Cathedral Ward main building. It’s a fact that some of them are there, given that singing can be heard, arias specifically. These aria’s are supposed to be religious-like thing, given by the Rosmarinus’ description: “A special weapon used by the Choir, high-ranking members of the Healing Church. Sprays a cloud of sacred mist, created by using blood-imbued Quicksilver Bullets as a special medium. Arias are heard wherever sacred mist is seen, proving that the mist is a heavenly blessing.
‘Oh, fair maiden, why is it that you weep?’”  It is seen as something of the heavens, the heavens being something the Choir, or really the church believe in. These heavens might be the Nightmare realms in the other planes of existence. The mist is made from Quicksilver Bullets, aka Mercury and Mercury in Bloodborne deserves its own post but it’s essentially Mercury gas, in which Oedon loves Mercury. The last line “Oh, fair maiden, why is it that you weep?” this maiden is the Great One below in the cave, but we’ll get to her later. Now, what do the Choir do? Well, they experiment on people to, as Fauxsefka puts it “Surpassing our own stupidity.” these experiments create Kin. These experiments are the Celestial Emissaries. And why are they called “Emissaries” well, it’s presumable they are used to contact Great Ones. How do we know this? Well, they drop communion. The boss does anyways. Meaning that they have contacted a higher truth. All the places we find communion, minus +5 vials, is in relation to some sort of religious place/person. Where communion has or could take place. 
The Choir also is said to now be separated from the Healing Church itself and with this they have just become a separate name. They are still apart of it, just not the Healing Church conglomerate. This means that the Choir gets their “patients” from the Church who of course, just kidnap Yharnamites. Another faction that has separated from the church is the School of Mensis, who preform a similar function to the choir, but they do not experiment on people in the same way, their wish is though, is to reach Kos and end the Curse of Hunters. The Choir is very suspicious of the School, sending a spy, Edgar to the school in hopes of sharing secrets, though, due to the Mensis ritual, he got stuck in the Nightmare Realm. The choir’s suspicions aren’t for naught though, Mensis is doing something and killed an entire village to try and create an artificial Great One, which worked half-way.
Another aspect of the Choir to note is their clothing. Which the cap is the most interesting part. “Attire of the Choir, high-ranking members of the Healing Church. Members of the Choir are both the highest-ranking clerics of the Healing Church, and scholars who continue the work that began at Byrgenwerth. Together with the left behind Great One, they look to the skies, in search of astral signs, that may lead them to the rediscovery of true greatness.“ This states that the Choir outfits are inspired by Willem, why they choose not to see is a common concept. It’s not rare in Yharnam to cover ones eyes so that you can gain eyes on the inside and ascend. Their attire looks very special and like Choir wear, nothing special there but it is apart of the Choir.
Another interesting part of the Choir is their tools. Their tools include: Rosmarinus, Choir Bell, A Call Beyond and Augur of Ebrietas. Minus the Rosmarinus, they are all Arcane items. Meaning they are understood by few, but they also incorporate, for the lack of a better word, magic in their use. The Choir Bell is based on a larger bell that can send a sound across multiple planes of existence. This one just uses its sound to raise vigor/heal someone. A Call Beyond was created when the Healing Church failed to contact the greater Cosmos using Phantasms, but instead summoned a small exploding star. Finally, the Augur of Ebrietas uses a similar tactic to A Call Beyond. It uses a phantasm but it uses it to partially summon Ebrietas, using one of her tentacles to shoot out of ones hand. All of these weapons use the cosmos and are the latter two are considered secrets, for good reason. They do use it in combat, Yurie, Fauxsefka and Edgar all use it. Along with Micolash(Who would’ve been apart of the Choir but split in Mensis). 
Another thing the Choir is continuously said to do is look at the sky or mention how the sky is one with the Cosmos. This, of course, is also something they most likely took from Willem as when we find him in Byrgenwerth, he is literally staring at the sky forever. Doing this seemingly does do something as Willem is growing some sort of Fungus on his neck which isn’t natural. He’s also lost his ability to speak in a normal human tongue. Though, the Choir either haven’t done it long enough or as expected, have just used other methods to achieve this. Of course, the experiments are these ways. Once you understand that in this world that these Gods exist, you’re either afraid or in awe. How the people of Bloodborne even figured out you can transcend is beyond me, but. They figured it out and now they wish to do so. Multiple ways of doing it have been shown in the game whether it be drinking God Blood, Water, Eating Organs or becoming too Enlightened. And all of this, as we know are connected to Aliens. Beings from Space. There is a reason the Moon Presence is called the Moon Presence after all, did she come from the Moon? Who knows, but she always descends from it, meaning she is not from Earth and comes from space. Not to mention some aspects of the Choir magic as listen above are well, space related. Stars. Yes, it is strange they just realized that the sky leads into space but it helps in the fact they most definitely worship the moon a lot. Hell, they even have statues of the Moon Presence.
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These can be found in Lumenflower Gardens and most definitely suggest that the Choir worship or really appreciate her in which one makes sense over the other. With this, and other descriptions, the Choir are really obsessed with the Moon, in the same theme of the Lumenflower Gardens, the flowers open in full Moonlight. We also know the church has always participated in rituals with a Great One, mostly the Moon. So this obsession with space, Great Ones, it’s all religious. It’s sacred, holy, divine, etc... This isn’t surprising of course, all Great Ones are considered Gods. The Choir themselves have a connection to one of these Gods, Ebrietas.
Now, since we are talking about the Choir and Isz and Ebrietas are apart of the Choir, I will 1. Talk about them as if they are the same(Isz less so) and 2. Go into full detail about them. 
First off we have Isz, a land that the Choir themselves consider to be in touch with the Cosmos. It is a land that is filled with Moon Larvae(Most likely where most of the ones in Upper Cathedral Ward come from) Celestial Emissaries and other Kin. It’s infested with a blue hue and arcane tree roots. This of course, going along with the themes of Bloodborne proves that well, all of this has already played out. Isz has already done what the Choir has done, the Choir is just repeating Isz. There’s even a human(or Pthumerian; Iszian?) who has become a Great One, but we’ll get to her later. But yes, this is just proof everything is repeating, like Loran and Yharnam. It is also notable that Isz houses most Great Ones we see as bosses, which brings to effect 1. These Chalices are Pocket Dimensions, Rom has no place being here. 2. These Chalices are existing so the Great Ones shall keep their forms stored so they cannot die, they can revert back to their other form and regenerate so to speak and then come back. Isz just seems to possibly be the main hub for that. Regardless, that is Isz. And relation to the Choir, well, they found the chalice and explored it and then came into contact with Ebrietas.
Now we have Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos. She is called a Great One in many places, but is she? Well, it’s confusing. All true Great Ones bleed red, like Humans. But, all Kin bleed White, Mercury. But, what does Ebrietas bleed? Red and White. What does Rom bleed? Red and White. What is Rom? A Human who has transformed into a failed Great One. From the previous paragraph, we established cycles in Bloodborne. This isn’t a joke or false, this is true. Think about it; Loran, Old Yharnam and now Yharnam all were infected by the Beast Plague. It happens again and again. Isz and now the Choir, it’s happening again and again. The Fishing Hamlet and now Mensis with Mergo, again and again. If this isn’t proof, well, I don’t know what to tell you. This is even more explicit than Dark Souls. Anyways, along with this would be another failed attempt at a Great One, right? Well, of course, why couldn’t it? Ebrietas is like Rom, she can cast her own magic and looks like a Great One. Anyways, take that theory with what you will. So, what does Ebrietas do in our current story? Well, she was found in Isz by the Choir. It’s said she was left behind, if you believe my theory you’ll know why. She’s not like the others, she cannot ascend to other planes like the others can because she’s not full, so to speak. So, she was found and luckily for the Choir, she wanted to coexist with humans. Why she does isn’t known but, she soon became a thing for the Choir to study, but presumably they did nothing bad to her and even gained a good relationship with her. She stays in a cave below the Grand Cathedral, called the “Altar of Despair” and currently she’s weeping over a dead corpse of a giant Spider. 
And, this is where I deviate from current lore to cut content, well. See, that Giant Spider is Rom. It’s honestly, should I say an extremely bad mess up, like really, really bad. Because in current game, it makes no sense. This giant spider that looks like Rom is here but it’s not really Rom? And you can reverse Annalise’s death here? What? Well, if you want to know, it’s Rom and the Altar used to be below Byrgenwerth, Rom would fall and then Ebrietas would be sad her “sister” is dead. There’s also a cutscene associated with her corpse, but nevertheless, there we go. You might be asking, “Why is this important” well, there’s no good explanation for it other than to explain why it’s there when the area was being developed.
But that’s the end of the rant, so the Choir are children who have been raised to experiment on people and elevate humanity. Of course, they aren’t the only ones who do so but they definitely are making progress. If you read all the way through, thank you! Feedback and RB’s are appreciated!
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siriuslyshewrote · 5 years
1914 - Part One / ?
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A/N - So I thought I’d make a little character list before I start writing because there are large families involved, and it may get confusing!
It’s still written in second person (you) but the reader has a name, and a backstory. The reader is French - and has a French name. This will make a bit more sense with the plot hopefully!
Warnings - Swearing, John being a dick at the end of the chapter, mentions of death.
Inés Derouin (you) - (b. 1896) - Ness
Leonard Derouin - (b. 1898) - Leo
Clement Derouin - (b. 1906) - Monty
Gisèle Derouin - (b. 1910) -
Edgard Derouin - (b. 1912) Eddie
storyline based off this prompt
You sat in the dim light of the kitchen, a cigarette dangling from your lips, a crease pulling your forehead together. Your hands shook a little as they gripped the letter in front of you. The worry you’d been hiding for months started to build up, like a monster taunting you.
You glanced towards the jar on the windowsill - an idea your mother had created. When she or your father were paid, and they’d paid all the bills, they’d put the left over cash in there. It was for little things - like new shoes or toys for the younger siblings, or books for you. You had tried your best to keep that going now your mother was no longer here, and your Papa was sick, but your wage couldn’t even stretch over the bills. The jar was most pitifully empty. Not one penny lay in the bottom , and you ran a hand through your tangled hair, pulling out the remaining pins that were still tangled in from your shift late last night.
The door, the front one, banged open all of a sudden, and you jumped, a small shriek elicited from your mouth, until you saw the gaggle of people who crowded down the hall - your younger siblings, and two others. You couldn’t stop a smile coming on your face as you saw John, his little brother Finn hanging off his back, holding a paper plane you’d made him a few days ago. Gisèle, as per usual, was looking up at your best friend with adoration in her eyes. Sometimes, you wondered if you looked like that when you stared at him.
You pushed the letter under a few books. You would figure it out later.
“Nessy!” Your youngest sibling - Eddie, was gripping on tightly to Leo’s shirt, almost like a Koala, as Leo stuffed something into his pocket, a bit of material, or clothing. You paid no mind to it. Leo kept secrets - it was just what he was like.
“Hey, baby!” You almost crooned, took over from your brother, holding Eddie, wiping off some food of some kind from his chubby cheeks.
Your siblings cleared off remarkably fast - Gisèle sneaking off with one of your nurses aprons, most probably to play dress up, Monty to read a comic John had most probably bought him, and Leo mumbling something about going to see your dad.
“Thanks for looking after them today, Johnny.” You grinned at your friend, kissing his cheek in a way of greeting. His face was warm, despite the chilly spring weather outside. You felt you face warm too, at your action, though not in the same way as his, you were sure.
“Was mostly Pol, to be fair.” He replied, smiling, flopping into one of your worn kitchen chairs, expertly avoiding the wobbly one.
“I’m not so sure about that. It’s you they love, more than any of us. Mr God like Shelby.” You joked, laughing. Truly, you loved that your siblings adored the Shelby’s. you knew that if anything should ever happen to you, they would step in and help, and that meant a lot. Especially considering the cloud of death that seemed to follow your family.
“You still coming tomorrow, then?” He questioned, pulling the newspaper on the table towards him, scanning the front page, as he kicked off his shoes. The scene was almost like a little family,you three in the tiny kitchen , and you smiled a little, before pushing the thought out of your brain.
“‘Course, nine isn’t it?” You questioned, pulling plates out of the cupboards.
Tomorrow was , of course , John’s eighteenth birthday, and whilst he didn’t seem that bothered about it exactly, he , and the rest of his family, never turned down an opportunity to spend exorbitant amounts of money on alcohol, and get completely piss drunk. You couldn’t deny that you were looking forward to it, quite a lot.
He nodded yes, in confirmation, but you could see his mind was focused on the paper in front of him.
“Got my present yet, then?” He grinned, cheekily, looking up at you.
“Present? Why would I get you a present?” You deadpanned, before smiling teasingly.
He put on his best wounded face - all wide eyes and pouty lips- before you both sniggered.
You had gotten him a present, obviously, had every year since you were both nine, when you moved to England from France. It was one of the only times you got to show your appreciation for him - he wasn’t particularly a boy who liked to be thanked. Not really. Not by you. As he’d told you a thousand time’s by now, you were kin to him. Practically a sister. He didn’t care about looking out for you.
You tried to pretend that those statements didn’t make your heart ache, just a little. Practically a sister.
He went quiet again, his grin disappearing a little, returning to the front page - something to do with France and Germany that you didn’t quite understand. Did anyone , at this point?
“There’s going to be a war, isn’t there?” You said quietly, as to not let anyone hear - aside from Eddie, who didn’t understand anyway, dishing up food onto the plates.
He paused for a moment.
“But we’ll be fine right? It doesn’t have anything to do with us?”
Why you expected him to know the answers, you didn’t know. But it was your default. When worried, ask John. Well, it was with most things. The letter practically burning a hole in your table was quite a different matter.
Another pause.
“Nah. We’ll be fine.” Except, he didn’t sound so sure. And neither were you.
Several hours later, you smoothed down your skirt - wearing your best ‘I’m very responsible and I promise to give you the rent soon’ kind of dress - after you knocked smartly on your landlords door.
It wasn’t that different to yours - all peeling white paint and chipped paint - though this flat was the ground floor, and yours was several flights of stairs up.
The door swung open not many moments later, quickly. You supposed Geoff Wilson - your landlord - didn’t have much to do anymore. According to your neighbour, Gloria, who was lovely, even though she was a right gossip, Geoff had divorced his wife a few months back, and seemed to have a permanent chip on his shoulder after that. He wasn’t too much older than you - perhaps around twenty three - and you had to admit you felt sorry for him. He had last his father last year, and since then, had taken over as landlord. You supposed he was slightly less of a prat than his dad, who would threaten eviction if the rent was two seconds late.
“Hi, Mr Wilson.” You tried to smile warmly, but your cheeks felt stiff. The letter - one about the rent - was cluctched in your slightly shaking hands.
“Ah, Miss ...”
You were never quite sure if he didn’t know your name, or simply couldn’t pronounce it.
“Inés. Inés Derouin.” You supplied. “Flat 23?”
“Ah yes. The late rent ones-“
“I’m so dreadfully sorry about that.” You hated kissing peoples arses. “But I was just wondering if I could have a few more days? By Friday, I can have the rent-“
“That would mean I would have to wait over a week-“
“I know, and I’m sorry, it’s just with my Papa-“
“Miss Derouin, I’m sorry about your family situation, but that doesn’t change the fact that I need my money.” He didn’t sound all that sorry.
“Look, is there anything I can do? I just need a few more days.” Your voice was desperate and you hated it.
He sighed, paused for a few moments, then an almost smile came into his face.
“There is something, actually.”
Oh god, you hoped he didn’t think you were offering those type of favours-
“Come to a dinner party with me.”
“A dinner party?” It was such a strange request.
“Yes. As I’m sure you’ve heard from the incessant gossiping around this building, I’ve divorced from my wife, and she will be attending, with her new... boyfriend, and I really wish to not make a fool of myself by going alone.” His voice was almost bored.
“Okay. When?”
“Tomorrow. I’ll pick you up around 8:30 ish?”
Your face dropped.
“Is there not anything else?” You asked weakly. John’s smiling face flickered in your brain - you couldn’t miss his birthday.
You knew there wasn’t.
His eyebrow raised. “If you cant come-“
If you can’t come, you’ll get evicted.
“It’s fine. I’ll sort it out.” You smiled, but it fell from your face almost immediately as you turned round after a soft goodbye.
You exhaled, running your hand through your hair. And you couldn’t even go see him tomorrow - you were working. Guilt poooled in your stomach. You’d just fake some type of bug. He’d understand.
Of course he would. But it didn’t make you feel any less miserable about it.
The night wasn’t as bad as you had thought it would be, you mused, as you and Geoff neared the apartment building, his jacket draped over your shoulders. He wasn’t as much of an arse as you had previously thought - and you had almost had fun , dancing , and drinking cocktails (which, you had thought with a pang, weren’t nearly as good as Ines at the Garrison), and being flared at by his ex-wife all night. If looks could kill, Geoff had joked, you’d be a pile of ash by now.
But you still couldn’t get rid of the guilt that festered in you all evening, one that kept making your hands tremble, and eyes well with tears that you blinked away. How could you have done anything differently, though? You couldn’t prioritise John over your family, as much as it pained you.
Geoff lit a cigarette next to you, inhaling on the smoke.
“Thankyou for tonight, Ness.” He called you by your nickname - one you had told him to call you, but it didn’t sound right coming from his lips.
“No problem. I enjoyed it.” You smiled at each other, small smiles , that indicated that this wouldn’t happen again , but it was good while it lasted.
It was only when you were almost at the entrance of the building, when you saw him. Standing, leaning against the wall, cigar smoke exuding from his lips, his hair tousled slight. Lipstick on his collar. That made your smile drop even more than when you first saw him - you had been well and truly caught out in your lie. You swallowed slightly, slowing to a stop.
Geoff froze for a second, then uttered a mumbled goodbye, walking fast into the building. Of course, he was just as afraid of the Blinder’s as anyone else in Small Heath. He’d scurried off so quick, he’d left his jacket, still wrapped around your shoulders.
“John-“ You began quietly, walking closer towards him, eyes wide.
“How’s your cough, Ness?” He said coldly - referring to the call you had made to him several hours ago, telling him you were too sick to come to his party.
“John, just let me explain-“ You said quietly - teaching for his hand, which he snatched away.
“Explain what? You know, I was worried about you. I missed half of my fucking party, coming to see if you were alright, for your dad to answer the door, and tell me you’d gone out-“
“It isn’t what it looks like-“
“Really? Cause to me it looks like you just valued some prick of a man over me. Thought we were supposed to be mates.”
That voice, that damn voice. Emotionless, which hit you the most. You’d never heard him like this.
“You know we are.”
“Are we? Because you know what, Inés, I’ve never put anything before you. Whenever you have needed me, I’ve been here. When your dad was sick, when your mum was fucking dying-“
“Stop. That isn’t fair.” Tears began to well in your eyes, and you willed them away. It didn’t work.
He looked like he was going to stop. Just for a moment.
“What’s your excuse then?” His face was pulled into a pained, sarcastic grin.
“What do you mean?”
“What’s your grand story of why you weren’t there?”
“I’m ... I’m behind in rent. I needed an extension-“
His face screwed up, and you swore he got paler.
“So, what’re you saying? You’re a whore now?” He snorted, but his tone was disgusted, and more tears dropped down your face.
“Do you want me to pay for this conversation, or do you only charge for different things?” He spat.
“You know what, John Shelby? I was sorry, I really was.” You snapped, jaw tensed. “But you can take your fucking anger somewhere else. I don’t want it.”
And with that, you slammed the door behind you, and stormed up the stairs, sniffling.
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katethegreyjedi · 4 years
OC Interview: Jedi Consular, Dojia
(No. 2 bc I like em)
Again, wasn’t tagged but these help flesh out my characters and I enjoy doing them and self-love, y’know?
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? Name ?  She sits down and politely puts her hands her lap, posture perfect and expression one of patience and kindness. “Dojia Tano, Commander of the Alliance. Thank you for having me on.”
? Are you happy ? Her face remains unchanged, but in her eyes you can see her thinking. “At this moment I am quite content.”
? Are you angry ? Her response is quick yet trustworthy. “My emotions are ever in check, I do not get angry.”
? Are your parents still married ? “I do not know my parents.” There is no hint of regret in her voice, just pure fact.
? Birth Place ? Dojia takes a quick glance around the room, contemplating. “I believe is was on a ship, but the Jedi found me before I came to know that home.”
? Hair Color ? “Dark grey.”
? Eye Color ? “Blue”
? Birthday ? “The 15th day of the 12th month in a standard year.” 
? Mood ? Dojia shifts in her seat slightly, brushing her hair out of her face. “I believe I am fine right now, this is a nice respite compared to the rigors of the galaxy.”
? Gender ? “Female”
? Summer or winter ?  “Winter,” She smiles a bit, her sharp teeth glinting in the studio’s lights. “Having fur in the hotter months is not fun, let me assure you.”
? Morning or afternoon ?  “Neither? I enjoy the nights much more.”
EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE?  Her body visibly stiffens but she calms herself and continues with her polite stance. 
? Are you in love ?  “I--” She clears her throat, the second sign of her discomfort. She steels her eyes and looks at the interviewer straight on. “Yes. I am.”
? Do you believe in love at first sight ?  “Not at all. The Force works through all of us and connects us with those around and throughout the galaxy, but it does not bind us to a certain person, we must first meet and truly figure out the other before falling in love.” Her response is well thought out, she must have spent some time on that question before.
? Who ended your last relationship ?  “I have only had one and that one has not ended.”
? Have you ever broken someone’s heart ?  Her ears twitch slightly. “I don’t believe so.”
? Are you afraid of commitments ?  “Not at all,” She takes in a deep breath before fully answering. “The Jedi taught us that the Code says we cannot have attachments, but if we do not have attachments then how can we truly protect the ones we say we will? If we do not sympathize with the people who are being hurt and cruelly attacked, then we cannot help them in the way they need us to...” The interviewer pauses for a moment, not ready for an answer such as that. Though, Dojia was not fully part of the Jedi Order anymore, and she had spent much time with people of differing views. In fact, her answer made sense to more than she would have thought.
? Have you hugged someone within the last week ?  “Yes,” The small smile from before came back. “I quite enjoy hugs.”
? Have you ever had a secret admirer ?  “I... I would hope that if I did, or do, then that person would say so. Having a secret such as that weigh on your heart is not something a person should deal with, nor would I want them to suffer like that.”
? Have you ever broken your own heart ?  Her eyes narrow slightly. “I am not sure what you mean by this... Have I broken my own heart? I don’t believe so... But my heart is not very fragile, I suppose.”
? Love or Lust ?  “I would have to say love. It lasts longer and if it is true, it will endure even the greatest of sorrows.”
? Lemonade or iced tea ?  “Hot tea,” Her expression turns found. “I have found that Gatalenten tea is one of my favorites.”
? Cats or Dogs ?  Her smile comes back, this time larger and she coughs, covering her mouth, as if to hide a chuckle. “Cats... though I may be biased.” (... was that a joke?)
? A few best friends or many regular friends ? “A few best friends. Though I am kind to everyone I meet, so I will say that I have many acquaintances throughout the galaxy.” 
? Wild night out or romantic night in ?  “Night in. It makes the time more special when it’s with the one you care for.”
? Day or night ?  “Like I said before, I enjoy the nighttime. The stars are quite beautiful on Odessen.”
? Been caught sneaking out ?  “No,” Dojia seems more relaxed, less afraid of showing emotion as she smiles yet again. “But I know quite a few young jedi and padawans in my youth who would sneak out of the temple.”
? Fallen down/up the stairs ?  “Once...”
? Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?  Her head tilts to the side, her hair still perfect. “No, I try not to let my emotions become as strong as that.”
? Wanted to disappear ?  “I have people I care for here and people who depend on me and the Alliance, I cannot disappear even if I wanted to.”
? Smile or eyes ?  “Eyes. They show so much emotion, do they not?”
? Shorter or Taller ?  “It doesn’t much matter to me, but I suppose taller.”
? Intelligence or Attraction ?  “Intelligence. Attraction is something that comes first but intelligence is what truly keeps the relationship growing.”
? Hook-up or Relationship ?  “Well, since I have never had a ‘hook-up’, I must say relationship.”
? Do you and your family get along ?  Her eyes narrow as she shifts in her seat. “Like I said, I do not know my biological family, but I will say that my friends and I get along quite well.”
? Would you say you have a “messed up life” ?  She purses her lips and furrows her brows. “The Jedi temple I grew up in gave me all I needed and my life now... well it has its problems but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.”
? Have you ever ran away from home ?  “Never. The thought never even crossed my mind.”
? Have you ever gotten kicked out ?  “If I had gotten kicked out I wouldn’t be a Jedi like I am today, would I?”
? Do you secretly hate one of your friends ?  “Absolutely not. Hate is a strong emotion and leads to anger. I may have said that Jedi should be in touch with their emotions, but I did not mean ones such as hate and anger.”
? Do you consider all of your friends good friends ?  “Yes, I would like to think so.” She smiles fondly. “They have gone through many things and I trust them with my life.”
? Who is your best friend ?  “It was my dear friend Qyzen, but losing 5 years makes people grow distant. So now I would say Theron or Lana.”
? Who knows everything about you ?  Dojia actually lets out a quiet chuckle. “Probably Theron. He’s the only one who truly got me to show my true self... that and I know practically everything about him.”
The Jedi stands as the interview ends and shakes the interviewer’s hand again. “Thank you, my friend. This was quite enjoyable.” She waves to the camera and walks out of the studio, her hands clasped firmly behind her back.
Stay tuned for more interviews in the future! 
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chelsfic · 4 years
Moonbeam - Firbolg x Reader -TAZ fanfic (Part Two)
Part One
A/N: Holy shit. This is, without a doubt, the cutest frickin’ thing I’ve ever written. 
Warnings: Fluff overload, irresponsible spellcasting
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The firbolg lets out a mighty grumble and buries his fists into his wild mane of hair as he considers the answer.
“C’mon, big guy,” you encourage him, swinging your feet up onto the edge of the table between you. A distinctly soporific throat-clearing from the stacks catches your attention and you drop your feet back onto the floor at a glare from the librarian, Sabour. You flash a sheepish smile in his direction before returning your attention to the open text book in your lap.
“Liquidity Ratio,” you repeat.
“Li-qui-di-ty….ratio!” he echoes in a voice that sounds borderline-pained. “This is the ratio of a firm’s liquid assets to their...li-a-bil-i-ties! It measures the ability of a company to fulfill its...financial...obligations.”
You let out a delighted whoop that has Sabour shushing you again, but you don’t care. You reach across the table and grab the firbolg’s hands, your face lit up with a dopey grin.
“Yes! You got it!” you cry, slamming the book shut with finality. “No more studying! Tonight your name is...One Who is Going to Ace His Accounting Exam!”
“Is...a bit of a mouthful,” the firbolg jokes and it feels like he’s conjured a warming flame in your chest. 
You squeeze his forearms with your slender fingers, looking up (up, way up--gosh, your friend is tall) and meeting his eyes with a smile that dimples your cheeks.
“Well, then, I’ll call you, Makes Me Smile.”
Your cheeks burn with embarrassment as soon as the words leave your lips but the firbolg’s eyes crinkle with his own grin as he responds, “Is nice...to have friends. You. Fitzroy. Argo. I...feel like... I have found a new clan.”
His words send another wave of warm affection to your heart. Even if he only ever thinks of you as a friend...even if there’s no chance of him ever returning your secret feelings...it’s worth it to make him smile.
“Well...it doesn’t compare to the luxury vintages I’m accustomed to--The Maplecourt Estate boasts a truly magnificent vineyard, have I ever mentioned?--but it is...potent. I’ll give you that,” Fitzroy eyes the amber liquid in his cup, the fizzing bubbles of the champagne glowing in the firelight.
“Aye, it’s good stuff!” Argo pipes in from across the fire, downing the last few drops from his own cup and leaning over for a refill from the leather skein.
“Well, we needed something worthy of the celebration!” you exclaim, sipping from your own cup and shyly leaning into the bulk of your study partner as you cast a happy, prideful glance up at him. “We passed!”
The firbolg smiles down at you from his place beside you on the fallen log. You’re in your spot--a clearing on the edge of the Unknown Forest where the four of you have taken to meeting on the weekends when you’re not out on real-world assignments. The champagne bubbles fizz merrily in your stomach and you feel the pleasant, giddy lightness of alcohol diminishing your inhibitions. You let your head fall against his arm, angling your body toward him and snuggling into his warmth.
He ducks his head to catch your gaze with an inquisitive grumble from deep in his chest.
You take a long gulp of your drink before explaining, “It’s a little chilly.”
The firbolg turns to look at the roaring fire in the middle of the clearing with a quizzical expression. He catches Fitzroy’s knowing, smirky gaze from across the flames. 
“The lady has a chill, Bud! Don’t be ungallant--put your arm around her!” Fitzroy winks at you and you might burn up at being so transparent. Apparently everyone can see right through you. Everyone except...him, of course. 
You lean away a bit as he shifts, wrapping one, massive arm around you and gently resting it over your shoulders.
“Like...this…?” he mutters, eyes flicking from you to Fitzroy to Argo, seeking guidance. Your friend has learned so much about living with those outside his own kind...but he still has moments of wobbly uncertainty. He leans down to speak into your ear in an approximation of a whisper that is--actually--perfectly audible to everyone in the clearing, “Is this...okay?”
For a few seconds you’re incapable of speech. His face is an inch away from yours, your breath mingles and if you were to lean forward just a tiny bit your lips would touch. His eyes--the same muddled bluish-grey as his skin--flick over your face as he awaits your answer.
You clear your throat and offer him a shy smile, “Yeah, this is okay.”
“K-I-S-S-I-N--Hey!!” Argo’s teasing singsong is interrupted when Fitzroy launches a fireball that misses hitting him in the face by mere inches.
“Aaargh!--sorry, my man, that was supposed to be a snowball. I’m still--um--centering myself within my magic, as Festo says.”
Argo gives him a mutinous glare, muttering under his breath, “Wasn’t the crab supposed to take care of that?”
“It’s a JOURNEY!!” Fitzroy shouts with a dramatic swish of his velvet cloak. 
You snort into your cup, dissolving into giggles that you try to muffle by finishing off your drink. Fitzroy rolls his eyes and lets out an aggrieved huff.
You cut the tension before this can devolve into one of Fitzroy’s hissy fits, “Hey, I get it, Fitzroy. Everyone knows I suck at magic. I can’t even focus a cantrip let alone rip out an awesome fireball like that!”
The noble barbarian preens at your praise and--feeling charitable--gestures towards your mountainous companion, “If you want to see something impressive you should ask Bud, here, to cast Moonbeam! He took out two floors of imps with that little beauty.”
You feel the rumble of the firbolg’s laughter before any sound falls from his lips, “Mmm...you are...flattering me, Fitzroy.”
It’s not long before the three of you are chanting in sync, “Moon-beam! Moon-beam! Moon-beam!”
The firbolg finally stands, moving to the edge of the clearing with a groan of assent. 
“In...corrigible!” he calls back to you. 
You watch as the lumbering giant kin turns inward, bowing his head and holding his hands before him, palms upward. There’s a moment of utter stillness. Even the fire’s flames seem to freeze for a split second as the air around the firbolg quickens with the promise of magical energy. Pale blue sparks appear floating above his palms and in the next second a silvery cylinder of pure moonlight appears in the air in front of him. He raises his head, meeting your gaze with the smallest hint of a smile on his lips when he catches the look of wonder on your face.
Fitzroy and Argo clap their hands and yell praise, but you’re struck silent by the beauty of the firbolg’s magic. You stand, walking over to his side without taking your eyes off the silver light. 
“It’s beautiful!” you remark, reaching out a hand and tracing the air around the cylinder. 
The firbolg grabs your wrist, his meaty fingers wrapping around your forearm easily. He pulls you back against him and away from the beam of light.
“Beautiful,” he rumbles over your head, tucking you into his chest protectively, “but dangerous.”
You turn in his arms, leaning back to catch his gaze. His eyes reflect the moonbeam’s illumination as he looks back at you. 
“Moonlit Eyes,” you murmur, taking a breath for courage before reaching up to trace his rounded cheek with the tips of your fingers. He leans into the touch, nuzzling his face against your small palm.
“Mmm?” he questions, closing his eyes to your touch.
“That’s your name tonight,” you answer, tugging at the collar of his homespun tunic until he bends down to your level. “Moonlit Eyes.”
You’d thought that maybe a firbolg’s kiss would be rough and overwhelming, judging by the intimidating bulk of your dear one. You should have known, though. Bud, Moonlit Eyes, Makes Me Smile, One Who Comforts Pegasi...his kiss could only ever be as soft and gentle as true moonlight.
Distantly, you catch the buzzing laughter of Fitz and Argo from the other side of the clearing.
Want to be tagged in future TAZ fics? Drop me an ask or DM!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Random Reads 2/18/21
Are You in the House Alone? by Richard Peck Are You in the House Alone? came out in 1976 and though I totally could’ve read it when I was a teen—and thus still a member of its target audience—I never did.
Gail Osburne is a sixteen-year-old high school junior and native New Yorker who’s not at home in the quaint Connecticut village her family relocated to several years back. I knew that the plot involved Gail receiving menacing anonymous notes and phone calls, and I was expecting these events to get started quickly and the suspense to remain high throughout. But that doesn’t happen.
Instead, the story is told retroactively, so we know Gail survives. Also, obvious culprit is obvious. (I hope the reveal wasn’t intended to be a surprise, but perhaps readers were less savvy about such things in 1976.) Initially, much more of the focus is on Gail’s relationships with her parents, boyfriend, and best friend, and in particular how the latter two are in the slow process of dissolution. Eventually she receives some threatening notes and creepy phone calls, gets scared, is let down by people in positions of authority, and comes face-to-face with said obvious culprit. That happens halfway through this slim novel. The rest of the book is about Gail’s recovery from her ordeal.
I thought Are You in the House Alone? was going to be fun, suspenseful fluff, but it turned out to be fairly serious and occasionally (intentionally) infuriating. I really appreciated how Peck was able to weave in a couple of threads that seemed very random at first and make them integral to the denouement, too. Ultimately, I didn’t love the book, but I kind of… respect it, if that makes sense. It didn’t go the cheap route.
The Automatic Detective by A. Lee Martinez Mack Megaton is a hulking robot who was created to destroy. He developed self-determination, however, and went against his programming. Now, he’s a probationary citizen of Empire City, where mutagens and pollution have created a very diverse population. While some “biologicals” are still “norms,” others have been physically transformed (like rat-like Detective Alfredo Sanchez) and others have been changed in not-so-visible ways (like Mack’s friend, Jung, a talking gorilla with refined literary taste). Mack works as a cab driver and is trying to keep a low profile, but when his neighbors are abducted, he can’t help but try to rescue them. This gets him into all sorts of trouble, of course.
Despite its name, The Automatic Detective isn’t really much of a mystery. I suppose it’s more… sci-fi noir. Mack meets various thugs, beats some of them up, gets beat up himself, etc. Slowly, he makes progress on uncovering a huge conspiracy. At times, I felt like Martinez was a little too enamored of the gimmick he created, and places in the middle dragged a bit as a result, but the ending is pretty satisfying and overall the book was enjoyable enough, even though it’s quite far from the sort of thing I usually read.
As a final note: I really liked that Martinez limited himself when it came time to invent universe-specific profanity. Instead of the text being liberally sprinkled with words like “frell” or “frak,” the phrase “Oh, flurb” appears but once (during a moment where the meaning is 100% apparent) and made me laugh out loud.
I don’t know if I’m necessarily eager to read more by Martinez, but I’m glad I read this one.
The Inimitable Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse When I read My Man Jeeves back in 2010, I was somewhat disappointed because so much of it was repetitive. While there are some common elements that recur within the eleven stories that comprise The Inimitable Jeeves, it is still so very much superior that I’d now say… forget about that first book. Start here. Go back and read My Man Jeeves for completist purposes, if that’s your inclination, but start here for the best introduction to these characters and Wodehouse’s uniquely charming and amusing writing.
First published in 1923, The Inimitable Jeeves contains a linked set of stories that typically involve affable Bertie Wooster being imposed upon by either his eternally lovesick friend Bingo Little (who is “always waylaying one and decanting his anguished soul”) or his mischief-making younger cousins, Claude and Eustace. One plot thread involves convincing Bingo’s uncle (who provides him with an allowance) to agree to Bingo marrying a waitress. Jeeves comes up with the idea to ply the uncle with romance novels featuring class differences to soften his heart, and it ends up that Bertie is compelled to go visit the old fellow and claim to be the author. In addition to containing the most elegant description of sweat I’ve ever seen—“The good old persp was bedewing my forehead by this time in a pretty lavish manner.”—this situation is referenced a few times in subsequent stories until Bingo succeeds in getting married to a different waitress who really is the author of those romance novels.
So, even though you’ve got episodic happenings, it’s rather a satisfactory conclusion. Bertie is endearing, Jeeves is competent, the writing is excellent, and it made me laugh. (I especially liked when a character was described as resembling “a sheep with a secret sorrow.”) I’m so glad that I didn’t give up on the series after the first book; now I feel as though I finally see what the fuss is all about. I’d also like to give credit to the fabulous narration by Jonathan Cecil. I’m not sure if it’s deliberate, but I hear echoes of Fry and Laurie in his performance, and I heartily approve. I will certainly seek out more unabridged versions read by him.
The Murders of Richard III by Elizabeth Peters This is the second in the Jacqueline Kirby series of mysteries. I haven’t read the first, and wouldn’t normally begin with the second, but the book promised an English country mansion plus “fanatic devotees of King Richard III” so my usual routine flew right out the window.
Even before university lecturer Thomas Carter likened himself unto Watson, I’d noticed the similarities between how this tale is told and the Sherlock Holmes stories. We are never permitted inside Jacqueline’s head. Instead, we see her how Thomas, hopeful of one day securing her romantic affections, views her. It’s fairly interesting, actually, because Thomas’ opinion of her fluctuates, sometimes peevishly. “You drive me crazy with your arrogance and your sarcasm and your know-it-all airs,” he says at one point. And though he soon after claims “I’m no male chauvinist; I don’t mind you showing off,” the fact is that earlier he was grumbling inwardly about her feigning “girlish ignorance” to reel in mansplainers and then walloping the “unwitting victim” with a cartload of knowledge. It’s true that Jacqueline isn’t especially likeable sometimes, but for remorselessly trouncing the sexist louts she encounters throughout the book, I must commend her!
The mystery itself is somewhat bland, unfortunately. The leader of a Ricardian society has received a letter purportedly written by Elizabeth of York, which would exonerate Richard of the deaths of her brothers, the “princes in the tower.” He calls a meeting of the society, with each attendee costumed as one of the historical personages involved, and summons the press, planning to unveil his find with much fanfare. But someone begins playing practical jokes on the Ricardians reminiscent of the fates of the people they are pretending to be. The book isn’t a long one, and soon the pranks start coming right on the heels of one another. Because of the swift pace—and some shallow characterization—the solution is rather anti-climactic.
Still, while I’m not sure I’ll seek out any more Jacqueline Kirby mysteries, this was overall a decent read.
A Perfect Match by Jill McGown The series of books featuring Detective Inspector Lloyd (whose first name is a secret for now) and Detective Sergeant Judy Hill begins with a short yet enjoyable mystery in which a wealthy young widow is found dead in a small English town on property she’d just inherited from her recently deceased husband. Unlike some mysteries of which I am fond, there’s no preamble where readers get to know the victim or the circumstances of their life. Instead, immediately there’s a policeman discovering the body and then Lloyd turns up to question the victim’s next of kin. This same lack of character development hampers the romantic tension between Lloyd and Hill, leaving me with no idea what motivated Hill to finally decide to act on her feelings for him, betraying her marriage vows in the process.
The mystery itself is interesting enough, however, involving long-married Helen and Donald Mitchell who have ties to both the victim, Julia—her late husband was Donald’s older brother and Helen thinks they were having an affair—and chief suspect, Chris, originally a friend of Donald’s who has fallen in love with Helen. I can’t claim to have mustered anything more than a mild curiosity as to what the outcome would be, but neither did I guess the specifics, so that was good. I liked the interrogation scenes, too.
McGown’s writing had some fun moments. I loved the super-evocative imagery of Lloyd telling Hill that her new perm makes her look like Kevin Keegan. I also really appreciated a recurring bit where each chapter ends with the point of view of wildlife. When Chris is eventually brought in by the police, his arrest is depicted from a bird’s perspective, for example. There are also ducks, a moth, a fly, a cat… I don’t know if this device recurs in later books in the series, but I look forward to finding out.
Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight This is the second mystery/thriller I’ve read in which a single mom who is a lawyer with a cold and unfeeling mother of her own attempts to work out the mystery of what happened to a family member (the other being Girl in the Dark by Marion Pauw). Is that some kind of trend these days?
Kate Baron has a demanding job at a swanky firm, but she’s trying her best to be a good mom to her fifteen-year-old bookworm daughter, Amelia. She’s shocked to get a call from Grace Hall, the prestigious private school Amelia attends, saying that her daughter has been accused of cheating, and by the time she makes her way to the school, Amelia has evidently jumped to her death from the school roof. The police are only too happy to classify her death as a suicide, but when Kate gets a text that says “Amelia didn’t jump,” she starts trying to put together the pieces of what happened.
Reconstructing Amelia has quite a few problems. Despite her better judgment (and a promise to her best friend), Amelia joins a clique of bitchy girls at school who end up publicly humiliating her and trying to get her expelled when she falls in love with someone deemed off-limits. It’s hard to muster sympathy for what she ends up going through when one remembers the cruel prank she was willing to pull on someone else as part of the initiation process (largely kept off-camera to keep us from disliking her too much, I guess). We’re repeatedly told about the great relationship Amelia and her mom share, but never shown it. The subplot about Amelia’s dad is the literary equivalent of wilted lettuce. And the fact that the new detective who gets assigned to the case allows Kate to question suspects is absolutely ludicrous.
And yet, I couldn’t hate the book, largely because of Amelia’s friend, Sylvia. For much of the book she comes across as shallow and self-absorbed, but when Amelia really needs her, she’s there. She gives Amelia this tour of “great moments at Grace Hall” to cheer up her impressive pal, right before breaking down about her own legitimate pain. I never would’ve thought at the outset that I would have such immense sympathy for Sylvia, but I do. I find myself hoping that she’ll be okay.
Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane It sure is nice going into a book unspoiled, particularly one as twisty as Shutter Island. I was quite happy with the book as it began, with U.S. Marshals Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule taking the ferry to Shutter Island to track down a patient missing from Ashcliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane. It’s late summer 1954, and these guys are manly but accessible, and surprisingly funny. Consider this relatiely early exchange that cracked me up:
Pretentious Doctor: *makes remarks on the lives of violence the marshals must lead* Chuck: Wasn’t raised to run, Doc. Pretentious Doctor: Ah, yes. Raised. And who did raise you? Teddy: Bears.
For a while, all seems straightforward. Then Teddy confides to Chuck that he’s actually come there looking for a patient named Andrew Laediss, who was responsible for setting the fire that killed Teddy’s wife two years before. Gradually, one starts to doubt everything (and there was a point where all of the uncertainty got to be a little much for me) but the ultimate conclusion is a very satisfactory one.
Why Did You Lie? by Yrsa Sigurdardottir Set in Iceland, Why Did You Lie? starts out with three different storylines taking place a few days apart. The first involves a photographer on a helicopter journey to take pictures of a lighthouse on a rock in the middle of the ocean, the second is about a policewoman whose journalist husband has recently attempted suicide, and the third is about a family who returns from a house swap with an American couple to find some of their stuff missing and weird footage on the security camera. Of course, as the book progresses, these storylines converge, and it’s pretty neat when the police activity the helicopter flew over in chapter one turns out to be almost the culmination of the policewoman’s plot thread.
For some reason, I can’t help wondering how Ruth Rendell might’ve written this book. I think Rendell would’ve done a lot more with characterization, for one thing. There’s certainly some here, especially for the anxious husband who struggles to make his wife admit something really has gone wrong with their houseguests, but the primary concern seems to be getting on with the suspenseful action. Quickly, each plot features some kind of creepy lurker and then ominous notes (variations on the “why did you lie?” theme) figure in to all three, as well. Nina, the policewoman, digs around and talks to people and works out that everything connects to a supposed suicide from thirty years ago.
The result is certainly an entertaining book, but not one I could really love. One major issue I had is being able to predict something very significant. The number of characters who could’ve been angry enough about the 30-year-old lies in question to terrorize people in the present is very small. And once the existence of a certain person is oh-so-casually mentioned two-thirds through the book, I thought, “Oh, well, it’s them, then.” And then a little later, I figured out which of the characters it must be and I was right. This made for an anticlimactic ending that was clearly meant to be a shocking one. Also, I would’ve liked to have cared more that one character ends the novel poised to move on with life but, in reality, still in jeopardy.
I still would read more by this author, though.
By: Michelle Smith
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Playing With Fire ~ Part 2
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Pairings: Michael Gray x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: Talk of abortion
Author’s Note: I know I posted this really soon after posting part 1 but I am just excited to get this story going! Also, yes, I did steal a part of this from an actual episode (Season 3, Episode 5). I’m not claiming to own that part at all. I just used it because it was a good canonical response to the situation by the characters but everything else is mine!
This couldn’t be happening. There was no way that this was actually happening. The whole scene kept playing in slow motion in your head and you felt as if you were frozen in time. “You are pregnant, Miss. L/N. About two months along as far as I can tell.” 
The room felt freezing and then you weren’t sure if you could feel the temperature anymore. Your heart dropped and all you could see was your mom’s shocked and disappointed face. She was here with her unwed pregnant daughter who was impregnated by a key member of the most notorious gang in Birmingham. You couldn’t tell if you felt numb or not. It was an intense fear and shock that completely disassociated you from the real world. 
“There are other options if this isn’t an ideal situation for you.” The doctor said carefully. 
You looked up at her quickly, “No, um, can I think about it?” You asked, your brain still too fuzzy to make a decision like that. 
“Of course. Take all the time you need and come back when you’ve made a decision.” She explained, leaving the room. 
The walk back was full of silence. Nobody uttered a word until you returned to the shop when you couldn’t stand it anymore, “I’m so sorry mom.” Was all you could manage. 
She sighed, “Y/N, I just… I don’t know what to say.” It was quiet again. She was disappointed and it was clear. “It’s all going to be okay, though, sweetheart. You just need to talk to Michael.” 
Oh gosh, Michael. You almost forgot about having to tell him. How would you tell him? Would he leave? Would he demand you get an abortion? Would he be angry? Would he, by some crazy miracle, actually be excited? Probably not. 
You couldn’t focus on the work that you were supposed to be doing. You sat at your sewing machine, blankly staring at the metal contraption, lost in thought. 
There was a human inside of you. You were growing a child.  No matter how many times you said it or thought it, it never felt real. 
Suddenly, the bell rang, grabbing your attention. You glanced up and your heart dropped. In walked Arthur, John, Finn, Isaiah, and Michael, looking as intimidating as possible because that was just their natural state when in public. Immediately, your eyes found Michael’s and he sent you a small smile. 
“I’m ‘ere to pick up me coat.” John announced, leaning on the counter. 
You stood up, walking in the back to grab his coat, making eye contact with your mom on the way. She nodded her head slightly, indicating that you needed to talk to Michael. You returned with the coat handing it over to John. The Blinders never had to pay. They never threatened your business but they weren’t charged for services in return for protection and insurance. 
“Here you go.” You said, handing over the jacket. 
“G’morning love.” Michael said, stepping up. 
Arthur and John snickered in the back, “Awe little Michael’s all mushy for his girl.” 
“Shut it!” Michael snapped, returning his attention to you. “I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get dinner tonight? It’s been a while since we talked.” 
He wasn’t wrong. He came in when he could or you would visit Shelby Limited when you had time but he had become really busy with Blinder business that he wouldn’t tell you about and now you hardly ever saw each other for longer than twenty minutes at a time. 
I guess this was the universe telling you tonight was the night to tell him, “Yeah, that sounds great. I’ve missed you.” You told him, trying to pretend like nothing was wrong but Michael could see it in your eyes that something was bothering you. 
The group of men started leaving the building so with a nod and a smile Michael followed, “I’ll see ye later tonight then.” 
The day sped by and now you sat across the table from Michael, both of you looked pretty nice and dressed up. “Can I get you anything to drink?” The waiter asked politely. 
“Two whiskeys please.” Micheal ordered for the two of you. 
“Actually, can I just have a water please?” You corrected. The waiter nodded and said he’d return shortly. 
Michael looked at you strangely, “No whiskey? Are you feeling alright?” He teased, finicking with his napkin on the table. 
You forced a smile, “Yeah, I’m feeling fine. Water just sounds good.” Keeping this secret was killing you. He literally had a child on the way and had no idea! “So what is it you wanted to talk about?” You asked, hoping to stall for as long as possible. You at least wanted things to end on a good night. 
Michael looked uncomfortable, “I know that I promised you that I was only involved in the legal aspects of Shelby Limited but something has changed. Tommy needs help with something on the… less legal side of the business and I have to take the job.” 
Oh. “Is it dangerous?” You asked, unsure of how to really take this news. 
After a moment, he shrugged, “There’s always the possibility of things going wrong. But I promise that you’re going to be safe.” 
Woah, woah, woah. It may have been ridiculous but it had never really occurred to you that you’d be in any danger because of his work. He wasn’t doing anything illegal after all. He wasn’t involved with the dangerous people Tommy was involved with. Now you were realizing how naive that assumption was. 
Wait, what did this mean for the safety of your child? Maybe if you told him he would be able to get out of whatever the job was. 
“I have something I need to tell you too.” You blurted. 
Michael looked nervous, “What is it?” 
It was now or never, “I’m pregnant.” You couldn’t breathe and clearly Michael couldn’t either. He sat there staring blankly. 
“What?” He paused, thinking, “Is it mine?” 
“Yes it’s yours! You’re the only person I’ve ever been with!” You exclaimed, slightly offended that he would even consider the fact that it wasn’t his. 
“How long have you known?” He asked, color drained from his face.
You found it hard to make eye contact, “I just found out this morning. Doctor said I was two months along.” 
Michael ran his hands over his face and through his hair, “Fuck.” Was all he said. After a long pause, he asked, “Are you going to keep it?” 
Your heart dropped. This was it. He was going to leave you. But you’d already made up your mind. “Yes. I’m keeping the baby.” Again, silence. That deafening silence that tore your soul to bits. “Please say something Michael.” It took everything to keep your voice from breaking. 
He lifted his face from his hands and shook his head, “I don’t know what to say.”
“Are you leaving?” You couldn’t help but ask but you wished you hadn’t just blurted it out like that. 
His eyes shot up to yours, “No! No. We’ll just have to figure this out. I just… shit.” 
You might have been irritated at him if it weren’t for the fact that you were still in shock too. “Yeah, shit.” You huffed. 
The waiter returned, interrupting the tense silence, setting your glasses down, “I’ll be back in a moment to take your orders.” He said politely before leaving.
Michael grabbed his whiskey and downed it in one shot and you flinched for him, knowing that that much of the liquid must’ve burned like hell. You, on the other hand, could only sip your water, eyes finding the flickering candle on the table much more bearable to look at than anywhere else in the room. 
Michael watched your face as you sipped your water, knowingly avoiding his gaze. You looked stoic and almost emotionless but he could see the fear behind your eyes. Those same beautiful E/C eyes he fell for months ago, even before your first night together.
He reached across the table, gently holding your hand, your skin soft against his. You looked back at him, waiting for whatever he was about to say. You braced yourself for the inevitable I’m sorry but I can’t do this that was sure to come. 
“It’s goin’ to be alright, Y/N. Whatever happens, we’ll figure it out.” He assured. You swallowed the lump in your throat away, nodding, and trying to hold back the tears. 
Obviously, you hadn’t expected him to be jumping up and down in excitement at the news - and he definitely handled it better than you’d expected - but the intense stress of the whole situation finally chipped away and you weren’t sure how much longer you could hold back the tears. Stupid hormones. 
Michael leaned against the kitchen counter of Tommy’s home, speaking with John, Arthur, and Johnny Dogs. “Look, mate, you got two options. Fuck off to America with Arthur to live with the Apaches or marry the girl.” John explained. 
“This isn’t a joke!” Michael couldn’t figure out why John couldn’t take the situation seriously. You were literally pregnant with his child. He had a child now! 
Arthur puffed on his cigar, “Now you’re sure the kid’s yours?” 
Michael sighed, “I wish I hadn’t told ya.” 
“Think of marriage like a beautiful road with flowers all the way down it.” Arthur seemed to be lost somewhere. 
“Is he joking?” Why the hell did Michael even bother to come to these blokes about it? John had five, going on six kids, and an angry cocaine addicted wife while Arthur had become domesticated by some Christian girl carrying his kin that was trying to break his drinking habits. Clearly, they weren’t prime examples. 
“It’s hard to tell these days.” John shrugged. Michael walked over to pour himself a drink, needing to feel something other than stress. 
“Do you love the woman?” Arthur asked. 
“Fucking what?” Michael leaned towards Arthur. In all honesty, he hadn’t thought of it but at the moment the question just seemed irritating and unhelpful. 
Arthur didn’t care, despite Michael’s tone, “Then you gotta marry her like the rest of us.” 
Marriage. The thought had been whirling in Michael’s head since last night when you told him. That was what he supposed to do, right? You guys were supposed to go get married and start a little family now so you’d be right in the eyes of God. Aside from the thought popping into his head, he hadn’t made any decision on whether or not he’d propose the idea. All he knew was that he was going to be there for you in some way, whether it be helping you raise the child or sending you money. 
“I want to be apart of the child’s life. I’m not going to just leave her.” He announced, “I just… I don’t know about marriage right now.” 
“Tommy’s gonna make you marry the girl when he finds out.” Johnny added from the counter over his glass of rum. 
Shit, he was right. Tommy was going to kill him. And forget Tommy, Polly would have his head!
Suddenly, a bell rang from the other room, signalling Tommy requesting the men to join him in the other room to discuss business. Baby business would have to wait. 
Back home, you set the table quietly, thankful your father went to work early so you and your mother would have time to talk. “Did you tell him?” Your mom asked. 
“Yes.” You answered quietly. 
“And I’m assuming he’s going to marry you like an honorable man?” She continued, setting a plate of food on the table and sitting down. 
You sighed, joining her, “I don’t know mom. We didn’t talk about marriage and quite frankly I don’t know if I want to be married, especially to a Blinder. It’s not the best place to raise a child. But he said he wasn’t going to leave me so… there’s that.” 
“Of course, it’s not safe to raise a kid in the Blinders! When I joked with you about grandbabies that night I didn’t mean go get yourself knocked up then and there by a fuckin’ Peaky Blinder!” You mom shouted. You froze. You knew from the beginning she wasn’t happy about the situation but this was the first time she actually spoke this bluntly about it. She took your stunned silence as a chance to speak again, her voice calm this time, “You’re keeping the child?” She asked, already knowing the answer. You nodded. “Then have the child and move to America or somewhere far from here. Goodness knows that boy will only bring your trouble.” 
You shook your head, “He deserves a chance to be a part of the baby’s life.” 
“Well then you better hope to God he goes with you.” She stood, rinsing her dish without a word and heading downstairs to the shop. 
You sat there in silence for a moment before slamming your hand on the table with a loud smack and allowing your head to fall into your hands, crying for the first time since you’d found out. This was nothing but yours and Michael’s faults and you knew that. Neither of you were dumb enough to not know how babies were made but it was one of those things that you didn’t think would actually happen. 
What were you going to do? You couldn’t up and leave to America but your mom was right. Being involved with the Blinders was dangerous work but Michael had promised that you would be safe before he even knew about the baby. With the boys looking out for you and Michael trying to keep you out of everything, maybe your child would be safe. 
Suddenly, the phone rang and you jumped up to grab it, “Hello?” 
“Y/N?” Michael’s voice asked over the phone. 
You sniffled, wiping your nose on the back of your hand, “Hi, Michael.” You tried making your voice sound as if you hadn’t just been crying. 
“Can we meet? I need to talk to you. It’s about that thing.” His voice dropped low and you wondered if Polly was in the room. 
You leaned against the wall, “I can come over to the shop around noon?” 
“Alright,” he whispered, “Come ‘round the back when you get here.” 
Noon came quickly and you found yourself waiting at the backdoor of the betting shop you’d become quite familiar with. The door opened to reveal Michael who stepped out of your way so you could step in and he led you to his office, closing the door behind you. You took off your coat and he seemed unable to move his eyes from your stomach despite the fact that you weren’t showing yet. Just the idea that his child was in there right now overwhelmed his thoughts. 
He shook out of it, though, and leaned against his desk, turning to you, “We should get married.” You were shocked to say the least. Even though it had been a thought in your mind too, you didn’t expect him to say it so outright.
“Michael, we don’t ha-”
“No,” He cut, “It’s the right thing to do. And that way I can take care of you and the baby from here. We’ll get a house together out in the suburbs and everything will work out. I thought it all out, Y/N.” Michael looked like he really had thought the whole thing out. 
A thought had occurred to you earlier though at the shop, “Michael wait,” You stopped him, “I haven’t told anybody yet except my mom. And honestly, a lot can happen in the first few months. I don’t want you to marry me because you feel obligated to, especially if we lose the baby. If we get married, I want it to be because you love me.” 
“I do love you.” He admitted. Both of your eyes widened and he looked just as shocked that he said it as you were. 
“What?” You asked, completely taken aback. 
He looked unsure of himself for a moment but confidence overtook his features, “I love you,” He repeated, “We can wait until we know for sure the baby’s going to make it but I do love you.” 
You weren’t even sure what to say. Does this mean you were getting married? “Okay.” You said, almost laughing. It was the only thing you felt like you could do. “I guess we’re possibly getting married.” 
Michael stepped towards you, closing the gap between you. His lips carefully brushed against yours and his large hands came to rest on your waist, pulling you closer. When his lips left yours, he rested his forehead on yours and glanced down between your bodies, hands moving to your stomach. “That’s our baby.” He whispered in disbelief. 
Your heart swelled with a mixture of fear, excitement, and love. Your hands ran up his firm biceps to his shoulders as you spoke, “Yeah, Michael. That’s our baby.” 
The two of you stood there like that for a moment in silence, breathing each other in and letting the situation finally settle in. You felt so secure in his arms, so safe. Being with him, this almost felt like it was supposed to happen and you were almost glad everything was happening. Michael made you feel things that you’d never felt before and it made you want to spend every second of every day with him and then soon with your child as well. 
“I love you too.” You whispered, moving your hand to his neck and pulling yourself against him, his arms coming around you to wrap around you like they would protect you from any harm in this world and, if Michael had it his way, they would.
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jadejedi · 5 years
Love Does Not Fail (3/?)
Summary: When Anakin saves the galaxy from Palpatine, Padmé and his children survive, but their family is split apart nonetheless. Leia is taken to be raised in the Temple, not knowing that the Jedi who "found" her is actually her father. Luke grows up with Padmé, knowing only his mother's side of the family. But some things are inevitable.
Chapter Summary: In which Padmé deals with grief, the Senate, and an unexpected visitor. 
ao3 link here
A/N:  Full confession: the timeline of TCW: s7 and RotS are completely a mystery to me, so I am just winging it. Who cares. It’s FINE. Also, I did not expect to get this chapter out so soon, but all of my university classes are cancelled for a bit due to the coronavirus until they can be moved online. Stay safe out there <3
In the aftermath of Palpatine’s death, the Senate had been awash with confusion and high emotion. Many Senators were not happy with a military coup, and to be entirely honest, Padmé wasn’t fully, either, and her husband had been a part of it.
Not that she wasn’t happy that Palpatine had been found out and dealt with, it’s just that she wished that he had been a normal corrupt politician, so that democracy could have dealt with him, rather than a mostly unregulated arm of the military. 
Thankfully, however, Palpatine’s status as a Sith and his red lightsabers were enough for many Senators to tie him to Dooku, and therefore brand him as a traitor to the Republic. For those who needed more proof, it was discovered (or rediscovered, in this case) quickly, thanks to Anakin: biochips implanted in every clone soldier, that would enable them to be turned against the Jedi. Not to mention the discovery of a private comm channel that Palpatine used to contact Dooku, the Trade Federation, and the Techno Union. 
For those that were convinced, but still uneasy about the Jedi involvement, of which there were only a few, mostly neutral worlds, the fact that Master Windu had been in contact with Mas Amedda as he had gone to confront the Chancellor had helped assuage some fears. This action had also helped implicate the Vice Chancellor in Palpatine’s crimes, as he had not passed on Master Windu’s information to the Senate at large. The fact that there was footage of Palpatine attacking Anakin first, who had clearly arrested him, also helped. 
But just because the Senate had been calmed, didn’t mean that Padmé’s work was over. Instead, after the meeting with the Council two days prior, Padmé had thrown herself into her work more than ever before, trying to block out her sorrow. 
In this period of transition, there was plenty of work to distract her. There was reaching out to the Separatist worlds, especially those who’d left due to the corruption of the Republic, there were several upcoming trials, including Mas Amedda’s, Nute Gunray’s (as well as several other members of the Trade Federation), and Prime minister of Kamino Lama Su. And those were just of the people who had been arrested in the last five days. 
There were also questions of who would lead the Senate next. An election was planned to take place two days later, for both Chancellor and Vice Chancellor. Several Senators had been nominated, including Bail Organa, who was seen as a strong, trustworthy voice who had always been loyal to the Republic while never trusting Palpatine, Ask Ask of Malastare, who was the favorite of the few Senators who remained loyal to Palpatine, and Kin Robb of Hapes, who was nominated due to her status as a member of the Council of Neutral Systems. 
Padmé herself had been nominated by Riyo Chuchi of Pantora, but had turned down the nomination for a couple of reasons. One, she knew that while her connection to Anakin Skywalker was currently a secret, she didn’t ever want people to look back on her actions and consider a conspiracy. Two, she was only weeks away from being the mother of twins, and while she wasn’t technically a single mother, she would still be the primary caregiver for her children, and she didn’t want nannies and handmaidens to raise her children. 
And third, the most politically relevant reason she declined to run was that her ideals were very close to those of Senator Organa. She did not want to split the votes of her party, especially when Senator Organa was seen as the older, more trustworthy candidate.
Padmé couldn’t help wondering, somewhat despairingly, if that was not an accurate assessment. After all, while neither of them had trusted Palpatine all that much, especially since the passing of the Military Creation Act, Padmé had trusted him for many years in a way that Bail never had. She was one of the main reasons Palpatine had gotten power in the first place. That was not something people were likely to forget anytime soon, even if many Senators were more likely to evaluate her on her actions since becoming Senator, and not on those actions she’d taken as a desperate, fourteen year old Queen. 
And even beyond Palpatine, Padmé wondered if she didn’t sometimes see too much of the good in people. Anakin certainly thought so, at times, though she knew he also loved that about her. She thought back to her endorsement of Rush Clovis for leader of the Banking Clan, and how she knew from later conversations with Bail that he had voted against the appointment. 
Just because she hadn’t accepted the nomination for Chancellor, doesn’t mean that her hat was completely out of the ring. Immediately after declining Senator Chuchi’s nomination, Bail himself had nominated her for Vice Chancellor, and she did not reject it. 
Once again, she was far from the only candidate whose name was up for the office, her dear friend Mon Mothma being another one, but she knew that the responsibilities of Vice Chancellor would be considerably less than that of the Chancellor, and in many ways, less than even that of a Galactic Senator, since her role would not be as representative of any one world, but as the being in charge of running and mediating the Senate. 
“Senator,” Dormé said, peeking her head into Padmé’s office in her apartment. Padmé looked up in surprise. She hadn’t realized it was late enough for Anakin to be home, yet. “You have a visitor. Captain Typho has let her in.” Instead of telling her who it was, she just smiled mysteriously.
Padmé sighed as she looked up from one of the five different datapads she had scattered on her desk, each one for a different committee or duty of hers. “Thank you, Dormé. I’ll be right there.” Dormé pursed her lips, but said nothing. Padmé knew that her handmaiden was just worried about her, but she was fine. Everything was just so… much. 
Dormé had taken an extended leave of absence during a majority of the war to help with refugee efforts in the systems around Naboo, but after Teckla died on Skipio a few months ago, she came back into Padmé’s service, for which she was extremely grateful. Dormé was such a steadying presence in her life, and to have her back in such a time of chaos was very much welcomed.
She quickly wrapped up what she was working on and stood up from her desk, which was quite a bit more difficult than it used to be. She followed Dormé in the main living space, curiosity piqued as to the identity of the mysterious visitor.
Sitting on one of her sofas, to Padmé’s surprise and delight, was Ahsoka, a little older and taller than she remembered, but it was her all the same. As she walked into the room, Ahsoka’s eyes lit up and she quickly stood up and strode over to her. “Padmé!” she exclaimed. 
Padmé smiled as she opened her arms to hug her, but couldn’t help the tears she felt prick at her eyes. She had been so worried about her since she’d left the Order almost a year ago. Seeing her here, in her apartment, safe, especially after what Anakin told her she’d been through after leaving the Order, it made her heart feel a little bit lighter.
“Ahsoka!” she said, so pleased, as they embraced tightly. “What are you doing here?” she asked, still overcoming her surprise. Ahsoka grinned, stepping back, letting Padmé get a good look at her. She was wearing a leather headband that was very different than the one that Padmé was familiar with, and similar clothes to those she’d worn as Anakin’s padawan, as well as a dark blue cloak. 
“I had to come,” she said. “As soon as I’d heard what’d happened with Anakin and Master Windu and the Chancellor, I knew that I had to come here and see him. I was going to go straight to the Temple and demand that they let me in,” she said, and Padmé could tell that she was only partially joking, “but the Force was telling me to come here first.” She gave Padmé’s pregnant belly a knowing grin. “I think I know why.” 
Padmé only smiled at her. “I know that you know about Anakin and me,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know why you would be surprised.” Ahsoka chuckled. “Yeah, I knew about you two, but I didn’t expect you to start having children!”
“I suppose we didn’t either,” Padmé admitted. “Let’s sit,” she said, motioning back to the sofas. “My feet are killing me these days, and these two are really throwing out by back,” she said with a fond huff, one hand around her stomach. 
“Two?” Ahoska asked, eyes wide.
“Oh yes,” Padmé said with a smile, “I’m having twins. A boy and a girl.” She tried not to sound too sad as she said that, but as much joy as the children she was carrying brought her, there was also sadness surrounding their impending birth, something Padmé would never forgive the Council for. 
“Is everything okay, Padmé?” Ahoska asked as they sat down on the sofa. She angled her body so she was facing her, face etched with concern. “I know everything is going to be crazy for a while, what with the Sith Lord in the Senate and all, but everything just seems...tense.”
Padmé sighed and looked behind her, out the window towards the Temple. “No,” she said. “I don’t want to say that nothing is okay, because it’s not true, but in my worst moments it certainly seems like it.” She turned back around towards Ahsoka. “The Jedi are going to take one of my children,” she whispered, still not fully believing it.
Ahsoka’s eyebrows rose, but otherwise, showed no signs of visible surprise, letting Padmé speak.
After she was done explaining the events of the last few days, Ahsoka crossed her arms, leaning back against the sofa, and sighed. “I wish I could say I was shocked, but I’m not,” she admitted. “The Jedi have truly lost their way; for so long the dark side clouded so much that they clung to the only thing that they could be sure of,” she said sadly, “tradition.”
Padmé nodded. “I have always respected the Jedi, and been thankful for their intervention during the Invasion of Naboo,” Padmé began, “but more and more, I have questioned their judgement.” A small, harsh laugh escaped her. “You know that Anakin always has,” she said, and Ahsoka agreed with a nod and a wry grin. 
“I suppose he has to be right sometimes,” Padmé joked, making Ahsoka smile. 
“I’m always right!” Anakin said indignantly, walking through the door from the landing pad at that moment. He stopped in his tracks upon seeing the two of them. “Snips?” he said, dumbly. 
Ahsoka gave a wry smile and waved. “Hi, Skyguy,” she said, standing up to greet him. He walked over to where they were sitting and reached out to clasp her hand in greeting. “You act like I didn’t see you just a month ago or so,” she said with a grin.
Padmé shook her head lightly at the emotional distance that Jedi had instilled in them. Although they weren’t far off in age, she knew that Ahsoka was like a daughter to Anakin, even if their relationship was more sibling-like much of the time. 
He motioned for Ahsoka to sit back down and took his own seat on the other side of Padmé. He reached over to give her a quick peck on the cheek. “Hi,” he said quietly, with a smile. Padmé felt herself smile in return, as she always did when he came home.
“What are you doing here, Snips?” Anakin asked curiously, redirecting their attention to their guest.    She shrugged, spreading her hands, palms up. “I guess I don’t really know. I heard what had happened here, and I knew that you were involved.” She paused, considering. 
“I guess I felt the Force guiding me. Telling me that it was urgent. Rex wasn’t thrilled that I was charging back to Coruscant,” she continued fondly, “but he knows that I can handle myself.” She gave Anakin a look. “I think he feels like he has to watch over me since you can’t.” 
Anakin pasted on his most “innocent” expression. “I don’t know where he would get such an idea,” Anakin joked. 
Padmé smiled at the two of them. She was glad that Ahsoka had so many parental figures in her life: Anakin, Rex, Obi-Wan, Master Koon. She supposed that her child would never be lacking in that regard, she told herself, trying to ignore the obvious. That she would not be one of those parental figures. 
“So what are you going to do, now?” Padmé asked her, trying to pull herself out of her negative thoughts. “Rex is on Mandalore, correct? Are you going to stay with him?” 
Ahsoka looked at them both thoughtfully. “I was,” she said slowly, “at least for a while, but now I feel like the Force was pulling me here for a reason.” Her expression turned serious. “Master Yoda was right in one thing he told you both. Force-sensitive children, especially powerful ones like yours are going to be,” she said, nodding to Padmé’s stomach, “should be trained.” 
She looked them both in the eyes in turn, nodded determinedly to herself. “So I’ll stay here, with you, Padmé, if you want, and help train the child that he-” she nodded at Anakin, “-can’t.” She looked at them, arms crossed, as if daring either one of them to argue with her. 
Before Padmé could say anything, Anakin laughed a little, surprised and happy, the first time she’d heard him do so since discovering Palpatine’s treachery. “I don’t know why you’d think I’d argue with you, Snips. I’d much rather you be here on Coruscant, with us, than out there in the galaxy on your own.”
Padmé shook her head fondly at her husband, before turning back to Ahsoka. Just as Anakin had thought of her as his daughter or younger sister, Padmé had as well. She had been crushed when Anakin had told her that Ahsoka had chosen to leave the Order, even though she had understood why. And now that she was back, and wanted to stay? 
“Oh, Ahsoka,” she said, unable to keep the emotion out of her voice. “That would be wonderful.” She leaned over and pulled her into a hug. She seemed surprised, at first, but quickly gave in and returned the embrace. 
“I made up the guest bedroom for you,” Anakin said, stepping out to join Ahsoka on the balcony. Padmé had finally been convinced to go to bed, seeming more at peace then she’d had since their meeting with the Council.  Ahsoka turned, and shot him a brief smile. He knew he’d seen her not too long ago, but it was still amazing to him how much she’d grown. She was almost as tall as him, now. “I’m sorry this is happening to you both,” she said, as he stood next to her by the rail, looking out over the Coruscanti skyline. 
Anakin shook his head and sighed. “You were right, Ahsoka.” He clutched the railing. “About the Jedi Order, and trust. Palpatine had been manipulating me for years,” he acknowledged, “but they didn’t trust me from the moment I walked into the Temple. I don’t know why I thought I could trust them, even a little.”
He felt Ahsoka’s hand on his shoulder. “Anakin,” she sighed sympathetically. “They were your family, your life, just as much as they’d been mine. I’m only sorry that I had the ability to leave, and you don’t.”
“At first, when I turned Palpatine over to Master Windu, and when he died, I thought I’d defeated my anger. If he’d been the one manipulating me, if he was at fault for all of this rage and anger I feel, then it should be gone with him.” He laughed darkly.
 “I feel angrier every day, Ahsoka. How could they do this?” He’d often turned that thought over and over in his mind these last few days. How could they do this? How? Why? “I never thought the Jedi were this cruel.”
“Fear does funny things to people. And it’s natural to feel angry,” Ahsoka said, echoing a sentiment often expressed by Padmé. “You taught me to release my emotions, to be at peace with them, not to hold on to them and bottle them up.”
“So, what? I should just be at peace with everything that is happening?” he demanded.
Ahsoka shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t know what else you could do. You have one year for you and Padmé to spend with your children. Do you really want to spend it drowning in anger?”
Anakin chuckled. “When did you get so wise?” 
She bumped him with her shoulder. “I guess I had a good teacher.” She grinned quickly, before turning serious and looking down at her hands. 
“I’m sorry you won’t be able to be more a part of your children’s lives,” she said. “I hope you don’t think I’m overstepping anything by offering to help train the child that stays here.”
Anakin shook his head. “I don’t feel like that at all. I guess I’m just relieved that she’ll have help. That there’ll be someone there who can do what I should be doing.” He sighed. “I think I’ve accepted the reality of what is happening. If I can’t be here helping them both, then I am glad that someone I know and trust will be.”
Two days later, in Naboo’s Senate pod, Padmé was thankful that she was so good at her expressionless regal “queen” face. 
She had lost the Vice Chancellor race. To Mon, for whom she was very happy, and knew would be a wonderful Vice Chancellor to Bail’s Chancellor. She shook her head slightly. She didn’t even know why she wanted the damn office. She loved Naboo. She loved representing Naboo. 
As she walked back to her Senate office after the votes had come in, she wasn’t even sure why she was so upset. She wanted to blame pregnancy hormones, but she knew that it was more than that. 
“Are you okay, Senator?” Dormé asked quietly as she and Ahsoka walked on either side of her. “I’m sorry you did not win.”
“Me, too,” Ahsoka echoed. “It doesn’t seem fair.”
Padmé shook her head and sighed. “I’m fine, both of you. Really.” She sighed again as they entered her office quarters. “I guess I just wanted that validation. That my peers would recognize…” she paused as she lowered herself into her seat behind the desk, “That I was right, suppose.” 
She shot the two of them a self deprecating smile. “Silly, isn’t it? I guess I just took so much flak for my anti-war, pro-negotiation stances that I thought that people would see me as someone who was right, rather than just an idealistic radical.”
“I don’t think it’s silly at all,” Dormé said, trying to comfort her. “I think that you would make a wonder Vice Chancellor, or even Chancellor someday, because you have always stuck to your beliefs and fought for what you believed to be right.” She frowned. “But I think that you being right might have played against you, so soon after it all happened. People don’t like to be reminded that they were wrong. Senator Organa has been in the Senate long enough that the other Senators associate him with stances outside of the war.”
Padmé tilted her head, contemplatively. There was certainly something to what Dormé was saying. Even before becoming a Senator, people already associated her with opposing the Trade Federation because of the Invasion, and it wasn’t even a full term in the Senate later than the Military Creation Act was written.  “It is still frustrating though,” she said, looking down at the datapads on her desk. “I tried so hard to help the people of this galaxy, to end the war, and it is those actions that may have turned people against me.”
“But you did the right thing,” Ahsoka said, fiercely. “If the Senate can’t recognize that, then they’re bigger idiots than I thought.”
“If you weren’t the kind of person to fight for your beliefs despite the political consequences, you wouldn’t be you,” Dormé agreed, with a serene smile. 
Padmé returned the smile. “Thank you, both of you. I needed that.”
The night of Padmé’s loss in the election for Vice Chancellor, Anakin climbed into their bed much later than he would have liked. 
Padmé was already in bed, but not asleep, lying on her side. She’d been reading one of her datapads until he’d come into the bedroom, but had put it on the nightstand, when he’d come in, smiling at him.
After quickly getting ready for bed, he slipped under the covers and moved so he could hold her from behind, his mechanical hand resting above her head on the pillow and his flesh hand resting on her belly, where he could most strongly feel the two bright lights in the Force that were their children. 
She turned her head so he could reach her lips to give her a kiss, as he always did when he came home. She hummed happily as they parted, lying back down on her pillow, putting her own hand around her stomach to meet his, so their fingers intertwined. 
“I’m sorry I’m home so late,” he apologized, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her shampoo. Her hair was so curly that his face tended to end up half buried in it when they cuddled like this. “It feels like all I’ve been doing is attending meetings all day,” he explained. “Updating all of us on our role now that the war is all but over.”
“You’re not that late, Ani,” she soothed, a smile in her voice. “I was just feeling a bit tired, so Ahsoka insisted that I go lay down,” she said, her voice clearly reflecting her fondness for his former Padawan. 
“Are you alright?” he asked in concern. He knew that the last few days had been taking a toll on her. His fear from early on in her pregnancy came rushing back. “What did AZ say?” he asked, referring to her medical droid. 
“It’s nothing to worry about,” she tried to reassure him. “I just had a long day. AZ agreed that it was just normal stress.”
“Well, good,” Anakin said in relief. He grinned into her curls. “I’m glad one of my lessons stuck with Ahsoka,” he said. 
“And what lesson is that?”
“Protect Senator Amidala,” he said, reaching over to kiss her cheek. She smiled as he did so, and pretended to try and swat him away. 
“I’m sorry about the election,” Anakin said after a few peaceful moments. “You would make a wonderful Vice Chancellor. Or Chancellor.”
Padmé sighed. “Thank you, Ani. But I’m not upset.” 
He hummed, unconvinced. 
“I was frustrated this afternoon,” she admitted, and Anakin was once again upset that he still had to spend his days at the Temple, rather than with her, where she needed him. “When Bail was elected Chancellor, I thought that I was the obvious choice to stand next to him. But I guess my connection to Palpatine and to the war just couldn’t be overlooked.”
“Well, I think that the Senate is a bunch of bureaucratic fools. They are too blinded by politics to see what would be best for the whole galaxy,” Anakin told her. Politics really weren’t his thing, but he knew that Padmé would be an amazing leader, and that the Senate would have to come to their senses one day.
She laughed. “That certainly may be true,” she acknowledged. “But it isn’t as if Mon’s politics are all that different than my own. She was just less vocal than I was throughout the war. Maybe that was smarter, politically.” She turned her head to smile at him. “I find it hard to stay out of conflict, though. I think your bad habits are rubbing off on me.”
“Oh, I can think of plenty of times where you were the one dragging me into a fight,” he said with a grin. He was glad that they were talking like this, teasing and laughing. The past week had been so quiet and tense, both of them walking on eggshells, handling their grief in different ways. 
Padmé didn’t say anything, just smirked slightly and laid her head back down. “Have you been given any assignments, yet?” she asked, changing the subject.
He shook his head. “No. For now, the focus of the Jedi will be accompanying diplomats to meetings with the Separatists, as well as relief missions. There will probably be a few battles left, here and there, but without any of their leaders, this war is all but over.”
“What do you think about us going to Naboo?” she asked. “I know I talked about it before, but that all seems so long ago.” She sighed, idly playing with his fingers, still intertwined with hers. 
“I want to be with my family. I want to be somewhere away from all of this. Since I didn’t win the election, there is no reason that I can’t. The Senate will be in session for another week, and then I will still be three weeks out from my due date.”
She sighed again. “If we only have a year with both of our babies, I want to spend it on Naboo, where we can all be together. And surely, if you have a mission, the Council can give it to you over comm?” 
Anakin was sure that they wouldn’t be thrilled about it, but he was also sure that they really couldn’t do anything to stop him, at this point. 
“Okay, let’s do it,” he said. “Let’s go to Naboo.”
Suddenly, he felt a sharp movement under where his palm rested on Padmé’s belly. 
“I think they’re in agreement,” he said with a smile, and Padmé pulled his arm tighter around her. 
“Good,” she said, and Anakin could hear the sleep heavy in her voice.
He held her until she fell asleep, and then moved gently to his side of the bed, lying on his back, and let sleep carry him away.  Hooray for Ahsoka! I know she didn’t have a lot to do in this chapter, but that will change. Expect some of her POV later on :D Next chapter things really get moving (Or, as much as things will get moving in this story lol). I know this chapter was kinda a filler, so bear with me.
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think-blot · 6 years
Speak of the Devil Pt. 3
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Summary: The sun rises and you watch as it dips closer and closer to the horizon. It’s the worse day of your life, again, and you have no choice but to relive it. Except, this time, you have Sara. 
Word Count: 2086
A/N: I am disgustingly proud of this part and this story. I hope you guys enjoy it, I’m sorry if there are any mistakes but wow I actually edited this one THATS how proud I am. Let me know what you think!
Pt.1  Pt.2
The moment when the sun begins to set was when it all began. For years after, maybe decades or centuries, you had hated the night. Sara changed that for you on your very first date. You would have never taken her for a romantic and maybe that was your first mistake on the long journey of falling for her; you had underestimated her ability to feel. You had expected a drink shared between somewhat friends, a night spent in her bed, and a morning ignoring it all. Instead, she took you to the highest point in Central City, laid down a blanket at midday, and fed you with amazing food and even better conversation. You hadn’t even noticed time passing until the world turned yellow around the both of you and you were stuck staring at the darkening sky. Time froze for a whole other reason then and it wasn’t for a while the you heard her voice. The moon was steadily rising, Orion’s Belt hung over her head, and her smile was so soft despite the fact that you ruined the end of a perfect date. “I’m sorry-“ You had started, wanting to apologize but not knowing how. The memory of why had faded long ago though the feeling had stayed.
“Hey, it’s fine.” You never imagined an assassin would be able to comfort you but she did it so easily. She had shuffled closer, sitting next to you instead of across, and shrugged as if everything was fine. As if she understood. “We all have our things.” And when you had turned to look at her, you saw the same haunted look in her eye that you found yourself feeling every night. She did understand, she probably understood more than you could ever know, but you wanted to. For the first time in a while you wanted to fall again. So underneath the full moon, with a bustling city below you, you kissed her and fell when you promised you never would again.
“It’s impossible to sneak up on a ship but to try to sneak up on mine is suicide.” You whispered to Sara, glaring at the west even though there was nothing there just yet. “We see them coming from a mile away and it makes us that more dangerous.”
“You have to go through the day as normal, Y/N.” She said slowly. You were too close, you both knew it, and if you were anyone else you would be stuck on the Waverider. In a way, you wish you were. “You’re not supposed to know what’s coming.”
“That’s the thing, Sara.” With the imagination of your mind, you could practically see the other ship moving towards you. “I knew from the moment I woke up.” You whispered. It was true, you had woken up on this very day with a pit in your stomach and suspicion in your veins. You didn’t live as long as you had and not picked up how to sense danger. You  took a deep breath and straightened your back, ready to give the same speech you did long ago. “Crew!” Your voice bellowed, loud and sharp enough to cut above the waves. Within minutes your crew filled the deck, each with their eyes trained on you, ready and willing to listen. “Something from Hell is coming and there be no stoppin it.” You fell into your old footsteps, remembering the moment as if it was a song and dance and not memory. “If ya wish to hide then so be it. if ya wish to run, I’ll allow it.” You finally turned to look at them, to really look at them. They were dirty and broken, their faces bruised, mangled, and scarred, but you remembered each person and their story. “But this here be home. This, you, be family. The blood we spill is the blood of our kin and that will never change. It will live in every crack and hole of this ship and every scar and scratch on your souls.” They remained silent, though you couldn’t help but look at Lydia and Sara’s faces. Lydia was composed, a slight pride in her stance but that was all. She was used to these speeches though this was the first you time you had mentioned family. Sara, however, looked close to tears as she watched you. You weren’t sure why but you couldn’t ask just yet. “So I ask ye, who’s ready for hell?”
The cheer that followed was deafening and, for a moment, you forgot it was just an act. In the silence that came with hearing nothing but screams of trust and love, you remembered the good parts of this time. The love, the trust, and, right now, the family. You were too caught up in it and as Lydia hugged you from the side, guiding the crew into a huddle, you didn't even think to look for your team. They were left to the sidelines, staring awkwardly at each other as you were surrounded. Maybe it was a good thing you couldn't see them, then you couldn't see the look on Sara's face and that would've ruined the perfect picture you had painted yourself back in.
When Sara had asked you to join the Legends you hadn't even thought twice about it. It had been hard, dating between an immortal and a time traveler, because while a regular person would notice no time passing; you felt every second she was away. She didn't know that in the beginning, so when she had offered and you accepted immediately; she was shocked. You had one final mission with Team Flash, a goodbye without them knowing it, and had kissed Sara goodbye as she went to fix time. Then Sara had come back and looked at you as if she saw a ghost.
"You- you were there." She had stammered out the moment she saw you in Star Labs. Barry walked towards her, concerned beyond belief because for Sara Lance to be left speechless meant something was wrong. You got to her before him and guided her out of the public.
"Hey, hey, you're okay." You whispered, slightly panicking but keeping in contact with her nonetheless. You had an inkling, a small thought in the back of your head that told you she knew. And with that thought came another, much louder, one that said that was the last time you could hold her close. You caressed her cheek, a sadness creeping into your eyes as you looked at her. "Tell me what happened."
She looked at you in a way she never let anyone else she. She was vulnerable and it was then that you realized you had fallen in love with the assassin in your arms. "I saw you in Ancient Rome. Ancient Rome, Y/N." You nodded, not sure what you were supposed to say. "You were being worshipped like some god and- I'm not crazy, okay?" She poked your chest but you knew nothing on your face made her think you felt that way.
"You're not, baby." You rubbed her arms in comfort, hoping that that wasn't the last time you would be there to help her.
"We've met lookalikes before but something about this was-" She wasn't able to finish her thought, so you had finished it for her.
"The real thing?" It was her turn to look at you hopefully and you had taken a moment to bask in it. To remember that she trusted you enough to let you see her insecurities with no doubt in her mind.
"That's because it was, love." You hadn't wanted to look at her after you said it, wanting to live in the moment just a little longer. But when you did look, all you saw was confusion.
"What do you mean?" Slowly, you saw the wall come back and push her emotions back and you wanted to punch yourself.
"That was me. A very, very, long time ago." You took a step back to try and give her room but her hand stayed grasped on your arm. Whether it was anger or need, you weren't sure and you didn't really care. She still wanted you close, the reasoning didn’t matter. You took a deep breath, you remember your heart beating a mile a minute as you said what you never did before. "I'm immortal."
She had scoffed, dropping her hand and shaking her head. "Immortal."
"I'm not making fun of you and this isn't a joke." You had said, desperately. "There's a reason I can't get hurt and it's because I can't die." You were hesitant as you took her hand in yours and you let yourself feel. You had let her see what you were feeling; scared. Terrified, in fact, because you had never shared that secret.  You stood there, staring at her hand in yours instead of her eyes but she said nothing. "Please believe me." Your voice was barely above a whisper.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" Her voice was just as quiet but, somehow, it was as strong as ever.
"I've wanted to." You said, as honestly as you could. "The moment I knew I was falling for you I wanted to tell you right then and there."
"Why didn't you?" She was stoic. There was nothing in the way she spoke or the way she stood that could give you a hint as to what she was feeling. That was always her appeal though, the fact that she didn't hold herself as strictly with you as she did with others.
You had shrugged, "I was scared." You laughed without humor, "Just like I am now because-" You finally looked up and into her eyes. In all your time, you had never felt the way you did with her. "-I don't wanna lose you."
She had held your face, an almost innocent smile on her face. "You won't." Not only did you believe her then but that was the first time you felt loved without ever having to say it.
With the crew dispersed and back to work the countdown in your head became louder and louder. Lunch was served, well 'served', and you watched as half the crew ran to the side to hack it back up. You were weak from the very beginning. You passed through a storm and watched as they panicked to throw the water back over board. You were compromised without ever knowing it. But, what you watched the most, was the sun and as it dipped closer and closer to the horizon, you felt the dread building up.
"Hey." You had kicked the rookie out of the crow's nest and watched the sun at eye level. The fact that Sara had made it all the way up there without you realizing was a sign that you were far too distracted.
"I did this the first time too, don't worry." Surprisingly, it was true. The old you was beyond paranoid and you had wanted to follow the feeling in your gut all the way to the clouds.
"You were really intuitive." She hugged you from behind, the two of you finally able to show affection without messing anything up. You weren't sure if you wanted that right then or if you deserved it.
"Look what help that did." You mumbled, the edges of the sky starting to darken. Dusk wasn't here just yet but it was far too close. On the horizon, you could see the glimpse of darkness and it wasn't your imagination. "There they are. I hadn't seen them the first time. I was looking the other way." You were having an out of body experience, you were sure, because a part of you didn't even realize you were talking.
"Maybe you should too then." She said it gently, almost a suggestion but when you didn't answer she circled you around.
"I still know they're there." There was nothing but blue on the other side, the sun low enough that it was picking sides.
"And that's not going to change." She leaned her head against your back, watching the dot get closer and closer so you didn't have to. She was your other half like that. "I love you."
You watched the first stars fill the sky, faint but there. The smallest hint of red painted the sky and you felt Sara stiffen behind you. "I love you too." It was time. They were here.
Pt. 4
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I did write something again... this is short bc there's another one that's much longer and I needed a break from the accidental angsty shit lmao (we'll see if I find it in myself to get past the hard part...) ( AO3 ) (dumped it with some other stuff)
Have some actual cat Dabi
"How you ever managed to appear slick the first few times we met while running two brain cells altogether is beyond me," Hawks sighs.
His attention span is shit, his self-restraint is near nonexistent when buttons are pushed, and he also suspects Dabi of having memory problems (that may be connected to point A). Which is why he's so unfortunately trigger happy when irked, he supposes.
To summarize, using a burst of very identifiable flames just to create a shortcut through a warehouse's rusted gates is not a smart thing to do. At least… it's not likely to spread in this concrete jungle.
Dabi's head tilts with mild curiosity. "Thought I was slick? As flattering as that is, I'm afraid I'll take my secret to the grave." The tiny blue flames still dancing over his wrist disappear as he steps inside.
"So basically, you can't answer, huh." A second later karma strikes in the form of a cool breeze and he feels getting goosebumps; the stark contrast of hot iron and cold air is, frankly, unwelcome. He really shouldn't have left his jacket on the barely functional sofa before going out on this half walk, half scouting business. The weather's still rather chilly, and it's only getting cloudier and windier as the day goes on. This windswept building is only the icing on the cake. The silver lining is that they should be about finished.
Before there's a reply, they catch two little fur balls wobble under a rotting pallet stack from the corner of the eye- followed by a weak, high-pitched meow echoing over the stuffy halls.
This puts Hawks in a better, warmer mood immediately; if not for the other's presence, he'd probably let out a delighted squeal over finding tiny kittens already.
Dabi steps over to where they disappeared to and crouches. There's another mew. For a second, Hawks thinks there's a cat next the villain, but he quickly has to realize that the sound… is coming from the man himself. He stares in befuddlement as the guy chirps on with expertise.
Soon enough, a curious little head pokes out from under the pallets, followed by another familiar one… and then two more.
Hawks thinks he's seeing and hearing things, and does a triple take at the revelation that not only does Dabi behave like a stray, and move like a cat in general (which, mind you, were supposed to be jokes for his own entertainment)… but turns out he can communicate with them, too. And successfully at that. He's a fucking cat whisperer.
Not to mention what a fucking experience it is to see actual S rank villain Dabi settling down cross legged on the ground, mewling at kittens as they start to flock him with curiosity.
Getting over the shock, the hero joins him in the dirt, picking a ginger striped one to hold. "Okay, I'm gonna get straight to the point: are you a cat?" He wouldn't be surprised… the little ones are looking up at him like a really big one of their kin.
Dabi considers the answer for a second, scratching at the ears of the snatched kitten's way milkier sibling. "They are crafty, dumb assholes, so, as per bird brain definition, I guess I am."
Can't hide his grin any longer as they start sniffling him. "Well damn."
Soon enough, the three make themselves comfortable in Dabi's lap, then the black one with the odd red spot starts climbing him with enthusiasm. "Hold the fuck up, squirt," he mumbles under his breath.
"… When and why did you even learn making sounds like that?" Hawks asks as the tiny warrior hangs onto the mysterious material that's Dabi's shirt. Then another breeze sends him visibly shivering again; he really should have brought the jacket with him. And sitting down on the cold floor… was not very smart, either.
"Had some strays on the estate, they were always good company." He adds an indignant mewl at the end, chiding the kitten before peeling it off his clothes and placing it back onto his lap where the others purr happily.
Hawks takes a moping look at them. While he only got close once, Dabi… is pretty warm, at least the front of him. "Just theoretically…" Very theoretically… "… what if a bird wanted to join the party by the space heater?" he asks, scooting closer to drop his cat off, too. Not as if he wanted to sit in Dabi's lap, but sitting up close is tempting right now.
The initial answer is a tentative smirk. Oh, he did notice Hawks struggling with goosebumps on the way here, he certainly did. "Being cheeky today. You are aware that cats have birds for breakfast, right?"
"And some birds eat cats," he retorts with a click of teeth close Dabi's nose as he drops the kitten onto the bunch.
The villain takes a hard to pin down look at him before focusing on his nose. He hums. "… not a hawk, though."
"I guess. So, what will it be?"
He backs up as far as he can upon Dabi leaning forward, but there's only so much he can do right now. He could just slide ass backwards with a flap of his wings… but the situation doesn't seem to call for such measures. The situation being, uh… a pair of jaws playfully biting down on his nose. And an intense pair of eyes locking onto his.
"Easy prey," Dabi states upon releasing his bite. Doesn't mean he's backing off, though.
… he's a little confused and surprised, but…  he doesn't find this enjoyable or appealing in any way whatsoever. No, no… definitely not.
Regardless, Hawks is positively not cold anymore. And Dabi is… still in his face.
"… I'd say you are warm enough now," he notes after a while, a hint of a smile hidden in his patched-up features.
Well… he's not fucking wrong.
Without saying anything else, the villain clacks his teeth, mimicking Hawks, then dumps the litter into his lap as he moves to stand.
"Play with them some more if you want, I'm going back."
"W-wait a sec, you can't just leave me here!" One of the kitties lets out an indignant mewl over being left with a less effective heat source, and another is bored enough to be on the run. God, where even is the mom?!
"You know where to find me," is all Dabi says before melting down the other entrance of the building.
Hawks lets out an annoyed squawk, then mumbles some incomprehensible words while trying to feel around the place for more cats. One of the feathers doesn't get far with the energetic dark fluffball snatching it from the air immediately.
"You are a prime trouble maker, aren't you?" He sighs, letting the kitten play with the feather a bit before picking it up. "Not your real estate, kiddo, you'll be better off at a shelter along with momma."
With that, he's already on his way to the new exit, sensing a bigger cat that way. It doesn't click until he's already outside in the drizzle.
He was talking about an estate.
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tastycitrus · 5 years
The Powerpuff Girls (SRW) get their souls trapped in dolls and then stranded on Dr. Quandary’s Secret Island
Or, Meme Dwellers play The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary (except not really, I never wrote anything more for this). A joke story I wrote for some reason like two years ago that I’m now putting on here for some reason? It’s just a shitpost, lol.
Who thought it was a good idea to force the Steel Dragons to attend a carnival? The only culprit that came to mind was Excellen, but as crafty as she was there was no way she could’ve convinced the higher-ups to turn a carnival trip into a “mandatory team-building exercise” for the Steel Dragons and their associates.
Now, normally being forced to attend a carnival wasn’t the worst thing ever. But this carnival was really something else. I mean…really something else.
It was clear at first glance that the people behind this horrible place pretending to be a fun carnival didn’t care a single bit for their patrons’ safety. They also probably cared even less about making it actually fun.
The Ferris wheel was stopped for what had to be the fifteenth time that day, leaving the unfortunate victims who were dumb enough to get on trapped inside until the maintenance workers could get it moving again. The bathrooms smelled like rotten ass and probably had seventeen different STDs infesting the seats. The food was tasteless at best and looked like they had failed every bit of health inspection out there. All the games looked uninteresting and were probably rigged anyway.
To top it all off, even the atmosphere itself seemed to be as bleak and gloomy as this parody of a carnival. How the hell did this place manage to stay in business?
Katia, Melua, and Tenia thought long and hard about that question as they wandered around this travesty that called itself a carnival.
“Where’s Touya, Calvina, and the bland twins?” Tenia asked. “How’d we lose them in this place? I mean—I can understand losing Akimi and Akemi, but Touya and Calvina are pretty distinct, you know?”
Melua glanced around. “Yeah, usually Calvina’s the one who loses us, not the other way around.”
“You’d think we’d be able to keep track of the four people we were supposed to be exploring this ‘carnival’ with.” Katia scanned the premises for a familiar face. “Also, where the heck is anybody else? This place can’t be that big.”
She sighed, pulling out her phone. “You know what, why don’t we just try calling Calvina instead of wandering around like lost kids—”
Suddenly, a carny shouted very loudly in their direction, “Step right up! Have a try at this game! It’s free!”
Katia coughed after a moment. “Well, I’ll call—”
“Come on, don’t be shy! Try your hand at Troggle Shoot! You win a prize every time!”
“…I’ll call—”
“And yes, I am talking to you, trio of girls who look like lost children and whose color schemes are blatantly ripping off the Powerpuff Girls. Come here and play Troggle Shoot!”
The three girls sighed and turned to look at the carny shouting at them. He was a man dressed in purple robes and a funny hat manning a stand that no one seemed to be paying much attention to. His stand was evidently his game of Troggle Shoot, judging by his earlier shouting and also the flashing neon pink sign that said “Troggle Shoot” on top of the stand.
The three exchanged glances.
“What if it’s a kidnapping attempt?” Katia asked.
“Surprisingly, we haven’t run into that in this carnival yet,” Melua replied. “I don’t see any of the others, but if we shout loud enough someone should come running…”
“He doesn’t look so tough.” Tenia glanced at the carny. “He looks old and scrawny. I bet even we could beat him up. And he did go through all the trouble of calling us out.”
Katia sighed. “I swear, you two are going to land us in a shallow grave out on the side of a road one day.”
They reluctantly headed over to the carny’s stand, because he was a creepy old man being incredibly insistent on having three girls play his probably terrible game. He gave them what was likely supposed to be a disarming smile as they approached. Unfortunately, it just made him look creepier.
“Welcome, girls! I am the ingenious Dr. Quandary, the quintessential quizmaster! But you may call me Doctor Q.”
Oh great, alliteration. How wonderful—I absolutely adore the amazing appeal of alliteration. It’s immensely impressive to implement.
“You must be so happy,” Katia whispered to Melua. “You’ve finally found kin.”
“Shut up, Katia.”
Doctor Q continued on. “It’s your lucky day! I am offering you three a free game of Troggle Shoot! If you win, you can have these three dolls.”
He gestured to three dolls sitting atop a shelf in the stand. One was of a babyish blond child dressed in blue overalls. Another was a pink-skinned…person dressed in blinding yellow clothes. The last was aptly described as a horrific pumpkin-headed mutant wearing a popped-collar shirt and Hawaiian shorts.
“Excuse me, did I say dolls? I meant to say…Lifelike Action Figures!”
“…Just call them dolls, dude.” Tenia gave him her best impression of Calvina’s “what the fuck is this shit” face. “We’re not even boys—trying to play to that stereotype doesn’t make any sense!”
“Also these dolls are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen,” Katia added.
Melua grimaced. “Trying to offer them as prizes just makes me want to play this game even less!”
Doctor Q waved his hands. “Hey, hey, don’t be like that. Who knows? Maybe you’ll grow to like these precious faces!”
“I doubt that,” the three girls said in unison.
“…Look, it’s a free game and you get free stuff. Didn’t your parents teach you not to look a gift horse in the mouth?”
“Our parents are dead.”
“…Well, why not distract yourself from the grief and sadness with a little game of Troggle Shoot! It’s free! See that Troggle in the box marked TARGET?”
“We don’t want to—”
He pointed insistently at an LCD screen built into the side of the stand that showed an image that was probably supposed to be that Troggle thing he was talking about.
“Shoot as many of them as you can.” He set three BB guns on the table. “You each have 20 bullets. You can start firing whenever you’re ready.”
The three girls sighed. What a pushy guy. Seeing as he probably wasn’t going to leave them alone until they played his crappy game, they took the guns he offered them. Doctor Q’s smile widened as he stepped aside to activate the game. In the back of the stand, Troggles of all shapes and sizes began to roll across the shooting gallery’s three rows, but the girls were aiming for only one type.
One such Troggle came out first from the right on the middle row. Katia aimed and fired first. However, she aimed where it was instead of where it was going to be, so the Troggle rolled onward unharmed while her bullet looked stupid as it hit nothing.
“Oops. Well, at least Calvina isn’t here to complain about how much I suck at shooting.”
At least her mistake taught Tenia and Melua that they should aim slightly ahead of the Troggles to hit them. With that lesson learned, the girls began to shoot down Troggle after Troggle with relative ease. The game was surprisingly simple with no bullshit rigging involved, and they each had some experience in shooting because during their little venture in space Calvina decided to give them lessons since they had nothing else to do most of the time.
Once they used up their 20 bullets, their total Troggles shot came up to 53. Doctor Q shut off the machine and applauded them.
“Bravo, girls! Nice shooting! You’ve won your prizes.” He paused. “Though I must warn you; the prize you choose may have a dramatic effect on your future. These are not your ordinary Lifelike Action Figures. In fact, you might even swear they were alive sometimes!” He let out a deep laugh.
“Are you seriously still calling them Lifelike Action Figures?” asked Tenia. “And why does this sound incredibly foreboding?”
Doctor Q ignored her. “Let me tell you about them.”
He first gestured to the babyish one on the far left. “This is B. Ginner. It’s harmless, mostly.”
He moved on to the pink one on the far right. “This is O. D. Nary. A nice, middle of the road fellow.”
Finally, he motioned to the tan one with the pumpkin head. “And this is D. Fee Cult. It can be a real pain in the posterior. Which one will you take?”
“What’s with the punny names?” Katia asked. “And also the foreboding descriptions? Everything about this whole setup is incredibly suspicious and I don’t think we should accept these dolls.”
“Even if this whole thing didn’t scream danger, I still wouldn’t want these things,” Melua muttered. “They’re all so freaky.”
Doctor Q slammed his fist on the stand, making the girls jump. “You’ll accept these Lifelike Action Figures and you’ll like it!”
“Okay, fine! We’ll take the stupid dolls!” Melua turned to the others. “I’m…going with B. Ginner. It’s the least freaky of the bunch.”
Katia shrugged. “Alright, I’ll go with O. D. Nary then.”
“Wait, but that leaves me with D. Fee Cult!” Tenia whined. “It’s so freaky with that swollen pumpkin head!”
“Too late, Tenia. At least it looks like the ultimate dudebro with that outfit.”
She groaned. “Fine. Maybe I can freak Touya out by sticking it in his room…”
The three girls reluctantly accepted their prizes. God, they were so freaky and ugly.
As they studied their freaky prizes, the dolls decided to make themselves more horrifying by suddenly opening their eyes.
The dolls began to glow, blotting out their view with bright technicolor light. The girls heard Doctor Q laugh maniacally before they blacked out.
Katia awoke with a splitting headache. She rolled onto her side and pushed herself off the sand, rubbing her head with a groan. Thankfully, her ears didn’t get any sand in them—they were however filled with the sound of the ocean’s grey waves, destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach. Er, wait—I mean she heard the ocean lapping against the shore.
…Wait, when the hell did she get to the beach?
Katia looked up and nearly fell over when the first thing she saw were two of those freaky dolls she, Tenia, and Melua had been given moving around like they were alive. Also, they had somehow become as big as she was.
Her outburst drew the attention of the dolls, who also startled back and screamed. Their voices sounded an awful lot like—
“Tenia? Melua?” Katia asked tentatively as she looked down at herself. The clothes she was wearing certainly weren’t those she had on at the carnival. And her skin was definitely not pink before.
The only thing she knew that had this ungodly pallor and disgustingly bright set of clothes was…that doll…
Looking back up, she saw that the other two seemed to have drawn the same conclusion as her. Their expressions slowly shifted into that of surprise and growing horror. Faced with this terrible realization, the girls reacted the only way they knew how:
By screaming about it.
“Dammit, I knew we were going to wind up in some crazy situation one day!”
“This is the last time I play crappy carnival games or accept ugly dolls from strangers!”
Their freak-out session was interrupted by a bottle washing up on the shore. Inside was a rolled-up paper. The three girls looked at it and then at each other.
Tenia walked over to the bottle, uncorking it and pulling out the paper inside. She unfurled it as the other two came over to read the message written on it.
Dear suckers:
Ha! You have fallen into my trap! I have implanted your minds into these DOLLS and transported you to my Secret Island! Unless you can solve all my puzzles and meet all my challenges, you’ll never see your bodies again! You’ll be real nobodies! Get it? NO BODIES! Ha ha ha ha ha
Yours Q-ly,
Doctor Quandary
“…Well, that explains how we got in this situation,” Tenia muttered.
“What the heck is wrong with this guy? Who the hell thinks ‘I’m going to go trap random kids into ugly dolls for shits and giggles’? Literally what does he stand to gain from doing any of this?”
“…Katia, I think we should be more concerned about possibly losing our bodies forever at the moment,” Melua said.
“Yeah, but how are we supposed to get our bodies back? What, is he going to make us make some fixer elixir by completing his stupid challenges?”
As Katia spoke, Tenia walked over to the recycling bin that was conveniently placed nearby and dropped the message inside. Recycling was a habit she gained after Calvina got really angry at her for littering. Surprisingly, Calvina cared a lot about the environment.
Much to her surprise, a receipt popped out after she recycled the message.
“Wait, what? I got a receipt for recycling?” She picked it up and read the big words printed on the top. “…Doctor Q’s Fixer Elixir?”
Katia stared at her. “Are you kidding me.”
She and Melua went over to read the list with Tenia. They went through the entire list in silence.
“…What kind of an ingredient list is this?” Tenia asked. “What do you mean, ‘under-the-table decoration’? Who writes a recipe in riddles?”
Melua pointed at the directions. “The directions aren’t better. ‘Heat it up until it’s too hot to drink’? ‘Drink it’? Screw you too, Doctor Q.”
Tenia groaned. “This is gonna suck. We’re gonna need some major help with this one.”
She pulled out her phone from…somewhere and dialed a number. Katia stared at her pocketless shorts.
“…Where did you get your phone from?”
The Ferris wheel had been stopped for a whole ten minutes with no signs of moving yet. Heck, the maintenance workers hadn’t even shown up. Trapped in one of the compartments at the top were Calvina, Touya, and the Akatsuki twins. Calvina glared at everyone else as they all sat in awkward silence.
“I told you this thing would break down.”
Touya looked at the floor while Akimi and Akemi stared out of opposite windows.
“…Worth it.”
“Was it? Was it really?”
“…A little.”
Calvina sighed. “This is almost as bad as that time we were stuck in that escape shuttle meant for only two people at best.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s that bad,” Touya replied. “At least this time we have breathing room and you don’t have to steer with Akimi’s ass in your face.”
Akimi coughed. “Yeah, this…is a lot better than that.”
“And we also don’t have any space malaria to worry about.” Akemi frowned. “How did we even get into that situation to begin with?”
Akimi shrugged. “Beats me. We just kinda…woke up like that. Anyway, I hope the ride starts again soon. Don’t freak out yet, but I kinda have to pee.”
The others stared at him.
“…I hope they get the ride fixed soon,” Touya muttered.
“I’ll beat the shit out of you if you piss yourself,” Calvina said flatly.
Akimi lowered his head. “Uh…got it…”
Akemi patted him on the shoulder. “If it comes down to it, you can probably pop open the compartment door and pee out there.”
“Ew, I’m not going to do that.”
Suddenly, Calvina’s phone rang.
“…Really, Calvina? Your ringtone is Megalovania?”
“Shut up, Touya.” She took out her phone and checked the caller ID before taking it. “What is it, Tenia?”
“Calvina, we need your help. Some old fart named Dr. Quandary forced us to play his crappy game and then stuffed our souls into these ugly ass dolls. Now we’re stranded on his secret island and he’s making us solve a bunch of puzzles to gather ingredients to make what sounds like a very unappetizing drink to cure our dollness. We gotta do it, because otherwise we’ll be stuck like this forever and I don’t want to be an ugly ass pumpkin-head dudebro forever, this doll is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. So can you please help us solve these puzzles when we get to them?”
“What did Tenia get into?” Touya asked.
“Apparently she, Katia, and Melua played a suspicious carnival game in the ten minutes we were separated and then the guy running the stand stuffed their souls into some dolls. Or something.”
“…What?” the other three said at the same time.
“Yeah…” Calvina frowned. “Wait, if you three are stuck in dolls without your bodies how do you still have your phone?”
In the background, she heard Katia shout, “That’s what I asked!” Tenia on the other hand was silent.
“…I don’t know, but it’s convenient, shut up. Are you going to help us or not?”
Calvina rubbed her forehead. “I mean, I guess…it’s not like the four of us are going anywhere, since these idiots wanted to ride the Ferris wheel so damn badly.” She glared at the others once again.
“What? But that thing was obviously going to break down!”
“Yeah, that’s what I said! But nooo, we just had to ride it. Look, I’m putting you on speaker now so everyone can hear what you’re saying.”
She did exactly that before setting her phone on her leg. “Okay, what are we dealing with? Where are you right now?”
“Uh, we’re on a beach. I got a message in a bottle and recycled it to get a recipe for this ‘Fixer Elixir’ which is probably the thing that’s supposed to turn us back to normal. The recipe is weird as shit though. Here, I’ll send Touya a pic.”
Touya’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out. A moment later he held out his phone to show Tenia’s pic. Everyone leaned in to read.
“…What the hell is ‘under-the-table decoration’ supposed to mean?” Akimi asked.
“That’s what I want to know!”
“Well…this seems like the start of a whole bunch of ‘what the hell is this shit’ shenanigans,” Akemi muttered as she went over the list. “Maybe we’ll get a better idea what the heck any of this is supposed to be once you start getting things.”
“I guess…I see a forest nearby so we’re going to head there first. Come on guys, let’s go.”
Calvina sighed. “This is going to be a long day…”
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nyanzaya · 5 years
Requested: @if-that-so words: 2637
     Iza was at the hospital. Zuo’s mother had been in a hit and run and the black feline was the one who was called. Why Zuo hadn’t been called, Iza would never know but he went. He told the group he was part of that he was going to the hospital and the responses he got were from them being worried and how a young girl named Melody was going to come to the hospital.
     The feline didn’t need her there with him. He didn’t know her even if she called him uncle. When her message about family and how they shouldn’t hide secrets Iza thought it was stupid. He didn’t know anything about her or if she even had a family, but Iza would never consider her family; of course, friends should be considered family, right? 
     Iza was a stubborn man. He been alone for far too long to even consider anyone family. It was always something he would envy about people. At least they knew their parents and siblings. Who did Iza have? Aiko. Zuo’s mother. 
     She was the closest thing Iza had to a parent. 
     Right now Iza was sitting outside the operating room waiting for any type of news from the doctors. Anxiously he was waiting, his leg bouncing his elbows on his knees and hands folded in front of him. He heard from the nurses that someone had hit her with their car and took off before leaving him to his own devices. 
     How could anyone hit a neko and leave like that? 
     This was why Iza hated humans. They had always treated his kin as lower than human, and more like animals. The nurses were sweet, kind and apologetic about what had happened to Aiko. Iza returned a sad smile and thanked them before getting lost in thoughts. 
     “Excuse me.” Spoke a soft voice.
     “Hello, excuse me.” They spoke again this time waving a hand in front of the black feline’s face and seeing them become startled, she quickly apologized. “Sorry for scaring you, but if you want to see your mother she is in room 213.” 
     An ear flicked at her words and Iza stood up to bow. “Thank you.” Quickly he left to find the room number.
     Iza was afraid to see Aiko truthfully. He was afraid to see her hooked up to machines and in a cast and bandages. He was afraid of hospitals and being in one to see someone dear to him felt heavy on his shoulders, his chest and his heart. Iza wished Zuo was here with him but the cream-colored feline in question was out on a job. 
     Going down long hallways, looking for the room number was difficult. Iza wanted to turn around and go home. Do what he always did and fixed things without confronting the issue. He knew the issue. He knew that he shouldn’t run away from things when things felt so terrifying and made his chest clutch and the pit of his stomach feel heavy with hurt. He knew that he had to see Aiko in place of Zuo. If he was the one called they must have been a reason for it. 
     Standing in front of the door, looking at the numbers. 213. It was the room, he could smell her scent. Iza brought his hand to the numbers, feeling them to remind himself that he was really there. Then he knocked on the door and opened it. He could feel the anxiety in his chest intensify and he was starting to shake. 
     Then he saw her. As he suspected. She was hooked to a machine and a cast on her leg and arm, her tail was covered in bandages. Her face had a patch on her cheek. Aiko was a beautiful cat if she wasn’t injured. She stirred, opening hazel eyes to meet garnet. Aiko gave a weak smile, “Izzy...you came.” 
     Iza swallowed a lump in his throat that he hadn’t realized formed seeing Aiko. “Of course. I wouldn’t leave you here all alone, yeah?” The black feline, struggled to speak, his voice wavered. 
     “Come here..sit down.” She gestured towards a chair with her good hand. 
     The black feline didn’t hesitate reaching for a chair and pulling it to her bedside. He took her hand to hold in his. Her hand was soft, despite what had happened to her. “Why didn’t you call Zuo here?” Iza couldn’t help but ask her. 
     The white feline took her hand back, bringing it to Iza’s face, “Why do you ask that Izzy? I haven’t seen you in so long, of course, this isn’t the way I wanted us to see each other again.”
     Iza leaned into her touch feeling her thumb caress his cheek. He averted his gaze, not wanting to look at the person he considered to be his mother. “I don’t know… I thought maybe because Zuo didn’t pick up or something.” The feline spoke, bringing his hand to his eyes to rub them starting to feel the sting of tears prick. “I know that too. Sorry I haven’t visited you lately.” 
     “Don’t apologize, it’s okay. I know you are busy with work, right? You and Zuo work together is what he told me. I just thought he was busy since the doctors told me he didn’t pick up his phone.” 
     The black feline’s ears turned to the side. He was the one that gave Zuo a job but how was he supposed to know that Aiko would have gotten injured?
      Aiko moved her hand upward to catch a tear. “Why are you crying, Izzy?”
     Iza didn’t say anything yet, taking a deep breath and exhaled a shaky sigh. “I- I just can’t stand to see you hurt like this, Mom.” 
     “That’s why you’re sitting right?” 
     “It was just an accident, don’t you think?” Aiko asked seeing how taken aback he was at her light joke. It was clear that Iza wasn’t expected such a light-hearted comment considering the situation. 
     “It wasn’t. It wasn’t an accident. They hit you and drove off, Mom.” Iza spoke, the tears escaping and running down. Taking her hand to hold it in both hands, his grip tightened at the thought of those people hurting Aiko. He wanted to make them pay for what they did. He didn’t care if it wasn’t what Aiko would want. He didn’t care if the people that hit her were some stupid teenagers that weren’t paying attention. All he cared about was keeping his mother safe.
     Aiko frowned. She knew it wasn’t an accident. She knew that they must have been drunk or blind if they were driving so recklessly. Feeling Iza’s grip on her hand, she carefully leaned forward to bump her forehead onto his. “I know, dear, but please don’t hurt them.”
     Iza flinched at her words. It was as if she knew what he was thinking. He pulled away and held her hand with one hand, while the other was brought to his face to fight the tears from falling. “But why. Why would you want them to get away with what they had done to you?” 
     The white feline, gave a soft smile and returned to pressing her back against the bedding. “Because there is so much hate in this world, Izzy. I can see it in your eyes that you hold a lot of hurt and hatred, but sometimes things happen and you can’t change it like me being in this hospital right now.”
     He listened, but he didn’t like what he heard. 
     “Sometimes some things don’t need a reaction. Sometimes it’s better to let it go. Would you hold onto a rope that is burning your hand?”
     Iza shook his head no. “But what about Zuo? He would go after those people.” 
     Aiko gave a soft laugh, “Ah.. that’s why he has you doesn’t he?” 
     The black feline’s ears laid back again. “No.. we aren’t together anymore.”
     The white feline tilted her head. “What? How come?”
     “We decided it would just be better if we were apart. Something about differences.” Iza was vague about it, not wanting to worry Aiko. “But we still work together. You know?” He gave a soft laugh, one that hurt. 
     Aiko frowned, “I thought you two were so cute together. The little fights but then how you two held each other close. It was a good match.” 
     Iza felt his heart drop again at her words. He would be lying if he didn’t miss being with Zuo but he couldn’t bring himself to stay with him. The feline didn’t want to change him into something he wasn’t. He already had before and he realized his mistake. He created something that wasn’t the man he loved. “Ah-ahh yeah, you know, sometimes love doesn’t work out.” 
     “What about your friends? Did you get some, Sweetie?” She asked and took her hand to bring it to Iza’s ears lighting petting and tugging at his ear. Aiko hoped Iza made some friends. Last time she had seen the black feline was almost a year ago and knew that he and Zuo lived together, though she had never heard of any friends he might of had.
     The younger feline gave a light laugh before taking his ear back, flicking it. Friends? A few came to mind. Saya, Ryan, Luke, Orpheus, Nobu, Rook… By extension did that include Grimm? He thought about it for a moment. Honestly, Iza wasn’t sure if any of them were his friends. They were people he spent time with and enjoyed being around. 
     Of course they were his friends. What was he thinking? 
     “Ah… yeah I got some.” 
     “Oh that’s great to hear. I was afraid that you were all alone.” 
     Iza looked down again. “It’s just…”
     His trailed off words made Aiko’s ears perk up. 
     “I had a fight with one of them and I don’t...really know how to apologize. They were really angry with me.”
     Aiko gave a hum, “Well, that’s no good is it?”
     Iza shook his head, starting to tear up again. 
     “Hmm… I think you should just go see them and really say sorry to their face. Most people like it face to face, right?”
     The black feline gave a shaky sigh, “Y-yeah.. But I don’t think he wants to see my face ever again. I said horrible things to him.”
     Aiko frowned, “If you really care about them you would say sorry, right? You should keep your friends close. It’s lonely in this world, Izzy. Sometimes all you can really have in the end is the people that care about you.”
     “But I think I pushed him to the point where he doesn’t care anymore. He only cared because his girlfriend is a close friend of mine.”
     The white feline nodded giving a hum. “I was in a situation like this before.” She said taking her hand back, putting it to her mouth. 
     Iza simply watched her, wondering what she had done in that kind of situation. When she was quiet for too long Iza spoke up, “What did you do?”
     Aiko places her hand on her leg, “The obviously thing, Hun. I went to them and apologized. I put my heart into it.” 
     The younger feline made a face, one that Aiko has to laugh at, “Ooh, Dear. You really don’t apologize to people, do you?” 
     “Why should I apologize when it was their fault? He was the one egging the other guy on and kept picking a fight with them.” Iza huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. 
     Aiko sighed, she forgot how childish Iza was. She remembered the fights he and Zuo would have and often she would tell him to simply apologize and Zuo would get over it. Of course, Iza was the reluctant type but also the type that would cry over a bruised feeling that he would hold onto. “Does it really matter? Please, Izzy, if you won’t do it for him, can you do it for me? I don’t want you to be all alone because you didn’t want to let people help you or because you didn’t want to let them love you. I know you’re hurt deeply but we need people. I’m sure you know that, Dear, but it’s not a curse or something to hate. It’s good to be with people even if they can be horrible things. I just want you to be happy.” 
     Iza listened to her. She was right. It didn’t matter in the end; though, he was going to do it for his mother. Not for Grimm or because Saya wanted them to get along even if she explained that it shouldn’t be up to her to correct it. Iza knew that Saya could never be whole if he kept up this one sided feud. Perhaps he was bored, had no more excitement in his life if he picked wanted to keep this one sided hate. He knew Grimm didn’t care anymore, so why should he? 
     Did it even matter if Grimm accepted the apology? Iza mused that it didn’t as long as he apologized and meant it. As much as he hated to admit, his mother was right. They needed people because without them they, they wouldn’t be who they are but perhaps that was an innocent mentality. Iza knew the whole truth. His kin were less than humans in the eyes of some people.
     Iza looked at Aiko with soft eyes, a sadness behind them, a soft smile, hiding how he felt. “I know, it’s just… hard sometimes after all that I have been through. I just fear that they would just want to use me and then take over my body because I’m free. It’s hard for me to trust people, Mom.”
     “We aren’t free Izzy. You know we will never be. At least, in my life time we won’t ever be a free people, but don’t let that fear hold you back, Sweetheart. Use it and turn it into something for the greater good.” Aiko explain further, to which Iza nodded and looked at the time.
     He stood up, “I’m sorry I had to cut this short, but I’ll come see you again soon, okay?” Iza said reaching for her hand to press a kiss on her knuckles.
     “I’ll be waiting then, don’t leave me waiting too long you hear?” She spoke watching Iza leave. He simply waved her off, but Aiko felt better. At least she had gotten to see one of her kittens, even if Iza wasn’t her child.
     It was almost as if a light had be shown. Iza knew what he had to do and with the advice from his adoptive mother in mind he was going to do it, though he disobeyed. 
     He returned home with revenge in mind. Iza wasn’t as kind as Aiko. Iza wasn’t soft or gentle towards people. Iza wasn’t one to let himself get pushed around anymore. No, Iza didn’t always listen, finding that he belonged in the dark, underground and hidden, especially his emotions that would bottle up too much before exploding, and today his emotions had reached a breaking point. He was on his laptop searching for when his mother had gotten hit and once he had, he traced the license plate and would make sure the same happened to them. 
     It was an easy stunt and within the week karma had been returned. 
     Ah, Iza knew karma would come for him next, teach him another lesson but he didn’t care. Everything that had happened to him wouldn’t be any worse than what karma would do to him. Karma was a joke after all. Iza gave himself bad luck, yet always found himself to be lucky. 
     His only problem now was to apologize. 
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