#not a day in and we're already hurting the blorbos
venomous-qwille · 1 year
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[ID: Eclipse kneels on the floor looking up at the viewer, he is holding dolls of Sun and Moon. The art is black and white except for his right eye, which is red. In the background illegible words are scratched in red pen. /End ID]
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
What are you most controversial/unpopular OP opinions??? Sorry if it was answered before
You want me to get canceled so bad-- If I speak-- But idk, I guess I'll say the controversial opinions I can say publicly without a bunch of people coming at me!
Zo$an is a bit... Overrated? And by overrated I mean extremely/annoyingly overrated. I like the ship and its canon dynamic but I think at least 80% of the fandom portrays them in a very mischaracterized way. Not to say that... The ship is literally everywhere and the shippers always look for every little thing to prove they're canon, even if the "proof" has literally nothing to do with them. It's not that I don't enjoy the ship (although I must admit I prefer other dynamics a lot more) I just can't stand shippers that go to extremes. It's funny because I think Zo$an's dynamic is way more interesting and romantic in canon than it will ever be in the fandom. It's a bit sad, ngl. I liked them a lot at first but it got so tiring and now I am pretty exhausted from seeing it everywhere. The people force it to be more than it is when the canon is already pretty fucking great.
Adding to the Zo$san thing. I think that relationship would only work if Luffy is there somehow but it wouldn't last a day without him in the relationship. Unless there's like, a ton of character development most of these people don't make them go through.
One Piece Film Z is my worst enemy. It's such a boring movie. The only good thing is the soundtrack and maybe the suits but God watching that was torture.
Boa hate is uhhhh weird. I mean, I get why the joke about her being in love with Luffy might be annoying, but I think most of you need to learn to understand that Oda's sense of humor is sometimes a bit too exaggerated (and not funny) and it has basically nothing to do with the actual canon dynamics between characters. Boa likes Luffy because he's one of the first men who has ever treated her right, so of course she confuses that feeling with love. And of course, yeah, it isn't canon. Whatever. Just read between the lines, maybe? And also, stop using words like "pedo" to describe her because using that term so lightly about 1) a fictional character and 2) somebody who's clearly not a pedo is fucked up. Lmao. Do you even know what that word means???
Once again complaining about Pudding hate and saying that it's stupid. I won't overanalyze because I always do it with her, but the only reason people hate her is for misogynistic reasons and because they're babying Sanji. Evil male characters are okay and hot and very traumatized but the second it's a woman she's the most evilest person ever! Because God forbid they make mistakes! Suddenly their character development isn't valid because they hurt their babygirl!
Now that we're talking about my dearest Pudding. Not tagging anybody of course, but I saw this post with so many interactions of people agreeing about Sanji considering violence as a sign of love which??? Doesn't make sense at all?? OP said it was because he couldn't tell the difference between love/abuse because of his family, but that's just... Not accurate. That could only happen if they had manipulated him into thinking abuse is a type of love, but he had healthy love growing up. Even when he was with the Vinsmokes (Sora and Reiju, I love you). And yet OP said Sanji considered Pudding's behavior flirting (wrong) and that's why he let her attack him (nope) and that it was proof of Zo$an. And okay, it's not a hugely popular theory, but a lot of people agreed with it and it bothered me a lot because it's both out of character and also using Pudding (complex female character) once again to try and prove the canon of a ship (that doesn't have anything to do with WCI either???). It just bothers me. People can perceive the story however they want but... Y'know.
OPLA isn't that good. Or good at all? I only like it because I like the cast and it's funny seeing my blorbos irl. But the script is simple and dull and just stupid most of the time. The characters are either simplified, mischaracterized, or forgotten. And tbh most of the shots are very awful and could be a lot better. The directing is also nonexistent. It's 6/10 and 3 of those points are because both the Zolu and the cast.
Apparently this is a very common theory about Nami's origins, but, uh, I don't think we need to know? What else do you need to know about her? People say she's a lost princess or something like that as if we didn't have a lost princess already (Sanji ily). Repeating the same plot would be boring and underwhelming, but also? It'd be extremely useless for the plot and it'd go against everything about Nami's story and the way Luffy reacts to it.
Luffy isn't canon aroace. In fact, the reasoning people use for him being "coded" is the same Oda uses for Zoro too and Zoro is almost never portrayed as the "idiot who doesn't know what sex is" the way Luffy often is. If you're calling Luffy canon aroace for what Oda said about him being focused on adventures, the same goes for Zoro being focused on his dream. They could be coded arospec but there's nothing confirmed and the constant discourse about it is stupid. Attacking others because of their ships just because you don't agree with them and saying it's wrong using our identity to do it is very fucked up. Especially since most of the time people complaining aren't even aroace. The only reason people do it (attacking others saying they can't ship Luffy and that it's "weird" and "wrong") is that they infantilize Luffy/Don't want him getting in between their ships (<- aroace person writing this) (also, it's very ableist since people agree on Luffy also being neurodivergent coded and treating him like a kid bc of that but this isn't about that now).
Somehow this is very common. Some fucking how. I can't believe I have to say this. I'm tired of people blaming Usopp for what happened in Water 7. Or in general hating Usopp. Actually, he's one of the best-written characters in the whole show and he's so underappreciated it's so frustrating.
Sanji's perv jokes are annoying af and we all know that, but people who hate the character and consider him a red flag for that are missing the point completely. The point being "Oda exaggerates jokes to an annoying extent and most of the time they don't even reflect the character". I understand they can make you uncomfortable (same here tbh) but reducing Sanji to only those jokes is a waste of his character. You need to take jokes less seriously.
If I see one of these "red flag OP boys" TikToks adding Law/Ace/Zoro/Sanji next to fucking Doffy I will riot. Also, stop adding Crocodile there. He's a mafioso, there's NO way he won't be a sweetheart to his lover.
Baron Omatsuri's artstyle and animation is amazing and it fits the plot and aesthetic of the movie perfectly and people saying it's ugly will forever bother me.
"Usopp is suddenly hot after timeskip!" He has always been hot what the fuck are you talking about.
People reduce Nami to her "mean"/"sarcastic" personality a lot when she's quite literally one of the most kind-hearted characters of all. That being said, morally speaking she's probably one of the worst. I could explain how that works but I don't want to do it now, the point is-- Let the girl be sweet instead of making her mean all the time. And also, let her be mean and selfish without making it her entire personality. There's something called "balance".
Film Red was kind of bad. Like, the songs are amazing (thanks, Ado) but the ending is awful and the plot is very meh. I'm only here for Uta and Shanks but the rest of the characters are just useless. I do appreciate Sanji's hair in the movie, though.
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
I’m sorryyy I can’t help myself, no pressure ofc but how would you whump my blorbo Barry Allen?
Ooooh, I knew you were going to ask me this and I'm so down for it!! Thank you!!
Hm... we're gonna give him a little mental torment, speedster-style.
So being as fast as he is means time basically has no meaning, right? I mean, you can get anywhere you want in a heartbeat, outrun bullets, save an entire mansion full of people while you listen to Eurythmics- I mean, uh... Flash stuff? And if I remember correctly, Barry even uses the Speed Force to travel through time, so it really has no meaning after a while.
So let's take that somewhere. Barry's used to getting everything he needs in a matter of moments. He likes to think that he doesn't overuse his speed too terribly much, but he definitely uses it often. Waiting around is already a difficult thing for him, and worse now that it just seems so pointless.
But then things go a step further. He's in a fight, and he's losing, and he's panicking, and he just starts moving fast. Faster than he's ever moved, time has slowed to a crawl, it's almost laughably easy to defeat the villain now that he can see everything coming. The fight is over quickly, packaged up and done for the day, all is well...
And he can't turn it off. With enough focus, he can slow down a little, but it still feels like the world is creeping around him through a thick sludge. He's not in danger - he can absolutely find food if he looks, and it doesn't feel like he's running so he's not particularly tired (though I'm sure he'll crash when he's done) - but he's stuck in this limbo where everything else is moving so slowly it's utterly useless.
Did you know that being bored, for long stretches of time without reprieve, can genuinely affect your mental state? I mean, badly. There's a reason modern prisons have all kinds of classes and reform programs and whatever else in place now. And some people still end up a little unstable. Human beings need mental stimulation to survive intact. And right now, moving so fast that conversations and movies and music have no meaning, that books burst into flames when he flips the pages, that there is nothing for him to do but just... walk... Barry is NOT having a good time.
You choose how this one ends. Maybe it only lasts a few hours, and he's rattled and exhausted but can bounce back. Or maybe a single day is months in Barry's slowed-down time, and by the time his friends find a way to kick him out of it, he's feral and nonsensical and effectively just a wandering shell of who he was before. Entirely depends on how badly you want this man to hurt... and knowing you, you want him to hurt badly.
What do you think?
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ambrosia-ghostie · 1 month
i've been feeling conflicted about continuing my klaus hurt/comfort fic over the last few days since we're already suffering so much as a fandom
but you know what? fuck it. i'm going to give my blorbo aaaalllll the comfort he deserves (despite the upsetting events that come before it). AND he will heal and be happy and his family will tell him that they love him back. grk;lgmrklg;rmgkrmkrlmg
link, if you have any interest. cw for a lot of stuff, but i'm an angst gorl, sorry.
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hannahwashington · 7 months
ALSO IM JUST NOTICING YOUR HEADER IMAGE. I LOVE IT SO MUCH gundham danganronpa and crash bandicoot (is that his name im sorry) real. also btw feel free to talk abt th emountain experience bc i dont think i ever asked yet
YES HIS NAME IS CRASH BANDICOOT ive honestly BEEN waiting for someone to comment on my header it is one of my favourite images ever (thanks @horatios-mom). it's like a sequel to the era when i had lesbian crash bandicoot as my icon. i'm only through the prologue of sdr2 but i have been obsessed with gundham for Years,. i barely know the guy but i love him. i will Know More Soon. and trust i will be So mentally ill about him and also the series. i already Am i am just waiting to finish the games to post about them.
anyway MOUNTAIN EXPERIENCE. OH BOY. where to begin.
let me take you back to a time when a wide-eyed 17 year old Archie got traumatised by a mountain. sit back, relax, and follow along my recounting of an experience i found so horrible, i had to vent by projecting onto my favourite blorbos at the time. Don't worry, I am more than comfortable with sharing this story, and with hindsight know exactly where to direct my anger with what happened.
It's March 2020. I'm in my second-last year of high school. every year my school takes the people in this specific grade to a leadership camp to teach a variety of skills and stuff to prepare them for the next year, when they will be school leaders basically. this leadership camp happens to culminate in a hike up the Drakensberg, where we sleep overnight, then come back down and go back home.
To be Quite frank. I was Very Excited for this trip. the more school-related activities not so much, but getting the chance to hang out with my classmates outside of school and the hike were what excited me. I'm not the most fit person, but i loooove me a good nature walk.
So it's a few days before the hike. they take us out to a bunch of activities and it's pretty fun. we did an adventure park thing and i was in the middle of a massive tarzan fixation so when i went on a giant rope swing i did his iconic yell. there were ziplines. once when i went down a line i forgot to brake and SMACKED into the mattress on the tree. so that was fun. here's the thing though. they made us walk everywhere. and these weren't easy strolls, they were hikes in and of themselves. i can't speak for anyone else, but the days leading up to the hike were PAINFUL. my feet were so fucking sore and we hadn't even gone near the mountain yet.
Then they hit us with the "yeah we're pushing back the hike by a day because it's gonna be pissing buckets tomorrow." which, duh, of course it's gonna be pissing buckets, it's the drakensberg, it's kinda known for that. but also, that means another day of walking, another day of worsening the condition of my feet. i felt like sam from death stranding when you let him walk barefoot everywhere. it's around here where you might start recognising elements from the fic snippets i posted, by the way.
so the next day like the absolute ass he is, the headmaster (who joined us for. some reason) made us hike up a mini-mountain to 'prepare us' or something. he was a horrible person for completely unrelated reasons and this logic is totally and completely backwards. anyway, after THAT nightmare, we went tubing down a nearby river. this WAS fun. i went down the river multiple times even though my feet hurt like shit. i had to get my fleeting joy somewhere during this trip-turned-nightmare. everyone had fun except this one girl who was not lucky at all. at the end of the river there's a small drop and 99% of the time when you get there you fall out of your tube. she was one of these people, and was really unlucky as she ended up cutting her foot on a rock. she had to be pulled out of the river by a few of the boys.
now then you would THINK she would go home because of this. kind of a bad idea to hike up a mountain with a cut up foot. but no, like the madwoman she is, she decides to pull through. i respect her so much for it.
Anyway, next day comes, my feet are basically throbbing so bad it's like my heart practically lived in them, not even to mention the soreness in my legs. again - i was NOT fit. i was so nervous i could barely eat breakfast. i tried to twist it into something positive by being like "tehe i'm going up a mountain like my favourite teenaged blorbs" but it really was Not helping. sooooo we get to the foot of the mountain and get ready to go. a couple of girls left and missed the hike because they had a netball tournament or something. to this day i wonder if they realise Just how lucky they got.
This is the part i remember most vividly. the Worst part. we set off on our mountain adventure, and i repeat this mantra: keep pace with the person in front of you. which goes great for all of two minutes until like a whole five days of walking absolutely nonsensical distances catches up to me and i slow down and down and down until everyone has passed me and oops! i've stopped completely. my legs are Begging to be put out of their misery and i am Rooted To The Spot. to cut a long ass panic attack short eventually someone comes back to pick me back up and Get Me Up This Stupid Mountain. it wasn't sam unfortunately, it was the drama teacher, but he was a pretty cool person and probably most comforting adult there, so perfect to deal with me in that moment.
he tells me about setting little goals for myself, like finding a specific rock and making my way to it. break the whole hike down into thousands of little baby steps. this way, i actually started to make progress, little by little, until we break the tree line. i can't remember if this moment was in the snippets i posted, but i look up and see the rest of my classmates above me, and when they notice us they start whooping and cheering and singing break my stride (which is kinda the theme song of the trip, ngl). i was still kinda in hysterics so i yelled at them to shut up. looking back, i appreciate it so so much. anyways, the drama teacher and i carry on with our baby steps.
when i've calmed down enough i start talking. i can't remember if he told me to talk to get my mind off of things or if i started on my own, but in any case i just start talking. i know specifically i brought up treasure planet - my all time favourite movie - and he told me he hadn't heard of it. another fanfic snippet moment here: i did, in fact, rant to him about midsommar. i remember specifically talking about the daylight horror aspect and how the black bars could've been white instead to emphasise just how bright and sunny the film is. also at some point we passed random people on the road who didn't speak english and for some reason, to this day i still have no idea why, the drama teacher told me that he thinks those dudes were drug smugglers and using the trail to get drugs over the border. anyways.
eventually, after so, so long, we make it to the top. not the end of the hike, far from it, but the vertical climb is over. you see, this specific trail has like two hours of a horrible vertical climb, but after that, it's a basically-flat trail. not that that would make it any easier but anyway, i thought that the worst was over. from our position we could see the rest of the group, who were all resting by a fork in the path - a significant landmark. eventually we catch up to everyone, and if my fic is to be trusted, everyone started clapping and cheering and singing again, this time 500 miles (hardy har). this is one of the only details in the fic where i can't tell whether i made it up or if it's actually based on what happened. when i sat down, guess what, legs wanted to shrivel up and die, what else is new, but what really struck me was that Literally Everyone Was In The Same Position. some were crying. some were staring into space with cold, dead eyes. Nobody was having a good time. how foot-cut girl was even still here was what shocked me the most. again, CUT IN HER FOOT, it was PRETTY SUBSTANTIALLY SIZED. even so she did Not look good.
drama teacher had gone to talk to all the other adults about our (my and the injured girl's) predicament. we were in No position to carry on with the hike. (i'd argue nobody was but i digress). it was a full-blown argument from what i remember, and when the adults tried to talk to us they kept on interrupting each other. one kept trying to offer a way down, but another teacher (who championed this leadership camp btw, to put this into perspective) was Adamant we continue and simply sleep at the closer campsite.
You can probably guess what ended up happening.
The break just honestly made me feel Worse about moving, and my mentality obviously wasn't the best, and i sorta just really started missing home at this point, but i had to keep going. since it was flat this time i could actually keep some sort of pace, though head leadership camp teacher complained whenever i slowed down too much (actual villain of the story in hindsight). eventually we make it to one of the campsites.
Here's how the camps worked. every year the group split into two - boys and girls - and rotated each year on who went to each of the two campsites. one camp was by a river, the other by a cave. so, one year the boys would go to the cave and the girls to the river, and the next year they would switch. this year the girls were supposed to go to the cave. guess what. it's the further camspite - a good extra... i dunno, hour of walking? obviously injured girl and i couldnt do that. issue is, you need a tent to camp riverside - we obviously didnt have one. however someone, an actual god among men brought an extra tent with him. i never spoke to that kid. but he made it so we didn't have to suffer as much. so i hold a sort of affection for him.
so, the group splits and we finally, FINALLY get our chance to rest. properly. let me tell you, river water has never and i mean NEVER felt so good. i think i spent like a solid hour soaking my feet. the boys - who. somehow had energy after all THAT - made a dam out of rocks. one guy was taking pictures. i never took my own pictures of the mountain, even though the view was beautiful. i was in too much pain to care. i took a Single picture related to the hike itself, and i'll share that at the end of this thrilling tale. that evening after dinner, i snacked morosely and watched at least half of happy death day on my phone. maybe an episode of unbreakable kimmy schmidt, though i don't now for sure about that one. injured girl and i shared that extra tent.
oh yeah, and guess what. it ended up pissing buckets during the night. shocker.
anyway the next day comes and the walk back is worse. one of the other teachers decides to use 'tough love' on me - which was basically yelling at me and failing really badly at being encouraging. honestly would have preferred being tossed off the mountain instead because it just made me Very Distressed but anyway. what was nice was that this time for the walk injured girl and i were at the front of the line setting the pace. and also two of the boys, two absolute GENTLEMEN were walking with us and leading us. you know me, i'm a lesbian, but god i could've kissed them for what they did for us. (i did not but you get my point).
surprisingly the vertical climb down was the easiest part. the really, really vertical part anyway - which was mostly near the top. so easy that a few boys raced ahead of the group... and ended up taking a wrong turn and getting lost. more on them later. when we dipped into the treeline it felt like we were so close yet so far, SO close to ending this suffering, but every single turn without the tar road in sight made me fall deeper and deeper into despair. i think i literally yelled out "MERCY!" at some point. anyway when we did finally get to the road i started crying as we made our way back to the bus that would take us home.
everyone started taking showers, blessed, cold showers at the public bathrooms, and washing myself of the whole experience felt Wonderful. except it wasn't quite done insulting me just yet.
So. the day before we put our suitcases in the bus that would take us home. what they neglected to tell us was that we needed Everything we'd need for that day and the following day on our person. which means they wouldn't be taking our bags out of the bus, not even if we REALLY needed something. i didn't have my flip flops on me. i had put the shoes i had hiked in away (and also they were like sopping wet which is disgusting). it was hot as fuck and the parking lot outside was all gravel. i had to walk in that barefoot.
insult to injury.
i got myself ice cream. tried not to cry. we all had to wait for like half an hour as the lost boys made their way back to us (i can't remember if a teacher had to go back onto the path to find them or not). borrowed drama teacher's flip flops which were hilariously oversized. and then, literally RIGHT as everyone was boarding the bus to leave. i whip out my phone and grab the one and only picture i have related to the hike itself.
it was a long drive back to my home province. i put on some music, cuddled my pillow and tried to sleep. i mostly just tried not to sob. out of pain, relief, anguish - whatever. since it was a long drive, we stopped at a strip mall that's a really common sort of stopping station for people doing drives like this, such as to use the bathroom. another school happened to be pulled up as we stopped by here, and a girl gave me the filthiest, most judgmental look i have EVER seen because i was barefoot. i honestly don't blame her.
it was dark by the time we got back to the school. i did, in fact, cry when i saw my family. the very next day - no exaggeration, i'm 99% sure it was the VERY next day - it was announced that schools would be closing and the country would be going into lockdown due to covid. which means i got to spend the next, like, two weeks recovering instead of thinking about school. i think one of the days after i got back i watched interstellar. i was on a bit of a sci-fi kick. it was okay.
here's that picture i took outside the bus before we left for home.
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people Did see me take this. a couple of my classmates made jokes about how they relate and at least one gave me a high five.
anyway, that's the story of my Mountain Experience™. again, more than comfortable sharing this story as i think it's quite important with understanding me and we know who to blame for putting us through this. i've had chats with other alumni who came before me and they had their Own nightmarish experiences with this camp, which makes me wonder how it continued being a thing for so long.
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galadhir · 11 months
Another post in the tag of a villain who is my blorbo, saying basically that people who are villain stans don't understand the story right, they don't understand the villain's victims are people who deserve sympathy. That villain stans must be immoral ourselves because otherwise how could we love a character who had done so many horrible things?
And I'm like - you do understand that sympathizing with the characters who are drawn to be sympathetic is level 101 sympathy?
Yeah, you can empathize with and feel sorry for the human frailties of people who never did anything wrong. Great! That's good. It's good to have sympathy and empathy for good people.
But - and I'm going to go all religious here, because purity culture is supposedly based on Christian beliefs and I am a Christian - you've got to learn to be sympathetic and empathetic to the bad people too.
This is right there in our religion "Judge not, lest you be judged." "First take the plank out of your own eye before you try to take the speck out of your brother's." "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. I will repay." (Namely - it's not up to us humans to take revenge.)
Famously, Jesus stopped the people from executing an adulteress (a crime which carried the death sentence at the time) saying "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone," at which point the accusers slowly realized that they were not exactly guiltless themselves and slunk away.
We are in fact commanded to love our neighbours (where 'neighbour' means 'everyone living on this planet with us.')
And loving our neighbours sometimes requires accepting that people who have done horrific things are still worthy of the respect given to all humans by virtue of being human.
That's a really hard command to obey.
(Frankly we should expect the commands given by a superhumanly good Creator to be too hard for us. God is better than we are capable of being, and that's how it should be.)
It's really hard to look at someone in real life who has done something abhorrent and accept that they too are a person who deserves to be treated with full human rights and dignity.
It's hard to get over the very natural revulsion and anger that tells us it would be righteous to treat this sinner with cruelty in return.
But that would not be righteous at all. ("Do unto others as you would have them do to you.")
Fortunately we have fiction. We can use fiction to help us develop our empathy. The villains in fiction have not actually hurt anyone in real life, so it's safe to handle them. It's safe to figure out why they did what they did, and ask yourself - if you were in their position would you have done better?
Which is also a good question.
"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." 1 John 18
Which means that (by God's standards) there is no distinction between good people and evil people. We are all just people. We all need grace and mercy.
And we can practice our understanding, compassion, empathy and mercy by loving our fictional villains in a similar way that God has loved us.
Maybe one day we will be called on to forgive a person in real life - to be compassionate and merciful to them - and it will have helped to have confronted the darkness in the heart of man already in our imagination.
Or maybe we'll just learn to be a bit more humble about ourselves while we also have some fun.
We're really not called to stop at Compassion 101. That's only where we start.
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
for the ask game star trek voyager!!
Thank you sm friend! I already answered a couple of these, but the great thing about being very indecisive is I can give different answers each time <3
Favourite character: B'Elanna Torres, although Kathryn Janeway is a close second (I do have a Janeway-themed url, after all😌)
Second favourite character: okay, I'll talk about Janeway here! Gosh what a deeply flawed individual. She's awesome, and yes, incredibly charismatic and badass, but she's also haunted, complex, and scarily capable of hurting those closest to her (which she does. Like, a lot.) She ends up in charge of a seemingly endless mission, and she cannot afford to crack- not in front of her crew, and not even really in secret- so she begins this seven-year process of what basically amounts to dehumanising herself. Her arc is almost like a long-form merging with Voyager the ship- she is Voyager, and Voyager is her! She will protect her crew and bring them home. She will ensure they get to survive. (What happens to her? Well, she knows she can and will never be the same, but she can't and doesn't think about that right now). She made a mistake and her crew paid the price and the guilt of this eats at her every day, but she cannot afford to acknowledge it or she'll go insane. She tries so hard to stick to her principles but once she's violated a few she starts thinking of her soul as this already-corrupted thing- she knows she can live with it, so why not do something else that's a bit messed up! Better me than any of my crew, right! Like- no wonder she couldn't move on with her life once Voyager reached the Alpha Quadrant in the Endgame timeline. No wonder she had to travel back in time to die in the past. She is so changed by the events of this show that the past the only place she can truly belong. Ugh!!!! I have so many feelings about her!!
Least favourite character: I dislike voyager!Q so much I actually skip all his episodes on rewatch lmao. And I'm someone who actually quite enjoys him on TNG! He's this all-powerful all-knowing omnipotent being who could literally be off anywhere any time doing anything he wanted, and yet he chooses to keep coming back to this one starship just to flirt with the most boring man alive. He literally got kicked out of the Q Continuum for having too much of a hyperfixation on his blorbo. That's funny! And compelling! Unfortunately the Voyager writers did not understand what made this work and decided his only trait was *irritates everybody* (including the audience lol). What he and Picard had was a funny back and forth, a snarky Quodo-style "these horrible old men deserve each other" rivalry. What he and Janeway have is sexual harassment played for laughs 🙃
The character I'm most like: Kes - I went into more detail here :)
Favourite pairing: B7 if we're talking non-canon ships! From canon, uhhhh I guess whatever was going on between Janeway and Chakotay in 'Resolutions' & Tom/B'Elanna before they got together
Least favourite pairing: I don't know if I have one? C7 is the popular answer but I literally straight up forget it exists because it's such a small part of the show, like it doesn't even show up for reals until the finale. I'm not a fan of the way they wrote Tom/B'Elanna for basically all of S5 and S6, and the damage control they did in S7 wasn't bad imo but also felt too little too late. I also dislike Kes/Neelix, though I do think it had potential to be a really interesting breakup arc lol
Favourite moment: That scene from 'Year of Hell' where Janeway has given the order to abandon ship and everyone else is so reluctant to desert the bridge and it looks soooo banged up but she still won't abandon it.... and then Tuvok gives her that hug goodbye..... and she glances at that little gift Chakotay made for her which she didn't have the heart to recycle..... and she talks about what Voyager means to her, and why she has to go down with the ship...... my heart😭
Rating out of 10: Objectively an 8/10, I think the early seasons are GREAT and around midway through they do sort of run out of ideas thanks to their commitment to being as episodic as possible and sidelining more than half the main cast as well as refusing to let the guest cast build up or develop. The show genuinely suffers for it imo! There's a lot of wasted potential, as well as biases of the time that prevented it from reaching true heights- I also wholeheartedly think this show ruined the Borg lol, now 75% more human and 200% less intimidating! However it's also got so many positives- I adore all the main characters so much, and the premise itself gives me so many feels that in my heart it's an 11/10🥰
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windsweptinred · 1 year
4 and 5 for Desunity !!
Thank you @honeyteacakes 😊
4. Would you ever consider wiring for them?
Yes absolutely. I will, I know I will. I've loved this ship for, closing in on a year now. They're one of my top three favourite ships in the entire Sandman fandom! And I'm really disappointed in myself for not writing for them yet.
I just haven't had that one Desunity idea yet. That one headcanon that won't leave me be until I need to bring it to life in a fic for the sake of my sanity. I can't express enough how hard I find the writing process. Writing does not come naturally to me. Little fic shorts can take me days and I need to be completely enamoured with an idea to put myself through that. 😅
A bit off topic, but also writing for a rare pair can be... Hard. Very hard. As I'm sure you know yourself ❤️. Unless you're a creator with a massive, established follower count.. You're doing it purely for the love of it because you know hours, weeks of blood, sweat and tears is going to be met with little fanfare in the way of likes and comments. And that's fine, you're doing it for cause you love this ship with every fibre of your being. But it can still really hit your confidence and hurt your insentive to try again. Which we do, cause we're beyond reasonable about our blorbos 😅
But... Yeah, I just want to nod to the writers who continually produce work for rare pairs for breadcrumbs in terms of fandom feedback. Thank you, honestly ❤️.
5. What's the moment that made you ships them.
I know I've already answered this question on a previous ask. So please forgive me for the repetition.
Listening to Sandra James-Young say 'My golden eyes man' with such softness, such fondness... Such devotion. That made me sit up and pay attention. Up until that point I'd considered Desire and Unity's realtionship similar to the comics. Aka, so beyond not healthy!! But hearing that made me question why Unity would have such love for her 'man' under the circumstances. Why she talked about her beautiful little girl with such a sense of familiarity. The series had changed the dynamic, it intrigued me... And the rest is history.
Also the work of @light-miracles @lucienne-thee-librarian and @despairoftheendless. When I went desperately searching tumblr for content on this ship, they were there, keeping it rolling out. I honestly don't think I'd have stayed and fallen in love with this ship the way I did without them.
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kingfakey · 1 year
I wish you nothing but strength for tomorrow! Losing a pet hurts like hell and at least for me it still hurts after years. I know Daisy was loved and you were also loved by Daisy
i sat on this for a day because i don't wanna bombard everyone with twtwtwtwtw business, but this means so much to me actually and trust me it meant a lot to daisy too. that kitten (9 year old senior kitten) had people all over the world crying for her.
we lost sevin on the first day of summer, and we're losing daisy on the first day of fall. might hurt less if there was more of a buffer between them, y'know? the silence in this house is deafening though.
there wasn't a thought in that cat's head 'side from love, love, love, half and half, love, graham cracker, more love, and my bed's already emptier. all my black clothes miss the cat hair. i had to put her bowl away because i might burst into tears otherwise.
luckily through the magic of therapy, good friends, and video game blorbos to take my feelings out on, with, and through, we'll all be okay.
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procyo9 · 1 year
I didn't know about Crystal and Elegy!!! Could you tell more about them? How they met? Anything else you wanna share?
OMG yeah sure!! I'm happy to talk about them anytime <3
We (me and @quaddmgd) decided we want them to be officially together recently and yeah!! They lesbian together lmao
Though I'm not sure when we'll be able to take pics of them together (npv is a complicated process :') but I'm sure we can do it!! Heather is a smart girl after all uwu)
So… It might be a bit boring but they met at the Afterlife bar! Although Elegy was crushing on C a lot earlier than that. One day both her and Crystal needed help with something, and Elegy offered her netrunning abilities in exchange for Crystal's in-field experience; I'm actually in the middle of writing a fic about that!! But I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish it (and I haven't written a real fic in years so it's a bit difficult :P)
We called the ship "Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby" because that's one of our favourite songs and the lyrics are so soft and match the vibe just right <3 Both Elegy and Crystal went through a lot in life and both need someone that's their little safespace they can turn to anytime and just be happy :3
We're still developing them so their relationship is a constant work in progress, but right now they're #1 thing on my mind and I keep putting new screenshot ideas in my notes app; it might still take a little while for them to appear together in the same photo but!! We also plan on doing some screenshots separately <3 I even have some drafted already (but I'm too shy to post them.. buut maybe someday this week) :D
Thank you for asking really!! I love yapping about blorbos from my games <3 I hope this is at least somewhat interesting haha
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Good morning my beloved (or at least, it is morning for both of us when I am sending this but hopefully you've gotten to sleep in) and I just wanted to say two things:
1) yes I got your asks and I am so hinged right along with you I love your blorbos like they are my own <3
And 2) I can so so relate to your just wanting to be like "normal" girls but knowing in your bones you'd never be able to be like them. That was my whole childhood, both before and after I started socially transitioning, bc it's like,,,,, you (general you) just want so badly to be normal and yet you know you never will be and it hurts, and it's like mourning something you (general you) never lost in the first place, if that makes sense?? And I'm sure you hear this all the time, esp from people older, and so I'm so so sorry to say it again, but it does genuinely get better as you get older, I promise. You may never be a "normal" girl with "normal" interests and capabilities, but like you even said right in your post, yeah your roommates are cool, us tumblr mutuals are cool, and you're learning who you are, and that's amazing and wonderful and you deserve every bit of joy you get from that
The usual disclaimer of I have severe brain fog applies, but also: you really are epic, I promise, and if you ever need anything just lmk, not that I'd be able to do much across the ocean but I almost always can listen, and I love you very much and good luck and everything <33333
Tomas if I hadn't asked for your hand in very serious and legally binding marriage already that would've sealed the deal. Actually let me get the image again because the sentiment is still there in my heart.
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Okay I needed to say it. So. In order:
I did sleep in! I love sleeping in. Sleeping in my beloved. I slept in, did my groceries like the adult I am (and I'm eating both fruits & veg's AND candy, god I love just buying my own stuff), took a shower, and ate pizza in front of the two Deadpool movies. Great day, would do again.
1) well they can be your blorbos too for the low low price of uh - actually it's not a low price it's a good like at least dozen hours just for season one of Daredevil, and that's probably shorter than trying the comics. But. Low low price of a dozen hours and some violence on screen. Otherwise I can keep telling you about it in increasingly detailed rants I love doing that also <3 one thing we'll have in our beautiful home once we're very legally bindingly married will be a big box for hinges at the door the way people have shoe racks. You put your hinges in it when you come in because we want the least hinged environment possible. <3 <3
2) yesss I knew you'd get it, former weird girls assemble and such. I guess I'm not fully out of the weird girl woods, but also maybe if you ever were a weird girl she's always inside of you 🤔 anyway. I know it gets better I'm seeing it real time!! I made cooler friends in high school and I'm making even cooler friends in uni & outside of it and keeping only the best. I'm wearing clothes I like after years of slowing replacing my kid wardrobe with long term pieces. I know what I like and how I like it and by that point I know that like, there will always be someone who'll notice me and like me if I'm loud enough about myself.
It's just the combo of weird girl + aro(ace) + some flavour of neurodivergent. I want to be more spontaneous and meet people and try dating things but my brain's need for structure and my impressive aura of non-romanceability are not helping.
Like you want to be normal but you don't want to become normal, you just want to always have been!! Because by this point becoming normal would be both painful but also just straight up impossible. It's like ADHD in that I am mourning this ethereal potential that rationally I know doesn't exist and never existed.
I just feel like I'm both too young to be here but also already late, which of course you're going to feel like that if you compare yourself to others, but y'know. People older than me at the same stage of life are doing more standard normal things and hitting milestones I should be hitting, and my younger cousins are cooler than me and have boyfriends/girlfriends. My younger brother's going to have a better mark on his first real degree and bring someone home earlier than me, and my only accomplishments of speaking english and having gone abroad will be nothing compared to everyone else hitting milestones Better than me somehow. Anyway. The point is comparison sucks because the only good time for me to hit any milestone is when I do it, because I'm living my life and not anyone else's, but y'know. At least I think most people that actually matter in my life think I'm cool so eh.
WELL. Thank you for the space to be unhinged about many various things. I think you're biased in thinking I'm epic but since I'm getting a good grade in friend I'll take it honestly. You're also epic, I give you a 20/20 in friend and a ring that both is practical so you can wear it even while doing manual tasks and elegant because you are of course worth it. I hope YOU have a good day when you read this (because you're probably asleep/preparing for Morpheus so you should see this in the morning) and I love yoouu <3 <3 <3
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magic-human-bean · 2 years
Ello it's the purple yam and milk cookie anon again lol maybe can you maybe do purple yam and milk cookie with a human who gets hurt by some other cookies who are afraid of them? Thank you hope you have a nice day/night
You know what? I like you.
I'll write a short fanfic (mostly just because Milk Cookie is my blorbo)
Things were very tense. Everyone stood perfectly still a moment, staring at each other.
Milk Cookie and Purple Yam Cookie stood alone between the injured human and the cacaonian warriors. Milk Cookie's shield raised towards the cookies, while Purple Yam Cookie was growling the same amount a cream wolf would.
"...What on Earthbread are you doing...??" A cacaonian said.
"We're preventing a tragic mistake!..." Milk Cookie said. "The giant behind us, they are innocent! Lower your weapons, please!..."
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? ATTACKING SOMEONE LIKE THAT WITHOUT A WARNING!?" Purple Yam Cookie roared, then grumbled. "Even I give warnings!..."
The cacaonian warrior glared. "This beast is too close to the Cacao Kingdom's borders! How is this not a threat to you!?"
"They are our friend!..." Milk Cookie said.
The cacaonians muttered and murmured to each other in disbelief.
"This cookie of the milk tribe must have lost their mind..."
"HEY. WATCH IT!" Purple Yam Cookie growled "I'M gonna be the one losing my mind if you don't BACK OFF!"
"I'm-" the human spoke, making the cacaonians gasp in surprise. "I'm bleeding..."
Purple Yam raised a brow, looking over his shoulder anxiously, while Milk Cookie frowned with guilt, looking at the human behind him.
Everyone kept quiet a moment.
"Ugh- Purple Yam Cookie- please, make sure everyone stays back!..." Milk Cookie lowered his shield and quickly approached the human.
Purple Yam Cookie replied with a approving grunt and a small nod.
"Hey! Don't go near this beast!..." A worried cacaonian warned him.
But Milk Cookie was already casting a blessing with the healing milk mace. Cookie magic was never meant to be aimed at humans... but the wound managed to close up just enough to stop the fast bleeding.
"I'm sorry... It seems this is the best I can do..." Milk Cookie said, lowering his head in disappointment.
"Hhah... I-..." The human blinked in amazement at the healing magic, before covering their wound. "I think I'm going to be okay... Thank you..." The human smiled warmly.
The cacaonians watched this strange interaction in shock. Maybe that beast really was more than what they first thought?... They were now watching with a little more curiosity...
"YOU'RE ALL IDIOTS!" Purple Yam Cookie said, pointing at each warrior with his mace judgingly.
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Happy Blorbo Blursday! Go off about an OC you usually don’t talk that much about :)
Happy Blorbosday!
You know what, I haven't got to talk much about The Magician yet. If you need a refresher, The Magician is a character in The City is Ours series. He starts out as one of the main villains/antagonists, but by book 2 or 3 he is forced to team up with the heroes and ends up becoming the team's morally ambiguous weird uncle.
I don't have a name for him yet, so we'll just call him Magician or The Magician for now. He's a master of dark sorcery from the dark ages who accidentally transported himself to the age that the books are set in. When he found that he couldn't return to his time, he ran into Miss Recluse (the woman with a spider body and human head the size of a person) and they became friends very fast- this was about 5 or so years before the events of the books take place.
Magician is a greasy haired rat of a man, with oily black hair slicked back (it's very long and he has it in a low ponytail at the nape of his neck) and a clothing style that is best described as a cross between Dr. Strange and Dr. Facilier. A big cape with a cowl obviously, and his costume is lots of dark blues with dark purple accents. He does have a top hat with playing cards he likes to use for spells stuck in the brim
I'm currently playing around with ideas on how exactly he and the heroes will be forced to team up- the one I'm leaning towards being the idea that Miss Recluse gets killed and he only teams up with the heroes to catch her killer. Problem for him is, he has to play by the heroes' rules and can't go about his usual methods of getting what he wants (to kill his bestie's killer). I also don't know who the killer would be yet, but I'm liking the idea of it being Mr. Cyanide.
Because of his... skewed... moral compass, the heroes constantly have to hold him back and tell him things like "No, no murder! Murder is not ok!" and eventually he'll look at them with a spell in his hand and ask with his eyes if he can murder. The answer is usually no (I would love a scene where one of the heroes is so pissed at a person who hurt them they tell Magician to "Kill them." with rage in their eyes).
And even after 5+ years of living in their timeline, he still doesn't understand how the world works, so we'll get delightful scenes like:
Magician: "3 DOLLARS FOR A GALLON OF MILK?!?!" One of the heroes: "That's normal price for milk in our city, buddy just- Wait 3 dollars?!?! That's a really good deal actually, get six while you can!" Magician: "Six?!?! Why do we need so much?" One of the heroes: "There's nine of us at this base including you, one gallon won't last a day, and we're going to need at least six if we'll have enough milk for the rest of this week- we should've given you enough for that and everything else. The fridge is big enough, just get six gallons before they're gone." Magician: "FRIDGE?!?!"
The Magician's powers are, if you haven't guessed already, dark magic. He does a ton of messing with the laws of physics, manipulating matter- and his absolute favorite spell is blue fire that can't be put out by anything and that can burn right through brick and metal.
That's all I have on him for now but I will continue to develop him with the other characters of course.
We love a morally ambiguous weird team uncle :D
Thanks @friendlyneighborhoodcapricorn !
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brella-boi · 2 years
28 27 for Chili and 42 46 for Tai?
at home at last I can answer these!!!
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad? (Chili)
Chili is sort of known for going AWOL when depression starts catching up to him. His meds help of course, but sometimes it's just too much and he knows he can be an absolute asshole during those moments so he sort of shuts everyone out of his life during that. Is it unhealthy? Yes!! Does he know that? He ignores that fact lmao. Not really a crier either, but it slips in private sometimes. It's easier to drown your sorrows in ice cream and TV though.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared? (Chili)
We're gonna shove abandoment issues to the side for a second here because I've mentioned it a lot already and this time we're gonna tap into his fear of losing touch with reality from his psychosis.
It's almost an unpredictable thing for him on what is going to change next. There's things he sees often, like Carlson the pigeon, or the creepy guy on the roof of a neighbouring building, or that birds sometimes stare for unnaturally long time, or that one seaslug at the entrance to his apartment building. Sometimes there's a fire alarm going off next door that isn't real. And those he knows how to handle. He knows its just another one of Those Things that just isn't real and it's fine to ignore. But there are some hallucinations that completely freak him the fuck out. Those are the ones that alter how people look, how people he trusts somehow do not look friendly anymore. And sometimes he hears His Voice (Tartar's) shouting commands and almost succeeding in getting Chili to do things he does not want to.
He's afraid that one day it'll become too much and he'll hurt someone, or worse- do something that cannot be reversed.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition? (Tai)
Tai our blorbo doing everything wrong only wants for things to go back as they used to be. He hates change. It unnerves him. He wants his brother back and he wants to be trusted. He's got one goal in mind and by god will he do anything to get it. People's feelings towards it don't concern him.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves? (Tai)
Tai is fairly shy when it comes to meeting new people and gets scared fairly easily, but his curiosity to new people sort of negates that. Especially the weirder something is. From a first impression you'd probably vibe check him as quiet and reserved, but he can be an absolute chatterbox if given the chance. The biggest thing you'll notice is that he just Uses His Hands A Lot while talking and that can get pretty distracting lol
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