sheisgabrielle · 2 years
Listen to: Nostalja by Bluefaces
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jinniejohns-blog · 7 years
minnie: bro
taebae: bronander
minnie: broseph
taebae: tony bromo
minnie: brometheus
taebae: brovakin, the dragon brorn
minnie: tolstoy broskyefski
taebae: brosa parks
minnie: brotato chip
taebae: bro-sie o' donnell
minnie: brochacho
taebae: edgar allen bro
minnie: brohamad ali
taebae: brolaf
minnie: nintenbro 64
taebae: brorack brobama
minnie: brocahontas
taebae: bromeo
minnie: angelina brolie
taebae: brobi wan kenobi
minnie: c3pbro
taebae: han brolo
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rizepoems · 13 years
An Idle Mind is Not Kind
An idle mind is not kind Our insecurities Plant the most vicious seeds And taking root deep in our heads it is the poison, and as it spreads we wither with each passing thought that darkens each bit of light we sought in this time of need.
And desperate thoughts cause desperate deeds. Without mercy this parasite feeds on every doubt to cross your mind. A doubting mind is far from kind.
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder But what if it can only make it wander? And we can ask questions And let our imaginations run And fabricate the worst
And as I drown in all this self-made despair and come up for one last bit of sweet air The one thought pulling me through: I'm suddenly reminded of you. I'm slowly coming up to breathe, and breathe, and breathe We breathe.
And broken as we are, we come together Beaten by our doubts, and weathered by harsh insecurities. But in the end there's something greater To push us past corrosive thoughts And we come out polished.  Though it feels as if we're stretched apart across the distance, still our hearts refuse to be demolished. 
For I love you with all my broken soul. You are the only part to make me whole.
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I suggest you check out my friend's poetry blog, he writes some pretty great stuff.
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rizepoems · 13 years
Oh my beloved please forgive my wrongs I know that I have done you a bad deed And if I could, I'd sing a thousand songs Whose gentle melodies would plant a seed This seed would surely grow into a tree Whose roots would bury deep beneath the ground Tall branches would reach out and cry to thee: The wind whispers my love, please hear its sound. Forgiveness is all I can ask of you Without it, I can hardly bear to live I beg you to believe my words are true And find it in your heart the grace to give
For who am I without your warmth, your love? As lonely as vast is the sky above.
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rizepoems · 13 years
Though the lies taste bitter in our mouths, we live off them, drink them. Taking small sips to force ourselves to believe that it's the real thing.
We're all ghosts of our futures, living in a false state of reality; Trapped inside our web of deception woven by forbidden dreams.
Slip beneath the surface of "security" and make-believe. Silently we'll all die.
Green with envy, and a hint of blue: shade in our tainted souls as our poisoned hearts choke on the truth. 
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rizepoems · 13 years
With such consciousness she spread her wings in vain And with velvet fingertips, she drew out her pain As the shore and the waves combined in the the twilight she escaped through her lies into the bitter night. Delicacy stained her cursed hands as she flew through the past, carefully making plans To find the one place that she could call home Where forever her heart and her soul would roam 
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rizepoems · 13 years
Fool's Gold
we're fine we're good we're everything we're supposed to be. but i'm tired. i'm empty. it's not a matter of letting go i don't have the strength to push you away when you're supposed to be in love and then you're not what else can you say? i'm not fooling anyone well, i guess i'm fooling you but how can you honestly say that you're happy too? is it true that sometimes love just disappears, fades away, or are my tears some trick of the light or is the light the trick? if i cast it just right oh then you look so perfect but not tonight but it doesn't matter it just might pass. i understand flaws and faults and love despite but there's a point and i just can't try anymore. am i bored? no, but i've forgotten and the apple of my eye's gone rotten  and how did we even get here? how can i hope the end is near? and why fool myself, think, "persevere" when all it really is is fear.   just one simple decision but i have not the words, the tact, the precision and i hold destruction in my heart a clumsy hammer shaking hands and as high tide washes the sands of us i wish for a new start but you and i can't be apart for what am i alone? too much of me is lost to you so when you lose then i lose too but i'm a fool if i believe we're fine we're good we're everything we're supposed to be. 
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rizepoems · 13 years
Sometimes when I look into the sky at night, and the stars peek down at me from above, and the moon blankets the dark world with its light like nighttime angels spreading their white, glowing wings across the earth,
And when I look up to the heavens that look back down and dance on the surface of the waters in my eyes, slowly trickling down this face and back where it belongs...
And I dream of a wonderland where peace and joy and love and laughter echo in our hearts forever, I see the spirits hidden in us desperate to escape and fly. 
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rizepoems · 13 years
O! Who am I to speak of things like love? My heart is just as empty as my head. A bitter cynic undeserving of Naïve romance on which I dared to tread. A vacant cage sits, lonely, in my chest, Nostalgic for me to again believe The fairy tale; I was a dreamer dressed In foolish dreams, my heart pinned on my sleeve. I came to learn that if I gave my all, Nothing was left for me to safely hide. So when, inevitably, I did fall, My hollow frame cracked and crumbled inside.
But who are you? So swift, I feel complete. Feel in my cage, new hummingbirds’ wings beat.
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rizepoems · 13 years
Piggy Bank
On a tall shelf sat my piggy bank, I dreamed of filling it with gold Waiting my turn to be the queen of all the fairy tales they told
Inside this dreamer’s piggy bank I let coins form a mountain: A penny for each adolescent wish thrown in a fountain
I didn’t hide my piggy bank A foolish display for all to see But I knew if I wanted to be rich I needed you to be rich with me
And soon you owned my piggy bank And you filled it, each night and day with real gold, and, though I didn’t know, promises of gold you couldn’t pay.
Yet still we shared my piggy bank You showed me wealth I never knew And though it was filled to the brim, My heavy piggy bank, it flew
But my unsuspecting piggy bank One night, to my surprise, Was knocked off its place atop your shelf Right before my desperate eyes
I watched as my poor piggy bank Crashed helplessly to the floor And burst out all our gold, our wealth Which I could call “ours” no more
Quite empty was my piggy bank And as you walked away I knew that all the wealth we’d shared was never meant to stay
But I held onto my piggy bank That you could no longer fill And where we had once shared hundred Was left a single dollar bill
I had let you steal my piggy bank Shamelessly gave it all to you But I was wrong when I believed That I had stolen yours too
Still, I won’t give up on my piggy bank I had listened when they said:  “If I had never once been rich, I’d rather have been dead.”
But for now I’ll save my piggy bank out of reach of someone new See, it’s cracked and worn and fragile And I’m waiting for some glue.
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rizepoems · 13 years
A friend of mine will help me maintain this blog and will occasionally post poems as well under the name of nostalja. So rize and nostalja have kollaborated haha
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