ploffskinpluffskin · 1 year
is a comfort video a thing bc if so i'm pretty sure this is one for me for some weird reason
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
not to fall for NostalgiaTM, but there aren't enough Really Cool rebel films these days. dunno exactly how to describe, but movies that can be technically flawed, but have such a killer aesthetic and soundtrack for their lead bad kids that you're sucked into the concept of them and the story
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techni-kolor · 2 months
Forty questions: #14 ?
Do you miss someone?
All the time! I might be a cold bastard but I'm not immune to The NostalgiaTM
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a great thing about putting together all of these power rangers playlists is that I'm getting to listen to a bunch of music I used to write fic when I was eighteen and not only am I getting blasted by the NostalgiaTM but it's also giving me some inspiration on my current sci-fi project which takes some inspiration from power rangers. all the music i downloaded recently was all connected to the hyperfixation i'm crashing out of and it's nice to have some music i like but have some distance from
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bendingmuses · 3 years
@nostalgiatm​ liked for a starter: Korra and Tonraq
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“Hi, sweetheart.” Tonraq smiled before pulling Korra into a hug, whether she wanted one or not. “You know, you may be the Avatar, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come visit me and your mother every once and a while. Letters are nice, but they’re not the same as getting to see you in person.”
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adventurouswind · 3 years
🔗 from hunter
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How did Albedo end up once again in this situation?
He was suspended upside down by a strong snare of sorts as he tries to use his geo vision which was the gemstone that was attached to the collar of his inner shirt but he couldn't get the geo spikes to rise from the ground to help as he was midair.
He sighed as he then tries to cut the chains with his sword but no use, what exactly were these chains made of?
This made his mind wonder as he tried to keep his head up so the blood doesn't rush to his brain, he couldn't afford to lose consciousness now as he was in a world that wasn't his own and who knows who or what be lurking nearby where he was caught.
One part of the chain was wrapped around his throat, just above the star mark he had as he stayed completely still.
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gldheart · 3 years
kou minamoto or the character meme ! 👌✨
002 | give me a character & i will tell you  ...
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how i feel about this character:     i love kou !!!  he’s probably my favorite character in tbhk right behind tsukasa.  he’s just a really sweet kid who’s trying his best with what he’s got and i appreciate that ab him !!!!!  aidairo has done a great job fleshing him out beyond the one dimensional character that he was at the start,  and i think that the conflict between his values and that of his brother’s is rly interesting.  that and the mitsuba plotline ofc !  
all the people i ship romantically with this character:     the obvious pairing is mitsuba / kou but i also really like nene / kou ?  i think they’re cute !  beyond that,  i rly like the idea of him with one of his besties,  satou or yokoo :)
my non-romantic otp for this character:     i love love love his relationship with his siblings !!  you can rly tell how much he loves them and how much they love him and it really just makes me :)  particularly with teru,  because we haven’t seen as much of tiara  (  which i hope changes soon ! she’s adorable  )  but yea ! i just really adore the minamoto siblings in general.
my unpopular opinion about this character:     kou’s compassion for mitsuba is partially based on guilt for his own complacency ( ? ) when he was alive.  as much as i love the boy,  i do feel like his feelings toward him would be pretty different if they were still just classmates.  idk if that’s an unpopular opinion skdfjkd i don’t really engage with the fandom.
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:     i hope that the kou / mitsuba plot ISN’T queerbaiting on aidairo’s part and that there IS acknowledgement of romantic feelings at play later on,  whether the ship happens or not ?  you can argue all you want about whether or not that sort of subtext for their relationship is there or not,  but the effect is definitely there and there are a number of parallels they draw btwn kou / mitsuba and nene / hanako that suggest that it IS their intent to do so.
my otp:     probably kou / nene tbh !  idk i’m not a huge mitsuba fan and him being a ghost just complicates the relationship sdkfjskd but tbh i’m not rly looking to ship with kou anyway !
my cross over ship:     omg that’s rough ....... maybe nezuko / kou ?  they’re around the same age and i feel like she’d really appreciate kou’s earnest n hardworking personality !!
a headcanon:     i have no idea if this was EXPLICITLY stated to be canon so i’m just gonna say it’s a headcanon !!  kou makes bentos for his two siblings and has gotten scarily good at making charaben >:)c he makes lil pikachus out of rice and seaweed for tiara and puts little apple bunnies + octopus sausages in teru’s.  
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dragetunge · 3 years
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@nostalgiatm​ sent:  💬 for dagur 👌✨
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“Am I supposed to be scared now?" Though he might have been younger than the other the smirk was more apparent across his face looking at the other viking. He wasn’t scared of him anymore. And he was going to show him that. 
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friendsamongstars · 3 years
"woah, woah. you do NOT pour milk before your cereal, I can't believe you just did that" from gus to matt I’m SO hyped JFJFD
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"Why would I pour my cereal first if I don't know how much milk I'm going to need? If I pour too much over my cereal, it's going to be soggy."
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stcries-a · 3 years
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“   oh,    so you’re STILL trying to get that thing working again,    are you?   ”
↳  ONE LINER CALL! @nostalgiatm​.
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stasammenarchive · 3 years
🎰 😎
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
oh... listen i don't hate this LMAO.. two headstrong girls ?? love to see it.. at the very LEAST they'd be friends, i know it.
GOD LMAOOHGTDFGBHYG mavis i am begging you please just throw him into the hotel lake..
what an interesting pair tbh gdfbfg definitely kinda lowkey have eye emojis at this, especially in regards to origins alistair.. something to consider at least..
i'm........ i mean yeah of course LMAO HFGBHFT let the girls be together.. they deserve it
i'm crying because you mentioned these two getting along because they were similar and nOW THIS GTDGBGFBHG... hold hands and ride a dragon i guess.. good for u guys
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heartsfought · 3 years
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“  did  you  miss  me  ?  ”  (  karmi  →  hiro  !  )  ;;  for  @nostalgiatm​​  .
it  wouldn’t  be  wrong  of  hiro  to  be  honest  with  her  ,  sure  .  however  ,  he  can’t  admit  that  he  had  missed  her  with  the  rest  of  his  friends  in  close  proximity  .  instead  ,  he  shrugs  and  continues  working  on  his  little  personal  project  ,  a  mini  version  of  megabot  to  help  him  in  bot-fights  (  which  no  one  knew  that  he’d  gotten  back  into  due  to  the  stresses  of  college  life  )  .  he  divides  his  time  between  that  and  his  project  assigned  for  professor  granville  ,  an  essay  that  would  state  the  pros  and  cons  of  time  travel  ,  if  it  ever  were  possible  .
finally  ,  he  looks  over  at  karmi  and  rolls  his  eyes  .  she’s  still  standing  there  ?  geez  ,  doesn’t  she  have  bacteria  to  baby-talk  at  ?  he  still  doesn’t  get  that  ,  by  the  way  .  he  speaks  after  a  while  ,  not  wanting  to  give  her  much  attention  or  let  slip  his  missing  her  ,  but  doing  so  out  of  general  curiosity  as  to  his  lab  partner’s  whereabouts  .
“  so  where  exactly  were  you  ?  ”  the  teenager  inquires  ,  not  looking  up  from  his  essay  ,  but  ears  listening  intently  .  “  did  you  check  out  a  virus  exhibit  or  something  at  the  museum  ?  ”
「  𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  ,  𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫  ,  𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞  [  𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫  ]  .  」  ➤  𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍  𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈  .
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vinterhjerte · 3 years
@nostalgiatm​   :   ‘ she certainly has a mind of her own. ❜ from kristoff 🤝
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A WARM SMILE WAS HIDDEN BEHIND a report she had picked up from a pile Anna had left on the coffee table. She did her best to let her sister handle things, but Elsa had offered to do some of the more tedious paperwork while she had nothing to do, and so here she was. By the time she was done, all that should be needed was a signature at the bottom.
“I’m glad of it,” she replied, finally adding the page to a second pile she was building herself, things read through and ready for approval. “I would hate for her to feel she had to follow what I or Father did.”
Anna had been raised as a princess, of course, but the education in ruling had been focused on Elsa. No one had ever really considered that she would step down so soon into her own reign. But, Lord, it had felt like a tonne had been lifted from her shoulders.
“Besides,” she added, with a bright, mischievous smile on her face, “she seems to be giving those old council members the shake up they’ve so sorely needed for some years.”
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survivus · 3 years
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@nostalgiatm​ said:     ❛  don’t  sit  down  there !   it’s  broken .  ❜ from tadashi to milo 🤙
mamma  mia !  /   currently  accepting   !
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                    milo arches his back,   narrowly avoiding sitting down on the broken chair as he pinwheels his arms.       ❛    woah - !     ❜       scrabbling a little,   he ends up leaning against a wall,   arms crossed in an attempt at nonchalance.   milo sniffs,   dragging a finger under his nose and shrugging his shoulders;   he recrosses them twice before settling on shoving them in his pockets.           ❛     so,   uh,   what’cha  working  on  ?     ❜
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heartsfoughtmoved · 3 years
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@nostalgiatm​  sent  in  :  “  i  don’t  like  to  talk  about  it  ,  but  i  wanted  you  to  know  .  ”  (  dimitri  to  anya  !  )
     anya  pulls  her  husband  into  her  arms  ,  tearing  up  .  “  i  didn’t  know  that  ,  ”  she  whispers  ,  trying  to  keep  her  voice  from  wavering  too  much  ,  “  i’m  so  sorry  you  went  through  that  ,  dimitri  ...  ”      she  runs  a  hand  through  his  hair  gently  ,  kissing  the  top  of  his  head  and  nestling  her  cheek  against  it  .  “  if  you  want  ,  ”  she  smiles  and  looks  down  at  him  ,  “  we  can  get  your  mind  off  of  it  .  ”
more  misc  memes  .  /  still  accepting  !
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baldrengr · 3 years
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@nostalgiatm​ whispered: Cooking them a meal. from astrid oop rip hiccup
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unspoken fluff starters.
✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚     The smell of something cooking stirred him from his working, and it wasn’t until the scent of roasted mutton hit his nose did he realize how hungry he was.  He didn’t remember the last time he had eaten ;  he was thankful to have someone like Astrid in his life, who often seemed like she had a better grasp on his needs than he did himself.
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     ❝ It smells pretty good down here, ❞  he commented as he made his way down the stairs to see her, until another scent slapped him in the face.  Was it mutton he smelled, or...FISH ?  He didn’t know anyone who put peppercorns on fish ;  he certainly didn’t when he cooked.  By now he was aware that the other’s cooking could be a hit or miss, sometimes great, sometimes awful.  He was always down to try her little experiments, however, for he didn’t want to accidentally hurt her for everything she did for him.  ❝ I, uh...thanks, so much, for doing this.  I must have gotten a little carried away with work again... ❞
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