#north bound due south
ezekiel-krishna · 5 months
☘️ 9th Lord in All Houses { Part 2 }
◇◇ Fortune, Prosperity, Higher Learnings & Spirituality ◇◇
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Placement > Refer here
9th Lord in 8th House
This placement is quite challenging when it comes to ownership. Even if you're a billionaire or anyone with the ninth Lord in Eighth House, you may still feel a sense of lack in your life. The desire for more wealth can ironically lead to misfortune. The ninth Lord in the Eighth House signifies spiritual wisdom, deep occult knowledge, and sometimes even renunciation. If Jupiter is in this placement, it can bring tremendous spiritual growth in this lifetime, which is truly a blessing. While it may create feelings of insecurity for many, there are remedies to overcome this psychological barrier. Subconsciously, you may feel the need to give away excess wealth as a way to find balance.
When you receive more, you may feel unworthy, but it's not a mental barrier - it's simply the karmic challenges you face. Your past life may have been filled with good fortune, but it didn't necessarily lead to spiritual fulfillment or inner happiness in this life. By remembering this, you can truly benefit when you give back to charity.It's important to share your wisdom, wealth, and fortune. The more you give, the more you receive, as your current fortune is connected to the 12th and fourth houses. Some of you may even find luck in foreign lands, so traveling abroad can be quite beneficial.
While venturing into foreign lands can bring good fortune, staying there can also be advantageous. The main obstacle to your prosperity may come from your friendships and social circles. Not all friends are genuine, but not every friend is an enemy either. Choose your companions wisely, and you'll be just fine.Your relationship with your siblings is bound to be challenging. They have the potential to create obstacles and difficulties for you, which is why it is crucial for you to practice patience and maintain open communication with them. As for your career, you will face demanding bosses or superiors who will have high expectations of you. It is natural to feel like quitting at times, but try not to make a habit out of it, as it will only hinder your progress.
However, your greatest karmic responsibility lies in your children. They will require a great deal of effort and dedication from you, as is the case with every parent. But for you specifically, it holds a deeper karmic significance. Giving so much to your kids will require an enormous amount of energy and attention from you. In the event that you do not have children in this lifetime, your karmic duty will be fulfilled by assisting younger individuals, most likely students, as a teacher or mentor. They will demand a lot from you, and it is essential for you to fulfill this karmic debt. Educating, helping, or mentoring them is a wise choice for you.
9th Lord in 9th House
This position offers the potential for great wealth and good fortune, allowing you to develop your talents and skills. The influence of the first house will also enhance your physical appearance, making you incredibly attractive. Your siblings, especially your younger siblings, will bring blessings into your life, and there is a strong positive energy surrounding you due to your past life actions. While this placement suggests that traveling to foreign lands will generally be favorable, it is important to consider the entire birth chart as it may not always be the case. Home life can be challenging, regardless of your wealth, as there may be obstacles in finding peace and security in your domestic situation. Additionally, there may be karmic struggles or difficulties in your early home environment, including issues with your mother or even the loss of your mother.
In most cases, your father will be a source of happiness for you. However, if the 9th lord is a malefic planet such as Saturn, Mars, Rahu (North Node), or Ketu (South Node), you may encounter extreme difficulties with your father.It is crucial to adhere to your religious beliefs or philosophical principles when seeking the truth, as this will bring about positive outcomes in your life. Your passion for learning is commendable, and it is important that your education aligns with your interests. However, if the ninth lord is malefic or if there is a malefic influence on the ninth house lord, there may be a significant delay in your higher education. Nevertheless, this delay can still be seen as fortunate for you. The ninth house not only signifies learning but also teaching, and individuals with this placement often excel as teachers. You may receive fortune through your own children or from your students.
However, there may be obstacles in the form of your elder siblings. If your elder sibling is part of your social network or friendship circles, it can become a test of your moral duty or dharma. It is not necessarily that they are false friends, although that can happen. The challenge lies in not being able to discern who is a genuine friend, as you tend to be trusting and overlook their motives. Your friendship networks and circles can greatly impact your fortune. With this placement, you often have responsibilities and obligations towards non-human beings, not just pets but all living creatures. Additionally, there may be a significant legal dispute or court case that arises in your life. However, as long as you remain righteous and truthful, it will not disrupt your overall fortune.
9th Lord in 10th House
This placement offers incredible opportunities for growth and advancement in your life. You will receive recognition and respect from your superiors, possibly even attaining a high position in your career. Regardless of your current status, people will admire and look up to you, which is truly fortunate. Your past life Karma will play a significant role in your promotion and career success, allowing you to achieve your goals with less effort compared to others.
While this may bring some instability in your domestic life, with frequent moves, it is important to prioritize your home life as well. Neglecting your family can strain your relationship with your mother. On the bright side, you will have a wide network of friends and connections who will constantly present amazing opportunities for you, ensuring a steady stream of income.
You will encounter numerous adversaries along the way, and the more rivals you face, the greater your fame and success will be. However, be wary of the toll it may take on your health - you could become overly indulgent, lazy, or even obsessed with fitness to the point of neglecting your well-being. With the ninth Lord in the tenth house, a strong ego may arise, and you might even have hidden children, posing ethical challenges in dealing with them. Foreign affairs can bring about various difficulties, so be mindful of your expenses when abroad. Watch out for extravagance and debt, as they could lead to your downfall. Your karmic duty lies in fulfilling your responsibilities to your spouse, presenting tests that you must face with integrity. Remember, maintaining honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in your relationships is crucial for preserving your good fortune.
9th Lord in 11th House
When the 9th lord enters the 11th house, a multitude of blessings can come your way. Specifically, you will experience an increase in wealth and income from various sources. New opportunities will continuously present themselves to you, catering to your needs and desires. It is quite common to have multiple streams of income with this placement.Not only will you receive the favor of your father and elder siblings, but sometimes even by simply wishing for good fortune, it will come to you. Your family, siblings, cousins, and spouse will shower you with blessings. In return, you will go above and beyond to help others, including your spouse. This creates a mutually beneficial dynamic.
Having the ninth lord in the eleventh house endows you with exceptional talent. You possess the ability to quickly learn and excel in any skill. Whether it be in the artistic or literary field, such as writing, media, communication, blogging, or criticism, you have the potential to become highly skilled. Additionally, you have a natural aptitude for artistic endeavors like singing and drama. Furthermore, you make an excellent financial advisor, making this placement particularly advantageous for business people.Even if one door of opportunity closes, another one consistently opens for you. This ensures that you always have avenues to explore and opportunities to seize.
As you become highly successful and influential, you may unknowingly evoke jealousy within your family circle. It's important to be cautious of your enemies and competitors, as they may try to undermine your position out of envy. This placement also tests your willingness to reach out and assist others, as the 11th house is all about helping people. Additionally, the first house emphasizes your commitment to supporting others throughout your life. The great news is that the more you extend a helping hand and support others, the more your fortune will grow. It's truly a win-win situation.
When the 10th house is 8th House of Crisis transformation, you have the potential to become a counselor, psychotherapist, mentor, or someone in the medical field by helping others in difficult times. When you face crisis, trauma, or transformation yourself, you emerge stronger and wealthier. You have the knack for turning challenging situations into opportunities, embodying the saying 'when life gives you a lemon, make lemonade' - this is clearly linked to the ninth Lord in the eleventh house.
9th Lord in 12th House
When the ninth Lord moves into the twelfth house, it may lead to a sense of uncertainty and lack of direction in your life. However, one thing is certain - foreign lands will bring you good fortune. Your wealth and gains will come from overseas sources, and there is a high likelihood of pursuing higher education in foreign countries. Working in institutions like prisons, asylums, hospitals, or schools can also be beneficial for you. These organizations provide structure and organization to your life, unlike self-employment which may pose challenges. Remember to consider the seventh house Lord to confirm these effects. Additionally, the twelfth house signifies charity, so the more you give to charitable and educational causes, the more your fortune will grow.
This position is deeply spiritual, granting you intuitive abilities and an understanding of occult sciences like astrology and tarot. With the 9th lord in the 12th house, challenges may arise in your relationship with your father, or he may be absent from your life. Family dynamics can be tough, but you share a strong bond with your mother, who provides support. Spousal relationships may be demanding, requiring patience and understanding. Health issues could also be a concern. Education may not come easily, but pursuing higher education will be highly beneficial. You were born to acquire special wisdom, and you will encounter spiritual teachers or mentors who will guide you towards profound knowledge. Embrace this experience fully and don't hesitate to immerse yourself in the learning process.
Remember This is a General Analysis
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logorrhea5mip · 1 month
As you might know, the sky is due to get a new star any time now, in a few months at most.
What is happening? The recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis, by far the brightest one known, is a star* in the northern constellation Corona Borealis that, once every 80 years or so, increases in brightness from completely invisible by naked eye to among the ~100 brightest in the night sky. This increase is called a nova, from the Latin word for new, as it looks like a new star has appeared.
Where can i see it from? Basically all human inhabited latitudes, all except the far south. In the northern latitudes, however it is visible the entire night, while near and below the equator you will need to 'catch' it at the right time of night, which in August and September is just after sunset.
How will it look? Let's not get your hopes up too high. It will, at the brightest, reach a magnitude around 2 at most, so about as bright as the north star, relatively unremarkable and completely unnoticeable as unique to someone who doesn't know where to look. But still, it's the most visible sudden change to the relatively fixed pattern of the heavens any of us will live to see, so you should still go give it a look.
Where is it? Currently, the constellation is best visible about 1 or 2 hours after sunset. You will need to be relatively far away from light pollution, so at least a couple dozen stars are clearly visible. While learning the constellations, and finding the star by orienting via those is imho half the fun, you could use one of many sky map apps and websites to tell you the star's location. If it didn't happen yet, there should be nothing visible at that location. However, if there is, congrats! You just did an astronomy™ :3
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It will appear in the circle next to the star labeled ε
Why is this happening? Most stars spend most of their lives in a stable, hydrogen fusing state. However, when hydrogen in their cores begins to run out, they switch to helium fusion, which makes them swell up to enormous sizes, turn red due to lower surface temperature, and are thus called red giants. After this helium runs out, the star will (in most cases) throw off the inflated outer layers, while its hot, dense core shrinks and keeps on glowing due to how hot it is, while not actually doing any fusion and not producing any new energy. Those are called white dwarfs, and because they don't fuse, aren't technically stars at all, therefore the asterisk in the first sentence of this post. The T-CrBo system is a red giant and white dwarf binary, where the red giant has grown so big, that the parts of it closest to its partner aren't gravitationally bound to it anymore. Therefore, the gas falls and accumulates on the white dwarf's surface (which otherwise has no hydrogen on its own), untill a critical point is reached where the pressure of the gas causes it to all fuse at once, resulting in a huge thermonuclear explosion bright enough to be seen from over 2500 light years. The explosion however, isn't big enough to blow the dwarf apart, and it starts accumulating new matter from its partner right away. Because of this, it with re-explodes every 8 decades, and it is due to go any day now.
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@green-mountain-goose @brightgreendandelions
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auckie · 2 months
Okay yeah so you’re gonna take i365 up heading north north south, and when you see the 18D exit take that and turn left for a u turn onto brambleton. Once there take it 26 miles due right and then veer into the bike lane and take that on up to north Hampton, and there you’ll find a traffic circle perfectly implemented into the 16 lane highway designed by engineers from DC who based it off of a Parisian death trap, so circle about four times and take the third exit on the left up to the stop sign. Back up, kiss bumper behind you, then speed off heading east bound and down— try and get up to a good 75 kph and double back so you can kiss the rear bumper of the same car from before, killing a goose in the process, and then just three more miles on gravel and you’ll see the ikea. So this single dirt lane you’re in is going to end without warning and if you don’t turn out you’ll be disincorporated, so once you’re in the left most lane hang right and you’ll be able to access the ikea parking lot. Go past it. There’s a casino about 14 miles down that has parking as far as the eye can see, park near the west wing and then take the tram back to ikea and I’ll be standing by the parking garage entrance with the lamp we agreed to trade on Facebook marketplace P TOWN buy nothing group. You’ll know it’s me because I’ll be lactating and holding the lamp, which by the way, is now cracked because i threw it at my pitbull, and it has several cigarette burns on it because it looked at me funny and I put my smokes out on it to teach it a lesson it won’t soon forget. Don’t forget the cash. We agreed $1.37 and if you don’t have exact change i will detonate the device.
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mask131 · 8 months
The gods of Gaul: Introduction, or why it is so hard to find anything
As I announced, I open today a series of post covering what some can call the "Gaulish mythology": the gods and deities of Ancient Gaul. (Personal decision, I will try avoiding using the English adjective "Gaulish" because... I just do not like it. It sounds wrong. In French we have the adjectif "Gaulois" but "Gaulish"... sounds like ghoulish or garrish, no thank you. I'll use "of Gaul", much more poetic)
[EDIT: I have just found out one can use "Gallic" as a legitimate adjective in English and I am so happy because I much prefer this word to "Gaulish", so I'll be using Gallic from now on!]
If you are French, you are bound to have heard of them one way or another. Sure, we got the Greek and Roman gods coming from the South and covering up the land in temples and statues ; and sure we had some Germanic deities walking over the rivers and mountains from the North-East to leave holiday traditions and folk-beliefs... But the oldest gods of France, the true Antiquity of France, was Gaul. And then the Roman Gaul, and that's already where the problems start.
The mythology of Gaul is one of the various branches of the wide group known as Celtic mythology or Celtic gods. When it comes to Celtic deities, the most famous are those of the British Isles, due to being much more preserved (though heavily Christianized) - the gods of Ireland and the Welsh gods are typically the gods every know about when talking about Celtic deities. But there were Celts on the mainland, continental Celts - and Gaul was one of the most important group of continental Celts. So were their gods.
Then... why does nobody know anything about them?
This is what this introduction is about: how hard it actually is to reconstruct the religion of Gaul and understand its gods. Heck we can't ACTUALLY speak of a Gaulish mythology because... we have no myth! We have not preserved any full myth or complete legend from Ancient Gaul. The pantheon of Gaul is the Celtic pantheon we probably know the least about...
Why? A few reasons.
Reason number one, and the most important: We have no record of what the Gauls believed. Or almost none. Because the people of Gaul did not write their religion.
This is the biggest obstacle in the research for the gods of Gaul. It was known that the art of writing was, in the society of Gaul, an elite art that was not for the common folks and used only for very important occasions. The druids were the ones who knew how to read and write, and they kept this prerogative - it was something the upper-class (nobility, rulers) could know, but not always. Writing was considered something powerful, sacred and magical not to be used recklessly or carelessly. As a result, the culture of Gaul was a heavily oral one, and their religion and myths were preserved in an oral fashion. Resulting in a great lack of written sources comng directly from the Gallic tribes... We do have written and engraved fragments, but they are pieces of a puzzle we need to reconstruct. We have votive offerings with prayers and demands inscribed on it - and while they can give us the names of some deities, they don't explain much about them. We have sculptures and visual representations of the deities on pillars and cups and jewels and cauldrons - but they are just visuals and symbols without names. We have calendars - but again, these are just fragments. We have names and images, and we need to make sense out of it all.
To try to find the explanations behind these fragments, comparisons to other Celtic religions and mythologies are of course needed - since they are all branches of a same tree. The same way Germanic mythology can be understood by looking at the Norse one, the same way Etruscan, Greek and Roman mythologies answer each other, the mythology and religion of Gaul has echoes with the Celtic deities of the Isles (though staying quite different from each other). The other comparison needed to put things back into context is reason number 2...
Reason number two: The Romans were there.
Everybody knows that the death of Ancient Gaul was the Roman Empire. Every French student learns the date of Alesia, the battle that symbolized the Roman victory over the Gallic forces. Gaul was conquered by the Romans and became one of the most famous and important provinces of the Roman Empire: it was the Gallo-Roman era.
The Romans were FASCINATED by Gaul. Really. They couldn't stop writing about them, in either admiration or hate. As a result, since we lack direct Gallic sources, most of what we know about Ancient Gaul comes from the Romans. And you can guess why it is a problem. Some records of their religion were written in hatred - after all, they were the barbarian ennemies that Romans were fighting against and needed to dominate. As such, they contain several elements that can be put in doubt (notably numerous references to brutal and violent human sacrifices - real depictions of blood-cults, or exaggeratons and inventions to depict the gods of Gaul as demonic monstrosities?) But even the positive and admirative, or neutral, records are biased because Romans kept comparing the religion of the Gauls to their own, and using the names of Roman deities to designate the gods of Gaul...
Leading to the other big problem when studying the gods of Gaul: the Roman syncretism. The Gallo-Roman era saw a boom in the depictions and representations of the Gallic gods... But in their syncretized form, fused with and assimilated to the Roman gods. As such we have lots of representations and descriptions of the "Jupiter of Gaul", of the "Mercury of Gaul", of the "Gallic Mars" or "Gallic Minerva". But it is extremely hard to identify what was imported Roman elements, what was a pure Gallic element under a Roman name, and what was born of the fusion of Gallic and Roman traditions...
Finally, reason number three: Gaul itself had a very complicated approach to its own gods.
We know there are "pan-gallic" gods, as in gods that were respected and honored by ALL the people of Gaul, forming the cohesion of the nation. But... Gaul wasn't actually a nation. It was very much like the many city-states of Greece: Ancient Gaul was unified by common traditions, a common society, a common religion and a common language... But Gaul was a tribal area divided into tribes, clans and villages, each with their own variations on the laws, each with their own customs and each with their own spin on religion. As a result, while there are a handful of "great gods" common to all the communities of Gaul, there are hundreds and hundreds of local gods that only existed in a specific area or around a specific town ; and given there were also many local twists and spins on the "great gods", it becomes extremely hard to know which divine name is a local deity, a great-common god, a local variation on a deity, or just a common nickname shared by different deities... If you find a local god, it can be indeed a local, unique deity ; or it can be an alternate identity of a shared divine archetype ; or it can be a god we know elsewhere but that goes by a different name here.
To tell you how fragmented Gaul was: Gaul was never a unified nation with one king or ruler. The greatest and largest division you can make identifies three Gauls. Cisalpine Gaul, the Gaul located in Northern Italy, conquered by the Romans in the second century BCE, and thus known as "the Gaul in toga" for being the most Roman of the three. Then there was the "Gaul in breeches" (la Gaule en braies), which borders the Mediterranean sea, spanning between the Alps and the Pyrenean mountains, and which was conquered in the 117 BCE (becoming the province of Narbonne). And finally the "Hairy Gaul", which stayed an independant territory until Cesar conquered it. And the Hairy Gaul itself was divided into three great areas each very different from each other: the Aquitaine Gaul, located south of the Garonne ; the Celtic Gaul located between the Garonne and the Marne (became the Gaul of Lyon after the Roman conquest) ; and finally the Belgian Gaul, located between the Marne and the Rhine. And this all is the largest division you can make, not counting all the smaller clans and tribes in which each area was divided. And all offering just as many local gods or local facets of a god...
And if it wasn't hard enough: given all the sculptures and visuals depictions of the gods of Gaul are very "late" in the context of the history of Gaul... It seems that the gods of Gaul were originally "abstract" or at least not depicted in any concrete form, and that it was only in a late development, shortly before the Roman invasions, that people of Gaul decided to offer engravings and statues to their gods, alternating between humanoid and animal forms.
All of this put together explains why the gods of Gaul are so mysterious today.
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sammaggs · 29 days
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4x05 The Ladies’ Man | Details
due South is a show that puts a TON of time and effort into subtle details like set dec, blocking, and framing, which invites us to do close readings of particular scenes in great detail. Let’s examine this scene in Ray’s apartment from The Ladies’ Man with that in mind!
Another thing I find fascinating about this show is its continuity; how significant time can pass between episodes, and it’s up to us to use context clues provided in future episodes in order to piece together what we can about the past; the parts of Fraser’s life that we haven’t been permitted to see. This scene is crammed with context clues.
(It’s worth remembering that John Krizanc, who wrote this episode, is a playwright first and foremost. He basically invented the style of play that would go on to become Sleep No More. The way characters phrase things, where they’re standing when they say them, what they surround themselves with—these things all matter.)
So in order, we learn:
Fraser lets himself in — By this point in Season 4, he has a key to Ray’s apartment.
“You there, Ray?” “Mhm.” — Fraser comes over so often that 1) he doesn’t call ahead, and b) it doesn’t matter if Ray is home or not. Ray doesn’t even feel the need to sit up when Fraser enters, let alone answer with words. This is long-time familiarity.
The Hat - Fraser automatically tosses his hat down on a stool that’s been pulled out from the bar and remains there for this specific purpose. That’s where Fraser’s hat lives when he’s over.
Diefenbaker - The wolf is so comfortable at Ray’s place that he jumps on top of Ray to his usual spot on the couch. Reading Dief as Fraser’s Ego, he bounds into the apartment, directly onto Ray’s LAP before LICKING RAY’S FACE. Okay!
The VCR - Fraser knows how to use Ray’s VCR and his TV remote. Those of us who were alive in the ‘90s know how much practice this would have taken. (Also, hand porn, you’re welcome.)
Seating arrangements — Fraser sits right next to Ray, who sits directly in the center of the couch, between cushions. Cannot be comfortable, but their legs and arms are touching. Their usual spots? Fraser sits ON TOP OF Dief to do this.
“Bark tea?” — Ray immediately starts teasing Fraser about his flirtation with the records gal for information. It’s teasing without intent or malice; Ray knows it was just a front, like Fraser knows Ray’s barbs are just for fun.
“What, I’m a pig?” “No, no, not that.” — This is an old grievance. This is not the first time Ray’s apartment cleanliness has come up. It’s something they’ve bickered about many times before. No, no, not that, not the usual. Something else.
The Turtle - The shot lingers on the overhead here to remind us that the macguffin note is in the VHS case, but also serves to focus in on the turtle sculpture. It’s made to catch your eye, which means we are meant to infer something about it; otherwise, it’s an unimportant, out-of-place distraction from the shot’s real purpose (again, the VHS case). Given what I perceive to be the turtle's Indigenous style, I think this is clearly a gift from Fraser (maybe from the previous Christmas?). He either had it shipped down from a friend up north, or he whittled it himself, and I like to think it’s the latter. Fraser does, after all, think Ray is the world.
TL;DR Fraser is basically living there, oh my god these cops gay, good for them, good for them
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marimoscorner · 5 months
A Witch’s Hearth: Finding Home in Nature
In our Disconnected, Urban World
Written by Autumn (she/her) 🍁
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To most witches, pagans and druids, the nature around us is as much of a home as our own domiciles. It’s healing to go out to an old growth forest, to bathe in the wisdom of beings who lived before you and will likely still stand tall when you are amidst their soil.
However, not everyone has immediate access to the lovely blessing of a deep forest.
I myself recently moved from the deep, lush forests of the PNW to just about as far south as I could go in my car, chasing the light that I need to function. The move has helped with my daily functions and mental health, yes—but I have been left feeling a bit lost without the forests of home.
Join me as I plan some ways in which I can adapt anew to the nature around my new home, how I may incorporate it in my magic, and how I may carve out a new spiritual hearth for myself.
Perhaps this can help inspire folks to tackle their own homesickness with nature, and to reconnect with the world in which they live (whether or not they’ve made a move).
Once again, please take this with a grain of salt—as this is just from my own experiences. I am not a teacher, I am simply recording my thoughts in the hopes to add my voice to the pot. With that, let’s begin! 🌿
A Deep Homesickness
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This photo is one my partner took at our engagement up in WA, right before we ran into a bear
The above photo is how I think of home. The deep green of the forest, the blue of the mountains on the horizon. Moss on just about every surface. The rich dirt that sustained it all. Were it not rainy and dark most of the year, I wouldn’t have left.
Now, I find home in a biome all its own. I’m living deeper into a city than I ever have, and I’m feeling isolated from nature. While the beach is close by, any deep woods that remind me of the edges of the wilderness up north are at the very least two to three hours away by car.
Though I have a hard time remembering this, it is not a bad change. Any plant that is uprooted from the earth it’s known its whole life is bound to feel a bit uncomfortable. But perhaps it can flourish if moved to soil better suited for its intrinsic needs.
Though my experience includes a physical move, this can apply to a homesickness you feel due to a simple displacement of nature in this society. Perhaps you aren’t seeing enough nature, or aren’t able to connect with what’s around you.
Let’s forge ahead to tackle this feeling of loneliness head on!
Finding Similarities
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This is a photo I took at a hike about 2.5 hrs out of the way down here. Though without as many trees, it felt much more familiar and was beautiful in its own right
In our modern society, we’re left with a longing to return to nature—to our home. You may find yourself longing for a specific kind of view. Perhaps you’re looking for prominence of a particular element—like a roaring river to enact water or plenty of clover to help you feel the earth. The following is a list of steps to tackle this:
Make a list of things you want to see or things that would help you feel at home in nature. Think of your dream location when it comes to the outdoors. What does it look like? What features does it have? How do you feel?
Go online and find trails nearby with as similar to these features as possible. AllTrails has the ability to search for trails with waterfalls, forests, wildflowers, wildlife, etc. for free. Make good use of the wonderful web of resources provided to us.
Make an effort to connect with nature at least once a month, if you can. Be sure to pack for safety—and take a nice hike, or sit under an old tree and journal in your grimoire. Ground yourself and notice the seasons around you
In this way, you’ll help your soul settle and feel comfortable, which will help with our next steps.
Bring a Piece of Nature Home
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Here’s one of my cats, Pagan, enjoying our newest garden box arrangement. I’m so proud of how far she’s come since we rescued this tiny baby
Many times, it’s near impossible to find the time in our busy lives during the week to go deep into nature. Thus, we need to take this connection into our own hands, and build our own miniature wild sanctuary.
NOTE: Do not remove plants or creatures from nature. They are there for a reason.
Take inventory of your available space. Is this your entire patio? A shelf? A portion of your altar? A garden box? A whole backyard? Take measurements so you can better plan
Remember your list of natural things you enjoy. Brainstorm some ways to include them in this space. It could be a photo or painting of your dream location. It could also be an actual plant for a tiny breath of fresh air. If you have the space, you could plant a whole garden! It is whatever matters most to you. Try and incorporate your local biome to help enmesh the two worlds, if they are different.
Thrift and shop around to fulfill the needs of this space. The more you can get secondhand or from smaller businesses in your community, the better. You may even be able to ask your neighbors or friends with impressive plants for a cutting to propagate!
Consider the safety of any children or animals in your life. A lot of plants and flowers can be toxic to certain creatures. Utilize the web to determine what is safe for your situation.
Set up your space and enjoy! You may utilize spells or ritual to fully enact the space and help it to feel more magical, but it is really your choice.
For my family, we live in an apartment. We haven’t had a backyard in years. Still, we’ve found way to turn our patio into a spot of natural respite. We utilize a tiered planter in order to make the most of our patio space. Though we’ve included small flowers that remind us of our old home, we’ve embraced the biome we’re currently in and have an entire row of beautiful succulents. Of course, we also added catnip for our babies, and herbs for our kitchen witchcraft. We also put down these outdoor tiles from IKEA that mimic a lawn and wooden patio. On our table, we’ve put a hummingbird feeder to help better support local wildlife, and are discussing an actual bird feeder.
Embracing the Nature Around You
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A photo I took of a playful wild crow. He was an excellent little model!
This is a step I still need to complete myself. When biomes don’t match up with how you picture nature in your craft, it can be frustrating! Especially if you’re in a fairly urban area, you may not have much access or choice in which nature you interact with.
Here’s the good thing, though: it’s all nature, regardless of how it shows up in the world.
Start researching your local biomes. Take account of your local parks and community gardens. Study the history of the land that you’re on, and how it played into the lives of the people that it truly belongs to (of course, do not culturally appropriate. This should go without saying). Explore native biodiversity. Find volunteer programs at local organic farms. Visit a farmer’s market. The list of possibilities goes on.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t know where to start, this is how I’ll be organizing my journey through this step:
Make a list of natural sights in your area that are easily accessible to you. I’m talking within a 30 minute drive or closer level of close. These don’t need to match up perfectly with your perception of nature—you may be pleasantly surprised in what you find when you open yourself up. This could include: parks, hiking trails, state parks, plant nurseries or shops, local/community gardens, farms that allow for visitors, farmer’s markets, local watersheds that allow for visitors, etc.
Visit these locations safely, documenting what you find beautiful and/or spiritual in each one. List aspects of local nature and how that could make an impact if you were to include them in your craft
Create a mini encyclopedia of local spots that you end up loving for days where you’re feeling disconnected and need a quick pick-me-up. You might even create a jar full of folded papers to pick them at random.
Increase the amount of local natural elements that you include in your craft instead of/alongside elements of your idealized natural space. You may find this area around you feeling more like a home or hearth than you ever have before.
Once you start practicing awareness in nature more and more, you’ll start to notice it in more places. This can not only help with your connection to your location, but can help you build your magical hearth in the energy around you.
Giving Back
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This is a photo I took at the San Diego Zoo of a weaver finch building its nest
Nature takes care of us, even when we’re detached from it in our cities. We need to take care of it in turn. If you have the means, find some way to give back to the nature around you if you so wish. Here are some ideas:
Give back to the plants with your energy, or make an offering of compost to replenish the soil
Purchase a Membership at a local zoo or aquarium that prioritizes conservation. This way you get to visit, too, while giving back! I love having memberships because I know on each visit I can really take my time and don’t have to rush about.
Volunteer to help reforest, or to help plant at a local garden. This can even be done by donation if you do not have the access or ability to physically participate
Consider giving homegrown herbs/plants to family and friends—or prepare them to help feed those in your community, if you have the means to donate
Teach others in your community how to properly dispose of waste and how they can help keep our natural beauty alive
Simply compost and recycle when the option is available to you
Etc. There is no one right way to do any of this! Just with your intent, you make your community a better place. Thank you for being in it
Thank you for taking the time to read through my little magical journal and ideas. Even if we don’t fully align, I hope that our paths crossing has contributed to even a slight net-positive in your day. I look forward to writing again soon.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
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For the third year in a row, she’s the MVP — Mom, Very Proud — of Mount Rainier’s wolverine population. Joni the wolverine made headlines in 2020 after rearing two male kits, making her the first wolverine mom at the park in more than 100 years. [...] She had another two kits in 2021 — a boy and a girl — starting a streak of successful parenting. And this summer, researchers snapped photos of Joni bounding across the snow with yet another new pair of little ones. [...] It’s not very common for wolverines to rear kits three years in a row, said Dr. Jocelyn Akins, researcher and founder of the Cascades Carnivore Project. [...] The resident male of Mt. Rainier, Van cruises a huge territory that reaches almost up to Snoqualmie pass [...]. Wolverines are fierce scavengers and hunters that claim vast territories [...]. They once roamed as far south as California, but due largely to human activity, wolverines had disappeared from Washington by the early to mid-20th century. Their recovery since then has been slow. Wolverines in Washington have for decades been mostly confined to the North Cascades, north of Highway 90. [...] 
Headline, images, captions, and text above published by: Alex Bruell. “Joni the wolverine does it again.” Enumclaw Courier-Herald. 21 December 2022. [Bold emphasis added by me.]
Older press release headlines from US NPS:
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The distribution range of wolverine in North America [map by Environment Canada]:
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And the region:
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orbital-obvious · 28 days
Anylasis of possible Jace interactions at the Vale/North (WARNING: long af)
I wish we had seen more of Jace at the Vale/North , and part of it is definetly self indulgent (I love the North and I always wish to see more of the Vale) but I've been thinking and it's like... This is both really important to the plot, overall themes, and characterization.
We've seen last season that noble houses wouldn't necessarily come for Rheanyra's cause for the sake of one vow they took 20+ years ago, so Jace DOES have some convincing to do. Also, it would be interesting to see Jace handling cultures not centered around his family and their dragons. AND Jeyne Arryn and Cregan Stark happen to be really interesting as characters.
There's a few points, and I'll probably forget most of them, so I'll just have a subject and see how both the Vale and the North would have approached the subject.
Why Rheanyra?
Choosing Rhaenyra is the more honorable option - maintaining the vows taken either by themselves (Jeyne) or by those who came before them (Cregan). But there are other concerns aside from one's own honor, other pros and cons, and I would expect a ruler to consider the good of their people before their own honor. With that-
Jeyne is an Arryn, who's motto is "As High As Honor", AND Rheanyra is her niece while she has no familial bonds to the greens, so, yeah, I'd say it's "in the bag" and it's really a question of what that support would entail.
As for the Starks, this show has this canon that they are also a very honor bound family which I don't really like, partly because it's really based on Ned (who must have gotten his ideas of honor, at least in part, from being fostered by Jon Arryn) and partly because it erases ideas like "the wolf's blood", the wild nature of the Starks, and more general cultural differences between the North and the South. Though, tbh, I don't think Cregan Stark would care to swear to the Greens - just because it will require him more involvement with Southren politics which I think that, at least at this point of the plot, is none of his business and none of his interest. I think actual loyalty to Rhaenyra could be fostered by his personal loyalty to Jace via the time they spent together.
What is the personal reaction?
How does Jeyne "as high as honor" Arryn would feel about treating with a bastard? Well, he is her blood, so how would other lords of the Vale, bound by Southern honor and virtue but not by the crown tight lip policy about Rhaenyra's children? You could even add a snide remark from the Royce, as siding with Rhaenyra is siding with Daemon, who they are certain killed their beloved Rhea.
Cregan and Jace are close of age and I think the show tried to echo somewhat the very strong connection they were said to have in the books. Weather you want it to be a romantic relationship or a brotherly one (leaning towards the second option myself but it's a matter of personal opinion) there are a lot to build and explore there. Also, I don't think the North heard the "rumors" about Jace being a bastard, let alone give a shit (due to cultural differences). Would Jace feel relief there? Would Jace connect to his father's First Men heritage - that he was never allowed to even acknowledge - in First Men majority North?
The Details - political gain:
Just becasue one is loyal to Rhaenyra does not mean this loyalty would come for free (and assuming so is a mistake, as we've seen with Luke in Storm's End). What is there to gain from this alliance?
As far as the Vale goes, I think we got a pretty good answer to that - they want a dragon. I doubt Jace would have given one so willy nilly, It would have been an interesting scene to see the give and take that led to that conclusion.
The North is more tricky. I know in the books there was the Pact of Ice and Fire which could have been connected to the whack prophecy storyline they try to push since season 1. Then again, considering the support the North currently dished out, I think "taking those men off your hands and let them die in battle before winter comes" is, in the mind of North culture, a good deal in itself.
The Details - army movement:
I know, I know, Rhaenyra is doing her best going to undercover missions to do peace gossip sessions with Alicent or whatever, but one should at least PREPARE to the option of war - including dragon war.
We sort of get that with Jeyne, requesting a dragon to protect the Eyrie (which is strong against ground attacks, but not against dragons). But what about the rest of the Vale? What are the main threats? I believe Jeyne's motive would be to keep war out of the Vale itself. How do you plan around that? Rhaenyra ended sending her youngest children (aka, potential heirs) there, which would make the Eyrie a target. Was this part of the negotiations? Was the inclusion of Rhaena?
The North, on the other hand, is probably not as concerned. It's not a worthy target for dragons - the North is big, but poor and faraway from location of importance (The Riverlands is the opposite btw and that's why I'm glad it was the focus of the season, more or less), so the Greens, without dragons to spare, would probably not send dragonriders to capture a difficult yet unworthy target. As far as more traditional means go, the North is also in a very good position: For an army to enter on foot they have to go past the Neck that has one entry point for armies which can easily be guarded, and any other entry point will require traversing the bogs and be at the mercy of the danger there, and either way the Crannogmen would bleed you dry (if you are lucky). Attack from the sea is not favorable as well, because the North is GIANT and would require transporting a lot of army on the ships and that is a waste of a good fleet if I've ever seen one, ESPECIALLY If the Vale is loyal to the Blacks and the Greens only option is to either pass the blockade + possibly the vale navy from the east or pass the ironborn from the west. All that for a bunch of frozen ground and trees with faces? fat chance. Which good for the North but a little bit bad for the Blacks, because "Rhaenyra will protect you from danger" is an important barging chip when gathering armies.
The Details - Other concerns:
The Dance is the main conflict of the show and what the Narrative should be centered about, but there are other concerns for both the Vale and the North that can be taken into account as the wardens of the East/North can use the treaty to secure help from the crown for their issues in the future, and Jace himself can talk about possible future solutions as a way to not only win their loyalty, but to prove his worth as the future ruler after his mother to both them and us, the audience.
I think the Vale's main concern is the upcoming war and weather or not an army or a dragon will come and ravage their lands, but aside from that there are other issues of clansman raidings, or maybe things related to trading with Essos (is Rhaenyra's blockade effecting this at alll?)
The North is in the opposite position: low chance of suffering from the Dance, but there are other, bigger problem. Same as it always was and always will be: Winter Is Coming. They actually touched that a bit in the show itself - more in the sense, I feel, of winter causing a higher activity of the white walkers and other matter of supernatural monstrosities; but there is also the very real issue of winter is death, as in - less food, harder weather conditions, etc etc. Cregan's concern should be first getting the North through Winter, and then whatever hissy fit the dragon family is having downstairs. I think bringing this up would cause an interesting challenge to Jace's worldview - for him and the south at large, the most dangerous thing in the world are dragons; for the North, it's winter.
Setting up other characters that would be important when the war will break out:
Not much to say about that, other than there are other characters very important to the Dance that could've been introduced in Vale and North segments. I know the show changes a lot from the books but I would hope they will at least keep their options open while mentioning certain characters and not just pull them out of thin air come season 3.
Reaction to the Green offer:
We know the Vale + North are taking the Black, so to say (not that kind of taking the black, Cregan, lower your swors none of us are deserters), but the Greens also sent for them. The Blacks have many riders so they sent their crown prince there, while the Greens only sent letters (I suspect also because they didn't really expect the Vale and the North to ralley to the cause). The show tells us those letters were left unanswered, but what was inside them? What would the Greens say to try and persuade them to their cause, and what would be the reaction?
Would Jeyne be angry at the Greens request to abandon her own niece?? and as a woman ruler, I'm sure she'll take offense in casting Rhaenyra aside for Aegon.
I kind of need a scene of a public reading and mockery of the Greens request in the North. Seems like something they would do.
Character foils and different points of leadership:
Jeyne Arryn is the head of house Arryn, Wardness of the East, and a WOMAN who does not live by the conventions of her time - she's a lesbian (well, in the book she was and I would hope the show won't erase that) who never married. She is, in many ways, what Rhaenyra aspires to be. How does she maintain her position? Rhaenyra, I feel, is too naive about people's support of her and the work she has to put in as a ruler - what about Jeyne, who probably clawed her way to the position? What is Jeyne, as woman ruler, opinion on the impact of Rhaenyra changing inherentce rules3 What can Jace learn from his great aunt?
Cregan Stark is much like Jace - forced to shoulder great responsibility at a young age. There are other parallels if you look at the book version - Cregan lost his younger brother and had a claim dispute with his uncle's side of the family. If you don't want to get into all o' that, you can also claim that if Jeyne is Rhaenyra's foil, Cregan is Aegon's - a very young man put as the head of a kingdom and forced to handle its issues at a difficult time. If we go by Wolf Blood ideology - how does Cregan's wildness compare to Aegon's? and, again, what can Jace learn from understanding the way Cregan handles his rule?
There's so much they could've done, and I don't think they could've (or even should've) looked into all of these, but touching on SOME points via Jace and character elaboration would have been nice.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
Okay. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and vice versa.
Aegon VI is the natural enemy of any Lannister faction.
Edmure Tully is bound for an upward swing given he is miraculously not killed to secure the Lannister-Frey take-over and the transport column taking him west is known to the Brotherhood, while Lady Stoneheart is taking aim at all of House Frey. Tullys will be back in power before long, and will welcome enemies of the Lannisters.
Alongside the Tyrells switchings sides and the support of the Martells, this puts three kingdoms straight into Aegon's pocket, four if you count the recently conquered Stormlands.
House Tully is the natural ally of House Stark, due to family ties, so even if the Riverlands decline to continue allegiance to the King/Queen in the North, the North would be well-placed to regard Aegon as a credible alliance partner IF he shows himself competent in removing the Lannisters from power and stabilizing the South for winter.
Add the previously neutral Vale, which will likely ally with the North against the Boltons and the Others (honor, family ties, Royce-First Men-Night's Watch connection) and Aegon has... peace if not outright fealty with all but the Westerlands and the Ironborn.
Enter Dany. With Tyrion Lannister and a probable Ironborn alliance. And dragons.
Exit stability for winter. Replace with more war.
And Jon's parentage is going to be such a fun political complication!!!
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bleachification · 1 year
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pairing: dazai x f!reader (fantasy au)
warnings: mentions/themes of depression
chapter list: this is CHAPTER FIVE of a multi-chapter fic series. PLEASE read the chapters below (in order) before this one or you will be very lost!!
word count: 3.5k
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Back in your homeland, at the Imperial Palace, the largest constructed facilities are ones of sport and training. Sharpened swords and polished armour take the place of bookshelves on bedroom walls, and the practice of scripture is seldom found. Higher education, though no less important than warfare, is strictly limited to scriveners, court officials, and the professional erudites of your father’s choosing. In the face of current conflicts, most of your father’s people are far more absorbed in military affairs and bureaucracy than arithmetics, the sciences and the humanities.
Although, when it came to you, it was like a switch went off and all those sentiments were turned upside down. 
By a certain age, your tutelage switched from scholarly knowledge to that of etiquette and what he referred to as ‘womanly affairs’. Those usually consisted of things like sewing, music, and art classes. The only one you ever enjoyed was the horseback lessons. 
But thankfully, your father’s one track mind meant you were never discovered for—or suspected of—possessing further-education books and studying politics, diplomacy, and military tactics on the days general schooling lessons were cancelled. It is why you find yourself in the royal library, hours before you are due to meet Dazai for dinner. 
Hundreds, if not thousands, of marble shelves line the walls from floor to ceiling. Each one is stacked, end-to-end, with leather bound tomes and tea-stained manuscripts. There is a fireplace in the right corner, carved from blackened stone and crackling with warmth. Around it sits a pair of dark-green, thickly-cushioned armchairs, along with a matching sofa that is wide enough to fit at least four people. 
You walk further in and are greeted with four arched windows spanning the length and height of the space, each one clear as the summer sea. You squint, momentarily blinded by a sudden passing ray of sunlight. Birds are chirping underneath the morning sky, and branches of a looming willow tree sway in front of the left-most window. You take in the sprawling garden view; a labyrinthine maze of hedges take up the centre, and a large assortment of decorations speckle the grounds. Smaller fountains, rainbow flower beds, and iron-wrought benches are only a few of what you can see. 
You look around a bit more, noting the study tables anchored to the floor and the winding staircase that leads to the open-plan second floor. The library is well-kept, as shown by the pots holding blooming flowers along the window sills, but the dust lining the shelves indicates that no one has used the archives in a long time. You wonder why—it is the first and only comforting place that you have found in the cold, lonely palace. 
You make your way down the stacks before a section catches your eye.
A Comprehensive Guide on Abilities and a Meta Analysis on their Structural Archetypes; 
The Scholar’s Circle’s Codex on Yokohama’s Political Affairs;
North vs. South: A Dynastic Tale of Continental History. 
You grab all three and almost lose your balance from the weight of each text. More and more books are added to the pile in your arms until you can no longer see straight ahead. 
With a huff, you drop the mountain of pending research onto an oak-stained study table and quickly get to work. 
Hours pass, the concept of time long faded as you lose yourself in the world of preternatural powers, warring states, and the cluttered institutions that make up the Kingdom in its most present form. 
The striking differences between Yokohama and the Northern Empire are more vast than you had ever imagined. It's a stark contrast—governance, industry, arts, religion and everything else you've come across so far. Not a single commonality to be found.
“How has…? But wouldn’t the roots originate from the dark ages? Let’s see…” you mumble, talking to no one in particular. 
“Have you found a specially interesting read?” A particular person asks. 
You fall out of your seat in surprise. 
“General!” You squeak, reeling from his sudden appearance. 
The mild-mannered Fukuzawa gives you a gentle smile and moves to help you up. He hooks two large arms under your own and lifts you back onto your chair. The scene reminds you of a mother cat picking its kitten up by the scruff of its neck.
You drop your head onto the table in embarrassment, refusing to make eye contact until, hopefully, a meteor comes falling onto earth and crushes you to death. 
“Good morning, General,” you mutter. 
You peek up at him with one eye. “What?”
“It is five in the evening,” he replies, bemused. 
“What?!” You bolt up, shame long forgotten. 
It takes you a second to realize how orange the library is, cast in the hues from the setting sun. 
You drag a hand over your face, rubbing the fatigue from your eyes. “Shit, I didn’t realize how late it had gotten.”
Fukuzawa raises a brow. 
“What? You’ve never heard a noble cuss before?” 
He taps his chin. “I can’t say I have. You truly are a breath of fresh air, Your Highness.”
You grin. “As are you, General. And please…”
He listens, head tilting in curiosity. 
“It is [name]. We are friends, are we not?” Your false sincerity coats your words like a second skin.  
The sun dips far below the horizon, robbing the world of its light. You take in the storm clouds in the distance, absentmindedly wondering if the Empire would experience the same downpour later in the night. 
Fukuzawa ponders your question for a moment longer before answering. “We are, but I am also your subordinate, so I am afraid I must decline.”
“And if it is an order?”
Fukuzawa’s eyes sparkle. “Then I am under aristocratic obligation to comply.”
In a tone laced with authority and bemusement, you proclaim: “I, acting Monarch of Yokohama, hereby order General Yukichi Fukuzawa to act beyond propriety and address me by given name only. No titles, no fancy designations. Just [name].” 
“As long as you are willing to grant me that same honor, [name].”
You grin. “See? Isn’t that so much better, Yukichi?”
The General only laughs and turns to take a seat across from you. The armour he dons makes a clanging noise as he settles himself. Patches of dirt litter the surface of the metal while other areas sport minor indents—likely from the force of a blade's flat or hilt. 
“Did that hurt?” You nod towards the largest dip in the steel. 
He looks down at his left side, around the area between his upper ribs. “Couldn’t even feel it.”
“Of course not,” you wave, returning your attention back to the pages. 
“I see you are interested in…” Fukuzawa leans over the table, peering at the emboldened titles of each tome. “Yokohama politics, history, and culture?”
“The pen is mightier than the sword, as they say,” you muse. “And a bright mind is far mightier than those stumbling blind in the darkness of their own ignorance.”
“I do wish more members of the court shared that sentiment. It would certainly make my migraines less frequent.” 
You faintly recall the term from a book you finished earlier. “The… inner court?”
“The very same. A parliamentary round table of aristocrats and representatives, headed by the Four Noble Houses.”
“The Four Noble Houses? You mean…” You cringe, an unpleasant memory resurfacing. 
Fukuzawa’s eyes gleam with amusement. “Ah, yes. I recall a certain purple-faced duke drenched in the colours of His Majesty’s most favoured cabernet sauvignon.”
You smile sheepishly. “I messed up, didn’t I?”
“Formally? Yes.”
You groan and drop your head in your hands.
Fukuzawa lays a palm on your shoulder and gives you a gentle pat. 
“But reasonably? Absolutely not. He deserved ten times worse than what he got.”
“Someone needed to stand up to him,” you point out. 
“Sadly, there are not many people who can.”
You sigh at that and go back to your research. The moment you set your eyes back on the book, the pages in front of you begin to blur and mesh into a whirlpool of ink. 
“Maybe it is time for a break…” you murmur. 
Fukuzawa leans forward and studies your fatigued expression. 
“What have you learned so far?”
You snort. “You mean other than our sordid history? The decades of hatred and conflict brewing between our countries?”
“Ah, yes. Besides that fun little facet of our politics.”
You run through the miles of information you had just absorbed, each little bit coming together piece by piece to paint a very clear picture of the modern world—one where mystic abilities, gods of old, and monsters coexist in disharmony. 
‘Abilities’ as you have come to know them, are practically non-existent among the lower caste in the Northern Empire. The only ones who wield them are of noble blood, aside from the rare few commoners—unfortunate individuals who would be executed for merely holding power outside of their status. Even then, barely anyone manifests one. In recent years, the only ability-user you know of is Chuuya.  
In Yokohama, these powers are respected, admired, and much more plentiful. In your textual observations, it is noted that the military and governing leaders are chosen for their abilities. 
“Hm… what is yours?”
 You are curious. What sort of fate-bending, death-defying power could this seasoned warrior have?
“Your ability. You must have one, being the head of such an elite corps.”
“My ability…” he pauses. 
You raised a teasing brow. “What? You’re not going to tell me?”
“Just considering the risks of doing so. You have proven yourself to be both smart and deceitful. A deadly combination.”
“Are you saying you don’t trust me?” You place a hand on your chest in mock offence, scoffing in indignation. 
Fukuzawa laughs—that familiar smooth rumble that you have come to find placating. “Would I be wise to?”
“Of course not.” You wave a dismissive hand. “But you should tell me anyway because I am curious and stubborn and will likely find out on my own regardless.”
The general’s gaze is filled with a kind of warmth that is unknown to you, only interrupted by a flicker of a melancholy that twists his expression momentarily." It happens so fast you almost mistake it for a trick of the light.
“You remind me so much of her…” He mumbles under his breath so softly you pass it off as a whisper of the wind. “Very well. I will tell you.”
The sun has all but disappeared from the horizon, the shimmering moon slipping in its place. The dark, glittering night falls onto Fukuzawa’s features beautifully, making  him seem a little more weathered and a little less mundane as he explains his decidedly non-mundane powers. 
“It allows me to control my soldiers’ own abilities. I am able to manipulate their capabilities, help navigate their potential, and expand the boundaries of what they can do. That is my ability,” he explains. 
You mull over Fukuzawa’s words, a bit surprised at the nature of it all. The powerfully built military veteran looks at you like he knows what you are thinking—knows that you are confused on why someone with his battle prowess has such a passive skill. 
“You forget, Your Highness, that before I am a warrior, I am first and foremost a leader. Without my men, I am nothing, and without me, many of those men would not have survived until now,” he states. He says it like a fact, and perhaps in some ways, it is. It makes more sense the longer you think on it, his ability is almost perfectly suited to his position. You wonder what yours would be if you manifested one. What about Dazai? Would his ability reflect bloodthirst and coldness? Or would it be the opposite of what you know him as?
You make a mental note to come back to that question later, and direct your attention back to the conversation at hand. 
“[Name],” you correct.
Fukuzawa blinks. “Sorry?”
“You called me ‘Your Highness’ just now.”
“I apologize. Force of habit,” he drops his head in a slight bow and the moonlight streaming through the open windows reflects off his gray hair, transforming it into a silver mane. 
Fukuzawa apologizes to you a lot, like a father fumbling for words in front of his newborn, careful not to be anything but kind. If anything, you find it endearing. As well as a little… disappointing. 
Fukuzawa’s smile drops at your change in tone. The worry in his eyes is clear. “Is something wrong?”
You give him a small smile, a tad tense. “No. Not really. Though, I would like to ask you something. Would you humour me?”
“Of course. I will answer anything within reason,” he reassures. 
You rest your cheek against your palm, curiosity and wariness burning bright. 
“Why are you so kind to me? I know how this country views the Empire—views me. I am not blind to the scornful glances nor hidden insults thrown around. I am numb to them. But you… Kunikida… that peculiar doctor as well, you are all much too cordial with a sworn enemy. Is it pity? Some misplaced sense of duty? Or perhaps it is all fake and you are all laughing behind my back as we speak.”
Silence spreads through the empty library, the only noises are the crackling of the fireplace and the gentle swishes of the willow branch behind you. The only thing you hear is your pulse thrumming against your skull.
If Fukuzawa is taken aback by your bluntness, he does not show it. Despite only knowing you for this short period of time, he is probably already used to your brusque manner of speech. He folds his hands in front of him and leans backward, taking some time to come up with a suitable answer. You can practically see the gears turning in that head of his. 
A few moments pass before he finally speaks in a serious, yet gentle, voice.
“Do you think yourself undeserving of our respect?”
You shake your head and answer: “Not at all. I am only surprised you would willingly impart it to me.”
“I cannot speak on Sir Kunikida or Dr. Yosano’s behalf—although, I imagine they share the same thoughts—but I am kind to you because it is common sense. I am kind to you because I am honoured to serve under your reign,” Fukuzawa assures. His expression softens. “I am truly sorry about the harassment you have had to endure. I will do my best to keep them in check, but if it happens again, do not be afraid to use your status. You are their ruler. Do not let them forget it.”
A lump forms in your throat and you force yourself to swallow it down. The support eases your heart, but the anxiety does not fully disappear, nor does the cold tingle of resentment in your chest. They probably never will. For now, you will accept his words, but with caution, as you are still very much in enemy territory. You will need to lead with your mind to survive, not your heart.  
And Fukuzawa? The gentle general is merely a stepping stone, not a friend. 
“I… am grateful. Tha—”
“General Fukuzawa!” In a very familiar fashion, the doors to the library burst open to reveal a man, effectively cutting you off. 
Kunikida stands beneath the frame, face alarmingly red and breaths coming out in short, laboured puffs. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Fukuzawa grimacing. 
“What. Are. You. Doing. Here?.” The minister spits out each word with barely contained anger—more accusation than actual question. 
“Chief Minister.” Fukuzawa bows and slowly inches himself towards the door, closer and closer to the fuming blonde. “I see you are… upset.”
Kunikida’s eye twitches. “Upset? Upset?!” His voice hits an impressive octave and you briefly wonder if he’s ever considered a career in opera. He certainly has the knack for it. 
“The outdoor arena is on fire.”
The general clears his throat. 
“Right. I did tell them not to try out those new techniques without me around, though His Majesty’s soldiers were never ones to adhere to the rules.”
“A black hole opened up in the ceiling and swallowed three stable boys. They were… fully nude when they fell out an hour later.”
Fukuzawa blinks. 
“That’s… new.”
“You have five seconds,” Kunikida says flatly. 
“Well. Duty calls. I shall have to put out some fires… er… literally.” Fukuzawa makes his way to the open doors and is about to leave when he adds: “Have a wonderful  night, [name].”
“Good luck,” you laugh. 
He gives you a small wave before disappearing down the hall. 
You turn your attention to Kunikida who is now slightly less red, though still glowing a nice shade of pink. 
“Good evening, Chief Minister. To what do I owe the pleasure?” You ask. 
“I am here to bring you to dinner service. Perhaps you have forgotten? You seem to be engrossed in our literary offerings,” he answers plainly. 
Kunikida stays standing, but has walked further into the room, hands clasped behind him as he studies the books you chose with furrowed eyebrows. 
“I enjoy reading. Is that such a crime?”
“I am only surprised you were able to find this place. After His Majesty banned entry, most just ignore it as they pass by.”
You cock your head to the right. “I was curious about that. Why? It is a beautiful library—a sunlit treasure trove of knowledge. I would imagine most people would be clawing at the doors for just a glance, yet it is as barren and untravelled as the deserts in the West,” you muse.
 Your curiosity is only a mild interest until Kunikida’s gaze sharply turns away from yours, blatantly avoiding your poking and prodding. His averted eyes cause what little inquisitiveness you had just felt to balloon into a wave of eager investigation. 
He adjusts his glasses and nervously glances at his timepiece. “We are going to be late if—”
He sighs, relenting. 
“If nobody uses this place, why is it so well kept? There are no dirt patches or cobwebs, but the dust between pages suggests that no one has opened them for many years. ”
“If I were to make an educated guess…” Kunikida stops for a moment to think. “I would wager that His Majesty misses what it used to be, and is only trying to preserve the last of that magic. Though the memories here are much too vivid and much too painful for him to come back to.”
What it used to be… 
A flicker of something… a fleeting feeling… No. A memory. At the very back of your mind—
“But I do not think he will continue to do so.”
It vanishes, and you fall back to reality, grasping at nothing and nowhere. 
You shake yourself out of your daze, a bit peeved at the interruption, but curious all the same. 
“Do what? Preserve this place? You believe he will let it just… crumble to ruins?”
Kunikida takes a seat and folds his gloved hands together. The lines on his forehead appear as he tenses, preparing his next words with careful precision. He works his jaw, tension releasing and forming with each movement, as if he is warring internally, fighting to either let the words out or keep it in. 
You hope he chooses the former. The more information, the better. 
His expression settles and a stern look replaces his calm visage. Whatever he has to say must be serious.
You catch yourself tapping the side of your thigh anxiously under the table and clamp your fingers down on your leg… hard. Your father did always say that a royal must be poised and perfect, and he made it extremely clear that such emotions were to be erased and forgotten. 
And if they weren’t… 
A chill runs down your spine at the memories.
“I am well aware that you are, and pardon my candor, untrustworthy.”
You almost snort. Not the first time you’ve heard that and it certainly won’t be the last.
Kunikida continues. “But I believe it is only right to tell you as His Majesty’s spouse. King Dazai is… he is…” Kunikida pauses as he fumbles for the right word. 
A clock ticks. Kunikida settles on a phrase. 
“Unwell. A disease of the mind and heart that has stolen his will. He is here only to serve a purpose and that purpose is not to live out the rest of his life. He exists, but for years now he has not been… here. Almost as if one wrong move and the line His Majesty balances upon disappears and takes him with it.”
Time slows. The air thickens. Are you breathing?
“Slowly but surely, he is fading away,” Kunikida pauses and swallows as he tries to work out his next words. 
“Some days I believe he is better. Most days I do not allow myself to indulge in such a lie.”
˚ · . tags: @zjarrmiii @aiizenn @emyyy007 @letsliveagaintoday @bejeweledgirl @nat-the-gayass-down-bad-mf
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magz · 6 months
(Alternatively: march 11 to 17, 2024 week summary for palestine on instagram)
March 15 to March 19, 2024 Palestine Summary. From "Let's Talk Palestine" (instagram broadcast channel). Quote,
March 15, 2024.
Day 161
• UNICEF: 1 in 3 children (31%) under the age of 2 in northern Gaza suffer from acute malnutrition, an escalation from 15.6% in January
• 149 Palestinians killed, 300 injured in Gaza in the past 24 hours
• Netanyahu dismisses Hamas’s ceasefire proposal, despite US stating that it is “within the bounds” of what was discussed + announces war cabinet approved plans for Rafah ground invasion. Israel continues to send mixed signals as they are also set to send delegates for truce talks in Qatar
⚖️ ICJ to begin hearings in early April on Nicaragua’s case against Germany for complicity in genocide in Gaza, per Nicaragua’s request for emergency rulings
🇦🇺 Australia to resume UNRWA funding of $6 million, following internal determination that “UNRWA is not a terrorist organization” despite Israel’s accusations
🔻 Hamas claims 4 Israeli soldiers killed in central Gaza + ground fighting continues in Khan Younis (south Gaza) & targeting of an Israeli armored troop carrier and tank
March 16, 2024.
🗞️ The Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister and his cabinet resigned on Feb 26, while PA President Abbas will stay; a move towards a post-genocide plan to create a ‘unity’ PA gov’t across West Bank & Gaza.
Set up in the 90s, the PA operates as a subcontractor of Israel’s occupation, lessening its financial and political burdens. Today, PA is controlled by Abbas’s US-backed Fatah party, after Gaza split from its control under Hamas in 2007.
Since Oct, US has pushed for Gaza’s return to the governance of a reformed PA, but without elections, as Fatah would likely lose. Rather Abbas claims he’ll appoint a “technocratic government of officials & experts”. He chose a new PM 2 days ago.
But the rhetoric of “Palestinian unity” covers up the plan’s dismissal of popular demands for representative leadership. Palestinians doubt the reforms, overwhelmingly demanding the PA’s dissolution, Abbas’ resignation & PLO elections.
👩‍🏫 Confused about the PA? Read our post: tinyurl.com/4yhr7k67
Day 162
• 1st aid shipment departing Cyprus arrived in Gaza yesterday carrying 200 tons of food, marking 1st Gaza sea shipment since 2005 + planned 2nd ship coordinated by US, UAE, Spain & Japan; but unclear on distribution of aid across Gaza
• Massacre in central Gaza as Israel destroys home, killing 36 Palestinians, incl. kids & pregnant women
🔻 Senior Hamas & Houthi officials hold rare meeting to discuss coordinated action against an Israeli Rafah ground invasion
• Israeli settlers attack homes in Nablus (West Bank), throwing stones & shooting the air + 20 Palestinians abducted in West Bank, incl. some released in Nov. hostage exchange deal
•⁠ ⁠Palestinian Authority (PA) president Abbas accuses Hamas of causing “return of Israeli occupation of Gaza”, essentially blaming Hamas for the ongoing genocide. Was prompted by Hamas criticism of ‘unilateral’ appointment of new PM of the PA (see our last broadcast)
• 63 Palestinians killed, 112 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
March 17, 2024:
Day 163
🇺🇸⁠ NBC: Biden frustrated over drop in poll numbers in swing states Michigan & Georgia due to his handling of Gaza genocide. Shouting and swearing in a White House meeting, saying he’s doing what is right
•⁠ 19 aid trucks arrive in north Gaza — first convoys to reach the north without incident in 4 months. But aid remains scarce as Israel keeps blocking entry of aid as trucks pile outside Rafah crossing + rate of malnutrition among children under 2 in north doubles in past month
•⁠ 14th Palestinian dies since Oct 7 in Israeli prison following multiple allegations of extreme abusive conditions for Palestinian hostages
🇪🇺⁠ ⁠EU President condemns an Israeli Rafah invasion, joining countless nations to do so like the US & Arab countries
•⁠ Israeli forces abduct 25 Palestinians, incl. a woman with cancer from Gaza & a child in overnight raids in West Bank
•⁠ ⁠92 Palestinians killed, 130 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
March 18, 2024
Day 164
🚨⁠ Israeli forces raid al-Shifa Hospital, where 30,000 Palestinians are sheltering, shooting snipers at those fleeing despite ordering an evacuation. Al-Shifa has regained minimal functionality since Nov seige, but now unable to treat the injured due to siege. 200+ civilians abducted, incl. Al Jazeera journalist Ismail al-Ghoul & his crew — stripped, blindfolded & taken to unknown location, reporting abuse & beatings
•⁠ 81 Palestinians killed, 116 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
•⁠ Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC): Famine imminent, expected in north Gaza by May as 70% of its population subject to “catastrophic” starvation; while famine in Khan Yunis, Rafah & Deir Balah by July
•⁠ ⁠Israel recaptures Rawda Abu Ajmiyeh, previously released in Nov hostage exchange deal; 13 Palestinians recaptured, a clear violation of the deal
•⁠ West Bank: 300 homes demolished + 1,640 Palestinians displaced since Oct 7
🇪🇺 EU announces plans to sanction Israeli settlers
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👆 Graphic from IPC report on the levels of starvation and food insecurity in Gaza. On the left: current levels of food insecurity in Gaza; on the right: projected food insecurity levels by July
March 19, 2024
📣 We’ve just launched a dedicated page to fundraising for Gazans via our linktr.ee/fundsforgaza initiative. We’ve already facilitated tens of thousands of dollars in donations in the past weeks to families in Gaza.
The people we’re helping fundraise for are not numbers. This is a matter of life or death for people with dreams, passions, and stories like you.
Follow the new page @ fundsforgaza (instagram) to get updates on the fundraisers, share content with others to help fundraisers, and support people in Gaza ❤️🇵🇸
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Treaty Between the United States and the Quapaw Indians Signed at St. Louis, August 24, 1818.
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government
Series: Indian Treaties
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 96: Quapaw - St. Louis, August 24, 1818
Image description: Detailed map of the area of Arkansas River and Mississippi River, with boundaries of red and blue;  with an eagle on top left carrying olive branch in its beak; a Native American with a peace pipe on the left, presumably of the Quapaw tribe, pointing to the inscription:
Map of the Territorial Limits of the Quapaw cession
Compiled & Laid down by Rene Paul
August. 1818
[image: Detailed map of the area of Arkansas River and Mississippi River, with boundaries of red and blue;  with an eagle on top left carrying olive branch in its beak; a Native American with a peace pipe on the left, presumably of the Quapaw tribe, pointing to the inscription:
Map of the Territorial Limits of the Quapaw cession
Compiled & Laid down by Rene Paul
August. 1818]
A treaty of Friendship, Cession and Limits made and entered into this twenty fourth day of August Eighteen hundred & Eighteen, by and be-
tween  [between] William Clark and Auguste Chouteau, Commissioners on the part and behalf of the United States of the one part, and the Undersigned Chiefs,
and Warriors of the Quawpaw Tribe or Nation, on the part and behalf of this said Tribe or Nation of the other part. -
 Art: I: The Undersigned Chiefs and Warriors for themselves and their s'd [said] Tribe or Nation do hereby acknowledge themselves to be under the protection of the United States, and
of no other State, Power, or Sovereignty whatsoever.
 Art: II: The Undersigned chiefs and Warriors, for themselves and their said Tribe or Nation do hereby, for an in consideration of the promises and stipulations herein after named, Cede
and relinquish to the United States forever, all the Lands within the following boundaries, viz: Beginning at the mouth of the Arkansas River, thence extending up the Arkan-
saw  [Arkansaw] to the Canadian fork and up the Canadian fork [to its source, thence south to Big Red river and down] that river to the Big raft, Thence a direct line so as
to strike the Mississippi River, thirty Leagues in a straight line below the mouth of Arkansaw, together with all their claims to land East of the Mississippi, and north of the Ar-
kansaw river, included within the couloured lines, 1, 2, and 3 on the above map: - with the exception and reservation following: that is to say, the tract of country bounded as follows;
Beginning at a point on the Arkansaw river opposite the present post of Arkansaw, and running thence a due South West course to the Washita river, thence up that river to the
[in pencil, faint] mouth of the Saline [/] Saline fork, and up the Saline fork to a point from whence a due North East course would strike the Arkansaw river [insert] at the little rock [/] and thence down the right bank of the Arkan-
[in margin, circled] 2-9 [/] saw to the place of beginning, which S'd [said] tract of land, last above designated and reserved, shall be surveyed and marked off, at the Expense of the United States, as
any State or Nation, without the approbation of the United States, first had and obtained.
 Art III; It is agreed between the United States, and the said Tribe, or Nation, that the individuals of the S'd [said]Tribe or Nation shall be at liberty to hunt within the Territory by them
ceded to the United States, without hindrance or molestation so long as they demean themselves peacefully and offer no injury or annoyance to any of the citizens of the United
States, and until the S'd [said] United States may think proper to assign the Same, or any same or any portion thereof, as hunting grounds to other friendly indians.
 Art IV; No Citizen of the United States, or any other person shall be permitted to settle on any of the lands hereby allotted to and reserved for the S'd [said] Quawpaw Tribe, or Nation, to live and
hunt on; Yet, it is expressly understood and agreed on by and between the parties aforesaid, that at all times the citizens of the United States, shall have the right to travel
and pass freely without toll or exaction through the Quawpaw reservation, by such roads or routes as now are, or hereafter may be, established.
 Art V; In consideration of the cession and stipulations aforesaid the United States do hereby promise, and bind themselves to pay and deliver to the s'd [said] Quawpaw Tribe, or Nation, immediately
upon the execution of this Treaty, Goods and Merchandise to the value of Four Thousand Dollars, and to deliver, or cause to be delivered to them yearly, and every year, Goods and Mer-
chandise [merchandise] to the value of One Thousand Dollars to be estimated in the city, or place in the United States, where the same are procured, or purchased.
 Art VI; Least the friendship which now exists between the United States, and the Said Tribe, or Nation should be interrupted by the misconduct of individuals, it is hereby agreed, that
for injuries done by individuals, no private  revenge, or retaliation shall take place, but instead thereof, complaints shall be made by the party injured to the other. - By the Tribe, or
nation aforesaid, to the Governor, Superintendant of Indian Affairs, or some other person, authorized or appointed for that purpose, and by the Governor, Superintendent, or other person authorized
to the [crossed out] said [/] Chiefs of the S'd [said] Tribe, or Nation. And it shall be the duty of the Said Tribe or Nation, upon complaint being made as aforesaid, to deliver up the person or persons against whom the complaint is made, to the end that he or they may be punished agreeably to the Laws of the State or Territory where thee offence may have been committed; And in like manner, if any robbery,
violence, or murder, shall be committed on any indian, or Indians belonging to the Said Tribe, or Nation, the person, or persons so offending shall be tried, and if found guilty,
punished in like manner as if the injury had been done to a white man._ And it is further agreed that the chiefs of the said Tribe or Nation shall to the utmost of their power
exert themselves to recover horses or other property which may be Stolen from any citizen or citizens of the United States, by any individual or individuals of the Said Tribe, or
Nation, and the property  so recovered shall be forthwith delivered to the Governor, Superintendent, or other person authorized to receive the same, that it may be restored
to the proper owner. And in cases where the exertions of the Chiefs shall be ineffectual in recovering the property stolen, as aforesaid, if sufficient proof can be obtain-
ed [obtained], that such property was actually stolen by an indian, or indians belonging to the Said Tribe, or Nation, a sum equal to the value of the property which has been stolen, may
be deducted by the United States from the Annuity of S'd [said] Tribe or Nation. And the United States hereby guarantee to the individuals of the Said Tribe, or Nation
a full indemnification for any horse, or horses, or other property which may be taken from [insert] them [/] by any of their citizens; Provided, the property so stolen cannot be recovered, and
that sufficient proof is produced that it may actually stolen by a citizen or citizens of the United States.
 Art VII; This Treaty shall take effect and be obligatory on the contracting parties, as soon as the same shall have been ratified by the President of the United States,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
[left column]
Done at St Louis in the presence of
[signed] R. Wash   Secretary to the Commission
[signed] R. Paul  Col. M. M.
    C. I.
[signed] Jn Ruland  Sub Agent & c
[signed] R Graham Ind Agt
[signed] M  Lewis Clark
[signed] J. T. Honore   Ind Intpr
[signed] Joseph Bonne   Interpreter
[signed] Julius Pescay
[signed] Stephen Julian, U.S. indn interpt.
[signed] James Loper
[signed] William P Clark
[middle column]
[signed] Wm Clark
[signed] Aug. Chouteau [seal]
Kra-ka-ton, or  }
the dry man  }  his + mark [seal]
Hra-da-paa, or   }
the Eagles Bill }  his + mark [seal]
Ma-hra-ka,          }
or Buck Wheat   }  his + mark [seal]
Hon-ka-daq-ni   his + mark [seal]
Wa-gon-ka-datton   his + mark [seal]
Hra-das-ka-mon-mini, }
or the Pipe Bird              }  his + mark [seal]
Pa  tonq  di, or the         }
approaching Summer  }  his + mark [seal]
Te hon ka, or the   }
 Tame Buffaloe   }  his + mark [seal]
[right column]
Ha-mon-mini              }
or the night walker   }  his + mark [seal]
Washing-tete-ton       }
or mocking bird bill  }  his + mark [seal]
Hon-te-ka-ni   his + mark [seal]
Ta-ta-on-sa  or          }
the whistling wind  }  his + mark [seal]
Mozate te   }  his + mark [seal]
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jinnaizaemon · 2 months
Happy movie trailer day! In the meantime I'm making myself busy translating the second movie, and because I have a stupid amount of notes about that scene introducing the special Kisanta rescue team (the kids who didn't complete their homework), I thought I'd share them here. It's a bit long, so it's under the cut!
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"1st year ha-class, Settsu no Kirimaru. Assigned with a book report. Planned to copy someone else’s homework. I was too busy working part time jobs!"
In the background there's a seigaiha wave pattern, which has been used since the Heian period, and so is well established already during Muromachi where Nintama takes place. Because of the unending motion of waves, it's an auspicious pattern that evokes resilience.
Then, there's of course the little coins Kirimaru loves so much ("kozeni!"). They are called eiraku-tsuho after the japanese reading of the characters 永樂通寳 on it, but back then they were commonly called eiraku-sen. They are copper coins worth 1 mon (the currency of the time) each, and they have a square hole in the middle so they can be tied to a string.
The text scrolling across the screen goes like this: 人も歩けば銭を拾う. "Even people can pick up coins if they keep walking." Looks like Kirimaru's own take on the japanese proverb "Even a dog can pick up a stick if it keeps walking.", meaning that good things are bound to happen if you keep going. 成るも成らぬも銭次第. "When there's money, there's a way." Literally "Success depends on money.", but is a spin on "when there's a will, there's a way". 銭は天下の落とし物 "Coins are what heavens dropped and left behind", literally. So something like "Coins fell from heavens' pocket." If it's a spin on a proverb, I don't know about it, sorry!
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"1st year ha-class, Fukutomi Shinbei. Assigned with kanji exercises. Planned to copy someone else’s homework. Instead I ate a lot of yummy food!"
In the background are konpeitou, a type of candy introduced in Japan by Portuguese traders by the end of Muromachi.
At the time, it was an exotic and expensive product, but surely it's something Shinbei would be able to enjoy back at his family home in Sakai, whose port became a hub for foreign trade at the time due to Oda Nobunaga forming friendly relationships with the Portuguese (a missionary even gifted him konpeitou to earn his favors). So if there's one character who could afford konpeitou, it would probably be Shinbei! (I'm sure Tasogare Jinbei would love it too.)
The scrolling text reads: 地上の子の最大の幸福は満腹なれ "In a full belly lies a child of earth's chief happiness." Shinbei's own take on these verses part of Goethe's West-Eastern Divan: In sense of personal being lies A child of earth's chief happiness. 衣食足りて宿題忘るる "The poor can't afford homewowork." It comes from the japanese proverb "once fed and clothed, one learns manners", which I think in English would be "the poor can't afford manners". Literally translates to "Once fed and clothed, you forgeget about homework". Yes, Shinbei added an extra character, so the last word gets an extra vowel lol.
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"3rd year ro-class, Kanzaki Samon. Assigned with farm work practice. Somehow never found the way to the assigned farm. That was homework for a 2nd year? So stupid!"
Behind him are mah-jong tiles with the characters for the fourth cardinal points on them: 北 (north), 南 (south), 東 (east), 西 (west). Obviously relating to his sense of direction.
The text reads: 進退は疑うなかれ "Don't doubt your actions." 敵を見て謀るなかれ "Do not scheme just by watching the enemy." Sadly I don't know where these lines come from. 迷わず行けよ行けば判る "Just go without hesitation; if you go, you will understand." This is taken from a quote by pro-wrestler Antonio Inoki.
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"4th year i-class, Tairano Takiyashamaru. I tore the social science work I was given since it was for 1st years! I boast the best grades in my year, don’t make a fool of me!"
The rose frame evokes early shoujo manga, most notably The Rose of Versailles by Riyoko Ikeda, where roses are a recurring symbol in the story of the main characters' enduring beauty and dignity even in the hardest times. That idea of beauty, utsukushisa, is something Takiyashamaru mentions a lot, insisting on doing things beautifully always.
The scrolling text reads: 選ばれし者の恍惚と不満ふたつ我有り "I have both the ecstasy and displeasure of being the chosen one." Taken from Dazai Osamu's short story Leaves. 天才を天才たらしめるのは私の本能 My instinct makes me a genius among geniuses. His own take on a quote by Bob Dylan:  "I believe that instinct is what makes a genius a genius.". He made it about himself... classic Taki...
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"5th year ro-class, Fuwa Raizou. Got overwhelmed with apprehension over the science exercises aimed at 3rd years that I received. How come that homework is so easy?"
In the background are lined up onigawara. Oni is often translated as "ogre" or "demon", but originally the figure of the oni symbolizes everything that is out of human's power and influence, making them not necessarily malicious ; all events that amount to luck, fate, force of natures like earthquakes, storms, etc, Which is why you find onigawara, roof tiles made in the shape of oni, placed there in order to ward off evil and misfortune. Fuwa Raizou's name sounds similar to the yojijukugo (four kanji compound expression) 付和雷同 "fu wa rai dou" meaning "to follow others blindly". That's not very sympathetic towards ever hesitant Raizou, but the characters used to spell his name are different : 不(un-) 破(breakable) 雷(thunder) 蔵(warehouse, ownership) The unbreakable mind who puts thunder in a box, who made thunder his own. Under his indecisiveness there's a reliable senpai and protector, just like the onigawara!
Raizou has only one sentence scrolling across the screen:
お前の実力はこの程度ということなのだろうか "Could this be the extent of your ability?" I don't know if this refers to something else, the sentence being very... anime fight-speech like it makes it difficult to research haha.
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"You never change, Raizou. Gave up on homework to follow Raizou. 5th year ro-class, Hachiya Saburou."
I love this transition! His introduction mirrors Raizou: He comments first, gives his reason for not doing his homework second, and shares his name last. Excuse my sloppy edit in the picture above, I wanted to include all the mask in one picture. The striped background evokes a theater curtains, and all of Raizou's onigawara are swapped with masks from Noh theater - they all represent different characters, of different archetypes, gender, etc. Some are humans, some are spirits, some are good or evil... conveying of course Saburou's mastery of disguise! I tried to name all the masks on the picture above, but I'm really no expert so I might have made mistakes. Incidentally, Ayakashimaru from 1st year ro-class is named after the "Ayakashi" Noh mask. Although they aren't pictured here, there exist masks named Fushikizou, Heita, and Magojirou.
As for the scrolling text... take a deep breath everyone because it's a lot:
比翼の鳥 連理の枝一膳の箸 把手共行 碎啄同時 "Lovebirds flying together, intertwined branches of a tree, A pair of chopsticks, walking hand in hand, a chance opportunity."
There's.. a LOT going on here, yojijukugo and poetic imagery, so let's break it down:
比翼の鳥 連理の枝 hiyoko no tori, literally birds in flight, is an expression meaning "a happily married couple". renri no eda means intertwined branches, the "renri" part refering to trees growing to become cojointed. In Japanese, such trees are seen as an auspicious symbol of marriage, and "renri" is an expression to refer to an intimate relationship.
This specific imagery is found in the Chinese poem, the Song of Everlasting Regret, telling the story of star-crossed lovers:
“In the heavens, we vow to be as two birds flying wingtip to wingtip, On earth, we vow to be as two intertwined branches of a tree.”
一膳の箸 ichizen no hashi is literally "a pair of chopsticks".
把手共行 hashukyouko means "to go together, hand in hand".
碎啄同時 sottaku douji means an once in a life time chance, a golden opportunity. It evokes two people learning and working in sync, and in Buddhism, it refers to a teacher helping a disciple attain enlightenment.
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"6th year ha-class, Zenpouji Isaku. Got an assignment for 4th years, “Steal the flag of the Tasogaredoki army”. But it didn’t count since I ripped the flag I got to make bandages out of it. It was in pieces, but I did bring back a whole flag…"
I'm not sure of what is in the background haha. The designs and the brown side remind me a lot of the matchboxes sold in the Taisho era and until mid Showa. They're known by the word for "matchbox label", 燐票, rinpyou. These matchboxes were used for advertising, notably by drugstores for selling medicine. This is at least what the designs of the boxes on the screenshot reminds me of, especially the blue Junko (the snake being associated with traditional medicine too).
The text reads: ちちんぷいぷい いたいのいたいのむこうのおやまへとんでゆけ "There, there, ouchies fly away, to the mountain over there." The whole sentence is written in the easy to read, phonetic hiragana alphabet, to match the "baby speech" tone of the sentence. The first part, chichin puipui, is used as a "spell" by parents, nurses, etc to comfort small children in pain. Then, the ouchies are sent flying away with a motion of the hand to make them feel better.
That's it for today! I hope it wasn't too long to read! Thank you for reading this far! If you have extra info, please let me know!
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Another Wikipedia featured article poll, but it's hand-curated this time. Links and summaries below the cut.
A History of British Fishes is a natural history book by William Yarrell, serialised in nineteen parts from 1835, and then published bound in two volumes in 1836. It is a handbook or field guide systematically describing every type of fish found in the British Isles, with an article for each species.
The Battle of Lake Trasimene was fought when a Carthaginian force under Hannibal ambushed a Roman army commanded by Gaius Flaminius on 21 June 217 BC, during the Second Punic War. The battle took place on the north shore of Lake Trasimene, to the south of Cortona, and resulted in a heavy defeat for the Romans.
Steller's sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) is an extinct sirenian described by Georg Wilhelm Steller in 1741. At that time, it was found only around the Commander Islands in the Bering Sea between Alaska and Russia; its range extended across the North Pacific during the Pleistocene epoch, and likely contracted to such an extreme degree due to the glacial cycle.
The Baker Street robbery was the burglary of safety deposit boxes at the Baker Street branch of Lloyds Bank in London, on the night of 11 September 1971. A gang tunnelled 40 feet (12 m) from a rented shop two doors away to come up through the floor of the vault.
On the morning of 6 December 1917, the French cargo ship SS Mont-Blanc collided with the Norwegian vessel SS Imo in the waters of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Mont-Blanc, laden with high explosives, caught fire and exploded, devastating the Richmond district of Halifax.
The nature fakers controversy was an early 20th-century American literary debate highlighting the conflict between science and sentiment in popular nature writing. The debate involved important American literary, environmental and political figures.
The Spaghetti House siege took place between 28 September and 3 October 1975. An attempted robbery of the Spaghetti House restaurant in Knightsbridge, London, went wrong and the police were quickly on the scene.
Weird Tales is an American fantasy and horror fiction pulp magazine founded by J. C. Henneberger and J. M. Lansinger in late 1922. The first issue, dated March 1923, appeared on newsstands February 18.
In July 2017, the municipalities of Mahwah, Upper Saddle River, and Montvale in Bergen County, New Jersey, in the United States, opposed extension of an eruv within their borders. An eruv is a land area surrounded by a boundary of religious significance, often marked by small plastic pipes (called lechis) attached to utility poles.
The Makassar kingdom of Gowa emerged around 1300 CE as one of many agrarian chiefdoms in the Indonesian peninsula of South Sulawesi. From the sixteenth century onward, Gowa and its coastal ally Talloq became the first powers to dominate most of the peninsula, following wide-ranging administrative and military reforms, including the creation of the first bureaucracy in South Sulawesi.
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On February 5th 1941 the S S Politician, with a cargo of whisky, ran aground of the North Shore of the Island of Eriskay.
The SS Politician was an 8000-tonne cargo ship which left Liverpool on the 3rd February 1941 laden with amongst other things 260,000 bottles of whisky, bound for Kingston in Jamaica and New Orleans. The whisky was for the American market and therefore no duty had been paid. She sailed up past the Isle of Man towards the Hebrides where the winds increased to gale force.
On the morning of 5th February a young man was combing a beach in South Uist when he saw the ship in trouble and beginning to list. After a valiant struggle by the Captain, Beaconsfield Worthington, to keep his ship on course, the SS Politician eventually ran aground in the storm onto sandbanks off the Isle of Eriskay where she began to flood. Unfortunately as the ship had veered off course an incorrect location was given to the lifeboat crew on Barra. Local islanders were roused and they set forth in a sailing boat to offer assistance to the crew. The lifeboat finally reached the ship and all the crew were rescued.
When the locals learned from the crew exactly what the ship was carrying, a series of illegal salvage operations took place at night, before the customs and excise officials arrived. The islands supplies of whisky had dried up due to war-time rationing, so the islanders periodically helped themselves to some of the 260,000 bottles of whisky before winter weather broke up the ship. Boats came from as far away as Lewis as news of the whisky travelled across the Outer Hebrides. No islander regarded it as stealing, as for them the rules of salvage meant that once the bounty was in the sea, it was theirs to rescue.
This of course was not the view of the local customs officer, Charles McColl, who was incensed at the blatant thievery that was going on. Not a penny had been paid in duty for this whisky so Mr McColl whipped up a furore and made an official complaint to the police. Villages were raided and crofts were turned upside down. Bottles were hidden, secreted, or sometimes drunk in order to hide the evidence.
On 26 April at Lochmaddy Sheriff Court a group of men from Barra pleaded guilty to theft and were fined between three and five pounds. Mr McColl was furious at the leniency of the men’s sentences, but the police, being mainly locals themselves, were tired of the bothering the locals who had not, in their minds, done such a bad thing. However, Mr McColl continued his crusade against these illegal salvagers and some of the men were sentenced to up to six weeks in prison in Inverness and Peterhead.
Back at sea, the official salvage attempts were not going too well, and it was eventually decided to let the Politician remain where she was. Mr McColl, who had already estimated that the islanders had stolen 24,000 bottles of whisky, ensured that there would be no more temptation. He applied for, and was granted, permission to explode her hull and as one islander, Angus John Campbell, commented: “Dynamiting whisky. You wouldn’t think there’d be men in the world so crazy as that!”
In 1987 Donald MacPhee, a local South Uist man, found eight bottles of whisky in the wreck. He sold them at auction for £4,000.
The wreck of the SS Politician still lies off the coast of Eriskay, although it is below the water line as winter gales have destroyed the deck and cabins. In 1988 the island got its own ‘legitimate’ pub, named ‘Am Politician’.
The story was used by Compton Mackenzie for his book Whisky Galore, and later for the Ealing Studio comedy by the same name.A remake was released in 2016 starring James Cosmo and Gregor Fisher amongst others, I didn't expect it to be any good, but was pleasantly surprised.
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sourcreammachine · 13 days
so the vote on Winter Fuel Allowance is tomorrow (tuesday) and a rebellion is due to take place
and there’re rumours that as many as FIFTY labour MPs could rebel, and it’s believed the government is prepared to suspend every single one of them
that would leave the house looking like this. purple is not a party – it’s the 57 labour suspendees. hot pink is the Independent Alliance, formed last week
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the seven already-suspended labour members are dead set to also vote against the government, which of course will not help their cases when they’re reviewed at the beginning of next year. in fact, a brutal suspension of fifty-odd other MPs could make them more willing to leave altogether
the IA has made overtures towards the seven already-suspended members trying to convince them to join them, and wishful thinkers can easily imagine them taking up that offer. with household names such as mcdonnell and long-bailey, rising stars such as sultana and begum, and elite organisers such as byrne and burgon, this group would be a powerful parliamentary force
unfortunately, there is a lot of wishful thinking in imagining all seven joining the IA all at once. the new organisation is naissant and brittle, this pressure may cause directional confusion and lead the organisation to failure. but there may be a slow trickle – after tomorrow’s events, and their fallout over the coming weeks and months, some may begin to join the IA, perhaps long-bailey, old mcdonnell, or sultana
the new group of maybe fifty would include heavy hitters such as clive lewis, kim johnson, nadia whittome and diane abbott. with such a large grouping they’re bound to do a little organising, even if it’s just a meeting room or a resource pool, because they won’t form a formal faction without being fully expelled from labour
which leads me to my point. wishful thinkers, such as myself, want the Independent Alliance to succeed. socialist independents came so close in so many seats, from ilford north to preston to slough to ilford south. imagine if the candidates of this movement had a little extra push, a little extra resources. imagine a world where we didn’t have wes streeting. we want the five MPs who made it to form a platform to aid the candidates who didn’t, for 2029. but the onus is on them to turn their foot-in-the-door organisation into an actual mass membership party. it’ll be work, hence their immediate priorities being angled low, with their absolute dogshit name. it won’t be a year or even two before they become a bona fide party, if that even succeeds
the swathes of labour suspendees throws a total spanner in the works
no: this time tomorrow, this time next month, the uk will not have a new democratic socialist political party. dark lord corbyn will not rise again. it’s total melodrama to think a massive party will form, just like that. there will not be a new 62-member party. flinging multiple career partisan social democrats together with pro-palestine anti-austerity activists, and the latter’s capacity to achieve what they want to achieve will be hella diminished. attempting to coordinate these disparate forces is a fool’s errand and should not, must not be attempted
it’s entirely possible that some of the fifty-odd will take the plunge and join the IA. it may even be mathematically inevitable depending on the numbers. there’re reports that the greens are willing to cooperate with the IA on certain matters in order to corral parliamentary procedure and coordinate shared agendas, and it’s not insane to think that plaid cymru could join in collaborating this way. if certain ex-labour members join the IA directly due to ideological alignment, others could cooperate with it in this sort of way
the overwhelming majority of the suspended members will return to the parliamentary labour party in six months’ time. some won’t. some may’ve joined the IA. some may’ve even joined the greens. many of the rest cannot join the IA due to its need to become a freestanding socialist party, but there’s this cooperation mechanism
i’m talking broad-front coalition building
if the IA and greens deepen their cooperation it could result in a non-aggression agreement. in ilford north, secretary streeting won by 500 votes, and the greens came a distant fifth with 1700 votes. if the IA succeeds in transforming itself into a party, they can certainly win in this seat, and a green pact would help massively. galvanising a green-plaid pact too would pile on the pressure and punish labour everywhere, not just wales. an IA-green-plaid coalition faction would command 13 members, perhaps pushing 20 with new IA inductees. but there is absolutely space there for the soft left that the IA can’t accept, a fourth pillar. a sort of “progressive” group that yer dad could vote for
the IA needs to stick to its socialist, anti-war mission. but with events this dynamic, it helps to keep an eye on the larger picture. the IA will, if it succeeds, become, in time, our country’s newest party, and one i’m ready to join and get out on the street for. events are moving fast. there is a space for a new centre-left presence. it should be encouraged to organise and cooperate. the IA can’t, mustn’t have them, but they should be encouraged to help themselves. they are, and can be, allies of the true left. starmer has a world to lose, after all
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