#normal guy team i love thm
marcsnuffy · 3 months
When I'm in the abnormal about rivalries competition and my opponents are Ubers
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
How To Simplify Your Skincare Routine
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/how-to-simplify-your-skincare-routine/
How To Simplify Your Skincare Routine
You know what doesn’t go hand-in-hand? Beauty product hoarding and moving. December and January were absolutely consumed by moving and I *finally* (much to C’s pleasure) had to go through my beauty products and make some important decisions. Now, as a hyper-organized Virgo I’m actually pretty good about letting go of things that “don’t spark joy” but whats a girl gonna do when all her beauty and skincare products spark joy?! It’s been complicated to say the least.
Now, I know I’m not the norm here. I’m actually not a big shopper and prefer to upcycle things rather than buy something new, but we all have our thing that we just can’t get enough of and for me it’s clean beauty. Which should come as no surprise given how often I talk about it around here. But like I said, I’m not the norm and I even as a self-proclaimed beauty addict, things can get a little too complicated for me. So I can only imagine how someone who is looking to switch to cleaner beauty and skincare must feel when entering into the black hole that is green beauty. So today I want to talk about how to simplify your skincare routine. Both in terms of what to use but also how to save money on products. Because while I may love trying out new products and experimentation, putting together a skincare routine can actually be quite simple (and affordable!).
But first thing’s first we need to talk about 2 things:
1) How to Properly Apply Your Skincare Routine
2) Why spend more or less on skincare
For 1) I’ve already written a blog post about this. As I mentioned in the post, your skincare routine can be anywhere from 5-20 steps. How complicated it gets is up to you. I shared the very basics: cleanse, tone, serum, moisturize, spf but you are welcome to add on. If simplifying your skincare routine is a priority I recommend sticking to the 5 basics.
For 2) what you spend on skincare is entirely up to you. Today I’m going to share how to simplify i.e. spend the bare minimum for clean beauty without sacrificing too much quality BUT if you’re like me and you want that rare flower only grown in the Himalayas infused into your oils, you have to be okay with paying for it. Are there benefits to it? Yes. But just because there are benefits doesn’t mean it is essential. I do my very best to stay away from recommending anything too expensive around here, but occasionally there are products that really are worth the money. Others, not so much. That’s really what this post is about. Let’s get into it.
How To Simplify Your Skincare Routine
Let’s assume you’re taking a bare minimum approach and just doing the 5-step process of cleanse, tone, serum, moisturizer and spf the question then becomes where can you save money and/or find accessible products? Let’s break it down:
1) Cleanser = Honey
I know what you may be thinking – honey as my cleanser? Yes, honey is an incredibly gentle and effective facial cleanser. Honey contains antibacterial, probiotic, and healing properties and is super nourishing and hydrating for the skin. Apply as you would a normal cleanser by wetting the face and using a dollop of honey all over. Remove with water and a washcloth. Note: you’ll want to use raw honey here. The processed honey you find in teddy bear squeeze bottles has very few nutrients remaining and is effectively just washing your face with corn syrup. If you are removing makeup first, a simplifying hack is to use pure coconut oil. Just apply coconut oil directly to dry skin and place a warm washcloth on top to remove oil and makeup. Make sure you remove everything. Follow it up with your honey cleanser.
2) Toner = Rosewater or Witch Hazel
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is no reason to spend a lot on toners. I’ve used expensive toners and cheap toners and there is very little difference. Most Whole Foods and health food stores will carry rosewater or witch hazel which are both effective toners for balancing the pH of your skin and/or removing any remaining impurities. Just be sure to read the bottle to ensure there aren’t a bunch of extra added ingredients. You want pure rosewater or witch hazel.
3) Serum = Spend your $$$
If you’re going to invest in any part of your skincare routine, it should be your serum. Serum is the added boost step. It’s where you indulge your skin in whatever you are looking to support. Whether it’s an added boost of vitamin C, anti-aging products or acne-soothing, if you’re going to spend money on your skincare it should be on your serums. I recommend not cutting corners here. I spend a lot on serums because they’re effective. Here are my favorites:
4) Moisturize = Pure oils like rosehip seed oil or grapeseed oil
There are TONS of moisturizing oils out there. Each one touting its benefits but to be honest, you can get away with spending much less. I may love my mix of oils specializing tailored to my skin but I do not think anyone should be spending a ton of money on their oils if it’s not something they care that much about. Many people have a lot of success with pure rosehip seed oil, which is great for redness and scarring. My personal favorite pure oil is grapeseed oil which works super well for my dry, acne-prone skin. Another option is squalane oil which people with oily skin tend to love. Just make sure you’re ordering quality products. Look for cold-pressed and organic where possible.
5) SPF = Keep it simple
Honestly, there aren’t a ton of cheaper clean SPFs out there. I’m currently working my way through a bunch of facial SPFs trying to find a safe and effective one that works for sensitive skin. My absolute favorite is the Josh Rosebrook Nutrient Day Cream ($85) but I get that it’s expensive. C uses the Suntegrity Moisurizing Suncreen ($45) which he loves and finds effective so this is a cheaper option. Let’s just say that this is work-in-progress, but for the love of god please do not skip SPF!
Would love to hear from you guys if you find these types of posts helpful. My goal is always to make the clean beauty space more accessible to you. There is a learning curve, but as you can see it doesn’t need to be too complicated. Please let me know in the comments below or shoot me an email if you find this helpful and want to see similar posts. Ideas are always welcome.
Like this post? Here are a few others you might enjoy:
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lenaglittleus · 6 years
Caramelized Onion, Broccoli and Spinach Frittata
Wake up the right way with this Caramelized Onion, Broccoli and Spinach Frittata. Made with organic onions, broccoli and mighty spinach, this frittata will hit the spot for a quick weekday breakfast or weekend brunch.
Oh so you thought you were just here for this Caramelized Onion, Broccoli and Spinach Frittata recipe? Think again. Sure, this frittata is awesome (and downright delicious!) but what it stands for is equally as important. So let’s chat…
If you watched my Week in the Life video you know I was recently down at Earthbound Farm chatting with their team. Not only do I love hanging out with their team (hi guys! you’re the best!) but it’s also so nice to be around people who understand and appreciate organics. They don’t require any convincing on the topic. They see it every day and they just know, it is the only choice.
So what do I mean by “only choice”? I’m talking about the health of our planet. Because while conventional produce may have given access to cheap produce across the US, it’s depleting our soil in the process. And guess what? This means we won’t have a planet to enjoy that delicious salad or freshly picked raspberries.
We just got deep REAL fast.
If you read my 5 reasons to choose organic post you know how passionate I am about this topic. I’m on a mission to educate people that organic is not a marketing term. It is a strict set of regulations that farmers must follow that ensure the preservation of our food system and our planet. Its impacts are greater reaching though. It is better for our bodies, better for our farmers, better for our soil and honestly, it just tastes better!
But today I’m focusing on one topic and the reason I choose organic.
I choose organic for our planet. A planet that I’d like to leave in better shape for the next generation. That means adopting farming practices that not only slow climate change, but actually reverse it. Evidence has shown that organic practices actually store more carbon in soil. On average, organic farms have 44% higher levels of humic acid, the component of soil that sequesters carbon over the long term, than soils not managed organically (source). That means the soil is effectively “eating up” the carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, reversing the impact of climate change (source). THAT’S HUGE!
“But organics are so expensive!” I get it. I know cost can be a barrier to entry for so many, but without a planet we can use and enjoy, the marginal increase in price for organics doesn’t matter all that much, does it?! That being said, I think it’s important to recognize our own limitations (right now) and make conscious choices where we can. That may mean swapping out one ingredient for an organic version. Or perhaps three so you can make this Caramelized Onion, Broccoli and Spinach Frittata!
There are many reasons why organics are the better choice but today I encourage you to make the choice for the planet! Let me know why you choose organic or an organic choice you made today by sharing the hashtag #IChooseOrganic on Instagram! Would love to see your reasons AND now through February 17, you have the chance to win some Earthbound swag if you tag @earthboundfarm and hashtag #IChooseOrganic and #sweepstakes in your post about why you choose organic. Full contest rules.
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Caramelized Onion, Broccoli and Spinach Frittata
Author: Jess @ The Healthy Maven
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
Yield: 8 large slices
½ lb broccoli (about 1-2 crowns of broccoli or 1 bunch of baby broccoli), chopped
1 onion, halved and sliced
1 box of mighty spinach (5 oz)
10 eggs
salt, to taste
Olive oil, butter or ghee for cooking
Prep your vegetables and place the broccoli into a heat proof bowl.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Heat an oven safe 10” skillet (preferably nonstick or cast iron) over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of olive, ghee or butter (or a mix) to skillet.
Once the fat is melted add the onions and a good pinch of salt and turn the heat to medium low.
Cook the onions, stirring every few minutes, until they are golden and caramelized, about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, pour boiling water over the broccoli and cover with a plate for about 5 minutes. Drain the broccoli and set aside.
Once the onions are very fragrant, golden and soft, add the broccoli and another good pinch of salt.
Next add in the box of greens and cook until it is all wilted.
Meanwhile, whisk 10 eggs with 2 good pinches of salt.
Once all the greens are wilted add the eggs into the skillet and stir gently to evenly distribute the vegetables.
Turn up the heat to medium high and cook for about 5 minutes until the bottom is golden.
Transfer the skillet to the oven and cook until the frittata is set, about 15 minutes.
Allow to cool for a few minutes before cutting into desired slices. Serve immediately.
Subscribe to Earthbound Farm’s emails to receive $3 off any Earthbound Farm product and bring your day into organic balance with simple, flavorful recipes, cooking tips and coupons. Sign up here!
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Earthbound Farm. I am a 2019 ambassador however all opinions expressed are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands who help make THM possible! To learn more about Earthbound Farm and the incredible variety of organic produce they grow, visit their site here.
The post Caramelized Onion, Broccoli and Spinach Frittata appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/caramelized-onion-broccoli-and-spinach-frittata/
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steffancockrell · 6 years
Raw Nutella Bars
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These Raw Nutella Bars are a quick, easy-to-make snacks made with just 6 healthy ingredients – no actual nutella necessary! With a hazelnut and date-base and a simple chocolate coating, these bars will totally hit the spot.
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Welcome back friends! No I haven't been go and neither has the blog but it's definitely been a slower summer here at THM and with Labor Day Weekend now come and gone and kids being back in school, it feels like a fresh start. Things haven't in fact been slow around THM, they've actually just been slow around the blog. The blog is my baby and forever my first love but there's been so many projects coming down the pipeline that the blog has taken a back seat.
Unfortunately, this also applies to the podcast and my channel. While I love blogging, vlogging and podcasting, it isn't always sustainable to do all three. Let alone all three with so many other exciting stuff happening.
So what's been going on? Well first, we launched Camp Wellness! There's still some spots of you want to join us. We would love to see you there. In addition to Camp Wellness, we've also been hosting events around the Bay Area where I've been teaching more yoga. I've absolutely fallen in love with teaching and it something I'm really enjoying focusing my energy on. I just feel like there's so much more to learn and that makes me so excited! We also have a VERY exciting series and book launching next week. So stay tuned for that. Yes – you'll hear about it here!
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One thing you may have noticed is that I keep referring to “we”. While THM started off as my baby and a solo project. It's so much more than that now. I'd have to be superhuman to keep up the blog, youtube, the podcast, teach yoga, throw a retreat and manage a business all at the same time. For the record, I'm not! I am incredibly fortunate to have an incredible team of women who help me out.
You guys have already met Tanya and Georgia (read more about them here!) as well as our summer intern Nicole who is staying on as THM's first official ambassador (email me if you're also interested). There's also Emily, who is my events coordinator extraordinaire and makes sure that all events run smoothly for you guys. And then there's Jess. Jess is the newest member of Team Maven and the lady I want to introduce you to today.
For the last few months, my focus has been all over the place. Baseline it's hard for me to focus on one thing, but with so many passions I want to pursue and dive into, I've been allowing myself to explore and expand in ways I never have before. In the process, THM has evolved to be so much more than what it was when I started almost 6 years ago. You definitely can't fit THM into a box and it's something I'm completely fine with. No business, and certainly no human is one-dimensional and I want THM to reflect this.
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That being said, there are pieces of THM that I want to see remain, even if they can't be my main focus. One of those pieces is recipes. While I love food, one of the biggest pieces of recovery was it not being the center of my universe. Yes, I cook most meals at home and I love cooking up healthy and soul-filling recipes for my family and friends. But the idea of having full days dedicated to recipe ideation, testing, shooting makes me kind of reject it. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's just that I've come to enjoy some other things more.
And that's okay!
So that's where Jess comes into the picture. Jess and I met at an event I hosted last year and instantly became friends. She is a sweet soul who loves food and perhaps most importantly, loves being in the kitchen! She is a private chef here in the Bay Area where she makes delicious and healthy recipes for families. It felt like a perfect match!
Jess has now officially joined Team Maven as a recipe developer where together we come up with recipes we want to see on the blog, she tests them and then we tag-team cooking and shooting. It has made the process SO much more enjoyable and fun. It also means I can bring you yummy recipes like these Raw Hazelnut Bars more often. I know how much you guys enjoy the recipes so I'm so happy I've been able to find a solution that works for everybody. Welcome to the team Jess!
For the record: I am very much a part of the recipe development and taste-test before anything is shared. Jess is double-testing all recipes and helping me in the kitchen on shooting days. So don't worry – it's definitely a team effort.
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Raw Nutella Bars
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Prep Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Yield: 12-16 bars
For the bars:
3 cups raw hazelnuts
2 cups rolled oats
10 medjool dates, pitted
1/4 cup cacao powder (cocoa powder works too)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp sea salt
For the chocolate coating:
3 oz Dark Chocolate
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp crushed hazelnuts
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Spread out hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toast for 8 mins (or until slightly toasted)
Pulse the hazelnuts and oats in a food processor until they are in small pieces, about 2 minutes.
Add the dates, cacao powder, vanilla and salt and pulse until combined, adding 3-4TBSP water as needed, about 10 min.
Line an 8×8 pan with parchment paper, making sure to leave an overhang on all sides to make removal easier.
Press the nut-oat mixture into the prepared pan, making sure to fill all four corners. Use your fingers to make the surface smooth.
Next, in a small saucepan, melt the chocolate and coconut oil over low heat.
Pour the chocolate mixture over the base and top with the chopped hazelnuts and flaked sea salt.
Allow the pan to set in the freezer until the chocolate has hardened, about 30 min-1 hour.
Once the chocolate is set, remove the parchment and cut the squares into bars. Store in the fridge or freezer.
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What kinds of recipes do you want to see from us? Do you feel like you know Team Maven or do you want more introductions?
The post Raw Nutella Bars appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
Vegan Oatmeal Lace Cookies [with Coconut]
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/news/vegan-oatmeal-lace-cookies-with-coconut/
Vegan Oatmeal Lace Cookies [with Coconut]
A recipe for Healthy and Vegan Coconut Oatmeal Lace Cookies. A simple gluten-free and vegan recipe that is ready in 20 minutes.. Little prep work required and makes several dozen cookies.
I’ll be honest, I try not to post finicky recipes. Mostly because who wants to make a recipe that has tons of steps and super specific instructions? But also because when I do I end up having to answer so many questions in the comments. Don’t get me wrong, I love connecting with you guys but not necessarily when I know you didn’t follow the instructions (we all know the people who don’t know how to follow a recipe! Yes…I’m looking at you!)
I originally posted this recipe and 6 years ago and while I thought I was pretty clear in the instructions, it turns out that with finicky recipes I need to really drive the recipe home. It started to get me worried seeing a couple of you not having success so I thought it was due time I retest the recipe (even though recipes are tested 3 times before being posted). For these vegan oatmeal lace cookies I tried to really reinforce the fact that you need to use a TEASPOON (using a measuring spoon!) per cookie dough and to not overcrowd the pan so this time I not only tested the recipe, I also tested where it can go wrong.
And lo and behold my theory was confirmed – there’s nothing wrong with the recipe….some of you guys just don’t know how to follow it 😉 So I’ve decided to update the post below to drill home certain things you need to do to get the perfect oatmeal lace cookies. And trust me, you’re gonna want to follow the instructions because these cookies are DELISH!
What are lace cookies?
If you don’t know what lace cookies are… you’re not alone! They are super thin, crispy yet chewy oatmeal cookies that I can’t get enough of. Like I said, they are really easy to throw together and don’t require many ingredients. There’s a fair chance you have everything you need for these cookies in your pantry right now!
Here’s What You Need:
oat flour – Did you know that you can make your own oat flour by grinding oats in a blender or food processor? You can also use all purpose flour if you’d like. 
rolled oats – regular or quick cooking! Don’t use steel-cut.
coconut palm sugar – brown sugar works great as well.
unsweetened coconut flakes – like I said, I added a flavor twist with these coconut flakes and highly recommend you do the same!
spices – cinnamon and salt
coconut oil
maple syrup
vanilla extract
Perfect Cookies… Every Time
I can’t say it enough, these cookies are super simple BUT (and I mean BUT!) you must follow the instructions perfectly. When I say to use one TEASPOON, I mean 1 exact teaspoon. I have tested these cookies many times and can tell you that if you use more than a teaspoon per cookie, your cookies will not flatten out. So please use a measuring spoon for every.single.cookie. You got this!
These cookies spread a ton so trust me, only put 12 cookies on a baking sheet. When I make these they usually yield around 4 dozen but be sure to bake each on a single tray, one at a time. They only take 5 minutes to bake so it’s 20 minutes total if you have two trays going.
Bake for just five minutes. Set your timer and watch them as they quickly burn! Remove from the oven but let the cookies sit on the baking sheet for at least five minutes. Don’t touch them before then or they’ll lose their shape. 
Storing Lace Cookies
These cookies are best when they’re fresh and crispy but there are some tips to storing that help with the crisp. 
Let the cookies cool completely before putting them in an airtight container.
Store lace cookies on their own – don’t mix with other types of cookies!
Store on your counter or in your refrigerator for up to five days.
If you want or need to store them longer, store them in the freezer for up to three months. 
Vegan Oatmeal Lace Cookies
A recipe for Healthy and Vegan Coconut Oatmeal Lace Cookies. A simple gluten-free and vegan recipe that is ready in 20 minutes.. Little prep work required and makes several dozen cookies.
Author: Davida Lederle
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 6 dozen 1x
Scale 1x2x3x
1/2 cup oat flour (AP flour will work too)
1 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup coconut palm sugar (or brown sugar)
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
3 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Line baking sheets with parchment paper or a silicone mat.
In a large bowl combine oat flour, rolled oats, coconut palm sugar, coconut flakes, salt and spices.
In a separate bowl combine coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla extract.
Add wet ingredients to dry and stir to combine. Dough will be wet but not super sticky – this is normal.
Using a 1 teaspoon (using a measuring spoon), scoop dough and place on lined baking sheet. Form into a small ball and flatten slightly with hand. Dough may crumble a bit. They spread a lot so only use 1 tsp!
Repeat for 12 cookies per sheet (will take 4 cookie sheets for whole recipe).
Bake for 5 mins. Watch carefully as they burn quickly.
Remove from oven and let sit on baking sheet for at least 5 minutes (do not try to remove before then).
Remove from baking sheet using a spatula and let cool completely on a wire rack.
Will keep for several days on counter in an airtight container.
Like this post? Here are others you might enjoy:
Join 10,000+ members of the THM Community to get access to exclusive recipes, healthy lifestyle tips and behind-the-scenes news from our team!
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHealthyMaven/~3/YwAhTY9CKvw/
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Sheet Pan Dinner: Tangy Za’atar Chicken with Veggies
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/sheet-pan-dinner-tangy-zaatar-chicken-with-veggies/
Sheet Pan Dinner: Tangy Za’atar Chicken with Veggies
Want a healthy and hearty dinner without all the work? This Tangy Za’atar Chicken with Veggies is made entirely on a sheet-pan for easy clean-up and quick cooking that the whole family can enjoy. Don’t forget the spicy yogurt sauce!
Long time no talk! Besides a few podcasts posts, I’ve taken the last 3 weeks off from blogging. Likely the longest I’ve ever gone in the last 6 years. I don’t have real reason for it other than to say that burnout is real and after a pretty hectic holiday season, I just needed a break. But I’m happy to report that after a few weeks off I’m feeling much better and excited to be back!
Despite things being silent over here, I have in fact been working hard behind the scenes. Tanya and I have been amping up the launch of some exciting new projects with Camp Wellness and I’ve also been taking some time to review old  THM posts and think about ways to create a more valuable space for you. It’s led me to take a walk down memory lane and review the over 1000 posts I’ve shared here on The Healthy Maven.
I’ve discovered many things along the way. Firstly, I’ve grown up A LOT since starting this space. It can be painful at times to read some of the things I’ve shared on the internet but also comforting to know I’m no longer the 23 year old living in her parent’s basement (true story). Second, the internet has changed about as much if not more than I have. While I still want to keep this space personal and share bits and pieces of my life, internet content has collectively shifted towards a more “value-first” mentality. I truly believe this is a good thing. So as much as I’d like to believe you care as much about my weird life anecdotes as you do about this Tangy Za’atar Chicken and Veggies I’m fairly certain the latter will win out.
There are three words responsible for this: Search Engine Optimization. New to SEO? It’s basically how to get to the first page of Google search results. This isn’t something I normally care too much about but I’d like to believe the recipes and other posts around here are pretty awesome and I’d like to have as many eyeballs as possible take them in. This means making sure that every post I create for you guys is as easy-to-read, organized and as clear as possible. A pretty solid goal if I say so myself.
It also means making sure recipes are made with ingredients you can get access to using techniques that are manageable and easy to achieve at home. To be fair, most of my recipes are pretty simple but it’s something that I am making a priority this year. And of course, it also means working with brands who I love and use and truly believe you will love and use as well. Stonyfield I’m looking at you!
Which brings me to today’s recipe for an easy Sheet-Pan Dinner. What is a sheet-pan dinner you ask? It’s pretty much as simple as it sounds: a recipe that can be entirely cooked on a single sheet pan. Yes, that means your whole meal only requires one cooking sheet and can be done entirely in one run in the oven.
The Tangy Yogurt dressing of course requires one other bowl, but let’s be real, meals are all about the sauce and this one is no exception. I used the Stonyfield Organic Probiotic Yogurt for an extra dose of probiotics. Of course, yogurt naturally has probiotics but the newest whole milk yogurt has an added 1 billion of the culture BB-12. It’s brand new and now that it’s available you can easily swap it in for Stonyfield greek or your yogurt type of preference. I mean who doesn’t want an extra healthy gut?!
But before I drop the recipe here are a few details to know about this sheet-pan dinner:
How to Make this Tangy Za’atar Chicken and Veggies
Bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs are preferred but not necessary. We ended up using boneless chicken thighs in this version (to test) and it turned out great.
Feel free to replace the squash and brussels sprouts with other veggies if you have different preferences.
Good quality za’atar is key. We like this version.
Don’t skimp on the yogurt! The tanginess mixed with the spices makes for a delicious dressing. We had leftovers and added it to recipes all week long.
Let’s get cooking…
Sheet Pan Dinner: Tangy Za’atar Chicken with Veggies
Author: Jess @ The Healthy Maven
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
4 chicken thighs, bone in skin on preferred (about 2lbs)
1 medium butternut squash, peeled and cubed
1 lb brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved lengthwise
1/4 cup za’atar spice blend
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
1/2 cup of Stonyfield yogurt
¼ lemon, juiced
2 tsp olive oil
1.5 tsp hot sauce
To Serve:
4 medjool dates
4 handfuls of arugula
1 handful parsley
Preheat oven to 425 F.
Place cubed squash and brussels sprouts on a sheet pan and toss with oil, salt and pepper.
Nestle the chicken thighs into the veggies and coat with a little oil. Sprinkle the za’atar over the sheet pan, making sure to focus on coating the chicken thighs. Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
Place in the oven and roast for about 40 min. If you use boneless, skinless chicken thighs they will take only about 20 min to cook through. Simply remove them and continue to cook the vegetables for the remainder of the time.
While the chicken and vegetables cook, prepare the yogurt sauce.
In a bowl, combine the yogurt, lemon juice, olive oil, hot sauce. Season with salt and pepper and set to the side. The yogurt can be made ahead and left the fridge.
Slice the dates, pick and wash the parsley leaves, wash the arugula.
Once the squash is caramelized, the brussels sprouts are crispy and the chicken skin is nice and golden, remove from the oven. Sprinkle with the dates and parsley.
Serve with the arugula and yogurt sauce.
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Stonyfield. I was compensated for my time, however all opinions expressed are 100% my own. I’m so excited for our partnership and appreciate all your support for THM.
Join 8000+ members of the THM Community to get access to exclusive recipes, healthy lifestyle tips and behind-the-scenes news from our team!
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHealthyMaven/~3/o9OqNso8Ths/
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lenaglittleus · 6 years
Maple Roasted Squash with Tahini Yogurt Dressing
This Maple Roasted Squash with Tahini Yogurt Dressing makes a perfect weeknight dinner or Thanksgiving side dish. The squash caramelizes and is topped with a thick and creamy tahini yogurt dressing topped with pepitas and pomegranate seeds. You’ll be going back for seconds!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner (haven’t you heard?!) and just like every other food blogger on the internet, I am preparing by sharing all the Thanksgiving recipes. Although to be fair, I’m not much of a food blogger anymore, but what can I say? Ya girl loves food…and Thanksgiving.
This year, like most years, I have a lot to be thankful for, but something feels especially important about 2018. This was the year I got married, became a yoga teacher, ran my first retreat and also, unfortunately, lost my father-in-law. It’s been a year of up-and-downs and while I’ve definitely found myself wishing this year to be done, I can also recognize the growth and shifts that have happened in my life as a result of these experiences. And FTR growth = positive in my books.
One thing I’m feeling especially grateful for this year is this space. The Healthy Maven was never supposed to be my job. It was never supposed to reach and touch as many people as it does. It was never supposed to have a team, or clients or pay my bills. It was simply supposed to be a place where I could express myself and share my health journey.
Well if I’ve learned anything along the way, it’s that “supposed tos” and “shoulds” will just laugh in your face if you believe them. Life has no agenda, other than to start and to end. Everything that happens in between is up to you and your willingness to trust that everything will workout in the end. So while I never in a million years expected to still be here, writing The Healthy Maven and calling it my career, I honestly believe it was meant to be this way for a reason.
I’m not going to lie, there have been difficulties this year, but knowing I had you guys to lean on has been everything. Whether I’m talking about my mental health struggles, the challenges of leading a more sustainable lifestyle or just everyday WTF moments, I’ve always been about to count on you to lift me up. And on days when I didn’t have the strength or the will-power to communicate how I was feeling, you trusted that I would in due time.
You support the brands that I absolutely adore (like Stonyfield!) and understand that in order for me to continue to bring you content it requires me to do posts like these in partnership with brands I love. You make the recipes we share – you should probably make this Maple Roasted Squash with Tahini Yogurt Dressing just FYI- and you go out and buy the brands we support.
You tell me how things you’ve learned here on the blog, or the podcast or on social media have inspired change in your life. In the process, you’ve inspired change in me.
Before I get all sob story on here I did want to take a second to thank Stonyfield for not only sponsoring this post but also for being an incredible sponsor of THM this year. While our relationship certainly is not done (the number of yogurt containers in my fridge is clear evidence of that!), they have and continue to be a source of knowledge for me. Whether it’s bringing their co-founder Gary on the podcast, touring organic farms with their team or getting to create delicious recipes with their yogurt, Stonyfield is a company that I don’t just believe in, it’s one that I truly love.
The other day I received a very kind email from a THM reader talking about how our posts here on the blog have inspired her to reach for more organic food. I decided to pass on the love by sharing how much Stonyfield has inspired me to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. And now, I pass that torch to you.
This holiday season, reach out to someone who has impacted you and pass on a compliment. No need for a response, just know that you are putting good out into the world and that is above and beyond. Or better yet, make someone this Maple Roasted Squash with Tahini Yogurt Dressing. Food = love in my books and trust me, there’s a whole lot of love in this dish!
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Maple Roasted Squash with Tahini Yogurt Dressing
Author: Jess @ The Healthy Maven
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Yield: 4-6 servings
For the squash:
4 lbs mixed winter squash (delicata and acorn work best, but any winter squash will work. Just make sure to remove the skin if necessary)
4 tbsp avocado oil
1 tbsp + 1 tsp maple syrup
For the sauce:
1/2 cup greek, full fat Stonyfield yogurt (greek works best but full-fat plain works too)
1 tbsp + 3 tsp tahini
juice of 1 lemon
2 tsp olive oil
salt and pepper, to taste
1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
1/4 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
Preheat the oven to 400F.
Cut the squash into either rounds (delicata – can leave skin) or chunks (acorn). You want the pieces to be about an inch thick.
Toss the squash with the maple syrup and avocado oil and season with salt and pepper.
Spread evenly onto a baking sheet and bake for about 40 minutes, flipping halfway through. You want the squash to be soft on the inside and golden brown and caramelized on the outside.
While the squash is roasting make the sauce by combining all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk together until you have a smooth creamy sauce. Season with salt and pepper.
Serve the squash either on a bed of the sauce or thin with water and drizzle the sauce over the squash like a dressing.
Top with pomegranate seeds and pepitas/pumpkin seeds
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Stonyfield. I was compensated for my time, however all opinions expressed are 100% my own. I’m so excited for our partnership and appreciate all your support for THM.
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?
The post Maple Roasted Squash with Tahini Yogurt Dressing appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2018/11/maple-roasted-squash-with-tahini-yogurt-dressing.html
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Episode #73: Fern Olivia
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/episode-73-fern-olivia/
Episode #73: Fern Olivia
One of the many reasons I love running the podcast is because I get to pick the brains of people I admire and ask them questions that I know will make me a better and healthier human. Knowing that you get to eavesdrop on those conversations is just icing on the cake! Today’s episode is no exception.
To be honest, I went into today’s episode with Fern Olivia with somewhat of an expectation. I knew we’d talk about Thyroid Yoga and how to support our thyroid health, but what I got in return was so much more. As you guys know, I completed Yoga Teacher Training last spring and have begun my journey of teaching yoga. It has been a STEEP learning curve (if you think yoga teaching is easy – well I urge you to give it a try!) and one that left me with a lot of knowledge but an equal amount of questions. Fern must have picked up on this because the conversation that ensued both inspired and equipped me to be a better yoga teacher. I left our convo feeling amped up and eager to see this next chapter through.
Of course, if you’re not on a journey to teaching yoga, this episode is still relevant for you! We chat about Fern’s decision to move to a blue zone and pursue her dreams as well as how to support your thyroid holistically among many other things.
Here are a few things we discuss in today’s episode:
How Fern got sick and changed her entire life course through yoga
Her thyroid condition and how she learned to care for her thyroid holistically
The hustle culture of yoga and how she learned to live in the flow instead
5th chakra healing and how it affects your thyroid
Identifying your dharma and following through with it
What Thyroid yoga is and how to use yoga to support your thyroid
Pursuing a career in yoga and how to find empowerment in your teaching
How she ended up moving to Costa Rica and what her life looks like now
The one health habit she can’t live without (I love her answer!)
LISTEN HERE:  iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | Player.FM | Podbean | Spotify
This episode is brought to you by Imperfect Produce. I order my my Imperfect Produce box weekly to get fresh, organic produce to my doorstep at 30-50% less than the normal cost. Ugly doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious! Try out your first Imperfect Produce box for 50% off by using the code HEALTHYMAVEN at checkout. Enjoy!
Do you have any questions for Fern?
Join 8000+ members of the THM Community to get access to exclusive recipes, healthy lifestyle tips and behind-the-scenes news from our team!
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHealthyMaven/~3/DgOGqNHEMLU/episode-73.html
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lenaglittleus · 6 years
Raw Nutella Bars
These Raw Nutella Bars are a quick, easy-to-make snacks made with just 6 healthy ingredients – no actual nutella necessary! With a hazelnut and date-base and a simple chocolate coating, these bars will totally hit the spot.
Welcome back friends! No I haven’t been go and neither has the blog but it’s definitely been a slower summer here at THM and with Labor Day Weekend now come and gone and kids being back in school, it feels like a fresh start. Things haven’t in fact been slow around THM, they’ve actually just been slow around the blog. The blog is my baby and forever my first love but there’s been so many projects coming down the pipeline that the blog has taken a back seat.
Unfortunately, this also applies to the podcast and my channel. While I love blogging, vlogging and podcasting, it isn’t always sustainable to do all three. Let alone all three with so many other exciting stuff happening.
So what’s been going on? Well first, we launched Camp Wellness! There’s still some spots of you want to join us. We would love to see you there. In addition to Camp Wellness, we’ve also been hosting events around the Bay Area where I’ve been teaching more yoga. I’ve absolutely fallen in love with teaching and it something I’m really enjoying focusing my energy on. I just feel like there’s so much more to learn and that makes me so excited! We also have a VERY exciting series and book launching next week. So stay tuned for that. Yes – you’ll hear about it here!
One thing you may have noticed is that I keep referring to “we”. While THM started off as my baby and a solo project. It’s so much more than that now. I’d have to be superhuman to keep up the blog, youtube, the podcast, teach yoga, throw a retreat and manage a business all at the same time. For the record, I’m not! I am incredibly fortunate to have an incredible team of women who help me out.
You guys have already met Tanya and Georgia (read more about them here!) as well as our summer intern Nicole who is staying on as THM’s first official ambassador (email me if you’re also interested). There’s also Emily, who is my events coordinator extraordinaire and makes sure that all events run smoothly for you guys. And then there’s Jess. Jess is the newest member of Team Maven and the lady I want to introduce you to today.
For the last few months, my focus has been all over the place. Baseline it’s hard for me to focus on one thing, but with so many passions I want to pursue and dive into, I’ve been allowing myself to explore and expand in ways I never have before. In the process, THM has evolved to be so much more than what it was when I started almost 6 years ago. You definitely can’t fit THM into a box and it’s something I’m completely fine with. No business, and certainly no human is one-dimensional and I want THM to reflect this.
That being said, there are pieces of THM that I want to see remain, even if they can’t be my main focus. One of those pieces is recipes. While I love food, one of the biggest pieces of recovery was it not being the center of my universe. Yes, I cook most meals at home and I love cooking up healthy and soul-filling recipes for my family and friends. But the idea of having full days dedicated to recipe ideation, testing, shooting makes me kind of reject it. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it, it’s just that I’ve come to enjoy some other things more.
And that’s okay!
So that’s where Jess comes into the picture. Jess and I met at an event I hosted last year and instantly became friends. She is a sweet soul who loves food and perhaps most importantly, loves being in the kitchen! She is a private chef here in the Bay Area where she makes delicious and healthy recipes for families. It felt like a perfect match!
Jess has now officially joined Team Maven as a recipe developer where together we come up with recipes we want to see on the blog, she tests them and then we tag-team cooking and shooting. It has made the process SO much more enjoyable and fun. It also means I can bring you yummy recipes like these Raw Hazelnut Bars more often. I know how much you guys enjoy the recipes so I’m so happy I’ve been able to find a solution that works for everybody. Welcome to the team Jess!
For the record: I am very much a part of the recipe development and taste-test before anything is shared. Jess is double-testing all recipes and helping me in the kitchen on shooting days. So don’t worry – it’s definitely a team effort.
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Raw Nutella Bars
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Yield: 12-16 bars
For the bars:
3 cups raw hazelnuts
2 cups rolled oats
10 medjool dates, pitted
1/4 cup cacao powder (cocoa powder works too)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp sea salt
For the chocolate coating:
3 oz Dark Chocolate
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp crushed hazelnuts
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Spread out hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toast for 8 mins (or until slightly toasted)
Pulse the hazelnuts and oats in a food processor until they are in small pieces, about 2 minutes.
Add the dates, cacao powder, vanilla and salt and pulse until combined, adding 3-4TBSP water as needed, about 10 min.
Line an 8×8 pan with parchment paper, making sure to leave an overhang on all sides to make removal easier.
Press the nut-oat mixture into the prepared pan, making sure to fill all four corners. Use your fingers to make the surface smooth.
Next, in a small saucepan, melt the chocolate and coconut oil over low heat.
Pour the chocolate mixture over the base and top with the chopped hazelnuts and flaked sea salt.
Allow the pan to set in the freezer until the chocolate has hardened, about 30 min-1 hour.
Once the chocolate is set, remove the parchment and cut the squares into bars. Store in the fridge or freezer.
What kinds of recipes do you want to see from us? Do you feel like you know Team Maven or do you want more introductions?
The post Raw Nutella Bars appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2018/09/raw-nutella-bars.html
0 notes
lenaglittleus · 6 years
How To Make Frozen Yogurt | Just 3 Ingredients!
Have you ever wondered how to make frozen yogurt? It’s easier than you think! With just 3 ingredients you’ll be swapping out those froyo shops for homemade frozen yogurt everyday!
In case you missed it, I recently announced on Instagram that I’ve teamed up with my of my favorite companies, Stonyfield Organic for a year-long ambassadorship with them. This certainly isn’t the first you’ve heard me speak of Stonyfield. You may remember back in February when I travelled around Northern California with their team to learn about organic farming practices and the importance of growing and purchasing organic products. It was easily one of the best and most transformative brand trips I’ve ever attended. Since that trip I’ve committed to eating *mostly* organic (when I can!) and now feel informed and empowered in this decision. That’s why when they asked me to team up with them it was an absolute no brainer. I not only love their yogurts, but I also love what their brand stands for, and as you guys know that’s super important to me.
So for the next year you’ll be getting delicious recipes, informative tips and education around organics and lots of exciting new stuff coming your way. DIY Yogurt Face Mask anyone?!
I thought we would kick things off with a delicious (and healthy) dessert that is perfect for summer: frozen yogurt! Are you a fro-yo fan? It was totally “the thing to do” when I was in high school and college… head to the local frozen yogurt shop – you know, the one with 28 flavors of frozen yogurt and 134 toppings to choose from. I loved that you could build your own dessert but admittedly often went overboard on the toppings. Less is more in my opinion!
If you are a toppings fan, I kept the base of this recipe simple…lucky you. It’s a creamy, perfectly sweet, vanilla frozen yogurt that allows you to be as creative as you want with it! Mix in different fruits or add-ins for a new base flavor or go wild with toppings of your choice. I’m already daydreaming about a mint chocolate chip version or a peanut butter banana. YUM.
I’m so excited for this partnership! I get to share delicious recipes like this tutorial on how to make Frozen Yogurt (make it- for real!) but also will be educating around ways we can support our bodies and support the health of the planet.
It’s gonna be an exciting year and I cannot wait to share more!
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Homemade Frozen Yogurt
Author: The Healthy Maven
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
Yield: 4-6 servings
1 32 oz container of greek yogurt (full fat or low fat are fine)1
1/3 cup raw honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
optional: 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen berries, 1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder (for chocolate-flavored), or add-ins of choice
In a large bowl combine all ingredients.
Place mixed ingredients into your ice cream maker (I use the KitchenAid ice cream attachment)
Mix for 35-40 minutes or until consistency is reached with your ice cream maker.
Freeze for 2 hours.
Remove for 1-2 minutes before serving
1. I prefer to use greek as it makes for a creamier frozen yogurt
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Stonyfield. I was compensated for my time, however all opinions expressed are 100% my own. I’m so excited for our partnership and appreciate all your support for THM.
Do you choose organic? What’s your favorite fro-yo flavor?
The post How To Make Frozen Yogurt | Just 3 Ingredients! appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2018/08/how-to-make-frozen-yogurt.html
0 notes
steffancockrell · 6 years
How To Make Frozen Yogurt | Just 3 Ingredients!
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Have you ever wondered how to make frozen yogurt? It's easier than you think! With just 3 ingredients you'll be swapping out those froyo shops for homemade frozen yogurt everyday!
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In case you missed it, I recently announced on Instagram that I've teamed up with my of my favorite companies, Stonyfield Organic for a year-long ambassadorship with them. This certainly isn't the first you've heard me speak of Stonyfield. You may remember back in February when I travelled around Northern California with their team to learn about organic farming practices and the importance of growing and purchasing organic products. It was easily one of the best and most transformative brand trips I've ever attended. Since that trip I've committed to eating *mostly* organic (when I can!) and now feel informed and empowered in this decision. That's why when they asked me to team up with them it was an absolute no brainer. I not only love their yogurts, but I also love what their brand stands for, and as you guys know that's super important to me.
So for the next year you'll be getting delicious recipes, informative tips and education around organics and lots of exciting new stuff coming your way. DIY Yogurt Face Mask anyone?!
I thought we would kick things off with a delicious (and healthy) dessert that is perfect for summer: frozen yogurt! Are you a fro-yo fan? It was totally “the thing to do” when I was in high school and college… head to the local frozen yogurt shop – you know, the one with 28 flavors of frozen yogurt and 134 toppings to choose from. I loved that you could build your own dessert but admittedly often went overboard on the toppings. Less is more in my opinion!
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If you are a toppings fan, I kept the base of this recipe simple…lucky you. It's a creamy, perfectly sweet, vanilla frozen yogurt that allows you to be as creative as you want with it! Mix in different fruits or add-ins for a new base flavor or go wild with toppings of your choice. I'm already daydreaming about a mint chocolate chip version or a peanut butter banana. YUM.
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I'm so excited for this partnership! I get to share delicious recipes like this tutorial on how to make Frozen Yogurt (make it- for real!) but also will be educating around ways we can support our bodies and support the health of the planet.
It's gonna be an exciting year and I cannot wait to share more!
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Homemade Frozen Yogurt
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Author: The Healthy Maven
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
Yield: 4-6 servings
1 32 oz container of greek yogurt (full fat or low fat are fine)1
1/3 cup raw honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
optional: 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen berries, 1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder (for chocolate-flavored), or add-ins of choice
In a large bowl combine all ingredients.
Place mixed ingredients into your ice cream maker (I use the KitchenAid ice cream attachment)
Mix for 35-40 minutes or until consistency is reached with your ice cream maker.
Freeze for 2 hours.
Remove for 1-2 minutes before serving
1. I prefer to use greek as it makes for a creamier frozen yogurt
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Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Stonyfield. I was compensated for my time, however all opinions expressed are 100% my own. I'm so excited for our partnership and appreciate all your support for THM.
Do you choose organic? What's your favorite fro-yo flavor?
The post How To Make Frozen Yogurt | Just 3 Ingredients! appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
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