#noriko aspir
heromonty · 1 year
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Pauline’s getting into the habit of smothering animals with her affection, first with Gouda and now with Mochi. She must be stopped.
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My attempt at making them have their first family meal back together failed since Victor and Elizabeth were in the bedroom next to them woohooing. So uh, family dinner consisting of grandparents and granddaughter only.
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Despite being retired, I like to think that Luis still gets contracted for some freelance work. Some extra money to bring into the household in addition to his retirement pension y’know.
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After putting Pauline down for the night and getting ready to settle down themselves, Victor brought up a topic of discussion that’s become common: extending their family. Victor backed up point of view by saying things like ‘Just think of Pauline. Don’t you think she would love to have a younger sibling to play with?’
Elizabeth promptly shut him down and the air was tense as they went to bed, neither one of them satisfied with how that conversation went.
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riverblossom-valley · 8 months
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happenings at the Aspir family ♥️
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odleaisland · 1 year
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"I present: a toddler!"
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zx-ta · 3 months
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Desiderata Valley:
So, as usual, my timelime is happening like 5 years before TS2 and I need more elders, it means that Elizabeth Aspir's dad and Victor Aspir's mom are still alive, Pauline is not born yet. Teens are kids and kids are infants. Oh and Natasha a cat!
Cyrus Nejem, Elizabeth Nejem (Aspir), Victor Aspir, Luis Aspir and Noriko Aspir
Violet Jocque, Sofia Jocque, Marcel Jocque, Rick Contrary, Edward Contrary and Opal Contrary
Sharon Wirth, Hannah Bell, Issac Bell and Daniel Bell
John Mole, Matthew Picaso, Jessica Picaso, Natasha Una and Asparagus
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suicidedance · 4 months
BUCK-TICK Q&A (1987)
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Source: Limited_Night_ on X
Q1: Who is your family comprised of?
Sakurai: Mother, older brother, me, dog and two cats.
Imai: Grandma, dad, mom, aunt, younger brother, younger sister.
Hoshino: Father, mother, younger sister, older brother.
Higuchi: Father, older sister and older brother.
Yagami: Father, older sister, niece, younger brother.
Q2: Date and place of birth
Sakurai: March 7, 1966. Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture.
Imai: October 21, 1965. Takasaki Hospital.
Hoshino: June 16, 1961. Fujioka General Hospital. 
Higuchi: January 24, 1967. Takasaki.
Yagami: August 19, 1962. Takasaki.
Q3: What are you called by everyone? Why is that?
Sakurai: Acchan, Atsushi. Why?
Imai: Imai. I’m Imai so that’s why.
Hoshino: Hide. Because I’m Hidehiko.
Higuchi: Yuuta. When I was a child, I was called Yuutan, which was shortened to Yuuta.
Yagami: Anii (big brother) by the other members because I’m older. (He’s U-TA’s older brother)
Q4: Height, weight, shoe size, eyesight
Sakurai: 177 cm, 57 kg, 26 cm. 1.5 on the right, 1.2 on the left.
Imai: 174 cm, 58 kg, 26 cm. 1.2 on the right and 1.2 on the left, I think.
Hoshino: 179 cm, 60 kg, 27 cm. 1.5 and 1.5.
Higuchi: 167 cm, 48 kg, 25 cm. 0.9 on the right, 1.2 on the left.
Yagami: 170 cm, 48 kg, 25 cm. 1.5. 
Q5: Favorite foods
Sakurai: Sushi (toro ebi), chahan, corn soup.
Imai: Tempura udon, katsu curry, kimchi, reba nira, asparagus, burger with pickles, generic chips, miso soup, nametake, shiokara, oyster, sashimi, sushi, yakiniku, ham and eggs, natto, sea urchin, tororo, watermelon, turbo sazae.
Hoshino: Yakiniku, salad, ramen, pudding.
Higuchi: Vegetables.
Yagami: Pudding.
Q6: Foods you dislike
Sakurai: Eggplant, shellfish, scallion, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots.
Imai: None.
Hoshino: Egg yolk.
Higuchi: Jellyfish.
Yagami: Liver.
Q7: What you want the most right now
Sakurai: Everything in this world.
Imai: Good songs.
Hoshino: Love, money.
Higuchi: Bass.
Yagami: Money. (Because I think I’ll become rich)
Q8: Blood type and self-analysis
Sakurai: Type O.
Imai: Type O. Extremely optimistic. My handwriting is messy, but I’m second rank in Japanese calligraphy.
Hoshino: Type A. Quiet, sometimes I’m stupid so I can’t grasp things.
Higuchi: Type A. Humble.
Yagami: Type A. Genius!!
Q9: What do you think you’ll be doing in five years?
Sakurai: Doing lives.
Imai: Playing guitar in BUCK-TICK and doing my best.
Hoshino: I think I’ll become a celebrity.
Higuchi: I don’t know.
Yagami: I’ll become a professional top-class musician.
Q10: What does manliness mean to you?
Sakurai: Be kind to the weak, be tough to the strong. Always be cool.
Imai: There’s no such thing.
Hoshino: Being strong and being kind.
Higuchi: Men are tough.
Yagami: Be strong and kind.
Q11: A movie that recently moved me.
Sakurai: Oedipus No Yaiba.
Imai: I watched Friday the 13th Part 6 on video. That idiot Jason needs to be punished once and for all!
Hoshino: I haven’t watched any movies recently.
Higuchi: Hachiko Monogatari.
Yagami: Back to the Future. (I like time travel stuff)
Q12: A person you aspire to be like
Sakurai: My ideal self.
Imai: There isn’t one.
Hoshino: John Lennon.
Higuchi: There isn’t one.
Yagami: Eikichi Yazawa.
Q13: Please tell us the name of the celebrity who is closest to your ideal woman
Sakurai: [Didn’t provide an answer]
Imai: Probably Miss Oginome Yoko .
Hoshino: Miss Yumi Aso .
Higuchi: Yappy, Nori-P, Skippy, Noriko Sakai. [Nori-P was Noriko Sakai’s nickname]
Yagami: Kaori Torii .
Q14: What was the first record you ever bought?
Sakurai: Maybe Carol?
Imai: «Technopolis» by Yellow Magic Orchestra.
Hoshino: Beatles. (He was tricked by his brother)
Higuchi: I bought a Beatles record for my late brother for his birthday.
Yagami: «Let it be» by The Beatles. (In 2nd grade of elementary school)
Q15: What was your first impression when you met the members?
Sakurai: Imai → Weird!
                Hide → What a superficial guy.
                Yuta → This bastard.
                Anii → Is he okay?
Imai: You should never judge someone based on first impressions.
Hoshino: Sakurai → Scary but interesting.
                 Imai → The yellow-green Converse are impressive.
                 Higuchi → Caring guy.
                 Yagami Toll → Rock n Roller.
Higuchi: Hide → A tall guy.
                Imai → Quiet guy.
                Acchan → Scary guy.
                Brother → I don’t really know.
Yagami: Imai → A silent and mysterious guy.
                Hide → A good young man.
                Sakurai → Seems like a disciplined guy.
                U-TA → Cute baby.
Q16: What do you think is your role in the band?
Sakurai: A person who can get other members on board. Someone who expresses a variety of things.
Imai: Guitar man.
Hoshino: People say I’m someone who makes things run smoothly.
Higuchi: A talkative person.
Yagami: A man of high spirits.
Q17: Teach us how to flirt with a girl!
Sakurai: Don’t flirt.
Imai: Please teach me how to flirt with a girl!
Hoshino: I think it would be good to be honest.
Higuchi: I’m not good at that.
Yagami: I don’t know how to flirt.
Q18: Have you ever cried because of love?
Sakurai: I have.
Imai: I haven’t.
Hoshino: I cried when I was heartbroken.
Higuchi: I have.
Yagami: I have.
Q19: Favorite word or phrase
Sakurai: Atsushi, come out!
Imai: Freedom.
Hoshino: A boy’s heart.
Higuchi: The characters that aren’t difficult. [Japanese characters]
Yagami: Love saves the Earth. The BUCK-TICK Phenomenon.
Q20: What kind of person you cannot tolerate?
Sakurai: A frivolous person. Someone who acts overly familiar with you.
Imai: Stubborn and insincere people. 
Hoshino: Liars.
Higuchi: A selfish person.
Yagami: The guy who sold a BUCK-TICK sample copy to a second-hand record store before it was released. If we ever find him, we’ll beat him up.
Q21: What do you not want a girl to do?
Sakurai: Cheat.
Imai: Be fake. Murder, robbery.
Hoshino: Cheat.
Higuchi: I don’t want her to cry.
Yagami: Don't talk like a man!!
Q22: If you were a plant, what would you be? Why?
Sakurai: A black rose. You wouldn't think of them as morning glories or sunflowers, right?
Imai: A pansy. Yellow around the edges and black towards the root.
Hoshino: Bonsai. Because that's what people often say.
Higuchi: I don’t know.
Yagami: Pineapple. (Hairstyle)
Q23: What is your favorite number and why?
Sakurai: Odd numbers.
Imai: 4. I just like it.
Hoshino: 2. For all six years of elementary school, I always came in second place at sports day.
Higuchi: 1. Because it’s the first one.
Yagami: 3. It’s Nagasaki, Nagashima.
Q24: Someone you would like to meet and talk to
Sakurai: Me from tomorrow.
Imai: Kiyoshiro Imawano, Beat Takeshi, John Lydon.
Hoshino: John Lennon.
Higuchi: Nori-P. [Noriko Sakai]
Yagami: Yuming. [Yumi Matsutoya]
Q25: Any final words!
Sakurai: Let’s make some noise together again!
Imai: We’ll keep on doing our best, so please come to our live show.
Hoshino: BUCK-TICK is immortal.
Higuchi: I’m Yuta.
Yagami: I think the genius group BUCK-TICK looked great at Madison Square Garden!
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moonllita · 8 months
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My KanNao fankids 🫡 I should do Pegoryu next right?
I’m not an native English speaker so sorry for the mistakes below! I suck as writing
Yu Tatsumi (oldest son) 15yo
Birthday: November 25th
Love: Play guitar, his band, music
Hate: School 
Favorite color: Black 
Yu is the oldest son of the Tatsumi family. He’s not a big fan of school and his grades are not good ether but he doesn’t care very much. The only thing he care is his passion for music, he skips school but never a practice with his band. He love to go against the rules, so he dye is hair blue, got some piercings and make some modifications himself on the school uniform that most of the teachers are really not fan of. He gives a lot of trouble to his parents, that are doing their best to go trough his adolescence. But even if he doesn’t show it really often by his actions, he love them. He also like to upset his little sister for fun.
Noriko Tatsumi (daughter) 13yo
Birthday: April 7th
Love: Cute stuffs, animals, solving mysteries, crafting
Hate: Her older brother 
Favorite color: Blue
Noriko is the only daughter of the Tatsumi family. She’s super cheerful and she’s always full of energy. She adore cute things and love to craft outfit and gadget help by her dad. She’s want to become a super famous detective like her mom, but also the cutest detective probably influence by Rise. Her dad make her outfit and her hat that’s she’s wearing almost every day, highly inspired by her mom working outfit. Other kids at school made fun of her because of that outfit but she still keep a positive mindset all the time. 
Shingo Tatsumi (youngest son) 8yo
Birthday: May 19th
Love: Space, video game, goodies
Hate: People
Favorite color: Green 
Shingo is the youngest of the Tatsumi family. He’s mostly shy and have trouble to make friends in general. He doesn’t like school because he doesn’t like people, and so on he’s often alone but he doesn’t mind. With his maturity even for his age he like solitude and prefer to play video game with his online friends. He still like to studies and he have good grades that make their parents really proud. Since he aspires to become an astronaut he keeps working hard at school and love to use his telescope discreetly during the night. He’s also have a good collections of featherman figures and other goodies related to his favorite franchises.
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vashtijoy · 2 years
translation: bokura no hikari (our light)
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Wow it’s been a few years since I translated a song lolol. There are a few translations of this very popular AND FUCKING TRAGIC one out there already, but because the grammar gets a bit convoluted I’m sure this won’t be the last. Put it like that.
This translation draws heavily on prior art at the SMT wiki and by /u/JLazarillo on reddit.
夢を夢と気づいた夜 君を見つめ瞼を閉じる yume o yume to kizuita yoru, kimi o mitsume mabuta o tojiru The night I realised this dream was a dream, I closed my eyes as I looked at you,
温もりも重ねた手も声も 目覚めれば微睡みへと消えて nukumori mo kasaneta te mo koe mo, mezamereba madoromi e to kiete The warmth of your hand in mine, and your voice - if I awoke, the last of them would disappear,
僕らが二度と会えなくても 過ぎた時が痛みに変わっても bokura ga nido to aenakute mo, sugita toki ga itami ni kawatte mo Even if we never meet again, even if the time we had hurt in the end,
その痛みでね導いてよ 僕を照らす夜空の星へと sono itami de ne michibiite yo, boku o terasu yozora no hoshi e to It's that pain that will guide me towards the stars in the bright night sky.
甘い甘いおとぎの国 君と会えた歪んだ世界 偽りの幸せでもいいと告げる口 君がそっと塞ぐ amai amai otogi no kuni, kimi to aeta yuganda sekai itsuwari no shiawase de mo ii to tsugeru kuchi, kimi ga sotto fusagu You silenced me when I told you it would be fine: the fake happiness of that sweet, sweet fairyland, of that distorted world where I could meet you.
思い出の始まる日になる 君が消えた自分で決めた道 omoide no hajimaru hi ni naru, kimi ga kieta jibun de kimeta michi [lit. it's become the day my memories of the path you, who disappeared, chose yourself begin.] Now it's the day my memories begin, of you disappearing, choosing your own path for yourself,
歩くのさずっとせつなくても 僕の目指す明日の星へと aruku no sa zutto setsunakute mo, boku no mezasu ashita no hoshi e to [lit. even if it's painful, I'll always walk towards the stars of the tomorrow I'm aspiring to anyway.] Even if it hurts, I'll always keep walking toward the stars I'm reaching for, the stars of tomorrow.
目覚めて現実が来る昨日と違う悲しみが大切だから明日を生きてゆく mezamete genjitsu ga kuru kinou to chigau kanashimi ga taisetsu dakara asu o ikite yuku [lit. the pain that's different from the yesterday when the reality I awoke to came is precious, so I'll live on into tomorrow] I’m glad the pain’s better today than it was yesterday, when I awoke to this reality, so I'll keep going until tomorrow.
僕らが二度と会えなくても過ぎた時が痛みに変わっても bokura ga nido to aenakute mo, sugita toki ga itami ni kawatte mo Even if we never meet again, even if the time we had hurt in the end,
その痛みさえ超えてゆくよ 流す涙乘り越えより高く sono itami sae koete yuku yo, nagasu namida norikoe yori takaku I'll leave that pain behind far more easily than I will my many tears,
そして掴むよ 澄み切った空 永久に浮かぶ僕らの光を soshite tsukamu yo, sumikitta sora, towa ni ukabu bokura no hikari o And I'll seize that starry sky, that will remind me of our light forever and ever.
2023-02-23—second-last line, took another look at yori takaku 2023-02-23—last line, tsukabu -> ukabu 2023-04-28—jibun de kimeta michi: this is an almost direct Akechi quote, and jibun is "yourself", here (telling someone else's story). also that is the last time I paste dialogue from the wiki. 2023-05-14: various minor wording changes. 2023-05-19: turns out nukumori and kasaneta te are often linked, and it means the warmth of the hand you're holding.
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phoebe-twiddle · 2 months
Just some LEPacy housekeeping.
I finalized my new sims aspiration spreadsheet and took a week or two to update *everyone* in the LEPacy hood to their new aspirations, which also helped me iron out a few kinks in the spreadsheet, so that was good. I've also decided to rename a handful of families, making it easier to differentiate between different branches and for tagging purposes (I've already applied new tags to previous posts).
The Pinella Family (Ari) ⇢ The Favor Family. Ari married townie, Oliver, and I don't know what his last name used to be, so I picked a new one.
The Drummond Family (Evie) ⇢ The Caliente Family. Melody has moved out and Grey has passed, so it's more like Evie is living with her daughter's family than her daughter's family is living with her.
The Drummond Family (Graham) / The Drummond Family (Milly) ⇢ The Co-Op Family. Unless Milly and Major get married & move out, at which point they'll become The Mccown Family. If Wilma and Graham get married & move out, then they'll become the official Drummond Family.
The Zimmerman Family (Neena) ⇢ The Lawson Family. Neena will take her dad's first name as her last name to reduce the number of Zimmerman families there are.
The Marchand Family (Xavier) ⇢ The Morphon Family. Xavier will take Lora's name to reduce the number of Marchand families.
The Marchand Family (Peter) ⇢ The Avant Family. I have no idea what Elroy's surname used to be, so I chose one for them.
The Zimmerman Family (Chloe) ⇢ The Russell Family. I don't remember what Dahlia's surname was, so I picked a new one.
The Darling Family (Nicholas, Meredith, Brian, Noriko) ⇢ The Marchand Family. I have no idea where they picked up the Darling surname as Nicholas is a Marchand and Meredith is a Zimmerman, and there's no evidence in their memories of either marrying a Darling before each other, so they'll become the "main" Marchand branch. And while I'm changing names, I'm changing Noriko to Nora.
I've played the founding Pinella household, and university, so I'll be setting up the queue for those soon :)
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そもそもが ひよわな志しにすぎなかった
Your Own Sensitivity
Noriko Ibaragi
Don’t blame others
for your heart drying up, becoming parched,
when you’ve neglected to water it yourself.
Don’t blame your friends
for your becoming difficult;
which of you lost your flexibility?
Don’t blame your family
for your irritation;
everything that went wrong was my fault.
Don’t blame your life
for your fading idealism;
it was just a fragile aspiration from the start.
Don’t blame the times
for all that’s gone wrong;
it’s the abandonment of your barely glowing dignity.
Protect your own sensitivity
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mediadesignspring2024 · 5 months
The cinematography portrayed their emotions to the viewer. It gives a glimpse into the intertwined lives of Ushio and Noriko Shinohara, two Japanese artists going through life with a balance between love, art, and sacrifice. Through the lens of their relationship, the documentary explores the hardships of artistic ambition and personal identity. It also captures the tension between Ushio's larger-than-life persona and Noriko's quiet strength, revealing the impact it had on their dynamic, work, and lives.
What resonated deeply with me is the film's portrayal of the sacrifices artists make for their craft, especially within the context of marriage and family. Noriko's journey to assert her voice alongside Ushio's towering presence is both empowering and bittersweet, understanding the challenges of pursuing individual aspirations within a shared partnership.
As the film progresses, we witness Noriko's subtle growth towards independence, intertwined with Ushio's persistent narcissism and alcoholism. The archival footage about their decade-long journey adds depth and meaning to their story, highlighting the passing of time and growth through their relationship. A variety of bright colors were also used in the film.
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heromonty · 1 year
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Wanting some advice on the whole John situation, Natasha invited a completely unbiased party over: Noriko (+ Pauline who wanted to tag along as soon as grandma said she was going to visit Natasha). After entertaining Pauline for a bit, she vented to Noriko about John saying how she wants to be more with him, is too scared of being rejected and is worried about what others - i.e., Luis - will think of the potential relationship.
Noriko reassured her not to worry about what any one else may think and that if John truly makes her happy, to pursue that relationship if she wants to. She also promised to keep this whole a secret from Luis for now, but expects Natasha to let her know if/when this relationship becomes serious.
Love Pauline sitting there and probably not comprehending this at all by the way.
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After saying goodbye to Noriko, Natasha called John up for a small intimate date at her house. Luckily, he agreed.
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riverblossom-valley · 11 months
round 3 update - new family bios - Desiderata edition
Teatherton - Being a dread pirate is great and all but Alexandra was looking forward to being a mom again - that is, until she lost the baby. Now saddled with grief, she has unearthed a newfound determination to discover her greatest treasure yet.
Aspir - Luis swore he'd never find love again after Noriko passed but that thought went out the window once he met Sharon. He may have gotten more than he bargained for when he married her but he's doing all he can to convince himself that her sons are his. Worse comes to worse, Victor is in the medical field and can always bring home a DNA test if his intrusive thoughts won't stop.
Bell - Critical disturbance avoided - Sharon has gone off and gotten herself married. Now, Hannah has more time to figure out how to keep Issac blissfully unaware of the parentage of the littlest Bell, Yves…is it safe for babies to wear contacts? Her latest Internet search came up short.
Contrary - Edward and Opal have all but given up on Rick but, with little Francine, they have a chance to prove themselves as parents - Rick, on the other hand, has been attempting to make up for his "teen angst" phase but efforts have proven unsuccessful.
Jocque - Having dreamt of adding one more little one to the family, Marcel was MORE than elated when Amelie made her grand entrance - he may only be slightly guilty by tampering with Sophia's birth control but all guilt went out the window when he held his second daughter for the first time. Maybe he'll be able to convince Sophia in having just one more but, if all else fails, he's found the new hiding spot of her contraceptives.
Mole - John has never considered himself "daddy" material yet the little green tyke wandering around his living room is slowly changing that initial judgement. Ever optimistic, he's already looking junior spy classes but the search is turning up empty.
Una - Never truly getting over her grilled cheese obsession, Natasha has decided to capitalize on this and start up her own home business. Who knows where it could lead to - at the very least, she's hoping for her own cooking show but validation is just as nice.
Cooke - Last he heard, Zebest Quizine's career had hit rock bottom and Julien couldn't feel more vindicated even if he tried. At times, he feels like reaching out to his former rival - even if just to gloat - but he'd much rather use his passion for wooing that sexy pirate who kicked his ass that one time.
Picaso-Crittur - Nuclear family status achieved - Matthew and Jessica have found their own little slice of heaven in Desiderata, spawned 2 children (one of each) and shaped Danny and Sarah Crittur into respectable hounds instead of mangy mutts. Despite this, both are wishing for a change of pace, whatever it may be.
Roseland - Time and time again, Cyd has outdone himself in the realms of strength and discipline in dog-training…if only he'd applied more of the "discipline" side and stopped stargazing when he'd heard of the numerous UFO sightings plaguing Riverblossom Valley. Oh, well, at least his flower-ship girlfriend doesn't seem to mind the temporary baby bump.
Ottomas - Look out, world - David Ottomas is here and he's out to make a name for himself. He's never cared if he's famous or infamous, as long as others know his name.
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odleaisland · 1 year
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"When I get walking you are all in SO much trouble."
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peachrote · 1 year
aki's backstory remains largely untouched, being the prized daughter of the head of a large syndicate. when she was 8, her entire family was massacred save for her aunt, who shortly thereafter became an arbiter of the head and moved to a nest, bringing aki (then known as noriko) along.
in this universe, she is beholden to idol corp, the holders of the current i wing. she is one of their top earners, making her a well-known superstar in-universe. she resides in their nest primarily, but escapes every now and then to go wandering around.
i corp makes use of t corp's singularity to prevent their idols from aging past what is "acceptable" to them-- their bodies are kept youthful and "in their prime", regardless of what happens. of course, there are accidents, but... let's not worry about those, hm?
i corp's own singularity is a gentle brainwashing-slash-subliminal messaging technique applied to all their broadcasts that slowly draws the listener in. the intensity of their love and admiration for their favorite idol depends on their ability to resist heavy suggestion, and as the citizens of the city are not known for their ability to resist temptation, this means there's a LOT of fanatics in the city. some of them will even get into physical altercations over who the best idol is, and more than one idol has been found dead due to a perceived betrayal by an ultra-fan. thankfully, there's plenty more aspiring idols where that came from!
aki in this verse is 24, and not going to age beyond that unless she somehow manages to escape i corp. oops.
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ellipsesplay · 2 years
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Maria Noriko Cabral (Gravity💫) is excited to be joining the cast of ELLIPSES. Some of her previous roles were Charlotte in JUNK (Burbage Theater Co), Ensemble/Featured Dancer in ELF (Cumberland Theatre), Faerie/Lady in Waiting in MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM and Townsperson in A LIE AGREED UPON (The Gamm Theatre), and Bebe Benzenheimer in A CHORUS LINE (Footlights Rep Co). Maria graduated with a BA in Musical Theatre at Rhode Island College where she played Emily Brennon in THE MARRIAGE OF BETTE AND BOO, Bessie in MARVIN’S ROOM, Daughter in QUILTERS, and Marie in BARBEQUE. Maria was also the 2020 recipient of the Kennedy Center ACTF ASPIRE/LORT Leadership Award, as well becoming a 2021 KCACTF ASPIRE National Fellow. She also became a Gamm Fellow for Emerging Artists of Color at The Gamm Theater for their inaugural year (2021-2022). She would like to thank her parents and friends for their endless support and love and to Jamiel for this opportunity. maria-noriko.com
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landgraabsims · 3 years
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These two are smitten with each other.
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These two, whatsoever....
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Not as much.
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Rex is having a good time rolling around in his own pee though!
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