#nor is it easy. but it can be less hard & the typical frameworks you get taught make it harder. imo
quixoticanarchy · 2 years
Hi can I pick ur brain about how u have some kinda control without carb counting and micro managing, so I am seriously out of control I'm often just 'hi' I hardly do anything because I seriously struggle to even think about management anymore cozz it's just sends me into a spiral where I end up a depressed mess with serious mortality issues and I think it stems from having to micro manage, if there's another way I would love to know, I've got a daughter and I wanna be here for a long time for here but if I carry on like this I'm not gonna be
Okay I can try to give an answer - first, that’s a horrible spiral to be in and i'm so sorry. I hope this response doesn’t sound fake optimistic or trite; i had to learn it all the hard way, and it is hard. But i think it’s better than the alternatives. The goal here is just, i guess, to stay alive and live your life the least painful way you can.
It’s long so I’ll list my main points/concepts and then explain them below the cut (if my phone lets me). Take what’s helpful or doable to you, leave what’s not, etc.
Perfect control is impossible
Doing a little bit is better than nothing
Learn to know yourself, your needs, your intuition
Care for yourself, don’t punish yourself
The body is not the enemy
[Caveats: i currently have access to the insulin, test strips, pump supplies, syringes, sugar, etc. that i need. If you are also struggling with getting basic supplies, that’s of course an additional level of stress because it might not be possible to give yourself the care you need. I’m also speaking as someone who’s been type 1 diabetic for 17 years; this is all just my own experience and thoughts]
1: this is of course easier said than done, but i think one step in making diabetes management less impossible and spiral-inducing is to accept that it will go wrong, and forgive yourself when it does. Really: there is no way to avoid some bad sugars and bad days. I don’t know what your access to insulin situation looks like, but it helps me yo remember blood sugars are never permanent - that's their blessing and their curse. They can be fixed. If it makes you horribly stressed or guilty or upset when you’re constantly high, i would say: try to step back. It is just a number.
I spent a long time where whenever my sugar went really high i would overcorrect on purpose with a ton of insulin, as if to punish myself by making my sugar drop as fast as possible. This of course just led to me then chasing lows instead, and it never made me less likely to go high again.
2: better to do a little bit than nothing. I know it doesn't fix the feeling of spiraling, but checking your sugar even once or twice a day is better than none. Treating a high sugar late is still better than never. Ask yourself what feels within your power. What care can you give yourself. Ymmv but again, something is better than nothing. I also believe that it becomes easier with practice.
Also, appreciate yourself for small things: if you bring your sugar from ‘hi’ down to a number reading, good job! That’s something! If at first you don’t treat a sugar but do it later - still helps! If you haven’t checked your sugar in a while and when you do, it’s high - good job for checking! The temptation to spiral is so strong, but the spiral will only ever tell you you’re wrong, you’re doing it wrong, you’re failing. That’s never helped anyone and usually isn’t even true. You’re doing what you can for today.
3: know yourself. Intuition takes practice, but this is where the getting away from micromanaging comes in. I don't think you need a food diary or a scale or an app or even a calculator (if it helps, use it, but don’t force it). I don't think you can form a better relationship with your body and its conditions by trying desperately to control it. What i do recommend is paying attention: what makes your sugars go high? What doses of insulin work for what meals or sugar levels? What doesn’t work? This is really hard to separate from the impulse to judge - feeling like you’ve messed up, you guessed wrong, you forgot, you were too tired to bother. But no rules can teach you exactly what you need. It’s incredibly subjective. The same things won’t always work, which is eternally frustrating - there is no magic formula. But you can learn to recognize what you need, in the moment, not according to ironclad rules.
When i say i don’t count carbs, this is how it looks: let’s say i have toast and eggs for breakfast. I've had toast lots of times. I know roughly how i’ll react to it. If my sugar is higher when i eat I’ll also need more insulin to deal with that. I might think: so, i gave 4 units yesterday for a similar meal and came out a little high later, and maybe my sugar is higher today than yesterday morning. Maybe today i give 5 units. I don’t use official carb ratios; I use my past experience of what usually works. I try to pay attention to how i feel in the hours after - am i thirsty? Am i tired or foggy? Shaky? I have a lot of practice at this kind of intuition, so i can make a decent guess as to whether my insulin dose was too much or too little. If it’s hard to sense where your levels are at, maybe recheck your sugar in a bit to see how it went. And I can still be wrong sometimes - that’s ok, i just respond to wherever I find myself now.
Like - it’s stressful to tell yourself you can’t eat certain foods. It’s stressful to have to do lots of math any time you eat. It’s stressful to constantly feel like you should be doing better and if you’re not, then something’s wrong with you. If you feel restricted and hounded by rules, or are angry at yourself for breaking them, it becomes harder to care for yourself.
4: care, not control. I think a lot of the stress and the fear and the depression does come from the control mindset; specifically, feeling like we’re failing at it. Control implies that there’s a right way to do something and a wrong way that will/should be punished. Care is more of a negotiation: try something. See how you respond. It builds off intuition - knowing what you need rather than trying to follow a rule or achieve a given number. A little bit of control may seem pretty worthless if your goal is total control - but a little bit of care is clearly better than no care. It’s a matter of keeping yourself alive, yes, but also trying to make that life livable. “Control” might be an impossible target; “care” isn't a target, it’s a practice, and shouldn’t be impossible.
If you ‘mess up’ or have a bad day - or lots of them - you still deserve care from yourself. Even if it feels hopeless. Even if nothing seems to be working. Even if your sugars aren't where you want them. In my experience, I feel less anger or shame or exhaustion if I change my goal from needing to control/punish/fix myself, to taking care of myself however much i can.
5: the body is not the enemy. This is just a reminder I have for myself that builds off the principle of care. I hate the idea of ‘bad diabetics.’ It’s not a moral failing to be diabetic and it’s not a moral failing to struggle with it. “Good control” and “good” numbers do not make you a more virtuous person. This is a hard thing to live with, and being tired or frustrated or feeling defeated makes sense. Why in the world shouldn’t you feel that! The idea of failing at control implies you need more control / to punish yourself to fix it - but you don’t. I don't say all this as if i'm going along happily observing every high sugar i have or being kind to myself all the time. But I’ve tried to stop seeing my body as the enemy. We might be unhappy teammates but we’re on the same team, and it’ll go better for me if i accept whatever current situation I'm in, and do what i can to make it better, without judging or hating myself in the meantime.
This is not to say it’s not hard. It’s hard and it’s overwhelming and it’s tiring. But the way that we’re told is the right way to live with it makes it harder, in my view. If you’re here and you’re trying to care for yourself - even just a little at a time - that’s something. It counts. It counts for your daughter, too. And i'm wishing you the best, and a little peace with yourself. Strength & solidarity ❤️
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Frederik Vanhoutte:  Creative Coder
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I have featured a selection of gifs by Frederik Vanhoutte on Cross Connect, (the  link is here,  Also, see more of his work on his Twitter feed and Instagram page
Frederik’s gifs are compelling to watch.  The way he contrasts the black shape against dark grey with neon colored edges that are revealed as the shape expands and contracts is inspired and beautiful.  He uses easing in his motion to great effect as his little machines, or systems, expand and contract in front of you
Frederik was expansive in his answers to my questions about his work and I publish the full interview below:
Who you are and where you are from?
I’m Frederik Vanhoutte, and I’m a creative coder. I’m based in Flanders, Belgium, and currently living in Bruges.
What do you do for a living?
Professionally I’m a medical radiation expert (MPE), active in the radiotherapy department of the Ghent university hospital. What this means is that together with a team of radiation oncologists, nurses, technologist and colleague MPEs I’m responsible for the treatment of people with cancer, using radiation generated by high-energy linear accelerators.
Do you have a background in art?
My background isn’t art, it’s physics, lots of physics. I have a master in acoustics and thermodynamics, a second master in medical physics and a PhD in solid state physics.
How did you start making gifs?
My interest in creative coding grew more or less naturally from toy models, simple physics simulations we set up to test ideas. These are oversimplified and not entirely rigorous, the simulation equivalent of back of the envelope calculations.
In 2003, I came across Processing, a coding framework/application/community aimed towards designers and artists wanting to use computers in their practice. For me, the approach was from a different direction. I was familiar with the rigorous logic of programming and started using Processing for my old toy models. But unlike their original purpose, this time round I started playing around with the models for estethics sake. I didn’t know it then, but these were my first generative systems. In an “about”, I’ll typically say that creative coding fuels my curiosity in physical, biological and computational systems. And that isn’t just a sound bite. For me it represents an important way of thinking about things, of answering questions. I haven’t run out of questions yet, so it doesn’t look like I’m stopping soon.
Do you think gifs are a unique art form?
We tend to talk about the intersection of art and science, two distinct areas that converge in a certain practice.  There is something to be said for the idea that that art, even when using technology and scientific terminology, isn’t science; and that science, even if pursued with passion, isn’t art. But the truth probably is that the idea of two distinct regions meeting at an intersection is the wrong metaphor, that instead there is a huge territory where these two quintessential human endeavors flow into each other, mediated by technology, neither art nor science. For me the true intersection is where we meet from different directions, from different backgrounds.
Why gifs, ate least in part of my work? Digital art has many niches but a common thread in generative systems is the emphasis on the system, the dynamics, rather than on the frozen image, the static. But the threshold to share something dynamic is higher than that of a still image. And the platforms to share it on aren’t very stable, Flash is gone, the days of java applets are past, replaced by webgl and javascript, to be replaced by…
The animated gif seems to stand the test of time better, its simplicity undoubtedly part of its success. My first reaction to the question “are gifs a unique art form” was that I don’t see animated gifs as an art form in itself, or even a goal, but as a robust, low-threshold materialization of  things which are hard to convey statically,a form of animation. But to be honest, having made more gifs lately, I need to reconsider. The medium of gifs introduces several constraints that impose themselves on the art, and in through those constraints, like any medium, shapes the art, adding its unique nature to it.
So yes, it is a unique medium, a unique art form. I find myself reducing my toy models to the bare essentials when writing them for gifs. Kill your darlings, purity, whatever you can call it, it invites a certain thoughtfulness that gets lost when presented with the basically unlimited possibilities we seem to have in digital art. I genuinely believe the restrictions make the art better.
What I strive to achieve is something architects call simplexity, a complex form that has an elegant, simple underlying structure. Simplicity without visual complexity can be rather dull. Raw, wild complexity is easy to achieve but impossible to control and can paradoxically end up dull. A pet peeve of mine is that generative art often prides itself on “infinite results, each unique”, yet somehow all looking, feeling the same. Simplexity represents the goldilocks zone, neither the dullness of predictability, nor the boredom of the purely random.
As a tool I mainly use Processing. And although tools undoubtedly influence the work, it really is about ideas and principles that can be embodied in various ways. Whether it’s Houdini or threejs, Processing or Excel, or pen and paper or computer, part of the art always transcends the medium.
I hope this answers some of your questions.
Frederik Vanhoutte’s Twitter feed and Instagram page
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Stratis Core wallet
The Stratis Primary wallet is an on the internet pocket which allows an individual to send together with acquire STRAT coins. This implies anyone can pay for things and services employing STRAT as well as acquiring installments in STRAT. image This Stratis Core wallet is definitely an on the web wallet which usually allows one to send together with receive STRAT coins. That means you can pay money for goods and services applying STRAT in addition to receiving installments in STRAT. The Stratis blockchain uses a Proof of Stake (PoS) formula to be able to confirm transactions, therefore masters of STRAT can determine to stake their STRAT. Once you are staking STRAT, you can compose blocks for the blockchain together with earn STRAT doing this particular. Importantly, the Stratis Key wallet is dual purpose; this enables you to pole the STRAT in inclusion to making transactions. Staking helps you improve this blockchain network on which often your STRAT coins can be placed. A full backup of the Stratis blockchain is held in each unit the Stratis Primary finances is running in, consequently the wallet is properly sitting on top connected with a Stratis Full Node. When the 100 % Node detects STRAT gold and silver coins have been staked, it try really hard to mines thus contributing to be able to the complete power and strength with the network. Because perhaps modest stakes have a chance to mine, staking democratizes typically the mining process any time compared with Proof of Work solutions. To have any chance of earning advantages from mining on some sort of mature Evidence of Work blockchain, considerable expenditure on hardware and power is recommended. The Stratis crew also developed one of typically the most modern wallets the fact that is available for your Stratis project. The Stratis staking pocket allows a user to �lock up� their particular STRAT tokens to pole them about the network. That pocket was developed and launched to incorporate the Detr�s (proof-of-stake) algorithm within just the cryptocurrency to gain spread general opinion. No matter in the event you have 100 STRAT, 10 STRAT, or even 1 STRAT, you can start staking today using just the minimum sense of balance of having 1 STRAT in the Stratis staking wallet. Locking up these kinds of bridal party allows the circle to give out rewards intended for block out development when it is your turn to generate a new mass. That helps secure the network and is a aspect of the proof-of-stake course of action where nodes rarely require hashing power to produce blocks, instead users can easily �stake� their tokens. The particular Stratis staking wallet is rather easy to setup for you to start staking right away from you and the steps to be able to start off staking can get found here. Another good resource to follow with extra images (for the image learners) can be discovered here. Stratis is probably the original of a range regarding blockchain development platforms. It was as software by which developers could simply create their very own private blockchain. Stratis desired their platform to be the top blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) tailored utilize simply by establishments. However, considering firing, Sratis has increased this range of their job. They want to build out a new larger blockchain growth community that will accept this likes of NEO plus Ethereum. Can Stratis truly compete in this extremely competitive living space and present an eye-catching solution to these kind of blockchains? In this Stratis review, we will make an effort to respond to that problem by getting a deep-dive with the project. We will appear at the technological innovation, staff members plus special advantages of its blockchain. We all will also evaluate typically the STRAT token and whether or not you should consider it. Shall we jump in. Just what is Stratis? Stratis commenced as a project the fact that wanted to assist enterprise strategies with some sort of BaaS design. However, as often the demand for builder environments has grown, so also possess the ambitions of Stratis. Vehicle trying to build up their own developer blockchain. There are many additional assignments that are trying to do this however the main difference concerning them in addition to Stratis will be that it is working with C# for Microsoft�s. WEB framework as the developing language of its blockchain. Ethereum has one advantage over Stratis in that it had been the first smart commitment network, on the other hand its technique Solidity programming language can be its weakness. Stratis works on the far more familiar coding vocabulary and can gain the same blockchain architecture and include sidechains because well. Stratis is certainly getting on Ethereum, introducing C# smart contracts while an using an in May well, followed by way of alpha sidechain support in June. This kind of brings Stratis on en with leading smart commitment blockchains. In fact, to get many firms Stratis is going to be the preferred alternative since blockchain knowledge isn�t all that common at the older, more standard tech companies. These kinds of older tech companies get armies of programmers familiar with C# and the. NET platform and are most most likely to pass more than developing a blockchain having Firmness if they can work with the more familiar C#. Stratis presents this familiar development words, and the capability to use even so characteristics to create a feature-rich blockchain with the power to include sidechains and even smart contracts. This is going to let the old-guard technology companies to easily build up their own blockchain remedies on the Stratis major chain, keeping their very own tasks separated and secure on sidechains. There�s definitely promise, nonetheless it will take time to realize the particular vision of Stratis. Shall we take a deeper glance into the task together with its related STRAT or maybe that powers the circle. Understanding Stratis Stratis was made as its own blockchain that also offers a suite of growth equipment in C# that permit companies to use the security of the blockchain to make their own chains. That saves resources for this companies who rarely need to hire new blockchain programmers or rewrite all their legacy software to job with a fresh podium. With its core Stratis is usually an updated, venture warm and friendly version of Bitcoin. It is more scalable, it�s more quickly, and it moves aside from the reference eager Proof-of-Work mining regarding Bitcoin. Then it adds typically the Stratis platform that allows sidechains, smart contracts in addition to the improvement of decentralized apps. Stratis deviates by other blockchain assignments by way of using the C# developing terminology. With over a few zillion C# designers it should mesh easily using the present systems regarding traditional technician companies over the earth. Stratis Core Wallet have designed a new suite regarding equipment and resources for coders to enable them to be able to build their own blockchains, and it also offers the use of its blockchain as a mainchain for getting added sidechains. nStratis Growth Platform The nStratis blockchain developmnent platform formulated for businesses Additionally, it gives consultancy services for organizations that want to utilize blockchain technology, although seldom find out where or ways to get started out. As an example, these people might recommend a fintech company, featuring them how blockchain technological innovation can be used to verify funds are increasingly being delivered to this correct people, in order to purchases, and to validate buyer identities. Stratis Team The main operating company for Stratis is the Stratis Set Ltd which is centered in the city involving Birmingham. They are composed of a few pretty knowledgeable builders together with specialties at business software program and blockchain. Stratis started out in 2016 by the present BOSS, Chris Trew. Frank possesses over 10 years regarding experience in Enterprise IT. He is also a good after sales developer who features built several applications inside C# and ASP. ONLINE. He started to cut their teeth in the blockchain ecosystem in 2013 and worked well as a new volunteer within the Blitz project. Stratis Crew People Some of the Stratis Associates Chris is also joined by simply Nicolas Dorier who created NBitcoin merely as a new understanding exercise. NBitcoin will be now one of the most comprehensive cross-platform bitcoin frames. He offers also penned an e book in blockchain programming throughout C#. Nicolas has also performed some work on Bitcoin�s key project. The STRAT Symbol The Stratis blockchain uses Proof-of-Stake (PoS) like the consensus algorithm, plus the STRAT token as it has the local token with the network. Due to the fact Stratis uses PoS this would mean there are no resource intensive mining needed to secure the network, nor any pricey hardware required. It seemed to be developed as a poor inflation cryptocurrency and cases are able to make rewards by staking money, if they have adequate to operate a node. Operating a masternode calls for staking 250, 500 STRAT, which has a cost of $392, 500 on the $1. 57 price on September 7, 2018. That�s definitely out associated with reach for most, nevertheless there is talk of introducing lower rate nodes that require less cash. The primary purpose of the particular STRAT token is like gas to the network, or even the approach to pay for network transactions. The natural way you can also buy the idea as a speculative expense, and the coin shows up on well over some sort of dozen exchanges, like Binance, Bittrex and HitBTC. Binance STRAT Signup from Binance and Buy STRAT Bridal party As of Oct seven, 2018 the STRAT lieu is #49 on Coinmarketcap. com with some sort of marketplace cap of $155, 347, 489. That�s with a price of $1. 57 using a circulating supply of 99, 004, 672. Stratis reach a all-time high value of $21. 21 about Economy is shown almost eight, 2018. Stratis was one of the first successful ICO�s, raising first, 000 BTC back in June/July 2016. This success brought about them to start their personal ICO platform in May well 2018 to support others see the same accomplishment. It is very absolutely a good supplying, nevertheless could tap out clues of trouble at the company. ICO Popularity inside Fall When Bitcoin pink at popularity most other cryptocurrencies struggled to obtain a good audience. Therefore , they turned to the ICO as a way to help gain market approval, together with to raise funds to carry on development. That�s exactly how Stratis got its start in 2016. ICOs became a lot more popular in 2017 as soon as Ethereum began web hosting service bridal party on its blockchain, allowing companies to bypass this long and costly means of creating their own blockchain. That year saw practically just one, 000 ICOs released plus $5. 6 billion dollars in capital raised. That wasn�t all good news though as over fifty percent of those ICOs ended up failures. Possibly even Stratis Core Wallet was the roughly $1 billion misplaced by investors for you to fake ICOs. These losses attracted the attention, in addition to ire, of government regulators. Of which put a negative light in ICOs. Shortly after major online as systems like Search engines, Facebook plus Twitter forbidden ads regarding ICOs in their systems. ICO price ranges fell throughout the industry and even people became increasingly wary of projects releasing new coins via an ICO. Slipping ICO Demand Amount involving budget raised via ICO can be declining. Source: ICO Records 2018 still spots a fantastic volume of ICOs, but it in addition perceives more and more jobs keeping away from the negative stigma connected with ICOs. Many have got gone time for the airdrop to send out tokens, plus still others are opting to hold private income, supplying their coins in order to venture capital firms and substantial net-worth individuals rather as compared to selling those to the public. This calls in to problem the decision of Stratis to release a good ICO system in Might 2018. In some respects it looks as if the particular control team is caught up inside of the past. Sure 2016 was initially just two brief years ago, but in often the cryptocurrency globe 2 several years is like 2 many years. A turnkey ICO answer from this point appears to be to take flight in typically the face of the damaging view of ICOs plus the increasing government scrutiny. Stratis Is still a Important Blockchain Even though often the start of an ICO podium makes it seem since if Stratis beyond touch with the rest of the cryptocurrency industry, it remains a new strong and impressive blockchain project. And while the value involving the particular STRAT coin offers fallen all over 2018, that�s additional a new feature regarding the general decline at cryptocurrency trading markets. A $1. 57 selling price now is usually still a more than 22, 000% gain from the $0. 007 ICO price of the particular coin. That�s a good quite hefty return within just over 2 several years. Stratis has also lately been classified by the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, which was a big win intended for Stratis originator and TOP DOG Chris Trew. The listing isn�t always a good endorsement connected with Stratis as a project, nonetheless somewhat because the or maybe is usually written in C# for the. NET framework. Often the. ONLINE framework was formulated by Ms, and since of Windows organization consumption the. NET framework together with C# programming words will be both embedded in each industry. As the designer of the. NET structure Ms contains a massive stake in the survival and advancement of the platform and even the C# language, producing acceptance of Stratis by Microsoft nearly a granted end result. Microsoft Azure Statement simply by Stratis on Microsoft company Azure Company�s using musical legacy programs built on C# and even. NET will find the transition to a blockchain option will be least difficult and most cost-effective when making use of the Stratis solution. Many of these companies previously have C# developers which can be reassigned to a blockchain task, and they�ll help to make fast progress thanks in order to their familiarity with C#. Unfortunately for Stratis often the blockchain whole world evolves incredibly quickly. Their C# kit was vaporware right up until Might 2018, meaning there are the number of projects of which found up to and overtaken Stratis. And the particular Breeze wallet, which sounded so innovative throughout summer involving 2016, wasn�t everything that ground-breaking when that seemed to be relieve as a beta mainnet product in December 2017. It�s unfortunate, nevertheless the Stratis team seems to be working hard at a a long way reduced tempo than brand-new projects, especially those from Most of asia. The early excitement above Stratis hasn�t translated to early adoption. Within point, other than the popularity into the Azure Marketplace, the biggest partnership so a long way is with Globe Twine, an unknown startup that is certainly looking to disrupt the sea food logistics business using a blockchain solution. 1 hopeful development is the newest collaboration using UNITED KINGDOM Meds, the most effective developing online drugstore in britain, only announced on September your five. UK Meds intentions of working with the technology to boost patient safety and in order to improve the BRITISH Prescription drugs supply chain. Conclusion Startis has the differentiation of being the first successful ICO, in addition to remains impressive to this time, but a few say that has to phase up its game if the idea doesn�t want the particular distinction of first productive ICO to be often the greatest distinction the task ever before reaches. While the idea has solid technological innovation and even a new strong joint venture using Microsoft, it isn�t visiting the type of adoption that needs. If the idea can leveraging its skills there is in spite of everything expect for growth within typically the blockchain industry as this offers a number of viable in addition to beneficial use-cases. The addition of the Stratis platform in the Microsoft Orange market place is a big earn, and investors have to be very pleased with the particular 22, 000% return given that the ICO, even if the price of the gold coin has been moving within 2018. Investor feeling may be falling, nonetheless there are still plenty of great to be said for STRAT. The particular launch of the ICO program doesn�t seem to be to be the ideal enjoy it 2018 as authorities regulators have been using aim at ICOs, but luckily Stratis has got many different platform innovations together with partners. Doubtless Stratis Core Wallet Download throughout C# may possibly not audio while highly advanced or maybe captivating as other blockchain projects, yet it�s just all these nuts-and-bolts type software the fact that are often the many beneficial and profitable. Around fact, the use involving C# makes Stratis more eye-catching to regular technical companies with legacy of music devices, since they won�t have got to start from scratch to move or integrate their techniques with blockchain technological innovation. This Stratis solution exhibits true promise, but all of us have to hold out plus see if they may definitely deliver.
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bibleteachingbyolga · 3 years
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What if men in the church are more immature and less equipped because we’ve been expecting too little of them? What if we have simply failed to call them to more than sexual purity online and basic spiritual disciplines? I want to be a part of raising up men who, instead of merely avoiding this or that sin, become a force for good — better, a force for God. And I want to be that kind of man, the kind of man my son should imitate.
When the apostle Paul wrote to a younger man, casting vision for what he might become in Christ, he charged him, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). In a previous article, I began recovering this simple but challenging framework as a paradigm for becoming a man of God. In this article, I want to narrow in on speech. What does it mean, more practically, to set an example in what a man says (or doesn’t say)? What about our words sets us apart from other men?
Words really do matter. Jesus himself says, “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36–37). Every careless word. Men of God learn to trade careless words for thoughtful ones. While many today speak, text, and tweet whatever they think or feel without a second thought, these men weigh the serious weight of what they say. They speak as if God is listening, because he is.
And they know that what they say reveals who they are (Luke 6:45). They tremble over the consequences of sentences. They work to make their words a deeper and fuller well of grace.
Seven Lessons for What We Say
Wanting to set an example with our speech, what kind of example should we set? What does a man of God sound like in the wild?
The letters of Paul say a great deal about what we say, distilled below into seven lessons (a list that is by no means comprehensive). Before we get into the seven, though, one verse in particular might serve as a worthy banner over the rest:
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. (Colossians 4:6)
If we want to set a good example in our speech, we should strive for our words to be a grace to others. Do our words consistently and effectively minister the grace of God to those who hear? Do they lead them to see and savor more of God? “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,” Paul says elsewhere, “but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29).
To fill out that graciousness, though, Paul gives us a number of specific principles for guarding our mouths and serving others in all we say.
1. Tell the truth about God.
The first and most important lesson for our speech, especially in the context of Paul’s two letters to Timothy, is that we speak what is true about God and his word. The clear and immediate context of 1 Timothy 4:12 is teaching:
Command and teach these things. Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. (1 Timothy 4:11–13; see also Titus 2:7)
Paul was writing to a young pastor, but this is not a word only for pastors (or aspiring pastors). Every man of God should aspire to know and teach what is true about God. What you believe and say about God is one of the most important things about you. Men who speak well in the world are men who first listen well to God in his word.
Strive to know him as thoroughly and deeply as you can — to meditate on his law day and night (Psalm 1:1–2) — and to bear a faithful witness to others of who he really is. Day after day, arm yourself with “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). Prepare yourself to “make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). And then boldly tell others what God has revealed to you.
2. Tell the truth about everything.
Telling the truth about God, however, ultimately means telling the truth about everything. Christian men are honest men — men of unquestionable integrity. That emphatically does not mean they are always right, but they are manifestly committed to being true.
Having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. (Ephesians 4:25; see also Colossians 3:9)
Men of God do not fabricate or repeat lies, and they do not hide or obscure the truth. They take responsibility and accept the consequences, even when it costs them much. And being honest will cost us much.
Typically, we lie to protect or serve ourselves (even if it’s serving ourselves by making someone else happy). Godly men know that honesty, however painful and costly in the moment, honors Christ and loves others. They know that peace and pleasure built on deceit are really treachery. They also know, and have tasted personally, the durable peace and pleasure of Spirit-filled integrity.
3. Build others up with your words.
One thread in Paul’s letters proves to be an especially useful test for our speech: Do I use my words to build others up? The apostle writes,
Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. (Ephesians 4:15–16; see also 4:12)
As you think about your conversations over the last week, do you see a pattern of building other believers up? Consider not just the absence of tearing others down — anger, cynicism, gossip, impatience, slander, and so on — but the presence of encouragement. And not just nice compliments, but real encouragement — words that build others’ faith and joy in God (Philippians 1:25). Building is hard work, and so building language is not always comfortable or easy to hear, but it is always constructive and hopeful.
So, “strive to excel in building up the church” (1 Corinthians 14:12), especially in what you say.
4. Avoid all foolishness and filthiness.
If we do not make a habit of building others up with our words, we may fall into tearing them down — discouraging, wounding, even corrupting them. Again, Ephesians 4:29: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Some words build up, and others corrupt. So what kind of language corrupts?
Paul gives the same charge in greater detail in Colossians 3:8: “Now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.” And in Ephesians 5:4: “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place.” Social media is overrun — like that overgrown, weed-infested yard down the street — with these word sins. If we live online long enough, our senses will be dulled and corruption will begin to feel normal, acceptable, even justified. It is not normal, and it does not please God. Setting a godly example in speech often begins with refusing to indulge these temptations — to cut out words that gratify our flesh at the expense of someone else.
5. Be unusually thankful.
Setting an example begins with emptying our speech of corruption, and the best way to force corruption out is to fill our speech with something else. “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving” (Ephesians 5:4). Do you want your words to radiate grace? Thank God often, and out loud, for everything. Make sure that everyone in your life knows that everything you have is a gift of God (James 1:17). Strive to be unusually, stubbornly, even a little socially awkwardly thankful (Colossians 2:7).
How often do you meet someone who sounds like this? “Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:18–20). How often have you tried to discipline your own mouth into grace-giving, joy-stirring streams like these? How much more often, like me, have you fallen out of thanksgiving into grumbling?
“Do all things without grumbling or disputing,” Paul says elsewhere, “that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:14–15). This light shines in what we say (or don’t). Ask God to make you radiantly thankful.
6. Correct with gentleness.
Men of God committed to building others up do not always affirm and applaud. They know that building requires vigilance and regular correction, that mistakes along the way can have devastating consequences later on. So, as we build the church, we can’t afford to allow sins, errors, and blind spots to go unchecked and unconfronted. To honor God in our speech, men of God must correct one another. And it is just as important how we correct one another.
“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness” (Galatians 6:1). “The Lord’s servant . . . [corrects] his opponents with gentleness” (2 Timothy 2:24–25). He could use his strength, like many other men, to be forceful, harsh, even brutal, but he chooses, instead, to be gentle — even when he has been sinned against. Instead of using his strength to overpower others, he uses his strength to restrain himself in love. He still confronts sin, but he does so with surprising patience and kindness. He knows that “a gentle tongue is a tree of life” (Proverbs 15:4).
Part of pursuing godliness in speech and correcting with gentleness is being committed to making peace. “I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10; see also Titus 3:2). “Blessed are the peacemakers,” Jesus promises, “for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). In the midst of correction and conflict, even when we have to say a hard word, we should be fighting for peace — not a cheap or superficial peace, but a deep, healthy, enduring peace in the Lord.
7. Leave behind boasting in self.
Another dominant thread in the apostle’s letters seems to be all the more relevant today: Those captured by grace leave behind all boasting in self.
“God chose what is low and despised in the world . . . so that no human being might boast in the presence of God” (1 Corinthians 1:28–29). Men of God are known for building others up, and for being surprisingly quiet about their own abilities, achievements, and ministry. Good men don’t go around reminding people of how good they are. They live by the proverb, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth” (Proverbs 27:2).
Again, in our day, social media factors in significantly here. A social media profile gives us an opportunity to present ourselves however we want. And painfully few of us, when given the choice, show the world who we really are. We choose to highlight what we think makes us look good. We selectively post and comment based on what reflects well on us. In that way, social media easily becomes an education in self-boasting. We learn, through trial and error (and lots and lots of scrolling), what will win affirmation (like) and admiration (follow).
“Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:31; 2 Corinthians 10:17). Humble, faithful, joy-filled speech boasts less and less in self and more and more in God.
Lord, Guard Our Mouths
One lesson weaves in and out of the points above that’s worth calling out on its own. Godly men not only know what to say at certain times and in certain situations, but they also know when to say less, or nothing at all. Sometimes faithfulness sounds like silence. As Paul’s fellow apostle James writes, “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” (James 1:19). Men who speak well are consistently slow to speak, especially in situations where most people would rush to say something.
What makes a wise man slow to speak? He knows the amazing power of his words, for better or for worse. “How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness” (James 3:5–6). The wise feel the palpable danger in what they might say. They know how subtly sin creeps in and sets everything (and everyone) on fire. “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent” (Proverbs 10:19). Prudence makes friends with self-control, patience, and wise silence.
Slowness to speak, however, does not make our speech godly. Yes, we resist saying too much too soon, but we also fill our mouths with words of grace — with honesty, with encouragement, with thankfulness, with whatever will build others up. We set a positive, proactive, gracious example, always asking God to watch over all we say.
Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;      keep watch over the door of my lips! (Psalm 141:3)
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muhamedshafaan · 4 years
Making Website Mobile Friendly
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As the name implies, mobile-friendly websites are sites designed, developed and optimized for users on mobile devices – and this is both more complex and more important than it seems.
When thinking of mobile-friendliness, you should keep in mind this picture of a regular smartphone user. It's important that:
Mobile screens are pretty small
Cell phones typically have slower processors as compared to PCs
Mobile connections usually have lesser bandwidth and slower load speed
People poke fingers in the touch screen
People use mobile devices on the go
How to make your website mobile friendly ?
1)Make your website responsive
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Most web design experts agree that building a responsive website is the best way to create a site that works well on both desktop and mobile platforms. That’s because a responsive website includes all the same content and information on any device you access it on, but the site responds to the device it’s being displayed on and optimizes its appearance accordingly.
In other words, the way a page is displayed and arranged changes based on the size of the device screen. An image that shows up next to a block of text on a desktop may show up on top of it when loaded on a smartphone, for instance.  
With responsive design, you can make your website mobile friendly without limiting the information your mobile visitors can access – they still get all the same content the rest of your visitors do. And responsive design is also good for SEO.
2) Make information people look for easier to find
People often pull out their smartphones looking for something specific—the answer to a question, the address of a nearby restaurant, or a customer service phone number. In these cases, they want to find the information they need as fast and as easily as possible.
Think about what information your mobile visitors are most likely to be looking for when they head to your website, and put that somewhere obvious and easy to find on the mobile homepage. Also consider the FAQs people most often look for when they visit your website.
3)Ditch text blocking ads and pop-ups
Nobody likes them in any context, but when you’re trying to read text on a small screen and a big ad or pop-up blocks your view of the page, it’s extra annoying.
Most of your visitors won’t take the time to try and find the little X to minimize the pop up, they’ll just click away and go find another website. If you want to create a positive user experience, avoid allowing ads or pop-ups that block the content of a page at all.
If you feel they’re too important to ditch entirely, then at least either disable them for mobile users.
4)Make website speed a priority
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Google’s research on mobile loading speeds found that most websites take over five seconds to fully load, but few visitors will wait that long before clicking away. Website owners can deploy a number of tactics to improve site speed
Use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) – AMP is a framework Google encourages for speeding up load times for your web pages on mobile. If you have a WordPress website, you can get started with the AMP plugin.
Compress your images and CSS – The parts of a web page that load the slowest are those that are large and take up a lot of space, such as your high-resolution images and CSS. You can speed up website load time by compressing your image file sizes, so they load faster without negatively affecting the quality of what people see on the site.
Check your web hosting plan – If your website has outgrown the web hosting plan you started with, or if you went with a less than reputable hosting provider to start, one negative consequence could be slower load times. You can speed things up by upgrading to a web hosting plan that matches your current needs.
5)Keep your web design simple
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Complicated websites with a lot of clutter are confusing on any screen, but they make it especially hard for visitors to navigate your site on a small screen.
Avoid clutter. Stick to a clean, minimalist design that makes it easy for people to find what they’re looking for. And by having fewer files on each page that need to load, a simple design will also contribute to faster load times.
Apply this thinking to your menu as well. If your website has a lot of pages and categories, it may make sense to offer a large menu on desktop screens. But on mobile, you want to cut it down to the most important options. Some websites switch to putting their menu behind a hamburger button on mobile. That way it’s not taking up much space on the mobile screen, but visitors can click to open it if they need it.
6)Make your button sizes large enough to work on mobiles
It’s easy enough to click on a button of any size with a mouse, but when you’re trying to “click” with your fingers on a small smartphone screen, small buttons are hard to deal with. And that’s especially true if there are multiple small buttons close to each other—pressing one when trying to select another will cause real annoyance for your visitors.
The best way to save your visitors from this frustration is to use bigger buttons. And be thoughtful about where on the screen you place them
7)Use large font sizes
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Reading on a small screen is that much harder if the font is tiny. It’s best to use a font size of at least 14px on your webpages, but go ahead and test out how that looks to see if going bigger could be better here.
It’s also best to stick with standard fonts. Any font your visitor’s browser might need to download will slow down how long it takes your website to load, which is bad news on mobile.
8)Don't use flash
Using flash throughout your website is an SEO mistake. It can slow down a page’s load time and there are a lot of browsers and devices where it just doesn’t work at all. Neither Android nor iOS devices support flash, so if you build a website that depends in any way on the experience of a flash animation, your mobile users will be left out.
9)Include viewport meta tag
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The viewport meta tag is an easy way to control how your website shows up on mobile. If your page opens up as the same width on the small screen of your phone as it does on your desktop, you’ll have to awkwardly scroll from side to side to read each line of text and see the different sides of the page. The viewport meta tag tells browsers to fit the width of your page to the screen of the device type the visitor is coming from.
Adding this to your html is pretty simple. Just paste this onto the html for each page:
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″>
10)Turn off autocorrect for forms
We all deal with the small annoyances of autocorrect all the time but even so, website owners often fail to think about the little ways autocorrect can make a user’s interaction with your website inconvenient.
If you have forms on your website that ask for name or address information, one small way to make providing that information easier on your mobile visitors is to turn off autocorrect for each form field, otherwise their phone will try changing their name or street name to more common words and slow down the process of filling out your form.
In the input field, make sure you include autocorrect=off in the html.
11)Allow a way to switch to desktop view
Some of your mobile visitors may actually prefer to see the desktop version of your website instead of the mobile one (especially if you go with a mobile version of your website rather than a responsive site).
Give them a way to do that if it’s their preference. You want your visitors to be able to interact with your website in the way that makes the most sense for them.
12)Regularly perform mobile testing
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The best thing you can do to make sure your website offers a good mobile experience is to regularly test it out yourself on your mobile device. Every so often, pull up your website on your phone and tablet and spend some time browsing to see if anything’s hard to see or difficult to do. Regular testing is the best way to catch small issues that create a worse experience for your visitors. The faster you notice them, the sooner you can update your website to provide a truly mobile-friendly experience.
0 notes
sheminecrafts · 4 years
Deepfake video app Reface is just getting started on shapeshifting selfie culture
A bearded Rihanna gyrates and sings about shining bright like a diamond. A female Jack Sparrow looks like she’d be a right laugh over a pint. The cartoon contours of The Incredible Hulk lend envious tint to Donald Trump’s awfully familiar cheek bumps.
Selfie culture has a fancy new digital looking glass: Reface (previously Doublicat) is an app that uses AI-powered deepfake technology to let users try on another face/form for size. Aka “face swap videos”, in its marketing parlance.
Deepfake technology — or synthesized media, to give it its less pejorative label — is just getting into its creative stride, according to Roman Mogylnyi, CEO and co-founder of RefaceAI, which makes the eponymous app whose creepily lifelike output you may have noticed bubbling up in your social streams in recent months.
The startup has Ukrainian founders — as well as Mogylnyi, there’s Oles Petriv, Yaroslav Boiko, Dima Shvets, Denis Dmitrenko, Ivan Altsybieiev and Kyle Sygyda — but the business is incorporated in the US. Doubtless it helps to be nearer to Hollywood studios whose video clips power many of the available face swaps. (Want to see Titanic‘s Rose Hall recast with Trump’s visage staring out of Kate Winslet’s body? No we didn’t either — but once you’ve hit the button it’s horribly hard to unsee…
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TechCrunch noticed a bunch of male friends WhatsApp-group-sharing video clips of themselves as scantily clad female singers and figured the developers must be onto something — a la Face App, or the earlier selfie trend of style transfer (a craze that was sparked by Prisma and cloned mercilessly by tech giants).
Reface’s deepfake effects are powered by a class of machine learning frameworks known as GANs (generative adversarial network) which is how it’s able to get such relatively slick results, per Mogylnyi. In a nutshell it’s generating a new animated face using the twin inputs (the selfie and the target video), rather than trying to mask one on top of the other.
Deepface technology has of course been around for a number of years, at this point, but the Reface team’s focus is on making the tech accessible and easy to use — serving it up as a push-button smartphone app with no need for more powerful hardware and near instant transformation from a single selfie snap. (It says it turns selfies into face vectors representing distinguishing user’s facial features — and pledges that uploaded photos are removed from its Google Cloud platform “within an hour”.)
No need for tech expertise nor lots of effort to achieve a lifelike effect. The inexorable social shares flowing from such a user friendly tech application then work to chalk off product marketing.
It was a similar story with the AI tech underpinning Prisma — which left that app open to merciless cloning, though it was initially only transforming photos. But Mogylnyi believes the team behind the video face swaps has enough of a head (ha!) start to avoid a similar fate.
He says usage of Reface has been growing “really fast” since it added high res videos this June — having initially launched with only far grainier GIF face swaps on offer.  In terms of metrics the startup us not disclosing active monthly users but says it’s had around 20 million downloads at this point across 100 countries. (On Google Play the app has almost a full five star rating, off of approaching 150k reviews.)
“I understand that an interest from huge companies might come. And it’s obvious. They see that it’s a great thing — personalization is the next trend, and they are all moving in the same direction, with Bitmoji, Memoji, all that stuff — but we see personalized, hyperrealistic face swapping as the next big thing,” Mogylnyi tells TechCrunch.
“Even for [tech giants] it takes time to create such a technology. Even speaking about our team we have a brilliant team, brilliant minds, and it took us a long time to get here. Even if you spawn many teams to work on the same problems surely you will get somewhere… but currently we’re ahead and we’re doing our best to work on new technologies to keep in pace,” he adds.
Reface’s app is certainly having a moment right now, bagging top download slots on the iOS App Store and Google Play in 100 countries — helped, along the way, by its reflective effects catching the eye of the likes of Elon Musk and Britney Spears (who Mogylnyi says have retweeted examples of its content).
But he sees this bump as just the beginning — predicting much bigger things coming down the sythensized pipe as more powerful features are switched on. The influx of bitesized celebrity face swaps signals an incoming era of personalized media, which could have a profoundly transformative effect on culture.
Mogylnyi’s hope is that wide access to synthensized media tools will increase humanity’s empathy and creativity — providing those who engage with the tech limitless chances to (auto)vicariously experience things they maybe otherwise couldn’t ever (or haven’t yet) — and so imagine themselves into new possibilities and lifestyles.
He reckons the tech will also open up opportunities for richly personalized content communities to grow up around stars and influencers — extending how their fans can interact with them.
“Right now the way influencers exist is only one way; they’re just giving their audience the content. In my understanding in our case we’ll let influencers have the possibility to give their audience access to the content and to feel themselves in it. It’s one of the really cool things we’re working on — so it will be a part of the platform,” he says.
“What’s interesting about new-gen social networks [like TikTok] is that people can both be like consumers and providers at the same time… So in our case people will also be able to be providers and consumers but on the next level because they will have the technology to allow themselves to feel themselves in the content.”
“I used to play basketball in school years but I had an injury and I was dreaming about a pro career but I had to stop playing really hard. I’ll never know how my life would have gone if I was a pro basketball player so I have to be a startup entrepreneur right now instead… So in the case with our platform I actually will have a chance to see how my pro basketball career would look like. Feel myself in the content and life this life,” he adds.
This vision is really the mirror opposite of the concerns that are typically attached to deepfakes, around the risk of people being taken in, tricked, shamed or otherwise manipulated by intentionally false imagery.
So it’s noteworthy that Reface is not letting users loose on their technology in a way that could risk an outpouring of problem content. For example, you can’t yet upload your own video to make into a deepfake — although the ability to do so is coming. For now, you have to pick from a selection of preloaded celebrity clips and GIFs which no one would mistake for the real-deal.
That’s a very deliberate decision, with Mogylnyi emphasizing they want to be responsible in how they bring the tech to market.
User generated video and a lot more — full body swaps are touted, next year — are coming, though. But before they turn on more powerful content generation functionality they’re working on building a counter tech to reliably detect such generated content. Mogylnyi says it will only open up usage once they’re confident of being able to spot their own fakes.
“It will be this autumn, actually,” he says of launching UGC video (plus the deepfake detection capability). “We’ll launch it with our Face Studio… which will be a tool for content creators, for small studios, for small post production studios, maybe some music video makers.”
“We also have five different technologies in our pipeline which we’ll show in the upcoming half a year,” he adds. “There are also other technologies and features based on current tech [stack] that we’ll be launching… We’ll allow users to swap faces in pictures with the new stack and also a couple of mechanics based on face swapping as well, and also separate technologies as well we’re aiming to put into the app.”
He says higher quality video swapping is another focus, alongside building out more technologies for post production studios. “Face Studio will be like an overall tool for people who want full access to our technologies,” he notes, saying the pro tool will launch later this year.
The Ukrainian team behind the app has been honing their deep tech chops for years — starting working together back in 2011 straight out of university and going on to set up a machine learning dev shop in 2013.
Work with post production studios followed, as they were asked to build face swapping technology to help budget-strapped film production studios do more while having to move their actors move around less.
By 2018, with plenty of expertise under their belt, they saw the potential for making deepface technology more accessible and user friendly — launching the GIF version of the app late last year, and going on to add video this summer when they also rebranded the app to Reface. The rest looks like it could be viral face swapping tech history…
So where does all this digital shapeshifting end up? “In our dreams and in our vision we see the app as a personalization platform where people will be able to live different lives during their one lifetime. So everyone can be anyone,” says Mogylnyi. “What’s the overall problem right now? People are scrolling content, not looking deep into it. And when I see people just using our app they always try to look inside — to look deeply into the picture. And that’s what really inspires us. So we understand that we can take the way people are browsing and the way they are consuming content to the next level.”
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/325k3mV via IFTTT
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endenogatai · 4 years
Deepfake video app Reface is just getting started on shapeshifting selfie culture
A bearded Rihanna gyrates and sings about shining bright like a diamond. A female Jack Sparrow looks like she’d be a right laugh over a pint. The cartoon contours of The Incredible Hulk lend envious tint to Donald Trump’s awfully familiar cheek bumps.
Selfie culture has a fancy new digital looking glass: Reface (previously Doublicat) is an app that uses AI-powered deepfake technology to let users try on another face/form for size. Aka “face swap videos”, in its marketing parlance.
Deepfake technology — or synthesized media, to give it its less pejorative label — is just getting into its creative stride, according to Roman Mogylnyi, CEO and co-founder of RefaceAI, which makes the eponymous app whose creepily lifelike output you may have noticed bubbling up in your social streams in recent months.
The startup has Ukrainian founders — as well as Mogylnyi, there’s Oles Petriv, Yaroslav Boiko, Dima Shvets, Denis Dmitrenko, Ivan Altsybieiev and Kyle Sygyda — but the business is incorporated in the US. Doubtless it helps to be nearer to Hollywood studios whose video clips power many of the available face swaps. (Want to see Titanic‘s Rose Hall recast with Trump’s visage staring out of Kate Winslet’s body? No we didn’t either — but once you’ve hit the button it’s horribly hard to unsee…
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TechCrunch noticed a bunch of male friends WhatsApp-group-sharing video clips of themselves as scantily clad female singers and figured the developers must be onto something — a la Face App, or the earlier selfie trend of style transfer (a craze that was sparked by Prisma and cloned mercilessly by tech giants).
Reface’s deepfake effects are powered by a class of machine learning frameworks known as GANs (generative adversarial network) which is how it’s able to get such relatively slick results, per Mogylnyi. In a nutshell it’s generating a new animated face using the twin inputs (the selfie and the target video), rather than trying to mask one on top of the other.
Deepface technology has of course been around for a number of years, at this point, but the Reface team’s focus is on making the tech accessible and easy to use — serving it up as a push-button smartphone app with no need for more powerful hardware and near instant transformation from a single selfie snap. (It says it turns selfies into face vectors representing distinguishing user’s facial features — and pledges that uploaded photos are removed from its Google Cloud platform “within an hour”.)
No need for tech expertise nor lots of effort to achieve a lifelike effect. The inexorable social shares flowing from such a user friendly tech application then work to chalk off product marketing.
It was a similar story with the AI tech underpinning Prisma — which left that app open to merciless cloning, though it was initially only transforming photos. But Mogylnyi believes the team behind the video face swaps has enough of a head (ha!) start to avoid a similar fate.
He says usage of Reface has been growing “really fast” since it added high res videos this June — having initially launched with only far grainier GIF face swaps on offer.  In terms of metrics the startup us not disclosing active monthly users but says it’s had around 20 million downloads at this point across 100 countries. (On Google Play the app has almost a full five star rating, off of approaching 150k reviews.)
“I understand that an interest from huge companies might come. And it’s obvious. They see that it’s a great thing — personalization is the next trend, and they are all moving in the same direction, with Bitmoji, Memoji, all that stuff — but we see personalized, hyperrealistic face swapping as the next big thing,” Mogylnyi tells TechCrunch.
“Even for [tech giants] it takes time to create such a technology. Even speaking about our team we have a brilliant team, brilliant minds, and it took us a long time to get here. Even if you spawn many teams to work on the same problems surely you will get somewhere… but currently we’re ahead and we’re doing our best to work on new technologies to keep in pace,” he adds.
Reface’s app is certainly having a moment right now, bagging top download slots on the iOS App Store and Google Play in 100 countries — helped, along the way, by its reflective effects catching the eye of the likes of Elon Musk and Britney Spears (who Mogylnyi says have retweeted examples of its content).
But he sees this bump as just the beginning — predicting much bigger things coming down the sythensized pipe as more powerful features are switched on. The influx of bitesized celebrity face swaps signals an incoming era of personalized media, which could have a profoundly transformative effect on culture.
Mogylnyi’s hope is that wide access to synthensized media tools will increase humanity’s empathy and creativity — providing those who engage with the tech limitless chances to (auto)vicariously experience things they maybe otherwise couldn’t ever (or haven’t yet) — and so imagine themselves into new possibilities and lifestyles.
He reckons the tech will also open up opportunities for richly personalized content communities to grow up around stars and influencers — extending how their fans can interact with them.
“Right now the way influencers exist is only one way; they’re just giving their audience the content. In my understanding in our case we’ll let influencers have the possibility to give their audience access to the content and to feel themselves in it. It’s one of the really cool things we’re working on — so it will be a part of the platform,” he says.
“What’s interesting about new-gen social networks [like TikTok] is that people can both be like consumers and providers at the same time… So in our case people will also be able to be providers and consumers but on the next level because they will have the technology to allow themselves to feel themselves in the content.”
“I used to play basketball in school years but I had an injury and I was dreaming about a pro career but I had to stop playing really hard. I’ll never know how my life would have gone if I was a pro basketball player so I have to be a startup entrepreneur right now instead… So in the case with our platform I actually will have a chance to see how my pro basketball career would look like. Feel myself in the content and life this life,” he adds.
This vision is really the mirror opposite of the concerns that are typically attached to deepfakes, around the risk of people being taken in, tricked, shamed or otherwise manipulated by intentionally false imagery.
So it’s noteworthy that Reface is not letting users loose on their technology in a way that could risk an outpouring of problem content. For example, you can’t yet upload your own video to make into a deepfake — although the ability to do so is coming. For now, you have to pick from a selection of preloaded celebrity clips and GIFs which no one would mistake for the real-deal.
That’s a very deliberate decision, with Mogylnyi emphasizing they want to be responsible in how they bring the tech to market.
User generated video and a lot more — full body swaps are touted, next year — are coming, though. But before they turn on more powerful content generation functionality they’re working on building a counter tech to reliably detect such generated content. Mogylnyi says it will only open up usage once they’re confident of being able to spot their own fakes.
“It will be this autumn, actually,” he says of launching UGC video (plus the deepfake detection capability). “We’ll launch it with our Face Studio… which will be a tool for content creators, for small studios, for small post production studios, maybe some music video makers.”
“We also have five different technologies in our pipeline which we’ll show in the upcoming half a year,” he adds. “There are also other technologies and features based on current tech [stack] that we’ll be launching… We’ll allow users to swap faces in pictures with the new stack and also a couple of mechanics based on face swapping as well, and also separate technologies as well we’re aiming to put into the app.”
He says higher quality video swapping is another focus, alongside building out more technologies for post production studios. “Face Studio will be like an overall tool for people who want full access to our technologies,” he notes, saying the pro tool will launch later this year.
The Ukrainian team behind the app has been honing their deep tech chops for years — starting working together back in 2011 straight out of university and going on to set up a machine learning dev shop in 2013.
Work with post production studios followed, as they were asked to build face swapping technology to help budget-strapped film production studios do more while having to move their actors move around less.
By 2018, with plenty of expertise under their belt, they saw the potential for making deepface technology more accessible and user friendly — launching the GIF version of the app late last year, and going on to add video this summer when they also rebranded the app to Reface. The rest looks like it could be viral face swapping tech history…
So where does all this digital shapeshifting end up? “In our dreams and in our vision we see the app as a personalization platform where people will be able to live different lives during their one lifetime. So everyone can be anyone,” says Mogylnyi. “What’s the overall problem right now? People are scrolling content, not looking deep into it. And when I see people just using our app they always try to look inside — to look deeply into the picture. And that’s what really inspires us. So we understand that we can take the way people are browsing and the way they are consuming content to the next level.”
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/2YbX48x via IFTTT
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How to Achieve Health and Fitness
How to Achieve Health and Fitness
How to Achieve Health and Fitness
How to Achieve Health and Fitness : Many individuals are in look for wellbeing and wellness, however what are truly the fundamentals for wellbeing and wellness and how would you accomplish great wellbeing and general prosperity? When you have a more intensive take a gander at the idea, everything comes down to the accompanying four segments, which are urgent for sound living.
They are : - 1 Good Nutrition - 2 Regular Exercise - 3 A Good Night Sleep - 4 High Quality Nutritional Supplementation On the off chance that we make great nourishment - including supplementation - and a dynamic way of life a day by day propensity, we could add 5 to 15 solid years to our lives. Sound living means: keeping an adjusted, solid eating regimen, abstaining from smoking, extreme utilization of liquor and poisonous chemicals, taking consistent exercise, a great night rest and supplementing our eating routine with fantastic healthful supplements. I will depict in more detail the previously mentioned four parts for sound living. As a matter of first importance: Good Nutrition. You most likely heard it earlier: 'For getting healthy, the kind of food you eat is everything.' Although I like a more exact definition.it is smarter to state: 'You are what you can escape your nourishment.' Great sustenance is essential for good wellbeing. The human body is a mind boggling framework that requires a full range of supplements for ideal wellbeing. What do we mean by 'great sustenance'? Great nourishment implies: eating the correct sustenance that contains all the correct sugars, protein, fat, unsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals and follow components, in light of your body sort. A moment factor that decides great sustenance is our body's capacity to retain the supplements from the nourishment that we eat. The supplements must be in a frame that the cells can acknowledge them, and the cells must be in ideal condition to have the capacity to retain the supplements. This is called bio-accessibility. These are the keys to effective sustenance and two regularly neglected actualities. That is one reason most nourishing supplements come up short, they don't address the cell state of the body. You may imagine that normal exercise, a positive mental state of mind, while applying the brilliant run: 'everything with some restraint' the key is to great wellbeing. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you comprehend the harm caused by handled nourishment, it will inspire you to change your eating routine, on the off chance that you are going for an abnormal state of wellbeing and opportunity of degenerative maladies. Corrosive soluble adjust. We ought to devour corrosive and basic framing nourishment in the privilege ratio's. This isn't difficult to acknowledge, when we realize that, as a rule, products of the soil are antacid shaping and the rest is for the most part corrosive framing, with a couple of exemptions. You can read more about corrosive and basic framing nourishment in my article. The Australian eating routine contains almost one-and-a-half circumstances more corrosive shaping sustenance as it does antacid framing nourishment. This proportion ought to be the a different way. The issue with eating excessively corrosive framing nourishment is that it develops dangerous waste items, and is the reason for a large portion of our medical issues. An eating regimen that contains inadequate products of the soil is missing crucial cancer prevention agents, beta-carotene, vitamins and minerals. They are most essential to forestall oxidation, caused by free radicals, which are the fundamental driver of coronary illness, stroke, tumor and different ailments. We additionally require an adequate measure of cancer prevention agents, to check the development of free radicals, caused by our unpleasant way of life, contamination in air and water and lack of healthy sustenance. Oxidative anxiety has appeared to be the underlying driver of more than 70 endless degenerative sicknesses. Consistently, the DNA in every cell in your body faces around 10, 000 assaults from cell-harming powers known as free radicals, which are insecure oxygen atoms that have lost an electron. Free radicals are normally delivered as your body swings fuel to vitality, yet you additionally get them from contamination in air and water, stress, smoking and radiation from the sun. These unpredictable particles voyage around your body attempting to balance out themselves by taking electrons from different atoms. When they succeed, they make still more free radicals, causing a kind of snowballing parade of harm. Free radicals don't simply sometimes fly up all over. Up to 5% of the oxygen that every cell utilizes is changed over into free radicals. Free radical harm is thought to assume a part in the aggregation of low-thickness lipoprotein (LD) cholesterol and the coating of your course dividers. This can prompt a narrowing of the courses called atherosclerosis, which adds to coronary illness. What's more, when free radicals harm DNA inside the cells, the outcomes can be cell changes that prompt malignancy. It isn't about nourishment, nor is everything about exercise. An adjusted way of life is the key. Exercise no less than three times each week. Vigorous exercise, running, swimming, cycling and furthermore incorporate weight lifting in your activity schedule, which is imperative for keeping up a solid bone-structure. The key is to do the correct exercise. Vigorous exercise are generally suggested in the weight reduction industry, the more extreme the better, which is all off-base!! The issue is that high impact exercise practices that raise your heart rate over 120 thumps for each moment, which incorporate running, paddling, swimming, cycling and a significant number of those favor vigorous exercise classes in wellbeing clubs, all strip off muscle practically as much as they peel off fat. What's more, as you most likely are aware, muscle misfortune lessens your capacity to consume fat and sets you to wind up noticeably considerably fatter. Keep in mind, muscle is the motor in which muscle to fat ratio is singed. You ought to do all that you can to keep up it for whatever is left of your life. Strolling is useful for some wellbeing reasons, it additionally consume some fat and won't consume muscle. However, the best exercise for fat control is wide-assortment high reiteration protection preparing, utilizing weights or machines. By practicing every one of the muscles of your body, you consume a ton of fat. Another preferred standpoint of protection practices is that it increment muscle and accordingly give more muscle cells to have the capacity to consume fat. It's a genuine wellbeing deal. Another essential factor is appropriate pace. Try not to try too hard. You can't constrain things to occur on the double. The key to great wellbeing is consistency and dauntlessness. The appropriate measure of nourishment and customary exercise. The basic strategy of 'profound breathing' can make a capable commitment to resting easy and being fit and well. Our bodies require a wealth of physical and mental vitality to have the capacity to work getting it done. The vitality source is sustenance, yet nourishment is futile without oxygen, which is the way to our energy. The more oxygen we convey to our cells, the more vitality we will have. Breathing is the way we acquire oxygen and the advantages of occasional profound breathing are gigantic. Nonetheless, if our breathing is shallow, we cripple the working of our frameworks. At the point when the oxygen supply to our lungs isn't adequate, it can add to diseases, both physical and mental. Stance is imperative for appropriate relaxing. The third factor of wellbeing and wellness is a decent night rest. There is nothing more gainful than a decent evenings rest and there is an extraordinary physiological requirement for it if the individual likes to feel invigorated and alarm amid the next day. Rest is likewise imperative for your memory and learning limit and potentially to maintain a decent invulnerable framework. Yet, there are as yet numerous unanswered inquiries with respect to the capacity of rest. This is conceivably best clarified with the way that individuals experiencing sleep deprivation additionally experience the ill effects of diminished fixation, lessened memory and diminished capacity to fulfill day by day undertakings. They are additionally at more serious hazard for business related mischance and street mishaps, many wiped out days, expanded utilization of social insurance administrations and a lower saw personal satisfaction. A sleeping disorder is normally seen as identified with not getting enough rest, which implies that the individual either experiences difficulty falling or staying unconscious. Be that as it may, low quality of rest, whereby the sufferer awakens not feeling invigorated, even after adequate hours spent rest, is a typical protestation, particularly by elderly individuals. Melatonin is a normally happening hormone in the cerebrum, produced by the pineal organ and emitted during the evening. It is immediately debased, yet by being constantly emitted all as the night progressed, it acts like a rest controller and 'flag of murkiness' in people. However the normal generation of melatonin tends to diminish with age. exceptionally in elderly experiencing a sleeping disorder, the generation of melatonin is diminished contrasted with elderly with no rest issues. Research has demonstrated that melatonin, when taken in little measurements of 0.1 milligram, can diminish the impacts of jet, such as dozing troubles and tiredness. The fourth segment is: an astounding wholesome supplements. As I specified before, most supplements don't address the cell state of your body. Far and away more terrible, many are in a frame that is unsuitable for the cells themselves and don't contain organic accessible substances that are helpful for the cells in your body. Individuals who are experiencing an unending degenerative infection are under more prominent oxidative worry than typical. For this situation, streamlining agents are essential to use keeping in mind the end goal to help any current nutritious program. It's been experimentally demonstrated that there are considerable medical advantages in taking nourishing supplements. The advantages of nourishing supplements are logically checked in the course of recent years. Several logical examinations have demonstrated that nutritious supplements can essentially diminish the danger of degenerative ailments. Aside from the future advantages, eating admirably and practicing frequently to accomplish wellbeing and wellness, additionally empower us to appreciate life quite a lot more right at this point!
How to Achieve Health and Fitness Fitness, Health, Health and Fitness from 10bestof4 http://ift.tt/2i4TISi
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A bearded Rihanna gyrates and sings about shining bright like a diamond. A female Jack Sparrow looks like she’d be a right laugh over a pint. The cartoon contours of The Incredible Hulk lend envious tint to Donald Trump’s awfully familiar cheek bumps.
Selfie culture has a fancy new digital looking glass: Reface (previously Doublicat) is an app that uses AI-powered deepfake technology to let users try on another face/form for size. Aka “face swap videos”, in its marketing parlance.
Deepfake technology — or synthesized media, to give it its less pejorative label — is just getting into its creative stride, according to Roman Mogylnyi, CEO and co-founder of RefaceAI, which makes the eponymous app whose creepily lifelike output you may have noticed bubbling up in your social streams in recent months.
The startup has Ukrainian founders — as well as Mogylnyi, there’s Oles Petriv, Yaroslav Boiko, Dima Shvets, Denis Dmitrenko, Ivan Altsybieiev and Kyle Sygyda — but the business is incorporated in the US. Doubtless it helps to be nearer to Hollywood studios whose video clips power many of the available face swaps. (Want to see Titanic‘s Rose Hall recast with Trump’s visage staring out of Kate Winslet’s body? No we didn’t either — but once you’ve hit the button it’s horribly hard to unsee…
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TechCrunch noticed a bunch of male friends WhatsApp-group-sharing video clips of themselves as scantily clad female singers and figured the developers must be onto something — a la Face App, or the earlier selfie trend of style transfer (a craze that was sparked by Prisma and cloned mercilessly by tech giants).
Reface’s deepfake effects are powered by a class of machine learning frameworks known as GANs (generative adversarial network) which is how it’s able to get such relatively slick results, per Mogylnyi. In a nutshell it’s generating a new animated face using the twin inputs (the selfie and the target video), rather than trying to mask one on top of the other.
Deepface technology has of course been around for a number of years, at this point, but the Reface team’s focus is on making the tech accessible and easy to use — serving it up as a push-button smartphone app with no need for more powerful hardware and near instant transformation from a single selfie snap. (It says it turns selfies into face vectors representing distinguishing user’s facial features — and pledges that uploaded photos are removed from its Google Cloud platform “within an hour”.)
No need for tech expertise nor lots of effort to achieve a lifelike effect. The inexorable social shares flowing from such a user friendly tech application then work to chalk off product marketing.
It was a similar story with the AI tech underpinning Prisma — which left that app open to merciless cloning, though it was initially only transforming photos. But Mogylnyi believes the team behind the video face swaps has enough of a head (ha!) start to avoid a similar fate.
He says usage of Reface has been growing “really fast” since it added high res videos this June — having initially launched with only far grainier GIF face swaps on offer.  In terms of metrics the startup us not disclosing active monthly users but says it’s had around 20 million downloads at this point across 100 countries. (On Google Play the app has almost a full five star rating, off of approaching 150k reviews.)
“I understand that an interest from huge companies might come. And it’s obvious. They see that it’s a great thing — personalization is the next trend, and they are all moving in the same direction, with Bitmoji, Memoji, all that stuff — but we see personalized, hyperrealistic face swapping as the next big thing,” Mogylnyi tells TechCrunch.
“Even for [tech giants] it takes time to create such a technology. Even speaking about our team we have a brilliant team, brilliant minds, and it took us a long time to get here. Even if you spawn many teams to work on the same problems surely you will get somewhere… but currently we’re ahead and we’re doing our best to work on new technologies to keep in pace,” he adds.
Reface’s app is certainly having a moment right now, bagging top download slots on the iOS App Store and Google Play in 100 countries — helped, along the way, by its reflective effects catching the eye of the likes of Elon Musk and Britney Spears (who Mogylnyi says have retweeted examples of its content).
But he sees this bump as just the beginning — predicting much bigger things coming down the sythensized pipe as more powerful features are switched on. The influx of bitesized celebrity face swaps signals an incoming era of personalized media, which could have a profoundly transformative effect on culture.
Mogylnyi’s hope is that wide access to synthensized media tools will increase humanity’s empathy and creativity — providing those who engage with the tech limitless chances to (auto)vicariously experience things they maybe otherwise couldn’t ever (or haven’t yet) — and so imagine themselves into new possibilities and lifestyles.
He reckons the tech will also open up opportunities for richly personalized content communities to grow up around stars and influencers — extending how their fans can interact with them.
“Right now the way influencers exist is only one way; they’re just giving their audience the content. In my understanding in our case we’ll let influencers have the possibility to give their audience access to the content and to feel themselves in it. It’s one of the really cool things we’re working on — so it will be a part of the platform,” he says.
“What’s interesting about new-gen social networks [like TikTok] is that people can both be like consumers and providers at the same time… So in our case people will also be able to be providers and consumers but on the next level because they will have the technology to allow themselves to feel themselves in the content.”
“I used to play basketball in school years but I had an injury and I was dreaming about a pro career but I had to stop playing really hard. I’ll never know how my life would have gone if I was a pro basketball player so I have to be a startup entrepreneur right now instead… So in the case with our platform I actually will have a chance to see how my pro basketball career would look like. Feel myself in the content and life this life,” he adds.
This vision is really the mirror opposite of the concerns that are typically attached to deepfakes, around the risk of people being taken in, tricked, shamed or otherwise manipulated by intentionally false imagery.
So it’s noteworthy that Reface is not letting users loose on their technology in a way that could risk an outpouring of problem content. For example, you can’t yet upload your own video to make into a deepfake — although the ability to do so is coming. For now, you have to pick from a selection of preloaded celebrity clips and GIFs which no one would mistake for the real-deal.
User generated video and a lot more — full body swaps are touted, next year — are coming, per Mogylnyi. But before they turn on more powerful content generation functionality they’re working on a counter tech to reliably detect such generated content. Mogylnyi says it will only open up usage once they’re confident of being able to spot their own fakes.
“It will be this autumn, actually,” he says of launching UGC video (plus the deepfake detection capability). “We’ll launch it with our Face Studio… which will be a tool for content creators, for small studios, for small post production studios, maybe some music video makers.”
“We also have five different technologies in our pipeline which we’ll show in the upcoming half a year,” he adds. “There are also other technologies and features based on current tech [stack] that we’ll be launching… We’ll allow users to swap faces in pictures with the new stack and also a couple of mechanics based on face swapping as well, and also separate technologies as well we’re aiming to put into the app.”
He says higher quality video swapping is another focus, alongside building out more technologies for post production studios. “Face Studio will be like an overall tool for people who want full access to our technologies,” he notes, saying the pro tool will launch later this year.
The Ukrainian team behind the app has been honing their deep tech chops for years — starting working together back in 2011 straight out of university and going on to set up a machine learning dev shop in 2013.
Work with post production studios followed, as they were asked to build face swapping technology to help budget-strapped film production studios do more while having to move their actors move around less.
By 2018, with plenty of expertise under their belt, they saw the potential for making deepface technology more accessible and user friendly — launching the GIF version of the app late last year, and going on to add video this summer when they also rebranded the app to Reface. The rest looks like it could be viral face swapping tech history…
So where does all this digital shapeshifting end up? “In our dreams and in our vision we see the app as a personalization platform where people will be able to live different lives during their one lifetime. So everyone can be anyone,” says Mogylnyi. “What’s the overall problem right now? People are scrolling content, not looking deep into it. And when I see people just using our app they always try to look inside — to look deeply into the picture. And that’s what really inspires us. So we understand that we can take the way people are browsing and the way they are consuming content to the next level.”
from Social – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2YbX48x Original Content From: https://techcrunch.com
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generatedblog2 · 5 years
Online business
There are numerous types of online business, and in all actuality everybody will in general have their own meaning of an online business .That is the reason I think it is important to explain a few terms and characterize them before you consider how to complete those business thoughts online that you have as a primary concern.
A business when all is said in done has its own qualities. There are a few, yet I'm remaining with having a business implies having set up a framework that works alone. Either on the grounds that you have representatives that convey the everyday and/or in light of the fact that you have mounted a progression of robotized frameworks for the deal and dispersion of your items/administrations. Think for instance of an online store of computerized items (music, for instance).
Basically, in an effective business, the business person's strategic to escape the route as quickly as time permits. Things being what they are, the ideal business is just accessible to the most languid. Furthermore, truly, I suspect as much. Functioning as a specialist is something else, which is increasingly similar to an independent work scheme.If you are considering setting up a business on the web, I imagine that your online business undertaking should meet a progression of quite certain criteria:
 You should attempt to consider business thoughts with a future. By this I mean essentially 2 things: to go with a conventional organization to make the complete jump in the computerized economy (consider the various on-screen characters of the book business, for instance) and/or bolster activities that quicken the globalization of the economy - think about the incredible commercial centers for seaward administrations (outsourcing).Good online organizations are typically adaptable organizations. Attempt to exploit all the upsides of the Internet channel and disseminate information by selling computerized items. By doing this, you limit the expense of selling your items (it is delivered once and sold for a great many units without additional expense) and you disregard the cerebral pains of coordination’s, including dealing with your working capital and Its troublesome treasury. Good online organizations are low venture organizations. Furthermore, this is certain. With your longing to work and your thought, you can dispatch yourself for not exactly € 150/year (with this you will purchase an area, a facilitating plan, and a superior layout). Defer everything you can formalize your business movement .More than at any other time, great online organizations depend on building up a framework that works alone. Although the target of easy revenue is hard to accomplish, I think it is fundamental that your business examines every single imaginable methods for selling without your immediate inclusion in business tasks.
What's more, I'm not considering having employees.I feel that enormous online organizations can be set up alone, without financial specialists or representatives. When the model is approved, in a subsequent stage, you will think about how to quicken and use the model, with or without workers, with or without investors.The rules of business achievement have not changed a lot. Nor is the 3 or multi year death pace of new organizations. Staying away from business disappointment l is definitely not a straightforward task.But we are living snapshots of extraordinary changes, both segment and macroeconomic, microeconomic and mechanical changes. At the same time, at gigantic speed.Look at it as an extraordinary open door for you. Get roused by other advanced business visionaries who have just ventured to every part of the equivalent path.With globalization and innovation, in 10 years' time, the quantity of center supervisors and information laborers will have fallen in Europe and the US. for less expensive markets.What occurred with the laborers and creation in China will happen now with all information workers.It is neither acceptable nor awful, as long as you steer of your (proficient) life from today.
You go to every one of these recommendations and at last you remain with the touch pencils. The thought you like best is the one you've perused on Wired and you read it now with new eyes.
You had consistently believed that there was life past Apple items and that items for iPad clients are exhausting, however not for different tablets and brands.
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Several Pentesting Tools and Techniques Used by Information Security Experts
Technology is pulsing all around you, and in the short amount of time that you are hosted in this network that you must try to understand its inner workings. Fortunately or unfortunately, most network and system administrators are persons of habit. All you have to do is listen for long enough, and more often than not it will yield some of those juicy findings, information security experts say.
Regardless of any discussion beforehand, a penetration test has a competitive feel from both sides. Consulting pentesters want their flag, and administrators want their clean bill of health to show that they are resilient to cyber-attack; something akin to a game of flag football. The difference here is that in flag football, both teams are familiar with the tools used to play the game.
It goes without saying that a pentester’s job is to simulate a legitimate threat to effectively determine your organization’s risk, but how can remediation happen without at least some familiarity? Sun Tzu once said, “If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
In order to truly secure our networks, any administrator with cybersecurity duties will need to not only understand what they themselves have, but also step into the shoes of the opposite side.
This article’s intention is to focus on the ‘why’ and not completely the ‘how’. There are countless videos and tutorials out there to explain how to use the tools, and much more information than can be laid out in one blog post. Additionally, I acknowledge that other testers out there may have an alternate opinion on these tools, and which are the most useful. This list is not conclusive. With that being said, let’s get into the list.
This tool, in the information security expert opinion, makes the absolute top of the list. When an auditor comes in and talks about “least functionality”, this is what comes immediately to mind. If you are a pentester, Responder is likely the first tool you will start running as soon as you get your Linux distro-of-choice connected to the network and kick off the internal penetration test. The tool functions by listening for and poisoning responses from the following protocols:
Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR)
NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS)
Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD)
There is more to Responder, but I will only focus on these three protocols for this article.
NBT-NS is a remnant of the past; a protocol which has been left enabled by Microsoft for legacy/compatibility reasons to allow applications which relied on NetBIOS to operate over TCP/IP networks. LLMNR is a protocol designed similarly to DNS, and relies on multicast and peer-to-peer communications for name resolution. It came from the Vista era, and we all know nothing good came from that time-frame. You probably don’t even use either of these. Attackers know this, and use it to their advantage.
WPAD on the other hand serves a very real and noticeable purpose on the network. Most enterprise networks use a proxy auto-config (PAC) file to control how hosts get out to the Internet, and WPAD makes that relatively easy. The machines broadcast out into the network looking for a WPAD file, and receive the PAC which is given. This is where the poisoning happens.
The information security professionals are aware that most protocols which rely on any form of broadcasting and multicasting are ripe for exploitation.
PowerShell Empire
Before, pentesters typically relied on Command and Control (C2) infrastructure where the agent first had to reside on-disk, which naturally would get uploaded to Virus Total upon public release and be included in the next morning’s antivirus definitions. The time spent evading detection was a seemingly never-ending cat-and-mouse game.
It was as if the collective unconscious of pentesters everywhere came to the realization that the most powerful tool at their disposal was already present on most modern workstations around the world. A framework had to be built, and the Empire team made it so.
The focus on pentesting frameworks and attack tools has undoubtedly shifted towards PowerShell for exploitation and post-exploitation.
It means that some of the security controls you have put in place may be easily bypassed. File-less agents (including malware) can be deployed by PowerShell and exist in memory without ever touching your hard disk or by connecting a USB. A write-up mentioned at the end of this post elaborates much further into this topic. Existing in memory makes antivirus whose core function is scanning disk significantly less effective.
Fortunately, information security researchers say, that the best mitigation here is something you may already have access to , Microsoft’s Applocker. Granted, white listing can take some time to stand up properly and likely requires executive sign-off, but it is the direction endpoint security is heading. This is a good opportunity to get ahead of the curve.
When it comes to mitigation; the execution policy restrictions in PowerShell are trivial to bypass.
Hashcat with Wordlists
This combo right here is an absolute staple. Cracking hashes and recovering passwords is pretty straightforward of a topic at a high level.
Hashcat is a GPU-focused powerhouse of a hash cracker which supports a huge variety of formats, typically used in conjunction with hashes captured by Responder. In addition to Hashcat, a USB hard drive with several gigs of wordlists is a must. On every pentest that the information security analysts have been on, time had to be allocated appropriately to maximize results, and provide the most value to the client.
Sysadmins, think about your baseline policies and configurations. Typically it is best practice to align with an industry standard, such as the infamous DISA STIG, as closely as possible. Baselines such as DISA STIG support numerous operating systems and software, and contain some key configurations to help you prevent against offline password cracking and replay attacks. This includes enforcing NIST recommended password policies, non-default authentication enhancements, and much more. DISA even does the courtesy of providing you with pre-built Group Policy templates that can be imported and custom-tailored to your organization’s needs, which cuts out much of the work of importing the settings.
Web Penetration Testing Tools
It is important to note that a web penetration testing tool is not the same as a vulnerability scanner.
Web-focused tools absolutely have scanning capabilities to them, and focus on the application layer of a website versus the service or protocol level. Granted, vulnerability scanners (Nessus, Nexpose, Retina, etc) do have web application scanning capabilities, though I have observed that it is best to keep the two separate.
Many organizations nowadays build in-house web apps, intranet sites, and reporting systems in the form of web applications. Typically that since the site is internal it does not need to be run through the security code review process, and gets published out for all personnel to see and use.
The surface area of most websites leaves a lot of room for play to find something especially compromising. Some of the major issues are:
Stored Cross-site Scripting (XSS).
SQL Injection.
Authentication bypass.
Directory traversal abuse.
Unrestricted file upload.
If you administer an organization that builds or maintains any internal web applications, think about whether or not that code is being reviewed frequently. Code reuse becomes an issue where source code is imported from unknown origins, and any security flaws or potentially malicious functions come with it. Furthermore, the “Always Be Shipping” methodology which has overtaken software development as of late puts all of the emphasis on getting functional code despite the fact that flaws may exist.
Acquaint yourself with OWASP, whose entire focus is on secure application development. Get familiar with the development team’s Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and see if security testing is a part of it. OWASP has some tips to help you make recommendations.
Understand the two methodologies for testing applications, including:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST). The application’s source code is available for analysis.
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST). Analyzes the application while in an operational state.
Additionally you will want to take the time to consider your web applications as separate from typical vulnerability scans. Tools (open and closed source) exist out there, including Burp Suite Pro, OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), Acunetix, or Trustwave, with scanning functionality that will crawl and simulate attacks against your web applications. Scan your web apps at least quarterly.
Arpspoof and Wireshark
Arpspoof is a tool that allows you to insert yourself between a target and its gateway, and Wireshark allows you to capture packets from an interface for analysis. You redirect the traffic from an arbitrary target, such as an employee’s workstation during a pentest, and snoop on it.
Likely the first theoretical attack presented to those in cybersecurity, the infamous Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack is still effective on modern networks, information security researchers said. Considering most of the world still leans on IPv4 for internal networking, and the way that the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) has been designed, a traditional MitM attack is still quite relevant.
According to information security researcher, many falsely assume that because communications occur inside their own networks, they are safe from being snooped on by an adversary and therefore do not have to take the performance hit of encrypting all communications in their own subnets. Granted, your network is an enclave of sorts from the wild west of the Internet, and an attacker would first have to get into your network to stand between communications.
Now, let’s assume that a workstation is compromised by an attacker in another country using a RAT equipped with tools that allow a MitM to take place. Alternately, consider the insider threat.
The information security experts said that the best tactics of defense are: encrypt your communications. Never assume communications inside your network are safe just because there is a gateway device separating you from the Internet.
Keep your VLAN segments carefully tailored, and protect your network from unauthenticated devices. Implementing a Network Access Control (NAC) system is something you may want to add to your security roadmap in the near future or implementing 802.1X on your network may be a good idea. Shut down those unused ports, and think about sticky MACs if you are on a budget.
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energitix · 7 years
This is the most exciting time ever to be in IT!… But are we up to it? I’m not sure, but I think it was Brian Johnson who first coined the phrase “IT is too important to be left to IT.” However, I’d also add “…but the business isn’t grown up enough to be put in charge of IT”!  Herein lies one of the greatest, endemic issues we currently face in IT… Business and IT-alignment. Even the term itself causes heated debate. In this blog, I want to show some worrying facts and figures that underpin this issue. I’ll also touch upon Business Relationship Management (BRM) as a critical missing capability, exploring how BRM can help us take an important step in solving the “Business and IT-alignment” issue. Providing we do it properly of course.   The business and IT relationship The ABC (attitude, behavior, culture) card below sums up the “Business and IT relationship.” This has been a top scoring card in global improvement workshops with more than 4000 organizations, and has been for the last 15 years.  …I’ll repeat that, only louder “FOR THE LAST 15 YEARS!” Who is to play this “marriage guidance counsellor” role? Drum roll… enter BRM. But first… Why is it so exciting to be in IT right now?  Digital transformation is the latest industry buzzword. Nobody knows what it really means, but everybody wants it. Suddenly all the vendor products and services in the market have “digital transformation” added as a byline in the description, and existing training catalogs describe how current courses support and enable this need for “digital transformation”… Phew, so we’ve solved that then! Regardless of what it really means, one thing is clear – IT is becoming increasingly important for all organizations and it’s not going to go away. To quote Michael Ganser from Cisco: “Digital transformation represents the beginning of the most significant transformation in our lifetimes.” This means that IT and IT service management (ITSM) are becoming strategic assets and strategic capabilities. YOU are now a strategic asset. How cool is that to put on your CV? However, this new role brings with it great responsibilities and demands new skills and new ways of behaving. The question is will we take ownership for this new position we’ve been given? Will we develop the right skills and capabilities? Will we start behaving like strategic assets? Either we do, or we face the alternative “tragic” consequences as shown in the t-shirt above.  What do you mean “but are we up to it”?  “Business and IT alignment” has once again been named the number one CIO challenge in a recent industry study on Trends in Business, IT & IoT. It’s been in the top three CIO challenges for the last 15 years. And, as IT becomes increasingly important with each passing year, the business and IT “gap” seems to be getting bigger and bigger. If you don’t believe me, then please check out some of these articles: CIO leaders struggle to sway business leaders Communication between IT and non-IT workers in a state of crisis The IT-Business gap remains. The fact that “Business and IT-alignment” has been a top issue for the last 15 years clearly shows that current approaches to closing the gap aren’t working. A reason perhaps for the growing popularity of BRM?  Not only are the current approaches not working, but we’re also not developing the right knowledge and skills.  IT has no understanding of business impact and priority This has been the top scoring ABC card for the last 15 years. Confirming that the findings of this article from 2013 – “The IT talent problem” – is still relevant. In this article executives were asked “If you had a magic wand, what one talent problem would you solve?” More than 70% said “Give business skills to their technologists… they do not understand the business context of their technology work, nor can they have a meaningful discussion with the leaders of the business areas their technology supports.”  “Yes, but that was 2013!”  “We’ve learned and now we do continual service improvement (CSI)!” If only this were true. In a recent mini study my company undertook, less than 20% said they had formal CSI in place. This talent problem was also raised in the 2017 Gartner CIO Agenda report. CIOs reported their top barriers to successfully showing the value of IT – with talent being number one, citing “Business knowledge and acumen.” Worryingly, the same issues that CIOs cited four years earlier in the exact same study. As I said, current approaches don’t seem to be working… And? Now I know I’m not the brightest crayon in the box, but all this clearly shows we need to develop more business understanding and more business-focused skills and capabilities. With “Business IQ” being one of the key competence areas within the BRM Institute body of knowledge.  BRM is an ideal approach to help IT people gain a better business understanding, and to work together with ITSM to develop an appropriate priority and decision–making mechanism. However… The business isn’t grown up enough to be put in charge of IT either! This is another top-three ABC card chosen in our global workshops. We cannot implement effective priority mechanisms without the business.  It’s easy to blame IT. However, it isn’t all IT’s fault. There needs to be, from the business, better governance of enterprise IT. Says who? An ISACA study (Benchmarking and Business Value Assessment of COBIT 5) revealed “More business involvement in the governance of enterprise IT  is required,” highlighting a low maturity score on benefits realization and risk optimization. Perhaps a reason why “70% of everything spent on IT doesn’t meet the functional goals of projects or deliver the expected return on investment” according to a 2015 NetworkWorld article.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t digital transformation about realizing business benefits from emerging technologies? And, managing the inherent risks of doing it and of not doing it? Sounds like governance to me. So, we need some sort of executive-level commitment and governance if we want to realize the benefits of digital transformation. However, in a recent “hands-up” poll I did with event delegates representing more than 500 organizations, sadly only about 25% said they had “Formal IT governance” in place (such as COBIT). But this business issue isn’t just at the executive level. A CIO.com article The key to successful digital transformation stated:  “The biggest innovation happens when the transformation is user [driven], not IT driven”… going on to add “The process requires an understanding of cultural and knowledge gaps for business users, a monumental and often politically charged challenge typically far outside IT’s purview.” The business users also have an important role to play. Two top-scoring ABC cards (again for the last 15 years) are “Everything has the highest priority according to the users” and “Too little business involvement in requirements specification and testing.” Perhaps there’s another role here for BRM to become the “trusted advisor” to business users? Why is governing IT so hard?  In a recent article on CIO.com entitled “What is GRC and why do you need it?” Kim Lindros (CIO) declared: “The decision-making, portfolio management, risk management, and regulatory compliance functions included in a ‘Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)’ framework will not be effective unless the organization’s executive leadership really supports cultural change.” In another article from CIOInsight.com entitled “Cultural issues derail digital transformations” it was revealed that 62% of CIOs said the biggest hurdle to digital transformation was “cultural issues.” So, it seems it isn’t just IT-facing “Attitude, Behavior and Culture” issues. However, the business doesn’t attend IT conferences or read IT blogs and often doesn’t know what it doesn’t know. Unconsciously incompetent (“the individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the defict” – Wikipedia.) The challenge here is “Who has to point this out to the business?” IT currently has an issue with trust and credibility and we now want to say to the business “Don’t worry – we’re now your strategic partner”!  One thing is clear. The business won’t change by itself. It’s up to IT to stop playing the victim and to step up to the plate if its wants to change this before it’s too late. Two more of the core competences in the BRM body of knowledge being “Business transformation management” and “Communication.”  BRM from marriage counsellor to superhero in one tall leap! Is BRM the missing link to the endemic business and IT alignment problem? In a McKinsey report entitled “Partnering to shape the future – IT’s new imperative” it was revealed that 76% of executives found that IT should play a partner role to the business. Only 27% thought that IT already fulfilled that role.  It would appear that BRM not only has to improve the relationship between business and IT but also enable them to transform and to solve something they haven’t been able to solve in the last 15 years. Oh, is that all?! So how do we do this? Send staff on a two–day BRM Professional training course to get the certificate? Now where have I seen that approach before? Let’s not make the same mistake we made with ITIL –focusing too much on the certificate rather than developing the competency, not to mention the fact that the business partner won’t be attending the training. So how do we engage the business in this capability–development initiative? We already do BRM, we don’t need BRM training! The majority of organizations who engage us to run business simulations as part of an education or organizational improvement initiative recognize these business and IT issues. When I suggest we focus on BRM in a simulation an answer is often “No, we already do BRM!” More often than not they either have some kind of account management function or a BRM role that serves as a tactical or operational fire-fighter, solving issues that ITSM should have solved. However, all too often BRM roles have no “authority” and are not seen as an added-value partner to both the business and to the IT provider organization.How do we solve this then?Excellent question. That is the topic of my presentation at the upcoming itSMF UK annual conference this November. In my presentation, I’ll be exploring the topic and presenting a case study on how one organization tackled this issue. Engaging with both the business and IT to gain commitment for strategic BRM, and BOTH parties committing to change behavior.  And, if you want one tip to take away now. Make Monday “Go and meet a user day.” Do this regularly, ideally every Monday. Send everybody from IT into the business for one day to observe how IT services are used. To understand how IT services add value, the impact when services are down, and the priority moments – the critical business cycles. Have people come back and present their findings or invite a line-of-business IT user to come present at IT team meetings. Remember: The top scoring ABC card for 15 years in a row is “IT has no understanding of business impact and priority”!  So, are YOU a strategic asset or a tragic…?  The post “IT Is Too Important to Be Left to IT” So What Next?  appeared first on ITSM.tools.
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Getting a Laptop Repair
Even as we know there are numerous companies offering high tech sophisticated phones with great engineering to aid our daily needs. There is a need of repair centers. It is hard as all companies does not have expertise on all manufacturers to find a service that is proper for a specific brand.
In case you are currently searching for a telephone center you need to make certain concerning the good trustworthiness of the assistance center. The technological people must have fantastic understanding on the unique merchandise to offer all kind of companies linked to the phone such as repair amenities of cracked LCD displays; shattered fold wires, terrible demand port, flawed keyboard, flawed microphone, audio, and almost any issues of the telephone. The reason being the telephone may have many dilemmas rather than limited to a problem that is single. While the phones are developing using hightech technology the fix individual also have access to up-to and should have previous encounters focusing on relevant item -time data. A premier type cellphone repair service core ought to be able to supply unlocking facilities of all GSM cellphone for that international tourists.
Folks are using phone for numerous goal and by by doing this sometimes they uncover their most loveable telephone not working properly or functioning very badly. You may bother and can push you to look for a phone repair middle as tele -discussion is essential for everyday business. Before visiting a-service service, you will have to look at the quality of the provider normally, you could record knowledge that is bitter with your phone. You will discover many assistance locations obtainable in the marketplace. Some are fresh with less quality. They try building fool their customers. Obtaining the cellphone repair heart that is finest isn't easy job. So that you must obtain optimum information about the device repair stores out the very best one to good.
A professional repair heart can be respected because all providers it gives are guaranteed by it. Therefore it is crucial not or to learn the service-center is approved to avoid any kind of problems. A great repair heart should be able to fix all kinds of phones. It will employ good-quality tools and machinery to learn the phone's particular discover this info here problems. The phone might start practicing the issues again, should they don't utilize good quality instruments. It ought to be ready to offer exact moment and a cost range of distribution to you. Whenever they do not offer particular time for you to deliver your phone it appears they have not of restoring phone much knowledge.
Since their release in the client industry, mobile phones attended a considerable ways from being a device meant for mere conversation to the state of craft smartphones nowadays we could find. Rim, iPhone, Nokia O2, and many other esteemed manufacturers are providing cellphone having right here a host of features including global positioning technique, web browsing camera, instant connectivity, and a whole lot more. When our loved phone malfunctions, rather than trying cell phone repair, many of us prefer to change the telephone that is faulty as immediately that you can.
There are as to the reasons we should generally attempt to get the phone repaired before actually exchanging it, several causes. The reason that is foremost is the price factor. While getting the phone repaired might cost you a $50 to $200; replacing the phone will mean you will must keep the sum total expense of the phone which might range around thousands of pounds. lake orion mobile home park Another generally confronted issue with replacing the cell-phone is data-loss. You may be able to have gone the malfunction by exchanging the telephone; nonetheless it is likely that that you may need to experience some data loss aswell. Having the bad cellular phone repaired may save you from losing any critical data such as associates, passwords, files, etc.
If you are currently wanting to get you cellular phone fixed, you can find several reputed automated assistance centre giving mobile phone repair companies. Nearly every automated fix that is possible is performed by every one of these stores at extremely reasonable expenses. These locations usually have a team of automated servicing pros that are certified to cater to your every fix need. In repairing all the FonFix4u Social Network staff at these assistance facilities that are electric specializes Kinds of cellular phone; thus, regardless of whether you are searching for fix or Rim repair, any good support heart will be able to take care of the problem. Additionally, in-case they don't restore the defective telephone, they just might give a great value because of it to you because they can use its pieces to execute their future jobs.
More people today are looking to try cellular phone repair slight injury happens in place of investing in a one or when technological difficulties happen. Telephone repair jobs that are slight are not that complicated to repair, such as water damage, blocked headset jacks or broke LCD monitors. Some jobs will need the cell phone technician's services to complete the fix; breaks that are other could often be done at home utilizing step-by-step guides found on the Web. Whenever you can will most likely run you not as than buying a fresh one correcting your mobile phone also it would be to your gain to check fix choices out before deciding.
Cell Phone Repair Shops
You'll find cellular phone repair stores very easily in just about every town across the country. Before converting your phone for solving over, nevertheless, be sure to check the credentials of the technicians within the store know-how and you choose to ensure they have the knowledge to repair your unique product phone. Should they give you a warranty for their repair services moreover, request the store. Repairmen that are trustworthy are not scared to guarantee their function nor can they balk at your making questions concerning their experience.
Home Repair of iPhone Repair oxford Mobile Phones
Some cellular phone repair jobs can be done athome by subsequent appropriate directions provided on several cellular phone sites put in place for that objective. In reality sometimes where speedy activity is necessary, such as water damage, it's recommended to try to repair the problem as soon as possible at home or you could wind up dropping your handset permanently. It would be considered a good concept to ensure that in the case of break, you will possess some notion of what to do to understand your cell phone type ahead of time. Persons who've about how their cellphone works a great working knowledge can frequently place slight glitches before they become main troubles and can have higher perception when damage occurs about what to do.
Does A Supplier's Guarantee FonFix4u iPhone Repair oxford Cover Cell Phone Fix?
One thing to consider is in the event it prevents functioning within the period framework as well as the fact that many cell phones feature a warranty to get a limited amount of time, you see when the dilemma is included under your guarantee and can take it back. If so, producer may possibly have it exchanged or restore your portion for-free beneath the warranty. In any event the cost component will be included without your having to foot the statement.
It is not so easy to find a reliable company cellphone repair heart while they might not do the right career according to your requirement. You ought to be able to fix it yourself, in case you have typical familiarity with phone equipment however in many circumstances, this does not get well. Although, you could preserve the common fix resources to give a great try. Most of these tools are available in the market, their cost can also be reasonable. Cleaning sets are very very important to retain phone functioning efficiently. These resources are used mainly to eliminate dirt from the telephone set.
Lamp is also important equipment. When you're currently doing all of your cellphone repair work you need to safeguard you eyesight, a lamp will undoubtedly be your eye sight guardian. When the lamps include 4200Hz regularity without often flashing, it'll give you ease at work. To repair a faulty phone first you'll need-to open it. You've to get telephone beginning resources. There are different kinds of phone starting instruments are available in the marketplace. You should acquire all tools that are important like, screwdrivers. They may be made-of magnetic alloy steel.
Then your most critical point to repair your phone is programming methods. Someday you've to display the phone. To display or to format a faulty telephone you need some programming tools. It is also helpful fon fix 4u to unlock the phone. A cable that is simple may well not work nicely on a regular basis to unlock a cellphone. Furthermore coding tools is the only approach to fix a phone which is not reacting.
Cleaner is just a device which really helps to exchange ultrasonic noise waves and help eliminate the mounted inner dust of the PCB table of the telephone. You'll locate different varieties of ultrasonic Cleaner from organizations that are diverse, you have to choose the one that is most effective.
In case your telephone is not currently functioning effectively, do not panic. You are able to provide a try to see if it works. Normally, it is very important to contact a reliable telephone repair shop. It is vital that you be sure that the device repair heart has of fixing the kind of telephone previous experiences you've. It is simpler to question them, when they have any customer comments systems available, which could be reached to examine their service status.
Cell phones are becoming a necessity for many people across the world. In this predicament, lifestyle seems Wikipedia Here to come at a stop you also require a repair and when there is a fault inside your mobile phone.
Till lately, only the producers initiated the cellular phone repair occupation. Opportunities currently exist for entrepreneurial individuals to start out their fonfix4u.co.uk own lucrative business, sometimes being an employee of the cellular phone repair center, or having their own stand alone mobile phone repair procedure.
In case your cell phone isn't working effectively, some simple measures might be adopted. Decide if the difficulty has been the battery or the device by replacing the battery. Ensure the volume is turned-up, the ringer turned-on should you can't notice callers, or perhaps the battery is incurred. If these approaches do not work, take your cellular phone to some mobile phone repair heart.
Nowadays, customers might bring to the mobile phone repair stores in a telephone that is bad. A Work Order Form will be granted, plus a deposit towards the mobile phone repair-service has to be built. For getting a courtesy phone an arrangement is subsequently authorized. All cell phones possess a one-year manufacturer's guarantee. The cellular phone repair stores will repair or replace telephones under warranty so long as the user did not trigger any real ipad screen repair oxfordshire damage to the phone. In the event the guarantee has expired, the mobile phone repair heart might cost for fixes. the phone is returned by the appropriate mobile phone repair center and also once the cellular phone repair work has ended, the client makes the ultimate payment returns the courtesy telephone and gets the fixed unit. Sometimes it is best to only buy a phone, since mobile phone repair prices is as substantial because a phone's expense.
A mobile phone repair tech has techniques and many innovative tools designed for the repair career, for example:
Cleaners - They're found in mobile phone repair because they are oxide dissolving cleaners. These tools are thus and accustomed to clear dirty hooks inside the cellphone help with cellular phone repair.
Lights - They're used while carrying out a cellular phone repair task to safeguard your eyes when you work. Lamps have Highfrequency 4200Hz light without causing that is repeated to avoid damaging impact to eyes, since a lot of function under poor light at regular 50Hz /60Hz could cause brief eyesight and many eye conditions. It is an extremely helpful software for those who are performing the mobile phone repair company.
Telephone Open Tools - A cellphone repair task involves opening of cellular phones. Many resources such as screwdrivers made from magnetic alloy steel may be used for this part of the job.
Developers - the cellular phone to be unlocked is required by cellphone repair. Not all cellphones can be revealed with basic wire. Coding resources could be the strategy to fix "demise telephones", those who have quit functioning. A 24xxx chip audience may read and create EEPROM laptop repair oxford ohio (Electrically Erasable Programmable Readonly Storage) in a phone with no problem. For examining/writing info during a cellphone repair career energy obtained from USB link with pc interface port is used. Coding instruments are employed in almost every cellphone repair centre.
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chynugh · 7 years
Gun Safe Reviews and Tips On Getting the Best Gun Safe Cabinet
Purchasing Tips For Finding a Quality Gun Safe Cabinet
When you purchase a long firearm safe, you need to make certain you're not getting shown a good time. Here are a few characteristics of brilliant safes that you should keep an eye out for.
Most importantly, you should hope to spend about $1200 on up for a better than average safe. In spite of mainstream thinking, the real producers know the best situation for pivots is outwardly (unless you're purchasing a Grade 1 European safe - they put the depends within, and have strong development, no dissensions here). The reason American safe producers put the relies outwardly is so that the criminals squander valuable time assaulting that range, rather than the bolt itself. They'll get no place on a quality long weapon safe.
The inside ought to be, no less than, 58-inches high. The purpose behind this is you'll have freedom then for your 30-inch-long barrels, and will take into consideration racking close to the top for your littler things. Other extraordinary components to look for, however they might be introduced reseller's exchange, are a rotational rack, and a pile of drawers for your littler guns and different things. All things considered, in case will spend this much cash, you should be sorted out to boot.
As to locking instrument, the dials made by Sargent and Greenleaf®, whose parent organization is Stanley Security Solutions®, are best retire as indicated by numerous in the business. They aren't the main name in the business, yet in the event that they were, your guns would be in great hands! In the event that you need to run with an advanced mix, ensure it's a UL Listed Type II or better, or Type I (business review electrical) bolt. Anything less is dangerous business.
Get your work done as to insulating material, and there are a lot of feelings regarding this matter. Numerous makers are utilizing the UL posting for fireboard (a.k.a. a thin layer of drywall) to list their safes as a flame resistant firearm safe. This isn't precisely first class quality, so truly ask from your producer of decision how they build their flame resistant weapon safe entryways, dividers and floor. A thin layer of drywall sandwiched between two thin sheets of sheet metal isn't a quality safe!
The heaviness of your flame resistant firearm safe - particularly the flame resistant weapon safe! - ought to be no less than 750lbs. The steel ought to be no less than 8 gage steel for thievery assurance, the better models utilize fire cladding and strong steel plating. Incidentally, when purchasing a weapon safe bureau, the lower the gage of steel, the thicker the material.
Security on your firearm safe bureau ought to be no less than a UL-recorded "RSC" (private security holder) rating - this is base rack security and is not tried to withstand break-ins nor fire harm. This is the base rating, and ought to have the capacity to get you FIVE minutes under a burglary endeavor. Given negligible devices, at the end of the day, a criminal off the road will have the capacity to air out a RSC-appraised safe.
Your better wager is to purchase an European Grade 1, or UL Listed TL-15 or TL-30. There are other, higher evaluations for safes that finish tests that UL conducts that incorporate blast perseverance, affect resistance, 6-sided assaults, and light assaults, however generally such appraisals bring about over the top charges and aren't run of the mill for private utilize. Thus they won't be shrouded in our firearm safe audits, yet realize that if your weapon safe bureau has these evaluations, you've purchased a quality safe. One of the best insulating materials for flame resistant firearm safe development is Palusol®. This material extends with warmth and keeps out flame, smoke and typically water too.
Make certain the outside is rust proof also - this safe should give you more than a lifetime of continuance. Likewise, firearm racks, drawers, felt lined racks, an inside lighting framework, a jolt example to secure it set up, and a dehumidifying framework should all be incorporated or if nothing else introduced eventually.
Firearm Safe Reviews of Great Gun Safe Cabinets
Onto the firearm safe surveys!
Ft. Knox "Legend" Series Gun Safe Cabinet
Ft. Knox "Legend" arrangement is their top-level line of safes. They are made with a 3/16-inch steel body plate, and are likewise secured by a 10-gage, fortified steel lining. The entryways on the Legend arrangement are 1-3/4-inches thick, fortified and fire-evaluated. Mind you, the 1-3/4-inches is a "general thickness," so it isn't completely steel! Really, the steel is just 5/16-inch at the entryway, so only a little over a quarter inch. At the end of the day, a great measure of that thickness is drywall or "fireboard" as they call it - essentially a similar stuff you can punch a gap through with your deliver your home or office. Fortunately there is a qualified "hard plate" and metal balls to thwart boring endeavors.
Ft. Knox has their own locking instrument - the "Rack and Pinion," which is a multi-equip framework. They do have a mechanical re-locking framework, however audits appear to be predictable that their development is nice. Their locking jolts are 100% autonomous of each other, and are involved up to 55 gears which thus work up to (28) 1-1/2-inch jolts. That is great security, just like the corner dashes in the entryway.
Different components are the UL Listing, and confirmed fire security at 1680 degrees F, for a hour and a half. It ought to be noticed that their flame resistant strategy is basically 2 layers of drywall, so not really the most ideal approach the extent that choices are concerned. A couple of pleasant touches are the lights bundle, cover lining, "constrained lifetime" guarantee, dehumidifier, remote relocker, and discretionary biometric locking component. A decent begin to our weapon safe audits, everything considered.
On a Budget? Attempt this on Offer From Granite Security®
Tipping the scales at under 600 pounds, and wearing a monetary $599.99 sticker price, Granite Security® (who makes Winchester® safes), makes a Sam's Club item that is accessible when it's accessible. This safe is superior to anything the other deal weapon safe bureau feed available, however it doesn't have a huge amount of fancy odds and ends. Many would-be weapon safes available are minimal more than sheet metal lockers, and set you back about $2-400.
Not this safe. This safe has a place on our firearm safe audits since it is a quality item at the cost. It accompanies 1-inch-thick jolts, 1-inch-thick door frame, and the dividers tip the scales at 12-gage steel. With that level of assurance, it's been given the exposed basic UL RSC rating, which is the most reduced you need for a weapon locker. It isn't as high as it ought to be - just 56-creeps on the inside, which implies you'll have to either adjust the top rack to oblige your 30-inch-long barrel rifles, or expel the top rack. The outside is 60 x 30 x 22 inches.
A decent touch is that the inside is movable, so you can store 24 guns inside on the off chance that you utilize both sides, or 12 on the left side. You can likewise pick retires all through, yet simply anticipate around 8 or 10 guns on each side. There is a get to port for the dehumidifier, and this savage is sufficiently overwhelming that a cheat would have a troublesome time leaving with it. The bolt's UL affirmed, also, so you'd be ready with this one.
Stack On® 36-Gun, Fire Resistant, Waterproof, and Convertible Gun Safe Cabinet with Electronic Lock - GSXW-836-DS
Stack On® has been around since the mid 1970's, creating quality firearm safe cupboards, excessively trunks, file organizers and a large group of other stockpiling items. They have turned into a very much put stock in name in making quality steel items, and this is the top-line, biggest firearm locker. This specific model is a piece of their "Aggregate Defense Safes" line of items, supposed in light of the fact that they are evaluated from the ETL labs as fireproof and in addition water safe (as indicated by their spec's, these safes can toward the end in up to 2 feet of standing water for 72 hours!). The unit has an elastic like gasket along the entryway, and additionally other water-sealing measures.
On the off chance that you need to keep your inconspicuous gun cabinet secure, this protected comes pressed with 7 expansive real to life jolts, and in addition 3 dead darts on the pivot side of the entryway. The entryway is pry-safe, ensuring no one accesses the substance. The locking component is a 3 number mix for effortlessness, opened by a somber, 3-talked handle secured with elastic holds. On the off chance that you overlook the blend and are coordinated out after 3 off base passage endeavors, there is additionally an inconvenience key included. Furthermore, don't stress over supplanting batteries, there's a caution for low battery life, the batteries are easy to supplant from the front of the safe.
Stack On safe's firearm barrel rests are a licensed element, permitting your checked guns to be flawlessly documented set up, utilizing the covered weapon racks. The weapon safe bureau accompanies 6 completely customizable racks, so you can store 36 rifles or split the distinction and utilize the safe for capacity of different resources in half of the space. The powder covered, silver and dark theme with chrome equipment makes for a pretty sight, too. At minimal over $1500, this is a tough bit of hardware that will give you years of pleasure.
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