#noora x willhelm
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trouvailleamor · 4 years ago
the grip that skam had on me in 2017 is unmatched
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nooras-stuff · 4 years ago
...effortlessly beautiful...
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letsfuckinngo · 4 years ago
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Noora SĂŠtre from SKAM Icons
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mne-bolno · 4 years ago
okay listen to me, i love the noora x william kinda enemies to lovers arc but i hate the fact she finally fell for the popular asshole of the school mostly because he didn't even change a bit, he remains a dickhead all through season 1 and half of the season 2 so why the fuck did she fell for him? just because he's cute? that's so not noora
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skam-luart-mix · 4 years ago
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New style
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toutirabienpeutetre · 4 years ago
okay but when is someone going to compare me to a monet's painting and listen to records with me?
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improvised-chaos · 4 years ago
anyway, that other wilhelm
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m1w555 · 4 years ago
my toxic trait is only watching season 2 of every version of skam
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arielrml · 4 years ago
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brilhantineybag · 4 years ago
Declaração de amor
contagem de palavras: 1591
avisos: provavelmente xingando. beber menor. também, não editado
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As meninas deveriam vir Ă  minha casa em alguns minutos, mas Chris ainda nĂŁo tinha saĂ­do. Ele ainda estava sentado no meu sofĂĄ enquanto comia minha comida e assistia Ă  minha TV. VocĂȘ estava correndo pela casa, tentando fazer com que parecesse pelo menos um pouco apresentĂĄvel antes da chegada deles. "Chris, vĂĄ para casa", vocĂȘ choramingou para o menino mais velho enquanto jogava os sapatos nele.
Ele colocou as batatas fritas na mesa de cafĂ© antes de se aproximar de vocĂȘ. VocĂȘ se virou para ficar de frente para ele, mas continuou andando para trĂĄs para manter distĂąncia entre vocĂȘs dois. Esse plano acabou falhando assim que suas costas foram pressionadas contra a parede fria e o rosto dele estava a centĂ­metros do seu. Seu batimento cardĂ­aco aumentou rapidamente com a proximidade e sua respiração ficou presa na garganta. “E se eu nĂŁo quiser ir embora ainda?” Ele questionou baixinho, com as mĂŁos em cada lado do corpo.
SituaçÔes como essa nĂŁo eram incomuns quando vocĂȘ estava com Chris. Na verdade, era algo que ele fazia com frequĂȘncia. Ele o colocaria em uma posição Ă­ntima porque sabia que vocĂȘ ficaria confuso e ele conseguiria o que queria. A maior parte do tempo. Desta vez nĂŁo foi um desses momentos. “Bem, vocĂȘ tem que fazer. As meninas estĂŁo vindo e nĂŁo gostam de vocĂȘ. Bem, Noora e Sana nĂŁo, ”vocĂȘ disse a ele enquanto se concentrava em estabilizar sua respiração. VocĂȘ precisava permanecer equilibrado para que ele partisse.
Ele abriu a boca para responder, mas a porta da frente se abriu e as garotas entraram. Ambas as cabeças se viraram para as cinco garotas, mas nenhuma de vocĂȘs saiu da posição. Vilde foi o primeiro a notar sua situação atual com o maior filho da puta da escola. Seu sorriso ficou maior quando ela cutucou as outras garotas e inclinou a cabeça em sua direção. Os outros quatro se viraram em sua direção e sorriram quando viram vocĂȘ.
Chris voltou-se para vocĂȘ e levou os lĂĄbios ao seu ouvido. Eles roçaram levemente contra ele, causando arrepios por todo o seu corpo. “Vejo vocĂȘ mais tarde, querida,” ele sussurrou antes de se afastar de vocĂȘ. Ele voltou para o sofĂĄ para pegar suas coisas para que ele pudesse sair. “Senhoras,” ele as reconheceu com um pequeno sorriso. Ele agarrou a maçaneta, mas parou e se virou para encarĂĄ-lo novamente. “Festa no William's nesta sexta-feira Ă s 9. Espero ver todos vocĂȘs lĂĄ.” Com isso dito, ele finalmente saiu.
Assim que a porta foi fechada com segurança, as meninas começaram a gritar perguntas para vocĂȘ. VocĂȘ nĂŁo conseguiu distinguir nada devido ao fato de todos eles gritarem ao mesmo tempo, mas imaginou que eles estariam perguntando sobre o que acabou de acontecer. "Rapazes! Frio! Nada estava acontecendo. ” Essa era a verdade. Pelo menos, era a verdade para Chris. Para vocĂȘ, aquele momento foi mais do que apenas platĂŽnico. Significou muito mais do que isso.
"Nada? VocĂȘs estavam tĂŁo perto de ficarem uns com os outros, ”Sana apontou com o maior sorriso de todos eles. Ela queria que vocĂȘ ficasse com Chris antes mesmo de saber que vocĂȘ era amiga dele para festejar com eles.
"Sim, eu concordo. Agora pare de mentir e diga-nos que vocĂȘs estĂŁo namorando ”, disse Eva com alegria. Eles todos ainda estavam usando seus sapatos e jaquetas, jĂĄ que estavam tĂŁo envolvidos com o que acabaram de entrar.
VocĂȘ suspirou profundamente antes de caminhar atĂ© o sofĂĄ e cair de costas nele. VocĂȘ podia ouvir as garotas começando a tirar suas coisas. “NĂłs nĂŁo estamos namorando. Eu prometo." As palavras saĂ­ram muito mais angustiadas do que vocĂȘ esperava e as meninas perceberam isso tambĂ©m. Eles trocaram olhares conhecedores enquanto caminhavam atĂ© vocĂȘ. "Isso nunca vai acontecer."
Fredag ​​// 20:14
VocĂȘ decidiu hospedar o prĂ©-jogo para que as meninas pudessem ajudĂĄ-lo com sua roupa. VocĂȘ ainda estava de sutiĂŁ e calcinha enquanto eles bebiam o que quer que trouxessem. VocĂȘ pegou um vestido verde que nunca tinha usado e se virou para as meninas. Todos olharam para ele e fizeram um olhar de nojo. "Ok, nĂŁo", vocĂȘ resmungou, jogando-o no chĂŁo. VocĂȘ vasculhou seu armĂĄrio mais uma vez, parando assim que encontrou o vestido perfeito. Era de mangas compridas, o vestido preto sem ombro.
"Sim! Com certeza - Noora bateu palmas com entusiasmo quase assim que vocĂȘ se virou. Os outros concordaram com a cabeça. "Aqui, deixe-me tirar as alças do seu sutiĂŁ para que nĂŁo apareçam." VocĂȘ a deixou fazer isso para que pudesse entrar no vestido. O vestido parava no meio da coxa, o que era bom, pois vocĂȘ nĂŁo queria dar nenhuma ideia aos caras de lĂĄ. VocĂȘ sabia que suas roupas nĂŁo definiam o que vocĂȘ queria, mas os caras nĂŁo tinham a mesma mentalidade.
VocĂȘ pegou um par de botas do armĂĄrio que parou acima dos joelhos. "Ajude-me a colocar isso, por favor?" VocĂȘ riu levemente, segurando os itens no ar. Todas as garotas arregalaram os olhos ligeiramente, mas mesmo assim ajudaram vocĂȘ a colocĂĄ-los. "Ok, deixe-me fazer minha maquiagem e depois podemos sair." Quando vocĂȘ terminou, faltavam dois minutos para as nove. William nĂŁo morava longe de vocĂȘ, entĂŁo todos vocĂȘs caminharam.
Estava um pouco frio e vocĂȘ gostaria de ter trazido um casaco como os outros, mas estava muito preocupado em parecer quente do que em nĂŁo morrer de frio. Todos vocĂȘs caminharam em uma linha horizontal e praticamente podiam ouvir alguma mĂșsica foda tocando ao fundo. A mĂșsica em sua cabeça foi rapidamente abafada pela mĂșsica alta que vinha do apartamento de William.
Depois que todos vocĂȘs chegaram lĂĄ, vocĂȘ mal conseguia ouvir o que os outros estavam dizendo. VocĂȘ agarrou a mĂŁo de Eva assim que entrou no apartamento. Ela olhou para vocĂȘ com um sorriso e o levou atĂ© as bebidas. Ela pegou um para cada um de vocĂȘs antes de levĂĄ-los para o meio de onde todos estavam dançando. VocĂȘ largou a mĂŁo dela, pegou sua bebida e começou a dançar a mĂșsica que estava tocando. VocĂȘ estava dançando inadequadamente com Eva por um tempo, mas dois caras se aproximaram de vocĂȘs dois e os separaram.
VocĂȘ podia sentir o olhar severo de alguĂ©m em vocĂȘ e vocĂȘ procurou pelo agressor e finalmente pousou em Chris. Ele estava dando ao cara que vocĂȘ estava dançando um olhar que teria mandado qualquer um que visse correr, exceto vocĂȘ, Ă© claro. Seus olhos encontraram os seus e um olhar de mĂĄgoa brilhou nos dele. VocĂȘ rapidamente desviou o olhar e de volta para o cara com quem estava dançando. Seus braços estavam em volta do pescoço dele e seus corpos pressionados, mas tudo em que vocĂȘ conseguia pensar era em Chris. Sua mente ficava vagando de volta para ele o tempo todo.
O cara, cujo nome vocĂȘ ainda nĂŁo sabia, abaixou a cabeça para que seus lĂĄbios encontrassem seu pescoço. Essa foi a gota d'ĂĄgua para Chris, e vocĂȘ tambĂ©m. VocĂȘ tirou as mĂŁos do pescoço dele e empurrou-o levemente para longe de vocĂȘ. “Vamos, querida. NĂŁo seja assim, ”o cara falou enquanto caminhava em sua direção.
Chris apareceu de repente entre vocĂȘs dois e vocĂȘ poderia dizer que ele estava com raiva. Ele sempre fazia isso quando sabia que alguĂ©m estava indo longe demais, mas isso era diferente para ele. VocĂȘ nĂŁo sabia disso. VocĂȘ estava muito envolvido em seus pensamentos para ouvir os dois discutindo, mas vocĂȘ se recuperou assim que Chris foi empurrado para trĂĄs em vocĂȘ. Ele se moveu para acertar o cara, mas vocĂȘ o impediu agarrando sua mĂŁo.
Ele nĂŁo olhou para vocĂȘ enquanto a arrastava para fora do apartamento e a arrastava para o telhado. “Chris, o que vocĂȘ estĂĄ fazendo?” VocĂȘ perguntou, puxando sua mĂŁo da dele. Ele começou a andar na sua frente e esfregar as mĂŁos por todo o rosto. VocĂȘ o encarou por alguns momentos atĂ© que se cansou de ficar em silĂȘncio. “Chris!”
Ele parou de andar e, em vez disso, apoiou vocĂȘ contra a parede ao lado da porta. Era a mesma posição em que vocĂȘs dois estavam no inĂ­cio desta semana, mas diferente. Chris estava respirando pesadamente enquanto olhava em seus olhos brilhantes. “Quer saber uma coisa? Eu odeio ver vocĂȘ dar a outros caras a atenção que eu quero que vocĂȘ me dĂȘ. Eu odeio ver vocĂȘ flertar com outros caras quando estou bem aĂ­. Eu odeio ver vocĂȘ com alguĂ©m que nĂŁo seja eu porque estou muito apaixonado por vocĂȘ, ”ele confessou, deixando escapar um suspiro logo em seguida. "Sinto muito se isso arruĂ­na nossa amizade e espero em Deus que nĂŁo, mas preciso que vocĂȘ saiba como me sinto."
VocĂȘ nunca foi bom com as palavras, entĂŁo nĂŁo tinha ideia do que dizer sobre a declaração de amor dele. "Beije-me", vocĂȘ finalmente falou. Ele nĂŁo perdeu tempo e colocou seus lĂĄbios nos seus. Diferente de qualquer beijo que vocĂȘ jĂĄ experimentou, este foi cheio de paixĂŁo. VocĂȘ enredou as mĂŁos no cabelo dele e o puxou para mais perto ao mesmo tempo. Suas mĂŁos permaneceram colocadas na parede enquanto ele usava seu corpo para empurrar vocĂȘ contra a parede. VocĂȘ, relutantemente, se afastou dele para recuperar o fĂŽlego. “Eu tambĂ©m te amo, vocĂȘ sabe. Eu tenho hĂĄ muito tempo. ”
espero que gostem
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vintagestheticz · 4 years ago
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And I should just tell you to leave 'cause I know exactly where it leads but I watch it go round and round each time
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nooras-stuff · 4 years ago
..if he really loves me..
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crowleying · 5 years ago
Dirty little secret | f! reader
Date: 10.04.2020
Pairing:  Christoffer Schistad x Reader
Reader's pronouns: she/her
Words: 2.205
Fandom: SKAM
Characters: Reader, Christoffer Schistad, William Magnusson, Noora Amalie SĂŠtre, Eva Kviig Mohn
Genre: Romance
Length: Oneshot
Warnings: Angst and fluff
Requested by anon
Request: WOW you write for SKAM! 😭 could you write something like: Reader and Chris are dating but she wants to keep it secret because of his reputation and he's annoyed so they fight, he flirts with girls to piss her off, they're on and off, very good or terrible, constantly and then he leaves for army and they solve nothing so when he comes for break they want to reconcile and fix everything. With prompts: 142, 160, 167, 178. Thanks! ❀
Prompts: 142. “I’m lost without you.” 
160. “Just smile. I really need you to smile right now.”
167. “Please tell me it’s going to be okay.”
178. “You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
Summary: You don’t want to tell anyone that you are in a relationship with Chris. This annoys him and you’re always fighting about it.
A/N: I’m sorry for taking so long but I’m happy I was finally able to write it. I wrote it in one go, which is very unusual for me but I really needed it because all I’m doing this days is studying. So thank you for the request!
English is not my first language so feel free to correct any mistake and I would love to know what do you think about it. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I posted a List of prompts, so check it out! Let me know if you would like to be tagged in my works.
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[ID: a black and white gif. Chris Schistad, with a Penetrators hoodie and his backpack on his shoulder, walking by Eva and looking at her. She is giving us the back, she has her backpack on and she turns to look at him. End ID.]
You were leaning against the wall enclosing the school while waiting for your friends and you couldn’t take your eyes off your boyfriend who was talking with the other Penetrators across the courtyard. He flashed you some of his charming smiles from time to time and you couldn’t avoid smiling back and blushing. You were so caught up in your interaction that you didn’t notice your best friend.
“You’re staring” she pointed out almost as a greeting.
“Hello to you” you shot back smiling at her.
“You know, I don’t understand why you want to keep it secret, it’s not like anyone could really miss you smiling to each other all the times with heart-shaped eyes” Noora commented.
You shook your head. “I’ve told you already. Chris has an awful reputation and you more than anyone else should understand” you replied giving her a knowing look.
“Should I?” she asked smiling and waving at William, her boyfriend and Chris’ best friend.
Your eyebrows shot up and she couldn’t ignore your gaze anymore. “What? I’m past that, now everyone knows we are together and we are happy” she said while you caught sight of William and Chris leaving their friends and making their way towards the two of you.
“Hey” William said before taking Noora by the hips and kissing her while Chris shot a look that screamed ‘we could be that happy’. You averted your gaze and cleared your voice. They both got the hint and parted but didn’t let each other go.
“Isn’t it a wonderful day to let the world know of your relationship so that you too can kiss each other without bothering us every time we do so?” William asked you with a cheeky smile. That earned him a glare from you.
Noora and William, being respectively your and Chris’ best friends were the only two to know about your relationship but you were regretting letting them know since they both pushed you to let everyone know. You suspected Chris was behind all of this.
Before you could say anything you were joined by your other friends who were completely oblivious of the whole situation.
“Just think about it” he said briefly before kissing Noora on the lips.
“Let’s go Chris, bye girls.”
You didn’t miss the wink Chris sent Eva’s way and she didn’t either. As soon as the two weren’t in earshot, she let out a cry. “Oh my God, he winked at me!”
You were fuming and Noora shot you a glance. You didn’t react but for the rest of the day you said two words at most and that dark look didn’t leave you. It grew even worse as Chris seemed to be flirting with every girl that passed by and especially with Eva. You didn’t know if you hated him more because he was hurting you or because he was leading her on when she actually liked him.
It went on for the whole week and you just couldn’t take it anymore so you decided you wouldn’t go to the party one of his friends would host on Saturday. You couldn’t watch him flirting with every single girl in the house for the whole night.
No matter how many times Noora tried to convince you to go, you were even more stubborn than she was.
When you heard the bell ringing at ten you thought it was her, both your parents and your brother had the keys so it couldn’t be them. Annoyed you stopped the film you were watching and got up from the bed.
“Noora, I’m not coming to that stupid party” you shouted while reaching the door but when you opened it you found Chris instead.
“What are you doing here? My parents could be at home!”
“Noora told me they went out.”
You cursed her.
“Are you already tired of Eva?” you asked rolling your eyes but leaving the door open for him to come in while you went to the kitchen to put on the kettle.
He entered and closed the door behind, following you inside.
“You know it’s not-” he started only to be interrupted by you.
“I know and it pisses me off because she really likes you and you’re playing with her feelings, just like you’re doing with mine, like you do with everyone’s” you lashed out turning to look at him.
He raised his hands surrendering.
“I know I shouldn’t have, I’m sorry” he said calmly.
“You’re sorry? You’re sorry? How many times have I heard it before?” you asked rhetorically turning to put the water in the kettle and putting it on the cooker.
“It’s just- I was angry, ok? I was angry because you want to keep me as your dirty little secret so that your good girl reputation isn’t stained by mine.”
“That’s not why. You know why and it’s not like you ever try to prove me wrong, is it?” you retorted facing him, your tone now calmer.
He pressed his lips together and inspired. You were right and there was no denying it. “Fine, you’re right. I’m sorry and I’ll try to prove you that I really am changed” he said taking a couple of steps towards you. You relaxed accepting it. You would have to do with it for the time being even though you knew it wouldn’t last long.
You nodded and he hugged you.
It was always like this between the two of you. It had begun almost one year ago. You asked him to keep it secret for a while and he accepted if you let him tell it to William. You agreed but after sometime he eventually became tired of the situation and started pushing you to let everyone know. When you refused he started flirting with everyone he laid his eyes on just to piss you off. That time you almost broke up but then he pleaded you not to and you decided to give him another chance and for some time everything was great but then it happened again and again and again. You had become so used to it by now that you were always ready. You didn’t know how it could still be working between the two of you but somehow it did.
 The next couple of weeks were great, you spent almost every day together when you weren’t at school, he didn’t seem to have eyes for anyone but you, he had completely forgot about Eva.
She didn’t understand what had happened to make him change so suddenly and she was talking about it with the girls for the umpteenth time. You weren’t really listening.
“I need to go to the toilet” you stated getting up from your spot on the windowsill. They barely nodded before bringing their attention back to Eva.
You were tired of listening to her talking about your boyfriend. You were so lost in your thought about him that you didn’t notice a door on you left flying open before someone pulled you in and closed the door. You were ready to fight but you recognized Chris and give him a small push on the chest.
“What are you doing?” you whispered hardly keeping from smiling.
“I missed you” he said pulling you in a heated kiss you couldn’t resist. Your arms went around his neck without you even noticing.
He pushed you against a desk. You sat on it and he made his way between your legs and started kissing your neck. You knew very well where he wanted to go but you put a hand against his chest and pushed.
“Chris, we can’t, we are at school” you reminded him biting your lower lip trying not to smile.
“I don’t care” he muttered against your skin.
“I know but I do” you said giggling. He pulled back. “I know you do, you always do” he replied bitterly and you knew you were back to fighting.
“Chris, please” you whispered tiredly. You didn’t want to fight but he apparently did. “No Y/N, I am the one pleading you. We have been together for almost a year and you still don’t want people to know” he pointed out.
“Because you haven’t changed as you always promise me to” you retorted hopping off the desk.
“I have changed; I’ve been only with you this whole time, why can’t you see it? Why don’t you understand that since you’ve shown me what love can feel like I don’t care for anyone else?” he asked, a pained look on his beautiful face. The bell rang.
“Because you keep flirting with everyone” you replied shaking your head and feeling the tears coming to your eyes. Without giving him the time to reply you left, not wanting to cry in front of him.
After that you didn’t see each other for weeks. He had exams and you kept to yourself; even Noora didn’t see you all that much, you didn’t really feel like staying with the girls.
 As hard as you tried, however, you couldn’t ditch that damn party at William’s to celebrate the end of the school. You knew there would be no avoiding Chris there. As soon as you walked in you spotted him but you were able to go unseen for a whole hour before he found you in the kitchen grabbing the third beer of the night.
“We need to talk” he said right away.
You hesitated.
“Please” he insisted and he seemed almost desperate. You nodded and left the unopened bottle on the counter following him out of the flat and then the palace.
You stopped only once you were in the street and waited for him to talk.
“I... I’m sorry for saying it now that we’re not even speaking but I didn’t want to leave without telling you” he began and a shiver went down your back. You didn’t know it was for the chilly air or if was for his words.
“Leave? What do you mean? Where are you going?” you asked bringing you arms around yourself to fend the cold off. You hadn’t thought of taking your jacket with you.
He took his off and put it on your shoulders.
“I decided to join the army” he said and the world around you started spinning incredibly fast.
You felt the words getting stuck in your throat and tears came to your eyes instead.
“Why?” you finally managed to whisper.
“I want to get my head together and take my time to decide what to do afterwards” he said getting closer to you and putting his hands on your arms.
“It is not your fault” he added guessing your thoughts. Your tears started flowing and he hugged you.
“When are you leaving?” you whispered.
“In two days.”
“Two days?” you asked faintly.
“I’m sorry” he whispered squeezing you to his chest.
“Please tell me it’s going to be okay” you pleaded him. You knew it wouldn’t change anything but you needed to hear that from him.
“It’s going to be ok, I promise” he said and you nodded.
He pulled apart and looked at you. “Please don’t cry” he said drying your tears delicately with his thumbs.
“Just smile. I really need you to smile right now. I will need to think of your wonderful smile when I will be away and missing you.”
You tried to do your best but only managed to smile weakly. He smiled back and pulled you back in the hug.
 Months had gone by and you still missed him as much as you did the first day. You didn’t know how it was possible. Before he left you both decided it would be better not staying in contact but you regretted it now. Not knowing how he was doing was killing you; the only news being those William passed you through Noora. It was her who told you he was back. She barely had the time to finish the sentence before you ended the call and put your jacket on leaving the house without bothering telling anyone where you were going.
You ran all the way there and when you finally got to the door you were spent. Still out of breath you rang the bell. You didn’t need to wait too long for the door to open showing an extremely surprised Chris.
“How...?” he began but he was interrupted by William. “Oh, wow, that was quick” he commented seeing you. “I’ll leave you two alone” he said winking at you.
“Thanks” you whispered, a small smile on your lips.
“We’ll see soon, yeah?” he asked Chris who nodded, still a little bit confused.
William left and you followed Chris inside.
Chris closed the door and as soon as he turned you hugged him.
“Please don’t leave ever again, I’ll tell the world that we are together, I’ll put banners around the city if I can get you to stay” you blurted out making him laugh. He hugged you back.
“So we are back together?” he asked and you nodded without hesitation. “I’m lost without you” you admitted.
“Oh God, I love you and I’m not leaving again” he said looking you in the eyes before kissing you deeply.
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heroingrrrl · 4 years ago
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Noora Amalie SĂŠtre & William Magnusson
SKAM (2015)
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the-bluuue · 4 years ago
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improvised-chaos · 4 years ago
stop walking around like a fucking cliche
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