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aspecies-positivity · 1 year ago
You are not broken. Not everyone vibes with the idea of being a part of a species. You're just as much a part of the otherkin community (if you want to be) as any other non-human♡
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sexiestpodcastcharacter · 1 year ago
Frankly I do not think it's fair to make the other eye motif narrators compete against Jon Sims, especially since Cecil is already out of the equation. The fandom is massive, it's not a fair fight
Cecil is going to be in that bracket though. Regardless of the number of submissions, Cecil will be seeded in position 1 and Jon in position 2. Yes, the finals will likely be Cecil vs Jon, but I thought the Unscripted Bracket finals were going to be Pickman vs Gable, and look how that turned out.
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sugawara--san · 11 months ago
ahhh nothing like the intense waves of sadness that you get on your birthday
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haggishlyhagging · 2 years ago
"The housewife is a nobody," says Philip Slater, and almost everyone agrees. Her work is menial labor. Even more status-degrading is the unpaid nature of her job. Few deny the economic as well as the sociological importance of housework and homemaking. Housework is part of the great infrastructure on which, as David Riesman has reminded us, the entire superstructure of the economy and the government rests. If women did not supply the services of taking care of the living arrangements of workers, industry would have to do so, as in the case of lumber camps, ships, and the military. But housewives are not in the labor force. They are not paid for the services that they perform.
The low status of the wife's work has ramifications all through her marriage. Since her husband's work is not only higher in status but usually competitive, as hers is not, and he has to meet certain clothing and grooming standards or lose his job, his needs have to be catered to. If there has to be a choice, his new suit is more important than hers. This, quite apart from whatever personal or institutional prestige his work confers, tends to put him in a position of status superiority to the wife.
Housework is a dead-end job; there is no chance of promotion. One cannot grow in it. There is a saying that passes as wit to the effect that Washington is full of talented men and the women they married when they were young. The couple who began their marriage at the same stages of their development find themselves far apart in later years. "Persons who took the initiative in seeking divorce," Nelson Foote has noted, "in explaining their experience, and likewise observers of broken marriages, speak frequently of a mate's having outgrown the other. It is the husband who usually outgrows the wife." Not only does the wife not grow, but the nonspecialized and detailed nature of housework may actually have a deteriorating effect on her mind, as Mary Roberts Coolidge observed long ago, rendering her incapable of prolonged concentration on any single task. No wonder that after hours of passive, often solitary, absorption in television and radio soap operas, she comes to seem dumb as well as dull.
-Jessie Bernard, The Future of Marriage
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propigandist · 9 days ago
…yeah but. fuck. maybe. but i’m not a fag alright? Just. into you . - nonspecial
aw thats my favorite honestly, just into dudes for me
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soraka-in-warhammer40k · 2 years ago
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They really dropped the ball on balance in those first months of 10th edition - and it is mostly everything the fault of Eldar being strong. It essentially becomes a game of "who can bring enough bullshit to the table to just not care if there's eldar or not", and Custodes and Knights are prime examples for that.
GSC meanwhile only shines because their deepstriking potential combined with the more fragile nature of Eldar means they can really get them where it hurts - and at the same time they are essentially a "how much map-presence has your army"-check which makes them obviously a counterpick to Custodes and Knights. My guess is that you probably don't even need to touch GSC in any way balance-wise - the moment the meta shifts away from Eldar and the factions that can stand up to it, they should become weaker automatically.
But looking at the bottom... that's crazy. I do get the 35% Votann, they are essentially half an army right now. It's not like World Eaters that can grab from the general chaos bin to fit their playstyle, they really have a toolbox much smaller than everyone else to draw from. Not sure if you can fix that with balance without making the few tools they have actually totally broken like in 9th edition, but them being on the low end is not entirely unexpected.
And then you look at T'au and you can just feel the weight of their lazily written Index that's keeping them down. It is essentially "What if we gave the shooting only faction actually worse shooting that other nonspecialized factions can bring to the table". There's just... nothing there. You know, I went through the DG datasheets because my usually sparring partner plays that and I was like "hmm yes this can be wonky but I see the pieces and combos that can make it work".
Meanwhile at T'au, a faction that was heavily reliant on sub-faction modifications to make their units even remotely functional, just got nothing. Their synergies are absolutely nonexistent, their abilities sometimes absolutely counteractive (Longstrike giving a Hammerhead Railgun [Lethal Hits] essentially disables the chance to proc mortal wounds if it goes off) - there's just nothing you can actually do with the units. Chaos players be rolling Dark Pacts left and right, Sisters be praying on them Miracle Dice, meanwhile T'au needs to put in the work to get their shooting on marginally a better level than everyone else and even that only from turn 3 onward because all the guns were nerfed to accomodate for that. Everything got tougher, but Fusion Blasters are now wounding most vehicles on a 5+ (from previously 3+ most of the time). Sure some guns got [Twin-Linked] but no relevant abilites to synergize with it and those weapons had their shot-numbers cut in half for that. A bunch of stuff in the game lost one point of AP, but half the T'au mass-fire arsenal was defined by having that one point.
Seriously hoping the September balance update brings some changes because as of right now as a T'au player it's just sad, and as a GSC player I get blamed for meta-chasing when it's not my fault the stuff I counter by design got horribly overtuned.
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madcatdaderpydrawer-blog · 1 year ago
While all demons can do simple nonspecialized tasks like murder or granting magic power, they all have their unique skillsets. Some do have overlaps. All Aspect Demons are also capable of independent multiverse travel and shapeshifting.
Void Demons specialize in obscurity and mothingness. So, they’re good at digging up forgotten knowledge, erasing information, and setting up darkness. Some can even create by dragging things out of nonexistence. They’re also the most dangerous type of Aspect Demon, because they don’t need their contractors to know any details of a deal to make it. Which is the only reason Demon Puppy’s managed to survive. Shaking hands with a Void Demon, even if it appears to just be a simple greeting, is an easy way to lose your soul.
Their counterparts, Light Demons, specialize fortune and knowledge. Light Demons can manipulate luck and gift any information a mortal’s heart desires. They also just know things without having to seek out the information manually.
Hope Demons tend to have soft angelic looks, making them appear more trustworthy than others. They specialize in fantasies and belief. They have the power to bring any fantasy into reality, they just have to believe, making them the most powerful type of Aspect Demon. However, they’re still bound by normal demonic contract rules, so they’re only the second most dangerous.
Their counterparts, Rage Demons, are the most aggressive and feral type, though the weakest ability-wise. (Canon Homestuck did not give much to go on for the Rage Aspect) They specialize in anger manipulation and vengeance, and are capable of neutralizing Hope powers. They’re the most frequently contacted for contracts relating to revenge, and tie for Blood Demons in murder contracts. Their greatest skill is their raw physical strength and ability to enter berserker states.
Doom Demons specialize in death and depression. They’re best arranging and telling fates, and in manipulating depression. They are most often contacted for predicting deaths or speaking to the dead. They do actually have the power to cure depression as well. Or, for particular twisted individuals, making people suicidal. They’re also fairly popular for assassinations, since they can arrange for a “natural” death to occur.
Their counterparts, Life Demons, are primarily healers. They can nurture and heal, and are usually contacted for help with fertility, curing diseases, and healing permanent injuries like severe nerve damage. 
Breath Demons specialize in freedom and wind. They’re not bound by the same rules as other demons, and can even alter their terms after making the contract, making them the third most dangerous type. They’re only less dangerous than Hope Aspects because they tend to be laidback and value freedom, and rarely make contracts that they’d feel the need to alter. Breath Demons are skilled at weather manipulation and breaking chains, and thus are preferred by slaves, prisoners, and those wanting to escape other contracts.
Their counterparts, Blood Demons specialize in bonds. They’re often contracted for murders and assassinations because of misconceptions regarding the Blood Aspect, but their real talents are in altering bonds. “Make X fall in love with me” or “Make Y hate Z” type stuff. Also granting leadership skills and getting people in desired positions of power. Since it does net them more contracts, Blood Demons don’t normally clear up the misconception.
Heart demons specialize in the soul itself. People often contact Heart Demons for bond manipulation due to misconceptions about the Heart Aspect, but Heart Demons actually specialize in the soul itself. So their real talents are in changing people. But, since altering emotions is something they’re capable of, they don’t feel the need to correct this.
Their counterparts, Mind Demons, are fairly self-explanatory. They specialize in thoughts and logic. They’re best at implanting suggestions, changing minds, and enhancing or diminishing one’s ability to process information.
Time Demons specialize in time manipulation, and calling upon alternate timelines. They can tell the future, change the past, send people into alternate timelines, summon people from alternate timelines, and even help alternate timeline versions of themselves. Time is their domain, and they know how to exploit it.
Their counterparts, Space Demons, specialize in the concept of space and creation. They can manipulate sized and shapes, teleport things around, rearrange where things are, and create things. They can create living things, but they can’t grant those things souls, and people rarely think to ask for that from a Space Demon. Though stealing is an any-demon kinda thing, Space Demons are the go-to for taking things and people, since they can do it instantaneously, and can even shrink big things down to make them easier to store.
Like Crystal’s demons, Aspect Demons cannot violate the terms of their deals themselves. Except Breath Demons, who do whatever they want. Some of them are, however, capable of using their abilities to manipulate shitty contractors directly to make them break their end of deal, provided they don’t think to make a clause about that.
So is puppy a void demon? That’s kind of funny to me, as is the idea of him and void the most quiet people being the most powerful kind of demon. Demon blacky being a hope demon makes sense based on this description, and I’m absolutely going for the same softer appearance idea lol.
Also ghosty just “I diagnose you with depression” XD
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sharkwing · 2 years ago
Building off the tags of the last post I reblogged: the premise of homestuck is that everyone on earth/alternia/beforus dies except for a special, chosen few, who are arguably the entire reason for that planet’s existence and therefore the most important people in the story. Despite this, we still see the plot affected in major ways by completely regular, nonspecial people. The story works around the lack of available humans by introducing theoretically unimportant game constructs and giving them feelings, personalities, and motivations of their own. WV, PM, AR, CD, etc etc etc aren’t even meant to be all that important within the context of the game, but they have just as much agency and ability to move the plot forward as the “chosen” characters or their guardians. Characters that ARE important within the context of the game, like Snowman and Jack Noir, can very easily surpass the “chosen ones” and become major threats. Pre-retcon Vriska’s entire quest for relevancy pales before the impact of the Courtyard Droll with a head full of empty and a shaving cream bomb. Even Casey the Salamander gets her moments in the spotlight.
On the flipside: Despite HS2 taking place within a fully realized, non-apocalypse’d society FULL of people, many of whom probably have a stake in the main characters’ very public drama and political machinations, very few people outside of the gods and their children have speaking roles, names, or the ability to do absolutely anything of consequence.
What happened here?
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weirdo-from-bonesborough · 2 years ago
hey do they ever actually tells us how the chips work? like how they all got activated?
like we know palps called cody individually and because he literally calls him by name. but what about the rest of the GAR?
we never see the rest of the 212th chips be activated, cody literally just goes "blast 'em" and don't think we see him even forward the message. So how do they know???
rex had to actually pick up the call to get 66'd, but we see the rest of the clones on the bridge get the message through their helmet comms after. so like why would palps go through the trouble of dming the commanders if he was gonna @everyone anyways?
in bad batch we see grey answer on his helmet, and then pull up the facetime before he starts shooting depa.
and wrecker gets the message, but tech pulls out his ipad to check and hunter doesnt know whats happening at all.
we know not everyone got the same message the same way cuz palps went through the trouble of personalizing cody's call, and rex had to verbally confirm before he hung up, but its absolutely not practical for him to contact all several million clones individually.
and i mean i guess it'd make sense to give the COs a heads up on the new mission objective, but then why did only some of them get the advanced memo but others, like hunter, didnt? and if it's cuz hunter's not a commander, why didn't he get the nonspecialized message like wrecker?
and what about the clones working under non-Jedi? like Howzer and gregor didn't seem affected, but every other clone including crosshair was?
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dykeyote · 2 years ago
Hes Not special I'd Let a girl Call me slurs -Lauren
it took me so long to work out what this was referring to my short term memory is so bad . i was like who is he . why are u talking about a girl calling you slurs . there are so many nonspecial chnt guys so there is much difficulty to be had
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coccinellaseptempunctata · 2 years ago
hi mae is losing its mind blog. main is mantaraygirls if yr not a mutual i gave this blogs url to on purpose get out of here and never come back. adults + nonmutuals + regular nonspecial mutuals kys and don't lurk ok cool thx bye
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aspecies-positivity · 1 year ago
You got no species? that's so rad!
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sorealhairextensions · 4 months ago
Are You Ready to Transform Your Look? Discover the Magic of Skin Weft Hair Extensions
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Are you dreaming of longer, fuller hair without the hassle of traditional extensions? Skin-weft hair extensions might be the solution you need! These innovative hair enhancements are changing the game for those seeking a seamless, natural look. This article will cover everything you need to know about skin-weft hair extensions, including their benefits, how they compare to other options, and answers to frequently asked questions. Get ready to transform your look!
What Are Skin Weft Hair Extensions?
Skin weft hair extensions are made from high-quality human hair, attached to a thin, flexible base. This base mimics the scalp's scalp's acne, allowing for a realistic and natural blend with your existing hair. They are designed to lay flat against the head, virtually undetectable. This extension offers an excellent solution for adding volume and length without bulky attachments.
Why Choose Skin Weft Hair Extensions?
Natural Appearance: One of the most significant advantages of skin weft hair extensions is their ability to create a natural look. The thin base blends seamlessly with your hair, making it hard for anyone to tell you're your extensions.
Comfortable: Unlike other extensions that feel heavy or cause discomfort, hair extensions are lightweight and flexible. They move with your hair and don't wear it down.
Versatile Styling: You can style skin weft hair extensions like your natural hair. Curl, straighten, or wear them in an updo—there are endless possibilities!
Long-Lasting: With proper care, these extensions can last several months. They are durable and maintain their appearance over time.
Benefits of Skin Weft Hair Extensions
Here's A breakdown of the benefits of skin weft hair extensions:
Natural Look
Hair extensions are designed to mimic the scalp, blending seamlessly with your natural hair. The thin, flexible base provides a realistic appearance, allowing you to achieve a fuller, more voluminous look without anyone noticing.
Comfort and Lightweight
Unlike traditional extensions, which can feel heavy or bulky, hair extensions are incredibly lightweight. This makes them comfortable for all-day wear and minimizes any discomfort often associated with heavier options.
Versatility in Styling
You can style skin weft hair extensions just like your natural hair. Whether you want to curl, straighten, or put your hair in an updo, these extensions can withstand heat styling and allow for various hairstyles. This versatility gives you the freedom to express your style.
Long-Lasting Quality
Skin weft can last several months with proper care, making them a worthwhile investment. They are durable and resistant to damage, maintaining their appearance over time.
Minimal Damage
When applied correctly, hair extensions cause minimal damage to your natural hair. The application process is gentle, reducing the risk of breakage and allowing your hair to thrive.
Easy Application and Removal
While they can be professionally installed, many users find that hair extensions can be applied at home easily. Removal is also straightforward when using a suitable adhesive or oil, making the process hassle-free.
Another significant benefit is the ability to reuse skin weft. You can wear them multiple times with careful removal and maintenance, saving you money in the long run.
Customizable Length and Volume
Hair extensions come in various lengths and thicknesses, allowing you to customize your look according to your preferences. Whether you want a subtle change or a dramatic transformation, there's an extension for you.
Heat and Chemical Resistant
High-quality hair extensions are often made from natural human hair, allowing them to withstand heat styling and chemical treatments. This feature makes them ideal for those who love experimenting with different looks.
No Special Tools Required
To apply skin weft hair extensions, you don't need nonspecialized tools or equipment. Basic supplies like adhesive, clips, or tape are often sufficient, making it accessible for those who prefer a DIY approach.
How to Apply Skin Weft Hair Extensions
Applying skin weft hair extensions requires some skill, but you can do it at home or seek professional assistance. Here's a step-by-step guide to using them at home:
Prep Your Hair: Start with clean, dry hair. Detangle any knots to ensure a smooth application.
Section Your Hair: Use clips to section off the hair where you'll use the extensions. Start from the nape of your neck and work your way up.
Apply Adhesive: Use a special adhesive or tape designed for hair extensions. Apply it to the base of the skin weft hair extensions.
Attach the Weft: Press it firmly onto your natural hair, ensuring it adheres well. Hold it in place for a few seconds to secure the bond.
Blend: Release the sections of your hair and blend the extensions with your natural hair using a comb or your fingers.
Style: Style your hair as desired! Remember to use a heat protectant if you're styling tools.
Frequently Asked Questions About Skin Weft Hair Extensions
How Long Do Skin Weft Hair Extensions Last?
With proper care, skin-weft hair extensions can last three to six months. Regular maintenance and avoiding excessive heat can prolong their lifespan.
Can I Wash My Hair with Skin Weft Extensions?
Yes, you can wash your hair! However, to maintain the integrity of the extensions, you must use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners. Gently wash and condition your hair without tugging at the wefts.
Are Skin Weft Hair Extensions Suitable for All Hair Types?
Skin weft hair extensions work well for most hair types, including fine, thick, and curly hair. However, it's always best to consult a professional stylist to determine the right match for your specific hair type.
How Do I Remove Skin Weft Hair Extensions?
Use a special adhesive remover or oil to remove skin weft hair extensions. Apply it to the adhesive, allowing it to break down before gently pulling the extensions away from your natural hair. Always avoid ripping them out to prevent damage.
Can I Reuse My Skin Weft Hair Extensions?
Absolutely! You can reuse skin weft hair extensions multiple times with proper care and removal. Just ensure they are treated well between uses.
Statistics on Hair Extensions
Did you know that about 33% of women have used hair extensions at some point? The demand for natural-looking, high-quality extensions like skin weft hair extensions continues to grow as women seek to enhance their beauty effortlessly. Moreover, the hair extension market is expected to reach $3.81 billion by 2024, indicating a significant shift towards innovative, high-quality products.
Key Insight
Here are some critical insights about skin weft hair extensions that can help potential users make informed decisions:
Seamless Integration
Hair extensions are specifically designed to blend seamlessly with natural hair. Their thin, flexible base adheres closely to the scalp, making them nearly undetectable. This feature is ideal for those who want a natural look without the telltale signs of extensions.
Personalization Options
These extensions come in various colors, lengths, and textures, allowing users to customize their look to match their unique hair. Whether you want to add a pop of color, increase volume, or achieve longer locks, options are available for everyone.
Lightweight and Comfortable
Unlike some heavier extension types, hair extensions are lightweight, which minimizes the risk of discomfort and allows for easy wear throughout the day. This makes them suitable for anyone, including those with sensitive scalps.
Versatility in Styling
These extensions can be styled like natural hair, so you can curl, straighten, or braid them. This versatility allows for creativity and experimentation with various hairstyles without damaging the extensions.
Low Maintenance
While care is required to maintain their look and longevity, hair extensions generally require less maintenance than other extensions. They can be washed, colored, and styled without special treatment, making them convenient for everyday wear.
Reusability and Cost-Effectiveness
With proper care, users can reuse skin weft multiple times, saving money in the long run. This reusability makes them a practical investment for those who frequently change their hairstyle.
In conclusion, skin weft hair extensions offer an exceptional way to effortlessly enhance your hairstyle. With their natural appearance, comfort, and versatility, they are a popular choice for many women. Whether you're adding length, volume, or a splash of color, these extensions can help you achieve the look you desire. Remember to consult with a professional for the best results, and enjoy your stunning new hair!
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jkseducationconsultant · 5 months ago
Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education 
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Distance learning has especially risen swiftly in the education delivery system, offering new opportunities for learners worldwide. On the one hand, there are certain benefits which can be associated with such kind of environment, on the other hand, there are definite problems. Now knowing all these concepts with the help of JKS Group, let us delve into the pros and cons of online classes.
Advantages of Online Education
Accessibility Online learning also offers students flexibility since students can learn at their convenience without interference from other daily activities. JKS Group has noted that there is nothing more encouraging for working individuals and parents than a flexible schedule.
The availability of a variety of courses through the internet makes it possible to engage in a wide variety of programs that include degree programs as well as certification programs. JKS Group goes further to show how this prepares the learners to achieve their passions without regard to region.
Affordable It nearly always helps when an online course is cheaper than traditional classroom training. Students also cut costs because they do not have to travel for classes and they do not pay rent for housing. A significant number of organizations such as those, with which JKS Group works provide online financial assistance to learners.
Self-Paced Learning Since many programs are offered through the Internet, many programs give students the freedom to learn at their own pace. They also promote a type of self-education that can help to improve understanding and recall, according to individual – and subgroup – learning preferences.
Skill Building: The use of instructional technology enables students to learn various policies regarding engagement with technology. JKS Group has pointed out that these skills are relevant in the modern world and will help students prepare for jobs of the future developed based on technology.
Disadvantages of Online Education
Limited Social Contact Another disadvantage is that students have minimal opportunity to meet and interact with friends and teachers: Students feel lonely. Based on the observations made by JKS Group, it is recommended that people should join one or several online communities or study groups to reduce this problem.
Online education demands one’s personal accountability Students have to be self-motivated when it comes to online education. Due to the lack of the physical confinement of a classroom, certain subjects may prove unable to pay attention. JKS Group has advised that one should set personal goals whenever they are studying and also ensure that they study in a special area only for studying.
Internet Multimedia Quality The quality of online programmes can be very high or very low. This means that one has to find out which institutions have been accredited to attain a favorable one. JKS Group offers information to help students find good programs.
Distractions Threats Students can be easily distracted such as losing internet connection or having software issues. ‘Being tech-savvy is mandatory,’ It is mandatory to be in touch with the advanced world and JKS Group provides solutions to some of the frequently encountered problems.
Practical skills industries, which give limited direct control to the students, may not be effectively presented through online classes. Students in programs such as health or engineering should look for other live workshops recommended by JKS Group.
Pros and cons are possible while participating in an online education process. Thus, it is quite popular and attractive because of its flexibility, a wider range of courses, and financial nonspecialization. But things that may seem like disadvantages include restricted social contacts as well as discipline. In their existing state maps, students can now use JKS Group to make decisions that best fit their learning and career preferences.
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succubunsvent2 · 1 year ago
I think I've done it. I think I've pried myself free from bun hell. I still love my buns and will absolutely still use them as nonspecies OCs, but I haven't been on the website in a week. Proud of myself.
Im proud of you too anon! Good luck!🐰
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propigandist · 9 days ago
Good morning, sir. - Nonspecial
good morning faggot
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