saltedsolenoid · 1 year
i'm about to cry because i can't decide what soup i want to eat. i hate this. gosh dang it.
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gudaho · 5 months
Villain's Day Off
Reader insert, 2nd POV. You encounter two aliens in one day, Part 1
Someone melted today. You were trained in providing first aid as many visitors suffered from heat while enjoying the various exhibits. Dehydration was also common, it was staff policy to be able to locate and safely administer fluids to collapsed guests. This doesn't even begin to cover your experience with emergencies regarding specific illnesses like diabetes and PTSD. But this particular guest had melted. Literally, into a puddle of frenzied and incoherent goo. You had found him in one of the Staff Only walkways between exhibits, from a distance you watched as the body of a child collapsed onto the ground. You sprinted over and arrived to the sorry sight you were now agonizing over.
The slimed person was semi-understandable, although he mumbled in a language you couldn't understand between answering your questions. You learned he was an alien, you couldn't pronounce his name, he suffered heatstroke trying to get pictures of the pandas to send back to his mother, and knowing that it would be bad to collapse in front of humans he hid as best he could. When he told you he was an alien you hoped that you would be able to discard your propriety in favor of your self preservation- but...
"L-Lord General is going to be s-s-so mad..." He whimpered pathetically, sounding tearful (and like he was leaking snot) despite being in a semi-liquid state. You sighed and clicked your tongue.
"I'm going to get a bucket so we can transfer you inside." One time you had a coworker complain that your sense of professionalism was scary. That person was notorious for slacking so you didn't think much of it at the time but now that you were automatically assuming the role of alien-caregiver you wondered if they might have been right.
Your nonsolid friend slipped into a standard gallon feeding bucket with your assistance. A number of threats passed through him first, promising "great agonizing pain" should you be capturing him as a prisoner of war. While carrying him to the nearest staff prep station, you contacted your manager and coworkers telling them that you found a man suffering from heatstroke and was working with him to contact his girlfriend. Obviously this wasn't true but you didn't want to deal with the rangers and a group of alien punks destroying the zoo. To this end, you made your own threats.
"I'm glad you like our pandas, our breeding program has had a lot of success." You made small talk while settling the bucket in a cool dark corner.
"Ah, yes. Because they are endangered...thanks to your human selfishness." The alien looked at you at first with awe but then as if remembering his allegiance, disdain.
"We have had such good practice...you know it takes years for pandas to mate. They are very sensitive creatures so their environment must be calm and stable for them to start reproducing." You ignore his hostility. "It took a lot of time for them to feel comfortable. They are not accustomed to sudden loud noises and the terror leaves them with tummy aches or even worse." You have his attention, although you can't see his eyes you can feel them trained on your body in growing horror.
"Or...or even worse?" He gulps. You pretend to be nonchalant.
"For instance...heart attacks. But we don't have to worry about that because the visitors of our zoo are well mannered." You smile at the alien. "Anyway, who should I contact to pick you up?"
He falls silent for a few seconds as he contemplates calling the standard safety lines put into place for captured allies or... he didn't have a choice. The standard protocols would be intrusive on the pandas.
From the oozy bucket an oval walkie-talkie looking comms device appeared at the top.
"This. Press the right button and hold it to me so I can request they connect me to the commander." You do as instructed and listen as your alien patient speaks on the line to someone else in his (frankly adorable) foreign language. You tried not to giggle as what followed was clearly space-elevator music. The alien in the bucket wiggled impatiently.
Then with a click the music stopped and a new voice cut in.
"Eh?" It was a deep and intimidating growl. The alien in the bucket quivered nervously and began tripping over it's words so obscenely even you could tell that he wasn't getting out a full sentence. The hairs on your arm were sticking up, it reminded you of the chuffing that came from crocodiles doing mating and territory displays. As frightening as the noise was, it wasn't the noise of a predator stalking it's prey.
"Hello, I'm currently at the Uenono Zoo. I found your subordinate collapsed and he is currently too ill to return home alone. Please dispatch someone to discretely retrieve him." You pulled the device away from the bucket and spoke calmly into it. The silence that followed made you more nervous than his initial greeting.
"Very well. I will come down myself. Human...if this is a trap-" He launched into his deep eerily threat.
"Ok, please do so in normal citizen clothing. Come in through the front entrance and make your way to the panda exhibit. If you don't know where that is you can ask a staff member, which will be wearing green uniforms. I will wait for you at the west side of the panda exhibit, which is on the way to the big cat enclosures. How should I recognize you?" You launch into your usual spiel and use a hand to push down the now protesting alien as he tries to lift himself from the bucket to pry the comms device from your hand.
"Pandas...." came the solemn voice on the device.
"Right, black and white bears indigenous to China- unique in that they are the only in their family to not eat meat." Your response is automatic, even assuming your 'Animal Presenter' voice from live shows.
"Hoo, you are mistaken. I hear that Red Pandas also sustain on bamboo and greenery." His voice has the edge of excitement that you often hear from children that relay their animal information to you. A sense of pride for their knowledge coupled by the comradery of finding a fellow animal lover.
"Hm...when you get here to pick up your friend I will tell you a secret about red pandas." You conclude, while the alien in the bucket seems to thrash and blush at the term 'friend'.
The voice lets out a haughty laugh deep in their throat, perfectly villainous in a way that makes you purse your lips to keep from snickering.
"Very well human. I shall be there shortly, pray that your 'secret' is enough to impress me."
"Ok, see you soon."
With that you tossed the device back into the bucket where your poor trembling slime frantically apologized to the voice on the other end. You stretched and left the room, with your coworker out for his honeymoon you were in charge of cleaning the panda exhibit today. Alien bodies or not, you still had a job to do and the residents of your zoo needed clean homes.
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<:D *turns into nonsolid form* fun indeed, new chaos buddy! -CHAOS!!
It snarls as it phases through them and stares at CHAOS!! for a long while. It then emits a crackling screech, attempting to charge again.
It fails, of course.
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coquillagean · 2 years
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Row 1: Tremulagender and Tremulaboy Row 2: Tremulagirl and Tremulanonbinary 🌬️🌬️-❄️❄️-🌬️🌬️-❄️❄️-🌬️🌬️
1. Tremulagender - a gender that flickers and wavers from being in existence and solid to being out of existence and fluid/nonsolid. It can be reminiscent of a candle flame and can have a strong connection to quivering and wavering. It may eventually "flicker out" and disappear. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
2. Tremulaboy - a masculine gender that flickers and wavers from being in existence and solid to being out of existence and fluid/nonsolid. It can be reminiscent of a candle flame and can have a strong connection to quivering and wavering. It may eventually "flicker out" and disappear.
3. Tremulagirl - a feminine gender that flickers and wavers from being in existence and solid to being out of existence and fluid/nonsolid. It can be reminiscent of a candle flame and can have a strong connection to quivering and wavering. It may eventually "flicker out" and disappear.
4. Tremulanonbinary - a nonbinary gender that flickers and wavers from being in existence and solid to being out of existence and fluid/nonsolid. It can be reminiscent of a candle flame and can have a strong connection to quivering and wavering. It may eventually "flicker out" and disappear.
Etymology: Latin, “tremulus” meaning “quivering, wavering”
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Row 1: Tremulagender and Tremulaboy Row 2: Tremulagirl and Tremulanonbinary
1. Tremulagender - a gender that flickers and wavers from being in existence and solid to being out of existence and fluid/nonsolid. It can be reminiscent of a candle flame and can have a strong connection to quivering and wavering. It may eventually "flicker out" and disappear. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
2. Tremulaboy - a masculine gender that flickers and wavers from being in existence and solid to being out of existence and fluid/nonsolid. It can be reminiscent of a candle flame and can have a strong connection to quivering and wavering. It may eventually "flicker out" and disappear.
3. Tremulagirl - a feminine gender that flickers and wavers from being in existence and solid to being out of existence and fluid/nonsolid. It can be reminiscent of a candle flame and can have a strong connection to quivering and wavering. It may eventually "flicker out" and disappear.
4. Tremulanonbinary - a nonbinary gender that flickers and wavers from being in existence and solid to being out of existence and fluid/nonsolid. It can be reminiscent of a candle flame and can have a strong connection to quivering and wavering. It may eventually "flicker out" and disappear.
Etymology: Latin, “tremulus” meaning “quivering, wavering”
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autodaemonium · 1 year
Pronounced: lwzandnmdrefourswivruh.
Pantheon of: restraint, color, voicelessness, good.
Pronounced: hzzslyuhnrutthmuhruhruhtuh Color: nonsolid color. Good: optimum. Restraint: self-restraint. Legends: pass. Prophecies: newsreel, field trip, ending. Relations: ɪsvəsθnrrnɪʊhðkɛɪəon (tungsten steel).
Pronounced: lthiinrtfzatuhaythneuhims Color: heather mixture. Good: optimum. Restraint: continence. Legends: decoration, underexposure. Prophecies: execution. Relations: hzzslyənrutθmərərətə (dubbin).
Pronounced: isvuhsthnrrnioohthkayiuhon Color: coloration. Good: wisdom. Restraint: continence. Legends: green revolution, wrestling match, industry.
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makelucifurasexyman · 2 years
Mr Omega can teleport
And if he teleports in a wall (by accident or not) he just. becomes a nonsolid object
He can go through the core of the Earth and still not be solid until he has made it into space where nothing is stopping him from becoming an actual solid being again
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
Inflnc hmunkoyj uh k I
Sex emotions literally hot,hkuh,like heat,not in sexy sense but like bothered by heat
Hm organization empathy n professional eh dk b exp,h,m,uj,yh,h ,tht,h,m,
Dress n repsondibility gr mr info or sth dik,h,kyhuh,how,wwh,m,
Names,ok,mind. Healing, conceptualization for delay,j,u,,,, no k,o,
Js bit fd,hk,, hm, uhy,j,
F ,dk,b h k u no j,not sameh, mu, j, u
0 notes
jakemorph · 7 years
you ever playin an indie game that introduces a “”feature”” that you instantly know is just them taking advantage of a bug in their code
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xxfillerxx · 2 years
upsides to wisdom teeth or general teeth removal:
You can act like you just got into an intense fight and walked away with some teeth punched out, stuck to eating nonsolid foods for a week
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faranae · 4 years
Just discovered I can make my cream of wheat with broths instead of water/milk and holy FUCK is this filling the craving I’ve been having for savory food. Why are so many replacements/supplements intended for nonsolid diets so sweet?!
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greedentstripes · 3 years
Munday ask: What is your perfect PMD team? Why? (Team is limited to only 2 members, but can be any pokemon)
Leader: Kantonian Meowth. This is for two or three reasons: Pickup keeps the bag stacked provided they know the ability, Payday gives a significant Poke bonus, and as long as Meowth knows a dark move, they’re the bane of Ghost types.
(Sorry Greedent, Meowth just has more utility than you. Given the choice between being my fave and being a godsend in quests, i'd take practicality over preferability.)
Partner: Rowlet. As a flying type, they have terrain advantage, being able to fly over any nonsolid terrain. Upon evolving to Decidueye, they gain the ghost typing, which on top of letting them levitate, allows them to clip through solid blocks, which makes them even more valuable for ganging up.
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gluten-free-okami · 4 years
@klonoadreams inspired me after I asked if she knew about Slayers that somehow minorly spiralled into this, and gave me consent to use Yuu(now with Crowley as her possible last name), or THE FLOOF, from her Twisted Wonderland fanfic, Counting Sheep, which I GREATLY recommend for fluff and good character interaction, all of which is backed up by a very talented author. Also, I don't know how to make this a Read More post, so it's a long post. If you know how to make this a read more, could you please tell me?
Also, I have a name for this, using Slayers naming theme:
Slayers: Twisted Wonderland
Anyways, background! You see, Twisted Wonderland is one of four worlds created by The Lord of Nightmares, aka Lucifer, or L-Sama if you want to be BORING(hello personal bias) that has both Mazuko and Shinzuko, aka Demons and Gods, and is the world Death Fog(DF for short) hails from.
You see, long ago DF was fighting his Shinzuko counterpart, White Dragon(WD for short), and was actually WINNING because his body was essentially made out of Semi-solid fog that he can make nonsolid at will, making it VERY hard to not only get a decent hit in on him or do any lasting damage, but also makes it really hard to seal him away. He was used to splitting up his power via splitting himself apart, so method used on Ruby Eye Shabranigdu wouldn't work, they couldn't seal himaway somewhere since it's almost if not outright impossible to prevent air from going where it wants to, so via riding on air currents or just dispersing himself in tiny air particles he would just exit where/whatever he was imprisoned, that and since he could manipulate death, after all he is called *Death* Fog, so sealing him into a living being would just be the stupidest move.
However, WD had a plan. You see, unlike other Shinzuko he not only realized that he can die, but eventually even without the constant threat of the Mazuko, their world will eventually go back into The Sea of Chaos. However, he also realized that it might take centuries before a dead world would erode enough to return to The Sea of Chaos, and after alot of thought, he came to a conclusion. So, he called for a talk under a nonaggression pact, which DF warily accepted, if only because DF knew that if WD did try tk attack him, their attacks wouldn't really affect him. So they met, and WD explained his reasoning. Due to seeing various forms of civilizations rise and fall, he realized that eventually the world will rot away, but it would take a long time to fully rot away, and that their might not be enough energy for when it returns to The Sea of Chaos for Lucifer to recreate with life(She could but he didn't know that). So, he wanted to make a deal with DF. When the world was eventually rotted enough, the DF and the other Mazuko are to mercy kill it, thus allowing it to return to The Sea of Chaos, and allowing Lucifer to recreate it. After she does so, he and the other Shinzuko will help life get back on its feet, thus letting it begin again. The Mazuko get to eventually destroy the world, the Shinzuko get to help life prosper, and those that live in it don't have to worry that DF will do something to destroy the world they live in. Everyone wins, and neither DF and WD will die because of this war. Sure there will be dissenters, but they can deal with them when they arise. DF agreed, because even if he won't be able to destroy the world as soon as he likes, it would eventually be destroyed, so he can be patient. Besides, DF can admit that doing it this way may please Lucifer, and considering Hellmaster's word choice when talking about/to her and how Xellous was immediately respectful towards her, no questions asked, I theorize that Mazuko are a lot closer to her than they're Shinzuko counterparts.
However, near the end of the negotiations, WD asked DF if he would get rid of a certain curse he casted on the mortals, that curse being that using magic forms Blot, and to much Blot can cause the Mage to Overblot. DF was in a good mood and agreed, and honestly wanted to see the chaos of this particular curse all of a sudden breaking for no apparent reason, only for him to freeze up, much to WD's confusion. The reason he freezed up? Somehow, someway, his curse became so tightly entwined with the mortals, that freeing them of that curse would cause them to most likely die, something that DF never intended to happen. Cue DF turning to WD to ask if he or his Shinzuko ever tried to mess with the curse, and when WD denied it DF and WD came to a horrible conclusion, either the mortals simply adapted to the curse, or they already have traitors in they're groups that deliberately messed with the curse. DF and WD both agreed that they shouldn't keep this a secret, and so both of them agreed that upon leaving this meeting, they will spread the word around in hopes of finding out if there are traitors or not, while WD planning on also informing the mortals about the truce he and DF agreed on, and what the Mazuko will eventually do, even if it isn't in this lifetime.
Anyways, completely changing the subject, you see, before DF's and WD's war, The Lord of Nightmares grew curious to see what would happen if they where to make a world without Mazuko and Shinzuko. Would that world's inhabitants still manage to use Magic, or would they evolve to not use Magic? She was curious, and thus she created that world, and many others like it but also somewhat different to see how they differentiate, and one of those worlds being the world Yuu is from.
And before you ask, each of those worlds could be worlds that we see as fiction, like a world where the Harry Potter books take place, or a world like our own. Hell, we could be in a world The Lord of Nightmares created, and we would never know! So I suggest you don't think to hard about all the other worlds without Mazuko or Shinzuko. After all, they aren't important for this, story, outline, thing.
And that's the background for this, story, outline, thing. Again, Yuu belongs to @klonoadreams, not me, and I'm just making this little AU. And before someone asks, DF and WD won't really be there in Twisted Wonderland, mostly because they prefer to sit back and watch what happens, and when it comes to DF preferably with Popcorn. Essentially, they take a backseat in the Astral Realm, and only really interact with the world in mortal forms so they don't accidentally destroy either a small town or blot out the sun. This is also how DF gets his Popcorn. Seriously it's his favorite food at this rate.
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((my “between s6 and s7″ canon point has now been designated as Fitz on a pit stop to Earth to pick up medication and baby supplies because honestly where did he get baby clothes on the zephyr, or at least the fabric to make it although now that I’m thinking about it he 100% made the baby clothes from alien fabric but they still need diapers and nonsolid foods that are safe for smol humans))
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autodaemonium · 1 year
Pronounced: nrrinuhehrosrthtltwouays.
Pantheon of: homozygosity, influence, tameness, color, expanse, sufficiency, fastidiousness.
Pronounced: gaydutshningwiuhrznguhnrliv Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: nonsolid color. Expanse: sheet. Influence: force. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: hearing, exploration, expatiation, talking picture. Prophecies: unwritten law. Relations: oəpðɛəkiməitrehaʊləri (rocket fuel).
Pronounced: lfuuhuhaiprrbiwainhhtlnd Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: mottle. Expanse: sheet. Influence: dead hand. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: opening, dramatization. Relations: rɪʃəsrʒstlŋəæəənəiɒn (roan).
Pronounced: ouhpthayuhkimuhitrehowluhri Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: chromatic color. Expanse: sheet. Influence: force. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: rescue operation. Relations: ɪtrɪnɑtɛəəttrlmrəhfl (condensed milk).
Pronounced: ridthuhuhshuhtusrkttaytshwst Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: heather mixture. Expanse: stretch. Influence: force. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: american football, demand feeding, reading. Relations: wnælɛɛtvdlɑuɪɛeɪəaʊnb (pyroligneous acid).
Pronounced: rishuhsrzstlnguhauhuhnuhioun Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: chromatic color. Expanse: stretch. Influence: force. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Prophecies: time exposure, default, wind, deceleration, slam.
Pronounced: rthnownthduhimdshuhnthskszu Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: coloration. Expanse: sheet. Influence: grip. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: flag waving. Prophecies: uxoricide. Relations: rɪʃəsrʒstlŋəæəənəiɒn (aspect ratio), oəpðɛəkiməitrehaʊləri (cobalt 60).
Pronounced: wnalayaytvdlahuiayeiuhownb Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: mottle. Expanse: stretch. Influence: force. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: green revolution, television program, tinting, instillation, north american free trade agreement. Prophecies: moralization, influence, dealing, fly casting, movement.
Pronounced: ztthnuhnuhwvlyepuhunisnth Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: coloration. Expanse: stretch. Influence: dead hand. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: singles, marathon, radioactive iodine test, washing-up, reincarnation. Prophecies: bankruptcy. Relations: ɛndmlaɪeəðsɛʃdðenbnɪv (seasonal adjustment), ɪtrɪnɑtɛəəttrlmrəhfl (scalded milk), rɪʃəsrʒstlŋəæəənəiɒn (immunoglobulin d), wnælɛɛtvdlɑuɪɛeɪəaʊnb (verbal noun).
Pronounced: ayndmlaieuhthsayshdthenbniv Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: coloration. Expanse: stretch. Influence: dead hand. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: soap opera, terrorist attack. Relations: rθnaʊnθdəimdʃənðsksʒʌ (linoleic acid).
Pronounced: itrinahtayuhuhttrlmruhhfl Sufficiency: ampleness. Color: complexion. Expanse: sheet. Influence: grip. Fastidiousness: squeamishness. Legends: going-over. Prophecies: capitalization, ground floor. Relations: rɪʃəsrʒstlŋəæəənəiɒn (arc cosecant).
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bd-goopkakyoin · 5 years
((I’m just trying to figure out more scientific/biological stuff for this kak.
1. Usually has a higher viscosity, like honey, but doesn’t stick/stain stuff. Lower viscosity for fluid or nonsolid stuff, like oil or water.
2. Mimics organs/properties of organs. Only has 1 true “organ” (a nucleus) and is essentially a brain, and the surrounding semisolid is the “nerves”.
3. Due to being able to adjust viscosity, can sharpen or soften parts of his body. Teeth and claws are easiest to form.
4. Relating to 2 and 3, can shapeshift (in a way), but is not foolproof. Glamour magic can get him to look exactly like a human. Without, he looks like a person but somewhat transparent.))
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anachronistic-cat · 7 years
Virgil and Patton being unable to always hold physical form. Virge when super anxious, and Patton whenever he feels too much of a strong emotion. Virgil becomes a shadowy black/midnight cloud shadow, and Patton becomes a different coloured cloud depending on his mood. they can choose to change into amorphous form as well, but sometimes they are unable to hold solid form. they like to play sometimes by flying around the mindscape in this form. Logan can turn into computer code, sometimes when he's really upset he glitches. (F A L S E H O O D [for example]). Roman is the only one without a natural nonsolid form, but he’s the only one who can use magic [ @sanders-sides-thuri, because she said she was feeling sick and wanted headcanons]
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