coquillagean · 12 days
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Cauchemarderians (Cauchemarderian, -boy, -girl, & -enby) 🍂🍂-🥧🥧-🍂🍂
Cauchemarderian - a gender that feels as if it results from having a nightmare, or feels like one is living within a nightmare of sorts. It can be particularly terrifying to identify with, but may also provide an important function within the identity. Derivation: Derived from French, “cauchemarder" meaning "to have a nightmare"
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coquillagean · 1 month
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Gendercauchemars (Gender-, Boy-, Girl-, & Enbycauchemar) 🍂🍂-🥧🥧-🍂🍂
Gendercauchemar - a gender that feels as if it is pulled from a nightmare, or is best experienced or understood to be a nightmare that the user must deal with. It can have a xenic alignment to feelings of terror or horror, but doesn't have to. Derivation: Derived from French, “cauchemar" meaning "nightmare"
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some gendies for my early halloweenies :)
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coquillagean · 2 months
stay tuned goobers... fall shall soon arrive on me blawg...
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coquillagean · 2 months
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Parekgenders (-gender, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Parekgender - a gender that is beyond understanding for the user, but gives room for the user to understand and use the gender as they wish. Derivation: Derived from Ancient Greek, “πᾰρέκ (parék)” meaning “outside of, beyond, along beyond”
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coquillagean · 2 months
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Eisogenders (-gender, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Eisogender - a gender that is included into the identity of the user, and is actively searched through and explored by the user, whether that be physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Derivation: Derived from Ancient Greek, “εἴσω (eísō)" meaning "into, inside"
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coquillagean · 2 months
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Endothigenders (-gender, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Endothigender - a gender that exists simply within a part of the identity that may or may not be discovered by the user. If it is known to exist, this gender may be one that the user only recognizes exists, but does not actively interact with. Derivation: Derived from Ancient Greek, “ἔνδοθῐ (éndothi) meaning "within"
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Entosgenders (-gender, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Entosgender - a gender that exists simply within the user, and is never expressed fully on the outside. It may also be a gender that is found within oneself, and allows for future exploration within the identity. Derivation: Derived from Ancient Greek, “ἐντός (entós)” meaning “within, inside”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Fulicandrogynous/Fulicandrogyne 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Fulicandrogynous - a term connected to androgynehood and androgyny/ambiguinity, as well as the peace and tranquility that may be associated with it. Derivation: Derived from Latin, “fulica” meaning “coot, waterfowl”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Ardeaenby/Ardeaepicene 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Ardeaenby - a term connected to enbyhood and epicenity, as well as the peace and tranquility that may be associated with it. Derivation: Derived from Latin, “ardea” meaning “heron”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Gaviaboy/Gaviamasculine 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Gaviaboy - a term connected to boyhood and masculinity, as well as the peace and tranquility that may be associated with it. Derivation: Derived from Latin, “gavia” meaning “seagull”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Quaccolagirl/Quaccolafeminine 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Quaccolagirl - a term connected to girlhood and femininity, as well as the peace and tranquility that may be associated with it. Derivation: Derived from Latin, “quaccola” meaning “quail”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Moenegenders (-gender, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Moenegender - a term referring to a gender that is created by the building of a collection or "wall" of genders that are intrinsically tied to one another. It may also be a gender composed of parts that have been "mortared" together, like bricks in a wall. Derivation: Derived from Old Latin, “moene” meaning “wall, fortification”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Sliepichian (-ian, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Sliepichian - a term referring to a gender that is influenced or connected to how sleepy the user is Alternatively, a gender connected to sleepiness, teddy bears, rainy nights, and gentle rain. Derivation: Derived from West Frisian, “sliepich” meaning “sleepy”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Testudogender 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Testudogender - a gender that is earthy, gentle, and slow-existing, sort of like a cute little turtle. It may have a connection to plants, animals, and definitely turtles. Derivation: Derived from Latin, “testudo” meaning “turtle”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Coestgenders (-gender, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Coestgender - a gender that just happens, or coexists with other genders. It may exist on account of other genders, or may just coexist with them politely. Derivation: Derived from Latin, “coest” meaning “to happen, to coexist”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Essegenders (-gender, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Essegender - a gender that exists simply because it exists. It could be a gender that exists simply on account of some other condition or factor, or something else determined by the user. Derivation: Derived from Latin, “esse” meaning “to be”
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coquillagean · 3 months
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Nembian (-ian, -boy, -girl, -enby) 🐚🐚-🏖️🏖️-🐚🐚
Nembian - an identity for those who see their gender within clouds (perhaps rainclouds), or whose identity is within a metaphorical "cloud" that may or may not come and go with rain or storms. Derivation: Derived from Italian, “nembi” meaning “large rain clouds”
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