#nonny’s nonsense
thesilliestofgals · 2 days
spoilers for the Doki Doki! Pretty Cure novel under the cut!
Just found out one of the new Precures that show up in the doki doki novel is named Cure Tesla… chat is this real
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lemotmo · 3 months
I'm going to try and approach this a bit differently. We have all been in a position where we desperately wanted something from a show. We can all relate to the desire for something you love to become canon. I still fret about whether or not they'll actually give us Buddie. Yes it has been sign posted but it's been sign posted for years and we're still waiting. Anyway I say that part to say this next part. They are sign posted. The canon signs are there and there everywhere. None of it is made up from nothing. Yes there are headcanons but that's true of every ship. But most of the headcanons have canon scenes that they stem from. The BT stuff is all headcanon. I keep seeing gifs of Buck with gifs of Lou from other acting rolls and them being tagged as bucktommy. Those gifs have nothing to do with 911 and aren't Tommy. None of it is based on canon. It has all come from their cameo conversations with Lou. And that genuinely dumbfounds me. Because now I see less and less Buck and it's increasingly Tommy centered.
Buck is the character the show cares about and they know that. I don't know enough about the SWAT theory to speak to it's truth or not but the timing of its renewal and him going 911 dark does somewhat feed into the rumor. I don't know, it's bad enough so many of them have become horrible towards Eddie but now they're starting to change who Buck canonically is to fit their headcanons of Tommy (the whole damsel in distress nonsense enrages me). And while I understand the desire to push for what you love, basic knowledge of the show has to play into your expectations at some point. It will be interesting(terrifying) to see how they react when his arc finishes, and he himself stated it was an arc(hello people he said this) so I'm just forever dumbfounded as to how we got here and I'm someone who genuinely tried to see where they're coming from.
*sigh* sorry for the length of this ask. Your blog is lovely.
Yes Nonny. Yes! All of this! This has been on my mind for so long now and you managed to summarize it so beautifully.
I simply do not get how we got here. A couple of months ago, everything was great in this fandom. We had no great expectations of Buddie canon, but we were happy to be on ABC so we could maybe get some more Buddie scenes. And we did get them. Season 7 was great for Buddie.
Unfortunately it also brought along Tommy. I was and still am thrilled for Buck being revealed as being bisexual. It's wonderful! And the initial thrill of it was exciting. I immediately started tying this in to Eddie. A lot of us in the Buddie fandom have long since theorised that, as soon as one of them would come out, the other would follow because it would be the only thing to make sense. Buck and Eddie have both been queer-coded for so long now and finally we would see some movement in their story.
Imagine my surprise when suddenly some people decided that Tommy was the best thing that had ever happened to Buck. It was all Tommy this, Tommy that, Tommy with the sun shining out of his ***. I was so confused. Even some of my Buddie mutuals who I had known for years, just kind of gave up on Buddie and started worshipping at the altar of Tommy Kinard.
And the fact that Lou started spouting his headcanons in those cameos definitely didn't help either. Some people really believe in those headcanons.
And listen, nothing against headcanons. I have some of my own. But there is a reason why they are called 'head'canons. It's because they are things you see and recognise in a character, but they aren't discussed in the show, so they aren't 'canon'. They remain 'fanon'.
Now, don't get me wrong, ship and let ship. But there is a difference between normal 'shipping' and liking the pair, and the total craziness the Tommy-hype has become.
I know a lot of people that are multi-shippers and I have mutuals who like BT as a transitional relationship, but ultimately still want Buddie. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the people who suddenly started talking down on Eddie as if he was treating Buck badly and how he was a bad father. And how, even if he were queer, Buck would never choose him over Tommy. Where did that come from? They didn't say that before. Why now?
And I ask the question: What is so special about Tommy? I keep seeing people that say Buck is in the best relationship ever. HOW? WHAT? WHERE? What do these people see that I don't see?
We have seen Tommy in a handful of scenes. In all of those scenes he has been dismissive, disrespectful and frankly not very interesting. There is no chemistry at all with Buck either. I mean, if there had been some palpable chemistry I might have liked it more, but it just seems as if Lou is going through the motions in those kisses. If they are such a great couple, where are the little couple things? Where is the handholding? The little in-jokes? Nothing! I mean, Oliver does his best to keep their scenes somewhat afloat, but Lou is clearly not even trying. So I truly do not understand this strange -almost obsessive and gatekeeping- behaviour when it comes to Lou and Tommy.
It's obvious-- and anyone with eyes can see this from miles away-- that Tommy is a narrative device to have Buck explore his bisexuality. Every single thing in the show, but also around the show, is pointing in that direction.
Think about it. There was no promotion whatsoever for BT, only for bi Buck and Buddie. They had one abysmal interview where they talked for 2 seconds about BT and Oliver looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. They have given Tommy no screentime whatsoever. He is only there when it is required for Buck's storyline. It practically screams: plot device.
Then we have Ryan giving interviews where he, once again, talks about Buck being a co-parent and how Eddie will explore himself in season 8. How he will push that refresh button and he will ultimately find the partner he needs. All gender neutral by the way.
I mean, look... I admit to having been delulu in the past over small things when it comes to Buddie. What can I say? It's been a long 6 years. But this? This is no longer about being delusional. This is full-blown 'in your face': BUDDIE IS HAPPENING! It's all right there when you look at it logically.
But yes, somehow, we are wrong because our ship isn't canon and it's apparantly homophobic to be against a canon ship?
Which... do these people know what fandom is actually about? It's about fictional people and we want to see these fictional people get interesting story arcs and we want some of them to end up together because they have such a great history and chemistry. Like Buddie.
So yes Nonny, I agree. And listen, I do too still fret sometimes that I might be seeing things that aren't there. It's in my nature as a libra to doubt everything.
But then I start putting all of the evidence in- and outside of the narrative together and... it can only lead to one thing: queer Eddie (which is about time) and eventually Buddie.
And imagine the payoff that will be. Imagine how the viewership will get a boost. So many more people would turn in. Bi Buck was big, but the fan favourite queer slow burn getting together after 7 seasons by then? The internet will explode. It will be epic.
For 6 seasons we have been rooting for these men to open their eyes and to see what is right in front of them. There were plans to go there, but FOX stopped it. Now they are on ABC and obviously ABC is okay with queer characters on their shows. I mean, look at 'Grey's anatomy'.
So yes, I proudly declare myself no longer delulu and 100% certain that Buddie is in the works. There is no more need for clown noses and clown cars. We are beyond that now. It's a matter of 'when', not 'if'.
Mind you, just my humble opinion here. But I stand with it.
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powderblueblood · 9 months
How about Lacy finding Eddie's writing? 🤭
need you to imagine me listening to a fifth of beethoven from the saturday night fever soundtrack whilst writing this because i became insane and filled it with Clues.............
it's like trying to understand the fucking zodiac killer.
it's all codes and ciphers and scrawls and-- well, she thought she might have been reading that one upside down but it's actually indecipherable any way you twist it.
and it's not like any of it is even written on paper either. torn open cigarette packs, napkins, burger wrappers from the diner. one time a leaf.
because eddie's not like lacy in the way she keeps a journal but eddie's like lacy in that if he's roundhoused with a thought that he needs to remember, he's got to write it down now immediately pronto on any available surface.
which is pretty pointless, since he keeps losing all this garbage and she has to pick it up after him.
she bears over the spread of scraps like an fbi agent, palms braced to the table. there's a thread here, but she can't quite untangle it. she's staring at a pile of shit that says shit like
crabs incident-- bruised like a peach worth biting-- violet like violence??
red tights. tingly. carnelian little carnivore.
track two. treasure.
persephone's hall pass.
seventh grade & as many minutes in limbo. shoulda ripped off band aid.
mage in a mink coat.
well, that last one--
"you dumpster diving now? hard times."
fuck! fuck. told you, rat blood. appearing out of nowhere with no noise no notice to then become the loudest thing in the room. he's like thunderclap, this fucko, like a spontaneous combustion.
he also doesn't even recognize his own handwriting, seems like. she blushes, furious. doesn't know why.
"community service. they have me picking up the trailer trash's trailer trash."
"snitty!" he shoves the bag of chips he's holding at her--an offering, he can't do anything normal around her--and reaches for one of the scraps. lacy watches him like a scientist watching a guinea pig for brain activity-- and his eyes go all wide and panicky. "wait."
"eddie-- hey!" but he's scrambling now, going for all the little pieces of writing she'd been trying to arrange on the table like a pointless puzzle. "don't--"
"where'd you get all this shit, huh?! going through my pockets now, is that it? like a cop?"
"i-- hey, don't you fucking dare-- look, you shed!"
"i shed?"
"you shed. you've got shit falling out of that stupid, enormous nerd binder every goddamn day because you just shove shit in there and don't organize anything, and i wasn't gonna stand around and let you just litter everywhere and--" now it's her turn to be like. wait. crosses her arms, eyes narrow, she's mother superior serving nailed ya bitch. "--why are you all skittish?"
"it's just-- trash, right?" she snatches a burger wrapper out of his grasp. oh this is delish.
"yeah," he grabs, but she's holding it behind her back and god her face is like stupid smirky, "but it's my trash. my--giveit--private... trash."
eddie munson is blushing.
"who's the mage?"
"the fucking.... the what?"
little crinkle as she unfolds a piece torn off a brown paper bag. "mage in a mink coat. who's that?"
"i have a mink coat."
"oh. does that really say mage? 'coz it should say mange." he's such an asshole. she's grinning so wide.
everyone says revenge is a dish best served cold but she bets she could use eddie munson's cheeks as a hotplate and eat right off 'em. it'd taste so much better. lobster bisque. filet mignon. michelin star.
"have you been writing about me, munson?"
his face is all stone-set, mouth all i can't fucking believe this and eyes all i'd cut the brake lines in her van if she wasn't the one scamming rides off me all the time. "li'l miss my life is incomplete without eddie munson wants to talk?"
"called you a neanderthal in the next sentence. don't forget that."
"you're such a beastie."
"carnelian little carnivore, you wrote."
"what makes you so sure it's all about you, huh?"
"context clues."
he glances down. she is, in fact, wearing the aforementioned tingly-feeling-inspiring red tights again today. shit.
"what happened in seventh grade?" she's pointing to the scrap in his hand, one he's managed to keep out of her snatchy little fingers.
she doesn't remember anything significant about seventh grade. but he does, and a knot tightens in his chest and he's about to lie and say something crass about my fist, a stopwatch and a view of you from underneath the bleachers at cheerleading practice-- then final bell rings.
"that is for me to know--"
"--and for me to die ignorant?" she's an active listener.
"precisely, you wench. now get the fuck outta here, i got hellfire."
lacy leaves the scraps.
"i will find out, y'know."
he knows. "you're like a bitch with a bone that way."
"the bitchiest."
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nani-nonny · 23 days
I keep replaying the “my baby my baby you’re my baby” audio in my head and I blame apaf f!leo
Let me play my game, peepaw
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lovecolibri · 4 months
SaL anon here bestie, ready with the gin to endure whatever nonsense Eddie's plot is devolving into this week. God I hope the focus on Henren or Bathena so I can walk away with some sense of satisfaction. I'm not even going to attempt to say something good might come out if it, since history isn't on our side this season wrt Eddie. Tim needs to lay off his Hitchcock obsession, he did Psycho on LS last season, is doing Vertigo now, and both plots were utter nonsense. At least I got a good laugh today looking at the stills from the Oliver and Lou interview. Somebody should have told Oliver to blink 3 times if he's there against his will, though the fact that he looks like he's actively leaning towards the nearest exit probably says it just as well.
Yeah, the sooner bucktommy ends the happier I'll be. The relationship itself is fine, on par with every other BS relationship Buck was in really, but the fandom around it is exhausting and the active attempts to erase any semblance of Eddie in Buck's life is just so, so dumb (and pointless, like Buck wouldn't be the same without Eddie in his life just as Eddie isn't the same without Buck). Anyway cheers friend, we're on the precipice of something that looks both exciting and annoying, let's hope the scales tip in our favor 🍷🍸🥃.
Well, as I'm sure you guessed by my late answer, I saw this and waved at you from post limit jail, due to the d20 finale last night. I wish Tumblr would have a pop up like, "hey, you have 5 posts left before you hit post limit today!" or something so I could prepare!
So, good news, the Bobby and Henren stuff was *chefs kiss* angsty and dramatic and pulled at my heartstrings! The Bobby montage as he's giving his Captain Dad advice and having Buck cook, and calling Hen "Mother Hen" (while looking at Buck and Eddie 👀👀👀), giving the prayer book to Eddie, giving tips to Ravi, calling out orders on scene, it was all so much! And GOD, them taking that poor little girl away, and Denny stepping between that man and his sister, I was in TEARS! The Bobby and Athena talk got me too, and then him seeing his dead dad?! Bobby is going THROUGH IT and I ate it up!
As for Eddie I- legitimately do not know what to say. The whole thing was a mess, Kim giving herself bangs?? to roleplay with a stranger?? was just SO WEIRD and off-putting. Sorry I guess I'm just a hater but I think Eddie getting stuck with actresses like GW and EG means that him having scenes with anyone else feels good? but I'm not falling all over myself about any magical chemistry 🤷🏻‍♀️I hate this storyline and I'm tired of the narrative that this was some great love Eddie is missing out on when season 2-3 gave us actual canon evidence that it isn't true, and it feels more like Tim wanted Devin back and thought he could get away with it now that the audience had some space and KR spent all last season pretending Shannon was some saint (when he killed Shannon off so quickly originally because he said the audience wasn't going to forgive her and he didn't want to waste screentime on that when grief tied in with anger and abandonment was a more interesting storyline for Eddie and Chris). I'm also VERY curious about where the "Eddie realizing he's been looking at the relationship with rose colored glasses and living in delusion about it" is because GIRL that wasn't it. Eddie crying about her being the great love of his life and how they could have had it all is NOT him taking off the rose colored glasses, no matter how pretty Ryan looks when he's crying.
ANYWAY. I was already not on board with this but the writers dragging Chris into it too just gives me the ick. And it might resolve fine, but GOD!! THE JOURNEY MATTERS!! It matters how the characters get places! And this is just...not just a mess but a completely unnecessary one. They could address Eddie's grief and delusions about his relationship with Shannon (and her relationship with Chris because don't think I didn't clock him bringing up her (shit ass guilt trip) letter but not that she abandoned her son and cut off all contact for years) without resorting to trashy soapy doppelganger nonsense and cheating drama. And it's WILD because Bobby's arc this season and his relationship with Athena, and Henren's storyline have been SO GOOD, and even though there were some pacing and tone issues, even the Madney stuff has been good (and Kenny always slays the dramatic arcs!). Buck has taken a mostly supportive backseat this season which, while I ADORE him, was needed after the mess KR made of his character and her apparent lack of interest in the majority of the other main characters and his personal storyline (the bi realization, being Eddie's partner for all the big emotional talks) is also fine, it just got hijacked by some absolutely bizarre shipping strangeness over a couple minutes of screentime. But GOD Eddie's shit has been such a weird mess! It wasn't enough to be stuck with the transphobe all season, we also had to add in this nonsense?! Thanks, I hate it. At least we might finally be allowed to let Shannon go?? I am literally begging at this point.
As for th b/t of it all, I have literally blocked it from my mind and out of my existence (the ONE perk of my tumblr app still not working and having to do most of my stuff in my phone browser means I haven't really seen my dash lately and I've been smart about staying out of the tag for once) because it's just not worth the headache the bad takes give me. I'm just...so tired. I was willing to watch it play out (felt very much like Ali as the first step post-Abby, something background setting up for more later *cries in s4 Buddie canon*) but go at this point I just need it to be over for EVERYONE'S sanity. Especially Oliver's because like, girl. Why do you look like you're trapped in that loft with MW again?! Why so haunted? Girl, are you okay?? Oliver?? And how he continues to just post Buddie/Ryan stuff?? Loud.
I'm just...tired. So tired. And I need a drink. Imma go find some absolutely filthy/funny/fun Buddie fic and drown myself in that because I have the unfortunate feeling it's gonna be a LONG fucking hiatus.
Cheers friend. I know I always say if we can survive RNM (with it's own doppelganger storyline) then we can survive anything but GOD it would be nice to not have it be so hard.
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
bro I know literally nothing about your story (I mean, I'll definitely be going back and reading it) but from the three (3) posts I've seen in the past like 24 hours I very much ship the girl with the short brown hair (Zelda?) and the guy playing the guitar also the visuals are beautiful
Oh HELLO new Darling!! Welcome to the mess. We are glad to have you here 🥹🥰🫂
I will say, you’re already in luck with your very first ship. That would be Zelda and Antoine, and yes, they’re married and so very deeply in love. Now the journey to get there? Oh boy, that’s a ride. So if you do go back and reread it Godspeed to you. About rereading though, I do like to tell everybody you’re welcome to start at whichever decade suits your fancy/time availability. Of course starting from the beginning will get you all the info and backstory, but you can also begin in the 1910s, the 1920s, or even the 1930s.
I would say that out of those three, starting at the beginning of the 1920s makes the most sense. It’s really the beginning of a new chapter (Zelda’s two decades as heir), and while you’ll miss Zelda’s upbringing, personality development, and core memories/tragedies, it does get you right into the core cast of characters that we have going on right now (amongst whom I think you may find a new ship or two 😏).
But either way, have fun with it! And just know I love this ask. You’re a treasure for sending it after only three posts ♥️
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navybrat817 · 2 months
I need neighbor Bucky to help me relieve some stress.
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Nonnie, I think someone requested smut with neighbor!Bucky, so you may just get your wish. 😉
Love and thanks! ❤️
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rottenraccoons · 1 year
So I found out that Cirrus is smaller than Francesco in the, uh, package department and the first thought that went into my head is "The Lunar God had mercy on their followers and didn't give Cirrus a package that could break a person in two especially considering his sadistic tendencies. Vesper already has Fractum Anima; they don't need Fractum Anus too" and for that I would like to deeply apologize
I had to see this and now all our followers do too.
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rebrandedbard · 7 months
you might want to turn anon off for a while. don't feed the troll. :/
asdfghjkl I literally just said this in discord that I was feeding the troll. But as I told my friends, I love a good rant. Also, I can't talk back to the rude old people at work (one shook a ROCK in my face today), so I gotta do what I can here. Nonny's in my house now, and I'm looking for the catharsis of snapping back when people are acting rude. This is like enrichment to me; my pumpkin in the enclosure.
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favvnsongs · 1 year
getting into rvb is so funny you read all the meta, all the emotional posts, see all the fanart, maybe get a bit spoiled then you watch the first episode and your like.....this is it??! this is the show youre all going nuts over!!?? that cannot be correct, this is shitty machinima made in some dudes basement, and then 10 seasons later ur crying into ur pasta because the of worlds worst wife guy made an ai and it got sad.
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me, thinking bout rvb tbh ;__;
no but like this isn't inaccurate lmfao. the first block of the story (s1-5) are so hit or miss for people. it truly is just some dudes fucking around in their basement. and it's hard to recommend bc like. everything About it is just some guys fucking around in their basement. it's very early '00s humor and without the benefit of nostalgia goggles (im pretty sure I first watched it in middle school?? '07 or so maybe??) it's reasonable for people to have that 'what..what the fuck is this' reaction to it
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I forget who initially made this meme but it really is Like That lmfao. the sudden pivot into 'oh okay this is actually serious and part of a larger story than dudes dicking around in a canyon' and tbh I think once you get to season six and beyond, the first five become much easier to get through? because it's all laying the groundwork for characters and foreshadowing and junk.
and yeah like!!! it all comes down to the worlds worst wifeguy causing so much pain and trauma and suffering because he couldn't cope with the dead of his wife. like excuse me dr loser mcdeadwife, you still have a whole entire kid who needs you!! now look at her! jfc!
(don't even get me started on the fragments and the freelancers and asdfghjkl like. I think the sheer misery and drama and angst in the back half of the series - lmao for me rvb ended with s13 - makes the first five seasons all the more lightheartedly enjoyable)
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thesilliestofgals · 12 hours
Reading an Ever After High chatfic right now… the return of an ERA and I love it RAAHHH GIVE ME MORE‼️‼️‼️
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lemotmo · 2 months
🤣🤣 they're stalking the casts Instagram just waiting to be pissed off 🤣🤣
Q. Still going to pretend they're not trolling. Also not helping the rumors about them.
A. They're not trolling. I don't have to pretend. And it's none of our business. They are clearly close. How close is irrelevant and no one's business but theirs. They're both into photography. They're going to take photos of one another. And obviously Oliver is kind of a stan of the mustache. I get it. I think he actually looks pretty good with it. I don't know what you want me to say here, anon. Maybe stop spending all of your time looking for reasons to be insulted or annoyed. I promise you they never think about him or any of you. Try doing the same in return. In the meantime enjoy their content of one another.
Thank you Nonny!
All right, I cannot do this anymore. This is insanity!
It's just one friend taking a beautiful picture of another friend. There is no secret conspiracy to boycott Lou from coming back to the show. There's no plot to be found here. Oliver and Ryan are not stalking social media, posting pictures to troll anyone.
IT'S JUST A BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH! And Ryan appreciates beautiful photographs.
Now that the first part of this post is done, I feel that I have to inform you all that, as the proud Chairwoman of the 'Eddie's moustache' fanclub. I'm hanging this picture up above my bed tonight, next to the other two 'stache pictures, so I can (once again) worship accordingly. My trustworthy treasurer @iwanttobelieve-trustbuddie, can I trust you to do the same thing tonight? Are you still with me?
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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firefighterbracket · 1 year
Everyone should vote for Buck because it's what Christopher would want. Two of the things he loves most in life are his Buck and dunking on his dad.
vote for Buck. for Christopher.
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nani-nonny · 4 months
I finished my book now what… read my other book on my tbr list? Or continue where I left off on my fic lol?
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
this goes without saying but team val 1000% ❤❤❤ -prev lesbian anon
We need tshirts…yall want tshirts? 🤣
But I mean, look at her, dude. Look at the way she looks at Jo. I cannot 😮‍💨
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So, um, yeah. Gio babes you are in trouble. And Gio, babe, you are definitely in trouble.
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navybrat817 · 2 months
Having the kind of day where I need Alpha Bucky to hold me.
Who am I kidding? That's every day.
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I understand that feeling all too well, nonnie! I could really use him today and every day. I'm actually writing a chubby alpha!Bucky ficlet for my Beach Fun Nonsense and I hope I do it justice. More to come!
Love and thanks! ❤️
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