#nonlinear structural analysis
michaeldemanega · 2 years
Nonlinear Engineering
Lineare Systeme sind Systeme, bei denen ein lineares, also proportionelles Verhältnis zwischen Eingangsreiz und Ausgangsreiz besteht. Die Nichtlinearität ist im Bereich des Bauwesens eine geometrische Nichtlinearität, welche von der Unverformbarkeit abrückt, sowie eine physikalische Nichtlinearität, die die Stoff- und Materialgesetze betrifft. Oftmals kommen beide Nichtlinearitäten zugleich zur…
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therentyoupay · 1 month
TRYP thoughts on characterization
jack frost // elsa | characterization considerations
ground rules + intro
overview: the tl;dr of my personality + dialogue choices
deep dive: characterization, personality, + identity
shared ice powers (or AU-equivalent) + shared connections
questions/points to consider as you write
(STAY TUNED FOR AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF ❄️❄️❄️SNOWFLAKES, FROST, ICE, AND STRUCTURES❄️❄️❄️ [and more???] BY CALLI, @callimara, FORTHCOMING, but also initially explored in mtyk.)
you didn’t think i was going to not mention it, right?? but super honestly i almost forgot to write this section. 😂 i’ve written so many AUs, this point is not even always at the front of my mind anymore, but let’s dig in. ❄️❄️❄️
❄️❄️❄️❄️ this is usually how it goes, i feel, more or less:
a double-edged sword: 
elsa’s ice powers are an integral part of her identity, initially a source of both immense strength and bone-deep, soul-wrenching fear. throughout much of her life, she has been taught to suppress her abilities (her emotions), leading her to associate her powers with danger and potential harm, especially to those she cares about. this repression has caused her to view her powers as something to be controlled, rather than fully embraced, leaving her constantly on guard, always fearing that she might lose control and hurt someone.
jack’s unique perspective and transformative influence:
however, as elsa’s relationship with jack develops (in whatever universe), she begins to see her powers in a new light. jack, who also wields ice magic—and is OFTEN the FIRST and ONLY other ice-wielder that she knows of—understands the intricacies and challenges that come with such abilities. unlike others who have only seen elsa’s powers as something to fear or control, jack sees them as a natural extension of who she is—a gift, rather than a curse. 
this perspective is transformative for elsa. it allows her to slowly let go (👀) of the fear that has always accompanied her powers and begin to explore their full potential without the constant need to hold back.
liberation, trust, journey toward embracing her powers:
with jack by her side, elsa experiences—depending on the story—a newfound sense of security in using her powers. she no longer feels the need to restrain herself out of fear of causing harm (unless…….. it is angst. 👀). jack’s presence and his own mastery of ice magic provide her with a sense of understanding and acceptance that she has rarely experienced. 
unique bond and understanding:
this shared connection through their powers creates a bond between them that goes beyond the physical—it’s in some ways a sort of spiritual trust that they are safe with each other (unless it’s angst, at the center readers, you remember the scene 👀), that they can fully be themselves without judgment or fear. (unless, of course: ANGST.)
eventually, gradually: empowerment and healing:
if/when this freedom does occur, for elsa, this new sense of safety and security in using her powers is a liberating experience. she begins to experiment with her powers in ways she never dared before, discovering new facets of her abilities and pushing the boundaries of what she thought was possible. the trust she feels in jack’s presence allows her to let go of her inhibitions and truly explore the extent of her magic. 
it’s a process of self-discovery that is both empowering and healing, as she starts to view her powers not as something to be feared, but as an essential part of who she is.
cycle of growth and healing, strengthening their connection:
this newfound freedom also deepens her connection with jack, thereby pushing them into a cycle of growing and healing (unless: angst 😂, in which case, this cycle may still happen but SLOWLY and PAINFULLY, in stops and starts, in nonlinear patterns).
mutual understanding, support, and solidarity:
as they face challenges together, elsa finds that she can rely on jack not just as a partner in battle (or daily life, depending on the story, which could also be a “battle” 😂), but as someone who understands the unique burden of their shared powers (and, in the cases where they don’t share powers… their shared sense of Sacrifice 🥹 and their love for their younger sisters). this mutual understanding creates a sense of solidarity and, occasionally, camaraderie between them, making both of them feel less alone in their struggles.
growing confidence, deeper connection, shared purposes:
ultimately, elsa’s ice powers, once a source of fear and repression, become a symbol of her growing confidence and self-acceptance. through her relationship with jack, she learns to embrace her abilities without fear, finding strength in the trust and security they share. this transformation allows elsa to not only harness her powers more fully but also to connect with jack on a deeper level, creating a bond that is rooted in mutual understanding, trust, and a shared sense of purpose.
but what about the specific differences in features of their ice/snow/frost/powers?
for specific ice MAGIC features, patterns, habits, and geometrical dendrites (🤣 thanks calli), please note that @callimara will be dropping a DETAILED comparison analysis one day, so stay tuned!
in the meantime, you can see my quick takes in the woman in white, or in ch. 4 of more than you know. 
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dipperdesperado · 1 year
notes towards changing the world
i feel like the main way to change the world is to not think on a global scale. one of the coolest things about complex systems is how agents in the system, focusing on the local level and following simple rules while cooperating with other agents can create global behaviors. a vision of solarpunk could be the attempt at imagining and prefiguring a world that embraces complexity for the betterment of all of the agents in the system.
so, to change things, thankfully we don't have to figure out how to bring about worldwide upheaval. if we can change the local milieu, that can reverberate outward. this is not to say that it's easy, but it's possible. this is also not to say to never think globally. it's a dialogue between spheres of distance. you have to have a revolution internally to have a revolution interpersonally to have a revolution locally to have a revolution regionally and so on and so on.
now, we can finally talk about how to change things. the general (relatively nonlinear) phases of this process are analyzing and trying to understand the world, creating visions, goals, and values from that analysis, creating strategies to reach those goals, and enacting tactics birthed out of those strategies.
Identify the social issue: figure out the bad thing. try to understand the bad thing using complexity theory/systems theory. in other words, understand what the system is, what are the agents/elements are within that system (people, institutions, environments, etc), where the resources flow, what feedback loops exist, and what the vulnerabilities are.
Set your goals: The goal is to promote systemic change that addresses the root causes of the social issue, rather than simply addressing individual symptoms or surface-level manifestations. The guiding principles may include holistic thinking and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Visions, Goals, and Values
Visions: think about what you want the world to look like. put on your utopian lenses. what are the dreams that you have for the community (and maybe even the world at large)? Try to stretch your imagination as far as you can.
Goals: based on your visions, what are some more concrete targets to aim for? for ex., if one of the aspects of your visions is a city that is in harmony with nature, what are the material changes that need to happen?
Values: what are the guiding lights that will inform how you reach your goals? This can be thought of as the ethical/philosophical foundation of your praxis. these would also be points of unity for other folks. some good ones to include in this would be solidarity, free association, and a militant anti-oppressive orientation.
Universal goals: make some specific goals for your specific context. ex. “everyone can access healthy, culturally relevant, and dietarily conscious food.”
Understand where the community is: how is the community, on average, doing at reaching this goal?
Understand the population: figure out the population segments in the given community, and discover their “distance” from the goal. take not of those differences.
explore the system: look at and make visible the structures that support or impede each group or community from achieving the universal goal.
create bespoke responses: develop and implement targeted strategies for each group to reach the universal goal. using our food example, rich folks in a community might not need any help reaching this goal, while unhoused neighbors might be furthest from this goal. this allows us to create responses that help each group in the ways that benefit them the most.
dismantle the system: while providing an equitable response to the issue through your bespoke responses, work towards removing the root causes of the issue. equity is good, but we want to move toward the abolition of oppressive systems and enter a space of liberation.
tactics are the actions that we take, informed by our strategy, which stems from our goals, visions, and values. to organize specific tactics, a useful mental model is to think of “encircling” your goal. essentially, we want to try to reach our goal using multiple tactics in parallel (or relative parallel), attacking issues from multiple angles. I think that it’s ideal to have as many tactics deployed as is reasonable, but I like the idea of 2-4 campaigns of tactics going at the same time. I also like these tactics to be across the spectrum of commitment, from very simple, low-lift, and “reformist”, to more high-lift and “radical” or “revolutionary”. So, while our goal is to destroy the rule of authority (and all of its associated ills), actions that directly do that are the most extreme, and most folks don't start off ready for that level of commitment. To build that capacity in practice, this strategy could look like:
One campaign starts by making appeals to authority and getting more radical from there (foot in the door). Some examples are basically all of the things that liberals say to make changes: calling representatives, signing petitions, writing letters, op-eds, case studies, and things like that. Realistically, if the goal is widespread change, these things won’t really be able to cut it. You can’t vote a revolution in. So, we can use the more liberal actions as a gateway into more revolutionary actions. We also HAVE TO make sure we’re transparent about this so that people retain their ability to freely choose how they engage. In this campaign, we’re marching towards more and more radical action.
One or Two campaigns that start with civil disobedience (foot in the face). Some tactics here could be boycotts, strikes, sit-ins, and the like. Similar to the above action, we march towards more radical stuff but start from a more antagonistic position.
One campaign that starts with more directly confronting authority (door in the face). This campaign would start at as far of a place that the people would want to go. This would escalate into more radical action from a very radical place.
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The purpose of formatting our tactics in this way is to be fighting on multiple fronts in ways that makes the movement harder to clamp down on, while having folks move in a more radical direction.
Note that all of these tactics are informed by what comes before them. Like everything else, it is useful to think of this as a dialogue. We don’t want tactics with no conception of a strategy and such, and by doing our tactics, we should and can reframe our strategy.
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genericruleroftheflies · 10 months
Ditty Diego War Chant | Head (1968)
Analysis… kinda
I actually want to just praise it.
One think I really want to highlight is how well in my opinion the war chant early on frames such a nonlinear film. It’s let’s you know what you’re in for and CLEARLY states that this “nonsense” is on purpose. And purposeful.
And as someone who has studied film, I do think that giving the audience a little heads up on a nonlinear film is smart. And I think the chant does it effectively. I’m going to quote some lines I love. But sometimes the hardest thing about watching nonlinear film is that as the audience you are confused obviously but also unsure if the filmmakers meant to do it this way. War Chant clears that right up.
“We hope you like our story, although there isn’t one” Boom done. There. Mike just let you know enjoy this story that doesn’t exist. Early on in Head you are told flat out this isn’t a traditional story. In fact there’s no “story” at all.
“…and give it 1, 2, 3! / but it may come 3, 2, 1, 2 or jump from 9 to 5” here the chant tells you that the film or “story” is not going to be linear or told in order. It might jump around. So be ready.
“And when you see the end in sight the beginning may arrive!” I love this part it’s just so fun that the film tells you early on that it is going to be a circular “story”. The ending of the film is going to be the beginning of the film. He just told you and I’m pretty sure it’s shown as well on the little screen.
“For those who look for meanings in form as they do fact—” Mike calling out me here… but also I would maybe suggest that this line is saying looking at the form/structure of the film… but now I feel a little embarrassed lol. “—we might tell you one thing, but we’d only take it back” see this like I’m not totally sure how to interpret but it’s so fun I love it! I could guess that maybe it’s just saying the film might suggest one thing and then contradict itself. But also (and I’m being conspiratorial here) it could be about how anyone involved with the film might say it means one thing and then they might take it back later… which I think people have done.
“Not back like in a box back” is such fun set up/foreshadowing to how the monkees are going to be put back in the box a couple times throughout this film.
And then of course the reoccurring theme of the war chant is about how the Monkees are a manufactured band, they are denying that. This “band” was created to make money, so let’s have fun with our nonsense! Yay— *real life Vietnam gun shot footage*
I don’t feels this way, I actually feel the opposite, but I could see some film people saying it spoon feeds the film’s themes, messages, etc. Personally I think because it’s such a confusing film for some people letting them know the situation is nice. It works well imo.
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world-cinema-research · 5 months
The Green Knight (2021)
by Jacob Christopher
The movie I chose to rewatch for week one of class is The Green Knight (2021) directed by David Lowrey, a cinematic readaptation of the 14th century poem of the Arthurian tale Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The story follows that of the nephew of King Arthur, Sir Gawain played by Dev Patel, and his quest for honor in order to please his lineage. Accepting the challenge of the mysterious Green Knight on Christmas day to strike him with a blow, on the condition that Gawain must seek him out a year later to receive an equal blow in return. The film explores themes of honor, destiny, and mortality as Gawain embarks on a perilous journey filled with encounters that test his character and courage. It's praised for its stunning visuals, atmospheric storytelling, and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition. The impact left on me was more so the curiosity left from the end of the film, left wondering what it was that captivated my attention. 
The indie film is a financial success considering the budget of 15 million compared to the grossed 20 million worldwide and 3 million in the home market. Arguments can be made looking at the box office opening night of just under 7 million isn't considered an impressive metric. However looking at the historical context, for an indie movie to be released during the covid-19 pandemic many restrictions for public safety were still implemented. To add inclination for people to view the film the production studio known as A24 acts as a seal of theatrical approval for audiences. Despite being based on a pre-established text, the obscurity of it’s age doesn’t exactly tempt the audience with it’s popularity. What differentiates The Green Knight from prior medieval films is the usage of it’s psychological horror and abstract cinematography to add a sense of surrealism to it’s story. A24 before releasing the film released a video on YouTube titled as An Oral History of the Green Knight to engage audiences as well as act as a guide for background and historical context for the film. The critical response for the film has remained the same with the film’s popularity peaking during it’s theater release.
Only adding to it’s strength, the unconventionality of the film drew in many to witness and marvel at the almost confusing film.Rather than focusing solely on chivalry and heroism, the film delves into themes of mortality, honor, and the nature of destiny, offering a more introspective take on the Arthurian legend. Combined with director David Lowery's visual storytelling, blending elements of fantasy and realism, creating a dreamlike atmosphere that sets it apart from typical historical dramas. Taking a non-linear approach to storytelling, often meandering through dream sequences and nonlinear timelines for a muddied lens of fantasy and realism it challenges that of conventional narrative structures. Instead embracing ambiguity and symbolism, leaving much more to be open to interpretation. The meaning of certain events and characters is left intentionally vague to invitie viewers to engage in deeper analysis. This movie has it all, etching itself into the A24 vault as arguably one of their most fascinating films. 
My first viewing of this film I was puzzled and amused by the creativity and storytelling capabilities expressed. I watched half of it, rewinded it, went to bed and watched the rest in the morning with my roommate with bowls of cereal in hand. By the ending scene I was left in awe of how well written it was, and when the credits had started rolling the two of us sat in silence for what felt like minutes. Before my rewatching of the film once more I had done more research on the intricaciesof the film and the Arthurian poem of Sir Gawian and the Green Knight. With one of the bigger questions of the purpose and symbolism of the Green Knight himself being answered by one of the commonly agreed on interpretaions. Being the Green Knight is an embodiment of Nature and the cycle of life itself, and the actions Gawian takes againt the Green Knight exposes his human nature and all of it’s blemishes. The poem is a much more cheery tale of bravery and the heroics of what is expected of a knight.
The quote I chose to embody the film is by Essel, a woman from the lower class of society as well as the lover of Gawain, asking Gawain before his venture to find the Green Knight and seek his fate, “Why Greatness? Why is goodness not enough?” It is within this dialogue we find the message of the film. What is honor if not an excuse to run from your own humanity?
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banananutmilk · 5 months
The Green Knight Film Essay(2021)
by Jacob Christopher
The movie I chose to rewatch for week one of class is The Green Knight (2021) directed by David Lowrey, a cinematic readaptation of the 14th century poem of the Arthurian tale Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The story follows that of the nephew of King Arthur, Sir Gawain played by Dev Patel, and his quest for honor in order to please his lineage. Accepting the challenge of the mysterious Green Knight on Christmas day to strike him with a blow, on the condition that Gawain must seek him out a year later to receive an equal blow in return. The film explores themes of honor, destiny, and mortality as Gawain embarks on a perilous journey filled with encounters that test his character and courage. It's praised for its stunning visuals, atmospheric storytelling, and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition. The impact left on me was more so the curiosity left from the end of the film, left wondering what it was that captivated my attention. 
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The indie film is a financial success considering the budget of 15 million compared to the grossed 20 million worldwide and 3 million in the home market. Arguments can be made looking at the box office opening night of just under 7 million isn't considered an impressive metric. However looking at the historical context, for an indie movie to be released during the covid-19 pandemic many restrictions for public safety were still implemented. To add inclination for people to view the film the production studio known as A24 acts as a seal of theatrical approval for audiences. Despite being based on a pre-established text, the obscurity of it’s age doesn’t exactly tempt the audience with it’s popularity. What differentiates The Green Knight from prior medieval films is the usage of it’s psychological horror and abstract cinematography to add a sense of surrealism to it’s story. A24 before releasing the film released a video on YouTube titled as An Oral History of the Green Knight to engage audiences as well as act as a guide for background and historical context for the film. The critical response for the film has remained the same with the film’s popularity peaking during it’s theater release.
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Link to Trends
Only adding to it’s strength, the unconventionality of the film drew in many to witness and marvel at the almost confusing film. Rather than focusing solely on chivalry and heroism, the film delves into themes of mortality, honor, and the nature of destiny, offering a more introspective take on the Arthurian legend. Combined with director David Lowery's visual storytelling, blending elements of fantasy and realism, creating a dreamlike atmosphere that sets it apart from typical historical dramas. Taking a non-linear approach to storytelling, often meandering through dream sequences and nonlinear timelines for a muddied lens of fantasy and realism it challenges that of conventional narrative structures. Instead embracing ambiguity and symbolism, leaving much more to be open to interpretation. The meaning of certain events and characters is left intentionally vague to invitie viewers to engage in deeper analysis. This movie has it all, etching itself into the A24 vault as arguably one of their most fascinating films. 
My first viewing of this film I was puzzled and amused by the creativity and storytelling capabilities expressed. I watched half of it, rewinded it, went to bed and watched the rest in the morning with my roommate with bowls of cereal in hand. By the ending scene I was left in awe of how well written it was, and when the credits had started rolling the two of us sat in silence for what felt like minutes. Before my rewatching of the film once more I had done more research on the intricaciesof the film and the Arthurian poem of Sir Gawian and the Green Knight. With one of the bigger questions of the purpose and symbolism of the Green Knight himself being answered by one of the commonly agreed on interpretaions. Being the Green Knight is an embodiment of Nature and the cycle of life itself, and the actions Gawian takes againt the Green Knight exposes his human nature and all of it’s blemishes. The poem is a much more cheery tale of bravery and the heroics of what is expected of a knight.
The quote I chose to embody the film is by Essel, a woman from the lower class of society as well as the lover of Gawain, asking Gawain before his venture to find the Green Knight and seek his fate, “Why Greatness? Why is goodness not enough?” It is within this dialogue we find the message of the film. What is honor if not an excuse to run from your own humanity?
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Scholars have long known that youthful marriage is a strong predictor of divorce. For instance, someone who marries at 25 is over 50 percent less likely to get divorced than is someone who weds at age 20. Most youthful couples simply do not have the maturity, coping skills, and social support it takes to make marriage work. In the face of routine marital problems, teens and young twenty-somethings lack the wherewithal necessary for happy resolutions.
What about age at marriage past the twenties? Delaying marriage from the teens until the early twenties produces the largest declines in divorce risk, for totally understandable reasons: we’re all changing a lot more from year to year as teenagers than when we’re in our twenties or thirties. [...] Still, earlier scholarship found that the risk of divorce continued to decline past that point, albeit at a milder rate (as the figure using 1995 data shows below). And why wouldn’t it? Couples in their thirties are more mature and usually have a sounder economic foundation. Conversely, youthful marriage is correlated with lower educational attainment, which compounds divorce risk no matter how old you are.
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But what was true for decades no longer seems to be the case. I analyzed data collected between 2006 and 2010 from the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). The trick is to use statistical methods that permit nonlinear relationships to emerge (click here for more information on these methods). My data analysis shows that prior to age 32 or so, each additional year of age at marriage reduces the odds of divorce by 11 percent. However, after that the odds of divorce increase by 5 percent per year. The change in slopes is statistically significant. The graph below shows what the relationship between age at marriage and divorce looks like now.
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This is a big change. To the best of my knowledge, it’s only recently that thirty-something marriage started to incur a higher divorce risk. It appears to be a trend that’s gradually developed over the past twenty years: a study based on 2002 data observed that the divorce risk for people who married in their thirties was flattening out, rather than continuing to decline through that decade of life as it previously had.
How can this change be explained? The first step to answering this question is to see if the pattern persists after adjusting for a variety of social and demographic differences between survey respondents. Indeed it does: thirty-something marriage continues to yield a higher divorce rate even after controlling for respondents’ sex, race, family structure of origin, age at the time of the survey, education, religious tradition, religious attendance, and sexual history, as well as the size of the metropolitan area that they live in. Note that the NSFG is a cross-sectional survey, which means that all respondent information was collected at a single point in time. Consequently the effects of education, religious attendance, and other impermanent demographic attributes on marital stability may not be causal. Results involving these variables should therefore be treated as provisional.
None of these variables seem to have much of an effect on the relationship between age at marriage and divorce risk. Additional tests revealed that the relation seems to function more or less the same for everyone: male or female, less or more educated, religious or irreligious, intact or nonintact family of origin, and limited versus extensive sexual history prior to marriage. For almost everyone, the late twenties seems to be the best time to tie the knot. [...]
My money is on a selection effect: the kinds of people who wait till their thirties to get married may be the kinds of people who aren’t predisposed toward doing well in their marriages. [...] More generally, perhaps people who marry later face a pool of potential spouses that has been winnowed down to exclude the individuals most predisposed to succeed at matrimony.
There are obvious strengths and weaknesses to this sort of explanation. [...] But we do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that people who marry in their thirties are now at greater risk of divorce than are people who wed in their late twenties. This is a new development. This finding changes the demographic landscape of divorce, and lends credence to scholars and pundits making the case for earlier marriage.
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Note: Unadjusted estimates of divorce in NSFG in 1995 and 2006-2010.
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kreuzaderny · 2 years
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Experimental Evidence of Quantum Radiation Reaction in Aligned Crystals
Radiation reaction is the influence of the electromagnetic field emitted by a charged particle on the dynamics of the particle itself. Here we report experimental radiation emission spectra from ultrarelativistic positrons in silicon in a regime where both quantum and radiation-reaction effects dominate the dynamics of the positrons. We found that each positron emits multiple photons with energy comparable to its own energy, revealing the importance of quantum photon recoil. Moreover, the shape of the emission spectra indicates that photon emissions occur in a nonlinear regime where positrons absorb several quanta from the crystal field. Our theoretical analysis shows that only a full quantum theory of radiation reaction is capable of explaining the experimental results, with radiation-reaction effects arising from the recoils undergone by the positrons during multiple photon emissions. This experiment is the first fundamental test of quantum electrodynamics in a new regime where the dynamics of charged particles is determined not only by the external electromagnetic fields but also by the radiation-field generated by the charges themselves. Future experiments carried out in the same line will be able to, in principle, also shed light on the fundamental question about the structure of the electromagnetic field close to elementary charges.    
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lairn · 1 year
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Book 9/24: Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov Rating: 4/5
Pale Fire is framed as a poem written by the character, John Shade, and introduced and analyzed by the character, Dr. Kinbote. The poem, “Pale Fire,” is quite good and Kinbote is a self-obsessed and inadequate analyst more interested in telling his own story than examining the text. Reading this novel was a complicated experience. It took me over a month to finish, fighting through jet lag and final exams, but mostly fighting through the book itself.
From the first pages I knew I was going to struggle because the structure is a paradox of linear and wildly nonlinear. In conventional order, there is a forward to a poem, the poem, commentary, and an index. On the other hand, the author of the forward, Kinbote, recommends the reader skip the poem and go straight to the commentary, which itself is constantly imploring the reader to refer to other sections of the commentary, parts of the poem, and even the forward. The index is its own separate little maze pointing the reader from one entry to another.
I chose to read the book front-to-back, but still found myself jumping backwards to reread the poem’s cantos 3 or 4 times, and yes, even the forward at Kinbote’s pleading suggestion. By the time I finished I had a much clearer idea of the relationship Kinbote has to art, academia, and John Shade, but I still felt muddled and overwhelmed. There is a lot of vocabulary I was unfamiliar with and even more references to other works I had never heard of in both the poem and the analysis, but Kinbote does not properly research the poem, so I had to constantly second guess his statements and do my own research. I could never be sure if what Kinbote says is accurate, a lie, or an ignorant misstatement. I cannot even be sure the poem is presented as written by John Shade. On one level, the novel is about deception and misrepresentation, and I felt the wool pulled firmly over my eyes.
Basically, the book is exhausting but interesting. I was so relieved to be finished with it, but also immediately wished to buy a personal copy I could mark up with my own red-string-conspiracy-board-style notes.
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Response Modal Nonlinear Time-History Dynamic Analyses of the Northridge Earthquake of a Two- Storied Steel Structure with Rubber Isolator and Fixed-base Systems
This paper analyzes and compares the responses of a two-storied steel structure to the 1994 Northridge earthquake in California. Response modal nonlinear time-history dynamic analysis was especially used on the structure with fixed-base and base-isolated systems to show the realistic behavior of the structure. Intuitively, the best choice for the seismic isolation technique is the use of the flexible element, or an isolator, at the structure’s base, which ensures damping. The current research analyzed in depth the application of a base isolator in the structure. In this study, one structure with different support systems was analyzed to investigate the use of base isolation. The research compared the features and performance of a structure with and without base isolation. The steel building was analyzed subjected to earthquake-induced load with and without a base-isolated rubber bearing. The building was modeled by SAP2000 for nonlinear time-history analysis. Ground-motion simulations of the M6.69 1994 Northridge earthquake in California were applied to the steel base-isolated building model. Study results showed that the presence of an isolation system in a structure with 24 feet (7.31 m) height increased the time period of the structure significantly due to reduced resonance throughout the building.
Read More about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcse/fulltext/response-modal-nonlinear-time-history-dynamic-analyses-of-the-northridge-earthquake-of-a-two-storied-steel-structure-with-rubber-isolator-and-fixed-base-systems.ID.000683.php
Read More about Iris Publishers Google scholar Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=LoZ6uCQAAAAJ&cstart=20&pagesize=80&citation_for_view=LoZ6uCQAAAAJ:ZfRJV9d4-WMC
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extremeloading11 · 25 days
Enhancing Precision with Nonlinear Structural Analysis Tools
Engineers and architects seeking to elevate their structural designs can greatly benefit from nonlinear structural analysis tools. These advanced software solutions, such as those offered by Extreme Loading, allow professionals to simulate complex behaviors of materials under various load conditions, including dynamic and seismic events. By accurately predicting potential structural failures or deformations, engineers can optimize their designs for safety and efficiency. The Extreme Loading Structural Analysis Software stands out by providing intuitive interfaces and detailed visualizations, ensuring that even the most challenging projects are approached with confidence. Visit their website to learn more.
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Dr Maleafisha Stephen Tladi (1970) graduated with a Ph.D. (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) from the University of Cape Town with membership in the Golden Key International Honor Society. He received his MS, Magna Cum Laude, Sigma Xi from Brown University in Applied Mathematics and Engineering. He attended Clark University where he earned his BA, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with Highest Honors in Mathematics. Over 20 years of academic research experience in applied mathematics, engineering, mechanics, and financial modeling with specialties: nonlinear dynamical systems analysis, chaos and turbulence research, aerodynamic separation and coherent structure theory, mathematical finance, and research management. He focuses on initiatives connecting the academic mathematics community to mathematics and statistics work in business, industry, and government. We develop mathematical and numerical methods for nonlinear dynamical systems in nature and engineering. Our approach combines applied mathematics, dynamical systems theory, and numerical methods to produce algorithms directly applicable to experimental and numerical data sets. Areas of current interest include nonlinear vibrations of multi-degree-of-freedom structures, rigorous model reduction in very high dimensional systems, and complicated transport processes in the ocean and the atmosphere. One can describe his years at DIEMA in terms of his mathematical research area: control, a field that addresses the behavior of a complex system and attempts to guide it to a desired outcome. In many ways, this is precisely the job of the Executive Director and CEO. He practices adaptive control via a leadership style that combines stability, creativity, thoughtfulness, and progress. A crucial ingredient is his unshakable integrity. It has not always been smooth sailing, he has maintained both a strong sense of DIEMA’s mission and a clear vision of the strategies and principles needed for DIEMA to be effective in today’s world. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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richrdjones · 2 months
Mastering Motion Analysis: Expert Solutions and Insights
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Motion analysis is a critical aspect of engineering, playing a pivotal role in understanding the dynamics of mechanical systems. At SolidworksAssignmentHelp.com, we pride ourselves on offering exceptional motion analysis Assignment help service to students seeking to excel in their coursework. Our experts provide comprehensive solutions and guidance tailored to the specific needs of each assignment. In this blog post, we'll dive into a couple of master-level motion analysis questions, illustrating how our experts approach these complex problems and deliver precise solutions.
Understanding Master-Level Motion Analysis
Motion analysis at the master’s level often involves intricate scenarios where students must apply advanced principles to real-world problems. These questions are designed to test not only theoretical knowledge but also practical application and problem-solving skills. Below, we present two exemplary questions, complete with expert solutions that highlight the depth and breadth of our motion analysis Assignment help service.
Question 1: Analysis of a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom System
Consider a multi-degree-of-freedom system where a series of interconnected masses and springs are arranged in a complex configuration. The system is subjected to various external forces, and the task is to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system.
To tackle this problem, our experts follow a structured approach:
Modeling the System:
The first step involves creating a detailed model of the system, incorporating all masses, springs, and damping elements. This model is essential for accurate analysis.
Formulating the Equations of Motion:
Using Newton's second law or Lagrangian mechanics, the equations of motion for each mass in the system are derived. These equations capture the relationship between forces, displacements, and accelerations.
Constructing the Mass and Stiffness Matrices:
The mass matrix represents the distribution of mass throughout the system, while the stiffness matrix characterizes the system's resistance to deformation. Constructing these matrices involves translating the physical properties of the system into mathematical representations.
Solving the Eigenvalue Problem:
By solving the eigenvalue problem of the system's equations, the natural frequencies and mode shapes are determined. This step is crucial for understanding how the system will respond to external forces.
Interpreting Results:
The natural frequencies indicate the frequencies at which the system naturally vibrates, while the mode shapes provide insight into the deformation patterns. These results are analyzed to assess the system's dynamic behavior and stability.
Through this meticulous approach, our experts ensure that students receive accurate and insightful solutions, enhancing their understanding of complex motion analysis problems.
Question 2: Dynamic Response of a Nonlinear System
A nonlinear system, such as a cantilever beam with nonlinear damping, is subjected to a harmonic excitation. The objective is to analyze the system's dynamic response, focusing on amplitude and phase relationships.
For this complex problem, the expert solution involves:
Defining the Nonlinear System:
The first step is to accurately define the nonlinear characteristics of the system, including the form of nonlinear damping and the nature of the external harmonic excitation.
Deriving the Governing Equations:
The governing equations of motion for the nonlinear system are derived. These equations account for the nonlinear damping effects, which can complicate the analysis compared to linear systems.
Applying Numerical Methods:
Given the complexity of nonlinear systems, analytical solutions are often infeasible. Instead, numerical methods, such as the Runge-Kutta method or finite difference methods, are employed to solve the governing equations.
Analyzing the Dynamic Response:
The dynamic response is analyzed by plotting amplitude versus frequency and phase versus frequency. This analysis provides insight into the system's behavior under harmonic excitation, revealing resonance phenomena and nonlinear effects.
Evaluating Results:
The results are evaluated to understand how the nonlinear damping influences the system's response. This evaluation helps in designing systems with improved performance and stability.
Our expert solutions for nonlinear systems demonstrate the depth of analysis required to tackle such advanced problems, offering students a comprehensive understanding of dynamic responses in complex scenarios.
Why Choose Our Motion Analysis Assignment Help Service?
At SolidworksAssignmentHelp.com, our motion analysis Assignment help service is designed to support students through every stage of their assignments. Here’s why students trust us:
Expertise and Experience:
Our team consists of highly qualified experts with extensive experience in motion analysis. They provide accurate, detailed solutions that reflect a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Customized Solutions:
We offer personalized assistance tailored to each student's specific needs and assignment requirements. This approach ensures that students receive relevant and targeted help.
Comprehensive Support:
From initial problem formulation to final analysis, our service covers all aspects of motion analysis. Students can rely on us for complete support throughout their assignment process.
Timely Delivery:
We understand the importance of deadlines and strive to deliver solutions on time, allowing students to review and submit their work without stress.
Quality Assurance:
Our solutions are rigorously checked for accuracy and originality. We ensure that every assignment meets the highest academic standards and is free from plagiarism.
Feedback Integration:
We value student feedback and incorporate it into our solutions to improve and refine our assistance continually.
By choosing our motion analysis Assignment help service, students gain access to top-notch support and expert guidance, helping them achieve academic success and mastery in motion analysis.
Master-level motion analysis questions require a thorough understanding of advanced principles and meticulous problem-solving skills. At SolidworksAssignmentHelp.com, we are committed to providing exceptional motion analysis Assignment help service that empowers students to excel in their coursework. Our expert solutions not only address complex problems but also enhance students' comprehension of key concepts in motion analysis.
For students seeking reliable and expert assistance with their motion analysis assignments, SolidworksAssignmentHelp.com is the go-to resource. Our dedication to quality, personalized support, and timely delivery ensures that students receive the help they need to succeed in their academic endeavors.
If you're tackling challenging motion analysis problems and need expert guidance, visit SolidworksAssignmentHelp.com to explore our comprehensive assignment help services. Our team of seasoned professionals is here to support you every step of the way, providing the insights and solutions necessary for academic excellence in motion analysis.
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csiespl · 2 months
What Is The Nonlinear Analysis Of Building And Bridges Software?
Nonlinear Analysis of building and bridges software is a Special type of software which is used to calculate the loads and pressure on the Structural systems when they are under construction. A detailed analysis is performed by the Structural Engineers to ensure the Safety and Stability of the Building Structures.
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licensedsoft · 2 months
Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1 Lifetime License
Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1 Lifetime License. Siemens Simcenter Nastran 2020.1 is a premier finite element analysis (FEA) solver for structural analysis, widely used in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing. It provides advanced solutions for linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, and heat transfer characteristics of structures and mechanical components. The…
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erikabsworld · 2 months
Unlocking the Power of SVMs: MATLAB Strategies for Machine Learning Assignments
Machine learning has revolutionized how we approach complex data analysis and decision-making processes. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) stand out as a robust tool within this domain, especially when it comes to classification tasks. For students diving into the world of SVMs through MATLAB assignments, understanding the fundamentals and effective strategies is key to mastering this powerful technique.
Why Use SVMs in Machine Learning?
Support Vector Machines excel in handling both linear and nonlinear classification tasks by identifying optimal decision boundaries. This capability makes them highly versatile in scenarios where traditional linear models may fall short. From medical diagnostics to image recognition, SVMs have proven effective across various fields, making them a cornerstone of modern machine learning.
Getting Started with SVMs in MATLAB
MATLAB provides a user-friendly environment for implementing SVMs, offering built-in functions that streamline the process from data preparation to model evaluation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate your SVM assignments effectively:
1. Understanding the Dataset
Before diving into coding, grasp the nuances of your dataset. SVMs work by separating data points into different classes using a hyperplane. For a two-class problem, this hyperplane maximizes the margin between the classes, optimizing classification accuracy.
2. Preparing Your Environment
Ensure MATLAB is installed and set up on your system. Create a new script file where you’ll write your SVM code. Begin by loading your dataset into MATLAB and visualizing it to understand its structure and characteristics.
3. Implementing SVMs
Use MATLAB's fitcsvm function to train your SVM model. This function allows you to specify parameters such as the type of kernel (linear, polynomial, or Gaussian), regularization settings, and other options tailored to your specific assignment requirements.
4. Visualizing Results
After training your SVM model, visualize the decision boundary (hyperplane) and margins. MATLAB’s plotting capabilities allow you to display these elements graphically, providing a clear representation of how your SVM classifies data points.
5. Evaluating Performance
Assess your SVM model’s performance using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. MATLAB’s built-in functions for confusion matrices and performance evaluation make this process straightforward, helping you gauge the effectiveness of your model.
Tips for Success
Practice with Diverse Datasets: Experiment with different datasets to understand how SVMs behave under various conditions.
Explore Advanced Techniques: Delve into SVM variants such as support vector regression (SVR) or kernel SVMs to expand your understanding and skill set.
Seek Help When Needed: If you encounter challenges, don’t hesitate to seek help with MATLAB assignments from experts who specialize in machine learning and SVMs.
Mastering SVMs through MATLAB for machine learning assignments empowers students to tackle complex classification problems with confidence. By leveraging MATLAB’s robust features and understanding SVM principles deeply, you can unlock new insights and excel in your academic endeavors.
Reference: Solve SVM Assignments Using MATLAB (matlabassignmentexperts.com)
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