#none of this is in chronological order
antimonyandthyme · 2 years
Superhero AU; Loss
When all is said and done, when the fires from Mick and Charles’ combined efforts finally die down, Sebastian knows. The crackling in his body dulls to an easy hum. He thinks he should feel bereft. It’s hard to, when Mick and Charles walk out alive—alive. Sebastian would’ve given up a lot more for that.
Mick he tells first. It’s easy, well. Easier. After Michael, after they both peeled back every layer of their outer shells and presented themselves to each other, raw and bloody and ugly, there are now no secrets between them. Mick takes his hands and kisses every one of his knuckles. Takes his time with it too, like he’s trying to press healing into Sebastian’s skin.
“How much more will I take from you?” Mick sounds wounded, like the loss is his own.  
However much more you want, though he knows it’s not what Mick needs to hear at the moment. “I think I’ll enjoy farming,” he says instead, and it nudges Mick into a watery laugh. “You can come visit.”
With Charles, it’s harder.
Sebastian doesn’t know how to bring it up, so it surfaces only when it must, like a boil that needs lancing, as these things always do.
Charles is lining out the battle plan. Sebastian wants to beam at him with pride, even though he’s trying to pre-empt the inevitable fallout about to take place at the table. Six months ago Charles would’ve waited for the Ferrari strategists. Now, he says jump, and they all do.
“Sebastian will take the rear.”
Mick startles, looks up. It takes him two seconds to figure it out; Mick’s always been so clever. Ah. You didn’t tell Charles.
For a painful, suspended moment, Sebastian considers pushing his deadline. He could claim tiredness, maybe even sickness. Charles would be all over him in a heartbeat, would ground him without thinking twice. In his weakest moments, he always thinks of Michael. Sebastian ran from his problems and looked away from a fading supernova once. He can’t ever again.
“I can’t come on this mission,” he says carefully.
Charles tips his head, puzzled. “Why not?”
“Because,” he takes a breath, “I no longer have my powers.”
It’s quiet for a long, long time.
Charles says, voice low like a simmer, “How long?”
Sebastian scrubs at his eyes. “Since the fight.”
“Since you shielded us.” Charles is quick to comprehend. Sebastian can only hope he is quick to forgive. If he aims a fireball at Sebastian now, Sebastian will have nothing to defend with.
Mick clears his throat. “I’ll get us some water.”
Wait, Sebastian wants to say, because he doesn’t think he can stomach Charles staring at him like that, like it’s a betrayal. But Mick quells him with a deft look; You made this bed. Sebastian shrinks back into his seat like a child.
As soon as Mick’s gone, Charles says, “You told him.”
Sebastian closes his eyes briefly. “Yes.”
Fire in many ways is controlled by emotion. The ones who live the biggest, laugh the loudest, and love (and hurt) the hardest, always carry flame in their hands. Sebastian used to think it was a failing. Now he loves them all the more for it. Charles’ entire body is an open nerve of feeling. His eyes are shiny. The air in the room sears like an accusation, hotter than the surface of the sun. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Sebastian considers his words. “I trained you.”
“Yes,” Charles says tightly, hurt drawn out like a wire. “So?”
“So I got used to you looking at me like. Like I was—”
Oh, Charles’ eyes are growing wider. He needs to get this out now or he’d never again be able to.
“Like I was something,” Sebastian finishes.
Charles’ jaw drops. “You thought,” he says slowly, as if speaking to a child, and since when did both Mick and him eclipse Sebastian so greatly, that’s something he’ll have to rejoice at later, “that I would stop looking at you like that. If you lost your powers?”
Sebastian swallows. He looks away. It’s answer enough.
“I’m so angry at you I can’t even speak,” Charles breathes. “I’m so. You’re so. You’re so fucking stupid, Seb. You’re so stupid. I’m so angry, and you’re so stupid.”
“Why are you crying,” Sebastian says dumbly, but before he can even react, Charles is kneeling before him on one knee, and taking both his hands.
In a flash, Sebastian realizes why the three of them will circle each other in an infinite loop until the end of time, powers or no. Sebastian will always look to them as his redemption, his legacy. They will always look to him as their king.
“You could lose everything and I would still see you the same,” Charles says fiercely, sounding as if he were scorching a vow into the earth.
“Charles,” Sebastian is crying too. “Please, get up.”
“Not until you tell me you understand.”
“I understand,” Sebastian croaks. He replays the fight in his head and what he sacrificed for Mick and Charles, and comes to the conclusion he will do so again and again and again. “Now get up.”
Charles does. “Don’t think I’ve forgiven you. I’m still so angry I could spit fire.”
Mick comes back with water. It’s perfect timing. Sebastian laughs until his ribs hurt. Charles doesn’t let go.
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seekingcylem · 2 years
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safe to say this blog should be busy for a while. probs the first time i’ve had my work art, troll art, and fan art all in one place.
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costuming studies cuz these outfits are complex!!
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i'm gonna keep putting my infodumping under a cut lolol
i made these at the beginning of the year before my semester got crazy busy -w- i was PEAK hyperfixation at this point cuz i don't usually render stuff to this level unless its a finished piece
my plan here was to draw them as accurate as i could to teach myself how they look. then after i could go wild with stylizing them. i do like the level of detail and movie accuracy here but my animator brain forces me to simplify >3>
i've also think i've gotten better at replicating their likeness since making this. their faces here aren't bad but not my favorite lol
anyway thank u for indulging me
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toldentops · 7 months
talk about kinoga. NOW.
GAH I JUST THINK THEY ARE SO............. well first of all. they are so cute and handsome. look at them right now
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Second of all I have one million feelings about them and it's barely an exaggeration. For those who aren't familiar, Kinoga is one of my beloved splatoon ocs and I think about them all the time. Originally made when I tossed a "what-if" idea about Trito, my first splatoon oc, who was once part of the octarian military, if he runs into one of the old squad members on the surface, and Kinoga was born with the help of @igneouskit. Brainworms ensue. its terminal. check out their toyhouse
(extremely brief rundown for those unfamiliar with splatoon lore the relevant bits are as follows: some octolings are part of a military that were forced underground after a war with the Inklings over land due to rising seas. At some point during the plot, the song Calamari Inkantation is sung by the two idols, which is apparently imbued in the DNA of all creatures and compels octolings to see the surface. In the splatoon 2 DLC, octo expansion, some octolings are recruited by a shady company called Kamabo Co, which entices participants to enroll in tests through a deep sea metro, and offers the "promised land" as a reward. Completing the tests entails collecting parts of a blender, and the "reward" is getting blended into sludge. This sludge can get injected into other octos which causes them to lose their will and consciousness ("sanitization").
timeline-wise much of their story takes place between splat 2, through octo expansion, and is currently in the splat 3 era. When they were still in the military, they ended up hearing the Calamari Inkantation like Agent 8 did. Kinoga and their squad were incredibly close to each other. Unwilling to just up and leave the underground but wanting to give their squadmates a better life, Kinoga hears about Kamabo's "promised land" and wants to seek it out, so they leave the squad to embark on the metros and promises to return. They do not <3 Some of the tests make them encounter sanitized octolings and they begin to question what's really happening in the metros. Their tipping point is when they run into Agara, one of their squadmates that decided to enter the metros to look for Kinoga and ends up being sanitized. Kinoga, facing the crushing realization that their squadmates had followed them, unaware of the danger, narrowly escapes being killed by Agara and eventually makes it to the surface.
This results in them experiencing a good amount of crushing guilt about leaving, they never knew it would lead to the possibility of dooming their whole squad that followed after them because they were loved and trusted. Kinoga had no way of letting the rest of them know that they should turn back and it's so. AAUGH. They have no choice but to continue on, finding life on the surface and eventually making it to splatsville with the belief that the rest of the squad may be gone. Agara and Trito end up running through the metro, Agara gets sanitized and Trito survives, albeit without getting a nasty scar from an accident that nearly got him sanitized.
Trito makes me insane also. he's my funny silly rabbit. I care about him so so much. trito goes through the metros, to maybe catch up with kinoga or meet them at the promised land, trusting that it was worth leaving if Kinoga decided it was worth it for all of them too.
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Trito, upon learning about The Horrors in the metro later, realizes what could have happened to Kinoga and Agara and is unwilling to return to the rest of the squad with this knowledge, struck by the possibility that they're both gone. <-also has to realize that these horrible things have been happening to all the octlings that left to go do the metro tests. He too, eventually escapes to the surface and makes it to Inkopolis.
Years later, Trito, on a day trip to Splatsville, encounters Kinoga on the streets, and they lock eyes. and. fuck. They thought they were dead and had dealt with the grief and accepting that they were gone, effectively pushing those thoughts aside, and now they're physically in front of each other and they have to deal with it again. they make me SICK. Kinoga knowing that trito went to the metros and followed them and made it out also. Trito knowing that Kinoga experienced the horrors as well and survived. Neither of them able to return to tell the rest of the squad but they're both here, alive on the surface and aarrghhhhhhh. now they have to cope with this. they hastily exchange contact information, having to leave each other again, and end up meeting later to really catch up.
I'm so normal about kinoga and their relationship to trito post-domes. They don't even realize that they miss each other so much because they accepted that they were already gone. Seeing how much the other had changed. Being each other's only tie to their previous lives and it dawns on them that they never can move on from this. Kinoga struggles to tell Trito that they couldn't bring themselves to go back, not knowing if they could escape a second time, not knowing if any of their teammates were still left, already dealing with occasional spurts of being wracked by grief. Trito feeling the same, wanting to forget the terrible things and find happiness on the surface, but disheartened when learning that Kinoga also couldn't bring themselves to go back to look (though now that the both of them are together.....they do eventually muster the courage to go back to the domes to look for their old squadmates). It like. sucks so bad. They didn't intend to abandon their squad, but they were given circumstances where they just could not, and none of the other squad members could have known and suffer for it. aarghhhhh.
They end up at Trito's place, Kinoga and Trito end up being very affectionate towards each other after reuniting, definitely Trito being clingier...Compelled to hold onto each other and not let go, not after feeling so much regret about leaving in the first place. It's like. they left once before and terrible things happened out of their control, so they're allowed to hold each other as close as they can so it doesn't happen again (THE DEMONS) (GRIPS). it's irrational for Trito especially to think that he'll never see Kinoga again when they have to leave, since they live in separate cities and have to go in the morning. and kinoga knows it's irrational and they do their best to comfort him anyways because. who could blame him for wanting to keep them there after being gone for so long and so unexpectedly. The slow, crushing experience of not fully registering that someone could be gone and it creeps up to them until it hits. auuuuugh. they have to be so tender with each other, not really knowing where to take things afterwards but relishing in the moment of having each other there. riding the high of each other's comfort. fuck. this post is just getting worse as it goes. Trito breaking down in Kinoga's arms because he's had to hold in his grief and having nowhere to put it and then finally being able to release it. just being able to feel Something again. kinoga feeling so heartbroken to see trito like this, remembering that he was always so outspoken and smiling and having him curled up against them unable to say anything. holding him as tightly as they can. Feeling the need to take good care of him. They aren't his squad leader anymore but they still feel compelled to look out for him because then they can feel like they're doing at least something right. whatever. you guys get the gist. I'm way too much of a sucker for like...............pained intimacy. I'm down terrible. I think both of them deserve a little kissy and more. again. very touchy and affectionate with each other, I guess theyre still like "friends" (A WARRIOR'S BOND. OR WHATEVER) and are not "together" like a couple but here are words from igneouskit who put it better then I could ever. they love each other so much and they make me blow up. worlds most situationship
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and also one bit I forgot to mention is that Trito has a huge scar on his chest that he hates talking about, it just brings back the fear and pain felt when he got it, and by association reminds him that he's alone from his squad who may never see again, so he's very protective of it. Upon getting back to kinoga, they do find out about the scar accidentally, and Trito lets them. like auuuugh they were so familiar with each other and now get to see what's changed since the last time. exploring eachother's bodies. whatever
Kinoga also ends up feeling really guilty at some point for Trito being immediately so affectionate towards them, they harbor thoughts that they don’t deserve it after having him go through that pain, and trito having to tell them that he made his own decision, nobody was forcing him to go, and besides, did it to see kinoga and now that they’re right in front of him he can give him all the love he’s been holding for them. Auuughhhh. Like don’t worry about feeling guilty for it. It wasn’t their fault. What matters to him now is that they’re both alive and with each other. I feel like blowing up
Even after Kinoga goes back to splatsville the next day trito is still aches about them......like a few days of reunion could never be enough to compensate for the years that they spent apart. every time they meet up after that trito jumps in kinoga's arms and kiss them like it was the first time they'd reunited
anyways. they eventually go back down to the domes to find the others. By that time, Agent 8 had dismantled Kamabo, the Sludge shit was no longer in operation, and octolings have started going to the surface. Kanu, another squad member, left the domes to find Kinoga, Agara, and Trito(jilon was another squad member who left for reasons I haven't decided yet). Denchu, the last remaining member, stayed behind, holding on to the hope that the missing members would someday return (denchu is a whole other can of worms. theyre everything to me and I feel so terrible for them <3). Trito and kinoga meet denchu, they update them on everybody else, leaving agara unaccounted for. Kinoga, who was the only one to see Agara firsthand, knowing that she might be completely unsalvageable, hesitates to bring it up, but Trito insists on going to look for her. aughhh. kinoga wants to spare trito the pain of seeing her dead or unconscious. They do eventually find her </3
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She is alive, but not doing well at all, Kinoga desperate to maybe find some way to undo sanitization and restore her to full health, knowing full well that it may not be possible. They take Agara back with them to the surface and Kinoga spends a lot of time agonizing again over having caused this, feeling that agara's state is somehow their fault (ITS NOTT they're beating themselves up so bad for this because they feel responsible for the squad. aughhh).
I think thats all I have for kinoga. for now. obviously there are more thoughts I can get into but currently my brain has just latched so hard on trito and kinoga's fun situation and I love them so much. didn't think I'd get attached to them this bad but here we are </3. I hope everyone who has read this far also enjoys them as much as I do
#THIS TOOK FOREVER TO TYPE. KEPT GGETTING SELF CONSCIOUS ABT HOW MUCH IVE ALREADY TYPED FOR THEM IN OTHER POSTS#my ocs#my art#trito#kinoga#splatoon#splatoon ocs#THEYRE SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I have been so crazy about them. so crazy. this post doesnt even encapsulate all my thoughts about them#basic arc(?) in chronological order and some thoughts also#cant even describe the like. aching. burning. thinking about kinoga#like I need to kiss them of course but (AGONIES) trito misses them so so much.#loves them so so much and has to deal with it when it floods him all at once during the first encounter#sorry if none of this is like. comprehensible#I've been so ill about them and trito for weeks#these thoguhts are usually for rotating them in discord servers but you all get to get blasted by them all at once#STRUGGLED so bad to write this out because every time I had a new thought I had to go lie down and think about it#anyways. anyways. care about them so much. what ever#its still mostly about trito since he's like my 'main' character but kinoga still gets roped into these feelins#also joked that if trito ever gets a partner itll be like#'this is my partner'#'and this is my friend kinoga who id die for and trust with my life and kiss on the mouth'#more realistically trito just loves all his friends as closely as he would a partner. he has so much love in his heart#blows up I just reread this I think I used ‘crushing’ as an adjective like 4 times. whatever
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becasbelt · 26 days
arcane brainrot is actually so painful like how am i supposed to focus at work after seeing that caitlyn poster. how am i supposed to go about my day now that the arcane worms are eating my brains again
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ascendedlordboy · 3 months
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a bit ago i was going through a dissociative episode. to try to ground back into reality i tried to doodle every dirk ive ever drawn over the years. i still missed a lot of them due to the mental fogginess.
bonus: one of these is an impostor (an oc who happens to have the same eye color). can you guess who is it 😋
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ruinstt · 1 year
Kanata poke cheek
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hearties-circus · 1 year
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handgiven · 1 year
i rediscovered my poetry and am filled with emotion but also overwhelmed because i've always wanted to organise it at least somewhat but i have no clue how to best do that
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originalcharaycters · 2 years
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"Apples! Let's spar!"
Drake happily bursts into the room, only to be met with Parson holding down her skirt below her knees due to her tail's size.
"Drake! Have you ever heard of knocking?!" Drake completely ignored Parson's yelling and instead looks star struck at her new look.
Parson had never been one to wear stuff like dresses or skirts due to them restricting her movements. However, Sun had sent her a bunch of his father's new clothing lines which consists of dresses and loose clothing.
The dragon boy's eyes lit up and he quickly trudged over to the chameleon, despite her loud protests for him to move back.
Drake pulled Parson closer by the waist and started peppering kisses on her face, adding comments about her new look in between them. The chameleon's nose scrunched up in retaliation but made no effort in stopping him.
In the end, Drake gave a longer kiss on the lips before pulling away to relish in his girlfriend's beauty with a smile.
"You're beautiful."
Parson only responded with burying her face on his chest, bright red from his display of affection.
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Drake stared silently as Parson slept soundly on his chest. The chameleon girl had spent the night over in his dorm room for a late night study date and ended up having a sleepover.
Drake carefully pulled back an out of place strand of hair from Parson's face, giving him a more clear look on her sleeping face. He smiled and placed a chaste kiss on her hair when his phone suddenly rang.
He picked up the device from his bedside table to see a message from his clubmates saying there'll be a last minute club meeting. He groaned at the thought of having to leave his bed [and Parson] but what needs to be done, needs to be done.
The dragon boy tried to softly push his girlfriend aside so he could get up but his efforts was put to vain as the girl only held the boy closer to her, grumbling under her breath about being comfortable.
Drake's heart skipped a beat as he sighed and he ultimately succumbed into Parson's needs instead [as he always does].
This was more important anyway.
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"This is the worst."
The red-haired boy groaned as he pulled the blankets closer to his body.
"Annie, can you make me some soup?"
"Hell no, I need to get shit done and as much as I'd like to research you, I am not dealing with..." Annie waved her hand up and down to asses the situation.
"... This mess."
Annie grabs her phone and opens the door to leave while Drake is still whining in the background and was met with Parson, waiting outside for her.
"Oh. Annie, I–"
"Ah, Parson, perfect timing." The girl clapped her hands together before pushing her friend inside while she leaves through the door.
"There. You can take care of that, later!"
Parson watched in confusion as the girl left her alone in the dorm room and slammed the door close.
"Ugh, Annie, wha–" Drake turns around, expecting to see his bastard of a friend, only to be met with a familiar green-haired chameleon. The boy panics and quickly scrambled to sit up from his position.
Parson watched as Drake is nervously smiling and peeking out from his blankets. She tilted her head [which did nothing to help the poor dragon's heart] at the scene.
"Are you... sick?" The red-haired dragon stayed silent at first before confirming her assumption. She stared for a moment before ordering the boy to stay put as she walked out the door.
After a good half an hour, Parson came back with a tray in her hand. The tray consists of a bowl of soup and a glass of water.
She discreetly apologized for taking so long and placed the tray on the bedside table, sitting beside the boy on the bed. Drake watched as the girl picked up a spoon and scooped some soup into it.
Parson softly blew out some of the soup's steam and placed it in front of Drake. Hesitantly, he tasted the soup, anything other than Lilia's cooking has to be good right? His eyes lit up. "It's... really good!"
A small smile broke out onto the chameleon's face [which in turn made the boy stared more with pink dusting his cheeks]. She placed the spoon back beside the bowl and got up from her seat.
"Good. I'll go find some medicine, in the meantime, finish these up will you?"
Drake inwardly jumped with joy as Parson left his room once more.
"Nevermind. Best day of my fucking life!"
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Annie belongs to @astralnike Drake belongs to @anaxocs
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missionlameturtle · 2 years
the thing that’s most funny to me about how broken tumblr’s search engine has become is that once upon a time it was actually really reliable
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thechaoticfanartist · 4 months
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Minecraft Screenshot dump from the world @traygaming and I have been playing in.
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queenpiranhadon · 7 days
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So, it's basically canon that Pro Heroes come to assist heroes in training at UA, right?
Just imagine the horror the new generation of heroes would face when they realize that their opponent for training that day is none other than the Number Two Pro Hero, Dynamight.
It's a hero team vs villain simulation - a joint practice between both hero course classes - Katsuki basically has free range to destroy the mock city UA had built and the students had to prevent him from doing so, which was really just a waste of money because of the Pro Hero's already destructive tendencies.
He already had to regulate himself for Pro Hero work, so this was really just waving the reg flag in front of the bull.
Needless to say, they all got their asses kicked, all 40 of them. Whether it was due to falling debris or evading explosions, all of them were forced to wave their white flags eventually.
The students weren't so much in shock, they were in awe, of how a Pro Hero could be so powerful and intimidating, and well...badass.
Their main takeaway? Katsuki Bakugou was an impenetrable force to be reckoned with.
Or... at least for a few minutes.
You can imagine the shock on their faces when the grim and serious expression on Dynamight's face melts instantly when he hears a voice speak up behind him.
"Katsuki, if you keep frowning all the time, you're going to get wrinkles."
He turns around, a rare smile stretching across his face as he stares at you, his wife, like you're the only person in the world at that moment, like you're the only one that matters.
"Tch. I don't get wrinkle lines, woman. Yer just seein' things."Despite his slight harsh words, they're softer, somehow, and the happy twinkle in his eyes is unmistakable.
The students gape at each other. The Dynamight, Katsuki Bakugou , in love? The same pro hero that was wreaking havoc and creating carnage in his wake was the same one now staring at his wife with a dopey grin and peppering kisses across your face.
"Katsuki!" You whine, but it looses its credibility as you start to laugh at his antics. "What's gotten into you, huh?" you ask, a little softer, so that only he could hear.
He looks at you, a soft look in his eyes as he kisses you gently and lovingly pulling away to admire your pretty face.
"M'just feeling sentimental I guess... We were probably their age when we started dating huh?" He says, referring to the students.
You snort, recalling the time when Katsuki first asked you out. "Aww...is my baby feeling sentimental? You were a dork back then."
Katsuki looks offended and his grumbles, nipping your jawline in annoyance."Oi. I was not a dork back then. If anything, Izuku was the dork."
You smile teasingly, kissing his nose, effectively shutting your explosive husband up.
"Is that so? Because I recall you had your All Might posters set up in chronological order of his costume eras."
Katsuki's ears turn red and his large hand wraps around the back of your hand, burying your face in his chest.
"Shaddup woman. Yer the one who fell for this dork in the first place."
You laugh, your voice muffled by his chest, but he can still hear you just fine. Looking up at him you smile.
"You may be a dork, but you're my dork."
The students watch is abosolute shock, mouth gaping open as they wonder how the hell you were able to render Katsuki Bakugou to the sappy man they saw in front of them.
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A/N: He's so silly I love him 🥰
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apologeticaugur · 1 year
yunno i suspect that my brain only works like this due to anxiety but... if i find myself questioning something about a post that i just read... my immediate response is to check the replies to see if someone has already asked it. and usually (not always) there is somebody else who went ahead of me and asked the question and it did get answered and after i've finished reading the answer, i always ALWAYS see a 3 or 4 different people below it asking the same question over and over again, and it has me wondering... does no one? read the notes? before they feel confident in asking questions? are you not horribly afraid of getting snapped at for making people repeat themselves?
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fandoms-x-reader · 9 days
Feeling Sheepish
Requested By: @deludedprime
Summary: You were a sheep for your exchange year in the Devildom (Season 1) but during your time in the human world, the spell wore off. When Solomon brings you back to the Devildom (Season 2), everyone has a different reaction to your new body. The Seven Demon Brothers & Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon Featuring Luke, Raphael, Mephisto, and Thirteen Word Count: 3,737 Characters are written in chronological order instead of the normal order! Based on Lesson 21-1 & 21-2
Being a sheep in the Devildom wasn’t as bad as it may seem at first glance.
There’s no denying that safety was an issue. After all, you were small and somewhat defenseless if a demon tried to attack you.
But, you didn’t need to use nearly as many resources to take care of yourself. And, on top of that, it was easy to make friends when you looked so adorable and approachable.
Being a sheep also took away the social construct of beauty. There was no way anyone could judge the way you dressed or did your hair because you were simply a sheep.
So, while there was a bit of an adjustment period at first, by the end of your exchange year in the Devildom, you had grown accustomed to being a small creature.
But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and before you knew it, it was time for you to leave the Devildom.
You were heartbroken to leave your friends - but, you weren’t even sure if they could see the tears you were shedding as a sheep.
And then with a blink of an eye, you were teleported back to the human world and that was the end of it.
Luckily, the spell wore off pretty quickly when you returned to the human world and you had your normal body back.
And whether or not that was what you wanted, you knew it was probably for the best. After all, what considerations were held for you as a sheep in the Devildom, certainly wouldn’t be held in the human world.
You could be shaved bald for your wool or get put on a farm. Or worse. There were some places where sheep was a common cuisine.
Becoming a human once again required yet another adjustment period. You had to relearn how to walk on two feet instead of four. You had to make sure you were dressed properly and that your hair was neat.
Not to mention the fact that you were starving. As a sheep, you ate such small portions. Now, you felt like you had to make up for lost time. 
Everyone from the Devildom continued to stay in contact with you, of course. But, all they could hear was your voice. They couldn’t see you.
So they were none the wiser when it came to your sudden transformation. They were completely in the dark. 
At least that was the case until one day, Solomon showed up to see you.
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Solomon was planning a trip back to the Devildom and he was planning on taking you.
Truth be told, he missed it down there. The memories that he experienced were full of fun and endearing moments. And, he wanted to make some more.
You were typically at the center of those memories, and as such, he couldn’t imagine returning to the Devildom without you.
The two of you had stayed in touch, sending messages here and there and even calling when the time allowed it.
But, it was nothing like before - which is why Solomon decided to surprise you by showing up in person.
He used a tracking spell to find your location and continued to text you to keep up the ruse.
His eyes scanned the area for your little sheep form and he got a bit worried when he couldn’t find you. He was positive he had done the tracking spell right.
That’s when he noticed someone walking and texting - on a D.D.D.
It wasn’t like those were popular in the human world. You could only get them from the Devildom - which meant…
The realization dawned on Solomon that the spell that turned you into a sheep would have worn off by now, and he connected the dots.
He took a brief couple of moments to take in your new appearance. He felt privileged to be the first one to see you in your human form.
Then he approached you and he couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips when you looked into his eyes with soft familiarity in yours.
Solomon would love to whisk you away and spend the day with you. To have some alone time with you before the others stole every second of your time.
But - he was on a mission. He came to you for a reason. 
A reason that he didn’t give you much time to ponder over before teleporting the two of you back to the Devildom.
Back to your friends.
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Lucifer was stunned when he watched two humans fall through the portal that had opened up in the middle of the assembly room.
He recognized Solomon right away. He wore a smile as he landed on his feet gracefully.
The one Lucifer didn’t recognize was the human who had crash-landed on top of Satan.
From his position, Lucifer could see that they were attractive, but why had Solomon brought them there?
“Whoops. Sorry, about that Y/N. I really should’ve warned you to be careful where you land,” Solomon stated and it all became clear to Lucifer.
You were the human that had stolen all of their hearts. You were the one they had been pining over and longing for since the moment you left the Devildom.
And now you were in your true form.
And your true form seemed to have an even greater effect on the eldest.
“Y/N…?! Solomon…!” were the only two words that came out of Lucifer’s mouth as he was still trying to process everything.
He was trying to hold it together. He was doing what he could to not show any weakness.
He wanted to remain as calm and composed as he normally was, but his eyes refused to listen as they were continuously drawn to you, taking in every inch of your appearance.
And when you finally smiled at him, he knew it was over for him.
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“AAAAAH!! Wha…wha…WHA?! Is this really…are you really really…REALLY?!”
Levi was so overwhelmed by the situation that he wasn’t able to form real words.
He felt like his brain was racing at a hundred words a second.
He had just got his friend back - his true friend.
And he was so excited to see you again.
Except it wasn’t the you he had gotten to know over the past year.
Now, you were back in your human body and despite him mostly being excited, he couldn’t help but be intimidated.
Like Lucifer, Levi did his best to not trail his eyes over your new body and when he caught himself doing so, his cheeks turned a bright pink and he mentally scolded himself.
Levi could barely manage to not freak out in your presence when you were a sheep. How was he supposed to do that now that you were a human?
And not just any human, but an attractive one!
Levi’s overthinking could have given him a panic attack on the spot if it weren’t for the fact that he was in front of everyone else.
He just needed to keep reminding himself that you were the same person he had come to know and love.
Maybe then he would still be able to hang out with you despite the fact that your new form made his heart race and made his palms sweaty.
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“Y/N, it’s YOU! It’s REALLY YOU!”
Asmo’s excitement showed more than his other brothers’ as they all processed your new form in their own way.
Asmo, for one, was soo ecstatic about the new change in your appearance.
Could you blame him? He was the Avatar of Lust and you just showed up in a new body.
When you were a sheep, you had a personality that could charm anyone, anywhere.
And now you had a body that could do the same. 
Asmo’s eyes had a special glint in them as his questions filled his mind.
How smooth was your skin?
Were your lips as soft as they appeared?
Did your hair feel as healthy as it looked?
Asmo got even more excited as he realized now he would be able to do all of the beauty treatments with you and see them in full effect.
There was only so much you could do as a sheep. After all, wool was a lot different from skin.
If he’s caught staring at your new body, Asmo will be shameless about it.
It’s not like he doesn’t have a good reason to stare.
He just couldn’t wait for the student council meeting to be over so they could all take you back to the House of Lamentation.
Asmo wanted every single one of his questions answered, and he couldn’t do that in the middle of the Assembly Hall.
Well…he could, but Lucifer would probably be mad.
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Mammon went through a full mood swing. 
At first, he was confused because a random human just dropped into the middle of their meeting. 
But when Solomon said your name, everything changed for Mammon.
He hadn’t stopped blushing since he realized that the random human was - his human.
Mammon had a hard time trying not to admit his feelings for you when you were a sheep.
But now - now you were a human.
A human that he could hug, kiss, and cuddle if you let him.
He told his mind to stop thinking such thoughts but it would respond by flooding his brain with even more thoughts and images.
He wore a smile the more he looked at you. He had missed you so much.
But, in his true, tsundere fashion, he couldn’t let you catch onto how much he missed you.
“Wait, wh…huh?!...I knew you missed me and all, but THIS is just crazy!”
Mammon thought he did a good job of remaining composed.
He believed he did a good job of hiding the fact that you being there - in this form - was making his head spin and making him weak in the knees.
But when the two of you locked eyes, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep his charade up for much longer.
You were his weakness as a sheep, now you were his kryptonite.
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Satan was trying to analyze the situation. 
You fell on top of him when you came out of the portal and he was completely blindsided by the contact.
So he was trying to still gather his bearings while his brothers spoke.
When he finally did manage to get back to his feet, Satan asked, “Do you want to tell me why you just appeared out of thin air and landed on my head?”
But as Satan faced you to ask that question, he took in your appearance and a small blush coated his cheeks.
Suddenly, he was happy that you landed on him. Thankful even.
He had noticed that when you landed on him, you were definitely bigger than a little sheep.
But he didn’t expect this.
He couldn’t imagine if you would have landed on one of his other brothers, especially Lucifer.
The thought alone threatened to spark his wrath.
Satan let his eyes trail down you, studying your new body as if it were a new piece of information he was learning.
And he had never been so excited to learn.
This was a subject he would happily study in depth if you allowed him to.
For now, Satan settled on helping you to your feet, your hand feeling much softer and warmer than the hoof that he was used to feeling.
And as you stood close to him, his heart skipped a beat.
He knew that everyone was going to be in deep trouble now that you had gotten your true form back.
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“How about that! Y/N, it’s really you!!”
Diavolo had a boyish grin on his face as he spoke to you. He had missed you just as much as the brothers had, whether he showed it as much as they did or not.
He knew that the spell that turned you into a sheep must have worn off by now.
But, still, it was a surprise to see you in your human body.
He had to admit - you were quite the head-turner.
A twinge of fear set into Diavolo as he questioned how you ended up in the Devildom again.
“Wait, you didn’t perform some sort of unsavory ritual to cast your soul down here, did you?! You better not have!”
When you shook your head no, Diavolo let out a breath of relief, knowing that you were okay.
“I can’t believe you’re actually back here with us again!” he added, his smile returning.
Diavolo could see how good you were for his kingdom.
He could see the way you changed things for the better, and he could see how negative things were without you.
Your presence brought a light to their lives that he had been missing.
And that light shone even brighter in your real body. 
Diavolo would be lying if he said he didn’t find you attractive. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t been sneaking glances this entire time.
But he had to keep his composure in front of everyone.
When the two of you were alone though - and he would make sure that you had some alone time - that’s when he would let his true feelings show.
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“Yes. This really is quite the happy surprise. It’s good to see you again, Y/N.”
Barbatos was as professional as ever, but you could see his eyes sparkling just a bit more than usual and his smile reaching just a little further.
Like Diavolo, Barbatos knew that the spell would have worn off by now.
But, it wasn’t something that was talked about. 
It wasn’t a typical topic of conversation and because of that, it was easy to forget that the next time any of them would see you, you wouldn’t be a sheep.
Barbatos was pleasantly surprised.
He had seen your human form once before - the details of which he won’t disclose.
But, seeing you in your human body after he had gotten to know you was completely different.
It elevated his opinion of you and made him believe you really were the most attractive creature he had met.
No other human, demon, or angel had made his heart race the way you did.
Barbatos had taken a backseat during your first year in the Devildom.
He allowed you to make connections with the others first.
But, now, he was excited for his turn.
There were a lot more things he could teach you and bond with you over now that you had your human body back and he was going to take advantage of each of those things.
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Belphie had been doing his best to not fall asleep in the student council meeting.
The last time he did, Lucifer caught and punished him with a whole lot of work and Belphie did not want a repeat of that.
So, he was thankful when the portal opened up, providing a necessary distraction from the boring events that were taking place.
When he saw Solomon fall through the portal, Belphie perked up a bit, curious as to what the mysterious sorcerer had planned this time.
He noticed another human had fallen on top of his older brother and bit back a chuckle at the scene.
When Solomon stated your name, Belphie’s blood ran cold as he began to process the shock.
Was that really you…in that body?!
Belphie had a hundred things to say and to ask. But, he couldn’t get a word in between everyone else, so he quietly took in everything about you.
Your voice was the same and you acted the same. It really was you. 
Belphie couldn’t help but wonder if it would be more fun to cuddle you now.
He would miss the softness of your wool, but would you be warmer now? Or more comfortable to lay on top of?
Belphie was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed you being bombarded with questions of why you were there and he finally decided to speak up.
“Listen, I am curious to know why you’re here. But before we get into that, are you going to be staying for a while? Because if so, you’ll be staying at the House of Lamentation, right? Oh, but wait…I bet your room’s covered in dust…”
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“No problem, Y/N can just sleep in our room.”
Like Belphie, Beel had remained silent until then. 
He had been happily munching on a snack, paying the bare minimum of attention to Diavolo during the meeting as he ate.
But he hadn’t been able to take another bite since you and Solomon fell through the portal. 
Was that what you looked like on a normal basis? Why didn’t you tell him?
He knew that you were a human that had been placed under a sheep transformation spell, but his imagination never could have come up with the beauty you exuded.
You were on a different level than others and he couldn’t take his eyes away from you. 
He noticed his other brothers were having the same trouble looking away, and Beel suddenly felt a twinge of jealousy.
You were in your own body now and part of him wished he was the only one who was able to see it.
Well…it was okay if Belphie saw you like this too.
But, the others were looking at you with a look of lust in their eyes and Beel wanted to sweep you into his arms and keep you from them.
Which is why he jumped at the opportunity to offer his and Belphie’s room to you. 
He couldn’t imagine you staying with one of his other brothers after seeing the look in their eyes.
Surely, something would happen if you did and Beel wanted to burn that imagery out of his mind.
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Simeon had been in contact with the others in the Devildom and when he found out that you had returned, he couldn’t help but feel like he was missing out.
The demons weren’t the only ones who missed seeing you and talking to you.
He felt like he was missing out even more when they told him that you were back in your human form.
Simeon could only imagine what you looked like. What your hair color was, whether you were tall or short, and what kind of clothes you liked to wear?
That possibilities were driving Simeon crazy and before he knew it, he was finding some way to bring you to the Celestial Realm so that he could see you.
He was beyond happy and excited when you agreed to go, and he paced nervously by the gates as he waited for your arrival.
When the gates finally did open, revealing you and Solomon, Simeon felt his breath leave his body.
He always joked about you being an angel based on the things you did, but now you looked like one.
Simeon could write an entire book on how ethereal and stunning you were.
He did his best to remind himself that he was an angel and shouldn’t be entertaining any thoughts that the demons surely had.
But - you were the first human he had ever met that elicited those ideas from him.
He wasn’t sure how much time he had with you - but he knew that he had to make the most of it.
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One of the benefits of being a bit more uncultured and younger than everyone else was that someone’s form didn’t have the same implications for him.
Luke had heard from Simeon that you were in your human body, but he didn’t think too much of it.
It didn’t matter if you were a human, a sheep, or anything else. You were still the friend that he came to know and love and want to protect.
Luke had been so excited to show you around the Celestial Realm that he didn’t waste a moment on taking in your new appearance.
Raphael had caught a glimpse of you while you were in the Celestial Realm.
In fact, you would have believed he didn’t notice if it hadn’t been for the fact that you were now bigger than him and did things that you couldn’t do as a sheep.
He knew that Simeon and Luke had been excited to see you, so he didn’t dare take your time like they did.
But he saw you chasing after Luke and it made him stop in his tracks as he couldn’t help but stare at you.
He may not have understood your appeal as a sheep. But, seeing you now, he could understand why exactly you had everyone wrapped around your finger.
Mephisto was a bit slow to realize who you were.
And if he wasn’t careful he was sure that someday he may find himself in the same position as the others.
He had seen you walking around the Devildom with the others and couldn’t help but wonder who you were and why Diavolo and the others were so close to you.
He had to admit that you were rather attractive, but surely your looks couldn’t be the only reason they were drawn to you.
It wasn’t until one of them said your name while walking by Mephisto that all of the dots connected in his head.
And he wore a small blush as he realized the one he had been admiring from afar was none other than the human exchange student.
The news didn’t deter him though. Instead, it enticed him.
Your new body enticed him.
Thirteen was the last to find out about your new form.
He would have to make himself more useful to Diavolo so that he could find a way to grow closer to you.
Like Luke, your body didn’t really make much of a difference to her. After all, she was mostly interested in looking at your soul, and that didn’t change whether you were sheep or human.
But, seeing you for the first time still surprised her. You didn’t look anything like she would have expected - in a good way.
Surely, you would be more useful in helping her make traps in this form.
And she had to admit you were pleasing to look at…
Maybe this was a good thing?
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beehop · 2 years
reorganizing my albums and the ateez ones are making me unnecessarily annoyed i cannot make them look nice. why is the world ep 1 a different size square than the treasure albums?! why is from the witness a different rectangle than the fever albums?! just whyyyyy
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