#none of these fuckers are ok
loreiiiiiiiii · 2 months
The discourse surrounding Eurlychous and Odysseus in the thunder saga is so fascinating because extremely valid points can be made as to which one of them is in the right and which one is in the wrong.
Eurlychous' reason for staging a mutiny is perfectly understandable imo, but a lot of people call it hypocritical for two reasons:
1) Eurlychous' behavior in Circe saga. In that saga Eurlychous was perfectly willing to abandon the men on the island, while Odysseus wanted to save them, but like.. what was Ody's actual plan here? From any rational POV this was a completely unwinnable situation for them, and Odysseus probably would've got turned into a pig too if it weren't for Grandpa Hermes showing up and giving his grandson some handy performance enhancing drugs.
2) Eurlychous opening the bag of wind, more or less directly causing the death of the vast majority of Odysseus' fleet. Now, opening the bag was a pretty fuckin stupid move on all accounts, but I think also somewhat understandable given Ody's behavior earlier in the sage. In 'luck runs out', Eurlychous rightfully asks Ody if he actually has a plan on surviving the wind god's island, to which Ody replies 'nah bro just trust me lol' and shuts down any attempt Eurlychous makes for discussion. This is a HUGE redflag from a leader, especially considering Eurlychous is Odysseus' second in command. He, out of anyone, needs to be the one to challenge his captain, but Odysseus doesn't want that. He wants absolute devotion.
This is why Eurlychous says 'if you want all the power, you must carry ALL THE BLAME' during mutiny, which is a pretty damning line...but it also makes Eurlychous a hypocrite, because Odysseus never actually has 100% of the power, as evidenced by the crew opening the bag of wind, or Eurlychous asking to just fuck off from Circe's island. And when Eurlychous actually DOES have the power? He hands the reins back to Odysseus the second shit hits the fan. Where's all that accountability now, Eurlychous?
I have less to say about Ody, considering he's our central POV character, but there's still a few things to unpack. While his decision to go through the lair of Scylla is undoubtedly a shitty one, it was either that or die to Poseidon (or a raging whirlpool in the original poem.), so it was either gamble the lives of all your men or sacrifice 6 to preserve the rest. What else was Ody supposed to do?
The biggest mistake Ody makes here isn't the decision to sacrifice these men- it's not giving his crew the headsup about it. Had Odyssues actually TALKED to his men and warned them of their choice, maybe he'd even have volunteers. But Odysseus cannot fathom this, because he requires absolute obedience from his crew, and nothing less. My way or the highway. The viewer knows Odysseus is objectively correct here, but the crew don't. All they know is their captain just threw away the lives of 6 of their friends without any sort of headsup or discussion, so why the hell would they trust him?
That being said...I don't really blame Ody for his decision to sacrifice his crew in thunderbringer. Because he wasn't the one to make the decision to kill the cattle. That was PURELY Eurlychous and the crew's choice. Odysseus tries to warn them several times, but they don't heed that warning. Had Odyssues made a better effort to build trust and rapor maybe they would've, but still. If you want all the power, you must carry all the blame.
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viriborne · 1 year
“What if the OM brothers had kids” I wouldn’t trust any of them with a kid without extensive therapy. Like the way Mammon treats Luke, a kid he literally admits to viewing as kind of a little brother, is telling enough of how he views the power dynamics between a child and their caregiver.
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cumulativechaos · 2 years
playing dnd with cishet people is so boring it's like trying to analyze a shakespeare play with someone who's only experience with fiction is the mcu
my friend's bf is starting a new campaign so we met over discord to make our characters and my friend (cis girl) was looking at the races and was like "i want to play a CUTE character!! EW the half-orcs are ugly... EW the tieflings are ugly... EW the dragonborn are ugly..." and im like ok fuck you im choosing a dragonborn out of spite now. die.
and then her bf is trying to help her with a backstory and he's like "maybe if your play a ranger he could—wait are you playing a male or female character?" and she's like "ew, girl" and he's like "okay good" and im sitting there like ??????? what????????????????
and he's explaining his whole world like "there's the force of Order and the force of Chaos" and im like ohhhh we got MORE strict binaries in this bitch?? gotcha gotcha gotcha
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soul? you ok?
{…I’m fine. Just a nightmare…}
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woozygolden · 1 year
Oh no….cat people yaoi…scary…
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I’m gonna put several versions of this because I had so much trouble. There’s this one, which I kind of like, but it doesn’t have the contrast I wanted
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Then there’s this one that had the contrast but I accidentally erased to far and now there’s a huge beam of light blasting way too far 😭😭😭 learning is hard guys don’t do it
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Then there’s these nerds without light just raw yk
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Is that real…
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brokenmenswhore · 3 days
can we get a part 2 to proposition? 🥺😩
i have NEVER gotten so many comments or inbox requests for something IN MY LIFE. here you go you horny fuckers i love you lots
a proposition: accepted | poly!marauders
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pairing: poly!marauders x fem!reader (james, remus, and sirius, featuring alecto, dorcas, evan, lily, and mary)
warnings: exhibitionism/voyeurism (MDNI 18+), smut, virginity loss
a/n: there will be a part 3 IF y’all want it :)
this is a continuation of this request!
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“How exactly does this work?” you asked, looking around the table in search of an answer from anyone present. You were excited, and you accepted the offer immediately, but now craved more detail.
“The only people we have sex with are the people at this table,” James began to explain, “so it’s relationship-y in that sense, but none of us are coupled off or anything.”
“You guys don’t get worried about favorites?”
Dorcas and Lily smiled and let out a small ‘aweh’ at your innocence.
“Everyone brings something different to the table,” Dorcas began to explain, “for instance, I’m not getting the same head from Mary that I’m getting from James.”
Your cheeks reddened and your eyes widened at her crude statement. If you were going to do this, sex had to be something you were comfortable talking about, so you pushed your nerves down with a swallow, but the whole table could already sense your innocence.
“Do we, like, all do it, like, at the same time? Or-“
Sirius smiled. You were fucking perfect for this if that’s the idea you had in your head.
“We can,” Sirius took over, “or sometimes it’s just two of us, three of us, or whatever. As long as you’re only sexually active with the people at this table.”
“Are you sexually active with anyone else?” Alecto asked.
You swallowed hard. “N-no.”
“Ok, and what are your limits?”
You looked at Remus in confusion.
“We gotta ask a couple questions to know what you’re comfortable with,” he explained, but your confusion maintained.
“My limits?”
“Well, when you’ve had sex before, was there anything you didn’t like? Anything you would want any of us doing with you?”
You stared at Remus, hoping someone would ask another question and change the subject. Your silence was more telling than a verbal answer would have been.
“You have had sex, yeah?”
You dropped your head, your eyesight on your thighs where Sirius’s hand rested. You began to fidget with your fingers in nervousness.
Sirius shifted in his chair to adjust the uncomfortability of his growing hardness. He knew you were innocent, but he didn’t know you were that innocent.
“Is it really a good idea for us to bring a virgin into this?” Lily asked, immediately turning to you, “not that we don’t want you, love, but are you okay with this? Like really okay with it?”
“Yeah,” you responded, “but if you guys aren’t okay with-“
A chorus of “no no no we are!” and “it’s okay!” erupted from nearly everyone trying to assure you they were not having doubts of their own, but concerns for you.
“We’ll take it easy at first, and you just tell whoever you’re with if you aren’t comfortable with something, how about that?” James proposed, “we’ll work our way up to other things. No rush.”
You nodded your head, smiling at his understanding. “Yeah, yeah I like that.”
“Good,” Sirius said, “so you just stop me if you want to.”
You furrowed your brows in confusion as you looked at Sirius, who looked back at you as if he was doing nothing, but the hand on your thigh began to move.
You gasped lightly as Sirius moved higher and higher up your thigh, the only thing between his hand and your core being your underwear. He ran a finger over the cloth, a wet spot forming quickly as he rubbed between your folds.
Your cheeks were on fire as you looked around the table, and everyone was looking at you.
You suddenly became very self conscious, and leaned into the crook of Sirius’s neck, whispering, “they’re all just gonna watch?”
“Mhm,” Sirius hummed in your air, tracing the band of your underwear, “that okay?”
He then dipped a finger beneath your underwear, finding your clit and slowly circling around the bud. No one but you had ever done this before, and it was exhilarating and embarrassing all at once.
“Can’t people see?” you whispered.
Sirius chuckled. He was so amused and having so much fun with you, as was everyone. “We gotcha covered, doll.”
The pet name drove you crazy, and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter as Sirius began to feel you.
You hid your face in the crook of his neck, but he advised you against it. “Let ‘em see your pretty face,” he said, “you’re here because we all wanna see this.”
Your heart was pounding, and barely anything had started, but you could feel everyone’s eyes on you.
You adjusted so that you were resting your head against Sirius’s shoulder, but could still see everyone, and they could still see you.
Sirius took the opportunity of your movement to move his fingers lower and insert one into you, causing your hips to jolt and you to moan in surprise.
“Sh,” Sirius warned, placing a kiss on top of your head, “we’re still in a restaurant, remember?”
You did not remember. Your thoughts were clouded by the pleasure and embarrassment you were experiencing.
Remus looked around the vicinity of the table to ensure no one else was in earshot, and he leaned over the wood, lowly saying, “you wanna show us all how you come?”
You had never experienced dirty talk, and didn’t comprehend that it was rhetorical.
Your voice was strained and low as you did your best to say, “sure.”
Both Evan and Lily giggled to each other. “You didn’t have to answer, honey, just relax. Sirius is a master at this stuff.”
Sirius pumped his finger in and out of you, your spongy walls convulsing around the digit as his thumb rubbed your clit, intensifying the pleasure.
You felt a drop in the pit of your stomach, and you knew what it meant. You tapped Mary’s shoulder next to you. It was the nearest thing, and you hoped she would catch on.
“What’s up?” she asked, playing dumb.
You only tapped her more fervently.
“Gotta use your words, angel,” James chimes in, “we all wanna hear you say it.”
You took a deep breath, nearly whispering, “I think I’m gonna come, Sirius, I-“
Sirius moved his hand faster and faster, and he was nearly growling as you leaned your body against his, finding comfort in him as you came around his fingers, your legs shaking from the intensity.
Everyone at the table began to cheer as a tease. Sirius removed his hand from you, looking you directly in the eyes as he licked your juices off of his fingers.
You gazed up at him through hooded eyes, attempting to catch your breath as your body adjusted to the absence of pleasure again.
“Is it okay if I stay here for a while?” you asked, referring to your head resting on Sirius’s shoulder.
“Of course,” he answered, looking to everyone else, “good pick on my part, I’d say.”
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“What’s up?” you asked James the next day as he sat across from you at your usual table in the library.
“They sent me to ask you because they think I’m the nicest,” James said.
“Ask me what?” you asked.
“Well,” James started, “you know, you’re a part of this thing now, and they just- we just- oh my god. Do you have a preference on who you lose your virginity to?”
Your eyes widened. “Do I have a preference?”
“This is all consent based, we aren’t just gonna decide something like that for you.”
“Are you asking me to pick one of you to give it up to?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“Doesn’t it make me an asshole if I don’t say you?”
“Why would it?” James questioned.
“Because you’re the one asking me.”
“I have Lily and Dorcas’s, I’m set,” James said, “taking Lily’s was a win.”
“You’re such a guy,” you joked.
“You’re avoiding the question,” James retorted. “Sirius is the one who wanted to bring you into this in the first place, you know.”
You began to blush. “I’m scared of Sirius.”
“Scared? What do you mean?”
“Yesterday was fun, but for my first time, I’m scared he’d be too rough.”
“Sirius is a big ol’ softie,” James said, leaning back in his chair, “but fair enough. No pressure, angel, just let me know whenever you’re ready.”
You assumed that meant you had time, but James didn’t move.
“You really want an answer now, huh?”
“I kinda really do,” James smiled.
You contemplated your options, sifting through all the members of the group that you could choose from. You would be okay with a few of them, but one felt especially right.
“Remus,” you said.
James nodded. “Remus it is.”
“This feels weird.”
“You could just tell him yourself,” James said, standing up, leaving you with the idea to do so.
After classes has ended, you stood outside the Gryffindor common room, waiting for anyone you knew to walk by and let you in.
“Fuckin’ hell, you guys take forever,” you said as Lily approached, “can you let me in? I need to talk to Remus.”
Lily smiled. “Yeah you do,” she giggled.
She let you into the common room and directed you to the boys dormitories. You crept up the staircase, unsure of who would be there and not wanting to intrude or see something you shouldn’t.
Up the stairs, you found Remus, James, and Evan.
“Hey,” you said.
“Hey,” Evan responded, “you need something?”
“Would you guys mind if I spoke to Remus real quick?”
James and Evan didn’t answer, but instead just stood up and began to leave. When James was next to you, he leaned in and whispered, “hope it’s not real quick,” before departing.
You blushed and turned to Remus, who was kind enough to act like he didn’t know why you were there.
“What’s up?” Remus asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“I know James told everyone about our conversation, you don’t have to play dumb, though I do appreciate it.”
“Not playin’ dumb, baby, just wanna hear you ask for what you came here for.”
You took a deep breath and sat down next to Remus, the mattress sinking beneath you. “As you know, I’m a virgin.”
Remus chuckled. “I know.”
“I’d kinda like to not be.”
Remus smiled. “So ask me.”
“Ask me,” he repeated, “can’t give you what you want if you don’t explicitly ask for it.”
You sighed. “I want you to please take my virginity, Remus.”
“Atta girl,” Remus said, leaning over and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
You reciprocated instantly, shifting your body closer to his as you deepened the kiss. You were not entirely confident in what you were doing, but you listened to your body, which had never been needier.
Remus guided your body down against the mattress, and pulled away when you were laying down.
“You can move back,” he said, and you used your arms to push yourself backward, allowing your entire body to rest against the bed.
“I’m gonna take it easy on you, just tell me if anything is too much, okay?”
Remus kissed you again, and simultaneously pulled your skirt and underwear off of your legs in one action.
“You want this off?” he said, tugging at the bottom of your top.
“Can we maybe just leave it on? Baby steps, right?”
Remus gave you a sweet smile. “Whatever you’re comfortable with, baby.”
“Are you allowed to call me that?”
Remus was slightly taken aback. “What, baby? Yeah, why not?”
“It sounds relationship-y.”
“Sex is relationship-y.”
“But I thought we weren’t supposed to be relationship-y.”
“You’re about to lose your virginity, and you’re worried about if it’s ethically alright for me to call you baby?”
You blushed.
“I can call you whatever I want, and right now, you’re my baby, okay?”
“Okay,” you responded.
“Unless you don’t like it.”
“No, no, I do.”
Remus laughed. “Okay then, baby.”
You smiled as you pulled his lips back to yours. You were already soaking wet, but Remus still took the time for foreplay to ensure you were wet enough for it to be comfortable.
He softly rubbed circles on your clit, and you instinctively threw your head back against the mattress, sighing in pleasure.
He only stayed for a few moments before moving his hand lower and inserting one, then two, fingers into you. You didn’t really need the foreplay, but he felt bad fucking you without it. He needed to make sure you were ready, especially if you didn’t know how to tell yourself.
He pumped his fingers in and out a few times before removing them completely and unbuttoning his trousers, pushing them down, and crawling back on top of you.
“Are you ready?” he checked in.
“Yes,” you said, deciding explicit verbal consent was important.
Remus pumped his cock a few times before lining it up with your entrance. He pushed the very tip of his head in, getting his bearings before he drifted his gaze to your face, desperate to watch your reaction to feeling him for the first time.
He pushed in slowly, pausing for brief moments anytime your face contorted a little more than usual, and he took his time. He was in no rush, and he was focused on your comfort, which you appreciated.
When he finally bottomed out inside of you, he stilled, waiting for you to adjust to his size.
“You alright?” he checked in when you hadn’t opened your eyes or made a noise for a solid 30 seconds.
“I’m alright,” you assured him, “you can move.”
“You sure?”
Remus slowly pulled partially out of you before pushing back in. He was moving excruciatingly slow, and was fighting with all his strength not to ruthlessly fuck you into oblivion.
He began to pull out a little more with each thrust, studying your face to gage your comfort levels. By the time he was pulling almost all the way out he could physically see your muscles relax.
“How ya doin’?”
“I’m okay,” you whined, “hurts a little, but it’s going away now.”
“You wanna stop?”
“No, please keep moving,” you moaned.
Remus growled lowly and began to fuck into you again, moving slightly faster, but it wasn’t enough for you.
The burning pain had dissipated, and now all you wanted was more.
“Remus, please, faster,” you whimpered, and Remus’s body instantly responded.
He began to move faster and faster, setting a steady, relatively fast pace as he fucked in and out of you.
You ran your fingers through the hair on the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss as he fucked you, allowing him to swallow your moans and whines.
“Shit, you feel so good,” Remus praised, “I forgot how tight virgins are.”
His words added to your arousal, and you began to squeeze Remus’s cock, adding to his pleasure.
“Fuck,” he moaned, “I won’t last if you do that.”
“Can’t help it,” you moaned out.
Remus began to fuck you even faster, and your back arched up off of the bed at the new intensity. Remus took the opportunity to wrap an arm around your waist and hold you closer to him.
You were squirmy and whiny. “Relax, baby,” Remus cooed, “just let it feel good.”
You took a deep breath and tried to relax, relishing in the feeling of Remus’s cock pumping in and out of you.
“Feel good?” he asked.
“Mhm,” you hummed in response, “can’t- gonna-“
“You wanna come?” Remus taunted, “you wanna come on my cock?”
You nodded your head frantically, grabbing at the arms propped up directly next to your head for any support you could find.
“Wanna feel you, baby,” Remus whispered in your ear, and his words did you in.
You squeezed Remus tight as you came. Your back would have arched more if Remus wasn’t holding it in place. Your thighs were shaking violently as you continued to squeeze around him.
He forced himself to slow down as you came down from your high. When your breathing had reset, he pulled out of you, giving his cock a few pumps with his hand before he released onto the sheets next to your waist.
You wiped sweat-soaked hair from your forehead. “You could have done that on me.”
Remus grinned, “I could have, huh?” He leaned in and kissed you before standing up to retrieve you a towel.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, thank you, Rem.”
Remus’s heart swelled at the small nickname. “Fuckin wait until I tell everyone about this.”
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taglist: @alixmarauders @riddlemenottsluttyslytherin @twilightlover2007 @hcqwxrtss123 @queerndepressed @prongs-wolfstar-marauders @flowersarcute
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the names thing with the convocation is so fascinating to me just as like. a trans person. its not the same but it is? i dont know i just. names!
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cultven · 1 month
can i get a Deadpool x reader x wolverine where reader is making them watch asmr with them at bedtime :3
ASMR Cuddles
Deadpool X Reader X Wolverine
Content: Some cursing, Wade being a yapper as always, Grumpy Logan, Fluff, Cuddles, Slime!!, Small Blind Al content
Word Count: 827
Warnings: None
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a/n: This request was just too funny not to write, just thinking about these two men and their different reactions. Wrote this super fast on a whim so hopefully it's ok! Short and sweet :)
“Hurry!” You whined, getting all cozy. This has become a daily routine with the three of you, you get comfy in bed while the other two men stall sleeping. Little did other people know, Wade and Logan were huge insomniacs. Perhaps it came with the profession of being a superhero, you didn’t know, but you were determined to help soothe their minds into sleep. The first tactic that came to your mind? Asmr. 
You had the perfect setup. Bunches of pillows to support your heads and backs into a half-sitting position, mountains of blankets to keep you all warm and comfortable, and finally your laptop at full charge ready to go. Now all you needed was your eccentric and grumpy boys. “Wade hurry up!” You groaned as Logan stepped into the room, finally in his sleeping clothes. 
“Hold on baby girl, I’m doing my skincare routine!” Wade yelled from the other side of the apartment. 
“Why? It’s obviously not doing anything for you.” Logan retorted with a smile as you playfully hit his arm. He just grinned wider at your scolding as you heard one more knock on the walls. 
“Keep it down, fuckers! Some people in this place like to sleep!” Blind Al shouted from her room, which was only a few thin walls away. 
“Sorry, Al!” You apologized, sending Logan a look to shut it. He only rolled his eyes as he crawled into bed next to you, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders. As he got himself comfortable, Wade burst through the door with a smile, two shirts in hand. 
“Ok, be honest. Which shirt is more ASMR-y? Pink with rainbows,” He held up a hot pink t-shirt to his chest. “Or, yellow with the X-men logo?” Wade’s arm lifted the other shirt, which was just some old X-men merch he stole from Colossus not too long ago. 
“Asshole it doesn’t matter, let's go.” Logan groaned, blankly looking at the two options. 
“I like the pink Wade.” You said with a smile, watching him put the shirt on and patting the seat next to you. Finally, the three of you get comfortable, Wade on your left and Logan on the right. With the way you three were situated, it almost felt like a puzzle. 
“So, what do you want us to watch exactly?” Logan questions, eyeing the videos you’re scrolling past. 
“It’s videos that make funny noises! They’re supposed to relax you and help you sleep. It even makes some people tingle.” You respond, smiling a bit at the man before resuming your search for the perfect video. 
“What kind of tingles exactly?” Wade smirked at your side. Before he could wait for an answer he hastily pointed at a video on your laptop. “Oh! Let’s do that one! Slime.” Sure enough, that was the video you put on. Within the first two minutes, Wade was completely enthralled, commenting on every little thing. 
“What kind of slime is that?”
“Fluffy, dear.”
“How does it sound so delicious?”
“Where can I find the things to buy this?”
While Wade was now distracted on Amazon buying the various ingredients for slime, Logan was not so impressed. You could tell the only reason he was currently staying in bed was for the free cuddles. The slime clearly was not of his taste. 
“Logan, do you want to try a different video?” You offered, determined to make the man sleepy through ASMR at any cost. Slime probably wasn’t the best fit for sleep time, not only because of Logan’s disinterest but it only seemed to rile up Wade more as he was currently talking your ear off about all the things he bought for his upcoming slime creations. 
“Eh, no offense bub, but I don’t think any of these videos are gonna do it for me.” You felt bad, you needed to find something that would soothe Logan, and you knew just the genre. 
“How about some general tapping ASMR?” You hastily typed the words into YouTube, much to Wade’s dismay. You found the perfect video, turning up the volume ever so slightly and allowing the ASMR to do its thing. Five minutes into the video you felt sleepy yourself, before realizing that the last few minutes have been in complete silence, which was strange when you lived with Wade Wilson. Turning to both your sides you see Wade completely asleep and Logan fighting for his consciousness. 
“This one good, bub’?” You whisper to Logan, teasing him slightly. 
With your words knocking him out of his trance, all Logan could think to say was, “Shut up.” Before returning to the video, his arm still wrapped around you. Within ten minutes the three of you were out cold, a mess of limbs all sewn together with soft tapping in the background. For the first time in years, Wade and Logan were able to get a good night's sleep and all it required was some cuddles and ASMR. 
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ellecdc · 5 months
HIII!!!!!!!!! first off i wanna say - I LOVEEEEE ALLLLLLLL THE RECENT WORKS SM i came back and i was reading through them and they're soooooo good ur so talented omgomomg
ok so request (take ur time if u want!!) idk if u write platonic fics but i really really love how u write barty and that one fic where reader and reg were fighting and she was bsfs with barty- i loved it smmmmm so can we please get some platonic barty x reader being the main focus? (i dont mind anyyy romantic pairings i just want best friend barty being absolutely insane plsplsplpslsl
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of course MY LOVE; this request is from back in March hahaha sorry
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who they find in bed with Barty
CW: fluff, swearing
Regulus had spent the last umpteen years believing himself to be a light sleeper, likely thanks to growing up in a house straight out of a muggle horror film where his fight or flight reflexes were always at the ready to flee from any danger. It appeared, though, that being,  like, loved by and feeling safe with the people you surround yourself with could do wonders to a person’s subconscious…
Who knew?
This meant that though Regulus was typically a light sleeper, he seemed to have slept through your departure from his bed in the Slytherin boys’ dormitory.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to sleep through the sudden jolt Remus caused in the bed as he sat up and began panickedly feeling around the bed. 
“What’re you doing?” Regulus groaned as he pulled his pillow over his head and rolled onto his side in order to point his back towards his - currently skating-on-thin-ice - boyfriend. 
“Where’s dovey?” Remus hissed back; an urgent quality taking over his words that Regulus could tell it was far too early to be dealing with.
“What d’you mean?”
Remus groaned in exasperation as he cast a lumos with his wand. “I mean where is our girlfriend, you sod.”
“Have you checked with Barty?”
Regulus almost allowed sleep to pull him back into its sweet, sweet embrace before Remus ruined it again.
“Barty, Remus. Have you checked with Barty?” Regulus repeated irritably.
“No? What? Why would I have checked with Junior?” Remus sputtered, though his asinine question was answered by none other than Barty himself.
“Finders keepers mother fuckers.” He snickered quietly.
Remus ripped open the curtain of Regulus’ four poster bed in the Slytherin dungeons to see you sleeping quite peacefully on the opposite side of Barty who was grinning arrogantly at your two boyfriends. 
“She was too hot over there; I can feel the heat radiating off of you from here, Lupin. What the fuck is that about?”
“She could have taken a blanket off!” Remus argued petulantly.
“You kept tucking her back in saying she was going to catch a cold.” Regulus added helpfully sleepily.
Barty snickered at Remus’ disbelieving scoff. 
“No. Absolutely not; Junior, give me our girlfriend back.” He demanded.
This time it was Barty’s turn to scoff. “Would you shut the fuck up, Lupin; we’re trying to sleep over here.”
And to Remus’s absolute horror, you seemed to stir at the conversation causing you to reach an arm over Barty’s chest and rest your head on his shoulder before you settled back into a restful slumber. 
“Leave her be, Rem.” Regulus chided, causing Remus to divert his malcontented glare to his boyfriend.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re always going on and on about how we need to prioritize sleep; she’s doing that.” He explained simply.
“With him!” Remus nearly shrilled, earning him a ‘shut up you stupid sod’ from said girlfriend stealer.
“Well would you rather have both of us be tetchy tomorrow for having our beauty sleep interrupted, or just me!?” Regulus finally barked, pulling his pillow away from his face to shoot Remus a stern glare. 
Remus seemed to consider his options before he begrudgingly relented and sunk back under the covers with a very petulant harumph.
“She’s going to smell like him tomorrow.” He pouted as he pulled Regulus into his arms possessively. 
Regulus sighed and nuzzled further into Remus’ neck. “You can fix that tomorrow.”
Regulus felt the tension in Remus’ body relax as he no doubt imagined all the ways he would be doing just that.
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plutolovesyou · 2 months
pool/beach day w/ ellie thoughts! source of pondering: i was in the pool and am never not thinking about ellie so…this is very much insane projecting LOL. (like projecting to the level of this was literally how i spent the last few hours but am writing as if it's ellie…with creative expansions obvi.) informal format, basically just thinking and not a fr story iykwim. closer to headcanons? I DON'T KNOW JUST A SHITTY YAP OF SORTS OK. loser!ellie kindaaa, jesse cameo, teeny suggestive mentions if you squint.
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pool (or beach, either work) day with ellie, how fun!! let's start with her fit. she'd wear plaid swim trunks with a sports bra style bikini top, unbuttoned short sleeve button up shirt on top when out of the water, all pieces of her outfit totally different, clashing patterns. yet she somehow rocks it. and when she's in the water, she wears swim goggles because of course. she'd love wearing her outfit, and “f-boy” coded ellie would hike her bottoms down just enough so her happy trail would peek out perfectly, because she knew all the girls would drool at the sight. you included. (who wouldn't.)
in the water however, she'd be a nuisance like none other, literally turning into a teen boy. splashing you like crazy, goofing around until there's so much water in her nose you're sure you can hear it sloshing around inside her skull. at times you'd even have to act like her mother, yelling at her to reapply her sunscreen so her delicate skin didn't burn to a crisp. she finds this absolutely hilarious.
“ellie, you're gonna turn into a lobster, get over here!” you toss the bottle in the air and catch it, a fed-up look on your face. she stands up and shakes the water off her body as if she's a dog, then strides over to you, snatching the sunscreen out of your hand. she rolls her eyes, and you can clearly hear the smirk in her tone. “ugh, sorry mom. i bet i'd be delicious as a lobster though.” she chuckles at her stupid joke, a husky “heh”, but then doubles over laughing even harder once she sees your stone-cold expression not crack in the slightest. in the most bored, deadpan voice you could muster, “you taste fine as-is, dork.” cue her face turning as bright red as a freshly boiled lobster once the rebuttal properly registers in her mind. you = 1, ellie = 0.
you'd be over there away from the water on a towel trying to get some vitamin d, or hidden away in the shade with a book and cocktail with one of the tiny umbrellas in it, but your els would want you there with her, and try to drag you in the water.
as she grabs your arm to pull you to your feet, “c'mon babe, get in. just for a little bit, how aren't you bored over there?” when you don't move, she attacks your neck with cold, wet smooches, the temperature of her lips a shock against your hot, dry skin, causing goosebumps to erupt all over. finally you'd comply, following her while she's pulling you in. “see, look how nice it is!” a grin so wide it melts your insides, you can't be mad at her, and you find a floaty to lay on. you can do some relaxation like that. but ellie, she insists to be close to you at all times, and finds a floaty to lay on next to yours. can't forget she's still holding your hand, you both look like two little otters floating down a stream, swept away on beds of seaweed, hand in hand.
as you're listening to the sounds of the water around you, the gentle rocking as a gust of wind passes by, you feel ellie's grip on your hand go limp, and you look over at her to see the fucker's dead asleep. “hey, ellie?” you ask, and are met with silence, her head lolled to the side with her mouth slightly open, she was out cold. it seems all that silly splashing around had made her tired, and that in combination with the comforting, warm environment had rocked her to sleep. you float there next to her peacefully for a short while, resting your eyes. then out of nowhere, you hear her yelp, and sit up to see that her friend, jesse, had made an appearance and threw a volleyball at her, which hit her smack-dab in the face. “what the fuck man!” he's looking smug, proud of his aim, and waves hi to you. ellie throws the ball back at him, but unfortunately she misses. and by a long shot at that, seems she was still drowsy. you're tuning them out and have returned to floating in relaxation, vaguely hearing them yelling profanities and “your mom” jokes to each other. in no time at all ellie bolts out of the water and dashes over to him, and you take a deep breath, happy to get some quiet, but also enjoying watching them from afar as they toss the ball around. ellie gestures for you to join them, to which you yell to her that you'll join in a bit, watching from the sidelines was proving to be better entertainment than you thought it would be, you loved observing her athletic form, whatever she's doing.
and so the evening continues like that, you two make it back home as it gets dark, and crash into bed immediately. bla bla bla...
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yeah i dunno. had to write SOMETHING don't yell at me if it's crap idrc. ig i shall tag peeps anyway cuz that's what yall do! wrote while listening to tsp, especially 1979 which is a very summery song imo. sunset drives with friends blasting that song...UGHHHH
everything everything: @andersonfilms @fleshunger @ch6douin @aouiaa @sapphic-ovaries @astro-cat2
ellie everything: @flowrmoth @srooch @liddysflyer @fortune777
wanna be tagged in my fics? fill out the form!
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heavenbarnes · 4 months
More weirdo older bf Simon 🙏
this is from the alternate universe!simon where he’s still older bf!simon but a weird old perv 🫶🏼 (implied ghoap at the end)
it’s cold, cold enough that older bf!simon can see his breath.
he can also hear johnny’s teeth rattling, mostly cold but there’s a hint of-
“fuckin’ boring- shite end of the stick”
hold up in fuck knows where in the freezing cold with a rifle laid across his thighs listening to johnny whinge his fucking ear off.
“course gaz didnae have t’do this- pretty boy never has t’freeze his bollocks off”
simon gets how shit this is, believe him.
it’s shit that he and johnny have to sit frozen (figuratively and literally) and just wait for the target to appear.
it’s been three days, the fucker isn’t showing.
but what’s worse (because simon argues he has the worse end of that shitty stick) is that he had to up and leave you.
got the call while you were in the shower, he’d barged through the door you could’ve sworn you’d locked and once he got you to stop screaming he’d had to break the news.
“oh, ok- for how long?”
“not sure, a bit”
only hint of a silver lining was the “good luck, be safe” reach around you gave him when he peeled his kit off and joined you in the water.
he really felt like he was beginning to make progress with you.
yes, you still were a little uneasy with his staring problem and yes, he still needed to learn to ask “please” and not just put your hand in his pants.
but you hadn’t left yet.
and to simon? shit, that’s as good as a hand in marriage.
he didn’t even have the pleasure of sitting in silence and missing you- not with that little bastard in his ear.
“can’ye check again, L.t?”
fuck sakes.
reluctantly, simon takes his phone out one of the pockets on his vest because, as much as johnny was doing his nut it-
he just had to know.
he chooses the app that brings up the livestream of cameras around your shared home. does his obligatory check of the outside perimeter, makes sure nobody is taking liberties.
then he begins the hunt.
you’ll be around here somewhere.
room by room, he looks for the shape of you.
“here pretty, pretty”
johnny’s eyes flicker from the horizon to the device in simon’s hands, almost buzzing in excitement.
“come out, come out”
might’ve been the trip down memory lane but it’s more than likely the anticipation, simon was chubbing up in his trousers.
“found you”
johnny all but leapt from his post until he was at simon’s side, eyes drawn to the way you moved around the living room.
as you moved into the view of the other camera, simon’s heart nearly stopped.
you were in his shirt.
“the sight a’that, L.t.”
you were a sight, that’s for sure. perching yourself in the corner of the couch, the two men watched as you scrolled your phone absentmindedly.
one leg outstretched, the other pulled up at the knee.
a rustle of leaves had both men snapping their attention back to their surroundings, keeping a keen ear and eye out before they hurried back to you.
pretty old you.
doing nothing more than reading an article or watching a tiktok or doing- anything.
but you might as well have been stroking yourself right there.
they could’ve claimed it was your bare legs, the way they could imagine you might’ve had no underwear, the curve of your chest under simon’s shirt-
it was no use.
they both knew exactly what it was.
they liked to stare.
liked watching you while you were none the wiser, that at any moment you could start touching yourself and have no idea you had an audience.
the thrill of the chase or whatever they called it.
“cannae believe you’ve got tha’ waiting at home”
“neither can i, mate”
simon watched you sink lower into the couch, silently praying you were reading one of those dirty little stories you liked.
probably weren’t, obedient thing probably saving it all up till he got home to wring it out of you.
he’d have to make do with imagination.
“here, ‘old this”
johnny grumbled but took the phone nonetheless. his eyes stayed fixed on you as he heard the sounds of simon’s belt, rustle of trousers, spitting on hands.
“if i have t’hold this ye’ave to help me oot”
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waspsinyouryard · 4 months
✨ bald-face-beauty follow
y'all need to stop shitting on parasitoids. "i'm a wasp but at least i'm not the type that are gross dirty parasites lol" do you fucking hear yourself.
🪵 woodful-chewer follow
Has a cordiceps fungus taken hold or something?????? You're literally defending parasites??????? Like actual real parasites that do so much actual real damage to the bug community???????
✨ bald-face-beauty follow
You also do "so much real damage to the bug community" when you predate things lmao
💛 yellow-coat follow
not the parasitoid trying to say that PREDATION is problematic
✨ bald-face-beauty follow
I am literally a bald-faced hornet. And that wasn't the point i was trying to make anyways.
How is parasitism problematic when predation isn't?
🐛 kitty-pillar follow
Predation literally is problematic??????????????
✨ bald-face-beauty follow
please this isn't about that
🐛 kitty-pillar follow
How can this conversation not be about predation being problematic?
Do you have any idea what it's like to be terrified for your life every single fucking day? To know at any time that a bird or a lizard or even one of you could appear out of nowhere and fucking eat me? Do you have any fucking idea what that's like? Or are you so egocentric that you've never even thought about the fact that all the bugs you kill had lives and thoughts and feelings.
✨ bald-face-beauty follow
ok i'm turning off reblogs on this trainwreck of a post.
Do you ever think about all the plants you eat? Do you ever think about the fact that those plants feel pain? Do you ever think about the pain and suffering your existence has wrought upon the world? Of course not. Plants are beneath you.
Here's the thing, fucker: all life is lived at the expense of others. All of it. Even plants, who get all their food from the sun, grow over and poison each other to get ahead. There is no path to complete cruelty-free living. None. You cannot be alive without directly or indirectly harming something else.
What gives you the right to think you're better than us just because you hurt things that can't complain?
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petew21-blog · 4 days
I hate myself
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I just hate my reflection now so much. His face looking back at me. I know it's my reflection now, but I still can't get used to it.
I never planned on swapping bodies with Zahir. But after what my father did, I had no choice
My father was not always a good parent, but he was great with money. He established a very fine hotel, which he planned on turning into a family business. None of my siblings were interested, because they all had their lives and their jobs. My siblings are all much older than me. I was foolish enough to think that they didn't want to help my father. But after many years of helping out instead of studying, I found out throughout that my father was a monster. He never treated people with respect, bullied his employees, and had many homophobic and transphobic comments to people, which didn't help the business, but he didn't really care as long as he had enough income.
I was closeted. And afraid to come out to my father. I knew our relationship would change after that, and I was right. After coming out to me, he never treated me the same. But he still kept me around to help him. Again, I was too naive to think that he was trying to be a better person. Nope. He got himself a new wife to impregnate and get another son. And after that he disowned me. As if I was nothing. As if I didn't help him enough to hold the place together.
I was furious and depressed. I kept checking the news of the hotel every single time I had a bit of free time. He pretended that he managed well, but it was all crumbling. And then he promoted Zahir. One of my friends who worked his way to the top by kissing ass and lying. Sorry, ex-friends now. He presented my ideas for the hotel as his own the second I left the building.
I hated him. I hated both of them from that moment. Revenge was on my mind daily now, but I had no idea how I would even attempt that.
I stumbled upon a website. It claimed to change your life for the better. Yes, you needed to pay a LOT. But I was desperate. I'm sure you understand. I sent the money and waited
I felt a nauseating feeling in my stomach. I closed my eyes. Something was happening.
I opened my eyes. YESSSS. I was back in my apartement at the hotel. Fuck yeah. It worked. I have my life back
But then I noticed some of my stuff was misplaced. The paintings on the walls were down, much more garbage on the ground than I was used to. I had a really bad feeling. I looked down
"What the fuck" a strange voice now escaped my throat. Manly, but not mine. And down below was a different view than I was used to.
Abs. I never had abs. I would kill to have abs like these, cause the gay community is so toxic about your body.
But I knew this wasn't my body. The skin was darker than my own. Maybe the website gave me a better body along with improved life
I went to the bathroom. And the second I saw my body I thought I was gonna vomit right at that spot.
Fuckin' Zahir
That stupid freaking website turned me into Zahir
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This must be a horrible joke. I turned into my enemy. A homophobic fucker who worships my father.
I looked at myself. His curly hair, his beard. I have to admit Zahir is not a bad looking guy. Maybe it could be good to be in his body. He is hot, has a great body. Maybe I could score some cute guys looking like this. And maybe I could convince my father to let me take over the hotel. I would be happier and so would my father
Ok, let's see what this body can do
I took off my new clothes. Zahir's hairy legs, hairy balls and a pretty nice dick were now available for me to explore. I entered the hot shower.
I flexed the muscles. "Oh yeah. Not bad" I touched every ridge that I now possessed. I sniffed my hairy armpits. The reeking smell hitting my nose. If I were in my body I would have been already hard at that moment
I got down to my dick. Playing with the foreskin. Feeling the weight of my new hairy balls. They were a bit larger than my own. I started jerking my new dick. Thinking about being in a new body and fucking some hot guy with it. But no matter how much I tried I couldn't get it hard.
"How do you like being impotent?" a very familiar voice could be heard behind me
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I turned around and saw my old body standing in the doorway
"Not anymore, honey. I'm you now. I have to say, It's gonna get some getting used to being in your fat gay body, but nothing that a few regular trips to the gym wouldn't fix"
"Wait, you're okay with this?"
"Are you kidding? I'm now in the body of your father's heir. All I need to do is come to him and tell him I'm straight and sorry. He'll welcome me with open arms"
"Zahir, you can't do this. You can't ruin my life like this"
"Ruin your life? Honey, look at the body you now have. You should feel lucky to be looking like me. And I can't wait to tell your, sorry MY FATHER, about you stealing money and leaking secret information. He's gonna be so pissed when he finds out"
"I didn't steal anything. You can't just pin shit on my and expect it to work"
"Maybe you haven't, but I have. And I got all the evidence. Anyway, i see you're busy getting to know your... not really working manhood, thanks for that as well by the way. And I hope to never see you again. ZAHIR"
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"So that's my story. That's why I hate looking at myself in the mirror"
"Right... Maybe start with something more believable next time I ask about your backstory"
"Whatever. You asked"
"Hey, the guy that was here the last time asked for you. He said that he would leave a good tip if he could piss on you"
"He knows damn well that it will cost him more. No tips will change that"
I took a shot of vodka. "Alright, let's do this. Gotta earn those money"
I looked back in the mirror at Zahir's face. God, I hate myself so much
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h4m1lt0ns · 7 months
episode eleven :: “REDBULL FANS”
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴various drivers x y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au / irl snippets
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔musical releases resume and so does the drama.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ face claim ﹔ wonyoung jang (28)
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕ excessive cussing, none.
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55 and 18,450,948 more.
ylnestate U&U no. 44 will be released tonight at midnight. ‘Grandstand Girl’ is the 44th mini album by ﹫y/n and features artists like ﹫theweeknd, ﹫justinbieber, and ﹫champagnepapi. All songs (apart from Trust Issues) were produced and written by Y/n in the past couple months as she’s currently working on her biggest record yet, so stay tuned for that 😉⭐️!
tagged: theweeknd, champagnepapi, justinbieber.
username MOTHER??????
username U&U COMEBACK?????? IM SO.
justinbieber thank you for having me ❤️ love you
username i’m new here!!! what’s does U&U mean?
→ username u&u stands for undecided and unreleased, y/n usually drops u&u eps right before an album when she has songs that don’t fit the genre/make sense with the rest of the album. they usually consist of 2-6 songs and this one is ep number 44! hope this helped 💗
→ username totally did!!!! thank u bae
username NEW ALBUM ON THE WAY?????????
[liked by y/n]
username oh my god I CAN NOT RIGHT NOW. LOOORD.
theweeknd 💙💜
username drake finally got that feature 🤣
williamsracing UHM EXCITING????
→ mercedesamgf1 you leave OUR girl alone 🤨
→ williamsracing can i be a stan in peace pls
→ username SO REAL
username let me be delulu for a sec. what are the odds that u&u no. 44 is called ‘GRANDSTAND girl’ 🤨 looking at you lewis
→ username wait.
→ username omg the delulu is deluluing
→ username oh yall crazy 😟 (i believe you)
→ username lewishamilton explain yourself.
fernandoalo_oficial slay
→ username WHAT
→ username THE HELL 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
jensonbutton i already knew abt this yet i’m still surprised
→ y/n u should be used to my bullshit by now 🤨
→ sebastianvettel i know i am lol
→ username “slay” “abt” “lol” who are you folks anymore
→ username no bc like.
→ aussiegrit it’s the y/n effect
→ username MARK WHAT ???????????
lilymhe how dare you
→ lilymhe do it again 🤭
landonorris NEEDED A FIX OF YOU 🗣
→ charles_leclerc NOT JUST A KISS FROM YOU 🗣
→ yukitsunoda0511 I NEEDED MORE 🗣
→ username SPOILERS?????
→ landonorris yes.
username YES?????
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and 11,393,159 more.
y/n SEBASTIAN VETTEL PLEASE COME BACK 💔 adopted another papaya fucker and a williams kid ft. fernando rizzlonso and sir lew 🩷
y/l/nestate more kids?
username LEWIS 👊🏽 IS SO 👊🏽 HANDSOME 🗣
→ mercedesamgf1 real
username all this content today i feel like a ten year old at a sephora 😍😍😍
→ mercedesamgf1 so cute isn’t he 😍
username lewis graduated from a bank cause that face card can’t decline.
username how does he *just* look like that ????!,!,’ 😭
fernandoalo_oficial in slayzuka
→ username IN WHERE????
username WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETRE 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
landonorris new brothers unlocked
→ logansargeant hello brother
→ landonorris hello, i hope you know you’re my step brother bc i don’t share y/n 🙏🏼
→ oscarpiastri what about me?
→ landonorris read the terms and conditions, same rules apply to every adopted kid AFTER lando norris 🫶🏻
→ logansargeant ok
→ username PLS
yukitsunoda0511 why does lewis get the good photos
→ y/n he was literally just standing there and he looked good
→ georgerussell63 not fair u always catch the rest of us off guard
→ y/n i caught him off guard too, maybe he’s not the problem 🤭
→ charles_leclerc I’m-
→ lewishamilton ﹫y/n thank you love 🖤🥰
→ username pls don’t flirt with my gf
→ username she will leave us for u in a heartbeat sir PLS stop 🙏🏽
username casually posts after ep announcement, no one like you, y/n y/l/n.
mercedesamgf1 pls bring lewis and george back, we need you three in the office rn 🩷🎀🩷🎀🩷🎀
→ y/n on our way rn 🏃‍♀️
carlossainz55 you adopted oscar???
→ y/n yeah.
→ carlossainz55 oh.
→ y/n if u have a problem with my son u talk to me 🤨
→ oscarpiastri thanks mum
→ username … is the beef squashed now??
→ username i mean.. i hope
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991 notes · View notes
lil-quinnie · 2 years
Ok, but hear me out, i wrote my first one! part II part III part IV
A knew dungeon
modern!gamer!eddie x  f!reader
warnings: 18+ cussing, cursing, dirty talk, grinding, soft!dom eddie, daddy kink, slightly non con, p in v, unprotected sex, breading, exhibitionism, little bit of degration, let me know if i forgot something,
word count: 1688
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It was a normal night, you are napping in Eddie's bed after a hard day at work.
The cold breeze coming through the open window was the first thing that woke you up, that, and Eddie's constant keyboard clicks.
The light from his screen hurt your eyes, making you angry, but the last straw was him stuttering loudly at something his friend said over the discord.
"Baby, can you turn it down? There are people in here trying to sleep" you huff, sitting down at the edge of the bed.
Eddie was sitting in his gamer chair, into only losing shorts. You can see the outline of his cock even if it's not hard. You traced your eyes over all of his body, the V line, the happy trail going up to his lower belly. The bluish light from his set contouring the soft muscle of his abdomen, making his face shine pale and you found yourself lost in his beautiful face, big brown eyes over you, his hair tight in a high bun making you sigh.
He took of one of his headphones muting his mic, and smile wide for you
"oh, shit! babe, Sorry. Did I wake you up?"
 you let a soft laugh escape from your lips, how can he be so goofy and sexy at the same time?
"yeah! your keyboard make so much noise, all those clicks was inside my head" you roll our eyes with a playful smile "that, and is so cold here without you baby" 
Eddie took a few steps to you, lowering to give a gentle kiss at your lips, grabbing your face and putting his forehead at yours.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, i can't pause a online game, and we just found a new dungeon, i can't let the boys get all the glory"
Before you could respond, two big calloused hands pulled you up, he circled his arms around your middle, dragging you to his lap while he sat back in his chair. You back pressed into his naked chest, his warmth irradiating to you body, making you relax at him.
"Thirty minutes babe, then I'm all yours, ok? Sit here and be pretty while watching your metal boyfriend kill some fucking monsters"
He give your cheek a smooth kiss and put his headphones back, un-muting the mic
"Yeah fuckers, i'm back, let's do this!" he chuckles "shut up Gareth, it's none of your business"
15 minutes later, you started to get bored.
You watched his finger working on the keyboard keys with such expertise, his fat fingers moving up and down, pressing in the keys, making you feel your core burning, your bottom lips pressed between your teeths. You could feel his soft cock through your clothed pussy, and you started to grind on his thigh, your ass grinding on his mushroom tip, making he hissed at you.
"What are you doing pretty girl?" Eddie cocks his eyebrows to you with a smirk.
you pressed your lips at eddie’s neck,tracing his jugular with the tip of your tongue, your hips now on his hardener cock “i’m bored” you put your full weight on his lap, he could felt the wetness of your cunt on his shorts, you whisper in his ear "i need you baby".
Eddie opened and closed his mouth but the only sound that he made was a moan when you bury your wet folds on his hard cock. You keep grinding on his lap, but suddenly the friction was not enough, you let a growl escape.
You turn yourself on Eddie's lap, now chest to chest, you could feel his cock sticking on your clit, you moaned low into your boyfriend's neck as you rubbed your pussy, matching the rhythm of his hips.
Suddenly the clicking noises on the keyboard stopped and before you could say anything, Eddie's hands were tightening around your waist, pushing you further onto his cock.
"What a bad girl, couldn't even wait 15 minutes for me to finish the match, needy little girl" his hands went down to your ass.
He pushed your hips against his, pulling a moan from your lips.
"Is that what you need babe? my dick deep inside that wet pussy? so fucking wet for me”
His hands traveled into your body, stopping at your breasts
 "No bra, huh?" 
he squeezed your left breast, taking your nipple between his fingers, rolling and pushing a little too strong. 
"Oh! Eddie" you squirmed to his mouth on your clothed nipple, making you grind harder on him. A wet spot was forming on his shorts.
"Fish my cock baby, yeah, i need you to sink in this cock, need to feel that tigh little pussy, give me my pussy baby, you are a  fucking needy whore, such a good whore for me"
you freed his cock, his dripping tip, shining with pre-cum made your mouth watered. the tips of your finger tracing the way down through his body, teasing at the path of hair until the base of his length, fingers intertwined on his cock. You gave a few pumps before felt two fat fingers fucks your cunt making your legs weak and a pornographic moan fill the room.
The icon of a very non muted mic made Eddie smirk, he fingersfucked you, your pussy already stretched enough to his engorged dick.
You whimper for the loss of Eddie's finger, when he ripped apart your lace panties
"Eddie, what the fuck.."
You were cutted mid phrase for the tip of his cock teasing your entrance, you bite your lips trying to suppress the moans escaping from your throat
"Such a whore, need my cock so much, couldn't wait 30 fucking minutes to feel my big cock on that tigh pussy, right baby?"
He sinks you slowly into his cock, it's torture, the burning feeling from the stretching, the lights from his rgb keyboard reflect on his big beautiful brown eyes, everything was to much.
"I asked you a question, babe" he buckled his hip with more strength, making his cock deep inside you. "You want to feel all of my cock on your pussy? Want to make daddy happy? 'll let me fuck you like a filth whore you are?" his hips moving so slow made you buckle your hips searching for any kind of realease
"Say it, pretty girl and I'm gonna give. all. to. you." one more bite into the sweet spot between your neck and your shoulder and you are almost screaming on his lap
Eddie pushes your body incredibly closer to his, making your mouth near to his neck, to his mic. He sank your tight little hole into his cock in once, making you moan and whimper
"yes daddy, please, need your cock deep inside my cunt, wanna make you happy daddy, 'm your good girl, please please" 
The sounds your wet pussy were doing while you bounced up and down on eddie's cock echoed on the paperwalls from his trailer, were driving him crazy, knowing all his friends were listen while he fuck the hell of you.
"wanna make daddy happy? gonna be a good girl?" he patronize while the trusts being sloppier and harder
"h-mm, yes daddy, i'm gonna be so...good, oh!fuck" his hands on the fat of your ass, squeezing and guiding you on his dick 
"Lift your shirt, put this pretty little nipple into daddy's mouth, wanna taste you"
you did as you’re told, teasing his lips with your nipple, pressing it on the middle of his lips, your head fell back when his tongue enveloped your nipple, sucking and biting. His cock deliciously deep inside your sore cunt, making you feel a known knot on your lower belly.
"Gonna cum for me, pretty girl? tell me you are close, want to finished with you baby, touch that little clit for me, let me hear you falling apart on my cock" Your moans were muffled into eddie's neck, he was fucking you too your orgasm, he needed to be loud, to be a show. His big hand intertwined with your silk hair, pulling your face from his neck, your hands on his neck, pulling some of his hair, his free hand rubbing your clit, the final drop was his husky, low whisper on the lap of your ear
"Say it, my beautiful girl"
a fell seconds later all you could say was "i'm gonna cum i'm gonna cum, please daddy, please, please"
"cum inside me, need you to fill me daddy, please, please, please"
You and Eddie were tangled into each other, heaving chest and sweat bangs, he was the first one to break the silence.
"Fuck, you fuck me so good, took such good care of me baby girl, i don't know what i did to deserve such sweet girl like you"
a sweet smile blossomed on your lips as you kissed all over Eddie's face.
"I love you Teddie"
"I love you doll"
He pat your cheek with his thumb, eyes in admiration dancing through your face, he knows how to make you feel love even without any words.
"lemme tell you, go run a shower for us, i can order your favorite take out and we can watch whatever you want"
"sounds like a plan for me" you took in your own feet, going through the corridor to the bathroom, opening the shower and taking clean clothes for the pair of you.
When Eddie was sure you were far enough, he put his headphones from his neck to his ears.
"you are welcome fuckers, a word about that and i kill all of you with my bare hands... o shut up gareth, i know you listen the whole fucking thing, are you imaging her calling you daddy, huh?"
your voice put Eddie out of his mean mocking with his friends
"Teddie, are you coming?"
"Coming my love"
-mic of- 
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eeeeuuughggg · 10 months
How do u feel abt Larry headcanons? I loved your sal hcs
larry johnson hcs
note: ok,, i'm so happy i'm starting to get asks ‼️
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it's no secret that's he's a massive stoner. he smells kind of similar to sal except the weed smell is a LOT more potent and he probably uses axe body spray...
his first bong was probably a gatey. mainly uses blunts for when he's have a long smoke sesh - cus after all, they do take longer to burn and taste better cus they're a mix.
most dates r typically smoke sessions or he'd definitely take you to an abandoned place to tag your names or initials.
omg omg ok when he's high he DEFINITELY goes and raids the nearest 7/11. he always wants donuts and he will ravage that shit like it's the last donut on earth and he's fighting to have it😭
we all know he's a bit lanky, but he wins pretty much every fight he's in. he's kind of feral. he throws a mean ass punch bro
he has a loud ass stereo in his room and BLASTS music w it. like room shaking, ears ringing, eyes vibrating typa blasting...
he gets suspended sm. like, suspended so much it's a miracle that he hasn't been failed a year level due to his attendance.
none of the teachers really care too much about his smoking, they don't get paid enough to give a shit anyways.
i'm kind of conflicted trying to decide between whether he's an ass or tits man. regardless of gender, he loves all parts of ya regardless tbh.
oh my god, he totally watches midnight gospel when he's high. he's like "yeaaa man,, this shits deeeep"
he fucking loves piercings. no doubt. has an eyebrow piercing and a tongue piercing. was so sad when he found out he couldn't smoke for a bit until his tongue piercing healed. (he did it anyway and just used the antiseptic spray after his sessions)
he watches band documentaries like they're the most sacred thing on earth. has a whole youtube playlist for them with literally every band he likes. he's not a big fan on documentaries, obviously, but music ones are just different.
goes to kmart and prints out the worst pictures of his friends to glue into his locker and not so subtly point them out to his friends.
he collects cool looking lighters. mainly bic but he has a few zippo ones. he thinks the funky patterns are rad as fuck and just has a little container full of lighters under his bed.
he has like 7 half drunk water bottles on his nightstand and they grow by the day. nah they grow by the week, mans is obviously the most dehydrated fucker you'll ever meet.
majority of his wardrobe are dirty ass stained band shirts and baggy jeans. notable mentions are studded belts and crusty ass socks with combat boots and converse.
when it's winter, you will NOT see this man without a beanie. they're a must have. he jus gets a little chilly
if you gave him a friendship bracelet or something, he will NEVER EVER take that shit off. he treasures it like it gives him superpowers or some shit
he probably spits a little when he talks 😭
yuck it's still kind of short sorry but i do hope you enjoyed this, anon !! 🙏
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