#none of them are Hamad
fazcinatingblog · 10 months
4am thoughts: maybe I'll tell my boss about the lack of bookkeeping work it'll be fine this is fine she'll know what to do
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
Israel’s Enemies Tell Five Big Lies
Following the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, antisemites mount a series of vicious attacks, threats and malicious lies against Jews and Israel
With no shame or sign of humanity, the enemies of Israel have doubled down on their insistence that Israel is an illegitimate state that must be destroyed and that the savage slaughter of 1,200 innocent Jews was justified—all based on five “Big Lies” about the Jewish state.
What are the facts?
The world for Jews and Israel will never be the same. Wellesley College students receive official messages saying Zionists (i.e. most Jewish students) are not welcome in the school’s dorms. Hamas official Ghazi Hamad in a TV rant swears Hamas will repeat October 7 over and over until Israel is annihilated. West Bank Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi says “What Hitler did to you was a joke—we will drink your blood and eat your skull.”
While Hamas’s October 7 atrocity shattered the hope of many Palestinian supporters, causing them to rethink their positions, the event only ignited an explosion of hate from other of Israel’s enemies. Tens of thousands of demonstrators made clear they no longer support two states living side by side in peace. Rather they demand “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free . . . by any means necessary”—meaning, clearly, slaughter of civilians.
Power of Big Lies: Though Israel was the victim of a mass murder of innocent Jews, its enemies blame the Jewish state—not only for the Hamas massacre, but also for responding in defense. The reasons many blame Israel for the atrocity are based on five Big Lies. Big Lies were used by Nazi leader Goebbels, who noted that if he told an outrageous lie often enough, people would begin to believe it. Alternatively, if you use truth as a basis for your judgments, you may these facts useful:
Lie #1: Israel is a colonial state that stole Palestinian land. A colonizer is a foreign nation that conquers and exploits another nation. First, the Palestinians have never controlled any land in Palestine: They were also never a nation. Nothing was stolen. Second, Jews are the indigenous people of the land of Israel. They have lived there continuously for 3,000 years and had two commonwealths for over 1,000 years: They are not foreigners. No colonial state.
Lie #2: Israel commits genocide. Genocide is the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by killing its members. Israel does not, nor has ever, targeted innocent Palestinian civilians for killing—no mass murders, no pogroms. All Palestinian civilian deaths have occurred as collateral damage while fighting terrorists who hide in residential or other public areas. Tellingly, the population in in and around Israel has mushroomed since Israel’s founding in 1948—from about 700,000 to seven million today: Zero genocide.
Lie #3: Israel practices apartheid. Apartheid is a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. Israel has no laws or policies separating or limiting the rights of any of its citizens—including two million Arab-Israeli citizens—nor any Palestinians outside Israel. Political and civil rights of all Palestinians outside Israel are controlled by their respective dictatorships, who allow virtually no freedoms, such as speech or the vote. No apartheid.
Lie #4: Israel is committing war crimes. War crimes include torture, hostage taking, acts of terrorism, rape and intentional targeting of civilians. While Hamas committed all these acts on October 7, Israel commits none. Though some media bristle at what they consider excessive civilian deaths during Israeli military efforts, in fact, Israel attacks only military structures and personnel—never civilian-only targets. Unfortunately, Hamas places its fighters in dense residential areas or in tunnels beneath them, endangering civilians. No Israeli war crimes.
Lie #5: Israel brutally oppresses the Palestinians daily. Oppression is the malicious exercise of power to discriminate against some groups. Because Israel completely exited Gaza in 2005, it has no power over of the daily lives of Gazans. However, because of Hamas’s continuous terror, especially efforts to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state, Israel and Egypt have placed Gaza under a strict blockade to prevent terror attacks. Likewise, because of the Oslo Accords, Israel and the Palestinian Authority share governance of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). Thus, Israel plays virtually no role governing Palestinians daily lives and only enters Palestinian-controlled areas when terrorists flee to and hide in them. No oppression.
Above all, Israel and the U.N. have made numerous offers of land for an independent Palestinian state. Unfortunately, the Palestinians have turned down five offers of land for peace since 1948, three of them over the last 23 years. Apparently, their dream of conquering Israel “from the land to the sea” is more important.
The bestiality of the October 7 massacre shocked us—beheadings, incineration, rape, torture, heartless executions, brutal kidnappings. Even worse, the gates have opened to unlimited Jew hatred on American streets and campuses—to condoning savagery with the excuse of Palestinian liberation . . . based on utter lies about the Jewish state. But Hamas and the haters should know that “Never Again,” means fighting and defeating evil forever.
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nour213 · 15 days
My name is Ibrahim Youssef Hamad. I once had a home, but it was completely destroyed. I had big dreams and hopes for the future, longing for stability and a sense of security to protect myself and my family from harm. Unfortunately, none of that was realized, and now we are suffering in every possible way. We face hunger, malnutrition, poor living conditions, and a severe lack of medicine, food, and even basic necessities. Sadly, there is no one left to take care of us, and hope has faded away. You are our only hope.
I used to have my own business that provided for my family and fed them daily. Today, I have lost it all. Do you see this tragedy? Without work, we beg God to provide for us. Please, we ask you to donate even a small amount. Thank you.
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speedyposts · 8 months
Palestinians demand international inquiry after mass grave found in Gaza
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Palestinian authorities have demanded an international investigation after a mass grave was found in Gaza with the decomposing bodies of Palestinian detainees who were blindfolded and handcuffed.
At least 30 bodies were found in “black plastic bags” near the Hamad school in northern Gaza, with Palestinian officials accusing Israeli soldiers of killing the civilians “execution-style”.
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Satya Nadella & Sam Altman: Dawn of the AI Wars | The Circuit with Emily Chang
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The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for an international investigation on Wednesday into what it described as Israeli “massacres”, demanding that a team visit Gaza “to find out the truth and dimensions of the genocide to which our people are exposed”.
Witnesses told Al Jazeera that the deceased were blindfolded, tortured and killed before being placed in the bags.
“As we were cleaning, we came across a pile of rubble inside the schoolyard. We were shocked to find out that the dozens of dead bodies were buried under this pile,” one witness told  Al Jazeera.
“The moment we opened the black plastic bags, we found the bodies, already decomposed. They were blindfolded, legs and hands tied,” the witness added.
“The plastic cuffs were used on their hands and legs and cloths straps around their eyes and heads.”
Hamas said human rights organisations should “document” the mass grave.
“This heinous crime and others committed by the neo-Nazis against our Palestinian people will remain a curse that haunts them, and the day will come when they will be held accountable for their brutality and crimes that exceed the most horrific violations known to humanity in our modern era,” the Palestinian armed group said in a statement on Telegram.
Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Rafah in southern Gaza, said the “condition of these bodies ranges from severely decomposed to mere skeletal remains … making it hard to identify them”.
“But people still come to the site, searching for closure in this place of tragedy,” he added.
Palestinian human rights lawyer Diana Buttu told Al Jazeera on Thursday that this incident was “precisely why Israel was taken to the ICJ“.
Buttu added that the discovery of the mass grave was “clearly a war crime” and urged that it must be investigated.
The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to take “all measures within its power” to avoid Palestinian casualties and acts that could amount to “genocide”.
The Foreign Ministry said the discovery of the mass grave was evidence of the forms of “genocide committed by the occupation forces against our people in the Gaza Strip without accountability or oversight”.
Palestinian detainees are routinely abused by Israeli forces in the enclave, subjected to weeks of imprisonment in unknown locations, beatings and verbal abuse.
Last month, a United Nations human rights official called for an end to Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinian detainees and said he had met men who had been held for weeks and were beaten and blindfolded.
“These are men who were detained by the Israeli security forces in unknown locations for between 30 to 55 days,” Ajith Sunghay, a UN human rights representative, told reporters by video link from Gaza, who met released detainees in the enclave.
“There are reports of men who are subsequently released, but only in diapers without any adequate clothing in this cold weather,” he said, adding that it was not clear why they were made to wear diapers but that “they were clearly visibly shocked and even shaken when I met them”.
Several videos shared by the Israeli army since the war began show hundreds of Palestinian men stripped to their underwear, sitting outdoors in the cold, sometimes blindfolded. In a few videos, women and children were also seen.
Much of the densely populated Gaza Strip has been destroyed after four months of intense Israeli bombardments and ground offensive.
Gaza’s health authorities have said at least 26,900 Palestinians have been killed since the war began on October 7, following Hamas attacks in Israel that killed at least 1,139 people.
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Satya Nadella & Sam Altman: Dawn of the AI Wars | The Circuit with Emily Chang
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negrophobic · 11 months
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"Just Released:
Ministry of Health (MoH) responding to Israeli Occupation's claims regarding Rantisi Children's Hospital
▪️ The Israeli occupation's presentation about Rantisi Children's Hospital is a theatrical farce with no credible evidence worthy of response.
▪️ Labeling the presence of baby diapers (Pampers) in a children's hospital, with displaced people, as exceptional evidence is a mockery of people's intellect worldwide.
▪️ The body language of the Israeli military spokesperson discussing the hospital unmistakably confirms its staged nature, inviting those versed in body language to debunk it.
▪️ The mentioned underground space in the video, part of the hospital's design, serves as administration and storage, offering shelter to refugees fleeing airstrikes, necessitating the provision of sanitary facilities, a humane requirement in all hospitals accommodating evacuees.
▪️ The hospital evacuation occurred under tank barrels and occupation rifles; why were none of the alleged resistors or detainees arrested?
▪️ The claimed "tunnel" outside the hospital raises questions about its relevance to the hospital. Recalling the occupation's mention of a vent in Hamad Hospital as part of an alleged tunnel, later refuted by the hospital's designer, who clarified it was a fuel tank vent.
▪️ The occupation presented alleged weapons of unknown origin in an organized manner, reinforcing the notion of a staged act. It is implausible for presumed resistance members to handle weapons in such a manner during harsh war conditions.
▪️ The displayed schedule in the occupation's video is a routine work roster in the hospital, a standard administrative practice in all healthcare institutions.
▪️The occupation claims that the motorcycle resembles those used on October 7th. Is this evidence when we know there are thousands of similar motorcycles in Gaza?
▪️ Rantisi Hospital specializes in treating children with cancer, kidney, respiratory, and other diseases, lacking the capability for any surgical procedures, regardless of simplicity.
▪️If this is a justification for the occupation to bomb Rantisi Hospital, what is his rationale for bombing and disabling more than 25 hospitals in northern Gaza with no evidence supporting his claims?
▪️The enemy targeted Baptist hospital in Gaza, killing over 500 displaced and sick individuals. What is the justification for targeting a church hospital?
▪️For over two weeks, the enemy has besieged and fired upon the Jerusalem Hospital, affiliated with the Palestinian Red Crescent, the twin organization to the International Red Cross, resulting in the killing and injuring of numerous innocent displaced citizens.
▪️In recent days, the enemy has besieged and targeted the Wafa Rehabilitation Hospital without providing any reasons.
▪️We challenge the Israeli occupation to allow a neutral committee to visit all hospitals and verify their absence of any military or security activities. Why does it refuse?
▪️We know the enemy's main goal is to pressure the population and medical teams to leave North Gaza for the south, where death awaits them either through daily airstrikes or hunger and thirst.
▪️In conclusion, even if there were any security or military reasons as claimed, is it acceptable under international humanitarian law to destroy hospitals and burn them with patients, medical staff, and displaced individuals inside, based on the possibility of a security objective?"
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xtruss · 1 year
Many of Italy's Elite Turn Out For Ex-Premier Silvio Berlusconi's State Funeral in Milan
Italy’s political, business and soccer elite bade farewell to former Premier Silvio Berlusconi with a state funeral inside Milan’s imposing Duomo cathedral
— By Colleen Barry | Associated Press | June 14, 2023
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MILAN — Italy’s political, business and soccer elite bade farewell to former Premier Silvio Berlusconi with a state funeral inside Milan’s imposing Duomo cathedral on Wednesday, while thousands of ordinary admirers and soccer fans waved banners and chanted in the piazza outside.
It was a fitting send-off for a man who made billions as a media mogul, upended the Italian political system as three-time premier and championed two winning soccer clubs.
But even as Italians overwhelmingly agree that Berlusconi has left the greatest mark on Italy over four decades of business and politics, not all think it was for the best. It was a judgement that shadowed him even in death, as both his legacy and the pomp surrounding his funeral were hotly debated.
Milan Archbishop Mario Delpini didn’t gloss over Berlusconi’s complicated legacy in his punchy eulogy, saying he was a businessman who found success and failure, a politician who won and lost, and a notoriety-seeking personality who had admirers and detractors, “those who applaud him and those who detest him.”
“But in this moment of farewell and prayer, what can we say about Silvio Berlusconi? He has been a man: a desire for life, a desire for love, a desire for joy,” Delpini said. “He is a man, and now he meets God.”
Mourners inside the cavernous Gothic-era cathedral rose to their feet as Berlusconi’s coffin, bedecked in red and white roses, was pushed down the main nave to the altar to haunting choral music. Their applause quickened as it reached the altar, trailed by his children and companion, who openly wept.
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The pews were filled with three ex-premiers, none of them Berlusconi allies; Italy’s president, Premier Giorgia Meloni, whose government relies on the support of Berlusconi's party, along with their third coalition partner, League leader Matteo Salvini and a host of ministers past and present. Captains of industry also paid their respects, as did representatives from the soccer world he loved.
With Berlusconi out of power for more than a decade, just two heads of government attended the funeral: Hungarian President Viktor Orban and Qatar’s ruling emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.
One of his closest remaining allies on the international scene, Russian President Vladimir Putin, offered heartfelt condolences from Moscow. Other nations sent ambassadors to the funeral organized just two days following his death Monday after being hospitalized for treatment of chronic leukemia.
Critics challenged whether Berlusconi deserved a state funeral, an honor that can be bestowed on former heads of state, or the more rarely invoked national day of mourning that saw flags flying at half-staff and canceled all political activity not related to charity.
“Berlusconi split Italy, he insulted adversaries for 30 years, he criminalized the magistrates and he didn’t recognize laws. What are we talking about?″ journalist Marco Travaglio, a long-time Berlusconi critic and co-founder of the il Fatto Quotidiano daily, told private La7 TV on Tuesday.
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Berlusconi’s detractors’ list of political damage is long, including conflicts of interest relating to his media empire, dozens of trials mostly for business dealings, revelations of sex-fueled bunga-bunga parties at his villa near Milan and questionable associations, including his enduring friendship with Putin.
“He is not a leader who helped us grow,’’ said Beppe Severgnini, a long-time foreign correspondent and writer for Corriere della Sera. “He tapped all of our weaknesses: moral, fiscal, sexual, everything.”
But critics, including some in the political opposition, stayed away from the funeral, while thousands of admirers filled the central piazza. They included fans of the clubs Berlusconi nurtured, AC Milan and AC Monza, who waved enormous banners as Berlusconi’s casket entered the cathedral. As it exited, they chanted affectionately: “Berlusconi is one of us."
Barbara Cacellari, a councilwoman in the central Italian town of Bolognola and one-time Forza Italia candidate for the European Parliament, said protests over how to officially mark Berlusconi’s death showed a lack of respect.
“The person must be respected per se. He is a person who represents the history of this country,” she said outside the cathedral, adding: “No one is without stains, I think.”
Berlusconi, who had an outsized impact on Italian politics for three decades in his role as leader of the center-right Forza Italia party, is widely recognized as a precursor to the type of populist politics that later would bring Donald Trump to power in the United States. Both used their high profile as businessmen to springboard into the political arena, reordering the political status quo along the way.
Supporters of Berlusconi’s legacy cite his success in unifying the Italian center-right after the collapse of the post-war political landscape with the 1990s “Clean Hands” corruption scandal. They also see his years as leader as periods of stabilization after years of quickly rotating governments while admiring his bold rule-breaking and irreverence, perhaps especially in the face of other global leaders.
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Many mourners inside the cathedral and out in the piazza alike were motivated to pay their respects by Berlusconi’s famous empathy and personal warmth, which even critics recognized as one of his greatest gifts.
Forza Italia Mayor Luca Veggian of Carate Brianza, near Milan, said Berlusconi had invited him to his villa just 12 days ago to congratulate him on his success in recent city administration elections, winning the most votes for Forza Italia in any contest. The 39-year-old mayor credited Berlusconi with mentoring a new generation of political leaders now running small cities throughout Italy.
“We saw he was physically tried,’’ Veggian said. “But he was very lucid and spoke at length about international politics” during the three-hour meeting.
For retiree Carmen Panzuto, it was Berlusconi’s personal greetings to her mother on her 100th birthday, two years ago.
“He will be in our hearts forever,’’ said Panzuto, who wore Italy’s national azzurro blue in a show of patriotism. “He was generous with everyone.”
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Berlusconi was given a final salute by members of the Italian armed forces. The presidential guard carried out a wreath, followed by carabinieri in ceremonial regalia flanking the casket.
Berlusconi’s companion, 33-year-old Forza Italia lawmaker Marta Fascina, kissed the coffin before it was driven away to the Milan suburb of Arcore, where he was to be laid to rest. And his children from two marriages waved to the crowd, telling them: “Thank you for your affection.”
— Associated Press writers Andrea Rosa and Luigi Navarra in Milan and Nicole Winfield in Rome contributed.
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
“Rape allegations are not and never have been regarded as being about the act of rape at all but about the “character” of the man accused of it—character being a euphemism for race. Men of color were not (and largely still are not) regarded as honorable, moral, good fathers, and good citizens. Punishing them for rapes they may or may not (often not) have committed served as a means of punishing them merely for being who they were, which is none of the things that white men like Kavanaugh and his damsels claim him to be. ”
-Ruby Hamad, White Tears/Brown Scars
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harajukumasked · 3 years
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📜 Ramadān Fatwa
Shaykh Nāsir bin Hamad Al-Fahd may Allāh Subhānahu wa Ta'āla grant him thabāt
Question: If I wash my mouth using toothpaste does it invalidate my fasting?
If you are sure that none of the toothpaste reaches your stomach then there is nothing wrong with it. However the reality is that it is difficult to avoid that because the toothpaste will dissolve with the saliva and it goes into the stomach resulting in a person breaking his fast.
Therefore, it's better to leave the doubtful matters and avoid them and in this case it's better for the fasting person to not use toothpaste.
And Allah Ta'ala knows best.
via telegram @KunuRabaniyin
So to be on the safe side, brush your teeth thoroughly after your suhoor meal.
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sarahboseman · 6 years
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5
@greenswishbish @royallyprincesslilly @captiansaveasmut@sisterwifeudaku @wakandanmoonchild @tchallaswife @kumkaniudaku @airis-paris14 @ashanti-notthesinger @brianabreeze @zforzathura @90sinspiredgirl@imgabbyrae @wakandanblogger @wakandawinning@heyauntieeee @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers @sarahboseman@skysynclair19 @angieswonderfulworld @ljstraightnochaser@mermaidchansons @qweentbh @zxddy-panther @stressedgyal@bubbleboss17 @ovohanna24 @autumn242 @starsshines-blog @wakandankings @blue-ishx @yaachtynoboat711 @texasbama@maverickabull @leahnicole1219 @fireboltrose7559 @savagemickey03@jecourt @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @inlovewith3
I HOPE THE TAGS WORK!!! LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Reblog if you like it ❤❤❤
"Anything else Miss?"
"No, thank you so much, I’m good"
"Do I mark your order at your room?"
"Of course, thank you"
The waiter supports your order on the table and after greeting you with an unusual Greek accent, he leaves you alone in your contemplation. Lying belly up on the beach chair, facing the sea following the right angle of the sun, you continue to stare at the screen of your phone.
You knew he was going to write, you knew that the picture returned to its place meant something and after all, maybe you knew it wasn’t him who blocked you.
- "I apologize, I ruined everything this time, I lost you again and it’s my fault now… Always yours - Chad”
You keep re-reading his text to which you haven’t answered yet and you don’t even know if you'll answer. Surely he’s noticed you’ve read it and may be he’s waiting for an answer, or maybe not.
"Always yours ... always yours ..."
This whole story seems like a never-ending misunderstanding, there’s not a thing going into place, there’s nothing seems to be clear, nothing right. Everything seems fighting the current and seems to say "It's not your time” It's all a series of misunderstood events just because one of you thinks something that is not what the other thinks or that corresponds to the truth.
Will this ever end?
But mostly ... do you still want all this?
What do you want?
Do you want to clear up again or leave everything the way it is and try to forget?
It’s the fifth time today you find yourself asking the same questions and the same reasoning, you’ve also opened your agenda and while sunbathing lying on the beach, you wrote a list of pros and cons, and another list about what it could happen or not, if you respond to that message or not. You know these are thoughts left to the wind, but writing these lists gives you security. As if you had your life in your hand a little more.
But everywhere on your lists, when you asked: Do u miss him? Would you like to have him with u right now? Would you like to talk to him? The answer is always YES.
If it weren’t this mess of feelings holding you tied to him so much, you wouldn't think twice, you'd already forget him. If only you wouldn't have met him at the club that night in February, most likely you would now be really with someone else. But unfortunately it’s not like that.
Maybe Chad was right when he naively told you on the phone, "If only I hadn’t seen you the other night, maybe it was better for both of us”.
But neither of both of you really believes at this mental process.
Everything around you is wonderful, 12 days have already passed since you arrived in Greece, now you’re in Mikonos, which is really beautiful, another wonderful island with a thousand things to see, crystal clear sea to die for, colors that envy the most famous abstract painter.
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Gorgeous people, fantastic food. Your skin is darker, caramelized, more tanned, smoother and softer, the dark circles under your eyes are finally gone and you're definitely more relaxed. You made a lot of friends, meet a lot of people, you had fun, you ate, drank, meditated, but tomorrow it's time to leave again, in fact you're packing for the third time.
Your itinerary includes departure tomorrow from Athens in the direction of Malé-Maldives, almost 11 hours of flight with only a change. But you're sure it’ll be worth it, you can’t wait, you're very thrilled and your stay will definitely be longer. Heaven awaits you.
You haven’t answered to Boseman's message yet and curiosity is eating you alive. As a diary you keep posting beautiful pictures of your trip on your whatsapp story, where you noticed he punctually checks and displays, but obviously he doesn’t dares to write you. You took it as a regular appointment: you post your picture and he checks where you are. You know he's waiting for your answer.
DOHA - QATAR Hamad International Airport
Your change lasts just over an hour and you take the opportunity to make a little tour of the airport, you turn on your phone and tell Mom and Aisha that everything goes according to your plans, you landed halfway through your journey and everything is more than fine.
Aisha is the first to answer you, she has been with you for all your stay in Greece, even if only virtually and from a distance. She’s like a sister with whom you always share everything, but you don’t know why you omitted Chadwick's message and all your fucking thoughts, you kept all for you ...
Maybe because you know she’s a little bit biased, maybe a little bit pushy in some situations and of course with her temperament she would have prompted you to respond immediately. You understand you need your time and you have to follow what your instinct tells you.
You’re sitting at the gate with your book on your legs, open for too long on the same page. You’re waiting anxiously to embark and finally fly to your destination, when you suddenly grab your phone and reply to that message with no hesitation.
- “Do not ask me why I didn’t answer until now. Do not ask me thousand questions. Perhaps I knew that it wasn’t you who blocked me, but I don’t know what to do with your apologies now… This whole story is a huge misunderstanding, maybe you're right, it's not our time yet. I hope however your vacation in Jamaica was amazing …”
Ooooooh yes, because you follow his instagram profile, but also the tag #ChadwickBoseman and you saw some pictures of his holiday last month …
You wrote that text without thinking a lot, you wrote what your mind and heart was suggesting at that moment, maybe a little bit too challenging in two points, but you don’t care, because what you want is perhaps start a conversation, and see his reactions. You want to capture information and satisfy the curiosity you've had for two weeks straight.
You know that, sooner or later, you would have replied to that message, you can’t let things end once again with a misunderstanding and then … you tremendously want to hear him.
It can sound very stupid, naive and surely now you look like a confused woman who isn’t strong enough and doesn’t know what she wants. But you actually know what you want, you know what and who you want in your life since that February night, maybe you're just too coward to admit it. After all you’re human and human beings are very imperfect, too complicated.
But you can admit one thing, however, what they’ve told you until now is true, "you don’t look like yourself, I've never seen you like this before ..." it's true, it’s damn true, you know it's not you and you have to fix this situation in some way to finally get back to yourself. With or without him in your life, but still yourself. This story has been too buried deep in your heart and soul, somehow you have to fix it.
Actually, it could have already been resolved in February, when he left your house, but unconsciously you both knew it wasn’t the way you wanted your story to be solved. Then if we also want to talk about the messages and the sexy phone call  ... A very big mess.
It's time to embark, but Chad hasn’t viewed the message yet and hasn’t replied. With the hope that that bitch doesn’t block you again and with the hope that maybe she’s not even with him anymore. You turn off your phone … another six hours of flight await you.
“Welcome to Paradise” was the wording written on the brochure the travel agency had issued to you after your booking for the resort in the Maldives and it can’t be more correct than that. It’s really a paradise. It’s evening and you’ve just arrived in your “room”, if you can call it that, it’s practically a duplex apartment with swimming pool and with direct access to the beautiful beach. It’s about 10 minutes you’re walking back and forth gaping, dragging your bag behind you, to see if it's all a dream or a really existing place.
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BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ ... Your phone is buzzing in the pocket of your shorts, your telephone operator has synchronized and  also your messages and missed calls too.
"Are you sure you want to wait for Bora Bora?"
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You don’t even check all the incoming messages and you write quickly to Aisha, who answers you immediately since the time zone is not so much, only 4 hours.
“Damn Girl! I’M COMING! ... Indeed, no, I forgot that I AM AT WORK ... "
You burst out laughing when she sends you a picture of a stuck of files you immediately recognize.
"How was your trip sis? Everything good?"
After a brief exchange of messages with your best friend, and after having also reassured your family that everything is ok and you’re safe, you check the rest of the incoming messages and ... here they are, his answers. You get anxious even before you read them. You feel your heart in your throat, you have a strange fear and you don’t know why, and you haven’t read anything yet!!
You sit on the sand, in front of the umpteenth lonely sunset of your journey, sink your feet into the warm, fine white sand and read.
- "I won’t ask you a thousand questions, you have every right to be upset and take your time to answer me, if you want. Thank you for doing it, I was afraid of losing you and you would never answer. I can’t even tell you what to do with my apologies, I only hope you will accept them again trying to understand this fucking mad situation"
- "I have no idea where you are now, it's been a while since you're online, I hope you're fine. I'd like to hear you, to hear your voice”
- "I'm trying to fix my life, take some wise decisions, I took a break from everything. I finished the press tour and several work commitments, I don’t want to hear about anything for some time, I really need to rest and clarify some things"
- "And anyway my vacation in Jamaica was a complete shit"
- “On the other hand your holiday seems like a dream ... I'm just wondering who you're sharing with, but I'm also afraid to want to know it"
After having finished reading his texts sent a few minutes away from each other, your anxiety disappears and read the last messages with a slight smile, especially when he tells you his vacation was a complete shit …
He’s online.
With no hesitation you take a picture of the stunning landscape in front of you and send it to him
-“Yes, my holiday is really a dream”
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Immediately Chadwick displays your message and it's like you can hear him smiling telling you’re a bitch.
- "Lucky the one who can see that wonder with you"
You don’t know what to answer, it's obvious that he thinks you're with someone or, better, it's obvious that he wants you to confirm you're not with a man. You know him, he's smart and he certainly knows how to do his turns of words to get the information he wants.
- "I've missed you, I don’t know where to begin to apologize, I don’t want to be too much talkative and then say something stupid" he writes you
- "Maybe you can start by telling me about the invasion of privacy …”
- "Let's start by telling you that after discovering the invasion of privacy I feel better, I'm alone, but free"
- "I read that you're trying to fix some things and make decisions"
- "In fact, I took one and I think it's the right one. She had crossed every limit in every aspect of our relationship, but blocking you taking my phone secretly, was the last straw. I flipped out when I discovered it. I was convinced you had disappeared again ... forgive me, again if you can.”
- "I'm not going to be here talking about your girlfriend Chadwick, really"
- "Ex Girlfriend …"
He will also be good at talking, but you’re also good when you want immediate confirmation.
- "Can we start all over again? Without equivocal, without misunderstandings, can we pretend that the last thing that happened is that phone call that I still dream at night?"
You sigh to that message, you decide to follow your instinct and the desire you have of him, not only the physical desire, but the desire to get him back in your life, in whatever way it is.
- “Of course we can, but I don’t want to hurt Chad"
- "And I don’t want to do it"
- "Ok ..."
- "Where are you now? The place looks breathtaking, seems you’re on a long journey”
- "Maldives"
- “... of course your holiday is a marvel. Do you stop a lot?"
- “My boss has forced me to two months of holidays, so I'll stay here about 3 weeks"
- "Forced holidays ... Is that what they’re calling? You’re doing right by the way"
- "I swear, I was skeptical at first. Only at the beginning, now I get off on it, actually, let’s be honest”
Silence for a few minutes, in the meantime you re-enter your bungalow.
- "Since you said we can start again from that night … we can tell you’re not on holiday with your new boyfriend …”
- "And you deduce it from what? I said we can resume from that phone call, but I didn't specify how ... "
You think you blew him away with your answer, but you really didn’t want to be bitchy, apart from his "ok" he didn’t write anything to you and you didn’t write him for a whole day, that compared to his 5 months, it's nothing.
Although you want him to die for that if he asked you, you would leave tomorrow to see him, you're still a bit proud and then you stay in your silence.
02.40 A.M Two days after your arrival
- “Just for the record, I'm on holiday alone, completely alone. No friend, no sister, no boyfriend no man or men”
You totally drank too muck at the beach party, you were at the bar talking with two girls you met at the resort, they’re American just like you, and you let yourself go.
You danced, you drank (a lot) and you had a lot of fun. So now that you’re writing to him you’re not very present with your mind, in fact, you’re very tipsy. And you know that when you're feeling like that, you can say things you know you could regret.
- "Well ... and to what do I owe the pleasure of this confession?" His answer is not long in coming.
- "Nothing, it's just the information you wanted. By the way, another good information for you, I’m half naked in the pool under the stars"
- “Y/N … baby … come on, seriously?” He writes to you laughing
- "I'm veeeeery serious”
- “I'd pay gold to see you now" Of course he didn’t understand you're drunk, he has no clue.
You take a selfie a little naughty and you send it with no hesitation.
- "Jesus Christ Y/N"
- “Do you want me maybe?"
He doesn’t answer immediately, he doesn’t understand your sudden shamelessness, but he doesn’t complain. He’s a man after all. A man still very interested in you.
- "Yes, I want you, I would like to have you now"
- "And then join me, come and get me”
You laugh placing you phone on the edge of the pool forgetting it completely. With the last remaining strength you have and laughing like a fool, drunk like you don't remember ever being, you get out of the water, dry yourself and throw yourself in bed, knowing that tomorrow morning you’ll have an huge headache.
2 DAYS AFTER 7.15 P.M Local time
"It was more than beautiful, to be redone, surely" You say goodbye to the group of friends coming down the off-road
"See you Y/N, we'll see you around. Next time we take you to see the sharks” One of the instructors tells you
"No thanks, I willingly pass"
"If you don’t have any other programs, see you for dinner later?" Leslie says, one of the girls known at the Resort
"Absolutely, I'm going to take a shower and change, see you at dinner"
Before going to your place, you greet the group of guys with whom you went for an excursion. You had never snorkeled before, it was a spectacular experience.
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By now you’ve met many people, the resort is not really big, and so you made friends at least with everyone. You’re a person who may seem shy at first, but only because you’re used to studying people around you, then you melt and you’re very very company.
Coming back inside the Resort and passing through the reception, you notice a unusual crowding. People whispering, excited girls hugging themselves "was he really?" "YEAH, I can’t believe it, he’s so beautiful"
You don’t understand, so you approach the reception, greetings and curiously asking what is going on
"Good evening Miss, how was the excursion?" One of the boys on duty at the reception asks you.
“Amazing! Thank you very much for the advice, I will definitely do it again. Wonderful. But what’s happening? There’s a big crowd outside"
"Actually, something a little unexpected, this afternoon that actor who was in that good movie arrived ... Mrs Padma what's the name of that film your daughter watches twice a day?"
"What movie? Oh hello Miss Y/N!” She greets you very gently.
"That movie she also saw last night for the umpteenth time"
"Black Panther"
All the tools, flippers, mask, bag, sunglasses fall off your hands.
"Sorry? Who ... who arrived?” You ask the guy, you're stuttering.
"ooooh you like that actor too? How to blame you honey, but I never remember what his name is” The owner Mrs Padma says turning to you with a sympathetic, almost maternal smile.
"Boseman?? Chadwick Boseman"
"Yes, HIM!! Sorry but I'm a disaster with names”
You feel your heart pounding in your chest, you start to sweat even though the air conditioning comes out frozen. Your hands and legs are shaking.
You haven’t heard about him for three days, you've spent your days avoiding being constantly on the phone with him and now the kind lady is telling you that Chadwick is there somewhere in the Resort.
“Y/N? Y/N? You’re all right dear? You must like this actor so much darling, if you want I can tell you where he is now“ she says smiling
"No ... I don’t know if I want to"
"Come on, he's somewhere signing some autographs. He asked for some privacy and of course those who don’t stay here can not enter. This explains people outside "
You nod as you somehow try to fix what fell out of your bag.
"Mrs Padma, can I ask you something? Don’t take me for a crazy"
"Sure darling, tell me”
"Did he make a reservation or is he just passing through?"
She smiles at you, as if somehow she understood ...
"I couldn’t give this information ... but ... he said he was looking for a person, and maybe he would stop. He didn’t add anything else, he was very nice and kind” she says whispering, leaning to you over the reception desk. "The couple who were with him instead booked the last remaining bungalow for a few days" she adds.
"Thank you"
“Well, if you're interested … he’s over there”
You don’t know if you want to go where he’s now or go to your place and wait, maybe writing him a message. You move away from the reception, your head is exploding and instinctively you direct towards his direction, then suddenly you change, exit and head towards your accommodation.
You throw everything on the bed, you quickly undress and throw yourself in the shower. You can not explain your fears and the feelings you’ve got right now. Mixed anxiety anger, happiness and desire to see him mixed with fear.
You should be glad that he’s reached you, that he’s a few steps away from you and instead you feel awkward.
Why did he come here? How did he know where you were? Who told him to join you?
And you remember the other night when you wrote him and you were drunk.
You told him to come and get you.
And so he did.
I HOPE THE TAGS WORK!!! LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Reblog if you like it ❤❤❤
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Criminal Inquiry Opened in Crush at Houston Concert That Left 8 Dead
A crush of fans pushing toward the stage during rap star Travis Scott’s Astroworld music festival in Houston killed at least eight people and injured dozens more as panic rippled through the crowd of largely young concertgoers, officials said Saturday.
City Police Chief Troy Finner said his department has opened a criminal investigation by homicide and narcotics detectives following unconfirmed reports that someone in the audience “was injecting other people with drugs.”
The disaster unfolded at NRG Park around 9:30 p.m. Friday during the headline performance by Scott, a Grammy-nominated singer and producer, following what police and members of the crowd described as an escalation of unruly behavior.
As some in the sold-out audience of about 50,000 surged toward the stage, people began to fall unconscious, some apparently suffering cardiac arrest or other medical issues, officials told reporters outside the venue. Minutes later the chaos was declared a “mass casualty incident.”
“It happened all at once. It seemed like it just happened … over the course of just a few minutes,” said Houston Police Executive Assistant Chief Larry Satterwhite, who was at the front of the event when it began.
Satterwhite said he immediately met with promoters and they agreed to halt the show. Officials said the concert was brought to an end by 10:10 p.m.
Finner said police are following several lines of investigation including reports suggesting “some individual was injecting other people with drugs.”
One report involved a security officer “who felt a prick in his neck” as he was trying to restrain or grab someone and then fell unconscious, only to be revived with a dose of the opioid antidote Narcan, Finner said, citing an account from medical personnel who treated the officer.
Finner said the medical staff also noticed what appeared to be a needle mark on the officer’s neck.
It was not clear whether authorities suspected such an episode played a role in the crowd surge, but Finner said, “we’re going to get down to the bottom of it.”
City Fire Chief Samuel Peña said it appeared the venue had ample exit routes for fans and that none was obstructed.
Twenty-five people were taken to hospitals by ambulance after the crush began, some of them in cardiac arrest, with 13 still hospitalized on Saturday — five younger than 18 — following the discharge of four patients, Mayor Sylvester Turner told reporters. Eight people died. Most ranged in age from 14–27, though one victim’s age was not immediately known, Turner said.
‘Felt like a riot’
After mobbing entrance gates and merchandise booths early in the day, the crowd grew increasingly unruly as performers took the stage, according to 19-year-old festivalgoer Hamad Al Barrak.
“There were just too many people,” said Al Barrak, who described chaos as he tried to buy festival gear. “We were all pressed together. You felt like you couldn’t breathe.”
Albert Merza, 43, part of a group of eight people from Detroit attending the festival, recounted seeing “a lot of drinking and crazy behavior.”
“It felt like a riot,” he said, adding that it appeared about half the crowd were younger than 21. “There were people throwing out stuff, objects flying everywhere.”
Nick Johnson, 17, said he witnessed a steady rise of disruptive behavior before the stampede.
“It was going on for over two hours, and it just got worse and worse,” he said.
An incident earlier in the day in which fans were rushing the festival gates was brought under control relatively quickly, said Finner, the police chief, adding it appeared unrelated to the deadly stampede later.
Finner said police had 528 officers assigned to the festival on Friday, along with 755 private security personnel. Peña said the venue could theoretically have held up to 200,000 but organizers limited the crowd to 50,000, and that number seemed accurate based on ticket sales.
Houston-born Scott said he was “absolutely devastated” and vowed to “support the police as they investigate.”
“My prayers go out to the families and all those impacted,” Scott wrote on Twitter. “Love You All.”
Peña described how the crush of fans quickly overwhelmed the private medical personnel for the festival, a two-day affair that was scheduled to culminate on Saturday but was canceled after Friday night’s tragedy.
Videos posted to social media showed a chaotic scene as fans and staff tried to bring attention to injured concertgoers. One video showed fans attempting to make camera operators aware of the dangerous situation. A separate video showed people waving toward the stage and chanting “Stop the show!”
The investigation is likely to focus on security and safety protocols. Two weeks ago, another Houston concert was canceled after fans pushed into a Playboi Carti show being held within the same NRG Park complex.
Jennifer Ortega, 22, who arrived at Friday’s event around 1 p.m. said access was orderly at that time. But by 4 p.m. the crowd at the smaller of the festival’s two stages “got pretty reckless,” with people throwing water bottles. She said she saw about three people leaving the area with bloody noses and missing teeth.
Organizers said they were cooperating with police.
“We are focused on supporting local officials however we can,” Astroworld Fest, an event organized by Live Nation Entertainment, said on Twitter.
Fans in distress
Scott stopped multiple times during his 75-minute performance when he spotted fans in distress near the stage and asked security to ensure their safety, video posted online showed. Emergency vehicles, lights and alarms flashing, cut through the audience several times.
“We need somebody to help. Somebody passed out right here,” Scott said, according to video of his set, which included a guest appearance by Canadian rapper Drake. “Security, somebody, jump in here real quick.”
Another video clip showed police performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on several people even as music blared in the background.
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
With no shame or sign of humanity, the enemies of Israel have doubled down on their insistence that Israel is an illegitimate state that must be destroyed and that the savage slaughter of 1,200 innocent Jews was justified—all based on five “Big Lies” about the Jewish state.
They condone savagery based on utter lies
What are the facts?
The world for Jews and Israel will never be the same. Wellesley College students receive official messages saying Zionists (i.e. most Jewish students) are not welcome in the school’s dorms. Hamas official Ghazi Hamad in a TV rant swears Hamas will repeat October 7 over and over until Israel is annihilated. West Bank Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi says “What Hitler did to you was a joke—we will drink your blood and eat your skull.”
While Hamas’s October 7 atrocity shattered the hope of many Palestinian supporters, causing them to rethink their positions, the event only ignited an explosion of hate from other of Israel’s enemies. Tens of thousands of demonstrators made clear they no longer support two states living side by side in peace. Rather they demand “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free . . . by any means necessary”—meaning, clearly, slaughter of civilians.
Power of Big Lies: Though Israel was the victim of a mass murder of innocent Jews, its enemies blame the Jewish state—not only for the Hamas massacre, but also for responding in defense. The reasons many blame Israel for the atrocity are based on five Big Lies. Big Lies were used by Nazi leader Goebbels, who noted that if he told an outrageous lie often enough, people would begin to believe it. Alternatively, if you use truth as a basis for your judgments, you may these facts useful:
Lie #1:  Israel is a colonial state that stole Palestinian land. A colonizer is a foreign nation that conquers and exploits another nation. First, the Palestinians have never controlled any land in Palestine: They were also never a nation. Nothing was stolen. Second, Jews are the indigenous people of the land of Israel. They have lived there continuously for 3,000 years and had two commonwealths for over 1,000 years: They are not foreigners. No colonial state.
Lie #2: Israel commits genocide. Genocide is the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by killing its members. Israel does not, nor has ever, targeted innocent Palestinian civilians for killing—no mass murders, no pogroms. All Palestinian civilian deaths have occurred as collateral damage while fighting terrorists who hide in residential or other public areas. Tellingly, the population in in and around Israel has mushroomed since Israel’s founding in 1948—from about 700,000 to seven million today: Zero genocide.
Lie #3: Israel practices apartheid. Apartheid is a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. Israel has no laws or policies separating or limiting the rights of any of its citizens—including two million Arab-Israeli citizens—nor any Palestinians outside Israel. Political and civil rights of all Palestinians outside Israel are controlled by their respective dictatorships, who allow virtually no freedoms, such as speech or the vote. No apartheid.
Lie #4: Israel is committing war crimes. War crimes include torture, hostage taking, acts of terrorism, rape and intentional targeting of civilians. While Hamas committed all these acts on October 7, Israel commits none. Though some media bristle at what they consider excessive civilian deaths during Israeli military efforts, in fact, Israel attacks only military structures and personnel—never civilian-only targets. Unfortunately, Hamas places its fighters in dense residential areas or in tunnels beneath them, endangering civilians. No Israeli war crimes.
Lie #5: Israel brutally oppresses the Palestinians daily. Oppression is the malicious exercise of power to discriminate against some groups. Because Israel completely exited Gaza in 2005, it has no power over of the daily lives of Gazans. However, because of Hamas’s continuous terror, especially efforts to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state, Israel and Egypt have placed Gaza under a strict blockade to prevent terror attacks. Likewise, because of the Oslo Accords, Israel and the Palestinian Authority share governance of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). Thus, Israel plays virtually no role governing Palestinians daily lives and only enters Palestinian-controlled areas when terrorists flee to and hide in them. No oppression.
Above all, Israel and the U.N. have made numerous offers of land for an independent Palestinian state. Unfortunately, the Palestinians have turned down five offers of land for peace since 1948, three of them over the last 23 years. Apparently, their dream of conquering Israel “from the land to the sea” is more important.
The bestiality of the October 7 massacre shocked us—beheadings, incineration, rape, torture, heartless executions, brutal kidnappings. Even worse, the gates have opened to unlimited Jew hatred on American streets and campuses—to condoning savagery with the excuse of Palestinian liberation . . . based on utter lies about the Jewish state. But Hamas and the haters should know that “Never Again,” means fighting and defeating evil forever.
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bloggerblagger · 3 years
91)      Is this the man who scuppered the Super League?
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Question: Which of the really big teams  did not join the breakaway? Answer: Bayern Munich, Ajax, PSG. 
Of these, whose owners were most threatened by the Superleague? Answer: PSG. Why? Because they are owned by the Qataris and Qatar host the World Cup in 2022. The second to last thing the Qataris  want is to fall out with FIFA now. And the very last thing  they want is Messi, Ronaldo, Kane et al being barred from playing in their World Cup. So it seems to me highly likely that  Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Emir of Qatar, needed to do something.
Next question: Which team was the first to pull the rug from under the Super League? Chelsea*. Who makes the decisions at Chelsea? I think we all know the answer to that.  
Do we really think Roman is the kind of man who would bow to pressure from  a few hundred fans demonstrating outside Stamford Bridge? On the other hand we do  know, do we not, that there is one man whose bidding even Roman Abramovic has to do.
It may have escaped your notice - it had mine - that there has been a marked thawing of relations between Qatar and Russia over the last couple of years. But a quick bit of Googling will tell you that there has been. The Qataris have quite a lot of investments in Russia apparently.
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So I do not think it beyond the bounds of possibility that a telephone conversation has taken place over the last day or so, that went along these lines:
“Hello, Vlad speaking.”
“Watcha Vlad, me old cocker, it’s the Emir ‘ere. I need a bit of a favour.”
And then a second call might have followed.
“Yes, Your Esteemed Excellency, Master of All  You Survey?”
“You know this Super League your plaything is joining?”
“Yes, Your Magnificence, Emperor of the Universe, isn’t it a wonderful idea? Many millions are the roubles that will be cascading into our joint bank account.”
“Hm. Well, I’ve been thinking that it might not be that wonderful an idea after all.”
“Do you know,  Your Tremendousness, Supreme Leader with Knobs On, now you come to mention it, it is an absolutely terrible idea.”
Of course, this is pure conjecture on my part. `But I think it is a damn sight more plausible than the idea that these ruthless billionaire owners would have been put off their stroke by a rabble of pissed up football fans.
 * Although, technically, Manchester City were the first club to pull out, they only did it after Chelsea had publicly signalled their intent to do so by preparing documentation to withdraw.
The myth of the pyramid.
Everybody has got their knickers in a twist over  the proposed Super League being a closed shop. Although actually it would have been only a partially closed shop, because although fifteen  teams would have  been guaranteed their place,  the plan  did leave room for a changing roster of  five poor relations to be allowed in. Apparently, the whole thing  was an unforgivable affront to the great traditions of the British game.
Au contraire.
Until 1986 the Football League was a closed shop. A completely closed shop. The only way any one of the ninety two clubs could be removed was if they were voted out by the other members, and routinely, for many years, even the club that finished ninety second was voted back in. Only after 1986 was there a right to promotion to the Football League for the team that won the Conference.
Yes, there was relegation and promotion between the divisions within the closed shop, but if you didn’t have the golden ticket, there was no way of gaining admission as of right.
So if this league of twenty had been divided into two divisions of ten (the size of the Scottish Premiership) with promotion and relegation between those two divisions, it would have every bit in the English tradition. Except the Super League  was prepared to guarantee  a ladder to five teams every year. Which was exactly five more than the old Football League did. 
Blame it all on the Yanks.
‘Overpaid. Over sexed. And over here.’ That was the phrase used to describe the GIs who came to Britain in the war. And at the root of that, quite obviously, was envy.
Not much has changed. The rapacious  American owners have been fingered as the villains of the piece, wanting to undermine our cherished Corinthian ideals with their alien way of  doing sport.
In fact, the NFL, although it lacks the ‘jeopardy’ of relegation which is apparently essential to the British enjoyment of football, is much fairer than our Premiership. (Side note: In 60 odd years of watching football, I have never before heard the word ‘jeopardy’ used in connection with it, never mind it being so incredibly important.)
In the NFL - and I believe in baseball and basketball - there is a built in concept of competitive fairness. Basically the team that does worst in one season gets the pick of the new players for the next, via the ‘draft’ from the College teams. That way each team has a chance of success. And there is a salary cap. It’s quite complicated but the basic idea is that each team must spend approximately the same  total on player wages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salary_cap#National_Football_League
Behind all this is the rather socialist ( and seemingly unAmerican idea) that the collective good is important for the individual good.  The product they are selling is the NFL and for that to be interesting to people it needs to be competitive.
Compare that to our ludicrously unfair system where money rules. Only the teams with the big money can win the big prizes. Yes, Leicester won the Premiership a few years ago. But that was the only time in 30 years. That was the exception that proves the rule.
No, these rather egalitarian  ideals were not part of the Super League proposals. We were to get the worst of their system and none of the good bits. But to reflexively dismiss the American way of doing things as being ‘greedy’ and necessarily inferior to ours is just plain stupid.
Was the whole thing really Boris’s idea?
If it had been I would have been rather impressed because it would have implied a degree of competence that he certainly doesn’t have. But honestly, he couldn’t haven’t dreamed up anything more useful to him.
At the very moment when the ’Tory sleaze’ story is beginning to have some traction along comes this Super League nonsense to divert the credulous nation. And it’s  not just any old diversion but the perfect way to put another brick or two in the once red wall. Boris as saviour of the people’s game! 
Now he can order Oliver Dowden to rush off to parliament to fulminate about the awfulness of it all and threaten to send gunboats to Anfield. And Boris himself can invite flat capped footie fans to Downing Street to tell them he is going to drop a ‘legislative bomb’ and promise his undying support.  
The truly amazing thing is that, listening to the Chief Someone or Other of the National Supporters Something or Other on Radio 4 at lunchtime, it seemed  to me like they actually believed him. They seem completely oblivious to his being a compulsive bare faced liar. (“There will no border down the Irish Sea Etc.”)
I can see him in his Downing Street flat right now, bitterly complaining to Carrie.
“Fucking Putin. Why did he have to sticking his sodding oar in? We could have strung this out for another month.”
0 notes
junker-town · 4 years
Where Messi could play next if he leaves Barcelona
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Here are some of the more intriguing possibilities for Messi, along with their betting odds.
In the world of soccer, no player is more closely associated with a team than Leo Messi and Barcelona. That could soon change. Messi has reportedly told Barcelona that he intends to void his contract, ending a 20-year relationship that started when he was just 13.
While Barcelona denies these reports — and there’s speculation that the situation could end up being decided by the courts — there’s at least the possibility that Messi could walk on a free, essentially allowing him to join whatever team he pleases and demanding just about whatever he wants.
There probably isn’t a team in the world who would turn down a chance to sign Messi — almost no matter the cost — but here are some of the more intriguing possibilities, along with their betting odds.
Manchester City (5-4)
Ever since the possibility of Messi switching teams first became a seeming possibility, City has been the most prominently mentioned destination. It’s not just that they are effectively owned by the United Arab Emirates and have more money than anyone. They’re also managed by Pep Guardiola, the coach who led him to two of his four UEFA Champions League titles. City has consistently been among England’s best teams since Guardiola joined them, but have failed to complete his mission of European glory.
Somewhere in England (7-5)
In addition to City, Manchester United (12-1), Liverpool (14-1), Arsenal (40-1), Chelsea (40-1) and Leeds United (50-1) are all deemed solid enough bets to be named. Collectively, the oddsmakers seem to think there’s a pretty good chance he’s going to end up in the EPL. For my money, the most intriguing of these possibilities is Leeds. Once, one of England’s top teams, they’ve been out of the top flight since being relegated after the 2003-04 season. Messi supposedly campaigned for Leeds manager Marcelo Bielsa to join Barcelona prior to Ronald Koeman’s hiring. Unfortunately, we’d have to wait at least another year before we get an answer to the age-old question of whether he can “do the business on a rainy day at Stoke”?
Inter Milan (3-1)
It might be a little surprising to see Inter Milan so high on this list. But they’ve got a few things going for them. The first is chairman Steven Zhang, who effectively manages the team’s finances on behalf of his father’s company Suning Holdings Group. Inter Milan has been among the teams most openly trying to recruit Messi. The Italian giants are about a decade removed from being among the sport’s elite and likely see Messi as a ticket back into that conversation. A move to Serie A would also re-ignite Messi’s rivalry with Cristiano Ronaldo, who joined fellow Italian side Juventus ahead of last season.
Paris Saint-Germain (3-1)
Like Manchester City, PSG are effectively owned by a nation-state and their wealth is primarily what makes this possible. In this case, it’s Qatar’s Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. As you may have heard, PSG already has one of the most expensive rosters in the world (right behind City) that features the likes of Neymar and Kylian Mbappé. Given the presence of those two, Messi probably doesn’t make a ton of sense from a roster-building perspective. But I’m sure they’d figure out a way to make it work. PSG is fresh off a loss in the Champions League final, so maybe they see Messi as the missing piece to this very expensive puzzle.
Juventus (5-1)
To be completely honest, I don’t know why Juventus is this high on the betting charts. They are owned by the Agnelli family, whose worth is estimated at about $13.5 billion. They also own Fiat. No one doubts they have money and Messi is probably looking for a lot of it, so that probably explains the connection. This would pair up the two most successful players of the modern era, but it would also force Juventus to commit the equivalent a small nation’s GDP to two players on the wrong side of 30. On the other hand, it would likely force a few soccer journalist’s heads to explode after they’d spent so much time making it seem like these two represented such diametrically opposed visions of the perfect soccer player.
Major League Soccer (12-1)
Remember when David Beckham signed for the LA Galaxy and everyone thought “wow, that’s crazy”? Well, this would be like 10 times crazier. Even with the rapidly increasing values of MLS teams, Messi’s contract would likely be worth more than almost any one team in the league. Even if the league could collectively find a way to justify underwriting that kind of deal (similar to how they did with Beckham) convincing Messi would be extremely difficult. Then again, maybe the siren-call of Miami or Los Angeles is just what he needs right now. (Note: None of this should preclude the possibility of it happening a few more years down the line...)
Bayern Munich (16-1)
No one should doubt that Bayern Munich has the money to sign Messi, but it would definitely be a bit out of character for them. While they are happy to buy up the best German players, they usually don’t splash this kind of money on foreigners. Messi could be the exception, though. Bayern Munich were the team that eliminated Barca from Champions League this year (and went on to win the treble), so they’ve got that going for them, which is nice.
Newell’s Old Boys (20-1)
Before he was a world-superstar, Messi was just a promising kid coming up through the Newell’s Old Boys academy. Well, not just any kid. He supposedly scored 234 goals in 176 games between 1994-99, which is how he attracted the attention of international scouts. This would not be a move that makes any sort of economic sense, but maybe Messi is just longing to connect to his native land after failing to bring them any sort of international glory.
Retire before Jan. 1, 2021 (4-1)
This is sort of the x-factor answer, and apparently the betting public thinks it’s at least within the realm of possibility. This probably only happens if Barcelona manages to convince a judge that the opportunity to void his contract passed while the team was on its Covid-19 hiatus and either tries to force him to remain or demands a nine-figure transfer fee. At 33, the only thing left for him to accomplish is winning an international trophy for Argentina, a team he quit in 2016. Although he came back to make a run at the 2018 World Cup, he’s unlikely to stick around just to take another shot in 2022 with all the chaos that’s surrounded the team.
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asynjja · 4 years
39, 40, 49!
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Send   me   a   #   to   learn   an   unusual   headcanon   about   my   muse !  source .   accepting .
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under   a   readmore   because   I   ramble !!
39 .   Do   they   have   siblings ?     If   so,     how   many ?     Do   they   like   them ?
                   A   big   question,     ok!     Moa   Zhao   was   born   the   illegitimate   daughter   to   Rollo   of   Normandy     but   the   paternity   not   verified   until   the   late   20th   century,     so   neither   she   nor   I   consider   his   other   offspring   her   siblings.     She   never   met   them,     she   did   not   know   she   was   related   to   them   when   they   were   still   alive,     and   subsequently   they   play   a   fairly   insignificant   role.     The   women   who   raised   her,     she   considered   her   aunts   and   not   sisters ;     she   was   one   of   the   last   thralls   to   be   born   in   the   Normandy,     while   the   general   attitude   in   Europe   at   the   time   shifted   away   from   slavery   and   towards   serfdom     (   despite   the   similarities   between   both   &   Christianity   not   completely   opposing   slavery   in   its   holy   scriptures   ).     Before   I   say   anything   wrong,     I’m   still   not   completely   sure   whether   thralldom   was   the   same   as   serfdom   or   simply   very,   very   similar   ――     but   point   is,     she   was   raised   around   women   who   were   on   average   15   years   older   than   her   and   largely   from   Northern   or   Central   Europe.     None   of   them   came   close   to   being   an   older   sister   figure   to   her   and   the   general   attitude   towards   her   was   distanced   and   slightly   suspicious.     She   usually   doesn’t   trust   people   quickly   and   even   if   close   relationships   develop,     it   still   takes   a   certain   while   for   her   to   trust   someone   enough   to   consider   them   family ?     They   have   to   challenge   her   in   a   way   that   a   sibling   would   do,     both   emotionally   and   intellectually,     and   tbh   Moa   is   touch - starved.     It   happens   quickly   that   she   misinterprets   signals   and   makes   sexual   advances   just   because   sex   is   the   primary   source   of   physical   intimacy   for   her.   
(   And   yeah,     we   all   know   you   can   just   ask   people   to   give   you   a   hug   but   let’s   be   real   for   a   second,     this   is   Moa   Zhao.     She’s   distanced   and   the   occasional   asshole   and   she   manipulates   people   when   doing   so   gives   her   any   benefits   ――     she   would   never   outright   ask   for   intimacy.     She’d   rather   ruin   a   perfectly   good   friendship   and   have   that   awkward   morning   after   than   to   admit   that   she’s   lonely.   )
But   there   are   a   handful   of   people   she   considers   her   siblings   by   decision   and   not   by   blood   and   jokes   on   u   for   asking   because   Albert   is   one   of   them ??     But   also   @patricauris   &   @stfreds !     She’d   honestly   go   to   hell   and   back   to   save   either   of   them.     And   if   we’re   being   honest,     I’m   just   a   sucker   for   platonic   &   pseudo-familial   relationships   and   Moa’s   heart   is   big   enough   to   fit   as   many   people   inside   as   possible.
40 .   Do   they   have   a   big   family   or   a   small   family ?     No   family ?
                    Effectively,     I   think   her   family   could   be   considered   small.     In   the   default   universe,     it   consists   of   her   two   adult   sons   that   live   in   different   cities     (   Hamad   in   South   Windsor,   Connecticut,     as   mentioned ;     Ephraim   in   Yorkshire,   England   ),     her   two   husbands   Kua   Hale   &   Willem   Grim   who   own   their   own   apartments   in   Boston   and   New   York   City   respectively,     and   possibly   their   respective   families …     but   tbh   while   Kua’s   family   is   somewhat   aware   of   Moa   not   being   human,     they   don’t   know   much   about   her,     and   from   Willem’s   family   only   one   of   his   bigger   sisters   lives   in   the   US   and   subsequently   talks   to   Moa   often.     The   remaining   Grims   all   live   in   Izidhor   and   have   little   to   no   contact   to   the   world   outside   the   Atlantean   Empire.     Even   if   we   add   the   plotted   familial   relationships   with   other   roleplayers,     we’re   still   at   only   seven   family   members   and   I’m   not   the   best   person   to   ask   about   the   definition   of   a   small   family   because   my   own   is   huge   and   anything   below   20   living   relatives   sounds   absolutely   tiny   to   me   but …     yeah,     she   doesn’t   have   a   big   family.
49 .   Do   they   have   a   creative   outlet ?     If   so,     what   is   it ?
                   Already   answered !!
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blackwing2230-blog · 7 years
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Hey everyone! NickHopps_JudyWilde here with the next chapter of Honeymoon Vacation, “That One Call”. It took a but but it’s finally here, and I know some of you have been waiting for this for a while and I apologize for the wait. Thank you all who have read, reviewed and commented on this! Love you all!❤️
And again, I have to thank @quirky-middle-child for the awesome commission he did for me and this chapter! You’re awesome man!
So, without any further delay, here is the next chapter of Honeymoon Vacation!
That One Call
“Mr. Wilde, do you have anything to add before you say your vows?” The leopard preacher asked Nick.
Nick gulped down the nervous lump stuck in the back of his throat. He looked out to the crowd, eyes looking for his mother, just to ease his nerves that just skyrocketed out of him.
With shaky paws, he reached into the pockets of his dress coat and pulled out the small white note cards he had written his vows down the night before. He read them, re-read them, and memorized every single word he had written down to the smallest detail. But as soon as he brought them out, his mind went blank.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Nicks mind frantically screamed out to him.
He stood there, paws and feet shaking. He looked to the pastor, then to Judy, who were both waiting for him, as was the rest of the mammals in the church. A few coughs from someone out in the pews indicated to the red fox that he was taking long.
“Pull yourself together, you dumb fox,” he told himself. “Mammal up. It’s now or never.”
He breathed out a nervous breath of air and began.
“Well, I did have a little something memorized, but it seems that my brain isn’t working at the moment,” he announced nervously.
The crowd, pastor and Judy all laughed and chuckled.
“Dumb fox,” Judy mumbled with a chuckle, her violet eyes shining towards Nick.
“But,” he continued. “I’m just gonna go with my gut on his one.” He then tossed the note cards back into his pocket. He cleared his throat, looking into Judy’s eyes that he loved so much, speaking his vows to her very soul.
“Judy, honestly, there isn’t enough words in all of Zootopia that could define how much love I have for you, and how you make me feel. I can still remember the first day I met you, back when you were just a little meter maid, in Jumbeaux’s Café. Most of you know the story, but even then, I had always found you really attractive, and quite beautiful, even for a cute bunny.”
He knew that this was the only time that Judy and her family wouldn’t blurt out about calling rabbits cute. He saw in Judy’s face that she wanted to.
“We solved one of the biggest cases in Zootopia together. And even through all the struggles you had to endure, my complete stubbornness against helping you in the beginning of the Missing Mammals case, and a few large speed bumps in the beginning of our relationship, you have become one of the most important mammal in my life. Everyday you prove to everyone that you truly can be anything you want to be, as long as you strive for your goal and never quit. You’ve also changed me from being the sly con fox who hustled others for a buck into an officer to help, serve and protect others while making the world a better place. As your husband and partner, I will protect you from all the dangers that cross our path in the line of duty. But I also can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you by my side, my sly bunny.”
Tears threatened to spill out of his and Judy’s eyes. He almost choked on a few of his words during his just thought of vows. But he did it. He made his vows to the love of his life, in front of family and friends for all to see.
“Thank you Mr. Wilde,” the pastor smiled with a nod of his head. He then turned his attention to Judy. “Now, Ms. Hopps, your vows…”
Nick stood there on the dance floor of the country bar, petrified. He couldn’t move a muscle, he couldn’t even blink, not with those five gazes looking right at him. Into his very being.
Judy felt Nicks paw shaking in hers, but did not take her somber gaze off of the five mammals who stood in front of them, like they owned the place.
“You know, I almost didn’t believe Kieran here when he told me that you were actually here,” the beaver spoke out with a slight lisp. “But here he is, Nick Wilde, in the flesh.” He smiled wide, exposing more of the two huge front teeth.
Judy knew every single one of their names perfectly. The beavers name was Sam Logger, the leader of the bullies who had placed the muzzle on Nick when they were children. He wore an olive green collared shirt that had many stains on it with slightly torn blue jeans.
Next was Tim Underwood, the horse with the mangy mane. Though his mane was a complete mess, he was well dressed. He wore a black button shirt that complimented his brown coat very well with a pair of a pair of khaki shorts.
The one next to Tim was Mo Hamad, a wildebeest with multiple laceration scars on his forearms with chipped hooves, more than likely from previous violent fights. He wore a red striped shirt with an odd colored pair of sun yellow shorts that did not match him in the least.
She knew Kieran already. That smug zebra that had basically cheated them of their taxi ride, while portraying his distaste for interspecies couples.
The last mammal of the group was Simon Lim, the hippo. Out of all five of them, he was the largest. The shirt he wore was one size too small, exposing a small part of his stomach. One of his large teeth was chipped, almost to the point where it was non existent.
“Seems you haven’t changed a bit there, Nicky boy,” Tim said in a deep voice. His smile was large, matching the size of his snout. He moved in closer to Nick, reaching out a hoof towards him.
But Nick quickly backed away from Tim’s movement. His breathing was slow, shaking him to his core. He hadn’t blinked once as he stood there.
Tim withdrew his hoof and backed off, returning next to Mo. He saw the red foxes tenseness and the way he was shaking. He smiled on the inside, pleased is what he was feeling. He had that same terrified look on his face when they were in the basement of the junior ranger scouts building.
“Out for a little late night dancing?” Sam asked Nick, who remained silent.
“That’s right, we are,” Judy spoke harshly, her foot tapping with agitation on the floor.
Sam looked over to the gray bunny who had just spoke to him in a harsh tone. His eyelids lowered to a small scowl. “And you are?”
“I’m his wife. Judy Wilde.” She brought Nick close to her so she could try and snap him out of the trance he was trapped in. “And you and your buddies are the ones who hurt Nick when he was a kid.”
“Wife?” Simon broke in.
“You’re married?” This time, Mo asked.
“Yes, we are,” Judy replied proudly.
The group of five mammals each held different expressions from what Judy just told them. Kieran was already aware of the situation that these two freaks, he considered them, were in. He neglected to tell the others because he wanted them to hear it first hand if he ever encountered the two again.
“Oh, well, that’s quite the news,” Sam confessed, holding in the distaste in his mouth. “Congratulations.” He meant none of what he just said
Judy didn’t even acknowledge the beaver. She just replied, saying “I want to know why you muzzled him. He never did anything to you or your friends.”
She was demanding an explanation and she wasn’t going to leave without one.
“We were kids then,” Kieran defended. “It was a different time back then. We were just protecting ourselves in case… Something were to happen.”
While Kieran talked, Nick broke out of his trance, but was still slightly shaking.
“That’s no excuse!” Judy snapped back, a bit of spit leaving her mouth towards the five mammals. “I was afraid of foxes when I was a child too, but never in my life did I want to muzzle them! All Nick wanted to do was become a ranger scout just like you! And you stole that from him, along with his innocence and sense of belonging.”
“What is it you want then?” The brawny beaver asked coldly. “An apology?”
As Judy was about to exclaim, Nick grasped her paw and pulled her away. “We’re going Judy. Just let it go.”
“Nick! What are you…” Judy pleaded to deaf ears.
Nick walked straight to the entrance, even when Judy tried pulling him back with all her might. But all she was able to do was just slid across the floor while glaring back at the five mammals. She had so much more to say to those bastards of mammals who hurt her husband and wanted to curse their very beings.
Kieran stepped forward, ready to chase down the fox and bunny, but was stopped with the stubby arm of Sam.
“Don’t,” the beaver bluntly stated.
The zebra looked down to his old friend with a dumbfound expression. “You’re just gonna let them go?”
“For now. At least we know that what you told us wasn’t a lie. But right now, we have our own little ‘problem’ to deal with.”
Sam looked to Simon and Kieran to his right, and then to Tim and and Mo to his left. He nodded to them, and they nodded back, knowing exactly what the beaver had in mind.
Judy and Nick took a cab back to the hotel. Nick was silent. His ears down and his eyes were glued to the floor. The unexpected meeting with the rest of the bullies from his past was more than he had wanted in their honeymoon. Every breath he took was one more he heaved to try and calm himself down.
Judy however, was not in the same mindset as her husband. She was completely and utterly pissed. Her arms were crossed in annoyance, her cheeks puffed out with hot air with consistency in each huff of air. Her tail twitched and nose twitched in response to her flustered self.
Neither one of the two spoke on the way back. One was thinking that if she spoke, she would blow things out of proportion. The other, well, he was self explanatory. He was almost too scared to even talk, and he had every reason to be.
After paying the cab fee, Judy stormed into the hotel elevators. Her stomping feet echoed in the almost empty waiting room, loud enough even to cover up the volume of the TVs. Her ears were pointed forward. It was a sign to tell everyone around that she was very angry.
Nick followed behind his angry bunny wife with his paws in his pockets. He was scuffing his feet. He had a feeling he knew what was about to come once Judy and himself get back to their room.
The elevator ride and the small walk back to their room was still filled with silence between the married couple.
Judy placed her card through the card reader, aggressively sliding it through. It misread two or three times before Judy about punched the door, the fourth time finally read.
She stomped in towards the bedroom, not realizing that the door almost hit Nick in the nose. Though he wasn’t paying as much attention as he normally was, he was able to deflect it before it hit him. Their room was dark, besides the bedroom light that illuminated out into the kitchen and living room.
Nick crept his way into the doorway, peering his head around the corner. He saw his bunny sitting on the edge of the bed, her paws lying down by her side, her jewels of amethyst staring at the ground.
Her ears moved to the sound of the door silently creaking open. She saw the outline of large red colored feet approaching her, knowing that they belonged to Nick.
“Carrots, I…”
“Why didn’t you stand up to them Nick?” She asked before letting Nick finish what he was about to say.
He was surprised to the tone in which Judy spoke. It was calm, and collected. But he didn’t have an answer for her. Deep down inside of him, he knew, and he knew Judy knew as well. His head dipped down, dread covering his emotions.
“I just couldn’t do anything. I was frozen” was all he could mutter.
She turned her gaze back to her husband. “That was your chance to finally earn an explanation from those… Those… Dirtbags. But you just left. Like a coward.”
She could have called them much worse than 'dirtbags’ but held back the profanity. Her adrenaline was rushing through her veins at just the thought of the former bullies.
Judy calling him a coward made his muzzle shoot up, looking at her with new found aggression.
“A coward?” He questioned strictly. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be muzzled as child? Or how I felt that day knowing that I was worthless?” He glared at her menacingly. His anger flared inside of him, an action he had only shown to Judy when he thought he caught her cheating.
“Nick, I didn’t mean it like that,” she defended, now standing in front on Nick.
“Then what did you mean, Carrots?”
She groaned loudly, annoyed with Nick. “Why are you making this such a big deal? All I’m saying is that you ran off instead of confronting them.”
“It’s that easy huh? Just walk up the bullies of your past, who are by the way much larger than they were when you were a kit and say 'Hey! Remember me? The kid you put a muzzle on in ranger scouts? Yeah, I want an apology from you’? Things don’t work like that in the real world Carrots. And I know that you had an easier time with your bully as he apologized to you, but those guys could probably care less about apologizing to me, a fox.”
“It wasn’t that easy Nick!” Judy yelled, her arms flying up into the air. “I may not have been muzzled, but I was attacked as a kit too,” she countered, pointing to the scars on her left cheek. “And if you remember, I wasn’t too fond of foxes throughout my life after Gideon Gray. But you changed all of that.”
Nicks heavy breathing slowed down to a more sophisticated and calm way. She had told him the story about the run in with Gideon many times and how through her childhood she always had her eyes on foxes to make sure that they weren’t up to no good.
But he knew that she was right. About how she felt about foxes before they ever met and how she had grown to care for him after the case.
“That, back there, wasn’t the Nick i knew. The Nick I know would have stood up to even the largest mammals. You’re the most fearless animal I know in the whole world Nick, but I don’t want you to be fearful of these guys. They don’t deserve to see you scared, or even to see you in general.”
She moved in closer to Nick, but ever so slowly. He eyed her movements step by step, watching her small gray feet drawing in closer to his. She reached out a paw to his closed paw, taking hold but with hesitancy. The sense of trouble and anger coming off of Nick was strong. The air was filled with it, stale and heavy.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you Nick. And I’m sorry for calling you something that you aren’t. I’m just… Really angry with them,” she growled, grinding her teeth to the cringing thought of ten.
She hated raising her voice to him, and what’s more, she hated seeing Nick this way. In all honesty, she was scared for him.
“I’m sorry too Carrots,” he sighed heavily with regret. “I guess we were both surprised tonight by them. I don’t like yelling at you Judy. I was out of line for doing so.”
He lifted her paw to his muzzle and kissed the top of it.
“It’s okay Nick,” she replied whilst pulling him close to her. She buried her nose deep into his belly, squeezing her fox as tight as she could. Nick in turn placed his chin on top of her head, enveloping his arms around her. He felt the baby bump against his legs with Judy’s comforting embrace. That’s when he felt himself completely calm, as if the agony of the past he felt when he was the young tod faded away with the knowledge of their growing heartbeat of their baby.
“How 'bout we head to bed?” Judy asked with eyes closed against her foxes stomach, content.
“That sounds good right about now,” he chuckled. He was worn out, physically and mentally, as was his wife.
They eventually found their way under the covers of their awaiting comforter. But the night was filled with more than just a peaceful nights rest.
Many times throughout the night, Judy would awake to Nick rustling the comforter in his sleep. She lost count to how many times she had woken up, two, three, or four times? She had no clue. But all she could remember was his whimpers of help, like he were having a nightmare.
Nightmare was an understatement, if anything, watered down.
Nick was re-dreaming about the night with Sam, Kieran and the others. The same scene replayed over and over in his head. Being muzzled, constantly, over and over and over again. How many times, he didn’t know. A couple dozen? Maybe a hundred? It was like being tortured with the consistency of being stabbed in the heart with pin needles every second, for years on end.
His heart raced with fear, thudding in his rib cage, ready to burst out at any second.
The only way that he was able to calm down was to the warm loving touch of Judy. And all she had to do was wrap her arms around him, being big spoon. He whimpered and scratched the bed for a few seconds after she touched him, but soon stopped.
His body may have been calm, but the nightmare still replayed in his mind.
When morning arose, Judy felt the immediate results of getting little sleep. Her body ached in places she didn’t know were possible. Her eye lids were heavy and her arm that she placed underneath Nick had fallen asleep to the point where she couldn’t even feel it anymore.
Her body begged her to stay in bed, but she had to get up to stretch her sore and tired muscles. She sat up and extended her arms, feeling her sore back muscles and shoulder blades loosen. Everyday the baby would grow, and everyday, Judy could feel the tight pressure on her lower back building. She had no shirt on so it was easier for her to limber up.
She hopped off of the bed as quietly as she could without waking the now sound asleep fox just a paw lengths away from her. Her hamstrings had almost cramped when her feet hit the wood floor. They hadn’t fully awakened and the shock from being forced to do their jobs tightened her legs.
She slowly leaned over, allowing the tendons and muscles to extend so she wouldn’t cause herself any more pain from the possible cramps.
A small grunt left from within her throat from both her tender muscles and the baby bump. She could feel every movement from the baby and her skin and fur stretching, like tiny little growth spurts.
Meanwhile, Nicks ears were fluttering to Judy’s small grunts. The sound of her squeaks awoke one of his emerald eyes, the other refusing to budge from him being restless throughout the night.
“Morning sweetheart,” he mumbled tiredly, shifting his body over onto Judy’s side of the bed.
Judy stood up and stretched her arms once more with a wide yawn, her belly growing outwards as she stretched. “Good morning Mr. Restless. How’d you sleep?” She grumbled, watching her fox starting to stretch his own aching muscles.
The foxes eyes looked upon his wife, whilst his ears fell back to his head. He shook his head in reply, the memory of the nightmare still drilled into his mind.
“What was it about?” Judy asked , sitting back down next to her discouraged husband, her paw instinctively placing itself on his shoulder.
Nick took hold of his bunnies paw on his shoulder and tilted his head so his cheek was covering both of their paws.
“It was about Kieran and the others,” he proclaimed, his stare not moving from his feet that were uncovered. “The night they attacked me.”
“How bad was it?” She asked as an anxious feeling began showing itself.
“I lost count of how many times I was muzzled. It just replayed over and over. I was like a spectator to my own nightmare. And no matter how hard I tried to yell out to myself to fight back, nothing came out. All I could do was watch, hundreds of times.”
The paw that Judy placed on Nick’s shoulder quickly slid its way around his back, followed by her other arm that wrapped itself around his neck.
She hadn’t realized until now the damage that Kieran and his friends had caused Nick mentally until now. She saw fear in his eyes, even when it was just a dream. She knew it was a dramatic experience for him, but not to the extent that he was showing. And all she did the night before was call him a coward for not standing up to them.
“I’m so sorry Nick,” she cried, the salty water droplets in her eyes threatening to spill out. “I shouldn’t have said what I said last night. I didn’t know that it scarred you that badly.”
Her hold on him tightened with each breath of weeping air. She hadn’t expected herself to cry in that moment, but it didn’t matter to her just as long as he knew that she was truly sorry.
He heard her whimpers and the instantly felt the tightening pressure around his neck. But despite almost being choked, he still managed to wrap his arms around Judy.
“It’s all right Carrots,” he choked, struggling to get air into his lungs.
“Ummm… Could you… Possibly… loosen your hug a little Carrots?”
Judy’s attention was brought back. Her eyes opened with surprise from hearing Nick choking his words.
“Oh! I’m sorry Nick,” she sniffled, releasing the tension around his neck.
His paws had been sitting by his side the whole time, until one of them found its way at to the back of Judy’s soft head, right behind the ears, while the other caressed her back. He held her passionately, rubbing his paws softly on her head.
“No need for bunny tears, my adorable bunny. I’ll be okay,” he concluded, drawing Judy out of his shoulder so she was looking at him. He wiped a tear as it just fell from shimmering eyes.
“Are you sure? Nick, if you’re not, I need to know.”
He could hear the seriousness in her voice through the sadness. Because he knew that didn’t like seeing him change from his happy, sarcastic and sometimes smug self into a pile of tears and self loathing.
“I mean, I’m not one-hundred percent fine. I’m stressed to high heaven to be completely honest. But you’ll be the only one who’ll know that. Remember what I say,”
“'Never let them see that they get to you’,” Judy finished, rolling her eyes sarcastically. She sniffed two more times before ridding the left over water in her eyes with a broken up chuckle.
Nick chuckled along with her, a smile growing across his muzzle. But whether it was a real one or not, he couldn’t decipher. And just like Judy had repeated by not letting them see, he wasn’t showing everything that he was still feeling. He only said that he was okay just so Judy’s smile would return. Even when he was hurting on the inside, it was all worth it when the bright smile from his bunny was shining towards him. Nothing mattered as long as his wife was happy, which also meant that the baby was happy.
“Come 'ere you cute bunny,” he called, tracing his pointer claw lightly over Judy’s spine, a very sensitive, and quite ticklish spot for her.
Ripples of sensation pierced the nerves in her back, chills reaching the tips of her ears down to her toes. Her back arched as she bit down on her lip, an indentation in her forehead showing her pleasure. She moaned, fighting the urge to yell her favorite line of don’t call me cute.
“You… This will be the only time you can call me cute slick,” she breathed, the feminine hormones within her erupting, drowning out the 'C’ word he just called her.
Nick smiled proudly with his gaze to the back of the bunnies head. “You always say that fluff. And yet, I still get away with it.”
He was right, Judy admitted to herself. But, she liked it, secretly of course. She enjoyed the sly smile he wore whenever he could get away with things that she didn’t like. Especially when it came to calling her cute.
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technologyinfosec · 5 years
Commemoration Day: UAE leaders pay tribute to nation's martyrs
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The President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, said that martyrdom is the highest degree of devotion and dedication to the homeland, and only great nations are built through sacrifice and sincere belonging.
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WAM News / English✔@WAMNEWS_ENG Martyrdom is the highest degree of devotion to homeland: #UAEPresident#CommemorationDay#wamnewshttp://wam.ae/en/details/1395302807037 …
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111:04 PM - Nov 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee WAM News / English's other Tweets In a statement to the 'Nation Shield' magazine, Sheikh Khalifa said: "On this glorious day, when we exalt the values of giving and sacrifice, we express the utmost appreciation to our righteous martyrs who have given their blood and souls in fulfilment of the sacred duty, in support of the oppressed, in defence of the truth, and in the protection of the UAE, which was founded by our fathers on the values of giving, redemption, belonging, loyalty and courage. "The biography of the martyrs of the homeland, whose processions have progressed throughout history, will remain immortal in our conscience, and the medals of honour and pride we take. This biography is embodied by the society in its cohesion, and the State is committed to caring for and honouring the children of the martyrs and their families. Martyrdom is the highest degree of devotion and dedication to the homeland, and great nations are built through sacrifice and sincere belonging. "On this blessed day, we pay tribute to our valiant sons, soldiers, officers and commanders of our armed forces, who are vigilant in protecting and defending the homeland, and saluting our children across all workplaces inside and outside the country. "We pray to God that our martyrs may rest in His mercy and that they achieve the highest paradise because they believed in what God and the homeland had promised. We ask God Almighty to reward their children and their families for their certainty, their composure, patriotism and their patience, and we call on him to preserve our country, and to perpetuate the blessings of our state's security and safety. "Peace, mercy, and the blessings of God be upon you." Strong bond between people and leadership shield UAE: Dubai Ruler His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has paid special tributes to the UAE martyrs on Commemoration Day, sharing sincere feelings of gratitude to their families who, he said, set a perfect example of giving and belonging to the homeland by sacrificing their sons for the highest good of all Emiratis. In a statement to the 'Nation Shield' magazine, Sheikh Mohammed said: "On behalf of all Emiratis, I salute all families who offered their sons to protect the national gains of our homeland and to keep our flag flying high at all times under all circumstances. It's your wisdom, fortitude and magnanimity that enabled our valiant armed forces to continue to be the protective shield of our homeland. "Our martyrs are the sons and grandsons of our nation's icon and the founder of our renaissance, the late Sheikh Zayed. They are the trustees of his vision, which states that the UAE army is our protective shield that preserves our national unity and accomplishments, and helps our brotherly Arab countries in case of need. "As we celebrate today the quintessential Emirati values of giving, loyalty and self-denial, we urge our families, schools, media and literati to continue to inculcate these noble values in our society and instil them in our younger generations, so they align themselves with the heroic deeds of our martyrs in word and deed. "This solemn occasion reminds us to continue to engrave the message of martyrdom in our mind, memory and heart. "Commemoration Day will forever remain as an indelible message that the sovereignty, security, stability and pride of the UAE, and the safety and well-being of Emiratis are a priority that is second to none. We will remain willing and ready to bear the costs of protecting our land, ensuring its independence, building our nation and maintaining our national gains, thereby keeping our country as a role model for development, prosperity, social welfare, and economic well-being. "The heroes of our armed forces, along with all security departments and institutions, and all the sons and daughters of the UAE, bear the costs of facing the dangers besetting our homeland and those surrounding our brotherly countries and Arab nations at large. While valiantly performing their noble tasks, our armed forces deliver a clear-cut message purporting that the UAE is a nation with innate immune defenses against any evil machinations and plots thanks to our cohesive social fabric and the strong bonds of solidarity between our people and leadership. We will remain faithful to principles for which they sacrificed lives: Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed abu dhabi - His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, said that the martyrs who sacrificed their souls in protection of the homeland shoulder all Emiratis with a solemn responsibility towards nation-building and keeping the national flag flying high at all fronts and under all circumstances. In a statement on the Commemoration Day to the 'Nation Shield' magazine, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed said: "The essential message delivered by the Commemoration Day is for every Emirati to keep sacrificing for his/her homeland by continuing to be loyal to our deeply-rooted principles and values, the seeds of which were sown by the founding fathers of the UAE Federation. "Our martyrs embody the UAE's solid commitment toward our brotherly countries, their national defence and their right to stability, development and progress. They express in the truest sense of the word the UAE's principled stance, adopted since the era of the late Sheikh Zayed, in support of righteousness and justice. "While bearing witness to every achievement being now made in the UAE, we recall the noble sacrifices made by our martyrs who are all true partners in every accomplishment and step forward we are taking on the right path toward making our dreams come true. "Our martyrs will remain our source of pride at all times. Their heroic deeds go down in the annals of history as a source of inspiration for all sincere deeds made to ensure our country's glory, stability and progress toward a brighter future. "On the Commemoration Day, we spell out our wholehearted loyalty to our homeland and express our deepest gratitude to all those who sacrificed their soul in protection of their homeland and who we are sure will remain alive with their Lord and will have their reward. "On this glorious occasion, we stand in all solemnity in appreciation of our brave armed forces, who symbolise all sincere feelings of dedication and commitment to the nation's values and principles. They represent the school from which our martyrs learned the love of and sacrifices to the homeland under all circumstances. "On the Commemoration Day, we recall our Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who sowed the seeds of loyalty to the homeland. These seeds fructified into generations of heroes ready to sacrifice their very souls in defence of their homeland and in serving their national duty. Our heroes represent nation's shield: Ajman Ruler His Highness Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Ajman, paid homage to the souls of Emirati martyrs on Commemoration Day. In his statement to the 'Nation Shield', Sheikh Humaid said: "Our country celebrates Commemoration Day on November 30 to remember the glories achieved by the pure souls who did not hesitate to meet their call of duty in defence of their religion, nation and humanity. "The UAE, upon the directives of the President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has dedicated this day to glorify the names of its martyrs. "The UAE, under the leadership of Sheikh Khalifa; His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai; His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, The Supreme Council Members, Their Highnesses Rulers of the Emirates, appreciates the sacrifices of its martyrs who represented the nation's shield and are now icons of will and persistence. "On Commemoration Day, people rally around their leadership to reiterate loyalty, vowing to continue their righteousness journey. Martyrs are role models of loyalty to homeland: Fujairah Ruler His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Fujairah, said that the Commemoration Day will remain a symbol of pride and glory, with the sacrifices by the martyrs being the cornerstone on which we will continue to achieve more accomplishments for our homeland." Sheikh Hamad said in his statement to the Nation Shield magazine: "With all pride and gratitude, we recall the acts of patriotism of the UAE Armed Forces men who sacrificed their souls for the sake of the homeland to. Our martyrs are role models for belonging and loyalty to the homeland. "While celebrating the nation's martyrs, we renew our commitment that we, in the UAE led by the President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, will spare no efforts to support our Arab brothers who've suffered from war and sabotage. We, the UAE leadership and people, will continue to stand by them by sustaining the late Sheikh Zayed's approach and principles aimed at supporting right issues and strengthening Arab bonds. "We extend greetings to the UAE Armed Forces members inside the country and abroad who are always proactive to protect stability and security of our country. They are our shield who keep our country unified and safe. We pledge to protect our national gains and achievements made by our martyrs. We are committed to continue the journey to present an integrated cultural model to the whole world." Commemoration Day upholds sacrifice values: UAQ Ruler His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Rashid Al Mu'alla, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Umm Al Quwain, said that the Commemoration Day upholds the values of sacrifice, redemption and love to the homeland, noting that the occasion is a tribute to all the country's heroes. Sheikh Saud said in his statement to the Nation Shield magazine that the occasion holds a significant meaning to the people of the UAE, as November 30 was the day when the first Emirati martyr Salem Suhail bin Khamis Al Dahmani lost his life while defending his country in 1971. Sheikh Saud noted that national cohesion represents the true meaning of unification and effective participation in building the nation, preserving its gains and strengthening its social fabric as well as the culture of loyalty instilled by the founding fathers. "It is a source of pride for us to witness the honouring of martyrs of the homeland in recognition and appreciation of their sacrifices and acts of patriotism, as they represent an immortal example of national unity and belonging." The Ruler of Umm Al Quwain added that the Commemoration Day is an opportunity to celebrate the sacrifices made by the martyrs to protect the glory, assets and gains of the country. Their sacrifices are beacons for a brighter future: RAK Ruler His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, said the sacrifices made by the Emirati martyrs will remain indelible in the UAE's history as a source of inspiration for generations to come. Sheikh Saud, in a statement to the Nation Shield magazine, said: "The UAE takes pride in our heroes who responded to the call of duty and sacrificed their souls in protection of their nation's glory and in defence of its periphery and national gains. "The inspiring narratives of our martyrs on the battlefronts will remain beacons for a brighter future for the entire nation and its people. And on this memorable day in the country's history, we renew the commitment of the UAE, leadership and people, to continue to support the families of our martyrs, whose sacrifices will remain a model to be copied for all those seeking to ensure the security and dignity of the homeland. Thanks to our martyrs' heroic deeds, our national flag will continue to fly high on all fronts and our people will remain proud of their nation's accomplishments and glories. "On this glorious occasion, we reiterate our support for our soldiers on the front lines and re-assert that the UAE will continue to disseminate a message of peace, love, and tolerance to the entire world and reiterate that sacrifices for the homeland hold a sublime significance for upholding these values."
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Strong bond between people and leadership shield UAE: Sheikh Mohammed His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has paid special tributes to the UAE martyrs on Commemoration Day, sharing sincere feelings of gratitude to their families who, he said, set a perfect example of giving and belonging to the homeland by sacrificing their sons for the highest good of all Emiratis. In a statement to the 'Nation Shield' magazine, Sheikh Mohammed said: "On behalf of all Emiratis, I salute all families who offered their sons to protect the national gains of our homeland and to keep our flag flying high at all times under all circumstances. It's your wisdom, fortitude and magnanimity that enabled our valiant armed forces to continue to be the protective shield of our homeland. "Our martyrs are the sons and grandsons of our nation's icon and the founder of our renaissance, the late Sheikh Zayed. They are the trustees of his vision, which states that the UAE army is our protective shield that preserves our national unity and accomplishments, and helps our brotherly Arab countries in case of need. "As we celebrate today the quintessential Emirati values of giving, loyalty and self-denial, we urge our families, schools, media and literati to continue to inculcate these noble values in our society and instil them in our younger generations, so they align themselves with the heroic deeds of our martyrs in word and deed. "This solemn occasion reminds us to continue to engrave the message of martyrdom in our mind, memory and heart. "Commemoration Day will forever remain as an indelible message that the sovereignty, security, stability and pride of the UAE, and the safety and well-being of Emiratis are a priority that is second to none. We will remain willing and ready to bear the costs of protecting our land, ensuring its independence, building our nation and maintaining our national gains, thereby keeping our country as a role model for development, prosperity, social welfare, and economic well-being. "The heroes of our armed forces, along with all security departments and institutions, and all the sons and daughters of the UAE, bear the costs of facing the dangers besetting our homeland and those surrounding our brotherly countries and Arab nations at large. While valiantly performing their noble tasks, our armed forces deliver a clear-cut message purporting that the UAE is a nation with innate immune defenses against any evil machinations and plots thanks to our cohesive social fabric and the strong bonds of solidarity between our people and leadership. "I pray to Allah Almighty to preserve our homeland and people, to sustain our security, stability and prosperity, and to reward our martyrs with His Paradise. I supplicate to Allah as well to guide us on His virtuous path and to strengthen us in the service of our religion, society and nation."
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We will remain faithful to the principles for which they sacrificed lives: Sheikh Mohamed His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, said that the martyrs who sacrificed their souls in protection of the homeland shoulder all Emiratis with a solemn responsibility towards nation-building and keeping the national flag flying high at all fronts and under all circumstances. In a statement on the Commemoration Day to the 'Nation Shield' magazine, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed said: "The essential message delivered by the Commemoration Day is for every Emirati to keep sacrificing for his/her homeland by continuing to be loyal to our deeply-rooted principles and values, the seeds of which were sown by the founding fathers of the UAE Federation. "Our martyrs embody the UAE's solid commitment toward our brotherly countries, their national defence and their right to stability, development and progress. They express in the truest sense of the word the UAE's principled stance, adopted since the era of the late Sheikh Zayed, in support of righteousness and justice. "While bearing witness to every achievement being now made in the UAE, we recall the noble sacrifices made by our martyrs who are all true partners in every accomplishment and step forward we are taking on the right path toward making our dreams come true. "Our martyrs will remain our source of pride at all times. Their heroic deeds go down in the annals of history as a source of inspiration for all sincere deeds made to ensure our country's glory, stability and progress toward a brighter future. "On the Commemoration Day, we spell out our wholehearted loyalty to our homeland and express our deepest gratitude to all those who sacrificed their soul in protection of their homeland and who we are sure will remain alive with their Lord and will have their reward. "On this glorious occasion, we stand in all solemnity in appreciation of our brave armed forces, who symbolise all sincere feelings of dedication and commitment to the nation's values and principles. They represent the school from which our martyrs learned the love of and sacrifices to the homeland under all circumstances. "On the Commemoration Day, we recall our Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who sowed the seeds of loyalty to the homeland. These seeds fructified into generations of heroes ready to sacrifice their very souls in defence of their homeland and in serving their national duty. "On this glorious day in the history of our nation, I urge our Emirati youth to learn by heart the narratives of our martyrs who represent a role model for fighting against oppression and defending their national soil. They sacrificed their souls in order for this nation to continue to live in peace and stability. Their sacrifices shoulder all Emiratis with a solemn responsibility toward their nation. Their heroic narratives and deeds are the best source from which we can continue to get inspired and learn that defending our homeland is a sacred duty that is second to none. Our martyrs represent nation's shield: Sheikh Humaid His Highness Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Ajman, paid homage to the souls of Emirati martyrs on Commemoration Day. In his statement to the 'Nation Shield', Sheikh Humaid said: "Our country celebrates Commemoration Day on November 30 to remember the glories achieved by the pure souls who did not hesitate to meet their call of duty in defence of their religion, nation and humanity. "The UAE, upon the directives of the President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has dedicated this day to glorify the names of its martyrs. "The UAE, under the leadership of Sheikh Khalifa; His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai; His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, The Supreme Council Members, Their Highnesses Rulers of the Emirates, appreciates the sacrifices of its martyrs who represented the nation's shield and are now icons of will and persistence. "On Commemoration Day, the people rally around their leadership to reiterate their loyalty, vowing to continue the journey of righteousness and supporting legitimacy everywhere, and stressing that they will never forget their martyrs and their glorious memories. "The UAE has sent its soldiers to support ties of fraternity, responding to the Operation Decisive Storm, launched by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to support the brothers in Yemen and their legitimacy, and to achieve stability. As a result, the Riyadh Agreement was signed between the Yemeni Government and the Southern Transitional Council. "We praise the efforts of our leadership and its support to the families of the martyrs and laud the country's efforts to ease the families' burdens, in recognition of the sacrifices of their sons. "On this day, we are proud of the UAE Armed Forces and the Emiratis who join this great entity because they believe in the responsibility they shoulder for their country. Martyrs are role models of loyalty to homeland: Sheikh Hamad His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Fujairah, said that the Commemoration Day will remain a symbol of pride and glory, with the sacrifices by the martyrs being the cornerstone on which we will continue to achieve more accomplishments for our homeland." Sheikh Hamad said in his statement to the Nation Shield magazine: "With all pride and gratitude, we recall the acts of patriotism of the UAE Armed Forces men who sacrificed their souls for the sake of the homeland to. Our martyrs are role models for belonging and loyalty to the homeland. "While celebrating the nation's martyrs, we renew our commitment that we, in the UAE led by the President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, will spare no efforts to support our Arab brothers who've suffered from war and sabotage. We, the UAE leadership and people, will continue to stand by them by sustaining the late Sheikh Zayed's approach and principles aimed at supporting right issues and strengthening Arab bonds. "On this occasion, we extend greetings to the UAE Armed Forces members inside the country and abroad who are always proactive to protect stability and security of our country. They are our shield who keep our country unified and safe. "On the Commemoration Day, we pledge to protect our national gains and achievements made by our martyrs. We are committed to continue the journey of progress and giving to present an integrated cultural model to the whole world." Commemoration Day upholds values of sacrifice: Sheikh Saud His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Rashid Al Mu'alla, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Umm Al Quwain, said that the Commemoration Day upholds the values of sacrifice, redemption and love to the homeland, noting that the occasion is a tribute to all the country's heroes. Sheikh Saud said in his statement to the Nation Shield magazine that the occasion holds a significant meaning to the people of the UAE, as November 30 was the day when the first Emirati martyr Salem Suhail bin Khamis Al Dahmani lost his life while defending his country in 1971. Sheikh Saud noted that national cohesion represents the true meaning of unification and effective participation in building the nation, preserving its gains and strengthening its social fabric as well as the culture of loyalty instilled by the founding fathers. "It is a source of pride for us to witness the honouring of martyrs of the homeland in recognition and appreciation of their sacrifices and acts of patriotism, as they represent an immortal example of national unity and belonging." The Ruler of Umm Al Quwain added that the Commemoration Day is an opportunity to celebrate the sacrifices made by the martyrs to protect the glory, assets and gains of the country. Sheikh Saud concluded by saying that these sacrifices and noble values will remain instilled in the hearts of young people. "The UAE's martyrs will always be role models for the sons of the homeland who will continue to pursue the path of goodness and glory." Martyrs' sacrifices are beacons for a brighter future: Sheikh Saud His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, said the sacrifices made by the Emirati martyrs will remain indelible in the UAE's history as a source of inspiration for generations to come. Sheikh Saud, in a statement to the Nation Shield magazine, said: "The UAE takes pride in our heroes who responded to the call of duty and sacrificed their souls in protection of their nation's glory and in defence of its periphery and national gains. "The inspiring narratives of our martyrs on the battlefronts will remain beacons for a brighter future for the entire nation and its people. And on this memorable day in the country's history, we renew the commitment of the UAE, leadership and people, to continue to support the families of our martyrs, whose sacrifices will remain a model to be copied for all those seeking to ensure the security and dignity of the homeland. Thanks to our martyrs' heroic deeds, our national flag will continue to fly high on all fronts and our people will remain proud of their nation's accomplishments and glories. "On this glorious occasion, we reiterate our support for our soldiers on the front lines and re-assert that the UAE will continue to disseminate a message of peace, love, and tolerance to the entire world and reiterate that sacrifices for the homeland hold a sublime significance for upholding these values." Read the full article
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