#none of the triplets are straight lmao
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 2 years ago
Branches of the Salas Family Triplets
While no photos exist of Alexandria Salas, the founding member of the family, there are photos of her triplets and their respective families. Cataleya started taking family photos shortly before retiring, and was able to get her siblings, Miranda and Bruno to have some photos taken at some point.
Seddiki Branch
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Catelaya Salas married Mehdi Seddiki, they were high school sweethearts and were together from the beginning of high school up until their deaths. Together they had 3 children, Jasmin, Nyla, and Devonte. The top two photos show the couple shortly after each's retirement, the middle shows the two on their first date in highschool, and the bottom shows their children in a photo taken shortly before Catelaya and Mehdi's death.
Both were well-known public figures, with Catelaya being the author behind the bestselling series Cosmo Hike, and Mehdi being a politician turned activist and charity organizer.
The Seddiki branch has the most offspring, with their children having 10 children among themselves as of the current moment.
The Salas-Michaelson Branch
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Bruno Salas married Kingston Michaelson. The two met junior year of high school, both being on the football team. The two went into athletics for most of their lives, though in his later years, Kingston switched towards working as a conservationist. The two had 3 children together, Khalil, Sade, and Olu, with Khalil being born with the help of a surrogate and the twins Sade and Olu being from an unexpected but not unwelcome pregnancy between the two.
When first starting high school and joining the football team, neither jock would believe that they would end up living a peaceful, domestic life in the suburbs with a husband and 3 children. But by some delightful chance, that's exactly what happened, and the two lived relaxed and quiet lives.
The Vatore Branch
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Miranda married Sienna Vatore, the daughter of the vampire Lilith Vatore. Like her siblings, she met Sienna in high school, though they didn't start dating until after highschool. Miranda was a popular preppy girl, Sienna was a shy outcast, neither had come to the conscious realization that they liked girls. The two first met and bonded at prom, as neither had dates and were glad to find someone to talk to at the dance.
The two weren't close friends, and it was only a while after graduation that Miranda decided to try and find Sienna again. Sienna was living in San Myshuno as a single parent, having been given custody of her daughter Avery after a messy relationship. Miranda initially moved in with Sienna as a roommate and friend to help out caring for Avery, and eventually, the two came to the realization that they were in love. They eloped and went on to have 3 more children.
In the first three photos, you can see Miranda standing behind Sienna and next to their children. In the second photo, the children are from top to bottom, Alexandrea, Loren, Avery, and Sherry. Who are also pictured in the bottom in photos which are left to right: Loren and Alexandrea, Sherry, Avery and Alexandrea.
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ohimsummer · 1 month ago
sum’z selfshipz — OUR KIDS?
— I have had susasu’s kids in mind for months now but recently (in the last week or so) I thought up how having kids with my other selfships would be :3
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SUSASU — we have two kids, superfecundation twins so one looks like satoru and one looks like suguru :3 they’re also fraternal (idk if some of this is possible just roll with it okay) one of them is a girl named hayami, she looks like satoru but she has brown/gold eyes like me and also super coily 4c hair so she has a tiny little fro :33 and the other is a boy named masashi, he looks more like suguru but he has my nose and he’s darker in skin tone (where hayami is a lot paler). and he’s also a bit of a momma’s boy. idk masashi’s cursed technique yet but hayami is an esper like me and therefore has psychic powers :3
SUMORU — okay so. we either have like 6 kids or none at all JEBFKDK because if we do literally all our kids look like me. so we had our first child (a daughter) and obviously satoru fell in love because hello a cute mini version of his wife ?? he doesn’t care that she doesn’t look like him, we weren’t settling for one kid anyway so there’s always next time. and then the second kid comes out also looking like me and now satoru is going “🤨” because the child doesn’t have his nose or even eye color….the next two are twins. 0 of his traits. and we might stop there or try one more time but either way I just think it’s funnier in reverse where NONE of his children look anything like him whatsoever. not a strand of white hair or a speck of blue in their eyes. nothing 😭
SUGUMER — girl triplets :33 their skin is all a caramel shade of brown and they have various ranges of black, curly hair (ranging from 4a-4c) but in the face they all look the spitting image of suguru <3 so plus mimi and nana we have a house of 5 girls and suguru is the only male in the entire household lmao (one of the triplets is a tomboy and so that is the closest he will get to having a son I fear) our triplet daughters are all daddy’s girls and suguru unfortunately cannot fight off their puppy dog eyes (and neither can I bc really…can barely even say no to Suguru let alone his three little clones)
SUMREI — we’re not really the type to have kids, mob (and ritsu) are already like our sons BUT if we did have our own it would be one daughter :3 she has basically reigen’s hair color but a little more brown and she is. the sassiest baby ever. has his eyes and she’s a little eccentric in her actions but also on the quieter side , + psychic powers but really sucks at using them despite help from all the experts around her (me, mob, ritsu, serizawa, etc), but it doesn’t matter BECAUSE… she is too busy taking kung-fu/martial arts lessons like her papa >:) she doesn’t mind that her she isn’t proficient in her psychic powers, doesn’t take too much interest in them most of the time and nobody minds 😼
KIRSSUM — we have one daughter, she is closer to his skin tone and has 2a hair (so basically almost straight or has VERRRY light curls) that is a darker brown but not as dark as mine, also honey colored eyes that are very pretty in the sunlight :3 jean spoils her so bad I have to tell him to relax a little sometimes �� but she is our cute little baby and also more on the quieter side (probably the 2nd shyest out the trio of her friend group with eren’s, sasha’s, connie’s, marco’s, and armin’s kids)
SAISUM — we have one son and he is either abnormally strong or the most normal baby ever. doesn’t even have psychic powers and since Saitama trained for his strength I don’t imagine he passes it down (maybe the weird potential to be that strong but not the strength itself) anyway our son is like. a little tan and he has some light curls and super dark brown hair like me :3 I think if he grew up to be a hero he would wanna be a c-class hero like mumen rider whether or not he had absolutely insane amounts of strength
SUMHAN — we have fraternal twins :33 one is tan and the other is more of a caramel color, but both have curly brown hair (our girl wears her hair in a ponytail + bangs combo) and they both have pairs of square glasses. Nosy as fuck, always outside rambling in stuff, constantly getting dropped off at the door of me or hange’s offices (special delivery courtesy of captain uncle levi ) either because they’re getting in trouble or they’ve just annoyed him a little too much already HJGJFK
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mutable-manifestation · 1 year ago
#dpxdc#danny phantom#dc comics#superman#a shit brickhouse of a man who doesn't look like either one of them#accusations of cheating on lex with his arch nemesis superman#vlad is so offended clearly he's lexy's arch nemesis how dare!
Lmao okay but imagine Vlad backslides more because he has to be the nemesis. Like. This is not a slight that can go uncontested.
So like? Vlad backslides. And starts making more clones.
Superman clones. Like "if one Superman is your archnemesis - scoff - let's see how you feel about the source of consist stream of an increasing number of Supermen."
Like? Getting DNA is no biggie for a ghost - just possess the guy mid-flight, pass off some hairs to a duplicate, move on.
And Vlad already has his cloning tech on point. It just takes a bit of rebuilding.
He gets about three Supermen in before the Dannies notice.
He gets so defensive. Like oh, when a woman makes another person it's fine, but when I, Vlad Masters-
And they're just like. *deep breaths* You aged them up taking away years of their lives and also: did you bother to get permission from Superman or did you just steal his DNA?
Vlad: ...
So anyway now Vlad has three Superman sons. They're all fully-grown but like. They all know they aren't the real Clark. And Vlad is...odd? But it's not like he's asking them to do anything they don't want to.
"Prevent Lex Luthor from doing evil stuff" and other various heroics aren't anything they wouldn't be doing anyway.
Also Vlad learned his lesson with his first clone - positive reinforcement only lest they fly straight into the arms of the enemy. So like. He's being nice to them - they all have their own rooms, he got them civilian IDs, he's willing to set them up with jobs of their choice or college, and all he wants is "if Lex Luthor breathes wrong check up and see if he needs to be stopped" which. They'd want to do anyway.
Plus the Dannies all just treat them like their own people, so even the "being a clone" thing is less crisis inducing than it could be. Especially when they learn Dani is a clone and technically so is Dan.
They are... coping. With the names.
in the lineup we got:
Lark - the first clone, kryptonian name (because he mentioned the Kal-El thing at some point & Vlad was like "oh sweet I get to name you again! Love naming things! :D") Kar-El. Yeah. Like Carl.
Chad - the second clone, Clark doesn't have a lot of variations but he wanted a C-name. And of course, the kryptonian name: Char-El (yeah Vlad is not a creative man. Listen he literally tried to copy/paste a son okay. Creativity is not his strong suit. It's not even a suit he has, I think)
Aaaaand the youngest. The babiest of boys: Archie - he wanted another name with "ark" in it but couldn't think of one. So he went *shrug* arch is close enough. Kryptonian name: Ark-El (yeah he jumped at the chance to give him an ark-name when he realized he could make another one. Yes I'm implying he forgot middle names exist. None of the clones have middle names)
Anyway, Vlad is very supportive of their hobbies & such. Not a bad life, all told, save for the whole thing where they miss Ma & Pa and also remember being married and now they very much aren't. Luckily the memories are more "information I have & stuff I observed" than "stuff I experienced" but it's still the majority of their memories for a good while so like. Upsetting.
Anyway with the whole precedent of "Vlad Masters' babies have absurd growth rates" everyone just assumed that they're his actually kids & that he either had triplets or has an ongoing relationship with Superman.
And you know what? That is a free explanation that doesn't involve admitting to cloning so sure, that happened.
Superman knows it did not happen but no one believes him.
Well okay, everyone he knows personally believes him - but the public doesn't.
He's being put in a love triangle with Lex Luthor and Vlad Masters. Some people are calling them OT3. He is climbing the walls. He hates this so so so so so so much.
Lex & Vlad are having public fights about this and Vlad is just. "I don't recall ever agreeing to be exclusive *condescending eyebrow raise* Where I go and what or who I do are frankly none of your business. *insert snooty hmph noise here* Don't you have somewhere to be, like your bi-weekly beatdown from your precious "archnemesis""
And he means it in a "I should be the one who you consider your archnemesis" way, but everyone watching this takes it as "Lex and Vlad both cheated on each other, both with Superman."
You Know How There Are Those AU? Where SUPER Injured Ghosts Need To Retreat To Their Core?
No one seems to be USING that to its fullest potential! For SHENANIGANS! Because! Who?? Could POSSIBLY carry a Halfa's Core safely... but another Halfa?! A FULL ghost would KILL them. A human would be killed! What terribly precarious peril we find ourselves in! Oh nooooooo!
Well, no worry!
As much as Dani fuckin HATES this. That there is her brother. Her Template. Her Clone Daddy and Bestest of Bros. Like HECK she's gonna let him suffer for centuries and possibly DIE. She can take it, Doc! Pop him in! We'll go road tripping and-
What do you MEAN "No"?
Unstable??! Of course she's unstable! But the-.... Oh.
Turns OUT? Dani? Can hitch a ride in DANNY for Emergency Medical Aid... but NOT the other way around. Her body is too loosely held together. He would parasiticly consume her from within. Instead of feeding off her Ecto System like injured ghosts are supposed too, because she's a CLONE? AND an unstable one at that? His Core would just... see her body as free ectoplasm. All of it.
He'd eat her.
Which mean Frostbite can not and WILL NOT allow that.
But he's HURT! That big, off screen, cataclysmic Fight To Save Everybody From *cough cough mumbles* and settle us all in the DC universe, REALLY messed him up! What are we supposed to DO!? He can't STAY like this!!!
Enter-> My FAVORITE DCxDP Trash Ship! Vlad&Lex!!! *horrified screaming from the crowds, someone shouts "oh god, no! Please!"* Ha! There are no gods here, silly billys! Only two terrible, terrible HIGHLY Dramatic, self serving, incredibly damaged, gay peacocks. In Business Suits that cost more then your house is worth.
They're AWFUL~♡
And! Vlad was sent ahead to lay the ground work. Insure there would be no GIWs. Also because no one could stand him and his EXTENSIVE criminal record. But that's besides the point.
You know what he found? A Business Nemesis. Who he routinely dates and/or Dramatically Hate Fu-*coughs* I mean, attempts a Corporate Take Over(tm) off. You know how it is. Business. He ALSO gets to make it no secret he's a "Meta", thanks to the INCOMPETENCE of one Jack Fenton, because that- *seething rant*
Yet? Dispite his STILL burning hatred for Jack? And his finally letting go of Maddie? You know what he STILL wants?
For Danny to be his Son.
*Gets a call from Frostbite*
...............soooooo........ what you're SAYING is..... I can be pregnant with Daniel.
You, Frostbite, need ME, Vladimir Masters, THE ONLY OTHER HALFA, to carry Daniel around inside my body, in what to all appearances resembles a pregnancy, in order to heal him. Because I am an Older And Stronger Halfa Upon Which He Relies.
*instantly begins plotting*
Just? Imagine. Vlad is a FUCKIN LIAR. No one but him would even KNOW what was going on! He just? Rocks up one day, like? *falsely demure* "oh I couldn't POSSIBLY has any scotch, Lex! >:) I'm eating for Two~☆" and just? Deals the MAXIMUM amount of psychic damage he can.
Probably says it at their weekly, public, Veiled Threats Brunch.
It makes front page news. Luthor choked on his eggs. The paparazzi lost their SHIT. Vlad is doing the FULL Celebrity Mom Thing. The classes. The photo shoots. The Gucci sunglasses as he peruses high end strollers. All while HEAVILY suggesting that not only is "The Baby" Lex's.... but that he's going to withhold the child and deny Lex any access.
Danny isn't even aware. He's in a lovely lil medical coma. Dani is trying to find a good spot to plop down Amity. She just know Vlad is being... Vlad. Meh. He can handle it. Dan? He's not even IN the human realm and is not sure he wants to be.
But over in the LEAGUE? Everything's on fuckin FIRE.
Kon is losing his SHIT and Clark is thousand yard staring into the void. Kon's half brother is in the hands of a... Less Then Ideal... Meta that Batman is PRETTY sure is highly suspect. Might be a deliberate weapons experiment. Certainly is a hostage. And the DRAMA.
Lex has never been worse.
He might actually stab his...partner? Vlad. At the hospital. The SECOND the child is born. There are already long term kidnapping plans in the making. He's hiring lawyers. Getting VICIOUS. There have been talks with DEATHSTROKE. By BOTH OF THEM.
Clark wants to cry.
@hypewinter @ailithnight @nerdpoe @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation @babbling-babull
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naiive-and-starry-eyed · 2 years ago
fandom: black butler, ship: merthur, character: elias bitchard, and also like some bonus ones that u feel like doing
001 | Black Butler:
Favorite character: Ciel Phantomhive tbh, he's rude and fucked up and I like him so much!! The amount of analysis my bestie and I have poured into him and the choices made in the manga and anime and how this is foreshadowing and that is a hidden message,,, Lau is a runner up as my fav tho cause he's hilarious and vibing at all times and I love that for him!!
Least Favorite character: Claude Faustus my behated, hit him with my car ass motherfucker
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Hmm idk if I have 5 ships, but we will figure this out
SebAgni - they are so fun and the fact Sebastian respects Agni is so funny considering Ciel is so bothered by Soma. They simply vibe together and I think they should have gotten to hang out more. Pour one out for Agni 😭😭
Cielois - Idc if Alois is from a non-canon season, he's an icon and it would be so fun and amazing if Ciel and Alois could get over the fact Alois tried to kill him one (1) time and live in Phantomhive manor together and kill Druitt and whoever they want <3
Will x Grell - Grell is a girlboss and it's funny how much she bothers Will; she simps for many characters but I like her with Will the most. Is this decision influenced by the Wil and Grell season 2 OVA? Mayhaps
Lau x winning at whatever he's up to - nothing more to say here, I just hope Lau manipulate mansplain manwhores his way to the top
Othello x vibes - he's doing a great job at his grim reaper forensic nonsense, king deserves a breakthrough and a coffee or 10
Character I find most attractive: *picture my aroace ass giving a blank face here* Lots of conventionally attractive characters but none specifically come to mind lmao, a lot of them are pretty
Character I would marry: Lau, we can be so cool and sexy together
Character I would be best friends with: Soma or Lizzie! They're both fun and energetic and I think we would have a great time dressing up and running around London getting into trouble
a random thought: Manifesting School Arc manga to be animated...or the musical to be subbed where I can get to it *grabby hands*
An unpopular opinion: Sebastian is a fine and well written character and deserves good things! and I think the end of the manga will be him sacrificing himself for Ciel and ending the contract that way, because he cares about Ciel. He didn't plan to care about Ciel in the beginning, but oops, you have acquired a son and you like him so much. The tragedy of Ciel having planned to die all this time but now having lost someone he cares about and who cared about him? And having to live on despite that? *chef's kiss*
My Canon OTP: none?? I don't ship anyone who's actually together in canon rip
My Non-canon OTP: Cielois, see above for my ramblings <3
Most Badass Character: Obvious answer, but Sebastian! He kills people and is iconic while doing it. His LookTM straight out of being summoned in the ritual was also fun, love the high heels his demonic form apparently has. The fact he can kill the shit out of people with fucking silverware is v badass
Most Epic Villain: The Circus Troupe are fun, and I'm counting them as a villain collectively. This doesn't include Baron K*lvin, he's another hit with my car ass bitch. Joker, Dagger, Beast, Doll, Jumbo, and Peter and Wendy are all fun though and I do like that they cause problems and kill people. Unfortunately Sebastian and Ciel were just better at causing problems and killing people. Rip the most to Doll though, you were the best
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ciel x Sebastian 🤢 he's a child worsties
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Alois. I don't really love his ending in season 2 - he, Hannah, Claude and the triplets all merge into one consciousness or something?? It's stupid and I hate that Claude is included in anything. I think Alois should have also been able to become a demon with Ciel if they wanted to go that route, or simply have him not die and get therapy but still continue being evil if he wants he's allowed
Favourite Friendship: I really like the friendship between Bard, Finny, and Mey-Rin! They all bonded and are all soo stupid together they're great. Also adding Snake to their mix is fun, even though everyone is lying to him,,, oops 😬
Character I most identify with: Lizzie I think! She's sweet and badass and wants what's best for Ciel, even if she doesn't completely understand what's going on or how he changed from what she remembered as a child. I love that she's super good at sword fighting, and I want to be that good as well!! Next step is sword fighting classes lmao
Character I wish I could be: I love most of the characters but honestly I don't want to be any of them lmaoo; they're all suffering or in danger in various ways and I just want everyone to feel better and so would not like to be in that situation <3
002 | Merthur:
When I started shipping them: Season 1 episode 1 tbh. They have great chemistry and bother each other a lot but also genuinely care about each other which is so important!
My thoughts: Oooh you are not ready for my thoughts on them. Just got done doing a rewatch of Merlin BBC with my bestie and we suffered and exalted together
What makes me happy about them: The way they are willing to sacrifice themselves for each other! Merlin drinks poison for Arthur and Arthur ignores his father and places himself in danger to save Merlin's life, who his father dismisses as a mere serving boy and Arthur's like he's more than that!! to me!! and I just
What makes me sad about them: Girl the everrrryything 😭 the tragedy of Merlin doing all he can to prevent Arthur's death at Camlann but all he does just makes it happen. The tragedy of Merlin becoming so jaded over the course of the show, with how trusting and happy he was in season 1 and how unwilling he was to trust or give Mordred a fair chance in season 5 - especially when it came to the girl Mordred loved. The fact that Arthur never found out about Merlin's magic until it's too late!! That Merlin spends the whole show worried Arthur will hate him when he finds out, and does his best to ensure magic won't return to Camelot and advises Arthur not to trust magic,,,, ough agggh the agonies!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: no magic AU or modern AU. Yeah I know the show ends showing Merlin still around in modern day waiting for Arthur, but I don't care! I want them to be around in Arthurian times and causing and solving problems. Throw in angst as needed, but don't put them in a place without magic or in modern day. I also tend to avoid major character death - I'm usually not opposed to it if done right since angst is a good time, but since it happened irl in the show I can't handle it in fic
Things I look for in fanfic: I never say no to a good magic reveal fic!! Especially if it takes a minute for Arthur to forgive Merlin for not saying anything and he's mean about it and makes Merlin feels bad and then feels bad later when he gets over it and Merlin is sad and they work on themselves together. Hurt/comfort type stuff!
My wishlist: That Merlin's magic gets revealed to Arthur sooner than canon and that Arthur comes to terms with it and magic is accepted in Camelot, that Merlin dates Arthur and Arthur dates Gwen and Gwen dates Morgana <3 Also that Uther dies choking on his own blood. Not related to Merthur but also still related to them cause his Huge Bitch disease prevented them from being happy
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Merlin with Gwaine and Arthur with Gwen! Gwaine and Merlin are so sweet actually, and we see how good Arthur and Gwen are in canon
My happily ever after for them: Merlin is court sorcerer/magical advisor to Arthur, also maybe his royal boyfriend, and they rule Camelot in peace and happiness. Morgana is happy with Gwen and Mordred is vibing somewhere to, maybe with his gf if we want to continue pretending he's straight
003 | Elias Bouchard:
How I feel about this character: absolute bastard, commit as many war crimes and murder as you would like, you are so fun and so cool and it's great when you bother everyone else and sound smug abt it
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Peter Lukas and also Jon. Both are great concepts and I think that fear monsters should harm people together but also kiss kiss fall in love
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Elias, Simon Fairchild, Peter Lukas, and M
My unpopular opinion about this character: I'll be real with you besties, Melanie was kind of annoying and I had fun when he traumatized her on screen in podcast <3 also he should have won the end of the world it was great that he caused the apocalypse
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would have loved to get more backstory on Jonah Magnus, or somehow hear statements from the people he hung out with in ye olden times in their own voices! It would also have been neat to hear his own thoughts/feelings on living through a ton of shit - invention of electricity, the car, the airplane, the internet! I would love to hear if he thinks everything is cool and better now or if he's a crotchety old bitch about it and is like "back in my day 😤"
Favorite friendship for this character: Lmao he doesn't have friends!! Best I can do is his friendships in the 1800s where he was prob just using everyone so he could open his funny little eye temple <3 but I will say I liked the statement from him about Barnabas Bennett , so I'll say I liked their 'friendship' 😏
My crossover ship: I don't have many crossover ships, and I can't honestly think of any I'd have for Elias. He's perfectly fine being evil and terrible with Peter or Jon
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 3 years ago
Think you can write Tringo's thought process what with him constantly micromanaging his every movement with the separate forms of himself commenting on his every action.
An action which he fears that he might have to call it quits on.
(lmao another win for insomnia)
The mental loop. His feet are planted firmly on the ground—he rocks them, subtly, weight from heel to toe to reassure himself the earth is there. His hands are—the nails of one are digging into skin, like he's trying to shear off layers, pain the natural subconscious fallback for when his awareness starts to slip—he forces them to relax. He redirects to a piece of string instead, twisting it over each finger and looping X patterns over them—subtle pulls of pressure, constant movements, diverting a sliver of his focus to maintaining it without sacrificing so much that he can't keep the conversation going.
"Please, continue. What is it you need?"
The words are their own physical sensation, the movements of his throat, which he pauses to trace. He's facing away from the newcomer, because he's been told over centuries that his constant severe expression and the subtle shifts of movement are... disconcerting. It's an accommodation to make the process simpler.
The sleeves of his coat are custom, weighted (unrecognizable as the coat they used to be—not that that matters, because it doesn't) (it is loss, whispers Ideals, who never knows when to be silent, and he cautions it to remember) because without them his arms become nothing in his awareness and his hands feel oh-so-very far away. The weight drags his shoulders down. But that's its own helpfulness—another sliver of his awareness is directed towards keeping his back straight, his head held high. No wings behind him. None.
(But there were, murmurs Truth in a corner of his mind, you know there were.)
He rolls his shoulders and feels the shifting of sinew, just to reaffirm it.
The human (don't say that as if you're not) says... something. He will not ask them to repeat. He claws memory back from the part of his awareness dedicated to monitoring sound, divorced from the awareness of sight and feeling of the subtle shifts in the air and, of course,
"I cannot do that."
(liar, says Truth, and semantics, Ideals shoots back)
the cycle. His face is drawn down. His jaw is set without being clenched, his eyes are open and taking in the ornately carved wall, sound filters through his ears and the balance shifts when his head does. Loose hairs tickle the skin on his brow and the back of his neck (he has never been able to tolerate that feeling, but at this point, something is better than nothing) (it isn't so bad, whispers the animal shell that craves feeling without reason)
This time when his summoner speaks, his awareness is at his ears and he's able to hear the words as they come. "You must. We've given so much to collect your pieces and now you will shun us–?"
Fire and electricity and ice burn like triplets in his throat until he bites the cold mist back. He wonders if they saw the sudden hitch in his carefully-straight shoulders
(Ideals says, for every loss given they took more)
(Truth says, the simplest route to least suffering demands only one thing of them)
(The shell says, we are in agony)
He closes his eyes and devotes a larger part of himself to stilling them, until the flickering lights in the darkness fade back.
Composure. He will not snap at them. They're only human, after all.
"I will not do that," this phrasing hushes the twins, "and," how does he say this kindly
(the world is not kind, Truth singsongs, and he feels the threatening lightning of Ideals flicker in its direction until it's cautioned back)
"I question your wisdom in trying to bribe me. Favors are not a thing lightly traded, and respect is earned. Bargaining is not the domain of those who claim to serve ideals."
He flexes his toes in their boots, confirming a lack of talons. Shifts his weight from one leg to another, side to side. His hands—ah, the string has gone taut enough to cut, and they're losing pigment for a different reason—he unwinds it and starts again. Lifts them to his face, and then down, feeling the range of motion in his elbows.
"But I-!" They're startled, and he hears the shift from insult to uncertainty in the span of two words. "What- do you want, then?"
They don't know the weight of their own question, the way it makes the three pieces of himself screech in discord like metal against metal, answers like sparks thrown up against walls and threatening to burn
He shuts them out entirely. It's not a good solution, and it makes him very dizzy and weak, but he cannot focus with them all snapping at everything in the way they are.
His shoulders are—he doesn't know. He is a thousand fragmented pieces
He drags in a long breath, feeling air brush along the path from mouth down into his chest, and uses that as an anchor. Human body. Human. He does not need the dragons to keep him whole.
"My only wish is that you and your opponents cease this pointless destruction. It brings nothing but harm. Your goals are not in misalignment. If you could only see that–" emotion threatens, forcing him to stop midsentence, an inelegance he doesn't enjoy but a necessity if he wants to stay nonthreatening.
His words have the opposite intended effect. "Because you're their truth as much as you're our ideals, I forgot. So this entire thing was pointless?"
"Pointless if your goal was to"
(Is this your chosen one? he demands of Ideals, wrenching the doorway back open)
"ravage your opposition like slaughtered wildlife"
(Is this battle your reality? he asks Truth, throwing memories of peace and war at its weak protests)
"because such senseless violence is never the answer, and every gift of strength comes with the obligation to use it wisely,"
(Do you care so little for the world you call home that you would let this madness continue? he asks the shell, pleading to whatever it has left as thought without its siblings to drive it)
"and if you truly cared about the Ideals you preached you would understand that Truth, of all things, is not their enemy!"
He's turned, at some point, wanting to look at who he's speaking to, but this was unwise because his control has slipped and now sharp teeth bite into each other, clawed hands, one white and one black, snap the thread between them like it's nothing, horns instead of hair frame his face and between it all sparks lightning, fire, ice
No. No. No.
He pulls back, down, rocking back and then forwards, feeling the motion in every piece of itself and forcing it to conform to what he believes and knows and feels is Right.
He is human, he is human
His summoner looks afraid, when he regards them again. It's only natural, but it aches, a physical pain in his chest, which is its own sense of grounding back into his body. He does not want anyone to be afraid. What he wants is to help them, teach them better because he knows they can be, do something productive to end this rather than simply insist noninterference, and if he could only concentrate he could
but so much of him is elsewhere. It takes so much focus just to exist.
(You must try, says Ideals, its lightning an abrasive against his exhausted thoughts)
(And you will fail, adds Truth, fire chasing in its path)
(the ice that could silence them both cares not for the discussion.)
"You may leave. Or you may take a seat, and we will talk. It is your decision." His voice is measured now, directed at the summoner as he gestures without looking
Please, please, please, just let him rest.
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thegreatyin · 2 years ago
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OKAY SO the first game is the one everyone knows lmao, it's just. Angry Birds. aside from obviously starting the franchise, angry birds launched with many characters that would become iconic and reoccurring and pretty much "the main cast" overall.
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since everyone who's anyone knows about how angry birds (the first game) works, i'm gonna take this time to introduce the actual characters of each bird (ordered from left to right):
Chuck - The classic yellow bird. Iconic himbo. You know The Flash? Yeah, he can basically do that. All of that. Always. He's historically been strongly associated with lightning and generally just... going quick, going fast, he breaks wood real good, pretty standard boy all-around. Was one of the three original flock members to be included as a major character in the movie adaptation. Usually portrayed as very cocky and a classic "jerk with a heart of gold" kinda guy.
Jim, Jake, and Jay: The Blues! That's their collective name, anyway. Identical triplets in most interpretations, and semi-canonically the youngest members of the original flock. They're pretty much indistinguishable in all but movie and post-movie media, as in that continuity they all have different eye colors to tell them apart. They're huge pranksters and devious little guys and have canonically performed psychological torture and allowed one of their own to be kept as a pet. If you ever really do need to tell them apart: Jim is helpful and kind-hearted, Jake is a little shit, and Jay is the one with the braincell. But most of the time they move as a collective entity.
Terence: You know how sometimes there's a big strong gruff character that doesn't speak a lot but is really just a sweetheart/generally a chill dude? Yeah, Terence is the Angry Birds version of that. He's also referred to as "Big Red", which is an adapt name considering... y'know. He sure is. He's said maybe one word ever in the entire franchise. Also has a cousin from Finland named Tony, who is literally just him but blue.
Bomb: Yes, that's his official name. Occasionally depicted with a single white spot on his forehead (such as in the picture I used at the top of this post), Bomb is perhaps the nicest and most "chill" member of the original flock. He's a fun-loving guy with about as many braincells as Chuck (none), but does have a very extensive history of easily losing his temper. Another one of the three original flock members to be included as a major character in the movie adaptation. Is occasionally implied to have something romantic going on with Matilda, but they have never been a canon couple. Also obtained a special shockwave power from drugs.
Red: The one, the only, the useless. Red is the default "leader" of the original flock, and the one basically everyone thinks of when they think about Angry Birds. He has no special powers except for when he does but we'll get to that eventually and is by far the most angry bird of all time. He's just. Filled with so much rage. Always. This does come from a place of love though! He's very protective of his flock. Very, very, very, very, very protective. He also acts as a semi-father-figure to The Blues. He is one of the three original flock members to be included as a major character in the movie adaptation, and as the straight-up protagonist to boot. May-or-may-not be homosexual with Chuck.
Matilda: The final member of the original flock. Also was a girlboss before it was cool. She's the default "motherly figure" of the group, and spends her days taking care of her garden and watering plants and killing people to death with possibly the shortest temper out of any bird ever. Everyone is terrified of her when she's angry. She's like the Hulk of Angry Birds.
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Also, due to Rovio obviously not originally intending for her to be a girl when making the Angry Birds Seasons Valentine's Day Event™©, Matilda is canonically gay. Love wins.
There are other characters (obviously), but you can consider these six to be the "core flock".
alright fine what do y'all wanna know about angry birds first
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grizztheexplorer · 7 years ago
Lmao some of my best friends are triplets and I kid you none of them are straight
woke up to people bitching that it’d be “unrealistic” to make Callie from The Fosters bi when her little brother is “already gay” (whatever the fuck that means) and her Moms are, well, her Moms… and like… my Bi Mom, my Bi brother and my Gay ass got some fucking news for y'all
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