#nonbinary zuko
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lee-treehouse · 5 months ago
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I was a perfect prince... the son my father wanted. But I wasn't me
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transmasc zuko is great transfem zuko is great nonbinary zuko is great demi zuko is great genderfluid zuko is great every single non cis zuko headcanon is great
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The non-binary flag picked from this one frame of Zuko!!
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hypnoticsphere · 7 months ago
zuko: i’m probably nonbinary but i have to kill my father so i don’t really care about that right now
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what-if-i-just-did · 2 years ago
Sometimes Less Is More (HFY Edition)
War is never pleasant. We usually try to avoid it- that doesn't always pan out. The Galactic Council was experiencing a civil war, the first war in about two hundred Earth/Terra years. I state this specifically, because the humans, native species to Earth/Terra, had been with the Galactic Council for fifty-three of their years. During this time, they have continually suprised all other species, proving they were strong, cabable thinkers, yet also absolute idiots at times.
Despite this, we were not expecting much of them; they're rather small, very squishy and thus easily woundable, they didn't have poisons, toxins or venoms, they didn't have sharp claws or projectiles, they couldn't breathe underwater, in fact, asides from their 'adrenaline' feature, they were pretty useless. They didn't even have weapon-laser technology, psychic detonators or sense-attacks.
Humans were good climbers, good swimmers, good at communicating via thousands of means, good at de-coding if you had the right one, and great at desicion-making if you found a rational one. So these were the positions given to the humans for this war; look-outs, weapon-planters and defusers, medics, comminication officers, trainers, de-coders, and some command positions. They were good, important functions, and we thought they'd be greatful- humans have quite the affinity for war. And it's not that they disobeyed orders, not really- but there were complaints. The look-outs, the medics, communication officers and weapon-planters, those closest to the battlefield, doing work without which the soldiers surely wouldn't survive, felt useless. This was their exect wording, in most cases. They felt useless. They wanted to DO things.
After one too many complaint and comment from a human in a low command position, they were sent to my outpost. Their name was Officer Loki Freimuth, they weren't too strong-looking and they were a little too overactive, but they said they knew what they were doing.
I wasn't quite sure how to handle this. Humans were still slightly behind in technology in galactic scale, and generally it was forbidden to share technology with species more than 0.2 kreish behind on the haufnishx scale, but this was war, and the human wasn't likely to be usefull without our weapons.
I shared my ponderings with Officer Freimuth, and to my suprise, they smirked. "It's okay, don't break your laws. I've got my own weapons, sir." I frowned, and I would have told them that their species' weapons could not possibly measure up to those that would be used on the field. Unfortunatly, I was whisked away to a strategy meeting, unable to tell the new human this, and I did not think of it much, further. If only I had, I might have saved all of us what happened the day after.
That evening, I didn't have any guarding duty. We, being myself and the off-duty people in my command, were huddled around a Dark Heater (a device that warms a space without also producing light, designed to function outside). Amung us were four Kgrifu, two Heyna, one Xylithhy, four Rai-cha', one Rai-cha' and Kgrifu hybrid and three humans; Officer Freimuth, Officer Zuko and Runner Anthos. We kept quiet, mostly, but the humans didn't need sound to communicate; they spoke, rapidly and with great amusion, in sign language. The concept facinated me so much I never bothered to wonder what they were saying.
The day after, we were ambushed. Our guards were killed, and our camp was infiltrated. They 'rescued' our pow's, and they burnt half the camp down. Out of the twenty-three people under my command, six were Ayiyaiscsh (a water-based species that used masks to be able to breathe air, who would definetly not survive a fire) and five and a half were Kgrifu (a species made of a dellicate jello-like substance that could absorb practically anything, but could and would dry out and they'd die). I had no lonely hope in Hell to survive with that many of my people gone, and neither did the rest of them. Then...
Some of us were choking on the smoke, others were getting intensely dry, I think the arsonists (four female Hiriushu, who have biological metal plates to cover most of their bodies and are fairly fire resistant) used small psycic detonators (the smaller ones are worse), everything was in chaos, and it was, well, war.
Then a sound. It was louder than anything I had heard before, louder than sense-attacks. I heard a distinctly human grunt, and turned, expecting to see one of my humans dead. Instead, I was met with the sight of Officer Freimuth throwing small-ish handheld devices that I couldn't recognise to Officer Zuko and Runner Anthos, whose eyes were wide. Officer Zuko was erratic when she asked, "Where did you get these? These are prime twenty-first century! Nine mill ZEV's, reduced muzzle flip, extended rails and custom grip, these must have cost a fortune!" "I know a gal, now shut up and shoot" "right"
After this small (and honestly, confusing) interaction, they continued 'shooting' at the Hiriushu, and I found out what the noise had been; it was the shooting. It was louder than anything else, overpowering my senses to the extreme. And the smell... with the heat I only then noticed the smell. I overturned my C-rations of last night, partly consumed. It only took the humans a few shots to figure out where to shoot; within twenty minutes they'd re-captured the pows, plus an added three, doused the fire and were preforming medical aid.
The rest of us... would have been in shock, were it not for our training against that. No reason to lose good soldiers to the reality of war while we still need to fight it. But we did not have training for this.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did next, I honestly am- but I couldn't get myself to do anything else.
That night, all but the humans and the pow deserted.
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zukoisgayforsokka · 11 months ago
What if Sokka and Suki had an arranged marraige, and were at least 10 years older? (And also trans): A Suki Joins The Gaang canon rewrite of Book 1
Word count: 5k for chapter 1, 20k+ for the full 4 chapters
Ship: Sokka/Suki
Key tags: Arranged Marraige, Enemies to Lovers, Miscommunication, Trans Suki, Nonbinary Sokka, Book 1 rewrite
Happy birthday @queerplatonicsolid bet you thought you'd escaped gift-free but no such luck<3
Thanks as always to the lovely @unacaritafeliz for beta'ing
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scarletalchemy · 1 month ago
The amount of terfs in the ATLA fandom needs to be studied because literally every single one of the characters was SOOOOOOOO trans coded in some way.
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zukkaoru · 11 months ago
Toph didn't mean to get Sokka in trouble with the earth kingdom delegates, honest.
Toph didn’t mean to get Sokka in trouble with the earth kingdom delegates, honest. It’s just that they were being stupid, and Sokka happened to be the nearest person to drag into a silly revenge scheme, and, well, Toph wasn’t going to let themself get in trouble for it. So maybe they threw Sokka under the boat just a little bit. But it’s not like anything can actually be traced back to him! Besides, Toph is a great friend, and so they’ve brought Zuko to his rescue. Zuko slams the doors to the meeting room open, marching in with all the authority of a reigning Firelord. Or, at least, Toph assumes so based on his footsteps. The earth kingdom delegates freeze, as does Sokka, but Sokka’s heartbeat spells out relief while the others are clearly afraid. “Is there a problem here?” Zuko asks. No one answers. The delegates' heartbeats pick up speed, and Toph grins to themself. This is going to be even more entertaining than the initial prank.
send me a sentence (+ a ship) and i'll write the next five sentences
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sagegreenfrogs · 1 year ago
"wait a minute this kinda cool" hcs>>
ok so do you guys ever be scrolling through this silly lil website then see a headcanon for a character and just go
O H S H I T T H A T M A K E S S E N S E.
like an awakening or something like WAIT A MINUTE I LIKE THIS WOAH-
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iamapoopmuffin · 4 days ago
So I promised my friend I would name my Sim's first born child after Frank-N-Furter from Rocky Horror. I specifically said the baby would be named Frank whether male or female.
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Meet the twins Frank and Furter Westfall.
Frank is a boy, Furter is a girl and their parent is nonbinary.
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transfem zuko is just so good. easily my favorite concept. t4t transfem zutara. t4t transfem zukaang. t4t transfem tophko. t4t transfem sokka fuck it all of them are transfem, sokka would be a damn good butch
I raise you your transfem Zuko against my nonbinary Aang. Zuko's dysphoria and sense of being a girl confusing Aang who's like "you guys have been feeling gender???" And launching Aang's realization that, oh, that's why it feels weird when people call me a boy. And Aang's absolute disconnect from gender making them accidentally the most validating for Zuko because as far as they're concerned, Zuko is Zuko and she looks very pretty in a royal dress, Aang sees absolutely nothing strange about this.
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saitoakirachan-fangirls · 2 years ago
Zukaang shippers who feminize Aang into an uwu smoll cutie girly cinnamon roll uke reminiscent of the worst type of BL just because he's 12 and smaller in the show are DEAD TO ME
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The demigender flag picked from this one frame of Zuko!!
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theprinceofspace · 1 year ago
what's that thing where you see something, usually a character in a movie or book or TV show or cartoon and you feel yourself almost slipping into an obsession because this character could be your next everything but you know. You know they're not gay like you hope they are, or they're not ace like you are, or they're never going to be queer no matter how much you want them to be and it hurts in such a particular way that not even delusion or fanfiction can fix. What is that feeling that comes afterwards.
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zukoisgayforsokka · 10 months ago
Chapter 2: The Avatar Arrives
Words: 5k
[“I’m going to eat you,” he tells the Momo with a friendly calmness. He scritches behind the creature’s ears, burying his hand into the soft fur. The Momo chatters into his ear, and Sokka nods, pretending to listen intently. “Yes, I agree, your pelt would make a wonderful hat, thank you for offering.”
And if he hears Suki’s smothered laughter from behind him, he pretends not to notice.]
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ad0rasgf · 2 years ago
all my favorite characters are nb (in my head)
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