katherineholmes · 1 year
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Hello, I’m screaming into the void I feel 😅 I have no idea if anyone’s reading this but, I am posting this with a purpose.
So late last year, I did the AU-gust writing challenge and uh, it brought about many good fics, if I may say so, including The Monsters In Her Heart. Ever since then I’ve enjoyed writing fics to prompts, which I recently did with a one-shot.
Which is why I am opening up my inbox, properly, to all your prompts. I can’t guarantee that I will write them quickly, because if you read my stuff, you might know that I’m a pretty slow writer 😅 But, barring any triggers or limits, I will write for all the prompts I get.
Here’s how it’ll go, it’s pretty much how everyone else does it. You send in a scenario, or a trope, anything you want to read really (for example, a mafia AU, missing scenes from existing fics, or just something angsty or fluffy), and I will write a one-shot based on that. Which’ll be included in a collection on AO3.
So, here’s a list of ships that I will write for, and then I’ll just include some limits (stuff I won’t write) at the end.
Finnlena, Tylena, and some rare ones like Elena/Marcel, Elena/Lucien.
Limits :
I will write smut for fics that it fits into naturally, so please don’t specify that. Otoh, if you are sending in a prompt and do not want any adult content in the fic for it, do let me know at the time of sending the prompt. I won’t be including any kinks in these fics, nor will I include any non-con content.
I will try to write for every prompt you send, but if inspiration just does not strike, it’ll either be small or I’ll turn it into a HC.
Alrigh, so this is a bit nerve wracking, but here we go!
@qvnthesia @kaizsche @jennifersminds @sevensistersofsussex @feralcherry @amandamonroe @finnismyoriginalsin @amandamonroe @missnmikaelson-main
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zalrb · 8 months
can we get a ranking of your non canon tvd ships?
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blairwaldcrf · 2 years
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name one other non-relative man klaus would show restraint for, i'll wait... 👀
[tvd 3x03 | every klefan scene ?/?]
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 years
tvd/to for the ask
favorite character: caroline forbes (honorable mentions: tyler, rebekah, & klaus)
least favorite character: the s*lvatore brothers (they're just so overrated :p) and al*ric
brOTP: klaus/rebekah/elijah, matt/bonnie, matt/tyler/jeremy, stefonnie, barolena in any variation, carenzo, denzo, bamon, defan i guess :/
OTP: to absolutely no one's surprise forwood, klaroline, steroline, also carenzo and rebekoline as wasted potential crackships. as for non-caroline characters (yes i show favoritism towards her oops): jeremy/anna, klayley, bamon, bonenzo, elejah, beklena, mabekah, matt/bonnie (you two deserved so much more), denzo, kennett, stefonnie, and klaus/bonnie.
OT3: sterowood, bamenzo, klefaroline, matt/rebekah/nadia, [whispers] jeremy/anna/vicki
NOTP: st*ferine, m*roline (although they did have gr8 platonic chemistry/friendship, i just hated when it turned romantic because of ~heteronormativity~ and the fact that being together made their romo relationship extremely stale and uninteresting), d*roline, d*lena, also probs KC at some point based on scenes i like to avoid romanticizing as a general rule
favorite storyline: beklena finding the cure together/elena's vampirism in general. also elejah and forwood's interactions in s2 the good old days, s6 dark!steroline (chef's kiss), s3 klaroline, klaus versus his hybrids, klefan going on a murdery road trip together (they are hizzie before hizzie was even hizzie goodbye), katherine and nadia reuniting before the writers ruined that, bamon and the prison world, bonnie + shane's interactions (dark!bonnie was so so close we could have had it all)...... for such a terrible show it gave so much material.
least favorite storyline: d*lena sirebond nonsense probs, caroline/andie being reduced to a blood bag, st*ferine in s5.
what I wish had happened but didn’t: abby actually working hard for her and bonnie to have a relationship, caroline hating on DE in s4 for the RIGHT REASONS and reminding elena of the fact that she did not "jump into bed" on the first date but was assaulted, elena being free of the [redacted] brothers and regaining agency in s4, sheila having more of a presence on the show (and replacing the s*lvabros/al*ric as PRIMARILY BONNIE'S CARETAKER because she would prioritize her granddaughter first, but also protecting the rest of the scooby doo gang as well she'd also teach bonnie to value her self worth and not allow them to step all over her), BONNIE BEING ALLOWED TO MOURN the same way her white friends were allowed to, a motivation for bonnie outside magic, more love interests for bonnie, bonnie/qetsiyah interaction, caroline having motivations/storylines outside of male love interests, at least half the characters on this show being queer, luke parker being allowed to actually date men, nora realizing her exgirlfriend took the side of valerie's abuser over valeria and that she can do better/dating bonnie, katherine and nadia exploring their mother-daughter relationship, the mikaelsons and bonnie securing some kind of alliance
what happened that I wish hadn’t: d*roline (do i need to explain), tyler!klaus (it could have been an opportunity for michael trevino to show off his acting skills the same way nina dobrev did by playing multiple characters in one body, but instead the writers just had to go there), the second KC biting scene (which was completely unnecessary/recyled idea and totally could have been handled differently), katherine pursuing stefan instead of prioritizing her daughter
the originals
favorite character: klaus mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson (i love literally every character on this show tbh)
least favorite character: mikael i guess? also greta and her supernatural n*zis
brOTP: klebeklijah, davina/cami, davina/hayley, haymille, haybekah, vincent/klaus, klavina is totally my platonic crackship sh
OTP: klayley, klamille, haybekah, haylijah, elijah/gia, elijah/aya, kolvina, klaus/aurora because i find the toxic patterns of their relationship hella entertaining
NOTP: uhm idk...... s5 haylijah i guess
favorite storyline: when klaus found out about rebekah's "betrayal" (i have a lot of thoughts about this arc and the acting in these eps was*chef's kiss*) and totally went off his rocker lmfao, cami becoming a vampire (which for some reason isn't really popular), klamille's slow burn development, haylijah's s1 chemistry and buildup (i lost interest after s2), the introduction of genevieve's character, hayley becoming a hybrid, gia's vampire transition, marcel putting klaus on "trial" after davina's death, lucien becoming a hybrid 2.0 (which is basically just an original on redbull lmfao, how does JP expect me to buy that there's something more powerful than the very first vampires on earth), kol and rebekah bodysnatching, freya reappearing as the Long Lost Sibling in s2
least favorite storyline: elijah's character regression in s5
what i wish had happened but didn't: klayley basically "adopting" davina in some sense; and i wanted cami to be dark!cami for a little while longer so klamille could parallel steroline. also klayley exchanging platonic gestures (klaus's hand on hayley's shoulder, her hand on his arm when she told him kindness=/= weakness) should definitely have been utilized more.
what happened that i wish hadn't: [stares into the distance mournfully] s5
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lalosalamcnca · 4 years
Scoring TVD Ships from the TVD Fanfics I’ve Read Pt. 2
Alright, I’m still stuck in lockdown and I enjoy scoring TVD ships, so here we go again! For those who don’t know, the ships are based on the ones I see in the TVD fanfics that I read; they may be canon or non-canon couples, I’m going to rewatch their scenes to refresh my memory. This is NOT an insult to fanfic writers, they’re doing amazing work and I’ve read some fantastic stories.
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MABEKAH: 7.5/10
Pretty sure this ship is why I didn’t want Matt dead until s5 lmao...I just love Rebekah
I understood the appeal of Matt for Rebekah, he was the embodiment of humanity for her and kind of represented the life she wanted 
They were cute together, I always enjoyed their scenes and they had chemistry imo
This isn’t a long-term relationship to me and Matt was kind of bland lol but nonetheless I enjoyed their scenes
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DAMROSE: 6.5/10
I really enjoyed their scenes together, I liked their relationship and Rose’s death scene...broke my heart ngl
Probably one of the only times when Damon seemed genuinely considerate and proved that he could be kind without having an ulterior motive
Like mabekah, it isn’t really long-term and their chemistry was ok but Damon’s humanity shone brighter with Rose than it ever did with Elena
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Look, I liked to see Caroline as mom and for Alaric to get another chance at happiness but I can’t deny that their history made their whole storyline super weird and Caroline couldn’t even consent to the pregnancy
They were better off as co-parents, I don’t think either of them ever really loved the other; I think Alaric was lonely and Caroline was there, and we all know that Caroline still loved Stefan
Seeing their domestic life was nice but definitely not a fan of this ship
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DEFINITELY had chemistry, just imagine the storylines they could’ve had if Julie wasn’t such a rat....too many possibilities
They could’ve been such a badass duo!! Like they’ve been tossed aside by their loved ones before, Kol definitely would’ve put Bonnie first and he could’ve shown her the world
Not a lot to go on for them and since I’m basing this score on canon, unfortunately it’s not going to be a high number
Kol did try to kill her, which doesn’t warrant a higher score either but Kol also did suffer at Klaus’s hands just like Bonnie and her friends, so I’m not gonna really harp on the whole feud between the MF gang and the Originals
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KLEFAN: 7/10
Honestly, you could tell me that these two had a thing, and I’d believe it. No way that the Ripper of Monterey didn’t get around with men (especially Klaus)
DEFINITELY had chemistry, they would’ve had such an interesting dynamic and this is a pairing I would’ve ate up
I’ve come to appreciate them over time, but let me make it clear: I’d only be interested in seeing them in a TOXIC relationship
Who knows if the actors could’ve actually pulled off a romantic storyline
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MALENA: 5/10
They did have chemistry, but their relationship just reminds me of the typical high school relationship, it’s sweet and nice but it’s just not meant to last
However, both of them were pretty bland and somewhat annoying lmao so in a way they’re well-suited for each other
I liked them just as friends, I thought it made sense for Matt to be Elena’s humanity switch
Overall, I don’t ship it and I think their romantic relationship was unfulfilling for both of them
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JANNA: 8/10
They were so cute together, I would’ve liked it if they were endgame and they deserved better
They had chemistry for sure...the angst, the longing in s3...
I was nervous about them at first bc I believed that Anna was just using Jeremy (which turned out to be kinda true) but they grew on me
S3 was a real bitch bc I liked beremy and janna, and I hated Jeremy for cheating on bonnie
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let’s get something out of the way right now: if Katherine had chosen Damon in 2x01, Damon wouldn’t have given Elena a second thought
There’s no denying that Damon’s love for Katherine was strong, she had a powerful hold on him and they’re a dark ship for sure; I think they would’ve just caused chaos together and been interesting to watch
I don’t have strong feelings towards them though, their chemistry is fine but I like them way more than dullena
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NORALISE: 7.5/10
I was happy to finally see an LGBT+ couple on the show...until they died tragically and proved that Julie gives no one a happy ending unless they’re a straight white man
I thought they balanced each other out nicely but from time to time, Mary Louise could be a little high-maintenance (not sure if this is the appropriate word)
I would’ve liked more backstory on them and how they got together
I do believe that their breakup was necessary, the time apart was needed and it was nice to see Nora experience college and get to hang out with Bonnie
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TYLENA: 6/10
Honestly, I don’t mind them! They share a lot of the same values, they’ve both lost a lot so I think they could’ve understood each other really well and would’ve shared a meaningful connection
They don’t interact much, but I think there might be something there in terms of chemistry
If you’ve seen my other posts about TVD ships, you’ll know that they’re not my endgame choice 
If you have questions about my opinions’ on other TVD ships/the show in general, feel free to ask me. Please, do not start attacking me in the comments, I’m fine with a respectful discussion bc I like to hear what others think. It’s fine if you disagree, idc who you ship and kudos to all the fanfic writers out there!!
((may be edited and changed over time))
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ywhiterain · 4 years
s3 - elijah rebekah klaus stefan murder road trip
Klaus/Rebekah/Stefan + Elijah, thought at some point Elijah might join in lol, and general background Stefan/Elena, Damon+Stefan feels. 
This is a TVD season three AU where Rebekah undaggers Elijah during the Klefan murder raod trip. I got stuck because my plot went out of hand when Rebekah was like lets stay in MI so I can go to a public school :D and then I didn’t know where to go next. So I decided to nix that plot and keep with the original bits - Klaus looking for wolves, Elijah staying around for Rebekah who wants them all to be together, and Stefan surviving them all with Delena coming in later. Mikael is a non issue because Elijah knows he’s down but he’s not telling Klaus. He still wants Kol and Finn back and to stab Klaus lots. Also Elijah knows Elena is alive and is using that as leverage to control Stefan, just to make Stefan’s llife extra hard. 
I totally plan to finish this once I figure out how to end it. 
The scene below is where Klaus is frustrated by lack of werewolf leads. I’m sticking to OG canon and that the wolves are very very rare. 
"Another dead end, brother?" Elijah asked when Klaus stormed into the room, a dark look on his face. "How many of those have you had these past four months?" he continued as Klaus glowered at him. "Four?" Elijah looked over to Rebekah, "five?"
"I would think you would be keeping track of my failures in one of your journals to throw in my face when I inevitably fall short of your expectations," Klaus said, throwing himself into the couch across from the chair Elijah was sitting on.
"It's Nik's seventh false lead since we reunited," Rebekah said, holding up her hand and studying the paint job on her nails. "Do you think you two could find something else to quarrel about at some point in the very near future?"
Stefan bit back a smile as he opened up a bottle of light blue sparkly nail polish. It was the height of tacky but Rebekah had fallen in love with the concept of glitterly nails and declared she'd will it into fashion if she had to. Stefan suspected the horrified look on Elijah's face when she picked them out was no small part of the reason she'd started her quest.
"When Niklaus drops this ridiculous search of his I vow never to bring it up again," Elijah said.
"See?" Klaus said, pointing at his brother, "Elijah is completely dismissive of my aims to build up the perfect army. Rebekah, please, convince our stubborn brother the merits in my plan."
"I've made my position clear," Rebekah said as Stefan began to paint big toenail. "I don't care what Nik does so long as the three of us are back together again." She leaned over and pressed a kiss on the corner of Stefan's mouth. "Well, the four of us, these days."
"Careful," Stefan said, smiling against her lips and holding up the nail polish brush, "you don't want me to ruin this for you."
"I'm not worried at all," Rebekah said, kissing him once more before pulling away.
"And, of course, Stefan is on my side," Klaus said, grinning like a cat that got the mouse. "So, it seems that you're outvoted on this matter, brother."
"We're democratic now?" Elijah asked with a frown.
Klaus shrugged, his grin not dropping a bit.
Elijah sighed and closed the book he'd been reading. "Stefan," he said, "since you were the deciding vote, perhaps you've got an idea of what we should do next."
"I have no ideas of my own," Stefan said, moving onto Rebekah's pinky toe. "I just do what Klaus says."
"I'm actually interested in hearing what you'd do," Klaus said, leaning a little to the bed Rebekah and Stefan were splayed on.
"I'd find Katherine," Stefan said, "I'm pretty sure she is two phone calls away from every werewolf alive."
Elijah's lips twitched up, just for a second. It made Stefan remember the night Jenna had died and Elena's spitting rage at Katherine and Elijah both. They deserve each other, she'd snapped, and threw a book at the wall. That rage was short lived and melted into numbness. Stefan shook away the memory before it could go any further. His life with Elena was over and it was best not to dwell on it.
"There's a thought," Rebekah said, leaning back against the headboard. "Finding Katerina for a bit of violent vengeance sounds like a lot of fun."
"Katerina can wait," Klaus said.
Rebekah's face darkened. "Not after what she did to Stefan."
"Stefan is over it," Stefan said, without a beat, as he painted Rebekah's last toenail.
"Your choice in girlfriends suggest otherwise," Rebekah muttered.
"Drop it, Rebekah," Elijah said. Ordered. He didn't often use that tone with her, Stefan thought, his hands tensing around the nail polish he was holding.
Rebekah rolled her eyes. "I, for one, am glad the latest doppelganger is dead. I love you to death, Elijah, but your thing for them tiring." She looked over to Stefan. "Are you sure Elena doesn't have a child hiding somewhere?"
"Yes," Stefan said screwing the lid back on the nail polish and putting it back in Rebekah's makeup bag.
"Oh, don't be so pouty, Stefan," Klaus said, "there was no happy ending for the two of you. You should thank me for cutting it short. There's nothing worse than a story filled with needless filler."
"I am not talking about Elena," Stefan said, standing up with his arms behind his back. He stared at Klaus. "You can punish me however you deem fit for that."
Klaus laughed and motioned for Stefan to kneel next to him.
Stefan closed his eyes and obeyed.
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janiedean · 4 years
1/3-I'm seeing some more people talk about TVD recently and I have so many conflicting emotions and nostalgia lol. Like I watched it back in the day and multishipped like wow (Dalaric and Klefan were the biggies for me but I could also appreciate the other ships) but the fandom was such a hot mess? Don’t even get me started on the female character bashing (especially Elena), double standards and “you only stan Damon because you think he’s hot and that's automatically shallow/bad” misogyny
2/3- The trend of so many antis pretending to feminist and saying they ship “non-toxic” “non-abusive” ships but acting off-the-chain sexist just because of shipping conflicts was just the worst. For example S/E is one of the cutest ships, but takes like “I ship Elena/Lobotomy” and posts comparing her to a “faulty product” got so popular after she had sex with Damon, or others S/Ers said she had no agency due to the sire bond while victim-blaming her at the same time, and I’m never here for that. 3/3-It’s also why having nothing to do with the third TVDU show and the general fandom was a good idea for me because apparently the newer fans are even more purity-obsessed and anti-leaning than before. Guys, TVD is a fantasy show about murderous vampires and people who think it’s fine to hang out with murderous vampires, it’s not “teaching” anyone anything. And I’m so glad it existed when it did because a show with this much gray-and-black morality wouldn’t be made today for a YA audience.
.... wait what you’re telling me that there’s antis in tvd fandom??? THERE’S ANTIS IN TVD FANDOM???? THE SHOW WHERE THERE WAS THE MAGICAL VAMPIRE PREGNANCY WHERE CAROLINE HAD ALARIC’S TWINS AND THERE WAS LIKE NO SINGLE SHIP THAT WAS UNPROBLEMATIC? anon and me thinking when I finally finished that show last year ‘thank fuck it was aired when it was or antis would have hated it from second #1′ flkjgkjsdjklg eloì eloì lama sabactaniiiii
that said: I had watched it live from S1 to S7ish and then I basically gave up bc it was too out of this world and I finished it during quarantine but I remember I stayed clear from fandom bc I only cares for d/alaric and I was more into st/elena than d/elena on paper tho I liked d/elena too and like all the people complaining about the shipwar and which bro was better and the rpf drama and the bonnie hate were like......... b y e I watch this for fun I don’t give that much crap and thankfully d/alaric fandom was nice/chill but kgjkjldlkjgs like please my only comment is that poor caroline deserved way better than julie plec ever gave her and like hell I’m watching the third show I have self preservation (I didn’t even watch the ogs but like.... only cared abt elijah lmao) but yeah the rampant misogyny was... bad, and like poor elena was actually excellently written for being a main char in a ya franchise like p l e a s e let her be
> I’m so glad it existed when it did because a show with this much gray-and-black morality wouldn’t be made today for a YA audience.
god today it wouldn’t have made it past the fifth episode like people would be in S7 and still go like BUT DAMON KILLED VICKI  IN EPISODE FIVE SEASON ONE HE DESERVES TO DIEEEE also actually the fact that damon got the happy ending in life would have sent people for the hills considering how they deal wtih ben solo being redeemed NOT EVEN SURVIVING like....... I don’t even wanna think about it tbh
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geminislegacy · 5 years
1, 2, 8, 16, 30
is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
not really. i’m content with the attention division.
if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
lizzie, for sure. though once i get the rust off dean, i’ll get to him again for sure. he’s my all time favorite muse.
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
well, for lizzie it’s obvious. nothing holds a handle to lizwil and nothing probably ever will. otp of my heart. my notp is lizzie/rafael. yikes.
i don’t think i have necessarily an otp for klaus because i like multiple ships. klaroline, klefan, klamille. my notp is probably klayley, just because i LOVE what they have in a non-romantic sense.
for dean it’s destiel, for sure. it takes a lot of shit chemistry for me to not get into destiel at some point. i also liked him with jo and cassie, though. i think my notps are dean with anyone sam has fucked ???
for jaime i guess it’s jamistair ( no homo tho ), for cassandra it’s with sebastian ( dracmeo and witchiet ), and i like michael and olivia. parker and max but i can’t call them an otp because they’re FUCKED UP. 
which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
i’d say it’s between lizzie and dean. both always willing to throw punches.
most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
no, i hate each and every single one of my muses. i hate this rp. don’t join this rp. i admin this rp but i only do it because my family is being held hostage. i’m blinking three times, someone help.
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livlepretre · 5 years
Another ship, like Klebekah, that I’m a fairly salty that the show runners never copped to it because it is just SO OBVIOUS that they were sleeping together?
I find Klefan super fascinating (and I remember SCREAMING when the season 3 promo video dropped for shippy reasons), probably even more so when you take Klaus’s relationship with Rebekah into account.
I think Klefan started in the first place because Klaus didn’t like Rebekah having a relationship outside of him and so he inserting himself into things, and before you know it they’re a ménage a trois and Klaus is actually interested in Stefan beyond just as a toy to push Rebekah’s buttons with and Stefan is pretty much just there to have a really good time (he’s not thinking straight in 1922, hasn’t been thinking straight for a decade, so all the stuff he does with Klaus and Rebekah— the really gruesome violence and mind games— doesn’t hit him at the time).
What’s FASCINATING is that Klaus calls Stefan brother, often— once again establishing that Klaus has a weird hang up about family/siblings and that is almost a prerequisite for sex— at least, sex that is more than just a fling. I think his incest thing is about his intense self-perpetuating loneliness and desiring to make himself a family/pack/inner circle, whatever he chooses to call it. This also calls into question though, vis a vis my observations on Klebekah, whether this is romantic or some other thing going on from Klaus’s perspective. (I pretty much head canon that Klaus is almost incapable of romantic love— his ability to love anyone in any situation is so fucked up— his journey with that, in all dimensions, is really his journey on the Originals)
Okay, so, then, the next part that I find really compelling is that Klaus immediately wants Stefan back in his orbit (and his bed) when he sees him again in 2010. I have to imagine they were having extremely kinky sex all that summer and that Stefan was filled with the most acute self loathing and Klaus for some reason got off on that? Because why else would he never fill Stefan in on their past? Or tell Stefan to flip the switch even as a mercy for this brother he says he loves? (Mmm maybe it was punishment— either for having Elena’s love, or for falling in love with someone else, or a bit of both)
Of course the whole thing falls apart in the messiest way possible in tvd season 3– which is a terrible pity, because it remains one of Klaus’s most interesting relationships. (Is it unique as the only non-actual sibling that he gives the label to? And has a close and intimate relationship with? Post-breakup Klefan is also like. The best. CHEMISTRY.)
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
Having a second blog is so new to me😂! Like I accidentally keep rebloging non stebekah/klefan/klebekah/Stefan/Rebekah things on that blog forgetting to switch 😂
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Klefan + the 20s
Does anyone ever think that sometimes Klaus just wanted to hang out with his bud in a normal non-hedonistic context? Because I do.
Imagine with me if you will.
Klaus inviting Stefan over to whatever aristocratic townhouse the Mikaelson's were staying in at the time just to sit and trade stories. 
Perhaps they'd have a spot of tea. Maybe they'd just enjoy each others company and one would read a novel and the other would paper or perhaps while Klaus read Stefan would add another addition to his journal.
Going suit shopping together.
Klaus, most likely would be posing as some sort of nobility. So on more than one occasion, with Stefan as his plus one he'd probably turn up to some stuffy event, drink, flirt shamelessly and quietly raise hell until they're asked to leave at which point the offending party becomes their afternoon snack.
Shameless day drinking
Both Klaus and Stefan weaseling their way into an exclusive wine tasting society and making a complete mockery of the whole thing before excluding (or eating) all the other members and draining the club's private stash.
Smoking pipes together.
Raucous impromptu sing songs along with other patrons at the bar.
One stumbling home propping the other up on their shoulder because they're piss drunk.
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zalrb · 4 years
Is there any other Harry Potter ships you liked besides Romione? Doesn’t have to be canon, or feel free to tell who your notps are that you know other people ship
These aren’t really, like, “ships” as in I’ll write metas on them and go hard for them the way I go for Romione but more like how I treat Klefan where I just think they’re fun, so for the movies only, Deamus! In the movies, I thought Seamus was ADORABLE and funny because of his expressions?
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and I had a crush on Dean because I thought he Alfred Enoch was cute AND he was like the one consistent Black person in the movies so my childhood/preteen self was just like YAY DEAN!
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and the two of them were ALWAYS together and I was like YES, I LIKE IT
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and then the BTS stuff came out
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I do like Drarry because they’re obsessed with each other and there’s actually a wealth of potential for their dynamic:
Harry, however, had never been less interested in Quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.
You’re getting a bit obsessed with Malfoy, Harry. I mean, thinking about missing a match just to follow him.
“…everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick -“
“You have told me this at least a dozen times already,” said Mr. Malfoy, with a quelling look at his son.
“I’m fine!” said Harry, jumping up. The thought of what Draco Malfoy would say if he had to go to the hospital wing was torture.
Draco constantly seeking Harry’s attention, Harry constantly aware of Draco’s presence, they’re also mirrors. The Slytherin and the Gryffindor, both epitomes of their houses, both have horrific connections to Voldemort as Harry was tasked to kill Voldemort while Draco was cast to kill Dumbledore, the anti-Dumbledore, both suffer emotional isolation because of this, both are Seekers, both are wealthy etc. etc. So it’s really just the entire thing for me.
I am a Romione shipper through and through but I always thought Luna and Ron would be kind of interesting
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Luna did not seem perturbed by Ron’s rudeness; on the contrary, she  simply watched him for a while as though he were a mildly interesting  television program.
“I could hear the match commentary from here,” said Ron, his voice now  shaking with laughter. “I hope Luna always commentates from now on…  Loser’s Lurgy…”  
I don’t really think I have NOTPs? It’s just when people say a non-Romione ship would be better for Hermione that I get defensive, like I used to get into so many arguments about Harmony when I was younger, haha.
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blairwaldcrf · 2 years
#klaus: *dramatically keeps stefan in the dark about their past relationship after memory wiping him*#also klaus: no don't touch me ill have gay thoughts#literally is there nothing gayer than s3 klefan or klaus just casually pretending he didn't once love stefan#canonically as a 'brother' if you're a coward like plec but still love
anna pls i'm having klefan feelings now jfc
okay but the more I think about it the more insane i get?? like Klaus is doing fuck all while avoiding Mikael before getting a call from Elijah that he's found the doppelganger, right??
and then Elijah says "she's in mystic falls" which makes klaus raise his eyebrow because it's weird she'd be found near his birthplace right? but when Klaus says "I'll be there" and Elijah tells him "I should let you know, she's protected by vampires already, some of Katerina's protege", Klaus is intrigued again. Mystic Falls had been just a name said in passing between the mikaelsons as some gross colonial American title covering their birthplace. But he still can't place it, when he heard the name told to him by a non-Original even though he can swear he has, so he asks "Their names?" and when Elijah says "The Salvatore brothers. Damon and--" "Stefan" Klaus says, almost letting emotion rise up and the surprise taking him off guard enough that Elijah is the one who steps into feel the silence. "You know them?" Klaus wants to cover up vulnerability with snark-- Do I know the man who's to blame for us staking our sister?-- but he can't exactly explain that secret, so he just mentions, "Only by headline. The great Ripper of Monterey." Elijah makes a realizing sound. "Ah, yes, that was him, wasn't it?" and Klaus, "Brother, I'll be there but I want a different body to trick them with"
BECAUSE LIKE the Alaric possession thing was always super weird to me to begin with like what was the point... made WEIRDER by the fact he knew Stefan the whole time like...??? was he scared maybe Stefan did actually remember him? Did he want to spy on Stefan to see how he had changed? and then Elena "dies" and Stefan comes to him to save Damon and Klaus gives in because that means he can steal Stefan away from wreckage and bring him across countries as a bro and Ripper but he never turns his humanity off. Klaus wants it to be real. on his terms, sure, but real. i think klaus wants to fall into things with Stefan in a brand new way, even though Klaus could have won (tiny sure) loyalty over with Stefan ages and ages ago. klaus could have used this very big pawn over Stefan's head to control Stefan amd he never does. he uses their memories against rebekah, but never once does he cheapen his and stefan's relationship as a way to control and i think that's so interesting. instead he doesn't take away Stefan's control until he finds out Stefan is still in love with Elena which like.... plot wise sure but also KLAUS DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE AWAY STEFAN'S EMOTIONS UNTIL KLAUS SAW STEFAN WAS STILL IN LOVE WITH ELENA. that's some gay shit right there. jealous and possisive surr but also gay
okay this is way too long and rambling with a minificlet included and I'm fucked and probably turning this into a one-shot
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
when I started shipping it if I did: I mostly crackshipped them in s3, but also had some real feelings about their 1920s friendship and I really enjoyed the power (im)balance aspect of them, especially because of fan works. All of this is to say, probably s4 when I was on tumblr more. my thoughts: wall pushing good, 1920s flashbacks excellent, klaus/stefan/rebekah threesomes were a thing in the 1920s What makes me happy about them: the idea of them texting in s3/4 is genuinely so hilarious to me. I can’t decide if it’s funnier that Klaus triple texts or writers one long text message, but him getting worked up at Stefan ignoring his texts is just very funny. In general klefan lends itself so well to crack because it allows Klaus to be really dramatic. What makes me sad about them: That they’ll probably never really be friends like in the 1920s again? Like, I will own that I probably missed some later developments, but they’re often on opposite sides and I tend to see the 1920s as their golden era and after that it’s the history that always lingers but too much has happened/is still happening for them to be in the same place they were in the 1920s. Also I guess there was the one time Stefan held him as Klaus desiccated in his arms looking very betrayed. things done in fanfic that annoys me: bad characterisation (Stefan tops is certainly... A Take) things I look for in fanfic: Power imbalance stuff, Stefan being sassy? also crack!fic tbh Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: For Stefan my preference is probably Elena and/or Damon but I’m not too particular. With Klaus it’s definitely Rebekah and Elijah. Do I read ‘ending up together’ romantically? who knows My happily ever after for them: Fun family drama as Klaus and Stefan start sleeping together (again) and their respective families react with varying degrees of horror/dismay/resignation and get involved who is the big spoon/little spoon: Klaus is big spoon probably, assuming Klaus cuddles? Honestly I would say Klaus is the big spoon just for the mental image of Stefan waking up in bed with Klaus with Klaus’s arm around him and trying to sneak out without waking Klaus (like in 4x12 with Rebekah). what is their favorite non-sexual activity: For the twenties: Does murder count as a non-sexual activity for them if Klaus looks at Stefan like that when he does it? I can see Klaus being extra enough to start a painting with real blood of bloodied Stefan after he fed on people, and Stefan criticising his art
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zalrb · 3 years
Hi Zal!! If you could magically make one or two of these non-endgame couples endgame, which would you pick?! I hope you find this a fun challenge :) Brucas, Pandie, Willow/Oz, Bangel, Bonkai, Dair, Klefan.
Ozillow and Dair with Pandie being a very close second.
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zalrb · 4 years
what are your biggest non canon otps? or not necessarily otps but pairings that you wish you got to see being canon
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Merthur (ish --- I say ish because I feel like we got them and didn’t get them at the same time)
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I’d always wanted to see Jackson and Cristina hook up
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And Abed and Annie
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I’d be interested into see how Stefonnie could’ve worked out and if Paul and Kat had any onscreen chemistry
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Bonnie and Luka too because they did have chemistry
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Saya and Maria
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I’m a Jahani shipper through and through but when Tahani and Chidi thought they were soulmates, I thought there was something there that had me like oooh interesting
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