#the cw tvd
girlkisser13 · 2 months
going on your first date with the tvdu men would include
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damon salvatore
• damon would likely choose a secluded and romantic location, perhaps the mystic grill for a drink, followed by a surprise trip to a hidden spot in the woods or a beautiful clearing with a view of the stars.
• he would pick you up in his blue convertible, making the journey to your date part of the experience, complete with playful banter and a perfectly curated playlist.
• expect witty and flirty conversation. we all know damon LOVES to tease, but he’d also be surprisingly attentive, showing genuine interest in getting to know you better.
• he’d most likely choose your drink for you, something you’d end up loving, showcasing his impeccable taste. if the date involves food, he’d make sure it’s something special, perhaps even cooking for you at his house.
• if the moment felt right, damon will suggest dancing. whether it’s a slow dance in the woods under the stars or a playful dance at the grill, he’d make it unforgettable.
• at the end of the date, damon would walk you to your door. his goodbye would be lingering, leaving you eager for the next time you see him. he’d probably leave you with a teasing comment or a promise of more to come.
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elijah mikaelson
• elijah would choose an elegant and sophisticated location, a high-end restaurant with a stunning view or a private, luxurious setting that exudes old school harm.
• he’d OBVIOUSLY show up dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, reflecting his refined and timeless style. every detail of his appearance would be perfect, from his cufflinks to his neatly styled hair.
• elijah would send a classic car to pick you up, or he would arrive himself, ready to escort you to your date with utmost courtesy.
• elijah would be genuinely interested in your thoughts, opinions, and experiences. he’d share fascinating stories from his centuries-long life, offering glimpses into his past while keeping an air of mystery.
• elijah is the epitome of a gentleman. he’d hold doors open for you, help you with your coat, and ensure you feel cherished and respected throughout the evening.
• he would bring you a thoughtful gift, such as a bouquet of rare flowers or a book that he thinks you’d love, showing his attention to detail and consideration.
• elijah would choose the finest cuisine and wine, making sure everything is of the highest quality. he’d ensure the meal is a culinary experience, with each course carefully selected to delight your palate.
• he would engage you in conversations about art, history, literature, and culture, revealing his vast knowledge and passion for these subjects.
• while elijah is a perfect gentleman, there’s always an underlying sense of his power and ability to protect you. you’d feel safe and secure in his presence, knowing he’d go to great lengths to ensure your well-being.
• at the end of the date, elijah would walk you to your door, ensuring you’re safely home. his goodbye would be tender and sincere, perhaps with a gentle kiss on your hand or a soft brush of his lips against your cheek, leaving you enchanted and eager for the next time you meet.
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kol mikaelson
• kol would choose a fun and unpredictable location for your date. this could range from a vibrant bar in the french quarter, to a late-night carnival, or even a spontaneous adventure like breaking into an abandoned mansion for some exploring.
• kol would either show up in a flashy car or decide to take you for a walk through the lively streets of new orleans, there’s no in between.
• kol is all about living in the moment. he might suggest impromptu activities, like dancing in the street to a nearby musician’s tunes or trying some exotic food from a street vendor.
• there’s always a touch of mischief with kol. he might pull a harmless prank or engage in a bit of friendly competition, such as challenging you to a game of pool or darts at a local bar.
• kol wouldn’t hide his vampire nature; instead, he’d use it to impress you. he’d show off his speed, strength, and compel the bartender to give you both free drinks.
• the date would be filled with energy and excitement. kol’s enthusiasm is contagious, and he’d ensure you’re constantly entertained and engaged, never a dull moment.
• at the end of the date, kol would walk you home, making sure you’re safely inside. his goodbye would be flirty and full of promise, perhaps with a lingering kiss or a playful comment about your next adventure together.
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jeremy gilbert
• jeremy would choose a casual and comfortable location, like a cozy café, a local diner, or a peaceful spot by the lake for a picnic.
• jeremy is a good listener and would be interested in learning about your passions, dreams, and experiences.
• jeremy would suggest doing something fun and interactive, like visiting an arcade, going for a hike, or even attending a local concert. he’d want to create a memorable experience that’s enjoyable for both of you.
• jeremy’s an artist so he might even take you to a local art gallery, or he could even bring his sketchbook and show you some of his sketches (they’re honestly probably all sketches of you).
• jeremy would choose a place with good, hearty food— nothing too fancy, but something that feels comforting and satisfying. if you’re having a picnic, he’d pack a basket with some of his favorite snacks and drinks.
• he also loves being outdoors, so he might take you to a beautiful, secluded spot in nature.
• at the end of the date, jeremy would walk you to your door and make sure you’re safely inside. his goodbye would be sweet and sincere, leaving you feeling cared for and excited for the next time you see him.
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malachai "kai" parker
• kai would choose an unconventional and adventurous location. this could range from exploring an old, abandoned building to a spontaneous road trip to a nearby town. he loves to keep things exciting and unpredictable.
• there’s always a sense of mischief with kai. he would definitely suggest something dangerous or illegal, like sneaking into a restricted area or trying out a thrilling activity. he enjoys pushing boundaries and seeing how far you’re willing to go.
• kai wouldn’t shy away from using his magic. he might perform small, impressive spells to amuse you or use his powers to enhance the date, like creating a magical light show or conjuring up something special.
• kai would take you to a unique, offbeat restaurant or café, somewhere with a cool vibe and interesting menu. he’d make sure the experience is memorable and out of the ordinary.
• at the end of the date, kai would walk you to your door with a mix of playful charm and genuine interest. his goodbye would be intriguing and magnetic, perhaps with a lingering touch or a cryptic comment that leaves you wanting more.
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niklaus "klaus" mikaelson
• klaus would choose a sophisticated and exclusive location, like a private rooftop dinner with a stunning view of the city, a hidden garden, or a historic site. he loves grandeur and would want to impress you with a memorable setting.
• klaus would pick you up in a luxurious car, ensuring you travel in comfort and style. the journey would be smooth and filled with engaging conversation, making you feel at ease and intrigued.
• klaus is well-read and knowledgeable, and he’d be genuinely interested in your thoughts and experiences. he’d share fascinating stories from his long life, providing glimpses into his complex personality.
• klaus is a master of romantic gestures. he’d bring you a bouquet of rare flowers, arrange for a talented musician to play a private concert, or surprise you with a beautifully handwritten note expressing his admiration.
• klaus has a deep appreciation for art and culture. he might take you to an art gallery, a classical music concert, or even show you some of his own artwork. he’d love to share his passions with you and see your reactions.
• klaus has a penetrating gaze that can make you feel like the only person in the world. throughout the date, he’d often lock eyes with you, never looking away until you do.
• his protective nature would be evident. he’d ensure you feel safe and cared for at all times, subtly asserting his strength and willingness to defend you if needed.
• klaus is a gentleman at heart. he’d open doors for you, pull out your chair, and be attentive to your needs, ensuring you feel respected and cherished.
• at the end of the date, klaus would walk you to your door. his goodbye would be lingering and filled with promise, perhaps with a gentle kiss on your hand or a soft brush of his lips against yours, leaving you yearning for more.
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stefan salvatore
• stefan would choose a charming, low-key location for your first date. this might be a quaint café, a scenic park, or a cozy restaurant with a relaxed atmosphere where you can talk and connect.
• he’d pick you up in his car, making sure the ride is pleasant and comfortable. he might even play a soft playlist to set a relaxed mood.
• stefan is thoughtful and would likely bring a small, meaningful gift, like a single flower or a favorite book he thinks you’d enjoy. he values the little things that show he’s paying attention.
• stefan would plan a thoughtful activity, such as a stroll through a picturesque park, a visit to a local art exhibit, or a casual outing to a farmers' market, where you can explore and talk.
• he’d pay close attention to your preferences and needs, ensuring you’re comfortable and having a good time. if you mention a favorite food or drink, he’d remember and include it in the date.
• stefan’s demeanor is kind and respectful. he’d open doors for you, offer his arm while walking, and be attentive without being overwhelming, showing his genuine respect and care.
• rather than grand gestures, stefan plan a quiet moment to watch the sunset together or find a peaceful spot where you can talk privately.
• at the end of the date, stefan would walk you to your doorstep. his goodbye would be heartfelt, leaving you with a feeling of warmth and anticipation for the next time you see him.
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schtrawberry · 18 days
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saw this tweet and thought of #them
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valkubanging · 29 days
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I mean, you know how cute guys just naturally taste better?
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magicalqueennightmare · 9 months
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(Eventual) Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
When you're hurt and it's not a product of a hunt you intend to hide away and lick your wounds in private but a certain Mikaelson begins to worry and comes to your rescue.
The first knock at your door you disregarded. Surely it was your neighbor or maybe someone with a wrong address. You rented a small place just outside of the french quarter after all so people having a few too many and reading addresses wrong was a usual occurrence.
You were sore over every inch of your body. You were fairly sure nothing was broken but that knowledge didn't stop the pain that every slight movement caused. More than the pain was the embarrassment that this injury had come at the hands of humans. How could you have slipped up that bad?
You'd nearly fallen back asleep when your phone started to ring. You groaned from the effort of pushing yourself up to a sitting position and reached for it.  The moment you saw the caller id you cursed. It was Elijah. You'd avoided him for the better part of the last week but one of his siblings must have caught wind that you'd made it back in town. You didn't want him to see you hurt. You'd tried to always have your feet under you around the ancient vampire. 
He knocked you off balance so you covered it expertly with vague threats and sass. You weren't up to the usual repertoire between the two of you.
You took a deep breath and hoped it wouldn't show in your voice how exhausted you truly were “Elijah Mikaelson, to what do I owe the privilege?” “My darling little hunter. I heard from my sister that you've been in town for nearly a week. Are you avoiding me by chance?” You shifted in the bed and a groan escaped your lips. You closed your eyes praying he hadn't heard. “Not avoiding you. Just been busy”
He was silent for a moment and the thought hit you that maybe he'd hung up until he spoke “Care to answer the door then?” shit, he was the person at your door. “I'll come by later. Just make sure Klaus knows so it's not an announced thing”  “Come to the door” you could feel the pull in his voice and tsk-tsked “Now now Elijah. You promised a long time ago to not try to compel me. Besides I've got enough wards tattooed on me it's next to impossible even for a vampire of your age” 
“Please come to the door” he tried again and you could tell how much it took for him to add the please. “Ok” you hung up the phone and glanced around the room. Your oversized hoodie looked like the best option so you tugged it on over the sports bra and shorts you were currently wearing. It hit mid thigh and with the hood up covered most of your bruises along with the black eye and how swollen the left side of your face was. 
You slowly walked across the small space to your front door and unlocked all three locks before swinging the door open to reveal the vampire standing at your door. Elijah was always impeccably dressed, today he was wearing a black tailored suit which fit him in a way that would've practically made your mouth water any other day.  He had some stubble gracing his chiseled jaw which just added to how handsome he truly was. 
A slight smirk started to slip across his face when he looked in your door but it quickly fell when his eyes met yours.  “Invite me in” Elijah had come to your place a few times but you'd never extended an invite. It caused too much of a risk. You were welcome in the home he shared with his siblings despite you being a hunter and them originals. 
You shook your head slowly but that made the room tilt and you were forced to grab the door frame for support. “Invite me in” he repeated. You managed a weak laugh “You gonna finish me off Mikaelson?” His eyes narrowed so you decided screw it if he threw the niceties to the side and did snap your neck at least you wouldn't be hurting anymore “Come into my home Elijah” 
The moment he crossed the threshold he pushed your hood down and you saw the monster that always lurked just below the surface darken his eyes “Did this occur on a hunt?” You dropped your eyes “Yeah” you felt him move before his fingers ever so gently graced your chin, pulling your face up where you had no choice but to look him in the eye “I'm going to ask once more and make my question more direct. Who or what did this to you?”
You swallowed hard under his gaze. You didn't want to tell him. It was a couple dozen dirty cops. They wanted to use hunters as guns for hire. Technically most hunters had faked their deaths already so who better to pull off kills then the dead? “A few people who wanted me to work for them and I refused”
“Humans did this? My dear I've seen you fight” you nodded slightly, a grimace gracing your face due to the movement causing another wave of dizziness “They caught me by surprise and a taser is very much a field evener for us mere humans” 
It occurred to you that he was still holding your face so you tried to move away from him but you swayed slightly and before you could protect he was picking you up bridal style. “You need to see a doctor” “No insurance” you mumbled, trying to fight the urge to lay your head against his chest as he carried you over to your bed, pulling the blanket back to lay you down. 
He sat down gently on the side of the bed and motioned to the hoodie “May I?” You nodded and felt him pull the soft material up your body. His touch made goosebumps rise across your flesh and you hoped he'd mistake the way your heart started to beat faster for pain. “I'll bring one to you. Need to ensure you don't have any internal damage then you're going to tell me who exactly was involved” 
“Why do you care, Elijah?” You asked and he simply smiled before pulling the hoodie back down “Perhaps I've allowed myself to become fond of the fact that you're not afraid of me. Quite the opposite you don't mind reminding me just how many of my kind you've killed. You're a hunter, I've made peace with that but this? This isn't your job, this was an attack that deserves an answer and I will gladly deliver one” 
You nodded slowly then asked “Are you gonna pay a doctor or compel one?” He shrugged “Whichever works better” you motioned to where your jacket laid “Keys are in the right hand pocket. Lock the door when you leave then let yourself back in” “I'll be back soon” He promised and you knew he would. He would come back with a doctor and if you asked he'd slaughter anyone who'd ever hurt you, the question was why? 
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oneirataxiahiraeth · 2 years
can u write something where kai & the reader r using knife play on each other omg & blood sharing like the reader is a vampire or something that is so hot
The Red Means…
Pairing : vamp!reader x kaiparker
Warnings : mentions of blood, blood sharing, wearing, mentions of magic, choking, blood drinking, overstimulation, knife play, smut, swearing
Word Count : 5.7k
A/N :
Kai and Blood Sharing??? Kai and Knife kink??? I haven’t heard of a better idea ever in my life <3 this has been in my drafts for far too long and I haven’t posted in literally forever and I’m so sorry about it<333 but I hope you loved enjoy, this might be my longest piece yet too!
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If there was a lesson you would have loved to learn before today, it would be not to snoop around in a witch's garden.
Which is exactly what you did. Which is why you were in the exact position you were right now. Thrashing and groaning in the passenger seat of the car while Damon drove 90 miles and hour back to the boarding house.
"How and is it on a scale from 1-10?" He asked, so much concern present on his features and laced in his tone. "Y/N?! shit." He seethed when you just responded in a pain filled moan, fingernails ripping into the pristine leather of you car seat.
Your body was hot, and the amount of clothes you were wearing wasn't helping the situation in the slightest. It was a painfully familiar heat... one you felt when you first turned. Of course, it wasn't as terrible as this, but that's the only feeling you could connect this to. You didn't want to admit it, but it was hard not to. You were horny. More than usual, of course. You couldn't tell if the hunger you were also feeling was connected to this... feeling, but it certainly wasn't helping. You couldn't even keep in your fangs. They just kept coming out, making sure to have their presence known. Whatever witchy herb you managed to get yourself into was working actual numbers on you.
By the time you reached the boarding house you would've done the most sinful things to be alone with a blood bag. The plan was to lock yourself in your room, hoping that a little major self care moment and a blood bag or 5 would get rid of this insatiable hunger. But Damon wouldn't leave you. He forced himself under you, sweeping you off your feet and carrying you inside. He was worried, and you found it oh so sweet, but god you couldn't wait to get away from him. The second he figured out what was happening you'd never hear the end of it.
"Bonnie?!" Was the first name he called once he bursts through the door. "Stefan?!" He yelled again, hoping that someone would answer. "Where the hell is everybody?!" He grumbling once again.
It was at this point that you could smell it. Whatever it was. It was strong. Dominating you nose and sending the most pleasurable tingles straight to you core, causing such dampness in between your legs you feared that it's show through your jeans.
"It's so early, too early to be yelling-" Kai's voice rang through the living room as he sat up from the couch. His eyes were half closed, eyebrows raised to suspicion what's he saw the clear muddled state you were in. "and too early to be dealing with whatever that is." He groaned as he stood from the couch, letting off a moan as he stretched the sleep from his muscles. The sound eliciting a small quaint moan from you lips, which Damon took as a noise of pain.... Thankfully. "What is that exactly?" Kai asked, curiosity getting the best of him.
You could hear his foot steps growing closer to where Damon stood with you limp in his arms. You wanted to protest, the scent that struck you when you first entered growing stronger every step he grew closer, then you felt it.
"I don't know, but something's wrong." Damon spoke, his voice in somewhat of a panic.
"Obviously." Kai remarked, the deepened of his voice earning another noise from you.
His scent. His voice. Him. You wanted it. You needed it. More than you have ever needed anything ever in your entire life. You had noticed Kai before. His smile, his eyes, the absolute charm he held, you were no stranger to it. But right now, it was like all of those things were sending you over the edge. It was a struggle knowing he was right there and having to keep yourself sane. Every fiber of your being wanted him in ways you couldn't even explain to be reasonable.
You and Kai didn't have much of a relationship. Not even a friendship to be perfectly honest. You spoke when it was necessary or you where in the same room. You got stuck alone with him from time to time which you pretended to hate but you didn't find him all that bad. Every now and again there was a bit of harmless flirting between the two of you but that was all. It was nothing totally outrageous but it was common. And you hoped like hell he didn't make any sly remark that might cause you to lose grip on whatever reality you were clinging to.
"You're a witch. Fix her!" Damon spoke up and you prepared yourself to protest... for real this time.
"Damon" you groaned, trying to push away from the the vampire holding onto you. "Let me go." You wriggled from his grip, stumbling onto your feet, knees weaker than you anticipated. You nearly fell, but of course, Kai was right there to catch you. You ducked in a sharp breath before pushing away from him, gathering everything in you to race up the stairs in just seconds. Both Damon and Kai stood confused for only a moment before hearing a room door slam shut.
"Geez... what did you do to her?" Kai asked, a light tone in his voice.
"I didn't anything!" Damon defended only to get a raised eyebrow in response. "We were searching for some weird herb Bonnie had been looking for and she ran into this plant and started acting all weird-"
"Yes, herbs! I don't know what was what but obviously whatever it is she got into is messing her up bad."
You locked the door right behind you. Almost immediately, you began to shed off all the constricting clothing you had on. You were such a mess it felt humiliating. A light sweat breaking out across your skin as laid out across your bed, immediately trying to find some sort of relief.
You mumbled out curse words, and thought of the most erotic things your mind could imagine but none of them good enough. Not when you remembered the best sex you've ever had, or you're favorite porn video. Not even when you switched position, trying the usual things that have you trembling with pleasure by the time you were done. Nothing. None of it was working and you knew exactly why. Because they were him. The scent of him still lingered in your nose, filling in the images in your mind with him face. Your demented sick brain thinking of all the things you would allow him to do to you. Thinking of what it would feel like to be pinned down and beg for mercy at the likes of him. Nothing even brought you close until you're mind began flooding with thoughts of him. Even then, even as you felt the built up nothing stuck. It would be so good then slip away almost immediately.
This was certainly going to be a long night.
"I-I-I don't know, it was spiky and she said it like pricked her finger and she started feeling weird." Damon spoke, pacing back and forth in the living room as he tried explaining to Kai what happened step by step.
"I'd have to go up and ask her about more symptoms but there's not much I can do with that." Kai answered honestly.
"What do you mean? How many prickly plants do you know that can this?"
"None. But what you just described sounds like a cactus. And the spindle from sleeping beauty."
"Minus the sleeping and the beauty part." Damon cracked. "I'll call Bonnie and see what she can find out, but just do something to fix her, even if it's just momentarily." Damon sighed, before pulling out his phone and walking off.
You cried out once again in frustration, back flopping down from its arch as you managed to edge yourself for the 4th time in the past 14 minutes. You were on the edge and slowly breaking down. With all your whines and panting you almost didn't hearing the footsteps coming quickly down the hall. The scent attached to Kai became stronger and you prayed he wasn't coming to check on you. Seeing him right now was dangerous for you. With the quaking hunger and the lustful desires for him, you didn't know whether you'd be able to keep your cool once you saw him.
"Y/N?" There was a soft knock at the door. You popped up from your bed, cursing to yourself as you hurried trying to find the clothes you tossed all around the room. "Are you okay? I mean- I know you're not okay, but are you like dead or something?" He asked, tone light and warm. "Don't respond if you are." He smiled to himself at the joke.
"Go away." You groaned, slipping up your underwear seconds before the door began to open.
You were a sweaty mess, parts of your skin more red than other, your face was a shade lighter than the rest of your body, and you stood in an awkward stance trying to cover yourself which really helped nothing.
"Oh wow." Kai blinked, not caring enough to look away at first.
"The door was locked for a reason!" You whined before he turned his head to the side after ogling the hell out of you.
"Was it?" He hummed in response knowing full well he had unlocked the door with his magic before coming in. Of course, if he had known you were half naked, he wouldn't have entered. "I uhm... didn't notice." Slowly he began turn his head back to you, making sure to keep his eyes level to yours, which was possibly the cruelest thing he could've done in that moment.
"What? What do you want?!" You snapped, dang making their appearance as you noticed the redness in his cheeks and the points of his ears. There was a single vein sticking out of the left side of his neck and you swore you could hear his heart pounding your name every 2 seconds.
"Damon told me a little about the plant you ran into but I need to be sure about the symptoms before I can start looking into anything to help." He explained and you let out a harsh sigh.
"I don't know- I don't know- I don't- fuck." You bent over, hands on your knees as you felt the waves of hunger and shocks of pleasure flowing through you. "I'm so..." horny. "Hungry."
"... like burger hungry or-"
"I need blood, kai!" You griped and he nodded. You stood straight quickly, eyes back on his, fighting against the urges but for some reason you just had to be closer. "I need. blood." you were face to face with him in seconds. His scent fueling every drive you had.
"Good, I figured, so I brought you this." He moved his hand from his back to reveal the blood bag he bought from the cellar. "I didn't know which type you preferred so I just grabbed one." Without question you snatched the bag from his hands, tearing into it without guilt.
At first it tasted like you've never eaten anything before in your life... then... it started tasting like rotten flesh. So your raced to the trash can to spit it out.
"No, no, no" you cried shoving the blood bag away from you. Kai watched in confusion before picking up the bag that stopped just inches away from him.
Could you be hungry for him too?
"So..." kai hummed blandly. "Your not hungry?"
"This isn't funny!" You scolded but he just smiled.
"I'm not laughing."
"Get out! Please just leave me alone!" You begged but that didn't really work on him.
"Damon said I had to fix you."
"You can't fix me!" You stated.
"I take that as a challenge." He hummed, and the sultry in his voice made you nearly melt into the floor. "Maybe you just need fresh blood." You stood from the trash, refusing to face him. Looking at him would result in a rush of feelings that you didn't need. "Come on." He held out his wrist as if he wasn't playing with his life.
"Are you out of your mind? Get the hell out!" You'd napped but still he didn't budge.
"Don't make this difficult." He sighed. Then you turned, using the scariest vamp face you could, baring your teeth, threatening him once more. "Motus." He said calmly, bringing you right into his grasped against your already weak will. Your neck found home right in the palm of his hand, earning a particularly filthy moan. His eyes widened for just a moment, head tilted to the side at the reaction.
With the lack of clothing, body rejecting the blood, and slightly trembling in his hands, all of this started to piece together in his mind.
"That's... interesting." He squeezed his fingers around your neck very slightly earning another noise which sent a jolt of excitement through him.
"Kai please" you whimpered, hands wrapping around his arm. You easily could've pried him off of you, but you didn't want to. You needed him on you, you needed him so bad it hurt.
"I think I know what plant you ran into now." He hummed as if it was no big deal. "And luckily for you, I know a few ways to stop... this" he scanned you up and down, hand not budging around your burning skin.
"I'll do anything, kai, please just fix me." You begged with tears in your eyes.
"It's not actually that simple." He released you from his grip, hand dropping slowly, watching as your lips formed a tiny pout. "You ran into some ancient herb with a name way to Long to pronounce correctly that stimulates certain hormones. Your senses are on overdrive, like how they'd be when you first turned. You became faster, stronger, you're hearing and sight grew better, it's all that 10x over." He explained.
"So like vampire steroids?"
"Something like that." Kai shrugged. "You said your hungry, but your body rejected the blood, so it could be that you need fresh blood." He spoke, holding out his arm for you. "Take the fresh blood." He spoke, but you just shook your head. "Obviously you want it no need to be stubborn about to, y/n." He rolled his eyes and you struggled to keep away from his offer. "You don't understand I-I can't drink from you."
"Oh my god, you people are so dramatic these days." Kai groaned. He took the blood bag in his other hand and brought it to his mouth. His eyes flickered to you before mumbling a quick "you are so gonna owe me for this" and taking a bit of the blood into his mouth. You watched in shock, core quivering at the sight of him, a drop of blood hanging off his lip before he shook his head, mixing the blood in his mouth to get it warm.
Since you couldn't drink the cold blood, and refused to drink directly from him, maybe body temperature blood would do the trick.
He grabbed you again, you closer. His hand found the back of your neck, leaning you head back. You opened you mouth to protest before you could feel his lips on yours.
You let off a muffled moan, inviting the screaming pleasure in your panties to fill your mind as the hot blood trickled into your mouth. Soon you became less concerned with the blood and more concerned with the way his hands kept you in place. You wished they would travel to regions you've just spent exploring, but the stayed in place. Almost as if he was trying to be gentleman about what was happening.
"You're a way better kisser than I thought." Kai hummed once he figured he'd given you all the blood he had in his mouth. He released you once again, earning a soft whine. "How do you feel?"
"I uhm, I don't- oh my god" you huffed, trying to catch your breath. "the uhm- it was warm I think I uhm, I don't know" you rambled trying to look everywhere but him. Then that when you felt it... again.
You raced back to the trash can, rejecting the human temped blood into the now tainted white bag.
"And now I have my answer." Kai nodded.
"What?" You wiped the blood from your lips looking back to the siphon.
"Besides hunger what else do you feel?" He asked and you felt your stomach tighten.
"I don't know what your talking about..."
"The plant Damon described originates somewhere the Middle East. It's extremely rare, and is commonly find is some of the oldest, most powerful "love" spells ever recorded in any grimoire." He went on to explain. "Along with your senses, the plant amplifies you're wants and desires, especially wants and desires involving a particular person."
"I guess what I'm asking is... without being too vulgar... are you horny?"
"How fast can you fix me?" You blinked, lips in a tight line.
"Well, that's the tricky part. I can't necessarily 'fix' you unless you're like totally obsessed with me" he smirked and you felt your heart drop. "Along with the hunger you should being lusting for a specific person and if you haven't pieced it together by now, in order to stop all this..."
"I need to have sex with the 'object of my desires'" you're face scrunched at the words and he nodded.
"Pretty neat how this witchy stuff works huh?" Kai smiled. "You also have to feed on them. I actually remember back in the prison world that it's better to do both preferably at the same time, the adrenaline causes a-"
"There's another fix right? Another way to stop this?" You gripped the trash can.
"Somewhat. I could cast a spell to speed up the process for you-"
"Why didn't you lead with that?!"
"You're cute when you get flustered" he winked "and you'd be in excruciating pain for the next 17 hours... and this way doesn't ensure that the plants effect will entirely wear off." He shrugged.
"Of course you could also wait this out but that'd be like a good few days, or weeks, months even." He spoke as if this wasn't the hardest news to hear.
"So my options are-"
"Breakfast in bed, excruciating pain with side effects, or you can stay like this" kai smiled widely.
"Fuck." You whined.
"So the first choice?" He spoke.
"Y- no! No no no." You whined. "The first option is out of the question!"
"It'd be the quickest and least painful." He tried but you weren't budging.
"Oh my god, please shut up."
"Just text whoever it is, and ask them to help. The worst they could do is say no, and besides who wouldn't want to-" his mouth was moving so fast he couldn't even process the thoughts being spewed out before he caught himself. "help... you..." he cleared his throat.
"You don't understand!" Your tone was a little more assertive than before which caught his attention. "Please just get out!" He didn't argue this time.
He stared at you for just a moment before walking out and closing the door. He stood outside of the door, staring at the knob. Slowly, in what might have been his narcissism chipping away at his brain he started putting pieces together. Horny. Hungry. Wouldn't feed from him. You kept the blood in his mouth down longer than it coming straight from the bag, which didn't make sense. You should've had the same immediate reaction. Kai stood there confused and hesitant. If what he was thinking was true, he had to be the dumbest person on earth not to see it before. Or maybe if it was wrong, the most self centered.
Before he could stop himself he opened the door once again. You were now hunched over the bed, breathing heavy, head hanging down, trying to ignore the temptation that just won't seem to go away.
Kai reached into his back pocket, walking closer to the bed. He pulled out a small switch knife. It had a black steeled blade with red markings, and silver engravings. It was sharp enough to slice through a piece of paper and to draw out just the smallest bit of blood with going too deep in the skin.
"One more thing before I go." He hummed, bringing the blade to his hand and slicing the edge of his palm. Blood immediately surged to the area, slowly pooling in the cut before slowly gliding around his hand.
Your head snapped up at the increasing smell of him. He was right next to you at this point, basically shoving himself in your face. It was like he wanted to break you. Wanted you to fail in whatever moral mission you were trying to accomplish.
"What are you doing?" You tried to back away but it was useless.
"Just one drink." You were frozen still, as Kai walked around you. His chest brushing against your back, arm wrapped around you, bringing his wounded hand up to your trembling lips. You had tears in your eyes, fangs out and ready as you tried fighting it. "Just one."
"Please don't, I can't." You whimpered, as he touched your lip with the blood oozing from him palm. It was too hard to resist it. The second your tongue darted out to taste it, it felt like something took over you completely. Your lips connecting to his flesh, your hands gripping his wrist as you used him as a wall to keep yourself from falling over.
He fought himself from smiling as you licked up the blood from his hand, continuing to nurse the wound, but never using your fangs.
"Good girl, that wasn't so hard was it?" Kai placed his hand on your waist, fingers sending the dirtiest of thought coursing through you. "Can you keep it down?" His voice was almost a whisper, and he almost felt silly when you didn't respond right away.
"I... I need more." You're grip on his wrist lightened as you turned to face the siphon.
"Why didn't you tell me before? I don't bite." He teased. "I'm not complaining though, that blood bit before? That was hot."
"If you don't leave, I don't think-"
"If I wanted you to control yourself I wouldn't be in here." Kai grumbled as if he'd heard this speech a million times.
"I don't think you understand what your saying."
"Fine. I'll make the first move." He grabbed your face before muttering a quick "again."
Your lips connecting so harshly, barely giving you anytime to think. You melted right into him, hands choosing to get lost in the hair at the nape of his neck. The scruff from his freshly grown beard scraping against your face. You couldn't say you minded it at all, but even with giving info just one of your desires it still wasn't enough.
"No, no, I can't" you mumbled against his lips. You were trembling, and you could still taste the blood on his lips but it wasn't making you sick. It felt good. You're skin didn't feel as hot, and those coils in your stomach were getting just a bit looser. "please don't do this-"
He took his same knife, introduced the blade to a fresh patch of skin on his wrist. The dark blade drawing red lines, just overloading the poor vampires senses. You let out a sharp noise, as he brought the flesh back up in front of you.
"You said you needed more right? Take it." His voice was deep and so sure.
You were weak. That's the only way you could describe this. Your fangs sunk right into the wound, a moan leaving your lips at the taste. Kai's hands rested on the back of your head as you tried your best to control yourself. His head growing lighter, and pants a bit tighter. Maybe he shouldn't have, but he couldn't help it, this was just
"I want to." He let out breathily.
"What if I hurt you?"
"I can take a little pain."
"What if Damon-"
"The more the merrier"
"Kai please-"
"The next words out of your mouth better be good."
"Fuck me."
You're back hit the mattress in only a matter on minutes. Kai climbing on top of you without thought. You legs spread to welcoming him his presence. His hips resting against yours as your lips connected once more. The kisses were sloppy, passionate, and rough. You didn't care to hide your moans, or whines as you felt his jeans graze against the soft damp fabric of your panties.
"Need you to touch me" you panted, hands gliding under his shirt, feeling the smooth skin beneath. Part of you wished you could just crawl into his skin, getting as closer as possible to relief. "Please." There was so much desperation in your voice it was just so hard not to give in.
The kisses just got less and less composed, kiss lips leaving trails all along your jawline, suck bruises that wouldn't last for more than a few seconds. You pleaded and begged for more, whining and you felt his hand slip into your ruined panties. Kai was shocked at how wet you were, his fingers just slipped right through your folds, like you'd been waiting for him your entire existence. Part of him knew it was just the plant and the increased libido, the other part of him chose to focus on the fact that he was the only one who can satisfy you in this state. You wanted him this bad. And he was surely going to soak it in.
"Please I need it so bad" you we're near tears, frustration and somewhat of discomfort raging through you.
He obliged, slipping one finger into your entrance. You left out a soft moan, gripping his biceps a little tighter than you had, signaling him for more. So he gave you more. Your blinking became inconsistent, eyes not knowing whether they wanted to stare at him or fall back. He watched carefully as he pumped in just two fingers, scissoring them in as his hand slowly became covered in your slick. Every thrust of his fingers his palm came in contact with your clit. The most sinful lewd wet sounds filling the air along with your beautiful cries and pants.
"God, I thought your voice was hot before, but this is just something else" he chuckled, the sound echoing through your mind sending you right over the edge.
"Fuck" you cried out, breathing erratic and stomach tightening as you get just a bit of the pressure release before it built back up again. "I need more. Please, I need it I need you"
"You have such good manners." Kai smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to your neck.
"I need you inside of me, Kai." You pleaded, only seeing how amused Kai was by the situation. His smile making the vein on the side of his neck more prominent than usual. "This will make the hunger go away right? This will help?" You asked, naked bloody thought coursing through your mind.
"Nope, you still have to feed." Kai spoke, removing his hand from you panties, fingers glossy and covered with your arousal. Without thought he sucked off the slick from his hand, moaning at the taste, pushing his crotch a bit more into yours making sure you could feel the bulge growing in his pants. "You won't hurt me, y/n, I'll live." He stated but you just couldn't. You couldn't even look at him, it was too much. The touching, his voice, his scent, it was clouding over everything. "Y/N." He spoke again, using a hand to grip onto you chin, forcing you to look back up to him.
"just give me time," you're voice was small. "I can't- not now... I really just need you inside of me."
   "don't act so sweet now, y/n, what do you want?" He teased, dropping the matter of feeding... for now.
    "I want you in-"
"What do you want." He repeated, not happy with the answer she was trying to provide.
    "Please Fuck me." She whined. "I need your cock in me so bad, Kai." He wasted no time in giving into the girl underneath him.
It was slow and sensual. You're jaw fell as he pushed so deep into you, you could practically taste him on your tongue. You're eyes were struggling to stay open, jaw trembling as you let out a high pitched squeak.
If you knew how good this would feel before, you would've been a lot less hesitant earlier.
"Shit" he groaned, your grip on his arms tightening as your hips connected. "You're so fucking tight"
"I'm so close, kai, please" you whined.
His hips retracted before slamming into you once more. The sinful noises out of your mouth filled the air, and suddenly nothing mattered. You didn't care that Damon could possibly hear, or about the amount of judgement you'd face once this was all over. You felt the best and worse you love ever felt at the same time, just chasing after a feeling that only Kai was able to gift to you.
    "Fuck you're so deep" you cried out, mind spiraling to depths you e never experienced before.
   His grunts filled you're ears as his head dipped down. Sounds so raw and beautiful just sweetening the moment.
  But you could feel it. That hunger. It was so strong, so needy, you couldn't fight against it. You're fangs exposed themselves against your will. Veins under you eyes showcasing themselves as you tried to contain the emotion. His skin was just so close to yours it made it hard to resist. His neck on display right next to your face. The light layer of sweat he built up calling your name.
   You tongue darted out, tasting the salty mess he worked up.
    "I'm so sorry" you're whimpered  out, not giving much warning as to what you were about to do. You fangs came in contact with the sensitive skin on his neck, sinking in so deeply you swore you heard a moan from the man currently fucking the life out of you.
   "Shit" he groaned, slowly his movements as you took what you deemed necessary. Hips grinding up into his, to provide yourself even more pleasure. It didn't take long. With the taste of his blood taking over your tongue and his cock twitching inside of you feeling like it was almost ready to burst, you couldn't help it. “Holy shit” he moaned out.
It was euphoric, but you still needed more. You nothing something more.
“Harder, please give it to me harder”
“Got my cock and my blood, yet your still not satisfied?” The siphon teased, blood now rolling from his wounds. Every now and then a drop falling onto you chest, and he pounded into you.
“Oh fuck, that’s so good” you had tears in your eyes, finally feeling some relief that hopefully would’ve been permanent. You’re hands now feelings over his blushing muscles, smearing blood against his skin, getting the liquid sex all over your fingers and deep into your cuticles. He watched as you popped three blood coated fingers into your mouth, sucking off the juices very carefully. Moaning loudly as he showed no mercy to you.
After a few seconds of lightheaded mess from loss of blood, Kai took a quick look around before locating the long disregarded pocket knife from earlier. At the foot of the bed, which was easy to acquire, he flipped out the blade and choose the spot he wanted.
He snatched your fingers from your mouth, earning a pouty whine. Like a scene from the more erotic movie he then replace your tongue with his, finishing the job you started, and doing it oh so well. You watched in awe, as he took his blade, slicing you once across the wrist, immediately bringing the skin up to his mouth before the wound could close. Your jaw dropped at the notion.
Blood sharing was something so… intimate… personal. Something you had never seen you’re doing with someone in a million years. Yet here you were getting the immortality fucked out of you while your crush fed on you.
That was just enough to send you spiraling.
Your legs began to twitch, can’t tightening around his cock. Tears slipping down your cheek, and your free hand gripping the sheets so tightly you swore you heard a ripping sound. Kai had never witnessed such a erotic sight, you eyes struggling to stay open, and you body shivering as he continued to fuck you through your high. The tightness and the way you cried out his name over and over like it was the only thing you could say sent him over the edge. Once he felt he was as deep as he could get he let himself go, hips stiffening, breathing heavy, and warm seed painting your hot walls without concern from either of you.
And that’s when you noticed it.
The pain. The discomfort. It was gone.
“Holy Fuck” kai pants out, slowly allowing himself to collapse on top of you.
The two do you laid there for a few moments in simple silence. Kai hadn’t even thought about pulling out, his seed sitting inside of you causing you a fullness in two different ways. You caught your breaths together, legs still trembling from the mind numbing orgasms.
“That was… uhm… really good.” You spoke, voice low and kinda of raspy.
“We should’ve done that way sooner.” Kai chuckles, his head resting next to you neck. “God that was amazing.” You smiled, heart picking up in pace.
“Thank you, by the way-”
“No thank you, if you weren’t as clueless as you were you wouldn’t have found that plant, and you never would’ve told me how you felt about me and then-”
“And back to being an ass”
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Y/n: *after meeting Hope for the first time* I have one rule: don’t touch me.
Hope: *immediately grabs Y/n’s hand and holds it*
Y/n: …
Y/n: I have no rules-
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taylorswiftt1 · 4 months
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transmoriarty · 4 months
sherlock posting in 2024 but thinkin abt how diabolical it is w jim saying “u can have me arrested. u can torture me. u can do anything u like to me. but nothing’s going to prevent them from pulling the trigger” literally to the brother of the Government Agent who just recently tortured him for weeks
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anewkindofme · 9 months
Mikaelson family + Name meanings...
Mikael: Who resembles God?
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Esther: Star
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Freya: Noble lady
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Finn: Fair
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Elijah: Yahweh is my God
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Niklaus: Victor of the people
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Kol: Dark
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Rebekah: Captivating
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Henrik: Ruler of the home
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Marcel: Young warrior
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Hope: A positive expectation or to the theological virtue of hope
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coryolanussnow · 1 month
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LEGACIES, 1.11 ♡ We're Gonna Need A Spotlight
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
Kat Graham spoke on the Driven Minds podcast as a guest. She detailed mental health, health, having boundaries and even given some thoughts on how that has changed her life or blended with her career. She’s very aware that she and Bonnie had plenty of disadvantages than her co-stars and other characters because of her race. Whether that be love interests, clothing, hair or Bonnie having agency. To quote her directly: “had I been a caucasian female I do think the writing would’ve been different”
It’s just as important to hear this from her perspective first and foremost as much as the fans rallied behind her then and now.
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girlkisser13 · 7 days
diet mountain dew
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"you’re no good for me" "but baby, i want you, i want you, i want you"
pairings: klaus mikaelson x human afab!reader
warnings/tags: smut (18+), blood kink, blood sharing, unprotected sex (practice safe sex guys), creampie, needy klaus.
summary: you let klaus feed on you.
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you'd expected him to be hungry. you just hadn't realized how ravenous he was, nor what drinking blood did to him.
"f-fuck, ah— c-careful," you gasped.
your voice echoed in the empty room, and his pleasurable grunts echoed with it. it was so dark that you could barely see a thing. you winced, again, from the strange new sensations surging through your body.
"ah— c-careful, klaus, please" you squeaked, it was the only sound that could escape your throat as he clamped your shoulder in his jaw. your neck was soaked, smeared in spit and blood, a leftover gift from when he had searched for the safest spot to drink.
he'd settled on the spot between your collarbone and neck, and there his teeth had sunk in.
with his fangs pierced right down to the bone and his lips bruising your skin, he continued to carefully suck your blood out and into his mouth. it felt like heaven, warm and wet sliding down his throat. to you it was a confusing mix of pleasure and pain.
"a-ah... is—is it, okay?" you whimpered.
klaus let out a low moan in response.
you couldn't move. you were clamped in his jaw, the jaw of a predator designed to keep its prey still, and his body was pinning yours to the cold wood of the floor.
to any passerby you would have looked terrifying. his body was obscured in the dark, appearing as just a hulking, bloody shadow, merging and distorting the outline of your own form; the visage of a monster in the night, consuming the body of a frightened human.
but that wasn't how you saw it. no, you were in the thralls of absolute delight.
one of his hands were on your waist, his fingers carefully drawing you up until you were held taut beneath his body, and the other hand was feverishly groping your tits.
he had torn your dress to feed and then tore a little further, leaving your skin bare right down to your ribs. he was squeezing, stroking, his thumb desperately massaging your nipple. he wanted to hear your whimpers, your soft jolts when he overstimulated that sensitive spot.
you felt him sink down between your legs, his hardened bulge thick and round as it nudged at your bare thigh. he was softly grinding it up against your panties.
you'd never do this, never. this wasn't like you at all. but you were doing it now.
you were mewled as he dry-humped your little body.
your breath was ragged, the soft puffs of condensation from your lips turned a ghostly white by the pale light.
feeding had always been a euphoric experience for him. but now, with you, it had become a full body orgasmic experience, feeding every positive stimulus in his brain and body.
every nerve in his body was on fire in the best way. his body was pulsing, pumping. his arms were covered in goosebumps, his dark hair standing on end, and his cock was painfully erect beneath his pants.
he needed relief. he needed more.
"mmm... mmm," his muffled groans got louder as he continued to feed.
his conscious brain was fighting those deep, vampiric urges, the need to indulge in pleasure no matter the consequences, but his subconcious was primal.
if he had his way he'd drain everything, slowly, all while pumping between your legs into your pretty little cunt, but he couldn't allow that.
you were a sweet, naïve thing, you'd just let him take you up here. your whimpers were heaven, but your softness was too pure for him to fully ruin.
so he forced himself to break a part from you.
he withdrew his fangs and pulled back, revealing the purple, bruised skin of your shoulder. he licked the wound clean before forcing himself away.
"please, please, if you—if you give me your wrist, i—i'll be done, and—"
klaus paused to pant, his lips still stained red. you watched your own blood drip down his chin.
"and, if i could... have you, in another way, it may help to, calm my urges" he said, his voice husky and dark. you watched his eyes glimmer a bright gold. "may i have you?"
"yes," you instinctively blurted, he lunged forward and kissed you. his lips were hard, rough, and you could taste the metallic sting of blood on them. when he pulled back he looked overjoyed.
"good. good. come here, love," he ordered.
you jolted as he dragged your body forward. he carefully tore a hole through your dress and panties with his bare hands.
you shuddered as the cold air hit your bare and slick-coated pussy, but klaus didn't leave you bare for long.
he roughly manhandled you onto the ground before stripping out his suit, allowing his already erect cock to fall down hard on your clit. the sight caused a small, surprised noise to escape your throat, one that he relished.
he was slow, deliberately distracting you with his cock as he raised your wrist to his mouth. he kept you captivated as he carefully slid it inch by inch down your swollen clit, letting you feel every inch.
the pleasure of sinking both his teeth and his cock into you at once was enough to make him physically shake.
with a soft grunt he penetrated both.
your words were turned to gibberish as he pushed his cock in deep, until his pelvis was perfectly squished up against you. the moment your blood hit his throat he started to pump.
you were inside him, and he was inside you. on that filthy, cold floor, you were his.
he started to push his cock in tandem with his teeth.
as his fangs gently shifted beneath the skin, as his lips sucked and bruised, his fat cock gently slipped in and out of your cunt. for such a furious feeder he was a surprisingly gentle lover.
he was terrifyingly strong, that much was clear up close. he bent your thighs until they ached, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he held you in place, and with each push you could feel the power he was holding back.
you felt him pumping, drawing out your precious blood while his cock ravaged you from inside. each delicious slip, each pulsing throb, every time you felt his cock twitching for attention against your creamy walls, it was unbearable.
you were whining, your heavy breathes producing less and less ghostly condensation. klaus was panting furiously with each thrust, his breath condensing like smoke as he huffed through his curled nose. he was lost in the pleasure, the urge, the need.
and between the tightness, the heat, the copious oozing slick squelching and pooling around his bare skin and dripping off his balls as they smacked against your ass, mixed with the sound of you whining and the fresh blood in his body, he couldn't last any longer.
with a single, muffled groan, klaus came inside of you. his blue eyes rolled back and his body began to buck, smacking your hips until they went numb.
just as he felt your hot blood filling his mouth you felt his thick seed pooling and squishing its way into your cunt, filling every available space. it started to seep out as he continued to hump your limp body, now hanging in sweat, hot pearly strings between his pelvis and your inner thighs.
he pumped inside you until he was utterly spent, his own head now hazy and light, and at last he released you. Your wrist fell limp to the floor.
klaus coyly wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist before brushing your forehead. "are—are you alright?"
the relief he felt when you shakily nodded was unmatched.
"thank you," he murmured, his fingers lingering on your cheek. "you were... delicious."
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whateven333 · 2 months
What the TVD writers would have Bonnie get up to whilst all the other characters were dancing at a Ball or Something:
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screentime-princess · 2 years
"(s)he was sunshine, I was midnight rain" ships
tvdu edition
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laufire · 1 year
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STACKEDIARIES | april 29th | “blood brothers”
[Caption: gifs from The Vampire Diaries showing a flashback of the moment Stefan first tasted blood and transitioned. He’s taken the wood his father stabbed himself in the stomach with when Stefan threw him across the room out, staining his own fingers with blood and staring at it, transfixied. He rubs his fingers over it, looking down at both of his hands while his father remains on the floor, gasping for breath. Slowly, he takes his index finger to his tongue, barely tasting it, with an ecstatic expression. His father looks up at him with fear and disgusts, while Stefan can only look at the wound, removing Giuseppe’s hands out of the way. He takes more blood to his hands and brings it to his mouth again; black veins start to appear around his eyes, and he chokes, in pain, as his fangs now grow, with his mouth completely stained red.]
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oneirataxiahiraeth · 3 months
Can you do a Kai Parker x Stefan Salvatore x y/n? lool
Hierarchy || pt.1
Pairings : fem!reader x siphon!KaiParker
Warnings : Vulgar Language, Mentions of threesomes, Mentions of infidelity, Voyeurism, mutual masterbation, Violent, mentions of blood, mention of death, slight exhibitionism, fingering, oral (both receiving), choking, hair pulling, p in v, unprotected sex, jealous!stefan x jealous!kai, FWB, definitely NOT proofread
Word Count: little over 4k
I ALREADY HAD THIS IN MY DRAFTS FROM LIKE MONTHS AGO!!! im so glad someone requested it cus it wasn’t sure if you guys would want to see this😭 im making this 2/maybe 3 parts because I have them ready… partially???
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   The interest began the first time you met. He smelled you before he was even able to see you. He remembered the day like it was yesterday. You smelled soft and warm, something about the subtle hibiscus in your perfume almost made him comfortable.
     His eyes remained closed, just listening to your soft hums of whatever pop junk they played on the radio these days. He heard the ruffling of the packaging of your first aid kit, right before felt the searing sting of an alcohol pad being pressed into his skin.
   His head was ringing, blood drying on his shirt from the giant gash in his hairline. You were sure if it was from the scuffle with Alaric earlier or the way Ric hit his unconscious head against the tree afterwards. Kai slowly opened his eyes, flinching away from the sting only to let met with soft apologies that sounds surprisingly genuine. You had a soft sultry tone that made his skin crawl. Once his vision stabilized he was met with one of the most angelic faces he had ever personally witnessed. He swore he had finally died and good somehow found it in his heart to forgive him for his sins. Your lips slightly parted with the pink tip of your tongue poking out as you focused on cleaning the wounds before infection even had the chance to form. You offered reassuring smiles  as he made the most snarky comments he and his concussion could think of before your friend came to whisk you away.
   You were torture to be around. Your scent, face, the way you spoke, how you cried, laughed, everything about you stuck with him. You were torture to be around, the very thought of you intoxicating. Maybe it was simply because of the kindness you had shown him from the very beginning that he never experienced from anyone else. Or the innocent nature of your entire being. the way you tensed when a situation turned violent, or how there was this switch in you that flipped so quickly when someone you care about was in danger. He noted how everyone avoided conflicted with you around, as if they all had a hand to play in preserving your innocence.
"Stop staring at me like that" You spoke blandly, feeling your cheeks heating as you glanced at the siphon who simply shrugged in acknowledgement.
   "Can't help it." A smirked crossed his lips, as his fingers traced invisible shapes along the counter tops. "You are just so mesmerizing."
   "Malachi" You huffed, rolling your eyes as you fought a smile.
   You knew about the tiny crush Kai seemed to have. Though he never confirmed it, and you never had the balls to ask, it was something that you felt. Almost everyone noticed it. The way he spoke to you, about you, how he never got your name wrong or even threatened to hurt a hair on your head. Even if you had received a tiny cut on your hand, he would draw from whatever magic he had simply to heal you. Part of him felt obligated after everything you've done for him, and the other parts just felt like it.
    His attraction started off as solely lustful desperation. He took every opportunity to steal the sight of you. He watched while you were sprawled out across the living room floor, feet dangling in the air as you read from a book he didn't care to pay attention to. He was too focused on the way your tongue rested between your teeth when you concentrated hard enough. He could make out every curve in your body, even recognizing you simple by the way you walked. Over time he realized the way he needed you was more than simply physical.
   Even the way you said his name was so special. He didn't like any one else using his full name. When you said it, it was just different... better. Less implications of someone evil, and it almost made him feel human.
   "What's the smell?"
"Strawberry shortcakes." You perked up.
    "Really?" He sat up straight, looking at the mess you made on the counter. "From scratch I see..." and you nodded gleefully, as his eyebrows narrowed in concern.
   You were something of a nuisance in the kitchen. You love baking, and cooking, but apparently the skill did not love you back. You've burned more things than humanly possible, and it was getting to the point where you were barely trusted to pour your own coffee in the mornings. So you stuck to the earlier mornings when everyone would be dead asleep, unable to talk you out of practicing your skills.
   You could blacken as many cookies or cakes as you wanted and they wouldn't even notice unless something was on fire.
  "Hey, i'm doing really good so far!" You defended you actions, turning around to pick up the cooled tray of tiny cakes you made before the sun even rose. "Nothing was set on fire, and I double checked to made sure I used sugar instead of salt this time." Kai chuckled, standing from his seat walking around the counter just to be closer to you.
   "Hmm." He inspected the tiny vanilla cakes, picking some up to see the perfectly baked cake. "They look really good." you smiled brightly, watching as kai nodded in approval. "but do the taste good?" He questioned, setting the cakes back down on the tray.
   "Now that..." You sighed, turning to set the trays down on the counter. "is the scary part."
   "Every chef has to taste their own dish."
"I am way far from a chef, Malachi." You stated.
   "But you're practicing. Definitely getting better too. You'll get there." He smiled, looking down at the warm pot sitting in the counter with what looked to be a black syrup burned into the sides of the pan. "However, it is slightly concerning that your shoe to make... tar on a regular kitchen stove." He gave you a judging glance.
    "I got distracted." You defend.
"You know..." Kai spoke, taking his eyes away from the oddly offensive sight. "if this whole chef thing doesn't work out for you, you could certainly go into modeling. You really know how to work an apron."
  "You just said I was getting better!"
"I was trying the whole optimism thing. Clearly I am a creature of habit."
  "You mean an asshole?"
"I was going to say realistic." Kai shrugged, finding one of the untouched strawberries containers and stealing the most appetizing one he could see.
  You noticed how incredibly close the two of you were standing. You had to look up just to meet the eyes of the siphon, not even caring how he was leaning over you with a devilish smirk on his face. Something about the closeness felt wrong, but watching as juice from the strawberries wet him lips had you feeling a bit faint.
   You didn't have a crush on Kai... at least that not what it felt like. You and Kai were friends. You had been the first, and practically the only person to actually accept Kai into your lives. He was actually very sweet and funny, and not as bad as he tried to make people think. Sure sometimes he made your cheeks go hot, and he said things that made you wondering if he was just being a flirty friend or if he actually meant what he said.
  "Well." You cleared your throat, watching his jawline as he slowly chewed his fruit. "Since you are the world renowned chef with what 3 Michelin star-"
   "5 actually."
"Wow! 5 whole michelin stars! I assume you have some tips about how to make a decent strawberry compote that isn't going to take forever?"
   "Ah" Kai nodded slowly, setting down his strawberry stem. "Yes, actually. The key is an incredibly handsome sous chef who knows his way around the kitchen."
    "Show me."
"You're gonna have to do better than that." Kai snorted, crossing his arms in front of him.
   "What do you mean do better?" You scoffed.
"You want my help you're gonna have to ask veryyy nicely."
  "Fine." you huffed. "Malachi, can you please show me how to make strawberry compote."
"Pretty please?"
"With a cherry on top?"
"I give up" You took a step back, turning to walk away from the siphon but his hand grabbed your wrist before you could move too far.
“aht aht” He shook his head. “I was only messing with you, y/n” His eyes rolled playfully. “you made a commitment and now you’ve got to see it through”
“Funny.” Your eyes rolled at siphon who seemed to be enjoying how flustered he could make you.
“i like messing with you, you’re cute when you’re flustered” Kai smirked, once again making it hard to breathe as you caught his eyes.
From his dilated pupils to the soft mahogany fragrance that always fills the air when he near. It made it hard to think properly.
“What’s going on in here?” A familiar voice interrupted the soft eye contact you managed to keep with the siphon.
Your head turned towards Stefan, standing in the kitchen doorway. His arms crossed, pajama pants hanging low on his hips showing his deep v line and toned abdomen. The lack of clothing on his torso made it very clear how tightly he was flexing his biceps as he glared at the siphon standing too close for comfort.
“Stefan.” You smiled, sucking in a harsh breath.
Stefan was… complicated.
He was noble, reliable, incredibly sexy, and apparently so insanely jealous. You loved Stefan, there was not a doubt in your mind. You’ve had a crush on him for years, but your dynamic in the group together made things too complicated to pursue something serious. Though you never really knew where you two officially began, you had an understanding. It was understood in various late night session where you sometimes woke the whole house with your antics. It was understood when both of you would disappear in the middle of the day only for you to come back covered in marks and bruises, blaming it on being clumsy.
You never really questioned the relationship you two had. You never felt the need…
“Steven!” Kai smirked, tasing his eyebrows at the way the vampire was flexing on his way to stand behind you. “We were just about to start a crash course on making strawberry compote.” Kai winked.
You felt Stefan pressing up against your back, his body heat radiating into you, sandwiching you in between both him and the siphon.
"Looked like a lot more than just talking to me." Stefan crossed his arms.
"Just two culinary geniuses hard at work." He hummed, popping a cube of strawberry into his mouth with a taunting smile that made your stomach turn.
"I'm sure she cut her damn strawberries just fine without your help, Malachi."
"Well a little company never hurt anyone." Kai straightened up at the name. His eyes turning cold, just like they did before he did something merciless. He kept that smug expression on his face. "Besides, sharing a little advice with your friends is common practice now and days correct?" He asked, earning a nod from Stefan.
"Right..." Stefan, stepped around you, directly facing Kai. Your body tensed, as you watch carefully both of their hands. Stefan's hands clenched under his arms, as if he was just ready to swing. Kai was completely relaxed, taking a step towards Stefan as if his life was on the line. "Well let me give you a little advice." Stefan leaned in, his face completely straight. "Walk. Away." His voice dropping an octave lower, nearly wiping the smugness completely off of Kai's face.
The two were basically breathing the same CO2 from how close they were standing. You opened your mouth to find something to say but you came up short. You placed your hand on Stefan Shoulder, which didn't seem to cause him to back down but did relax the tense muscles.
"Green is not a good look on you, Stefan." Kai hummed after a few seconds of deafening silence.
"Maybe not." Stefan shrugged “But to insinuate that i’m jealous of you, Malachi… it would you have something that I want.” Stefan’s eyes narrowed tightly. “And from the way i see it, i think it’s quite the opposite.”
Kai nodded slowly. He didn't speak but something about the way his eyes softened just felt as if he knew he was out matched. He could take Stefan. You seen him do it before, there no reason he wouldn't be able to manage it now. All it took was one touch and he was down for the count. For some reason he just smile, nodding silently as he took a step back, putting space between the two.
Kai sucked in a deep breath, nodding slowly. He didn’t speak but something about the way his eyes softened just felt as if he knew he was out matched. He could take Stefan. You knew he could, you had seen him do it before, and there no reason he wouldn’t be able to manage it now. All it took was one touch and he down for the count. For some reason now, he just stood there as if he was defeated, backing away to put space in between the two of you.
"I'll catch you later, Y/N." Kai hummed, and you nodded without saying a word. The tension in the room still too thick to properly breathe in.
Walking away from a fight he had even a sliver of a chance at was never Kai's MO. He sent a wink to you before turning away, and taking his leave out of the kitchen. Your eyes stayed glued to his figure until he disappeared past the doorframe, the only thing left of his presence is his mahogany and citrus scented cologne.
Stefan turned slowly to you, listening as Kai's footsteps faded further and further away. His face was dark, and almost scary, but something was telling you it wasn't all directed at you.
"I don't want you alone with him."
"He's our friend." You spoke softly.
"No he's not." Stefan shook his head, unable to comprehend what about him was so friendly to you. "He is a predator, looking for his next prey."
"You know how i feel about the whole outcasting thing."
"Not everyone is worth saving, y/n." You felt it as an instinct to nod but you rejected the urge.
"I..." you sucked in a breath, "I know."
"I'm sorry for that, I just... i don't know, I guess I just didn't like the way he was so close to you." His hand came up to your cheek, caressing you lightly. He gave you a soft reassuring smile which you accepted.
"It's alright, Stef."
He turned his head back to the mess on the cutting board and then the tray in the counter behind you before giving you a raised eyebrow.
"Nothing smells burnt... is it safe to assume that those are just store bought?" Your eyes rolled as he smiled widely.
"You are so not funny."
"I think i'm a little humorous." His placed his grabbed your wrist, placing them over his shoulders, before pulling you closer into him by your waist.
"I think you're a dick." You spoke, emphasizing the 'k' which made his smile grow. "When i'm a Rachel Ray famous, on the tv with my own network show i'm going to remember this." You spoke as he laughed.
"If you don't burn the studio down then yeah." He laughed as your mouth open to speak but nothing came out.
Your lips curved into a small smile, using one of your hands to giving him a playfully tap on his shoulder. His hands traveled down to the backs of your thighs, lifting you up immediately with no hesitation. He set you on the counter right next to your mangled strawberries, his lips connecting right in your neck.
You hummed as his tongue glided against your skin, following the curves of your neck, and leaving a wet hot trail behind. You knew what this meant, it was your biggest weakness. Feeling his teeth scrap against your skin sent electricity down your spine. His hands slowly gliding up your shirt, fingers digging into the soft warm flesh, keeping your back arched into him as he nipped at your skin until he pressed his lips against yours.
Something about kissing Stefan was so... light. You loved the feeling of being close to him, it made you feel secure. The way he kissed you was so deep you couldn't help but lose yourself in him. Your moans were soft, barely audible to those who might've been awake even in these early hours. Stefan loved the way were lips chased after his, always searching for his connection.His hands slid down slowly, running down your thighs and coming back up until the reached the waistband of your pajamas shorts, tugging at the string keeping them fit to your body.
"Stef" You eyes widened, pulling away from his kiss watching a smug grin cross his face.
"If you stay quiet, nobody will know." He tutted, planting a soft kiss on the hot skin of your neck. He slowly slid his hand into the waistband of your shorts, his fingers slipping past the band of your panties finding exactly where you needed him to be.
Your eyes closed softly, focusing on the hand placement, feeling a soft bliss as his fingers covered themselves in your slickness. He watched as your face relaxed, feeling his fingers slowly press into your entrance as his thumb pressed down firmly on your clit. Your lips parting as you let out breathy moans as he built a rhythm to get you off on.
"Speak to me, pretty girl."
"Feels so good, Stef." You whined, hips grinding into his fingers allowing him to reach that spongy trigger in the deep of your cunt. Your nails lightly pressing into the skin on his biceps as his fingers sped up in pace.
"so beautiful." He hummed, pressing his lips into the crook of your neck.
Your eyelids fluttering as you relished in the butterflies running rampant in the out of your stomach. High pitched moans escaping your lips as he sucked harsh spots on your skin, dragging his teeth over them to ensure he left a mark so dark not even your most expensive make up could cover up what he did to you. Part of him ran wild at the idea of you walking around with some part of him stuck onto you.
He couldn't let that mangy siphon get away with trying to make moves on his girl without consequences. Since he couldn't necessarily hurt Kai in the way he wanted he knew that this was his best option. There wasn't a single person in this world that could take you away from him and he would've done whatever to make that clear to anyone who needed it.
"Fuck Stef, you feel s'good" you moaned, his thumb pressing harder as you leaned further into his touch.
"God i love when you say my name" He hummed against your skin. His own cock beginning to hardening at the sounds of your pleasure. Stefan removed his finger quickly, smiling at the protest, seeing as you were so close to finishing. "Patience, y/n." He tutted, tapping your jaw with his free hand, smiling at your obedience as your mouth opened, tongue poking out just slightly on command.
He placed his two fingers coated in your juices directly in your tongue. You moaned at the taste, closing your lips around as you began to lap up your own juices. He watched with a grin, slowly gliding the digits in and out of your mouth, watching you clean them off so perfectly. Once he felt like you did a good enough job he took his fingers back, placing a soft kiss on your lips as a job well done.
"Take these off for me baby." He pulled at the waist band of your shorts, watching your eye widen at the suggestion.
"Stef we can't- not right here!" He smiled, pulling you off the counter and back onto your feet. He pulled your shorts down with your panties, and sunk to his knees. You felt light in the head at the sight. "Fuck" You cried as he lifted your leg into his shoulder, immediately diving in.
You tried keeping quiet but it was hard, feeling the way his hands caressed your thighs and ass as his tongue lapped up all the slickness you created. Your bottom lip was caught in between your teeth as you felt your orgasm approaching. His tongue running circles around your clit, sucking it into his mouth every few seconds causing you to cried out.
With all the pleasure on your mind, it was hard to focus, even harder to notice Kai standing in the doorframe. His head peaking over to see what the commotion was, only to see the few locks of Stefan’s hairs caught in your grip as you held him in place. With the addition of his name leaving your mouth in breathy moans, it wasn’t hard to tell what was going on. It had only been a few seconds, glaring at you as if it was a betrayal to your relationship with him.
Even if you weren’t together… you could at least do better than Stefan.
It became harder for Kai to look away. Your chest heaving, a thin layer of sweat glistening on the surface of your skin. Your head lolling back as you got closer and closer into your ecstasy making it to where you don’t really care how loud you were being. Your moans were so soft and delicate, exactly how Kai had imagined them to be. He doubted anyone upstairs could hear, so it was just You, Stefan, and Kai.
He listened to your pleas for release, memorizing every single note in your tone. The sounds of Stefan’s tongue slurping up your slick folds sent shivers straight to his crotch. He felt dirty for watching you so vulnerable but you made it so hard to feel bad. The way you hung your head back so sensually, he burned the images of you into the forefront of his mind so he’d have the sight of you on the cusps of euphoria in his dreams tonight.
“Stef m’gonna cum” You chest huffed, tightening your grip on his hair.
Kai finally tore his eyes away from your fucked out body. His eyes traced to the sweet smelling cakes you pour in the oven to bake. They were ready. but you didn’t seem to be too concerned with the state of your cakes. He watched the way Stefan’s hands caressed your thighs, pulling you closer into him as your whines grew louder.
So he did what any sensible person would in the situation.
"Oh fuc- Stefan!" You yelped as your eyes caught the flames behind the oven glass. Stefan pulled away quickly, turning his head towards the smokey smell, and got up to action.
You rushed, pulling up your shorts as quickly as you could as Stefan ran to the fire extinguisher. You frowned as he dosed the oven and the cakes you worked so hard on. Both of your breathing was labored for a plethora of reasons. You both listened to the rumbling of footsteps hurrying down the steps only to appear seconds later in concerned faces and disappointed glares.
"Listen I actually like living in the house!" Damon began. "I can't live in this house if it's up in flames, okay?" You shook your head, hiding your face in your hands as Stefan walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you.
"I didn't know they were going to catch on fire!" You defended, but no one seemed to be buying it.
"You are banned from this kitchen! Do you hear me? B A N N E D!"
You dropped your hands from your face, looking around the kitchen to see the tired face staring back at you.
"Oh give her a break, she's trying." Stefan tried his best, but secretly agreed with his brother. You in the kitchen was almost asking for a accident to happen. "Look she made those with no incident."
"Stefan. Look at my OVEN!" Damon raised his voice dramatically, as the two began to bicker.
Then you took notice to the siphon in the doorway. Watching everything from afar. His eyes were trained on you, not even budging when you spotted him. He waved his fingers at you with a soft smirk, watching the scene unfold. Something about his relaxed nature and smug attitude just told you he was behind the fire.
You had no evidence. No way to justify your claim, but you knew.
He did too.
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