#nomura’s special potion
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many people leaving incredibly good analysis on my post. however I have experienced many pieces of media, many of which have all the aspects of kingdom hearts. many of which have the formula down, the length, the mystery, the dedication, nostalgia, emotions, sincerity, goofiness. I just think Nomura accidentally put something highly radioactive in there without realizing and no other explanation will suffice to explain why it makes you go crazy insane
#kipspeak#it’s arrogant for me to assume other things haven’t done what kh has done. therefore there’s probably ghosts in it#nomura’s special potion#I make light of it but truly I don’t think you can point to anything big the series does as the root cause#I think you just have to accept the 3699448 item stack as a special recipe like a dog whistle. Makes some animals go nuts#emetophobia tw — I get anxiety around anticipation a lot. Like if I have to wait for something to happen it makes me nauseous#I threw up waiting for a dark road stream to finish. why did I do that. I wasn’t particularly attached to dark road.#IT’S BECAUSE IT WAS KINGDOMHEARTS. STUPID GAME
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so anyway we got 7 inches of snow which means ya boy called out, and here i am finally wih my final thoughts on kh3 ( warning major major spoilers under the cut, read at your own discretion! )
OKAY SO MY FIRST THOUGHT WAS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. the entire last like 3 hours ofthe game saw my ass suffering big time. but i’m gonna focus first on the positives that i took away from the game.
it’s no secret that i’ve never played a kh game to completion. a lot of that had to do with i didn’t have the systems ( and when i did have the systems i didn’t have the motivation ). My biggest issue with kh1 was the combat system, and let me tell you kh3 blew that out of the water. the combat was very reminiscent of ffxv which was nice because i loved the combat in that game, too. i loved the special attacks ( especially the shooting one ) and overall i had so much fun with the combat. my only downside is that i’m not used to not having access to all my items, so going into the xehanort fight i forgot to restock my potions and I did the ENTIRE end battle with no healing items outside of Cura ( it took 3 tries before i beat him at that part where you turn into shadow sora ). but that was my own stupidity and not the fault of the game by any means.
i also really loved the different worlds and the stories there. by far i think corona and toy box had my favorite stories/combat mixture, but honestly all of the worlds were so much fun. monstroplolis was hands down the best tho that world was amazing.
i honestly could go on and on about the positives from the game but overall the big takeaway was that it was just fun. just pure fun to play, even if the story in the end did kill me.
but uh, now we’re gonna go after some negatives here, because i have my fair share of grievances, and we’re gonna start with my biggest one: I DESPISE how they forced the s.ok.ai ship. like look i love kairi she’s my gal and i adore her to pieces, however their sudden ship felt extremely rushed and unfinished, especially when you consider that in total throughout ALL the games, they spend MAYBE a couple of hours together on screen. coming from the perspective of riku, there was so much clear development there for so.rik.u to become the main ship, but gay people don’t exist i guess.
and maybe that’s an unfair criticism but you know what isn’t an unfair criticism? the fact that riku was absolutely shit on the entire last half of the game. my biggest grievance with the game really is how riku was treated from the second they got to the keyblade graveyard to the very end. riku has literally risked life and limb through 3 different games to save sora, he’s LITERALLY SORA’S DREAM EATER, and in the end even though riku is literally right fucking there with him, sora goes on about he’s lost everyone. riku’s literally right fucking there dude. your best friend? right there?
meanwhile, with that verbal slap to the face, riku risks himself, just like he always does, and protects sora first and foremost. before he protects himself or anyone else, he protects sora.
and then we move to the ending, and what frustrates me the most is that nomura clearly can’t write a female character because if he could then kairi would have been a fucking badass instead of regressing in her characterization. SHE’S A FUCKING KEYBLADE WIELDER WHY WAS SHE REDUCED AGAIN TO DAMSEL IN DISTRESS NOMURA W H Y??? SHE COULD HAVE FOUGH AND INSTEAD NOPE SHE GETS THE LUNAFREYA TREATMENT AND I’M STILL LIVID ABOUT IT
meanwhile we swing back to the very ending, and as imentioned last night what pisses me off most is that??? this game started with 3 friends who wanted to get off the islands together. everything riku and sora AND kairi did was so they could all be together again. and how does nomura treat that? “My whole journey started the day i lost HER.” NO BITCH YOU LOST 2 FRIENDS HAT DAY COUNT EM T W O. and i think that’s what also frustrates me too is like?? they’re a TRIO, and in the end riku is just a background to a romance arc that should never have come to be. let’s ignore the amount of development there was for so.rik.u, they forced a ship and in the end i really think it made the story extremely weak, because all of a sudden you’ve got sora solely focusing on her and like???? riku loved her too???? he did what he could to save her too??? and in the end i REFUSE to believe tha riku would have just let sora go by himself without going with him. kairi meant the wold to him too and that’s what makes me so angry
i’m just frustrated over it fam.
overall it was a good game but i have a lot of problems with the ending in particular and it’s got me hella huffy.
#kingdom hearts 3 spoilers#kh3 spoilers#do not reblog //#anyway now that my rant is over i'm gonna finish blog maintenance.#i've decided to stay on this blog but i'm going through a theme/icon/url overhaul in the meantime#✦ trash man in a trash can .▬. ooc#tbd.#long post //
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I’ve Completed KH3 And I Have Thoughts.
I have finished KH3 short of the side stuff like the ultima weapon, classic kingdom, gummi ship stuff, battle portals and the cooking. I have some thoughts. First off, I loved this game allot. I only have a couple of complaints gameplay wise and three story wise but all in all, I loved every minute of this game. For those who don’t want to read everything I’d give the game a solid 8.5/10. It was amazing but a few small flaws and the three story issues I had made me bring the score down. First I will discuss the issues cause I feel that’s what one should do when critiquing art. I will offer solutions where I can.
I will discuss my gameplay complaints first.
The manual lock on is ass while the auto lock on is decent. I almost never used the manual lock on due to the fact it can just drag the camera where ever it wanted. Especially if enemies start flying. This is largely due to how often you spend in the air while in combat. The auto lock is good though and doesn’t seem to change targets unless you make it or bump into another enemy. The manual lock is good for human sized bosses though. Short of making the camera tighter this may not be able to be fixed.
The game is to damn easy. I had this issue in BBS and DDD after I got to level 30 and beyond. The game becomes easy even on proud. This is largely due to bad enemy health scaling. They still can hit damn hard and enemies like the Ice Dragon still are dangerous. But since the enemy’s health and defense don’t scale up better the game becomes real easy after level 40. I don’t doubt they will patch in a critical mode which may be a better way to play this game. Just better enemy scaling would fix this problem.
That’s all my gameplay complaints now for story ones. SPOILERS will be discussed so leave while you can.
The game has bad pacing in the Disney worlds. Some like Olympus, Toy Box, San Fransokyo and Kingdom Of Corona have great pacing while Monstropolis is meh and ones like Pirates and Arendelle were just awful. Why are you cheering for Anna and Elsa Sora? You didn’t do anything you turd. This could have been fixed if they added intervals in between all the worlds to reset the pacing and if they just followed the movies from start to finish in their entirety instead of jumping around.
Twilight Town is more of a bus stop then a world. They should have made it bigger and included old areas to explore. Even an expanded sewer system would have been fun. No story reason needed it just exists. Oh well.
These next issues ARE MAJOR SPOILERS so leave now if you don’t want to be spoiled.
What the fuck is Nomura’s issue with writing a good arc for Kairi? I mean they set her up to be training to become a bad ass and we don’t get to see either the training or a decent fight scene. We fight with her once, she gets kidnapped, and then fucking dies!? I’m starting to think Nomura doesn’t know how to write female characters. That may be one of the reasons they dropped him from FF Versus XIII since females had big roles in the story. He fucked Kairi over and made her the least likable and cared about character in the fucking finale of this Saga to me. What the hell? This alone may actually get me to start my own series on something I’ve been thinking about for awhile. Jesus. The death isn’t the issue its that there was no build up for her.
The last story complaint is a small one. I saw Sora’s “death” coming since death seemed to be a theme in allot of the world’s we went to. Flynn, Anna, Jack, and Tadashi were or are dead at some point. Even Young Xehanort hinted at it when he said, “There is a high price to pay for wielding such power recklessly (...) There is no saving you.” The issues I have with the “death” of Sora is that it means nothing. Nomura said he will be the protagonist for the foreseeable future. If he didn’t say that then the death would be okay. The main complaint about this is the final scene on Destiny Islands where everyone sees Kairi and Sora but Sora just gets Thanos’d. That shouldn’t have been in there. There are two scenarios that would work way better than that one in my eyes.
One: Everyone is just looking out to the sea and the music goes quiet. All you can hear is the sounds of the waves and it zooms to Riku and he just smiles.
Two: Same thing but Kairi comes from the ocean in tears and Riku helps her up. They all look at her and she shakes her head. Everyone gets solemn until Riku chuckles. He smiles and says, “That knuckle head always getting into trouble. He’ll be back. Even if I have to drag him home.”
Maybe its stupid but if you removed the scene where Sora turns into smoke or whatever, the ending would have allot more impact.
Those are all my complaints for the game. Like I said solid overall but with a few issues that could easily be fixed.
Now for the stuff I loved about the game. Gameplay Is First
All the worlds were so much damn fun to explore. I easily spent and extra couple hours in each just looking around for chests, emblems, Easter eggs, and ingredients. Even Pirates was fun and I was worried it’d be gimmicky due to the ship mechanic but nope it was so much fun. The only one that was less fun was Monstropolis but since it takes place in a factory its okay. It seemed more into hidden paths than open places which is fine.
I haven’t had that much fun with a combat system since playing as Vergil In Devil May Cry 4 Special edition and that’s saying something. His combat was so smooth and easy to experiment with I didn’t think it could be beat but KH3′s comes close with transformations and grand magic. The attractions are a bonus though I didn’t use them allot. There wasn’t a need at later levels.
Thank god for combo cancelling with dodges and slides. Against the Gigas, which are the only enemies that pose a threat now, its a god send.
Flowmotion is fun to use and not over powered like in DDD. No more spamming air slam at early levels.
The party members all feel useful. Not many died in combat and seemed smart enough to back off when they’re in danger. Donald also heals based on need versus what he did before. Like if I was out of magic and potions he would heal me over goofy even if we had similar amounts of health.
There wasn’t a single boss I didn’t like short of Dark Baymax since it felt so slow. Skoll is now my favorite heartless design finally surpassing the Wyvern from Kingdom Hearts 1.
That’s all for gameplay since I could go on and on.
Now for story stuff. SPOILERS INCOMING! All the original story stuff for the KH characters was amazing. Anti-Aqua’s theme was so heartbreaking and beautiful and what she said as we fought made me feel like shit even though it was Mickey’s fault for leaving her there. Vanitas’ voice is god like and his scenes are so good. Him calling Ventus and Sora a brother to him makes sense yet unsettled me with the tone he used. ALL OF THE TRIO’S BEING REUNITED!!! I cried when Xion, Roxas and Axel hugged and cried. I was so happy they got to be together. Aqua’s reunion with Terra and Ven was also beautiful. Xehanort’s story beats were great and the man they got to replace the late Leonard Nimoy is amazing. Sounds more sickly and dying like he should at this point. The twist where Terranort wrecks everyone before we go back into time was a fucking shock and amazing. THEN LINGERING WILL SHOWING UP! The voice for Lingering will was amazing. DONALD’S ZETAFLARE HOLY SHIT! All the foreshadowing of Sora’s “Death” or “Disappearance.” Death was talked about allot and Young Xehanort even said Sora couldn’t be saved since Sora uses the power of waking so recklessly. All the Disney characters who met organization members being sick of their shit before they even talk. Woody especially. “I bet you’ve never been loved.” and “That makes you more hollow than any toy.” My son I am so proud. All the instagram style posts were so cute. The epilogue was mind blowing. I knew that sarcastic sniper knew way more than he let on but him being Luxu was a fucking shock. Amazing. And the secret ending seems to be hinting that Sora’s been given a second chance in the form of The Reaper game from TWEWY. Either its going to be DLC which Nomura said if he did decide to do he’d do free stuff and/or one big dlc that adds to the experience in a big way or the next game opens with The Reaper Game. Riku being in Verum Rex is interesting to me. Maybe he realizes Sora isn’t in the realm of light and after talking with Goofy and Donald he learns of Verum Rex and how Sora was tossed in so he goes looking for him there. And finally the Master of Masters looking at the moon and forming a heart with his hands. Is he looking for a new plain of existence for everyone to live on but before he can move people there it needs a new Kingdom Hearts? And is that what’s in the box? I’m excited to see. All in all I love the game and would recommend it to people who want a good JRPG.
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The gameplay and story intergration within Ux is sth I believe no other KH game replicated (Dream Drop Distance, DS Re:Coded and Chain of Memories come close) and it trully enhances the experience of certain plot points as those before me had mentioned in these set of posts. And it goes even further than that:
It was already mentioned how you don't actually get to experience the Keyblade War in Ux unless you had played the later added flashback event. The differences between X & Ux do not stop there, we see em via the Disney worlds you visit. Not only did you not go to Enchanted Dominion until waaaaaay later, you also didn't get to see Castle of Dreams, as well as the proper ending to Agrabah. Like you know sth was off and it wasn't just the lack of the War.
Then there's the whole Action Point system that got removed with Ux. AP in the original X was used as limiter to the number of actions you can take DURING quests (vs only being a resource that bars you from doing TOO MANY quests), like opening chests was a certain ammount of AP, fighting Heartless on the map was another. You even had actual proper items such as Potions. This all really drove home the feeling of things being cut short because of the War, you had to manage your priorities more carefully in story and gameplay. Compare this Ux's lax approach that let's you do so many things bcuz the Dandelions are trying move themselves away from the bad memories by going as if the War never transpired.
Another neat thing is how the cards/medals sometimes served as a hint towards the series' future. In canon they are they are powers pulled from the future via the Boom of Prophecies to aid the Player in fighting and collecting Lux, that is the game's reason as to why we see many of familiar faces (as well as promo event characters). So in turn you don't see cast from the age of fairy tales on them. The first instance where that was not the case however was for og X's third anniversary, they released a card with Nomura's artwork of KH3's Destiny Trio alongside Ephemera, Skuld & VENTUS. And this was BEFORE we even knew about the new Union Leaders. Then a few months later for Ux's 1st anniversary, Nomura made a sketch with Ephemera, Skuld & Ventus as well hinting about the "Five" which only got properly introduced in like March 2017 with Unchained X rebranding into Union X.
This would have been the only instance but then, at some point during Union X' early run, we got a medal set featuring the Foretellers. For a while that felt against the established medal patterns UNTIL KH3 released and BAM! Foretellers are in the present! Similar happened to Strelitzia who was featuree on Ux's 5th anniversary medal, and then B A M! Strelitzia is in Quadratum chilling with Sora in their expensive apartment! You really wouldn't have gotten this experience unless you played the games or kept up with the news.
Heck I don't think anyone would have really understood the importance of Ventus wielding Missing Ache and not his signature Wayward Wind Keyblade unless they had grinded through Ux's Proud Mode quests (even tho it was originally a Days' only Keyblade)
Remember how we had to work our butts in a special Ux event to get our names in KH3? Which resulted in one of the most satisfying sequences in all of KH? It feels even better cuz Ux players earned that spot, they were the Kurt Zisa of KH3, how much cooler can it get from that???
Oh and recall the insane fandom moment that was original X's Secret Episode that served as set up for Maleficent's role in Ux's plot? Yeah that cutscene never got officially localized through Ux, but it still sent the fandom spiraling bcuz it managed to elaborate Maleficent's motivations as seen in Re:Coded's additional scenes in 2.5 (that was still rather fresh in people's minds) as well as Dream Drop Distance.
X series is fking wild bro.
Let's talk khux gameplay and plot,
imo I think part of khux's story telling and the impact of the story gets lost now that the game is defunct. I always thought people didn't appreciate how the gameplay and the mechanics actually had an impact on the story and while that impact become virtually nonexistent later on, I always thought it made the story far more engaging when the game was just chi/unchained chi and also the English translation didn't do it too well ngl
Anyway what I'm specifically talking about is the medal system. Also I feel like the whole bangle thing wasn't explained well in game but really it just comes down to leveling up medals specifically. If you never played khux, you equip medals to your keyblades and they doa specific attack and to level them up you combine multiple of the same medal and you could see how leveled up a medal is by the amount of yellow dots next to it and, in JP at least, this was called "guilt" and like wow that name fucking slaps. And when nightmare chirithy reveals the player has been collecting darkness this whole time thru the medal system, you have literal guilt on your conscious. You are guilty of collecting darkness and negative emotions like guilt to use for your own power. And in Back Cover when the foretellers are made aware of this, there's no stopping it and ofc the player can't stop either, they HAVE to get stronger, you literally have to keep playing the game,
Another part of the game that I appreciated is the way the name changes factored into the game; chi was the original "world line" that the dandelions existed in and at first unchained chi had come off as just a remake but really what we're playing is the continuation, where the player and the dandelions are now in this unchained state/new world line and they're reliving their time as wielders but now without the war/"dark" memories and finally when they relive everything and get back to the "present," they continue on after into "union cross" which I feel like. wasn't explained well in game that much tbh but if you didn't understand what that meant in game, it was just to say that unions didn't matter anymore and they were all dandelions so the unions. when the unions are crossed.
and tbh the experience of playing this game in real time also added to the experience a lot and the impact of the story especially with a player insert character. I think the most effective use of this game being played in real time was Strelitzia. Now in the english version, everything with Strelitzia was all one update and the english ver was behind so honestly they had to do catch up they couldn't really afford to lag behind. But in JP, which most khux fans kept up with using fan translations, Strelitzia's introduction and her death happened about a month apart so it gave the players time to actualyl grow attached to her and THEN we get crushed. You can easily pin point the exact time certain khux fan art was drawn bc in a group drawing of the dandelions Strelitzia is there instead of Lauriam since he was only introduced after her death
and another thing! It only became apparent by the end of the game but khux actually takes place over the course of about 4 years. which is fucking insane. because the dandelions were stuck in the data for 4 years and didn't know it until the glitches started. and the game ran for roughly the same amount of time and we weren't even aware of that either until the glitches! ("why 4 years" there are cutscenes that literally say "4 years ago" so yeah girl what the fuck haha)
Anyway yeah this was just me rambling I think about this so much all the time can you tell. I hope missing link does something like this too tbh it makes it more fun and makes it feel that your actions as the player actually have impact on the story
#I miss X/Ux everyday bro#i am glad I was there to witness both games reach their end#kh#kingdom hearts#khux#kingdom hearts union x#khx#kingdom hearts x#respect the X series#katvtalkskh
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