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ozzyhell · 5 years ago
Support our campaign by signing today!! Share just as @OzzyOsbourne himself has on social media! Help us make “Sir” Ozzy a reality once and for all! change.org/knightozzy #KnightOzzy NOW!! #OzzyOsbourne via @RiplApp @ozzyosbourne @sharonosbourne @zakkwyldebls @birminghammail_ @kerrangmagazine_ @jackosbourne @kellyosbourne @judaspriest @theozzfest @blacklabelsocietyunited @blacksabbath @adamwakeman1 @gusgofficial @officialmotorhead @blasko1313 @thetalkcbs @firewindofficial @sarzo.rudy @cradleoffilth @5fdp @megadeth @metallica @sxmozzysboneyard @siriusxm @barbarannewylde #SirOzzy #TheKnighthoodOfOzz #Ozzy #Legend #NoMoreTours2 #KnightOzzyNow #TheOsbournes https://www.instagram.com/p/B27zgTkHZdl/?igshid=11ucaql2j9gnf
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jimmyinthestorm-blog · 6 years ago
Ozzy Osbourne - life won't wait
Every day that you wait, you're falling faster,
No slide of hand,
No twist of fate,
No ever after
When it's gone, it's gone,
A fight 'til the bitter end,
Life won't wait for you,
No, life won't wait for you, my friend
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guitarheadsnet · 6 years ago
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Ozzy and the guys kicked ass tonight in Syracuse! #ozzy #ozzyosbourne #zakkwylde #blasko #tommyclufetos #guitarheads #syracuse #stjosephsamphitheater #fairgrounds #nomoretours2 #live #metal https://www.instagram.com/p/BnNrji9Fyg5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xdtjccwgnn9u
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mayconofmordor · 7 years ago
tommy clufetos . . . . . #ozzy #ozzyosbourne #drummer #drum #solo #show #live #nomoretours2 #nomoretears #nomoretours #metal #heavymetal #metalhead #menwithlonghair #metalband #jeunessearena #headbangers #rioshow #heineken #@ozzyosbourne @tommyclufetosofficial #crazytrain #blacksabbath #metalfans #paranoid (em Jeunesse Arena)
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leenfantterrible18-blog · 7 years ago
A Maestria do Príncipe das Trevas
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(Créditos da Imagem: Graspop Metal Meeting)
               Para quem esperava uma amostra do apocalipse no último dia (13) saiu do estádio com um nó no coração ao entender que não houve antes e nunca mais haverá uma figura icônica como Ozzy Osbourne no mundo popular.
               Ozzy é uma criatura mítica com alguns problemas na fala e andar arrastado. Aquele senhorzinho simpático vagamente lembra o jovem dos vídeos mais antigos do Black Sabbath com a figura altiva que todo grande roqueiro tem na flor dos vinte e poucos anos. Bem, passou dos vinte e sete e ninguém sabe ao certo como, mas está aí firme e forte com seus 69 anos, sendo 50 apenas de contribuição para o império do pesado. E que império!
               Quando as luzes se apagam e o show de imagens no telão começa você sabe que ele está prestes a subir no palco, aquele sentimento infantil de felicidade boa misturada à ansiedade de ver alguém que você adorou por tantos anos, isso é impagável. Não sei quantos pôsteres do Ozzy eu tive, mas tenho um do Black Sabbath no meu ateliê até hoje – o estádio parece um formigueiro e em cada rosto que se olha a mesma expressão é presente: “Ele está aqui”.
               Foi um show e tanto?  Sim.
               Uma experiência impagável que eu dividi em duas vezes no cartão? Sim também.
               Atendeu às minhas expectativas? Bem, não.
               Claro que é preciso ponderar a idade de Ozzy e os excessos, mas eu esperava mais do Setlist. Além que Zakk Wylde é incrível, mas eu fui ver o Ozzy, o MadMan, o cara que influenciou 100% do meu visual e maluquices adolescentes além de companheiro incessável de fins de semana insanos batendo cabeça e me sentindo a própria encarnação do mal. Eu não queria ver o Zakk o tempo todo no telão e mais, eu queria surpresa.
               Contrariando minha pouca simpatia por Wylde devo admitir que é ele quem dá fôlego para Ozzy com seus solos incendiários que levavam a plateia à loucura – não sei quantas camisas do Black Label Society eu vi naquela noite. O cara desossou em cada solo além de ter uma presença de palco invejável com direito a guitarra atrás da cabeça e ainda tocar com os dentes.
               Lendo outras resenhas do show encontrei uma em especial de um fã que já havia visto o Príncipe das Trevas uma outra porção de vezes – inclusive em No More Tours 1, que sortudo, não? Eu nem era nascida – e em vinte anos o Setlist não mudara em quase nada, digo, Ozzy tem músicas absurdamente incríveis que redefiniram o Metal tantas vezes que é no mínimo negligência nos trazer o resumido show do dia 13 como uma “despedida” à São Paulo, noventa minutos não são nada perto de seu legado.
               Começou com Bark to the Moon e depois veio Mr. Crowley, emendando uma música atrás da outra das quatorze que foram tocadas o show não esfriou nem por um minuto enquanto Ozzy se dedicava a ser ele mesmo: baixou as calças, pediu mais barulho, fez caretas, riu daquele jeito bizarro que só ele sabe e apesar de a voz não ser mais a mesma não faltou ânimo.
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Vocês não sabem quantas vezes eu já levei foto do Ozzy pra cortar o cabelo (Créditos: alguma ladeira do Pinterest)
               “Mama, Im Coming Home” foi o momento mágico da noite, com direito a algumas falas sobre o amigo Lemmy Killmister (1945-2015), outra besta lendária do mundo do Rock, com quem a compôs. Emocionante é a palavra e talvez até inspirador; em uma era turbulenta para o mundo da música onde constantemente vemos artistas que parecem só estar ali para cumprir um contrato é refrescante ver um senhor como aquele amparado por uma banda – e que show de bateria hein Sr. Tommy Clufetos? - tão disposta a dar suas energias para uma experiência como a daquela noite.
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Bestas Sagradas do Rock Pesado e amigos. (Créditos: curva à esquerda no Pinterest)
               A verdade é que só ali ao vivo dá para entender o título que Ozzy se deu em entrevista ao Fantástico “Eu sou mesmo é um maestro da loucura”, loucura contagiante naquele domingo à noite que apesar da falta de surpresas compensou em emoção.
               Quando as luzes se acenderam e “Changes” por outra voz tocou anunciando o fim daquela noite eu percebi que havia realizado um dos meus sonhos mais antigos e supostamente distantes, me arrependi por não ter visto o Black Sabbath há dois anos e percebi o grande problema dos ídolos: são todos feitos de barro. Ao menos a música não é, o legado permanece.
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Créditos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NPhhOTY2Lo
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josemangin · 7 years ago
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Now through Sunday on @siriusxm @sxmozzysboneyard @ozzyosbourne from his backyard! Hear clips every 3 hours all week with The Prince Of Darkness talking about his 50 years of touring #NoMoreTours2 and more! Here are some cool scenes from The Osbourne’s beautiful LA home. ThanX again to #ozzy @sharonosbourne @jackosbourne @kellyosbourne @metalfent @msopr much love! (at Los Angeles, California)
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coasttickets · 5 years ago
Ozzy Osbourne reveals Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis
Ozzy Osbourne has revealed that he is battling a form of Parkinson's disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The rock icon, known as the "Prince of Darkness," shared his diagnosis for the first time with Good Morning America on Tuesday.
Osbourne said everything changed after he suffered a "bad fall" last February. The fall required him to have surgery on his neck, which led to nerve damage and his Parkinson's disease diagnosis. Symptoms generally develop slowly over years, and there is no cure, according to the Parkinson's Foundation.
"It has been terribly challenging for us all," Osbourne told Robin Roberts on GMA.
He was diagnosed with a mild form of the disease called "PRKN 2," according to his wife Sharon Osbourne. Due to his neck injury, doctors have had a hard time distinguishing which of Osbourne's symptoms are due to the surgery, and which are due to his Parkinson's disease.
Osbourne said he suffers from nerve pain that causes numbness in his arm, and a feeling that his legs are "going cold" that has made it difficult to walk.
"There's so many different types of Parkinsons. It's not a death sentence by any stretch of the imagination, but it does affect certain nerves in your body," Sharon said. "It's like: you have a good day, a good day, and then a really bad day."
After his fall at his home in Los Angeles, Osbourne postponed all of his shows for the rest of the year. At the time, Osbourne said he was recovering from "an injury sustained while dealing with his recent bout of pneumonia," according to a statement posted to his website on January 21, 2019.
"I can't believe I have to reschedule more tour dates," Osbourne said at the time. "Words cannot express how frustrated, angry and depressed I am not to be able to tour right now."
The postponement has lasted for a year — the longest he has ever gone without touring since he started performing nearly 50 years ago. While recovering, Osbourne has been forced to stay secluded at home.
Rumors of Osbourne's declining health have swirled for years. Some even declared that he had Parkinson's disease — which he denied at the time — while many others said he was on his death bed.
"To hide something inside for awhile, it's hard. You never feel proper, you feel guilty," he said. "... I'm no good with secrets. I cannot walk around with it anymore."
According to Sharon, doctors in the United States have reached the limit to what they can do for Osbourne. The couple are now planning to see an immune specialist in Swtizerland this April.
"We're going to go wherever we can go to seek answers," she said. Ozzy Osbourne added: "We're lucky enough to be able to afford to do that."
For the legendary rocker, taking a break from touring and performing has been the most difficult part of his diagnosis.
"It just means so much to him what he does, he loves to perform. It is the air that he breathes," Sharon said, while wiping away tears. "This is the longest he's ever been home. And it's time for him to get back on the road because he's driving me mad."
Osbourne said he can't wait to get better, so he can get back on the road: "That's what's killing me. I need it. That's my drug today — done all the other crap. Left that by the wayside, survived that, and I ain't going yet, I ain't going to go anywhere yet."
Ozzy will continue the remainder of his tour as scheduled.  For Tickets and Tour Information visit us online at www.coasttickets.com or for more personalized service give us a call directly at 562-595-6510.
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gregbo · 5 years ago
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My girlfriend surprised me with tickets to see my favorite recording artist of all time... @ozzyosbourne !!! It took 47 years but thanks to @mity_quinn I’m finally getting to see Ozzy live for the first time in Atlanta, GA! Best girlfriend ever! #ozzyosbourne #ozzy #nomoretours2 #GonnaBeTheBestDayEver (at Easley, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5OLCnVBFsR/?igshid=ag8l9xopq3cb
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surruhhh · 5 years ago
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Summer of 2020 isn't looking so bad! #ozzyosbourne #greenday #weezer #falloutboy #nomoretours2 #hellamegatour #concerts https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jmVULnDPI/?igshid=rm443ei6vn9a
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voidclothingnottingham · 5 years ago
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These 'No More Tours 2" Ozzy Osbourne t-shirts for the cancelled tour are now back in stock. They seem to be a collectors item, the last two deliveries sold out before we had chance to post a picture #ozzy #ozzyosbourne #ozzyfansforever #ozzyfan #ozzyfans #ozzyforever #metal #ozzyfamily #ozzymerch #nomoretours2 #ozzymerchandise #theprinceofdarkness #princeofdarkness #godfatherodmetal #heavymetal #metalforever #metalforlife #heavymetalmusicmakesmehappy #ozzyosbournetour #ozzyosbourneforever #metallegend #nomoretours #bandmerch #bandmerchandise #voidnottingham #voidclothing #cqnottm #nottingham #bandshirt #bandtshirts https://www.instagram.com/p/B1gxJw-FhHE/?igshid=ly3764o8odmj
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ozzyhell · 6 years ago
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Sign & share today!! “Knight Ozzy Osbourne” @changedotorg LIKE US ON FACEBOOK “The Knighthood Of Ozz” @ozzyosbourne @sharonosbourne @zakkwyldebls @kellyosbourne @jackosbourne @barbarannewylde @adamwakeman1 @blasko1313 @kerrangmagazine_ #Osbourne #Ozzy #TheKnighthoodOfOzz #KNIGHTOZZYOSBOURNE #KnightOzzy #SirOzzy #Legend #Birmingham #Brummie #Aston #UK #RockRoyalty #Petition #Knight #ChangeDotOrg #changedotorgpetition #Facebook #FacebookPage #ThePrinceOfDarkness #NoMoreTours2 #TheOzzfest #Ozzfest (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zfEkanOmN/?igshid=12zoh9ea8ku3y
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herringandherring · 6 years ago
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The #princeofdarkness @ozzyosbourne by us @herringandherring Shot exclusively using @hasselblad and @broncolorusa #ozzy #nomoretours2 #herringandherring #ozzyosbourne #hasselbladambassador (at Hubble Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0lkpHznuJS/?igshid=15jx4vdog4so3
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24sene · 6 years ago
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Jake Gyllenhaal and Samuel L. Jackson Debate Capes in Superhero Movies
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mayconofmordor · 7 years ago
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Despedida do príncipe das trevas Rj 20/05/18 . . . #ozzy #ozzyosbourne #metalband #metalfamily #metalhead #metal #heavymetal #classicmetal #doommetal #headbangers #zakkwylde #jeunessearena #rioshow #riodejaneiro #parqueolimpico #crazytrain #blacklabel #blacklabelsociety #guitarsolo #guitarriff #guitarrist #guitar #nomoretears #nomoretours2 #nomoretours @ozzyosbourne @zakkwyldebls #metalshow #show #paranoid (em Jeunesse Arena)
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ghostcultmagazine · 6 years ago
Ozzy Osbourne And Megadeth US Tour Dates Leak
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Ozzy Osbourne recently announced that he rescheduled the four shows he had to postpone recently due to continues surgeries on his right hand for next July. Now two new dates have appeared on both Facebook and Ozzy's website for New York City's Madison Square Garden June 11th and in Bangor Maine on June 15th. Direct support will come from Megadeth since leg two opener Stone Sour will be off the road with Slipknot on tour in Europe. It's likely a major announcement will be forthcoming with more chances to see the Prince of Darkness do an extended run of tour dates on US soil one more time. Of course, not his last time playing the US ever, as he demonstrated with the announcement of Ozzfest in L.A. this New Year's Eve. We'll keep fans posted with more news as it develops!
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https://www.facebook.com/events/192619214995477/ Read the full article
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aimatrabolmeicher · 6 years ago
Ozzy Osbourne ha messo in vendita un peluche in onore della volta in cui staccò la testa a un pipistrello
Ozzy Osbourne ha messo in vendita un peluche in onore della volta in cui staccò la testa a un pipistrello 🦇
Ozzy Osbourne ha messo in vendita sul suo store un peluche di un pipistrello dalla testa staccabile in onore del 37° anniversario del suo famoso aneddoto. (more…)
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