#noliv fic
wackpainterkid · 2 years
I’m cleaning out my drive and I came across many finished but also so many unfinished noliv fics. The chokehold that this ship had on me… wow
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eenwens · 5 years
Scenes We Needed (more fluff)
@inesssia Hope you like it
Liv and Noah walk side by side to the elevator in her building. Their hands skim each other’s and a huge smile appears on her face when he reaches over and links their fingers together. She glances down at their hands joined like that and beams even more.
She can’t help checking out his hands. He seriously could be a hand model, they are that beautiful. She can’t help remembering them on her body and feels her pulse pick up.
“What?” Noah smiles at her when he notices her looking at his hands.
“Nothing.” Liv lies reaching over and hitting the up arrow button.
She knows she must be blushing but he lets it go as the elevator dings and the doors swing open. She tugs his hand pulling him inside with her and the doors close behind them. They both smile at each other remembering the last time they had been in here together, way back when she faux hated him.
They walk out together still holding hands towards her door. Her neighbor sees them as she comes out of her own apartment.
“I knew it was going to happen eventually.” She says with a huge smile as she passes them.
A nervous knot forms in Liv’s stomach out of nowhere. This isn’t the first time Noah has ever been to her place so she doesn’t know why she is so nervous. Then again, last time he was here they were not together. She reaches for her keys and slowly unlocks the door. She can feel him standing directly behind her, so close he’s almost pressed up against her backside. The smell of his spicy cologne and his light breath on the back of her neck is driving her crazy.
Luckily, Ralph and Jayden aren’t home. The place is actually tidy and so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
“Hungry? Thirsty?” She asks pulling off her long brown trench coat.
“No, I’m good.”
Taking his hand again she leads him down the short hallway to her bedroom. She shoves the door open and he walks in ahead of her. She smiles as she watches him walk around her room taking in the books on her shelves or her small record collection. She had done the same thing to his bedroom when she got back from Spain. The first time she had been in his room she had been too busy pretending she didn’t like him to check out his belongings.
“What’s this?” He asks suddenly.
He had found her little sketch notebook open on her nightstand. She definitely didn’t want him looking through that.
“It’s nothing,”she says trying to sound nonchalant as she reaches to grab it.
“Doesn’t look like nothing,” He says picking it up and looking down at the last thing she had sketched in there.
“Give it,” Liv says ignoring the blush she knows must be spreading all over her face by now.
Noah pivots away from her trying to turn to another page. Liv throws herself at him, tackling him onto the bed, both of them laughing hysterically. They wrestle over the small book and somehow wind up tangled on her mattress, him on top of her.
“Aw, babe, the next time you want to draw me at least let me model for you,” he says teasing looking down at her with a deep dimpled smile.
Liv can’t believe he had to see the one drawing in there she wished he wouldn’t have. She has to get it back before he looks through more of her private art and thoughts. And she knows the perfect way to distract him. Without saying a word she brings her head up and kisses him.
“Cheater,” He says with a smile against her mouth as she snatched the book from his grasp and tosses it toward her open closet.
“I never said I played fair” she replies covering his lips again, her fingers threading through his hair as it gets intense.
Liv flips them over until she’s straddling his waist. Noah fingers the hem of her crew neck and she nods and he pulls it off. They go back to kissing and he kisses her neck and the swell of her breasts over the cups of her teal bra. She tugs the hem of his tee pulling it down and plants kisses all over the exposed skin. He reaches for the button of her jeans and Liv freezes up. Noah pulls his hands back and his eyes search hers, a serious look on his face.
“You wanna stop?”
“I have to tell you something.”
“Okay,” he smiles reaching up to brush a rogue curl behind her ear.
Still sitting on his lap, she readjusts herself. With both his hands still on her hips, he holds her tight so she won’t fall backwards. She clears her throat repeatedly trying to figure out the words. Inhaling a deep nervous breath she forces herself to look him in the eyes.
“I’m not a virgin.”
“Okay.” He repeats his eyes never leaving hers.
“I went to a party when I was fourteen and this older guy I liked was there. He kept giving me beer after beer until I was drunk. I kept taking them because I wanted him to like me and think I was cool. I woke up the next morning sore and naked and couldn’t remember anything. I don’t remember losing my virginity. That’s why I don’t really drink. And it’s not that I don’t want you, I just don’t want to rush anything.”
“I’m sorry someone took advantage of you like that.” He says softly bringing his hand up to her cheek to get her to look at him. “We can go as slow as you want, Liv. I’m not into you just because I want to have sex. I mean, I want you too, bad, but I can wait.”
She kisses him again and whispers in his ear that they can always do other things while they wait. Without warning, Ralph barges into the room out of nowhere. He looks shocked at the position they are in.
“Ralph!! Knock!” Liv shouts covering her barely covered chest.
“My bad,” Ralph exclaims backing out and closing the door. “Dinners on the table if you’re hungry after. I always am.”
Noah and Liv look at each other and burst out laughing.
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getoveritalready · 5 years
noah & liv fluff 🥰🥰
liv had missed him so much. more than she thought you could miss another person. more than she would like to admit. but she had missed him. and now looking at him fast asleep next to her, she wished that he would be able to stay with her forever.
noah had surprised her by getting into her house while she was out with isa. somehow he got inside (liv assumed ralph had something to do with it) and when she got home he was just sitting there. sitting in her living room reading a book as if he had never gone to berlin. as if he hadn’t been away from her for the past two months.
now it was the next morning and she still couldn’t believe that he was here, with her, in her room, in her bed. his back was turned to her and she began to trace her fingers along his back. she heard him stirring and immediately felt guilty. he had been traveling the whole day yesterday and she knew that he needed to rest. and she regretted waking him as she never wanted this moment to end. she wished that they could lay in bed together and never have to face the world outside again.
“sorry i didn’t mean to wake you” liv said, as noah turned around in bed to face her.
noah hummed in response. obviously still sleepy. “no its ok. i missed you” he said, rubbing his eyes before meeting liv’s gaze.
“it’s been 9 hours and you missed me? and i’ve been next to you the whole time, weirdo” liv said, laughing.
“still, i missed you” noah said, pulling her close to him.
“i missed you too” liv said as she brought her lips to meet his.
while they had to catch up on all of the details of each other’s lives from the time they had been apart, they had no trouble picking up where they left off in this area. noah’s hands moved to liv’s waist and rested there comfortably while liv ran her hands through noah’s hair as she always did. their lips moved in rhythm with one another and liv felt herself start to blush-he still made her feel nervous with butterflies and she hadn’t seen him in so long which only made them worse.
they spent the next few hours just lying in bed, trying to distract themselves from the fact that noah was only going to be in utrecht for the next three days before he went back to beeline for another month. he had found an internship there and wanted to finish it out. but liv could handle one more month. at least this time she would have something to look forward to. she and noah had been talking and they had decided that liv would move some of her things into noah’s place. she wasn’t officially moving out of her apartment with ralph and jayden but she was already at noah’s place most nights and it was getting inconvenient to go all the back home when she forgot something.
“liv” noah whispered after they had been laying there for a while, just holding onto one another.
“noah” liv said in response, half-mockingly.
noah chuckled and said “can you sing me a song? like the one you sang the second time that you slept over?”
liv was surprised. “oh so now you expect me to do whatever you ask? you think i take requests?” she joked
“pleaaaseee” noah whined.
how could she say no to him? her wack painter kid. liv sat up, cleared her throat, and began to sing.
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spaceskam · 5 years
i’d rather chip my pride than lose my mind
Summary: liv goes to comfort noah after hardly hearing from him 
Liv stood in front of Noah’s door with admittedly unclear intentions.  She’d been uneasy for days, guilt just growing in her stomach the more she thought about how she just walked away.  She just assumed he was being an asshole, but really she was the asshole.  Now she wanted to fix it, she just didn’t know how.  So she showed up at his door with a bag of groceries.
Liv knocked on his door.
It took awhile, but eventually, Noah answered.  Liv’s guilt only grew when she saw how bad he looked.  His eyes were tired and red while his skin looked pale and his cheeks hollow.  A part of her urged to reach out and touch him, but she kept her hands to herself.
“Hi,” she greeted.  He just stared blankly.  It made her uncomfortable that he wasn’t trying to give her his stupid little smile.  He just looked drained.  “Look, I know you said you don’t really have a problem, but I feel like it was a problem and I’m tired of feeling guilty.”  Again, Noah said nothing.  “Move, I’m making you dinner.”
Noah stepped aside.  He followed her as she found her way to the kitchen.  She didn’t comment on the fact dishes were piled in the sink or the fact that there was a general smell of musty teenage boy wafting around the semi-messy house.  She figured she’d clean up what she could and make sure she had no guilt left.
“You don’t have to feel guilty,” Noah mentioned as he sat at the table and watched as she emptied out the ingredients and took off her coat.
“Yeah, well, you not showing up to school and hardly responding to me doesn’t help that, does it?” Liv shot back.  She didn’t mean to sound mean, but she also didn’t want anything to be misconstrued.  This didn’t mean she liked him.  She couldn’t feel that way about him.
“You weren’t my first priority,” Noah said simply.  Liv pursed her lips but nodded. She wasn’t about to argue when she knew it was true.
Liv decided to stop making conversation, letting him sit and watch her as she made him pancakes.  He didn’t question her choice of dinner.  Sometimes, she’d look up and he’d have his eyes closed for a while before having to drag them open.  She went to ask him if he was sleeping enough five times but never seemed to be able to get it out.
Eventually, Liv placed a plate in front of him.  She took a seat beside him.  Noah ate slowly and decided he was done whenever he’d only managed to eat half of what she’d given him.  They remained in silence as she went to do his dishes.  He only broke it once she was finished.
“Why’d you come?” Noah asked.  Liv dried her hands, avoiding eye contact.
“I told you.”
“But that wasn’t it.”
Liv met his eyes and they watched each other for what seemed like a century.  There was a battle in her mind, desperately arguing over what was okay and what wasn’t. Engel would hate her being with him regardless of her intentions, right?  So that meant she wasn’t allowed to care about him.  But he was growing on her and whenever he stopped showing up at her door, she noticed.  She hated that she noticed.  She hated even more that she looked for him in school, that she wanted him to text her or call her.  Why couldn’t she just hate him?  It’d be so easy.
“Fine, I wanted to make sure you were okay, fuck off.” Liv spat.  Even though his fatigue, Noah managed a smile.  She felt herself soften.  “Are you?”
Discomfort spiked her veins as his eyes became cloudy and he faintly whispered, “I will be.”
“I-I can leave if I’m bothering you.” Liv offered softly.  
“Stay,” Noah said immediately but bowed his head to hide his desperation.  Liv felt her heart ache in her chest.  “If you want to.  You’re not bothering me.”
“Noah, are you sleeping?  Eating enough?  Are you handling yourself?” Liv asked before she could stop herself.  Something about him looking so broken took away her reservations.  She just wanted him to be alright.  Then she could go back to hating him.
“I’m not sleeping,” Noah admitted, shaking his head.  Liv bit down on her lip, watching him.  “It’s so quiet.  I never realized how…” Noah closed his eyes again.
“Do you wanna… watch a movie?” Liv offered.  It seemed like a sufficient excuse to stay around and not have to force conversation.  He didn’t seem to up for conversation anyway.  The weight of thanks in his eyes was almost too much to bear.
Noah led her down the hall to his bedroom.  Aside from the absolute mess, it was exactly what she had imagined.  Not like she imagined being in his bedroom.  The walls were covered in paintings and drawings in all different types of styles.  Lyrics and quotes were plastered among them in countless different languages.  His desk had piles of art supplies strewn about it and in the corner stood an easel with a canvas had a hole in the middle of it.  His bed had a million pillows of different shapes and sizes, paired with two mismatched quilts.  One of them looked handsewn.
“What movie?” Noah asked as he collapsed in his bed.  His pillows and blankets engulfed him, his tired eyes on her as he grabbed the remote and Netflix lt up his screen.  Liv kicked off her shoes and slowly made her way towards his bed.  She thought about making some form of protest, but he looked too drained to argue with her and it was her idea to do this in the first place.  She was putting in the effort to be there for him, that didn’t make her a bad person.  She had to tell herself that over and over as she sat beside him.
“Anything.” Liv murmured, settling into his bed.  His eyes drifted to her before he put on Mean Girls 2. Her eyebrows pulled together and a confused laugh bubbled out of her.  “I’m sorry, what the fuck?”
Noah somehow gave a smile but melted even further into his bed.  Liv watched him for a moment before she settled into his bed beside him.  They weren’t touching, but his presence was oddly comforting.  Part of her hoped she made him feel the same.
Sometime during the movie, Liv heard sniffling.  She tried her best to keep her eyes forward, but it was hard to ignore when he shifted and sniffled a little more.  She let her eyes glide over to him as carefully as humanly possible.  Noah’s eyes were shut and he was taking shaky breaths. The only thing cluing her into his tears was the light of the movie glistening off his cheeks.
“Noah?” she whispered.  He didn’t respond, just trying to sink further into his bed.  She scooted closer.  “Noah?” she repeated a little softer this time.  Liv reached a hesitant hand out in the dark, resting against his arm.
That one little touch was all it took and he was sobbing.
There weren’t many thoughts that went through Liv’s mind when she instinctively pulled his limp body into her arms.  She didn’t mind the fact her shirt would probably be stained with his tears, she didn’t mind that she had been insisting she hated him only a few hours prior, she was merely focused on making him stop hurting.  So Liv held him close and ran her fingers through his hair.
Liv held him until he fell asleep and even then didn’t bother to stop.  She could hate him another day.  Tonight, he needed someone.
She didn’t mind that it happened to be her.
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hold me close and don’t let go
Summary: Basically how Noah should have reacted to his brother and Liv in today’s clip. 
Word count: 1k 
Warnings: sexual assault mention
hold me close and don’t let go
The tension in the air was thick between the girls despite the cheerful atmosphere surrounding them. Janna was riding around the group in circles on her roller skates while the other three discussed Noah's potential reaction and Engel attempted to talk Liv into eating something.
But Liv had hardly eaten anything in the last few days, her stomach too tied in a knot of nerves and confusion to keep anything down.
Janna reached over Liv's shoulder to grab Engel's rice cake, skating away to Engel's complaints. Then, Engel and Isa exchanged worried glances with each other, looking at something behind Liv. Upon noticing their peculiar looks, Liv turned around and felt her heart falling to her knees.
Noah was marching right up to her, eyebrows knitted together in a mix of unreadable emotions, but none of them good. Liv took an intake of breath as he stopped just short of her, only inches away, looking up at him in fear and worry.
“Tell me it isn't true,” he stated bluntly, staring Liv down, eyes intense and questioning. Liv desperately tried to read his thoughts, trying to find out just how much his brother had told him, but he was impossible, a blank slate built only for asking her the only questions she couldn't answer.
Liv's heart fluttered and she looked away, blood racing in her ears a mile a minute like a roaring freight train. “I can explain,” she insisted, voice laced with indignation and pleading, begging him to hear her out, to understand her.
Noah's eyebrows knitted together, taking a step back. “What did he do to you?” he asked then, his voice oddly tremulous at the end. “Liv, what happened?”
Liv swallowed down the lump building up in her throat and looked to the floor once again, breaths coming shakily. “I don't know,” she stated, looking off somewhere behind Noah where a couple of boys were throwing a ball around. She couldn't bring herself to look at Noah.
Noah stepped back again, running his hands through his hair and looking around the courtyard almost frantically. “You can't remember then?” he clarified, chewing on one of his thumb nails, eyes wide and dismayed. He stepped back in Liv's place, removing his nail from between his teeth and repeated, “Do you not remember a thing?”
Liv swallowed, eyes burning with waiting tears, nodding again. An apology lay on the tip of her tongue, something, anything to get Noah to just listen. She was almost positive nothing had happened between them, but there was no guarantee and Liv didn't feel at all capable of lying to Noah's face like this. She just wanted him to understand her.
“So you mean to tell me you were so out of it you can't remember anything from that night then?” Noah asked. Liv nodded, opening her mouth to explain before she was cut off once again by Noah. “Are you fucking kidding me? He filmed you like–like that when you were in that state? I knew he was awful, but not this bad.” He was rambling now, shaking his head furiously and picking away the black nail polish on one of his fingers in worry.
Liv blinked rapidly, knitting her eyebrows together in shock at the sight of Noah pacing back and forth. “You're not angry with me?” she asked, as Noah ran his hands over his hair again.
“Angry at you? Why the fuck would I be mad at you when he did that to you?” Noah asked, stopping and resting his forehead against hers, holding onto her shoulders lightly. “Is that why you were so down the other day? You weren't sick at all, were you?” Liv shook her head.
A surprising fury passed over Noah’s face and he pulled back abruptly and turned around, starting to storm away again. “Noah! What are you doing? Noah!” Liv called, marching after him, trying to grab him to pull him back. She has half aware of the others starting to file inside for class but she was too preoccupied with running after Noah to care.
Noah brushed her off but spun around, gritting his teeth and breathing heavily. “Morris hurt you. I'm going to go kill that bastard. This isn’t the first time he’s done something and I should have warned you more,” Noah rambled angrily, fiddling with one of the rings on his fingers, “But I didn't so now I just have to kill him so he can't do shit like this again.”
Liv reached out to him, taking his hand and a shaky breath in. “Noah, I don't even know what happened. And violence isn't going to stop whatever already happened from happening,” Liv decided, voice trembling at the memory of the video of her flashing in her head, “I don't know what happened, Noah. I already reported him for the video but it's too late.” She had had already gone to Noah’s house and already gotten drunk beyond anything else and been filmed topless and inebriated. And there was no going back.
Noah shook his head and reached up to wipe the tears that started to trickle down Liv's face one by one. She hadn’t even notice. Liv hiccoughed wetly and Noah pulled her into the circle of his arms, letting her grip onto his jacket and soak the dark fabric. Liv squeezed Noah tightly, begging him not to leave her.
“I've got you. He's not coming anywhere near you again, okay?” Noah said, rubbing his hand up and down soothingly. Liv sniffled, burying her face deeper into the crook of his neck, bunching up the fabric of his jacket with her fists.
“I have your bra at home by the way, if you want that back,” Noah said after a while,once Liv had significantly calmed down and was just leaning against him, thankful for his comforting presence.
Liv laughed tearfully at his comment and pulled back to look at him. “I don't want it anymore. You can throw it out,” she said, sighing heavily and leaning her forehead against Noah's. He nodded in understanding, a small tender smile appearing and he leaned in for a chaste kiss. Liv swore she could sob at the feeling.
It was like coming home again.
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
6SS: Ned x Olive: Confession
"...and I have to confess that I was jealous of Randy, because even though I didn't believe it possible, I fell in love with you."
Olive does her best not to react, even if her heart feels like it's going to burst, of joy or sorrow, she isn't sure, "I see," she manages. She takes a breath and says, "This is difficult for me, you see Ned, I've spent years pinning for you."
Ned can't help the wince that escapes him, of course he noticed something, but he had not thought that it was years, "I'm sorry Olive."
But she is generous, and kind, even when a part of her is breaking, "Not your fault, it's hard to compete with a first love."
Another wince from Ned, "If you want me to leave you alone, I'll understand."
She shakes her head, "No, lets take it one day at the time and see what happens."
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whatadaze · 5 years
Hey Liv, it’s dad. I just got off the phone with Musikk Records and they’re really interested in you. They want you to turn in a demo by next weekend. You can do that, right honey? Call me back and we can talk more about it. 
Liv, I don’t know if you heard my previous message but you really need to call me. I know you’re probably busy with school right now, but this is your future. This kind of opportunity doesn’t just fall into your lap. Do you understand? Call me when you get the chance.
Hi dear, I know I haven’t had much time to call you these days but you really should call your dad. He’s worried about you and...I know he might be a bit overbearing at times but it’s really only because he cares about you. He knows how much music means to you and only wants to help. I hope you’re doing well and I hope you find time during the holidays to come visit. I miss you and send you my love.
(7) missed calls from Pop 
Liv doesn’t really know why she’s avoiding it. 
This is a dream come true. 
A once in a lifetime opportunity.
If you asked her a year ago what she would do if a music label wanted to hear her music, she would probably explode with excitement and shout from the rooftops. 
But right now, all she wants to do is dig a deep, deep hole and crawl inside of it.
She wants to hide away from the rest of the world, 
close her eyes,
and wrap herself in the darkness. 
But every time she closes her eyes,
she isn’t comforted by her own isolation.
In fact, she isn’t alone at all.
Her dad’s voice rings in her ears,
his disappointed face appears in her mind,
and that sinking feeling in her chest returns,
weighing her down like an anchor.
And no matter how hard she tries to swim up and gasp for air, 
it pulls and pulls and pulls,
dragging her down with it. 
When she shows up on his doorstep, he doesn’t ask her any questions.
Instead, he simply steps aside and invites her inside. 
She follows him up to his room, 
kicks off her shoes,
and crawls into his bed.
And it’s only when they’re enveloped in darkness,
the only sound coming from the ticking of the clock on the wall,
that Noah finally breaks the silence. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
Liv simply nestles her face against the crook of his neck, 
giving her silence as an answer. 
She will tell him later, 
about everything,
but right now, she’s too tired to speak.
Her body too drained. 
And she knew he would understand.
Noah always does. 
So when he wraps his arms around her, 
Liv finally closes her eyes.
And this time, she doesn’t hear her dad’s voice in her ears,
she doesn’t see his disappointed face,
or feel that sinking feeling in her chest. 
This time, she’s warm. 
Liv wakes up feeling more rested than she had the past couple of days and as she looks over at the boy sleeping softly beside her, she knows he’s the reason why.
She offers him the other end of her earphones before settling into the bus seat. 
Noah hasn’t let go of her hand since they stepped out of his house and every so often, he will give it a light squeeze. The pressure always snaps her out of her thoughts and she sends him a grateful smile. 
She still isn’t ready.
Talking about it will bring that sinking feeling back in her chest and for now, she wants to get through the day without thinking about her dad or the pressure she has been feeling since his first message.
So instead, Liv rests her head on Noah’s shoulder,
focusing on the warmth of his skin
and the music in her ear. 
"I think I’m going to go vegan,” Engel announces. 
She pulls out a boxed salad and sets it down in front of her. 
“Yeah? When did you decide that?” Yasmina asks, raising a brow. “Because I definitely saw you eat deviled eggs yesterday.” 
Engel pouts her lips. “Wait, is that not vegan?” 
Isa laughs. 
“Engel,” she says. “Vegans don’t eat eggs. They don’t eat any animal products. Totally plant-based. And it sounds fucking shitty if you ask me.” 
Engel’s eyes widen as she processes this newfound information and Liv simply shakes her head and stares down at her chipped nails. She begins picking away at the polish, not really having much of an appetite. 
After French, she saw two missed calls from her dad and she felt the stress she had been feeling all weekend creep back up. She managed to make her way to the bathroom and find an empty stall, plopping down on the seat while she tried to steady her breaths. 
Just two more classes and she can go home.
She can go home and crawl into bed and goto sleep. 
Just two more classes. 
“Are you alright?” Isa asks, giving her a slight nudge. “You look a little pale.” 
Liv quickly feigns a smile and shrugs her shoulders. 
“I think I’m catching a cold,” she says smoothly. 
Isa wraps an arm around her. “Can you cough on me? Maybe I can get sick before my math exam.”
“I don’t think so,” Liv laughs. “Trust me. You don’t wanna have what I have.” 
Isa pouts and takes a big bite from her sandwich. 
Ding ding. 
Liv lets out a shaky breath before pulling her phone out of her pocket. When she sees Noah’s name on her screen, she feels herself relax. 
Noah: :) 
Liv is confused by his message but then she looks up and catches him across the schoolyard, sitting on their usual bench with a book on his lap. When their eyes meet, he raises his hands up to his head to give himself bunny ears. 
She bites back a smile as she quickly types up a reply.
Liv: You’re such a weirdo. You know that? 
She looks up from her phone and watches him read her message, a soft smile on his lips as his fingers move across his screen. 
Noah: But I made you smile. 
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queenofpurgatoryx · 5 years
Noliv + another love by tom odell
I wanna sing a song, that'd be just ours
But I sang 'em all to another heart
And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love
But all my tears have been used up
Things had been alright, lately.
More than alright even. He loved his school, he got to wake up everyday to learn stuff that he enjoyed and some of his teachers were really good. He had friends, he didn't even know how he befriended those kind people but maybe it was faith and he had done it after all. His apartment was small and cozy, he had time and inspritation to paint, he loved the coffee shop nearby to read and he loved Berlin. A little cold and gloomy at times but it kind of felt like home.
There was something missing inside Noah, though.
He felt happy and he felt content- the kid that came with being able to do what he was passionate about. Yet, it was there, a strange kind of longing and the inability to open his heart up to someone.
Sure, he had his friends, he even had a best friend (an art history major and a filmmaking major, they were an odd duo) and he had his best friend's boyfriend, and their colorful group of friends. Noah shared a bit of himself with them but something was not quite right.
In one of those parties he was at, where he kissed a stranger and did not learn their names the next day, he started talking with this boy, one of the boyfriend's friends.
"Why are you so mopey all the time?"
"What? I'm not mopey," Noah replied, sounding confused.
"Yeah, right," the boy scoffed. Later he would learn that his name was Abdi. "Look man, I don't know your deal but you clearly think about someone constantly instead of enjoying the moment. I know a thing or two about heart break," the boy said with a wink. Noah doubted.
Regardless, the kind stranger was right at the moment and his drunk state of mind was filled with wisdom, perhaps. Noah didn't have to face it but he hadn't just left his old house, Gijs and Micha back in Utrech, he had also left a bit of his heart back home.
He missed her so much, how could he not, when he used to miss her even when she was right there?
But it would've been unfair, she had bigger dreams and he was in an another country. She was too good for him, anyways. He had done a lot of mistakes, anyways.
They let each other go gently, with hugs and kisses as if it wasn't a goodbye and it was just a see you soon. But its been awhile and Noah had thought he would get over Liv, but itd been months and he just loved the same.
He tried to at least like someone else, he tried to look at someone the way his new friend David looked at his boyfriend (the way he used to look at her). He just couldn't as if she had taken that ability with a pieace of his heart.
Noah wanted to feel whole again, wanted his heart back.
Wanted her back.
But she was not his to begin with but maybe, she would be kind enough to treat his heart gently?
That's how he ended up in a plane sometime during christmas, he didn't have much to say or much to bring.
A painting he had made for her (one from many because when you were in love, your art and your love were united) and the rest of his heart, all he had to offer.
Maybe it was selfish of him to want her when he knew she deserved more but Nıah only had himself to offer after all.
It was up to Liv to decide.
send me a ship + a song!
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sergeantskam · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: SKAM (Netherlands) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Noah Boom/Liv Reijners Characters: Liv Reijners, Noah Boom, Isa Keijser, Janna Mertens, Imaan Elami, Engel Beekman Summary: Liv takes a summer job as a camp art counselor at the insistence of Isa, who drags all the rest of their friends in the Vermont wilderness as well. Liv is all set for an uneventful if friend-filled summer when Noah shows up and claims to be the other art counselor. Engel immediately develops a crush on him, and the whole camp seems eager to work with him, everyone except Liv, the only person who has to.
if anyone is still on the tag or following this account, i posted something that i wrote a while ago (better times). it’s meant to have more chapters, and if you guys like it, i’ll finish it up more quickly. if not, i’ll probably end up going at my own pace (which like. this was originally written in March so.) anyway it’s just fluff because we deserve that rn.
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hanna-kin · 5 years
Liv x Noah Drabble 2
Rewrote this scene just because. Noah you can do better! I hope you like it!
What do you mean you don’t know?
“Are you not hungry?” Engel asks and Liv shakes her head and bites her lip.
She’s not felt hungry since Morris’ texted her, the anxiety eating at her and making her stomach uneasy.  She notices Engel study her quietly, hears her have a go at Janna for stealing her rice crackers but she is too distracted to pay attention to what they are saying. Then something catches Isa’s eyes and when Liv turns around she notices Noah walking towards her. Her stomach drops. The anxiety and nausea tenfold. He is walking too fast. Too determinedly.
“Tell me it is not true,” he says quietly.
He looks angry, hurt and defeated and yet, his voice is cold.
“I can explain” she says.
“It’s a simple question, yes or no?” he continues and she has to look away.
He demands answers she doesn’t have. She has no idea what Morris has told him. What he thinks happened and the truth is she doesn’t know either. She doesn’t remember anything.
“I don’t know,” she says honestly, hoping that he will understand.
A second passes, maybe two. It feels more like two. Then Noah turns around without another word and starts walking. Fast, determined.
Another second passes before she can move. She needs to explain.
“Noah, we can talk about it!” she calls after him.
She needs to explain.
He ignores her and she can feel the panic inside her grow.
She needs to explain. He needs to hear her out.
She hurries to catch up with him but when she finally does he shrugs her off before she can get him to stop.
“Noah wait,” she pleads and attempts to stop him again by grabbing his arm. “I can explain,” she begs.
Noah finally stops and spins around. He still looks angry and hurt but also betrayed.
“What is there to talk about,” he says angrily. “He told me what happened.”
She closes her eyes monetarily then looks back at him. She notices that he is panting.
“I know but you need to listen to me,” she says weakly feeling her breath hitch. “Please… I know how this looks but it’s not…I… you have to listen to me.”
“Explain to me then…” he says. “Explain to me why he had your clothes and your fucking bra? Why you’ve sent texts to him and lied to me about being sick!”
“I…” she says weakly and runs a hand through her hair. “I don’t know.”
He looks at her quietly.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” he says.
“I don’t remember anything!”
She can’t look him in the eyes. The shame is burning through her. For getting drunk. For trusting Morris. For going to the party. For accepting his wine and his shots. For not remembering. For letting him… She can’t think about it. The clip…her being asleep. Hands touching her without permission. Undressing her.
“I’m sorry,” she says quietly and looks at the ground.  “I’m sorry.”
She finally looks up and he is standing a bit closer now.
“Liv?” he says.
Liv looks around anxiously. They are a bit further away from the school now. Engel, Janna and Isa are all watching them from afar but everyone else has gone back to minding their own business.  
“I blacked out,” she mumbles quietly. “I don’t remember because I was blacked out.”
A tear escapes from her eye and she quickly wipes it away. He hides his face in his hands.
“Fuck,” he says.
She looks around them, feeling weak on her knees but makes it to one of the benches and sinks down on it. She draws her knees to her chest and nervously fiddles with her nails. She waits for Noah to join her and when he finally does he sits down next to her. Further away than he normally would.
“Fuck,” Noah repeats.
She swallows.
“I was going to see you because I was tired of fighting, but you were not at home. Morris opened the door and invited me in. There was a party I tried to call you, but you never answered. Then he… he talked about you. He said all these things about you. Told me you were sleeping with another girl and I… I believed him. He offered me wine and eventually I gave in. I was upset because you were ignoring me and I got really drunk. I don’t remember anything more but when I woke up, I was naked in your bed and he and some other girl were sleeping next to me. I left as soon as I could and then I saw all your calls and texts…” she is rambling, but she still can’t look at him. Instead she focuses on the ground and her poor cuticles.
“Did he touch you? Did he do anything to you?” Noah asks. “Did anything happen?”
“I don’t know,” she whispers wiping at her face again and taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry…”
Suddenly he places his hand on her arm. The other lightly brushes against her cheek when she looks at him.
“It’s going to be okay…” he says calmly.
She shakes her head and looks away again.
“There’s… he filmed stuff. He sent me a film of him doing things to me,“ Liv confesses quietly.
“Show me!” Noah demands.
She shakes her head. She can’t stand seeing it again or hearing his pants and her disoriented voice… she has seen it enough times to remember it for a life time. To hear it when she goes to sleep and see it when she closes her eyes.
“Yes, Liv!” he says. “Show me now!”
“It doesn’t matter,” she tries. “I’ve dealt with it. And I’m gonna go to the Police… I’ve even confronted him about it. I don’t want you to see it.”
“I need to know what he did to you,” Noah says softly. “I need to know!”
She doesn’t have the energy to argue, just hands him her phone and opens the convo with Morris. She presses play and hides her face between her knees and covers her head in her arms.
“I’m going to kill him,” Noah says, angrily “I’m going to fucking kill him!”
She can feel him stand up and she frantically follows him.
“No!” she begs. “Don’t leave. Please don’t leave!”
This time he stops as soon as he hears her voice.
“I have to, Liv,” Noah says, looking at her while his eyes go from angry to sad. “He hurt you. He assaulted you!”
“I know. But I’ve confronted him already. I’m going to let the Police handle it from now on. I’ll show them the video and the audio recording I have from when I talked to him,” she tries her best to sound calm.
“Fuck,” he says. “I should have protected you from him… I should have known. I shouldn’t have trusted him. He told me you slept together. I should have known you would never do that. I should have known he was lying to me…” he looks at her sadly.
“It’s fine,” she lies because it is not fine.
“It’s not fine, Liv,” he says. “It’s not fine.”
She takes a step forward and grabs hold of his hands, nodding her head in the process. They are leaning their foreheads against each other’s and she closes her eyes.
“It’s not fine…” Noah mumbles.
Then he wraps his arms around her, and she buries her nose in his shoulder. She sinks into his embrace and clings to him desperately. Everything she has been holding in for this past week and a half comes crashing down but Noah just holds her tighter. It’s not okay. It’s not fine.
“It’s going to be okay,” Noah whispers in her ear and kisses her hair. “I’m here.”
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vexedtonightmares · 4 years
I read seven minutes and heaven and it was amazing so ofc I scrolled thru ur tumblr and I love the rankings!! If you haven’t already can you rank the Nora and William couples?
omg thank u !! abt the rankings and the fic 🥺 as far as noorhelms go, some of these change based on my mood, but:
1. winterberg- druck s2 is everything, and while there are still some things i wasn’t a fan of they're forever gonna be my fave noorhelm until somewhere somehow we get a wlw version
2. zoenne- senne is one of my favorite wtfock characters what kind of fuckery is that i just hope they don’t mess with them a ton in s4 and take away from yasmina
3. noliv- the only thing i didn’t like about them was the scene where liv chases after him at school (it’s probably my least favorite clip in every version) and the wedding dress scene
4. incantava- i think he’s arguably one of the best williams and i loved that they didn’t make him as much of a dick as the others when eleonora tells him about what happened with his brother, their first kiss cinnamon tography is also really beautiful
5. graciel- i’m not actually sure if that was their ship name but somehow they got me to root for them! i didn’t care much for daniel at all in s1 and didn’t think my opinion would change, but it did. i was still upset about how daniel reacted to grace after his brother, but i loved that grace put him in his place and was able to say that what happened was awful for her and he didn’t get to be a little bitch about it because that was what i’d been waiting for in every noorhelm season
6. norandro- i had nothing against them, alejandro was way less of a dick, at least in s2, than any of the other williams, and i know s3 didn’t go the same route as the rest from what i’ve seen on tumblr so if they put them together at all in the future i wouldn’t be mad about it
7. noorhelm- i never liked noorhelm and couldn’t look past some of the bad moments of noora’s season to root for them in some of the cute moments
8. marles- i don’t need to explain this
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eenwens · 5 years
Nee #49 (Noah’s POV)
Please excuse any mistakes or typos.
Noah glances at the time on his cell’s screen before slipping it into the front pocket of his jeans. He grabs one last tee shirt and shoves it into his large rucksack. Taking one last glance of his bedroom his stomach churns when his eyes land on his bed. Happy memories of being in that bed with Liv come flooding back and he almost smiles to himself. Then he remembers that Morris was in that same bed with her. The thought makes him physically ill. He angrily slings the back over his shoulder and slams out of his room.
Morris is in the kitchen when he gets down there. Noah avoids eye contact with him and tries to head to the front door. Morris blocks his exit by stepping in front of him.
“Move,” Noah says his voice ice cold.
“You seriously going to leave for Berlin and not say bye to me? I won’t be here when you get back. Me and some friends are headed to Austria for a month.”
“You’re telling me any of this like I care.”
“Come on, Noah. I’m your brother. You really going to ignore me the rest of your life over some bitch?”
Without a second of thinking Noah drops his bag and grabs Morris around the collar. He slams him hard up against the refrigerator, a gasp of shock coming from his older brother’s throat. Their eyes meet for the first time and he can see the fear swirling in Morris’ dark blue irises. Noah may be younger, but they both know he would win if things get physical.
“Bring her up again, I dare you.” Noah practically spits at him. “Don’t you ever talk about Liv, ever. And you should have thought about all that brother crap when you lied to me and told me you screwed my girl.”
“I didn’t lie-“
“Save it. Your buddy Marie already told Liv what really happened that night.” Not being able to be this close to him anymore without snapping, Noah let’s go of him and picks up his discarded bag. “Be gone before I get back. And tell dad you’re moving out.”
“Where am I supposed to go?”
“Not my problem. Tell him you’re leaving or I will.”
He doesn’t wait to hear his brother beg for his forgiveness or listen to any more of his lies. He’s not interested in anything he has to say at this point.
Noah walks out of the house slamming the front door hard behind him. He freezes mid step at the sight in front of him. There on the sidewalk is Liv in a beautiful white wedding dress and matching veil, her lips painted bright red like he loves them. He wants to shake his head or pinch himself because he has dreamt of her just like this many times before.
“What is this?” He finds himself asking her instead.
“You want to marry me right? So...” she answers unsure her voice fading.
He really can’t fight with her right now. He tries to walk past her but she blocks his path with her tiny body.
“No.” She says defiantly.
“Why no?”
“Just because. Don’t walk away.”
That’s it, he can feel himself about to break. Doesn’t she get that he has to leave? That he can’t possibly take her breaking his heart again?
“Didn’t I already tell you I’m not in the mood for this bullshit? And this mess with Morris could have been completely avoided. I told you he wasn’t to be trusted. I don’t understand why you would even stay and party with him in the first place, that’s not you-“
He stops mid sentence because he has a feeling she’s not really paying attention to him. She has this far away look in her eyes as she stares at him like she’s looking for an answer to something.
“I really don’t have time for this.” He lets out exhausted.
“The great wave.” She says suddenly stunning him into silence. “I don’t know much about paintings but I think you’re that one. Sorry....I mean...”
She’s struggling for words but he’s not sure what to say anymore either. Did she really just compare him to one of his all time favorite paintings in the world? How could she possibly know that? He grips the handle of his bag with both hands, anything to keep from doing the one thing he really wants to. He wants so badly to just cave and pull her into his arms.
“Well, I told you not to go to him.” He says instead of covering her mouth with his.
“Yes, I know.” She snaps back frustrated.
“I have to go.”
This time he dodges around her. He can’t stand there anymore and argue with her. He is going to Berlin. He has really been looking forward to getting away. He just has to focus on that.
He hears her call out his name and it takes every ounce of willpower in his entire being to keep going. He just needs to get away. This is the reason he never let girls in. His mom left him, his dad is barely around and his brother, for reasons he could never understand, hates him. He didn’t know how to handle anymore heartache in his life.
But the farther he walks the more he starts to think. Liv didn’t break his heart. She hadn’t been with Morris, she hadn’t betrayed him. And no matter how hard he tries he can’t deny how much he loves her.
The realism that she must love him too makes him stop in his tracks. Bad ass Liv Reijners had came to him, all vulnerable and apologetic, in a wedding gown of all things. She had done that for him. She had trusted him with her heart.
What the hell was he doing? He whips around and races back to his house but she’s gone. He looks around frantic until he sees a swirl of white moving through the park across from his place. He runs towards her, barely looking both ways to see if cars are coming at him. She’s crying when he comes up behind her and it breaks his heart. He hates that he made her shed a single tear.
“Hey crybaby.” He says awkwardly tapping her on the shoulder trying to break the ice somehow.
She whisks around to face him, a look of surprise on her face. There is mascara streaks all down her cheeks, but to him she has never looked more beautiful.
“Sorry.” He says truthfully not being able to think of anything deeper to say to convey how much he has messed up.
He wraps her up in his arms, his hand caressing her back. When he can feel her body stop shaking from crying he leans back and looks at her. She stares up at him, a small smile on her lips, her eyes telling him without any words that she has missed him as much as he’s missed her. He drops his head and his mouth meets her soft one. They kiss for what seems like forever making up for all of the time they have missed. They finally pull apart breathless and smiling non stop.
“Ready to talk?” He asks, his eyes searching hers. “Because I’m ready to listen. I should have been listening to you.”
Liv shakes her head and he laces their fingers together and scoops his bag up from where he dropped it earlier. They stroll out of the park hand in hand completely oblivious to the weird stares people are giving them. They have other things to worry about.
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wackpainterkid · 5 years
i think i do (1/1)
a/n: Let me start with saying: no, I’m going to make them marry in this fic, they’re like 20, i just love cliché titles lol. This fic is about a conversation about the future every couple has at some point and because noliv has their "getting married” inside joke, I really wanted them to have a conversation about it for real. Hope you like it.
rating: G
1600 words
also on ao3
She doesn’t just randomly ask him one day.
Or maybe she does but there’s a reason for it.
It’s a culmination of different things happening.
Her parents celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary; Bennie and Ralph getting engaged; being asked to perform at a wedding.
Things that all share a common theme, a similar red thread.
And it makes her start thinking.
About things she shouldn’t be thinking about yet. She hasn’t even turned twenty-one. 
And yet, she does.
If Liv has to be honest, she doesn’t know why the urge to bring up the topic is so present, why it suddenly becomes a necessity to have this conversation. But it feels like something important and she’s simultaneously curious about his answer so she decides to ask the question.
Well, not the question. A question.
They’re in her room. She is reading, her book hovering above her in her hands, her legs dangling over the edge of the chair she is sitting in. He is working for school, has a laptop propped on his lap as he’s lounging in her bed, her sheets ruffled and creased around him. James Blake is playing from her stereo, the volume somewhere between one meant for active listening and one ideal as background music.
 Liv stretches her neck and turns her head towards him before closing her book. She sits a bit straighter.
 He hums in response, eyes still concentrated on the light of his computer screen, fingers still typing away.
 She takes a moment to think about how to formulate her question. Noah looks up when the room remains silent, when no additional words leave her lips.
 It’s almost an incentive to make her ask what she wants to ask, the look in his eyes, a guarantee that he won’t start laughing at her or question her sanity or anything similar. Liv doesn’t even think it is deliberate on his part, the openness in the blue of his irises, but it’s there and that’s all she needs.
 “Do you really want to get married one day?”
 She can see the questions appear in his gaze, but he stays silent.
 “Not to me,” Liv specifies. She winces right after, instantly regretting the way she says it, the way it sounds. Because it sounds like she doesn’t see a future with him.
 “You got any plans I should be aware of?” And even though it’s meant to be humorous, a sliver of apprehension still manages to slip into his voice.
 “No, no,” she hurries to reassure him. “I just mean in general. Is marriage something you want?”
 Noah shuts his computer screen and sets his computer aside. His hand taps next to him on the mattress; it is subtle, but she notices, recognizes the invitation it is meant to be. She swings her legs off of the couch, throws her book where she was once seated and goes to sit in front of him with her legs crossed.
 There’s a silence but it doesn’t worry Liv, doesn’t make her waver. Because the tiny crease between his eyebrows tells her she’ll get an answer, tells her he’s only looking for the right words. He combs through his dark hair.
 “I haven’t had the best example of a marriage growing up.”
 He doesn’t need to explicitly say who he is talking about, she knows. The many conversations they’ve had over the years help her piece it together.
 “They were in love, they got married but they were so dysfunctional with each other; all they did was fight and argue. Even as a small child, I knew that it wasn’t supposed to be that way.” 
 With closed eyes, he softly shakes his head. Her hand finds his and it makes him open his eyes again. Where Liv thinks she will see hurt and suffering, there is none. Instead, Noah smiles at her and intertwines their fingers. It’s meant as a reassurance, as a sign she doesn’t have to worry about him. Maybe she was wrong in thinking it still bothered him.
 “All my friends had parents that weren’t married but had been together for years– and still are– and my parents couldn’t even make it past five years. So, to me, marriage was never really an option. It was difficult to see the use of it, you know?” His shoulders move in a shrug. “Except for some advantages when filing your taxes but that definitely takes the romance out of the whole ordeal,” he chuckles, and a dimple appears in his cheeks.
 She smiles as well. Unfolding her legs, Liv places the soles of her socked feet flat on the mattress and lets her chin rest on her knees. She lets his words enter her thoughts, lets them settle there; she hums as the process takes place, as she understands his point of view more and more.
 And Liv knows that the first time he asked her to marry him was to test her, to challenge her own resolution. Okay, she doesn’t actually know but she strongly suspects it and what he just told her does nothing to deny that inclination. She can’t help but wonder, however, whether there’s any truth to it now, whether, all inside jokes aside, he could perhaps imagine that future with her.
 She could.
 She can.
 It’s not like she’s imagined how it all would go. Like she’s thought about everything from the proposal—Noah knows her, it wouldn’t be too big—to their actual wedding. It’s not like she knows exactly what dress she’d wear—she wouldn’t wear a dress, she’d go for a jumpsuit— or where they would go with their small group of guests after the city hall, although the church where they had their first date would probably clean up real nice.
 She just likes to think marrying Noah wouldn’t be the worst thing ever.
 Far from it.
 But she doesn’t need to. If that’s not what he wants. She’d be perfectly happy spending the rest of her foreseeable future with him. She is now.
 “However,” Noah says, pulling her out of her thoughts. Liv glances back up. “When I asked you to marry me, it wasn’t a joke or a way to just sleep with you. You simply made me forget all of my arguments against marriage,” he pauses and looks at her with a half-smile “You still do.”
 “I said: ‘not to me’,” she corrects him, but she can’t fight the content expression on her face.
 He mirrors her with a playful grin. His eyebrows rise.
 “Let’s be real, Liv. If I’m ever getting married, it’ll be to you.”
 And even though they confirm his desire for a future together even more, confirm that they’re truly on the same page, his words make her frown.
 Because, all romance aside, Liv has to be realistic. She wouldn’t be Liv if she isn’t.
 “You don’t know that, though. What if we break up next week and afterward, you meet someone who also makes you forget all of your arguments against marriage?”
 By now, Noah knows about her realism.
 “It is true that I can’t look into the future, but I do know how I feel about you now and no one has ever made me feel like you do.”
 She knows about his romantic side too.
 They’re a good match, the two of them.
 Liv gets up, places her hand on his cheek and kisses him. 
 “Where is this coming from?” he asks once she sits across him again and it’s a fair question; it surprises her that he didn’t ask it earlier.
 “It isn’t out of the blue,” she promises him. “Something made me start to think about it.”
 “Ralph and Bennie?” He wraps one of her curls around his index, but his eyes never leave hers.
 “Among other things.”
 “Do you want to get married?” he asks and when Liv looks at him, he rushes to add: “Not to me, of course.” His words are accompanied by a wink.
 After rolling her eyes, she tries to playfully kick him but before she can reach him, he grabs ahold of her leg and pulls her closer. Liv bursts out in laughter as she tries to escape his grasp. She sits up and places a peck on his lips. And another one. He kisses her back.
 They break apart and she begins to think about his question. She bites on her lower lip as she considers her opinion, her answer.
 “I don’t really know if I want to get married,” she answers truthfully. “I think I always just assumed I would. When I was younger I wanted the fairytale wedding, but the older I get, the less I like the fuss and the grandeur. Because it should be about love and not the party. It’s also very expensive.”
 “Ridiculously expensive,” he echoes.
 “So, I think it’s ‘yes’ to getting married, but ‘no’ to a big wedding.” Liv purses her lips and nods to confirm her statement.
 Thinking the conversation has ended, she leaves her bed and walks towards the stereo to pick a new CD to play, James Blake’s voice has faded out a while ago. 
 “Hey, Liv?” 
 “Yes?” She looks over her shoulder, at him still sitting on the bed.
 “Just say when, I know an abandoned church we can use.” Noah’s voice is all confidence.
 Liv doesn’t say anything about how she was thinking the exact same thing, simply to avoid making him think she’s planned their whole wedding. Which she hasn’t, for the record.
 “Just a fair warning,” she says, turning back to her stereo and putting on a new record. “You’re going to have to wait a long time.” 
 “Won’t be a problem,” he reassures her. “I can wait as long as needed.”
 “Wow,” she exclaims and jumps next to him with a smile. “You must really like me.”
 He wraps his arm around her and pulls her closer.
 “I think I do.”
  a/n: thanks to @whatadaze for cheerleading and for coming up with the term marriage!noliv hahaha, saving the tag one AU at a time. See you next Monday!
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spaceskam · 5 years
can you write a fic of the bowling clips (noah’s and liv) but from his perspective!!
this was a bit hard to write, but i hope you like it!
It was God’s gift to the world that they ended up in the same place that night.
Well, Noah had a hand in it.  He had gotten Liv to himself only two nights since she got back and it didn’t feel like enough.  It was almost odd how much he missed her when he still saw her regularly.  So, when she said she had plans with the girls tonight, he orchestrated plans of his own.
Liv was the one who wanted to keep it a secret.  He hadn’t kept his appreciation of her existence a secret, so he wasn’t about to start now that he actually had her.  So he got to stare as she bowled and, if he was lucky, she would stare back.
There was nothing better in the world than having Liv stare at him.  Except maybe when she touched him.  Noah was still processing the fact that she liked him back.  He had always been pretty sure she was at least intrigued, but it was a whole different story when she’d admitted it.  He didn’t ever anticipate getting someone like her to care for him like she did.  It made him dizzy to think about. All he knew was he needed to make sure he didn’t fuck it up.
She was way too good for him.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” Noah mentioned to his friends as he watched Liv start to walk away from hers.  It’d been nearly thirteen hours since he’d been alone with her and, honestly, that was way too long.
For a moment, he followed at a distance to watch her walk.  He liked watching her do anything.  She was something to marvel at and she deserved to be marveled.  However, he eventually had to grab her hand and pull her where the shoes were.  She didn’t put up a fight, following and letting him enter her space.
She allowed him in her space.
“Put your shoes on,” Noah said softly.  Liv smiled up at him and he could jump with joy.  Her smile was the most gorgeous thing in the goddamn world.  
Once their shoes were on, Noah led her outside.  She stayed so close he could feel her breath and he considered asking her to just leave.  Sneaking away to lay in his bed sounded much better than being surrounded people who he wasn’t allowed to touch her near.  He hated knowing she was his, knowing he was allowed to touch her, and still not being able to touch her.  It was a creative kind of torture.
But then she sat on top of his car and gave him a sweet smile and the torture was over.
Liv held him close and kissed him.  Each kiss was surreal, leaving him to wonder if this was his life.  What the hell did he do to deserve this?  Whatever it was, he would do a million times.  He would literally do anything if it meant feeling her kisses, seeing her smile, having her fingers pull at his hair.   
“I have to go back,” Liv said.  He smiled as he continued to kiss her.  She let him, leaving a few kisses around his face.  “I really have to.  Engel will notice.”
Noah sighed, but he let her go.  As much as he really didn’t want to, he was brought comfort by the fact this wouldn’t be the last time.  Things could only go up from here.
Until they heard yelling.
Confusion filled Noah as he listened.  The yelling got louder, defensive words being thrown.  Confusion turned to concern.  He slowly started nearing it, ignoring Liv’s fingers gripping at his wrists.  When he saw who was being attacked, concern turned to anger.
“Noah!” Liv yelled, trying to step in front of him.
He couldn’t even see her.
Instead, punches were thrown.  He didn’t count how many.  He just hit and hit and hit and hit until he was being pulled away.  Even then, he was still trying to hit.  Who does that?  Who just attacks people?  His friends didn’t do anything, he’s sure of it.  Why would people go after them?  That isn’t fair.  That isn’t okay.  And they shouldn’t keep him from fighting back.
“Dude, dude, come on.” he heard in his ear before he was turned around, forced to look away from the guy he’d previously been wailing on.  His heart was still racing though and there was no point in trying to think clearly.  
Except he had to think clearly because he hadn’t been alone.  It took him longer than he wanted to admit to remember that Liv had been right there, had been watching him.  Noah hoped that he hadn’t done anything to her in the heat of the moment.  He’d never forgive himself.  He just wanted to get the hell out of here with Liv and get the blood off his knuckles. He ripped out the hands on him, looking around for Liv.  
She was nowhere in sight.
I write both roswell nm and all the skam remakes, so if you want to be tagged for a certain ship instead of having to sift through fics on shows you don’t watch, just let me know!
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nnegan13 · 5 years
1, 3, 13, 25 for the fics ask ❤️
thank u muskan ily even if today u were the worst in the gc 💜💜💜
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
ok don’t @ me about this bc i know no one else was hype for this one, but the two one shots i wrote in the incantava are friends after 3.01 au literally are my fav. that universe is so enticing to me and i love the concept so much so....plug read it here
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
ok it’s from my noliv one shot from my little christmas thing and it’s kind of long but i love it sm
She slips into his coat, the one he brought her yesterday when they met up, and he leans against the front door, back to watching her.
Adjusting the collar, she says, “Creep.”
“Not a creep.” He tilts his head to the side. “You look good in my clothes.”
When she looks over at him, the smile on his face is smug and unhelpful, all traces of his earlier irritation over the Christmas trees is gone. Liv pretends her heart doesn’t start beating faster and lets herself trace her gaze down his body. Seeing him in her jeans isn’t necessarily new, but it doesn’t help her heart rate, either, whenever he borrows them. He’s cuffed the bottoms to show off a pair of her socks, and when he crosses his arms over his chest—his smile only growing more smug—she likes the way his arms flex against the sleeves of her shirt.
He looks good in her clothes, but she’s not going to tell him that.
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
ummmm honestly probably billie eilish
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
@heyitsspiderman by meggannn
In A Strange Land by MrsEvadneCake (stranger things s3 WISHES they could do what this did)
send me an end of the year fic ask :)
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Fandom: Pushing Daisies Pairing: Olive Snook x Ned the Pie Maker Rating: T Summary: In her dreams, Olive gets swept off her feet by Ned. Words: 407 Notes: Canon Divergence, Post Canon Tagging: @flashfictionfridayofficial​ 
Read @ AO3 
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In her dreams, Olive gets swept off her feet by Ned.
In her dreams, Ned realizes that it is her who he loves. Makes a grand declaration, sweeps her into his arms and they waltz into the sunset. In her dreams, it is perfect.
Reality, however, is far from perfect.
Because Ned loves Chuck, she is giving her heart the chance to love Randy. Emerson is still trying to find his daughter. And she would have never imagined all that was necessary to open her own restaurant. The Intrepid Cow was coming along great. But it was not enough. A large part of her still longed for Ned, for those days in the Pie Hole before Chuck, of when her dreams were not so hopeless.
That is, until there are earth shattering changes one summer day.
It starts with Chuck going to Europe with her aunts, leaving a moping Ned behind. And while Ned tries to hide it, she knows him enough to know that he is. She does her best to be there for him, putting her feelings aside, which proves to be harder said than done. One day, she finds that Randy wants to continue his travels, goes so far as to invite her to come with.
But she can’t. Because for once in her life, she feels at home.
And one day, she bids Randy adieu and well wishes.
To her surprise, Ned comes over her apartment when he finds out with her favorite pie and ice cream. They both talk about the loves they have now said goodbye to.
It takes her a few days for her feelings for Ned come back full force. And she doesn’t know what to do with them. But she soldiers on and pretends that everything is okay.
Ned comes with flowers and pie the day The Intrepid Cow opens. She serves him a special mac n’ cheese she made with him in mind. He loves it and she beams at him and carries on, because on this day is for her restaurant.
Life carried on for a month, until one day, Ned knocks at her door.
When she takes a good look at him, she can see that he is carrying himself different. The flowers are also something that makes her heart skip a beat. And then, Ned speaks.
“Olive, would you go out on a date with me?”
Her heart soars, “I would love to, Ned.”
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