#nolastname siblings
bigredsartt · 3 months
jet and maddox headcanon time!!!
they definitely talk about their girlfriends all the time to eachother. like. they just scream about how lucky they are, or how perfect their girlfriends are, etc.
especially because in the show, maddox seemingly told jet about what happened with ashlyn on halloween immediately after it happened. also, they are seen being eachother’s #1 supporters in their journeys with their girlfriends, so obviously they’re very open to eachother and they can trust eachother
so it would just be like “ashlyn called me cute today,,,ugh i love her 😢😢😢😢” “dude no way, that’s great!,,,kourtney got us takeout today at her house and i just love talking to her 😢😢😢” “we are so lucky 😢😢😢”
they just talk about the littlest things because they’re losers [affectionate]
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hsmtmts-arrows · 1 year
this maddox grows up be jet's parent when their own parents won't. this jet grows up to hate himself for shattering him and his sister's relationship. this maddox grows up to have dissociative episodes and to need a service dog. this jet isn't scared of his parents yet.
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this jet grows up to be the "problem sibling" and only being seen for his flaws and never for his achievements and this maddox grows up to have to live to the "perfect sibling" even when she knows she will always, always fall short of her parents' expectations no matter what she does.
the highway looking hella comfy tonight fellas.
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trickarrows-bishop · 1 year
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hsmtmts + text posts (yes again)
(1 2.5 3 4)
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Ray’s almost done bandaging the many cuts on his right hand by the time Reggie finds his voice, “I don’t understand,” he whispers. Ray pauses and looks up at him, “What don’t you understand?” he asks lightly. Reggie blinks, “Why aren’t you yelling?” “Why should I be yelling?” Reggie stares at him open-mouthed, and Ray sighs, “Did you break the glass on purpose?”
The kid standing on his doorstep is tall, or at least he would be if his shoulders weren’t hunched, his eyes glued to the ground. His straight blonde hair flops into his eyes, and he twists and pulls at his fingers, but he doesn’t look up or speak, not when Ray introduces himself, not when Ray signs the paperwork, or when his social worker says her goodbyes. Instead, he stands in Ray’s kitchen and tries his best to disappear
Just when he’s starting to think he’ll explode, Alex materializes by his side, flanked by a pretty, curly-haired girl he thinks he might have seen around and a gawky brown-haired boy. “Alex!” he yells, flinging his arms around the other boy’s shoulders. Alex goes stiff for a second before he buries his head in Luke’s shoulder. “You suck,” Luke murmurs into Alex’s hair. He had never been more scared than when he’d showed up at their lunch table yesterday, and Alex wasn’t there. Alex pulls away and rolls his eyes, “Get over yourself, Patterson,” but his eyes are shiny, so Luke knows he doesn’t mean it.
Julie groans and throws the flashcards down in disgust, “I can’t focus.” Flynn grins, “Does it have anything to do with the fact that one of the hottest guys in school is currently in your garage?” “Something like that,” she sighs, rolling over onto her back and staring up at the ceiling.
It’s finally done! My “Reggie and Alex deserve to be Molina’s” propaganda AU.
15 Chapters. 22,297 Words. Read on AO3 now.
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“I just want to know if I can be added to the Apollo cabin list? My name is Archer Penthia by the way.”
“Thank you in advance. 🫶🏽”.
- @daughterofthesunandtheatregod
Thank you user daughterofthesunandtheatregod for your contribution to the database!!! Let's call some of your siblings!!!
Sunshine Phoebe Sinclair @apollos-tone-deaf--child
Zahra @that-smart-apollo-kid
Zephyr Lourwood @zephyrdaughterofapollo
Ollie and Miya @apollos-twins
Ophelia @daughterofthesun-chosethemoon
Lavender (Thistle) @the-gods-abandoned-us
Lexi @the-amazing-life-of-lexi
Mino @apollos-child-of-sunshine
Kayla @apollos-favorite-child
Kieran @kieran-nolastname
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alloutofgoddesses · 4 months
“Ashes Ashes” Live Blog
- Yay medal time
- He’s humble what can we say
- Ravi ily
- Get his ass Chim
- Karen you look amazing
- Councilwoman Ortiz I do not like you
(More under the cut)
- I would have loved to /see/ the moment they decided to adopt Mara
- Ew
- The theories about “Failed System” and its 13 episodes and only 7 aired I am going to go insane
- Do not kiss that woman Eddie
- I just know Amir is ACAB
- Nooooooooooo
- Not Buck and Eddie being Hen’s kids
- Oh they are so gonna start to suspect
- I feel crazy
- They’re gonna figure it out right
- Oh no
- This is not feelings realization
- Awww
- I’m glad we got a little bit of Bobby talking to Buck about his new relationship though
- He’s like “why am I being given brownies by your dead wife”
- Oop
- Yeah cause you TOLD HER WHERE YOU WORK
- Okay so she does look like Shannon there goes that theory
- Poor Buck honestly this situation is wild
- Karen let your child have another
- Oh no
- Exactly Chim
- This motherfucker
- Yeah there’s interference for sure
- Which is just SOOOO 🤬
- I- I- this. Okay alright. At least he’s being honest.
- He looks so small
- About all of it? Are you also telling her about Marisol?
- Oof get his ass
- Oh boy oh boy oh boy
- BTW the acting is impeccable
- And Devin Kelley is gorgeous
- Oof
- Ouchie ouchie ouchie
- I do feel like I’m getting repeatedly punched in the stomach so @ that journalist you owe me money for therapy
- Bye Kim thanks for being here
- Hi Amir
- Did Athena just do a shoulder shimmy
- Oh nooo this is just gonna make Amir more mad
- Grant-Nash house is bones I’m so sorry it’s gonna be for real on fire
- Oh Athena is so real for this and the acting is so good and fhjvjhhkgfjkgdjkgg
- You know who he should talk to
- Chimney
- You ARE supposed to be here
- Give them EMMYS
- Hen as always looks so good
- Oh fuck you
- Oh my god
- Oh my god
- Girl the bank vault shit was resolved
- I’m gonna
- I’m crying for real this is so fucked up
- I am starting to believe that she is a plant from Ortiz because oh my GOD this is insane behaviour
- This is fucking crazy Kim
- This is not how you do therapy
- This is absolutely not how you help heal a man you just met
- I cannot lie I hate this
- rg is killing it tho
- so is devin
- maybe I shouldn’t have taken a shower before the ep because I need to go be in water for several minutes and the ability to stare at a blank wall
- I don’t think this is a second nightmare
- This is so fucked up
- I can’t do this
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vitalphenomena · 1 month
RICHARD HAYES meets WILLOW NOLASTNAME @unpossession at a bar. introduces her to his colleague ERIK ERIKSSON as a joke on erik once willow reveals she believes in ghosts just like erik does.
erik falls for willow, in the sense that he is a dirty older man skeevy for an impressionable twenty-something. he introduces her to his pet project, the eight-year-old ghostwhisperer e72, under the guise that e72 was a child in the foster system born gifted that erik and his colleagues are now attempting to re-integrate into a loving family.
eventually erik and willow sleep together, which fools erik into thinking he can continue showing willow e72's progress.
e72 has a breakdown in front of willow, and the reality of the coeus institute's child torture is revealed. erik kills willow to keep her from revealing any of this.
then all the normal stuff happens (e72 learns the lab plans to kill her and the four others, she helps plan an escape, e72 becomes spirit and the four others become the other harris siblings), with willow by spirit's side. so this timeline just becomes spirit with a best friend of a ghost in her head as she comes of age. more as this develops.
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galaxysharks · 1 year
The jacket Jet wears in 3x04 is the same jacket that Maddox wears at the end of 4x04! Love the siblings nolastname sharing clothes >>
I'm sorry anon, it's not, I checked when the 4x04 stills first released. But it is the same model of jacket, so not sharing, but matching.
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Jets is bigger than Maddie's
He does also wear a camo jacket, and so does Maddox but they're different too.
They do share pearl necklaces tho.
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 10 months
top 5 octopath travelers
castti florenz, because im a sucker for codes of honour, and ESPECIALLY when those codes are broken. also, castti chapter 3 is one of the best-told stories in the entire octopath franchise, and not to mention heart-wrenchingly sad. ALSO THE OUR DUTY AS APOTHECARIES SPEECH. I LOVE THAT.
ophilia clement, because ive never seen a semi-unhealthy sibling dynamic that i didnt love. also, she's a bright smile and helpful hand that hides some intense self-loathing, which is always a fun archetype
temenos mistral, because hes SUCH A LIAR. LISTEN TO ME. AUGH. i love the idea of a guy pretending to be a WORSE person than he actually is to more easily distance himself from others, and the themes of doubt and faith in his story are fascinating
primrose azelhart, because i love a good unmoored hero. girl doesn't know what the hell she's doing with her life (not really; shes got far more agency than that), but is just clawing for some semblance of a way to take that life back. also, faith themes continue to rock
therion nolastname, because the loner learning again to trust is a killer story and i am nothing if not predictable. also, its a fun dichotomy of the insanely cliche message of his story and just like. how well it was executed.
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clockout-comic · 2 years
Please give us new folk a rundown on your OCs here >:D
you just said the magic words bestie get fuckin ready
the setup for mrawdrs is that the four main characters all work at the same company (named MRaWDR: Magical Runoff and Waste Disposal Regulations, because the founder is about as original with naming things as i am LMAO) working as a field service team, the same way a crime scene cleanup or hazmat crew would work, but way more magical
first is addie dunbar, the security/medic (still working on her certification on that last one tho)
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shes a unicorn, a trans lesbian, and has NO INTERESTING BACKSTORY AT ALL HAHA WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASSUME THAT... here have some random facts so you stop thinking about it
her favorite author is jane austen, shes a huge classic lit nerd and listens to audiobooks constantly
her sharp teefies are veneers that were an absolute goddamn NIGHTMARE to get put in, because unicorn magic is healing-based and they just kept fucking popping off
shes actually SUPER fucking powerful as far as unicorns go, but being able to refine and direct her magic in a useful way is Very Very Dangerous to do on her own, and theres no unicorns around to help guide her
none that she would want to learn from anyways
her great-great-great grandmother is brooklyn supreme
her voice claim is hozier, because take me to church is an extremely addie song
her job on the team is to act as a living battery for elmira to use to supercharge her runes, do (VERY MINOR) healing if one of them gets hurt, and to take care of any violent flora/fauna/sentient goo that may show up on a job. support tank!
up next is the teams technician, jones nolastname
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a human engineering magic specialist, ball of anxiety, and Ultimate Nice Guy (genuine), they maintain and reconfigure all the equipment that the team uses on all of their jobs
yes thats their real last name. they fucked up the application for name change and never corrected it because they were too socially anxious
theyre a DDR master and will hog the machine at their local arcade for 12+ hours if you let them
theyre also a huuuuuuuge anime/manga/video game enthusiast. were it not for my infinite mercy as their god, they would be addicted to genshin impact
theyre actually the only native resident of the city that everyone lives in, called The Island of Steve (the name changes pretty often lol), everyone else moved from different states or countries
they grew up in the foster system, and were bullied so heavily by their foster siblings for being autistic and having a severe stutter/other speech impediments that they became mute. when they were younger it was by choice, but now as an adult their vocal cords have completely atrophied and theres no chance of recovering their ability to speak
BUT. sign is taught as a second language in all schools by law, so its a little easier on them to adapt
as such, they dont have a voice claim, but the song i most associate with their character is Worlds Smallest Violin by AJR. sometimes i think about paying someone to translate it into asl so i can make an accurate animatic of them "singing" it
third is elmira quickroot, the charms specialist and recordskeeper
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fucking ultimate weirdgirl, i love her to death and i want to rattle her around like a maraca. she's a faerie, very british, and yes she does dress like that in her daily life. this is not a faerie thing shes just fuckin weird. her job on the team is to record absolutely everything that happens to the letter (for legal and billing reasons), and doing more intricate charm/rune work (which is essentially like magical computer coding)
elmira has perfect memory! much more intense and detailed than the eidetic memory or hyperthymesia that humans can have, literally every second of every day has been perfectly branded into her memory since the day she pupated into an adult. she doesnt know why, this isnt a normal faerie thing either, and her coping mechanisms for escaping the constant recall are.. not good, to say the least
shes a HUUUUUGE textiles nerd, she makes all of her own clothing on as minute a level as she can manage- by which i mean she weaves her own fabric, spins her own yarn, makes her own patterns, and on and on and on. dont get me wrong, she can and will raid the local Fantasy Michaels or Joann Fabrics for any supplies she can get, but the girl is kind of bugfuck nuts and on bad days she'll get really deep into it
her home country is a cut off faerie-only kingdom in the UK called The Realm, made from the ruins of an old castle built by giants waaaaaaaay back in the day, i need to do concept art of it because its genuinely beautiful
her voice claim issss. complicated. the closest human equivalent is florence welsh but pitched up, but in reality it would sound way less human. the way i usually describe it is if someone sang a sentence backwards into a microphone and then reversed the audio. i might do a demo of what i mean at some point lol, but thats pretty common for faeries
she stole her name from the city in new york and her gender from a random barista
the boobs are implants lol
her wings are based off of a blue morpho dragonfly
and finally... the man of the hour, your grandpa and mine, ultimate babygirl.... TOUFOR!!!
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toufor is the customer relations guy, he goes out and does surveys on non-emergency jobs and coordinates with the clients to make sure they get all the right services they need. he is the most well adjusted motherfucker in canon and hes a corpse
(okay thats a lie theres someone who very nearly ties with him, but thats a sentient pair of pants who sounds exactly like sonic the hedgehog. his name is frankie we love him.)
toufor is a ghoul, the only one that has ever existed or ever will exist because hes a ~walking human rights violation~
i wrote out a whole list for toufor and then my computer restarted and deleted all of it so im gonna crawl in a hole for a while. aaaaaaaaaaaa
toufor is a huuuuge music nerd, his record/CD collection is valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and he listens to everything in it regularly
the only guy in the world who says his music taste is everything and really means it
he has achondroplasia, but is shorter than the average height for people w the same condition. that plus the general constantly rotting a little faster than your body can replenish its cells thing means that he has a lot of health issues
BUT. he has a whole platoon of specialists that have dedicated their careers to keeping him healthy and with a good quality of life. its my city and doctors can be good if i want them to be. their work and the treatments he goes through are inspired pretty heavily by the Lenin Lab, which i recommend you check out this video by Ask a Mortician to learn more about it!!
this body isnt his original, and the elaboration on what happened and how his Whole Deal works is an entirely different post on its own. it will involve diagrams
i have an au that i write with my bestie where some of the characters in mrawdrs work at a strip club, and toufor comes in to do nothing but eat chicken wings for the entire night and then tip $500 to every dancer. they all love him dearly and this vibe extends into the core canon storyline
he cannot perform any kind of magic! due to the way his soul-body situation works, he has no way to access the magic inside of his body, or the stuff that exists in the environment ambiently. going along with that, any magic performed on HIM takes much more "juice" to actually take effect and takes MUCH longer to do so. he isnt a complete dead zone (HAAAAAAAAAA) but his... tolerance? is much higher.
his voice claim is corpse husband. i shant elaborate.
aaaaaaand thats the main bitches. theres also a fuckin LOT of side characters, sexy irredeemable antagonists, and background characters ive put a ridiculous amount of thought into, who all deserve their own posts in time... this is a threat
thank u for the opportunity to gush about my babbies <3
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quark-art · 2 years
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
35. Any sibling characters?
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
leon!!!! hes become my favorite character and i think everyone needs to take a good look at him and appreciate everything he has to offer.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
there was a point when i posted a group of characters in earth 2068 who havent been introduced yet, and i remember at least one person thought this one was related to verm and phil, so i guess they apparently resemble each other?
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shes not related to them though!
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
i couldnt quite decide which was more complicated between the two of them so ill just do both
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these are kazos (left) and chavrix (right), two gods in the campaign that i started DMing last summer and then neglected for months (still need to get back on that. oops). kazos is the queen of the underworld and also primordial time, and chavrix is the primordial sun. kazos is a bitch and chavrix is a whore and thats all you need to know
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
leon :( must i explain. i think if i got a hug from leon valakos all my problems would be solved
35. Any sibling characters?
these guys!
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graham, phoenix and tegan nolastname. himbo, angstlord and chaos gremlin respectively. not genetically related but they were raised together in the same science experiment.
oh, and then theres olivia and samuel riemann, siblings from the first musical i wrote
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43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
i realized a long time ago that there are certain archetypes i flock to when designing characters, and i decided to write them down so i could be more intentional about it, whether that means purposefully using/combining them or purposefully avoiding them. here are the highlights (im sure you can pick out a few that have made their way into earth 2068)
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as for looks... i mean. surely you guys have picked up on how i feel about dad bods by this point. and i have an impulse to make characters buff, just because? i also drift towards big noses more often than not. i love noses that are like. triangles. and aquiline noses!
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hsmtmts-arrows · 1 year
i can't explain it but
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jet, maddox, jet in that order
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solarsleepless · 1 year
This thing has nolastname Sibling vibes
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they're sopping wet puppies
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hsmtmts + text posts (pt 3)
(1 2 2.5 4)
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willexxmercer · 3 years
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Livin’ in Paradise: A JatP SMAU - Interlude 4
Feat. goodbrother!willie
Taglist in the notes!
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