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444namesplus · 9 months ago
Badhquok Bakdhyuphokh Batbhub Bebhphrame Bebo Bedkhemuthbobh Bhadbo Bhadhyo Bhebhug Bhekbozatghu Bhepheph Bhobbre Bhotpya Bhradha Bhrepu Bhrune Bhruse Bhubho Bhuddhe Bhukbyebheb Bhulhodh Bhyaquhekrhek Bhyubakh Bobho Bokha Bolephnadhbhru Bopra Bothkra Bralha Brapegghag Braquhe Brazobra Brodhyethadh Brodre Brosagu Brota Brotyogwa Brubyekru Brughukre Budtyaphophquekhdhro Bugdhyarut Buphrelu Byadedpya Byagedrugwhe Byese Byethokhthe Byokhedhshephdhep Byuda Byughrequo Dadheph Dale Danogpyu Dapa Dapbye Dare Darebhebtya Dathtalhap Datra Deda Dedhra Deghu Deppu Dhedhdyu Dhekhga Dhogreke Dhoket Dhotkrobhya Dhrebekh Dhredrubethzhedh Dhretre Dhrobruza Dhrodhakhphedhgu Dhropya Dhrothya Dhugkro Dhugrothat Dhyakyapoth Dhyotud Dodhre Dogug Dopshok Dothgwud Drapadgodat Drazat Drede Drubakhokdrokhut Drubhak Drutye Dubhthotbhyu Dukkerho Dukraphophdyuzhag Dyekyu Dyelha Dyokre Dyome Gadgwuttag Gadhyu Gakhralhoggreta Gatkagwhegwat Gazepo Geghkhobeb Ghabda Ghabhgwu Ghagwhe Ghakro Ghathluph Ghedhdhabholo Ghekre Ghekto Ghephkukgweta Ghequu Ghethdugo Ghrekyu Ghrozu Ghukhquha Ghupte Ghyabep Ghyebo Ghyophethulagdagh Ghyothagzabhadra Godyo Gothye Gratag Grathra Grekye Grepyaphyu Guddyuka Guphe Gupyukhabzhup Gutze Gwabbaphrheph Gwabgye Gwaprha Gwatdrethe Gwathquukyodaphya Gwaturho Gwebkak Gwedhpoghe Gwenheb Gwepe Gwerobhpyughyughre Gwesepthyekratru Gwhabaprabok Gwhedhpabye Gwhego Gwhephtyequhag Gwhepkhra Gwheta Gwhopthathlhakrateth Gwhudathtyo Gwhulupbobkhuquhup Gwobhbra Gwobu Gwubo Gwukaguquu Gwuzemagubphagh Gyatapodbabgwa Gyebadbhrozu Gyequagmub Gyobragwhutgo Gyogwhad Gyukhrekugrorap Gyupekzomukya Gyuthogh Gyuzut Kagtye Kagwhathlutpagh Kaklo Kapu Kaquha Katakhu Kedre Kegaph Kekgwhaph Kektelophab Kepdhyathapzat Kepdre Kepgopyapo Kepthya Keputh Khadnabob Khatnegyobhro Khebkya Khethe Khezuksuthquap Khobhabyu Khodhtye Kholhe Khophtogyape Khrakyape Khrudek Khubhak Khugwo Khutyaphre Khyebe Khyepho Khyunhokh Khyutyu Kodpye Kogre Kokde Koma Kophbho Kopmerhoph Kopzhegh Koque Krabhabphodgwuphya Krala Krobakadh Krobhashagot Krophutrophu Krugwugh Krupeb Kruquekpatyequop Kudkyeta Kutkhe Kyaka Kyakhra Kyephrotet Kyequeb Kyoquo Kyuse Lagu Lale Latkep Lazoppye Lebhut Leddru Lekru Letoph Lhadokad Lhagwadhrekhekh Lhakod Lhaphyo Lhoba Lhobo Lhuktre Lhupyo Lhutpuquerupra Lobate Ludopka Lupa Lupkrenug Maggwodhothre Marubhgabdhodh Mekre Mekteghphru Menoth Mepdhre Mhazaphtra Mhezago Mhodphadh Mhokgwenodsetphu Mhokhgwha Mhukhob Mobkhrughepru Mogte Mopyeghemabh Mukokbek Nagbo Nepre Nhabhre Nhedbhya Nhodlugwek Nhunhoth Nokak Nokhoth Nomhedh Nukhrequhe Nukhrothyada Nunogh Pabhed Paget Pamudhquhozet Papyatedh Patyokre Pebphye Pedhquaghgwhokhu Pedthob Pedyeku Pegdhyo Pegu Petghephophquo Pethrhak Pezokh Phakhro Phaphab Phedrotanakhe Pheghekh Phethru Phetye Phodra Phothghud Phraba Phrebradhutdopdhuph Phredo Phrokhyo Phrukod Phudquhekhkek Phugubadhsa Phupbyodu Phyagwod Phyekhogbrebya Phyogopkhobu Pobhyethralhugh Poghlo Pogthyegwhagrudru Popaquhuthkhru Popottretebet Pozubhgwobthedhbeb Prebraphok Pregwepthra Prephoph Prepuk Prophotratru Proquup Prore Prudro Prukadre Prutre Pruzheto Pudhkheb Pugakthogo Pupprekotmhoquheg Pyapudnub Pyedyonoghrothyu Pyeghre Pyekhyu Pyequhepbota Pyeto Pyoda Pyokra Pyophubet Pyozabhke Pyozupkhugweph Pyudugtubquab Quabhup Quadphaph Quakbhra Quatuk Quebhkhyudu Quedzhoked Quephpug Quhedhalharhebhtya Quhobshappo Quhogwe Quhopha Quhoprutegu Quhopsebhpeteddu Quhugtre Quodpru
Quoghupdyelhogob Quogkyekyo Quogquo Quogquudu Quophtre Quose Quughe Quuthyu Rabbakgwhothalho Rebnusekhudhbhya Rebtyu Rhakya Rhedhquhamha Rhodyadolhubhgwet Rhughtho Rhuphke Robhne Ropagke Rudhdro Rukhgwo Rukhya Ruphgwotgwodh Sagro Sakuthego Serukyamu Shabhathlhu Shabrhak Shagwomob Shegdro Shogozekaph Shophyolhet Soquubhkhyedre Suketlhud Sutkru Tagoghgraphyakhogh Tedbophzuthaphne Tegquet Tegthuthukbruzo Tegwale Tetralet Thaghzod Thapuph Thedbhyethuquuthgye Thephghyare Thesob Thetbekhyothe Thodhphyabhyoprogru Thoghphamerhuk Thopyo Thredyetedyo Threnhekshetatphep Threphog Throkhyubhapabquhap Throquokze Throrhopshath Thrusu Thupdadkhak Thupebh Thyeredde Thyotu Thyudhokrho Tobhgyozaph Togre Trade Traphadhbrephetdhre Trebyo Treghaph Trekhut Trema Trobre Trupo Tubthogwhot Tudkhyu Tuphetu Tyanhosok Tyaphyu Tyaque Tyekalogwhukte Tyepegpyu Tyotap Zamhu Zapquhoth Zedha Zedo Zekepat Zeppho Zhakghrorhadyeshed Zhakhagghokhgud Zhate Zhephghobhphepyu Zhotmophadhbraquu Zubdregwuruk Zudhota
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hey-every-one-im · 2 years ago
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Kayvan Novak with short hair 😫😫😫
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rucachihuahua · 5 years ago
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【#鶴舞ごはん】 名古屋 鶴舞で晩ご飯 一軒目 『うまいもの台所 とっと家』さん 平目のカルパッチョ ★★★ 鯛とキノコのジェノベーゼ ★★★★ 全部旨い😋 二軒目 『nocake.』 キュヴェ・蔵 ブラン 👆名前 蔵なのにフランス産🇫🇷 イチジクと生ハム 👆蔵がすすむ、すすむ パテのはず😅 👆美味しかった...そして酔っ払う #とっと家 #nokake @nocake_nagoya #ジェノベーゼパスタ #平目のカルパッチョ #イチジクと生ハム #パテドカンパーニュ #ワインは泡が好き #パスタ好き #生ハム好き #パテドカンパーニュ絶品 #名古屋メシ #名古屋グルメ #discovernagoya #discoverjapan #aumo #snaplace #tokai_trip @canva (鶴舞駅周辺) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCcIi8gAQlV/?igshid=1lx7j5yu7dja6
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leonisandmurex · 3 years ago
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The cute moment where Prince George is overcome with emotion after meeting Nokak Djokovic ……..that, or he's just had a reeeeally long day & ready for home.
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packing-it-up · 5 years ago
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366 characters in 2020 (in no particular order)
#33 ❣ Sydney Novak (I am not okay with this)
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mibicycle · 6 years ago
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"I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the lord of song
With nothing on my tongue but hallelujah"
@spnhiatuscreations , week 14 - Castiel
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insomniac-dot-ink · 3 years ago
Anyone read one of these books and LOVED it? And as such (because we have similar tastes), what are some other books you’ve loved? I’m hoping for suggestions from My People.
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland: Scary? Savage feminine?? AND a fairytale? This book was so good, please let me know if there’s more like it. I tried to read another book afterward and I couldn’t bc I was so disappointed it wasn’t this one.
Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake: I am yearning for the sequel so badly. Seeing where she goes with Astrid consumes me. And okay, some parts of the book I didn’t care for as much, but what made up for it for me was the emotional intelligence. If you know of more emotionally insightful romances lmk!
A Desolation Called Peace by Martine, Arkady: I’ve read the sequel too, really fucking fantastic space opera. Open to more, though probably only female sci-fi authors bc I keep getting knee-capped by the male ones (no hate or anything, just a self-preservation thing)
Anything by Talia Hibbert: She’s so funny, and so heartfelt with her characters, the only author whose newsletter I actively follow bc I like her updates and knowing if she’s well. 
I also enjoyed The Flatshare which had a similar thing going for it I thought!
Jade City and the Green Bones Saga by  Fonda Lee: SO GOOD. The worldbuilding alone. Though let’s be real, I enjoy my books with a lil’ moral ambiguity, for spice.
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman: Are there more authors like this? I’ve wanted a good cry as only the Backman can serve me, but so many tearjerkers are intentionally tearjerkers which fills me with rage instead of release. I feel manipulated by books like The Nightingale that just jam bad things into them for the sake of bad things.
Why Fish Don’t Exist by Lulu Miller: I haven’t stopped thinking about this book since I read it. Like, one of those books that made me see the world legitimately differently? And passionate about the fact Fish Don’t Exist.
I also mean this kindly, but someone suggested Mary Roach books which I tried and the author just didn’t hit the same for me.
Special mentions go to Spinning Silver by Naomi Nokak (though I didn’t like Uprooted nearly as much), The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir series of course (I do not think there is another series like this tho), and The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin as always
I don’t normally reveal how picky I am about books, but people often recommend books to me that I already have strong opinions about. 
There are some things I’ve also tried reading in the past and Did Not Care for: Becky Chambers books (it’s something about the writing style), Iron Widow (one of the worst things I’ve read in a long time, my review), Gillian Flynn (my beloathed), and Brandon Sanderson
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icandiguys · 5 years ago
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the adorable Kayvan Nokak
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jumpynews · 4 years ago
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Nick Kyrgios in Nokak Djokovic response after line judge incident causes US Open default http://jumpynews.blogspot.com/2020/09/nick-kyrgios-in-nokak-djokovic-response.html
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news24hrou · 5 years ago
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Novak Djokovici ar putea să nu mai joace până la finalul sezonului Tenismenul sârb Nokak Djokovici, liderul ATP, ar putea să nu mai evolueze la niciun turneu până la finalul sezonului, din cauza unei accidentări suferite la umăr, informează marca.com. https://ift.tt/2ZLihZ1
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currenttrending1 · 6 years ago
एटीपी रैंकिंग : 250 सप्ताह से नम्बर-1 रहकर नोवाक जोकोविक ने बनाया अद्भुत रिकॉर्ड
एटीपी रैंकिंग : 250 सप्ताह से नम्बर-1 रहकर नोवाक जोकोविक ने बनाया अद्भुत रिकॉर्ड
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Image Source : GETTY IMAGES Nokak jokovic on 1st place in ATP Ranking from past 250 weeks
मेड्रिड। सर्बिया के नोवाक जोकोविक सोमवार को जारी टेनिस पेशेवर संघ (एटीपी) की ताजा रैंकिंग में पहले स्थान पर कायम हैं। इसी के साथ वह शीर्ष स्थान पर 250वें सप्ताह तक बने रहने का रिकॉर्ड अपने नाम करने में सफल रहे हैं।
एटीपी की वेबसाइट के मुताबिक, जोकोविक अपने करियर की शुरुआत से अभी तक कुल 250 सप्ताह तक नंबर-1…
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mibicycle · 6 years ago
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I just want him to be happy
[click for better quality]
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mibicycle · 6 years ago
You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom.
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