#noggin gremlin
askgremlinspls · 8 days
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meet this roach
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sapphzeal · 2 months
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Guess who likes the little freaks!
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drunkgremlin · 2 months
Guys, I've found a treasure! Had to register on the site but it was worth it!
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DAN KRALL: These are concepts I did for Gremlins when they get fed after midnight. There were physical descriptions of them in the script, so I just did a quick rough of what they might look like. The finals ended up changing a lot from these and being really, really great.
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DAN KRALL: This is a super-rough concept I did for Claw, who was the evil leader Gremlin of this series. I had an idea where she’s kind of all about asymmetry; one eye is squinty and she was supposed to have a limp and drag her claws. I think a lot of that stuff didn’t actually end up happening, but her general design came through. I really liked the way she came out.
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DAN KRALL: These are some poses – somebody else did have the Claw character, we would send these as part of the character design packet.
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TARA RUEPING: These are early-on concept art. We first started out with rough drawings like this to get the inspiration of how the characters were written. We really leaned into what was written, we embraced those names, so that’s why Noggin has a huge noggin, Claw has massive claws… I think embracing that’s very true to the Gremlins IP, with the character Stripe in the original film.
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DAN KRALL: This is from the pitch deck, but when the god that was involved in the story was still the brother Fuxi, before we switched to Nüwa. This is at the end of the series after everything’s all wrapped up, and Fuxi is escorting all the Gremlins back to the valley, and Grandpa is hitching a ride because he’s always wanted to see the Valley of Jade.
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TARA: Gizmo being Gizmo, we wanted to make sure that we were true to his design, how he was in the films. So we looked at a lot of photographs and how he was portrayed in the films with the mouth shape, the pattern of his fur, the shape of his ear. Of course it’s a stylised version of Gizmo, but we wanted to make sure that we were very true to Gizmo’s design.
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 11 months
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There are so many more characters but we'd be here all day. Fair warning, I give them some of the worst traumas known to man kind.
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Man i fucking cooked with this
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Yo new poster just dropped.
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oceaneyesinla · 26 days
🗣🍆 👜 I sprinted for this😘
My metaphorical dick is medium at best but thank you for the compliment 😘
If you bring the book, I'll bring the blankets and the snackies okay?????? We can take it in turns reading so our voices don't get tired, and we can have lots of nice drinks too 🤍
Also, if you sprinted all the way here, pls rest a while and take these flowers 💐
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violetrose-art · 11 hours
Our family is quite dysfunctional eh, my brother/father?
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tinyirnfistforever · 1 year
Gremlins Prequel show.
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askgremlinspls · 4 days
Brain how do you deal with the bullshit that is the other gremlins?
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Someone please step in, please— George
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obsessive-dumpling · 2 years
*sigh* Alright, fine, I'll admit it. I saw the leaks. I hope you're happy.
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drunkgremlin · 2 months
What do you think Noggin will be like in season 2?
It’s very interesting because for example, Brain didn’t have so much time to be a leader, but Noggin. Noggin was not a natural born as a leader, and we saw how others treated him. How long will they listen to him? He told Elle that he is not like his brethren. He's not like Claw, Stripe or Mohawk. Noggin must have at least some control over the other Mogwai/Gremlins. See how funny that sounds? Even more cool in my opinion if Noggin tries to get a new leader (thanks to Gizmo) as his assistant. Why get your hands dirty when others do the work for you under the command of another Mogwai/Gremlin. What if they have a coup? Lol Caesar's death came to my mind, how he was betrayed and killed.
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What else do I expect from him?
Pushing Gizmo on the path of temptation, manipulation, murders, become the Godfather to all Gremlins, become one of the best characters in the second season. I don't want new characters (people) to kill him.
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 11 months
Very unpopular opinion: To me, the gremlins in the show are honestly rather more playful then aggressive and feral and don't really match the meaning of the word Mogwai which means devil/demon in Cantonese. I'm sorry but I just don't see it. They more come off as a family that just rough houses a lot and stuff like wrestling, throwing hands and all that other stuff is just how they play. This honestly seems like something I'd beg my brother and dad that we do. If they didn't multiply via water then I'm sure they would be throwing each other in the water trying to drown them (in an affectionate way). Yes they do take it too far and do become a lot more aggressive but in general to me at least, they seem more playful. Again yeah they take it too far and they have definetely caused a ton of chaos which okay is a reasonable reason to wanna get rid of them.
Honestly I just love how the minute Snout's boys are spawned, they immediately just play with each other and toss and chase each other around. they feel more cute then monstrous if anything. Just my opinion tbh.
Also I love how when Snout gets wet Noggin and Claw genuinely look concerned and maybe a bit afraid. Also how the hell they able to hold Claw up with no issue, she's like bigger then all of them (not fat shaming people there's a difference)
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Look at his dumb little smirk 🤣
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absouluteartist · 1 year
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