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seemabhatnagar · 1 year ago
Justice Prevails: High Court Enhances Maintenance Amidst Deduction Debate.
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Only #statutorydeductions such as income tax can be reduced from the #grosssalary, which has to be made compulsory. #Nodeduction is #permissible for payment of house rent, electricity charge, contribution to provident fund, installments towards payment of the loan, and expenses for maintaining the car while awarding #MaintenanceAmount.
Rakhi v. State of UP & Another
Crl. Revision 167/2023
Subject: Maintenance to wife
Before the Allahabad High Court
Heard by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Surendra Singh -I J
Order Pronounced on 13.03.2024: Crl. Revision was allowed and the maintenance amount was enhanced to Rs. 10,000/ pm.
This is a case where the #FamilyCourtAmroha has fixed maintenance to the wife at Rs. 5000/- pm and the submission of the wife is too #meager for survival given the #salary of the Opposite Party-Husband.
The contention of the Opposite party is he is earning Rs. 54,684/- out of which deductions of Rs. 20,664/- are made and after deductions Rs.34,020/- are credited to his account. He has to pay an #EMI of Rs. 9000/-. He has to incur #expenses on #medicine for his #oldailingparents. He added that the Revisionist #wife is an art #graduate and #earns Rs.10,000/- PM from tuition. She has done the #course of #beautician, therefore, she can earn money and has enough money to take care of herself. #Objection was also raised on the point of maintainability of the present #CriminalRevision on the ground that #Section127CrPC provides for #alteration of #maintenance and this can be done by moving the application before the #TrialCourt.
Payment of monthly installments of personal loan is not permissible as deductions from the gross salary and it is added to the net monthly income of the opposite party-husband. Thus, after statutory deductions the net monthly income becomes Rs.34020 +Rs.9000/ i.e. Rs.43,020/. Moving the application before the Trial Court for alteration of maintenance u/s 127 is not applicable in the given case as #application u/s #127CrPC is made when there is a #change in the #circumstances. Here there is no change in the circumstances. Therefore, Criminal Revision can be filed on the ground that it was fixed against the #evidenceonrecord and the #HighCourt has #jurisdiction to decide it.
It is a fundamental right of the hapless and sacrosanct duty of a man to maintain his wife, children, and parents when they are unable to maintain themselves.
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sellmyiphonesd · 3 years ago
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I just traded my #128gb #unlocked #iphone13promax in #usedlikenew condition with #nodeductions to @sellmyiphonesandiego #escondido #california for instant cash and it went faster than i thought. They pay CASH for #usediphone #sellmyiphone #iphoneology #selliphoneforparts #tech (at Escondido, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfUbyThvhQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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superwebdealz · 5 years ago
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zorancuckovic · 5 years ago
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Medicare for All means no co-pays, premiums or deductibles. It means never getting a surprise bill for health care you need. It means ending the disgrace of hundreds of thousands of people going bankrupt each year for the "crime" of getting sick. - Bernie Sanders Facebook Page . #M4A #MedicareForAll #MedicareForAllNow #NoPermiums #NoCoPays #NoDeductibles #NotMeUs #BernieSanders #BernieSanders2020 #Bernie2020 #BernieSandersForPresident https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ZKsZklQv8/?igshid=yt0xh09raydv
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cpapartners · 4 years ago
No deduction for donation of house for deconstruction An appeals court upheld the Internal Revenue Service's disallowance of a charitable deduction for the full value of a house's building components that were donated to a charitable organization to deconstruct in the organization's job training program, finding the deductions were overstated and no qualified appraisal had been conducted. No deduction for donation of house for deconstruction An appeals court upheld the Internal Revenue Service's disallowance of a charitable deduction for the full value of a house's building components that were donated to a charitable organization to deconstruct in the organization's job training program, finding the deductions were overstated and no qualified appraisal had been conducted. 
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dadpreneur · 8 years ago
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elitevirtualhealth · 7 years ago
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We founded a new model of Wellness Chiropractic Care in Grand Junction. With a practice membership, you are able to receive all the recommended care needed. No insurance needed. No co-pays. No Deductibles Give us a call if you have any further questions 970-257-9199. #nodeductible #grandjunction #wellness https://ift.tt/2GcMWBe
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zorancuckovic · 5 years ago
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Pharmaceutical corporations are some of the biggest crooks in Washington. We're not taking their money and when we win, we will pass a Medicare for All system that caps out-of-pocket prescription costs at $200 per year. - Bernie Sanders Facebook Page . #M4A #MedicareForAll #NoCoPays #NoPrmiums #NoDeductibles #NotMeUs #BernieSanders #BernieSanders2020 #Bernie2020 #BernieSandersForPresident https://www.instagram.com/p/B24js9Wldfk/?igshid=19uckgp7xysuy
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zorancuckovic · 5 years ago
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#M4A #MedicareForAll #NoCoPays #NoPrmiums #NoDeductibles #NotMeUs #BernieSanders #BernieSanders2020 #Bernie2020 #BernieSandersForPresident https://www.instagram.com/p/B2xKyuhFlwr/?igshid=1gydvyumcux6w
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zorancuckovic · 6 years ago
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#NoJoe #StatusQuoJoeBiden #NoStatusQuoJoeBiden #Hearing #Vision #Dental #NoPermiums #NoDeductibles #NoCoPays #PeopleOverProfit #NotMeUs #BernieSanders #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders2020 #BernieSandersForPresident https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ms137FsOd/?igshid=1td4qwg61noh9
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zorancuckovic · 6 years ago
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#Insulin #BigPharma #MedicareForAll #NoPermiums #NoDeductibles #NoCoPays #PeopleOverProfit #NotMeUs #BernieSanders #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders2020 #BernieSandersForPresident https://www.instagram.com/p/B0MsF-ZFq6G/?igshid=gyel68ma467n
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zorancuckovic · 6 years ago
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#NoHealthIndustryMoney #NoHealthIndustryMoneyPledge #MedicareForAll #NoPermiums #NoDeductibles #NoCoPays #PeopleOverProfit #BernieSanders #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders2020 #BernieSandersForPresident #ThisIsWhatALeaderLooksLike https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CVpLNlzuy/?igshid=191uk7uzrk67x
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zorancuckovic · 6 years ago
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#MedicareForAll #NoPermiums #NoDeductibles #NoCoPays #PeopleOverProfit #BernieSanders #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders2020 #BernieSandersForPresident https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CVMDPl815/?igshid=17drdxo8u8tno
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zorancuckovic · 6 years ago
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#BigPharma #Insulin #UnitedStates #Canada #MedicareForAll #NoPermiums #NoDeductibles #NoCoPays #PeopleOverProfit #BernieSanders #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders2020 #BernieSandersForPresident https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CUueilB-g/?igshid=vl4cfczw0ygc
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zorancuckovic · 6 years ago
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#MedicareForAll #NoPermiums #NoDeductibles #NoCoPays #PeopleOverProfit #BernieSanders #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders2020 #BernieSandersForPresident https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CUY3HlI9a/?igshid=ksclys6vk0js
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dadpreneur · 8 years ago
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There's a national debate about whether healthcare is affordable or not...Debate Over! #BOOM #NoContracts #NoDeductibles trubenefits.savewithdiscounthealthcare.com #EveryoneQualifies #EveryoneBenefits 📢📡🇺🇸
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