TMI Meme
Tagged by this precious cinnamon roll; @dragongem777 - seriously, they're too good for this world, you guys should follow 'em :) Rules: Answer the questions and blogs you would like to know better. Nickname: Fox (the one I use online; chose it because of my nine tails tattoo) and Fishcake (usually friends and cadets). My best friends use a variation of swear word and insults. Star Sign: Aries! Height: 5' 8" still shorter than most of my friends though… Favourite Music Artist: Umm… I don't really know, I guess I listen to NICO Touches the Walls more than anything so… Last TV Show You Watched: Last one I watched attentively was Sherlock, I had Catfish on earlier for background noise (… I know.) Do You Have Any Other Blogs?: I have one other, but haven't touched it since I made it, oops! Why Did You Choose Your URL?: Because I'm fandom trash and always will be. Doctor - Doctor Who. Harry - Harry Potter. Emrys - Merlin. (John)Watson - Sherlock. I really can't be bothered to think of something witty to add my love for Naruto in. Hogwarts House: Gryffindor through and through! Pokémon Team: Valour, not that I fight gyms or anything though Favourite Colour: Orange… Red… Gold… Green… Silver… Bl- just look at the Hogwarts colour and Orange because ninjas. How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With?: One in the summer, three in the winter - I always keep a "Suzy Snowflake" Blanket on my bed though, my mum found the pattern online by searching my name and made it for my 20th Birthday 2 years ago (which reminds me, should probably update my bio, if still says I'm 19) Following: 1988 (HA! The year my sister was born) Followers: 1677 @gingerpineappleofassbutt @sidekick-material @valar-morguhlis @drarryforlife98 @otavarice @blondiephotoboy @noctisorgy @noctass @my-tardis-is-a-221b-impala
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jin-sin · 7 years
About Me
I was tagged by @milo-gin! Thanks so much, boo!
Rules: Answer 30 questions, tag 20 (20?? wtf who even knows that many people)
Nicknames: I don’t really have one, but some people call me Rae for short! Although i’m not fond of it
Gender: Female
Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′10
Time: 1:34 PM
Birthday: December 24th
Fav bands: BTS, NCT, Monsta X, Architects, Bring Me the Horizon etc.
Fav solo artists: Koda, CryWolf, Skrux, Steve Aoki, Bassnectar, Ark Patrol, Uppermost, Stephen, Zedd, Chainsmokers etc.
Song stuck in my head: “Black on Black” NCT
Last movie I saw: Free! Take your Marks. Yeah I actually saw that in theaters.
Last show I watched: I’m currently watching B: The Beginning on Netflix. It’s confusing and I don’t know what’s going on, but people are dying.
When did I create my blog: This one I created a few weeks ago, but i’ve been on Tumblr for like 8 years;;;
What do I post: On this blog, only Jin/BTS and some positive support messages, maybe a meme or two, but on my main I post a lot more video game and anime bullshit lmao
Last thing I Googled: I think Jaehyung? Sounds about right. 
Do I have any other blogs: Main: Gladihoes Final Fantasy XV Only: Noctisorgy
Do I get asks: Not too often. I usually just get direct messages. I wish more people would talk to me though.
Why did I chose my URL: Because Jin’s existence is sinful. TBH I was real surprised the URL wasn’t taken already.
Following: 474
Followed by: On this blog.....4 and one of them is a porn blog LMAOO That’s ok though, this is mostly an archive for when i’m sad and need to cheer myself up by looking at Jin. <3
Average hours of Sleep: 6-8! Im on a pretty set sleeping schedule. 
Lucky number: 9
Instruments: I used to play Flute?? 
What I am wearing: A red cami and zebra print shorties.
Dream job: Japanese translator who does art jobs on the side. I used to dream about being a concept artist, but I sorta gave up on that idea due to some difficulties in my life lmao BUT, YEAH. I still want to do it in some way or form, even if it’s just a hobby.
Dream trip: I wanna go to Egypt, Japan, or South Korea. Take in all the sights and make some fun memories with whoever I go with. 
Fav food: I really don’t know, I love so much fucking food. I can’t pick.
Nationality: Mixed. White and Black.
Fav song: I can’t answer this. Impossible. Imma just say Mic Drop because that’s typical, yeah?
Last book I read: Avatar Tuner Vol. 1
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Persona (although that’s probably just reality, minus the personas LMAO), Pokemon, Zelda.
I tag: @aboywithboobs @blademaster-banryu And yeah, that’s about it haha x’D
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mimi-kurusu · 7 years
FFXV asks prime numbers pls
On a scale of 1-10, how would you personally rate the game?i give it a 9/10!!! it isn’t perfect, but i love it very much
Favorite aspects of the game? Least favorite? Give us The Reviews™.fav aspects: character development and interaction via custscenes and just how the ai behaves in and out of battle, the story!!, really really freaking cool battle system, i LOVE chocobos!!!!, really wonderful open world ready to explore with tons of sidequests and all sorts of fun references and throwbacks to other ff games, the MUSIC BRUHleast fav: cindy and aranea’s outfits. literally just make them a bit more practical and then i’m fine. the fact that i will bawl like a baby upon hearing “stand by me”
Kingsglaive or Brotherhood?tbh i enjoyed kingsglaive a bit more, but that’s mostly bc it was in english. if/when brotherhood gets a dub, i’m sure i’ll love it just as much! (that ep with prompto and pryna tho…. ;w;)
Character(s) you wanted to see more of?IRIS OH MY GOD, cor, cindy, aranea, ravus, clarus, regis, luna
Favorite relationship in game?CHOCOBROS (also gladio and iris were the cutest siblings!!!)
Anything from the previous trailers that you wish made it into the game? This applies from the 2013 trailer up to Omen.mmmmm nah not really? the trailers were cool, but i’m pretty glad the game ended up a lot different than what the trailers made it look like lol
How do you feel about Ardyn in terms of being a villain? Do you think he surpasses previous ones like Square said he did or did he fall short?BRUH HE WAS GREAT!!!! i LOVE to hate him lmfao. he’s such a smarmy ass and i adore him for it. bless his twisted little heart. :’D (tho…… him messing with prompto so much made me very Upset.) he’s right up there with kefka and vayne!
Who are some of your favorite XV blogs?!!!! @chocobros @officialprompto @flowers-of-tenebrae @noctisorgy @noctsgay @ebony-and-chocobos @gigglincactus @prince-noct @chocobaes @prompto-loco @promptodiary @cho-cho-chocobros @chocobrowranglerall are lovely blogs!!!
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noctisorgy · 8 years
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hollistolium · 8 years
@noctisorgy So my friends and I decided to actually order these burritos and just
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yes, we actually brought a ruler and measuring tape into this taco bell
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Gladio is a fucking BEAST
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clouds-ass · 8 years
Tag Game
I feel so loved haha Thank you @cactuarlover420 Rules: Answer the questions and add blogs you would like to know better! Nickname: I guess Gladdy or Rae? I don't really have a nickname. Star Sign: Capricorn Height: 5'10 Favorite Music Artist: Mmmm...I like a lot of random techno artist and a few screamo bands I still try to keep up with from my emo phase lol There's Dance Gavin Dance, Issues, Dabin, Koda uhhh...just to name a few. Last TV Show You Watched?: I don't watch TV that often, but I think a few days ago I was watching Miraculous Ladybug again lol Do You Have Any Other Blogs?: I have...a few. I have my main one, Noctisorgy, which is obviously all about ffxv. I have a Fire Emblem one that I don't update too regularly unless I see a post I really like called "toomanycapes". I also still have my previous black and white blog and my very, very first blog which I will not give the names to either of those haha I also have a porn blog floating around somewhere in this mess. Why Did You Choose Your URL?: IDR how I thought of "Gladihoes", probably my gay ass day dreaming about this perfect man for the millionth time, but it just stuck to me when I did and now it's my URL for everything haha Hogwarts House: I think Slytherin, but every test I take says Gryffindor. Pokemon Team: Team Instinct Favourite Color: Pink. How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With?: Uh, that I use? One or two depending on how cold I am, but I have like 5 on my bed lol Following: 333, what a nice number. Followers: Only 154. I talk too much to keep followers haha and most of them wander over here from Noctisorgy lol Which, thanks <3 it means you must take some kinda interest in me. Alright, guess I gotta tag a few people haha @seeralvis @radishfever @outside-the-void @heavenxprodigy @noctsgay
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