#nobunaga x mia
anayka05ymewtwo06 · 3 months
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Dopplegangers Caidos
Parte Final de lo sucedido en ig.
Zacian shiny:(*Aullido de Zacian) Princesa Mewtwo Lunar!
(*Pensativa) Gatubela. Acertijo y por ultimo hisahide. Esos malditos Pagarán por lo que han hecho. Aparte de ser Complices del Extinto decepticon del que Kenobi nobunaga Hayate anayka Mewtwo y los demas...
CARAJOS! quien rayos esta ahi!
Chien Pao:Soy yo Zacian...eres La famosa Zacian Shiny?
Zacian:De la misma especie de Zacian que no es Variadocolor o Shiny:Hermana de Senbei Lunar la Mentora Zacian de Mewtwo Imbatible. Pero no puedo atacar a esos doppleganger aunk debo ser valiente
Chien Pao:Escuché el aulllido y preparamos los ataques:Mira ahi estan Anayka El team Star Todos los Warriors de otros Reinos y Bill Rizer con un eternatus. los Gym leaders de 9 Regiones y hasta Los Villanos llegaron Anayka avisó a Señal Frikibaile o Pose Imbatible.
Anayka:A mi orden por la pose imbatible
¡Pose Imbatible Lionel:Traje:Nyotengu Palutena bandera 🇵🇦 Alas de mariposa Mewtwo....Transformación!
Nobunaga Masayuki y Mamá romelia:Ahora!
Se Formó una Guerra campal y golpeamos a los 3.
La ultima en morir. Gatubela
Gatubela:Maldita sea Anayka todos vinieron a Atacarme!
Anayka:Gata Maldita! Gatubela Acertijo y Hisahide no sabes Cuanto esperé para Matarte como lo hice con Mi hermano aparte de 35 jodidos Años de Guerra
Bayonetta:Preferiria darle el golpe de gracia aunk recibió algun dispar*
Felicia La Meowscarada:Porque no te calmas? Deberias pagar las consecuencias por lo que has hecho. Gata con forma humana o mejor dicho Furra? No podemos permitir que te salgas con la tuya
Anayka:(*Con baculo estilo ghechis) Baston estrella de ghechis:Tumba del Enemigo!
Gatubela fue atacada.
Sus ultimas palabras:
Gatubela:Anayka:Si esta es una de mis ultimas vidas lo pagas caro. No importa cuantas veces destruyas al mal la oscuridad pero como acabaron con master contra. Pheromone contra. Cobrará Venganz..a contra todos uds..(Fallece)
Anayka:No lo tomaré como una Maldicion. Si pheromone contra y los que aun siguen Vivos quieren guerra. Guerra tendran y que Vengan como quieran. Los destrozaré para protegerlos universalmente. La guerra aun no termina tenemos un universo que proteger.
Obi Wan Kenobi:Oye Anayka. Admiro tu confianza en la pelea:te apoyaremos
Entrenadores pokémon y Villanos:Todos lo haremos
Ghechis:Siempre que Kyurem este siempre al lado de Anayka. Giovanny deberias ser agradecido.
Giovanny:Admito que no se deja manipular pero passio necesita heroes. Y defenderlos con uñas dientes pokémon etc. Es lo unico que debemos hacer. Passio necesita una heroina. No. Una Campeona con una Mewtwo con valores algo que El Mewtwo anterior no apreció por mi culpa
Anayka:No toda la Culpa es tuya ni de los equipos villano.
Mewtwo Lunar:Giovanny Todos cometemos Errores. Nadie es perfecto no soy una Mewtwo que odia por lo que sucede sucede en el pasado. Siempre Mirar al presente (*Transformandose en Mewtwo X debido a su propia voluntad y las palabras dd todos y la mia)
Mewtwo Y:Pero por que ocurrió esta transformacion?
Mewtwo X:Las dos Mewtwoitas Reaccionaron y Anayka debe encontrar la ultima Mewtwoita. Aunk si habian 2 Mewtwoitas Y. Anayka escondió la ultima en un lugar seguro
Anayka:Si. Donde esta iluminada por un halo de luz. En protección de El clan Sanada.
Fin de la parte 2 del Arco paldea Panamá Arco 1 y 2.
???:Master contra y los demas acabados? Llego mi turno jajaja!
Arco Paldea panamá parte 5:Guerra Universal. Coming soon Julio agosto 2024 🇵🇦
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
Okay, let's try this one more time. This story was given feedback by the talented @cailannuesugi and @voltage-vixen. Thank you, ladies, for your help and encouragement when I felt like giving up.
Title: Meeting the Mogul
Ikesen Modern Day AU
A/N: This is my first fic, so please don't expect it to be perfect. I also don't own Ikesen Nobunaga and the other characters except my OC. Cybird owns them.
This is inspired by the artwork I commissioned from @shrimpalompa 💕
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With her eyebrows furrowed, Mia allowed her feet to drag along the length of Manhattan's busy streets. Despite the crowd of busy professionals hurrying to buy their lunches from the food trucks lined up along 50th Street, and the incessant honking of cars and taxis stuck in traffic, all she could think of is how badly she messed up her last interview.
The delightful scent of sauteed garlic and onions wafting in the air made her stomach growl slightly louder than usual. There was nothing she wanted more at that moment than to eat a nice gyro sandwich at Lil Zeus Food Truck, but with only fifty dollars to tide her over until she finds a job, she took a deep breath, turned away from the food truck, and continued to walk. She took one step after another, until the concrete pavement was replaced by a patch of green, and the sound of car horns was replaced by the catchy melody of a marching band practicing nearby.
Central Park was beautiful at this time of day - mostly because the afternoon crowd and the throngs of tourists don't frequent the place at this hour.
She sat on the grass, defeated. She had one shot at getting employed as a clerk in the prestigious firm, and she totally screwed her interview. "Seriously, who asks about the President's background during the interview anyway? " she wondered out loud still feeling bitter about her failure at the hands of Azuchi Inc's, Vice President of Human Resources, Hideyoshi Toyotomi. She sighed again, took out her mobile and typed in the keywords 'Nobunaga Oda, Azuchi Inc'. Pages upon pages of news articles about the President and CEO appeared on her screen, much to her surprise. As her finger hovered over one of the articles, she silently cursed herself for not having thought of doing this yesterday before she finally gave in and pored over the details on the mysterious mogul.
He watched her as she sat on the grass with her back turned to him.  He winced at the last thought; then again, she didn't seem like the type who'd pick out her dates online.From where he stood, it appeared like she was playing a game on her phone or browsing one of those social media sites his employees are so fond of... Or maybe checking out a dating site. Though she didn’t seem like the type to rely on other sources to help her find a date. His thoughts drifted to their first encounter yesterday, and he smirked.
In an attempt to avoid the possibility of listening to his Vice President of Human Resources' complaints about his decision to ride his bike to work, he opted to enter the building through the ever-busy and usually crowded Talent Management Hub. Donned in a black button-down shirt, which he wore untucked with a pair of dark denim jeans, he handed his helmet to the seemingly dumbstruck guard and made his way to the exit leading to the main lobby. Just as he was about to step into the main lobby, he felt someone grip his wrist tightly.
"Excuse me, where do you think you're going?"
He turned and saw a girl - not more than twenty-four if he had to guess - looking sternly at him while she gripped his wrist tightly.
He heard collective gasps around them, but she didn't seem to have noticed. From the corner of his eye, he saw one of the managers make his way towards them, but he stopped him before he could get any closer. The clock on the wall read 9:25 am, so he had a good five minutes before his weekly meeting with Marketing, but the girl holding on to him intrigued him so much, he didn't mind canceling. Just what was she trying to get at by stopping him, he wondered.
"Didn't you just arrive, Sir? You don't have an ID, so you must be an applicant, too," she said gently, as she tugged him to follow her to the waiting area. Still confused, he glanced at the other people who were quietly seated, trying to avoid his gaze. "It's unprofessional to cut the line, you know. Let's wait for our turn here."
He chuckled at the realization that she didn't know who he was. He decided to humor her by sitting beside her, but it didn't take long until she was called for her initial screening. It was at that moment that he decided they needed to hire her. However, when Hideyoshi dished out his infamous rapid-fire "Oda Fast Facts" on her, there was no doubt she wasn't going to be signing a contract with them.  The dashing dark-haired mogul frowned as he recalled the report he was given on the status of her application. He recognized potential when he sees one, and knew they had just let this one slip away. He left word that he was having lunch elsewhere, and took off with his Vice President of Operations following closely at his heel.
"You know what you should do next? You should buy that Lil’ Zeus food truck. Have you seen the line? It felt like ages before I got us some of these!" A familiar voice brought him out of his thoughts and he glanced sideways to see that his executive had just arrived carrying a gyro on each hand. "It's about time you got here. What was the matter, couldn't charm the ladies to get ahead? You must be losing your touch, Mitsuhide, " he teased.
The silver-haired executive smirked as he handed one of the gyros to his boss. "I'll have you know I snaked my way to the front of the line in less than 2 minutes. The cook ran out of oregano and they had to get a fresh batch." He paused for a second or two to take in the scenery before him. "So is there a reason you wanted to have lunch here?"
"No reason, " the dark-haired debonaire responded, his carnelian colored eyes sparkling with mischief as he stared at the girl whose back was turned at them once again. "I see, " Mitsuhide said, thrusting the other gyro at him. "Good luck, boss. I'll see you at the office." He flashed the young executive a dazzling smile before he turned and made his way towards the unassuming girl.
"That's funny, he has no pictures, " she mentioned, after opening yet another news article about the mysterious Nobunaga Oda - the sixth since she started - and there still wasn't any photos of the man in question.  
"Usually that’s the case when the person's not very good looking."
Startled at the sound of his voice, she jumped and turned around. Standing a few feet away from her was the man she met in the interview. Though she still didn't know his name considering she never asked in the interview, and he never introduced himself. Today, he was wearing a white button-down shirt, which was still untucked and a pair of khaki trousers. She never noticed how attractive he was until today - more like a model, with his tall and well-toned physique, which was evident in the cut of his clothes.  
"It's you, " she said. 
"Yeah. Me, " he replied. "Had lunch?"
"Yes, " she nodded, but her stomach wasn't having it. Her face flushed red as soon as her stomach growled. 
He snickered. "You know, I happen to have an extra gyro."
"Do you always happen to carry a spare gyro around?"
Her retort made him laugh, as he really didn't see that coming. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're hilarious, " he asked. He plopped down beside her in the grass and handed her one of the gyros. "And to answer your question, I carry them around in case I get lucky and see a pretty girl who is in desperate need of lunch." 
"My hero, " she smiled. "Thank you for this. I'm Mia, by the way. And you?"
He shrugged, ignoring the fact that she had introduced herself. "So, what were you doing on your phone, looking for a date or something?"
"Of course not, " she said, as she munched on her sandwich. "I was curious to see what Nobunaga Oda looks like."
"Why would you want to know how he looks?" 
She took out her phone with one hand and showed him the search results. "See these? I've read six articles about him, and not one of them contained any pictures of him. Isn't that strange?"
He scanned the titles and frowned. "Maybe he doesn't want his picture taken." 
"Why though? I think he's amazing. I mean, he's not even from here, yet he made a name for himself and he's been helping boost Japan's economy even from offshore. He's made a name for himself in a place where people least expected him to. His achievements are known all over Japan, and that's why I wanted so badly to come to New York and work at Azuchi Inc."
He cocked an eyebrow at her passionate response. It sure wasn't the first time he's heard people sing praises about him and his organization, but it felt different hearing it from someone who had nothing to gain from sharing this with him because she absolutely had no idea who he was. 
"Speaking of which, whatever happened to your application?" It was her turn to ask. For a moment, he almost forgot that she thought he was an applicant, too. She cleared her throat. "What's the matter? You know you don't have to be embarrassed if you didn't make it. I mean, I didn't -"
"Why did you fail?"
She frowned. That was twice he ignored her questions, yet he had the gall to ask her such a rude question. What kind of person is he exactly, she silently wondered. 
"If you're done trying to assess whether I'm trustworthy or not, would you mind answering my question?"
Rude. This man was just plain rude, she concluded. "Why do I need to answer that?"
"Because I gave you a sandwich, " he said, as he lay carelessly on the grass with his hands behind his head.. "And because you look like you're going to tell me anyway."
She sighed. Well, he wasn't wrong, she thought. "I suppose it was it because I didn't know a thing about the President and CEO of Azuchi, Inc, " she said, hanging her head low. "Except for his name, I didn't know where he came from, what his philosophy was, his advocacy, why he prefers to drink tea from Japan…"
"Don't you think that information is useless?"
"I used to. I'm not gonna lie that I felt really bad after the interview with Mr. Toyotomi. I felt bad because I thought those questions he asked me were ridiculous, " she said, as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "But I realized something while I was reading through the articles about Nobunaga Oda. I now understand that Mr. Toyotomi only wanted to make sure I knew and understood Mr. Oda's vision because it is only when you understand that you can actually contribute to that vision by working hard. I didn't really know that this morning, but now, I'd do anything to get another shot at that interview."
His eyes never left hers as she spoke, and with each topic, he found himself more and more entranced by her - perhaps it was the way her face lit up and her hands moved as she spoke about the things she was passionate about, or her wistful smile as she stared at the lake in between topics. He was captivated, so much so that he hadn't noticed that time has gone by until he felt his phone vibrate. 
Frowning, he took out the sleek gadget from his pocket and was briefly surprised. It was 3:00 pm - way past his supposed lunch break. Hideyoshi would have a fit, he silently thought, smirking. 
Sighing, he sat up and brushed the dirt off the back of his shirt. "As much as I'd like to stay and talk some more -"
"You have to go, " she said, cutting him off. She watched him quietly as he straightened his clothes up and ran his hand through his messy black hair. She had never been so drawn to a person before, but there was something about him that spoke to her - maybe it was the way he listened to her like what she was saying was important or the way he challenged her opinion every now and then… or even the way she saw her reflection in his eyes when he smiled. 
The light clapping sound that resonated in the air as he dusted off his clothes faded, and she suddenly felt her heart grow heavy - like all three weeks worth of homesickness had finally kicked in. 
"You look like you're gonna cry, " he teased, as he stood and offered his hand out to her. "Are you gonna miss me?"
"Am not, " she replied while he pulled her to her feet. "But did I get you in trouble?"
"I'm late for a meeting. Nothing I can't handle, " he winked. "I'm just gonna tell them that I met an interesting girl in Central Park."
"You make me sound weird."
He snickered. "Okay. How about I say a cute girl held me hostage?"
"They're not gonna believe you, " she replied, her face turning slightly red. 
"Here, " he said, handing his phone over to her. "Let's take a picture, in case they require proof."
"And make me the laughing stock of your team, "she retorted but allowed him to take a picture anyway.
"They wouldn't dare laugh, " he assured her as he checked their picture and smiled. "This is a good picture."
"Yes, it is." She peered at his handsome face in the picture and smiled.
"I don't like having my picture taken because I always seem to look strange, but I like this one, " he smiled back. "Well then…"
"Yeah, I guess this is goodbye."
"I'll see you tomorrow at 8."
"What? Here?"
He laughed, and the rich sound tickling her ear. "At my office, silly. Tell Mr. Toyotomi I sent you there. He'll be able to give you an orientation, " he said casually and then turned to leave. 
"Mr. Toyotomi - as in the guy from Azuchi, Inc? I'm confused… Whom should I say sent me, " she called out as he started to walk. 
"Oh. Tell him I sent you, " he turned to face her once again and exaggerated a bow. "Nobunaga Oda. I never told you before, but it's a pleasure to meet you, Mia. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."
Her heart pounded loudly in her chest as she watched him disappear in the distance, she almost failed to notice a new text message that read: 
'We are pleased to offer you the role of Assistant to the CEO. Please report to Mr. Hideyoshi Toyotomi's office at the 41st floor of Azuchi, Inc tomorrow at 8:00 am sharp. - Mitsunari Ichida, Director of Talent Management.'
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lulidrafts · 6 years
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Nobu x Mia  (valentine’s scene)
Commission for @rikumorimachisgirl
Hope this helps you as inspiration for your new ikesen fanfiction, that i already am very anxious to read
Thank you ❤
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The lovely @rikumorimachisgirl​ ‘s Mia x Oda Nobunaga (*˘︶˘*)♡ 
Nobunaga’s clearly loving it (*/ω\) I had a lot of fun with this illustration. Thank you so much for commissioning me ♡
This is a paid Commission. Please do not repost anywhere else. 
Check out @rikumorimachisgirl​ ‘s blog (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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Chapter 13
Hello! I finished earlier than expected! And I'm very happy to be posting this chapter, hope you all like it as well ;) Remember to read the full chapter here.
Pair: Nobunaga x OC
Warning/s: Smut! (enjoy)
13-First Love.
Being in my room, all clean and ready to get to sleep, I wondered if I’d see Nobunaga soon. He had to catch up with his vassals and decide their next moves. I imagined it’ll be pretty late by the time he came to sleep, but I didn’t want to bother him if he had work to do. Their next battle was far more important than my desire to sleep beside him.
I kneeled down and was about to get into bed, when I heard the door slide.
-You’re still awake?
“Speak of the devil!” Nobunaga came in, dressed in just his cotton robe, and my heart jumped when I saw him.
-Hey! I thought you’d be caught up with work all night- I couldn’t help getting happy.
-There’s not much to discuss tonight- he walked to sit in front of me in a slow pace, taking a hand to delicately caress my cheek. I was already caught in his intense gaze –You weren’t hurt?
-No, I’m fine- I smiled at him –And you? You’re not too tired? Have you eaten yet? – I was about to offer getting something, when he grabbed my wrist stopping me from moving.
-That’s not important- he said with a serious expression, leaving me confused –What I want is for us to finish our game of Go.
-Excuse me? – I wasn’t sure where he was going to, but it soon hit me –Is there something you want to claim? I already told you…
-It’s not a part of you that I intend to claim tonight- he interrupted me again, so I decided to let him have his say –You wanted me to talk about my feelings, and this is what I know. In the beginning, I thought you’d be good to cure my boredom. I figured once you gave yourself to me, I’d let you go. But now I’m aware that won’t do. I’ve already had you and it helped me realize that your body is not enough for me.
I worried for a moment that perhaps this meant I wasn’t enough –What else do you want?
-I want you- his expression tightened. I could see it was hard for him to say that, and my heart pounded hard in my chest –Tonight, when I defeat you, I want you to hand over everything to me, heart, body and soul.
I had a momentary flashback of our horse ride when he told me something similar; “it wasn’t your body I was interested in. It was you”. He truly meant that. He’s been wanting me the same way I did him.
So there was room for me in his mind.
-You’re upping the ante, then- I was happy to know that –But you still don’t need the game for it. I meant what I said, whatever you ask for is yours.
I smiled at him and he gave me a look full of passion. He was surprised that I was willing to hand it all to him. Even after everything that we’d done and said, he didn’t realize how I felt about him. Because he never cared for someone before, never knew what it’s like to have such strong emotions, the only way he could express his feelings was with these clumsy words.
I sighed realizing just how out of practice he was, despite the cool, know-it-all image he tried to give, when he was finally faced with love, he was helpless. I had to show him he wasn’t, that I was there to give him a hand, always.
I grabbed his face and kissed him slowly, breathing with desire. I tasted his lower lip and stared close at his hazel eyes when we parted –I told you last night, Nobunaga. You won. You’ve already conquered everything about me. That’s why you don’t need the game anymore.
-Mia…- his voice was soft as I held his face in my hands –No, you’ve defeated me and taken something of mine. You conquered my heart.
I was taken aback by his confession. I didn’t expect him to say such thing, didn’t think I’d get to hear those words so soon. I had no idea what I’d done to earn it, but all I cared about was seeing that there were no more doubts in him, which meant there was no reason for me to hesitate either.
He smiled for me and I took a second to appreciate his handsome face, his light expression. I realized my eyes were a bit teary with joy and laughed a little. My love for him was overflowing in my chest.
He pulled me to his lap, holding me tenderly. The sudden closeness lit up a heat in me and his impassioned gaze turned it into a bonfire –I’ve never felt this way before. For the sake of my ambition I’ve taken hundreds of lives, and I will take countless more. I don’t deserve to feel this warm or to have these feelings- his frown got deeper, troubled by his own thoughts –But even knowing that, I want to hold you. I want to touch you. I can’t stop myself.
I sighed hearing the desire printed in his voice. He didn’t just become cold because of his goal. He thought that after all he’d done, he simply wasn’t allowed to pursue anything else, and the thought of that made me sad.
I shook my head –I don’t care what either of us deserves. We’re here now, we’re alive and all I want is for you to have me, all of me- I held him in my hands –I’m already yours, Nobunaga. And I’m here whenever you need me.
“Whatever it is that makes you happy, take it. Anything that I can give you, I will. Because I know that it will also make me happy. I’ve always loved each and every one of your conquests. And now I also love you, I’m sure that’s a plus”.
-Mia…- Nobunaga whispered my name so lovingly, I thought I’d melt right there. And then, he showed me a content smile –I’ve stumbled upon a truly amazing woman. I won’t hold back anymore.
I returned his smile before we finally kissed. I let the essence of him occupy all of my senses. He was so quick to meet my tongue with his, to hold me so strongly, the only thing filling my body was a desire that made all of my skin utterly sensitive. I had a sense any place he touched or kissed now, would make me moan without filter.
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“Te extraño” Oda Nobunaga x MC.
Recibí mucho apoyo sobre hacer mi cuenta de headcanons en español. Estoy un poco nerviosa. No sé si lo estoy haciendo bien. No entiendo cómo publicar contenido sobre esto. Por los momentos publicaré mis pequeños desastrosos trabajos, se los dejó con mucho cariño. 
“Te extraño”  terminó de escribir en su carta que pronto sería entregada a Nobunaga por uno de sus vasallos. 
MC estaba emocionada, Nobunaga le había dicho que esta sería su última batalla, después irían juntos a unas vacaciones largas a nuevos países que soñaban visitar. 
Mientras su esposo había estado en una batalla cerca de Asakura, donde después le tomaría 1 semana en regresar, ella había pasado todo este tiempo en el mercado comprando y haciendo nuevos Hakamas con la cresta del clan, de diferente tonos oscuros, tal y como los prefería. 
Mc siempre se le encogía el corazón verlo vestir uno de sus trabajos. No importaba si alguien también usaba sus prendas, mientras siempre fuera él, no podía pedir nada más en el mundo.
Siempre que pasan tiempo a solas es muy importante para Nobunaga, el Lord siempre estaba ocupado en batallas o en consejos de guerra, por eso pasar tiempo con su amada esposa era preciado y le molestaba ser interrumpido. Como esa vez cuando Hideyoshi los interrumpió en medio de una sesión de besos apasionados que estaban a punto de pasar a más.
MC se sonroja al recordar ese día con su esposo, pero se le escapa una sonrisa al recordar la cara de Hideyoshi por haberlos interrumpido, su castigo había sido lavar los platos de todo el castillo por una semana. 
Su atención regresó a su alrededor donde pasaba al lado de un mercader vendiendo diferentes tipos de dulces cuando visualizo los Konpeito. Nobunaga siempre actuaba como niño por sus dulces preferidos, siempre escondiéndolos para que no se los quitemos. 
¨Tierno¨ susurro para si misma, levantando  las bolsas de los dulces y dejándolos en su lugar.
-Llevaré 5 bolsas- le dijo con una sonrisa en su rostro al mercader mientras su dama le pegaba por estos. 
-Princesa, su esposo estará emocionada por los dulces- le comentó su dama, sonriéndole mientras guardaba los dulces y seguían caminando alrededor. 
Mientras miraban un poco más varios puestos de tela a MC la seguían 4 guardias y 2 damas. Nobunaga le había pedido que dejara que sus soldados mejores entrenados se quedaran a protegerla, no quería perderla, seguía siendo su amuleto de la suerte, pero quería ese amuleto le durara toda la vida. Mc al principio estaba reacia a aceptar, pero después de unos juegos de Go donde cada vez que perdía la seduciria un poco más hasta que cediera. Cedió.
Mc se quedó en silencio mientras miraba la tela rosa de un kimono que le resultaba muy familiar, es el mismo que usó esa noche, se hundió en sus pensamientos. 
Lo primero que Nobunaga reclamó esa noche, fue su cuello. Al principio este dejaba pequeños besos juguetonas mientras le susurraba las cosas que quería hacerle, recuerda su dulce voz y la lujuria en sus ojos. Después de jugar un rato con ella, regresaron al juego, donde esta vez MC logró ganar. 
-¡Lo hice! ¡Te gané!- se puso de pie para celebrar, Nobunaga se quedó en silencio mientras tomaba un sorbo de sake con una sonrisa pícara en sus labios. ¿Tal vez la dejó ganar?
-La clases de Mitsunari debieron ser muy buenas- Le dice atrayéndola a él. La sostiene en sus brazos, la calidez de su pecho. Ella lo mira con la misma picardía y lujuria con la que él la miraba, ella no era tonta.
Se acercó a su oído, apretando su cuerpo mientras él sonreía, se escuchaba a Nobunaga gruñir. 
-Yo también tomaré tu cuello- le susurró antes de empujar al Lord  sobre su futón y  empezar a besar su cuello apasionadamente, solo lo podía escuchar jadear y gruñir mientras lucha contra el mismo para no romper las reglas del juegos. 
-M-mc…- le pidió entre jadeos. Sus ojos se abrieron sorprendidos cuando sintió los mordiscos. Su cuerpo se tensó, cerró los ojos con fuerza, aún tratando de controlarse pero a la 3era mordida, no pudo más y tomó a Mc de los hombros tirando de ella suavemente al suelo, una mano en su rostro y el otro atrás de su cabeza, para evitar lastimarla. 
-Nobu-nobunaga…- Le susurró entre besos.
-No cariño, has roto las reglas, sabes lo que viene después…- le mordió el cuello- pero voy a reclamar mis otros dos lugares.- Dijo mientras metía sus manos por arriba y abajo del kimono medio abierto de MC.
-¡Princesa!- la voz de un guardia del castillo que venía corriendo hacia ella, la sacó nuevamente de sus pensamientos. Había pensando sobre Nobunaga otra vez. Lo extraña con pasión. Ha estado fuera por un mes, su mente lo sabía a la vez que su cuerpo. Regresó su vista al guardia, alejando los pensamientos. 
-Lord Nobunaga ha mandado una carta para usted- le ofreció el papel que traía en sus manos, MC lo tomó con rapidez con mucha emoción, el nombre de su amado estaba en esta, su letra, donde en algún momento había estado su calidez. 
-¡Qué emoción, princesa! ¿Regresamos al castillo para que pueda leer la carta de Lord Nobunaga en su habitación?- Mc asintió, caminando a toda prisa con la carta presionando en su pecho y la sonrisa tonta en su rostro.
Una vez en la mansión, corrió hasta la habitación que compartía con su amado. Sin darse cuenta tenía pequeñas lágrimas de emoción al estar a segundos de leer su carta. 
“Mis vasallos me han contado que estás bien.
He escuchado que has estado cuidando del castillo, como toda una princesa Oda. 
Estoy tan agradecido de tenerte en mi vida. 
Solo te pediré una cosa, mi amor. Que me saludes en la entrada cuando regrese. Quiero tener conmigo tu calidez, no sabes las ganas que tengo de besarte y hacerte mia otra vez.
Mi pecho quema al pensar en ti, cuando te sujete una vez más, no te dejaré ir. 
Te amo, Mc”
Nobunaga regresaría en una semana, ya había conquistado la mayor parte de Asakura. Sus vasallos harían el resto. Solo quería regresar a la mansión. Regresar a sus brazos. 
Lo que pasó después en una noche mientras descansaba en su tienda, había cabalgado más de 21hrs, estaba cansado, destrozado pero nadie lo tenía previsto. Uno de los vasallos más cercanos de Nobunaga, había aprovechado el cansancio del Lord para atacarlo en traición. Una revuelta. 
Ya imaginan el resto. No existe el inicio sin el final. A veces el intervalo es largo y hermoso. Pero la vida es cruel y no siempre será como queremos. 
Lamentablemente, esta historia es así. 
“Te extraño” susurro mientras le daba un pequeño beso a la lápida de su esposo y dejaba una bolsa de Konpeito al lado. 
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The Devil’s Wife
Yes! Even I can’t believe how fast I’ve been moving with this fic, but I guess I was inspired. I’ve been DYING to post this chapter so I really hope you guys like it. You can read the full version in Ao3 and also in his POV. 
I just liked Nobu’s version a bit better so that’s why today the sneak peek is in his pov. Enjoy!
Pairing: Nobunaga x OC
Warning/s: Some lime in this chapter ;)
8-Jealousy (His P.O.V.)
-Enough of this- I grabbed the goban and put it aside. It must’ve been the least satisfying game we ever had, so I stared back at her frowning –I’m disappointed.
–Sorry I just heard someone may be trying to stab you in the back, and got distracted.
-But it wasn’t me you were concerned about, right? It was Hideyoshi.
There was no point in denying it. Her whole story was full of comments about him. She mentioned his name so many times, I lost count.
I grabbed her hand, bringing her bright eyes back to me –How could you be concerned with him when you’re here with me? He doesn’t need your worry. He’ll work things out whether you think about him or not.
She stuttered -Why, yes but it’s normal for me to be worried when a friend is in a bad situation.
-It doesn’t matter. I don’t like the fact that you’re interested in other men.
“Since when does her attention wander so much? Does she always think about other men when she’s not with me? Is this the first time she does it while we were together?” I was suddenly filled with an urge to know everything that went through her mind. I had wondered about it before, thinking I’d find thoughts that revealed new things about her character, her story. But if they were about other men, then it was a different tale.
-I wouldn’t call it “being interested”- she replied -And since when do you care so much?
-Because tonight you’re here with me.
I locked eyes with her. Staring motionless into her blue gaze, I tried to fathom what was going on behind it, where her thoughts were taking her. She was still, glancing only at my eyes. The depth in her look drew me closer. I needed to ensure she remained that way, so I took my hands to her tiny waist, pulling her into my arms. She let out a soft gasp, but didn’t mover her face away.
-You said you wanted to understand me. Then look at me.
“Just last night you claimed my thoughts. You demanded I shared them with you, so that you could understand my reasons. Then why did you let yours be stolen by someone else? How is that a fair treatment?”
I kept my eyes on hers, but could still notice the blush in her cheeks, her opened mouth that drew me to her lips. I fought the urge to stare at them, and yet she soon looked away.
-You’re going against my command already? That’s brave of you.
She was alarmed –N-no! I just… ah!
I pushed her to the carpet, and seeing how she refused to lay down, I positioned myself in a way that gave her no escape. I felt compelled to put my hand on her face, making sure her gaze would be fixated on me.
-Look at me.
This time, she obeyed. She put her eyes on me, and didn’t move them. I tried to shut down my senses, ignore everything that wasn’t her deep blue look on me. The warmth that radiated from her body, flowing into my hand, threatened to invade my mind. The way her neck moved when she swallowed, and her lips trembled slightly. I could see some despair in her face. Her hands were on my shoulders, as if ready to push me away.
–How much more do you want me to look at you?
-I don’t know- I truly didn’t. Because no matter how much I thought of it, no amount of time seemed like enough. I realized it wasn’t just her momentary attention that I wanted –How can I make you look only at me?
-Y-you can’t ask that!
-I can’t? – is there truly no way? Why? –You’re stubborn.
-I could say the same thing about you.
I sighed, troubled by her rebellious attitude that I always found entertaining, but tonight, was only bringing me sorrow –Come to think of it, I haven’t chosen my next conquest yet.
Since I couldn’t demand her eyes, my fingers were drawn to the territory I’d craved since our wedding. I ran my thumb over her lips, but she didn’t even seem to notice, so I pressed it, opening her mouth. She let out a sweet gasp that fed the fire inside me.
-Tonight, you will surrender this to me.
She trembled beneath me -W-why my lips?
-Because you keep talking back to me. Maybe if I close them, you’ll finally give me some peace.
“Maybe after I claim them, you won’t allow your thoughts to wander again.”
But she didn’t respond well. Her brows frowned and her eyes were filled with fire –I won’t stop talking just because you kiss me. If that’s your only reason, you might as well choose another spot.
“That was not our deal. Why would you try to go back on your promise?”
-Are you certain I should choose another?
“Are you truly going to deny me my claim? How much more do you plan on torturing me?”
-I… mmmm! – her answer was interrupted as I let my thumb enter her mouth slightly. I felt her tongue teasing me, making my finger wet before I traced her lips again. Her breath changed immediately, her eyes darkened with passion and surprise as she opened them.
-You look like you’re satisfied with this one.
“It’s obvious you enjoy this, so will you consent to my claim? Or are you going to make me wait even longer?”
-But… mmmm! – this time, she moaned loudly at the feel of my thumb. Her lips closed on it, sucking it, tasting it with her tongue. But it wasn’t that sensation what warmed me up. It was the look on her face, the sounds she made as a response to my stimulation. The way her breathing changed and her body burned with heat, a heat that was soon passed to me.
I took my thumb out, stroking her lips with the wetness she left on it. Her beautiful eyes opened, showing me the lust in them. Her pants left her opened mouth, drawing all my attention to it. “If you’re going to refuse, you shouldn’t look at me like that. It’s not helping to maintain my composure”.
-You still say no? Even when your eyes look that way?
She shivered in my arms –Nobunaga…
The whisper of my name, the expression in her eyes. There was no turning back -I told you, you can’t escape our deal.
I put my hand on the carpet, leaning into her blue gaze. The fear that she would reject me vanished as her hands went to the back of my head. I let myself drown in the sea that were her eyes, and my lips make the claim they so long desired.
I’d wondered countless times if her lips would escape mine when I took them. Now that I had them, there was no way I’d allow that to happen. A lovely cry came out of her mouth and like every time I claimed a part of her, the sound made me determined to get more.
-Hmmm! – she complained inside my mouth as my tongue explored her, deeply, passionately. The more she moaned, the more I wanted her to continue. I moved my head, finding a new angle, trying to calm my desire. But there was end to it when she cried in response –Mmmm.
Her lips struggled to follow my lead, and I let them try. I caught them with mine, again and again, giving her no escape. I felt her hands suddenly move to the sides of my head and I growled at the ticklish sensation, refusing to let her go in spite of it. She then grabbed my collar, pulling me closer, letting me know she didn’t want to stop either.
I let my kisses gradually slow down, without losing intensity. As much as my tongue explored her, my hunger didn’t drop. My desire for her burned as much as her hot body underneath me did. Then, she put her arms around me like a tender hug. My confusion grew, but her hand grabbed my hair again, and I knew she still wanted more.
I gave her what she asked for, in a pace that she was finally able to keep up with. I let myself focus on the way she was responding. Now that she grew silent, her body showed me how she felt. Her breathing was hard, her lips never ceased to look for mine, and her hand on my hair alternated between soft caresses and strong pulls.
I realized just how much I’d lost control, and felt troubled about it. I’d never allowed anyone to alter my composure, how did she achieve it with just a kiss? Was it the build up to this moment, or just her that made me behave like this? I didn’t know the answer, so I let her lips go and searched for one in her eyes.
I waited for her to speak, expecting her fiery protests. But despite what she declared before, she was silent. Her gaze filled with nothing but desire, one that I felt as well. Her hand on my cheek was hot like fire. My eyes fell on her lips, and she soon invited me to claim them once more. I took her invitation and caught her upper lip, savouring it like sweet candy. When we parted, I caught another glimpse at her eyes, the look in them that almost made me tremble. I knew then, my need of her was much stronger than I anticipated, that from this point on, I would struggle to keep my impulses under control.
I sighed before that realization –Tonight I shall be satisfied with this. But I won’t forgive that you to let your thoughts be stolen again.
I didn’t know what she did to me, how she managed to turn me into this, only that I would find no answer in staring at her, not when she looked at me like that. Instead, I demanded she served as my pillow again. Perhaps sleeping would help me clear my mind.
She put up no fight as I rested my head on her lap. I believed it would allow me to put my thoughts in order, but instead, I fell asleep in seconds. Another change she’d brought to me and that I had no explanation for. Rest had never come easy to me, let alone deep, undisturbed slumber. Yet, it always took over me as soon as I had her near. I had no clue how she did it, but I wasn’t keen on driving her away either. I wanted her at my side. I wanted the warmth she provided so effortlessly, to remain with me and only me. I’d allow her to be the only one to warm me, if that’s what it took.
“I won’t let you leave me, Mia. I need to keep you near until I can figure out what it is that you cause on me, that no one else is able to”.
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The Devil’s Wife
Here’s another sneak peek for my new fic, make sure to check it out here.
Pairing: Nobunaga x MC
Warnings: None
-You should get some  rest - Nobunaga said, sounding more commanding than worried, but I was starting to get used to it -Tomorrow you’ll start your new job.  
I paused before that -My new job?  
-You said you wanted to help in the kitchens, didn’t you?  
-Oh- I thought he’d forgot about it -Why, yes. I’d love to.  
-Then, be ready. I’m looking forward to tasting things  I’ve never tried before .  
I  couldn’t believe he even remembered my exact words. His memory was quite impressive, and I also got the sense I’d have to be more careful with anything I said.  
Happy to know I’d get to do what I liked, I  got up and stretched a little while  walking  to my futon. I noticed there was only one on the floor again, and  looking at him , Nobunaga didn’t show any intentions of following my actions.  
-Aren’t you going to sleep?  
-I  wasn’t planning to - he said, then smiled at me again  -Unless you wish for me to join you.  
I tilted my head with disapproval -Of course not. But you fought a battle and we travelled quite a lot today. You shouldn’t stay up too late.  
- There’s no need to be concerned about me .  I rarely sleep.  
-What? Everyone needs to sleep. Conqueror or not, you’re still human- as I talked, I went to take another futon from the shelves. I had asked  the maids  that morning to show  me  where they kept them, in case Nobunaga ever had the idea of  getting into  mine.  
-If you want me to sleep, then you’ll have to warm my bed. I can’t sleep alone- his smirk made it clear he was looking for something, but all he was going to get were trouble.  
I smiled with  false  tenderness -Is that so?  Then  I’ll  show how to . In- I pointed at the futon and tried to use my most demanding voice. Since I was nearly half his size, I didn’t think it would work. Yet, he surprised me by obediently approaching and laying down.  
-Now what? You won’t expect me to simply fall asleep- he was on his bed, with only his head poking out.  I tried not to laugh at the way he resembled a little child, but even with my exhaustion, I just couldn’t resist the idea.  
-In that case, I  wi ll tell you a bedtime story to help you.  
-It might take some time to get it- he teased me -And you look tired. Don’t you think it would be easier  to  join me?  
-I’m not joining you, and you can’t stay up all night.  
-I certainly can. I’ve done it many times. Something tells me you can’t say the same thing about yourself.  
I   narrowed my eyes   and  took a deep breath. He showed no sign of trying to force me, he thought it would happen because he told me to. I could see he liked to act on logic, so I should use logic against him.  
-Very well, I’ll join you- I said  contently while laying on my own futon.  
-What are you doing? – he asked with curiosity.  
-What you asked me to. I’m going to sleep as well.  
He left out a chuckle and I defied him to make a  comeback  for that -If you’re going to sleep in your own bed, then I will get there.  
I jumped in alert , even though he didn’t move  -You wouldn’t.  
-What would you do about it?  
“Alright, Mia, just calm down. Use logic”.  
-You  take pride on winning battles, right?  Tonight, you want me to  sleep with  you, but if you’re the one who comes to my bed, that would mean you lost.  
-Oh? – he seemed to be  considering  the idea -I suppose you’re right.  
I smiled with satisfaction, and turned around to finally get some sleep, when he spoke again.  
-Then, if you don’t  come to my bed , I won’t sleep  at all .  
I angrily turned to him -You can’t go a whole night without sleeping!  
-So, what will you do? – he smirked with arrogance, knowing he had me beaten. I tried to think of another solution, but it was hopeless. My head couldn’t come up with any ideas. I grunted in frustration and  after a lot of internal complains,  very reluctantly moved to his futon.  
-You remember our deal, right? – I asked -No  hands on  unconquered territory.  
-I remember  it  well- he looked completely satisfied  with  getting what he wanted, and I told myself I’d get back at him once I got some rest. I laid down with my back towards him and closed my eyes ready to fall asleep, when suddenly he  hugged me .  
-Hey! We had a deal!  
-And I’m following it. I’ve put no  hands on  unconquered territory.  
I  tried to  process that and realized his hand was on the one he had conquered, and the other was nowhere near me. So, technically, yes. He was following our deal. I didn’t put any rules against cuddling after all.  
I grunted again  -You better not get the idea of making this a habit.  
I could feel him release a soft chuckle  on my hair  and then hold me tighter -Just go to sleep, fireball.  
“Fireball?”. God, he’s impossible. I swore that as soon as I recovered my energy, I’d make sure to  put him in his place .  He was seriously a child. A very  spoiled one.
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The Devil’s Wife
Here’s another sneak peek to my new fic. Just like in the game, I chose to write a few scenes from his p.o.v. as well. Make sure to check it out on Ao3, and feel free to make requests for future chapters!
Pairing: Nobunaga x MC
Warning(s): Teasing.
2.5-Wedding night (His P.O.V.).
Now, we were finally left alone. I let her stay at the tenshu because my nights were always long, silent and boring. Even just having her sleeping while I sat at the balcony would surely be good enough company.
-Why did you insist you’d agreed to the match, despite being so scared? – I chose to speak in her own language, so that she would understand exactly what I said.
-Well, Akabori threatened to throw me to the bandits if I didn’t agree. I got the feeling he’d blame me and do it all the same if you refused me.
-You’ve got good survival instincts, then- she was clearly a fighter, it was the only way she could’ve survived a trip from England. It made me curious to see how far she would take it. I had another sip at my cup, and decided to check what kind of reaction she’d have -Now, to your wife duties.
-Oh, wow! Uhm…- she tried to walk away from me. So she wouldn’t submit easily. Good -Yes, about that. I actually had a few suggestions, I thought maybe we could strike a deal.
Her back finally hit the railing, and I pressed her by putting my hands to her sides. Her blue eyes shone with the light of the moon. They were almost stars on their own. Her body felt warm against mine, and her lips looked slippery from her drink. It tempted me to try and see if they would slip away from mine.
-What kind of suggestions? – I asked, intrigued about her answer.
-Uh, well… I’m very good at making sweets. Perhaps I could work in the kitchen or something. Make your food, maybe? – her clear nervousness continued to amuse me, but I had better ideas for what we could do.
-I already have people who work in the kitchen- I answered -If you want to make a deal, you’ll have to offer me something only you can do.
She jumped at the comment -I can assure you I could do things you’ve never tried before.
I was interested in what she was suggesting, but there would be plenty of opportunities for that. And I was hungry already.
-If that’s the best you can offer, I’ll select your job instead. You will be my cup.
She stared at me in confusion, and I took the cup from her hands -What?
-You’ll let me drink from your lips- I was ready to indulge myself, when she was brave enough to grab me. My curiosity grew.
-What? That is so weird. Why not just ask for a kiss?
She called me up on my intentions without hesitating. It was as if she had no idea she was talking to a lord, which I found almost fascinating. Even my vassals that had served me for years didn’t speak to me with such lack of formality.
-You don’t hold back your tongue, do you? Very well, then- I put the cup to a side and leaned into her -Kiss me.
Her whole body was tense, I could almost hear the engines in her head turning. She was determined to use her brain to get out of situations she didn’t like, and I was eager to see what she would come up with. If she was truly resolved to refuse me.
-How about a hug? – she opened her arms and gave me a forced smile. I stared at her in complete disbelief. That was her solution?
I could not hold my laughter -You’re really entertaining, woman. I knew I was choosing well.
Now, I was resolved. She relied on her brain to get what she wanted, so I should test it, as well as her persistence to not giving up. And I had just the perfect idea.
-If you won’t submit to me despite our marriage, then you’ll have to make a bet with me- I searched among my stuff for the goban -Are you familiar with Go?
-The board game? I’ve seen it but I never played, why?
-I’ll teach you how to play, and this will be our deal- I put the board on the floor, and two bowls with stones. I’d decided I wanted her, but mostly I wanted to see how long it would take to make her surrender -Every time you lose, I will claim a part of your body as my own. That means I’m able to touch or kiss it. I will take no pleasure in using force. So I’ll have you willingly submit to me, piece by piece.
She seemed to be shocked at first, and then oddly relieved.
-And if I win? – she asked.
It was funny she considered that possibility, but also interesting. I was hoping to see how she would behave in order to win -You may ask for whatever you want.
She raised an eyebrow at me -Like, anything at all?
-Yes. You can even ask to go back to your land, and I shall allow it.
-Wait, you would let me go if I asked?
-If you can defeat me, you would have earned it- her shock was so notorious, it made me smirk -Now sit.
Her mind was clearly still trying to process everything, but she obediently sat before me, and listened to my explanations.
-Did you understand?
She nodded -I think I got it.
The game didn’t last long, yet I could see the way she tried to up a fight. She even held some territory in the end, which was surprising for a beginner. But she wasn’t happy at all.
-Hey! Couldn’t you go a bit easy on me? I’m just an amateur! – there was her informality again. I truly enjoyed it.
-I’ve never gone easy on anyone. Not in Go and not on the battle field. Now, to our deal- I grabbed the delicate hand she had been playing with. Her fingers looked so long as she placed her stones, I was eager to feel them -Tonight, I’ll take this. Starting from now, your hand is mine.
It felt as soft as I expected it. Cold from the night air, but warming up utterly soon as I kissed it. First the back of it, then to her fingertips. Her skin was almost silky, it made me want more, so I used my tongue to taste it. Suddenly, she gasped louder.
-A good reaction- I smiled satisfied, and she frowned at me.
-Yes, well, you’ve had your laugh. Can we move on now?
-Move on to what?
-I want a rematch– she said, and I lifted my head in surprise. She wasn’t just refusing me anymore, she was ready to defy me. She showed even more of a fighting spirit than I anticipated.
-You’re eager for me to make my next my claim already?
-You have to beat me first.
She was so clearly upset and determined. The fire in her eyes fascinated me -Then, let’s get on with it.
I let go of her hand, and we got ready for another game. She was more focused than before, and I was astonished when she maintained even more territory than the previous time. I thought perhaps she could defeat me someday. Luckily, today was not it.
-I win- she growled at her loss, but remained silent. This time, I moved the board to a side -Now, come closer.
Mia had amazed me beyond comparison, I decided to take things further. She hesitated to walk towards me, but gave up in the end. As soon as she was near enough, I grabbed the hand I’d conquered, and pulled her to my lap.
-Oh! – she supported herself on my shoulders, leaving her face so close to me, I could feel her breath. It tempted me to steal it away, but there was a spot that had caught my interest even more.
-For your bravery in asking for a rematch, this time I’ll take this- I traced the curve of her neck. Her hair was tied up, leaving it completely unguarded, and whether she realized it or not, she had been leaning hear head back many times, as if showing it off. Yet, she trembled at my touch -You’re blushing and I haven’t even started.
-I’m not! You’re just—Hey! – I kissed the spot I’d set my eyes on, and she jumped.
-Quiet. I’m enjoying the fruits of my victory- the sound of her voice was most enticing, but the sounds of pleasure she could make were what I was searching for.
I started with short kisses, just feeling the softness of her skin. She sounded more in control than before, but not for long. My mouth was getting hot with the desire to taste her, so I indulged it. I opened it and let my tongue run through her skin. Mia gripped my shoulders even tighter and began panting. I could feel her giving up to me as she moved her head, granting me more room to savour her. The taste of her was better than I imagined, but the feel of her softness was just as good. I made my kisses shorter again, and as I moved down, she jumped like she had been abruptly woken up.
-Okay, that’s enough- she said.
“Trying to escape now?”. I hadn’t yet gotten what I wanted though, so I bit her neck slightly, sucking on her skin. Finally, she made a sound that wasn’t just breathing. “So that’s how the bird sounds when it sings?”.
-I think I can see why- I kissed the mark I left on her, pleased to know she’d be carrying it for a while -It seems I chose well.
It was too late, suddenly I didn’t want her to fight anymore. I moved to the other side of her neck. She was gasping softly, so I went for more. Every time she grew quiet or tried to move away, I tightened my grip on her, tasted her all the more eagerly. Her breath turned into pants, and for a moment I thought she would moan again. I was determined to making her do so, and then she spoke.
I could feel her so hot in my arms, before realizing I was almost the same. I’d enjoyed that more than I thought, and was reluctant to end it just yet.
-Is that what you want? – I whispered in her ear, and felt her hold back a gasp. I was already considering my next conquest.
-Yes- despite her heavy breathing, she spoke firmly, and I went to meet her face again, anxious to see the emotions she was unable to hide. It was almost red in fluster, yet her eyes were full of determination. Her expression was far more serious than I expected.
-I wonder if all my conquests will be this pleasurable.
-It will not be that easy for you, you know?
-We’ll have plenty of time, and I’m looking forward to it- that’s why I married her, so we wouldn’t need to rush. I grabbed her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles, trying to get another reaction out of her -It’s been a fine wedding night, you have my praise.
I thought maybe she’d give up now, but she surprised me by letting a sigh out and immediately rising from her place. It looked like things wouldn’t be easy, which I was pleased to know. It would all be too boring otherwise, and now I expected a lot of entertainment with her by my side. Perhaps the so long nights would finally get shorter as she fills in the hours.
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