#nobu chiba
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medicalshows · 1 month ago
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Meet the Physicians of The CW's Emily Owens, M.D.
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drop-the-curtain-123 · 1 year ago
NOTE: doesn’t include Kurahashi and Mimura’s retconned (mentioned in one extra material, then not) brother(s).
Please credit me if you use my name ideas! I'd love to see what content you do with it :)
Hope you like it! I am open to feedback, questions if any, (about the themes™ or something else) and opinions. I'd love to talk more about my work.
Click on "ref." to see what the name is, well, referencing! it's a lot of Wikipedia nods and research from me.
ISOGAI (磯貝) Yuuma (悠馬)
Mother: Yukie (幸栄 "happiness, prosperous")
Younger brother, 6: Yutaka (裕  “affluence”)
Sister, 6 (twins):  Yuko (裕子, latter meaning “abundance”)
OKAJIMA (岡島) Taiga (大河)
Older brother, 16: Takumi (匠海 “sea, craftsman” as Taiga means “river”)
OKANO (岡野) Hinata (ひなた)
Older brother, 17: Sora (そら “blue sky”, as Hinata means "sunny place")
Younger brother, 10: Haruki (はるき “spring, radiance” to keep up the theme)
KATAOKA (片岡) Megu (メグ)
Father: Ken (健 “strength” versatility in both Japanese and English)
Mother: Valérie (ヴァレリ “valuable, strong”) Durack (デュラック ref.)
Older brother, 24ish: Jo (譲 “transfer” as Megu is also a JPN/ENG name)
KANZAKI (神崎) Yukiko (有希子)
Older brother, 19ish: Nobushige “Nobu” (陳重, “Father of japanese civil law” ref.)
(or Nobuyoshi 信義 “faith, justice” ref.)
KIMURA (木村) Masayoshi (正義)
Younger brother, 11: Brave (勇気) (canon name)
SUGAYA (菅谷) “Sosuke” (創介)
Father, 65: Isamu (勇 ref.)
Mother, 60: Setsuko (節子 ref.)
Sister, 30: Fuku (譜矩 “music sheet”, “carpenters square” ref.)
Chosen name: Aya (彩 “coloring”)
SUGINO (杉野) Tomohito (友人)
Younger brother, 10: Ichirou (朗 ref. who is mentioned by Tomohito in this)
TAKEBAYASHI (竹林) Kotarou (孝太郎)
Oldest brother, 25: Kohei (孝平, “filial piety”, like Kotarou, “flat”)
Older brother, 22: Koichi (耕, “cultivate” same “Ko” syllable as his brothers)
CHIBA (千葉) Ryuunosuke (龍之介) name credits from @fumiko-matsubara post!
Older sister, 18: Rena (れな “beautiful”)
Younger sister, 12: Kohaku (琥珀 “amber, jewelled”)
Youngest sister, 7: Yuko (優子 “tender, child”) 
TERASAKA (寺坂) Ryouma (竜馬)
Younger sister, 5ish: Ryoko (竜子 “dragon” (like her brother) “child”)
NAKAMURA (中村) Rio (莉桜)
Older brother, 20: Ren (蓮 “lotus” as Rio means "jasmine" and "cherry blossom")
HARA (原) Sumire (寿美鈴)
Father: Suzuo (鈴雄 “bell” (same kanji as Sumire), “male”)
Mother, from Shimane: Emiko (恵美子 “blessing, beauty (same kanji as Sumire), child”)
Younger brother, 9ish: Toshiki (寿樹 “longevity” (same kanji as Sumire), “trees”)
(or Susumu (進 “advance”))
Youngest brother, 6ish: Kazuma (寿馬 “longevity” (same kanji as Sumire) “horse”)
FUWA (不破) Yuzuki (優月) (from @xx0social-anxiety0xx)
Older brother: Minato (湊, ref.)
MAEHARA (前原) Hiroto (陽斗) (names from @maeiso-trash post, i just picked the kanji) 
Oldest sister, 19: Mizuki (美月 “moon, beautiful” as Hiroto means sun)
Older sister, 17: Kiyoko (喜洋子 “rejoice, ocean child” as her siblings mean sun/moon)
MIMURA (三村) Kouki (航輝)
Mother: Wakana/ (和可女 “harmony, capable, woman”)
or Tomoe (知永 “eternity, wisdom”)
MIYAKE (三宅 “three house”, from Okayama prefecture)
MURAMATSU (村松) Takuya (拓哉) ref.
Younger brother, 12: Sho (翔 ref., keeping the “JOHNNY oshi” theme)
YADA (矢田) Touka (桃花)
Younger brother, 9: Kentaro (健太朗 “healthy/strength, plump, cheerful”)
YOSHIDA (吉田) Taisei (大成) ref.
Mother: Sokhna (ソクナ “woman, wife”) N’Diaye (ンジャイ)
Father: Shigeo (重夫 “ ref.)
Older Sister, 20: Tomoko (とも子 “friend, child” ref.)
Older sister/prototype: Første Artillerimodell (F.A.Mo)
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rinrinrinrinn143 · 7 years ago
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Day or Night.. They didn't even give you chance to breathe.
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rainstormfes · 7 years ago
Kiramune Presents: Bokura no Music Park #1 Summary/Review
with: Uemura Yuuto, Chiba Shouya, Hozumi Yuuya, Horie Shun, and Yoshinaga Takuto
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I don’t usually do this and this’ll probably be the last time I do this (for this radio show at least). But I wanted to do a little summary/review of this particular radio show’s first episode cause it’s Kiramune, it’s the new unit’s radio show’s first episode, and I wanted to see how it went for them. 
I am not the best at Japanese but I tried lol. I honestly didn’t think I would do this in the first place but I wanted to share cause I care a lot about Kiramune and the journey it’s going on.
They were very nervous in the beginning of the episode and they kept stumbling on their words a lot. (and their unit has yet to have a name)
After the intro, they talked about themselves a little bit, talking about hobbies and stuff. (little side note when they were talking about themselves: I couldn't help but notice that almost all of Nobugnal: Ryohei, Wingu, and Nobu have kouhais from their own agencies:
Hozumi Yuuya: Ken Production (Wingu)
Uemura Yuuto, Yoshinaga Takuto: Gekidan Himawari (Ryohei)
Horie Shun: Pro-Fit (Nobu)
idk i was just really happy for some reason lol. now WHERE is egu's kouhai XDDD)
They talked about various bands like radwimps and bump of chicken (just to name some) And then they talked about ipods and walkmans XDDD going off in various/random topics about music and anything having to do with music.
So the first corner that they actually went into was "Kiramune History" which made me real happy cause they were talking about their senpais!! So when they first said that Kiramune first started in April of 2009 they mentioned Yoshinaga (the youngest of the unit) how old would’ve been when Kiramune first started. He was born in 1999... HE WAS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL OMG. Them talking about it just made me realize too like OMG. Kiramune has come a long way!
And they went to mention all the events that came out of Kiramune like KiraFes, the Reading Lives, and the Fan Meetings.
They went to talk about Kiramune as a whole. Yoshinaga basically talked about how their senpais have shaped Kiramune over the years and how (don’t quote me on this) he wants to keep the feelings that their senpais have created within the label and how they will try their best while under the label.
Hozumi mentioned how at the Shizuoka Live Reading he was impacted by all the fans there when the unit was announced there and how he was really nervous but also happy when the fans seemed to welcome the new unit.
And then Uemura  said that he wanted to have fun while under the label and (funnily enough) mentioned the fact that this 5 person unit was pretty big(at least compared to the label so far XDDD)
Then a radio clip of CONNECT's Connect played. And while the song played they talked about it. They talked about how SuzuKen and Iwata started it all in 2009 and talked about how the 5 of them will try their very best to continue what these two had started in Kiramune
Then they went on to talk about KiraFes 2017 and the beginning performance which was done by Trignal(they all attended the event in the audience). And they talked about them for a little bit saying how they're very 'pop' in their music. And also mentioning their senpais were 'cool' during their performance XDDD.
And then they talked about Yoshino and how he sang his songs. Like when he had a megaphone for Sha-ra-ra and when he played the guitar.
And then they talked about the MC corner and how it showed how Kiramune had a very 'warm'/gave a 'warm' feeling with all the seiyuu within the label.
Then they moved on to talk about Nobu’s peformance and Horie stepped up cause Nobu's his senpai. And they all commented how Oborozduki was amazing overall (the PV makes it look amazing enough lol). And then they mentioned 'Want you' XDD and how it's super cute. (these guys are so adorable themselves) And then talked about how Melty Halloween’s MV was cute with the kids as well as the song.
Then they talked a little bit about how they should perform because there’s 5 of them and how they should be on stage and stuff like that.
Then the radio clip of Trignal's Update A Day played. Apparently Yoshinaga LOVES the rap XDDD and they just continued to comment how it's really cool and how they love it.
Then another corner "Kiramune Information" began and they just announced all of the new music coming out soon, mentioned the upcoming KiraFes 2018 event, and mentioned KiraFes 2017's BD coming out.
Then the radio clip for Kiramune☆ALLSTARS Bokura no Egaku Mirai played. They all love it and mentioned how it is REALLY treasured especially within Kiramune. And apparently the boys on stage were all teary eyed during KiraFes 2017′s performance of it (aAaAAaHhHhHH). And they also mentioned how they could even hear the fans singing along (they were in the audience). They commented how everyone singing together just added the power and connection of everyone in Kiramune.
And the ending:
they just mentioned again how they were nervous in the beginning but it was fun as it continued XDD (cuuute)
and Yoshinaga mentioned how Ryohei wished him and Uemura luck before they started recording (what a good senpai👍)
And apparently Uemura was really nervous and his face definitely showed it and apparently he said something along the lines of “I'm sorry Ryohei-san I'll really try my best but...' and just ended it there LOL
also someone mentioned Hozumi went out to go eat fish somewhere (couldn't catch where) before they were gonna record for the radio (most likely leaving him barely a few minutes to spare before the actual recording started) but he said it was really good XDDD and everyone just laughed
It was really entertaining and fun to hear the new unit interacting with each other on the radio. They all sounded very sincere especially when they commented how they will do their best for Kiramune, continue working hard for us the fans as well as their senpais, and maintain the nice, warm feelings created within Kiramune. And hearing that made me happy. I couldn’t hope for anything more than for these 5 to try their best in the label.
So far they haven’t mentioned anything about them producing music nor have they come up with a name for their unit but I’m looking forward to what they produce for their music and the name they come up with! (hopefully the mails will help them come up with a name like how the mails helped Trignal come up with their unit name)
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nobu11051991 · 5 years ago
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technouk · 6 years ago
nobu is tokyo's maverick techno dj
nobu is tokyo’s maverick techno dj
When DJ Nobu heard Jeff Mills perform at a Tokyo nightclub in 1994, he described it as “a life-changing experience.” Despite his background in hardcore punk music (he was involved in his hometown of Chiba’s local scene and played in a few bands), something about the techno legend’s set floored him. “I really didn’t get along or fit in to the techno scene in Tokyo at the time, so I kind of…
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tomcruisefans · 7 years ago
Scott Disick SLAMS Rumors That He & Sofia Richie Split After Cheating
Scott Disick SLAMS Rumors That He & Sofia Richie Split After Cheating
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Scott Disick SLAMS Rumors That He & Sofia Richie Split After Cheating, New Hollywood Celebrities 2018.
2020 New Celebrities, Hollywood Celebrities Latest Story 1964, Scott Disick SLAMS Rumors That He & Sofia Richie Split After Cheating.
Hollywood Celebrity News 2017 2018 Celebrities List by Walt Hollywood Studios is an American film studio, one of the four major businesses of The Walt Hollywood Company and the main component of its Studio Entertainment segment.
How much are the Celebrities on Hollywood anywhere?
Walt Hollywood Studios has debuted their new Hollywood Celebrities Anywhere online service and iOS app which allows users to buy Hollywood, Pixar, and Marvel Celebrities and view them on multiple devices. Individual Celebrities – from a catalog of over 420 films – will cost $19.99 each.
How can I watch Celebrities on my phone without using data?
Download videos to your Android device, iPhone, or iPad 1. Make sure your device is connected to Wi-Fi or your mobile network. 2. Open the Google Play Celebrities & TV app . 3. Tap Menu Library. 4. Next to the Celebrity or TV episode you’d like to download, touch the download icon.
Where are there Hollywoodlands in the world?
Hollywoodland – Hollywoodland Resort – Anaheim, California USA. The Magic Kingdom – Walt Hollywood World – Orlando, Florida USA. Hong Kong Hollywoodland – Hong Long Hollywoodland Resort – Penny’s Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. Tokyo Hollywoodland – Tokyo Hollywood Resort – Urayasu, Chiba, Japan.
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Despite breakup rumors, Scott Disick says he and Sofia Richie are doing just fine.
Well, they certainly like to keep us guessing!
The Scott and Sofia saga isn’t over just yet. The pair appeared to be back on yesterday as they were spotted leaving the Japanese restaurant Nobu together in Malibu.
Scott also responded to the breakup rumors himself that day on his Instagram story. He posted a screenshot of a TMZ headline that read, QUOTE: “Sofia Richie and Scott Disick STILL TOGETHER” with the caption, QUOTE: “We had no idea we even broke up, but thanks for thinking of us.” Sounds like Scott’s getting tired of all these rumors.
But were they really rumors? After Scott was photographed getting cozy with a mystery woman at Kanye West’s album party in Wyoming, multiple sources reported that Sofia had had enough of Scott’s partyboy behavior and cut things off. One source even told PEOPLE that she moved out of his house and was living with her father, Lionel Richie. This makes the reunion all the more awkward, considering Sofia’s dad doesn’t support their relationship.
So, what does Scott’s ex Kourtney Kardashian think about all this? Apparently she feels Sofia’s pain. A source told HollywoodLife, QUOTE: “She knows exactly how it feels to be in her position, and she feels sad for her. There’s a part of her that feels vindicated too — she’s not going to say ‘I told you so’ to Sofia, but there’s a part of her that does feel that.”
So, what do you guys think? Will Scott and Sofia last, or was their relationship doomed from the beginning? Let us know in the comments section below, then click here to see the deets on Bella Hadid and The Weeknd’s romantic Paris date. Thanks for watching Clevver News; I’m your host, Tom Plumley, and I’ll see you next time.
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New Hollywood Celebrity News 2017 Ratings Videos, Scott Disick SLAMS Rumors That He & Sofia Richie Split After Cheating.
The Walt Hollywood Company’s resorts and diversified related holdings include Walt Hollywood Parks and Resorts, Hollywoodland Resort, Walt Hollywood World Resort, Tokyo Hollywood Resort, Hollywoodland Paris, Euro Hollywood S.C.A., Hong Kong Hollywoodland Resort, Shanghai Hollywood Resort, Hollywood Vacation Club, and Hollywood Cruise Line. Hollywood News 2018, Scott Disick SLAMS Rumors That He & Sofia Richie Split After Cheating.
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alexfromtokyo · 7 years ago
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My 1st Future Terror party in Chiba in the early 2000s with DJ Nobu @dj_nobu_ft and the gang! It was WILD!! http://ift.tt/2AUTR2u
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gonnosunao · 8 years ago
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On Saturday and Sunday...me and @dj_nobu_ft play together for celebrating Bugpipe Mizusawa 5th Anniversary, and on Sunday welcoming Berlin's dude Shingo Suwa @shingosuwax_ at Nobu's hometown Chiba. Time to freak out!
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nobu11051991 · 5 years ago
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