#nobody wishes mary had survived instead more than john winchester does!!!
lovetransaction · 1 year
imagine watching “something wicked” and your only thought coming away from it is “john is a big meanie who hates dean and is a jerk to his kids”. imagine the complete dearth of media literacy and ability to comprehend character that takes. imagine seeing the way JDM manages to convey john’s inner battle between his self-loathing for this being his boys’ life, and his terror for sam’s (and dean’s!) safety, and his mingled anger and disappointment about dean dropping the ball because it’s ultimately yet another way he’s failed as a parent. imagine not getting any of that and bumbling on your way thinking john was cruel to them on purpose and not just some damaged-as-fuck guy trying his utmost and realizing his boys might get out of this alive but he can’t get them out of it unscathed and that’s the best he can manage. the most he can give them is survival and brand name cereal and that’s about it
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