#nobody is immune to propoganda
whenever ppl are discoursing and their only major point is "but then X will do bad thing to Y!!!" understand that 99% of the time, 'X' is already doing that bad thing to 'Y' and theyre just using marginalized people for fear tactics to garner support from ppl who dont have knowledge on said topic at hand.
"if we let trans women use womens bathrooms men will dress as women and assault us in the bathroom!!"
men already assault women and get away with it on a horrifically conatant basis, they dont need to pretend to be trans to do that.
"if we accept neopronouns/neogenders, therians, and other gender weirdo's people will mock us and not take us seriously!!"
they already dont take us seriously and never have, this proves furthermore that the 'gender weirdos' are a vulnerable portion of our community we have failed in aiding. solidarity not segregation.
"if we defund and abolish the police then noone will stop crime!!"
people already commit crimes and cops do a pretty bad job at stopping it when it actually needs to be stopped (murder, rape, trafficking, mega-rich tax evasion, predators, right-wing terrorists etc)
"if we accept mspec lesbians then men will think they can have sex with or date lesbians!!"
again, men already do this and have been doing it for centuries. disregarding a huge chunk of our lesbian history and present because you refuse to see past your terf-bespeckled worldview is sad and dangerous to these very real people whom are apart of our community, eternally tethered.
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twokantonianlawyers · 5 months
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spkyscry-a · 1 year
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"Bloody ‘ell, th’ fook I end up now?”
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helreginn · 2 months
I love the Arc going on on this blog of reprehensible/wicked/evil men being like, "I am an asshole. I would do unspeakable things without regret. Oh, Hel is endangered because of me/my actions? Okay, maybe I have ONE regret."
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puppetmaster55 · 1 year
I really like tge idea of freak feral Shiro being terribly unhinged at flirting. Just-
Shiro: i just really like Lance, but i dont know what to say to him
Matt: Just go up to him and talk to him!
Shiro: And what say anything?
Matt: Anything
Shiro @ Lance: Your ass makes me forget about my year as a gladiator and my death
Lance won't stop grinning, and the next day he wears a shirt that says "you are not immune to propoganda" with blue booty shorts that reads "propoganda" across the ass. nobody knows where or how he got them. Shiro hasn't even noticed the shirt.
somewhere, in the background, Matt is slamming his head into a table
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lilbittymonster · 2 years
2 and 17 for the ffxiv ask? :3
2. How did they learn to fight? Have they learned other martial or magical arts since then?
Kitali learned how to fight from her father! He was a Gesi lancer who had to adapt to spearfighting instead of javelin techniques once they left the Steppe, but there's still a lot of Othardian polearm skills taught on the Steppes. When she was about 8 or so, he commissioned a blacksmith after a particularly well-paying job and made her her very first lance.
Since arriving in Eorzea, Kitali learned a great deal from the shinobi and rogues and uses those skillsets in tandem with her dragoon abilities. The DRK abyss powers she keeps to herself, nobody knows except Sid and Rielle and...the whole of the Brume but they won't snitch lol.
17. What do they think about the Empire? Did their feelings on the matter evolve over time?
Kitali h a t e s the Empire. Her father was killed by AWOL garleans turned highway bandits. She sees the horros of occupation everywhere she goes. When she gets to Eorzea, her opinion of "the only good garlean is a dead one" shifts slightly to "the only good Garleans are either defectors or dead" once she meets Cid and Lucia. Maxima is still on very thin ice, she's not too sure what to make of him yet. He's nice, though.
After Endwalker, though, I think she's going to have to sit down and process and sort through that Garleans are just people too, and are also not immune to propoganda. That whole arc really hit her upside the head.
Thanks for the asks @fantasmagoriam
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1ndulgences · 2 years
☆ finally with both engstars and jp enstats i can spread my madara agenda even further
☆ mama for the win >:DD
☆ ✨
nobody is immune to mama-propoganda..... i wonder if he will be popular with new players....? he is a fun character, to be sure......
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tamiddyinyourcity · 5 years
Truth hurts only when you're avoiding it, buddy
John: you're so fucking stupid and annoying, i bet thats why you talk to me, since nobody loves you huh? Not even your own family wants you around, I bet!
Me, calmly texting back while sipping my drink: people arent "blind sheep" as you say they are; you're not as immune to propoganda as much as you let yourself think, considering you spend all your money and free time on weed and paying thousands of dollars for shoes that you don't even wear.
John: g...god, just shut up, you stupidhead
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