sharp-rosee · 1 hour
there are, and I say this with 100% confidence, no flaws on any woman's body
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sharp-rosee · 1 hour
One of the only things I want to push back about the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Case case, is that rape victims who request female-only workers aren't "gender critical". Women in hospitals who ask for female nurses aren't being gender critical. Elderly women who request female carers aren't being gender critical.
They're just requesting a basic, single-sex service that is apolitical and has no ideology attached to it. This used to be like an ordinary thing women and girls could ask for without question.
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sharp-rosee · 1 hour
asexuals can enjoy sex believers go tell a straight man he should get another straight guy to blow him because he can just enjoy the pleasure and it doesn't matter if you aren't sexually attracted to the person. Does this make it clear how absolutely unenjoyable it would be to fuck someone you aren't sexually attracted to. Before someone screams acephobia I actually cannot give less of a fuck about your sexual attraction I just cannot stay quiet while people say the most insane shit and it stays in their echo chambers never examined by a sane person. Because this is insane.
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sharp-rosee · 4 hours
Men do not have the same associations with sex as women do, and they never will. Even a non-traditional socialization in men will not change this in the current society. At worst, men have performance anxiety and fear rejection, and that is it. That is the extent of their fucking woes. They don’t associate sex with disgust, lack of purity, or violation of their bodies. They don’t grow up thinking it’s something taken from them or something done to them. They aren’t afraid of being used for it, being used as a tool. They don’t grow up knowing that the images of them, their parts and their orifices are masturbated to, each time more degrading and violent than the last. This allows them to have a casual non-chalant approach to sex devoid of these additional emotional repercussions that come with engaging in it for us. They don’t grow up fearful to death of sex. They’re simply not afraid.
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
Men were raping and torturing women before pornography, and pornography just cultivated their taste for rape to the point where there isn't a single man alive who hasn't been exposed to porn, a man who hasn't satisfied himself to rape.
Porn was being produced from the invention of motion picture. Obviously porn has evolved to be more grotesque than we can ever imagine it to be - but to men, is it?
Would we have had Ted Bundy today without porn? Is the desire to hurt women a natural inclination, or is it implanted into male's heads by society?
How much is socialization when men created porn in the first place?
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
I feel like radblr is going through a major hijacking psy op attack. Right wingers and liberals (secret rightwingers who think theyre better than normal right wingers) are both creeping into the movement and are trying to adjust it to their liking.
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
Why do the standards of human health differ for women? They know that having sex you don’t want every day to survive isn’t healthy. They know that cultures where women’s bodies are highly controlled aren’t healthy. They know that a woman changing her appearance through surgery doesn’t come from good mental health.
They know how degrading and painful all of this shit is. They know that this causes pain. If someone imagines a man being put into these positions, they would sense the inherent horror of it. It’s just that they think women deserve it, that this is woman’s position in society. It’s too normal, the suffering women are put through, for people to recognize its wrongness. But it’s also so normal that I ask, how can you not recognize it?
Why do you view women’s pain differently? Are women not human enough for our pain to matter? Why are you being intentionally obtuse, denying the truth you know deep down?
Patriarchy demands that you deny truth. Feminism reveals truth. Within feminism, there is nothing to hide.
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
having a smart woman follow you back is so scary bc it’s like what if she finds out that im stupid
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
The way men just literally aren't built for leadership and don't actually know how to lead at all.
How many men do you hear complaining that their wife "bombards them the moment they step through the door"? Like they wanted all the glory of being called the "head of the household" but didn't expect to actually have to make decisions. Wouldn't a leader take the initiative and ASK his wife what she needs from him when he gets home?
Or the number of men who get pissed and refuse to give an answer when his wife asks when he'll be home or when he'll be done playing his video games--because she's just a nag, it definitely couldn't be that she literally needs to know so she can plan her night i.e. when to have dinner ready ect.
The just genuine lack of fucking care or respect for women's time or schedules is insane. The fact that they made women reliant on them on purpose only to become agitated and resentful when those women need them to do things.
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
what is instagram showing me. this was directly under mpreg silco
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
why do people think that disagreeing with their ideology means you dont want them to exist
i can criticize someone without wanting them to die
this whole “ideas are violence” mentality is getting to an orwellian point
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
Sooooo, I'm an itty-bitty bit confused. When did the terfs start calling themselves "gender critical". Like I'm so confused right now. You're not "gender critical" for saying that trans women are men and have no right to express their gender the same way many cis women do. Like no, our gender is not more based off of gendered products than the average cis woman's gender is. My mom has a collection of heels, and my dad says it's because she's a woman. But I've seen people who call themselves gender critical say that trans women doing the same are men dressing up and only base their gender off of stupid stereotypes. So, which is it? Are ya'll just transphobic or is my mom (a cis woman) just dressing up, playing into capitalism, and not a real woman?
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
Women are encouraged to waste hours of their time to get ready, to meticulously "fix themselves" with makeup in order to be presentable. This is by design, to prevent women from participating in public life.
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sharp-rosee · 15 hours
“But not all men are like that!”
You can be told of a man who is apparently such a gentleman, will help with everything and anything….he might even be a doctor….he might save kittens from trees….he might make prosthetic limbs…he might donate to charity…he might run a dog sanctuary…he might “act” respectful to women….he might be a psychologist, police officer, fireman, search and rescue, paramedic, a husband, a brother…and then at the end of the day, when no ones around, he goes home at night to watch videos of women being strangled,choked and beaten, and he thinks that’s completely fine.
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sharp-rosee · 16 hours
This article is 7 years old. Imagine the awful things that have been published since then.
i feel like a lot of feminist porn apologists have in mind, like, cute sexy scenes where the closest thing to violence is somebody’s ass getting smacked and then they don’t even think about what else is out there. is 90s softcore what they’re talking about when they say that it’s not hurting anybody and you can just not watch it if you don’t like it? do they think we object to nudity?
remember that literally nightmarish anti-porn article a few months ago that had horrifying screenshots that looked like they were produced by BTK? i’m not exaggerating. it was as stomach-turning as abu ghraib.
so i wonder if pro-porn feminists would be so positive about the industry if they had to acknowledge all of it. i wonder if pro-porn feminists would be as adamant if they had to actually articulate, “‘crying brutal forced painal’ and ‘stepdad abusing tiny bound teen’ are empowering and not misogynistic at all!!” because that’s only the tip of the iceberg of why porn is bad. that’s barely even disturbing in comparison.
i wonder if you can really understand how much of porn is women being tortured and still say it’s a good thing.
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sharp-rosee · 16 hours
Just a man being his "authentic self" dressed like a 5 year old girl.
He dresses as the object of his f@nt@sie$. P€rv€rts have so much power now that they don't have to hide.
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