#nobody cares v
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vhvrs · 6 months ago
i think if ur socially anxious n scared of shame, u should go out in public dressed weird by whatever meter of weird u got. it will be healing to see either how many ppl do not give a shit or say they like ur outfit. smallest flavor of self confidence booster i can offer
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faxxmodem · 9 months ago
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sounds kind of dumb when i say it but it's true--
i would do anything for you
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year ago
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i-eat-deodorant · 1 year ago
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(old doodles of slythor, overseer of anura and god of gluttony)
In their prime, Slythor ruled the lands of Anura with deceptive harmony, amplifying the voices of worship and stamping down any murmurs of dissent. They were also a heavy patron of the arts; their harp and flute were used to hypnotize enemies, causing troops turn on each other.
Unfortunately, the constant warring of godhood proved fatal for Slythor. Wounded and blinded, they fled into the tunnels, leaving their cult to fracture into a million warring factions in their absence.
Underground they hid, trying to recover from unrecoverable wounds while their nation fell apart above them....up until one spitfire of a toad hunted them down and killed them for good.
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genvincorrectquotes · 1 year ago
I have conflict between me, I really love the curly hair but I want the hair department to let Derek and London's hair be exactly how they have it right now.
I feel like the longer slightly wavy hair suits them a lot better.
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cyellolemon · 1 year ago
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Dragon Quest V have been one of my favorite games ever since i'm a kid and uh. You have to choose among 3 girls your wife and have kids with her but the thing is that i want the mc to marry his more or less childhood friend Harry, and if you make him trans it can be 100% coherent with the scenario. So here we are
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sillee · 7 months ago
hello all! another update from me! sorry i have been MIA much longer than i expected. this next video (eclectic victorian build with me) has taken much longer than i expected and also some bad family news has really thrown me off this entire week, if im honest!
stickers for US are mailed and international folks stickers are all ready to go, i just need to go to the post office to drop them off. <3
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snek-eyes · 1 year ago
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Thinking about how Crowley didn't change his name from something he found demeaning until after he found someone whose respect he thought was worth keeping. Someone he could be equals with.
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haroldherald · 9 months ago
shite about harold's family i've made up
harold canonically has two siblings; an older brother and a younger sister
his brother is named alexander (goes by lex) and his sister's name is elizabeth (goes by lizzie)
i won't give them long full names like harold's for now but they're be similar enough with all the middle names and stuff
which is why they've both shortened their first names
i already posted that i feel like he and his older brother are irish twins (less than a year apart)
it's just the three of them and their mom
they all have a good relationship with their mom but she can't always be around, harold babies lizzie a lot for this reason
even if lizzie isn't especially appreciative of harold for their differences, he still makes an effort with her (like when he tells heather he's read her books in the island special)
i think i posted before that i'd like to think lex, harold and lizzie are all weird in some way but they're all like "my siblings are so weird thank god i'm the only normal one in this family"
like lex tries too hard to be cool and distances himself from his siblings and lizzie wears j-fashion and harold is. you know already 😭
harold and lizzie bond over japan at least, he's offered to bring her to conventions and stuff
lex does NOT try as hard as harold does with their sister
they're all nd in some way
even though lex and harold are so close in age they go to separate schools. they were in the same grade and unfortunately for both of them their teachers kept them together for everything so they both complained until their mom let one move
every time they had to do a project as partners harold would have to do everything while lex told people it was him doing all the work
i got an anon ask once saying they thought harold would still be taller than his brother (i hope they're okay with me using that 🙏)
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faxxmodem · 11 months ago
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baby, you fit into me like a hook into an eye
og post: @cruelflesh
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chromsai · 1 year ago
*comes back to tumblr*
*shows u my son*
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*doesn’t explain*
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stromuprisahat · 1 year ago
S&B tags rn: It's not over yet! Sign the petition! Save the Crows! Don't leave Alina's story untold! me:
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iangallagherisadeadman · 1 year ago
i hate the plot of svetlana and her father/husband, but i saw it as an opportunity to reflect upon her character, her little milkovich child, her relationship with fatherhood, mickey and his involvement in yevgenys life.
obs. I'm NOT saying in any way that I believe Mickey has the obligation to raise Yevgeny as he didn't choose to engage in the sexual relation that led to Yev's conception.
svetlana and fatherhood
what was all of that about stevlana and her dad? i finished shameless and i still dont totally get it. was she really married? i believe so cause none of her other marriages were legal. how did that happened? what is her dad like? when she married her russian husband? just everything seemed rushed and i wish he had more info about it.
either way, I remember she said once to mickey that she named their kid after her father and hes like "didnt the bastard fucking sold you as a sex slave for like 300 dollars" (which I think is really nice cause that means she shared with him that information voluntarily) to which she responded something like "yes but still he had some good in him". later she says to kev that she supported her father and all that cause she owned him for taking care of her until she was like idk nine years old and could take care of herself and i remember seeing someone here saying it is probably because in russia is really common for the father to abandon his children so the fact he stuck around means a lot to her.
it all makes me believe that the image of a father is of importance for svetlana. doesn't that means that she would want mickey to be involved in their childrens life then? i mean he was for a while as she forced him to until his boyfriend kidnapped her children and babys father went to jail and then she held back and i understand it i totally do but now that they have all growned up and gallavich is a somewhat resonable couple with somewhat legal jobs and somewhat living an honest life wouldn't she want them in her and more specifically her childrens life again?
svetlana and mickey
noel once said in an interview for s5 that he believes that in some ways Svetlana is perfect for Mickey cause shes strong where hes not and she complements him, and i believe that too. at the beginning every time shes onscreen she looks scared as shit truly frightened but as the episodes go on and they interact more it seems like she can perceive how small and frightened mickey is under all that bad boy facade and she grows upon him and then they get in a fighting-friendly-respect-disrespect relation in which they recognize each other somehow, and than that went sideways after the whole yev kidnap. mickey probably thought he was wrong thinking he could ever play family, that he could ever be any different and be something other than a fucked up in the kids life, that hes not up to being a parent and that theyre better off without him and make them go away; he chooses to take care of ian instead of his family by s5 end when he said svetlana could leave if she wasn't accepting ian coming back to their house after kidnap episode.
fact is svetlana and mickey found themselves in challenging situations simultaneously. svet was an undocumented immigrant who resorted to prostitution as her only means of survival, while mickey grappled with complex issues involving his love life, sexuality, and the pressure to conform to his fathers expectations, leading a life he didnt desire. despite these difficulties they shared the experience of becoming parents at a young age which significantly altered the course of their lives and their relationship. they were both the source of pain and the potential for each other's salvation. their relationship was fraught with difficulties as mickey treated svet poorly, refusing to acknowledge her as his wife despite her longing for the american dream through marriage and family, which she quite fought for at the beginning when she seemed to hope he would eventually love her (she was gentle and submissive and played perfect little wife). instead, he agreed to fulfill a fatherly role, and they supported each other superficially, lacking a deeper connection. for mickey, lana was an instrument to appease his father while simultaneously being a painful remark of everything he wasnt and didnt want to be, all while introducing complications into his relationship with Ian.
even with all the differences they faced, they had a lot in common, as they both were young and trying to survive, living lifes they didnt choose, the whole respect for their piece of shit fathers that they shared, the fact theyre both queer, how they dont trust others and try not to rely on no one and solve things with their hands and they both have bad manners and dirty mouths and take aggressive approaches to solve their problems and are always scheming and find hard to change their nature. they have a lot in common and they got to find that out while living together and fighting each other, trying with effort to shape one another so they would comply to play the role and accommodate to the life each was expecting to build. svetlana made mickey take off the nazi posters he had as is stated in s3 finale and would threaten and blackmail him into doing what she wanted during s4, and he would do his best to fight her by trying to scare her with threats and make her submissive holding her in an inferior place by diminishing her and calling her names in s4 until they grow to a somewhat peaceful relation in s5 even including ian.
them as a throuple happy family worked for a while and i mean i doubt she has anyone even as close as a colleage in her life right now she doesnt trust easily and v and kev are out of scene and she is married to that rich guy etc. so having a friendly relation with mick again seems like doable? desirable even maybe for her? at that time by s5 they were both dealing with illegal jobs and svet was raising her kid barely by herself and mick was using A LOT of drugs like pills and drinking and cocaine and crack i think and still they made it work for a while so only imagine what they could do now that theyre both at their best.
after s11
also, she is married to that rich dude but its a fact that hes not going to live longer and i know my girl is smart svet did her thing secured that bag stole and gained and got what she could but the plot said that the marriage was under the regime of separation of property meaning she isnt going to get any goods after her hushbands death and probably is not going to have contact with her husbands family cause theyre not close so not only she will have freedom but she will be lonely right. until she finds her a wife at least.
I know the importance of family isnt for the milkovichs what it is for the gallaghers and that yev came as result of an abuse relation, but mick didnt seem to take that on the child once he was born and he was taking care of him, he didnt seem to resent him or hate him or see terry and be hurt by it. i mean he does process trauma in such unexpected unexplained ways that i cant really vision how he trully feels about yev, other than how he rejected fatherhood in s4 and his comments with ian in s11 about not believing he can be a good parent, but s5 in the police station theres a lot of "hes a good kid" from the officer and mickey holding and kissing yev only to take care of ian as debbie hold yev on the passager seat in the way home that was made on purpose and i perceive it as he likes yev but hes afraid to break him. idk if there could ever be the same feeling that lip has with fred, of wanting to be a better father for him than he ever had. thats probably not micks thing. but i can see him at some point wanting to know about yev, and who he became, what is he like, and bonding with him, even more so cause hes not bad with kids they would hit it right away. probably a more friendly bond than father son tho. as for ian, there is that deleted scene of him visioning him mick svet and yev as a happy family and even thought he was maniac i think that came from the heart hes good with kids and he wants a family with mick and he lived a nice life with svetlana and he said to fiona he loves yev.
there is the fact that svetlana probably never talk about mick and never went to see him anymore onscreen cause mick might probably not be babys dad but i like to think yev really is a milkovich just because they reproduce like fucking rabbits and i think thats really funny. also the beggining of s6 makes it clear he had done jobs from inside jail before so that he could get commissary money and svet could raise yev with her share, so s6e1 states they somewhat worked together which leads to suppose svetlana and mickey hold a friendly relationship even after they fight cause ian kidnapped yev and mick kind of kicked her out their house, AND since she asks ian to accompany her in the visit shes ok with him too it seems. ALSO not only i think is reasonable to assume they kept in contact for a while when he was inside and only got some distance as she was building her life with her relationship with kev and v and the allibi and he started getting involved in dangerous stuff with the mexicans (since in theory she visited him with divorce papers), i truly believe they only cut off contact completely when he told her he was leaving for mexico cause i mean he told terry i truly believe he told her too.
like i know a lot of people want galladads but i just see it as unresonable they came out of jail theyre traumatized and never done therapy ian fucking stole a baby and that baby was under micks supervision they fucking suck thats the true!! and i would kind like to see them taking responsibility for yev and bonding somewhat. just imagine what kind of parenting that kid would have hes probably unhinged since his parents are freaks. also i think that the more your parents control a kid the more they want to be a rebel (karen-like) and since he was raised by horrible people he is probably the opposite, really calm and mature for his age etc kind of like liam. hes also probably smart since he had a good education and speaks a lot of languages like svet, and aggressive but not fist like? i can vision it, mick telling him about what he was up to when he had yevs age and them playing videogames and mick like spitting on the floor or idk trying to teach him how to fillet a fish and yev totally disgusted by it cause hes a rich little motherfucker and then yev enthusiastically trying to explain the last robotic ethics article he read and is really excited about and making science fiction comparisons so that mick can understand it. OH ALSO also i believe yev is really into the fact hes half russian and knows a lot about its culture and all and wants mick to know more about ukraines and eat their food and know their history and learn their langague and that makes mick PISSED i just know it.
#!: ☆ other posts of mine include: shameless hot takes ; shameless x arctic monkeys ; gallavich x this velvet glove ; shameless moodboards ; shameless playlists ; saddest character ending: karen
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yume-chiyo · 21 days ago
I wish it wasn't the first time, but I'm gonna be selfish an happy that it was me anyway! Because even though I have no right I am very protective and a smidge possessive over lovely Miss Chiyo
I'm a bit tired so dunno how to reply but fuck yeah
I've spent every night yearing for sb possessive or at least sb who acts like they care 🥹🥹
Me gonna cry/pos
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ccaptain · 22 days ago
answer some questions and i'll assign you a tarot card.
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how wonderful it is to be so strong. your body and mind are a machine that work in tandem. with calloused hands and shining eyes, your place in the world around you is ever changing. but you take the challenge with grace and ease. as long as you allow yourself growth, and change, you cannot be limited. it does not come from a place of naiveté– no, far from it. the source of your strength is kindness.
NUMBER: 8 UPRIGHT: strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion REVERSED: inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
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tagged by: @huijarii <3 <3 tagging: @predvestnik, @akakunai (for rappa c:), @remembranced, @acr3ss-the-cosmos (for CHENNIE), @curiouskinetic
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suppenzeit · 4 months ago
fellas. is it normal to always feel like nobody gives a shit about what you like
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