#no you don’t get it her first two have me by the throat I’d eagerly take a third
softceleste · 5 months
So 👀 Madeline mentioned she was going to be in LA for work this week, so I assumed it’d be modelling related, but she’s posting IG stories with Zolita and holy shit if work ends up being a 3rd Zolita music video I’m going to scream (positive).
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uramilf · 1 year
The Record Shop - Chapter One
A/N: Surprise!! It wasn’t bedtime after all
Warnings: SMUT. Oral (f receiving), weed mentioned, alcohol consumption, Matty being a bit too hot to handle also how cutesy is this gif
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*Penny’s POV*
“Can I help you with anything darling?”
I opened my eyes wide at the sight of the beautiful boy in front of me. He smiled at me, and I blinked, pulling myself together.
“You can, actually,” I nodded. “I’m just looking for some Jeff Buckley?” He grinned. “You like him too, huh?”
I smiled back. “Yep, do you have Grace?”
“Of course, let me go grab one from the back.”
He left for a moment or two, and I heard him rummaging about through the back of the store. When he returned, he was holding a Grace vinyl. “I swear this is one of my favourite albums of all time.”
“Oh totally, it’s amazing,” I smiled back. He stood there for a moment, looking at me with those deep brown eyes. I looked back, meeting his gaze. We were quiet, but it somehow wasn’t awkward. It almost felt like I was meant to walk into his store.
After a moment or two, he broke his gaze and cleared his throat. “Sorry, do you need anything else darling?”
I shook my head. “No thanks, it was my first day at a new job today so I thought I would come treat myself to a record. I usually go record shopping after something big like that, you know?”
He looked surprised. “New job, huh? Where are you working?”
“Attitude hair salon, just down the street. I’m a hairdresser, just moved up here from London though.”
“Oh hey, my friends girlfriend gets her hair done there,” he replied. “She got it cut there last week and she’s been going on about it ever since.”
I grinned and he made his way behind the counter and scanned my record for me.
“I’m Matty, by the way. Oh sorry, you probably already saw that. Name tag. Duh.” I could tell he was getting slightly nervous, so I smiled at him again.
“I’m Penny.”
“That’s a pretty name, love. You mustn’t know many people here if you’re from London, then.”
“Nope, pretty much nobody, apart from the girls at work. I met them when I came down for an interview.” Matty nodded slowly whilst putting my new record into a plastic bag for me. I handed over some cash and he put it into the register, handing me back my change. Our fingertips brushed slightly and I saw a ghost of a grin on his lips. I could tell I was turning red.
“Will you wait here for just one second, darling?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Um, sure.”
He disappeared into the back of the shop once more and I heard him talking frantically to another man, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I definitely heard my name, along with ‘London’ and ‘doesn’t know anyone yet.’ I blushed a bit. I didn’t want him thinking I was pathetic for having no friends in Manchester. However, when he returned, he was accompanied by a man quite a bit taller than him, who had fair curly hair and dark eyes, with the same logo on his t-shirt: the word “fusion”, which was the name of the store, and a little embroidered vinyl record, and his shirt was dark grey instead of black.
“Penny, this is George. He’s my best mate, we’ve been working here together since we left school.”
George stepped forward and shook my hand.
“Hi, George, lovely to meet you.”
He returned the sentiment, smiling confidently. I have to say, it was turning into the strangest interaction I’d ever had in a record shop.
“So basically, George is having a party tonight, and all our friends are gonna be there. I thought since you haven’t really met anyone down here yet that you could come along? Don’t feel pressured to say yes, of course, but it could be nice for you to get to know some people in the area.”
I felt overwhelmed by their kindness and nodded eagerly. “That would be amazing, guys. Thank you so much.”
“No problem, Penny. Why don’t you gimme your number and I can send you my address?” George asked. Matty looked panicked.
“Actually Penny, if you give me your address I could always pick you up and take you. You know, that way you could have a drink without worrying about getting home.”
I laughed to myself. “Thanks Matty, that would be great.” I gave him my number and scribbled down my address quickly, before grabbing George’s number too in case of emergencies. I thanked the boys again, taking my record in the plastic bag and leaving the store.
“I’ll pick you up at nine, Penny!”
I looked in the mirror one last time. I had opted for a tight black dress that reached my mid-thigh, but had a slit that went up my leg and left little to the imagination. My makeup looked good, some dark eyeshadow and a red lip making me look quite bold, a feeling a wasn’t used to. I was wearing black strappy heels that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to walk in after a few drinks, but I supposed I would just have to chance it. My phone buzzed and I checked to see a text from Matty: “I’m outside your building love x”
My heart fluttered at the message, especially the “x” at the end. I shook the feeling off. I had just met this guy, and he was really only inviting me out because I had no friends. Super romantic.
I grabbed my keys and headed out of the flat, getting the lift down to the ground floor. Stepping out the main door of the building, I shivered slightly at the cold air against my bare arms. My eyes fell on Matty, standing against his car.
“Hi darling. You look stunning.” He was in a similar pair of black jeans as he had been in earlier, but he was now wearing a white button-up and a leather jacket. He shrugged the jacket off when he saw me shiver and made his way to me, draping it round my shoulders right away. Holy shit. That was fucking hot. He even opened the car door for me, as if we were on a date. I tried to shake that thought from my mind. Of course we weren’t on a date. We had just met. It was just a party. I didn’t know anything about him - fuck - did he have a girlfriend?
Matty shutting his car door and switching on the radio pulled me out of my train of thought. Arctic Monkeys was playing - Fluorescent Adolescent. The song seemed to fit Matty. He must have been must older than me but he had a kind of boyish air about him, like a teenager constantly in trouble, but in a cheeky way that you couldn’t help but find funny. He turned his head to look at me. “You ok love?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. You look great, Matty.”
He began to pull out of the car park, smiling at me.
“Thanks darling. I meant it when I said you looked stunning. You really do.”
My stomach was churning now. Even my ex boyfriend Alex had never made me feel this way, and I dated him for three years.
“Thank you Matty,” I said quietly. He eyed me again, for longer this time, until he had to look at the road again.
“Really, Penny. I know we’ve just met but if there’s something wrong, you can tell me. If you’re not comfortable hanging out with us this quickly it’s ok.”
I shook my head and giggled.
“No, Matty. It isn’t you. Honestly I’ve never been as glad to meet someone as I was to meet you, I thought it was gonna take me forever to get to know people.”
“So what’s up then, love?”
“I was just thinking about my ex. Our breakup was kinda the reason I moved, to start over. Me and Alex were together for three years, and it ended pretty badly.”
“I’m sorry to hear that lovely, I’ve been there.”
His hand crept onto my knee and gave my leg a reassuring squeeze, before placing his hand back on the wheel. My breath caught in my throat. I don’t think he knew how attractive he was without even trying.
We arrived at George’s house at a quarter last nine, and there seemed to already be quite a few people around. I spotted George almost as soon as I walked through the door, wearing faded blue jeans and a button up similar to Matty’s. He strode over to me, wrapping me in a warm hug. George was someone I couldn’t help but like, even having only met him once very briefly before.
“I’m so glad you could make it, Penny! You look great.”
“Thanks George, great house,” I said, looking around. The house was small but, much like myself, he had made it beautiful. I noticed a photo of him and Matty hanging on the wall above the stairs and smiled to myself. It had clearly been taken years ago, when the boys were teenagers. Matty’s hair was longer and curlier, and George’s was less blonde. They stood at a similar height and had their arms around each other, grinning into the camera. They were both in shorts and Newcastle United shirts, and their arms were stick thin and bare of tattoos. In front of them was a little boy with light brown hair and a grin similar to Matty’s, who was clinging to one of George’s legs.
“That’s a nice picture,” I commented.
George looked up and laughed. “I think that was taken about 7 years ago now. We were only 17. That’s Matty’s little brother Louis in the picture, he was only 5.”
George led me into the living room, where most of the people were. A girl around my height came running over excitedly. She had long, black, straight hair which tumbled down her back and moved beautifully when she moved. I found my weird hairdresser brain thinking about how much I wanted to touch it. She slung an arm around George’s waist, barely coming up to shoulder height on him.
“Oh my god, you must be Penny! George said he met you earlier.”
“Yeah, that’s me!”
“I’m Charli. It’s so nice to meet you, babe. Let’s go get a drink.”
With that she stood on her tiptoes to give George a kiss on the cheek before linking her arm with mine and pulling me towards the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Charli introduced me to Adam and Ross, who were apparently some of Matty and George’s closest friends. Adam worked in a bar down the street from my flat, and I promised to call in next time he had a shift. Ross worked in a place a few streets over that did tattoos and piercings, and told me he had done most of his friends’ tattoos. Adam called his girlfriend Carly over to meet me, and she embraced me warmly much as George had when I arrived. The boys left to go for a smoke and I was left with their wonderful girlfriends.
“So Penny, George said you’ve just started at Attitude. We both get our hair done there,” Charli remarked, whilst pouring me a vodka lemonade (which seemed like a lot more vodka than lemonade, not that I was complaining.)
“Wait, really?” I took a sip of my incredibly strong drink. “I hope I get both of you when you next come in, I always prefer customers I know.”
After a short conversation with the girls about work (and how much I loved their hair), Matty appeared in my peripheral vision and draped an arm around my shoulder. “Sorry girls, do you mind if I steal Penny for a bit? I wouldn’t want such a beautiful girl to leave without me getting to know her.”
Carly raised an eyebrow. “You’re such a flirt, Matty. Give the girl a break, you just met her for god’s sake!” I giggled, unable to resist walking away with Matty, after catching Charli give me a knowing look.
George had a small balcony attached to his bedroom which Matty and I had ended up on, sharing a blunt. We were sat side by side on the cold ground, the night air cooling us down. The weed hadn’t kicked in yet, but we were chatting away with no awkwardness whatsoever.
“So how old are you anyways, Matty?”
“24, you?”
“So it’s totally ok for me to do what I’m about to do then.”
I snapped my head up to look at him. He gently cupped my jaw and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked but kissed him back. Our lips moved together for a few more seconds before he pulled away. “Shit, love, I’m sorry. I should’ve asked before I did that.”
“Hey,” I whispered, lifting his chin so our eyes were aligned. “I wanted you to.”
Matty’s smile could’ve lit up a thousand cities. “I know we only met today, and we know virtually nothing about each other, but I want to know you. I just have to.”
I caught my bottom lip between my teeth, taking the blunt from his hand and inhaling deeply. I put out the blunt in the ashtray next to me and snaked one hand around Matty’s neck, the other resting on his cheek. I pressed my lips to his and exhaled the smoke into his waiting mouth, where he inhaled it and breathed out the excess.
Matty stared at me for a moment, before leaning back on his hands and patting his lap. I swung a leg over his to straddle him, before crashing my lips to his again in a much more desperate kiss. His tongue swiped against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth. He tasted of weed and smoke and mint. My hands crept up to play with his hair, fingertips grazing against his shaved sides which seemed to be growing back a little. I was glad. Mullets were definitely not my thing.
Matty’s hands were venturing up and down my sides and my back, sometimes coming up to tangle themselves in my carefully curled hair or cup my jaw. I pulled away to catch my breath, and Matty used the time to press small kisses onto my neck and jawline. He began to get a little more cocky, sucking a bright red mark into the skin of my neck. I giggled; usually I would be a little annoyed but the weed was beginning to kick in and everything he did felt perfect.
“Hey, Penny?” Matty pulled away from sucking on my collarbone to speak. I took his face in my hands and whispered “what?”
“I just smoked weed and I drank a bit so I probably shouldn’t drive. Do you wanna get a taxi?”
“To where?”
“My flat. If you want.”
I couldn’t have thought of anything better at that moment, so I rose from his lap and pulled him along with me. I went to slide open the balcony doors, but Matty pulled me in for one last kiss, even dipping me back slightly in his strong arms. How could a stranger be more romantic than my ex-boyfriend of three years? I felt like I was going insane. I couldn’t even believe I had kissed him within only a few hours of knowing him, never mind going home with him. Maybe it was the weed talking, but I trusted Matty.
Matty and I managed to get a taxi fairly quickly. He slid into the back seat beside me and told the driver his address. As soon as we started driving, his lips were attached to my neck again, kissing the skin gently. I turned my head and placed a hand on his cheek, pressing my lips to his. His tongue entered my mouth once more and I could still taste the weed in his mouth, along with some red wine he had downed before we left. I started to feel bad for the taxi driver and broke the kiss, resting my head on his shoulder and reaching for his large, calloused hand. He continued to press soft kisses to the top of my head and stroke my hand with his thumb for the remainder of the short taxi drive. It felt odd to be so intimate with a stranger. I had hardly even felt this close to past boyfriends. What was it about Matty that made me feel so safe?
When we arrived at Matty’s apartment building he paid the taxi driver quickly and basically pulled me out of the car and all the way inside, pressing the lift buttons frantically. I laughed at him, placing my hand on his jaw and pulling him down to look at me. “Chill out Matty, we have time.” I kissed his cheek as the lift doors opened and he pulled me inside, barely waiting until the doors had closed to pull me into another deep kiss. He bent down slightly to wrap his hands around my thighs. “Jump,” he whispered with a grin. I jumped up and he caught me, pushing me against the cold metal wall. I moaned into the kiss as his hands made their way to my ass, squeezing gently. The doors began to open again but Matty didn’t put me down, instead running down the corridor with me in his arms, until I was screaming with laughter and begging him to drop me. He lowered me to my feet when he reached the door to his flat as he fumbled with his keys to open the door.
No sooner were we through the door than he slid his jacket off his shoulders onto the ground and kicked off his shoes, connecting our lips again. “Please, Matty,” I whispered into his mouth, and he ran his hands up and down my back a few times before finding the zip of my dress and pulling it down. As the dress fell to the floor, he devoured me with his eyes. I had gone braless to the party and my nipples were rock hard with the cool air and anticipation of what was to come. My lower half was barely covered by a lacy black thong which seemed to attract Matty’s attention. He was already hardening in his jeans, and I couldn’t wait any longer, so I stepped forward to start unbuttoning his shirt. He yanked it off and threw it behind him, before pulling his jeans off and kicking them away from himself. He stood in a pair of black Calvins, eyeing me up and down and smiling. “How did I get this lucky? It’s not often girls as perfect as you come into the shop, babe, never mind me taking them home on the first night of knowing each other.”
I blushed, before saying “get a move on, Matty. I’m not standing here all night.”
He lunged towards me, tackling me onto the sofa and attacking my nipple with his tongue, making me cry out between bursts of laughter. He sucked a few dark red marks into the skin of my breasts, to match the one he had given me on my neck. He scooped me up, making me giggle, and carried me into his bedroom, throwing me down on the bed before stripping himself of his boxers and pulling off my thong, dropping to his knees when he saw my exposed pussy. He looked up at me for permission. “Can I?”
I nodded. He started by licking the whole way from my hole to my clit, making me cry out in pleasure, before settling on my clit and sucking, licking, grazing it with his teeth. I was dripping now, and one of his hands crept up and was catching some of the wetness on his fingertips. He inserted two finger into me, thrusting them in and out, curling them to hit my g-spot, while he kept licking my clit over and over. I screamed his name and clutched at his dark hair, nearing the edge. Him sucking my clit again and thrusting his fingers into me faster than before had me cumming over his hand and mouth, my arousal dripping down my thighs. He retracted his hand and placed his fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean of my wetness. I lay panting, heart pounding, legs shaking.
“Fuck, baby. You’re incredible,” he whispered, as if I was the one doing the work.
He crawled up to hover above me and kiss me, the taste of my cunt on his tongue.
Matty had tucked me under his duvet with a kiss to my forehead, crawling into bed beside me and pulling me tight to his chest. We had decided not to take things any further that night, realising that despite the feelings that had obviously generated extremely quickly and the connection we seemed to have, we didn’t want to rush into anything. I knew we were both drunk, both high. I didn’t want to wake up the next morning and think I had made a mistake. I rolled over to face him, pressing a kiss to the smooth skin of his cheek, before tucking my head into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent, and drifting off to sleep; our hearts beating in sync and our breathing matching each others.
A/N: First chapter! Lemme know what you think PLEASE I’m begging give me feedback. Hope y’all enjoyed. Btw in the future when a few more parts are out I would LOVE to take requests for Record Store!Matty blurbs. We’ll see though 🫶
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wildbornsiren · 2 years
Kinktober Day 5: Gags || Rick Flag/F!Reader
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Gags Summary: Rick reminds you that you need to keep quiet.   510 words Female/AFAB Reader. 
Warnings: EXPLICIT MINORS DNI. Vaginal fingering, public sex Notes: For #kinktober2022. Reminder that these will not have part twos, or continuations. Please follow @wbslibrary​ since tag lists are gone. (I appreciate ya’ll so much but it was stressing me out, and I was worried I’d miss someone). Thank you @writercole​ for looking this over. Comments and sharing let me know you love me, likes are appreciated. Thank you so very much for reading. It’s so appreciated and means the most.
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You shouldn't be here, not like this, not with him. Your fingertips scramble to find some sort of purchase against the grimy concrete, desperately arching against the man at your back. Flag's breath is hot and erratic as he pants against the nape of your neck, his teeth sinking into the delicate skin. Rough hands fumble with your belt buckle, the button of your uniform pants, the rasp of the zipper drowned out by the needy whining that spills past your lips.
He's hard, rutting against your ass, that low southern drawl growling promises into your ear, that if fulfilled would cross off many things on your sex bucket list. The stench of stale water and foul air is erased by the scent of his aftershave, and curiously wintergreen mint. Thick, calloused fingers slide under the waistband of your panties, his heady chuckle moving through you. Your nails find a grip, digging into a crumbling portion of wall just as his fingers tease along your folds.
"Need you now," his words burn against your skin, his mouth closing at the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
"Flag..." You squeak when his hand shifts delivering a sharp slap to your soaked cunt. "Colonel," you correct yourself. "Please."
"Good girl." He murmurs, pulling you closer to him, two fingers pressing into you, stretching you mercilessly.
The two of you had been separated for six months, running operations on opposite sides of the world. Here, in this dingy forgotten hallway was the first chance you had to be alone together.
His pace is demanding, thrusting his fingers in and out of your cunt, your knees already threatening to give out with how full he makes you feel. The rough surface of the wall scrapes against your cheek when he kicks your legs further apart, leaning more into you, grinding against your ass as the slick sounds of his fingers fill the space between you. You bite your lower lip, knowing that if you get caught there would be hell to pay. Fraternizing between staff was the highest offense, and Waller would take uncanny glee in catching the two of you.
"You have to keep quiet." Flag's voice is a little softer, his hips digging into your backside as his hand keeps your center pulled away from the wall. "Don't care what happens to me, but I won't let her have you." He groans low in his throat, cursing softly.
He pulls his fingers from you, the emptiness forcing a whine from your lips. You hear him struggling with his own belt, and you shove your pants and underwear off your hips. He spits into his hand, stroking himself a few times before pressing his cock into you. Your needy moan is silenced when his fingers push past your lips. You suck eagerly on the digits tasting the salt of his skin and the taste of your arousal.
"Hate that I have to gag you princess, I love hearing you sing for me." He presses a gentle kiss to the curve of your neck.
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Blood and Roses (FAITH AU)
(It’s finally heeeeere! TW: references to drinking, death of a child, mentioned blood and gore
1 (here)
It was just supposed to be a joke.
Cesar’s hands shook violently, making the beam of light from his flashlight tremble. The thing outside his door giggled in insanity as something scratched against the walls. It was just a joke. Just a party trick. The Archangel wasn’t real, he–no, it was just some frightening creature from a morbid comic book.
That’s all he was…Right?
The post-graduation party had already been in full swing when he arrived. The music was loud, the laughter and chatter was louder and he was already a little dizzy from the miniscule amount of drinking allowed at the ceremony (provided by Summer’s flask). He’d promised his mother that he would only be visiting to say goodbye to a few friends before heading home, staying for the weekend and heading off to university the week after.
University . The mere thought made him thrilled. The word alone made it sound more impressive,  more…Fancy. It wasn’t Harvard, but it was good enough for him. The only regret he had would be leaving behind–
“Hey, Ces! Glad you could make it.”
Summer waved her hand from the doorway, snapping Cesar out of his thoughts. He grinned and rushed to catch up with her and she let him inside.
“Hell of a ceremony, eh?” She asked, dodging around a fellow partygoer. “When I imagined graduating from high school, I didn’t think it would be like that.”
“You were the one who brought the drink,” Cesar teased.
“Well–yeah, but I didn’t realize that I’d have to share it with the entire crowd thanks to you, ya snitch.”
Cesar laughed when Summer punched his shoulder to emphasize her point. A brunette girl rushed up to them and practically squealed. “Valedictorian Cesar and Summer! I didn’t know you’d both be here!” The two shared a look before Summer switched gears into her well-spoken persona. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Ellen.”
“You were both great!” Ellen squealed again. “The ceremony was amazing, all thanks to you!”
“Ah, I don’t–”
Summer lightly elbowed Cesar. “We appreciate the compliment,” she said, taking his elbow. “But there are other people we also wish to meet.”
“O-Oh! Yes of course, of course–make yourselves at home!”
“What was the elbow for?!” Cesar hissed in a whisper.
“I’m sorry,” Summer mumbled. “But once she gets going about us then she’ll never stop. You know what she’s like.”
Cesar missed the rest of her sentence when someone caught his eye. They were eagerly waving him over. “Who’s this?”
“Who’s who?” Summer took a moment to follow his line of sight. “Oh, him. I don’t know, I’ve never seen him before. Must be the friend of someone else here.”
“Seems pretty interested in me.”
Summer smirked and lightly elbowed him again. “Wouldn’t be the first time. Go say hi, see what he wants. I’ll be hanging out with the crew.”
The two parted ways with that, Cesar growing more weary as he made his way over to the stranger. A feeling in his gut was screaming at him that he meant bad news, that it was wrong, that this guy looked like something straight out of the uncanny valley.
He now wished that he had listened to his gut.
“Uh…Hi.” Cesar gave the stranger a side-eyed look. “You…Wanted to see me?”
“Hi! Yes! Sorry!” The guy cleared his throat rather roughly and coughed something into the sleeve of his worn-out varsity jacket. “I wanted to show this to someone. To anyone.”
Cesar’s curiosity was piqued. “What is it?”
The guy put a hand under his jacket and pulled out a thin navy blue book. He practically shoved it at Cesar and was bouncing on his heels as he looked it over. There was nothing particularly special about it; just the word FAITH carved into the cover and a very rough drawing of an angel underneath it. He opened it and flipped through a few of the pages. Faded ink showed a short story about a kid a little older than Mark’s little sister running from a shadow creature, only to get pounced on by two or three more. The blatant show of the little kid’s guts and blood flying everywhere made his stomach churn. What the Hell kind of comic book is this?
“Hey, your thing for gore is cool and all.” Cesar flipped through the rest of the comic before closing it and handing it back to the guy. “But don’t go around showing it to people, okay?”
“Did you see the chant?” The guy asked.
Cesar raised an eyebrow and flipped through the comic again. The last page made him pause. There was another drawing of the angel, though this time it looked wrong in a way he couldn’t place. Above the angel were three lines of the same sentence. “Dear Archangel, I wish to–”
The strange guy shushed him loudly and snatched the comic out of his hand. “You can’t just say it!” He hissed. “You have to do it properly!”
“Look, man, this is ridiculous.” Cesar looked over the crowd in an attempt to find Summer and the rest of their friend group. “I read the comic book. It’s not my thing. Now, I have to go–”
“You think it’s bullshit? Then call him. I dare you.”
That, regrettably, got Cesar’s attention. He’s never backed down from a dare, ever since he was a kid. He wasn’t about to now. Anything to get this creepy gore-addicted guy away from him.
The guy motioned for Cesar to follow him and left, walking through Ellen’s house to what looked like one of the bedrooms or a guest room. He pulled a bag out from under the bed and dumped it all onto the comforter: a nail, a tiny metal spring, some fur, a crow feather, a small sliver of wood, a lighter and some scissors. He sent Cesar on a small fetch quest to get a bowl from the kitchen, piled most of the stuff into it, then grabbed Cesar’s hand and raked the surprisingly sharp blade of the scissors across the back of it.
Cesar flinched back and held his hand to his chest. “OW! What the fuck, man?!”
“I’m sorry, but it needs your blood.” The guy yanked his hand back and squeezed it, ignoring Cesar cursing under his breath at the burning pain as some drops of blood dripped into the odd mishmash of things. “Okay, now set it on fire.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore. You’re out of your mind.”
“So what, you’re gonna back out of a dare? Do you think something’s gonna happen?”
‘I think you’re about to murder me.’ Cesar held his tongue and roughly picked up the comic book, folding the pages over the back out of spite towards the guy. The pages were nearly illegible now, except for the back. “How do I have to read–”
“Just read it.”
His gut screamed at him again. His instinct screamed at him to run, to get out of there and bring Summer with him. God, why didn’t he listen .
Making a mental note to bandage his hand as soon as the guy let him go, he nervously picked up the lighter and set the bundle of fur alight. The hand holding the comic shook as he read over the words. “Dear Archangel, I wish to atone for myself.”
He turned to the guy. “What the Hell does that mean.”
“Keep going!” He responded.
Cesar rolled his eyes, getting fed up with this dare. “Dear Archangel, I wish to–take my punishment, what the fuck?! ”
“One more!”
He ground his teeth. Just one more line and he’ll be out of this dare. “Dear Archangel, take my faith.”
Nothing happened. The fire ate up the items, the comic book faded in his hands, his hand burned at the scratch. The guy looked disappointed.
Cesar threw the book into his chest and left the room without a word.
Outside the solitude of the guest room, the party was in full swing but Cesar wasn’t interested in final goodbyes anymore. He ignored Summer trying to catch up to him as he went for the front door and practically ran out of the house.
For reasons he couldn’t put his finger on, he felt like he had just made a deal with the devil.
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
letting go
summary - when spencer comes back from prison, there’s no doubt he’s changed, especially in the bedroom. 
warnings - cat-calling, inmates describing gross sex things, soft dom!spence, fem!reader, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (female receiving), hair pulling, fingering, aftercare, bit of subspace, fluff. *let me know if i missed anything*
wc - 3,758
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spencer had been gone for almost three months. in prison. he was in prison for three months. in hell for 84 days.
you had visited him as much as you could, remembering the times he would be bruised and beaten each time you would visit him. some days his bruises would be even worse than the previous time.
on your visits, the men in the back would holler and cat-call you. you didn’t mind, as long as you were able to see spencer. but spencer did mind. he minded that those criminals were thinking things about you that only he, as your boyfriend, should be thinking. 
but he couldn’t do anything about it. 
the few times he tried, he only got beat worse. he wanted to defend you, to let you know that he could protect your image, but inside of that prison he couldn’t. he had no power. he had no control. 
you told him it was okay.
“i can handle a few whistles, spence,” you reached your hand across the table to gently stroke his knuckles. “it’s alright,” you tried to ease the obvious tension in his body.
“no. it’s not alright,” he softly argued. “you don’t even want to know what they’re thinking about right now,” he turned his eyes to the table, avoiding your gaze entirely. 
“i don’t need to know. i just need to talk to you,” you whispered softly. “i just need you to know how much i love you.”
“i love you, y/n,” he finally met your eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. 
when he would go back to his cell, or to eat lunch he would overhear people talking about you. talking about the things they would do to you. the things they were thinking about you.
“she’s got a fine ass, too. i would slam it so fucking hard, shit,” a large man groaned, recalling the image of you walking out of the building.
“i’d make dr. fbi watch while i did it, too. i don’t know how he got a bitch that looks like that,” another one replied.
he could only try to tune it out. most of the time it wouldn’t work. he would be doomed to the psychological torture of hearing them mention the crude things about you, unable to do anything about it.
so anytime you came to visit, he would have to mentally prepare himself for the worst. he wanted to see you, he truly did, but them saying those things about you made him want to restrict you from seeing him as a whole. but he loved you too much for that, and as selfish as it was, he needed to see you.
he needed your light heart. he needed your kind spirit. he needed your lifted energy. he just needed you. and if he had to do that while taking a bit of the names and annoyances, he would.
and you knew he hated it. so every time you visited him after the first time you would wear sweatpants and a hoodie or anything that would hide your figure. you wouldn’t wear makeup, you would try to look as unappealing as you could, just to try and make spencer more comfortable. 
but it didn’t necessarily work.
the first time you ever visited him, you wore your normal work outfit. a charcoal gray skirt, a matching gray blazer, white button up blouse, and black heels. that was probably the worst it was for spencer. you heard them hollering from behind the glass, trying to get your attention. you played it off cool in front of spencer, in spite of feeling slightly uncomfortable. 
he knew it made you uneasy, but you kept up your spirit for him.
the last time you had to visit was to tell spencer he was finally coming home. he thought it was just another visit, but he was also in  private meeting room waiting to see you. 
you could wear your normal work outfit to visit him again. 
you walked through the door, a small smile on your face. your eyes began watering from the thought of actually being able to touch him again, to feel his arms around you. to feel his lips against yours.
“you’re coming home now, spencer,” you felt the tear leave your eye, now rolling down your cheek.
his face changed as he came to the realization that he was no longer trapped in that hell hole. his eyes went wide, watering just like yours had as he walked quickly over to you, enveloping you inside of his arms completely. 
the first hug he’s had since he got transferred to the prison. he was glad it was with you. 
his arms went around your waist as yours were over his shoulders, his face nuzzled in your neck, his sniffles muffled by your skin. 
he relished in the smell of your shampoo, the feeling of your soft skin against his, the warmth of your body he’d missed for so long. he relished in your presence.
he pulled back long enough to press a firm kiss to your lips, his hands trailing up to cup your face softly. your hands held his arms right where they were, not wanting to let him out of your reach again. 
“i love you,” he said once he left your lips long enough.
“i love you,” you returned. 
the sweet paradise didn’t last for long because there was still the matter with cat. spencer was troubled with what was going on with his mom. stressed from the realization that he might lose her forever. he leaned on you even more during that time, needing your strength to help guide him through the hurt. you were more than happy to oblige. 
once you had all found his mom, safe and sound, spencer was finally able to relax a bit. you both had decided to have a night in, just the two of you.
you turned on some soft music, and began making dinner together. you hadn’t had a moment to actually breath for so long, let alone spend quality time together in your shared apartment. 
making dinner with him was mostly just you doing all of the work. it’s not that he didn’t want to help, he really did. he’s just not the best in the kitchen. besides, you’d rather have his moral support than him to help. 
so as you hovered over the stove, stirring the sauce the pasta was just poured into, he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his head into your shoulder and placing soft, gentle kisses. you turned around into his embrace, placing a kiss to his lips in return. 
“it’s almost ready, bubs,” you said with a smile. 
“smells fantastic,” he complimented. “but i’m also in the mood for something else right now,” he said with a mischievous grin.
“oh? and what is that?” you countered, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“i think you know what that is, darling,” he said, pressing a kiss to your jawline with a little nibble. 
“how about we save that for after dinner, yea? i don’t want it to get cold and i’m hungry right now,” you shrugged, releasing him from your grip and turning around completely. 
“well that doesn’t mean i don’t get to hold you while you finish up,” he argued, wrapping his arms around your waist again and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“okay, well you do that, sir,” you laughed, stirring the pasta once more. “actually, can you hand me the plates, please?”
“of course,” he complied, handing you the plates that were on the already set table. “here you are.”
you both ate relatively quickly, you weren’t lying when you said you were hungry. after cleaning up a bit, which was spencer’s job since you cooked, you had both settled on the couch and were cuddling while watching a rerun episode of doctor who. 
he was laying his head on your chest, his arms wrapped around your body protectively as you stroked his hair softly.
then, he ran his hands underneath your shirt slowly, stroking the soft skin on your waist. his hands gradually went higher and higher on your stomach until the were right underneath your boobs.
“spencer?” you giggled. 
“hmm?”  he mumbled, lifting the shirt to reveal your stomach and lightly kissing it all over. 
“are you okay?” you asked, looking down at the man who was practically worshiping your body. 
“hmm, i’m perfect,” he hummed against your body. he let his hands go higher on your body, grasping your breasts through your bra. you let out a breathy exhale from his touch.
his lips traveled to replace his hands as they traveled to your back, looking up at you for permission before he unclasped your bra. you nodded eagerly.
“i need words, princess,” he ordered, his voice deeper than previous. 
“yes, please,” you squirmed, feeling the wetness pooling at your core as he undid your bra, revealing your chest to him as he threw it somewhere in the room. 
when his lips finally wrapped around one of your breasts, his hand went to the other one, playing with it gently. his tongue toyed with your nipple, his teeth gently grazing it occasionally.
“oh my god,” you breathed out heavily, your hips bucking up towards him for any friction. 
he brought his knee up to your core, giving you the perfect amount of pressure you needed. your hips ground against his knee quickly, begging for any kind of release you could get. his mouth switched breasts when he felt the other one was neglected. when he could tell you were getting close he snapped his knee away from your body, a low groan leaving your mouth.
“patience, princess,” he laughed against you, his mouth coming up to kiss yours fervently. “you’ll take what i give you, alright?” you nodded. “words,” he brought his hand up to wrap around your throat gently, not applying any pressure.
“yes, sir,” you moaned at this new found assertiveness. 
it wasn’t that he was never ‘in charge’ in the bedroom. it normally just took a while for him to get there. besides, he had also told you before how he kind of liked it when you were in control of him. you liked it either way, as long as you were with spencer you loved it. 
“i want you to go to the bedroom for me. you should be undressed by the time i go in there. no touching yourself. got it?” he asked, his hand moving from your neck to your chin, pressing it between his fingers.
“i’ve got it, sir,” you nodded eagerly as he allowed you to get up and make your way to the bedroom. you followed ever instruction he had given you, finding it even harder to not touch yourself while you waited for him. you sat in the center of the bed on your knees, facing the door.
after a few minutes you finally heard footsteps outside of the door. when he entered, he looked at you with such loving, caring eyes you weren’t sure what you had done to deserve him.
“princess,” spencer greeted you, “if you’re not comfortable with doing this you don’t have to act like it for me,” he said in his normal sweet tone as he sat beside you on the corner of the bed, his arm tracing down yours softly. “i need you to be totally and completely sure that you’re okay with this.”
“i am, spence,” you assured him. “i promise. if i don’t like anything i’ll say red like we normally do. i remember the stop light system,” you finished, leaning more into his touch.
“alright, i was just checking,” he leaned in, placing his free hand on the side of your face to bring you in for a tender kiss. “i love you.”
“i love you.”
“alright, princess,” he switched his normal tone into one of dominance. “ready?”
“yes, sir. i’m ready,” you agreed, clenching your thighs together to find any source of relief.
“good girl,” he leaned in, placing another kiss on your lips. when your hands went to wrap around his neck and in his hair he grabbed them in his own. “no. good girls ask for permission.”
“i-i’m sorry, sir,” you apologized. “i just-you’re so...” you trailed off.
“maybe i need to restrain these since you clearly have no control of them,” he wondered, moving to hold both of them in one of his hands.
“n-no sir, please. i’ll be good now. i promise,” you pleaded, trying to convince him otherwise.
“i don’t think so. sit against the bed frame,” he ordered as he moved to the closet to grab two ropes for your wrists. “now, maybe next time you’ll have half a mind to ask permission before touching me,” he began wrapping your wrists securely in the ropes.
“yes, sir,” you nodded sadly, your eyes reaching the bedspread.
“are these tight enough?” he asked as he pulled on one of the ropes.
“yes, sir. they’re tight enough,” you pouted.
“hey, princess,” spencer pulled his hand to your cheek, his thumb gently grazing your cheekbone as you nuzzled into his touch. “this is because you need to learn, alright? it won’t be forever.”
“alright, sir,” you smiled as he placed his lips to yours one more time.
“you’re my girl, right?” he asked as his hand began trailing down your naked body, tracing every curve you have.
“yes, sir,” you breathed out, goosebumps forming from his touch.
“mmm, you’re so beautiful,” he hummed as his hands traced from your hips down to your center, purposely missing the one place you craved his touch.
“please, sir,” you closed your eyes, hoping to feel his hand giving you some kind of relief.
“what did we talk about patience earlier?” he said as he moved his position on the bed.
“i-i take what you g-give me,” you recalled from your earlier conversation.
“so you’ll take what i give you now,” he said as he trailed kissed across your thighs in an upward direction. “i can’t even tell you how much i missed your pretty pussy. how often i thought about it late at night when i was alone,” he growled into your body. “i thought about,” he moved his hand to trail right above your clit, going all around it but never making any contact, making you squirm even more, “how responsive you are. i thought about how good you taste on my tongue,” he said as he trailed his tongue right over your entrance, a low groan leaving your mouth. “thought about that noise.”
“oh, god,” you mumbled as his tongue continued to move at your entrance, occasionally going in and out, eventually his tongue making its way to your clit and flicking it gently. “shit, yes,” your hips were nearly grinding against his face, your arms yanking at the bedframe.
the way he would groan into your pussy, just turned on from all the noises that emitted from your body was enough to send you over the edge as his tongue continued it’s attack on your clit. the only thing is, you needed permission.
“please, please, please, sir,” you begged.
“please what, princess?” he asked, his fingers taking his tongues place and continuing to move.
“please can i cum? p-pleaseeee?” you pleaded, tears pricking your eyes.
“cum for me,” he ordered. “show me how pretty you are when you cum,” he said as his lips connected with your pussy once more, finally sending you over the edge.
“fuck! yesss! oh my god,” you cried out as he worked you through the high.
the only thing is, he didn’t stop once you came down. he kept on going. he moved his fingers to your center and slowly pushed them inside of you, moving them rapidly in motion with his tongue on your clit. his fingers accompanied with his tongue and the way he moaned against your body was quick to bring you right back to that edge, you found yourself falling over it very quickly.
“oh my- please! can i cum? i’m so so close please?!” you begged once more.
“go ahead, princess,” he mumbled quietly against you.
you came with a string of ‘thank you’s’ as your hands pulled against the restraints violently.
“yesss, oh my god!” you yelled as you came down from your high once more.
“good girl, you’re doing so good for me,” spencer praised as his hands trailed up to your breasts, gently massaging them.
“mm, thank you, sir,” you relished in his touch.
“i’ve missed you so much, waiting to taste you like that again...” he trailed off. “waiting to be inside you again. to feel you cum all over my dick, god i miss that,” he growled.
“me too, sir. please,” you huffed out, squirming as he trailed kisses up your torso. “i-i want to feel you, please,” you pulled against the ropes. 
“does my princess want to touch me?” he teased, trailing his hand down the side of your face.
“yes, sir. please!” 
“since you’ve been so good, i’ll allow it,” he complied, finally undoing the restraints. you held your arms against your side as he massaged them, trying to bring the feeling back. “alright, princess. you can touch me now.”
“thank you, sir,” you said as you brought your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you so you could kiss him. 
“on your knees,” you immediately rolled over to your knees, your ass waving in the air waiting for spencer. “good girl,” he chuckled, his hand tracing the curve of your ass before giving it a squeeze. 
before you knew it, spencer was pushing himself into you. it had been so long since you’d been with him, it felt like the first time you had been together. subtle whimpers left your mouth as he was fully sheathed inside of you.
“fuck, i missed your tight pussy,” he growled, his words causing more wetness to pool where the both of you met. 
“it-it’s too big, sir,” you cried as he pulled back out slowly, only to push himself inside once more. “ah!” 
“take it, sweet girl. i know you can take it,” he bent down to moan into your ear as he slowly thrusted into you again. “uh... just like that, princess. just like that,” he groaned. his hands found your hips, guiding them onto his cock even with his thrusts inside of you. 
“oh my god,” you huffed as your face began to turn into the bed, the pillows and sheets muffling your sounds. “fe-feels so full.”
“you’ve got it, sweet girl. be my strong girl, alright,” he said, noticing the way your head nodded in the pillows. he trailed his hand up your back and grasped your hair, pulling your body up to meet his. “words, princess.”
“yes, sir. i-i’m so s-sorry,” you stuttered out, your head leaning back on his shoulder as his hand trailed down the front of your body. his thrusts only sped up the longer he stayed inside you. “oh, yes, yes, please!” you begged, not sure what for.
“what is it? huh?” he moaned in your ear. “want me to cum inside of you? or do you want to cum all over my dick? which is it?”
“bo-both, sir. please!” you confirmed as he quickly pulled out of you just to flip the both of you over so he was on top of you.
his hand found its way to the crest at the center of your body, doing rapid yet gentle strokes to get you just where you needed to be. before you knew it, your third orgasm of the night had come and gone. your arms went around his waist and neck, trying to pull him impossibly closer to you. the warmth and pulsing of your pussy helped pull spencer over the edge soon after you, his release inside of you being something you didn’t know you missed so much. 
“fuck, you’re such a good girl for me,” he groaned as he fucked his own release back into you. “so good, y/n. you’re so amazing,” he praised, pulling out of you as you whimpered from the overstimulation
“spencer?” you asked, feeling a bit hazy. 
“yes, princess?” he asked as he rubbed gentle circles on your hips.
“mmm, i love you,” you smiled dizzily.
spencer noticed that look. the glazed over eyes, the way your smile seemed slightly faded. he knew exactly what to do for that, too. 
“i love you too, sweet girl,” he smiled, placing a kiss to your forehead. “why don’t we get you cleaned up, yea?” spencer’s hand found your hair, gently running his fingers through it.
“shower with me?” you asked, your hands trailing his jawline ever-so-softly, barely ghosting over his skin.
“of course, y/n,” he agreed, getting up so he could guide you to the bathroom. 
he gently sat you down on the toilet as he started the bath just how you liked it. he made sure to add lavender epsom salts to soothe your muscles, which were more than likely sore from the night’s activities. he added a few essential oils which were good for anxiety, worry, and body aches just to be sure. 
“alright, sweet girl. ready for the bath?” he looked over his shoulder to find you practically on top of him.
“yes, sir,” you nodded. 
spencer sat behind you as you leaned onto his chest, his arms wrapping around your waist as his palms rested against your stomach. you interlaced your fingers with his on your stomach as your head tilted to lay onto his shoulder. 
“i missed you, spencer,” you broke the comfortable silence. “a lot.”
“i missed you too, y/n,” he replied, placing a gentle kiss to your temple. 
“can i ask something?”
“what was that tonight?” you asked. “i loved it, don’t get me wrong. it was amazing. it’s just... you normally aren’t like that.”
“well,” he sighed. “i guess it’s because every time you would visit, the other inmates would say things. like... really bad things about you,” he felt tears welling in his eyes from the memories. “and while i was in there, i couldn’t do anything about it. so i guess i was just a bit pent up from the frustration, is all,” he shrugged.
“i’m sorry, spence. but,” you turned to look him in the eyes. “you’re not there anymore. no matter where your mind might take you, you’re here. you’re back with me,” you wiped the tears that he didn’t even know fell as he mirrored that of yours.
“i’m so happy to be back,” he pressed your foreheads together, not breaking the eye contact. 
“i’m never letting you go again.”
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touyasdoll · 3 years
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Inspired by this ask
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x reader
Word count: 4.4k
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: heights?? yep. just in case, alcohol, outdoor/technically public sex, unprotected sex, emotional sex
Notes: This is my love letter & formal apology to Shouto after what I've done to him in the Plans series. Thank you to @thickbitchywitch/@katsukisdynamite for the ask that inspired this piece 🧡 sorry to make ya wait for it!
Also, I know America does everything ass-backwards, including which side of the road we drive on, but for the purpose of this fic and for the sake of all the cute little moments I wanted to cram into it, this is set in an unspecified country that might seem eerily similar to the USA.
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You slip your fingers through the warm mug of coffee resting on your end table, bringing it to your lips to savor that first, delicious sip as you gaze out the window. It’s still fairly early, the sky just having lost its pinkish hue as it ascends the horizon. There’s a crisp chill in the air outside, warm-toned leaves dancing around, carried by the light breeze that’s shaking the branches of the tree on the other side of the windowpane. After a long, hot summer, it’s finally feeling like fall.
The chime of your phone pulls you from your morning routine. You smile fondly at the caller ID, which reads: Shouto <3
“Good morning,” you chirp, setting your coffee aside to curl up on the couch, fiddling with the sleeve of your oversized sweatshirt.
“Good morning,” you can hear that adorable smile of his in his voice. “Did you sleep okay?”
“I did, thank you for asking. Did you?” You chew on the inside of your lip, fingers still absently playing with your own sleeve to work out the butterflies that have taken flight inside your belly.
It had only been a month or so since you’d started seeing Shouto after having met him through your childhood friend, Momo. She had not-so-subtly arranged for the two of you to meet by inviting you both out to coffee with her separately, saying she had a friend she was bringing along. She never had any intentions of attending, but the little white lie was necessary, of course.
If she had told either of you that she was trying to set you up, neither one of you would have shown up that day and you wouldn’t be sitting here, all smiles as you listen to his soothing voice through the receiver.
“For the most part,” he sounds nervous. Maybe that’s why he clears his throat before he continues, “I was up planning something for the two of us today. You said you were free today, right?” “Yeah, I have nothing going on,” you say almost too eagerly, blushing as you slap your hand to your face, letting it slide over your cheek as you scrunch up your features. “What, uh, what did you have in mind?”
“It’s a surprise. Bit of an all day thing, though. Can I pick you up in an hour or so?”
“An hour?” You glance at the clock, then down at your ‘clearly dressed for comfort’ attire. “Hour and a half maybe? I don’t wanna make you wait on me when I’m inevitably late.” You laugh and he returns a chuckle to your ears.
“Okay, but just for future reference, for you? I’d wait a lot longer than you’d think I might. Hour and a half is fine. I’ll take my time getting there, just in case.”
“Thank you,” the rosy tint on your cheeks increases tenfold as you murmur your goodbye. “I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon.”
/// Two Hours Later ///
“Glad you took your time,” you beam at Shouto as you swing open the door to your apartment, gesturing for him to come inside. “I just need to pull my shoes on and then I’ll be ready to go, I promise.” You allow him inside, shutting the door behind him to keep the cold out before stepping aside to pull on your favorite pair of fall boots that complimented the cozy date outfit you’d adorned. “Can I get you anything?”
“Oh, no thank you,” he smiles politely. “I actually grabbed us some coffee on the way here. It’s down in the car. I just ordered you what you got last time, I hope that’s okay.”
“Last time?” You furrow your brow, looking at him curiously. “Like, when we met?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “I made a note so I wouldn’t forget it for the next time. Didn’t think it would be a whole month later,” he chuckles, scratching the back of his head as he glances down. “I meant to drop by your office a couple weeks ago to surprise you, but work got in the way.”
“Really?” Your expression softens, a shy smile lingering on your lips. “That’s really sweet of you. I don’t even think Momo knows my coffee order,” you laugh, grabbing your coat to pull it on as you step towards the front door.
His long stride allows him to reach the handle before you and he pulls the door open, gesturing for you to head out, “After you,” he smiles handsomely, retrieving his keys from his pocket.
“Thank you,” you nod in appreciation, stepping outside to lock the door behind him.
He strolls up to the passenger side of his sleek, black sedan to open the car door for you, making sure every piece of your ensemble is tucked inside before he shuts the door and circles around to sink into the driver’s seat.
“Hope I got it right,” he glances over at you sipping your beverage as he pushes to start the engine and it purrs to life.
“You did,” you nod reassuringly, holding the warm cup in your lap to keep your hands toasty in the chilly morning air. “Thank you again. This is really thoughtful of you.”
“Don’t mention it,” he rests his elbow on the console, letting his hand dangle above the cup holders as he drives off.
It’s quiet for a long moment. You’re too busy contemplating whether or not you should hold his hand to notice how awkward the silence feels. Should you just go for it? Have you reached that stage yet? Where you can just casually slip your hand through his like you’ve done it a million times? You’d spent plenty of time together, but not much of it was spent holding hands. That seemed so intimate and it was hard to get a proper read on him most of the time, so it was tough to say if you were there yet.
Unbeknownst to you, he’s suffering through a similar dilemma. He doesn’t know what to say. He feels like he never knows what to say around you. That ‘I’d wait for you’ line from this morning was a complete surprise to him. He wasn’t a smoother talker, ever. Something must have possessed him and now he’s just hoping that you’re not expecting him to keep up with it, because he doesn’t have the silver-tongue to do so.
He’s so wrapped up in agonizing over how to start a conversation that he doesn’t notice your left hand entering his peripheral vision, not until it’s there, your fingers reaching over and slipping through his. That is, until the moment you realize that his right hand is as cold as ice.
You jump a little, retracting your hand as you gasp quietly, instant embarrassment flooding your cheeks with heat that you wish would surge to your fingertips. He seems a bit startled, sparing a worried glance at you very briefly before returning his focus to the road.
“Are you alright?” His voice is laced with concern, which is endearing, but it only adds to the embarrassment.
“Yeah,” you squeak, “I’m sorry, I wanted to--I was going to hold your hand, but I didn’t realize that your hand wa--,”
“Was so cold,” he nods, a small smile spreading across his lips. It looked like he was trying not to laugh, which he most definitely was, but it prompted a giggle of your own.
“Yeah,” you look down at your hands, cheeks still burning as warm as the drink in your grasp. “Probably should’ve expected that, I s’pose.”
“That’s alright,” he glances over again to flash a reassuring smile in your direction before tilting his head to the left. “This side is much warmer, I promise.” He waits a beat, “A-are your hands cold? I can’t exactly lend you this hand.” He nods to the one gripping the steering wheel, “But you could, uh, put your hand in my hair?”
“Are you sure?” You laugh again, tentatively reaching your hand behind his head, letting your wrist rest on the back of the seat before he nods his permission. You push your fingers into his red hair and greeted with nothing but comforting warmth. “Oh,” you murmur, absently playing with his hair as you run your fingers through it. “You really do run warm on this side.”
“Mm, mm-hmm,” he hums quietly, fighting the urge to close his eyes and lean into your gentle touch. “Feel better?”
“Better this and the coffee, yes.”
“Good,” he chuckles, feeling a tad more comfortable now that the tension of the initial silence was broken.
“So, where is it that we’re going?” You think to ask, smiling when you see his lips turn up at your query.
“A few places,” he nods thoughtfully. “First up is apple-picking. Have you ever been?”
“No, but I’ve always wanted to,” your eyes dance with excitement and he’s grateful he spares another glance to see you perk up in your seat.
“Me either,” he glances in his rear view and looks over his shoulder before getting onto the highway. “Heading up a little further North, but I brought an extra coat for you in case it gets too cold.”
“Brought or bought something I would tell you is too expensive?” You raise an eyebrow, donning a coy smile as you momentarily halt your fingers in his hair.
“Would it help if I told you that I bought it for Fuyumi last year and never gave it to her?”
“It might,” you narrow your eyes playfully, regarding him with skepticism.
“Well, then I would tell you that, if I felt like I could lie to you,” he shrugs, a soft chuckle escaping him as he sees you shake your head in the corner of his eye. “It’s no big deal. Just about anyone could probably use a new coat for the winter anyway, right?”
“You’re not wrong,” you admit, resuming carding your fingers through his fiery locks. “But I’ve told you that you don’t need to spend your money on me. It’s so sweet, but it’s really not necessary.”
“I don’t do things that I want to do because they’re necessary. Otherwise, that’s just something that I have to do,” he half shrugs, that effortless smile on his face yet again. “I want to buy you nice things sometimes. You deserve them.”
You open your mouth to reply, but you can’t seem to find the words. No one’s ever said something so genuine to you and yet he’s done it twice just this morning, catching you off guard and rendering you speechless.
“Thank you,” you finally say, running your fingers through his hair a little slower as you study his face, smiling fondly at his profile.
“You’re welcome,” he grins and you catch yourself staring before he looks your way, turning your eyes to your coffee as you take another sip.
“So, you said there were a few stops planned on our little adventure today?”
“Yeah,” he nods, “After apple-picking, there’s actually a small farm nearby there. It’s pretty small, they usually only host private events, but there’s a pumpkin patch and this beautiful tree. Looked like a great place for a picnic, so I arranged for us to have the place to ourselves.”
You open your mouth to protest, but promptly close it and nod, “Because you wanted to?”
“Because I wanted to,” he repeats with an emphatic nod. “After that, I’ll either take you home or you can come back to my place with me. I know you mentioned a couple of scary movies that you wanted to watch, so I picked up a copy of those and that, other one you were talking about? Not the scary one, but--the one you couldn’t believe I haven’t seen?”
“Hocus Pocus?!” You say a little too animatedly, but he thinks your excitement is adorable.
“That’s the one,” he confirms. “I thought you might be excited about that one.”
“I still can’t believe you’ve never seen it,” you shake your head. “It’s a classic! And it plays on tv at least 42 times a week throughout the month of October.”
“Never been much of a movie guy,” he flicks on his turn signal, reaching his arm behind your seat to brace his hand against it before looking over his right shoulder.
You can smell the dab of cologne wafting from the inside of his wrist, his bicep flexes subtly in the position it takes and you can’t help but look at it, to take him in. He’s dressed well, as always. Dark jeans, a gray henley, and a black canvas jacket, lined with red flannel. His gaze flickers to you, a soft smile appearing on his lips in the brief moment that your eyes meet and you swear that you could melt right there, despite the cool temperature of the cab.
“Well, you might become one after today,” you turn your head, pretending to look out the window in case a shade of pink creeps back across your cheeks. “Sometimes all it takes is one good experience to change your whole perspective on something.”
“Yeah,” his gaze lingers on the side of your face as he brings his arm back to rest on the console. He wears a fond smile as he contemplates exactly how true your words ring. “That’s something I’ve recently come to realize.”
Romantic love wasn’t something that he was inherently familiar with. It was never demonstrated by his parents and he hadn’t had any other influences in his life to model what a healthy, loving relationship looked like. That type of love was a foreign concept. He’d come to understand platonic love over the years, but venturing into the romantic variety? It was intimidating for someone who felt like he didn’t even have the proper foundation to build on.
He was incredibly grateful to Momo for tricking him into what ended up being your first date, because he wouldn’t have had the courage to go otherwise and he knew that. He could stare danger straight in the face, but he didn’t have it in him to walk into a coffee shop with the knowledge that he’d be left to his own devices with a beautiful, intelligent woman. The latter was ostensibly more terrifying through the lens he saw the world through.
And terrifying it was. It was awkward, slightly uncomfortable, but he reasoned that most first dates were. The first time that you laughed at something that he’d said, all he could think about was making you do it again.
Your laugh, your smile, your presence. It was alluring, intoxicating even. He couldn’t explain the feeling bubbling up in the pit of his stomach as he watched you talk about your job, your goals, your interests. It was new and exciting, but paralyzing. He’d never had such a strong attachment to someone he’d only just met.
A few hours later, while you were saying goodbye, all he could think about was the next time that he would get to see you. It almost scared him how much the thought consumed him. He couldn’t believe that he had just spent one of the best afternoons of his life with someone who was a total stranger to him when he woke up that morning.
He couldn’t believe it when you agreed to go to dinner with him the next day. He was worried about it being too soon to ask to see you again, but he was more concerned with not seeing you for another week or longer.
He couldn’t believe how much he had grown to care about you in such a short amount of time when he started planning this fall excursion of yours last week. A month wasn’t a lot of time to fall in love with someone. He didn’t know much, but he knew that. Still, he couldn’t help but think that maybe this was it. Maybe this was love.
He’d thought about it a lot over the past few days, ruminating over how he would even know what falling in love felt like. He still didn’t know where to start, who to look to. All he could compare it to was one of those amusement park rides. The kind that lifts you up and dangles you hundreds of feet in the air, letting you take a good hard look at the ground, at where you could end up if something were to go wrong, before the world falls away from under you and you’re in free fall. Your stomach flying into your chest, your heart clawing its way into your throat while you hang on tight and hope that everything works out.
If love was like that? Then he was certain that he was falling. He was falling fast and he was falling hard.
As the day marched on, he only grew more convinced that this was it. This was the feeling that everyone raved about; that no one could get enough of. It was the little moments that solidified it for him.
The way you laughed, so carefree and joyful when he picked you up by surprise to grab that perfect apple that was just barely out of your reach.
The way he felt when you reached out and found his hand while wandering through the pumpkin patch. It was like you’d practiced the motion a thousand times, you didn’t even need to look. His heart skipped a beat.
The way that you were looking at him now, sitting across from him on the sprawled out blanket beneath the old oak tree tucked away just behind the farm. A kaleidoscope of colors above you in the leaves that danced and swayed in the gentle wind that blew around you.
There was no room for doubt. He was in love.
He had hoped that maybe the realization would bring him a sense of peace, but it only made him more nervous that he already was. He considered himself lucky when he managed to fill both glasses of wine without his trembling hands soaking the picnic blanket with a mismanaged pour.
By the time you’d finished the meal he’d packed for you to share, he was almost certain that you would be able to hear his heart beating out of his chest if you came any closer to him. Still, that was exactly where he wanted you.
He sits back against the trunk of the tree, opening his legs in a v-shape and extending his hand to you, gesturing for you to come closer with a soft expression. You return his gentle smile and oblige, moving to sit between his legs, carefully laying back against his chest. His arms wrap around you, his hands slide against the fabric of the new coat that you had thankfully decided to accept from him as he tries to keep you warm in the crisp weather.
“Thank you for today,” you murmur dreamily, turning slightly to nuzzle into his left side as he smiles down at you. “It’s been perfect.”
“I think so too,” he presses a kiss to your temple, entirely aware that you might not have heard him over the thumping in his chest. “Can I tell you something?”
“Mhm,” you hum happily, wrapping your arm around his torso.
“I don’t know how to say this, because I never have, not--not this way,” he pauses, prompting you to sit up straighter, angling your face up to look at him. “But I, uh,” he looks down into your eyes, wrapping you a little tighter in his arms as he says, “I love you.”
“You what?” You balk, blinking as if that would help you make sure your ears had heard him right.
“I know,” he looks away, loosening his hold on you, in case you might want to scurry away from him and the loaded words that he’d just dropped. “I know it’s only been 5 weeks and that might seem like far too soon to be saying such a thing, but,” he locks eyes with you, his heterochromatic orbs full of genuineness. “I mean it. I really do and I completely understand that you might not be ready to say the same for a while, if you ever feel like saying it to me at all. I just couldn’t let today end without telling you how I really feel.”
“Sho,” you sit up straight, kneeling between his legs and interlocking his hand with yours. “Do you really mean that?”
“Yes,” he reassures you with a soft smile, running his thumb along your finger as he searches your eyes, feeling a spark of immeasurable joy as he notices the way your smile reaches them.
“I love you too.” You breathe the words out and as soon as you do, it feels like a mountain has fallen off your shoulders.
He sits upright and embraces you, snaking an arm around your waist as his lips crash into yours. You return the kiss eagerly, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lifts you into his lap to straddle him.
“Mm, Sho?” You speak against his lips, grinding slowly in his lap as your hand pushes into his hair, feeling that familiar warmth.
“Hmm?” He doesn’t bother parting your mouths or even slowing down. His hands push open your jacket to slip beneath your shirt, the pads of his fingers skimming your sides as you shudder under his featherlight touch.
“You said we have this whole place to ourselves? As in, no one’s around?”
“Right,” he pulls back, nodding as he slips his hands up your spine to hook his thumb under the band of your bra, raising a curious brow to you as he do so. “Do you..want to?”
You simply nod in response, the lovesick grin on your face growing wider as you kiss him again before pulling away completely and moving back to the blanket, extending your hand to him. He walks forward a few steps on his knees, cupping your face in his hand as he kisses you slow and deep, dropping his hand away to remove his jacket as you do the same, pulling yours off and setting it aside before you’re tangled in each other’s arms again.
Before long, the both of you are stripped down, shivering in the cold breeze, but unwilling to care. He balls up his coat and sets it down behind you. Thankfully, he brought along an extra blanket, which he pulls over the two of you as he very carefully lays you down, ensuring your head is cradled by the makeshift pillow and that the blanket is at least partially doing it’s job of keeping out the cold; he could keep up the difference to keep you warm.
“Are you alright?” He stops to look into your eyes as he hovers over you, tender eyes regarding you with adoration instead of lust.
“Yes,” you nod gently, reaching up to cup his face, bringing his lips onto yours to kiss him passionately and he sighs through his nose, groaning quietly as he slips inside of you.
It feels different this time, for the both of you, because it is different now. Now that you’ve bared your souls and shared something even more intimate than this deeply personal act, it has a different meaning. There’s a new connotation to this melding of bodies, because your hearts have become inextricably involved.
It’s soft. Slow and gentle. His forehead rests against yours as he bottoms out inside of you, his eyes squeezing shut at the way you clench around him. When he opens his eyes back up, he holds your gaze, staring down at you in awe as you make such pretty, broken sounds just for him. He wants to hear more. Always wanting more. More of you.
His lips find your neck, tucking away quiet promises meant only for your ears and sealing them with a kiss between each proclamation.
“I love you,” he places a kiss just below your ear.
“I think I’ve known since the moment I met you,” another lands on the pulse in your neck.
“You’re the most beautiful, kind, and capable woman that I’ve ever known,” and another to your throat.
“You make me want to be better than I am,” his lips find the other side of your neck.
“Because you deserve the very best,” one last kiss lands just below your other ear as his slow strokes reach deeper, pulling a gasping moan form your chest.
“Sho,” you mewl, mouth falling open as you look up at him, tangling your fingers in the hair on either side of his head. “Sho,” you repeat, your voice rising in pitch, morphing into a soft whine as your eyes fall shut and he buries his face in your neck, grunting and groaning as he bucks his hips just as slow, but twice as harsh, resting his hand on your belly to delicately rub his thumb over your throbbing clit.
“You gonna cum for me, love?” He grins as you nod frantically, grasping at his trapezius with one hand and the blanket beneath you with the other as you arch your back, your hips match his pace as he continues burying himself inside you over and over again.
“Gonna--oh--gonna cum, Shouto!” You keen, coming undone in a shameless display of euphoria as he lets you ride out your orgasm.
“You’re so beautiful,” he marvels before his brows pinch together, his head hanging between his shoulders as he mutters a curse under his breath. “Gonna cum, baby.”
He announces it just before he pulls out, turning himself away in time to ensure that the viscous fluid landed off to the side of where you two laid, the blanket beneath you catching the evidence of your entanglement.
He falls to your side, keeping you tucked beneath the blanket while you curl into him. His chest becomes your pillow as you cast your arm over his waist, clinging to his left side to keep warm as he presses one final kiss to your temple before tucking you under his chin.
“I love you,” he says softly, not a hint of hesitation to be found.
“I love you too,” you return the sentiment, whispering against his skin as confidently as he professed the words to you. “I love you so much.”
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Screaming & Creaming Masterlist
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cynettic · 3 years
Kissing Genshin Characters before you Die
Summary - Kissing the Genshin Characters one last time before you enter the battlefield.
Pairings - Reader x Albedo / Barbara / Bennett / Beidou / Chongyun / Diluc / Eula / Kazuha / Kaeya / Ayaka / Ningguang / Childe / Venti / Xiao / Zhongli
Warnings - Angst, death mentions
Tips - I wrote this listening to ‘Lovely’ and ‘Listen before I go,’ so it might make it better if you listen to both those songs while reading this :’) Both are by Billie Eilish btw, both reverb and slowed down songs for the extra angst
A/N - Im so tired, so so tired of human interaction and having no motivation to talk to people. Its like my social battery simply does not recharge, and I'm stuck writing about interactions I wish I could have, even if it's angst. Burying myself in the delusion that being in a different reality would change everything, burying myself in little imaginations and dreams of a love that doesn't exist.
Also yes, if you did notice the song lyrics playing at first are from "If the World was Ending," used to listen to that song so much. Thought it would fit this :)
“If the world was ending you’d come over right?”
It was absolute chaos, flames crawling up the wooden buildings and spreading smoke through the nation of Teyvat. Everything burned with the scorching heat, children crying, men and woman trying to run from the unescapable flames. Terror etched into citizens faces when encountering the monsters who appeared unaffected by the destruction.
Hilichurls and ruin guards smashing past people, till there was nowhere to run. And it was the mere decision of whether being beaten to death or burnt crisp was a better way to leave this world.
“You’d come over and you’d stay the night.”
But there you were, weapon in hand as you stood up against the blaze. Strong against the unblinking inferno in front of you, unwavering as you stood in front of the monsters that eagerly rushed towards you. Cut and obliterated in seconds, your eyes held nothing but a sickening disgust.
You slowly turned back to your s/o, relief quenching your heart when they were safe in the little location you’d found for them. They were injured, they wouldn't be sitting on the sidelines otherwise. And holding your weapon up again, you claimed the role of protector against the hoard of monsters.
“Would you love me for the hell of it?”
Their voice broke past your focus, a ragged sound that was suffering. It only took you a few strides till you reached them, crouching down to face them fully. Your faces were mere inches away, and you could see the frustration on their face. A deeply rooted feeling that fueled the action as they curled their hand around your head. Pressing your lips against theirs, one last kiss before you assumed the role of predator against the monsters.
“All our fears would be irrelevant.”
Both hands coming to hold their face, you pressed forwards into their kiss. Grasp tight against them, clinging onto them as if they were your lifeline.
“If the world was ending you’d come over right?”
You kissed them as if the world wasn't a aflame, like it was just you both sitting there. Hands grasping for their skin, for their lips, for them. Because without them you couldn't live in this smoldering world, a bright light that cocooned you in its comforting warmth. Nothing like the blazing flames that surrounded the two of you.
You kissed them like they were the only thing that mattered.
“The sky’d be falling and I’d hold you tight.”
But you felt the shake in their hands as they pressed their hand against your back, scared to let you go, scared to lose you. Scared to let this kiss end and have to face the scorching reality.
“And there wouldn't be a reason why.”
You pressed one last kiss to their forehead, basking in their embrace once more between you broke away. The look on your face was confident as you faced them one last time, softened by their teary eyes. Whispering soft words to them, you could only watch as they broke down, a tight feeling in your chest urging you to do the same.
But no, you had to be strong. For them, for yourself, for all of Teyvat. You slowly turned to the flames and monsters, holding up your weapon, screaming one last battle cry as you let your weapon lead your actions. As you let death become your only objective in a flurry to protect your partner.
“We would even have to say goodbye.”
Sobs wretched out of their throat as they watched you crumble, watched you fall the ground and collapse. Till the movement of your chest came to an abrupt stop, and monsters pooled at your sides.
They were forced to watch, unable to move.
“If the world was ending you’d come over right?”
Their cries turned to whimpers, until they couldn't hear the noises that spilled form their lips. Until they didn't care. What they cared about was thrown on their battlefield, beaten and ragged, torn and broken.
“You’d come over… right?”
He takes his time, hand on the back of your neck pushing you so hard against him till he’s woozy. Memorizing the feel of your plush lips against his, molding them into memory with every kiss. He’ll break away from your lips, pressing soft pecks up your face, along your nose, to your forehead. Infatuated with the way your hands gently hold his face, careful, delicate. He doesnt want to let you go, and with one final peck right between your eyes, he’ll close his eyes, whispering a goodbye as you leave. He doesnt open them when you die, he doesnt open them when the monsters reach him. No, he dies in your embrace, even if its not real.
Desperate, oh so desperate. She doesnt know what to do with you when you press your hands to her face, tearful. You’ll have to be the one to initiate the kiss, muffling her cries with a short lived sweetness between the two of you. She’ll have her hands all over you, unsure of how to hold you, how to press you against her. She wants to stay like this forever, and even if her kisses are sloppy and messy, she’s crying too much to notice. She won’t break away, you’ll have to tug your way out of her grip and press one last kiss to her forehead. Her voice is angelic, even when she cries. You remind yourself that this is what you’re protecting as you enter the battlefield, giving it your all.
Oh she knows, knows how this will play out. The kisses shared between the two of you are strong and compassionate, its more intense than any other kiss you’ve both shared before. Because she knows. She knows what’ll become of you and her, that this is the last kiss she’ll share with you, that there's nothing she can do about it. She lets herself indulge in you, her strong hold on you never letting go until you vocally ask her to let you go. You make her promises she knows you can't keep, but simply smiles, telling you to come back to her.
Awkward, his hands will grab your shoulders when you approach him, pressing for a kiss immediately. He misses his mark, accidentally pressing his lips to the edge of your lips, noses bumping against each other as he tries to shift his face. You chuckle, holding his face as you adjust the angle, till you can fully reach his lips and press him against you. Like Barbara, he’ll cry, letting himself melt into you. He doesnt resist when you back away, whispering to him. Just sitting there he’ll cry, sob through it all, vision blurry with tears. But its better that way, he can picture you better when everything is fuzzy.
Everything was smoldering hot, too much for Chongyun who has so much yang energy trapped in him. He’s going through one of his rushes when you get to him, eager to tuck you into his arms. His kisses are sporadic, like he’s trying to kiss you but he cant. Like no matter how much his lips meet yours, it isnt enough. He wants more, he wants the promise of your forever embrace ingrained in his head. And when you break away, he’s left empty, the kisses he’d given you the only warmth on his lips. Suddenly everything was cold, so cold, and he only wished for you.
Too rough, mashing your lips against his until you couldn't breath. Dizzy with the lack of oxygen, he didn't stop. You were ‘his,' right here right now, no one could take you away from him. You belonged alongside him, crouched in front of him, pressed into his arms where he could keep you safe. He wouldn't let you go, strong arms pulling you to his chest so firmly that you couldn't escape. He wanted to be selfish, he let himself indulge in the promise to himself that you weren't going anywhere. You’ll have to physically break out yourself, pressing back his hands as he tries to make a grab for you, tears brimming.
You were her everything, and she’ll tell you it through her kisses. She’ll run her hands along the curve of your back, holding you tenderly against her. She doesn't wish for vengeance for all the soft kisses you’ve stolen from her good days long ago, no, she’s willing to forgive you for everything as long as you’ll ‘stay.’ She promises that in all honesty, she loves everything about you, even if she denies it sometimes. And when you leave, she tells you to come back. That its the one and only thing she’ll hold against you if you don't.
Soft, so incredibly sensual with every touch. Kazuha was always filled with words, filled with lovely compositions made for you and only you. But now, he couldn't think of anything, no haiku he’d written in the past that compared to what he felt right now. Metaphors and hidden meanings couldn't compare to the raw pulsing throb he felt in his chest. “I love you,” he whispered, plain and simple. It held so much affection, he was afraid even those words weren't enough to express what he felt, but he settled with it either way. “I love you,” he repeated, brushing your lips against his before he said it again. “I love you.” He said it again, even as you left, entering the battlefield. He didn't stop saying it, not when he saw the monsters take you, not when they approached him with the promise of death. “I love you.”
He doesnt kiss you, because kisses to Kaeya are a sort of affection that brings the sense of normalcy. He likes the way your lips feel against his, but holding you against him is more special. He doesnt depend on kisses to express what he feels, instead pushing your head to his chest, sighing when your own arms come to wrap around him. No kisses, no touches, just you and him. Offering each other your last shreds of hope, because in the end, you only need each other.
“Look at me.” Her hand cups your cheeks just as you do to her. Now you both simply stare into each others eyes, love and adoration filling hers. She loves you, oh she loves you so much. But she understands duty better than anyone, the urge to protect you almost consuming her. When she kisses you, its soft, butterfly kisses. She doesn't rely on the contact to keep her grounded, no holding your face is a gift enough for her. To stare at you, even for one last time, is all she needs. You’ve given her so much, she would follow you to the ends of the world if you asked her to, and that's why it hurts her so much to watch you fall. She closes her eyes, noticing that she’d follow soon after and perhaps see you in the afterlife. No, she would, that's a promise she makes to herself.
Ningguang has delt with loss before, the concept isnt foreign to her. But you… you’re more than the jade chamber, more than any possession she has. You’re precious, like she sold a piece of her heart to you that she could never gain back. You took it from her, and you plan to take it with you to the battlefield. All she can do is press her lips against yours. Kiss you and the world beside you both becomes meaningless, until air becomes a chore instead of a necessity. Because without air she'd kiss you forever.
Details, in the case that Childe himself cant fight alongside you, he’ll hold you and repeat the details in his head. The way his hand feels on your hair, how soft or rough your lips are against his. How you fit against him, how badass you look out in the battlefield. He won’t stop you from leaving him, because he knows that if this case was reversed, he’d want you to let him go too. So he presses intimate kisses, slow ones that dont consist of a fight for dominance like they usually do. No, he wants to tell you how much he loves you, one last time.
He doesnt know what to do, pressed against you firmly. He presses soft kisses, but theres no emotion, he doesn't know how to express himself here. He’s lost a lot, lost so much in his existence, but nothing prepared him for this. Only after a kisses will he ask to cry, and when you tell him yes he’ll press his head against your shoulder. He’ll sob, hands gripping the fabric of your shirt as he does so. And then he kisses you while tears stream down his face, mashes your lips against his until his face grows numb. And he’ll continue to feel numb when you leave, when you die, when he dies.
He doesn't know what to do, Xiao has never felt so utterly useless when you crouch to him. Form battered and bruised, when you embrace him he feels whole again. You’re his world, he doesn't care about the blazing inferno just beside you, the monsters that threaten all of Teyvat. You are his everything, what he strives to protect and keep safe. Kisses with him are breathless, both of you passionately pulling each other closer. He cant get enough of you, he wants all of you, every single piece. Molded into his embrace until you cant get out. When you break away, he tries to pull you to him, but he finds himself only able to move in the slightest. But Xiao is a protector, he is ‘your’ protector. He follows you as you head to the battlefield, dragging his limp body in a crawl to get closer. He doesn't stop when he sees the monsters overtake you, no, he continues. Just until he reaches your body, grabbing you and holding your corpse into his chest. He numbs out the monsters that attack him, knowing sullenly that he's going to die. But death doesn't seem so bad, not beside you.
As someone who always has control over the situation, Zhongli will be able to adapt quickly. But he doesnt want you to suffer, admiring you for being so strong when everything presses against you. He wishes to relieve the weight if only a little bit with a few kisses. Sensual and intimate, he wants to support you, and if he cant do it on the battlefield he’ll do it right here. Hold you close and promise you that he’ll always be there for you. Only after you die does he allow himself to cry, not wanting to have burdened you with his tears.
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Bets With a Vegas Boy
summary: When Spencer and Reader make a bet with high stakes, their stubborn sides show, but when a consulting officer has his eyes on reader, Spencer has to step in.
word count: 4.9k
warnings: SMUT (breeding kink, daddy kink, a bit of degradation, semipublic sex,) unrequited flirting, criminal minds style violence, suggested cannibalism, reader has multiple tattoos
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Female Reader
A/N: This took me forever to finish as I was on vacation! I hope you all enjoy it!
“Y/N, have you ever met Reid? You’re supposed to be smart, why would you willingly sign up for this?” You scoffed at JJ’s words. When Penelope Garcia is involved it seems that no news traveled slowly, proven by the entire BAU’s new knowledge of the bet you had made with boy genius after bickering about which of you was more clingy. “JJ, you really underestimate me that much?” She shook her head in disbelief “You know that’s not it, but come on Y/N! Seriously, he’s banned from every casino in Vegas! Why would you bet against that?” “JJ, he was banned because he can count cards. It’s not like we’re playing Black Jack for christ’s sake!” She weighed the idea for a moment and you could see the wheels turning in her head. “Okay that’s true, but still. He’s the most stubborn man I’ve ever met. I seriously hope whatever he has in mind for your forfeit isn’t as bad as yours.” You laughed, imaging Spencer in the predicament you were positive he would be in the thick of by the end of the week.
“I think he’d look good with one, you don’t agree?” JJ rolled her eyes as you both made your way out of the elevator towards the glass doors. “That’s not my point Y/N, don’t you think it’s a little harsh? I mean he’s not like you, how do you know he’d even want one?” You smirked, remembering the first time you’d met Dr. Spencer Reid. You had been brought on to the team a few short years ago after an implemented policy that required an even amount of field agents so there were partners for every investigation. You thought it was a bit condescending, requiring the most brilliant minds in the nation to follow the buddy system, but it gave you a job and for that you were thankful. It had its perks though, one of which being your immediate pairing with Reid. You were as young as him and not far behind in brilliance. What you lacked in eidetic memory and forgein language fluency, you more than made up for in marksmanship and street smarts. You and Reid got along fine, even if it was a bit tense at first. He was thoroughly convinced he didn’t need a babysitter.
“I’m a grown man! Why would I need to be watched every second of the day? The last thing we need is a liability.” you remembered the words like it was yesterday. You had been approaching him from behind, and overheard his rant. “Well, technically since we’re the same age, I’d hardly consider myself a babysitter. Would you trust your child’s care with someone their age?” Spencer had turned himself around so fast he’d almost fallen off the desk he was perched atop. “Y-you must be Agent Y/N! It’s uh nice to meet you?” He cringed at the tone of his voice, and you burst out with giggles before shaking your head. “Don’t worry Dr. Reid, I understand it must be a difficult situation for you. I mean, if I were the resident genius I wouldn’t take too kindly to the idea of being shown up either.” The dark-skinned woman who had previously been engaging him in his sour mood let out a surprised chuckle and you watched his face turn from embarrassment to shock and finally settle on disbelief. “Wh- Excuse me?” You felt your stomach begin to cramp as his reaction made you laugh further and you clutched your files against your chest. You fought to catch your breath for a few seconds before regaining your composure. “Excuse my reaction, Dr. Reid but I couldn’t resist. No hard feelings?” He nodded mutely and you saw a soft smile crack through his mock stern expression. You turned to introduce yourself to the woman next to him, Tara Lewis. You made small talk for a few more minutes while Reid scribbled away at his desk before Emily called all of you to the round table with a case.
Nerves had struck you then, and you stood frozen instead of joining Tara in her stride. “Y/N, everything okay?” You jumped slightly as you heard Reid’s voice from behind you. “Oh! Yes, sorry!” You moved out of his way, trying your best not to stumble over an empty desk and failing miserably. He stretched his hands out and caught you, much to your embarrassment. “Are you sure you’re okay? Are you feeling ill?” You shook your head quickly. “No! No, I'm fine, really.” He looked into your eyes and you tried to ignore the sparks you felt deep in your chest. “Y/N you’re working with profilers now, lying that poorly will never work around here.” His joke succeeded in its attempt to lighten the mood and you let out a soft laugh despite your anxiety. “I’m just a little nervous I guess. I didn’t expect to have a case so soon.” He nodded and his thumb absentmindedly rubbed soothing circles on your sleeve. “I understand. We all felt that way at first. I won’t say it’s easy, but we’re all here to support you. Take a few deep breaths.” You did as he instructed and you felt your nerves ease as he consoled you. “That’s better. Besides, what could you have to worry about? You have the best partner here.” You laughed, and he released your arm. “I’ll meet you in there.” and with that he left you standing there trying to lock down the feelings he had just arisen in you. “Nice Y/N, crush on your partner first thing. What a great start.” you muttered to yourself
A few moments later you joined the rest of the team at the table and quickly reviewed the case, before lifting off 45 minutes later to a small town in Georgia. Everything felt like a whirlwind and you did your best to keep up. True to what Spencer had said, the team helped you get your bearings and by the end of the night you were making great strides along with the rest of them. It was near midnight when Emily dismissed you all to the hotel a few blocks away to get a few hours of rest. You were thankful, having poorly attempted to drown your tiredness with watery coffee from the small pot at the station, and you made your way to the hotel as swiftly as you could manage. When you were all gathered in the lobby, Emily handed out the keycards and it quickly dawned on you how the room assignments would work. You tried to shake off the thought and prayed that the night would go quickly. It made sense to just put the partners together, it made keeping track of everyone easier and allowed for quick communication between the team. You told yourself all the reasons it was logical as you made your way up to your room.
Spencer left you to your thoughts, but he could see how hard you were focusing. He unlocked the door and the lights switched on as you both made your way towards your beds. You heard him ask you something, and turned awkwardly to face him “Sorry, what’d you say?” He looked at you, a mix of amusement and concern on his face. “I asked if you wanted to shower first. Are you okay?” “Oh! Yeah, thanks. I’m okay, just thinking about the case.” You hoped you had lied better this time and were relieved that he seemed to buy it. “Just try to shut your mind off of it for now, I know it’s hard. Trust me, you’ll feel much better when you’re refreshed.” You nodded at his words and pulled some pajamas out of your go-bag. “Thanks Spencer. I’ll try not to take too long.” He shrugged you off “No worries, take your time.” You shut yourself behind the door and tried to shake the feelings out of your head. “Get a grip Y/N. You’re being crazy.” You scolded yourself before showering. You hurried despite Spencer’s insistence and quickly made your way out of the shower to dry yourself off. You applied lotion to your ink-covered skin and slipped on your shorts and t-shirt before drying your hair as fast as you could and making your way out of the bathroom. You dropped your folded clothes on top of your bag, alerting Spencer that you were done.
“That was fast, you really didn’t have to-” his words died in his throat as he looked up from the file in his lap and caught sight of your legs, covered in the intricate artwork that stretched across the skin. You tried to ignore his watchful gaze. “It’s no problem! I wanted to save you some hot water.” He thanked you quietly and made his way to the bathroom hurriedly, trying not to look at you again. You tried to fall asleep but you couldn’t get him out of your head. A few more minutes passed and he made his way over to his bed, trying to will the awkward tension out of the room. You both eventually managed to fall asleep without speaking another word.
The tension continued to grow over the next few months and the rest of the team were getting sick of watching you two dance around each other. You both denied any advances, shot down the chance to go out on any of the numerous blind dates members of the team offered to set up, and chose instead to trade glances across the bullpen and divulge your personal lives over breakroom lunches. Eventually, they made plans for a team outing and convinced you both to attend. Penelope made reservations at a nice restaurant, announcing that everyone just had to try their food. That night however, you showed up to Spencer waiting awkwardly at a table for two in the back corner with a sour face. “Where’s the rest of the team?” You asked him, taking the seat across from him. “Apparently they’ve all had to cancel. Luckily, the reservation was for two.” His eyes narrowed in suspicion and you made a mental note to scold Garcia. “Well, since we’re here I’m happy to eat. I’m starving.” Spencer’s eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly, agreeing with you.  After an evening of great food and better wine, the rest was history, and you found yourself thanking Garcia the next day instead. You and Spencer had been dating for just over two years now, though he’d be able to count it down to the second you’d showed up looking angelic at the restaurant that night. You both complimented each other perfectly and you had a relationship stronger than either of you could have dreamed of.
“Hello?? Y/N are you even listening to me?” JJ’s words and nudge against your shoulder brought you back to present day and you snapped your eyes back to her face. “Yes! Sorry JJ I was just thinking… Anyways, we’ve talked about it before. He loves all of mine, and he’s talked about getting one. He’s just afraid of the pain, and too indecisive to choose what he wants.” You blushed softly as you thought about the many nights spent in your shared bed, Spencer tracing the black lines with his fingertips. He adored them and thought they made you especially unique, not to mention he found them extremely sexy. He favored the black sun on your ribcage, shaded to perfection. Even when you were clothed he would run his hand along the fabric that covered the piece.
“Well still, if you do happen to win, I can’t imagine he’ll go along with it.” You smirked and shook your head. “We’ll see about that JJ.” You both sat at your desks, and began to work through your piles of paperwork. You were thankful there was no case that needed your immediate attention, but paperwork always made you feel like a nap by the time lunch came around. You pushed yourself away from your desk, and stood to find yourself nearly chest to chest with your boyfriend who had stood at the same time. “Oh, sorry Spence. I just need coffee.” You maneuvered your way around him, missing the way he would usually grab your hips to aid you. He followed you to the break room and you poured him a cup as well leaving plenty of room for sugar. Instead of handing it to him with a quick peck on the cheek however, you left it on the counter to be picked up. “You really think you can go a week without touching me?” You heard his voice from the doorway. “It’s already been 3 days.” You said uninterestedly with a shrug, and he eyed you suspiciously. “Okay fine, no. I just think I can go longer than you can.” You finally admitted, smirking back at him.
He grabbed the mug from the counter, adding several teaspoons of sugar before taking a sip. “We’ll see about that. You’re the one that’s always curling yourself around me.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Oh yeah, like you hate it. You’re the one that’s always rubbing my back and holding my hand under tables. Even when we’re on the metro home you’ve got your hand in mine.” He narrowed his eyes at you and stuck his tongue out, making you chuckle. “Very mature Dr. Reid. I can’t wait to win.” He opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted by Luke who stuck his head in to alert you both of the new case you’d be working. You let out a long sigh. “So much for paperwork.” The three of you made your way to the round table and sat, Spencer curling his hand into a fist to keep himself from subconsciously reaching over to place his hand on your leg.
“So, we are assisting in a local case this time, with Washington state PD about a string of murders in the homeless community. However, there’s been hefty construction in their field office so they will be joining us here.” Penelope quickly took the lead after Emily’s announcement and filled you all in about the details. She ran through the few details the local PD managed to uncover on their own and the team had only managed a few minutes of brainstorming when a group of police officers made their way through the glass doors of the BAU. There were only a handful of officers which surprised all of you, and Emily led the rest of you out of the conference room, beelining her way to the chief. “Hello, Landon. It’s nice to see you again.” She shook his hand briefly. “Likewise Emily, though I wish it was under different circumstances.” “As do I. I’m sorry for the miscommunication, I was under the impression that your entire force would be joining us. Is that not the case?” The chief, Landon Bridges you now knew him as, shook his head. “We knew you had a pretty tight space and we have a lot of members. I brought a few people from each department and figured it’d be easiest to fill everyone else in periodically. We didn’t want to overflow your space and leave no room to work.” Emily nodded and rested her hand on his shoulder. “I appreciate the thought, thank you. This is the rest of my team. SSAs Jennifer Jareau, Luke Alves, Matt Simmons, David Rossi, Y/N Y/L/N, Drs Spencer Reid and Tara Lewis, and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia.” You all gestured as Emily quickly introduced you, and a short time later you were all acquainted and working throughout the bullpen. You and Spencer were just beginning to start the geographical profile when one of the Washington police officers, Kline, made his way over to you. “Pardon me agents, do you need any help?” You looked up from your section of the grid lines and smiled at him which he returned brightly, but before you could answer, Spencer dismissed him. Kline’s face fell slightly but he nodded and made his way over to where Tara and Luke were reviewing the last known areas of the victims.
You turned and stared at Spencer in disbelief. He looked up after a few seconds, feeling your eyes burning a hole through the top of his head. “Yes?” You glared at him harder, before railing into him in a hushed tone “Don’t ‘yes?’ me. That was insanely rude. They’re here to help us! Quit acting all high and mighty.” He stared back at you and you saw the stubbornness light up his eyes. “Why should I? We could solve this case twice as fast without them getting in the way.” He knew he was talking too loud, and was more than aware of Kline who was staring at his back with  a sour look resting on his face. “Spencer! I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to fix it. You’re being an ass.” He rolled his eyes and you both let out a sigh before looking back down at the maps covering the desktop beneath you.
A few hours passed before you and Spencer finished the geographical profile, and you gestured Kline over to ask him a few questions about the area you’d narrowed down. Spencer noticed he had made his way to your side and bit his lip to keep himself silent. “Officer Kline, can you tell me anything about this area of the block? It seems like a lot of our victims were last seen in this area.” He eyed the map where red ink stained the paper and pondered for a few seconds. “Well, there’s not much out there really. A few older shops and some construction to the east” he gestured to the empty spot of land on the map “but nothing of real interest. We don’t usually get calls for the homeless population over here either. There’s not really much shelter so they don’t usually go towards this way” Your brow furrowed and you nodded, thanking him but before he could get another word in Spencer piped up. “Kline, if the homeless population doesn’t “Go that way” he mocked the officer in front of you, and Kline tensed up in response “then why are they all disappearing from the area? Does that make sense to you?”
Kline struggled to respond and you glared at Spencer before assuring Kline there was no need for him to pay Spencer any mind, excusing his behavior with a rambling about late nights and too little coffee. Kline walked away and you stared Spencer down for several seconds before making your way towards the main group to deliver the geographic profile, leaving Spencer to sulk. You continued to avoid Spencer until you were sent out to investigate the block you sectioned off with Emily and JJ. You opted to drive which left Spencer in the passenger seat, fuming at your silent treatment and JJ and Emily trying to fight the tension in the SUV to no avail.
You parked the SUV a few blocks away and the four of you walked the rest of the way to avoid raising too much suspicion. You were standing in the center of the unsubs hot zone when you noticed a line of people clustered in front of one of the more rundown buildings. The building had wide front windows that had been taped over with brown paper, as well as the glass doors. You and Spencer approached the group warily, trying to get closer to see the poorly written signs on the door.
You gestured Emily and JJ over and the four of you quickly aimed to disperse the crowd much to their displeasure. After several minutes of arguing and multiple badge flashes you managed to succeed and stood outside the door ready to investigate once the owner opened his doors. Fifteen minutes had passed without any sign of movement from the inside and Spencer began to shift anxiously, causing you to do the same. A few more seconds passed and you heard the locks on the door click, reaching your hand around to rest on your holster automatically. As soon as the door opened, Emily pushed through holding her badge and announcing the reason for your investigation.
The shop owner immediately demanded you leave and not return unless you had a warrant. “Actually, because this is no longer a registered business it becomes property of the town and therefore is subject to any kind of local or national investigation under Property law 14, sections 3a-3f go more in depth about the issue if you feel the need to verify.” Spencer explained the situation while sifting through the counter drawers, leaving the man to sit in silent rage while Emily and JJ questioned him. You bent over to fiddle with a padlock on a hollowed bench seat on the far wall and pulled one of the pins out of your hair to pick it. A few seconds of tampering later, the lock gave way with a satisfying click and you pulled the bench open. A rancid smell hit your nose and stomach before you could process what you were seeing. Body parts were wrapped in butcher's paper and poorly taped, and you fought to keep your breakfast down as you slammed the bench shut. Emily then stood the man up and cuffed him, while reciting the miranda rights. JJ followed her out and you followed her quickly, trying and failing to erase the memory from your mind.
Back at the office, the rest of the team and several of the officers had already begun processing the unsubs case and there was little left to be done by the time you returned. You filled out your files and quickly wrote out your account of the incident before heading to the breakroom for a cup of coffee. You pulled your mug down from the shelf and pressed your favorite individual pod into the machine and pressed the button to let it run. You were digging in the fridge for your creamer when a deep voice startled you
“Little late for coffee isn’t it?” You turned swiftly to find Kline standing in the doorway and you let out a small sigh. “When you work like we do, it’s never too late for coffee” You smiled and made your cup to your taste, taking a long sip. You expected Kline to just grab what he wanted and leave, but instead he continued to make awkward conversation despite you going so far as to begin scrolling through your phone. “So, that Spencer guy is really a piece of work huh?” You fought the urge to roll your eyes and instead remained focused on your screen, telling yourself that he just didn’t get the chance to see the good side of Spencer like everyone else there had. “He’s really not a bad guy, he’s just had a long day. We all have.” Kline nodded but moved closer to you, so close that you could smell his headache-inducing cologne. “I’m just saying, if I had the opportunity to work with you every day, I wouldn’t waste my time arguing with you. I’d treat you right.”
You shifted uncomfortably, praying he would pick up on your uneasiness and back off but instead he moved to corner you against the counter. You tried to excuse yourself but your voice caught in your throat.
“Kline, I really overestimated you. I figured even a man as dimwitted as yourself would be able to tell when a woman isn’t interested but here we are.” Your head snapped up towards the doorway where Spencer was standing. Kline turned around and prepared himself to tell your boyfriend off when he froze. Spencer had the look in his eye that sent chills down your spine and made it very aware to Kline that there was no use fighting. He quickly left the room and you and Spencer held eye contact for several seconds before he spoke again “Meet me in the storage room at the end of the hall in 2 minutes.” His voice made your legs feel weak and you nodded, dumping the contents of your mug down the drain, keeping your pace in check as you slipped into the hallway.
You had barely unlatched the door when Spencer pushed it the rest of the way open and you felt yourself being dragged into the dimly lit space. You barely had time to let out a surprised squeak when you felt his lips against your throat, turning your noise into one of pleasure. His kisses quickly turned sharp, applying the expertly rehearsed amount of pressure to avoid marks but to still send shockwaves of heat to your core. “Spence” his name left your lips in a whine while he busied himself unbuttoning your blouse. “Spencer, you just lost the bet.” You felt a smirk grow across your face that disappeared as he hiked your skirt up to your hips while rubbing your clit through your panties. “Fuck the bet, Y/N. I’m sick of seeing you walk around here clueless. You know I’ve been all over Kline’s ass, little girl?” His voice dropped lower and he lifted you up to push you against the wall. “It’s because he couldn’t stop looking at yours.” You let out a moan as he pushed your panties to the side, slipping two of his fingers into you.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet. Did me getting all protective of you turn you on? You like making daddy jealous?” You shook your head as well as you could manage, trying to keep your volume in check. “Answer me pet, or you’re not gonna get daddy’s cock in you like I know you’re desperate for.” You whimpered at his words  “No! I-I wasn’t trying to make you jealous daddy I swear!” You stuttered as he began to spread you further with his fingers. He smiled against the exposed skin of your chest before removing his fingers. “That’s my good girl. You ready for daddy?” You nodded as he fiddled with his belt buckle, moaning in anticipation as he released his cock from his slacks. You bit your lip as he ran the tip over your folds, sucking in a harsh breath as he pushed himself deep inside you. He let you adjust for a moment while he sucked at your neck again. “Daddy, please move. Please, I need you.” He let his hips move, pulling almost all the way out of you before slamming you forward into the wall again. You let out a moan as he thrusted in and out of you. You felt like your skin was on fire, the lack of touch over the past days made everything more intense.
A few more minutes passed and you felt yourself growing dangerously close to the edge. “Spence I’m gonna cum” you felt his pace grow even more rapid and he circled your clit with his thumb. “I’m gonna cum inside you angel. I’m gonna fill you up with my kid. You want that huh? Want everyone to know that you belong to me, don’t you?” You moaned at his words “God yes, please daddy. Please cum inside me!” You felt his hips stutter under you and a familiar warmth as you finally climaxed. Your toes curled and your head fell back against the wall, trying to catch your breath.
“God Y/N that was amazing.” You let out a soft whimper as he pulled out of you and lowered you back down to your feet. He kissed you, pulling you closer than before. “I love you Spencer. Only you.” He touched the tip of his nose to yours and returned your words, while you both caught your breath. A few minutes later you both exited the closet, and tried to smoothly make your way back to your desks. Washington PD had finished the bureau required paperwork and had already left so things were much quieter.
You had just sat down when JJ looked up from her computer. “So Spence, whatcha gonna get?” His head snapped up and your cheeks flushed. “Wh-What?” he managed to stutter out. “From the diner? Garcia said she would run out and get dinner.” You both let out simultaneous sighs of relief and told her what you wanted, settling in for a long night.
The next weekend you had free, you found yourselves in one of your favorite spots. The low pitched buzzing added to Spencer’s anxiety as he tried to divert his focus to the bright neon signs. You held his hand, stroking it with your thumb as you waited for your tattoo artist and best friend, Vannessa, to finish Spencer’s design. You tried to distract him but before long she called you back to the table and you heard his breathing quicken. You helped him get settled on the table while Vannessa applied the stencil. She adjusted it until Spencer and you both approved and then she started. Spencer tightened his grip on your hand as she traced the lines while you murmured words of encouragement in his ear. Half an hour later, she was running Spencer through the after care process while wrapping his forearm up. You paid her and made your way out of the shop after thanking her.
Slipping into the driver’s seat, you watched as Spencer carefully maneuvered his way into the car, fastening his seatbelt and resting his arm against the door. The streetlight shining through his window highlighted his forearm perfectly, revealing the perfectly mimicked shape of a shaded black sun.
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Request: nii!bokuto fucking y/n dumb at a team reunion party and the whole team ends up joining.
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Okay so I made it so the whole team is there but Akaashi and Konoha are the only ones who really get to do anything. The others are enjoying the show.
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Warnings: incest, humping/grinding, voyeurism/exhibitionism, watersports/piss play, gangbang, squirting, fire play/lighter use, breeding, dirty talk, cum shots, human urinal, thigh riding, asphyxiation briefly creampie, swallowing urine
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Kōtarō-nii + Gangbang [includes Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha]
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It’s just supposed to be a little get together was what you were told. Two hours later, each old teammate of Bokuto was still downstairs, chatting and laughing. Every time Bokuto laughed so joyously, it rubbed you the wrong way. It was like he forgot about you, sitting back and talking to his old teammates. You were supposed to be hidden out of sight, but your needs needed to be met and if that meant walking downstairs to remind your brother you were still waiting for him, that’s what you’d do.
You didn’t expect him and his friends to wave you over.
“[Y/N]! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you! Visiting your nii-san, eh?” Komi asked, an eyebrow raised. ‘Visiting’ was one way to put it, but you were actually living with Bokuto, guest room still unused as your belongings were in his bedroom.
“Guess you could say that,” Bokuto threw out, then continued. “She’s going to college here, so it’s easier to live with me than pay for on-campus living,”
“Saving money, I see,” Akaashi piped up, taking a drink from his glass. It was just water, which meant they weren’t drinking alcohol. Bokuto had a soda, but everyone else looked like they were drinking tea or water.
“Hey, [Y/N],” Bokuto tapped you on the shoulder, making you turning your head towards him. “Can you get me another drink?”
“Of course, Kōtarō-nii,” taking his empty bottle, you go into the kitchen to see where he keeps the soda. Since he doesn’t want you to have any, they’re usually up high. Standing on your toes, you still can’t reach the sweet drinks. To speed up the time, you hop on the counter only to feel someone’s hands guiding you off.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” Bokuto says, caging you to the counter. “I thought I told you to stay upstairs,”
“I was bored, nii-san,” you whine, pressing yourself against him. “You’re ignoring me,”
“I’m entertaining my guests. You need to learn how to be patient,” he whispers, one of his hands rubbing at the spot between your thighs. “You’re dripping. Have you been touching yourself?”
“It’s not the same, plea—”
“If you’re good, I’ll fill you up so many times you’ll be swollen with my seed, how about that?” You nod your head, still pressing yourself against him. “Stop pushing yourself on me or I’m gonna have to punish you,”
With a final warning, Bokuto gets his own drink and removes himself from you, sighing as he sees your pout. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he pats your head. “Just another hour, okay?”
That’s what he said.. an hour ago.
Sitting beside him was almost too much to bear. Knowing he could take you whenever he wanted to and him knowing you’re desperately waiting for him to touch you, it’s all too much. Even as your thoughts swim with the image of him absolutely ravishingly you in front of his friends, your pleading eyes and a pout his way whenever he glances at you, yet all he gives is his arm around your shoulders. As a good big brother should, but this is getting to be too much.
Sarukai is the one who decided to play a game. It was a silly card game you played as kids, but it was fun to pass time. Since you didn’t wanna play, you had to sacrifice your spot to Akaashi, your bottom instead being placed on Bokuto’s thigh. A warning squeeze on your hip was all you got, quickly telling them that you were cold which they all brushed off, going on with the game. He was like a heater, warmth rising from beneath his clothes, but it just made you more hot and bothered. It wasn’t until he started rubbing a hand on your thigh — inner thigh, included, his fingers brushing against your sensitive area — did you really feel impatient.
You hoped nobody would notice as your body started moving, and it seemed like they didn’t. Legs on either side of his thigh, you rubbing yourself against him, trying to get as much friction as you could. Bokuto doesn’t stop you, his hand instead rubbing soothing circles into your hip as you continue to grind against his thigh. Eventually, you end up humping his thigh as the rubbing effect wears off, only to have him lean down to your ear. “You can’t wait, can’t you? Such a needy slut needs to be punished, you know?”
There’s no other warning, you suddenly being pushed in the middle of the game as everyone shoots back in shock, surprised at Bokuto’s actions. “You’ve wanted this for a bit, haven’t you? That’s why you’re even wetter, isn’t it?” He smiles down at you, prying your shorts off. He then addresses the guests of his abode, “you guys get to see how much my beloved sister loves me,”
With your shorts and panties off, you’re staining the wooden table with your dripping juices as Bokuto gets his cock out. His friends seem into it, sitting back on the couches and chairs, eyes glued to the way Bokuto spreads your sopping cunt, clenching around nothing as you wait for him in anticipation. Licking his lips, he sinks into you, without letting you adjust as your legs tense and your toes curl, squeezing him as he pushes himself all the way in.
“Did you already cum?” He asks, seemingly dumbfounded by your sudden orgasm. You don’t answer, simply keeping your head against the table and having your eyes rolled into the back of your head. With no response, he decides to roughly thrust up into you, making you gasp as he pushes in so far, feeling so full as he snaps his hips to yours, your hands grasping at the edges of the table as you moan. Through your blurry vision, you’re able to see his old teammates with their own cocks out, hands around the thick appendages as their eyes are trained on how well you take in their former captain’s cock.
It’s only mere seconds before you’re mewling, back arching as you’re clamping around his cock again, body twisting with the force of your orgasm as you shake. Bokuto removes himself from your cunt, though, making you whine. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna let my friends have a turn with you, though. You seem eager Akaashi, wanna go first?”
“I’d much prefer her mouth than her pussy, Bokuto-san,” he says, moving around to your head. His cock comes into view, to which you eagerly open your mouth to take him in, tongue killing out to lick at the tip.
“I won’t pass up free pussy,” Konoha chuckles, taking Bokuto’s position and pushing into you. “Thought she’d be loose after taking a cock that big, but you’re tight as a virgin!” He laughs, pinching your clit as you squeeze down on him even more, muffled moans coming from your throat which is stuffed with Akaashi’s cock.
“Mhm! I taught her well, didn’t I?” Bokuto hums, guiding one of your hands to his cock. “Don’t forget about me, baby girl,” he says, low as he watches your hand jerk him off. Despite your eyes not being anywhere around his form, your hand works expertly from experience of handjobs. Akaashi seems pleased himself, fingers occasionally tracing your jaw and throat, only to close your nose as he face fucks you. Konoha seems to be enjoying himself, as well, your legs secured around his waist as he thrusts into you, his thumb rubbing at your bundle of nerves that has milky fluid coating his cock with each thrust.
“I’m close, can I do it inside?” He asks, looking at Bokuto, using his own hand to guide yours.
“No. You can cum in her ass, but not her cunt. That’s only for her nii-san, isn’t that right?” He directs the last bit at you, fingers pinching your nipples as your body jerks. Konoha decides to pull out, letting his semen paint your stomach white as he groans, making sure every drop lands on your skin. Akaashi is right behind him, closing your nose as he shoots his own load down your throat, your eyes glazed over as you drink it all.
Konoha takes it upon himself to push back into your cunt, feeling your walls clamp around him once more time. It’s too much and you feel something warm fill your insides, eyes widening as you think he put a load in you. When he pulls out, however, you feel it trickling out as the warm liquid drips from your cunt. “Seems she’ll only take cum, not piss,”
“She’ll take it, won’t you, pretty girl?” Bokuto coos, fingers keeping your mouth open as Akaashi takes his turn, warm liquid filling your mouth as you struggle to not let any spill. Once he’s done, Bokuto closes your mouth and nose to force it down, your eyes squeezed shut as it tastes bitter. “See? Just gotta know which hole to use. It’s okay, I’ll clean her out so you can use her again,” he hums once more, pushing his thick cock into your still leaking pussy. The force of his thrust has you mewling, drool spilling from your lips as your body jostles with each thrust. “There’s a cute little trick her cunt will do if you give her a bit of pain,” he grunts, fishing a lighter out of his pocket. Your eyes widen at the familiar click of the item, brief light before it’s shut off. He hands it to Konoha, who then flicks it on as he brings the fire close to your face, the light dancing ridiculously close to your cheek. Akaashi keeps you fron moving your head, sweat beginning to form as Konoha brings the lighter closer, the flame barely licking your skin as you scream, tongue lolling out as your squirt all over Bokuto’s abdomen, his groan overwhelmed by your cute noises. With another thrust, he’s spilling his own load into you, fill you up exactly how you wanted him to.
Konoha shuts off the lighter, then locks across the mark against your cheek where the flame touched you, pressing a sweet kiss in apology to the hot skin. “Now, what do we say, [Y/N]?”
“Thank you for filling me up nii-san. I’ll take anything you give to me, I promise,” you sweetly say, another moan as you feel Bokuto’s piss fill you up as well, his thumb rubbing your clit.
“Don’t worry, baby. Only I’ll be able to breed you, but my friends can have their fun, can’t they? I’ll promise to give you all my attention later, is that okay?” Your response is a nod of the head, the rest of his friends eager to have your holes and your hands around their cocks.
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somnambulants · 3 years
Could you write protective!nat x r? I’m a sucker for r getting hurt on a mission, but I know you’ve already done that. Maybe r is in training w natasha as her trainer, and they go on what’s supposed to be an easy first mission for r but it turns out their intel is completely wrong. Even though r is in over her head, she saves nat’s life and gets hurt. Lots of guilty and protective nat and the confessing of feelings
with a safety pin
word count: 1.3K
“It was wrong – the….they… wrong, we’re outnumbered–”
The words come out jumbled, crackling in your earpiece as Wanda yells into her own from her position. You scan the field in front of you, but you can’t see her.
She's right though. You’re definitely outnumbered.
Every time you hit a target, there’s another three lining up after it. You’ve managed to push your way through half of them when you look up and spot Natasha across the field at the same time one of the beings you’re fighting does.
As it runs towards Natasha – who is occupied with trying to fight off a group of them already – you dart across the field in pursuit.
It’s a split-second decision but you don’t even need that time to make up your mind about what to do as you throw yourself between them.
You manage to get a hit on it, but not before it swipes out at you with its claws, snarling, and pulls you down with it. 
It takes a second for the pain to hit you but when it does; boy it does.
The last thing you see before everything turns dark is Natasha hovering above you and the horrified look in her eyes.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
You wouldn’t be surprised if Natasha walked a hole into the floor with the way she’s going.
She hasn’t stopped pacing around your med-bay room once since you’d woken; if you asked any of your other teammates, you also wouldn’t be surprised if they told you she’s been doing it since you were bought in.
Still groggy from whatever meds they’d given you, you hesitate as you take in her words.
It’s not like you can give her an honest answer.
You can’t turn around and be like: well you see, Nat, I did it because i’m in love with you. And would do it again. Because I’m in love with you, as I said. No biggie though.
Either way, you’re saved from answering as she continues, not even sparing you a glance.
You huddle on the gurney beneath you and try not to flinch as she barks at you, even more harshly than before: “Are you insane Y/N? What the hell was going through your head when you thought that was a good idea?”
“Yeah, it was pretty dumb,” Sam agrees quietly in the corner, before he flinches when Natasha whirls around on him and slaps him on the arm. “You said it first!”
“Get out,” Natasha orders tersely, ignoring him. “All of you.”
She reaches out and grabs the back of your vest as you try to tiptoe out with the rest of the team. A few of them giving you sympathetic looks as they pass. “Not you.”
You don’t even bother trying to twist under her hold, it’s futile. You know better than anyone. When the room is clear, door shut behind them, she lets you go, surprisingly gentle even with the stormy expression on her face.
You watch her cautiously for a second before you clear your throat. “Nat, I’m sorry.”
At your words, her gaze narrows even further, and you flinch back instinctively as she advances on you again. The look in her eye making you back up until youre stopped abruptly when you make contact with the edge of the gurney behind you.
She doesn’t stop until she’s looming over you, hands on either side of you, flat against the gurney and caging you in so you’re trapped against her.
She’s so close that you’re pretty much breathing the same air. In almost any other circumstance you’d be jumping for joy being this close to her.
“I’m sorry,” you say again, almost whispering this time.
Natasha is probably the person you respect most in the world and her obvious disappointment in you made you feel about two inches tall.
“You ever do that again and you’re off the team, got it?”
You start to protest, feeling like she’s being a little unfair. It’s not like you meant for this to happen. “I was just trying to –”
Immediately Natasha cuts you off as she grabs the front of your shirt, leaning in until your faces are so close that all you’d have to do is angle your head the right way and your lips would be touching.
That particular thought still sends a thrill up your spine, despite the severity of the situation. Since you’d joined the team and Natasha had begun training you, you’d spent a lot more time daydreaming about that particular scenario than you’d ever want to admit.
“I don’t care about what you were trying to do,” she growls, her gaze dark and intent with the anger you can see inside of her eyes as she scowls at you. “Never do that again. Never put yourself in danger for me ever again. You hear me?”
“What?!” you can’t help yourself this time. Despite yourself, you’re starting to get a little worked up too. And a little incredulous; you’ve never seen her lose her cool like this in all the time she’s been mentoring you. “Are you kidding? That’s part of being on this team. We’re always in danger!”
“That doesn’t mean you can just risk your life for me!”
“Why not? You’d do the same for me!”
“That’s irrelevant!”
“How is it irrelevant, Natasha?”
You’re both yelling now, inches apart, and you know distantly that the team must be able to hear you and you know you’re going to feel embarrassed about it later.
At your words, Natasha falls silent and it’s like some of the anger leeches out of her as her shoulders slump a little.
It’s at this moment that you can finally spot the worry in her eyes, no longer masked by her anger and it finally clicks what her reaction is actually about.
It’s not because she’s angry at your insubordination.
She isn’t scolding you for going against her orders or the plan.
She’s scared.
“Why is it irrelevant?” you repeat, a little softer this time. “It was my decision, Nat. If I died today, it would’ve been on me. Not you. You don’t have to feel bad about it.”
When she looks at you this time, you can see that spark of anger is back. You’re not sure how but you’ve clearly said the wrong thing.
“You think just because you’re okay with sacrificing yourself like an idiot that I should be okay with it too?”
You just manage to hold back a flinch at the harshness of her words. And then you actually do flinch as she grabs you, fingers digging into your upper arms a little, not enough to hurt but enough to keep you in place. “You think I’d just be okay with it? If something happened to you?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Ignoring you, she lets go of one of your arms to grab the front of your tattered vest, running her hand down the bloodstained fabric.
You remember all of a sudden that it’s not even your vest; it’s hers. You hadn’t been able to find yours this morning and she’d shrugged hers off without hesitation and handed it over, zipping it up for you.
“I’m really sorry about the vest,” you say quietly and you must really be making it your personal mission to say everything wrong today because this seems to tip her over the edge completely.
“I don’t care about the goddamn vest, Y/N! God you’re so --“she seems to struggle for what to say for a second, hands coming up to fist and unfist in the remains of said vest as she glares at you, as though you should understand what she’s trying to say. You don’t. “You’re just so reckless! Why would you do that!”
“Nat, I’m sorry --”
“Shut up!” She growls. You let out a squeak of surprise as she pulls you toward her roughly, hand sliding around to the back of your neck. “Just shut up!”
There’s a second of complete blankness in your mind, where you have no idea what’s happening until you realise that her lips are on yours and she’s kissing you.
You kiss her back eagerly, trying to hold onto what parts of her you can reach until with a little growl, she grabs your hands and pins them by your side, holding you in place firmly.
“Never do that again,” she orders sternly, when you break apart. She rests her forehead against yours as her eyes flutter open and meet yours. “Promise me you won’t do that again.”
Breathlessly, you just have time to mumble an agreement awkwardly —you’d do anything she asks of you right now just for the chance to kiss her again — before she pulls you back in.
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itsdanii · 3 years
can i req the iwa, atsumu, and suna being in a secret relationship w the reader and the reader gets insecure bc they wanna keep it a secret? w comfort after plspls
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Hey, bubs! Of course, you can request ♥️ Unfortunately, I'm only taking 1-2 characters per request so I canceled Iwaizumi from the list. Also, this is only Atsumu's part. Don't worry, I'm still going to do Suna's part, however, it will be uploaded tomorrow instead of today. I hope you enjoy it! Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated! ♥️
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Secret Relationship
genre: semi-angst to fluff, comfort
warning/s: self doubt and insecurity, descriptions of anxiety, do message me if i missed any
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason.
ft. atsumu miya
maybe keeping your relationship wasn't the best decision after all
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Atsumu Miya
You and Atsumu have been in a relationship for 2 years now
With the rising popularity of Atsumu, not only throughout Inarizaki but to the other schools as well, he decided on keeping your relationship a secret
Though you respected Atsumu's choice, it can't be helped that sometimes your emotions got the best of you
Random girls would always approach your boyfriend. They were basically anywhere, everywhere - at school, during practice matches, and even when you were both trying to have a simple date on a nearby cafe
You tried to confront Atsumu about it once but you only ended up fighting, him saying that there was nothing to worry for because you were the only person he loved
So despite the heavy feeling of insecurity looming over you, you tried to understand his side which eventually caused the both of you to make up
You tried to ignore the insecurity and put your trust on Atsumu
But maybe sometimes, trust isn't just enough
"Y/n, someone's looking for you."
You lifted your gaze from the book you were reading, eyes snapping towards the direction of the door where two unfamiliar students were currently standing and waiting for you.
Even without having the need to hear what they needed you for, you instantly knew why they're here. For the past weeks, after Inarizaki's defeat against Karasuno, you've been bombarded by several girls, holding chocolates and teddy bears in hand, asking you to deliver them to Atsumu since they were afraid of giving it to him directly. So, as his "bestfriend," they wanted you to give it to him instead.
And although you wanted to be mad and scream at them to stop, you couldn't just do that. It would be wrong for you to snap at them since nobody, aside from Suna and Osamu, knew about you and Atsumu's relationship.
Sighing loudly, you shut the book you were reading and went over to the two girls with a semi-forced smile. "For 'Tsumu?" you asked, taking the paperbag from them and taking a peek of what's inside.
One of the girls nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling as she fanned her face with her hands. "Yes, please! I really really like Atsumu and the way he played from the previous match was so splendid! With every spike, I can't help but fall in love even more!"
You could only chuckle at what she said because even though there was a feeling of jealousy inside of you, you wouldn't be able to deny that what she said was true. You loved how he was able to inspire other people through sports and you couldn't be more proud of being his s/o.
"Please hand this letter to Atsumu, senpai!" the other girl said, bowing down as she handed you a letter.
You reluctantly took the envelope from her, your body becoming stiff as you muttered a small "Okay."
"I put all my feelings and support in that letter so I'd really appreciate if you handed it to him," she said with a smile.
Just how were you supposed to tell these girls to stop giving you stuff and ordering you to hand them over to your boyfriend? You weren't the type of person who would hinder others to relay their feelings. In fact, it wasn't your job to blatantly tell them to give up. It was Atsumu's responsibility, not yours.
But it wasn't your obligation to be their messenger as well.
Torn between two sides, you decided on maintaining a polite smile, giving the two juniors a pat on the head before nodding. "I'll make sure to deliver these to him, okay? Now, go back to your classroom and study well."
The two girls glanced at each other, eyes sparkling before smiling at you. "Thank you so much!" Turning around, the two went on their way, squealing slightly at their successful mission.
You, on the other hand, sighed and stared at the paperbag with a small frown. "Guess that's two more girls on the list," you mumbled before slipping back inside your classroom.
When the class ended, you immediately headed to the gym where you knew Atsumu was currently training. With the paperbag and 2 more boxes of chocolate given by some fangirls along the way, you entered the gym and placed the items down on the empty bench.
"That fer me, angel?" came Atsumu's voice from behind you.
Spinning around, you were met with a grinning Atsumu before getting engulfed with a warm hug. Sighing with your eyes closed, you wrapped your arms around him tightly, unconsciously gripping the back of his jersey. You couldn't help but bury your face more to his chest despite the slight sweat clinging to his clothes.
"Ya alright?" Atsumu murmured beside your ear, worry obviously evident on his tone as he slightly squeezed you.
As you were about to answer, someone from behind Atsumu cleared their throat. Your small moment was immediately cut off and Atsumu reeled back as if you were caught doing something wrong.
The comfort he brought awhile ago was instantly replaced by uncertainty and insecurity, making your heart throb as you bit your lower lip.
"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Aran asked while shifting his gaze between you and Atsumu.
With a forced chuckle, Atsumu was quick to scratch the back of his head. "It's fine. I was just givin' y/n here a hug. They seem kinda down. Ya know, bestfriend duties."
"Ah.." Aran simply muttered with a slow nod. "Practice is almost done. Why don't ya sit down while we cool down and clean up?"
Sitting down on the bench, you looked at Aran with a small smile before nodding. "Okay," you said before turning your head to Atsumu's direction. His eyebrow was already raised as if asking you whether you were fine or not.
"I'm fine Atsumu. I'll wait for you here."
When the boys went back to the court, you were left alone to ponder with your thoughts. It felt as if the sounds around you suddenly died, your self doubts once again making its presence known.
You knew how much Atsumu loves you. In fact, he never failed to remind you everyday. Not once did he forgot to say it and express it through actions, or at least when you were both alone.
Everytime you were in school, he would deny your relationship. When people asked if you were his s/o, he would simply shake his head and claim you as his bestfriend. It really didn't bother you at first but as the time passed, you were slowly starting to question why he would do such thing.
Though he claimed that it was to avoid people from harassing you and picking on you, was it really? What if there was a deeper reason?
What if he was slowly getting tired of you? What if he didn't even liked you in the first place?
You anxiously tapped your foot on the floor at the thought. Gripping the hem of your hoodie, you stared at the gifts you brought from his fangirls. You knew that it was an act of invading someone's privacy but you couldn't help but reach for the letter given by your junior awhile ago.
You took a quick glance at the boys, checking if they were still cooling down, before opening the envelope slowly. As you read on the letter, you unconscious tapped your foot faster on the floor, your grip on the paper tightening as you let each words sink into you.
Bit by bit, you absorbed what was written on the paper, making the unpleasant feeling inside you deepen. You wouldn't deny that the letter was well written and you were certain that if it was handed to Atsumu by that girl personally, she might be able to get his attention.
After all, she was pretty. She looked like a bubbly person and someone who people would easily get along with. There was an optimistic aura around her which you knew Atsumu would appreciate.
And maybe if-
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Atsumu's hand touching your shoulder.
Jolting up slightly, you looked up at him with wide eyes, immediately noticing the worried expression on his face. "Tsumu.." you mumbled with a shaky voice, your eyes glossing with tears as your lips trembled.
Atsumu was quick to sit down beside you. Lifting you up, he sat you down on his lap and nestled your face on the side of his neck, knowing how much you hated it when people see you crying.
"Y-your teammates," you mumbled against his skin, hiding your face even more as you tightened your grip on the letter you were holding, almost crumpling it.
"Let's worry about them later, alright, angel? Yer my priority and ya know that," he answered while rubbing your back, "Now, tell me what happened. Why are ya crying?"
With the overwhelming emotions surrounding you, it took you a few seconds before you could answer, and you were thankful that Atsumu was patient enough to wait instead of forcing you. "Do you really love me, Tsumu?"
You felt Atsumu stiffen at your question and for a biref moment, you were scared of hearing the answer.
Was this it? Was he really lying to you all this time?
"Look at me, angel," Atsumu said, slightly pulling away from his embrace to cup your cheeks in his hands. "Of course, I do. Where is this coming from? Did somebody-"
"No," you cut him off. "It's just that... you always tell people that we're nothing but bestfriends. I can't always have my moments with you because you want to hide our relationship. It didn't really matter at first but... because of your constant denial, your fangirls would keep sending me these random stuffs and ask me to give them to you. I'm scared, Tsumu. What if one day you get tired of me... or worse, what if it's me who gets tired? I don't like this set-up..."
"I want to be able to express my feelings. I want the people to know that you're mine. Why can't you show them that you love me, Tsumu?... Do you even love me?"
Atsumu was left speechless as he listened to your words. All he could do was rub your back soothingly while listening to you as you let everything out. As you did, the guilt inside of him kept on piling up, enough to make him clench his jaw at how disappointed he was at himself for making you cry.
"Of course, I do. I love ya so much, angel. Don't ever ferget that. I'm sorry fer not taking yer feelings in consideration. I didn't know that ya have been feeling this way fer quite a while now. I really thought that we were already fine after our first argument about this but.. I guess I should've paid more attention," Atsumu said while staring at you, his hands still cupping your cheeks to angle your face to him. "The reason why I wanted to hide our relationship was fer people not to bother ya. It wasn't my intention to make ya feel insecure. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, angel." Wiping your cheeks with his thumb, Atsumu leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead. "Would it make ya feel better if we open our relationship to other people? No more hiding it."
Nodding, you wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled. "Mhm, yes, please."
"Alright, if that's what ya want."
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starryhyuck · 4 years
mark! (m)
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pairing: dom!mark x sub!reader x dom!yuta
words: 2.2k+
summary: mark is scared of stepping out of his comfort zone with you. therefore, you enlist yuta’s help to get your boyfriend a little more comfortable.
genre: smut
warnings: threesome (kind of), anal sex, creampies, multiple orgasms, breeding kink
“I don’t think we should be doing this.”
You sigh. “Mark, stop being such a scaredy cat.”
The frown on his face is positively adorable. You want to squeeze his cheeks so badly. “I’m not a scaredy cat!” He protests, but it only makes him look more soft.
You giggle and press a kiss to his lips. “Whatever you say. Besides, Yuta won’t be back for a while. I don’t know why you’re so scared.”
“I’m not scared!” He argues again, eyebrows furrowing together in the most adorable way. “I just- this is Yuta’s bed. It’s kind of impolite to be doing anything on a place where he sleeps.”
You sigh. “Mark, I think we both know what kind of a person Yuta is. I’m pretty sure he would do the exact same thing on your bed.”
His nose scrunches as the thought passes through him.
“Ew. I didn’t need that visual.”
You flop down on Yuta’s comforter before bringing Mark with you. He’s still very reluctant, despite connecting your lips together. You try easing him up, hands moving over his shoulders as you pull him closer and closer.
Your sex life with Mark was always more than satisfying, but he was constantly scared to take risks. Being an exhibitionist yourself and considering how shy Mark could get, it was really difficult to get your boyfriend to even hold your hand in front of the other members, let alone kiss you. You’ve tried on more than one occasion to suck him off at the dinner table, but he was always too on edge that someone would walk in.
To combat your curiosity, you enlisted Yuta’s help.
Your eyes carefully watch the door as Mark’s tongue explores your mouth. Yuta stares through the small opening, watching you with a heavy glare.
You giggle into the kiss and Mark eases up a little at the sound. Your fingers dance around his neck as you pull him closer and closer, observing as Yuta casually walks into the room. Mark is too lost in you to notice.
After letting you make out for a few more minutes, Yuta finally clears his throat. You swear Mark jumps five feet in the air and scrambles away from you. His whole face is flushed pink at the sight of Yuta, quickly stuttering to provide an excuse.
Yuta raises an eyebrow. “And what were you two doing exactly?”
You blink innocently. “What do you mean?”
He smirks at your act. You’re still sprawled out on his bed, hair tangled from Mark’s fingers messily running through it. Yuta wonders how pretty you would look with his cock sliding in your mouth, beautiful lips eager to taste him. He leans closer to your frame, ignoring Mark’s surprise at his older member’s proximity to his girlfriend.
“I mean you and Mark trying to fuck on my bed.”
“W-We’re sorry, Y-Yuta!” Mark frantically says. “W-We just- I just-“
Yuta chuckles, and the deep sound shoots straight to your core.
“It’s fine, Mark. You weren’t putting on much of a show anyways. Why haven’t you touched her?”
Mark looks like his brain is going on overdrive. “W-What?”
Yuta’s fingers graze over your exposed thigh. He picked out the skirt you were wearing for this occasion, knowing it would make Mark incredibly flustered.
“Why haven’t you touched her? That’s what she wants, isn’t it?”
You quickly nod. “It’s what I want. Touch me, Yuta, please.”
Yuta grins, his eyes darting back to Mark’s. “Can I, Mark?”
You think your boyfriend is really broken. He’s nervously twitching, shaking his head as he tries to gather his thoughts. You decide to give him a little break.
“I thought Yuta could help us out a little, Mark. I asked him to come so we can have more fun.”
Yuta nods. “If you’re uncomfortable, Mark, I can leave.”
The silence in the air is deafening. Mark finally clears his throat. “Can you show m-me how you do it?”
Yuta smirks. “Do what, exactly?”
The blush fully appears on Mark’s cheeks again. “Um, how you eat her out.”
Your eyes widen. You were definitely not expecting him to say that. Yuta’s smirk widens at the request.
“Definitely. Sit down and watch.”
Yuta’s staring at your clothed core in no time, playing with the hem of your skirt. He chuckles when he sees your choice of underwear.
“Lace,” he hums playfully, snapping the elastic against your skin as you squeak. “Do you always wear such pretty panties for Mark?”
You nod, chewing on your bottom lip. “I have prettier ones in his top drawer.”
“I’d love to see them some time, doll.”
You eagerly watch as Yuta pulls down your panties, making a show as his hands slowly caress your thighs. He throws the pair of red lace to Mark, who easily catches it and groans. Yuta yanks up your skirt so he can fully gaze at your exposed cunt.
He chuckles. “You should be nicer to her, Mark. She’s got such a pretty pussy.”
You moan when his fingers play with your folds, goosebumps spreading across your skin. You quickly learn that Yuta is a tease, patient as he touches you.
“Please, Yuta,” you beg, wanting him to do something already.
His smile appears again. “What is it, doll? What do you need?”
“Need your mouth,” you whine. “And your fingers.”
You’re already turning into a blubbering mess. Mark, on the other hand, could not be more nervous. He finds this whole situation incredibly arousing, but also dangerously intimidating. He wonders if Yuta will be better than him, and if you’ll like Yuta way more than you like him. All thoughts are thrown out the window when Yuta’s tongue takes a lick up your slit. Your moans shoot straight to Mark’s hardened cock, and Mark has no doubt in his mind that he could cum in his pants right now.
He takes silent notes as Yuta teases you, never fully giving you what you want and watching as you continue to beg for him. Yuta slips a finger into your hole and you cry out, your body reacting to every single touch.
Yuta’s gaze returns to Mark. “See? She likes it when you don’t go too fast. Draw it out, make her beg.”
Mark swallows at the sudden lessons. He’s always been really quick with you, never letting you wait this long.
“Yuta, please, please,” you continue to whimper, hands reaching for him. Yuta is quick to silence you, pinning your arms to your sides.
“Be a good girl and I’ll reward you. No touching until I say so.”
You nod in submission. Mark’s eyes zero in on Yuta’s tongue exploring your folds, finger slowly pushing in and out of your weeping pussy. Mark swears he’s never heard you this wet before, the squelch of Yuta’s finger entering you echoing throughout the room. When Yuta adds a second finger, you almost lose it.
“Please please, Yuta, I want to cum. Please let me cum,” you cry.
“That’s up to Mark,” he states, and the younger boy freezes. “Can she cum, Mark?”
Your eyes are glistening with tears as you stare at your boyfriend. You whimper when Yuta furiously begins eating you out, your orgasm dangerously approaching.
“Wait, wait, wait-“
“Give her the signal, Mark,” Yuta instructs, attacking your pussy with his tongue and fingers.
Mark waits until you’re right on the edge, seconds away from sobbing. He walks over and leans down until he’s whispering in your ear.
“Cum, pretty girl.”
You fall apart, clutching your boyfriend’s arm as you clench around Yuta’s fingers. He helps you ride out your high, licking up any remnants of your orgasm.
You blearily come to your senses after that mind numbing climax, Yuta and Mark discussing quietly. There’s a faint ringing sound in your ears until Mark cups your cheeks.
You giggle. “Okay.”
He laughs at your delirious state.
“Does she always get like that?” Yuta questions.
“Only when it’s really good,” he replies. His focus turns back to you. “I’m gonna fuck you now, okay?”
You giggle again. “Okay.”
He smiles fondly at you, and butterflies swell in your chest like they always do when Mark smiles at you like that.
“Make it rough,” Yuta chimes in. “I want to see her really cry.”
You’re flipped onto your stomach in no time, Mark’s fingers threading your ass. Yuta’s taken a seat not far from the bed, switching roles with Mark as he watches you this time. Mark’s thumb gently grazes over your other hole and you gasp.
Yuta’s voice is full of curiosity. “She likes it there?”
“Sometimes.” He pauses before making a decision. “Can I fuck you here, baby?”
“Yes, Mark, please.”
You can practically hear his grin. “Okay.”
Yuta tosses him the bottle of lube he keeps in his nightstand, and Mark quickly preps you. You moan when he fingers you, scissoring and stretching you to make sure you’re ready to take him.
You and Mark rarely do anal, mostly because he’s always afraid of hurting you. You know now, though, that he wants to put on a good show for Yuta.
Once you’re prepped enough, you feel the tip of his cock circling your hole. You both groan when he sinks the tip in. Unlike the other times, Mark doesn’t wait for you to adjust. He pushes into you roughly.
You cry at the intrusion, already feeling the first batch of tears painting your cheeks. Around this time, Mark usually pulls out and apologizes, checking if you’re okay. He’s turned into a completely different person in front of Yuta.
You grip the sheets as Mark relentlessly pounds into you, stretching you harder than he has before. It isn’t painful at all because even though Mark is rough with you, he always knows how to make you feel good.
You’re incoherently blubbering for him. “Y-Yes, feels so good. Feels s-so good, baby. Such a big cock inside my small little hole. So good, so good.”
Mark grunts, fingers tangling into your hair again. “Yeah? You like it when I fuck your tight little hole? You like making a show for Yuta?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you sob.
You can barely make out Yuta’s figure as he grows closer to you, wiping away the tears on your cheeks.
“Aren’t you such a pretty sight? Really selfish of Mark to keep you all to himself.”
Mark pinches your clit and you scream, diving headfirst into your second orgasm. Mark hisses as you clench even harder around him, pulling you as close as possible before shooting his cum deep inside you. You both release little moans as you recover.
Yuta laughs when you both are done. You swear you could pass out right now and sleep for at least twenty four hours straight.
The ringing sound echoes in your ears again as Mark and Yuta quietly converse once more. You whimper when Mark pulls out of you, his cum dripping down your thigh.
“Baby?” Mark’s voice pulls you out of your reverie. “Yuta wants to ask you something.”
You blink as Mark gently flips you on your back again. Yuta’s eyes grow darker.
“Are you on the pill?”
You nod.
“Can I try something?”
You nod again.
Mark leaves you to go get cleaned up and you observe as Yuta pulls his cock out, tip leaking and begging for attention. He runs his hand up and down his shaft for a few times before lining up with your pussy.
“Can I?”
You nod again, feeling too tired to form words. You gasp when Yuta pushes in, his cock much thicker than Mark’s.
“Fuck,” he curses, eyes focusing on how his cock disappears into your cunt. “So fucking perfect.”
He builds up a steady rhythm, and you finally understand what he wanted to try when he’s balls deep inside of you.
“Gonna breed you, doll. Gonna stuff my cum into your cunt until you’re dripping. Would you like that? Walking around with cum dripping out of both of your holes?”
You openly cry at his filthy words, clenching harder around him.
“Oh, pretty doll likes that. You think I’d never notice how many times you’ve tried to get Mark to fuck you while we’re eating dinner? How many times you’ve sat on his lap in the dressing rooms and tried to get him to fuck you in front of us? Naughtily little slut.”
“Yuta, Yuta,” you gasp, your third orgasm of the night building. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire.
“Want to cum? Why don’t you cum for me then? Show Mark why he should be more protective of his girl.”
You follow his command, seeing white as you cum again. Yuta’s right behind you, still hissing dirty confessions.
“Always wondered what it was like to see you stuffed full of cum. Pretty little girl, just waiting to be bred all the time. Practically made to take cock.”
He growls and with a few more snaps of his hips, he shoots his cum deep inside you. You whine as his warmth fills you, Mark’s cum still leaking out of your other hole.
You feel absolutely used when Yuta pulls away from you. You didn’t even notice Mark had entered the room again until he starts cleaning you up. You smile sleepily at him.
“I hope that was okay.”
He presses a kiss to your lips. “More than okay. Get some rest, I’ll clean you up.”
“Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
As you slowly drift off to sleep, you faintly hear Yuta say, “We should do that again, I could die a happy man in your girlfriend’s cunt.”
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shingia · 3 years
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accidentally seeing you in your wedding dress before the wedding
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↳ timeskip!suna, semi, akaashi
↳ wedding brainrot is competing with the baby fever rn :o
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• even though you had facetimed her many many times to ask for her opinion on every single dress, suna’s sister still ordered told you to come over to the family house to show her which one you had chosen
• since suna was living with you now, nothing and no one would interrupt you, except maybe his mom who was supposed to get off from work earlier than usual today
• which is why you weren’t surprised to hear the front door open around 5pm. suna’s sister even shouted that you guys were in the living room...
• except it wasn’t her mom...
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“get out” suna breathed out when he entered the living room, obviously addressing his sister yet still staring at you, “now”.
you had spent enough time with the two siblings to know that this question would’ve led to a fight if the situation hadn’t been so special. but suna’s tone was too categorical for her to even try to protest...
“look at you...” he smiled with wonder as he walked up to you, “so goddamn beautiful”.
“but rin, the surprise is ruined” you looked down, still trying your best to cover any fabric detail he might not have seen yet.
he clicked his tongue in disapproval, grabbing your hands to take them off of the dress and finally get to fully admire you. “nothing is ruined as long as i get to officially call you mine in exactly ten days and...” he looked at his watch, “...three hours”
a soft smile spread on your lips, matching his, as you leaned in for a kiss that you didn’t think would last so long... “you’re right” you chuckled when you parted, bringing your hand to his cheek, “besides, we still don’t know each other’s vows”.
eyebrows raised, he nervously scratched the back of his neck with a guilty chuckle, “oh, yeah... the vows...”.
your next words almost got stuck in your throat : “you didn’t write your vows yet?! rin! are you fucking kidding me?!”.
a lighthearted laugh bubbled out of his lips right before they met yours again for a shorter kiss : “you’re so naive, angel. i finished writing them a year ago” he assured you, pulling you a bit closer to him until you were just a few inches apart.
“‘finished’? when did you start?” you curiously asked, one hand resting on his chest. but the way he captured your lips a third time let you know that he didn’t feel like answering that...
after all, he couldn’t let you know that he came up with his very first vow right after your third date.
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• why did you suddenly feel the urge to try your dress on? it was a mystery
• but there you were - standing in front of your bedroom mirror while semi was playing in the basement
• the only problem is that you were so busy admiring the way the fabric fell perfectly on your body that you didn’t even notice he had stopped playing and was now walking up the stairs
• it’s hard to say which of you let out the loudest gasp when he entered the bedroom
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you let out a shriek, both because you got startled by the way the door suddenly opened (even though you were sure to have locked it) and because you realized what was happening.
“C-CLOSE YOUR EYES!” you exclaimed about five seconds too late. but he didn’t even move. “eita, close. your. eyes!”
he reluctantly put his hands over his eyes... but the gap between his fingers was more than obvious.
“baby come on, you can’t ask me to close my eyes when you’re standing there looking like this!” he protested, and eagerly walked up to you to put both hands on your cheeks “i know i said i’d marry you in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but... i think i changed my mind”.
his words made you chuckle as your hand quickly found its way to his - where one of his rings fit perfectly against yours. “i’m glad you like it” you smiled and kissed his slightly cold lips.
but your grin only grew bigger when you noticed the tip of his ears turning red. yet his voice was still confident when he told you : “like it? baby i’ve tried to imagine what you’d look like in your dress about a hundred times... and you didn’t even look that good in my wildest dreams. i love it”. tilting your chin up with the tip of his fingers, it was now his turn to kiss you as slowly as his heart desired to: “almost as much as i love you”.
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• the wedding date was getting closer, and you thought it’d be a good idea to check if the dress that you had bought five months ago still fit you
• akaashi wasn’t home so you didn’t risk anything,... but you got a bit too cocky and decided to use the living room’s mirror to take a few pictures
• little did you know that he had just come back from work and was currently in the kitchen, which gave onto the living room
• you froze, and so did he
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“i’m so sorry!” he apologized and forced himself to look away, « i should have told you i was home! »
it was tempting to go back upstairs and pretend like nothing had happened... but for some reason, you didn’t really feel that bothered by the idea of him seeing your dress before the ceremony.
“it’s okay keiji. actually... would you mind giving me your opinion?” you asked and spun around to let him see the dress from every angle.
allowing himself to look, his lips stayed parted for a few seconds - just enough for him to process the dreamy sight in front of him. but the hand he stretched towards your waist stopped before it could meet the silky fabric. “can i touch it? » he asked, knowing that it was a stupid question.
your only answer was to grab his hand and lay it on your waist yourself. he looked fascinated. “you’re... breathtaking. and i can’t believe that of all the people on earth, i'm the one who’s lucky enough to marry you”.
a few tears were already prickling the corner of your eyes - he was always the best at making you emotional. and what he said next didn’t make it better : “my suit’s in the trunk of my car. do you want to see it? you know... to make things fair”. you laughed as the first tear rolled down your cheek, before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“let’s keep this a surprise” you responded, voice muffled by your mouth against his shoulders, “but i’m sure you look incredibly handsome in it”. just imagining him with these clothes was enough to make you tighten your embrace. but not as much as picturing him on the altar did.
breaking the hug, you noticed that his face was now bright red. your soon-to-be husband could do many things, but handling compliments wasn’t one of them...
“i love you so much” he still managed to articulate, giving another glance at your dress « and i wouldn't want to give my last name to anyone but you » he finished with one last kiss on your golden ring.
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TAGLIST : @toworuu @catwithangerissues @ughgojo @livy384 @k0u-minamo2 @fullsundear @hsjvwq @melluv @hiraeth-z @velvetvirgos @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner @47meow @japanesevenom @geektastic84 @noir-blanches-blog @idontlikeyourjob @seiri-ami @atiny-grl-with-luv @admiringlove @nachotrash @kellesvt @aintyourholy @Moonlaeli @catchmewiddershins @duhsies @devilgirlcrybabiey @crystal-lilac @ijustwantfreenetflix @miw0 @maitenight @xomiya @shoyotime @borealis-tristesse @lilliansis @succulentmom @akkeyomi @koifish69 @itachislut
913 notes · View notes
aussiepoguepunk · 3 years
Perfect Storm pt3 (JJ Maybank x reader)
Summary: heartbreak is hurting JJ in more ways than one.
Warning: angst, mention of pain, crying, JJ's lungs, smut,
Part1 part2
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Why would you do that?” JJ tried to stop himself, but going on not knowing, it was killing him. In that moment JJ was more vulnerable than he had ever been in front of another living soul. He was anxious and confused, his throat burning as a consequence of the sobs that filled his sleep. Heartbreak and desperation tightening around his lungs, awaking that all too familiar pain in his chest.
 “If you rejected me, fine. If nothing happened an-and we kept-'' JJ paused, his lungs tightening. “-kept on the way we’ve always been, I-I-I wouldn’t be confused,” Tears had begun streaming down JJ’s cheeks and he didn’t care at this point. “but..but why kiss me if you were just gonna ...I-I…” JJ ran both his hands through his hair, only making it messier in doing so. “I don’t understand.” he whispered, letting himself cry again with his head in his hands. The sound of his sadness echoing quietly through the van.
Y/n felt her heart shatter. She’d made a mistake in thinking he didn’t have feelings for her.
JJ’s muscles tensed from the unexpected contact. Y/n having wrapped her arms around the boy, one around his back, the other coming under his chin.
“I’m so sorry, JJ.” She rested her head lightly on his shoulder that shook with each of the boys’ quiet cries. ��I was trying to prevent anything from getting too complicated. When you said you had a thing for me I misunderstood and thought it was just in a sexual way.” She hugged him tighter. “I never meant to hurt you.”
JJ tried to stop crying but his lungs felt like they were on fire. In an attempt to cope, even though he knew it would do nothing, he clutched the fabric that covered his chest. A weak cry of pain barely leaving his mouth. 
Y/n removed her arms from around the blonde. “JJ, please stop crying” she brought her hands to his face, getting him to face her. It was then that she saw his red puffy eyes. JJ had always been a master of puppy dog eyes, so to see their beautiful blue colour stained with sadness was unbearable. He still held his chest, strands of his hair sticking out in all directions.
“It...it hurts.” JJ sobbed, beginning to move away. Y/n pulled him back to her.
“I know, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I should have talked to you about it, I was just-”
“N-No my...my lungs” he managed to correct her.
It took Y/n a second to realize what he was talking about, but once she had her only concern was him. Well, more than before. 
“Shit. Okay, do you think you can move to the back of the van? Maybe lay down.” Y/n asked, a new tone of concern and care taking over her voice. JJ only shook his head, breathing becoming more difficult as he continued to cry. 
“What-how do you usually stop the pain?” Y/n tried not to sound alarmed.
“I... c-c-calm.” JJ whimpered.
“Alright just… hey JJ...hey come on” she tried to get him to look at her again but he was beginning to panic.
There were probably a dozen other things y/n could have done but she didn’t have time to think about them all, she just went with her gut. Guiding JJ out from behind the steering wheel, she pushed his shoulders back. Y/n sat herself on one of JJ’s legs and took his face in her hands, kissing him gently. JJ froze, his breath caught in his throat, letting out a long exhale when Y/n pulled away.
“You’re okay J. I got you, alright.” she hummed. JJ looked up at her, his breathing slowly steadying as he tried to speak. “Shhh. Breathing first. Talking later.” Y/n hushed, pushing back stray hairs that had fallen on the boy's forehead.
JJ let himself lean into her touch, the fiery pain in his chest gradually dying. His fingers toyed with the hem of the sweatpants pockets to further calm his nerves and focused on Y/n as she fixed his disheveled hair, listening to her sigh quietly once she brought her attention back to him. JJ closed his eyes at the feeling of gentle hands on the back of his neck, moving his hands up from the pockets of the sweatpants to hold her sides. It was a peaceful moment, the boys breathing stabilizing as a welcoming warmth fluttered in his stomach.
After a small movement on Y/n’s behalf the warmth and anything JJ felt was feeling overshadowed, a grunt being drawn from the surfer. 
“What? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Y/n panicked, trying to move away when JJ held her sides tighter, releasing whimper that sounded desperate, and more needy.
“nothi- mmh- Nothing’s wrong, just-” He tried to speak but JJ had become painfully aware of the placement of Y/n’s knee and where it kept grazing everytime she moved while she straddled one of his legs.
“Oh, God! P-Please stop moving!” JJ pleaded, squeezing his eyes shut when Y/n’s knee brushed against his groin again.
“Am I hurting you? I-I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d be too heavy.” With a small voice she apologised and began to push herself off of him, only to be pulled back.
“No! Fuck. You’re not too heavy, Y/n.” JJ took a quick glance between the two before letting his head fall back on the seat . “Y-Your knee just isn’t in the best place for you to keep moving around like that.” 
Her face glowed red once Y/n noticed what was happening. A tingling sensation beginning between her thighs.
“If you could just- mgh- just give me a minute to-mmh” he stopped when she began to litter his jaw with kisses.
“I’m...here...to...help you J” she whispered against his neck.
“Let’s move to the back then” JJ gestured to the vans back seat.
A hoodie and JJ’s boxers were all that kept them apart as he pulled her to sit on his leg again, desperate kisses and needy hands bringing them closer. Gripping her hips firmly, he guided her centre to slowly rock back and forth on his thigh, cherishing the little whines she released at the contact. The pace he kept her at was torture. Fighting against JJ’s stong hold, she did anything she could to go even the slightest bit faster. 
His thigh glistened from her arousal, feeling himself grow harder while the sounds of her wetness moving against him filled his ears.
“p-ple-ease” she breathed, gripping his shoulder tightly, trying to grind down on him more.
“You want more, baby?” he teased, somehow slowing the pace even more. She nodded eagerly, biting her lip to suppress her moans.
“You can have my fingers. Do you want that, angel?” JJ slid his right hand to rest on the inside of Y/n's leg that sat between his.
“Please J” she begged, letting a needy whimper slip past her lips.
“Well since you asked so nicely...” Carefully JJ caressed her inner thigh, making his way upwards, eventually beginning to massage her. He moved his fingers up and down through her folds, spreading them apart to toy with her clit between two fingers. Y/n gasped at touch, tingles of pleasure swirling through her. But just as it had begun, it disappeared, the wonderful feeling vanishing for only a moment as JJ freed her from the hoodie that covered her naked body. He resumed his previous actions, now using his other hand to tenderly caress her breasts. 
“Move your leg over, baby” JJ instructed, removing his hands. 
"but I like it here." Y/n whined, displeased once again with the loss of touch.
JJ pulled her forward kissing her sweetly, leaning next to her ear "So do I, baby. But I'd like you grinding on my dick even more" he whispered, his sentence very near being enough to make the girl cum then and there. 
God how she wanted him, both in the purest and most scandalous way. 
Y/n shifted her body to straddle JJ, resting her hands on his stomach as he laid back against the seat. His many hours of manual labour in different jobs had most certainly played off, leaving him with an abdomen that would put famous sculptures to shame. 
Profanities fell from her mouth, rolling her hips over the surfers tightly clothed hard-on. The girl bit her lip to suppress the uncontrollable expressions of pleasure when JJ's hips bucked upwards from underneath her. 
"This is great and all babe" he panted, slowing down the pace and lifting Y/n's hips so that she would hover barely centimeters off of him. "but if we keep going, I'm gonna cum in my boxer" 
There was a moment of silence, Y/n trying to think of words to say, all sensibility blurred for pleasure. 
JJ rushed to fill the quiet "if you don't wanna go any further, tell me. I won't do anything you don't want to." He explained. 
Y/n was happy that JJ was being a gentleman about things, it was very reassuring, but right now he looked so good layed back on that seat, torso coated from perspiration as his hands gripped her thighs. She'd much prefer to skip the chivalry. 
Anticipation began to shape her thoughts, mind imagining all the ways the two of them could express their affections. She quivered feeling her wetness leek down her inner thigh, a needy whimper leaving her.
"JJ. For my sanity and yours, can we skip over the whole 'taking it slow' thing?" She pleaded, shifting under JJ's hold in desperation of any sort of friction.
Without a word the boy lifted her from his lap. The cool leather of the seat sent goosebumps rippling over her body when it came in contact with her warm skin. 
JJ stood, removing his boxers swiftly. The bulge that previously occupied his underwear had displayed his size well, his erection now free from the constricting fabric. 
The blonde kneeled between Y/n's legs, leaving a trail of kisses upwards until their eyes met once again. 
"There are so many things I wanna do to you right now." JJ sighed, moving his fingers teasing between Y/n's thighs. He was driving her crazy.
"Can you just fuck me." y/n suggested, entirely flustered. 
JJ pretend to think for a moment. "Well I suppose eating you out can wait for another time." 
Before long the van began to rock with every movement, every thrust JJ made. The sound of Y/n panting his name was as sweet as he had dreamed. 
"Sounds so beautiful, baby." He'd whisper in her ear, kissing along her jaw, every now and then groaning when her fingernails would dig into his back. All of it building, every moan and kiss leading up to their peak. 
The climax was blissful, pure serenity away from the lighting of the storm. 
JJ rested his forehead on hers, Y/n's chest heaving up and down quickly. 
"I'm really glad we could work out our differences." JJ laughed lazily. 
"oh yeah, I really think it strengthened our relationship." y/n smiled moving wet hair away from JJ's face. 
He pulled her in to rest her head on his chest. They laid there staring at the roof peaceful and content, but something seemed off with JJ. A look of concentration painted across his face, staring at the roof as thought it was presenting him with a math problem.
"You okay, J?" Y/n ask lifting her head from his chest. JJ contemplated his answer, nervous that he might mess up the moment.
"Are we- um... you and I…" he was cut off with a soft and loving kiss.
"Yeah. We are." Y/n nodded, bitting her lip.
The blanket now comfortably draped over both of them, they held each other close for the rest of the night.
I feel like the ending could have been better. :/ but I still like it.
Taglist: @taylathornton @skyfallgazingstar @poguesarah @mysticalhearteagle-trin @wannabejjmaybankswhore @gia-maybank
228 notes · View notes
tommyspeakycap · 3 years
hi could you do an imagine/ one shot where it’s a snow day and ur w his family and it’s just all cute w whoever u want :)
snow days and haribo rings
jack grealish x reader
Jack was thankful for having a big car when he woke up this morning. It became apparent most people would have their close to Christmas family get together deterred or even completely cancelled by the amount of snow that had fallen over the course of the evening and continued when you woke in the morning.
The best part was seeing you light up like a child, eyes wide and bright as you all but jumped up and down. Jack had laughed, his smile stretched wide as you stood out the back catching snowflakes on your hands and throwing toys for the puppy who kept launching himself into the thick snow. Jack admired you from the kitchen window, conjoined dining room sliding glass door still wide open so he can hear your giggles bouncing through the house as he constructed one of the only meals he could. His toast and cheese was immaculate though, bloody amazing.
“The little ‘uns are dying to see you.” Jack announces in the car as he pulls down his parents street. His little cousins do just adore you and he can’t blame them one bit. Seeing you play with them, giggling when they pile on top of you for hugs and kisses always awakens something in him he hadn’t noticed before. It made him very broody, especially at this time of year. “Really?” you beam, eyes lighting up once again as you turn to look at him for the first time since getting into the car. He was well aware of your eyes stuck on the little snow shapes that flutter into the front window and the snowmen that line the streets. Pointing out bigger ones and getting excited when you see kids out. “Look!” You squeal, pointing your finger against the window. “Snow angels!”
“You’re my snow angel.” He retorted, flirting shamelessly with a huge cheesey beam. You let out a loud laugh as you screw up your face. “You’re awful,” you snort, shaking your head. Jack laughs with you, pulling the car into park in the drive so he can lean over and press his lips onto your cheek, warmed by the heaters of the large range rover.
Jack helps you jump out of the car so you don’t slip, because despite the fact his dad has claimed to have shovelled the drive, it was covered again in a thick layer of powdery snow. Your boyfriend wraps you up in him immediately, tucking you into his side so close you practically become one person. Touch has always been Jack’s love language. He almost always has to be touching you and it’s usually a subconscious act. An arm that’ll find its way around your waist or his hand that slips into yours. He’s very tactile and he just loves to have you there in his arms.
Karen is at the door ushering you into the warm house before either or you have the chance to raise a cold hand to knock it and before you have the chance to enjoy the heat, Jack’s little cousins - who call him uncle Jack just for easiness sake - have threw themselves at you both. Jack catches them a lot easier than you do with bellowing laughter so happy you can imagine the sound in a few years time when he gets home from training or game trips and it’s yours and his kids that get to barrel through the house and greet him like this. It makes your heart sing in a mixture of excitement and joy.
“Come on come on come on!” They chant, tugging your arm quickly through the house as you call your greetings along the way. Jack is left standing in by the coat rack with a stupid grin watching his little cousins drag you through the house until you reach the back door.
Jack can’t seem to keep his focus on the conversation with his mum as they sit at the dining room table next to the window that looks out to into the garden. He keeps looking out to you, exaggeratedly falling over when you get hit by snowballs thrown by the small kids, yelling out as they bound over to leap on top of you with hysterically laughing, wrapped up in warm winter coats, hats and scarfs. You’ve only got a jacket on though and Jack worries as he always does that you’re not warm enough.
“She needs an extra layer,” Jack mumbles, making his mother beam as she looks at him with a warm mug of hot chocolate between her hands. She’s so proud of the man that her boy has become. The kind who worried about his girlfriend being too cold even in the summer. Jack stands at the back door uneasily waiting for you to reach him. “You’re going to end up sick.” He states with a frown as he hurriedly moves to wrap a thick scarf around you neck. “That’s a myth, can’t get the cold from being cold.” You shiver, allowing him to offer you a sip of hot chocolate from his mug to warm you up and you accept it happily.
“Can get hypothermia though, Mrs Degree.” He retorts teasingly, his eyes created with a smile. “Not a medical degree, J. And that’s Miss degree thank you very much.” You snip as you trudge back off the snow with him following you, setting the mug down before he stepped out the door. Jack immediately notices the excitement on his little cousins faces when you both appear for the the snowball fight where you split into separate teams. The snowball fight where you end up pinned down on the snow by Jack, his face inches from yours as his lips just about brush yours. Even chapped and slightly cracked from the cold, Jack would kiss those lips happily forever. He can’t fight the smile that plays on his lips at the sight of your nose and cheeks tinted red from the cold.
“I could change that, you know.” He hums softly, eyes getting lost in yours. You simply gaze up at him puzzled with slightly furrowed brows. “The miss thing i mean,” he backtracks, his words something like a nervous stutter, “Cause you’re my missus, could make you a missus- mine. My missus. Like, with my name an’ all that.”
You giggle at his broken up stammering sentences, your lips stretching wide into a grin.
“Are you asking me to marry you, Jack?” You lull, a teasing tone hiding clearly behind your words as he shakes his head, moderately embarrassed by his poor attempt. Jack clears his throat, rolling off you to lay beside you on the thick snow cushioning your back before he squished you. “Suppose so,” he whips his head to face you, “Depends on what your answer would be?” he adds quickly with a smile yet worried eyes.
“Charming.” You jest sarcastically, shooting him an playfully incredulous look. “But i’d say yeah.” You add, staring up at the darkening sky with snow flakes still falling into your faces, getting stuck in Jack’s beard and landing in his hair.
“Mhm, that’s good.” He smiles softly, “Mrs Grealish. (y/n) Grealish.” Jack turns back to you, a soft smile on his lips and love shining in his eyes. “Sounds pretty good to me.”
You giggle in agreement, letting him tug you in closer to him to kiss a snowflake off the tip of your nose before pressing his lips onto yours next. “Yeah, it does.” You agree with one of those wistfully love struck grins as you look at the man you love with all your heart. “I’ll get you a ring, i promise.” He says sweetly, brushing his warm hands over your cold knuckles after he tugs you up to your feet out of the snow.
“I have a ring, Uncle Jack!” You hear from behind you, the two little kids standing there with a mini party bsd or haribos each. They beam up at you, the eldest holding out the red and yellow candy ring that Jack takes with a thank you and a tenacity as if it were a real, very expensive ring that you wouldn’t eat within the next ten minutes. Yet, the brown haired brummie still takes a knee in the snow, holding your hand and looking up at you. “I promise i’ll get you a proper ring, nice one too. All the best for you. Get you a nice big ring a s a nice big family an’ i’ll spoil you, spoil you all. I’ll spoil you forever. Promise. Will you marry me?”
Tears appear in your eyes involuntarily, a giggle breaking past your lips as you nod your head virtually. “Yeah, yeah of course i’ll marry you. Now up her and kiss me before you get a chill.”
Jack stands up eagerly, pressing his lips against yours as he pushes that ring onto your ring finger for you to hold out in front of you to admire. As Jack kisses you once again before he starts leading you inside holding onto your hand, you can only think about how happy you are with him. You’d be happy to marry him in a tracksuit or pyjamas, you didn’t care. You just wanted to spend the rest of your life with him and he felt the same way. Fancy rings wasn’t a big deal for you, but you knew he’d get you one anyway because he’s Jack. He has the money and he would be dammed if he didn’t spoil his girl.
“You didn’t,” Karen gawps, shaking her head with a teasing roll of her eyes. “You better get that girl a real one.” She tells Jack as he sits there on the couch later with you tucked under his arm, “you make sure he does.” She says to you before she went off to the kitchen. You turn to Jack, the fingers of your right hand laced into his as you raise the left one still with that ring on it.
“Sweet tooth?” You chime with a smile, Jack chuckles. “Always.” He responds easily. You lift your hand up to his mouth and just barely feel his teeth against your finger as he takes a bite off of that ring. You pop the rest of it in your mouth with a giggle.
“We are my ring.” You say through giggles, feeling his press his lips against the side of your head. “I’m sorry baby.” Jack responds, pulling you even closer to him under the warm fluffy blanket as you curl into his chest.
“Don’t be,” you mutter softly, “i’m happy to marry you with nothing but candy rings we’ll eat before the days out.”
“Good,” Jack says firmly, tightening his arms around you, “Because i’ll get you all the haribo rings you like, forever and always baby.”
The ghost of a smile dances over your lips as fatigue catches up with you, echoing his words adoringly. “Yeah….forever and always.”
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whiteqnn · 4 years
PURE [2] - Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
A/N:  443 notes?! THIS IS INSANE! Thank you guys so much for all the love under the first part of this, I was so shocked to see how many people enjoyed this story! I hope this one will be just as fun for you as the first one ^^
part 1
part 3 
part 4 
part 5
PURE [2]
Corpse stared at the red screen with the word IMPOSTOR written in the middle, his eyes widened, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
“No way” he murmured into his microphone, no longer holding himself from breaking into laughter. “Do you guys see this? I wish I could see Y/N’s reaction.”
It took his audience just a second to respond, his chat being flooded with lots of comments about the said girl. 
“SHES SHOOK” he managed to read one from the hundreds of comments, once again bursting into laughter. “Yeah, I can imagine.”
He decided to follow Lily for a while to make himself less suspicious. He probably didn’t need to do that this time, since the others usually suspected him when he was innocent. Ironically, each time he was the impostor, they seemed completely blind to every murder he committed. 
They were both doing their tasks in O2 when the first body was reported. 
“Woah, Y/N is fast” he mumbled, before unmuting himself. 
“Okay,” Lily began speaking first “Corpse is 100% innocent, we were together this whole round, doing our tasks in O2. That’s all I have.���
“Yeah I saw you guys in there,” Felix said. “Where’s the body Sykkuno?”
“Um, so first of all I can also vouch for Dave and Y/N, we were hanging out all this time. So in the beginning, we were all in the upper engine, protecting each other like good friends that we are, and then we headed towards the medbay. And that’s where it gets interesting because I’m pretty sure I saw Poki leave medbay and run to the cafeteria.”
“You really think I would kill my best friend in the first round?”
“Yeah well, some people do” Sean scoffed, clearly referring to the last game when he was murdered by Felix. “Besides, I saw you guys when I was leaving Security so it looks like you were with her the entire round.”
“Wha- Okay, let me defend myself. I would never kill her if I was the impostor, which I’m not because she’d literally come barging into my room to murder me. She’d kill me for killing her first.”
Toast, who seemingly still held grudge against Corpse’s fellow impostor, decided to call Y/N out “Y’know, we all played with Rae before, so we all know how furious she gets after being killed first... but there’s one person who doesn’t know that.”
“Y/N/N?” Sean’s voice blared through their headphones “As much as I know how hard it would be for her to make the first kill, I can actually see that happening.”
“What?! Sykkuno vouched for me literally seconds ago, where the heck did you get that from Toast?” she asked in utter shock. Corpse glanced at his chat and leaned towards his mic, making sure that he was muted in the game.
“Y’know guys, if I didn’t know she’s the impostor, I’d believe in her every word. I mean, she’s so innocent, just listen to her.” he said with a smile, not expecting in the slightest how his audience will react. 
“Aww, he goes soft for her ^^” 
“The duo we need but don’t deserve”
“What?” he almost stuttered, quickly going through the growing number of such comments. “I mean-”
“Ooh, someone’s getting angry. Where the heck? That’s aggressive, Y/N” Felix’s amused voice brought him back to reality, and even though Corpse didn’t use a webcam, he still tried to hide his pink-tinted cheeks in the material of his hoodie.
“It was not me! I swear! I was doing my tasks all this time, making sure that no one murders Sykkuno or Dave!” 
“You’re pretty defensive for someone who claims to be innocent,” Toast said with a smirk hiding in his voice. 
“Give her a break guys, she was literally with us all this time. I’m sure we would’ve noticed if she killed somebody” Dave stood up for her, but it seemed like all the attention was directed from Poki to Y/N. 
“Well maybe the other impostor is either you or Sykkuno and you’re just trying to clear each other?”
“Um, if there were two impostors among the three of us, the third person would have to be a crewmate. I mean, it would be impossible for them to kill somebody without a crewmate seeing it.” Sykkuno pointed out, much to Corpses’ relief. 
“I knew Sykkuno would vouch for her” he told his chat, before unmuting himself to defend Y/N as well “Haven’t we already established that Poki is sus as well? She was last seen near the body and has no alibi.” 
“I didn’t do it. The only person that could vouch for me is dead, we were with each other the entire round. I leave her for a few seconds and somebody kills her, but it wasn’t me.” 
“I don’t think she’s lying guys, I mean, if she killed Rae she’d probably be dead already” Felix chuckled “Let’s just skip this round, we don’t have enough evidence.”
“Alright, but Y/N,” Toast said, as everyone pressed the skip button “I have my eyes on you.”
Corpse could hear her sigh before everyone muted their mics. 
“We’ve gotta get rid of Toast guys, he’s too suspicious. I don’t want him accusing my partner in crime, even though he’s right” he chuckled under his breath, following Toast’s character into Admin. “Alright, Felix is with us as well, good. If I just pretend I’m doing card swipe, they’re gonna both vouch for me since everyone knows I’m great at this task.” he shook his head with a deep laugh escaping his throat. 
He could see the other two astronauts running around admin, before they both decided to leave, which gave Corpse a perfect opportunity to frame Toast. He killed the lights and chased his victim who, much to his joy, was now completely alone in comms. 
“Hi, Felix. Bye, Felix.” Corpse snapped his neck before speeding out of the room and venting into Navigation.
That’s when someone fixed the lights. And Corpse jumped out of the vent, only to come face to face with none other than Toast. 
“SHIT” he laughed in panic, seeing that he couldn’t use the kill function yet. “Shit, he must’ve seen me.”
And indeed, it took Toast just a split of second to run out of the room and speed towards the emergency button, Corpse hot on his tail, even though he knew he wouldn’t avoid getting ejected. 
“I’m busted guys, there’s no way they’re gonna believe me” he told his audience, watching as Toast’s character approached the button. However, Corpse wasn’t sure if he was just seeing things, but he thought that he saw an outline of another character appear out of nowhere just mere seconds before Toast called the meeting...
“YES” he almost screamed, at the same time laughing hysterically, when he saw the red cross decorating Toast’s name. 
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!” Sean yelled, similarly to every other player that remained alive. “HOW DID THAT HAPPENED?!”
“Oh my God.”
“But- I don’t get it. What just happened?” Y/N’s soft voice sounded out, making Corpse laugh even more. 
“Someone killed Toast the moment he called the meeting.” Sykkuno explained, barely holding himself from laughing.
“Is that even possible?” she asked confused, her voice sounding so innocent and sweet that the other impostor couldn’t stop himself from grinning.
“Oh my god, she’s just- I can’t.” he chuckled deeply “She’s too precious guys, I swear I’m gonna do everything to keep her alive.”
“Yeah, that’s some big brain move. And since Toast is dead, there’s only one person with balls who could do it” Sean said, clearly very sure of his next words.
“CORPSE!” Lily chirped into her microphone, her voice soon being followed by others who eagerly agreed with her. 
“Okay, I admit I saw them in admin where I was doing the card swipe, but then they both left and I haven’t seen them anymore.”
“Were you in admin this whole time?” Poki asked. 
“Um- yeah, pretty much. I tried to beat my own record in failing a card swipe.” he replied, making everyone laugh. He thought of it as a good cover, unless someone entered the admin after he left... 
“Sykkuno where are you?” Poki directed her next question to the lime astronaut.
“Why am I accused again?” he asked confused “I was with Sean in medbay, I think Y/N joined us for a moment to do the scan, then she left, and then Toast called the meeting.”
“So maybe it’s her?” Dave commented “I mean, medbay is right next to the cafeteria, so she had quite an easy access to the emergency button.”
“Yeah, that would actually make sense” Lily added.
“Oh no, they’re gonna vote her off...” Corpse mumbled under his breath, deciding that he had to intervene. She just saved his ass, he couldn’t possibly just watch her get ejected because of that. 
“Guys, I didn’t even know it was possible to kill someone this way. Trust me, I played only a few times and Jack made sure not to reveal any of his big brain moves.” she scoffed at the last part, making Jack let out a loud laugh.
“How can we be sure you’re not just acting all innocent? I mean, you exposed Felix last game, being one of the last people to stay alive.”
“Y/N was with me when Toast called the meeting, she is innocent” Corpse decided to finally speak up. The silence settled among other players. “She found me in admin and made sure nobody killed me when I failed the fucking card swipe.”
“Why are you saying this just now, Corpse?”
“Cause he’s fallen for her god damn trap! I told you!” Sean argued.
“What trap?” Y/N asked confused.
“I mean, who wouldn’t? It’s like listening to an angel” Corpse said, before he could stop himself. Everyone on the call went wild, just like his chat did... He didn’t know why he said that, it just slipped before he really thought about it.
“Corpse, you do realize you’re simping only makes you even more suspicious?” Poki asked with a laugh, and Corpse felt the blush rising up his cheeks. Even more, when Y/N completely ignored this comment, deciding to suddenly stay quiet...
Did he make her uncomfortable with such comments?
“Seriously though, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t her. We watched each other’s back, so I’m also clean.” 
“As much as I hate to do it, I have to agree with Corpse on this one” Sean suddenly said. “That she’s innocent, I mean. I’m sure Corpse just follows her around like a lost puppy and I didn’t see the two of them, but I doubt Y/N knew it’s possible to kill somebody like that. No offense kiddo.”
“See? Guys, it wasn’t me!” she exclaimed. 
“Wait, why do you hate to agree with me?” Corpse asked in confusion.
“What? I just told you my alibi, weren’t you listening Jack?”
“We have twenty seconds left” Lily reminded, cause everyone seemed to forget about the voting time. “We don’t skip at 7, right?”
“Alright, I’m voting Corpse, I still think he’s sus even though I agreed with him.” Sean announced, much to Y/N’s dismay. She quickly objected, trying to defend her fellow impostor:
“It’s NOT him, I watched him fail that dang card swipe!”
“I’m also voting Corpse, he must be one of them.” Lily agreed with Jack.
“Sykkuno, I hope you’re not doing what I think you’re doing” Y/N asked the lime astronaut, who was silent for the past few minutes.
“I um- I don’t know, they kinda have a point Y/N...”
“Sykkuno, listen to me.” she lowered her voice, trying to convince him “Corpse is not the impostor. You know you can trust me, right?”
“Sorry guys...”
Corpse burst out laughing, seeing that out of seven remaining players, five of them decided to skip. 
“She’s too good” he chuckled, quickly running up Y/N’s character when they started the next round. He circled her white astronaut, and she seemed to get his message because she eagerly followed him into Electrical to fake the tasks and wait for someone to show up. 
Soon enough two figures waltzed into the room, only to be simultaneously decapitated by the two impostors, who then swiftly vented into medbay and locked the door to their crime scene. 
“That was smooth” Corpse smiled, happily running around Y/N’s character. “I love being impostors with Y/N, it’s so much fun. The best thing is that no one besides Toast really suspects her of doing something wrong.”
Corpse figured Y/N sabotaged the oxygen because the next thing he saw was Lily running past medbay to stop it from depleting. 
“Ladies first, Y/N” he mumbled, and even though she couldn’t hear him, her small character sped up and left the medbay, chasing after Lily. He waited a few seconds, before bursting out laughing.
“That was... I would never guess it was you!” 
“I’m sorry guys, I really didn’t want to kill any of you” she laughed apologetically, but Corpse could sense she was smiling “I just had no other choice...”
“Yeah, I’m sure you killed us by accident” Toast’s voice blared out, followed by loud laughter.
“What was that again? I didn’t even know you could kill someone this way?” Felix mocked in a high pitched voice, making them laugh hysterically. Corpse also found himself unable to catch a breath between his giggles.
“I told you guys they’d fuck us up.” Rae spoke up “But I was actually glad Y/N killed me first, watching her kill Toast was so much fun.”
“Ha ha, thanks, Rae!” Toast exclaimed ironically.
“Y/N and Corpse are just complete serial killers, I don’t know how else to comment that” Felix chuckled. 
“Well...” Corpse mumbled, unmuting his microphone “I can’t disagree. She’s a perfect partner in crime.”
“NOT AGAIN WITH SIMPING CORPSE” he heard Sean’s response, and once again felt awkward when his all his friends laughed at him, and Y/N remained quiet. 
That was, however, until her soft voice effectively quietened everyone. 
“It was.. an honor to murder my friends with you.” 
Corpse never thought his face could hurt from smiling so much...
“Alright, who’s up for another game?” Felix asked after a few moments, and received a chorus of me’s from almost everyone. 
“Unfortunately I have to go now, but it was so fun playing with you guys!” Y/N said, making everyone (Corpse included) object rather loudly:
“One more round, please? I want to see you kill someone again!”
“C’mon kid, what else do you have to do?”
“Stay with us Y/N, I need someone to protect me!” 
“I’m sorry but I’m really tired. I’m sure I’d just fall asleep on my desk and Toast would come up behind my back to murder me.”
“Well, that was actually my plan...” the man in question replied with a chuckle.
“You sure you don’t wanna stay?” Corpse finally asked “Killing won’t be the same without you...”
“I know, and I’m sorry... But I was working the whole day and my eyes just hurt and I feel like I’m gonna faint” she replied. 
“Alright, but just so you know, we’re playing again later this week, and I better see you entering the lobby on time” Felix said, trying to sound threatening, but failing at it. Y/N giggled to herself, the sound making Corpse smile almost unknowingly. 
“I wouldn’t dare to miss a chance to murder my new friends!” 
“Oh my god, she’s too adorable!” 
Everyone said their goodbyes and soon Y/N left the call, her small astronaut disappearing from the lobby, much to Corpse’s disappointment. He wished she’d stay a little longer, playing with her was something he found incredibly fun and quite relaxing if he was completely honest. Or maybe aside from playing itself, listening to her voice was what kept bringing a smile to his face every time she spoke up. 
“Guys, I think I’m also gonna call it a day, it was really fun.”
“What? It’s not even been over an hour!” Rae protested. 
“Yeah, I um.. I know but-”
“Don’t push him guys, he can’t play without his partner in crime” Toast’s teasing voice made everyone burst out laughing, and Corpse just shook his head, glad that nobody could see how red his face became.
“Fuck you guys, okay?” he chuckled into the mic, before finally saying his goodbyes and leaving as well. He thanked his viewers for watching and promised to stay longer next time, before closing the discord. 
He sat for a moment in his chair, staring at the black screen, a smile slowly widening on his lips. It was one of the best games he had ever played in Among Us, and he couldn’t wait to be Impostor with Y/N again. 
“Perfect partner in crime... I’m such an idiot” he mumbled under his breath and felt himself blush, shaking his head at how awkward that must’ve sounded. He pulled his phone out and checked his Twitter, only for his eyes to widen once he saw the top trending hashtags. 
“Oh my God...” Corpse yelped, covering his eyes with his hand as if it would make all those tweets disappear. “Why am I the way I am?” 
He considered texting her, trying to maybe make things less awkward than they already were, but decided against it. He feared he’d make even more of an idiot out of himself... 
Convinced that all those comments about simping and now those hashtags made her uncomfortable, it didn’t even cross his mind that Y/N might be looking at them at the exact same moment, with adorable blush tinting her cheeks, and her lips turning into a small, shy smile...  
A/N: I think about writing 3rd part... 
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