#jj maybank pop punk
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retromotherfuckers · 1 year ago
OBX Rock Band AU (headcanon)
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jj maybank, john b routledge, pope hayward, kiara carrera, sarah cameron
Word Count:
i have no idea if this has been done before but the idea came to me the other night in the shower lol. i’m in a band so you can guess what i loosely based this on
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JJ - Drums
is my opinion biased on this one? probably
my favorite band member and character
the one with the most problems
drinks a little too much,  stoner
personal life in shambles most of the time
once he found the drums as an outlet he dove into it, eventually becoming an intensely devoted musician 
that drum set has seen some things
jj lets his anger out on that poor, innocent drum set
all the different pieces have had to be replaced so many times because he beats the living shit out of them
the one that got john b into rock music and the rest was history
he's not one of the chill drummers who just shows up and does their thing, this man is a show-off
so many tricks
long solos whenever the chance arises for one
flirts with the entire band
music genres: rock, grunge, alt, metal
bands/artists: Sex Pistols, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Nirvana, Guns N’ Roses, Def Leppard
John B - Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar
a no-brainer. this is practically canon
no i will not be hearing opposing opinions at this time
he's the frontman
the one most people's eyes are drawn to right away
controls the vibe in the room
him and jj put on a show
is naturally a gifted singer, but had a vocal coach for a little while to get some pointers
rhythm guitar because most rock songs need at least two guitars and he's played guitar since he was a kid just for fun
music genres: country, rock, alt, pop when jj isn't around
bands/artists: The Rolling Stones, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, Aerosmith, Taylor Swift, Johnny Cash 
Pope - Lead Guitar/Band Manager
he's just there to vibe but also an incredibly skilled guitarist 
the one that tries extremely hard to keep everyone on track, but can't because no one listens to him
also the one that found kiara and Sarah
he's classically trained, but he only did classical as a kid because that's what he thought the smart kids were supposed to do
he plays like Slash: relatively controlled body language, but his fingers fly back and forth on the frets 
music nerd
everyone can tell he loves what he's doing
manager because who else would manage these fools?
music genres: rock, alt, indie rock
bands/artists: Falling in Reverse, Foo Fighters, Arctic Monkeys, Green Day, Hozier, The Killers, The 1975
Kiara - Bass
i will not be accepting arguments on this one
she 100% grew up on cello, but wanted to rebel against her parents as a teen and switched to rock but realized she fucked with it
this girl is hot as all hell and knows it, but has nothing to prove
she's one of the more responsible members of the group but also super laid-back
effortlessly keeps everyone in check 
she just wants to vibe and play some songs
flirts with the entire band
weird, hippie, earthy screams bass player
music genres: indie rock, r&b, pop punk, anything from the '60s and '70s
bands/artists: Janis Joplin, The Strokes, Young The Giant, Hozier, Paramore, Joan Jett, Whitney Houston
Sarah - Backup Vocals
she was definitely an attention seeker in her young years and would've hated backup, but now she's perfectly content chilling in the background with some killer harmonies 
she has a few songs she leads in the set when john b needs a rest
she absolutely KILLS them
but she loves playing with the melody and adding a harmony on something that you wouldn't expect
this girl has perfect pitch so harmonizing takes about 3% effort from her
if a song is too low for her or too high for john b, she transposes everything (perfect pitch and all)
she will. not. touch. an electric guitar with a 10-foot pole. 
don't ask, i have no explanation for that one
on the occasion a song needs keys, she's the go-to
music genres: she's a retired theatre kid so she listens to just about everything under the sun except country
bands/artists: Taylor Swift, The Beatles, Queen, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Knicks, Amy Winehouse
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aussiepoguepunk · 4 years ago
Perfect Storm (JJ Maybank x reader)
Summary: they're both too stubborn for their own good, even if it means freezing to death.
Warning: fear of storms, mention of injury, angst?, crying, ✨spicy dreams✨
Part 2 Part 3
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Rain pounded on the roof of the Twinkie, the outside world barely visible through water-covered windows. The space between them was occupied by a vicious silence.  No matter the circumstance, he always found a way to push her buttons. He never took anything seriously, always being reckless, putting himself and sometimes others in danger. Not once had they ever shared a conversation that didn’t result in her feeling flustered and filled with frustration
Curled in the corner, she shivered at the cold brought upon her by the drenched t-shirt and shorts that stuck to her skin in the most uncomfortable of ways. Teeth chattering with every chill that ran down her spine. The remaining warm air from the van’s heater doing very little for her freezing form. If only he had listened to her to stay at the Wreck and wait out the storm. Then instead of being broken down on the side of the road in the middle of the night, they’d be safe and more importantly warm. But of course he didn't listen.
“JJ, those clouds look pretty bad. Maybe we should stay here just in case the weather gets worse.” she had suggested just as the two prepared to duck through the rain back to the van.
“What are you talking about, the clouds look fine. No different to any other storm clouds. Just get in the van, the sooner we do the sooner we get back to John B's.” He brushed off her words heading for the Twinkie.
Why did he have to be so stubborn? Mentally throwing insults at the blonde, she lifted her eyes in his direction. The boy’s tall frame lay across the back seat. Quiet snore escaped from beneath the tattered green cap hiding his face from view, his chest steadily rising and falling with each slow breath.. 
How could he be sleeping? There was no way he wasn't freezing. His clothes were just as drenched as hers. She could see from across the van the way the soaked cotton of his old shirt clung to his strong arms, the way every muscle of his abdomen was made prominent by the material. 
God, he was infuriating.
He’s probably dreaming about getting high and surfing while she freezes.
Heat fogging over the windows as the storm was mostly forgotten, their very own version of that scene from the titanic playing out. They had long since been rid of the rain-soaked clothing that once clung to them. Under the small light of the van, droplets of sweat glistened against their skin as quiet whimpers and breathless moans filled the air. A loud crack of lighting making her hold him closer.
“‘S alright baby. I’ve got you,” he whispered in her ear as he hovered over her body. He left soft kisses and bites down her neck, cherishing the sounds she made when his hips had moved to hit just the right spot. How she moaned his name with so much love.
“Oh JJ... right there...JJ….JJ...”
“JJ!”A small plastic bottle collides with the boy's face, tearing him out of his sweet dream.
“WHAT! what is it?” JJ questioned slightly agitated.
“The light, radio and heater all stopped,” she informed him.
“The battery’s probably dead” JJ concluded, making Y/n question how they were going to not freeze to death. “I think there might be a blanket in one of the storage things under the seats,” JJ mentioned.
Y/n groaned “ you couldn’t have said that two hours ago.”
‘I didn’t think of it 2 hours ago.” he snapped, checking under all the seats.” and you weren't exactly much help, all you were doing was being pathetic, freaking out over the storm.”
How dare he.
“Are you sure it’s safe to stop here,” Y/n asked, doing her best to keep the flashlight steady while JJ looked under the hood of the van, and also doing her best to hide how terrified she was of the storm?
“Well considering the van broke down we don’t have much of a choice.”
“ Here it is,” JJ mutters, pulling a battery-powered lantern along with the blanket from a drawer under a seat and gesturing for Y/n to take it.
“No thanks,” she declined without even looking up at him. Why was she so stubborn?
“What! You were literally just-” JJ sighed in annoyance “ just take the damn thing” 
“For fuck sake, Y/n. Take the damn blanket!” JJ raised his voice, throwing the blanket in her direction.
“No. I’d rather die of Hypothermia.” Y/n declared chucking the blanket back.
“Fine!” opening the side door JJ shoved her out of the van. Before going back to lay down on the seat.
The door slammed in y/n’s face as thunder rumbled from the sky, her arm began to hurt as it had collided with the door on her way out of the van. She began hitting the van demanding that JJ let her in. The rain drowned out most of her yelling but not enough where JJ couldn’t hear her.
“Damn it Maybank! Open the fucking door!”
 A loud crack of lighting echoed across the sky. Y/n flinched, frightened by the sudden anger of the storm. “JJ o-open the door.” she received no answer, tears built in her eyes, hands beginning to shake. This was the worst possible scenario for having a phobia of storms. Maybe she could have been a little nicer. After all, JJ did offer her the blanket without even thinking of himself.
A minute or so goes by along with several rumbles of thunder and strikes of lightning. Her breath was picking up, tears having already spilled down her cheeks, y/n's arm hurting more than before. With a shaky hand, she knocked on the door of the van softly. Her trembling voice sparking an ache in his chest.
“P-Please JJ. I...I’m scared." A quiet sob escaped her mouth. "please c-can you-”
The door flung open, revealing JJ looking extremely concerned. He looked her in the eyes before turning to grab the blanket. y/n opened her mouth prepared to give an apology for rejecting his act of kindness when the loudest crash of thunder seemed to shake the ground itself. Acting quickly JJ pulled y/n inside, closing the door and wrapping the soft blanket around her trembling body. 
It was quiet for a moment while JJ searched for anything else that could keep her warm, cursing himself for losing it and pushing her out of the van in the first place. Finding some of John B’s clothes in the back of the van, JJ came back to sit in front of her, he noticed her irregular breathing and tears stained cheeks. 
“i-I’m sorry” she spoke through chattering teeth. “you were being nice and-”
“Y/n, you were only being stubborn because I insulted you. It was dick move for me to put you outside in the rain.’
“‘S Okay.”
“No, it’s not" JJ huffed, "Sometimes you’re just so stubborn and it makes me so frustrated but doing that was stupid” he explained clearly angry at himself, y/n simply nodded. “I found some of John b’s clothes. You should change into them, staying in those wet clothes will definitely make you sick.”
Handing Y/n the clothes, there was a moment of silence before JJ realised she’d want some privacy and got up to move to the driver’s seat. Feeling a tug on his arm JJ stopped, to see y/n’s hand pulling at his sleeve. 
“What’s wrong,” JJ asked crouching down to be at eye level with her.
Y/n looked away, fiddling with the pile of clothes before her. “I...um..need...I need y-your help,” she mumbled. The blonde gave her a confused look. “Uh w-when you pushed me out of the van...my..shoulder hit the door. It kinda hurts to move it.”
JJ gave her an apologetic look, feeling like shit for hurting Y/n. He wanted to help and make sure she wouldn't be in any more pain, but he had to be honest, helping y/n undress would leave him with a bit of an issue.
“y/n...ah how do I put this.” he mumbles, face fading to red.
“JJ, if it’s too weird-”
“No, no, it’s just...I-I…..fuck. Look I actually kinda have a thing for you, okay, and as much as I’d like to be a kind gentleman and help you, I don’t think I’ll be able to without…um….well without getting a boner.” looking away from y/n, JJ braces himself for the rejection she was sure to give him.
Before she could speak mother nature interrupted with another loud strike of lighting that made Y/n whimper, terrified of the weather outside. Forgetting the conversation JJ was by her side instantly, sitting cross-legged on the van floor. One hand on her good shoulder the other on her face bring her attention to him.
“Hey, it’s alright.” there was another loud crack, JJ glanced out the window. That one was nearby. “Just focus on me okay. I won’t let the storm hurt you.” he promised caressing her cheek.
Y/n did as he asked, she focused. Focused on JJ.  On his eyes and the different specks of blue, on his angelic feature that made him devilishly handsome, on his fluffy blonde hair. She focused on his lips, a soft shade of pink that tempted her by the second. A temptation she gave in to, continuing to 'focus' She focused on how her lips felt against his. She focused on how his fluffy hair felt between her fingers, how his hands felt on her waist. He broke her focus, pulling away to rest his forehead upon hers. 
“Not really what I meant by focus, but this is way better.” JJ smiled, leaving a soft kiss on y/n's forehead.
Hope you like it. Part 2
Taglist: @taylathornton
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spookysquishsworld · 5 years ago
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Just imagine JJ being this silly. He's a total pop punk kid. The Van's and the coat. KHAKIS. How he's just SITTING on the wall.
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lyricalimerence · 5 years ago
Colorful Consequences - JJ Maybank
summary: jj dyes his hair after losing a bet
word count: 1718
warnings: a little swearing, just friendship fluff
a/n: this is so cute don't even look at me + and this is for @maybanktho for the concept prompt
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*this is how i imagine the color, but he just dyes the fringe/front part of his hair*
It all started with a bet—as most things do between you and JJ. There had to be a prize and a consequence, it was just your friendship dynamic. You two became friends through a competition he set in the fourth grade during recess. You both played on the field, juggling half pumped up soccer balls and booting them into opposite goals, not wanting to get in each other's way. Until he kicked his soccer ball into your goal on purpose, proposing a bet that he could sink a goal from farther away than you could. However, much to his ten-year-old chagrin, you won. He had to eat a hot dog from the cafeteria the next day���the hot dogs were chalky and an abnormal color. You, however, got to be one of his best friends for life. He would say that he got the winning end of that bet in the end, having you by his side for the past six years outweighed the stomachache he had after eating that hotdog.
This time, it was a surfing bet, and, as were getting gloriously used to, you won. His punishment was he had to dye his hair, and your prize was you choosing the color. A schedule wasn’t set for the day you had to become his personal hairdresser, so you were going about your Saturday morning as usual—half hungover and asleep on your couch, not having gotten to your bedroom before passing out the night prior. Your parents were nowhere to be found, probably on the mainland having affairs with rich people for money, or something along those lines—you didn’t particularly care anymore.
The familiar knocking pattern of JJ Maybank, your best friend, slammed into your eyes, almost abrasively as your head throbbed from the alcohol you consumed last night. Once you collected your thoughts together, you were surprised JJ was awake, not being the “up-and-at-em” type in the slightest.
Somehow, you managed to pull yourself off the couch, the crick in your neck loosening as you stretched.
“You look like shit, Y/N,” JJ announced, leaning against the doorframe as you wiped the sleep from your hardly open eyes.
“Thanks for noticing, Sherlock,” you smiled wryly, pushing the hair from your fringe falling over your face. “What’re you doing here? And why are you handling your alcohol so much better than me?”
JJ walked past you, patting your shoulder as he entered your small house, the homey decor and familiar scent of fresh cookies and linen febreze inviting him in with as much vigor as you did the first time he came to your home. “Today is the day, my friend. And, in regards to the whole hungover deal, I so happen to not be a lightweight, unlike some…” he trailed off to glance at your slouched frame, the cuffs of your paper bag denim jeans bunched up around your shins, and the thick strapped tank from Pelican Marina that you chopped the bottom off of, was pushed up around the band of your bra. Normally, you’d be self conscious of how much of your torso was on display, but you were feeling like a dead squirrel, and it wasn't like JJ hadn't seen you in a bikini almost everyday.
Moving towards the couch to refold the blanket you had knocked onto yourself before you fell asleep, you asked, with an increasing amount of pep and clarity, “Today is the day for what?”
“I’m glad you asked, Y/N! You're dying my hair today. Get ready so we can go to the store.” He seemed a bit nervous, his hand instinctively going to the blond pieces of hair that fell as fringe over his forehead. A goofy smile spread across your face as his words sunk in, the leftover cranky drunkenness fading away as you almost jumped in the air as you ran to your bathroom to get ready.
Once you got out of the shower and changed into a t-shirt and shorts, you met JJ back in your family room, his eyes glued to the phone screen in his hand, his eyes tracing over the photo he was looking at. His phone was open to a picture Kie took of you two on the HMS, having been in the midst of a shotgunning competition. Your hair fell in waves, from your ears down it was a light teal color, matching the oceanic background. JJ zoomed in on the picture, scrolling between the bright, superficial hair color to his photographed blond locks. “Hey!” You made him jump, as you leant against the back of the sofa, looking over his shoulder.
“I was thinking this color?” He sounded a little unsure, but as a hair dying veteran, you knew it was just virgin hair jitters. You took pride in having watched enough Brad Mondo, making you think you could do his hair just as well as a hairdresser.
You reached over, swiping so the camera app was open, and you maneuvered your ponytail to lay over his forehead, the pastel turquoise color of your hair covering most of his face, “I think ya look great.”
He jumped off the couch, grumbling about you being a total dork, and to just get the damn car keys. Having completely sobered up, you grabbed the keys to your old pickup truck and all but skipped out the door. JJ, being blond, had such good hair for dying. You had wondered what he’d look like with crazy colored locks multiple times, he had just never agreed until you won the bet.
Once you two had arrived at the store, a wave of air conditioning hit you, pricking at your bare legs and arms. Having been very acquainted with the beauty supply store, you walked straight to the aisle of hair dye, JJ following cluelessly in your wake. The lanyard holding your keychain was tucked in your denim short’s pocket, the ribbon loop brushing your knee as you bent down to pick up a mixing bowl and color application brushes. You looked towards JJ who was watching you with stitched together eyebrows and evident confusion. “These are semi-permanent colors,” you pointed to a section of the shelves, bottles and tubes or paint like hair dyes sprawling out in front of JJ. “Your hair is light enough that it won’t need bleach… so how long are you committed to this merman look, ya think?”
JJ turned his head to look at you, his eyes lazily gazing at your dimpled smile. “I’m in this for the long haul.”
“As you should!” A laugh bounced from your lips as you nodded, pulling two bottles from the shelf of semi-permanent colors, knowing he’d want to be able to change it at some point. “I used this dye for my hair, if that’s what you want.” He nodded and took the bottle from your hand, staring at it with optimistic intrigue. “C’mon,” you motioned for him to follow you to the checkout line where you two split the bill and you teased him with the cashier with whom you were familiar.
Once you drove JJ back to your house—after going through the McDonald’s drive thru because JJ was hungry—you rummaged through your bathroom, stains of pinks, greens, blues, purples, reds, oranges, and blacks danced along the edge of your sink and shower from your previous dye jobs. You threw a blue towel at JJ to wrap around his shoulders, knocking a french fry out of his hand. “Hey, I was eating that.”
You mock pouted at his indignation but stayed silent so you could pour some of the dye into the mixing bowl. Before slipping on plastic gloves, you sectioned out JJ’s hair with old butterfly clips and barrettes he used to make fun of you for wearing in the sixth grade, claiming you were too grown up for hair clips. Although, he was owning the look now, pretending to flip his fringe sassily before you peeled the strands of blond off his forehead.
JJ was swiping through his phone, looking for Spotify before putting on his playlist and drumming on the counter with his fingers to the beat. You had to hold his head still multiple times with one hand, your other hand otherwise occupied with a brush filled with hair dye. Once he calmed down, you started brushing the color on the ends of his fringe, following the sections you had created. By the time you had finished and worked the dye to the roots of his fringe you handed him a mirror. “Whatcha think?”
He stared at the mirror like he was looking at a foreign object. “I mean I like it… Do you think we could stop here, just dye the front pieces?”
You hummed in response, grabbing the now empty plastic bag from the store and tying it just over his hair to incubate it with heat. “Okay, now we wait for thirty minutes.”
“Let's watch Avatar the Last Airbender.” JJ suggested, as you two walked into the main hallway of your small house on The Cut. Responding with a short word of agreement, you watched JJ jump over the couch to sit on it, aiming the remote at the screen.
After your phone beeped, signaling the end of thirty minutes, you had to tear JJ away from the TV, him having become engrossed by Aang’s adventures. Somehow you managed to rinse his hair out in the basin of your shower, adding to the colorful splotches on the rim. He complained about the water being cold then when you warmed it up, he cupped his hand under the faucet and splashed you with it.
Using all your self control, you extinguished the beginnings of a water fight in your bathroom and rinsed all the dye from JJ’s hair.
Shaking his hair like a wet dog, water droplets flying at you, JJ haphazardly dried his hair before looking in the mirror. “Wait, that's actually so good.”
“Really?” You asked through a grin, excited he liked the color. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and squeezed you into his side.
“Yeah, it's awesome, Y/N!” He let go of you just to grab your hand and pull you through your house, “Let’s go show the others.”
Another bet he lost with more than optimal consequences.
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@ilovejjmaybank @thelocalpogue @calumbroutledge @drew-starkey @jayjaymaebank @prejudic3 @anonymous0writer @rudys-pankow @lovingxjj @apoguecalledjj @write-from-the-heart @xxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo @insanitysparkles @bxllasanosa @fandomsinapile @starkeymarkey @beatement-l @outerbanksbro @abigailpankow @popcsheyward @mahleeyuh @queenofthebees003 @kaitieskidmore1 @copper-boom @starlightstarkey @joyfulfrappuccino @king-ronnoc @ultranikilove
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spinningintheshadows · 4 years ago
someone tell me not to write a jj maybank fic to fuck u over by the summer set
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12yeahiminluvwu · 4 years ago
Bad Enough For You
pairing - pop-punk!jj x pop punk!reader
summary- JJ wants you all to himself, and he’ll do anything he has to to make that happen, even if it means reverting to his old ways. 
word count- 2,265
warning(s)- swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, 
From the wings, JJ watched as the girl he had shamelessly obsessed over for months sang her lungs out and jumped around the stage like she owned the place. He could tell that this was her element. The stage was where she belonged. From where he stood, he could see her chest moving up and down as she fought hard to breathe but you wouldn’t know by the way she hit every note like it was second nature to her. He watched the way she got down on her knees, reaching out for the crowd and singing right to them. She was fucking good at this. It was no question why they were the most popular band in the little college town. 
Y/n was somewhat of a mystery to JJ, even after all this time. He couldn’t figure her out, no matter how hard he tried. He watched countless guys come and go, none of them fitting her standards- of which he had no clue what they were. 
He was always nice to her- which was his first mistake. Y/n wasn’t into the nice guy type. Unbeknownst to JJ, she liked her boy, and girls, as bad as they come. Her last boyfriend was a drug dealer from the southside of town who looked like he definitely had killed someone before. She never bothered to ask though, it was just better that way. His second mistake was trying to get her attention. She didn’t give it to anyone she knew wanted it, except for fans on stage. So there JJ was, shit out of luck. It wasn’t until one night after a hopeless encounter that he decided he’d start trying to be someone she would pay attention to. That had been a few weeks ago now. JJ knew how to be an asshole. He’d done it most of his teenage years back home on the island. 
As the band was coming off stage, Y/n waited for the typical “Hey good job out there!” from JJ, but all she got was a cold shoulder. He didn’t even acknowledge her, even if all he wanted to do was spin her around and tell her how amazing she’d been. He had to be the bad guy now, because that’s the only way he’d get to her. She brushed it off quickly and made her way back to the green room, whereas JJ and his boys made their way onto the stage. 
“Anyone know The Band CAMINO?” JJ asked and the crowd erupted in loud chants and screams. The tune to See Through filled the bar and the crowd got even louder. She didn’t know it, but Y/n was the inspiration for the band singing this song tonight. 
Now it was Y/n’s turn to watch from the wings. She kept her gaze on the blond bassist, silently wishing he would stop trying so hard to get at her. 
The air in the bar was damp and smelled like sweat and cheap beer. It was packed wall to wall, for sure violating some type of fire code, but who really cared anyway. The only sound you could hear from here all the way down the block was the live music being played. Lights shined on the boys, illuminating every inch of their skin, making them look like absolute gods. JJ, as usual, had ended up taking his shirt off a few songs into the set, making everyone in the crowd go crazy. Y/n had to admit, the boy knows how to work an audience. He knows exactly what to do to drive them crazy, and if he wasn’t such a kiss ass off stage, she might give him a chance. She just wasn’t into the kind of guys who would drop everything and come running. She liked the chase. She liked feeling like she had to earn the attention of someone, she didn’t like when it came easy. 
“Rebound feeling like a rerun, everything that we've done, funny how it all played out.
You're good at looking at me like I'm see-through but I gotta see you, I shoulda learned by now.” The vein in JJ’s neck was straining as he poured his heart into the song. In that moment, with the crowd roaring and the sweat dripping down his face, he felt like he was flying. He felt invincible, and for a moment- he forgot about Y/n. But only for a moment, because as soon as the next verse fell out of his mouth, her image came flooding back into his mind like a tidal wave. 
“How do I get your attention? How does it feel to always have mine? How do I address this tension? How you're looking through me every time? Got me out here, got me thinking what I would do, got me in my head, got me wishing I was with you. God, I'm wishing I was with you.” Quickly, JJ glanced over to where you stood and before you could notice, his eyes shifted back to the crowd in front of him. 
Post gig was always JJ’s favorite time because he got to hang out with his boys and revel in the high that was performing live. The air was still thick from the events tonight but the boys didn’t care. The afterparty had moved from the bar to the band’s shared apartment and Y/n’s band was here too. JJ did his best to keep his gaze off of her, but her smile lit up the whole room, and he couldn’t ignore the way he felt when she was around. But he knew that if he showed any of that at all, it would send her running for the hills. 
There she was, standing with a drink in her hand, laughing with the lead singer of his band and driving him crazy. He tried to focus on the music playing and the conversation he was having about how good Ashton Irwin’s solo music was, and how his album is going to be a huge hit, but he found himself drifting back to her every time. Excusing himself, he walked into the kitchen to make himself a stronger drink. He stopped cold when he saw who was standing at the counter, back facing him. Shaking his head, and ignoring the hitch in his throat, he brushed past her, reaching around the counter to find what he was looking for. 
“You’ve been pretty quiet lately Maybank… any particular reason?” The girl asked from beside him. He looked over at you quickly, simply shrugging his shoulders. That was all he gave you, hoping it would be enough to keep your attention a little longer without looking too interested. You gave him a once over before continuing on with your night. 
JJ had left you wanting more, believe it or not. You suddenly wanted to know why he detached himself from you. Was he losing interest in you? Or using reverse psychology to get your attention. Either way, it made your mind race. The more he drew away, the closer you wanted to get. This was the chase you wanted. 
By the end of the night, you were drunk off your ass and had somewhat attached yourself to JJ. He paid you no mind other than keeping you from falling over every once and awhile. 
“Do you need a ride home?” He asked as people started to clear out and head home. He hadn’t ended up drinking as much as he thought he would, and was completely sober. 
“Probably…” You giggled and laid your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his middle, attempting to pull him closer to you. On the inside, he was freaking out. His heart was permanently beating at a million miles an hour, his palms sweating and breath caught in his throat, but to anyone looking your way, he looked cool as a cucumber. No one would be able to tell that he was freaked out by the girl of his dreams hanging off him like they were in love. 
JJ looked around and saw that your whole band had left and that you two were the only ones left in the living room. 
“We should get you back home…” He trailed off, walking the two of you over to the couch and sitting you down so he could grab your things before helping you back up and out to his car. He reached across to belt you in and gently shut the door. Starting the car, the quiet hum of Bad Enough For You by All Time Low filled in the silence between the two of you. 
“You know…” Y/n started to say and JJ glanced over at her before returning his gaze to the road. After looking at her ID for her address, he made his way through the streets. 
“I actually think you’re really attractive, but you made it wayyy too obvious that you had a thing for me so I pushed you away��� because it scares me when people show an interest in me… be-because usually people just leave in the end anyway…” 
JJ was quiet for a moment. Had you just admitted that you liked him? 
“Why, don’t we talk about this tomorrow when you’re sober?” He asked, parking his car in front of her apartment. Coming around the side of the car, he helped her up out of the seat and walked her to the door, grabbing her keys from her to open the door. 
“Will you stay?” She slurred and he hesitated. 
“I don’t know if that’s the best idea Y/n…” 
“Please? We don’t have to do anything, I just don’t want to be alone when I wake up…” The look on her face was enough to make him do anything she asked him to. His heart melted and he nodded, walking behind her, hands intertwined, to her bedroom. She shimmied out of her skinny jeans and took her bra off under the baggy band tee-shirt that had been tucked into the pants, plopping down on the queen mattress. JJ kicked off his docs and shimmied out of the jeans he’d been wearing before climbing into bed next to her. She tucked herself right into his chest like it was her own little spot and was out in seconds. JJ, on the other hand, took a little longer to fall asleep. He started down at you, your cheek pressed up against his chest, hair all over the place. He’d never seen you look this peaceful, not even on stage. Slowly, he brought his hand up to brush the stray hairs out of your face.  He just couldn’t get his mind to shut off. But eventually, his eyelids fell heavily closed and sleep took over him. 
When morning came, you had trouble remembering where you were, and who you were with… Looking up at the person you were laying a slight rush of releifewashed over you, but then you started to worry about what happened last night and lifted the blanket in hopes that your clothes, and his, were still intact. Thank fuck, they were. 
You felt JJ take a deep breath and closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep still, doing your best to ignore the pounding headache that resided at the base of your neck. You could tell JJ had a mini freakout, similar to yours, when he opened his eyes. But then his memories of last night came back. Yours came back in pieces, while his came back in a rushing wave. You remembered suddenly wanting all of his attention and doing your best to get it, until your bandmate kept handing you vodka sodas and before you knew it you were hanging all over him the rest of the night. If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, you somehow got him to stay the night with you. And now here you were, tangled in your bedsheets. 
Slowly, you looked up at him, trying to gage the situation. He looked down at you, the smallest hint of a smile ghosting across his lips. You found yourself staring at them. The feeling of his fingers trailing up your arm sent shivers down your spine, and heat rushed to your cheeks. 
“Uh, hi…” You trailed off, absentmindedly tracing shapes along his abs, sometime last night his shirt had come off, leaving him in his boxers. 
“Hey.” He smiled. His voice was deep and scratchy due to the lack of use overnight, his nerves didn’t help any. 
“Coffee?” You asked after a pause and he chuckled lightly, nodding his head. You nodded back at him before pushing yourself out of bed and making your way to the kitchen. JJ wasn’t too far behind you, taking a seat on the other side of the island. 
“So… last night was interesting…” He began, trying to get the conversation flowing. 
“Yeah, uh. I was pretty fucking drunk so. I don’t really remember anything I said…” You admitted from where you stood at your keurig. 
“Well, to sum it up, you told me to stop being such a try hard and you think I’m hot.”
“That sounds like something I would say, yeah.” The two laughed and another moment of silence fell on them. 
“Well, I would be down to go out if you are…?” She said and JJ did his best to contain his excitement. 
“Yeah, that’d be cool.” He said and she smiled, realizing she’d been right about him just faking the hard ass act to get her to like him.
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kittysvng · 5 years ago
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more of some pop punk rudy stuff
also he’s so fucking dramatic I love him
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sodasback · 4 years ago
JJ Maybank x Reader
Reposting from my deleted account with minor edits.
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Not my photo. All credit to original poster @pop-punk-maybank​ <3
"You wanna put some stakes on this, Maybank?" You asked, feeling especially cocky.
"You think you can beat me at beer pong?" JJ asked incredulously. You had to admit it was pretty arrogant of you to think you could beat JJ, aka beer pong king of OBX.
"Oh, I know I can babe." You doubled down. JJ smirked.
"Alright, what do I get when I win?" JJ asked confidently, putting his hands on the table and purposely flexing his muscles as he leaned forward.
"Whad'you want?"
JJ smiled. "After the game is over, you have to jump off the dock, into the marsh." You frowned. You were a little let down by the anti-climatic nature of his dare; it was unlike the blonde.
"I didn't bring a bathing suit." You quickly retorted, shaking your head, knowing that wasn't an option.
“Yeah, I know. You aren’t wearing a bra either.” JJ smiled devilishly. A chorus of “oohs” came from the group that was gradually gathering around. Your mouth dropped open a little.
You closed your mouth and glared at JJ for a second. “Bet.” You said and gasps of disbelief and giggles left the small crowd. Even JJ raised his eyebrows, a little surprised at your answer, but he regained his confident front quickly. “And if I win, you have to show me the video Pope took of you from last weekend.”
JJ immediately dropped his smirk. Pope and John B shared glances, obviously knowing what JJ says/does in the video. “Yeah, that’s not happening.” JJ said looking away.
“Only if you lose.” You reminded him and JJ looked up at you. “What? Is JJ Maybank scared to lose at beer pong to a chick?” You challenged.
Laughs and more “oohs” came from the small group of party-goers. 
JJ looked at you for a minute. “Fuck it. Fine. Let’s do it.”
The game got set up.
“Last chance to back out, Y/L/N. You ready?” 
“I’m always ready for your JJ.” You teased. He shook his head, knowing the tactic of trying to distract him with flirting all too well. You looked at each other in the eyes and took the first shot at the same time to see who would go first. Your ball bounced off the rim of the solo cup and of course, JJ’s sunk in one. You took a breath in and JJ smiled and cocked his head at you. 
“Get used to passing those back to me, Y/N/N, because you’re not gonna keep them at all tonight.”
“Yeah, keep talking shit, JJ. We know this is the only way you’re scoring tonight.”
JJ’s first shot of course went right in. “Drink up, babe”
You smiled and grabbed the first cup, downing it easily. “How’s losing taste?” He asked, getting cockier by the second.
“Just shoot your shot.”
He does and sinks another one, shit-eating grin only growing more. “Balls back.” He smirked. You glared for the umpteenth time that night, but matched his smirk as you rolled the balls back and downed another cup. 
“You regretting this bet now?” JJ asked as he sunk another one. 
“There’s a lot of game left, Maybank.” You continued feigning confidence. 
Finally, JJ misses one. “Fuck” JJ whispers under his breath. “Alright, Y/L/N, let’s see what you got.”
You shot and made it, grinning at JJ. “Okay, okay. it’s just one.” JJ says and gulps down the first drink. You sink another one. “Balls back.” You smile.
You waste no time sinking the 3rd one. “Getting nervous, J?” You ask. But before he can answer, you’re missing your 4th shot, “Not really.” JJ replies cooly. 
The game went on and of course... JJ won.
“Never shoulda bet against me, Y/L/N.” JJ gloated smugly. “I definitely should have raised the stakes though, because jumping into the marsh with your clothes on isn’t really that satisfying for me.”
“Who said I was gonna keep my clothes on?” You asked seductively as you shimmied out of your denim shorts, but leaving your cheeky underwear on. JJ gaped at you for a second before regaining composure and smirking at you. You turned your back to him and took your top off before swan diving off the dock. 
“Fuck that’s cold!” You yelled when you resurfaced and approached the ladder to get back on the dock. JJ had a towel ready for you, but when you went to grab it, JJ pulled it back, just out of reach with that shit-eating grin on his face. You shot daggers at him with your eyes.
“First, say: ‘JJ is the sexiest, funniest, smartest guy I know and I was completely wrong for thinking I could beat him at anything.” 
If looks could kill, JJ Maybank would be one dead pogue from the scowl you were giving him.
“Fuck that. JJ, give me the fucking towel.” You said reaching for it again and not realizing your bare chest was coming out of the water. JJ smirked down at you and licked his lips, before you threw your arm over your chest to cover your boobs. He chuckled to himself, “The water really is cold, huh?” he teased, 
“JJ.” You said sternly.
“You gotta say it.” 
You inhaled deeply, “JJ’s the sexiest, funniest guy and I was wrong for thinking I could beat him.” You muttered and slurred quickly under your breath.
“What was that Y/N/N? I didn’t hear you.”
“Fuck you ...JJ is the sexiest, funniest, smartest guy I know and I was wrong-”
“Completely!” JJ clarified.
“-completely wrong for thinking I could beat him. Now give me the fucking towel, Maybank.”
JJ held the towel out, unfolded so it completely covered the view of you climbing the ladder so no one could see you, but he didn’t turn away, instead he kept eye contact with you even as you struggled to cover your boobs while climbing up the ladder. Once you emerged, he wrapped the towel around you and smiled. You held the towel around you as you kept eye contact with JJ a little longer than usual. You looked away first and cleared your throat. Getting nervous, you stuck your hand out for a handshake. “Good game, Maybank.”
“Good game, Y/L/N.” He said sweetly. And with his guard down, you easily pushed him off the dock and into the water. You laughed as did a lot of the party who witnessed it. 
JJ surfaced, “Oh you are so dead, Y/N! You know that right?” JJ said dangerously as he quickly paddled over to the ladder and you started to retreat.
You and JJ ended up in a tickle/wrestling match, after he chased you. And as the party continued, JJ only seemed to cling to you more. You couldn’t help but think that maybe the relationship between you two was more than just shameless flirting, that maybe it could be something more. JJ let you borrow some of his clothes after you both ended up in the marsh, so you could be warm and comfy. You were in his lap with is arms around your waist, sitting around the fire, when your brother texted that he was on his way to pick you up. 
“Time to go?” JJ whispered to you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he read the text on your phone. 
“Yep, it’s that time.” You sighed and leaned into him for just a second before standing up. JJ followed you away from the fire. “So I’ll see you tomorrow night at the movie thing? I’ll bring back your hoodie all washed.”
“Oh no, don’t worry about it. Looks better on you anyway.” JJ smiled as he brought a hand up to your cheek and ran his thumb along your jaw. You couldn’t suppress the butterflies swarming your stomach. You both looked down at the other’s lips when a horn honked loudly. 
Both of your heads snapped in that direction and JJ’s hand immediately fell from your cheek. “Y/N let’s go!” Your brother yelled from his truck
 Now, Jj was the one who cleared his throat awkwardly, “Okay, so yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You laughed at the awkwardness of the situation, “Bye” 
JJ bit his lip, shoving his hands in his pockets and smiling before turning back to the party.
You walked over to your brother’s truck. “I’m just gonna go inside and go to the bathroom real quick.” 
This earned an eye roll from your brother.
When you walked out of the bathroom and out of the Chateau, you saw JJ grabbing a drink from the cooler ...and he wasn’t alone. Your heart sank as you saw him handing a girl you’d never seen before a drink, both smiling and laughing before JJ followed the girl and sat next to her around the fire. 
Maybe it was all in your head. Would JJ Maybank actually be more interested in you than just a friend he flirted with? He did flirt with everyone after all. You just thought maybe it was different with you. Did it really only take 5 minutes for him to move on to the next girl? 
“Hey, you okay?” A voice asked, pulling you out of your heartbreaking thought spiral. It was Pope. He was headed inside to get some water. Pope followed your gaze to where JJ and the girl were, the tears in your eyes threatening to slip out.
“What?” You asked after not really processing what he said as you finally broke your gaze off JJ and looked at Pope who gave you a sympathetic smile. “Yeah, I’m fine!” You said wiping your eyes. “My brother’s waiting to take me home, so I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You sniffled. 
Pope smiled sweetly, “Yeah, see you then Y/N.”
You got into your brother’s truck and he started driving back to your house when you got a text from Pope. 
Pope: I know you lost, but I’m gonna show it to you anyway.
Then another text came through, this one was a video. The video of JJ from last weekend.
In the video, all 3 boys were out in the hammocks, visibly drunk, or high ...or both. JJ being the worst of the 3.
Pope was holding the phone. “So JJ, your turn: who’s the one girl on the island for you?”
JJ scoffed drunkenly and it was clear that he didn’t know Pope was filming: “Bro, obvusly it’s Y/N/N dude. Y/F/N fucking Y/L/N. I’d simp so hard for that girl. ...I just want to buy her flowers. I think she likes peenie...ponies...pennies ..whas it called?” 
“You mean peonies?” Pope clarified. John B looked at Pope and realized he was filming and gave Pope a knowing smile. 
“Yeah those. Penonies, pen- whatever. I just want to treat her like a princess. Like sleeping beauty ...Y/N loves taking naps. Or Belle... she reads a lot n stuff ...or ooh Ariel, that’s the one. She’s just like Ariel ...like a mermaid.”
“Y/N has y/h/c hair” Pope stated but JJ ignored this.
“Yeah anything else, J?” John B asked wanting JJ to continue.
“I dunno dude. I just want to brush her hair n feed her grapes.”
John B and Pope couldn’t help but laugh, “Feed her grapes?” John B asked laughing.
“Yeah, dud-” and with that JJ finally turned and realized Pope was filming, “Arr you fucking recording this?!” JJ asked starting to reach over and wrestle with Pope. 
“Oh my god. I cannot wait to show this to Y/N.” Pope laughed.
There was more wrestling between JJ and Pope before the video stopped. 
You smiled down at your phone. “Thanks Pope <3″ you replied back.
Taglist: @railmerafe @moniamaybank  @hernameisnoell @moonrisebeach @october-cameron @abbyj1822 
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surferkie · 5 years ago
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AU: JJ and John B. as successful international musicians Jamming in the chateau turns JJ Maybank and John Booker Routledge into pop punk/alternative gods overnight
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maybebanks · 5 years ago
He’ll Find Another
JJ Maybank x (kook) reader
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You flopped on your bed, letting out a loud sigh as you fought the urge to giggle and scream like a little girl.
You look up at the your bedroom ceiling, staring at the painted stars that had been there ever since you were little.
“Why are you so excited?” Your little sister says, entering your room, plopping down at the edge of your bed.
You quickly get up, “Promise not to tell?” You whisper.
She raises her eyebrow, “sure! Pinky?” She offers.
You both lock pinkies and seal it with a kiss on your thumbs.
“Spill!” she demands.
“Shh!” You reprimand, closing the door.
“So...you know JJ?” You say, blushing.
“That guy who mows our lawn-“ your sister starts but you cut her off.
“Yes, but he’s not just that...he’s super sweet and protective...” you say dreamily.
“Oh my god! You have a crush on him?” She says surprised.
“We’ve been hanging out...in secret,” you explain.
“Holy shit! You know, I heard you climb out your window that one night-“ she begins but you cut her off again.
“Today he saved me from Rafe...and then...he kissed me!” you say, beaming. It was like you were a school girl, god you have to get a hold of yourself.
“Where? At the beach kegger?” She asks, confused on how you were describing the scene as super romantic.
“No! We were on the front path. He walked me home,” you describe.
“You are whipped,” she mutters.
“Shut up,” you roll your eyes, “I just...it felt so different. He’s so genuine, not like Topper, or Rafe...” you say, listing all the guys you’ve known, it was as if you were expected to date them, being a kook in all.
“Alright, well I’m going to bed,” your sister says, jumping up.
“See ya,” you reply, then tuck yourself into your covers, the butterflies in your stomach still evident.
“Good morning!” You say to everyone, your father, older brother Jason, and your sister were sitting at the table and your mother was cooking breakfast.
“Sit down, darling,” your father orders, gesturing to the chair beside him, he hasn’t made eye contact with you yet.
“No thanks, I am going to meet Kie-“
“Today is an important day for me, have a seat and join us for breakfast. I can’t have you going off today,” he said sternly. He was a business man with a reputation to uphold, and for some reason, he was restricting your privilege, he barely knew you were spending time with Pogues.
You roll your eyes and sit down, faking a smile to your father.
You grab a piece of bacon off the center dish and take a bite, receiving a scold for your mother.
You look up at your siblings, your brother Jason was wearing a polo, ready to golf or something.
You locked eyes with him and gestured to popping his color. He gives you a dirty look, and you laugh.
You look at your sister, you holds out her hand and kisses it, making loud kissing noises with her mouth.
‘Shut up!’ You mouth the words.
Jason looks at you funny, you shrugged at him as if you didn’t know what your sister was doing.
About half an hour later, breakfast was finally coming to an end.
Suddenly, the sound of a lawn mower starting erupts from outside, your brother has left the room and so has your sister.
Your heart started beating as soon as you saw JJ, he was wearing a grey muscle tee, looking hot as ever.
“Okay Dad, I’m going to Sarah’s,” you say quickly, getting up and about to head to JJ.
“Not so fast, young lady,” he stops you.
“Why?” You question.
“Your shoulders are burning from all that surfing. I’m not letting you leave the house without sunscreen,” he replies.
You roll your eyes.
“Listen to your father, honey,” your mother says.
“Alright, sorry,” you say and make your way towards the stairs.
Quickly ascending them and running to the bathroom where your sunscreen was, there also just happened to be a window, with a clear view of JJ.
When you peaked your head out to check, you noticed your father speaking to him, and JJ looking concerned.
You pushed open your window and listened closely.
“I’m regret to do this, but I’m going to have to let you go,” your father says.
“What-Sir..why? I need this job...” JJ asks, utterly confused as to why he was being fired.
“It’s a matter of safety,” your father explain.
“Safety? Who is unsafe?” JJ asks, raising his voice slightly.
Your father doesn’t answer his question, he just pulls out some money and hands it to JJ, “this is this weeks payment...”
You didn’t stop to keep listening, needing to confront your dad on the mistake he was making.
Once you arrived downstairs you were too late to catch JJ.
“Dad! Why did you just fire him?” You ask angerly, “JJ did nothing wrong or unsafe, what the hell was that bullshit!” You shout.
He approaches you equally as angry, then, in the heat of the moment, grabs your wrist tightly and pulls you closer to him, “no daughter of mine will speak to me that way! And I will surly not have you messing around with boys like Maybank,” he seethes.
You were frightened, “what-what do you mean?”
He lets go of you, “we are not having this discussion any longer, put on a skirt and cancel your plans with Sarah, you are going to the country club with Jason and Rafe Cameron,”
“No!” You shout, Rafe had always creeped you out, but at least Jason would be there.
He squeezed your wrist tighter, “this is not a choice,” he says, then finally let’s go and walks off. Leaving your wrist burning red.
You went upstairs, fighting tears, still confused and upset for JJ, your father didn’t know what it was like for a pogue, this job, was something JJ needed.
“What’s up with you, pretty girl?” Rafe asks you, looking back at you from the passenger seat.
“Nothing,” you mumble, rubbing your wrist, making sure to cover the newly forming bruise.
“Is this about that Maybank guy Dad just fired?” Jason asks, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Maybank? As in that pogue JJ?” Rafe scoffs, him and JJ were kind of enemies.
“Dad fired him for no reason! He needed the job,” you express, “it’s just fucking unfair,”
“Why do you care?!” Rafe asks, “a girl like you doesn’t have time for guys like JJ,” you could hear the hatred in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, and scoffed at Rafe, you didn’t think you were better then the pogues just because you were richer.
He leaned back and placed a hand on your knee, you gave him a weird look.
“Wouldn’t want that pretty face to get dirty, from associating with the Pogues,” he says, his hand inching up your thigh.
“Fuck y-“ you start but Jason cuts you off.
“Hey, cool it Rafe that’s my sister!” He says, punching Rafe gently in the chest.
“Alright, alright,” Rafe chuckles, winking at you.
“He’ll find another job, Y/n,” Jason says, trying to comfort you and end the conversation.
Y’all had arrived at the country club.
You practically hid in the locker room the whole time, trying to call JJ and explaining to Sarah what happened with your dad.
Soon it was around 5:00pm and time to leave, you wasted a whole day, a day where you could have been out on a boat, or surfing, or at a bonfire. You wondered what the pogues were doing.
When you found Jason, he was now with Topper too, Him, Rafe, and Topper all got in his car, you followed.
Topper sat next to you in the back seat, you tried to go on your phone the whole time, but it quickly died.
“Yo! I was just like...wham! Hit that pogue in the face!” Rafe shouts happily.
You furrow your eyebrows in concern as they all laugh, the music was blazing some rap.
“Topper? What are you..who did you beat up?” You say shuttering at the thought.
“That punk Pope, from the cut! It was damn easy too,” Tooper smiles, as if it would impress you.
“What the hell! He didn’t do anything!” You defend.
“Aw come on Y/n! It’s kooks vs. pogues, they hit us..we hit them!” Topper explains.
“Y/n! Would you stop with the charity act! What are you, banging some pogue?!” Rafe shouts.
“I’m not.” You reply.
Jason turns down the music.
“Wait hold on! You were kissing JJ that one night man, that was you!” Topper says.
You raise your eyebrows, “No I wasn’t!” You lie, they would hate you if they knew.
“Is that why Dad fired him?” Jason asks.
“I-...no,” you mumble.
“Oh my god,” Jason says.
“Pogue slut! Jesus, you fuck John B too? Explains why you hang out with Sarah,” Rafe says.
“What?! No! Fuck you!” You yell.
“You just a fucking slut! Like Sarah! I thought you were different,” he pauses, putting a hand on your thigh, you squirm away, “but your just a little whore!”
A few tears involuntarily escape your eye, Jason wasn’t sticking up for you, these boys had their grudges, and now, you had yours.
At the stop sign, you quickly jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut. Then ran in the direction of the Cut. Where you thought they wouldn’t follow you.
You couldn’t stop the tears from falling as you ran farther and farther away, you had only been to John B’s house twice, and you really wanted to talk to JJ. And JJ never told you where he lived.
After a while of searching, your tears dried and you finally arrived at JB’s chateau.
You knocked on the door and Kie answers. Immediately you wrap your arms around her and start crying again.
“Hey! Y/n? What’s wrong?” She asks.
“They hate me, the kooks hate me, and I hate them!” You cry, your sleeve riding up as you hugged her.
“What did they do?” Sarah asked, coming from inside.
“Topper and Rafe. They beat up Pope, and then called me a slut for caring, they accused me of sleeping with...whatever. It’s not a big deal I just can’t deal with everyone trying to control me,” you explain.
“I’m sorry,” they say, hugging you again.
“And my dad-“ you start quietly. But pope interrupts you.
“Y/n?” He asks. You rush over to him.
“Are you okay?!” You ask inspecting his face, “those fucking bastards,” you mumble.
“It’s fine,” Pope says.
“No it’s not fine! They caved your face in!” You yell.
Pope looks at the floor, “don’t worry, we-“
“Pope!” JJ cuts him off before he reveals anything.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” JJ asks, he looked sad.
“I just needed, to talk to you...” you say, feeling as if they didn’t want you here.
“Did Rafe do that?!” He asks, pointing down at you.
“Do..what?” You ask, frightened. Pulling your sleeves down.
“You know what I mean,” JJ says, walking closer.
“Can..can we talk-outside,” you ask, shuddering.
“Yeah, of course,” JJ responds.
Once you are alone you pull him close into a hug, “I’m so sorry my dad fired you. It’s all my fault. I tried to stop him...but he got so..mad. I’m sorry,” you apologize.
“It’s not your fault,” he says, rubbing your back, then he pulls at your wrist, slowly removing the fabric of your sleeve.
“He did this?” JJ asks.
“No,” you lie, “I tripped on the..thing,” you lie, you were ashamed of what you made him do, JJ didn’t need to know.
“Y/n I’m not stupid. I’ve seen this before,” he says, tracing the finger marks.
“I don’t know what your talking about,” you brush it off.
“Y/n,” he says sternly.
“Don’t worry, JJ!”
“I do worry! I worry you’ll end up like me! The only way I can let go of my dad is when I’m high or..when I’m with you,” JJ exclaims.
“I-you...” you didn’t need to ask, you knew what he meant.
You cupped his cheeks in your hands and he lifted you by your waist, colliding your lips together.
“I’m going to get you your job back.”
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aussiepoguepunk · 3 years ago
Perfect Storm pt3 (JJ Maybank x reader)
Summary: heartbreak is hurting JJ in more ways than one.
Warning: angst, mention of pain, crying, JJ's lungs, smut,
Part1 part2
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Why would you do that?” JJ tried to stop himself, but going on not knowing, it was killing him. In that moment JJ was more vulnerable than he had ever been in front of another living soul. He was anxious and confused, his throat burning as a consequence of the sobs that filled his sleep. Heartbreak and desperation tightening around his lungs, awaking that all too familiar pain in his chest.
 “If you rejected me, fine. If nothing happened an-and we kept-'' JJ paused, his lungs tightening. “-kept on the way we’ve always been, I-I-I wouldn’t be confused,” Tears had begun streaming down JJ’s cheeks and he didn’t care at this point. “but..but why kiss me if you were just gonna ...I-I…” JJ ran both his hands through his hair, only making it messier in doing so. “I don’t understand.” he whispered, letting himself cry again with his head in his hands. The sound of his sadness echoing quietly through the van.
Y/n felt her heart shatter. She’d made a mistake in thinking he didn’t have feelings for her.
JJ’s muscles tensed from the unexpected contact. Y/n having wrapped her arms around the boy, one around his back, the other coming under his chin.
“I’m so sorry, JJ.” She rested her head lightly on his shoulder that shook with each of the boys’ quiet cries. “I was trying to prevent anything from getting too complicated. When you said you had a thing for me I misunderstood and thought it was just in a sexual way.” She hugged him tighter. “I never meant to hurt you.”
JJ tried to stop crying but his lungs felt like they were on fire. In an attempt to cope, even though he knew it would do nothing, he clutched the fabric that covered his chest. A weak cry of pain barely leaving his mouth. 
Y/n removed her arms from around the blonde. “JJ, please stop crying” she brought her hands to his face, getting him to face her. It was then that she saw his red puffy eyes. JJ had always been a master of puppy dog eyes, so to see their beautiful blue colour stained with sadness was unbearable. He still held his chest, strands of his hair sticking out in all directions.
“It...it hurts.” JJ sobbed, beginning to move away. Y/n pulled him back to her.
“I know, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I should have talked to you about it, I was just-”
“N-No my...my lungs” he managed to correct her.
It took Y/n a second to realize what he was talking about, but once she had her only concern was him. Well, more than before. 
“Shit. Okay, do you think you can move to the back of the van? Maybe lay down.” Y/n asked, a new tone of concern and care taking over her voice. JJ only shook his head, breathing becoming more difficult as he continued to cry. 
“What-how do you usually stop the pain?” Y/n tried not to sound alarmed.
“I... c-c-calm.” JJ whimpered.
“Alright just… hey JJ...hey come on” she tried to get him to look at her again but he was beginning to panic.
There were probably a dozen other things y/n could have done but she didn’t have time to think about them all, she just went with her gut. Guiding JJ out from behind the steering wheel, she pushed his shoulders back. Y/n sat herself on one of JJ’s legs and took his face in her hands, kissing him gently. JJ froze, his breath caught in his throat, letting out a long exhale when Y/n pulled away.
“You’re okay J. I got you, alright.” she hummed. JJ looked up at her, his breathing slowly steadying as he tried to speak. “Shhh. Breathing first. Talking later.” Y/n hushed, pushing back stray hairs that had fallen on the boy's forehead.
JJ let himself lean into her touch, the fiery pain in his chest gradually dying. His fingers toyed with the hem of the sweatpants pockets to further calm his nerves and focused on Y/n as she fixed his disheveled hair, listening to her sigh quietly once she brought her attention back to him. JJ closed his eyes at the feeling of gentle hands on the back of his neck, moving his hands up from the pockets of the sweatpants to hold her sides. It was a peaceful moment, the boys breathing stabilizing as a welcoming warmth fluttered in his stomach.
After a small movement on Y/n’s behalf the warmth and anything JJ felt was feeling overshadowed, a grunt being drawn from the surfer. 
“What? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Y/n panicked, trying to move away when JJ held her sides tighter, releasing whimper that sounded desperate, and more needy.
“nothi- mmh- Nothing’s wrong, just-” He tried to speak but JJ had become painfully aware of the placement of Y/n’s knee and where it kept grazing everytime she moved while she straddled one of his legs.
“Oh, God! P-Please stop moving!” JJ pleaded, squeezing his eyes shut when Y/n’s knee brushed against his groin again.
“Am I hurting you? I-I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d be too heavy.” With a small voice she apologised and began to push herself off of him, only to be pulled back.
“No! Fuck. You’re not too heavy, Y/n.” JJ took a quick glance between the two before letting his head fall back on the seat . “Y-Your knee just isn’t in the best place for you to keep moving around like that.” 
Her face glowed red once Y/n noticed what was happening. A tingling sensation beginning between her thighs.
“If you could just- mgh- just give me a minute to-mmh” he stopped when she began to litter his jaw with kisses.
“I’m...here...to...help you J” she whispered against his neck.
“Let’s move to the back then” JJ gestured to the vans back seat.
A hoodie and JJ’s boxers were all that kept them apart as he pulled her to sit on his leg again, desperate kisses and needy hands bringing them closer. Gripping her hips firmly, he guided her centre to slowly rock back and forth on his thigh, cherishing the little whines she released at the contact. The pace he kept her at was torture. Fighting against JJ’s stong hold, she did anything she could to go even the slightest bit faster. 
His thigh glistened from her arousal, feeling himself grow harder while the sounds of her wetness moving against him filled his ears.
“p-ple-ease” she breathed, gripping his shoulder tightly, trying to grind down on him more.
“You want more, baby?” he teased, somehow slowing the pace even more. She nodded eagerly, biting her lip to suppress her moans.
“You can have my fingers. Do you want that, angel?” JJ slid his right hand to rest on the inside of Y/n's leg that sat between his.
“Please J” she begged, letting a needy whimper slip past her lips.
“Well since you asked so nicely...” Carefully JJ caressed her inner thigh, making his way upwards, eventually beginning to massage her. He moved his fingers up and down through her folds, spreading them apart to toy with her clit between two fingers. Y/n gasped at touch, tingles of pleasure swirling through her. But just as it had begun, it disappeared, the wonderful feeling vanishing for only a moment as JJ freed her from the hoodie that covered her naked body. He resumed his previous actions, now using his other hand to tenderly caress her breasts. 
“Move your leg over, baby” JJ instructed, removing his hands. 
"but I like it here." Y/n whined, displeased once again with the loss of touch.
JJ pulled her forward kissing her sweetly, leaning next to her ear "So do I, baby. But I'd like you grinding on my dick even more" he whispered, his sentence very near being enough to make the girl cum then and there. 
God how she wanted him, both in the purest and most scandalous way. 
Y/n shifted her body to straddle JJ, resting her hands on his stomach as he laid back against the seat. His many hours of manual labour in different jobs had most certainly played off, leaving him with an abdomen that would put famous sculptures to shame. 
Profanities fell from her mouth, rolling her hips over the surfers tightly clothed hard-on. The girl bit her lip to suppress the uncontrollable expressions of pleasure when JJ's hips bucked upwards from underneath her. 
"This is great and all babe" he panted, slowing down the pace and lifting Y/n's hips so that she would hover barely centimeters off of him. "but if we keep going, I'm gonna cum in my boxer" 
There was a moment of silence, Y/n trying to think of words to say, all sensibility blurred for pleasure. 
JJ rushed to fill the quiet "if you don't wanna go any further, tell me. I won't do anything you don't want to." He explained. 
Y/n was happy that JJ was being a gentleman about things, it was very reassuring, but right now he looked so good layed back on that seat, torso coated from perspiration as his hands gripped her thighs. She'd much prefer to skip the chivalry. 
Anticipation began to shape her thoughts, mind imagining all the ways the two of them could express their affections. She quivered feeling her wetness leek down her inner thigh, a needy whimper leaving her.
"JJ. For my sanity and yours, can we skip over the whole 'taking it slow' thing?" She pleaded, shifting under JJ's hold in desperation of any sort of friction.
Without a word the boy lifted her from his lap. The cool leather of the seat sent goosebumps rippling over her body when it came in contact with her warm skin. 
JJ stood, removing his boxers swiftly. The bulge that previously occupied his underwear had displayed his size well, his erection now free from the constricting fabric. 
The blonde kneeled between Y/n's legs, leaving a trail of kisses upwards until their eyes met once again. 
"There are so many things I wanna do to you right now." JJ sighed, moving his fingers teasing between Y/n's thighs. He was driving her crazy.
"Can you just fuck me." y/n suggested, entirely flustered. 
JJ pretend to think for a moment. "Well I suppose eating you out can wait for another time." 
Before long the van began to rock with every movement, every thrust JJ made. The sound of Y/n panting his name was as sweet as he had dreamed. 
"Sounds so beautiful, baby." He'd whisper in her ear, kissing along her jaw, every now and then groaning when her fingernails would dig into his back. All of it building, every moan and kiss leading up to their peak. 
The climax was blissful, pure serenity away from the lighting of the storm. 
JJ rested his forehead on hers, Y/n's chest heaving up and down quickly. 
"I'm really glad we could work out our differences." JJ laughed lazily. 
"oh yeah, I really think it strengthened our relationship." y/n smiled moving wet hair away from JJ's face. 
He pulled her in to rest her head on his chest. They laid there staring at the roof peaceful and content, but something seemed off with JJ. A look of concentration painted across his face, staring at the roof as thought it was presenting him with a math problem.
"You okay, J?" Y/n ask lifting her head from his chest. JJ contemplated his answer, nervous that he might mess up the moment.
"Are we- um... you and I…" he was cut off with a soft and loving kiss.
"Yeah. We are." Y/n nodded, bitting her lip.
The blanket now comfortably draped over both of them, they held each other close for the rest of the night.
I feel like the ending could have been better. :/ but I still like it.
Taglist: @taylathornton @skyfallgazingstar @poguesarah @mysticalhearteagle-trin @wannabejjmaybankswhore @gia-maybank
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12yeahiminluvwu · 5 years ago
ok so like imagine y/n is the lead singer of a band and her ex boyfriend is poppunk!jj and like she’s wearing one of his flannels that she still has on stage and she’s performing their song “Hoodie” (originally by Hey Violet) and she keeps looking at him and like playing with it and he knows it’s his and like after the show he comes up to her and is like “i thought you would have gotten rid of it by now” and she’s like “nope” and then they kiss and get back together and live happily ever after. 🥺
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spinningintheshadows · 4 years ago
UPDATE: I made a playlist of songs I wanna write song fics about JJ to
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someone tell me not to write a jj maybank fic to fuck u over by the summer set
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aussiepoguepunk · 3 years ago
Perfect Storm Masterlist
JJ Maybank x reader
Preview (kinda)
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Part 1 (angsty, smutty-ish)
Part 2 (extra angsty)
Part 3 (smut)
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aussiepoguepunk · 4 years ago
Memes I made part 9
Meme masterlist
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100 notes · View notes
aussiepoguepunk · 4 years ago
Some memes I made.
Meme masterlist
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