#no worries if you'd rather not
tag (9) people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @whywoulditho (ty! 💝💗)
Currently Watching: • First time: Schitt's Creek • Rewatching: Naoki Urasawa's Monster (it's been over a decade I forgot how much I adore my ace king Tenma 🖤🤍💜)
Currently Reading: • Nonfiction - How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney • Fiction - The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie • Fanfiction (rereading) - As the Crow Flies by Goldfish_Writes
Me: idk i'm not super big on AUs placing characters in an entirely different genre Author: Okay but what if,,,REN Soulmates AU with Royal Knight Emma, Prince Norman, and Witch's Son Ray with adorable preestablished NE,,,also Ray & Gilda moments,,, Me: 🤯🤯🤯💖
Currently Listening: • Music: Silent Hill and TPN soundtracks, Bastille, Juice WRLD, Lorde, Meg & Dia, and friend's demo (not really a phase of anything but that's what popped up on shuffle while driving to work and running errands yesterday) • Podcast: Citations Needed (last one I had on while making dinner)
Current Obsession: Feel like if you look around this blog you'll have a good guess lol (over two years strong bby ✌️😎)
tagging @darklight-owl @lonely-cereal @marmarparadoxa @najuwu @pawphin @questiontocertaintyofreality @screwered @sepiamestus @trainerbea
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
also does,,, anyone except miss rhi want to see a continuation of mirror/indelible. personally, i would be willing to write it more for completionism' sake, but bc it was started so long ago i'm finding it super hard to get back into that mindset??
however! however, if there's still people who've been around since indelible, and have been waiting and waiting in the hopes i will finish it, if there's still people who really wanna see it in place of something new - i will consider it
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hopefulhaunted · 3 months
God, Komaru thinks, why do her nerves always have to kick in at times like these? Steeling her courage, she takes a deep breath and tries to stand confidently, though it wouldn't surprise her if she just ends up looking ridiculous instead.
In her defense... the person standing before her is rather intimidating. With eyes that seem almost empty, but a gaze that's full of something incomprehensible - he stands tall above her, making her feel strangely small in a way that's hard to explain. Still, though. She can't back out now!
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"Can I talk to you for a moment? I know I'm a stranger and all, but - I swear it's important!"
@91cmspoilers ( starter! )
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revengesworn · 1 year
"I finally found you, Mikey."
Draken has spent many hours wondering how he'd feel in this moment. Upon setting eyes on Mikey again, for the first time in so long... finally, he's met him once more.
When Mikey abandoned his friends, beating them up and spitting on their friendship in the process, Draken couldn't understand it. He'd been angry, so angry that he thought he'd lose his mind. He's been broken- devastated, crushed by the weight of despair that Mikey's actions brought upon him, wanting to know too many things - why would you do this? how did I miss this? -that he'd never get the answers for.
He'd tried. But Draken... couldn't abandon Mikey. In fact, even trying to let him go is one of the things Draken feels most ashamed of now. He knows how much Mikey suffered, and he knows Mikey - that that bond they shared, their friendship, the moments they had with each other... they couldn't have been a lie.
So Mikey must have some reason for all this. Draken has no clue what could be, but... how could he live with himself, if he didn't try to figure it out?
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"You've been busy. But you can't avoid me forever, you know."
@kyukicho ( starter for mikey! )
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simptasia · 6 months
that so many people would rather eat a baby than have a baby is deeply, deeply disconcerting to me
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joziokowalski · 7 months
skipped today's classes to spend ages moving all my furniture around to smear the skirting boards with anti cockroach goo. because i never have the energy to do this otherwise and i'm so tired of sharing my living space with these fuckers
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smallsies · 2 years
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what of those painted songs of heroes?
Their history may not repeat, but Smalls and Sniper will not let themselves forget, even as they learn to live again.
read on ao3!
gift for @willowistic22, who told me the prequel "still counts as a tragedy"— here's the fluffy epilogue they deserve. hope you love it, rai!
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coquelicoq · 2 years
Quoique ce détail ne touche en aucune manière au fond même de ce que nous avons à raconter, il n'est peut-être pas inutile, ne fût-ce que pour être exact en tout, d'indiquer ici les bruits et les propos qui avaient couru sur son compte au moment où il était arrivé dans le diocèse.
no wonder this book is 1800 pages long if the second sentence of the very first chapter opens with "although it has nothing to do with what this book is about, we might as well go on a tangent." hugo it is the second sentence of the book. is this really the time for a digression? a digression from what? you haven't even said anything yet! WE ARE TWO SENTENCES IN!!
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xxsaints4girlsxx · 1 year
'this isnt minors dni im not a cop' agsldlshgd i love u and HARD agree
kill the cop in your head!!!!! stop tryna police ppl!!!!!
yeah i mean i understand why some people say that - it's usually more for their own comfort than it is for the protection of minors. obviously teenagers with unfettered internet access are gonna find whatever content they look for, but i totally get wanting to post explicit shit without feeling like the audience is full of kids.
personally - the only nsfw stuff i even post is like, jokes about sex and/or drugs, commentary about sexual politics, plus occasionally suggestive art and artsy nude photography. i'm also a horror fan and a gothic literature enjoyer, so i might post somewhat gorey imagery and talk about things like abuse and other heavy topics in fiction.
if you're a young person on tumblr, i trust you to know yourself and what sort of thing you're comfortable seeing and can engage with in a mature way. if anything i post bothers you, please unfollow me. otherwise - do what you want, i'm not your mom, your principal, your boss, or your priest, and i'm sure as shit not a cop.
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cryolyst · 1 year
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lielove · 1 year
@danhang || starter call.
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FLOATING IN THE SEA OF STARTS... ai didn't think she'd ever get used to the feeling. how many nights had she spent looking up at them from the world below, only to be among them now. before her death she hadn't even left japan, but with this new life she has the chance to travel to new worlds.
even if it does mean that she'll never have the chance to see those that were once close to her again.
a purple gaze shifts from the stars around her, to one of the many members of the astral express. ❝ could i pick your brain for a moment ?? ❞ speaks with a tone as positive as ever, giving a half twirl as she places her hands behind her back. ❝ have you ever longed for something that you know you can't have --- ?? something that feels so close but its always out of your reach ?? ❞ a serious question comes from the ever positive girl.
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maerrine · 2 years
Okay but... would anyone be interested in an 18+, SFW Gachiakuta discord server? If you would be, like this post and if I get around to making one, I’ll send you an invite!
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wastelandbabyblue · 2 years
Do you delete the asks or do you read all of them? At least tell new larries so they'll know whether to send asks about the larry fandom or not. Its obvious on other blogs that they don't want to get asks so they turn off the ask box option. And you wrote that you don't care about larry and larries anymore.
i read all of them even if I don't always reply. my inbox is open for a reason, if i ever feel like stopping answering asks completely I'll close it, but I don't mind doing it atm. and i never said I don't care about larry/larries anymore, i said i don't care about bg. and I don't. not in the same way I used to. i don't have the energy to be theorising and talking in length about what ifs publicly right now, but anyone that wants to send asks about it to vent feel free to do it, I might reply in tags tho because as I said, don't really care to make a whole topic out of it anymore. same for E, we talk about it here and there and that's ok with me. if I ever get tired of talking about any of those things I'll say it, I've always been transparent with my opinions and that hasn't changed I'm just more focused on my other fandom right now 'cause anything hl related have been exhausting to me ngl. I still love both of them, I listen to their music and appreciate their art but atm? that's all the energy I can spare towards them
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Original souls are said to be rare. I thought this was likely due to the odds of conception for shinigami (and other souls) being 'naturally' very low, but Renji and Rukia had a kid almost immediately after getting married. I guess they could have gotten lucky (or done a whole lot of trying), but this makes me think something else might be at play. Do Soul Society's denizens just not know the birds and bees? Does either parent's reiatsu play a role? Is some actor actively 'managing' things?
I am deeply uninterested in this particular subject, however, I do feel the need to point out your presumption, Anonymous.
Who said that Abarai and Kuchiki had children the traditional way? Did you watch them perform the act? Were you a witness to this birth?
I only ask because there is a very capable shopkeeper who is already quite proficient at producing children upon demand in their circle of acquaintances. And, said shopkeeper certainly owes Kuchiki Rukia a bit more than apology for how horribly he used her, don't you think?
And, the only "actor" actively managing the power of Souls and where they are born is the Soul King and, by my estimation, we only have Juha Bach's corpse on a Throne that should belong to me. So, I would not be surprised at all if even more power souls are birthed at a rate completely out of control until they install someone capable of managing it all for them. Otherwise, the Balance will require quite a hefty price.
Think of Hell, won't you?
It's already bursting capacity. If powerful Souls continue to create even more powerful original Souls, we will have a true problem on our hands....
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fitzselfships · 8 days
why are you and @/shanesbeloved bullying people on this app? BULLYING MINORS especially, why arent you embarassed, people can do whatever they want with their blogs, you and that chronically online weirdo Rhiannon should mind your own business and find something better to do than bullying MINORS and reblogging call out posts that mean absolutely nothing. I reported both blogs for bullying and harassment btw also got my mutuals to do it. Good riddance
oh and tell Rhiannon to get a life instead of blocking and bullying MINORS. One day she will be the one bullied and we wont stop until her depressive ass leaves this space. We dont want her toxic behaviour here
What the fuck are you talking about lmao
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gamebunny-advance · 7 months
It's time for my bi-annual post asking where these new TPS fans are coming from.
There's a lot more of them than usual popping up from this year and late last year. Has that show hit the "nostalgia zone" or are younger people actually getting into it? If it's the latter, how and why are people learning about it now?
Tbh, the answers to those questions don't matter to me. I just wanna give my personal stance on it for the time being:
I’m not interested in the show at all right now. I'm probably not gonna draw it, or talk about it again except in reference to stuff like this happening. If you're following me with the hope that I'll somehow get into it again, then you're gonna be disappointed. (But, thank you if you decide to stay for my other nonsense. I don't mind if that was how you found me, and you're staying for other things, but don't feel obligated to stay for content I'm not making anymore).
I'm never gonna update the wiki no matter how many of you like that post now, and I'm gonna delete it now so I stop seeing the notes on it. Y'all seem to be strong enough to do that on your own anyway. Even if I wanted to, I can't remember the trivia that I used to know except in broad strokes, and I certainly can't source them anymore, which is a bad look for any wiki.
Look, I will never be able to fully separate myself from that fandom because I was in it for so long. Being a part of it was an essential part of my growth as an artist, so it's always gonna be a part of me. I'll probably still reference it from time to time, but it's not something I have an interest in going back to. My tastes have changed significantly, and it just doesn't have anything to offer the "me" of today. As such, I don't have anything to offer it either.
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