#no wonder you’re the bottom
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Idk about you guys but I think this fucks
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fivenyssateganadric · 8 months
lol just spent the last hour making this random and incredibly specific edit
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smoshidiot · 10 months
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if you’re wondering what i’ve been up to
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whoredmode · 2 months
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keep thinking about this poster in sr2 this morning
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facultyloungecosplay · 11 months
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Debating black jacquard curtains for the closet. Oob thinks it would be “too much black” in my very small bedroom, but I’m inclined to disagree. I liked the white when my room leaned more airy Victorian, but it’s decidedly more gothic these days.
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irrolyphant · 2 years
Santa Clarita Diet Rewatch:
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It’s so funny how all the Valkyries fucking despise Gna
#god of war ragnarok#freya god of war#gna god of war#you think that maybe gna is a layered character and the valkyries are just like nah she’s always been a miserable jealous loser 😂😂#her little journal pissed me off so much#how does odin’s own family his flesh and blood know he’s a conniving genocidal backstabber#(even thrud snapped out of it eventually and she was odin’s number one cheerleader next to heimdall)#and some runt valkyrie he scraped from the bottom of the barrel doesn’t?#like dont you think that all your sisters hating odin is a sign you’re being stupid af??#that’s a whole different level of delusional bootlicking#it makes me wonder if gna was Jealous of freya this whole time#and liked that freya was out of the picture so she could become the new queen#the way that she stands before the fight#it’s Very flashy and peacocky and not that Natural Menacing the other valkyries had when they were subdued#even design wise compared to freya and sigrun#her ornate mask feels like a costume and doesnt possess any regality#hrist and mist are so irrelevant nobody even comments on them lol#like where was she during their big battle scene??#except in quick flashes??#she only fought them after ragnarok because she had nothing left but i think she purposely avoided the big combat area loooool#the fight scene itself pissed me off#the way she gets her ass best by freya is insane already and freya was holding back 😭#if she had fought freya when she was driven mad to gore out kratos she would not last five seconds#gna really thought she stood a chance#here’s another sad loser lady character for you to be obsessed with or whatever#honestly she deserved the deaths the valkyries longed for her 😂😂#the fact that freya left her wings on was too much mercy for me
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adelaidedrubman · 1 year
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silly boy didn’t even put bars on the bottom of the cage and left a mat to cover the ground like. i’m tunneling out like a mole?? he left me a bucket OK and when i catch rainwater in it?? then what? there’s literally grass growing right there?? one thing about me is i’m grazing like a cow. rip to his wolf metaphor but i’m different.
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j-esbian · 1 month
sometimes i really do want to study the flavor of intense misogyny from older folks, especially when it comes from older women, that assumes all women and girls are sluts and deviants because (checks notes) fashion trends, which the individual consumer has no control over, means that most people’s only options, especially in summer, are to wear somewhat revealing clothing. because it’s hot.
#how have you gotten to this age and gone clothes shopping and not realized the landscape#like i first became aware of this problem at age 12#i didn’t want to wear short shorts and honestly COULDNT bc of school dress code. but it was hard to find another option#enter those plaid bermuda shorts#and i can only imagine it’s 100x worse now in an instagram tiktok age than it was when i was that age#bc god knows I was embarrassed to wear those. felt like they were actively trying to be as ugly as possible#but for swim suits it’s a whole other can of worms#i currently do not own one bc i don’t want to get a wedgie every 30 seconds#two piece bottoms are all advertised as Cheeky. and i already know i have more ass than expected for my waist size#and the other option is. board shorts#but you’re going to blame the 14 year old for wanting to go to the pool??#‘and then they wonder why guys keep staring at them. where are their mothers i can’t believe they’re allowed out like that’#be so for real right now. they’re kids. they should be allowed to have fun and go outside without being creeped on#i always try to meet them halfway with ‘yeah it sucks that there’s not a lot of modest styles of clothes available’ and they’re just like#‘well EYE spent $100 at a specialty online store’ but these kids are going to forever 21 with cash from babysitting or whatever. try again#your single solution does not apply to everyone#like a LOT of it feels like projection. ‘i acted out as a teen so my daughter will do the same’#just not a lot of self awareness. combined with internalized sexism they’re not willing to question#sometimes when my coworker goes on one of her rants about how she’s glad she never had daughters bc of the Way Teenaged Girls Are#i want to be like. i wasn’t like that. your granddaughter isn’t like that.#i genuinely want to study these people. how did you get to this point
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inthisvaleoftears · 1 year
levihan might be dying TO YOU. you won’t be able to pry them from my cold dead hands
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
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The most unamused looking man ever. Sir you’re gonna fight your besties spirit dragon and Satan idk what else to tell you
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worm-priest · 6 months
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I decided to do something fun for the end of the year and made a chart of all the books I've read in 2023.
Some of the books are polish and don’t have a translation. Also if you’re wondering why the priory of the orange tree is on there twice it’s because in Poland the book was split into two parts ^^
I’ve put my favorites under the cut
☆ A tale for the time being
☆ Bunny
☆ The trial
☆ This is how we lose the time war
☆ Perfume
☆ Fight club
☆ Ring
☆ Hidden Valley Road
☆ The outsiders
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no usual post this week, just wanted to say that this last Sunday was actually the tenth anniversary of me finishing A Tale of Two Cities for the first time — and that although (due to a variety of life circumstances) I regrettably didn’t have anything prepared to post for this specific day and anniversary, I’m so grateful that after a full decade now, I still find such joy and now community in continuing to engage in a social context with this book that has had such a profound impact on my life — and the lives of all of us reading this here — in so many ways.
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Basically, thank you all for being here with me! Can’t wait to keep celebrating our collective appreciation for the novel through my work here on this blog!
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elithilanor · 1 year
Last Sentence Tag Game
Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
tagged by @starlady66 (who is like the only one keeping my writing alive by tagging me so thank you!)
I don’t have any last lines right now, but I do have a ton of WIPs SO:
“Your reasoning no longer works in this, mellon. We are now of the same rank,” Mërën states and takes a step closer.
Haldir’s eyes track Mërën’s movements, grip on his goblet of wine tightening.
Mërën slowly presses into the remaining space between them and easily crowds Haldir back against the railing. Mërën tucks his head and nips Haldir’s ear, breath hot in the cold air. 
“Meleth. I am no longer under your post.” He murmurs before finally - finally - slotting their lips together under the silver glow of the balcony’s lamps.
No pressure tags! @glassgulls @thesolarangel
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ctntduoarchive · 11 months
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noise doodles from my school agenda <3
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