#no they didnt offer me a flaming drink
ignite-art · 4 months
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me and my partner saw you from across the pub and we did not dig your vibe
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mako-neexu · 6 months
smut fic so crazy i have to document my thoughts no matter how incomprehensible. (delusion below)
that kind of love is delicious. but idk where to start... theres so much to say.. but i guess ill do it level by level like in the novel? nah, i think i will do it randomly..
but of course, what i like the most was the way the 'game' is set. where ritsuka could get one favor/help from oberon each level in the dungeon. but the condition is that he won't be by her side unless she calls for him to help her. which is seriously??? makes me insane. iirc she had a line where she said while in the 2nd or 3rd floor (i think) that "It's almost as if Oberon wants me to depend on him..." the dynamic is making me throw up from so much excitement. i also like how he made her vocal about what she wants www even if she got assaulted by tentacles or that one lewd mors (which was honestly creative lmao like jp fandom is a genius ww), the half-helplessness she feels pushed her into calling for his name (sometimes with those sighs 😉) and request for help from the 'torture' she 'suffered' from.
ALSO theres that midsummer night's dream title that changed from D to EX like that was really hot asfkjdghlk like assimilation with oberon.. later turns into being the same as him and her soul fully belonging to him as his mate. ritsuka's body is remade to be the same as him like sdkjbskjdfgjkf
i thinked what shocked me the most was the 'safe room' level. i knew something was up but as soon as i saw how ritsuka was so frantic to drink the water and fruits prepared by oberon, the end notes shocked me??? i LOVE IT so much kasjdfkjdsfgh so thats why the title gained was 'gochisousama'. apparently they were from the autumn forest itself and it reminded me that you should NOT eat what a fairy offers or else.. of course we know the consequences. but according to the end notes, its for the sake of loneliness, of hunger, of this distance from oberon that made her suddenly crave for him so much that she couldnt help but consume what he prepared..i also like how he included a bunch of sex toys dkjfdkjgjkbdjkf my face feels so hot reading it i love it so much..
during the progression of the levels, ritsuka also acquired blue markings on her back which is butterfly shape marking asfljdfgjh which meant that, of course, her body and soul is being tainted in oberon's.. (i think this solidified further when the mors came inside her ww)
but what made me laugh was the marriage contract XD he also wrote it in probably british? or what fairy language is used in morgan's kingdom www still the method to sign it was just both delicious and bizarre www
still, the way the game is set is just??? i love it too much. oberon pushed her in 'his' direction but still made sure she had room to decline and go back. but the exit was already obvious since you only have to go back and the 'dungeon' only led to the bottom which was the opposite of a way out- or rather.. she refused to think about it and resolved to meet oberon- see the real oberon instead of the illusions themself, who she wanted to see. the end, the conclusion, fulfilled by her desires which the flames were fanned by oberon when he set this up.
near the end, the lantern still gave her hope, which would have been the perfect entrance for artoria to bust oberon's ass and save ritsuka ww but this is between obeguda, with the goal of claiming ritsuka's entirety for oberon and 'returning' to that abyss where separation is nonexistent.
"I don't want to betray this light..." That lantern still burned in the end after all. But oberon's question really was a nail in the coffin ww
"If that's the case then I'll ask you," Oberon's voice quietly trembled, "Where in the world is that hope(light) of yours?"
and the words broke ritsuka??? so good.. askjfhsdjkgh the light shined the way to move forward. but 'forward' to where? if the exit and the outside world is that way, why didnt this light point the way? why did the light keep shining so brightly? why was that light burning? and the sense of resignation and defeat washed over her. she doesnt even know why she ended up in such a place the moment she was at the final floor. the feeling of despair was delicious it was so great im clawing at my chest...!!!!
she could only stutter with that feeling of despair! as she tries to find a reason for that lantern that she carried with her!!!
and its just like in the garden!!!! the garden!!!!! "It's alright, Ritsuka. That's enough. You can relax now. Whether its over or still in the middle of it, you can let go." you can finally be free. you can rest easy. so just rely on me. you've done enough!!!
there was also that "fallen star" title. i think its the best. it really does remind me of lb6's ending and his views on titania ueueue
seriously this kind of courtship... www it also reminds me of kairi's previous works which included a similar theme.. but this time three authors worked on it so thanks for the collab yomoko-san, kanonige-san and kairi-san herself
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jovnie · 3 years
The devil's desire | Yoongi
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You fell in love with a man of many pasts, however he desired more than a relationship. He wanted your soul for eternity.
Words: 13k
Devil yoongi! Demon au! Human reader
Very Dark themes
Warnings: religious concepts, gore, porn without plot, death, big dick yoongi, clubbing, kidnapping, non-con touching, blood, cnc, prey ( y/n ), stalker yoongi, drugged, drugs, chains, cutting, rough sex,
"She's almost ready sir!" a winged creature announced. Nodding in his throne, he took the mirror and looked through it. There you were getting ready to meet a mysterious guy at a club or well hoping to once again. He smirked devilishly knowing you remembered to come back to this particular club.
He previously brought you to this nightclub in Korea, hidden through an alleyway in the darkest part of Busan. There was danger and a constant fear of being robbed, kidnapped. Even if Korea was a safe place, things like kidnapping and murder still happen and even more so at night.
He remembered that you kept a knife and a taser with you, he liked the vulnerability you had going to a place not meant for angels let alone humans at night. He found it charming how oblivious you are to your surroundings as well. He was a man of darkness and hell for sure, but one thing was for sure. He only craved humans who were pure and light energetically. 'Suppose you did know that the Club was own by the devil himself, would that really stop you' he thought.
He watched her put on clothes and noticed how delicate she was in his eyes. No, this wasn't the first time he'd watch her. Not the last either, it seemed like a generational curse in his eyes. He wasn't mad he placed it on the females to feel tempted by his actions, however, each one passed the test. you however failed it the first two times, making it the third time.
Sighing, he put the mirror down and stood up. Stretching, he allowed his black feather wings to elongate and move around before putting them away. Looking at his watch it was a quarter past 11 pm, he'd knew you want to be early and try and catch a good table. However the little worry of what if someone wanted to take you before him, hurt you before him. The thoughts riled him up, making him grab his keys and wait by the portal. Besides the gate doesn't open until 11:59, so his intrusiveness can calm for now.
While waiting, he took out the cute little human hand mirror you'd gifted him a while back. He looked at himself and the scar over his left eye, "maybe this is what attracts them" he chuckled softly.
As time fastened, he waited for the lock in the air to appear. He waited long and hard for that little red lock and once it appeared, he opened all the portals from his underworld to the human world and the other one which lead stright to his club.
Formally known as 666 plaza to hadians, the chosen humans only knew it as void 218. To you it was just another club on the holy day of Sunday. Although you were never brought up with Christianity, you had the basics that everyone knew, loved, and hated.
Waiting by the gates or humanly known as "doors" you pulled out your phone to realize there was no battery or charge. Confused as you could've sworn it was full when you left, you herd the doors open and the mini line began moving. Your eyes wandered the room to find the stairs that led to the upper level where you would meet and see Yoongi. You knew it was stupid to keep doing this, but with yours and his schedule it wasn't at all.
Passing by the few people, you found upstairs and walked up seeing there were already people inside which confused you, but you paid little attention to it. Waiting by the usual black velvet seats and area, you head a familiar voice.
"Is this your regular peach vodka with light ice?" yoongi asked loudly over the now loud music playing. Nodding, you sat up and greeted him before getting your drink. Little did u know about his plans with you or what tonight was gonna be.
Smiling softly, yoongi was gentle eyes admired your beauty as he get down with his own drink. He took a sip of his own drink that was laced with a sleeping drug, one that'd do nothing to him and more to you.
"So what are you doing here?" He asked knowingly.
"Well, it's a Sunday and I have nothing planned so I thought I come by" you lied, hoping the white lie would slip. Nodding, yoongi put his hand on your thighs and moved closer to talk to you about life and each other week. You mentioned something about the campus or school you were studying and he lied about his "forensics" job and how hard it was to see how people died. Continuing, he bought the two of you more drinks and when the timing was right offered one of his. Thanking him for the kind jester, you took a sip. He smiled and also took a sip after you, then placed it back down.
"Good isn't it?" he said, reaching over to his phone and at the time. Noticing he did so you hummed and snuck another sip. Then another. Whatever was in had you almost drinking his entire cup down.
"Omg what is this, what's making it so good. I can't put my finger on it" she said as her words slowed down and her eyes blinked slowly. He watched her body start to feel tired, then at the right moment whispered in her ear "apple, cherry, lime, it's a light alchcolic drink and right, drugs."
Soon as her eyes closed and body dropped, he mustered enough strength to pick her up and sling you over his shoulder. "Another one taken by the devils favorite drink, poison apple," he whispered knowing nobody cared to stop him not could. Well not if they wanted hells punishment if not worse death, even if they were immortal. Walking up the last set of stairs he opened the portal and handed the keys to his servant and told him to look after.
Noting the girl, the servant nodded and knew the king was gonna take his time and would be in a long "meeting." Taking charge of the place, yoongi walked up to his Castle surrounded by blue flames in the middle of nowhere and walked in. He demanded for total privacy, meaning nobody in or even near the castle or be banished for eternity and with that everyone wondered what that soul did to get his undivided attention. From there gossip spread about you from one to another creature and it traveled fast.
Meanwhile, he laid you on the bed and looked at his watch. The drug last about 30 minutes and about 20minuets have gone. From there he requested one trusted worker with a list. The list was :
The devils list
Body Chains and rope
Salt and a black cross
2 Robes
Black paint
Sheep's blood
Lube any flavor
Nodding the worker flew off and yoongi allowed his wings to expand out his back and eyes to turn a dark blue color as his hair contained white strips. He watched your sleeping body, before checking the time and seeing he has 5 minutes left before you wake up. Taking that in he stretched his neck and before activating his speed and undressing you, cleaning the area around the bed, making sure the chain locks are stable and if not changing them, turning off lights and lighting candals all around the room and the whole castle and finally sitting down at the edge. Checking the time once again, he had 3 minutes left and so did the worker before he'd get pissed and with that thought the worker came to drop everything off before yoongi told him to get lost.
With the activation of speed he quickly undressed, sat the cup near the bed and filled it with sheeps blood, put salt near the edge without touching it as it stung him, put the cross around his neck and began drawing a ritual circle around the bed then finnaly the walls. To end everything he placed the chains on your hands and feet then connected to each end of the bed. The rest of the stuff he just put next to the bed and laid naked above you waiting for you to wake up.
He knew the drug was strong, but he didnt think it was that strong so he checked the time again and 10 minutes had passed by. Sighing, he began taking the knife and cut a slit on his wrist and placed the wound to your mouth. After a few blinks, you began to wake up and within a second you panked and a minute later realised you were chained.
Weak, scared, targeted, blood covered lips, chained and his favorite vulnerability he finally felt aroused at the sight. With lust in his eyes and an aura darker than night himself, he slowly kissed your cheek.
"Welcome to hell baby" he greeted, confused you closed your eyes and for once prayed you'd be able to wake up in where you left to only get the image of him drugging you and making you pass out. To then opne them and see the same sight.
"Wouldn't that make you?" She paused trying to yank the chains.
"Hades, satan the devil or whatever you humans call me for ruling the underworld. Then yes that's me and as you see, you're caged like a bug trapped in a spider's web. How cute. How naive to trust anyone you've properly met either. " he whispered the last bit in your ear as his lips traveled around your chest and neck leaving hickeys as he moved.
Groaning, you tried yanking the chains hearing a noise and hoping it ment it broke to realise no he fooled you with the sound of his nails knocking on the wood.
"Got you" he chuckled as you began scared, moving his lips towards your breast he sucked softly getting slight moans from your mouth. "Mm good girl continue with it an d maybe I'll spare your soul" he joked, sucking and groaning your other breast with his hands. Ignoring him and forcing your mouth to close. He raised an eyebrow and sat up, he then looked at your mouth and then his length.
"That wasn't smart now was it dsrling?" He asked, as his crouch hovered your mouth and his length being rubbed on your face as the other hand rested on the wall. "Noe open wide and if not, I can allways just shove it. Dont think about biting as i can manually remove teeth of needed" he mentioned as tears rolled down your eyes as he slowly entered his length.
"Good girl, suck it like that" he groaned, slowly moving his hips all the way in and out. With doing so he admired the trlaclesnt salty wetness driping from her eyes that he took a finger and wiped it. Caressing her face as he continued thrusting and groaning till he felt hard enough and then pulled out. Wiping her eyes again he grabbed the lube and posed the non negotiable question of
"May I pretty angel, take this as mine?" He whispered softly as he leaned down to her ear. Nodding yes a tear ran and he licked it clean, causing a slight shiver down her body. "Good" he replied, putting lube around his own length and stoking it on.
"If you cum on me will I get pregnant?" You asked shyly.
"Mm, well yes and that's my goal princes or should I say queen. Your body is mine after all." he tells, taking his fingers and tracing a cross between your chest as he watches a dark mark appear in a mini cross between your chest.
Crying harder knowing you've not only been kidnapping, but there was an even little chnace of seeing your family friends and well your little pet. "I love when you cry my love" he said softly as his fingers softly rubbed against you clit and his lips attach to yours. Knowingly you kissed back and surprisingly it felt like comfort but tasted like sin and poison. One your body will soon adapt to. As your mouths moved in unison, his fingers rubbed softly around your bud and you were finally able to relax and enjoy the feeling. He had an undeniable hold on your body, one your soul started to grow a liking too the longer her rubbed and kissed your lips. Soon you became hungry for more and grinded against his hand and with the hint he rubbed quicker as you moaned down his throat and his free hand now snaking behind your back. Moaning more you called his name, in which he loved begging you to say again.
"YOONGi!"you moaned louder as his stomach and cock felt it making it twitch slightly. stoping his finger he guided his tip and put his chin on your neck and slid in slowly, taking his time as you adjusted before moving faster. You pulled the chains trying to hold onto him but he shook his head no and softly held your body up with the help of the chains and began pounding into you.
No it was not a speed nor length you were used to, but the feeling you could by a heartbeat. You legs became weak, your back arched hard, your mouth could only stay open and your head was in a daze as he fucked you without mercy. His length was big enough to make you scream from the top of your lungs and beg for more. He loved that and too started moaning which soon started to sound like deep breathes and heavy grunts. He loved the warm, pulsing feeling of your pussy on him as it dripped with cum around him.
"Ah, fuck, That's hot!" he moaned loudly. Moving his hips closer, he pushed his length in deeper and the sounds of his hips crashing into yours echoed the room. You were now at a point of no return, all you could do was moan and take him, which only increased his horniness and overall arousal.
"I'm close!" yoongi groaned and panted as his hips movements slowed down, but the deepness was still there. Shopping, yoongi's body out of tiredness fell on top of yours and he kissed your neck softly. Without enough energy to pull out, he came deep, groaning in your neck and laying still. Both overly fucked out and deep breathing, laid there until yoongi got enough energy to unchain your hands and drink from the cup of blood that started to reek and fill the room. The room that once smelt like lavender and vanilla now smelled like sex and sheep's blood. Leaning down to kiss you, you kissed back with your body begging to ache like hell and body starting to contort you screamed in pain. Whispering something into your neck, he held you close to his chest as you grabbed and scratched his back till the blood came from it.
"Submit and it'll go quickly." he whispered tired as can be. Taking his advice, you closed your body and let it take over. Suddenly your eyes and hair became white as a dove and the pain stopped. Not only did he claim you as his, the kiss of blood crowned you queen of the underworld.
They laid naked as each could no longer have the strength to get up, but hold each other in a soft hug. Comferting and relaxing, considering what had to happen. They slept wedded that night, perfectly times as the full moon was now full and the ritual circle could light up red as the two came into harmony.
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Pairing: Tom x oc/reader
Tom and oc go to the slug club yearly galla and oc is the loud Gryffindor 2nd in class and her and tom have been nemesis for long but the sexual tension is real and then tom sees her dancing with potter ..
Slughorn is like “ahh two of my favourite students” and he introduced them to a lot of people and a little girl spills something on tom and oc defends the girl and slughorn is like why dont you help him change oc ( as tom had some injury and was drenched and couldn’t change on his own ) and when they fight all the way to his dorm and she only agrees because slughorn tells her to and then when she helps him out of his shirt there is a lot of sexual tension and then kiss or maybe have sex in his dorm
And in the end she ends up sleeping on his bed and he like sees her face glisten in the moon light and is like fuck i like her even though he was trying to convince himself he didnt care abt her throughout the party ? And in the morning she is like well you slytherins have great beds you rich aristocrats or something and he just laughs and kisses her and malfoy is like well who would have thought the slytherin ice cold king and the Gryffindor lioness
I dont know feel free to change it up and if you donr want to then thats ok too it would mean a great deal to me if you write it no pressure tho..( going anon because i am shy )
~ red
Heyyy so I took a few liberties and this is gonna be a two parter because I have zero chill apparently but I hope you like this, Red! 
Next part will be up in a day or two :)
Never Gonna Give (You Up) Pt.1
You smile up at him as innocently as you can. You know you shouldn’t bait him. You know you’re being immature. You know that if this night descends into one of your usual verbal sparring matches you won’t be impressing anyone, let alone Christella Beaufort. But something about him brings out the worst in you. Makes you feel slightly wrong-footed which in turn makes you want to push and needle until he reacts.
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You take a moment to marvel at the decorations for this year’s Saturnalia party. Every year, Slughorn seems to set himself an unofficial challenge to out-do himself with more elaborate designs. This year, the theme is clear: gold. Just lots and lots of gold. From the tablecloths to the chairs, to the golden snowflakes that melt into nothing a couple of feet above your head, to the floor which has been charmed so that whenever you take a step you leave a shimmering footprint in your wake. It’s bright and festive and you can’t help but smirk at the thought of Tom Riddle being stuck in a room full of Gryffindor colours. 
Speaking of the devil, you spy Riddle talking to Slughorn and one of the Ministry officials that often grace Slughorn’s get-togethers. You don’t particularly want to go over and talk to him, but you do want to make yourself known to Slughorn and find out if he managed to Christella Beaufort on the list this year. She’s the Head Curse-Breaker at Gringott’s, fiercely independent, highly intelligent, and so tenacious she had singlehandedly opened the door to witches wanting to go into the profession. In short, she’s your idol.
“Come on, Potter. We’ve got pleasantries to make and hands to grease.” You grab Fleamont’s hand who you’re attending the party with (as friends - you’ve made it very clear to him that you’re not interested in finding out whether his skills on a broom translate off the pitch). With that, you stride over to the drinks table where Slughorn and Riddle are chatting, Fleamont stumbling after you, his hand still locked in yours.
“Professor,” You greet Slughorn with a warm smile, “I have to say, you’ve outdone yourself once again. I’m particularly fond of the colour scheme this year.”
“Ahh, my dear girl, how lovely of you to join us!” Slughorn cries jovially. He pats your shoulder and you watch as his eyes slide to your hand, which is still clasped around Fleamonts. And (not that you care) you notice that Riddle’s eyes are also fixed on your intertwined hands. You let go of Fleamont’s hand and it has nothing to do with the frown that’s now marring Riddle’s brow.  He casts a fond (and slightly calculating, truth be told) eye over the three of you. “My three best students! First, second, and third.” Your smile turns strained and over Slughorn’s shoulder, Riddle’s charming smile turns smug.
Slughorn introduces you to the Ministry official - a boring looking man who you promptly forget the name of but who Fleamont seems entirely taken by. Before you know it, Potter has abandoned you to talk shop with Slughorn and Mr Ministry and you’re left with Riddle.
Just. Lovely.
At least there’s champagne. The other professors might disapprove but in all your years of Slug Club Saturnalias, Slughorn has never once skimped on the champagne. You reach for a glass and look at Riddle with a critical eye, searching for any imperfections. Frustratingly, you can’t find any. Riddle is, as per usual, the most handsome man in the room. Pale skin, impossibly dark eyes, refined features and cheekbones as sharp as his tongue. Metaphorically speaking. Though the idea of Riddle with a forked tongue is enough to make you snort into your champagne flute. 
Riddle’s attention snaps to you and he raises an eyebrow, unimpressed, impatient, annoyed with you already and making absolutely no attempt to hide it. “Did you find something amusing?” 
“Oh, no. I was just taking in your general appearance,” You say, waving a handle vaguely towards him. You smile up at him as innocently as you can. You know you shouldn’t bait him. You know you’re being immature. You know that if this night descends into one of your usual verbal sparring matches you won’t be impressing anyone, let alone Christella Beaufort. But something about him brings out the worst in you. Makes you feel slightly wrong-footed which in turn makes you want to push and needle until he reacts. It doesn’t help that the rivalry you’ve had with him since first year has only become more intense and heated as you’ve gotten older. 
His eyes narrow and he drags his gaze across your body. The moment stretches and your cheeks flame as his eyes follow the nip of your waist and the curve of your hips. Your mouth goes dry. Because this is another thing that you hate about Riddle: he never fails to make your stomach swoop. By the time he raises his eyes back to yours, his expression is one of ironic amusement. “Colour me impressed,” He murmurs, angling his body ever so slightly towards you and you have to force yourself not to take a step back. “You actually look… passable this evening.”
You should walk away. You should find one of the fancy people that you’ve been desperate to meet since your invitation arrived a month ago. 
You don’t.
You stay and bicker with Riddle, throwing increasingly caustic taunts and jibes at each other whilst you sip champagne and pretend that you’d rather be anywhere else. You realise about twenty minutes into a debate about Minister for Magic Spencer-Moon’s policies (you rather like the pro-muggle legislature he’s attempting to pass and Riddle thinks you’re being horribly naive) that Riddle is still here. Which, well, obviously he’s still here; he’s talking to you right now in that same condescending tone he uses to tell students off for staying out past curfew. But he doesn’t have to be. Riddle is as ambitious as you are, more so, even. So why has he spent most of the evening with you and not sucking up to the many rich and talented witches and wizards in attendance tonight?
You glance around the room, suddenly aware that it hadn’t even occurred to you to leave. You’ve been so wrapped up in your conversation that everything else had just sort of… faded away. For reasons you are unwilling to examine too closely, you feel yourself grow warm. Riddle is still talking, gesturing animatedly with his champagne flute, looking horrendously handsome and like… oh Merlin, he looks like he’s enjoying himself. And that is… Well, quite frankly, that’s enough to make your brain grind to halt from shock.
You’re saved from your inner turmoil by Fleamont who appears at your side and wraps a hand around your waist. Riddle’s expression shutters. He looks at Fleamont’s arm around your waist and sneers and, for reasons beyond your grasp, you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from explaining that Fleamont is just a friend. Fleamont, oblivious as always, grins and asks you to dance and you can’t bring yourself to look at Riddle as he leads you away to the dance floor. 
Fleamont is a good dancer. You suppose this is to be expected from the heir to one of the oldest pureblood families in Britain. You imagine that he learnt to waltz before he learnt to walk. You try to focus on the dance, on the way that Fleamont spins you around the room causing your dress robes to fan out around you in an elegant circle but out of the corner of your eye you can see Riddle watching you. He’s subtle about it, you’re fairly sure that no one else would notice, but even as he makes conversation with a wizard you vaguely recognise as Ensio Kiimamaa, widely regarded as the leading Potions Master in contemporary wizarding society, his eyes flicker to where you’re dancing with Fleamont. 
You’re really not sure what to make of it.
The dance ends, and Fleamont makes a show of bowing and offering you his arm, which you take with an exasperated laugh. “Let’s go talk to Kiimamaa, I hear he’s thinking about taking on apprentices next year.” As little as you want to go near Riddle for the rest of the night, you can’t think of a good reason to object, so you nod begrudgingly and walk over, trying to convince yourself that the trepidation you feel is a result of being introduced to Kiimamma and not because of the way Riddle’s looking at you.
You make your introductions and Kiimamma begins to explain his latest discovery: a highly acidic venom harvested from the Icelandic water-dwelling vatnaormar. He produces a vial of dark liquid, uncorks it and passes it around the three of you. “It’s highly dangerous to touch, but I’ve found that a sniff of it can induce heightened concentration and focus - I hope to find a way of incorporating it in a potion that’s safe to drink.” 
Riddle holds the uncorked venom delicately between his fingers, raising it up to the light to observe the venom and then time seems to speed up and slow down all at once as you watch in horror as two things happen almost simultaneously. 
First: A little girl, who you assume to be Kiimamma’s daughter, shakes free of Slughorn’s hold on her arm and bounds over, waving her arms excitedly before losing her balance and crashing into Riddle. Second: the uncorked vial slips from Riddle’s fingers and the venom arches in an elegant curve through the air before it splatters across Riddle’s chest.
The effect is immediate. The venom tears through Riddle’s dress robes in almost no time at all and his skin begins to burn, leaving awful red and pink welts on the pale skin of his chest. The little girl starts wailing and Slughorn and Kiimamma start flapping their hands.
Riddle’s eyes flash in pain and anger and embarrassment and he completely forgets his usual charm and grace as he rounds on the girl. Before he can start yelling at her as he so clearly intends to, you step forward and place your hand on the girl’s shoulder. “It was an accident, Riddle. She didn’t mean to.” You say and then add in a low tone so that only he can hear, “She’s his daughter. Don’t fucking yell at her.” His gaze snaps to yours and there’s a moment when you think he’s going to yell anyway before his jaw clenches and he gives you a single tight nod.
“Riddle, my poor boy, you must go to the hospital wing. Not to worry, I’m sure Madam Montague will be able to sort you out in a flash.” Later, you will be able to appreciate Slughorn’s ability to sound jolly in even the direst of circumstances. Right now, you just find it rather insensitive. Slughorn turns to you and with slightly pleading eyes asks you to escort Riddle. Try as you might, you can’t think of a good reason not to, so with a vaguely helpless glance to Fleamont, you grudgingly nod, scowling at the ground in annoyance.
You loop your arm through Riddle’s and he stiffens under your touch. You repress the urge to roll your eyes and begin to make your way out of the room, ignoring Riddle’s laboured breathing and the slight trembling of his shoulders. It’s only as you get to the door that you notice a tall, dark-haired witch with a jagged scar crossing the length of her face steps out of the floo. Christella Beaufort, the one person who you had wanted to meet tonight has arrived and you’re not going to get to even say hello.
(part 1) (part 2)
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
REQUEST: Hello! I am Here to request some floofy/crack hc's for being the 5 yr old sibling of Twice, Toga, and Shigaraki? And the reader always acts serious but ends up being hilarious/adorable? BTW I Love ur writing! Keep up the good work! ヽ(•‿•)ノ
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: CURSING,
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘴: THEY/THEM
AN: IM SORRY! I don't write for Twice just yet, I know hes been featured in some of my fics, but I cant write specifically for him yet! I’m so sorry!
ᴛɪᴍᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴍᴘ ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ:
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【Shigaraki Tomura】
He may be a crusty bitch
But you are not
He lets you wear one of his hoodies, and its fucking giant on you
You stumble around in the league with it, and you just kinda follow him around mostly
He’s let you sit in a few meetings and you were very serious
You had an angry face and a pouty lip.
Dabi has a dangerous habitat of playing wth his fire when hes bored
During the meetin your big bro was talking about taking down hero society and that whole tangent n Dabi allowed blue flames to grow from his fingertips.
Your eyes grew wide and you reached your gloved hands toward the scarred male
He glanced at you and let you sit on his lap while he played with his flames in front of you.
No one realy noticed, not even toga
You stuck your hand into the palm of his, yours was fucking tiny and he smiled at it
But quickly wiped it away
He kept his fire under control to not hurt you
“W- what the fuck, wheres the kid.” Tomura peeked through his mask and glanced around the room to see dabi
Dabi: 👁 👄 👁
You: 😀
“I- KID.” Tomura attempted to get your attention, but dabi kept his flames going.
“Ughaagjwn fuck.” he tapped on the table loudly 
You didnt turn around, you did that weird thing where you just kinda lean back and turn your head up?? Ya know??
You grabbed onto dabi’s shirt before leaning back
“Hiiii.” you giggled at him as dabi died his flames down.
“You cant distract him right now okay?”
You pouted at him, and got onto the table and stood as tall as you could
“Help me down, poopoo!” you pointed your finger to your older brother and smiled.
He just stared at you, and turned back around AND JUST CONTINUED TALKING??? DUDE LET US DOWN
“FUCK.” you yelled out, and then danced around the table until toga convinced you (very easily) to sit down and you went back to your serious face. 
You sit near Dabi still and before long you grew bored
“Can ya help me down player four?” you poke his cheek and swing your legs over the table
“Can i ask you a question first?” he poked you back
You nodded really hard, he was like youre literally going to get whiplash but ight.
“Who's player one?”
You looked around for a moment before you just responded 
“Sithis. I would like down please.”
He chuckled and helped you down and you wandered off
You've picked up on a lot of Tomura’s language and game quotes from the games hes repeatedly played.
One day he was making mac and cheese (the cup kind i don't think he can really cook for shit) for you and you tugged on his shirt, your eyes wide.
“Kid what the fuck are you doing.” hes fucking taken back by your face because you look terrifying right now
“Hail sithis.” you smiled and giggled at him, and he fucking just smiles at you
You and him have staring contests all the time 
When you go out (the Leagues undercover of course) you’ll ride on his shoulders
And hes like
Hell yeah
This is my little sibling
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【Himiko Toga】
She’ll bring you candy all the time and once
She left an energy drink out and you just thought it was a soda
So you drank it 
Right,,, like a kid does
And then you start fucking bouncing off the walls 
Having toga as your older sister means you're pretty used to the sight of blood or general stabbing
So the leagues really taken back when Toga full ass stabs some one and your like
No full ass though your first reaction is to smile and laugh at the person being stabbed
N e way
She’ll do your hair everyday (WHILE DABI DOES HERS BIG BROTHER DABI) and it always looks pretty, she’ll put little clips, bows, barrettes, etc.
Dresses you the best she can (in terms of like real clothing) 
Shigaraki and you,,, are okay friends
He’ll throw snacks at you every once and a while
And laughs along with you when someone gets stabbed
You picked up on Himiko biting people, so one time
He was just playing a game and you
You fucking bit him on the arm
And both you AND Himiko have really sharp fangs
So that shit hurted like hELL
One day you’re out with Himiko and Dabi
And once again have an angry pouty face
At this point you can realize when people give you guys odd looks, its been happening for such a long time
And right now people are probably seeing Toga and Dabi as your parents
Which is not what's happenin’ here.
You're resting on Dabi’s shoulder when Himiko asks you
“Hey what's wrong?” She smiles at you and offers you her hand as comfort
You just groan and respond
“People are stupid.” You pout and run your hands through Dabi’s hair
Surprisingly soft btw
They both laugh softly and Himiko glances up at your pouty face
“Dabi, lets get ice cream?” She asks the male, and you smiled wide at her
You have this random thing??? That she’ll be doing something and suddenly you’ll get really bored and just start running around and screaming
Like your hands are up youre moving as fast as you can go and are just smiling like a madman
Sometimes it lasts like 9 seconds, and others you run around until dawn.
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comphersjost · 4 years
Being a dancer and Matty finding out. He would get so cheeky so fast with all his chirps and when y’all eventually get together he definitely tests your flexibility😏
oh my god okay
smut under the cut
hear me out
like, you’re on an internship with the flames as a junior athletic trainer
and like, it’s your last year of college and you really just want to get this degree and go
and your kinesiology advisor was some washed up hockey player and had given you two options:
apply for a different physical therapy related internship
or work with the university’s hockey team
and after a few run ins with those guys at parties well, there was no way you were working with your university’s hockey team
so you applied for the flames position
and got it
but like, youre still a college student, and you still have to do things like make rent and pay your car insurance and your health insurance and utilities and groceries and billion other things that sucked all your money out of you
so, you found a nice little side hustle that only required a few hours a night for a couple hundred dollars
and it was perfect because it didnt just help you with your expenses, but also made you comfortable
you were financially secure with this job - as long as you kept your face covered
and you did
one night, it’s matthew tkachuk’s birthday
you only really know because noah hanifin had come down to the trainer’s rooms to get his knee checked out and taped just in case - he had an awkward fall and wants to be safe
he’s nice enough, always smiling politely and asking how you are
and then matthew shows up, waiting for you to finish
the two talk about their plans for the night, and you pretend not to listen
your ears perk when you here noah say “come on man it’s your birthday, let loose” 
“i know dude, theres just one thing i really wanted for tonight and i cant have it,” matty replies, and when your eyes flick up at him hes already staring at you. “ill  still come out with you guys though”
you finished up with noah’s knee and tapped him, signaling he could go
“look man, just try to have fun,” noah hops off the table, “dont think you much you know - thanks y/n - you know dude?”
matthew rolls his eyes and shoves noah in front of him, ignoring his yell of protest
“bye, y/n” he says, his gaze too intense for you to keep eye contact
“bye guys, see you tomorrow,” you say softly, the clean up in front of you suddenly the most interesting thing in the room
you push them out of your head as youre finally leaving the arena
youve got somewhere to be and you werent going to let whatever these two hooligans said make you late
you make it to the club you work at just in time
you get ready in a rush, trying to fasten all the clips and tie all the ribbons as fast as you can
one of the other girls helps you, fasting the last few clips while you tie a masquerade mask over your face
and like - you shouldve double knotted it
or at least double checked it like you normally
because you get out there and your boss tells you
“you’ve got a private booking first, some hot shot kid’s birthday”
the description makes you uneasy but you figure, calgary is a big city, theres not way its him
but you walk into a room set a side for private shows and -
there he is
dumb navy suit and dumb curls and all
he looks up when you enter the room, a smirk on his lips
but youve been around the team long enough to know when its fake
his eyes dont have the fire in them
you drop your voice a few octaves, purring to make yourself sound seductive but more importantly - different
every thing is going well, and youre almost through
matt has a hand on your hip as you grind on him and then -
it’s your fault really, you reached up to brush your hair out of your face and the same time matthew reached up to do it for you
your hands knocked together and his finer catches on the ribbon thats looped through your mask
it falls into his lap and he stares at it for a moment, before staring at you
you’re looking at him with wide eyes, while he stares between you and the fallen mask
“please don’t tell anyone!” you blurt out before he can say anything “please matthew don’t tell any of the team or anything, please, i’ll owe you whatever you want”
“woah, hey, relax,” matthew laughs, calming you by squeezing your now-still hips with his abnormally large hands “i wont tell anyone, its okay”
with an uncomfortable and short conversation about you doing this because you needed the money (and quickly shooting down matty’s offer to help you out, the two of you stumble through awkward goodbye’s
he double knots your mask for you this time, making sure it’s on tight before promising you your secret was safe and walking out the door
you pretend not to notice the tent in his pants that started growing the moment your mask fell off your face
you and matthew dance around each other for a few weeks, until some gala thing you were required to go
“the event is mandatory for all staff, even the interns. the organization will pay for all of your attire and transportation necessary to arrive at the banquet hall” your advisor had emailed you, making it clear you werent being given a choice here.
you showed up at this event dressed to the nines
your best friend had been in town visiting you when you had gone shopping for the event, refusing to let you wear something she deemed anything less then goddess-like apparently 
matty doesnt see you at first, hes at the bar with his back to you
hes a few drinks in already cause like, he really doesnt wanna be here
and then elias shoves him in the shoulder, motioning with his head over matty’s shoulder
you watch as matty turns around, your mouth going dry at the burgundy suit, white shirt, and black tie he was wearing
his lips are parted, frozen in his spot
and really - you didnt mean to match with matty, you and your best friend had just seen the dress and fallen in love with it
until his friends chirping turns into sean shoving him again to get his attention
without even sparing a glance at his teammates matt is barreling for you
hes dodging higher ups and execs and reporters and everyone who wants to talk to him like it’s his goddamn job
you finally release a breath that youre holding when he reaches you
he grabs a hold of your hand, pulling you along as he weaves through the people
both of you catch your breath when youre finally out the door and into the garden area of the venue
“you said anything” matt says abruptly, turning to you
“what?” you say, confused, and matt wants to kiss the pout off your lips
“at the club,” he says, and your blood runs cold. “you said youd owe me anything i wanted if i kept your secret.”
you nod slowly, apprehensive of what his ask was going to be
“well, it’s you,” he repeats, sighing when you stare at him, not understanding what he wants
“i. want. you.” he punctuates every word with a step towards you. “you said anything but i’m letting you choose, let me take you home, or take you out, but any part of you that you’ll let me have, that’s what i want.”
hes towering over you now, his bright blue eyes darkening with every second his eyes roam your skin
it takes you a moment to find your voice, but you clear your throat and say
“how about both?”
a smile tugs at matty’s lips, and his hands slide around your waist
he leans down to your ear, whispering “both sounds just short of heaven pretty girl”
“what will it take to get you to heaven, mr. tkachuk?” you whisper against his mouth, arms looping around his neck
he chuckles darkly, stealing a kiss, then another, and another as he pulls you closer to his body
“let’s just say,” he hums, trailing kisses down your neck, “it definitely involves some of that flexibility i saw in the club that night”
and, well, you’re okay with that
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750 Follower Celebration! Loki x reader fluff , prompt 22. They have been friends forever, reader always had Lokis back, even from childhood. But that didnt stop Loki from being a tease all the time... Reader being insecure and shy but with the most stunning singing voice in all of Asgard
Wooo! Thank you so much for sending in this request! It was such a joy to write (as evidenced by the fact that this is a full length one shot OOPS). I hope you enjoy!
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Safe Haven
The one time you didn’t feel the anxious jitters of insecurity knocking at your knees was when you sang.
You knew the bright taste of confidence on your tongue when your voice rang out throughout the room, carrying tales of recent splendor and war to the hundreds of those in attendance of the celebratory feast. When so many looked upon you in wonder as you used your well-trained gift to entertain them before the true revelry had begun, you shone your brightest. 
But that high couldn’t last forever, and soon you were leaving the small fire-lit stage to allow everyone to focus on each other, laughing and toasting over honeyed mead and bittersweet wine. And that was when you felt most ill at ease, knowing that you didn’t quite fit in with the boasting warriors and their admirers, nor the wizened academics who conversed quietly amongst themselves.
Thank the Norns for Loki, who caught your eye in the crowd, standing almost a full ahead above the rest. He had been your near-constant companion since your childhood, a spot of brightness and a safe haven wrapped in a dark and emerald green package that turned most others away. But you knew the heart beneath the thorny exterior, warm and inviting and not without laughter, from your years spent exploring all that Asgard had to offer, finding secret passageways in the palace and secreting yourselves away. Him, to practice magic and study in peace, and you, to rehearse, providing a pleasing background accompaniment to his workings.
You slipped through the crowd, shooting sheepish smiles in the direction of those who praised your performance, feeling your cheeks flame from the attention. He held out a glass of your favorite wine, elegant fingertips brushing yours when you gratefully took the drink from him. Holding it gave your fidgeting hands something to focus on. You had always been told that restlessness was most unbecoming of a lady of noble birth, not that you’d care. But it still nagged at the back of your mind.
“You look positively pallid, Little Lark,” Loki commented, concern edging his tone despite the boredom painting his harsh features.
You took your place beside him, your backs to a pillar, surveying the festivities from the edge of it all. “You know how I detest these parties. I do enjoy performing, but the attention afterward is most unsettling.”
He grinned, quirking a fine black eyebrow in your direction. “Perhaps it is not only your otherworldly voice that draws their focus.”
Over the last century or so, Loki’s attentions had turned into something more than the easy friendship you had grown used to. It was unsettling at first, to be the object of flirtation from someone of such a high status, of such regal beauty that to look him fully in the eye made your breath catch in your throat and your heart squeeze. But when he never made any further advances, you took it as harmless banter, sliding into the new roles of your relationship with all the ease and grace of a poorly shod horse. Anything became easier with time, however, and it wasn’t as if Asgardians were lacking that commodity.
Nothing could come of it, anyway. Your birth, while high in Asgardian society, wasn’t that of one who could truly tempt a Prince.
So you easily rolled your eyes, nudging your shoulder into his upper arm. “Ah, yes, these so-called wiles that you insist I possess. How foolish of me to have forgotten them.”
“Indeed, as I have not,” he replied, his velvety voice dropping to a pleasant timbre that sent a chill down your spine.
You clenched the stem of your glass tighter for it, casting a glance up at him to see that he was watching you with such intensity that you were lost in the depths of his eyes. The flicking firelight from the torches scattered around the grand hall added a pleasant warmth to his porcelain skin, and the sharp cut of his cheekbones and jaw cast interesting shadows over his face that captivated you.
“Ah, there you are! Loki, have you been hiding away your songbird from the rest of us?” Thor bellowed, breaking the spell between you.
You tore your gaze away, taking a deep sip from your glass as you dipped your head in polite greeting to the Prince and his friends, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Their faces were flushed red with drink and merriment, eyes somewhat glassy as they rolled between you and Loki. They paid little mind to the maidens draped along their arms, and you knew that few men were brave enough to attempt wooing Sif.
“Apparently not effectively enough,” Loki replied, swiping a glass of mead from a passing servant with a cutting glance that would kill if he had such abilities.
Thor seemed unbothered by his brother’s coldness, taking a hearty swig from the tankard he held clutched in one hand. “We were telling our companions of the battle that we won only days ago, but I was having difficulty recalling your part in the ordeal.”
You caught the hint of disdain beneath Thor’s easy words, played off as a jest between siblings, but very disrespectful when presented in mixed company. It made your jaw clench, and you quickly finished your glass of wine before handing it to Loki, who made it disappear without comment or moment of hesitation.
Loki’s smile was serpentine, with too much harshness in the pull of his lips and the hardness in his eyes. “Besides assisting the Allfather and his advisors in the strategy of the battle?”
Volstagg sank down onto a table behind him, pulling his female companion onto his lap and wrapping her in his arms. “With your tricks, you could have been absent from the fight entirely and none would be the wiser. It would be the sort of thing a silver-tongued serpent would excel at.”
“Just because he isn’t a great brute like you, does not mean that he does not have the skills necessary to best any enemy before him. There is much to be said for cunning and forethought, especially as he is planning your actions on said battlefield,” you snapped, your hands balling up into fists at your sides. You continued before you completely lost your nerve, already feeling it slip at the shocked attention of the group, “He is your Prince, and you would do well to remember that. He deserves equal respect to that of Thor.”
You felt the weight of their eyes upon you, watching you as your eyes shifted between them, unsure of who was safest to land upon. None was heavier than Loki’s beside you, but you had spent all of your bravery in your outburst. Unable to face the scrutiny any longer, you dipped your chin to Thor before turning on your heel and storming away, needing a moment of fresh air to cleanse the panic from your lungs.
It was bitingly cold outside with a faint breeze blowing about slowly falling snowflakes. You had always loved Asgard in the winter, the warm copper and gold of the city blanketed in brilliant white that cast a hush over everything. It never lasted, horses and footsteps muddying the snow and turning it into a foul gray-brown slush, but the moment was nice while it lasted. The crisp air bit at your lungs and your skin. The fine silk dress that floated from your skin with each movement was quite beautiful, but hardly practical for remaining in the elements for an extended period of time.
The scent of pine and spice, rich and inviting, enveloped you just before a heavy cloak settled over your shoulders. Loki. You would know the earthy aroma of his soaps anywhere. He adjusted it around your arms before coming to your side, leaning a hip against the stone balustrade so he was facing you, arms crossed over his broad chest. As always, he seemed wholly unbothered by the bracing cold.
“Am I going to face punishment for speaking to one of the Warriors Three so candidly?” you asked, digging your hands into the warm fur lining his cloak. The warmth was needed, but it didn’t stop the icy grip around your heart as the consequences of your actions began to race through your thoughts. It had been incredibly disrespectful of you, and in public, no less. Even if you weren’t reprimanded for it, you may lose your tenuous position singing for the royal festivities. Not to mention the dishonor it would bring to your family name.
“They laughed off your anger quickly. No harm was done to their fragile egos,” Loki assured you. He tilted his head to the side, studying you closely. “You need not defend me from them. They are fools.”
“But I must. They treat you as the dirt beneath their boots, and it boils my blood. You are deserving of far better treatment than Thor and his boorish friends bestow upon you,” you insisted.
An unreadable expression crossed his face, and he shifted closer to you, close enough that you could feel the warmth of his breath fan across your face and radiate out from his body. His hand came up beneath the cloak to encircle your wrist, branding your skin with the light touch. “You honestly believe this to be true,” he said quietly, awestruck, searching your eyes.
This close, it was difficult for you to form a coherent thought and keep your eyes from trailing to his lips. Would they taste of the alcohol he had consumed moments ago? Surely that was your own imbibement speaking, causing the flutter of excitement in your chest and the color on your cheeks. But somehow you managed to piece together a quiet, “Of course. They are blind to the man you truly are.”
His fingertips grazed your cheekbone as his free hand left his side to brush a stray lock of hair - cold and wet from the falling snow - off of your forehead. His touch lingered, his hand falling down to slip beneath the hem of the cloak and grasp the back of your neck gently. “And who am I?”
It was a challenge, a question that demanded an answer by his soft yet firm tone. You dropped your eyes to the pulse racing in his neck, unable to think when staring into the face of such heartbreaking beauty. “A good man, one of thought and care. Loyal, to those who have earned it, and even to those who haven’t, for a time. Cunning, obviously, with intelligence that rivals that of anyone I know. And my dearest and oldest friend.”
The clearing of his throat drew your attention, and you were then transfixed by the tenderness smoothing across his face. “I am honored that you think so highly of me. But, I believe that I would be more than a friend, if you’d allow me?”
And when you said nothing, unable to process the intent behind his words, he lowered his head, first resting his forehead against yours. His nose rasped against your cheek, and you closed your eyes when the sight of his sooty lashes falling against unblemished cheekbones began to blur.
His lips, you discovered, tasted of bittersweet mead. Surely there must be some remaining on his tongue, for you felt thoroughly intoxicated as his hands dropped to wrap around your waist beneath his cloak, pressing your body into his. He swallowed your breathy sigh, holding you up against the weakness of your knees at the molten heat that rolled through you. At some point your arms wrapped around his shoulders so your fingers could tangle in the hair that brushed against his neck, eliciting a groan from him that stole your breath away.
“Will you allow me, Little Lark, to court you as I have desired for so long?” he asked after the kiss was broken, lifting his head just enough to see you clearly.
You rubbed your thumb over the leather covering his chest, emboldened by the throb of your heart in your kiss-swollen lips. “I am not of advantageous birth. It will not be a favored union.” You loathed to say it, but you had to, anyway.
His answering smile was full of so much happy mischief that you couldn’t help but match it. “Let them balk or whisper their grievances. You have been the only one in my sights for centuries. Say you’ll be mine?”
“I have always been yours, Loki. Why do you suppose I continue to perform in your colors?”
Lust darkened his emerald gaze. “Kiss me again. Like you mean it this time.”
The mirth on his lips was the sweetest nectar of all, banishing any frustration, anxiety, scorn, or melancholy that you had felt moments before. Because this was Loki, and he had always been your safe haven.
Little Bit o’ Loki Taglist: @myownviperroom @grahoundart @darealbellabelleoftheball @boubouinscarlet
Whole Shebang Taglist: @yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @nonsensicalobsessions @vodka-and-some-sass @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @myoxisbroken @blah666 @brokenthelovely @myworddump @polireader @wiczer @littleredstarfish @the-broken-angel-13 @xxloki81xx @jessiejunebug @tinchentitri @sllooney @devilbat @vikkleinpaul @bouquet-o-undercaffeinated-roses @angelus80 @wolfsmom1 @kthemarsian @toozmanykids @silverswordthekilljoy
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
solidarity izzy stradlin x chef!reader
+++++++++ Base on the tags in @slashscowboyboots post about Izzy being v skinny. He needs to be fattened up lol. So here is him spending quality time with his new s/o that cooks all the time and tries weird new recipes. this is so fluffy and cute omg. enjoy!
Song: consider me by allen stone
tag list: @cynic-spirit @satans-arse @slashscowboyboots +++++++++
I shook the frying pan in front of me over the open flame of the stove. When I heard the front door click open I smiled to myself.
I heard Izzy call out.
"I'm in the kitchen!"
I said, turning the frying chicken in front of me.
"That smells great, what is it?"
He asked, drawing my attention quickly as he walked in behind me. I smiled at him as I stirred the pot next to me.
"I'm making a spin on chicken Parmesan. I remember you saying you liked it but I wanted to change a few things."
He hummed in curiosity, wrapping his arms loosely around my waist and watching intently.
"It looks good that's for sure."
He kissed my cheek before letting me go and walking to the fridge for a drink. When the timer went off I grabbed my potholder and drained the pasta water. I had made futtuccine as a sort of middle ground, but Izzy didn't really mind. He knew how much I hated spaghetti. I dumped the pot of pasta into the baking dish sitting on the island, Izzy sitting back in his bar stool as the steam rose.
"That's very warm."
He noted, making me laugh.
"Well yeah I'd hope so iz, I just finished cooking it."
I shook my head as he cracked a smile, watching me as I put the pot back on the stove.
"Hey will you cut up some of that parsley?"
I asked turning around and both of us freezing. He was holding up a noodle above his mouth but it hadn't quite touched his tongue get. I placed my hands on my hips and sent him a playful glare. He stared at me as he finished putting the noodle in his mouth, the heat rising to his face now being visible in a light shade of pink across his features.
"Parsley you said?"
He asked a bit bashful and I laughed, nodding.
I said turning back around and picking the pot of sauce up. I set it on a pot holder beside the baking dish full of pasta and began ladling it on top. Izzy watched me intently as I covered all the noodles.
"Did you make that from scratch?"
He asked noting the few ingredients still strewn across my counter tops. I sent him a knowing smile before handing him a spoon, finishing what I was doing and scooting the pot of extra sauce towards him.
"Yes I did, try it!"
I encouraged, getting the glass plate of now fried chicken from beside the stove. I glanced at him quickly as I placed the pieces on top of the sauce, waiting for his response.
"Oh wow, that's really good actually."
He said, popping his tongue after he had swallowed. I grinned widely before grabbing the cheese out of the fridge.
"I'm very glad to hear that."
I said, covering the whole dish in white. He just kind of laughed at me.
"You really are trying to fatten me up aren't you?"
He joked. I sent him a knowing look.
"Hey, it's not my fault your favorite food is water."
He scoffed at me, opening and closing his mouth, circling his hand in the air to make a point, wanting to protest but coming up empty handed.
"Okay yeah that's fair."
he said in defeat, dropping the spoon onto the counter. i sent him a  knowing look before opening the over door. I put the dish in and set the timer, turning back to him as he dipped the spoon back into the pot. I laughed a little bit at him as he watched me put ingredients away.
"At least I can get you to eat what I cook,"
I said fondly.
"It's helping me out bunches cause I get to try new recipes with you and you'll give me honest feedback."
He beamed at me as I scooted the parsley into a pile at the edge of the cutting board.
"Happy to help."
He quipped back. I leaned into the counter, against my elbows and stared at him. He was so cute still kind of flustered. Then I heard his stomach growl and his face fell. I laughed.
"I guess you came at just the right time."
I said as the timer went off. He blushed again, scratching the back of his neck.
"I guess so."
i slapped the counter with my hand, raising my brows before getting the dish back out. the cheese was now melted over everything and it looked amazing.
"wanna get plates?"
i asked, dancing across the room to get something to serve with. he stood and did as asked, pulling to plates from the cabinet next to him. he set them down, side by side as i scooped the chicken out onto each plate, followed by the pasta, twirling it in a circle to get the sauce into it. he smiled down at it as i sprinkled the parsley on top.
he said as i plucked utensils out of the drawer in front of me, offering them to him as well as the plate.
"thanks babe."
he said endearingly, offering me a quick kiss before walking over to the two person table across the room by the window. as i followed him i stood and stared for a second, noting how the light hit his face just right. he went to dive in before realizing i hadnt sat yet, looking up at me with drawn brows.
"whats wrong?"
he asked, holding the knife in one hand and the fork in the other. i just shook my head and sat.
"its nothing, just admiring the art work."
he looked around him for a second, making me laugh.
"did you make a new piece?"
he asked, looking at me quizzically before taking a bite and melting into it. i mirrored him, finally cutting into my own plate.
"i was talking about you you nicotine addicted idiot."
i said lightheartedly and his expression dropped, his mouth still full of food.
he managed before swallowing. i shook my head at him, amused.
"you think im art?"
he said, trying a cute voice and making me laugh.
"well i dont just let anything walk right into my house unannounced."
i quipped back and he shook his head at me, raising his glass before drinking it.
"if im the art then im glad i have a gallery to hang in and be admired."
it was my turn to blush at his words, feeling the heat rise to my face as he stared me down across the table.
"youll always have space here as long as i keep getting to admire you."
i watched as he finally cracked a real smile, teeth showing and all, one of my favorite parts of him. he had such a pretty smile but he didnt show it very often, being a hard rock star and all.
"thanks baby."
i put my glass to my lips.
"besides, who else would i con into trying my weird recipes."
he shook his head at me.
"i have no idea."
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 12
Traveling on foot was definitely... not fun, but hey, what are you gonna do right? Definitely not avoid the guy you just confessed your undying but also irritating love to. Totally not. Sokka was only at the front because he had the map and is the only one that knows how to read it is all.
"I think we should stop here and camp for the night, its got a good bit of water so we can refill the canteens and you two can practice waterbending" Sokka said with a sigh while he rolled up his map and took a stance in front of the small oasis sort of looking place he picked.
Lily grinned "so what you're saying is I finally get to see waterbending other than water out of the canteen to drink?"
Katara and Aang gave confused looks "yeah? Didn't know you wanted to.."
"Well, with an earthbending boyfriend and a firebending boyfriend while living nowhere near any waterbenders you can guess that I've never seen anybody bend water so I am DYING to see you guys bend some water"
"Me to" Kurt raised his hand
"Yeah, me three" Tarren said with a smirk.
The two waterbenders only gave awkward chuckles before everyone started to settle into their spots, Sokka ontop of a rock, iroh and Jee under one of the trees with a small fire going and some tea over it, ginger as requested by Lily. Lily Tarren and Kurt all watched Aang and Katara bend water between the two of them, the two earthkingdom kids mesmerized by the gentle movements of the water just before Kurt joined the pair in the water.
"What are you doing?" Katara asked with a raised brow without stopping the waterbending.
"Joining" was all Kurt offered before he lit a small flame and started bending in the same forms as Aang and Katara, the flames seeming to mirror the image of the water but with heat and less liquid control. "I learned my bending from water scrolls" he said with a smile.
"I... didnt know it was possible to learn one bending from another kinds form..." Katara said with a clearly interested tone
"Its all I've ever known," kurt shurgged while bending the fire "you could bend wTer similarly to fire if you were more on the aggressive offense, more like earth if you were aggressive defense, more like air if you were more like a breeze, light and free." Kurt extinguished hus flame "I've only ever studied water scrolls and earth scrolls for bending but reading what little Ive found on air nomad culture and bending and seeing Aang in action I might be able to pick up a bit of the style"
"Wow! Your Sokka but with firebending!" Toph chimed in.
"He's... what?" Sokka turned to Toph with a confused look
"You.. you know the nonbending style of each nation and kurt knows the firebending style of each nation" Toph said with a shrug
"No wonder I trusted him" Sokka gave Kurt a thumbs up
Zuko who was filling canteens during this entire conversation and just finished tossed the last one onto the pile of their belongings loudly before storming off with a shout. He knew that comment shouldn't have gotten to him, Sokka was just making light of the situation but with all that had went down over the past week Zuko was drained and didn't have the energy to try and decode Sokka. He wouldn't have to decode him if Sokka would just talk to him like a normal person. But no. Its, be standoffish, be gentle, be harsh, confess, and then avoid.
He normally didn't want to talk to people so it pissed him off to no end how much he wanted to talk to Sokka even though Sokka wanted nothing to do with him. He was lost in his heas long enough he came to a small Boulder by a tree and plopped his brooding self on said boulder to rest against the tree. A badgerfrog hopped out infront of him and croaked "Why can't I just express normally" Zuko groaned out "not like he does, but hey, one of us should right?" He got a short croak in return "I mean, hes better at talking to people than I am! And he knows that! Everyone does! I suck at... socializing in general..." Zuko shrugged but once again got a short croak in return "wellz yeah, I was raised in a palace but my dad never wanted me to take the throne so I wasn't really taught how to... act around people? If that makes sense"
"Yeah it makes sense"
"Really? I us- wait a second" Zuko turned to see Sokka standing there with a smirk, to which he yelped and fell off the boulder with a thud and an "ouch you jerk!"
Sokka let out a giddy laugh while helping Zuko to his feet "sorry, sorry, I just... usually its me being walked in on like this."
"You... talk to animals to solve your problems?"
"No goofy, I talk to Yue" Sokka gave a grin
"Yue? You mean the northern princess?" Zuko narrowed his eyes with confusion
"Yeah! Except she's the moon now so I talk to the moon... I doubt she can actually hear me but I know she's there, yknow, when she was little she had a burning on her left eye just like you and me but the spirit water was able to heal her and prevent the scar from ever showing up"
"Wait, are you saying Yue was supposed to be our soulmate? But she... turned into the moon?" Sokka only laughed in response "Sokka I'm serious! What do you mean she turned into the moon"
"Oh, right you weren't there for all of it. Well, the moon spirit gave Yue life when she was born si after Zhao killed the fish she... gave it back" Sokka looked down "I had to watch her turn into the moon spirit and disappear"
Zuko blinked once, twice, and thrice before responding "thats rough buddy"
"Yeah, well, at least I have you right?" Sokka grabbed Zuko's collar "say, why did you run off, you were saying something to toady over there, but I wanna hear it"
"I was jealous" Zuko said plainly which caught Sokka off guard
"You trusting Kurt so easily"
"Oh... wait you want me to trust you? Thats all? You're being broody because you want me to trust you? Zuko I already do trust you"
"Hey! I am not broody!"
Sokka pulled Zuko in for a quick kiss "yes... you are, but its okay, your cute when you brood. Now lets get back to camp Lily said she was going to make dinner and I dont know about you but I'm starving"
Zuko didnt get the option to choose he was instead lifted up and hoisted over Sokka's shoulder "hey! Put me down! I can walk just fine"
"Sure you can, but were you actually going to follow me back to camp?"
Zuko stayed quiet for a bit before mumbling "no..."
The walk back was quiet and short but he was, instead of being set down, thrown down but the fall was gentle because Aang managed to bend some air for him. "Jerk"
"Yeah, but I'm cute and you forgive me right?" Sokka made puppydig eyes and Zuko couldnt help but laugh at him
"Yeah, sure, whatever you say oh cute one"
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the-flaming-spade · 4 years
“Oh hooo! You have fiyah powers too! I didnt know humans could do dat! How didja do it?” The harpy eyes the man in awe as he trained. Shed never met a human with elemental abilities before, she thought that was exclusive to the bird people of her island.
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Ace stopped at the strange voice, turning his head towards it to look at the woman who had spoke, and for a moment was caught off guard, not by her appearance but at the fact that she didn’t know who he was.
He had to admit, he appreciated when someone didn’t know him, it meant their thoughts hadn’t already been made up by a twisted government and the tale of his blood line. It was someone who would make their judgement on him based on their actual encounter and not anything else.
So Ace would take it. “I ate the Mira Mira no Mi fruit, I’m a Devil Fruit user,” he explained calmly. Though he turned to face her completely, the flames on his hand slowly dwindled until they were extinguished and a thin, billow of smoke curled up into the air, like a serpent ascending into the sky.
“You have fire powers too, how?” He asked curiously. The Grandline was vast and there were so many mysterious left that the ex-commander had yet to witness for himself, to say that it was impossible for someone to have a similar ability has himself was not completely out of the realm of possibility, but to actually meet someone like that was not something he had expected, especially since he had mostly been trying to keep to himself.
Ebony eyes slowly looked over the woman, now Ace was the last person to care about appearance, he really didn’t. What he did care about was how unique she was, clearly she wasn’t human. Though that didn’t matter at all in the grand scheme of things.
“Excuse me, if you don’t mind me asking...what are you?” Her skin was green, and she had a long tail that reminded him of a reptile, yet he could see no visible scales on her body. Her ears were large, it reminded him of a bat, but he saw no wings and no matter how he racked his brain he couldn’t think of a green bat.
Ace had docked at this island because it looked like it was mostly jungle, he had thought no one had lived here and he could work on some moves while laying low from some Marines that had spotted him a few days back, having successfully manage to lose them in a storm, which was risky for the pirate but if he didn’t wish to relive Marineford he would have to be willing to take risks to maintain his freedom.
Enough people lost their lives to give it to me.
A frown pulled at his mouth and the freckled man closed his eyes and shook the thought from his mind. There was no point in dwelling on it now, not in the presence of a stranger.
It was then Ace realized the first common rule of curtesy, and quickly bowed apologetically to the woman. Turning to face her completely where she could see the massive, sunburst scar in the center of his chest before he bent down low. “Sorry, where are my manners? My name is Ace,” he said after a second pause. For a brief moment he almost introduce himself by full name, but thought it better to keep his identity a secret, at least a little bit longer. With the failed execution his bounty had sky rocketed and he knew the Fleet Admiral would gladly reward anyone who was willing to bring the escaped pirate back in, because there would be no public execution this time, Ace was sure of it. He would be killed on the spot, probably by Akainu’s fist. His chest burned at the very thought of it and he felt the pain in his back and his lungs that made it uncomfortable to be bent for much longer. He stood back up and gave her a smile. “Forgive me for my rudeness, I guess I just got excited to see someone as interesting as you.” Which was a genuine response, Ace thought she looked pretty neat.
Perhaps he also missed having someone to talk to. He came from a large crew where he had plenty of people to socialize with, and he had been alone for almost a year.
Though the freckled pirate didn’t want to seem to eager, even if he felt like this was the most excited he had been for awhile, but a voice in the back of his mind did speak up. He knew trusting someone completely was a gamble that could end badly if his luck turned sour, and he really didn’t know the person who was standing before him.
But Ace was also not going to cast judgement on someone he just met. Yes, he would keep his wits about him, but Pops would be ashamed if Ace lived in fear and destroyed what remained of what the Whitebeard Pirates had stood for. “I don’t have much, but I could share a drink of water with you, if you’re feeling thirsty?” Ace offered.
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shankmyman · 4 years
Frank roams Ormond, taking some time to think. He tosses his knife into a tree and it sticks by the blade.
A small startled yelp could be heard from behind the tree. A long, scaly, blue and orange spotted tail was visible from the side of the base of the tree. Frank narrows his eyes and goes to grab it, peeking around the side of the tree. A 5'5 blue and orange lizard could be seen behind the tree. She wore some weird dark blue clothing. The lizard looked fairly confused about... everything.
Frank smirks. "Hello there. Are you lost~?" He apologizes for almost hurting her.
"Hi! My names shuya!" Shuya exclaimed, "I am quite lost! Where am i? And whats your name?" Shuyas tail was wagging side to side.
He smiles at her, removing his mask.
"I'm Frank. It's a pleasure to meet you. You're in the realm of the entity now. Welcome~"
"Hi frank! Whats the entity? What is this place? What's on your neck?" Shuya asked, she seemed to be chock-full of questions and she didn't seem to sense franks flirty nature. Frank tries his best to explain.
"This is Ormond. Not sure what the entity is-it's kind of like a god. This thing on my neck is a tattoo."
"Whats a tattoo? Why am I here? Why am I asking so many questions?" Shuya asked, shuya obviously had a couple screws loose in her noggin.
Frank sighs softly, explaining as much as he knew to her.
"Alright! My knowledge is quenched for now!" Shuya exclaimed, "this place is weird. Thats a cool knife. Why is it so cold here?"
Frank doesn't bother to answer her question on why it's cold, hoping that the landscape of snow would give her all the knowledge she needed. Shuya looked at the ground.
"Oooooh! Its snowy! I don't like it. I'm really cold. Is there anywhere thats warm and comfy?" Shuya asked frank. Frank takes her hand and leads her into the lodge, where a massive bonfire is burning in the middle of the floor. Joey is smoking weed (as usual) Julie is sitting around with Susie and humming softly.
Shuyas eyes went wide before she ran over to the fire and sat down right in front of it. Her tail was wagging like a fucking maniac.
"Its so warm!!" Shuya exclaimed. Jake shakes his head. Frank smiles and tosses a blanket around her shoulders. "It is, isn't it?"
"It is! Oh yeah! Hi my names shuya! Whats your names?" Shuya asked the other members of the legion as she practically turned into a blanket burrito. Joey ignores her but Susie and Julie introduce themselves. Frank then introduces Joey.
"Hi Susie! Hi Julie! Is Joey mute? I have a friend who is mute, he's cool! And purple. And he has antlers. And he liked fish. He was great." Shuya rambled.
Frank shrugs. "He doesn't talk a lot."
"Okay!" Shuya said smiling. She was sitting yet she was always moving. She was just full of energy, it was like she ate an entire bag of candy in 2 seconds.
Joey hits that blunt. "Hey, you guys know that rings are just short straws?"
"Whats a straw?" Shuya asked joey, she was extremely confused on what the hell a straw was. Joey hits it again. "An elongated ring."
"Oooh! Like this but longer?" Shuya asked as she took this silver ring decorated with various glistening gems and pointed at it.
Joey nods. "Ye."
"Who would want such a long ring? You can't close your hand then." Shuya asked as she put the ring back on her hand.
"You drink through it." Frank chuckles.
"Why? Can't you just drink straight from the cup?" Frank shrugs. "I...don't know."
"Well its dumb. Just drink from the cup. Whatever if you get a couple splinters from the damn thing, its made of wood and you should be careful with it." Shuya said putting the blanket over her head.
Frank shrugs again. "People are weird."
"More like humans are weird... oh yeah, I'm hungry, is there something I can eat?" Shuya asked frank, "I haven't eaten in 3 days."
Frank shrugs. "You...don't really need to eat here."
Shuya gasped.
"What do you mean you don't have to eat???" Shuya asked extremely panicked, "thats the best part of the day! There's so many good foods! Elk! Bear! People! They all are so good! I refuse to believe that eating isn't necessary!"
Frank laughs. "People? Oh my, are you in luck. You can eat people here if you want to. We eat for taste, not because it gives us anything."
Shuyas face lit up immediately.
"Really???" Shuya asked happier than before, "YAY! Where are these people I can eat?"
Frank laughs.
"Oi, Spider god. You mind bringing us one?" The entity's tendrils pull a wriggling, fighting Dwight up through the ground and deposit him at their feet. "Here you are. An appetizer." He smirks. Shuya started to jump up and down in glee. She jumped onto dwight and started to eat the poor man like a rabid dog except with opposable thumbs.
Dwight's wails of agony make Joey come out of the lodge to watch. He tries to fight back, but his throat is soon torn out and he can't yell any longer, his cries turning to gurgles and then to silence. Shuya continued to devour the poor dudes body before she was satisfied. She ate a shit ton of the dude.
"He was delicious!" Shuya exclaimed as she jumped up and down in absolute excitement. Dwight's mangled body slowly begins to disintegrate after he dies. His arms and thighs were chewed down to the bone, and the skin of his face was torn apart, parts of his skull showing. His stomach had been totally torn apart, and his guts spread around him. The mess vanished completely.
Frank pats Shuya's back with a bright smile. "Nice." He couldn't help but feel a bit turned on by that sight. Damn. She'd absolutely decimated Dwight. He kind of wanted that. Shuya smiled wide.
"Thank you! But isn't anything like the time I killed a person, ate most of their body in front of one their friends, and framed the other friend for the murder." Shuya said looking at frank.
Frank smirks. "That's kind of hot. I've killed a lot of people too." He says it proudly, smiling softly.
"... no it wasn't hot, it was lukewarm at best that day." Shuya said bluntly.
Frank laughs. "That's...not what I meant." He goes back inside to sit down. Shuya followed frank back inside and sat next to the blanket. She didnt want to get the blanket bloody so she hoped the blankets warmth would just go over to her. The blood on her slowly disintegrates, and leaves her clean. Frank goes off somewhere to do something. Shuya looked at the flames for a bit.
"Hey... where did frank go?" Shuya asked. Joey snickers.
"Probably to jack off. He likes watching people get killed."
"What... what is that?" Shuya asked as she cocked her head to the side, "I have no idea what that is."
He takes his hand and makes the motion above his groin just once. "You know-?"
"Uh... What?" Shuya was even more confused now, "that didn't help me understand that at all."
He honestly doesn't know how else to explain it. "Male masturbation."
"Whats that????" Shuya asked even more confused, "im so confused..."
Joey gives up.
"Sorry, it's hard to explain."
"Im so confused... why are humans so weird..." shuya groaned.
"You right. But I dunno why. It's kind of irritating." Joey offers her his blunt. "Wanna try? No pressure." "What is it?" Shuya asked looking at the blunt of the good kush.
Joey explains."Drugs. Not addictive, just makes you feel all floaty and calm. Helps clear the head. You don't have to smoke if you don't want to."
"Whats a drug?" Shuya asked, holy shit was she oblivious to the world and its things. Joey sighs, and can't help thinking 'oh fuck, here we go again'
"It's a substance that causes pleasure when taken. There are worse drugs. This is called Marijuana. Or Weed. Or skunk. It's got lotsa names." He takes another hit, and blows it out his nose.
"No thank you but why do you use it?" Shuya asked.
Joey shrugs. "Keeps me calm. I've got a bad temper, and I anger easily. I'm just a better person when I do."
"Well if it makes you a better person and you aren't hurting anyone out of anger than you do you joey!" Shuya gave Joey a thumbs up and a smile. Joey smiles at her and gives her a thumbs up. Shuya went back to just being warm in blankets, Waiting for something exciting to happen.
Shuya got annoyed by the long time without things happening so she went off to go find frank. Perhaps he was done with what the fuck he was doing.
Frank wasn't done with his work, and when she opens the door he just looks up at her. "You kidding me? Can you knock?" He has his dick out, and had stopped mid-fap. Shuya cocked her head to the side.
"Okay," shuya said before she knocked on the door, "im bored. Wanna go do things?"
"lemme finish first." He nods at her. "Then we can go kill some survivors."
"Okay!" Shuya said before she closed the door and went back to the bonfire.
"That was weird. You humans are so weird." Shuya said as she sat down.
Joey can't help but crack up. Frank comes downstairs after a few more minutes, sighing softly. "Alright, let's go kill some bitches."
Shuya jumped up from the ground and cheered
"Yay! Let's go!" Shuya exclaimed before she ran out the building. Frank grins and runs after her, knife in hand. Shuya stopped.
"Wait... i have no idea where I'm going..." shuya whispered to herself.
Frank takes shuyas hand and leads her along.
"This way. We're gonna fight someone I hate." The other 3 members of the legion run up behind them, all laughing and chatting behind him.
"What did they do?" Shuya asked, "why do you hate them?" Shuya wanted to make sure that she wasn't gonna eat someone she was gonna regret eating.
"They're pricks. The dude broke my nose with a brick. And the girl beat me within an inch of my life." He snickers. "They're gonna come back to life, so don't worry about butchering them. That's part of the fun~" he hums and walks with her towards the shack. Shuya decided to go on ahead. She started to run but she tripped on a rock and fell into the fire. Shuya started to scream as she scrambled out of the fire, her clothes turning to char and her scales and flesh burning. Frank frowns.
"Hmm. That's gonna leave a mark." Philip runs away, afraid because he was literally made of wood. Frank reaches into the fire, grabbing her arm and trying to pull her out, but her flesh comes off in his hand, leaving the bones of her forearm bear.
"Oh." He drops the handful of charred flesh and sighs softly. "Well, she'll come back. I'll just end her suffering." He stabs her right in the forehead, breaking through her skull with brutal strength and twisting the knife, killing her almost immediately. Seconds later shuya showed back up in the campfire. She looked kinda dazed yet overall okay.
"Why'd you stab me??" Shuya yelled before she kicked frank lightly in the leg, "don't yall have a healer around here??" Shuya was getting more and more angry. Frank sighs.
"You were cooking. And I thought it would be best to end your pain." He frowns. "We don't have a healer, no. We just reincarnate."
Shuya lightly kicked frank again.
"Im gonna go do some recon, ill be back in a bit." Shuya said still pretty ticked. Shuya left to go to the area they were going to.
Frank nods, and fucks around with his gang. Shuya found the shack and knocked on the door.
"Hello?" Shuya asked. Annabell heard the knock.
"Someone new? I don't recognize that voice." Annabell muttered.
Jake looks to the door and shyly peeks his head out of it. "Hello?" Jake came face to face with shuya.
"Hello! I'm new around here and I was just meeting the other people here!" Shuya said with a smile. Annabell kept her eyes on jake to make sure he was gonna be okay. Jake gasps.
"Woah! I've never seen anyone quite like you before!" He seems mystified. "Your scales are rather pretty." He smiles brightly. "Welcome! I'm Jake...this is Annabell. And this is our home!"
"Thank you!" Shuya thanked jake before she took a look inside to see annabell on the bed, "wait a minute... i know you. You're the slave master killer in Vendar?" Shuya asked annabell. Annabell narrowed her eye.
"Yeah, what about it?" Annabell asked.
"Nothing! I was just wondering if I knew the right person!" Shuya said with a smile, " oh yeah, im shuya!" Annabell didnt trust this lizardfolk.
"Perhaps you should leave... we were in the middle of something important." Annabell said hoping that jake would get the whole 'dude i don't trust her'. Jake senses it and sighs softly.
"Ah...sorry....." He walks back to Annabell's side, hugging the doll he had in his arms.
"Its alright!" Shuya said before she went back to the campfire, "So uh... i don't think we should beat them up." Shuya told the legion. Frank frowns.
"And why not?" He had put his mask on, and was tossing his knife into a stump at his feet, then retrieving it, and doing it again.
"2 reasons," shuya said raising a hand with two fingers up, "1. They were cuddling and that just disrespectful to kill them, 2. The woman in there is a serial killer from where I'm from and she is pretty serious, she like... who's a really big serial killer known for stealing peoples body parts and turning them into jewelry and is somewhat cannibalistic?" Frank shrugs.
"I mean, where we're from, we four are a group of serial killers." He says it proudly. "We'd killed a decent amount of people before we got here, and the body count just keeps getting higher, trial after trial." He scoffs. "Besides, we reincarnate. Why should we care if she hurts us?"
"She's known for holding a grudge... she killed the person who got her into the slave system almost a decade after escaping slavery..." shuya said.
"pretty sure she already hates me. If you don't wanna do it, then we will." A half hearted "yeah!" Comes out of Susie.
"So what if she hates you? You can just ignore her and her boyfriend. You don't have to even associate with them if you don't want to." Shuya said trying to difuse the situation.
"no, that's not possible. If he gets matched with me in a trial, I have to kill him." He sighs. "the situation's gonna happen either way. Besides. I hate em."
"I'm sure she understands the whole situation of being forced to kill people that you would rather not," shuya said, "i could talk to her if you would like." Frank growls lowly.
"I enjoy it very much, thank you."
"... frank. I will tell the entire group what I saw if you fucking go over there and hurt them. Apperantly that's disgusting to humans so yeah." Shuya threatened. Frank shrugs.
"Bold of you to assume they havent seen me doing that before."
"Bold of you to assume that I still have an idea what you were doing and why." Shuya said to try to change the subject.
"I was pleasuring myself." He humms, not really giving a fuck because he knew he was a disgusting person.
Frank laughs. "Yeah, if you were at a monastery you wouldn't know. Do you even know what sex is?"
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??" Shuya yelled even more confused.
Frank can't help cackling as he gives her a crude rundown of sex ed. If Sally could make a face, she'd be looking incredibly disgusted right about now.
Shuya was still not understanding.
"I still don't understand!" Shuya yelled, "that sounds fake and if it was real it sounds painful and dumb!"
"Want me to show ya-?" Frank laughs, but Joey grabs the back of his hoodie and pulls him back. he'd been leaning closer to Shuya.
"No! It sound painful and I bet it makes you shit out eggs!" Shuya yelled.
"it's not painful if ya do it right!" He laughs. "and you won't shit eggs-!"
"How do you know you virgin!" Shuya yelled.
"Bold of you to assume I haven't slayed coochie before!"
"BOLD OF YOU TO SAY THAT IN LEG EATTING DISTANCE!" Shuya yelled before she fucking dived and started to devour franks leg.
Frank moans. "Oh fuck yeah~"
Shuya stopped and moved a couple feet away.
"You know I thought you were kinda cute and nice but you're just another one of those people you find drunk at a tavern!" Shuya hissed, "i thought you were cool but you're really not!" Shuya then yelled what can be guessed is a slur in a different language. Frank frowns and sighs.
"Ok." He turns and leaves, limping away-heading back to the lodge. "Ugh..." He didn't show it, but that really hurt. Shuya had a 'holy shit that worked' moment. She felt accomplished yet... disappointed. She was sad that the first person she met in this realm ended up being a dick. Shuya walked away from the campfire, found an uninhabited area and claimed it for herself while Frank runs off to hide so he can cry. Shuya made a small shelter and she felt... really sad. Shuya shook her head and went back to her business. She made a small campfire. The teen killer bandages up his wound, sterilizing it so that he wouldn't get any kind of infection. The pain makes him wail, but he recovers rather quickly. Shuya sat next to her small fire, she felt bored and just... no, no no, he was a dick so she shouldn't go find him and apologize... she went and started to look for frank. Frank was sitting silently in the lodge, wiping the occasional tear from under his mask. Shuya knew she wasn't gonna be welcome in the lodge after what just happened but it was the only place she thought he would go. Shuya attempted to scale the side of the building with no windows nearby. Frank didn't care regardless and lays down on his mattress, facing the wall and trying to fall asleep. He didn't bother trying to remove his mask. Shuya got to the balcony and snuck through the place. She found frank and she started to regret even coming into vicinity of the building. She walked over and sat down quietly.
"Im sorry, frank." Shuya apologized to frank. He ignores her completely, pulling the blanket tighter to his body. "I didnt mean any of it... i was angry and... i take full responsibility for what happened... im... really sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?" Shuya felt extremely guilty for everything.
"Nothing, go away." His voice cracks halfway through the sentence, and trails off at the end like it was difficult got him to speak. "Im not leaving," shuya said, "youre hurting and I don't want you to." Shuya set a hand on franks shoulder gently. He flinches away at the touch.
"Just leave."
"... when you're ready, come find me... im not that far from the campfire..." shuya said before she left through the window and went back to her new place.
Frank continues his ugly crying fit until he's done, and then takes a nap while Shuya went under her little shelter and laid down. Soon enough, Frank goes to see Shuya. He's limping rather badly, and hides it badly. Shuya was sitting in front of her little fire. She looked up to see frank, obviously limping.
"Hey frank, welcome to my new home." Shuya said as she stood up. He flinches a little bit as she stands up, growling softly. "Urgh."
"How about we sit down," shuya suggested, "maybe that will make talking easier." Frank plops down across from her with a pained sigh. Shuya sat back down.
"I need to ask, you don't seem to care what people think of you yet... why did my words hurt you?" Shuya asked. Frank sighs.
"I don't know."
Shuya sighed.
"Im... really really sorry," Shuya apologized, "I didn't really mean any of it, I just wanted to make sure you didn't do something you would regret... but I ended up doing something I regret... could you ever forgive me?"
Frank shakes his head.
"It's fine." He sighs. "I'll live. And I don't regret." He frowns, slipping off his mask. He looked like he'd been crying, and his nose was running so he wipes it away on the back of his hand. Shuya crawled over, sat down next to him, and hugged him.
"I don't think you're okay." Shuya said as she raised a hand up to the side of franks face. Frank sighs. "Don't pity me." He flinches at the touch of her hand on his cheek. "Pity? I don't think I'm pitying you," shuya said as she lightly rubbed the side of franks face with her thumb, "i think im comforting you. There's a difference, like stalking someone and regularly breaking into their house."
Frank sighs. "You wouldn't comfort someone you didn't feel bad for." He can't admit it, but he did like her gentle touch.
"Would you rather be pityed and comforted or not pityed and alone?" Shuya asked. He frowns. "You...got me there..."
"Nobody wants to be alone," shuya said, "even the most serious of people need to have someone to talk to." Frank goes silent and lets himself relax. "I'm sorry for saying such nasty things to you...before."
"To be honest I don't even remember what we were yelling about. I only remember you being sad and me being mad. I don't remember alot of things." Shuya said. Frank nods.
"We both said some rather mean things."
"What did I say?" Shuya asked genuinely curious about what she said.
"you bit my leg, I moaned, and then you told me that I was 'just like the men at the tavern'. And then you cussed me out in another language." He sighs. "After you asked what you caught me doing... I tried to explain, but you're really dense..." He speaks rather angrily, not quite realizing how mean he sounded. "... I don't remember any of that, and you sound really mad," Shuya said as she put her hand down, "but I guess you're right about the dense part, my old leader joy would yell at me because I didn't understand my part of the plans sometimes." Frank calms his voice.
"Sorry. You didn't deserve that outburst." He sighs and looks away.
"its okay!" Shuya said, "sometimes you just gotta yell." Shuya smiled. Frank nods and just sighs.
"What wrong?" Shuya asked, She was still pretty energetic. Frank shrugs.
"My leg hurts. And not in the good way."
"This is why we have healers! Oh wait... we don't have any healers here..." shuya said.
Frank nods, chuckling softly.
"Are we gonna have to cut your leg off?" Shuya asked.
Frank shakes his head. "You could kill me."
"... oh yeah!" Shuya exclaimed before she tackled frank and absolutely decimated the dude. Frank stays still, trying not to moan as she tears him to bits.
Shuya continued to eat frank, she didnt even notice any sound coming from frank. He soon dies, laying there underneath her.
Shuya didn't seem to notice that frank was dead until it turned to dust.
"Awww..." shuya groaned as she stood up.
Frank stumbles around to the campfire, dazed from having been killed. He rubs his head and groans.
Shuya turned around to see frank, dazed and stumbling. Shuya ran up and hugged him.
"Heyyy!" Shuya exclaimed. Frank hugs her back tightly, if only to catch his balance.
"Hugs!" Shuya exclaimed before she blepped. Frank bleps back, laughing softly. Shuya smiled wide before she lightly headbutt frank before he laughs and gives her a light noogie. Shuya giggled. She tapped frank before running off.
"Tag you're it!" Shuya exclaimed as she run off. Frank laughs and gives chase. Shuya hid in a pretty good spot so she didn't have to run the whole time. She watched frank look for her for a bit. Frank plops down on the ground after awhile of searching.
Shuya snuck behind frank and tackled him.
"Hey Frank!" Shuya exclaimed, "that was fun!"
Frank laughs and nods. "Yeah!"
"Do you think the other would wanna play???" Shuya asked very excitedly, her tail going absolutely insane.
Frank laughs.
"Maybe! We'll see!"
Shuya jumped up and down in excitement.
"Lets go let's go!" Shuya exclaimed as she started running to the lodge. Frank makes pace easily with her. Shuya and frank made it to the lodge and shuya went into the lodge. She was asking them extremely fast but it was too fast and excited to even attempt to decipher her. Frank regurgitates a similar message, and both Julie and Joey jump at the opportunity, while Susie resolves to count scores.
Shuya was so excited and happy, she was practically vibrating in excitement. They start up the game. Joey is it, and he moves with frightening speed as he rushes towards Shuya. Julie hops up a tree and Frank runs away.
"Oh shit!" Shuya yelled before she ran off in a random direction. Hopefully the years of running around the monastery would keep her from getting caught. Joey rushes after her, laughing softly and tossing his knife into a tree. He uses it as a foothold and hops up into it, tackling Julie out of it. They land in a pile of leaves and Susie ticks it off. Julie runs off to try and catch either Frank or Shuya, searching through the brush like a predator. Shuya started to hide. She listened for footsteps and overall human sounds. Frank jumps out at her from the shadows. "Shhhhhh." Somehow he'd approached her silently.
Shuya stayed quiet.
"Why did you jump at me???" Shuya signed out.
"dunno." He signs back, laying beside her on the brush.
"Im guessing you're not it?" Shuya signed before she peeked around the tree.
Frank shakes his head. "not the case, my dear."
"So... you're it?" Shuya signed as she backed away a bit.
"no, I'm not. Julie is."
"You signed the wrong thing you stinky rat." Shuya signed with a smile, it wasn't really sure if she was joking about the stinky rat thing. Shuya moved back to where she was behind the tree. Frank feels insulted but doesn't betray it. "Rude." He says out loud. "Jules, she's over here!"
Shuya started to run in a random direction because holy shit she wasn't gonna lose. Frank gets tackled from behind by Julie. "Oof-"
Shuya ran past the campfire and stopped for a second.
"Hey...! Sorry about earlier...! Bye!" Shuya said out of breath before going back to running. Frank chases her, a stick in his hand. He seems frenzied, and bops her lightly over the head as he chases her.
"Hey! Don't hit me with a stick!" Shuya yelled at frank.
Frank smacks her again as he gets closer, then tosses it to the side and tackles her. They spin midair and it's Frank that hits the ground first.
"Owie..!" Shuya groaned, "oh no! Frank are you okay?"
Frank nods.
"Mhm. But you lost." He laughs softly.
"Technically I win because I was the last to get caught!" Shuya exclaimed with a smile. Frank frowns.
"You're right...fuck." he lets her go and just lays there. "shit."
"Yay! I win!" Shuya exclaimed but she noticed frank looking bummed out, "hey... whats wrong?" Shuya poked frank.
Frank shrugs. "Nothing. I'm a sore loser. Nice job."
"Well you got second! Thats still good!" Shuya said with a smile.
Frank shrugs. "Yeah, I guess."
Shuya smiled, stood up, and held her hand out.
"Wanna go back to the others?" Shuya asked with a friendly smile. Frank takes it and nods, standing up to follow her. Shuya kept holding franks hand when they got back to the others. Frank doesn't willingly let go of hers and whispers something that's barely auditable.
"Step on me."
"Huh?" Shuya was extremely confused, she barely heard him and wasn't sure if she heard him right, "what did you say?"
Frank hums. "Stop holding." He drops her hand.
"Oh sorry!" Shuya said as she stopped holding his hand. Frank smiles.
"It's ok." He goes back to the group and immediately gets locked into a noogie by Julie. Shuya skipped on over with a wide smile.
"That was alot of fun!" Shuya exclaimed.
Joey laughs. "yeah. It was." Frank tries to fend off Julie to no avail.
"I haven't ran that much since I angered joys dire wolf!" Shuya chuckled, "fenrir was always feisty!"
All four teens look confused by this. "Like...the Norse wolf titan, Fenrir?" Susie speaks up.
"Huh? No fenrir was big but he wasn't THAT big. He's only as tall as joey." Shuya said not understanding what's going on. Joey oohs. "Damn. That's a bigass dog."
"Yeah but fenrir wasn't the tallest in the group, not by a long shot. Our healer, galas is 8 feet tall. No joke, we measured." Shuya said with a smile. Frank oohs and climbs on Joey's back, making them both about as tall as Galas may have been. "Like this?"
"Yeah! Now the opposite of galas was our other healer, rabies. She was about... 3 feet tall? Something like that." Shuya was excited to talk about her friends. Frank settles down on Joey's back and hums softly.
"That's cool! Very short."
"Yeah, she had some fixation on 'flirting with people? She actually spent a night with the captain of the city guard in a city we were staying in. No idea what they were doing but she got info from him." Shuya said with a smile.
Frank snorts at that. "oH?!"
"Yeah she joined the group at the same time as a tabaxi named mikaela. She stole an entire stores products in the night once with the help of our leader joy. She got alot of money out of it though." Shuya said. After a while shuya ran out of people to talk about. The teens nod along with this story, Frank smiling at her the whole time.
"And that's the story of how Joy killed king Matias!" Shuya exclaimed, "anyways I think that's all the storys of my group of friends! Other than the stuff I promised joy to not talk about." Frank laughs softly and hops off Joey's shoulders to walk over and take Shuya's hand again. Shuya smiled and held onto franks hand.
"Im getting cold. I don't like being cold. I really don't like being cold. I wanna go back to a place with warmth." Shuya rambled about being cold. Frank takes his coat off and puts it around her shoulders. It was rather warm inside.
"Here, I'll take you back to the lodge."
"Ooo this is really warm. I like it! Actually I love it! Very warm. Alright, lodge time." Shuya said as she stood up, "time for warmth. Warm warm. Warmth time." Frank holds her gently to him as he walks, trying to keep in her warmth. Shuya was happy and getting warm. When they got back to the lodge shuya plopped down right in front of the bonfire. Frank sits beside her, smiling like a giddy child. Shuya curled into a scaly ball on the floor just enjoying franks jacket and the fires warmth. Frank lays down behind her to cuddle her. Shuyas tail finally stopped moving and she was now really calm. Frank holds her close to him, sighing contentedly. Shuya flipped herself to face frank and hugged him for more warmth. Shuya ended up resting her head on franks chest. Frank gently pats her head, holding her close.
Shuya smiled as she got head pats. She started to make some clicking noises, it was the lizard equivalent to purring. Frank smiles at this and holds her still closer, petting her head with one hand and holding her close by her waist with the other. Shuya looked up at frank and blepped again. Frank cuddles her gently, keeping her warm. Shuya lightly headbutt frank. Shuya slipped out of franks grasp and started running.
"Im not giving this back by the way!" Shuya yelled before she ran out the building laughing. Frank groans and just lays there. He'd loved having her in his arms, but...now she was gone, and he was cold. He curls up on the floor. He'd have to steal back his jacket sometime. Shuya stopped when she realized frank wasn't gonna chase her. Shuya frowned.
"I left warm area for nothing? Aww..." shuya groaned. Frank sits up and warms his hands at the fire, shivering a bit.
"Urgh...so fucking cold here-" Shuya walked back to find a very cold frank. She sneaked over to frank and hugged him from behind. He blushes, and then smiles at this.
"Heh~ thanks." He was shivering.
"Ill be right back." Shuya said as she ran over to franks bed, took the blanket, ran back, and wrapped the blanket around frank and herself. He pulls her into his lap, tucking his face into the nape of her neck. Shuya smiled as she wrapped the blanket like a loose burrito. She loved physical affection but she didnt really understand vocal affection. He holds her tightly, so incredibly touch starved that he longed for her touch. Shuya giggled as frank tightened his grip around her. Shuya didnt fully understand why frank was holding her so closely but she really liked the attention. Frank just hugs her, trying his best to keep himself from being horny to her and basically just cuddles her. He felt...strange around her. And not in a gross way. He felt warm, and fuzzy. She was like chicken soup for his soul. Shuya started to lizard purr/click again. Shuya was so happy in franks arms. Shuya poked franks nose.
"Boop!" Shuya said with a wide smile. He laughs softly, and pets her head, in awe at the feel of her scales under his fingertips. Shuya looked up at frank again.
"Hey frank? Have you ever met a lizardfolk other than me before?" Shuya asked. Frank tells her he hasn't, and leans his head against her neck.
"Really? I don't think my race is rare... did you live in a really cold place?" Shuya asked.
"Where I'm from, everyone's a human."
"Really??? That's so weird! Wait... if everyone's a human where are are from... why didn't you freak out when you saw me?" Shuya asked.
"I don't care. I thought you might've realized that by now-" he chuckles softly.
"I thought you mightve realized I'm not smart." Shuya said bluntly.
Frank shrugs. "Smarter than me, I'd say. Just a little slow with retaining information."
"... joy says I'm an idiot. But I'm fine with that." Shuya said.
"you're not an idiot." He insists. Shuya stared at him for a bit.
"... why do you think that?" Shuya asked.
"everyone has issues with some things. I just think you need a little more time than other people. That doesn't make you an idiot."
"Thats a good wisdom," Shuya said, "thank you for the wisdom." Frank kisses the back of her neck. "You're welcome. I mean it. I don't think you're an idiot."
"What did you just do?" Shuya asked.
"I kissed you." He smiles softly. "Sorry...was that too much?"
"Being kissed is weird... do it again." Shuya said looking up at frank. He does it again.
"Usually, if you kiss someone, you'd do it on the lips, but I think this way is rather nice, too."
"Why on the lips?" Shuya asked, "that sounds like it would just spread mouth germs."
"it's a thing people do when they like each other. It's an affectionate thing. I'm trying to show you that I like you." He blushes. "Maybe...I love you?"
"Why?" Shuya asked, "is spreading mouth germs affectionate?"
"no...it's..." He sighs softly and just ignores her question, he just didn't have a good answer, kissing her neck again. "Mmn."
"What does it mean when you get kissed on the neck?" Shuya asked.
"Erm...usually it's strong affection, also a bit because that's all I can reach of you." He smiles nervously, holding her gently in his lap. Shuya moved so she was facing frank and she was still on his lap.
"Does this make it easier for you?" Shuya asked. He blushes brightly.
"Ah...I mean...do you like being kissed like that?" He was getting flustered. This was bad. He didn't want to drive her away.
"I've never really been kissed before so this is all new for me." Shuya shrugged.
Frank sighs softly.
"But is it alright? Do you mind it or is it bad?"
"Being kissed on the neck? It was weird but its alright." Shuya said. Frank blushes.
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Hi, Anna! Congrats on approaching 1K followers! Could you do 24+18 for the trope mash up? Thank you and enjoy your calm weekend!
Hello sweet friend!!!!
24 & 18: Soulmate AU & Circus AU
Calm, at Peace, Happy
In a world of color and noise and constant action, Dean often has a hard time grasping just how much calm and ease Cas brings into his life. It shouldn’t be this easy, really, not with how stressful Dean’s life has been ever since he joined the circus two years ago.
But since the very first day, since the very first time Dean got to watch Cas perform in the ring, this has been his happy place. The only time he gets to calm down, except maybe for the few hours of sleep he gets every night.
It’s been two years, and Dean is still not over it. Will never get over it, probably.
Over Cas, wearing nothing but shoes and low-seated baggy pants that barely cover his knees. How his body is glistening with sweat, hair in absolute disarray, sticking up absolutely everywhere. How he looks so controlled, relaxed even, while twirling rings of fire around his body like he has been doing it for all his life. Like the fire is a part of him, just an extension of his arms, unable to ever hurt him.
It looks no less powerful and captivating without the fire, when it’s just Cas practicing late at night, twirling wooden sticks around himself faster than lightning. Even now, drunk and stumbling over his own feet a little, face flushed red and a wide grin on his face, he looks nothing but gorgeous.
It’s even worse when they are like this, all alone in the manege, laughing and drinking and getting high on each other’s company - in moments like that, Dean can barely hold it back. The words, the feelings, the confessions. The touching. God, it’s so hard to not just get up from where he’s planted his ass on the dusty floor and walk over, reach out and touch Cas. Pull him in, close against Dean’s body. Close enough to maybe try and steal a kiss.
Cas tries to teach Dean, sometimes - without setting his sticks or rings on fire, of course. And, damn, Dean is thankful for that. He’d have ended up roasting himself even while not drunk on rum and Cas’ rumbling laugh.
Tonight, though, he’s content to just watch until Cas is too tired to keep twirling and turning. Until Cas drops his sticks and sinks down to the floor next to Dean, laughing breathlessly.
And Dean can just stare, mesmerized and a little in love.
Cas nudges Dean’s side with his elbow, then, pulls him out of his stupor and makes him blush like crazy. He tries to recover, to distract from the lovelorn looks by raising their bottle of rum and offering it to Cas.
Cas takes a swig, throat bobbing as he swallows, and Dean shifts as inconspicuously as possible - until his hands can at least cover parts of his lap.
Cas sinks down next to Dean, until he’s lying on the floor with his arms beneath his head. His cheeks are flushed from exertion and alcohol, and his smile is soft and genuine. “We never talked,” he says, turning to watch Dean. “About why we came here.”
“Yeah, it’s… I’m assuming your story isn’t much happier than mine,” Dean murmurs, and then he lies down next to Cas, staring up to the ceiling of the tent.
“We never… never talked about life outside of here, either,” Cas says, and there’s a weird tone to his voice. “I don’t even know if you have family.”
Dean laughs, bitter and dull. “Yeah, not much to tell. I have a brother, we talk sometimes. He’s a genius, studies law at Stanford and all. Met his soulmate at nineteen, they are planning their wedding.”
“That’s - that’s nice,” Cas says, and he sounds so carefully neutral that Dean turns over to watch him. “What about you? Have you met your soulmate?”
Dean laughs again, this time less bitter. He’s made his peace with this years ago. “No. No, don’t really think I ever will.”
Cas hums, nods. “Same. But sometimes I wish, you know?” His eyes are full of longing, something desperate and strong. Like he thinks about this a lot more than he admits.
“Yeah, me - me too. Would be nice, to find that one person apparently made for me.”
Cas doesn’t respond, just lets his eyes trace over Dean’s face. Dean isn’t sure how things turned so somber and serious so quick, but he can’t say he minds. He loves deeper conversations with Cas just as much as he loves light, laughter-filled nonsense.
“Do you still look for your soulmate?” Dean asks, curious but hoping, deep down, that maybe Cas has given up as well. That maybe Cas would give someone like Dean a chance, someone not perfect at all. Someone ordinary, someone just head over heels for all Cas is.
Cas hums again, a soft smile on his face. “I tell myself not to. It’s not like I’m waiting to meet them, I know how slim my chances are. But sometimes - sometimes I meet someone, and I hope.”
The way he’s looking at Dean, gentle but meaningful, has him breathless with questions he wants to ask.
“Do you, um. Do you wonder, sometimes, about… my soulmark?” he asks, and he’s gonna blame the rum for all that courage, even though he feels more sober than before they even started drinking.
“Yes,” Cas says, quiet and breathless, and then he sits up and his hands come down to the seam of his pants around his knees. “Do you want to know - about mine?”
Dean barely has time to think about it before he nods, frantic and with a racing heart.
And then Cas pulls his pant leg up until it reaches mid-thigh, until there’s nothing left covering the soft skin of his inner thigh. Dean can look at all the tan skin unashamedly, just take in soft hair and thigh, just until he notices that it is covered by - a phoenix, soaring through the air, flames of fire dancing beneath his wings.
He’s beautiful, delicate lines and vibrant colors and - so, so familiar. The hours Dean has spent staring at the same phoenix, on his own freckled thigh.
He jerks forward, hand reaching out to touch, before he catches himself seconds before coming into contact with Cas’ skin. He can’t breathe, can’t think, doesn’t realize he’s murmuring: “God, I didn’t - I never thought. You.” until Cas cautious expression morphs, widens into a dazed grin.
“Does that mean…?” Cas starts, but Dean interrupts him by reaching for his jeans.
His fingers fumble a little with his belt, but he manages to get it open surprisingly fast, and then he just shoves his pants down his legs as fast as possible while half-lying, half-sitting on the floor.
Cas watches him with a toothy smile, until Dean’s pants reveal the matching soulmark on his own thigh. And then Cas is up from where he was stretched out on the floor, and crashing into Dean.
Dean’s breath catches, head knocking against the dusty floor thanks to Cas’ enthusiasm, but then Cas straddles his knees and his fingers, rough and warm and gentle, brush over Dean’s skin - and Dean breaks out in goosebumps. Cas laughs, something choked and excited, and Dean’s heart stumbles in his chest.
“Cas,” he says, and he has no idea where he’s going with this until the words tumble out of his mouth. “Cas, kiss me. Please.”
And Cas does, just falls down onto him until their lips collide, and with them, Dean’s entire world seems to shake apart around him. He’s not sure whether he’s imagining the zings of electricity between them or if it’s just part of the bond, forming stronger between them - but he can’t say he cares much. All he can think about is the softness of Cas’ lips, the sure, strong grip of his hands on Dean’s upper arms, the weight of his body pressing Dean to the floor.
With just a brush of Cas’ lips, the way his tongue slips out against Dean’s lips, Dean feels wrapped in a cloud again.
Calm. At peace. Happy.
tag list:  @planetahmane @justyourordinaryfangirl @winchester-cas @castielinparadise @trxye-sxvxn @runtosleepdreamer @iamyouknow-yours @destielhoneybee @breathingdestiel @wellofwoes @xxgoldensnowflake @dshelley @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @the-messedup-priorities-so-far  @robotsnchicks @jemariel  @reallyelegantsharkfish  @mellomish  @frecklessaver  @jasminrogue  @skittles-rainbow-cat  @Insecureadult  @fpwoper  @imbiowaresbitch  @destielsangel  @elaspn  @waitwhyami  @destiel-and-drarry-bitches  @mercenarydestiel    @a-pastel-pan   @7faerielights  @kathrinerose  @nerd-litteraire  @wingsandimpalas  @casbean @dellez @miasif @petrichoravellichor@trenchcoatsandfreckles @sleephawhoneedsit @vibraniumarm @youreabadliar @inlovewithsaturn @super-powerful-queen-slayyna @didnt-survive-twist-and-shout @brangaene@all-or-nothing-baby @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday​
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years
Starker, Hades Stark
TW uh...it’s a bit dark? Just watch out cuties. Mild Dubcon. Abuse of authority. 
“Stark?” Comes a voice.
Tony doesn’t turn around just yet. He lets the voice delight the fire in his bones as it sinks down through his body. Oh how delightful, a voice. For once, no meaningless screaming from the demons, no tortured groans of agony from the dead- no, this is something different. This is- a voice.
He turns, smirk changing in a look of- disbelief.
That’s a mortal.
It’s a- a mortal, in- in Hell, in his country, but- how-
Tony drinks in the sight of him. His eyes flash crimson as he takes him in. “A human,” he breathes, and the boy trembles in the face of his immensity. “Not even a demigod, not even half…” he crosses the stone hall in a flash and the boy lets out a shriek but he doesn’t move. Tony leans down and presses his nose against the boy’s throat, breathing in the scent of his blood. Not even an enchanted mortal. This boy is pure. “Oh,” Tony purrs, tracing a clawed fingernail over the boy’s cheek. “I think you have quite the story to share, don’t you?”
The boy swallows hard, but stands his ground. “If you’ll hear me, Hades.”He offers, sweet as anything.
Tony grins. Sharp. White. Too many teeth. “How many of my names do you know?”
He lifts his chin and looks almost brave when he says: “Enough.”
“Well, you have my attention and my ears,” he sighs, trying not to betray how thrilled he is. It’s not Steve, or Zeus, or whatever he’s going by these days, coming down and lecturing him again. It’s not a goddess from Olympus demanding leniency from the fates, it’s not another boatful of writhing corpses, no this is a human. A very, very pretty human. Tony never gets to see them for very long in this state. Alive. He wants to treasure it. “But here is not the place.”
He transports them, in a whirl of fire and flame, into his palace.
The walls glitter with crystals, the floor is studded with gems, and Tony glides to his throne, and waves a hand, lighting a path of the floor on either side of the mortal with ashy, whisping smoke. “Begin.” He orders. 
The trembling mortal nods. “My name is Peter Parker,” he begins, and he has very lovely brown eyes. Tony marvels at them. “My Uncle- my Uncle Ben, he- he-“ his voice shakes and Tony raps his fingernails against the throne’s arms. This is boring. Oh, he’s heard this plea before- Peter seems to notice and tries to hurry through. “He died.” He spits out, “and I- I heard that you- that you sometimes show mercy-“
Tony wants to laugh. “Darling boy,” Tony purrs, “you’ve been cruelly misinformed, I’m afraid.” 
Peter barrels on. His skin is milky white, his hair is silken and wavy and Tony could study him for centuries. Have mortals always been so beautiful? He thought that was reserved for gods like him and the other Olympians. “I also heard that you make deals against formidable beings. Was that wrong too?”
Tony eyes him with a grin. “Are you a formidable being, Peter Parker?”
Peter doesn’t smile. “I made it here, didn’t I?” He hisses, and Tony lifts his eyebrows and waves him on. He has to give the human that. “I found the entrance in the mountains- I came down into hell, and I found your river. I tricked the man with the boat with fake gold, I jumped off half way and swam through the Styx, I navigated the realms and I’m here. I found you, with no one’s help. I am formidable.”
This is…true. Tony tips his head consideringly. The boy has made it here. He snaps his fingers, and the smoke disappears. The crystals twinkle iridescently. He likes this boy. He likes the supple, human form. They can be so pretty when they last. “And what would you like to make a deal on? Sweet Uncle Ben, I assume.”
Fierce brown eyes glitter up at him for taking the name in vain, before Peter gets down onto his knees very slowly. Purposely. And Tony leans forward to drink it in. God, he loves it when they beg. Peter must know this. “You made a deal with Orpheus.” Peter whispers, “When he played the harp for you, you let his wife come back from the dead.”
Tony licks his lips in anticipation. That one act of kindness seems to make everyone think he has a soft spot. Oh, they’re wrong. “Don’t you remember what happens next?” He whispers eagerly. Orpheus and his wife are down here too. In agony somewhere. He should pay them a visit. 
“You had a condition. You always have a condition.”
“You humans,” he purrs approvingly, leaning back, “you get smarter every time I see you.”
Peter doesn’t blink at the compliment which is graceless. Tony will train that out of him. “I want my Uncle Ben to be allowed back to Earth. Happy, alive, well. Return him unharmed and do not harm him once he’s free. Do you understand that? Can you…” a little more hesitantly, “...can you do that?”
Such things are child’s play. “Without lifting a finger, little one. Be assured. But what do I get for such an act of kindness?”
“It must be lonely,” Peter muses with faux-idleness, looking around the glittering palace. If he’s impressed by the millions of diamonds, he doesn’t show it. He looks clever and calculating. “All alone down here. No one to talk to.”
Tony bites. “You’re offering to stay?” He asks, just a little impressed. It’s not the first time someone has made the trade, but it’s been a long time.
“I am.”
Peter looks assured, like this is a deal he’s sure Tony will take and Tony- well, like he said. It’s not the first time. “This has been fun, little human,” he sighs, whistling, so two of his most deformed monsters, with too many bones at awkward angles appear and grab hold of Peter’s arms. “But I’m afraid I’ll pass. My friends here will see you out. And you’d best not come back if you know what’s good for you. Tell your friends about me.”
Peter yelps, struggling against the hold determinedly, his eyes wide as saucers. “What would you accept?” He screams in desperation.
Tony flies across the room and stops just before his face. Nose to nose, he looks deep into the whirlpool of the boy’s eyes, and sees his own face reflected back at him. “Letting me set the terms?” He growls, using a clawed nail to slice open the mortal garment that covers Peter’s chest. His torso is pretty just like his face. For now. The boy nods. So young. Barely a man. Tony’s lived for eons. “Human life is…far too short.” He says thoughtfully,  “I’d have a…companion in you for barely a blink of an eye.”
Peter frowns, “how can that be helped?”
“Oh, it can be helped.” Tony murmurs, and he lifts up his hand. In it, he conjures the glass vial full of ambrosia, and Peter stares at it in awe. “This is ambrosia, sweet boy.” He strokes his free hand through Peter’s hair and the two demons gibber excitedly like goblins. “One sip, you’re a god.” His fingers tickle down the boy’s throat, over to his chest and resting over his heart. “Mine not just for your life, but for eternity.”
The vial gleams and Tony presses it into Peter’s hand, stepping back and gesturing for the demons to release him. Peter slumps once he’s released, staggering to find his footing and staring at the vial in shock. “Eternity?” He breathes, “you want me for-“ he rapidly changes tactic. “One million years.” He offers.
Tony laughs, a full booming laugh, it’s been so long since he’s had one of those. “Very clever boy. I know how much you humans love an end in sight, but this is not that story. If you want your precious Uncle Ben to rejoin- your darling Aunt May, is it?” Peter’s eyes widen, and Tony smirks. “There’s nothing I don’t know,” he whispers. “When I want to know it. If I’d wanted to- I would have known when you found the door and how you made it through, but when you get to my age…” he chuckles, “a little surprise is a good thing, right guys?”
The demons chort and snuff.
“What happens if I drink the whole vial?” Peter asks, lifting it up curiously. He doesn’t sound upset. He’s considering it. The possibility of a companion- of a companion in his bounds- so beautiful, and only enhanced in beauty by the ambrosia has Tony desperately keen. His fingers seem to thrum with hope. What a human emotion.
“The more you drink, the faster it happens, that’s all.” The more painful it will be. “It’ll hurt less,” he whispers enticingly, because he wants to see the boy cry in pain.
Peter licks his lips and looks him right in the eye. “You’ll free Uncle Ben?”
Tony grins and draws a silver cross in the air. It twinkles and dissipates. “He’s already free.”
Peter pulls the cork, and downs the whole vial.
Tony and the beasts howl with glee.
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dirt-cup-draco · 6 years
Rick O'Connell x Reader
•Hey! I was wondering if you could write a rick O’Connell x sassy badass reader with 4 and 5 from the Drabble challenge list thanks xxx•
4. "I'm too sober for this" and 5. "I'm not here to make friends"
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Your head didnt just hurt. It ached and throbbed and did jumping jacks inside your skull. You'd heard a commotion from outside of your room and youd wanted to explore, a girl needed her beauty sleep and you really could not sleep with all that racket.
It was probably the rowdy half drunken men on this damn ship, you thought ruefully. Rolling your eyes you tied your robe tighter around you. If you found Colin maybe you could convince him to come to bed too. Selfish bastard though probably wouldnt come unless you offered something more than sleep in your bed and you weren't in the mood.
He was the reason you were on this boat on the first place but that didnt mean he had to be your favorite person. He was rich, youd been bored and he had loose lips when drunk. A trip to Egypt had sounded wondrous and hed been putty in your hands in the beginning.
Now you were just arm candy but a free trip was a free trip. You stepped onto the deck and immediately your eyes widened. People were jumping over the railings into the dark water and everything else was illuminated by the orange flames licking up the sides of the boat as all sorts of men fought one another and others you hadnt seen when youd boarded.
At the sound of gunshots your spine went rigid and you were running to the railing, eyes sweeping everywhere making sure you werent a target of some sort. A handsome man had the only other woman on this ship in his arms and you watched as he tossed her over the edge after asking if she could swim. He was next but when you thought about doing the same your stomach flipped.
You werent the biggest fan of leaping before you looked and even after you had looked you weren't sure jumping was a great idea. The water was dark, there could be wild animals in the water waiting for a meal, or what if you jumped in and the water was too shallow and you broke your legs.
To you these things were very prominent dangers but so was the fire at your back and the random gunfire. With a frustrated huff of air and one more look around to see if Colin was still there you haphazardly got your legs on either side of the railing.
You meant to swing your other one over and then launch yourself into the water below but your robe made for difficult moving and your left foot slipped the rest of you falling and going head first into the water after meeting the side the boat.
It disorientated you and you fought to right yourself especially in the water where you felt like you were floating and being pulled around at the same time. Flailing your arms you felt someone loop their arm around your waist and heaved you up into the open air. You sputtered, gasping for each inhale of hot air that you could get. The stranger dragged you to land as you struggled getting your hair out of your eyes.
They had kept their arm around you and you nearly shoved them away. "I'm not here to make friends," you say finally realizing it was the man from earlier who had tossed the other young woman into the water.
He gave you an incredulous look. "I just saved your damn life and that's what you have to say?"
Rolling your eyes you gathered your hair in your hands wringing out the excess water and then doing the same for your sopping clothes. "Oh did you want me to fall to the ground and kiss your feet?"
"Dont be ridiculous, a thank you would be nice though I couldve left you in there,"
You shrugged and turned your attention to the people across the river and there you saw your reason for being there. He was chatting with some other men and hadnt once looked around for you.
Rolling your eyes and hiding your wounded ego you pushed past the loud man and silent woman who had been joined by a bean pole of a human being.
....but that bean pole smelled like alcohol and you were a bit parched.
Tossing your arm over the new arrival's shoulder, as loud mouth shouted to a different man with big teeth across the river, you leaned in close.
"Got anything to drink?" He immediately shook his head but you spotted a satchel looped across his chest that seemed to hold a promising beverage. You peered around you and realized that for now you needed some people to stick close to and so even if you refused to speak to them with more than eye rolls and shrugs you followed them as they walked.
After too long you rubbed your eyes and looked to loud mouth, who was apparently named Rick. The silent woman was named Evy and she wasnt as mousy as youd believed, nor as silent. Bean pole was her brother and his name was Jonathon.
"Hey buddy how much longer until we find a hotel or something? Do you know where we're even going?" Rick gave you a once over at your questions and simply shrugged in reply. Bastard.
"I'm too sober for this," you decided as you rubbed at your eyes.
"Does drinking make you more pleasant? Because if so please be my guest and raid Jonathon's bag, but otherwise whining wont get you anywhere princess."
"You're the princess," you replied back like the genius you were. But your cheeks were colored pink and it wasnt from the sun that had kept you sweating since earlier that day.
Were you unpleasant? Is that why Colin was so quick to move on when he wasnt even sure where you were or if you were okay? You thought about it as you followed these people. You werent mean really you could be nice you just didnt hold back often and could you be blamed?
It was a man's world and the only way to get them to stop patronizing you was to have a sharp tongue. Youd rather be a bitch than some halfwit.
Lost in thought you hadnt realized that youd fallen behind some. It was even more surprising to see that Rick was now slowing his steps to match yours.
"Thank you," you said quickly as he came to walk beside you. He had saved your life and although your reply hadnt been terrible you supposed he did deserve some appreciation.
His arm came out to the side and ruffled your hair and you were almost disgusted by how the sand was shaken loose into a dust that seemed to lay on your skin. "No problem princess, would've done it for anyone,"
"Ha, except maybe that guy who pissed you off earlier, the one across the river."
"Oh I'll kill him but that's a different story."
You looked over the vast expanse of land and how much more you had to walk before you found a place to settle and smiled. "I think I have time for a story if you feel so inclined to tell it,"
The corner of his full lips quirked up and you felt a little bit better. Maybe this trip wouldnt be just a way to pass the time after all.
As long as Rick was your guide of course.
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Broken Mirrors
Author: Evil_Kingdom
Year: 2010
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vince/Richmond
Another Night, Another Bar...
Richmond takes a sip from his drink, some fruity dark red coloured drink, hell if he can remember what the name is. He takes a long gulp, shuttering at the after taste of alcohol. He thinks to himself what a weak man he is, far from what others he works with are like. Even Moss is stronger then him, and to everyone that says a lot.
But I thought you liked Moss?....
I do.
But you know he doesnt like you right?....
I know. No one likes me.
Oh dont be so hard on yourself Richie...
Shut up inner thought. Im tired of you being the only one to talk to.
He shakes his head, believing that maybe going out for a bit of air will be the solution to his problem. He gulped down the rest of his drink, places it carefully on the table, looks a round the room to see people giving him odd and funny looks
See? Maybe if you only dressed like them... maybe the would actually like you...
Not you too inner evil thought. Shut up
Richmond gives his head a big shake, then flattens out his long dark hair back into place. He then takes the steps through the crowd of people dancing irratically to the DJ with the toys up in the booth. He thinks to himself that maybe it was a bad day to come to the bar, a day when there is just too many people around. Not that he really minds that there are people around, it just isnt his type of people, so it makes for more awkward moments.
He instantly feels the cold air wrap around him as he pushes open the door. He cracks a small smile, feeling the comfort of a familiar friend
Hello Wind, nice to feel you again
He leans against the cold wall, closing his eyes for a brief moment, trying to collect all his thoughts and feelings.
Maybe I should just go home... Its not like im going to find anyone tonight.
Maybe you will never find anyone....
He lets out an exasperated cry, slamming his fits beside him into the wall. Tears start to gather in his eyes as he opens them, looking up into the shine of the moon,
It will be ok Richie, it will all work out soon....
Thanks moon, I can always count on you.
Im the Mooonnn....
Looking out onto the darkness of the streets, he sees gaggles of people, all sorts of people, dancing and being happy, drunk and laughing.
Why cant I be like them? Why cant I have some friends?
Richmond sighs again, standing up a bit straighter, rubbing the scratches on his hands.
No need to be sad anymore. Im better then this, I can get through this.
Being depressed just makes you a stereotypical goth Richie...
Thats right inner thought. And I'm not one to be stereotypical.
Pushing off from the wall, brushing his hands softly over his dark red velvet jacket, he gives himself a smile. Tomorrow will be a better night, tomorrow he will find someone to talk to.
Tomorrow tomorrow...
Richmond stares at himself in the mirror, checking every pore on his skin.
Perfect whiteness. Though I could lay off the sun a bit more, then it would be more perfect.
You know its fashionable to have a tan now a days Richie...
I know. But thats not who I am, I am a confident attractive young man.
Just keep telling yourself that....
Shut up inner evil thought. You cannot ruin my mood today. I am going to go out a meet someone. Just you watch me.
Giving himself a big smile, flashing his clean and white teeth, he applies the final stages of his eye makeup, adding a touch of black glitter to the corners of his eyes making his blue eyes sparkle.
Moving to the closet double doors he looks into rows of reds, deep purples and blues, hints of green, and rows upon rows of black. But at the very end, far back in the walk in closet, you can see a hint of his past, 3 normal suits still hang from bar, still unable to give away the last of the past.
He holds onto them thinking one day, one day, he may actually have the want to try them on, try on what he used to be, what it was like to be the cool guy, the guy with talent, friends, and a job that doesn't include staring at flashing buttons in the basement.
As he grabs his favourite creepers, a pair of black spiderweb socks, and a deep purple button up jacket, he sits on his bed and begins to hum a Cure song, one that he cant seem to get out of his head...
Oh please don't ask me who i am
Or when and where my life began
Or why i ended up like this or how
Standing up he brushes himself off and walks out into his hallway, out the front door, and on to the streets. Walking at a slow pace he watches the moon that sits high up into the night sky, surrounded by little stars, faint to see in the brightness of the cities lights. Continuing down the street, turning left, then making a right, he finds himself smack dab in the middle of bar and nightclub alley.
Now which one shall I pray upon tonight... hmmm decisions, decisions.
You make it sound as if you will have people just throwing themselves at you when you enter the doorway, you do know you will probably drink yourself stupid and wander home, just like every weekend.
Shut up inner evil thought. I told you. Tonight is my night. Tonight I will come home victorious. Gotta be confident, show them that Im a great person.
Richmond smiles to himself, confidence beaming through him like a flaming dagger sword from his heart.
And then he sees him.
The perfect figure of a man.
Gleaming black hair, shiny with product, perfect shape and placement
But not a goth.
Richmond gives a questionable look, heart beating faster in his chest.
Well he is a he...right?
That doesn't change anything, Im quite happy with any sexual preference. Not to say i'm not picky, but love is love you know, it doesn't have a gender.
For the first time in his life, his heart beats fast, quickens his pace, and jogs up to the club, slipping through the door, staring at the slight in front of him
Lights gleam from the ceiling, flooding the crowd with different colours, music loudly playing, but not loud enough to destroy eardrums. Not a bad selection of music, thankfully, Richmond hoping that there wouldnt be an idiot DJ tonight. He searches the club trying to find the man with the perfect hair... Bingo. Right next to the bar, sitting alone.
Here's my chance. Don't fuck it up.
He takes a deep breath, straightens out his clothes, fixes his hair, and makes a casual walk towards the bar.
“One cherry vodka sour please.”
He leans on the bar, trying to be casual and confident, thinking to himself that it probably doesn't look the case, but as long as he doesn't look ridiculous, its all that matters.
Well there he is Richie... go for it..
I will I will. Don't pressure me. You know what happens when I get pressured.
You get all clammy and your voice goes all squeaky and then people stare and laugh at you....
Thanks for the reminder asshole.
Richmond turns and glances towards the man. He makes eye contact, seeing full well the man beside him is staring. His face goes pink, but he can't look away...
“Can I help you? Are you starin' at me for a reason?” The dark haired man tilts his head
“Uhh... ummm... no, I was just looking over, sorry to bother you. I don't mean to make any trouble..”
Youre pathetic Richie. What happened to your confidence?...
“I don't mean to be mean, you don't have to get all defensive.” The man gives a small laugh,
“My name is Vince, Vince Noir, you probably heard about me, I am the king of Camden Town”
The man, Vince, flashes one of the most gorgeous smiles he's ever seen, his confidence clears.
“Umm no, sorry, I haven't heard about you...”
But I would love to..
Richie go for it. Give him something else to smile about....
“My name is Richmond, and I would love to find out why everyone knows you”
Richmond tries to give himself a confidence boost, giving a small cheeky smile, turning back to pay the bartender and grab his drink.
“Would you like a drink? My treat?” Richmond glances over Vince, seeing that he chooses the glam rock style, not something he is used to, but man does he make it look hot. He slowly gives him a once over, looking at his tight shiny shirt, trailing down to his black tight pants...
His eyes linger on his bulge, his perfectly pressed bulge against his pants, perfect...
“Oi mate, eyes up here, k love?” Vince flashes a coy smile, giving a small chuckle
He snaps out of his daze, face going red
“Im sorry, I didnt mean to, I mean I wasnt..”
if your face could get any redder, you would be a tomato.
“I'll take you up on your drink offer, a flirtini please, extra sour” Vince motions for him to take a seat beside him, giving him a cheeky grin.
He returns with drinks, placing his preferred drink in front of him, sliding into the booth beside him.
Now what are you going to do Richie? You cant just get him wasted you know
I know that... Im working on it.
“You alright mate? You arent the drug type are you?” Vince tilts his head towards Richmond, catching his eye, “You look a bit spaced out. I hope im not boring you or nothin”
“Oh no, no... no problem. Im just not used to someone being nice to me, usually I get brushed off quick and that is that” Richmond tries to smile it off, like its nothing.
Vince grins, his hand slowly creeping up Richmond's leg, stopping to grab his thigh. “Good. A pretty boy like you wanted to know about me, so heres how it starts”
Popping the cherry from his drink into his mouth he leans over, hand trailing down Richmond's thigh. His mouth getting ever so close, Richmond feeling his alcoholic breath push against his face, heart racing a mile a minute.
This is it. He is actually into me
Richmond leans forward, opening his mouth, tongue flicking forward hitting the cherry stem, before closing the gap with his lips..
Tonight be all i dream
There isn't any yesterday
Tomorrow starts a day away
This here and now with you is how
Always should always be
Here and now
With you
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just-homo-thingsxd · 5 years
Reconnection. Pt2 (Endeavor X Male Reader.)
You lived out your days working as a waiter/bartender at a fairly high end restuarant. The Hook, Brine, and Shimper. The charm you feigned and easy going attitude drew the attention of an interested restaurant owner. You obviously weren't known for being the strongest, but when it came to wits and cleverness you had that on lock easily as #1. Today was a work day as any other.
"(Y/N)!! I have great news!!"
The restaurant owner approached you rather quickly and very obviously excited.
"What is it boss?"
"I just got off the phone with the number 2 hero Endeavor and he's going to be coming by for our food. He didn't want to be mobbed or anything that's why he called ahead of time."
That knot you wish you didnt have to experience whenever you hear his name came back in full force. The owner noticed this as your face turned flushed a bit and your eyes fell to the floor.
"Are you alright? I know it's a lot to take in but you're my best waiter, and if he has a good time and recommends this place it would be amazing for business! Not to mention I'll throw in an extra for you since you would have to stay later. Hell, if you make him happy I'll kiss you man, anything you want."
Letting out a soft chuckle you did your best to fake a smile. Something that was too common.
"I-ill do it. I can't promise anything though. I've heard he's... difficult."
In his excitement he didn't notice the emphasis you put on difficult.
"Awesome! Thank you so, so much, it means a lot to me, (Y/N)."
As time drew closer you became more and more anxious. You kept trying to remind yourself. No matter what, be confident, and professional. If he brings up the past it's different. You must not, think of your boss, he's relying on you. Don't let him down.
Your boss stood outside when the bulking mass approached the building. He's so huge now. He was big at U.A, but now he's huge. His face hadn't changed much. He still had that same determinated gaze in his eyes.
"Welcome, Endeavor. I'm the one you spoke with on the phone. The restaurant owner, and this fella right here will be your server tonight. (Y/N) if you would."
"Hello, Mr. Todoroki. Welcome to the Hook, Brine, and Shrimper. The finest restaurant in the area. I hope you find your stay a pleasant one, and whatever you need please let me know if I can help you."
You did a bow and after a moment straightened yourself up. The look on his face was, different. He seemed he was happy, but who knows honestly. His expression softened at least.
"Thank you, (Y/N). I'm sure I'll enjoy this visit. I've heard only good things about this place, and about you. You're quite well known in this place."
"Well that's a relief. You humble me with your words, and I appreciate your kindness Mr. Todoroki."
"Please, Enji or Endeavor is fine."
"Of course, my apologies. Enji, if you'll follow me I will lead you to your seat."
He nodded and you turned and lead the way. Your nerves were so on edge. It felt to you, at least, like there was a lot of tension in the air. Who knows? Maybe he was completely oblivious and forgot about you. That would be better.
"Here you are."
You inclined your head towards the booth and he sat. Placing a menu on the table once he was comfortable.
"May I start you off with a drink?"
"A water is fine for now."
"Are you sure? It might evaporate before you even get to take a sip."
"Heh. You got that right."
"It'll be right out for you."
He took a look at the menu and you stepped away towards the soda fountain and was immediately approached by one of your nosy co-workers. Sarah propped herself up by her arms and chuckled
"Well, well. Look at you getting to serve the number 2 hero. Think he likes you?"
"Hah. You're funny. No, he doesn't. We have a history together. Not a good ending. I'm not even sure if he remembers me."
"Yeesh. I'm sorry to open up that wound. Still if you really want I could always take over."
"No. The boss entrusted this to me. I'll manage."
With that you filled up the glass with water and walked it back to Endeavor.
"Here you go, sorry about the wait. There was a line back there."
"It's no problem. Say, I have a question for you."
"What can I help you with?"
"Would you be willing to talk when you're off the clock? I.... wanted to apologize formally."
You took a step back and looked to the ground. So he did remember.... did he come here knowing that there was a chance you'd be working? He can apologize all he wants but he'll never understand the pain you've endured these years from him. Regardless. It might be the closure you need.
After a moment of thought. You looked to him and gave a faint smile.
"Sure, but more importantly. What can I get you to eat tonight? You're favorite food is Kuzumochi still, right?"
His eyes widened a bit as he smiled softly, and letting out a scoff.
"You still remember that, huh?"
"Of course I do we're.... we were classmates."
He looked down at the table, it almost seemed like he was sad.
"Yeah, we were."
"Any specific way you want it prepared, sir?"
"I'll take it as it comes."
"Sounds good, it'll be right out."
He didn't give a response, which was his way of ending a conversation. Without stalling you head back and told the chef what to prepare and who it was for.
When the same annoying employee grabbed at your shoulders.
"Seems you were speechless, what'd he say that was so wild? Give me the details."
"He wants to talk. After all this time. When I'm off the clock. I'm already here past what I was supposed to be. So that means.... soon."
She could tell you were quite uneasy about this. She was good at reading moods and people alike.
"You seem bothered. You said you had a history together. Wouldn't you be happy that he wants to reconnect?"
"It didnt end well. It's going to be the same now. He's too stubborn to change."
She took a step back.
"Once again, sorry for asking. I figured you just got in a little scrap and that was that but it seems a bit more involved. On your end primarily."
"What does that mean?"
You said jokingly
"You're the only one who's upset about reconnecting with him. If he didnt want to he wouldn't. You're the one that's bothered, so you're still hanging on to the past, right?"
Damn her. How could she be so perceptive?
"I never got any closure. Of course I'm still hanging on to the past."
"Then get it when you talk later. Simple as that."
With that said the food was ready to be served. You took it out to him and gracefully presented it to him while putting the plate down.
"Here you are, sir. Need another water? It seems half of it did evaporate."
"I suppose it did. Another one would be nice."
"Right away."
Filling another glass with water your back was flicked and there was Sarah.
"If you get laid let me know."
You covered your mouth and broke down to a whisper
"Why would you say that? whatever thought is in your head I need it to leave and visit the shadow realm. it doesn't belong on this earth."
"Someones a drama queen. Isn't he waiting for that water you've overfilled that's currently all over your hand?"
You got so distracted by what she said you didnt even notice it.
"I hate you."
"No you don't. I'll be waiting for the details."
Gah. Sometimes she's annoying.
After getting a new glass and drying your hand you brought it out to Endeavor.
"You sounded surprised, everything alright?"
Of course he heard that. Who didn't?
"Yeah, I'm sorry. My friend told me something loaded very abruptly. I was taken aback that's for sure. I hope you still enjoy your meal. Need anything else?"
"No thank you, I'm sure I'll enjoy this it looks amazing."
You stepped away and sat in the break room for a few minutes. Anxiety and sadness was growing as more time passed. After all this time he wants to talk now? Who does he think he is...? Tch. Whatever. You stood up and took a deep breath and marched back out there.
"How was it, Satisfactory?"
"Yes, very much so. It was all gone before I noticed."
"Hah, I see that."
"When are you off the clock?"
"Whenever you're finished. The boss asked me to stay for you."
"Really, and you did?"
"I didnt want to let him down. Besides. He offered me some extra money for staying."
"I..I see. Well I'm finished, so I'll head to the front and pay. Unless.. you wanted to walk together?"
"I need to grab my bag and keys but I'll be up there shortly."
He simply nodded and started towards the entrance. Shortly after you met him up there. The boss was also up there talking to him, he seemed happy at least. Endeavor caught you out of the corner of his eye and turned towards you.
"Are you ready?"
"Well sir, it's been a wonderful experience here. (Y/N) certainly made it better, so be sure to treat him well. He deserves it."
"Endeavor that's not-"
'Of course Endeavor I make sure all my staff are well taken care of, but by your request I will certainly pay extra attention to him.
"Then I will be sure to recommend this place to everyone that I know. Maybe even a public statement. I don't do those often."
"That would be wonderful! Thank you both so much. I'll see you around."
With that the owner stepped away and you were now left with Endeavor.
"You didnt have to say that to him, but I appreciate it."
"It's the least I can do, now, let's go. Follow me."
Endeavor lead the way outside to the car that would drive them. The driver was an older man with a fancy looking top hat. He took a step out of the vehicle and bowed slightly.
"So you're the company Mr. Todoroki has spoken so highly of. The one he wanted to make amen-"
"That's enough, I can do the explaining. I appreciate you being so open with your schedule. Leonard."
"Heheh, you act like I get much business these days. You treat me like royalty in comparison to others. Anyway, are you two lovebirds getting in?"
There was a silence as Endeavors flames soared up, he surprisingly remained silent with a bit lip. You were shocked and embarrassed, bashfully you got in the back behind the driver. Endeavor got in the back with you. It gave you a perspective of just how huge this man was. He took up one and quarter of a seat. You're sure that if he wasn't so tense it would be half of a seat.
"Would you be alright coming to my residence tonight? I can drop you off at your home later."
"Yeah, that's fine, Endeavor."
"Leonard, if you will."
"Yeah yeah, I heard ya two back there."
Maybe it was just you but that lovebird comment still felt up in the air. It felt very awkward at least on your end.
"So, Y/N, you single? You look like quite the catch."
The heat got a little more intense.
"What kind of question is that Leonard? Do you ask all your clients that?"
"I asked you and him didnt I? You're both quite reserved around each other eh?"
"Leonard, with all do respect. It's been years since we've seen each other. It's still shocking to see him again. I thought I never would, not in person at least."
You spoke the truth. There was no point in lying at this point.
"Ah I see. Maybe I jumped to conclusions, my apologies. We're only about 3 minutes away from the Todoroki estate so you won't deal with my nagging that much longer."
You got a slight chuckle from that. The heat had died down now, it seemed Endeavor had cooled off a bit.
The 3 minutes flew and before you knew it you were outside a very large, Japanese style home. It appeared to have two floors. It seemed quite excessive for only him. Though with how active of a hero he is it wouldn't be that surprising of the money he has. Of course he could love comfortably and how he wanted.
"Well this is your stop you two. Try not to have too much fun y'hear?"
You smiled and chuckled once again.
"Thank you Leonard, you're a very nice man."
"Thanks, Leonard."
"Yeah yeah, get outta my car now."
After you both got out Leonard drove off and now you were entirely alone with Endeavor. You turned to face him and looked into his eyes for a moment before speaking.
"Want to go inside and talk? No point in doing it out here."
"Mmm. Sure, if you could, leave your shoes at the door. You can wait for me in the main room, I'll make us some tea."
With a nod he walked off quickly. You obliged to his rule which you did yourself anyway. It saved carpets if you just took off your shoes at the door so you adopted that tradition. You kneeled down on the cushion in front of the table and finally let your body relax a bit. Your shoulders had become so stiff because of today.
Thinking back on it, today was crazy. You got a crazy offer from your boss, took the offer then had to cater for someone you hadn't seen in a long time and now you're in his house alone with him.
Needless to say you're a bit tense.
"Heres the tea, and I brought you something else."
He laid down the tea and held up a traditionalish kimono. He too had changed into one. It resembled more of a robe, but it was a bit more tight and revealing of the legs. A hybrid between the two it seemed. He switched out of his hero costume and without the tight clothing you could still see he was thick all over. His arm, chest, thighs, legs. Everything about him.
You caught yourself staring and quickly took it from him and stood up.
"I'd be honored! Where's your restroom?"
He pointed to a door on the right side of the room.
"Through there first door on the left. Help yourself to whatever you need."
"Thank you."
You quickly trotted off towards the rest room. Once you were clear and alone you quickly switched and did your best to calm down in the lower half. Those feelings tugged at you. You still weren't over what happened, but more importantly you still cared for him deeply. Your erection could've easily been caused by his body, but it felt more like your body was yearning for him. The more you stared the more feelings came back. The excitement you had from being friends with him and seeing him every day.. not that he cares.. nothings changed, he's just saying sorry for himself. But maybe that's what you need. To hear there's no possibility he'll be anything to you. Maybe the honest truth will help you move on.
The hybrid clothing was easy enough to get on, and after letting yourself settle and splashing your face with water you came back out. He was looking down at the table with the cup of tea in his hand. He looked over to you for a moment then back to the table.
"My apologies for making you wait. I'm quite tired so I had to splash my face a bit."
"That's alright. Are you sure you want to chat? I can just drop you off now if you'd like."
"Huh? Endeavor this was your idea. You said you wanted to apologize. After all these years I couldn't just say no to an old friend, could I?"
"Is that the only reason you came with me?"
"No. I want to have an end to our chapter. It's been on hiatus for far too long. Endeavor. I'll be frank, it still hurts me the way it left off."
"You're... still hurt by that? All this time I've been hurting you?"
You were taken by surprise at what he said. It made you stop and think for a moment.
"Yes. I have been. I wanted nothing more than a best friend Enji. I told you my home life and nobody would be around a weakling like me. I was all alone. You were my light at my darkest times. You had such drive and tenacity. It was infectious. It helped me when I needed it most."
He sat a for a moment and his tea began to bubble.
"I'm... awful. I didn't think I meant anything to you. I thought you just wanted to be my friend to use me.. it happened so often when I was younger.. people are evil, but you're not. I can't believe I turned you away. You were right, being personable was a huge part of being a hero. I was so blinded by my desire to be number 1 I ignored you. I was stupid to think with how things ended between us that I could just mend things with you with a 'I'm sorry.'"
"I wouldn't have come with you if I didnt want to mend things and lend go Enji. I'll always care for you. Though, it might take me awhile to actually forgive you. I understand your actions though."
"You'll always care for me? Do you even hear yourself.. I don't deserve your care."
"Well get used to it. My feelings of compassion towards you haven't gone away yet, and I doubt they will."
He placed down his cup of tea and stood up. He walked over to you and looked down. He lowered his head and shut his eyes.
"I know its sudden, but I feel things can change between us. I owe it to you, after all this time. Will you forgive me?"
You stood up and did what felt natural. You brought him into a tight hug. His body tensed up, but after a moment his large arms wrapped around you and his hands met your back. He rested his cheek on the side of your head.
"Of course I forgive you, but I still need time to process this, okay?"
"I understand. Thank you, Y/N for still being my friend."
"No problem, Enji, you're my best friend. That won't change easily."
"Best friend? Hmm.. I think that describes you perfectly."
With a smile and soft blush the pain that had eaten away at your heart subsided. The past is the past, it still hurts, but you knew with time and patience the pain would cease to be. You could finally be happy, you definitely were in his arms.
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