#no sims 4 pack's gameplay is a 10 but i thought it was up there as one of the best
tricoufamily · 2 months
i feel determined to enjoy this pack like surely I'M missing something right it's not THAT empty even by sims 4 standards right. i need the sugar daddy pop up where's the sugar daddy pop up
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
Mystical Legacy Challenge
This is a 10 generation legacy challenge inspired by SimsSavs Mystical Motherhood Series. The challenge will follow 10 generations of sims, 2 will be human and 8 will be considered “mystical” sims. A mystical sim involves all occult sims and sims that add gameplay to the Sims 4. Each generation will have a mystical heir that has goals that need to be completed in order for the generation to be considered completed. The mystical heir will also need to get a collectable to pass on to the next gen. This is a working document, meaning the rules can change as I play. If you want to see me play, I will be playing the series on my channel so I can get live feedback from you all! Here is the link to my channel, if you want to check it out: MaiaTheeSimmer. 
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****NOTE: You have to add NPCs to the household to have a kid with them. You can do so with cheats. Console players can make sims to represent NPCs if they can not be added to the family.*****
General Rules: 
You must start with a Young Adult sim 
You can only start with starting funds of 20,000 simoleons. The money generated can be kept over generations, you do not have to reset to 20,000 each generation. 
Aging can be set however you prefer, I will be playing with aging on normal. 
Your heir succession laws can follow any system you prefer. Common options are only one gender can be heir, eldest born will be heir, alternating gender heirs, and more. 
You can use any mods you wish as long as it does not provide an advantage 
You can change any generation based on your packs.
You must pass on the mystical collectible to the next mystical heir (more information below).
Optional: You can dress and name your sims reflecting the generation!
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You are the first generation and you are completely responsible for the curse placed on future generations. You visited the jungles of Selvadorada when you took a sacred relic that will curse you and your family for generations to come! The curse makes it so every generation must produce a mystical heir. The final generation will have to have all 10 mystical collectables to break the curse. You marry a human and have at least 1 human baby to conceal the curse. You will then have an affair and conceive the mystical heir which will be with a mermaid. No one will know about the affair except for the next mystical heir when they become a teen. You want to make up for your wrongdoing by becoming the best parent, knitting creations for your family, and volunteering together. 
Mystical Collectable: 
1 jungle relic collected from Selvadorada  
Traits: Paranoid and Perfectionist 
Job: any freelancer career 
Travel to Selvadorada and retrieve one jungle relic and activate the relic (you must keep this to give to the next heir) 
Complete Super Parent aspiration
Master parenting and knitting skill 
Marry a human and have at least one child with them
Have one mermaid child through an affair.
Your human children age up with 3 positive character values and the mermaid child at least 1 negative character value
Volunteer as a family 3 times
Have a pristine reputation by the time you become an elder
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You always had a love for water but never knew why. You thought you had a perfect life until you found out you’re a mermaids kid! You end up resenting generation 1 heir and move to Sulani as a teenager. There you fall in love with the island, and appreciate all things surrounding being a mermaid. You take on the role of cleaning up the island and join the conservationist career. Though you are not perfect, you want to give your mystical heir a wonderful childhood. Your love for nature leads you to meeting Patchy. You never marry but have 3 kids with them. 
Mystical Collectable: 
1"Ordinary" Conch Shell
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Green fiend
Age up to a young adult with one negative character value 
Have at least 3 kids with Patchy but never marry
Move to Sulani as a teenager and live there for the rest of your life
Despise generation 1 mystical heir at least until young adulthood 
Become best friends with a mermaid
Master the fitness skill and logic skill
Reach level 10 of the conservationist career (marine biology branch)
Complete Beach Life aspiration
Complete the seashell collection
What to do if your child isn't a mermaid?
This is the only occult generation that being an occult is not required. The mermaid generation just requires a mermaid parent. If you want the heir to be a mermaid you can use in-game or cheats to achieve it. Using cheats to change the sim into a mermaid does not break challenge rules because becoming a mermaid is not a goal for the generation. 
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You grew up spending most of your time outside. You always loved collecting things you found on the beaches of Sulani growing up. Your parents were never official and it has caused you to be noncommittal. You also pick up a love for the outdoors that your parents shared. You are never satisfied with love except for your love for flowers and gardening. Your love for flowers leads you to having a single baby with a flower bunny.  Though you do not commit to the flower bunny or a job, you still love your child and want to teach them about the great outdoors and all that you learned in your time as a scout. Your lack of commitment makes you avoid getting connected to material items and prefer to find things in the dumpster. 
Mystical Collectable: 
Elixir of fertility 
Traits: Loves the outdoors, noncommittal, freegan
Earn at least 5 scout badges as a child and teen
Have 1 child with the flower bunny OR one werewolf (choose one for generation 4)
Max gardening and herbalism skill
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration
Live in a tiny home with simple living your entire Young Adult life 
Marry the Hermit in Granite falls as an elder
You can only make money through gardening (optional: you are only allowed 10 plants on your lot at a time), part-time jobs, odd jobs or finding items to sell on the yard-sale table
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Your childhood was very lonely but you loved spending time outdoors. You fall in love with flower arrangements. You love celebrating Flower Day and your lack of siblings made you appreciate animals more as they were your only companions growing up. It leads you to opening your own veterinary practice. You seem to have your life all together but you have a dark side, you are intrigued by vampires. You try hard to live a “normal” life and even become engaged to a human. You end up meeting a vampire and fall in love. You and your vampire spouse have a big family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
A rare decorative egg 
Traits: animal enthusiast, cheerful, cat/dog lover (you choose!)
Achieve country caretaker aspiration OR friend of animals
Receive bunny of excellence award as a kid
Befriend a bunny
Master veterinary skill and flower arranging skill 
Break off an engagement with a human
Marry a vampire and have children with them. (note: next heir MUST be a vampire)
Have a 5 star veterinary practice 
Complete Decorative Egg collection
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Your childhood was very lonely but you loved spending time outdoors. Your lack of siblings made you appreciate animals more as they were your only companions growing up. I mean you really appreciate them and it seems like you can connect with them. It leads you to opening your own veterinary practice. You want to have a sense of family so you join a pack, finally a family. You seem to have your life all together but you have a dark side, you are intrigued by vampires. You try hard to live a “normal” life and even become engaged to a werewolf from your pack. You end up meeting a vampire and fall in love. You leave your pack and decide to start one with your one true love. You and your vampire spouse have a big family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
(in progress)
Traits: animal enthusiast, cheerful, cat/dog lover (you choose!)
Achieve one werewolf aspiration
Reach level 5 Apex on werewolf skill tree
Become leader of a pack and leave the pack
Master veterinary skill 
Break off an engagement with a werewolf from your pack
Marry a vampire and have children with them. (note: next heir MUST be a vampire)
Always have a pet in your house
Have and open a veterinary practice in adulthood 
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You always hated that everyone around you was so happy. When you enter the room, people are terrified.You always perform mischievous interactions on your family. Your troubled childhood led you to a life of crime. You always wanted to be proud of your vampire heritage and you wanted to turn as many sims as possible. When you realize you have to fulfill the curse, you find a sim that hates cheer almost as much as you. You produce your heir with the tragic clown. 
Mystical Collectable:
 Ultimate Vampire Tome
Traits: Evil, Art Lover, Ambitious
Complete the Master Vampire and Vampire Family Aspiration 
Max the mischief and painting skill
Become a master vampire 
Have children with the Tragic Clown
Join the criminal career for all of young adulthood, you can change your career as an adult
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Your life was full of sadness and chaos. You always wanted to make people laugh growing up but all you want now is stability, or that’s what you think. You move far away from home to pursue a life of law and try to get rid of your childish ways. One day you look up to the stars and realize that that’s what you want to be! You join the entertainment world and become a celebrity! You end up with an alien and enjoy your life in Del Sol Valley. You love going bowling with your friends and family.
Mystical Collectable:
Starlight Accolade 
Traits: Goofball, Childish, Self-Absorbed
Complete the Jokestar Aspiration
Reach level 3 of the law career, quit, and then reach level 10 of the entertainment career (Comedian Branch)
Become at least a 3 star celebrity 
Live in 3 different worlds (the last will be Del Sol Valley)
Max the Comedy skill and Bowling skill
Win a starlight accolade
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You have a hard time connecting with humans. You don’t make many friends and instead always have your head in books. You may be a genius but you can’t excel in human school. You instead rather focus on tinkering in the garage. You have a hard time staying at a job and keeping friends. You decide to build a robot and they become your closest friend. Though you have trouble saying how you feel, you seem to touch people with your singing. You love singing songs on human holidays. You may seem out of touch with the world but you still love your children, you just don’t know how to show it!
Mystical Collectable:
Traits: Genius, hates children, proper 
Complete the Renaissance aspiration 
Fail out of university
Master the robotics and singing skill
Make and befriend a servo
Have twins with Father Winter. 
Add 3 made up holidays to the calendar 
Go all out for every holiday
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You had a loveless childhood but you still want to be a good friend to the world. You look up to your father so much and love to make things for others. If it involves using your hands you love to do it! You end up opening a business selling your goods. Just like your father you love traveling the world and anything with cold weather. People say it’s magical how your father manages to give a gift to every sim in the world, no wonder you fall in love with a spellcaster!
Mystical Collectable: 
A rare snow globe
Traits: Foodie, family oriented, adventurous 
Complete the friend of the world aspiration
Master the baking skill and snowboarding OR skiing skill (choose one)
Own a 4 star business 
Go on at least 3 vacations in your life 
Complete the snow globe collection
Marry and have children with a spellcaster (next heir must be a spellcaster)
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You always had an easy life, when you wanted something you could just use magic. You have a hard time taking your responsibilities seriously. You love to host parties and make potions, I mean drinks! Your children are not always happy at the parties you throw but you enjoy a good time and want to party forever.
Mystical Collectable: 
(in progress)
Traits: Outgoing, insider, dance machine 
Complete Party Animal Aspiration
Master the charisma and mixology skill 
Learn all practical spells
Have children with 4 different humans (next heir must be human)
Have a club with at least 5 club perks 
Make and drink potion of immortality 
Become a mixologist 
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You grow up hating being a mystical sim. You just want to be rid of the curse that started it all. You spend your time studying artifacts, hoping to find the way to end the curse. Once you study an artifact, you write it down. You are such a workaholic and your ultimate goal of ending the curse keeps you from love. Will you work through your pain through writing? Or would you let it consume you? 
Mystical Collectable:
Traits: bookworm, unflirty 
Career: Writer or Education Career (professor branch)
Write 9 nonfiction books and 1 autobiography. The 9 nonfiction books must be dedicated to each previous generation. The autobiography must be about your sim and can not be written until an elder. Get creative!
Master the writing and archeology skill
Have a best friend that you begin to have romance with as an adult. Decide if you want to continue the relationship before elder hood. 
Have the workaholic lifestyle 
Travel to Selvadorado 3 times 
Curse is broken when all 10 books are published and all generation rules are complete 
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Have fun!
You can change/remove any rules to suit your playstyle
Use the hashtag #mysticallegacychallenge so I can see your creations.
This is a work in progress, everything subject to change!
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uslessnoahtall · 15 days
Villainous Legacy Challenge
So I’ve played the Disney Legacy challenge, and I had so much fun, but recently I was thinking, wouldn’t it be cool to play with the villains? And then I got excited about that and decided not only to make a villainous legacy challenge but to include villains from all kinds of media. Some of the generations aren't technically villains, but I thought they counted enough. I also didn't want to make it so that every gen was evil and a criminal and just tried to base each generation on a villain the best I could.
Basic Rules:
Finish aspiration
Reach level ten of career unless specified otherwise.
Cheats are allowed but try not to use them they make gameplay less fun
Reach level 10 of each generations set of skills
I did my best to make this as Base Game compatible as possible, if you’re missing some packs and I didn’t offer an alternative just pick your own or skip it.
Heir can be any gender unless specified.
For Ben 1, you can choose to start as a child, so story purposes, or just create them as a young adult :)
Generation 1: The Evil Queen (Snow White)
Growing up, you always felt like your siblings were favoured over you. They were prettier than you, and smarter than you, and your parents always seemed to love them more than you. All you wanted was to be the rarest of them all, and if your parents weren’t going to love you, you were going to make sure everyone else did.
Colours: Purple
Traits: Jealous, Hot-Headed, Self-Absorbed 
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity 
Career: Actor or Social Media 
Skills: Acting, Charisma, and Romance (BG: Comedy)
Have a bad relationship with your whole family 
Get married halfway through your career
Have one child
Get divorced after the baby ages up to a child (your partner loved your child more than you)
Max your career 
Have a negative relationship with your child (People seem to like them more than you)
Generation 2: The Joker (Bat-Man)
You grew up with your mom, who was so busy pampering herself, that she barely paid attention to you. All you wanted was to prove yourself to you mom, and became almost as vain as her in the process, and far smarter. You joined the scientist career in an attempt to make her proud, After a horrific incident, that disfigured your face and body, and drove you a little mad, you switched careers. You couldn’t make your mom happy, but maybe you could make others happy.
Colours: Green
Traits: Gloomy, Self-Absorbed, Erratic
Aspiration: Joke Star
Career: Scientist and Entertainer 
Skills: Comedy and Mischief 
Start in the Scientist career but switch to Entertainer halfway through adulthood
Marry another Erratic sim
Max Entertainer Career (Comedy)
Complete aspiration 
Have two kids
Generation 3: Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)
Your parents were a little crazy, but you and your sister were so close that their weird antics didn’t bother you. The two of you were very different, you kept your nose in books and she flourished in social settings. You guys were as close as can be, until her untimely death days before Young Adulthood. You were distraught by her death, and tried to find someone to replace her throughout your whole life. All you had to remuer her was a pair of shoes she wore. You also started dedicating all your books to her, she was your muse. 
Colours: Red
Traits: Gloomy, Squeamish, Book Worm 
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Writer
Skills: Writing and Logic 
Be best friends with your sister until she dies
Write books to remember her by
Get married but don’t have kids, adopt a baby
Mourn your sister once a week
Max career 
Complete aspiration
Generation 4: Loki (Marvel)
You were adopted into a very loving home, and had everything you wanted growing up, but you wanted more. As you got older, you realized you needed more than your parents could give you, you wanted the world. 
Colours: Gold
Traits: Ambitious, Perfectionist, Insider
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Politician
Skills: Mischief and Charisma 
Max Political Career
Don’t get married until late in life
Try and marry someone as ambitious as you, you think ambition is attractive as long as it’s not competition 
Optional: Marry someone on an opposing political side
Have as many kids as you want, be strict with them
Finish Aspiration
Generation 5: Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Your parent was super ambitious, and always pushed you to be the same, to follow in their footsteps, but you never wanted to. You always dreamed of being somewhere else, far far away, maybe even on a different planet. As you got older, your parent pushed you into university, saying they’d pay for it in full. Little did they know you were planning on going somewhere even better.
Colours: Black
Traits: Loner, Genius, Hot Headed
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Astronaut
Skills: Handiness and Rocket Science (or Robotics) 
Have a tense dynamic with your parents
Go to university and get good grades
Go to space as soon as you can
Marry someone who you initially have a bad relationship with
Have three kids
Max Astronaut Career
Finish Aspiration
Generation 6: Mordu (Brave)
It drove you crazy how distant your parent was, it seemed like they cared more about outer space than their own family. You and your siblings were thick as thieves, but you always felt like you were better than them, stronger and more ambitious. Once you become a young adult, you go to Moonwood Mill, because you heard the people there had the ability to give you new power. This backfired, but you took it pretty well, all you wanted now was to be the strongest leader of a pack.
Colours: Grey/Brown
Traits: Self Assured, Active, Slob
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade
Career: None
Skills: Handiness and Fitness
Fight with your siblings before you move out (cutting ties)
Become a werewolf 
Become a pack leader
Have a kid somehow (you can get married, or adopt, or have a science baby, whatever you want)
Make money through woodworking and odd jobs
Defeat Greg in a battle 
Complete Aspiration 
Generation 7: Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)
You parent was a monster in your eyes, who wants a werewolf as their caretaker? You grew up scared of their outrage and desperate for friends. Once you were old enough, you ran away to the city and built your life up from the ground up, it seemed like the perfect place to make a fashionable career, even if not everyone agreed with your design styles. You had a soft spot for animals, dogs specifically, and they proved to be the best friends you could have asked for. 
Colours: Black/White
Traits: Dog Lover, Creative, Snob
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals 
Career: Style Influencer
Skills: Painting, Pet Training 
Have at least 3 dogs
Marry another snob
Max Career 
Complete Aspiration
Do a dog show at least once a week (Or obstacle course or whatever it is)
Have one kid
Live in a very large house
Generation 8: Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
The way your parents raised you caused you to be quite the snobby little kid. You were raised in the finest house, with the nicest clothes and had everything at your fingertips. Yes your parents were mean to you sometimes, and strict, and made your life a little hard, but only because they wanted you to succeed, right? Social status became really important to you as you got older, but eventually you realize that maybe, being the best isn’t everything? Maybe you could help others, instead of lead them, and maybe, your rival wasn’t so bad after all. 
Colours: Silver or Dark Green
Traits: Gloomy, Snob, Outgoing
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Lawyer and Teacher
Skills: Logic and Research and Debate
Max Career (Professor)
Have a rival as a child, marry them as an adult  
Have a good relationship with your kids
Create a club based on msicheif and mean interactions
Start the Lawyer Career but switch to Teaching towards the end of your Young Adulthood
Break up the club once you stick careers, and don’t speak to any of the members afterwards
Generation 9: Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
As a kid, you’d heard all about your parents complex relationship with each other, as well as what kind of person your parent was when they were young. You didn’t want to be like them, you wanted to be a really good person and settle down with your ideal partner, unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. After your partner cheats on you (you’re not officially together, you just love them), you decide to raise your kid on your own, you’re better off that way. 
Colours: Light Green or Purple 
Traits: Jealous, Evil, Art Lover
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal (Boss)
Skills: Mischief and Charisma
Be a good kid, listen to your parents and be kind to everyone
Get your heart broken as a young adult
Get pregnant by the sim who broke your heart, don’t tell them
Start out making money as a painter, but join the Criminal Career after your kid is born
Don’t have any friends
Max Career
Max Aspiration
Generation 10: Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
Your mom taught you that you could be anything you wanted in the world, that your life was in your power and not to let anyone dull your spark. You loved music more than anything, and dreamed of being a professional singer. You moved out to the islands once you got older, thinking it would be good for you to live out on the beach, in the fresh air, that is until some red haired girl tries to be your friend. She annoys you more than anyone you’ve ever met, and all you want is to ruin her life, and live yours in peace. 
Colours: Blue
Traits: Music Lover, Loves Outdoors, Child of the Islands
Aspiration: Musical Genius 
Career: Entertainer, Musician Branch
Skills: Singing, Piano, and Guitar
Max Career
Complete aspiration
Fight with your neighbours and get mad when people try and come to your house
(Optional Mermaid Occult)
Throw a party once a week and invite a select few people, be the entertainer 
Physically fight with one of your neighbours
I think thats it!! Have fun, share your sims with me, and just keep swimming :)
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d4isywhims · 1 year
sims tag game!!
i was tagged by these lovely people @seokolat @pxeltownie @mdmszee @moonriesims @magpiesims @oasivy @tbeanie-sims !! <3 lots of love to you!!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? death by vending machine just because that's the only "unique" sim death i've gotten so far lol (it happened to mawar btw but i immediately quit the game bc of obvious reasons)
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? i'm personally a maxis mix girl but i loveeeee looking at sims with alpha cc
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? nope :)
4. Do you use move objects? yes. i would not be able to survive without it
5. Favorite mod? bed cuddle mod my beloved <3 no but in all seriousness, mccc and iu cheats are a gamechanger! i also love a bunch of adeepindigo's mods
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? get to work ;)
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? live as in aLIVE :)
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? aww just one? :( i have so many! priya, kohana, harlow, jae!!!, hunter and sooooooo much more. but if i have to choose one i'd say my favourite is probably harlow because i based her off of savannah smith and she is gorggggg (both savannah and harlow!)
9. Have you made a simself? yeap
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? foodie for sure, umm maybe creative and dog lover :D
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? the ash brown swatch? the one hunter's hair colour is in
12. Favorite EA hair? i don't knowwww 😭 i mostly use cc hair yikes
13. Favorite life stage? young adult! i get to do so much :D
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? both i think? but if i had to pick a side, i'd say that i'm more of a gameplay person in ts4 :) i'm an avid builder in ts3 tho hehe i’ve always loved the building aspect of the sims and i loveee watching speed build vids on youtube
15. Are you a CC creator? i wish! but unfortunately i’m not :(
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? i like to think we're all friends here so i'm going to say yes! i've met sooo many amazing simmers on here and i intend on making more :D
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) i’ll say ts3 just for the nostalgia :’) but ts4 is pretty good too minus the bugs lmao
18. Do you have any sims merch? do knockoff plumbob headbands count? :p
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? i do actually lol my yt username is still d4isy-nukes but i currenty have no vids up.......YET
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? when i first started playing the sims, i was obsessed with making the "perfect" sims with "perfect" lives and would aaalways cheat away negative moodlets or never give them "negative" traits ykwim? but now i just go with the flow at whatever the game throws at me lol it's much fun that way :D also it helps to not stress about the things in game too much, it takes the fun out of it :p
21. What’s your Origin ID? same as my tumblr name!
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? oof i can't name just one 😭 @littlbowbub @oni28 are my go-tos for food cc! @simstrouble @johnnysimmer are also very cool! idk man i feel like if i list all my fav cc creators it would be never ending lol
23. How long have you had a simblr? ohh omg i think i made this account somewhere mid-2021? not sure tho but i've only started being active earlier this year :) and hopefully for the years to come!
24. How do you edit your pictures? i use photoshop! i don't do much besides adjusting the brightness, cropping the pics and run a few actions. if i'm feeling fancy i'll add a moodlet/thought bubble or text :) gshade basically carries my editing process atp lol
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? give me hotels/resorts!!!! but ngl it's probably going to be buggy af tho lmao
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? cottage living AND seasons. i canot live without seasons
i know for a fact that a bunch of my moots have done this tag already so i'll be tagging whoever sees this lol
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cinamun · 1 year
TAGGED by @simmerstellar ! Thanks friend!
Come get to know me y'all!
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I haven't had a sim die from anything other than old age in a HOT minute but I saw a LP and the murphy bed death seems so unecessarily violent lmfao.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? BOTH! I consider my style Maxis Mix. We love a nice combo of both.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Not anymore but at one point I had to. Let me explain: I don't know if it was a glitch but like after every meal with grannie's cookbook, Indya would gain weight instantly. Didn't happen with anyone else (although everyone else are athletes of some sort). She's always and forever thick but something was definitely up with the food mods I was using. Anyway, we're good now since I'm not playing her HH exclusively anymore.
4. Do you use move objects? Absolutely. Its too restrictive! Gotta play test when I do though because routing errors make me irrationally angry.
5. Favorite mod? Wickedwhims. I don't care! If I want my sims to get freak-nasty I have a blog for that and WW never fumbles. If I want them to do cute little intimate things, WW is there. If you don't like the smut, I feel bad for you son.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I've gotten pretty much ever iteration of this game except for almost all of the kits and the star wars pack.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? ALIVE. I don't understand the other one honestly lol. We're going LIVE as soon as I press play so....
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Obvs Indya Drake!
9. Have you made a simself? Yes! But she needs help lol I'm not good at that at all so there's a resemblance but she doesn't really look like me. When I do gameplay with her I say she's my "sorta-kinda self sim" lol
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? gloomy, neat, loner, romantic
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Black but like BLACK Black, not the BLUE Black lol.
12. Favorite EA hair? All of the afro textured ones.
13. Favorite life stage? Young adults.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Gameplay mostly stories but I love to decorate!
15. Are you a CC creator? I will recolor the shit out of something! That's about it lol
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? All my mutuals and anyone who reads my story! #Squad
17. What’s your favorite game? The Sims 4 is the only game I play. Don't @ me.
18. Do you have any sims merch? Nope.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope, but I have been asked to make a channel and got that far at least. No videos lol.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? If anything, less alpha and more maxis match.
21. What’s your Origin ID? [redacted]
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? All of the ones that do it for FREE and for the love of the game. I donate too because I understand its not easy, but also not worth a month long paywall or conveniently forgetting to publicly release something.
23. How long have you had a simblr? 2015 are my earliest posts I think.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Gshade and Photoshop Elements 2020
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Cottage Living is the goat IMO even though I don't play it much anymore. I do very much enjoy Island Living and Growing Together will round out a nice top 3.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I haven't really thought about it. I just figure the sims 4 is nearing the end of its era and we're gonna start hearing about project rene more and more.
oh! tagging @shesthespinstersimmer @bridgeportbritt @iplaysims4 @beebeesiims @thegloomiestwhim @hazelminesims @therichantsim @omgkayplays @softerhaze @crsentfairy
please ignore if you don't do these or already did this!
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kayleigh-83 · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @eulaliasims
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Never thought about having a favourite, maybe the cowplant? Or maybe when death results from something usually mundane like hail or lightning (I’ve had that one).
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Mainly Maxis match, but I think of my style as like 90% MM and 10% semi-realistic (more on the BB side) because I do find the occasional thing that fits in with my style from that aesthetic. And I feel like my style is somewhere between the true Maxis match and the cartoony style.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No? Seems odd!
4. Do you use move objects? Constantly, it’s on more than it’s off. I have an alias set up in my cheat file.
5. Favorite mod? Wow that’s a hard one to narrow down, so I’m gonna choose a few. Based on what has the biggest and most widespread effects, I’d say ACR, Community Lot time, and the whole Traits system (that’s cheating since it’s a million mods but I don’t care lol)
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Would have been the very first pack, so University I guess! When the games came out I was living at home still and my mom played too, so we always got them relatively soon. Uni came out a month or so before my birthday so I suspect I probably got it as a gift that year.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? LIVE as in LIVING, @eulaliasims is 1000% correct.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? So not counting born in game? Sort of a tie but I’ve always been very fond of Joshua and Roxanne Lewis, they were two of Brightmaple’s founders - the first ones I thought up, and first ones I created.
9. Have you made a simself? Yes, in my old neighbourhood, I was a vampire along with the Sim version of my cousin. We lived in a huge Victorian mansion I built where I sent all the vampires in the hood to live.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Brooding, couch potato, good, loves the heat, hopeless romantic
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Don’t really have one I guess.
12. Favorite EA hair? Also don’t really have one lol.
13. Favorite life stage? Probably adult because the most happens, but I also really enjoy toddler which is a hot take in most circles.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Both! The building is fun and a creative outlet for me, but I do it so I can create more immersive and enjoyable worlds to play in too.
15. Are you a CC creator? Yes but on and off, I do it purely for fun and primarily for things I want in my game. So I take long breaks of making nothing at all, when I’m not in the mood.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I wouldn’t really say so? I do chat with people from time to time and have lots of great acquaintances on here! I find it to be a generally very nice community. But I usually find online friendship difficult since I find it harder to read people purely through text with no baseline for knowing them irl, for things like tone of voice/mannerisms/body language and just general vibe.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) Well I think it’s pretty obvious TS2 has ruined all other games for me (not just other Sims games either).
18. Do you have any sims merch? nope
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Actually yes! For speed builds.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? Gotten more Maxis match in terms of aesthetic, if you scroll back to like, pre-2017 on my blog you can see that for sure. For play style it’s a lot more structured - pure rotational so ages sync, more wants based, paying a lot more attention to their personalities etc.
21. What’s your Origin ID? I’ve been playing with either the RPC Launcher or a no-CD crack since the day I switched to the UC, so although I do have an Origin ID I’ve literally used it probably twice ever. So no idea!
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? There’s too many to pick!
23. How long have you had a simblr? My very first Simblr post was July 31, 2016. Before that I had a bit of a hiatus from playing for a few years, and before that I was on Livejournal/Dreamwidth.
24. How do you edit your pictures? My photo editing program (PSP8) is literally from the era of TS2 itself, which seems appropriate. It’s always worked perfectly well for me - I downloaded Photoshop a couple times but always found doing the same actions clunky and unfamiliar, so I stick with what I know. I adjust curves, saturation, and add a very slight (probably imperceptible) bloom effect. Then I crop in, and I resize by width - meaning my pics are always the same width, but the height varies slightly. I prioritize getting everything into the frame that I want, and don’t really care if the heights are different.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? If I were making up hypothetical TS2 EP’s? I wouldn’t have minded something like Superstar from the Sims 1, having my Sims become famous (if it was done more like OFB/hands on style rather than “off to work in a carpool for the day” style) would have been pretty fun.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? That’s really tough to pick. Probably Seasons (such world building!), Freetime (the hobbies system adds so much depth for me!) or Open For Business (my whole hood has no EA careers and only businesses sooo...) or Pets?? I love my Sims having pets. They’re all so good!
I’m seeing this going around, so please allow me to tag @you if you haven’t been yet and wanna do this!
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simbico · 1 year
Sims Get To Know Me
Tagged by @damseljamsel @simsdastra 💜  (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
I put it under a cut because it’s quite long. I didn’t know who to tag because I’m so late to posting this with everything that has been going on. 
What’s your favorite sims death? I never thought of this one... Maybe death by pufferfish nigiri because the ghost has a little pufferfish floating inside them and I think that’s cute because I really like puffer fish (not to eat). I’d love to have a little puffer fish buddy with me in the afterlife.
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch? I lean towards MaxisMatch most in my game but I don’t mind the aesthetic of alpha either. There’s some nice alpha stuff out there.
Do you cheat your sims weight? I have only because no matter what I do, toddlers living on the long lifespan always gain a lot of weight (the calorie system in the game is kinda weird) but outside of that I haven’t (although I never adjusted Fern’s weight when she aged up because I just decided not to for no reason whatsoever).
Do you move objects? Yep! I could not live without it in Sims 4.
Favorite Mod? I don’t have one favorite mod so naming one is difficult. I could not enjoy this game without the majority of mods I have. More Traits In CAS is one of my faves because having those extra traits through the life stages has helped create some depth to my sims’ personalities, at least in my mind. It’s helped to keep my interest in playing longer than a few months.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I bought everything in the order it came out for Sims 1, 2, and 3. For Sims 4 (iirc): Get To Work/Outdoor Retreat/Perfect Patio
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? It’s a tie between Hector and Sophie. (Most of my faves have been born in-game)
Have you made a simself? Yep! Back when it was still just the CAS demo. I don’t have her around anymore though.
Which Sim traits do you give yourself? Social Awkward, Cat Lover, Creative, probably Gloomy too if I’m honest.😅 (But I don’t show that side of me to others, a lot of people think I’m Cheerful. lol)
Which is your favorite EA hair color? That light brown shade that was added around when Snowy Escape came out.
Favorite EA hair? I don’t think I have one.... I have some I don’t care for... I just like that there’s finally a variety of hair types/styles that aren’t just straight hair.
Favorite life stage? I don’t think I have one... I have the most fun when I have a variety of life stages to play (although it can feel overwhelming sometimes).
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Gameplay. I don’t mind building in Sims 4 but it’s rare when I’m having a good time doing it.
Are you a CC creator? Nope. I tried to recolour the kids’ bicycles and gave up. lol I might try again but I need the time and focus to do it.
Do you have any simblr friends/ a sim squad? I guess it depends on how those are defined since people define them differently. I do know a lot of really awesome people on here who I enjoy interacting with though. 🙂
What’s your favorite game? Right now it flips between Sims 4 and Genshin Impact. Used to also be Overwatch, which I still enjoy on occasion, but not as much as I used to.
Do you have any sims merch? Nope.
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope. I have the charisma of a wilted lettuce.
How has your « sims style » changed throughout your years of playing? I went from creating haunted houses in TS1 to playing legacy style in Sims 2 and beyond (and creating a haunted house by more ethical means). I only ever managed to finish one legacy family to 10 generations and that family will forever be lost somewhere on Live Journal as it should be. (I have a picture chart of all their faces though.)
What’s your origin id? Simbico but I don’t have anything worth looking at on there. It’s usually for my own backups.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? It’s hard because I have so many I like and not just one favorite. 😭 But RavenSim is one of my many favorites because their hair helps make my sims’ infants/toddlers/kids even cuter!
How long have you had simblr? According to my first Sims 3 post, at least since 2011 but I did abandon it for a long time. I was so happy seeing some familiar simblrs still posting when I came back. 😊
How do you edit your pictures? I used to use Photoshop but now I just use Reshade. I use a really old version of Photoshop from 2012 for cropping and stuff but I tend to not do much more than that. I don’t have the time with the amount of pictures I take. lol
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? TS1 - Makin’ Magic | TS2 - Open For Business | TS3 - Pets | TS4 - Growing Together, maybe tied with Country Living (the EP that kept bringing me back).
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The Sims 4 Aesthetically Challenge
This is a 10-generation family challenge with every generation having a different aesthetic and color! I have worked hard on this challenge and I hope that you enjoy it!
Overall Rules:
No cheats besides a start-of-game free real estate cheat.
If you wish to age a sim up before their birthday they must be either an A student or level 3 on all skills for toddlers, infants must have all movement milestones to age up early.
You must complete all challenges to consider the generation done, if you do not - you have failed that generation. Feel free to start it over again with their kid to continue gameplay!
Only have the base game but still want to play? No worries! Anywhere you see BGO is a label indicating the switch of a trait or other aspect that is in a pack being switched out for something in the base game. You can ignore any likes/dislikes you do not have, they are just a bonus for fun! If I missed any of these moments, please let me know!
I recommend looking at the next generation when they are born, some requirements will need to be completed during childhood.
Please have fun and share any pictures or videos with #aestheticallysims
Generation 1
Growing up you always strived to be perfect and now as an adult, you feel like you finally can be. Or at least your version of perfect, except your kid, does not exactly live up to your expectations, or just life in general.
Aesthetic: Polished with the color red thrown throughout
Traits: Proper, Perfectionist, Materialistic BGO: good
Japanese folk music
cerebral sims
hard-working sims
deep thoughts
funny sims
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Doctor BGO: tech-guru in the entrepreneur branch
live in Mt. Komorebi/ no shoes in the house BGO: Ignore
master the logic skill
can only have one kid, must be a strict parent with a strict relationship
must marry early in young adult years
complete both the aspiration and career
Generation 2
Living in the home of a strict parent who never thought good was good enough was tough, now you just want to let loose and have a good time. Knowing your parent does not approve of your career or aspiration choices is hard but your dedication to the things you love makes it easier, plus the support of your best friend and partner.
Aesthetic: Sporty and orange
Traits: Active, Socially awkward, and adventurous. Infant: wiggly toddler: wild BGO: outgoing and your choice
high energy sims
outdoorsy outfits
kids radio
homebody sims
deep thoughts
Aspiration: Body Builder
Career: Athlete
must go skiing once a week BGO: go to the gym
must master cheer or football team in high school
A student for your entire childhood
must marry your childhood best friend/sweetheart who is good and family oriented
must have three kids
must complete career and aspirations
Generation 3
You were very close to your grandparents growing up and wanted to be just like them. You always believed that while your parents had good intentions they did not quite understand the legacy left by your grandparents and how it should be upheld. You intend to add to that legacy and strive for success.
Aesthetic: Your choice and the color yellow
Traits: genius (can also use ambitious once the sim is old enough), overachiever, snob. BGO: evil. Infant: calm. Toddler: Independent
focus music
hard-working sims
egotistical sims
ambitionless sims
potty humor
silly behavior
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim. Child: Mind + Body. Teen: Goal Oriented
Career: Law. BGO: secret agent, diamond agent
must move to a new home/remodel drastically
master wellness skill
strict parent
must have more than one kid
master a club in high school
must master career and aspirations
Generation 4
After growing up in such a strict and goal-oriented family, you feel that is what you have to be. So you set out on your way in the business career trying to "make something of yourself" just like your parents always wanted. Eventually, the hustle culture of it all catches up to you - you are burned out and miserable. So upon your birthday into being an adult you give it all up for the quiet and fulfilling life in the countryside.
Aesthetic: Cottage Core and green
Traits: loves the outdoors, animal enthusiast, maker. BGO: foodie and self-assured. Infant: sensitive. Toddler: angelic
french country
pet enthusiasts
country fashion
discussing hobbies
spirited sims
Aspiration: Master Maker. Child: playtime captain. Teen: Admired Icon. BGO: freelance botanist
Career: Business
Level 6 of career before aging up to an adult
Quit your job and move to the countryside on your birthday (Cottage living world if you have it or the horse ranch world)
must have a flourishing garden, chickens, and one other barn animal of your choice. BGO: only the garden
must be gay and married to someone right before or right after becoming an adult
master in gardening and cooking skills as well as your aspiration
supportive family dynamic for all kids BGO: ignore
Generation 5
If there was a better childhood or parents to have, you can't imagine it. Seeing how loving and supportive your parents were inspired how you move through the world. You strive to be the best parent and partner you can be.
Aesthetic: Suburban soccer mom and blue
Traits: family-oriented, goofball, clumsy. Infant: sunny. Toddler: silly
family-motivated sims
nature enthusiasts
argumentative sims
malicious interactions
Aspiration: Super Parent. Child: social. Teen: drama llama BGO: big happy family
Career: entertainer - comedy branch
must master parenting, comedy, and cooking skills
must have at least 6 kids
must build a tree house
complete aspirations and career
must have a close family dynamic with at least 3 kids
Generation 6
Growing up was smooth sailing, your parents had so many other kids they did not have time to instill a lot of structure or responsibility into you. You ended up being really good at going with the flow and focusing all of your energy on your favorite thing - the arts.
Aesthetic: Artsy/Bohemian and Purple
Traits: Creative, art-lover, lactose intolerant. Infant: wiggly. Toddler: charmer. BGO: Glutton
idealist sims
emotional decision-makers
boho fashion
egotistical sims
argumentative sims
polished sims
small talk
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire. Child: creative. Teen: admired icon
Career: Painter: real arts branch
master aspirations and career
master painting skill
must go out on a first date to an art museum for every first date
must paint the streets of san myshuno (BGO: ignore)
must live in san myshuno arts district (BGO: ignore)
Generation 7
Your love of the arts comes from your parents, though you prefer music or writing to painting. But one thing you love just as much if not more is being social with other sims, you love to feel like you belong. As well as thriving off of academic achievement, of course, being the star student is not easy but someone has to do it. After a high school heartbreak that drove home to you the importance of the truth, you will do anything to find it and spend all of your time searching for it.
Aesthetic: Light Academia
Traits: music lover, vegetarian, insider. Infant: cautious. Toddler: angelic. BGO: childish
optimistic sims
deep thoughts
high energy sims
rocker fashion
Aspiration: Nerd Brain. Child: creative. Teen: goal-oriented
Career: writer - journalist branch
complete career and aspiration
master handiness and writing skills
be cheated on by your partner in high school
must start a writers club (BGO: ignore)
must write in a cafe and use it as a meet-cute for whoever you marry
have two cats (BGO: ignore)
Generation 8
From the first moment you can remember, you were different than the rest of your family. You strive for the finer things in life and live off of gossip. Your goal is to be Regina George (Pre bus incident of course). This is however the polar opposite of your parents and no matter how much they love you, there is always tension because of it.
Aesthetic: Glitz + Glam and deep purple
Traits: kleptomaniac, self-absorbed, party animal. Infant: intense. Toddler: fussy. BGO: erratic
purple and white
egotistical sims
spirited sims
romance enthusiasts
homebody sims
deep thoughts
small talk
Aspiration: villainous Valentine. Child: slumber party animal. Teen: live fast
Career: Actress/Actor BGO: entertainer - music
must complete aspirations and career
must master drama club as a child and teen (BGO: ignore club)
must have multiple children with multiple Sims
must reach the top level of fame and live in a celebrity house
you have to try to have a music career as well as your main career and master singing skill
master acting skill
distant family relationship with kids (BGO: ignore)
Generation 9
Growing up was not easy, your parents were either MIA or distant so you turned to your grandparents and siblings for emotional support. Being the child of one of the most famous sims ever did not make it any easier, never knowing who was talking to you for the right reasons or not. You just can not help wishing you could live a simple life and go back in time before all of this fame stuff. You spend your whole life trying to run away from your childhood and remove all of the nasty articles those pesky journalists wrote about you over the years. Striving to be anonymous is not as easy as it seems.
Aesthetic: Vintage maximalist and dark green
Traits: neat, paranoid, gloomy. Infant: cautious. Toddler: clingy. BGO: jealous
green and brown
pessimistic sims
homebody sims
streetwear fashion
optimistic sims
spirited sims
Aspiration: Archeology Scholar. Child: mind and body. Teen: your choice. BGO: computer wiz
Career: Freelance: paranormal investigator BGO: criminal
complete aspirations and career
live in a haunted house (BGO: ignore)
close to grandparents and siblings
master hacking skill
join computer club in high school (BGO: ignore)
must take at least one vacation every season (BGO: spend an entire week of each season not going back to your base lot)
Generation 10
Your parents were always afraid of everything, never wanting to move on and live their life. Who cares what any dumb paparazzi think? The only real places you could go as a kid were school or the library so you threw yourself into your academic career and books. Not to mention at least not everything was haunted in the stories. Despite your frustration at being limited you empathize with and are extremely protective and loyal to your parents, just because you can critique them does not mean anyone else can.
Aesthetic: Dark academia
Traits: bookworm, genius, loyal. Infant: calm. Toddler: Independent
black and purple
argumentative sims
hard-working sims
cerebral sims
discussing interests
rascal sims
malicious interactions
Aspiration: Academic. Child: mental. Teen: goal-oriented
Career: Education, professor track BGO: astronaut
you must get two university degrees and join the secret society (BGO: read at least 15 books)
must complete career and aspiration
must get the responsible trait (BGO: ignore)
be in the chess club in high school and master the logic skill (BGO: only have to master the logic skill)
master 5 skills of your choosing
must move lots (tired of being haunted much?)
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antiquatedplumbobs · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs!
I initially made this tag game over a year ago at a point when I felt like there were a lot of new people on history simblr I didn't know. I was chatting with some friends and thought now might be a good time to revive it!
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
Right now I'm very excited for the 1920s, I have a lot of plans and some unique story lines I feel coming up. It's also feeling like I'll actually get there soon!
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)
Last time I did this I chose a BB piece so this time I'm going CAS, happylifesims recently made a victorian workers outfit with these adorable rolled sleeves and it just looks so good on guys. It's the current darling of my heart.
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?
Right now it's Willy, I'm really excited to get back into the Sewell's and really start exploring his story in earnest.
4. What is your favorite world?
Still Brindleton Bay, always has been, always will be.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?
I like to think I mix these two mediums pretty well, I plan big story arcs but tend to let gameplay influence day to day, and if something interesting gameplay wise happens I try to include it!
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
I do! I think they add a really fun dimension to the family and are great for social needs.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?
All the townies with the strangest colored hair and body types. And names. I just wish it wasn't all so discordant.
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)
I really like the items that came with the country kitchen kit, the bucket of fruit and vegetables just makes me so happy.
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
I'm at the point where I just want a historical pack. I know it's not gonna happen, but gosh a girl can dream.
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
I think that Cottage Living is amazing all around, but I'd put Cats and Dogs second, perhaps tying with Get Together. They both have amazing BB and CAS and i prefer the worlds to Henford.
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
Mizoreyukii has a functional broom that works like a vacuum and it just makes my little historical simmer heart happy to see my sims sweeping away.
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?
I like having enough to keep it interesting, but not so many that it's overwhelming. I think maybe five or six but obviously the ages influence things too.
13. Do you use poses?
I do! I like to use in game animations whenever I can because they feel a bit more lively to me, but sometimes you need to track down a pose or wrestle with blender to make one when you need something specific.
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
Yes, I love overrides. I use moonsims historic book override, a mop override, a dish override, a fireplace light override, a dog leash override. Big on overrides here.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
I usually don't, I find it a bit too limiting for what would have actually been historically possible at the time.
16. What lifespan do you play on?
A slightly tweaked version of normal, but some people have been sort of convincing me to potentially try a longer one.... We'll see...
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?
A reddit post about the decades challenge, which was just a completely new way to think about playing to me. I'd never really done any kind of challenge before at all and I think the combo of passage of time, goals, and so much fun new cc just absolutely hooked me!!
See how my answers have changed in the past year and a half
I geared it towards historical simming, since that’s what I do, but please feel free to partake even if you’re not a historical simmer and just adapt for regular gameplay or whatever you do!!
I'm going to cast a wide net here with my tags @aheathen-conceivably @cowplant-snacks @simadelics @thistleflower-sims @carousel-of-sims @stargazingsims @gilded-ghosts @simming-in-the-rain @scythesms @surely-sims @historysims4 @sasaofastora @javitrulovesims and anyone else who would like to take part!
I really like these because it helps me get to know everyone I see on my dash and sometimes find new people to follow, so don't be shy about taking part!!
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deathpoke1qa · 1 year
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Sims Tag
Thank you @alice-in-strangetown for tagging me!
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1. What’s your favourite sims death?
I always thought Death by Flies was particularly brutal and acted as a good incentive to not let your slobs get too... slobby. I am glad they brought it back for Sims 4.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I consider myself to be pretty strictly maxis match. It just makes the game feel like its own world, instead of ours. Though, I do like to use makeup and eye from alpha creators. Plus my game barely runs on my poor laptop, so alpha cc is kind of like a forbidden fruit for my game.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
I have a mod that makes it so sims don't gain muscle or weight at all. Though, the majority of my sims have their weight set to like 75% ish and I still think they look too skinny...
4. Do you use move objects?
Unplayable otherwise.
5. Favorite mod?
I swear by roBurky's Meaningful Stories Mod and weerbesu's UI Cheats Extension. If I had to play with only the bare minimum of mods, these would be the two that I pick.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
When I was a kid, I played the MySims games, MySims Agents, specifically. When I went to go look up more Sims games, I found Sims 2 and had my mom buy Sims 2 Seasons. I did not realize it required the basegame until it was too late.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
I say it like aLIVE. I guess in my mind it's like LIVE television or LIVE streaming a game. It makes sense in my brain at least.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
It is illegal to make me choose. Though, I might make a post soon that just a bunch of random sims I have made in CAS and a brief description of their stories I never played out. Stay tuned.
9. Have you made a simself?
Ever since I started playing Sims, I have always made a simself. Though, when I was younger, the sim was like a projection of what I wanted to look like and now my simself is what I look like. For the most part. He needs some updating.
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10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Probably Creative, Art Lover and Perfectionist for Sims 4 traits. In Sims 3, probably Artistic, Couch Potato, Cat Person, Perfectionist and Supernatural Fan. That about sums me up.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
This would be easier to ask my LEAST favorite color would be the true black swatch because half of the hairs just look gray. Favorite? Not really any, depends on the sim but most of my sims have the blue-black hair color.
12. Favorite EA hair?
Sims 2 peaked with this hairstyle. I tried to recreate it here in Sims 4 by combining cc, but it's not the same...
13. Favorite life stage?
Purely from a gameplay standpoint, it is Young Adult, but that is such a vanilla answer. Toddlers are up there. It would be Infants but I have yet to actually play with that life stage...
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
It's about equal tbh. Depends on my mood.
15. Are you a CC creator?
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Yeah, I force them to join my discord server.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Each game has things that I like and don't like. Gameplay wise, Sims 2 100%. Building and CAS, Sims 4. I have not touched Sims 3 in a hot second but I would love to revisit it again. Sims 1 is at the bottom of the list, I only play that game for the novelty, tbh.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
No, but I do own a plumbob headband for when me and my girlfriend dressed up as Bella and Mortimer a few years ago.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Not really. The only noticeable change is that I used to religiously make irl people that I knew as sims, including my crushes of course. Now, I don't ever do that besides my simself.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
This is insanely difficult to answer. There are popular creators that I have a lot of cc from and there are small creators that scratch an extremely specific itch for me. So basically @pralinesims and @omgcoffinfit respectively.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Since early 2019, I made it exclusively to post my custom content.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
Pirated photoshop.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Bands! Though, them releasing a grunge kit and a potential goth kit makes that feel more and more unlikely.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Sims 3: Supernatural holds a special place in my heart that has yet to be replicated. I just love occults and vampires and any sim packs that revolve around it. Every time I go to make a family I'm like. "These guys are cute... but what if they were vampires, too?" Every. Time.
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I’m tagging @pralinesims @omgcoffinfit @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @glammoose @eggysimblr @ethelgodehel and anyone else who wants to give this tag a try!
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emilee-has-legs · 1 year
that one really cool sim tag thats been going around.
wasn't tagged by anyone in particular, but @loafysims and @ravensccfindss both mentioned me in this tag recently so i thought i'd give it a shot. also my need for attention is a bottomless pit so.
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1.) What’s your favourite sims death?
honestly, the classic, putting a sim in a pool and then taking out the ladder. theres no common sense to the action it's just genuinely so funny.
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? 
technically im maxis mix, but i tend to lean very hard to maxis match clothing.
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
no not really. if i want them to loose weight i'll have them work out
4.) Do you use move objects?
if you dont use moveobjects, i think legally we can consider you clinically insane.
5.) Favorite mod?
this is so hard... ummmmm, probably like better build buy. i spend a good amount of time in build mode and use debug/live edit objects a ton when i build, so it's pretty useful.
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
i think it was get to work, i even bought it in a physical case thingy and i still have it lying around somewhere. (as well as seasons.)
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
LIVE mode.
8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
you're asking me to pick a favorite? out of all my children?? i honestly can't pick a favorite, but here's layla, and i love her.
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9.) Have you made a simself?
yeah, i've tried on multiple occasions, but none of them have ever really captured my essence all that well. eventually i gave up and just started using my mascot sim, Nellie, for my quote-on-quote "branding"
10.) What sim traits do you give yourself?
im gonna go ahead and give myself five traits assuming we all have the "more traits in cas" mod:
creative, goofball, loves-outdoors, squeamish, foodie.
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the darkest brown swatch is my go-to.
12.) Favorite EA hair?
ima be so real rn i dont use EA hairs at all.
13.) Favorite life stage?
young adult. might be biased because that's around my age-frame
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
builder. i have the most fun in either buildmode or cas.
15.) Are you a CC creator?
not offically, but i've converted defaults and skin details for personal use before, and i've even released some load screens.
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
yeah baby, check these amazing people out.
17.) What’s your favorite game?
i cant decide, it's between the sims, halo 3, minecraft, stardew valley, and splatoon. i want to play zelda: tears of the kingdom as well, but its just not in the budget rn sadly.
18.) Do you have any sims merch?
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims?
yeah actually, if you can ignore my 13 y.o sounding voice, check me out
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
omg so much. here are some side by side comparisons of my different eras/progression.
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(its the way the first sim looks like she could be a trademarked lego piece that gets me)
21.) What’s your Origin ID?
pretty sure its just emilee-has-legs. i have a couple of builds on the gallery if you wanna check me out, i just never posted them on here because that was before my simblr era.
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator?
dogsill, softerhaze, greenlamas, ceeproductions, sentate, serenity and simstrouble take the cake for me
23.) How long have you had a simbIr?
i've had my blog for a minute but i only became an active simblr like a couple months ago.
24.) How do you edit your pictures?
i dont really edit except for a few touchups in picsart, and also srwe.
26.) What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
probably get together, never got around to purchasing that pack and there's a couple things i want from the ep.
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tagging: anyone who wants to have some fun. it was nice to chill on call with friends and fill this out. cya besties ily.
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sims-n-blurbs · 29 days
I'm gonna discuss some things about the inZOI content coming out - demo play though, build mode demos, and my own demo of the character creator - as well as some of my thoughts about some concerns I've seen folks mention from their own playthrough.
From a money perspective:
In the demos I have seen in both play mode and build mode, inZOI has features and content that EA has put into multiple packs. I'm sure if I went back and looked more in depth, I'd find more. In my run through, I noted ten (10) different EA packs that come as a base-game feature for inZOI.
Get to Work - interactable jobs, it isn't just a rabbit hole every time.
Seasons - there is rain, snow, and windy weather from the jump (and while I haven't seen the leaves change to signify fall in any demos, I'm guessing it'll eventually be built in)
High School - the pier carnival is built into inZOI's Bliss Bay, which is modeled after Santa Monica in California. And the roller coasters and rides are all interactable, with first-person POV so you can "ride the rides" with your zois.
City Living & For Rent - while I'm extremely peeved on my own that these two packs are so far apart in their release from EA anyways, inZOI is creating a city map from the jump, modeled after Seoul in South Korea. From what I can tell from build demos, we'll be able to build our own apartment buildings from the start as well, or edit ready-made buildings.
Smaller packs and kits that come as a base feature is Cool Kitchen, Chef Hustle (or whatever it's called), Bust the Dust, Laundry Day, and many furniture items from Dream Home Decorator (it looks like we'll already have some sectional sofa options).
From a live-mode perspective
I am in the inZOI discord, and I have read through the developer's notes and discussions with the inZOI audience. The developers and designers are taking feedback to heart and are doing a lot in terms of UI design and connectivity in the open world to give players an opportunity to really shape the world they choose to play in. My understanding is that the characters that you don't play will have more independence (comparable to sims neighborhood stories?) and how you have your zois interact with each other will affect the overall wellbeing of the city you manage.
For now, you are limited to choosing one city per family and being stuck there, I haven't seen any gameplay that allows your zoi family to "move out of city" or "move internationally," but that's not to say that the devs haven't thought of it. They could have limited features for creator demos to reduce strain on computers, stress on the game, etc.
It does look more immersive for folks who really care about gameplay and character storylines, I recommend you keep an eye out for gameplay demos (the ones I've been watching can be found here.)
From a build-mode perspective:
I am a builder at heart, I always have been. I really got into building back in the sims 3 and sim city 2, and the sims 4 has been great, for the most part. But I'd be lying if I said it's perfect, and the inZOI build mode looks really promising.
That said, I watched build videos from both a builder and non-builder to get both perspectives on the inZOI UI and build mode features. I am also an interior designer with the intent to get a masters degree in architecture, so I know how to use the tougher programs like AutoCAD, Revit, etc.
The influencer who was a build-centered content creator loved the UI of build mode in inZOI. She did mention some features that caused her to pause, like slightly floating doors off the foundation or deck planks that wouldn't perfectly match up. However, she did find easy workarounds to still create a beautiful test home.
The influencer who was more story-based content and less about building had a more difficult time with the build mode, and I can understand why. The build capabilities are more detailed and customizable, which became overwhelming for her as she tried to navigate some of the features. She did have a hard time placing roofing and bannisters for the space around stairwells, but she hoped the devs would see her feedback and make some changes to help with the additional challenges she had and ease of use for future players.
Features in build mode to note:
We start with four full wall heights and four half-wall heights. It is easy to change the walls with half-walls and vice versa, but to put a bannister you'll have to delete the wall first.
Stairs can be rotated in several ways, and we start off with several variations of ladders (jury is out on if we'll get spiral staircases at game release T_T)
Tons of landscaping items and also home decor items. TONS OF CLUTTER.
You can edit the world (to an extent). For editable buildings and lots, it splits into "edit lot" or "edit sidewalk," but I'm unsure how far the "sidewalk" portion will extend past whatever lot your zoi is going to.
I haven't seen features yet that will allow us to scale items or raise/lower them like with the Sims; however, we do get full customization of furniture finishes, fabrics, and you can even upload your own patterns and artwork to place in frames, create cushions, etc.
From the character creation perspective:
I downloaded the free demo that is up on Steam right now, but will disappear after the 26th. Even from the limited things you can do in it right now, the previews of what's to come are INCREDIBLE. I am someone who loves the Sims for its cartoonish style, but also really loves the immersive realistic style of Cyberpunk 2077. I believe that inZOI will scratch the itch of both games for folks like myself.
The customization capabilities of the face, ears, and body easily rival the sims (EA's eyelash update be damned). The skin texture, nail options, makeup features are all stunning examples of how inZOI is taking the challenges that EA refused to acknowledge for years and is making it a standard moving forward. And that's just the little things.
InZOI has incredible skin tone diversity, but the hair options are a bit lacking. I'm hoping that there will be more options at the release of the game, but I did notice that POC, particularly black folks, seemed limited in hairstyles to match the texture, weight, and depth that their hair has. (I saw a curly-ish shaved head, dreads, and "curly adjacent" as the three options closest to black hair, but it felt like they could have more)
The blush and blemish options were combined for now, so you could have blush with no or few blemishes like freckles, or blush with freckles all over the face. I would love to see these separated somehow and expanded slightly for a more personalized approach, but I understand for demo and release purposes why they would combine them.
Let's talk about the generative AI
I'm a bit confused about this feature, and here's why. While I am very opposed to AI, I did attempt to use the feature once while trying to create a plaid pattern for a skirt I was trying to customize for my zoi. However, the AI couldn't function, blaming it on my computer's processing power (or something adjacent? I'd need to go back to get a screen grab of the original message). This seemed a little absurd to me, as my computer can process much larger programs and files than the creator demo, without issue.
From other content creators I've seen, they haven't had much luck with it either. The AI is super rudimentary and clunky, with many folks are opting not to use it at all while in the character creation mode or in build mode. In my opinion, I think the AI will continue to be a bad feature until enough players use it that the AI can actually learn from requests the players make and improve. And if not enough players interact with it, then it will continue to be bad.
My hope when this game is released is that it can meet the expectations we all have had for the Sims 4 for the past couple of years, while also lighting a fire under EA to improve and stop using an otherwise good game as a cash cow for their own financial gain. The Sims 5 has the potential to match what inZOI is accomplishing now, so long as EA doesn't lose the fanbase they have left to inZOI. I think there is a place for both games to exist peacefully - I know realistic gameplay isn't everyone's cup of tea, and there will be folks who continue to play the Sims because it is an established franchise and meets their expectations. But if the release of inZOI is as promising as it appears, I will most likely step back from sims content until it meets my expectations for simulation games.
In regard to the weird fucking comments about people not trusting the game because it's a Korean dev company, I don't want you to play the game anyways if that's your attitude towards it. Those comments are so unnecessary and disgusting that you can stay away from the inZOI community. I don't even want to engage in conversation with you people personally, I'll just block anyone I see saying shit like that.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading all of this. I appreciate your time.
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funderberkersims · 1 year
Sims Tag
this tag has been dead since 1823 but since i was tagged by fellow vampire enthousiast @ho3sferatu, i resurrected it.
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
electrick shock, for the the blue skeletton >:)
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
a bit of both
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
no, i did'nt even know there were cheats for that. usually if my sims lose weight, it's because i make them work out for a promotion, but i don't get out of my way to keep them fit.
4. Do you use move objects?
what? no! you don't have any proof. get a lawyer!
5. Favorite mod?
acr for the drama and @midgethetree's hereditary supernatularism!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
sims 2 and then sims 2 nightlife!
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
the founder of undonia : faye! i was in a wong kar wai phase, and fell in love with faye wong in the movie chungking express. so i tried to recreate her, and though it does not look like her at all, i think she turned out cute.
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(old school pic) 9. Have you made a simself?
when i was twelve, but you know face 1 and skinny with boobs, so hm...
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
cat person, good sense of humor, vegetarian, friendly, never nude (laul)
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
12. Favorite EA hair?
messed up from university. i was 13 and i thought it was the coolest hairstyle ever
13. Favorite life stage?
young adult and adult
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
it really depends on the mood, but mostly gameplay (i know it's ironic looking at this tumblr)
15. Are you a CC creator?
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
i have like one or two of the best quality. usually i like to compliment simblrs that i admire, but i'm too shy to go any further
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
18. Do you have any sims merch?
i have two disks with cc on it (a lot of it by peggy) that came with sims 2 magazines. also when i bought the sims 3 just after its realease, it came with a plumbob usb flash drive, and i lost it and i"m still mad about it.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
i played vanilla for a loooong time, before discovering simblr and its many creators in 2017! first i was very maxis match, but now i mixed it with, not necessarily alpha cc, but like neon, apocalyptic and grunge stuff. very inspired by the ogs @pooklet and @skulldilocks as well as @leaf-storm
21. What’s your Origin ID?
never had origin!
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
euuurg so much! @deedee-sims was the first one i discovered and inspired me. as i said pooklet, azaya and leaft-storm. also really liked @brattylulu, and @jahkatai when they were active, and more recently @katsurinssims, @applewatersugar and @andrevasims
23. How long have you had a simblr?
i created the account in 2014 only to lurk at art and fandoms communities. then i began actually using it as a simblr last year.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
i crop it and lighten it and color it a little if necessary. i'm too lazy to do something else
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
none the sims 2 and its many cc creators are fine as they are :)
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
nightlife! chemistry, clubs, vampires and mrs crumplebottom, what more could you ask! i tag people who like to do old tags!
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thereesespiece · 1 year
Ask thingy
I was tagged by the lovely @oasivy soooo long ago lol but here we are!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? 
I love a good ole drowning, I’m kinda sad they don’t drown as easy as they used to
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? 
Maxis Match - Alpha is nice for other people but personally I can’t get into it
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? 
Depends, if they are “naturally thin” then yes. Otherwise we hit the gym babes
4. Do you use move objects? 
Of course! Show me someone who says they don’t and I’ll show you a liar
5. Favorite mod? 
110% littlbowbub’s Grannie’s Cookbook all my sims have one in their homes!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Like ever? Hot Date - Sims 1, for Sims 4? Get To Work
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? 
However I feel like at the time I’m saying it, right now I said LIVE  
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? 
It’s so hard to pick because they’re my virtual kids, how do I pick a favorite...  Probably the entire Flores family, they have been my most inspiring family so far. Of the Flores Reina is high key my favorite she has so much story potential!
9. Have you made a simself? 
I do, but she’s never being shared publicly lol
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? 
Perfectionist - Family Oriented - High Maintenance 
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? 
Honestly none but that new black is better than the blue black  😩😩😩😩  
12. Favorite EA hair? 
Probably the one they put on the new Bella Goth
13. Favorite life stage?
YA - they have the most clothes, the most things to do, but it would be elders if they had more things to do
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? 
I like to do both!
15. Are you a CC creator? 
Nahhhhhhh never that, I have no talent
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? 
yeah! i mean i think so? i like to imagine we’re all basically besties at this point lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) 
Controversial.... but Sims 4.. I like the cartoony style, Sims 1 she was too hard, I don’t like the graphics or 2004 style of Sims 2 and I’m not going out my way for CC or mods to play it, Sims 3, she always lagged for me
18. Do you have any sims merch? 
girl no, they already get money for a halfbaked game why would I give them more to take up space in my real life?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? 
I’ve considered it but nah
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? 
i’ve embraced the cartooniness and stopped trying to make my sims look “real”
21. What’s your Origin ID? 
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? 
23. How long have you had a simblr? 
So I had one during my Sims 3 days in college someone found IRL it and clowned me for being a “loser” on Tumblr so I deleted it and didn’t come back til 2017..? 2018??? When I stopped caring about what people thought lollll 
24. How do you edit your pictures? 
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? 
Expansion I would like to see an Ambitions style, more active careers like tattoo artist, daycare (which umm hello sims 4 team no daycare with Growing Together? cowards) firefighters etc. 
Game pack... Something based on the circus/carnivals, visiting a circus, joining it, fortune telling, rides, carnival games and prizes oh my!
Stuff - lol they dont make these anymore, but Kits, large arcade games, so I can make a proper Dave & Busters type space 
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? 
I’m not a person who blows through the gameplay features quickly, I like to incorporate it into the Flores legacy so there’s so much I haven’t really gotten into. But so far my favorite is Jungle Adventure, minus the problematic looting of the temples. It’s somewhat representative of my heritage and it’s how Chris met Estella!
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katatty · 1 year
Sims Tag
I was tagged by @charmandersims​! I might have been tagged earlier by other people too but can’t remember for the life of me. Thank you, tho!
What’s your favourite sims death? I’ve always thought death by flies is fun, although I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen in normal gameplay!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis match, I guess. Although I guess I do use “alpha” hairs, alpha doesn’t really mean anything with TS2...
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope, I don’t think my Sims really do gain weight all that often, it’s hard to over-feed them in vanilla gameplay! Unless they’re doing a lot of gardening and eating the sparkly foods. I usually welcome weight gain since it’s rare to have “fat” sims :D
Do you use move objects? Yes, decorating without it is a pain in the ass lol!
Favorite mod? At the moment I’d have to say Story Progression for how much it changes the game! But my real favourite is probably the Sim Blender. So simple but useful :D
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I think I got Nightlife and University together with the base game when I first played? I like University the most :D
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE. I think of live mode as being like TV, like “we’re live!” That said I don’t think I even say “live mode” all that often, I always refer to it as having the game paused/unpaused 
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Ever???????? Gosh, maybe Duncan Huckleberry or Emmie Aisling? Neither of them are even that interesting facially, I just find them both really fun to write. In terms of face, maybe Lin Mori from Nekojima?
Have you made a simself? Yes, a few years ago! I remember doing quite a ute photoshoot with her, though I haven’t ever played with one in years
What sim traits do you give yourself? Excitable, cat-lover, slob, lucky, loves the outdoors
Which is your favorite EA hair color? I dunno, brown I guess?
Favorite EA hair? I like the one Nina and Bella use, especially all the dyed variants you can get in the mirror! I also really like the one that’s like half up and quite messy (that Lin Mori & Grace Linguine wear), apparently it’s called updo?
Favorite life stage? Young adults! I just love getting all that extra time with them. College is sooooo fun to me
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Haha, I would say I am a builder but ultimately I am in it for the gameplay! Every build I make is with actually playing it in mind, and even if my building stuff “does better” on here I'm more invested in my gameplay and devote a lot more time to it :D
Are you a CC creator? I guess! Builds are kind of a type of CC, and I share those fairly regularly
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I don’t know, haha. I have a few simblr friends! But not really a “squad”. I find the idea a bit offputting lol
What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) 2, of course!
Do you have any sims merch? Nah
Do you have a YouTube for sims? No, but I have considered it. Maybe when I get a new computer so I can actually do screen recording without my PC crapping out lol
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I don’t know if it’s really changed that much, haha, I’m a creature of habbit! My gameplay style is quite different between each save/hood, but my visual style hasn’t really changed since 2015, haha!
What’s your Origin ID? I don’t have Origin, lol!
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Ooooof, whenever I get asked this I opt not to pick one, haha!
How long have you had a simblr? Since 2014, apparently! So nearly 10 years, yikes!
How do you edit your pictures? I usually don’t edit them at all, but when I do I use an old photoshop action by @sterina-sims
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? hahahahahaha
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I dunno, I think all of them add some value! But I do really love seasons, it adds so much beauty to the game and I love the gardening mecchanics! :D
I feel like I’m pretty late to the party on this one and I’ve seen everyone do it already... feel free to consider yourself tagged if you want to!
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coreene-simblr · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
Thank you all so much for tagging me @papermint-airplane @treason-and-plot @hazely-sims I feel so grateful to have wonderful mutuals like you guys!
Answers are under the cut!
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I play Sims 3 the most so I'll answer it for that one. There are so many cool deaths in Sims 3, unfortunately I only experienced a few and in those my favourite is definitely the meteor one. I got this only one time in my 10+ years of playing. I remember it like yesterday, I had just made a new sim, was planning on playing a legacy and sent her to university. I shit you guys not she got hit by a meteor on her first class activity. As that was my only sim, the game was over xD
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
Ahh, hard to answer. You kind of have to go with Alpha hair in Sims 3. I remember I used a lot of Alpha cc for sims 2 back in the day. Before MM was this popular. I really do not like alpha cc in clothes for Sims 3 though. I guess a bit of both?
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I never actually felt the need to do that. I personally like exercise and my sims usually are on the active side as well and they keep good shape. I certainly don't mind seeing sims who are a bit on the heavier side around town.
Do you move objects?
Probably not as often as other simmers, tbh. I do build but I don't like clutter. If I feel the need to use it I will, but it doesn't happen often.
Favorite Mod?
Definitely Nrass MC. It just makes it so easier to fix some of the quirks this game can have. Also being able to just makeover townies, is a must for me. Even though I carefully select my randomizable outfits I'll still take them to cas for a touch up.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
Ah, hard to remmeber. I think I had open for business in Sims 2 as my first expansion but the first one I specifically saved up money for was Late Night for Sims 3.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Kara Down, had a post dedicated to her a few weeks back and it's here xD
Have you made a simself?
Eh, not on looks exactly like myself but definitely on traits, Kara is pretty much me/my alter ego. I made her when I was 12 and didn't know how much I liked dancing or clubbing xD Realized it after I grew up and got to do those things, haha
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Hmm, there was this hair mutation my only 4 generation legacy had. It was a very nice shade of blonde, I liked that.
Favorite EA hair?
For Sims 3 it's this hair Karen has in this post.
For Sims 2, harder to choose. I love all these ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) my favourite is gonna be the Bella hair.
Favorite life stage?
Always gonna be YA. In every iteration. Loved university stuff in Sims 2 and I love that stage in all other games.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Well, I like building the lots my sims play in. A lot of the cc lots out there have too much clutter and I do not like clutter. Whenever I download a lot I'll end up deleting all those decorations anyway so why bother. Adding the fact that I'm an architect in RL, I just notice, specially in residential lots, some no-no's we were thought in school.
Short answer is, I build them for myself to play in and share just in case if people would like to add my things to their games.
Are you a CC creator?
I haven't dabbled with creating meshes but did some recolours, tattoos, lots or whatever. Am I a cc creator tho? Nah, I just share the stuff I make for myself.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Sim Squad? No. Simblr friends? I would like to think, yes. I consider people I chat regularly under posts as my simblr friends :D
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I am in more control of the town but less in control of my sims these days if that makes sense? I try to do what they would wish to do and leave certain things to their autonomy.
What’s your origin id?
Do not use origin. I have the games on discs and I created their disc images long time ago. I use the no-disc crack for them now as I couldn't set the disc image to work for Sims 3 on this laptop.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I do not have that much cc for sims 3 but first people that comes to my mind are @sweetdevil-sims and @simlicious. Love their edits to simple maxis clothes and simlicious' patterns. They are out of this world in quality! looking at @aroundthesims for some objects I find myself looking for also.
How long have you had simblr?
I think I have been sharing my lots on @simsitecture since 2017 but haven't interacted with the community much back then due to my main blog being something else. I changed this blog to be a simblr I think about a year ago and since then I've been more active here.
How do you edit your pictures?
I have a few actions for brightness and saturation in PS. I use those on images I think that are too dark etc. Nothing else.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Sims 2: Nightlife
Sims 3: Late Night
Sims 4: Get Together
Hmm, think there is a pattern there...
I think most of you guys have already done this but I'll tag some people I haven't seen share this yet. There is no pressure to do this and also if you want to do it and haven't been tagged consider this your tag!
Tagging @simstryingtheirbestok @zergula @ts3strayastray
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