maiatheesimmer · 2 months
Mystical Legacy Challenge
This is a 10 generation legacy challenge inspired by SimsSavs Mystical Motherhood Series. The challenge will follow 10 generations of sims, 2 will be human and 8 will be considered “mystical” sims. A mystical sim involves all occult sims and sims that add gameplay to the Sims 4. Each generation will have a mystical heir that has goals that need to be completed in order for the generation to be considered completed. The mystical heir will also need to get a collectable to pass on to the next gen. This is a working document, meaning the rules can change as I play. If you want to see me play, I will be playing the series on my channel so I can get live feedback from you all! Here is the link to my channel, if you want to check it out: MaiaTheeSimmer. 
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****NOTE: You have to add NPCs to the household to have a kid with them. You can do so with cheats. Console players can make sims to represent NPCs if they can not be added to the family.*****
General Rules: 
You must start with a Young Adult sim 
You can only start with starting funds of 20,000 simoleons. The money generated can be kept over generations, you do not have to reset to 20,000 each generation. 
Aging can be set however you prefer, I will be playing with aging on normal. 
Your heir succession laws can follow any system you prefer. Common options are only one gender can be heir, eldest born will be heir, alternating gender heirs, and more. 
You can use any mods you wish as long as it does not provide an advantage 
You can change any generation based on your packs.
You must pass on the mystical collectible to the next mystical heir (more information below).
Optional: You can dress and name your sims reflecting the generation!
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You are the first generation and you are completely responsible for the curse placed on future generations. You visited the jungles of Selvadorada when you took a sacred relic that will curse you and your family for generations to come! The curse makes it so every generation must produce a mystical heir. The final generation will have to have all 10 mystical collectables to break the curse. You marry a human and have at least 1 human baby to conceal the curse. You will then have an affair and conceive the mystical heir which will be with a mermaid. No one will know about the affair except for the next mystical heir when they become a teen. You want to make up for your wrongdoing by becoming the best parent, knitting creations for your family, and volunteering together. 
Mystical Collectable: 
1 jungle relic collected from Selvadorada  
Traits: Paranoid and Perfectionist 
Job: any freelancer career 
Travel to Selvadorada and retrieve one jungle relic and activate the relic (you must keep this to give to the next heir) 
Complete Super Parent aspiration
Master parenting and knitting skill 
Marry a human and have at least one child with them
Have one mermaid child through an affair.
Your human children age up with 3 positive character values and the mermaid child at least 1 negative character value
Volunteer as a family 3 times
Have a pristine reputation by the time you become an elder
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You always had a love for water but never knew why. You thought you had a perfect life until you found out you’re a mermaids kid! You end up resenting generation 1 heir and move to Sulani as a teenager. There you fall in love with the island, and appreciate all things surrounding being a mermaid. You take on the role of cleaning up the island and join the conservationist career. Though you are not perfect, you want to give your mystical heir a wonderful childhood. Your love for nature leads you to meeting Patchy. You never marry but have 3 kids with them. 
Mystical Collectable: 
1"Ordinary" Conch Shell
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Green fiend
Age up to a young adult with one negative character value 
Have at least 3 kids with Patchy but never marry
Move to Sulani as a teenager and live there for the rest of your life
Despise generation 1 mystical heir at least until young adulthood 
Become best friends with a mermaid
Master the fitness skill and logic skill
Reach level 10 of the conservationist career (marine biology branch)
Complete Beach Life aspiration
Complete the seashell collection
What to do if your child isn't a mermaid?
This is the only occult generation that being an occult is not required. The mermaid generation just requires a mermaid parent. If you want the heir to be a mermaid you can use in-game or cheats to achieve it. Using cheats to change the sim into a mermaid does not break challenge rules because becoming a mermaid is not a goal for the generation. 
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You grew up spending most of your time outside. You always loved collecting things you found on the beaches of Sulani growing up. Your parents were never official and it has caused you to be noncommittal. You also pick up a love for the outdoors that your parents shared. You are never satisfied with love except for your love for flowers and gardening. Your love for flowers leads you to having a single baby with a flower bunny.  Though you do not commit to the flower bunny or a job, you still love your child and want to teach them about the great outdoors and all that you learned in your time as a scout. Your lack of commitment makes you avoid getting connected to material items and prefer to find things in the dumpster. 
Mystical Collectable: 
Elixir of fertility 
Traits: Loves the outdoors, noncommittal, freegan
Earn at least 5 scout badges as a child and teen
Have 1 child with the flower bunny OR one werewolf (choose one for generation 4)
Max gardening and herbalism skill
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration
Live in a tiny home with simple living your entire Young Adult life 
Marry the Hermit in Granite falls as an elder
You can only make money through gardening (optional: you are only allowed 10 plants on your lot at a time), part-time jobs, odd jobs or finding items to sell on the yard-sale table
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Your childhood was very lonely but you loved spending time outdoors. You fall in love with flower arrangements. You love celebrating Flower Day and your lack of siblings made you appreciate animals more as they were your only companions growing up. It leads you to opening your own veterinary practice. You seem to have your life all together but you have a dark side, you are intrigued by vampires. You try hard to live a “normal” life and even become engaged to a human. You end up meeting a vampire and fall in love. You and your vampire spouse have a big family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
A rare decorative egg 
Traits: animal enthusiast, cheerful, cat/dog lover (you choose!)
Achieve country caretaker aspiration OR friend of animals
Receive bunny of excellence award as a kid
Befriend a bunny
Master veterinary skill and flower arranging skill 
Break off an engagement with a human
Marry a vampire and have children with them. (note: next heir MUST be a vampire)
Have a 5 star veterinary practice 
Complete Decorative Egg collection
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Your childhood was very lonely but you loved spending time outdoors. Your lack of siblings made you appreciate animals more as they were your only companions growing up. I mean you really appreciate them and it seems like you can connect with them. It leads you to opening your own veterinary practice. You want to have a sense of family so you join a pack, finally a family. You seem to have your life all together but you have a dark side, you are intrigued by vampires. You try hard to live a “normal” life and even become engaged to a werewolf from your pack. You end up meeting a vampire and fall in love. You leave your pack and decide to start one with your one true love. You and your vampire spouse have a big family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
(in progress)
Traits: animal enthusiast, cheerful, cat/dog lover (you choose!)
Achieve one werewolf aspiration
Reach level 5 Apex on werewolf skill tree
Become leader of a pack and leave the pack
Master veterinary skill 
Break off an engagement with a werewolf from your pack
Marry a vampire and have children with them. (note: next heir MUST be a vampire)
Always have a pet in your house
Have and open a veterinary practice in adulthood 
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You always hated that everyone around you was so happy. When you enter the room, people are terrified.You always perform mischievous interactions on your family. Your troubled childhood led you to a life of crime. You always wanted to be proud of your vampire heritage and you wanted to turn as many sims as possible. When you realize you have to fulfill the curse, you find a sim that hates cheer almost as much as you. You produce your heir with the tragic clown. 
Mystical Collectable:
 Ultimate Vampire Tome
Traits: Evil, Art Lover, Ambitious
Complete the Master Vampire and Vampire Family Aspiration 
Max the mischief and painting skill
Become a master vampire 
Have children with the Tragic Clown
Join the criminal career for all of young adulthood, you can change your career as an adult
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Your life was full of sadness and chaos. You always wanted to make people laugh growing up but all you want now is stability, or that’s what you think. You move far away from home to pursue a life of law and try to get rid of your childish ways. One day you look up to the stars and realize that that’s what you want to be! You join the entertainment world and become a celebrity! You end up with an alien and enjoy your life in Del Sol Valley. You love going bowling with your friends and family.
Mystical Collectable:
Starlight Accolade 
Traits: Goofball, Childish, Self-Absorbed
Complete the Jokestar Aspiration
Reach level 3 of the law career, quit, and then reach level 10 of the entertainment career (Comedian Branch)
Become at least a 3 star celebrity 
Live in 3 different worlds (the last will be Del Sol Valley)
Max the Comedy skill and Bowling skill
Win a starlight accolade
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You have a hard time connecting with humans. You don’t make many friends and instead always have your head in books. You may be a genius but you can’t excel in human school. You instead rather focus on tinkering in the garage. You have a hard time staying at a job and keeping friends. You decide to build a robot and they become your closest friend. Though you have trouble saying how you feel, you seem to touch people with your singing. You love singing songs on human holidays. You may seem out of touch with the world but you still love your children, you just don’t know how to show it!
Mystical Collectable:
Traits: Genius, hates children, proper 
Complete the Renaissance aspiration 
Fail out of university
Master the robotics and singing skill
Make and befriend a servo
Have twins with Father Winter. 
Add 3 made up holidays to the calendar 
Go all out for every holiday
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You had a loveless childhood but you still want to be a good friend to the world. You look up to your father so much and love to make things for others. If it involves using your hands you love to do it! You end up opening a business selling your goods. Just like your father you love traveling the world and anything with cold weather. People say it’s magical how your father manages to give a gift to every sim in the world, no wonder you fall in love with a spellcaster!
Mystical Collectable: 
A rare snow globe
Traits: Foodie, family oriented, adventurous 
Complete the friend of the world aspiration
Master the baking skill and snowboarding OR skiing skill (choose one)
Own a 4 star business 
Go on at least 3 vacations in your life 
Complete the snow globe collection
Marry and have children with a spellcaster (next heir must be a spellcaster)
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You always had an easy life, when you wanted something you could just use magic. You have a hard time taking your responsibilities seriously. You love to host parties and make potions, I mean drinks! Your children are not always happy at the parties you throw but you enjoy a good time and want to party forever.
Mystical Collectable: 
(in progress)
Traits: Outgoing, insider, dance machine 
Complete Party Animal Aspiration
Master the charisma and mixology skill 
Learn all practical spells
Have children with 4 different humans (next heir must be human)
Have a club with at least 5 club perks 
Make and drink potion of immortality 
Become a mixologist 
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You grow up hating being a mystical sim. You just want to be rid of the curse that started it all. You spend your time studying artifacts, hoping to find the way to end the curse. Once you study an artifact, you write it down. You are such a workaholic and your ultimate goal of ending the curse keeps you from love. Will you work through your pain through writing? Or would you let it consume you? 
Mystical Collectable:
Traits: bookworm, unflirty 
Career: Writer or Education Career (professor branch)
Write 9 nonfiction books and 1 autobiography. The 9 nonfiction books must be dedicated to each previous generation. The autobiography must be about your sim and can not be written until an elder. Get creative!
Master the writing and archeology skill
Have a best friend that you begin to have romance with as an adult. Decide if you want to continue the relationship before elder hood. 
Have the workaholic lifestyle 
Travel to Selvadorado 3 times 
Curse is broken when all 10 books are published and all generation rules are complete 
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Have fun!
You can change/remove any rules to suit your playstyle
Use the hashtag #mysticallegacychallenge so I can see your creations.
This is a work in progress, everything subject to change!
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maiatheesimmer · 9 months
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The Human Resources Mod is all about giving your sims a simple, day-to-day career that invokes domesticated realism. The type of sims that would love this career are ones that enjoy a career driven yet family-oriented role. It dabbles in you getting your Logic, Charisma & a little bit of Writing skills up with realistic pay, and bonuses after each level is completion. You'll have to do things like look up HIPPA Policies, Plan Social Events & Practice Your Communication skills with other sims. Once you make it to HR Manager you will work longer days but only a few times a week! So enough free time for family-oriented sims.
This is a simple rabbit hole career that sends your sims off to work in a position that allows them to wear office wear! This career allows Simmers to pay their bills with a reasonable income and dabble in a life of being well off but not too well off. It gives you a reason to save and appreciate the income you make.
You'll get a buff, and a new money bonus with each new level. Once you get to the last level, you can view the notifications bar to get a special message!
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There are 5 Levels
HR Intern
HR Coordinator
Training and Development Officer
Employee Relations Specialist
HR Manager
3K notes · View notes
maiatheesimmer · 10 months
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The Mystical Legacy Challenge by @maiatheesimmer Graphics by me. See the full story and rules here
I use icons from the sims wiki
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maiatheesimmer · 1 year
Mystical Legacy Challenge
This is a 10 generation legacy challenge inspired by SimsSavs Mystical Motherhood Series. The challenge will follow 10 generations of sims, 2 will be human and 8 will be considered “mystical” sims. A mystical sim involves all occult sims and sims that add gameplay to the Sims 4. Each generation will have a mystical heir that has goals that need to be completed in order for the generation to be considered completed. The mystical heir will also need to get a collectable to pass on to the next gen. This is a working document, meaning the rules can change as I play. If you want to see me play, I will be playing the series on my channel so I can get live feedback from you all! Here is the link to my channel, if you want to check it out: MaiaTheeSimmer. 
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****NOTE: You have to add NPCs to the household to have a kid with them. You can do so with cheats. Console players can make sims to represent NPCs if they can not be added to the family.*****
General Rules: 
You must start with a Young Adult sim 
You can only start with starting funds of 20,000 simoleons. The money generated can be kept over generations, you do not have to reset to 20,000 each generation. 
Aging can be set however you prefer, I will be playing with aging on normal. 
Your heir succession laws can follow any system you prefer. Common options are only one gender can be heir, eldest born will be heir, alternating gender heirs, and more. 
You can use any mods you wish as long as it does not provide an advantage 
You can change any generation based on your packs.
You must pass on the mystical collectible to the next mystical heir (more information below).
Optional: You can dress and name your sims reflecting the generation!
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You are the first generation and you are completely responsible for the curse placed on future generations. You visited the jungles of Selvadorada when you took a sacred relic that will curse you and your family for generations to come! The curse makes it so every generation must produce a mystical heir. The final generation will have to have all 10 mystical collectables to break the curse. You marry a human and have at least 1 human baby to conceal the curse. You will then have an affair and conceive the mystical heir which will be with a mermaid. No one will know about the affair except for the next mystical heir when they become a teen. You want to make up for your wrongdoing by becoming the best parent, knitting creations for your family, and volunteering together. 
Mystical Collectable: 
1 jungle relic collected from Selvadorada  
Traits: Paranoid and Perfectionist 
Job: any freelancer career 
Travel to Selvadorada and retrieve one jungle relic and activate the relic (you must keep this to give to the next heir) 
Complete Super Parent aspiration
Master parenting and knitting skill 
Marry a human and have at least one child with them
Have one mermaid child through an affair.
Your human children age up with 3 positive character values and the mermaid child at least 1 negative character value
Volunteer as a family 3 times
Have a pristine reputation by the time you become an elder
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You always had a love for water but never knew why. You thought you had a perfect life until you found out you’re a mermaids kid! You end up resenting generation 1 heir and move to Sulani as a teenager. There you fall in love with the island, and appreciate all things surrounding being a mermaid. You take on the role of cleaning up the island and join the conservationist career. Though you are not perfect, you want to give your mystical heir a wonderful childhood. Your love for nature leads you to meeting Patchy. You never marry but have 3 kids with them. 
Mystical Collectable: 
1"Ordinary" Conch Shell
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Green fiend
Age up to a young adult with one negative character value 
Have at least 3 kids with Patchy but never marry
Move to Sulani as a teenager and live there for the rest of your life
Despise generation 1 mystical heir at least until young adulthood 
Become best friends with a mermaid
Master the fitness skill and logic skill
Reach level 10 of the conservationist career (marine biology branch)
Complete Beach Life aspiration
Complete the seashell collection
What to do if your child isn't a mermaid?
This is the only occult generation that being an occult is not required. The mermaid generation just requires a mermaid parent. If you want the heir to be a mermaid you can use in-game or cheats to achieve it. Using cheats to change the sim into a mermaid does not break challenge rules because becoming a mermaid is not a goal for the generation. 
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You grew up spending most of your time outside. You always loved collecting things you found on the beaches of Sulani growing up. Your parents were never official and it has caused you to be noncommittal. You also pick up a love for the outdoors that your parents shared. You are never satisfied with love except for your love for flowers and gardening. Your love for flowers leads you to having a single baby with a flower bunny.  Though you do not commit to the flower bunny or a job, you still love your child and want to teach them about the great outdoors and all that you learned in your time as a scout. Your lack of commitment makes you avoid getting connected to material items and prefer to find things in the dumpster. 
Mystical Collectable: 
Elixir of fertility 
Traits: Loves the outdoors, noncommittal, freegan
Earn at least 5 scout badges as a child and teen
Have 1 child with the flower bunny OR one werewolf (choose one for generation 4)
Max gardening and herbalism skill
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration
Live in a tiny home with simple living your entire Young Adult life 
Marry the Hermit in Granite falls as an elder
You can only make money through gardening (optional: you are only allowed 10 plants on your lot at a time), part-time jobs, odd jobs or finding items to sell on the yard-sale table
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Your childhood was very lonely but you loved spending time outdoors. You fall in love with flower arrangements. You love celebrating Flower Day and your lack of siblings made you appreciate animals more as they were your only companions growing up. It leads you to opening your own veterinary practice. You seem to have your life all together but you have a dark side, you are intrigued by vampires. You try hard to live a “normal” life and even become engaged to a human. You end up meeting a vampire and fall in love. You and your vampire spouse have a big family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
A rare decorative egg 
Traits: animal enthusiast, cheerful, cat/dog lover (you choose!)
Achieve country caretaker aspiration OR friend of animals
Receive bunny of excellence award as a kid
Befriend a bunny
Master veterinary skill and flower arranging skill 
Break off an engagement with a human
Marry a vampire and have children with them. (note: next heir MUST be a vampire)
Have a 5 star veterinary practice 
Complete Decorative Egg collection
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Your childhood was very lonely but you loved spending time outdoors. Your lack of siblings made you appreciate animals more as they were your only companions growing up. I mean you really appreciate them and it seems like you can connect with them. It leads you to opening your own veterinary practice. You want to have a sense of family so you join a pack, finally a family. You seem to have your life all together but you have a dark side, you are intrigued by vampires. You try hard to live a “normal” life and even become engaged to a werewolf from your pack. You end up meeting a vampire and fall in love. You leave your pack and decide to start one with your one true love. You and your vampire spouse have a big family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
(in progress)
Traits: animal enthusiast, cheerful, cat/dog lover (you choose!)
Achieve one werewolf aspiration
Reach level 5 Apex on werewolf skill tree
Become leader of a pack and leave the pack
Master veterinary skill 
Break off an engagement with a werewolf from your pack
Marry a vampire and have children with them. (note: next heir MUST be a vampire)
Always have a pet in your house
Have and open a veterinary practice in adulthood 
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You always hated that everyone around you was so happy. When you enter the room, people are terrified.You always perform mischievous interactions on your family. Your troubled childhood led you to a life of crime. You always wanted to be proud of your vampire heritage and you wanted to turn as many sims as possible. When you realize you have to fulfill the curse, you find a sim that hates cheer almost as much as you. You produce your heir with the tragic clown. 
Mystical Collectable:
 Ultimate Vampire Tome
Traits: Evil, Art Lover, Ambitious
Complete the Master Vampire and Vampire Family Aspiration 
Max the mischief and painting skill
Become a master vampire 
Have children with the Tragic Clown
Join the criminal career for all of young adulthood, you can change your career as an adult
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Your life was full of sadness and chaos. You always wanted to make people laugh growing up but all you want now is stability, or that’s what you think. You move far away from home to pursue a life of law and try to get rid of your childish ways. One day you look up to the stars and realize that that’s what you want to be! You join the entertainment world and become a celebrity! You end up with an alien and enjoy your life in Del Sol Valley. You love going bowling with your friends and family.
Mystical Collectable:
Starlight Accolade 
Traits: Goofball, Childish, Self-Absorbed
Complete the Jokestar Aspiration
Reach level 3 of the law career, quit, and then reach level 10 of the entertainment career (Comedian Branch)
Become at least a 3 star celebrity 
Live in 3 different worlds (the last will be Del Sol Valley)
Max the Comedy skill and Bowling skill
Win a starlight accolade
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You have a hard time connecting with humans. You don’t make many friends and instead always have your head in books. You may be a genius but you can’t excel in human school. You instead rather focus on tinkering in the garage. You have a hard time staying at a job and keeping friends. You decide to build a robot and they become your closest friend. Though you have trouble saying how you feel, you seem to touch people with your singing. You love singing songs on human holidays. You may seem out of touch with the world but you still love your children, you just don’t know how to show it!
Mystical Collectable:
Traits: Genius, hates children, proper 
Complete the Renaissance aspiration 
Fail out of university
Master the robotics and singing skill
Make and befriend a servo
Have twins with Father Winter. 
Add 3 made up holidays to the calendar 
Go all out for every holiday
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You had a loveless childhood but you still want to be a good friend to the world. You look up to your father so much and love to make things for others. If it involves using your hands you love to do it! You end up opening a business selling your goods. Just like your father you love traveling the world and anything with cold weather. People say it’s magical how your father manages to give a gift to every sim in the world, no wonder you fall in love with a spellcaster!
Mystical Collectable: 
A rare snow globe
Traits: Foodie, family oriented, adventurous 
Complete the friend of the world aspiration
Master the baking skill and snowboarding OR skiing skill (choose one)
Own a 4 star business 
Go on at least 3 vacations in your life 
Complete the snow globe collection
Marry and have children with a spellcaster (next heir must be a spellcaster)
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You always had an easy life, when you wanted something you could just use magic. You have a hard time taking your responsibilities seriously. You love to host parties and make potions, I mean drinks! Your children are not always happy at the parties you throw but you enjoy a good time and want to party forever.
Mystical Collectable: 
(in progress)
Traits: Outgoing, insider, dance machine 
Complete Party Animal Aspiration
Master the charisma and mixology skill 
Learn all practical spells
Have children with 4 different humans (next heir must be human)
Have a club with at least 5 club perks 
Make and drink potion of immortality 
Become a mixologist 
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You grow up hating being a mystical sim. You just want to be rid of the curse that started it all. You spend your time studying artifacts, hoping to find the way to end the curse. Once you study an artifact, you write it down. You are such a workaholic and your ultimate goal of ending the curse keeps you from love. Will you work through your pain through writing? Or would you let it consume you? 
Mystical Collectable:
Traits: bookworm, unflirty 
Career: Writer or Education Career (professor branch)
Write 9 nonfiction books and 1 autobiography. The 9 nonfiction books must be dedicated to each previous generation. The autobiography must be about your sim and can not be written until an elder. Get creative!
Master the writing and archeology skill
Have a best friend that you begin to have romance with as an adult. Decide if you want to continue the relationship before elder hood. 
Have the workaholic lifestyle 
Travel to Selvadorado 3 times 
Curse is broken when all 10 books are published and all generation rules are complete 
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Have fun!
You can change/remove any rules to suit your playstyle
Use the hashtag #mysticallegacychallenge so I can see your creations.
This is a work in progress, everything subject to change!
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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little nugget 
hair 1 / 2 / 3 by Art-TasticGamer
184 notes · View notes
maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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✩ Do not: re-upload my CC, claim my CC as your own, use as a base/part for your CC!
I have always been very upset because the lighting of the game spoils the appearance of my characters, which I create for hours in CAS. With these thoughts in mind I started working on this mod. And now my characters can look the same in the game and in CAS with this mod.
default in-game lighting mod for The Sims 4;
base game compatible;
completely redesigned outdoor and indoor lighting;
brighter and cleaner lighting everywhere at any time of the day and weather;
the brightness of the lighting varies depending on the time of day and weather, but it’s always “clean”;
conflicts with mods that affect in-game lighting, you can only install one such mod in your game!
FILE TYPES (install only one version!)
BRIGHT PALE - bright pale lighting;
BRIGHT BASE - bright base lighting;
BRIGHT SATURATED - bright saturated lighting;
AVERAGE PALE - average pale lighting;
AVERAGE BASE - average base lighting;
AVERAGE SATURATED - average saturated lighting;
DARK PALE - dark pale lighting;
DARK BASE - dark base lighting;
DARK SATURATED - dark saturated lighting;
I advise you to install the AVERAGE BASE version first and try others based on your impressions of it.
For example, if the light seemed too bright to you, then you should download the DARK version. Or if the light didn’t seem bright enough to you, then you should download the BRIGHT version. And also with saturation gradation: if the BASE version seemed too dim to you, you should download the SATURATED version and vice versa.
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Thank you a lot for all your support 💘!
10K notes · View notes
maiatheesimmer · 2 years
Mystical Legacy Challenge
This is a 10 generation legacy challenge inspired by SimsSavs Mystical Motherhood Series. The challenge will follow 10 generations of sims, 2 will be human and 8 will be considered “mystical” sims. A mystical sim involves all occult sims and sims that add gameplay to the Sims 4. Each generation will have a mystical heir that has goals that need to be completed in order for the generation to be considered completed. The mystical heir will also need to get a collectable to pass on to the next gen. This is a working document, meaning the rules can change as I play. If you want to see me play, I will be playing the series on my channel so I can get live feedback from you all! Here is the link to my channel, if you want to check it out: MaiaTheeSimmer. 
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****NOTE: You have to add NPCs to the household to have a kid with them. You can do so with cheats. Console players can make sims to represent NPCs if they can not be added to the family.*****
General Rules: 
You must start with a Young Adult sim 
You can only start with starting funds of 20,000 simoleons. The money generated can be kept over generations, you do not have to reset to 20,000 each generation. 
Aging can be set however you prefer, I will be playing with aging on normal. 
Your heir succession laws can follow any system you prefer. Common options are only one gender can be heir, eldest born will be heir, alternating gender heirs, and more. 
You can use any mods you wish as long as it does not provide an advantage 
You can change any generation based on your packs.
You must pass on the mystical collectible to the next mystical heir (more information below).
Optional: You can dress and name your sims reflecting the generation!
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You are the first generation and you are completely responsible for the curse placed on future generations. You visited the jungles of Selvadorada when you took a sacred relic that will curse you and your family for generations to come! The curse makes it so every generation must produce a mystical heir. The final generation will have to have all 10 mystical collectables to break the curse. You marry a human and have at least 1 human baby to conceal the curse. You will then have an affair and conceive the mystical heir which will be with a mermaid. No one will know about the affair except for the next mystical heir when they become a teen. You want to make up for your wrongdoing by becoming the best parent and volunteering with your family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
1 jungle relic collected from Selvadorada  
Traits: Paranoid and Perfectionist 
Job: any freelancer career 
Travel to Selvadorada and retrieve one jungle relic and activate the relic (you must keep this to give to the next heir) 
Complete Super Parent aspiration
Master parenting skill 
Marry a human and have at least one child with them
Have one mermaid child through an affair.
Your human children age up with 3 positive character values and the mermaid child at least 1 negative character value
Volunteer as a family 3 times
Have a pristine reputation by the time you become an elder
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You always had a love for water but never knew why. You thought you had a perfect life until you found out you’re a mermaids kid! You end up resenting generation 1 heir and move to Sulani as a teenager. There you fall in love with the island, and appreciate all things surrounding being a mermaid. You take on the role of cleaning up the island and join the conservationist career. Though you are not perfect, you want to give your mystical heir a wonderful childhood. Your love for nature leads you to meeting Patchy. You never marry but have 3 kids with them. 
Mystical Collectable: 
1"Ordinary" Conch Shell
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Green fiend
Age up to a young adult with one negative character value 
Have at least 3 kids with Patchy but never marry
Move to Sulani as a teenager and live there for the rest of your life
Despise generation 1 mystical heir at least until young adulthood 
Become best friends with a mermaid
Master the fitness skill and logic skill
Reach level 10 of the conservationist career (marine biology branch)
Complete Beach Life aspiration
Complete the seashell collection
What to do if your child isn't a mermaid?
This is the only occult generation that being an occult is not required. The mermaid generation just requires a mermaid parent. If you want the heir to be a mermaid you can use in-game or cheats to achieve it. Using cheats to change the sim into a mermaid does not break challenge rules because becoming a mermaid is not a goal for the generation. 
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You grew up spending most of your time outside. You always loved collecting things you found on the beaches of Sulani growing up. Your parents were never official and it has caused you to be noncommittal. You also pick up a love for the outdoors that your parents shared. You are never satisfied with love except for your love for flowers and gardening. Your love for flowers leads you to having a single baby with a flower bunny.  Though you do not commit to the flower bunny or a job, you still love your child and want to teach them about the great outdoors and all that you learned in your time as a scout. Your lack of commitment makes you avoid getting connected to material items and prefer to find things in the dumpster. 
Mystical Collectable: 
Elixir of fertility 
Traits: Loves the outdoors, noncommittal, freegan
Earn at least 5 scout badges as a child and teen
Have 1 child with the flower bunny OR one werewolf (choose one for generation 4)
Max gardening and herbalism skill
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration
Live in a tiny home with simple living your entire Young Adult life 
Marry the Hermit in Granite falls as an elder
You can only make money through gardening (optional: you are only allowed 10 plants on your lot at a time), part-time jobs, odd jobs or finding items to sell on the yard-sale table
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Your childhood was very lonely but you loved spending time outdoors. You fall in love with flower arrangements. You love celebrating Flower Day and your lack of siblings made you appreciate animals more as they were your only companions growing up. It leads you to opening your own veterinary practice. You seem to have your life all together but you have a dark side, you are intrigued by vampires. You try hard to live a “normal” life and even become engaged to a human. You end up meeting a vampire and fall in love. You and your vampire spouse have a big family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
A rare decorative egg 
Traits: animal enthusiast, cheerful, cat/dog lover (you choose!)
Achieve country caretaker aspiration OR friend of animals
Receive bunny of excellence award as a kid
Befriend a bunny
Master veterinary skill and flower arranging skill 
Break off an engagement with a human
Marry a vampire and have children with them. (note: next heir MUST be a vampire)
Have a 5 star veterinary practice 
Complete Decorative Egg collection
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Your childhood was very lonely but you loved spending time outdoors. Your lack of siblings made you appreciate animals more as they were your only companions growing up. I mean you really appreciate them and it seems like you can connect with them. It leads you to opening your own veterinary practice. You want to have a sense of family so you join a pack, finally a family. You seem to have your life all together but you have a dark side, you are intrigued by vampires. You try hard to live a “normal” life and even become engaged to a werewolf from your pack. You end up meeting a vampire and fall in love. You leave your pack and decide to start one with your one true love. You and your vampire spouse have a big family. 
Mystical Collectable: 
(in progress)
Traits: animal enthusiast, cheerful, cat/dog lover (you choose!)
Achieve one werewolf aspiration
Reach level 5 Apex on werewolf skill tree
Become leader of a pack and leave the pack
Master veterinary skill 
Break off an engagement with a werewolf from your pack
Marry a vampire and have children with them. (note: next heir MUST be a vampire)
Always have a pet in your house
Have and open a veterinary practice in adulthood 
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You always hated that everyone around you was so happy. When you enter the room, people are terrified.You always perform mischievous interactions on your family. Your troubled childhood led you to a life of crime. You always wanted to be proud of your vampire heritage and you wanted to turn as many sims as possible. When you realize you have to fulfill the curse, you find a sim that hates cheer almost as much as you. You produce your heir with the tragic clown. 
Mystical Collectable:
 Ultimate Vampire Tome
Traits: Evil, Art Lover, Ambitious
Complete the Master Vampire and Vampire Family Aspiration 
Max the mischief and painting skill
Become a master vampire 
Have children with the Tragic Clown
Join the criminal career for all of young adulthood, you can change your career as an adult
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Your life was full of sadness and chaos. You always wanted to make people laugh growing up but all you want now is stability, or that’s what you think. You move far away from home to pursue a life of law and try to get rid of your childish ways. One day you look up to the stars and realize that that’s what you want to be! You join the entertainment world and become a celebrity! You end up with an alien and enjoy your life in Del Sol Valley. You love going bowling with your friends and family.
Mystical Collectable:
Starlight Accolade 
Traits: Goofball, Childish, Self-Absorbed
Complete the Jokestar Aspiration
Reach level 3 of the law career, quit, and then reach level 10 of the entertainment career (Comedian Branch)
Become at least a 3 star celebrity 
Live in 3 different worlds (the last will be Del Sol Valley)
Max the Comedy skill and Bowling skill
Win a starlight accolade
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You have a hard time connecting with humans. You don’t make many friends and instead always have your head in books. You may be a genius but you can’t excel in human school. You instead rather focus on tinkering in the garage. You have a hard time staying at a job and keeping friends. You decide to build a robot and they become your closest friend. Though you have trouble saying how you feel, you seem to touch people with your singing. You love singing songs on human holidays. You may seem out of touch with the world but you still love your children, you just don’t know how to show it!
Mystical Collectable:
Traits: Genius, hates children, proper 
Complete the Renaissance aspiration 
Fail out of university
Master the robotics and singing skill
Make and befriend a servo
Have twins with Father Winter. 
Add 3 made up holidays to the calendar 
Go all out for every holiday
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You had a loveless childhood but you still want to be a good friend to the world. You look up to your father so much and love to make things for others. If it involves using your hands you love to do it! You end up opening a business selling your goods. Just like your father you love traveling the world and anything with cold weather. People say it’s magical how your father manages to give a gift to every sim in the world, no wonder you fall in love with a spellcaster!
Mystical Collectable: 
A rare snow globe
Traits: Foodie, family oriented, adventurous 
Complete the friend of the world aspiration
Master the baking skill and snowboarding OR skiing skill (choose one)
Own a 4 star business 
Go on at least 3 vacations in your life 
Complete the snow globe collection
Marry and have children with a spellcaster (next heir must be a spellcaster)
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You always had an easy life, when you wanted something you could just use magic. You have a hard time taking your responsibilities seriously. You love to host parties and make potions, I mean drinks! Your children are not always happy at the parties you throw but you enjoy a good time and want to party forever.
Mystical Collectable: 
(in progress)
Traits: Outgoing, insider, dance machine 
Complete Party Animal Aspiration
Master the charisma and mixology skill 
Learn all practical spells
Have children with 4 different humans (next heir must be human)
Have a club with at least 5 club perks 
Make and drink potion of immortality 
Become a mixologist 
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You grow up hating being a mystical sim. You just want to be rid of the curse that started it all. You spend your time studying artifacts, hoping to find the way to end the curse. Once you study an artifact, you write it down. You are such a workaholic and your ultimate goal of ending the curse keeps you from love. Will you work through your pain through writing? Or would you let it consume you? 
Mystical Collectable:
Traits: bookworm, unflirty 
Career: Writer or Education Career (professor branch)
Write 9 nonfiction books and 1 autobiography. The 9 nonfiction books must be dedicated to each previous generation. The autobiography must be about your sim and can not be written until an elder. Get creative!
Master the writing and archeology skill
Have a best friend that you begin to have romance with as an adult. Decide if you want to continue the relationship before elder hood. 
Have the workaholic lifestyle 
Travel to Selvadorado 3 times 
Curse is broken when all 10 books are published and all generation rules are complete 
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Have fun!
You can change/remove any rules to suit your playstyle
Use the hashtag #mysticallegacychallenge so I can see your creations.
This is a work in progress, everything subject to change!
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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Heartbreaker 🔪❤️
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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Heartbreaker 🔪❤️
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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Standalone Benches & PC Without Clutter
Just stopped by to drop these beauties✨I separated the chairs from the picnic table, they now function as benches, also removed decorative items from Tablet PC and added slots so you can place your own objects on it.
There are 3 items:
♡ Vanilla Bench | 4 Swatches | 296 Polys
♡ Tablet PC Without Clutter | 10 Swatches | 1.3k Polys
♡ Vanilla Cushioned Bench | 11 Swatches | 1.9 Polys                           
Additional Info:
Tagged swatches
Custom thumbnails
Custom specular maps
The benches have nothing to do with the picnic table from the ‘Vanilla Kitchen’, just as the uncluttered tablet pc doesn’t require the cluttered tablet pc from the 'Study-in-Style’ to work. You can have them all at the same time.
You can quickly access these items by searching “aira” in the game. As always, if you run into any issues please let me know. Have fun with them!! 💜
♡ Download on Patreon(Free)  
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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ASTRO ♡ a zodiac tattoo collection by peachyfaerie
♡ hey everyone :) today i made a zodiac tattoo collection! i drew the constellations for each sign and placed them in four different locations: back of the neck, left and right collarbones, and the upper left arm. i hope you all enjoy!
♡ 12 swatches each
♡ teen - elder
♡ all genders
♡ hq compatible
♡ custom thumbnail
♡ disallowed for random
♡ composition method 0
♡ PUBLIC RELEASE: 01/25/2023
if there are any issues, please let me know!
@maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @mmoutfitters @plumbieccfinds @elainaasccfinds
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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i love christmas season, mainly because this is when i start rewatching my favourite movies and shows, and while watching atla for the 1000th time two days ago, i decided that i needed to make a cosy jacket. so… teddy coat! with a hoodie underneath. 
also major credits to my amazing friend @moontaart who helped me make this, after this mesh kept giving me issue after issue. it’s also a good time to announce that the two of us will be releasing a collab in december which i’m super excited about ❄️
24 swatches
base game compatible
teen - elder
correct maps etc.
disabled for random
DOWNLOAD FREE @ Patreon or Simfileshare
(PLEASE NOTE: i tried for days to fix this but there are some seams that are visible, mainly on the biggest weight - its not really that noticeable but just letting u know) 
Also thank you so much @solacedo for helping me test! 🫶🏽
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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📑 First Fits Kit - Adult Conversion Add-Ons ·
A pack of 14 converted items from child to male sims age. You don’t need the original kit for this pack.
Base Game Compatible
14 Items: 1 hat, 7 tops, 3 bottoms, 1 acc & 2 pairs of shoes
Male Frame, except for the socks
Original Swatches
All LODs & Maps
✨ Download: Patreon (Free)
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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Rusti.co, a totally 100% authentic and totally not post-industrialist furniture brand. We do great at taking modern furniture trends, putting dark wood tones in them, and calling them rustic! With our 100% rustic metal bar and wooden plank aesthetic, your office can give a “rustic” vibe in no time!
12 New Items:
Keep reading
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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romy hair
- **17831 polys** - bgc, hat compatible, all 24 ea colours etc.
download (patreon; free) | alt (dropbox)
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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Emory Dressing Room
If this set taught me one thing, it's that modeling clothes is not for everyone...yet.
What you should know:
34 new items, all base-game compatible;
34 new rugs;
Full-length wardrobes work as dressers;
Clothes will snap to the railings;
Glass doors are separate items for easier decoration placement;
You'll need Vintage Glamour for the vanity to work, but I included a base-game deco version if you will.
All of the clothing items are high-poly.
Here's how everything looks without the glass doors:
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Download: Patreon (early access)
x Please send you're wcifs through the ask box.
→ Every item is playtested. Message me privately if you have any problems with the files.
→ Read my T.O.U here.
Tag me in your creations, I'll love to see them!
Happy simming!
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maiatheesimmer · 2 years
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Hat compatible
18 EA swatches
No known clipping issues
You can recolor
You can edit this mesh
Do not re-upload
Do not claim as your own
This is 100% my own mesh from scratch.
Also, message me if you have any problem!
Download on my Patreon
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