#no shame is practicing hobbies man
vizybs · 1 year
a little rant this is not targeted at any specific users, i quite literally cannot name users who have done this off the top of my head but, i see it happen a bit too often so here we are.
guys i beg of you… stop making our little demon brat “feral” it is weird he is a passive aggressive well spoken little guy who has murder tendencies when provoked or when he assumes he’s been wronged okay?
Damian’s not some animal they put on a leash and go “aw shucks no biting!!” —absolutely not, he is a sophisticated little brat who takes action when he feels he needs to and he must be respected! Like seriously the lowkey jokes at him bein feral make me wanna start swingin hands
This is not pointing at any specifc fics or posts btw its just… no. its jus disappointing his character has been boiled down to this sometimes hes not even amongst my top fav characters in dc but i still feel so wronged whenever i see him being reduced to that.
Theres a thing about growing up and learning to ignore things you dont like, but i just.. this is like. gross. I wish people viewed characters outside ‘haha mom friend’ ‘haha feral one’ ‘the sad one!!’ because most of the time they start putting characters in these boxes so often they end up entirely misinterpreting them and their whole character w/o even noticin.
Yes Damian tends to be the one shown as the first to throw hands but that doesnt mean he is the ‘feral one’—a brat and a menace sure but he doesnt act without reason, he has a very streamlined thought process and is an intelligent little dude whose figuring this new world out, albeit absolutely not in the best way but thats what makes characters interesting!!
Please dont take characters at their face value and make that their entire personality. Damian is arguably one of the most complex and well written characters in the batfamily—please dont water him down just to make him ‘feral’ for a half-baked joke
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sanemisstalker · 11 months
NSFW // KNY characters that are serial humpers. There's nothing they won't rub themselves on for just a small chance to get off.
CW: GN Reader/ Both Genitals reffered to/ specific CW will be before each character so you can peruse as you see fit.
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Object Of choice : Anything and Everything.
CW: Genital Mutilation (he gets curious, no scene), Dub-con/Non-con, Somnophilia.
-While I think all of the Clones have a bit of a problem keeping it to themselves, I think Karaku, being, you know, the pleasure clone, is most certainly a cum chaser.
-He can barely keep his hand out of his pants in public, all but physically refuses to hide his boners, and, worst of all, you can't keep underwear in one piece, on, or even around.
-This man is disgusting. The only difference between him and the others is that he's unabashed about it. You'd think the honesty would help, but it just doesn't. Not after he's torn through your last set of undergarments and now what?
-'So what? I don't wear anything- eh? What do you mean it's digusting?!'
-He's so proud about it too, it's almost disheartening.
-Is not gentle with his dick. It can just regrow, I'm sure he's done- awful things to it.
-I think that pleasure thing comes at a cost. It's a signifier of Hantengu's lack of impulse control. Karaku probably can't stop himself, even if he wants to, which he never would because lusting is his only purpose.
-Everything is made to read as innately sexual to him- doesn't matter if it's your fist or a cheese grater- He's experimental with his nerves to a self destructive degree.
-'I didn't intend to cut it off- no! I saw a photo of a man that flayed it o- Hey! It's not that bad! Just liste- It'll fix itself soon!'
-I don't know what else He'd do other than jack off, or try and convince the other clones to jack off. I don't think he has- hobbies?
-Definitely tries to hump you in your sleep. If you don't wake up to him jerking off, you're waking up to him trying to slip between your thighs.
-'I just got horny- no no- just go back t- hey, no, you're not allowed to leave? Come back! Y/N!'
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Object of Choice : Your thigh
CW: Severe Depression / BDSM Dynamics (Severe degradation, both self and inflicted) (Aizetsu receiving)
-What a miserable fuck, he doesn't know what to do with himself half the time, so when he gets horny he just cries and begs.
-He's a manifestation of every awful thought Hantengu ever had in that big ol' head of his. Aizetsu just drips with the most gut wrenching, vomit inducing level of self-hatred you've ever seen anytime you're intimate.
-you begin to wonder if being talked down to appeals to him more than he'd like to admit.
-He's like a dog when he asks, because, at the end of the day, he's still Hantengu, a selfish bastard who self serves. Aizetsu just doesn't have the joy receptors for it- his nerves jump at the bud for any impulse they can fufill.
-When you let him ride your thigh, because he's pathetic, and he looked so... him asking, it became his favourite thing. Ever.
-When you two are alone, he'll just beg for it out loud. He has no self respect. So much shame that he'll never conquer.
-'Please, please- Y/N- I- I'll do whatever you want me to. You're the only person I can do this with, they'll all- laugh at me- please please- I'm sorry, I know, I'm- God I'm worthless- I can't do anything in return, nothing will be good enough-'
-he's practically jerking himself off on your calve as he spews his self hate. You might as well give in.
-When you're infront of the other clones, he'll tug at the edge of whatever you're wearing. They all toss him hauty looks. They're disgusted by him, too. He likes humping your thigh more than his dignity infront of his fellow cluster, I guess.
-Maybe he's... a bit of a.... a lot of a masochist. You stare at him like he's dirt, there. He's a grown man humping your thigh- drool spilling out of his mouth.
-'I'm- I'm sorry I- oh god- please don't hate me- please don't hate me- please please-'
-'You're pathetic. You can't make me cum, but you have no problem mak- did you just cum again? Are you cumming right now? In your pants?... Are you serious?'
-You could easily have him wailing in minutes, maybe even seconds if you hit the right nerve. And the whole time he'll just be thrusting away, chasing his own pleasure against your skin because that's all he knows how to do.
-Push him off right as he's cumming and ruin his orgasm, he doesn't deserve to feel good (The abuse will just make him cum harder)
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Object Of Choice: You.
CW: Mention of Trad Wives
-Listen, I know we have a lot of Kaigaku haters in the crowd. I, however, see a man with a choker, and I see a potential slut. Give him his moment.
-I think Kaigaku would be a very selfish lover, obviously, but I don't think this is in natural capacity for him. I think he's like, brainwashed by societies standards of what attracts him, especially in a relationship.
-You know when you see a 'sigma' guy that's really upset his trad wife who he specifically picked out for being trad won't do anal? That's Kaigaku.
-So he's really, really upset when you won't put out.
-You see a chance, though. A chance for a life lesson.
-Kaigaku is allowed to fuck you... just not really fuck you. He's allowed to use your hand. He's allowed to use your thighs. He can rut in between your pussy lips/ up and down your shaft-
-He is not allowed in you. And it lights him up.
-'Thats a stupid rule! You think I'm not enough? Are you fucking someone else? Are you making fun of me?!' He'd probably try to insight a screaming match for a week, but you just won't give in-
-Fine. Whatever. He just won't touch you, won't talk to you- won't-
-The first time Kaigaku slides in between your thighs, he swears he sees stars. It'd been weeks... probably the longest he's ever held off on an impulse. Hadn't jerked off either, He'd been too pissed.
-Its there, in that little space between your sex and the top of your thighs, that Kaigaku finds God. At least he thinks it's god. It's got to be. He's never cum so hard in his life.
-Kaigaku becomes almost... willingly obedient. He continues to pretend he's so inconvenienced by the whole thing, but then he's sliding into your fist, and the world is just sliding away.
-I have a very specific image of standing infront of him, and him trying to angle his dick to slide in your underwear. He's really awkward, and he's struggling to stay upright because he's got to bend his knees to meet your cunt/cock- and it's just not working, but that's the only way you'd let him get off on you that day-
-It like, kind of gives me the ick thinking about him doing it, but also like- Aw? He'll literally do anything to get off now? You broke him?
-'I can't- it- it's too hard-' He'd mumble, voice sounding particularly defeated. 'I just- I want to cum-'
-'Too bad.' You'd go to walk away, and He'd jerk off on the floor, pissed as hell. He wouldn't be able to cum and that'd just make him angrier, because now he has to go beg his partner, who he's whipped for, to please let him use their pussy/dick again-
-He's like, never been this needy before, though. He's not supposed to want to chase you. He's supposed to have people throwing themselves at him- It's kind of... exciting, to be denied.
-You know, guys that whimper are really cool, but idk, I think Kaigaku's a whiner. I think he whines and groans and it's really unsightly but??? There's something so appealing about it? Like, he's so big and strong and his ego is so inflated, and he's just toppling for you?
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Object of Choice : Your pillow
CW: Enmu / Crossing of explicit sexual boundaries.
-Listen, he's not right in the head. Enmu never claimed to be right in the head, either, but he's particularly fond of cumming on your pillow. Not just humping it, cumming on it. He doesn't really know why either.
-'It just feels right, I think.' He'd reason.
-'Do you want to- cum in my hair? On my face-'
'No, I want to cum on your pillow. It's where you sleep.' Thats the only explanation you get from him. He cannot articulate anymore.
-He doesn't even think about it when he's doing it. He's just got one leg hiked up on the bed, a thumb pressing the head of his cock into the plush, and he's just thrusting- almost blind.
-He doesn't ever remember the build up to getting there, or what in his brain is satisfied by doing this, but if he doesn't do it, something... off will happen, he's sure.
-You catch him, one day. You thought he was just cumming on it- no, he's got his full weight in his pelvis, pitching his hips forward with all his might. You didn't even know Enmu could physically do such a thing.
-He's not weak, obviously. He's a demon, but you all rarely have sex where he's the one leading, so it's a bit of a shock to watch him be so... rough with the fabric.
-He's almost in a trance, it's kind of scary, until he cums, and he covers his mouth with both hands, and his hole body shakes. The fucker knows he has to keep this silent...
-Maybe you're...Maybe you're not right in the head either, because you really, really want to be that pillow.
This might have a part 2, because i think Mitsuri would be prone to this.
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Weekend Lessons with daddy John PART 1
John, my mysterious neighbor, was a man shrouded in age and secrets. Though I never dared to inquire about his past, I estimated him to be around 65 years old. From the moment I moved in next door, he welcomed me with open arms and a warm smile. Despite our significant age difference - I was only 21 at the time - I found myself eagerly seeking out his company. John was a skilled handyman, passing on his knowledge of electricity, plumbing, and DIY projects to me with infinite patience. It may seem odd for a young adult like myself, but each week I looked forward more to spending an evening with John than going out for after-work drinks with my colleagues.
There was something about John that fascinated me - he wasn't particularly muscular or physically imposing, but there was a ruggedness to him that exuded masculinity. He embodied the classic image of a man's man - simple yet capable, full of practical knowledge that I had never learned before. But what captivated me most were his feet. Every Friday night, as we sat together watching a replay of a baseball game and sipping on cold beers, John would kick off his slippers and rest his large, mature feet on the coffee table in front of us.
It started innocently enough - just admiring the feet of a strong, masculine man. But as the weeks went by, my fascination turned into something else entirely. With each passing Friday night, it became harder and harder for me to resist the forbidden desires stirring inside of me. I tried to push them away, telling myself that it was wrong and dirty to feel this way towards someone much older than me.
But one fateful night, as I lay in bed alone with my thoughts, I gave in to my sinful desires and indulged in a forbidden act of self-pleasure while thinking about John's feet. The pleasure that consumed me was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, a heady mix of taboo and desire that left me both intoxicated and guilty.
From that night on, John's feet became an obsession for me. I couldn't resist stealing glances at them whenever we were together, imagining the feel of them against my lips and tongue. And each time I succumbed to these thoughts, the intensity of pleasure only grew stronger, driving me towards a dangerous edge that I could not escape from.
Despite my attempts to distance myself from these thoughts, they consumed me. I tried to distract myself with work, hobbies, and even dating other people, but nothing seemed to quell the burning desire I had for John's feet.
But one evening, I couldn't resist my insatiable desire… As we sat on the sofa, John's relaxed form radiating a familiar comfort, I chugged back another beer to calm my racing heart. Suddenly, his shoes were off and his toes were wriggling in front of me as he talked about the game. I couldn't help but feign interest in a coin that supposedly fell on the other side of the table. My hand brushed against his foot and I knelt down, pretending to search for the nonexistent coin in the thick carpet fibers as my face stealthily drew closer to his feet. The overpowering scent of masculinity hit me like a wave and my body reacted immediately, my pants stretching with the growing hardness between my legs. Every touch from his toes sent shivers through my body, pushing me deeper into a forbidden pleasure that consumed me completely.
My mind raced with a torrent of emotions and desires as I lingered there, my breath hot against John's coarse, calloused skin. I had never felt anything like this before - a mixture of exhilaration, shame, and unbridled lust coursing through my veins. I knew I was playing with fire, but I couldn't help myself.
A surge of shame and self-loathing washes over me as I realize the gravity of my actions. I pray that my arousal is not too obvious , ready to feign ignorance and confess to not finding the coin. But when I meet John's gaze, a new expression crosses his face - an excited smile, his hand resting on his visibly erect penis. Did he understand the true intention behind my gesture? And did the sight of my face so close to his feet elicit the same response in him as it did in me? My mind spins with confusion and desire, rendering me speechless and creating a tense silence that begs to be broken… I struggle to find the right words, while secretly yearning to ask him if he desires to see me throw myself at his feet as well…
It was finally John who broke the silence, saying these words: ''Are you sure you looked carefully? It would be a shame not to reject a glance." He looked me straight in the eyes, without leaving his mischievous smile, wiggling his toes… my eyes rested on those feet and the spark of excitement in the John's eyes twinkled brighter. It was at that moment that I realized that this was a formal invitation, and I was not going to wait another second to respond.
John's voice cut through the tense silence like a knife, his words dripping with challenge and mischievous thrill ''Did you even bother to look closely? Don't tell me you missed it." His gaze locked onto mine, a sly grin playing on his lips as he wiggled his toes in anticipation…my eyes couldn't help but trail down to those feet, and I saw the unmistakable glimmer of mischief in John's eyes. It hit me like a bolt of lightning - this wasn't just an invitation, it was a dare. And I refused to waste another second before responding, the fire of adrenaline coursing through my veins.
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Apple of my Eye (Obsessed!Wally Darling x Short!Reader) Pt. 3
Oh boy, here I go writing again >:3
Anyways, to everyone who has supported this or left a nice comment, just know I would die for you 💙
After this, I'm thinking of writing something for Howdy. There isn't nearly enough fics on here about our favorite bug boi 💚🐛 it might just be some HCs but I gotta do something for him cause now I ALSO have a lil crush on him ;-; he's so tall and he's got all those arms for huggin! I kinda also wanna make an OC to ship with him. I was thinking maybe a snail who works at the Bugdega with him. I just really like snails, I have 2 of them as pets 🐌❤️
Anyway, on with this fic. Enjoyyy!
!!!(TW: obsessive behaviors, jealousy, eye imagery)!!!
The next day, you got up with more enthusiasm than usual. You decided on a nice light breakfast of (fav fruit) so you could save your appetite for lunch with Wally.
Oh boy, there you went thinking about him again...
After last night, you couldn't seem to get him out of your mind. Even when you finally managed to fall asleep, you dreamt of him.
Dreams of more dates, of gentle kisses as you watched the sunset, of cuddles and movies and snacks under a cozy blanket...
What was happening to you? You were positive you'd never been so lovesick before...
It was even hard for you wait until lunchtime that day. Instead of your usual hobbies to pass the time, you found yourself staring at the clock and fidgeting. You tried to keep yourself busy, but couldn't seem to focus on any of the books or tv shows you tried to watch. It all just came back to the agonizingly slow ticking of the clock on the wall.
But finally...FINALLY it was time to start getting ready, and you practically jumped off the couch to get started.
Eventually you stood in your kitchen, waiting for Wally to arrive. Not a hair out of place, not a single wrinkle in your clothing, and not a clue what you would do when he actually showed up. Wally always seemed to fluster you, and you didn't want to be fumbling over yourself on a date with him, of all things! What would he think?!
Your anxious thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Taking a deep breath, you made your way as gracefully as possible to the door to answer it.
And there he was. Wearing a red suit and holding a very colorful bouquet of flowers in his hands, he smiled at you with that calm expression he always seemed to have.
"(Y/n), you look..."
Oh heavens...there it was again, that warmth within him. You looked absolutely, positively, wonderfully....
"Perfect..." he breathed, his eyes taking in your full form. He realized after a few beats that he was staring, and shifted his eyes up to your blushing face instead.
You shyly looked down at your shoes and squirmed under his gaze.
"Ah, golly...stop it or I'll melt. You look breathtaking in a suit too, Wally..."
You could absolutely cut the romantic tension with a knife at this point, it hung so heavily in the air. Suddenly, Wally remembered the flowers.
"Oh, I got you these! I can't lie, they were Barnaby's suggestion...I don't know much about dates. I've never been on one before"
He held them out to you, and you took them catefully, your fingers brushing his for a moment. You glanced at each other and then bashfully looked away again.
"They're gorgeous! I-I better get them in a vase so they last a long time! I'll only be a moment.."
Wally came in to wait while you rummaged in the kitchen cabinet for a nice vase to put your flowers in.
Looking around your living room, he noticed a few pictures hung up of you with some people he didn't recognize...including a man you seemed particularly close with.
His eye twitched.
"Say, (y/n), who are these fine folks in these pictures with you?"
"Hm? Oh! Those are some of my friends back home!"
"Yeah, shame I can't see them as much anymore. But we still call often!"
You came back to the living room, having found a suitable vase for the flowers and displayed them on your kitchen table. You noticed Wally looking at one picture in particular and smiled.
"Ah, that's me and my cousin! That was a fun summer..."
Suddenly, the anger clouding Wally's mind evaporated. He realized his stare was about to break the glass of the picture frame, and he looked away, straightening his tie and smiling at you.
"Well, I'm sure living here will give you plenty new memories to hang on the wall"
You nodded.
"I'm sure it will, too. Hey, I'll grab my camera and maybe you and I can take one!"
A picture with him? To hang on your wall?
Though Wally had no heart, he was almost positive he felt one skip a beat in his chest as he thought about you displaying him among your closest friends and family. Was he really that important to you?
He watched you pack your camera away in the basket, and picked it up before you could. You looked up at him questioningly, but he just smiled and offered you his arm.
"I'll carry it. Come on, there's a lot to see!"
Wally brought you all around town, pointing out spots of interest and naming off which neighbors lived in which houses. Several of them were outside as you went by, and you got to meet them finally.
Julie was absolutely ecstatic to meet you! She gave you a lovely yellow flower from her garden and offered to come over and do your hair one day.
Frank was cold at first, but when you complimented his bowtie and expressed interest in the book he was reading, he warmed up and said you could come by for book discussion and tea anytime.
Alternatively, Barnaby was warm immediately! He was proud to see his best buddy on a date with such a pretty and polite new neighbor, and he told you some of his best jokes. And it was nice to meet the guy who gave Wally all that date advice!
Howdy was outside sweeping when you came by, and shook your hand with 2 of his. When he learned of your plans to have a picnic, he gave you a couple of the cookies he had just gotten in stock. On the house! And told you to come by the shop anytime you needed anything.
Eddie wasn't at the post office, but you did cross paths later on your walk. He tipped his hat and introduced himself, but seemed to get distracted when he spotted Frank catching butterflies across the street, and quickly excused himself, stumbling over his own feet on the way. You asked Wally what was up with him, and he chuckled.
"Eddie and Frank are...well...fond of each other"
"Ohh!" you said as it finally clicked in your mind.
"They are cute together, aren't they?"
You looked at Wally shyly.
"Cuter than us?"
His face flushed bright red.
"Nothing is cuter than you, dearest~ Why, you're the loveliest thing I've ever laid eyes on~"
You giggled teasingly, but felt his arm wrap around your waist as you continued on your walk. Your face grew warm for the millionth time since you met him, but you managed to at least lean your head against his shoulder in return.
Eventually, you arrived at the picnic spot. It was shady and private and the grass was soft.
"This is where I like to paint sometimes. I love Home and the neighbors and all...but sometimes quiet and solitude is nice as well"
You nodded as you grabbed the blanket from the basket and spread it out.
"That makes sense. I like my alone time too, but...for some reason I never need a break from you, Wally" you admitted, looking away shyly.
He was silent for a beat, then chuckled and plopped down onto the blanket. You moved to sit across from him, but he unexpectedly took your hands and guided you to sit in his lap. He kissed your hands and gazed up at you like you were the most divine thing he had ever seen.
Because you were.
"I could never get tired of you either. You've given my life meaning again"
Your eyes widened and sparkled at his words. You were speechless until one of his hands came up to caress your cheek. You leaned into his hand, and he smiled.
"Could I..?"
"Oh, please do.."
And he did.
Warmth spread through your body, right to your very soul. Everything around the two of you seemed to fade away until even the chirping of the birds was fuzzy and distant. You weren't sure how long the kiss lasted, but when Wally did pull away, he sighed.
"If you aren't mine after this, I'll surely die.."
You smiled, leaning your forehead against his.
"Looks like the show must go on, Mr. Darling"
A giddy grin spread across his face and he attacked your face and neck with joyful kisses.
When you two were finished kissing and flirting, you decided to finally have your lunch. There were a few apple-based dishes, but to Wally's surprise, he liked everything! He had always been a picky eater; rarely trying new things and only eating when he absolutely had to, but soon he found a whole new world of foods he liked. Sandwiches, cookies, watermelon...they were all delightful! Who knew!
Of course, he only took bites when you weren't looking. He wasn't ready to tell you how he ate yet, and he didn't want to scare you off. So instead, he would lift the food to his mouth before blinking, just to seem more realistic.
But you were too dazed from all the kisses and your new boyfriend to notice or care.
Boyfriend...oh, the thought made you shudder with excitement! And he was so sweet and marvelous, you never wanted your time with him to end. You'd never met anyone you didn't eventually need space from, but you were positive you would be quite content to sit on this blanket under this tree with him forever, holding hands and making jokes and eating yummy food...
But eventually, the sun started to go down and it was time to pack up. Wally helped you put everything away, and suddenly you spotted your camera at the bottom of the basket.
"Oh, hey! Let's take that picture before we go"
Wally seemed excited for it, and pulled you back into his lap. You took several pictures; your faces together smiling, your lips to his cheek, making bunny ears over the top of his pompadour, and a few kissing ones. You made sure to snap two of each so he could have one, then tucked your camera away in the basket again. You spread out the photos on the blanket at smiled at him.
While you waited for them to develop, you both laid down to watch the clouds.
"Ooh! That one looks like a flower!" you exclaimed, pointing to it. Wally hummed in agreement.
"I think that one is a car"
"What? No way, it looks like a banana! And so do you!" You said, sitting up and poking his face where his nose would be.
"How's that?"
"I don't know! ...you're yellow?"
"Ha ha ha...(y/n) you're very imaginative. One of the things I love about you"
You blushed.
"Well...I love your laugh"
"I love your smile"
"I love your hair"
"I love your cooking"
"I love you"
Silence. You slapped your hand over your mouth and sat straight up, refusing to look at him. Where did that come from?! Nervously, you waited for him to say something. Anything.
"...please say it again"
Slowly, you turned to look at him. He was sitting up now, too, and his eyes were wide.
"I..I love..you...and maybe that's weird or wrong! I just met you yesterday! So it's crazy, but I...I love you, Wally"
"(Y/n) you are just...the absolute most.."
There were hearts in his eyes as he grabbed your shoulders and kissed you yet again, smiling against your lips.
"I love you too"
"Oh hey, the photos are done"
Welp. What a date, huh? ☺️ little less yandere in this part, but part 4 will have plenty. I wanted to establish that it's not just some random obsession, he's genuinely in love with you and you feel the same.
Should make yandere dynamic...interesting.
As always, more to come ❤️🍎
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pretty privilege tips?
Pretty Privilege Tips 101
Acknowledging your pretty privilege is simply not acknowledging it. Your pretty privilege is as natural as breathing.
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Acknowledge pretty privilege is ALL about your appearance. Only your appearance because that’s what people see first. I call it the Cinderella and evil stepsisters factor. I’m excused more often, tipped, receive better treatment, etc. due to my looks.
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Cultivate your pretty privilege efficiently to gain more pretty privileged perks. I could always say “eat healthy & exercise!!” as a blanket statement, but that’s SO easy to say with anonymity and an oxymoron since I have a box of Ritz bits in my lap.
Eat when you can & what you crave in moderation, find a fun exercise regimen and hobby to practice, start enjoying your life.
I found my new method of exercising by gardening since it doesn’t feel like exercise! I dug my first hole in the ground for an apple tree a couple of months ago, and I really enjoyed it, so I dug 3 more.
Appearance-wise, make your own challenges for your face and body such as creating themed shower days such as mango mai tai Mondays, Old Hollywood Wednesdays or New Jeans cookie (I have a speaker for my bath) scrub. For my facial care, I always visualize myself preparing for an event, because I am an event.
You are your own goddess.
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Stop acknowledging opinions about pretty privilege that hold no weight to you. “It’s all about pleasing the patriarchy, you’re only a pretty face, men use you and you don’t even know, once you gain weight you’re just like us,” blah, blah, blah.
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If you’re in denial about your pretty privilege, suck it up. Far too many people waste their time concerned about what they do and don’t have.
Prepare for the benefits and consequences you may face being pretty.
“A man being rich is like a girl being pretty!”
In contrast to the feminine energy posts you may read, you need to man up and put in your dental guard. It is more difficult being pretty privileged if you equate it to being aligned in your femininity.
Find out your tricks and trades. Are you a walking siren? To find out your natural disposition, you don’t need to search too hard. If you’re having trouble, you could be hiding your true beliefs due to the opinions of other people or denying your disposition since an article or test said it’s “uncommon”.
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Your seesaw is on top. In any situation, your benefit is the priority.
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Own your pretty. You can feel yourself resisting what you really want to do because of judgment from society. Let the inner woman out!
Flirting should be casual conversation to you, but with your eyes and less words. Many women think flirting with someone they barely like means they share the same attraction with them when I view it as a king of the hill game. Flirt for sport and with yourself!
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Flaunt your attractiveness. Being an apex predator is leaving out weaknesses and self-doubt. If I know I’m the most attractive person I’ve seen, everyone else knows I need a worthy opponent to challenge me.
You need to be on top of situations to gauge your options. A realistic proportion I have is for every 2 things that go right, 1 thing can be wrong and so on. You shouldn’t overwork yourself to project perfection since it doesn’t exist.
Actually have fun.
Most people know how to look like they’ve had fun instead of having fun. Fun is when you don’t care what anyone thinks at the moment or looking back.
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Peacock. Wear your feathers vividly and without shame. Bitter & jealous people want you to paint your feathers to match theirs. Don’t!
Be Luxury, Live Luxury.
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koufli · 11 months
141 with a famous reader? Actress like a reader who’s a iconic ( known to be the queen of action movies) marvel,dc,desperate housewives etc SHE HAS A BIG SUPERHERO ROLE (wonder woman,scarlet witch,catwoman)
꧁༺𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚢𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜! 𝙾𝚘𝚑, 𝙸 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜. ༻꧂
꧁༺𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝙽𝚜𝚏𝚠! ༻꧂
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1. Simon “Ghost” Riley.
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Simon hardly ever watches any movies, but the ones he watches are definitely some sort of fighting genre. He loves action movies, but he’ll never admit it.
He also never admits that he has a favourite actor, he’ll always say something like: “that’s stupid. It’s not like it’s realistic or real, why would I obsess over someone who’s just playing a role?”
Little does anyone know that you are his favourite actor.
He purposefully picks the action movies you’re in, and when he’s alone he’ll appreciate your skill in acting.
He’ll always start getting defensive if soap points out the fact that you’re in every movie he picks, so the TaskForce just stay quiet and grin in amusement that he may have a fond liking towards your characters.
He’ll for sure save the movies you’re in to jerk off to later, he doesn’t realise the extent to which you turn him on. He’s never felt like this about any other celebrity before, but he finds you so attractive it’s hard not to get a bulge when he’s watching you.
He’s the type to settle down after a long day, turn the Tv on and lazily touch himself to your action scenes. He has a huge thing for how vicious you look.
If you two were to ever bump into each other, he will be fan-girling so hard.
He won’t show it, but his heart will be pounding as he casually strolls up to you and asks for a picture.
He’ll clear his throat to get your attention and ask you in a very manly tone to get a picture.
If the two of you were together, he’d be the protective type - he’d hate the fame you’re getting. He’s not jealous, just annoyed that many men will also be drooling over you too.
He likes to keep you, not share you, and in public he’ll often show that.
If anyone’s asking for a picture he won’t let go, he’ll keep a hand around your waist and force the fan to get him in the photo too.
Hell purposely start kissing you/ your neck when paparazzi are around. He likes people to know you’re taken.
After a long day of shooting or a fan-signing event, he’ll fuck you for hours on end just to prove you’re his.
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2. Konig.
Is he in the TaskForce or am I being stupid? I searched it up cause I was confused and it said he was a TaskForce 141 operator…so someone correct me if I’m wrong haha.
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This man has no shame. He’ll have posters/collectibles of your characters and keep them around his room.
He’s the type to print out pictures of you from google and make his own posters out of them.
He does get a little embarrassed when someone brings up the fact he’s practically in love with you, and he doesn’t necessarily talk to his peers about it.
He finds it more of a quiet hobby. So whenever one of his colleagues steps into his room, he gets very flustered about his obsession.
Is a hard-core movie nerd, so he pleasures himself a lot to your pictures, characters, movie scenes, anything that includes you. His dick looks beat up and down right swollen from how long he spends jerking off to you.
If he was to ever see you in public, he would go feral. He’d be so nervous at first, not knowing how to approach you and visibly beating himself up to man up and go speak to you.
He’ll eventually do it and approach you, he’s very flustered but gets things done.
He’ll chat for ages once he’s comfortable, sometimes over-shares and is down right creepy about how obsessed he is with you.
Konig has a massive ego, so he’ll start to brag about how big of a fan he is, starts to really get into the conversation.
If you two were a couple, he’d have a love-hate relationship.
On one hand, Konig loves the fact you two are together and can show the whole world, but then again, he likes keeping things private between the two of you.
He really hates big crowds and talking to people, so whenever it comes to interviews he’s the most awkward person ever.
Paparazzi wise, you’re actually pretty lucky since he’s a huge guy and nobody really dares to cross a line with him.
He has the most intimidating stare without realising, but to you he’s just a big teddy bear.
He’ll swear at paparazzi in German.
Absolutely loves watching a movie with you in and fucking you raw on the couch as you’re watching said movie.
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3. Captain John price.
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He’s not sly or ashamed, he’ll be open about his liking towards you as an actress and a character.
He’s not the type to have any posters, figurines, etc, but this man will have a borderline obsession and has watched every movie you’re in.
He’ll scroll through your social media, sometimes sitting alone at his desk, busy with plans and work when he finds himself working his hand over his twitching cock under the table.
Price would definitely pull a picture of you up on his phone and cum all over the screen.
He likes badass characters, and you being in a lot of actions just does something to him - especially the outfits you wear.
If he caught you out in public, he would be so friendly that anyone would think the two of you are friends.
He’d approach you with no shame, his camera already out like a desperate puppy.
He doesn’t mean to, but invades your personal space a lot, will just hug you for a picture, wrap his arm around your waist, etc without knowing how touchy he’s being.
Tried to get your number ‘jokingly.’
If the two of you were a couple, he’d be devoted. He’d come to your sets, the biggest smile on his face as he watches you work.
On the red carpet etc, he will always have a hand wrapped around your waist - just a simple gesture to show everyone the two of you are a couple.
He doesn’t mind the fame you get, mostly because he’s with you all the time - so he keeps an eye on you.
This is just random - but if you smoke too he’ll blow the smoke into your mouth before kissing you (in public) in front of the cameras.
He’ll appreciate every inch of your body in the bedroom, especially after seeing you on set on the same day. He’ll beg you to take any outfit from the set back home to see you wear it.
This man will go on for hours, he has the most energy during sex.
sometimes when he gets jealous, he’ll take a picture of your nude body and save it just so he can act smug knowing he has it.
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There will be a part 2, for some reason my tumblr isn’t letting me type anymore. >:(.
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hi can you do headcanons on dating elijah mikaelson tvd x fem reader
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Warnings: mentions of sex
This man is so polite.
Holding doors, helping you sit down, constantly asking you if you're alright or if you want to leave a party/random event.
He always makes you text him so that he knows you got home safe when he can't walk you home.
Flowers, jewellery, teddy bears. This man is amazing at gift giving, he quite literally knows you inside and out.
If you're curvy, then he'll love to hold onto your hips while kissing your neck.
If you're religious, he'll want to be as educated as possible. For example, if you're Jewish, he'll support you fully when you tell him you don't celebrate Christmas.
He'd practically internally scream watching you wear the clothes he buys you.
He wouldn't be able to keep he hands off of you.
"You look irresistible, darling. But, I'm afraid you would look far more stunning with that dress on the floor."
He knows exactly what to say in every conversation.
He has such a way with words that can either have you on your knees or crying on his shoulder.
He face was absolutely priceless when he told you he wanted to introduce you to his favourite classical pieces and you already knew all of them, in fact, you had a playlist full of classical.
Every Sunday morning from 11am-2pm, you'll sit in your living room with books in your hands, taking it in turns to read to each other.
Date night is something that Elijah takes very seriously. He'll take you to the finest, romantic restaurants and be an absolute gentlemen throughout the whole night.
And at the end of the night, when you've arrived home and you just placed the keys into the trinket, you'll hear a sharp whisper next to your ear.
Something he loves doing, is taking you to the theatre and watching a pantomime. He knows you used to watch them throughout your childhood but stopped as you grew older, he felt as if you should stay connected to those calming memories.
He's honestly the most loving boyfriend you've ever had, he'll remember all of the little things such as what your favourite song is to the perfume you wear only on special occasions.
He also remembers every detail about you, I mean that literally. Everything you've ever told him about yourself is ingrained in his brain, from the mean boy in primary school to graduating university.
He doesn't know why or how, but he's a lover for candlelit baths. Whenever he's stressed about a sibling or something came up at work, you'll run him a hot bath with candles surrounding the bathroom. Usually you'll put on sensual music in the background, but for most of the time he enjoys the silence.
Speaking of work, he actually has a job. Even though he's a vampire and doesn't necessarily need one, he wants to be as connected to a human life as possible. His siblings shamed him for it, claiming it was 'pathetic' of him and he should 'own his species'.
You supported him fully and he was forever grateful, he got a job in business which he's managed to keep for a good five years and so far, everything's gone well for him. He's the manager at his company and trains new employees daily, you've honestly never been prouder.
But, there are times where you let his mind slip when he's at work...
"You sent me pictures of you posing in lingerie in front of our mirror, while I was in a meeting."
"Did you like them? I made sure to wear your favourite colour."
You two don't keep anything from each other, you're always honest with one another which is what makes your relationship so strong.
"Hey J? Do you want to hear more about my aunt's aff-"
"Tell me."
J was a nickname you picked up randomly when you first met, it stuck ever since.
Once, when you two were talking about hobbies, you mentioned your grandmother taught you how to knit and crochet.
From that day forward, Elijah bought a ton of crochet tools and pulled up YouTube tutorials every evening practicing.
Then when your anniversary rolled around, he presented you with a bouquet of perfectly crocheted flowers.
"Do you like them, darling?"
Something that Elijah tries to keep hidden: he gets jealous so easily.
If there's someone staring at you with the wrong look in their eyes, Elijah will make sure they won't have eyes to look out of by the end of the hour.
Or if someone asks for your number, he'll make sure to introduce himself, and maybe introduce them to his newest spiked bat...
He's not really one for torturing people, but when it's necessary like when you're in danger he'll go through hell and back to make sure you're untouched.
He'd kill for you, even his siblings if it came to it.
He would quite literally die for you, he even told you this when you were gazing at the stars.
"You know, even though you have made this life wondrous in so many ways, I'd let the world take me just so you'd be safe."
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ena341polaris · 8 days
The Atrw boys not canon (but could be) favorite foods, hobbies ect.
Warning: Can be inappropriate to some people.
Arcturus would eat lots of things but not like "weird" things in a sense. He wouldn't eat things like bugs or black licorice (like some psychopath that has destroyed multiple towers). Also he would not ever eat lamb. Never, if you put a cooked piece of lamb (even if it was cooked to perfection) he would not eat it. As for drinks, he drinks only caprisuns and danimals.
Arcturus, as we know, like to crochet and cook. He also probably likes to go to petting zoo's, not all of the time but I feel like when hes out on a scout he would stop by a petting zoo. But only petting zoos that had sheep. Arcky would also probably play sports, like baseball and soccer but he spuldnt be good or bad he would just be like "okay" persay.
Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds
Alpheratz's misery
Spica does horse riding, but he probably just does every now and again when he has time. He also probably has the longest lasting library member-ship known to man, every single library in Bound Arlyn knows him and he has a membership in all of them. He also probably likes to organize things a lot as well. But I dont understand why he doesnt sleep... to much and he also probably like bickering with alpheratz every now and again just because.
(He makes out with alpheratz all the time. That's why hes not sleeping)
Pollux is picky, obviously, and his go-to item at a restaurant is chicken nuggets with fries and ketchup, you cannot convince me otherwise. He also probably strictly drinks juice like caprisuns and other juice brands. Although, I imagine Pollux would eat all different types of sweets, hes not picky at all when it comes to sweets actually. You could put a moldy doughnut in front of him and he would eat it no question.
Hes probably a youtuber or influencer of some sort. He also probably does prank cams where he draws on Alpheratz's face when hes sleeping. He also is a minecraft kid. Don't ask why. He plays minecraft daily and he has a creeper plushie on his bed and maybe a keychain of an iron golem on his backpack. He also plays Mario games, especially Mario Kart with you and Arcturus!
Have any of you noticed that Vega only eats mushed food? Like he eats those go go squeeze apple sauce packets and ice cream which is essentially all mushed food. I imagine him eating baby food (I'm sorry) but like he probably does. He also probably eats popsicles. He also eats mainly fruit based things as if he were a fruit bat.
Baby girl-ing
Being a cutie patootie
Fencing and sparring
Anything that summoner does, says, breath, eats, looks at, smells, tastes, touches, notices, acknowledges, mentions, talks about, feels, looks at and comprehends.
Being talked to by summoner
Being looked at by summoner
Being touched by summoner
Souls of the dammed.
Misery of those around him.
Spiders, centipedes and other insects and reptiles
Other people (probably)
Your pet cat/dog or you siblings
Blowing places up
Stalking people
Blowing places up
Shooting the innocent summoner
Target practice
War crimes
Eats normally but in a more elegant rich type of way.
Really expensive foods and meals.
Zzzzzzzzzz 😴😴😴😴
Making out with spica
Running away from Schedar
Shaming pollux for being short
Sleeping but this time on top of summoner
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shiftingconfessions · 3 months
Why getting offended over something ANOTHER person will do in ANOTHER reality? It has nothing to do with you, regardless if you agree or not with their choices. The problems of THIS reality are the problems of THIS reality. To get into shifting, first accept infinity. Accept that shifting is not moral, ethic, logical. Accept real change. Your choosen life is not a book. You are not writing a book. It's not a show people from here will be watching.
This will probably be the last time I speak about it. Don't commit to something you can't understand or don't care to understand. Don't commit to a practice you don't really know about. You'll get into shifting and see people publicly saying they are doing something in their dr's you don't agree with. You know what to do about that? Absolutely nothing. If you can't accept this, maybe shifting is not for you.
Ego, misinformation, lies aren't welcome in spirituality or any cosmic practice either. Log off TikTok. Log off Instagram. Shifting is not on the screen, neither on your head. Try taking it a little more seriously instead of a fun hobby that came out of TikTok. Do not trust everything blindly. What others say of shifting (especially the new age) cannot always be true.
There are people who lie about their experiences and get away with it because everyone refuses to NOT believe everything. Seriously, stop believing every pseudo post online.
You may not agree with me. That's completely fine. Still, in these last few years, TikTok surely made people start twisting and confusing the practice. In science and spirituality, experimenting, learning, and studying is essential. Also, yes, shifting can be a mix of beliefs. Yes, people can believe in whatever they want, but it becomes dangerous when it crosses the line. I'll always say this: be careful with yourself, your limits and mental health. Do not let the despair or urgency mess with your head.
Also, if someone race changes, ages themselves down or whatever they do with THEIR lives is THEIR choice. You clearly don't understand anything about infinity if you keep bothered by people doing these things. "It's bad" "only x people believe it's okay", literally, you haven't known the real community to say this. There are people from multiple races who race changes in their dr's, age themselves down, do whatever they want. You should do what makes you comfortable. Infinity is not about what's right and wrong. It doesn't exist when we talk about multiverse/reality switching. Most of these cases are stupid and most of these people won't even come back after they shift, stop being so bothered. Later, you complain that no one shares stories or dr things anymore. The community is dying etc etc. Of course it is and it will keep on fading away because of stupid shaming you do towards other's lives that has NOTHING to do with yours. Absolutely nothing. YOU create problems that don't even exist in the whole shifting concept and if you hate this, go to a reality where everything is exactly as you want. Every shifter follows what you want them to. You're also a shifter, right?
Infinity is not a fairytale and it can be quite "ugly" to our human minds. Man made laws do not apply to this. It's not about having no morals, but about understanding that the whole shifting concept doesn't need them. Infinity doesn't need it. Spirituality doesn't need it. People have free will, as well as you. You can have your opinions, but shifting is not about that. You keep killing the practice every time you be like "this is bad" "this is wrong" "this is problematic" If you think so, then quit, or at least try to be more open minded. You have the option to block people and ignore them if you don't agree with them. You have the option to quit if you can't fathom the rawness of shifting.
Take care of YOUR lives. Do not create discussions over all of it. Personally, I think these opinions are just personal thoughts of a quite closed minded person. Don't speak about infinity if you're going to keep making posts about "shifting things that don't sit well with me", "things you shouldn't do in your Dr" etc. It doesn't sit well with you because you can't understand the practice and what you're trying to do. You all want to be spiritual and shift but only when it's romanticized and "polite". When the real spirituality and the real shifting comes through, you get weirded out. You know why? That's because you don't understand a single thing of what you claim to be. You're just trying to be trendy, most probably. Non-human things won't adapt to your tiny human mind. YOU adapt to them.
I won't try to change your mind. I have no obligation. If you want to keep pretending to understand things and then keep making up discussions, it's your problem. You learn spirituality off TikTok and Instagram and go around claiming to be spiritual. You learn shifting off TikTok and go around claiming to be a shifter. Get outside and start truly learning something for once.
"I studied and still think it's wrong" then don't practice, or at least, stop sharing your opinions as solid facts/rules. Stop shaming others. Keep it to yourself. You're not "calling problems out", you're CREATING problems. You're making a new shifting inside your head to adapt to yourself. YOU adapt to shifting, not the opposite.
"this community is so problematic" then quit. No one is holding you hostage. I ain't going to be the good positive affectionate shifter that will keep trying to motivate you. Besides, you hating on race changers or people who do "wrong" things in their dr's, yet, you use THEIR methods, THEIR informations. Hope you know that. If you're unhappy, then start doing your own stuff and, again, shift to a reality where the community has the same thoughts as you etc.
I had more to say, but I'll just stop by here because I know these words won't change anything. Some of you just see shifting as a fanfiction and treat spirituality as an accessory and your behavior shows it.
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kiefbowl · 3 months
hi kiefbowl, please ignore this ask if it's too out of pocket, but do you have any advice for getting comfortable dating? i'm 25+ and have no romantic experience at all, and most of the time i don't think about it when i do it feels shameful/embarrassing, or like i'm not a full adult. i'm straight but not that into men in general, but when it comes to this i'm nervous about how a guy would react. do you feel like it's been an important part of maturing/learning about life?
Dating can give you a lot of experience with regards to navigating intimate interpersonal relationships, yes. However, is it "important"? Not in the sense that someone needs to date in order to mature, grow up, be an adult...etc.
Being nervous is normal. Putting yourself out there is scary, and even people who have had lots of different partners and experiences with dating, love, and sex still get nervous. When you like them, you want them to see you as you are and assess you positively, and they might not. That's why it's scary, and that's why when some parts of dating get easier, other things stay the same.
You don't need to feel shame, though. Dating and love are deeply personal; it's meant to fulfill your needs and your desires. If you want to go on a date tomorrow, you could go strap on your boots right now and ask every man you come across until one says yes. Is that worthwhile? Safe? Fun? Is that going to help you prosper and achieve your goals? Your life is not playing out like a movie in other people's heads, so the only thing to worry about is prioritizing the wholeness of your life. Love makes your life bloom, not wring out all your energy. And when it's worth it, it's because it was tended to and specific, not because it just happened.
Dating of course can be casual and still worthwhile. A fair-weather lover for a few months here and there can be fun, especially if you're just looking for someone to spend time with rather than build a life with. You need to bring your honest personal assessment to the situation. Are you looking for a partner to build a life together, or are you looking for companionship as you build your own life independently? No matter what it is, they need to be an honest and safe person, and the experience needs to be furthering your enjoyment of your own life.
Now that I've preambled, here's some practical tips that might help you out, since I know that's what you really want :)
In order to date, you have to meet people. In order to meet people, you have to leave your house. You have to be going out and fulfilling your own life goals. Do community service, take local classes, join local groups, volunteer, go to parties. While these things are taking up so much of your time, you also lose track of how "old" you are (you're not old btw) and the fact you aren't dating. AND you will meet lots and lots of people.
In order to be desirable, you have to be interesting. Lucky for you, everyone is interesting. But some people hide their interesting qualities behind emotional walls and insecurities. Get talking to people about what makes you tick, and the right people will gravitate to you. Read books, learn new skills, then talk about them with your friends. Navel gazing doesn't get you much, so instead of internalizing...externalize. Then, when someone hears you have all the same cool interests they do, they will be the nervous one talking to you, and isn't that fun.
Getting better at talking to crushes takes practice, but you don't have to practice on crushes. Get talking to strangers in line, calling your friends spontaneously, hosting your own shindigs. ASK PEOPLE QUESTIONS. Ask people the questions you want people to ask you. Ask the questions that would help bring the interesting qualities of yours out from behind the insecurities. If you have a weird niche hobby no one knows about because no one asks you, take that as a lesson to ask other people about their own niche hobbies. Then use these lessons to snare your target.
When you ask people out, be flexible but ask a specific time, place, and activity. "Do you want to go to the movies sometimes?" WRONG. "Are you doing something this weekend?" WRONG. "Maybe we should hang out sometime." WRONG. "I'm free this Saturday, would you like to get coffee with me at two? We can meet at The Coffee Bean, it's my favorite local place." CORRECT. "Barbie 2: Oppenheimier is coming out this week. Would you like to go with me this Friday after 5pm?" CORRECT.
People like suave. People like being wooed and seduced. Learn to segue into your question. "Do you watch basketball?" (you ask this already knowing the answer is yes), they say "Yes!" (you knew this, which is why you asked), and so you say "Me, too. I was thinking of going to the TEAM NAME's game next Saturday. Would you come with me if I bought tickets tonight?" My gosh, why would they say no? Eh, maybe they would, but then you just take your ass to the basketball game with your best friend instead see first bullet point. The point is, set yourself up for success by making them feel like you are pursuing them, not just springing it on them out of the blue. Most people highly underestimate how many people like them. You might think your big moon eyes are embarrassingly obvious, but I promise you they aren't that obvious. People are more likely to say yes if it's not a big surprise.
Some no-nos about pursuing people: (1) Do NOT buy unsolicited gifts to acquaintances. There are probably gray areas here, but if you're not confident how they'll react, DO NOT DO THIS. Not even a candy bar. (2) Really, truly triple-quadruple think about it before flirting with a coworker. I'm not saying no office relationships ever, I'm just saying if they're not your only one predestined soulmate...I would advise against it. (3) Do not "casually" show up places. Do not social media stalk. If you like someone you don't really run into often, and don't have that in yet, you have to recruit your friends. Here's what's fun, even adults like knowing secrets like this and like to help. Helping includes throwing a party, organizing a group hang, inviting you along to their next outing, etc. Helping does not include middle school antics. You're recruiting your friends to help you get in the room with them. Not texting them creepy shit or do your flirting for you. (4) Do not laser focus on this person over all other responsibilities. When people say no, believe them. Even if you have good reason to think they're scared or something else is going on, they will have to give you the greenlight later then. Move on. (5) Lying about what you really want: BIGGEST NO I CAN GIVE. If you want a fuck buddy, don't say you want something serious. If you want something serious, don't tell them it's okay to date other people. If you want to date other people, don't be coy about the "what are we" conversation. The skills you practice are the skills you develop, practicing being a doormat or an asshole makes you a doormat or an asshole.
That's what I can think of off the top of my head...
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moonsaver · 4 months
Worth pointing out that Herta also only is nice to people who are *useful* to her. And "nice" is kind of pushing it. She's a very absentee friend/boss and a lot of her accomplishments might also only be possible because she keeps recruiting other people to do the actual labor for her? There's a statement about academia in there somewhere for sure for sure. So her not paying attention to Ratio could also be seen as a compliment. He's not someone she can take advantage of.
He might not see it that way though >> I got the impression that his "extra-ness" was a sign of deep self-esteem issues. In academia, getting multiple PhDs is not actually considered a good thing. (It's not "hard" to do, it's just time consuming and expensive.) It's considered a red flag that someone is not able to commit to a singular field.
Hello anon, yes, you're very right in my opinion.
Herta isn't really as much of a "friend" as she is mutually interested in your capacity to work for her. I don't play the game nor look too much into the gameplays, but you can kind of understand that vibe from her. I think somewhere it was mentioned she's kind of like the face of the genius society with a few others.. maybe it was dialogue or just another analysis comment i read somewhere. As for her not paying attention to Dr. Ratio for that reason.. it makes sense. But also because I doubt he's really available for such things, haha, i dont think a lot of people in the main storyline really even know where he is most of the time. Herta's probably never come face to face with him before, and I don't think either of them will really make an effort to talk to each other directly. I think Dr. Ratio will only appreciate her achievements from a reasonable stance and leave it at that.
As for his self-esteem issues and extra-ness, the reason seems plausible, but also because I think it's a by-product of just reading that many books. He's constantly immersing himself into books as his hobby, so I imagine the strange vocabulary also came along as an extra feature, not to mention he studies these fields thoroughly from an almost argumentative point of view (in his quest, Crown of Mundane and Divine, he admits something similar as a point of skepticism).
As for not being able to commit to one field.. that's plausible in the eyes of many, probably prideful researchers. Generally however, it makes sense to be able to accomplish much in a lot of other fields, considering these all are happening constantly in harmony with each other in our lives, intersecting and overlapping in principle. It would only make sense that someone would be able to gain so many PhDs by having such a deep understanding of that interconnection. It's a shame.
Veritas Ratio is definitely an intelligent man in my opinion, and so far, he seems to be the only one who's actually shown to be smart in practice, other than the Geniuses from the Genius Society who are constantly skittish and eager to go back into their molehill the moment they're done interacting with the outside world for half a minute.
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The Other Mountain - ao3 - Chapter 3
Pairing: Lan Qiren/Wen Ruohan
Warning Tags on Ao3
Nearly three months to the day after Lan Qiren’s first conversation with his brother on the subject of his future, the one that saw him locked away in the same house where He Kexin had lived out the remainder of her too-short life, his brother sent word that he would be coming to see him that evening.
Lan Qiren’s first reaction was overwhelming relief, followed immediately by profound self-disgust.
Three months, he thought bitterly to himself. That is a level of seclusion we permit adolescents to engage in without concern, provided they are adequately mature. We let the older ones seclude themselves for a whole year! You do remember that you are a grown man, do you not? How can you have grown so pathetically desperate after so little time?
He couldn’t help it, though. These past three months had been – absolutely miserable, and it didn’t matter one bit that the majority of his torment had come at his own hands. His own mind, rather.
Lan Qiren hated being in seclusion.
No, more than hated. He feared it.
By all rights, Lan Qiren shouldn’t have had such bitter antipathy to seclusion. A certain amount of revulsion was only natural and completely understandable, after what had happened with his brother and He Kexin. In fact, he had always thought secretly to himself that if he were in He Kexin’s place, he would have chosen death over a lifetime of seclusion, as indeed he supposed that she had finally done in the end. But Lan Qiren was not He Kexin, and he had not been permanently imprisoned – he was merely in temporary seclusion, something completely normal. It made no sense at all that he should react so badly to it.
After all, the Lan sect regularly incorporated formal seclusion into their cultivation practices, with his kinsmen and his ancestors having engaged in it for decades if not for centuries. Even Lan Qiren himself had practiced it occasionally as a child, without too much fear or discomfort. He recalled that it had taken him some time to adjust to it each time, to be sure, but that was all. He had always initially been quite distressed by the deviation from his typical routine, having been even more rigid as a child than he was as an adult, and he’d invariably had some sort of meltdown in the first day or two. But after a while, he had always been able to adjust to it. He’d even eventually found the lack of intrusion by people he couldn’t ever quite understand to be somewhat relaxing.
He'd never enjoyed seclusion, not really, but it hadn’t been that bad.
Not – the way it was now.
Now Lan Qiren woke up each morning at the prescribed time and, each morning, was immediately sick to his stomach when he remembered where he was, though thankfully he had stopped actually throwing up sometime after the first half-month. He went to sleep earlier and earlier each night, hoping for some relief, some escape from the misery, but found none: his nights were sleepless, filled with nightmares. He would often wake up shouting, knowing even as he did that no one would hear him through the silencing wards placed on the house, and although he was grateful that no one witnessed his shame, the knowledge made it worse, not better. During the seemingly endless days, he found himself alternatively listless and restless, unable to focus on accomplishing anything and yet desperate to fill the hours with something, anything – desperate to do something of meaning, of value, and yet impeded in doing so by his own wholly unreasonable distress.
He was lonely, yes, agonizingly lonely, but he was also bored, and the boredom was its own torment. For ten years, Lan Qiren’s life had been full of work, endless and grating but important. He had been forced to sacrifice sleep, to curtail his hobbies, to limit even his time with his nephews in favor of the work required to keep the Lan sect running – it had been hard and often thankless work, but someone had needed to do it. He had needed to do it, him and no one else; that was the duty of the main clan, the responsibility they bore in exchange for the privileges they were accorded as the leaders of the sect. To manage the incessant demands being made of him, Lan Qiren had forced himself to develop the habits necessary to maintain that endless, punishing schedule. To wake up ready to work, to start work at once, to keep working long after he was tired and no longer wanted to think.
He still had those habits, only now…now he couldn’t do anything.
Oh, he could play music, he could read books, he could cultivate and meditate to his heart’s content; he was free enough in that way, he supposed. But he wasn’t used to such freedom. The ten days of “seclusion” he had taken each year in his brother’s absence had been invariably interrupted by his work: the pile of correspondence he carried into seclusion with him, the occasional apologetic knock on the door seeking an urgent decision, the written questions that invariably arrived with each meal as if putting it in writing made it not count as an interruption…no longer.
Those messages went to his brother, now, and his brother did not want his help.
(“I think it is time for you to rest,” his brother had told him during that first conversation, his expression seemingly neutral. Surely, Lan Qiren thought to himself, surely he was only imagining the hint of malice in his eyes…? “The sect has burdened you greatly, all these years, but I am here now, and you are not needed.”
Lan Qiren winced, even though something in him told him it was a mistake, like showing weakness in front of a predator. Still, he hadn’t been able to help himself. His brother’s words matched too many of his own secret fears. Not needed, not wanted, not welcome…
“I do not mind the work, Xiongzhang,” he assured him. At the time, he’d still thought there was a chance of talking his way out of it. “If there is anything I can do to aid you –”
“There isn’t.”
Lan Qiren swallowed. His ten years of hard work was nothing in his brother’s eyes, it seemed. “If you are concerned that I will interfere with your authority, I can assure you that I have no such intentions,” he said, near to begging. “You are the sect leader, you have always been; that is unquestionable. I only wish to be of service, to do something helpful…it doesn’t have to be anything important. Even if it is nothing but watching over your sons while you are occupied – ”
That was begging, and they both knew it.
His brother smiled, and Lan Qiren knew then that it was hopeless.)
That just made it all the worse, of course, made it all the more embarrassing that his first reaction was a feeling of welcome and relief at the notion of seeing someone again, finally. It was ridiculous and pointless. Lan Qiren knew exactly how much he had suffered, and he knew the reason why he was suffering – his brother had done this to him, done it purposefully. He had forced him into seclusion even knowing that it would hurt him…no, because it would hurt him.
There was no point in welcoming him now.
It would only demonstrate his weakness yet again.
It would only show his brother that seclusion really was in fact the best way to hurt him.
And yet, it shouldn’t be.
There was nothing wrong with the practice of seclusion itself. Lan Qiren had even, with his own two hands, helped Xichen go into his first secluded training – it had been a joyous affair. Wangji had helped them both with packing up everything Xichen might need, cultivation manuals and musical instruments and (as was the traditional role of a sibling or close friend) “snuck in” a few books for entertainment while Lan Qiren ceremoniously pretended not to notice. Xichen had been giggling in excitement the entire time, visibly proud that he was old enough to do it. Even Wangji had been infected by his enthusiasm and had demanded a chance to go into seclusion as well, pouting when Lan Qiren had explained that he would have to wait another few years before it was his turn.
A first seclusion only lasted for three days, but Lan Qiren had still made Xichen listen to him repeat the final set of warnings a few extra times, emphasizing several times over that he was to break seclusion at once if he felt overwhelmed at any point, that there was no shame in doing so. Xichen was too good a child to laugh him off, but he’d been bouncing on his feet the entire time, too excited to stand still, and Lan Qiren had ended up chuckling helplessly, shaking his head at his own fussiness.
Xichen had been fine, of course.
Xichen – Wangji –
Lan Qiren hoped his nephews were doing well. He hadn’t received any word of them – he hadn’t received word of anyone, of course. His brother had decreed that his seclusion was to be of the strictest type, similar to his own; it was even stricter than the one imposed on He Kexin, who had a set of servants to attend to her and who could theoretically correspond with friends provided the mail was read over first, though she never had. It was strict even compared to the one his brother had imposed upon himself, for his brother, who refused to see any servants, could still, if he so wished, listen to Lan Qiren’s reports at the door every five days, though Lan Qiren had no idea if he ever had.
No one came to report at Lan Qiren’s door.
Lan Qiren didn’t even get to see the disciples who delivered his food at rare intervals, the meals spaced out so as to respect his “decision” to practice inedia, a decision that had been made for him and which he’d only been informed of once he was already confined. The closest he was permitted to come to human contact was in leaving written requests for new books from the library with his dishes outside the door.
It had taken five days for his first request to be answered.
Lan Qiren had grown increasingly more frantic the entire time, nearly injuring himself in his worry. By the time a small book had arrived alongside his dinner, the one he had asked for, he had very nearly convinced himself that he had been completely forgotten, as illogical as such a notion might be. How ridiculous such a notion would be.
Lan Qiren was in the middle of the Cloud Recesses, in the middle of his home, surrounded by his family. They wouldn’t forget about him.
Surely. Not even if his brother wanted them to, surely they wouldn’t…
Well, the book had arrived in the end. Someone still remembered him.
His nephews probably remembered him.
Oh, but Lan Qiren missed his nephews. He missed them so much. He missed them like a missing limb, like a piece of his heart torn out of his chest. He missed them as desperately as a drowning man missed the air.
He hoped they didn’t miss him.
It was better than imagining the alternative, anyway.
That itself was another torment, equally self-imposed and equally inescapable. Lan Qiren was haunted by thoughts of his nephews suffering: of Xichen crying silently or holding himself too stiffly, hurting himself with overelaborate rituals or excessive self-restraint the way he did when he was truly unhappy, of Lan Wangji’s temper tantrums, hurting himself and others in a more outright fashion, biting and kicking and screaming. Lan Qiren knew how to deal with them, each in their own way, but would others? Would whoever his brother had assigned to care for them know to be patient with them? To speak calmly and at length, letting them use the familiar words to center and ground themselves?
Had his nephews tried to come see him? Had they been punished for doing so?
Lan Qiren had no idea. He had no way to know. He was blind and deaf to everything outside his walls, her walls, and the uncertainty tortured him nearly as much as he tortured himself. Tortured himself with thoughts of them being punished, of them being sad, of his nephews that he loved so very much being in pain and suffering simply for loving him.
Better…better that they not miss him. Better that they forget him.
Lan Qiren did not want to hope for it, but he didn’t know what else he had left to hope for.
Perhaps he could hope that his brother wasn’t taking care of them himself. His brother had never had any patience for Lan Qiren’s strange fits of temper as a child, and Lan Wangji in particular was so very much like him in that respect…
(“Surely I have done nothing to deserve this!” Lan Qiren had cried out upon hearing of his brother’s order, at the time more aghast at how badly the conversation had gone than realizing the full horror that awaited him in his near future. “Xiongzhang, you cannot do this!”
“I can,” his brother said. He was still smiling. “More than that, I both can and will. I’m your sect leader, and your elder brother – the head of our sect, the head of our clan, the head of our family. I can do as I like, and you have no choice but to obey. Do not disrespect your elders.”
“Do not take advantage of your position to oppress others!” Lan Qiren snapped back. “Xiongzhang, I do not wish to enter seclusion. You know I don’t!”
“Indeed. That’s why I’m making it an order. Do I need to have it enforced?”
Lan Qiren couldn’t imagine anything more awful than being dragged off by force in front of everyone, losing all face for both himself and his sect, he who was once acting sect leader and responsible for representing all of their sect’s virtues now instead reduced to futile rebellion in defiance of their family rules. He couldn’t imagine how that would look, what people would think. What his nephews would think. Grimacing, he gave in and shook his head.
He wouldn’t resist.
“Will you at least tell me why?” he asked his brother.
“Why what?”
“Why are you doing this to me? Why do you treat me the way you do?”
Why do you hate me?
Was it something I did to you? Something I’ve forgotten? Even if it is, the rules say Do not bear grudges…
“Don’t look so upset, Qiren,” his brother said, not answering the question. “I trust you’ll find seclusion to be quite clarifying – the way I did.”)
That had been the last thing his brother had said to him.
And now his brother was coming to speak with him again.
No, relief wasn’t the right feeling.
Terror was more fitting.
Lan Qiren looked down at the piece of paper announcing his brother’s arrival with unseeing eyes.
Oddly enough, he found that he missed He Kexin.
They’d always disliked each other, never once getting along, the two of them like oil and water, but they’d nevertheless developed something of a begrudging understanding over the years. He knew to always mention the aspects of her sons’ lives she most wanted to hear and he always included an order for her favorite types of tea when he sent out the provision list for the sect; in turn she knew to avoid the subjects he least wanted to discuss and made sure that there was something he liked to eat ready when he brought his nephews to visit. They had mutually conspired to give her some degree of privacy with her sons, who she was supposed to only see under Lan Qiren’s supervision, whether it was by her sending Lan Qiren on endless errands or him making excuse after excuse to go out and fetch things he claimed to have “forgotten.” Later, he eventually just started taking to bringing a book with him when he came, something to let him sit in the next room and pretend to be deaf with while she played with Xichen and teased Wangji.
They had even, despite themselves, started talking with each other.
Back when Xichen and Wangji had been young enough to need regular naps, Lan Qiren had routinely pretended that it was easier on him for them to sleep where they were. This was very nearly a lie – it would probably have been easier to take them back home where they would be more comfortable – but he’d judged it worthwhile, since it allowed He Kexin a little more time to watch over them and them the chance to stay just that little bit longer with their mother, to see her once more when they woke.
The end result of it, however, had been the two of them sitting there in silence with two sleeping boys. It had rapidly become unbearably awkward, so they had started to fill the time with meaningless conversations that had mostly served to establish that they had completely opposite tastes in just about everything.
It had gotten to the point that whenever Lan Qiren read a book and disliked it, he would always set it aside to bring to her as a suggestion – and just as invariably, He Kexin would declare the book charming and wonderful, and that anyone who didn’t like it must have bricks for brains and stone for a soul. Much to his distress, she actually meant it, too, rather than just making a deliberate jab at his expense, though his aesthetic sense might have preferred the jab.
They never discussed his brother.
(That was not entirely true: there was that one highly awkward conversation early on in He Kexin’s imprisonment when Lan Qiren had conveyed to her that nothing about her imprisonment meant that she was required to accept his brother’s intimate company, sect leader or no, feeling it to be his duty in the event no one else had made it clear to her, and furthermore that he would support her if she didn’t want to see him. She’d only looked amused and declined, barely hiding her laughter, and he’d rushed out humiliated. He’d never brought it, or him, up again.)
In truth, they had never discussed much of anything, other than the boys.
They were not close. They did not like each other.
Yet somehow Lan Qiren thought, or at least believed, that He Kexin would have tried to help him out of his present predicament if she had lived. For her sons’ sake, at least, because she knew they loved him, though not for his own – Lan Qiren had never allowed himself any illusions regarding her. Was he not, however unwillingly, one of her jailors…?
Perhaps he was overestimating himself, or her. Perhaps he only thought of her because he was now trapped in these very same rooms that had once trapped her, this place which he had always thought of as hers, surrounded by the gentians she liked best and which he would forever associate with her. Perhaps he only thought of her now that his situation was strangely similar to hers, having been locked away without recourse by the same man…
Lan Qiren couldn’t suppress the full-body shudder that passed through him at the sound of his brother’s voice coming from behind him. He could not tell whether the shock was involuntary pleasure at hearing another person speak for the first time in three months, or merely despair that it was his brother he was hearing.
He turned slowly to look. It was indeed his brother, standing there in the front room of his (her) rooms.
A glance at the window showed that the hour was later than he’d realized. He must have lost time again, waiting, and his brother had come to visit him just as he had promised.
Lan Qiren had to clear his throat twice before he could reply, his voice dry and throat painful, but he rose to his feet and saluted his brother appropriately. “Xiongzhang.”
His brother surveyed him thoughtfully. Lan Qiren wondered what he saw.
He probably looked terrible. He’d followed all the usual rules about appearance, of course, and continued his usual training habits as always, but he hadn’t done much more than that, growing quite negligent; it had all felt utterly pointless. He probably should have made more of an effort with his appearance today, at least, knowing that his brother was coming. He’d intended to, only it had ended up being one of his listless days, so he hadn’t managed. And then somehow the afternoon had drifted away from him…he probably looked terrible.
He felt terrible, but that wasn’t anything new.
“Is there anything you want to say to me, Qiren?” his brother asked after a while. “Any questions?”
Lan Qiren stared at his feet. He didn’t know what his brother wanted him to say.
After a while, he asked, “Will you tell me how Xichen and Wangji are faring?”
He Kexin had asked him almost that same question, the first time Lan Qiren had visited her after he’d been given custody of Lan Xichen. He’d told her everything he could think of, no matter how inane or pointless. He’d spoken for nearly a full shichen, growing hoarse, even though Lan Xichen had been only a baby and not capable of very much, and she’d listened the entire time.
“No,” his brother said.
Lan Qiren nodded numbly, having expected as much.
“Then no,” he said. “I have nothing to say.”
That displeased his brother, he could see that, and Lan Qiren felt another full-body shudder come upon him. He didn’t want to displease his brother right now, though he could hardly imagine how his brother could possibly make things worse for him. Even prescribing physical discipline, even severe physical discipline, would be a welcome change from seclusion.
“…I see,” his brother said. He sounded neutral, not disapproving, but Lan Qiren knew it was there. “Very well. I am here to congratulate you.”
Lan Qiren shuddered once again. He felt very cold. This wasn’t going to be anything good. “Congratulate me? On what?”
“Your upcoming marriage.”
Three months ago, Lan Qiren would have thrown a fit at those words. He’d always had a nasty temper, had always been inclined to rage and shout and scold viciously when he was provoked, and no amount of reviewing the foundations of Do not succumb to rage had ever helped. He would have been aghast at the mere suggestion: a Lan of the main family, in an arranged marriage? Marrying for politics rather than love? Him, marrying? A marriage that he wouldn’t get any say in, not even the usual formulaic request for consent?
And again, him, getting married?
It wasn’t that Lan Qiren hadn’t thought about getting married before. His peers might mock him for being an old man before his time, but he was in truth relatively young, and he was after all the second son of the main line of a Great Sect; it wasn’t as though he couldn’t have gotten married if he’d wanted to. There were plenty of smaller sects that would have been more than delighted to send him their daughters if he’d only expressed the smallest iota of interest. The majority of the cultivation world saw nothing amiss in arranging marriages to further sect interests – in this, his Lan sect was the exception to the general rule, devoted as they were to their ancestor’s model of passionate love and devotion. They had always been considered a little unorthodox for allowing their disciples to generally pick their own dao companions, the one exception to their otherwise strict conservatism.
Even in the Lan sect, though, it wasn’t exactly unheard of to marry for political reasons, particularly after you were older. And it wasn’t as though Lan Qiren himself was terribly romantic.
Though – that was the problem, he supposed. That had always been what had stopped him: he wasn’t especially romantic, and he wasn’t especially amorous, either. The only person he could say that he’d ever had any sort of feelings for, or at least thought that he’d gotten close enough for it to count, had been Cangse Sanren. And yet even with her, a woman who had been reckoned one of the most beautiful and desirable female cultivators of his generation, Lan Qiren had only ever felt a vague and amorphous fondness, unsure whether he wanted to be by her side or if he just envied how carefree she seemed to be, and even that had only come upon him after months of knowing her. Despite some effort on his part, wistfully wanting to be normal like his peers for once, his feelings for her had never developed any further than friendship.
He certainly had never felt any lust for her.
For that matter, he'd never felt lust upon looking upon any person. No one had ever inspired those feelings within him that seemed to come so naturally to everyone else: he had never leered or yearned for pretty women, the way Jin Guangshan so grossly and obviously did whenever he dragged them all to brothels. He had never compromised his position on a subject for the sake of another person simply because he thought them lovely, the way Lao Nie so cheerfully yielded whenever anyone with especially exceptional martial skills asked him for anything. He didn’t even soften his gaze when looking upon a loved one, the way Jiang Fengmian did whenever he thought Yu Ziyuan wouldn’t notice.
When Lan Qiren was younger, he had thought that such feelings would come with time, but they never had. Whether it was because he had been a late bloomer or because the work of the sect had crushed it out of him, or if he’d simply been born without that internal instinct that other people had, he could never be sure, but in the end it didn’t really matter.
If he couldn’t feel what was necessary for a marriage, then he would not marry.
It had always been as simple as that. Lan Qiren didn’t want to be the next Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan, a partnership turned sour and bitter, and he didn’t want what Jin Guangshan had with his wife, either, nasty and acrimonious. Maybe he could have been happy with something like what Lao Nie had once had, with a bride he’d seemed genuinely delighted with, but…no.
A marriage was once in a lifetime, after all. If all he could offer a potential future bride was his respect but not his love, then by marrying her he was robbing her of the chance to marry someone who could offer her both.
He wouldn’t do that. He refused to do that.
In short, he’d concluded that he was not a man made to marry.
The sect elders had raised the possibility of him marrying a few times, albeit only half-heartedly. They’d worried about the matter of inheritance, of Xichen and Wangji’s right to lead the sect when they reached adulthood, given that back then they had all expected Lan Qiren to continue managing the sect on their behalf until that time. He had rejected them firmly every time.
If it had been three months ago, he would have done the same now.
It wasn’t three months ago.
“Thank you, Xiongzhang,” he said dully. “I appreciate your support.”
Lan Qiren still didn’t want to marry. But if there was one thing he’d learned over the past three months, it was that it didn’t matter what he wanted.
You really are useless, you really are hopeless, he thought to himself, more a flat statement of fact than of anger. Three months, that’s it? You couldn’t manage to stay strong for any longer than that?
He really couldn’t. All the fight had been leeched out of him by his time in seclusion. He had spent everything he had fighting his own demons, and there was nothing left in him for fighting his brother.
And, also, although Lan Qiren was loath to admit it…he was afraid.
He was afraid of what his brother might do if he tried to resist. He was afraid enough not to dare to try.
Have courage, the rules said. Have a strong will and anything can be achieved.
It was probably true, but Lan Qiren was too tired and too weak to do either.
His brother studied him again, then smiled. “You’ve grown remarkably accommodating during your time in here,” he said, seeming suddenly in a much better mood. “Very good. I’d started to worry that you were incapable of learning anything. Any other questions for me now, Qiren?”
Lan Qiren shook his head in the negative at first, not wanting to say anything that might irritate his brother further, but then realized that if he failed to ask any questions at all, his brother might consider the conversation over – his brother might leave, and then Lan Qiren would be all alone again.
However loathsome his brother was, however terrifying, it was still better than being alone.
“When does she arrive?” he asked. That would be something to look forward to, at least – his brother would have to let him out of seclusion to prepare for the marriage, if nothing else. He’d be able to walk through the paths of the Cloud Recesses, to speak with people once more…maybe even see his nephews.
His brother shook his head. “Oh, Qiren, Qiren,” he sighed, though he still sounded amused. “Aren’t you the expert on the rules? Do not make assumptions.”
Lan Qiren lifted his head and looked at him a little more directly, confused. What could his brother mean by that? What assumptions had he made? He purposefully hadn’t asked any question that could be construed as him trying to have a say in who he married, nothing about who her family was or where she came from, her personality or her looks or her skills. He’d only asked about the timing of the marriage, which was something he had to know in order to prepare himself. What else could he have been assuming…?
The answer came to him slowly, as if trekking through mud.
“Oh,” Lan Qiren said softly, a little exhalation of breath that sounded almost as if it had been punched out of him. “Oh, I see. I am…you have decided that I am to marry out, then.”
That would be – incredibly humiliating.
It was already quite rare for a male cultivator to be willing to marry into his wife’s family, knowing that his children would bear his wife’s surname, and among the families of the powerful it was unheard of. Lan Qiren was a Lan, a son of a Great Sect, a member of the main family line, heir to an unbroken tradition that stretched back for generations. Whenever he’d imagined getting married, the few times he had, he had always thought that he’d bring some bride back home to the Cloud Recesses, to live with him in his house and adapt herself to his ways as he made space in his life for hers. It had never even occurred to Lan Qiren that he might be asked to give that up – to give up his home, to give up his family, to give up even the right for his children to be his nephews’ cousins by name and not merely by blood.
He had never thought that he would have to leave.
He never thought his brother would force him to leave.
The worst of it was, everyone would know. There was no woman of sufficient rank that would motivate the Lan sect to willingly give up one of its sons, neither in the cultivation world nor outside of it. Even the Emperor, far away, didn’t have any daughters, and the Lan sect wouldn’t have considered a non-cultivator family as an option anyway.
No: the only possible reason for Lan Qiren to marry out, to become someone’s husband living in their house rather than in his, was because he wasn’t welcome back at home.
Everyone would know. He’d have no face left at all.
Arrogance is forbidden.
He just hoped his brother hadn’t married him to anyone too low-ranking. It was one thing for Lan Qiren’s face to be completely torn away, bitter as the thought might be, but the idea of his sect losing face because of him was even more intolerable.
“Any objections, Qiren?” his brother asked, voice sweet. “Any questions?”
He wanted Lan Qiren to object, Lan Qiren thought fuzzily – all the blood had drained out of his head, and he felt dizzy. The decision had been made, that much was clear, or else his brother wouldn’t have started out by offering his congratulations. There would be no changing the decision now, no affecting it. There would be no mercy or clemency to be had no matter how much he begged for it. His brother only wanted Lan Qiren to try to fight so that he could have the joy of crushing him.
“No, Xiongzhang,” Lan Qiren said softly, instead, and took as his pyrrhic victory his brother’s frown of disappointment. “I will do as you say. You are Sect Leader.”
“As long as you remember that,” his brother said stiffly, and he was scowling now. He must have realized that Lan Qiren’s purposeful submission was an act of hatred and defiance, however petty and pointless. He rose to his feet. “Under the circumstances, we’ve decided on a proxy marriage, after which you’ll go to your new home – you can refresh the vows there, or not, however you like. I’ll leave you to prepare yourself for your wedded life. Perhaps you’d like to review some of the books we have on marital duties in the meantime.”
He paused, but Lan Qiren said nothing. He just bowed his head.
His brother’s lips tightened and he turned, walking towards the door. On the way there, very suddenly, he lashed out and kicked the guqin stand, not even bothering to pretend it was an accident. The force of the blow was sufficient to cause the instrument, tough and hardy as Lan guqins made for night-hunts were all designed to be, to fall down and crack right down the middle, rendering it completely useless.
A very illustrative point.
Lan Qiren still had to bite his tongue to keep from trying to get his brother to stay.
When he was finally sure his brother was completely gone, he sank down to the floor right where he was, uncaring of his dignity. His brother hadn’t even told him when the marriage was going to be, he thought to himself, still numb with despair. He had probably meant to, but then had gotten angry when Lan Qiren hadn’t responded in the way he’d wanted him to. Or maybe he hadn’t meant to tell him at all, hoping that Lan Qiren would live in fear every day until it happened.
He supposed it didn’t really matter. In the end, the result would be the same: he’d be leaving the Cloud Recesses, leaving his home. Worse, he’d be leaving his nephews, who he was starting to think his brother would never let him see again. He’d be going to some strange woman’s house to serve as her husband, bound by oaths he wouldn’t even be making himself, and once it was made known to all the cultivation world, he’d probably die of shame before he ever let himself meet anyone ever again.
All alone, again. Forever, this time.
Lan Qiren touched his face lightly, confirming his suspicion that he’d started crying again. That was how it tended to happen these days, the tears just falling at random intervals without him even really noticing; it was like the patches of lost time that came upon him, the sun traveling across the sky in a blink. It suggested that there was something seriously wrong with his mental state, and probably his qi as well, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to care.
At least when I marry, I will no longer be in seclusion, he tried to tell himself, but the thought of leaving everything he’d ever known behind for good was so miserable that even that notion didn’t make him feel better. Maybe my wife will be understanding, or maybe even kind. Maybe she will let me continue teaching – assuming my brother does not forbid me from doing so once I am out of the sect. Eventually Xichen and Wangji will be old enough to go night-hunting, and then maybe I will be able to arrange to see them. Xichen is already nine; it will only be another five years, maybe even four. Maybe it will not be so bad.
Maybe he should reread the books on marital duties.
Most books of that sort were written for the benefit of women, of course, and Lan Qiren wondered briefly if his brother had forgotten that – his brother certainly wouldn’t have need to review them in his seclusion, and it had been ten years – but surely there would be some pieces in there that would be relevant to a prospective husband.
Anyway, Lan Qiren still didn’t think he could offer his future spouse the sort of love they might be hoping for, but now that marriage had become an inevitability, rather than a decision he could influence, there was nothing for it.
He would simply have to try his best to be as good a husband as he could be.
Yes, that sounded like a plan. Lan Qiren nodded to himself. Surely his brother would send someone to deliver the relevant books to him before he left the sect, and he could look through them to see what he could glean from them. The ones on marital duties, and perhaps others, if he could get someone to deliver them in time. When he had been sect leader, Lan Qiren had always preferred to go into meetings well-prepared, even over-prepared. He would treat this marriage as much the same: an incredibly important, incredibly tricky meeting, in which he had to ensure that he behaved properly and influenced others to act properly in turn.
Well, it would be like a meeting, if the meeting was scheduled to last the rest of his life.
At least it wouldn’t be seclusion.
Yes, he thought again. He would go and start preparing himself, to wait for the books and look to see if there was anything relevant in those he already had. He would start to think and plan and prepare himself. It was the right thing to do, and he would do it. He would.
He just…couldn’t move right now.
Lan Qiren closed his eyes in misery and settled himself into a meditation pose. He suspected that tonight would be yet another one of the nights where he found himself unable to muster up enough energy to make it to his bed, and possibly continue into being one of the mornings where he couldn’t get up, either.
He’d have to hope for something better tomorrow.
It will be better, he promised himself. Even if it does not feel that way right now, it cannot continue to get worse forever. Even if it feels as though nothing will ever be different and that it will be all grey forever, that does not mean that it really will. Not all changes can be for the worse.
You have to keep trying, Qiren.
Be just, be generous, be ethical, be grateful, be loyal.
Be steadfast.
You know the rules. You know what you need to do. You just need to do it. You just need to try.
Lan Qiren would try again tomorrow.
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
Eternal Destiny
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Chapter 1
Pairing: Prince Oberyn Martell x fem!Reader
Summary: The Royal Family are in need of a Chef to cater for a huge Wedding, for King Doran and his soon-to-be wife. Your boss, Edmund has an opportunity you can't refuse.
Word Count: 2.3k
Destiny was an almighty ruler of Dorne. It was an unspoken law everyone abided by, those who dare disobey weren't immune to the consequences. Dire consequences you had seen at the hands of your father-a great injustice was served that day.
Your sister Mailie was 10 when destiny showed you it's darkness after betrayal. A sickness overcame her, a fever in which no Doctor in the town could reverse, no symptom could be treated, the sickness was incurable. She was doomed at the hands of her own father's sin, Lust, Greed. His infidelity shun shame through your family, the town quickly became aware of this scandal, his need for a son after his wife bearing him two daughters. He couldn't accept it, he despised his destiny, and he was reprimanded for his disobedience. After Mailie's death was where the real punishment began its reign, your mother divorced him and kicked him from the house, his remaining daughter, you had disowned him. Through a course of actions played by his own hand and no family to claim, he was rejected, and therefore doomed to the town as an omen of bad luck. This resulted in his execution, the House of Martell were old fashioned in the way they still wield their swords, being an extension of themselves, your father died at the hands of the King himself.
Your own Destiny however, had led you in the direction of sorcery to pass the time, over the years collecting Viles and old hand me down books gifted from your grandmother who also practiced. You were primarily focused on potions, how to heal, although part of you did divulge into a particular script on a scroll containing pieces of dark magic, potions, spells and something you hadn't practiced before. What started off as a hobby quickly turned into a lifestyle, your small home full of candles, ornamental trinkets, fermented animal fetus' and a large library of books. As much as you loved to divulge into the practice you weren't qualified in medicine and this hobby didn't pay the bills. You pour the cooling liquid into a small vile and push the wooden cork firmly, securing the translucent liquid that you would use later tonight, gluing the label "sleep potion" onto it. You blew out your candles, thanking the Moon and Sun for their presence during your session, "I bid you hail and farewell as you continue your day. May your wisdom guide me today and give me strength." The wick of the candle emits a smoke that invades your nostrils, you inhale the smoke, welcoming the comforting smell before dressing yourself in your all white, work attire.
Unsurprisingly you ended up as a qualified chef, you spent 4 years at culinary school and for the past 6 months had been working under the guidance of Edmund Kelp. He was an older man, head covered in white hair, short and full 'round the waist. "A skinny chef is a bad chef." He said, almost daily, as if he had to convince you his food was good-it was more than good; it was exquisite. You were grateful for such a talented man to be your guidance, he had often worked and boasted about how he had catered multiple events for the Royal Martell Family. You, as his top graduate, he admired and always told you that you would have the same opportunity, you always denied it, in your humbleness. You had no idea how Edmund would set you up with such a life-changing opportunity.
The walk from your apartment to the Kitchen was brisk, trying to avoid the business of what was to become of the streets in less than an hour, the town holding fortnightly markets that gave locals a chance to make some extra money and the town an outing for the day. The sun had barely risen by the time you unlocked the door to the kitchen, its yellow hue brushing past the trees and kissing your body with its warmth, welcoming you to the new day and putting a smile on your face. You shut the door behind you as you waltzed through the building, jumping as Edmund startled you, his company welcome although unexpected. "You're up early today." He looked up from the notepad he was reading from with a smirk, growing more with an upward curl of his lip. "I'm opening this morning, Tab." You tilted your head in question with an eyebrow raised, eyeing him suspiciously. "You feeling okay Ed?" He discarded the paper note on the bench and threw his hands up in faux defeat, "you got me. I've got an offer for you; and you'll be insane to refuse it." You lean against the bench crossing your arms, "okay.." You take the bait. "I'm retiring from catering events. Which means you'll be catering for the King's Wedding in 10 day's time." Your face drops momentarily in shock and smack Ed's arm playfully, "don't joke Ed." You're met with a genuine smile and excitement overcomes you providing a boost of dopamine. You're both laughing and it dawn on you that 10 days is not enough time to plan, make a menu, order ingredients, note dietary restrictions and allergies. "How am I going to do this all with only 10 days, this is impossible." Ed chuckles, "I wouldn't set you up for failure Tab, the Kings going to have his own company fast track the delivery so you can get things done." You exhale the anxieties, relieving you of your stress.
A knock on the door disrupts your thoughts and you're met with a man wearing the Martell House colors, his Brown pants complimenting the yellow Vest and yellow long sleeve button up underneath. "Sir Kelp," he addresses Ed formally before turning to you addressing you by your name, "my name is Fredrick, I am King Doran's personal assistant, I am here to deliver the list of food allergies and preferences of our guests. Please do contact me if there are any questions, or when you are ready for us to order ingredients. It's been a pleasure meeting your acquaintance." Your smile meets your eyes as they squint, offering your hand and shaking the man's hand, "thank you, it's been a pleasure." He nods once more before leaving and you turn to Ed who has a smug look on his face. "I won't brag and say I'm right, however." He shrugs his shoulders casually, kneeling down to check the fridge below the bench. "This wouldn't have happened without you, Ed." He shakes his head, dismissing you. "Don't do that Tab, this opportunity is yours because you're hard working, dedicated and talented. Even though you can be hot headed, Tabasco." You snort and shove him playfully, "how can I ever repay you Ed?" He squints as he looks up to you, "make a trip to the market and fetch some fresh lemons, would you?" You smile, "course Ed, will a dozen do?" Ed stands, pulling some breakfast items out setting them on the bench, "that'll do fine Tab." "Be back shortly."
As you expected, the town square was filled with people, the sound of children laughing and coins clattering together in the cash registers came together in an aura that warmed you from the inside. You squeeze your shoulders together, shimmying past people apologizing as you push past them, making your way to Don, at the fresh Citrus stand. "Mornin' kid, a dozen for Ed?" You nod and chuckle, "please Don, you know what he's like. I'll get a fresh lemonade too please, they're to die for." Don laughs at your exaggeration, although it is no exaggeration. "Comin' right up kid." He places your lemons in a tall brown paper bag and sets them on the counter, starting to squeeze the lemons by hand to make your fresh lemonade, adding a mere half a teaspoon to your preference, adding extra ice as it all comes together in the cup. "Ed's got it all covered, so you're good to go." You reach into your pocket and hand him a $20 bill, over an hour of your wage, if there was anyone that deserved this tip, it was Don. He worked extra hours on weekends at the markets, money for his sick wife that couldn't afford treatment, and Don couldn't afford to stop working. "Can't accept this, kid." Don offers the money back and you fill your hands with the bag of lemons and your cup, "you deserve it Don, give greetings and well wishes to your wife for me." Don sniffles nodding, "yeah, I'll do that." It was as if the market was as busy as ever, the smell of fresh food cooking wafted through the air and your stomach grumbled in defiance as you walked away from the stalls. You bring the cup of fresh lemonade to your lips and take a big gulp, the acidity and tanginess settle on your tongue, humming in delight you momentarily close your eyes, a decision that led you to bump into someone, sending you tumbling to the ground and spilling your sweet drink.
You grunt at the pain in your tailbone that shoots up your back, "I'm sorry my lady, do forgive me." You look upward, the tall man standing in front of the sun blocking the brightness from your eyes creating a beautiful sight, the casual black clothes tightly fitted accentuating his muscles. The sun glowing around him, his tanned skin glowing, his face one of worry as he crouches down to you to help pick up some lemons that had rolled out of your bag, holding them in his arms, helping you to your feet, his large hands around your waist. You straighten your back and adjust your posture, empty cup in hand as the contents start to dry on the concrete.
"Please don't apologise I wasn't watching where i was going." You admit, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear in a nervous twitch. The man's eyes are watching you, observing. The dark brown eyes wandered your body, an unusual feeling of something stirred in your stomach. "Sorry." He mused, knowing you caught him starring, "here, may I buy you another drink?" You accepted the bag of lemons thankfully and offered a sympathetic smile, "I would love to, but I'm sorry I've got to get these back to work." His hand rested on your forearm, and it sent a shiver up your body, your arm tingling from his touch, you returned the kind gesture and his eyes met yours, offering nothing but kindness. "I hope I see you around again gorgeous." Your cheeks heat up and the redness reaches your ears, "me too." Your voice is sincere, and he shuffles to the left to let you pass, you walk past the man, looking back at him halfway up the pathway offering a shy wave before going back to the restaurant and dumping the bag of lemons on the counter, Ed cooking for the customers that had made their way in for some brunch.
"What took you so long hm?" Ed nudges you playfully and you shrug, "just met the most handsome man ever and I'll never seen him again." You groan, leaning against the bench, moving out of the way not to impose on the cooks in the kitchen that greet you as they walk past.
"You just gotta trust your destiny," you sigh and nod in agreeance. "No drink this morning?" Ed watches you as he starts to assemble and plate the bruschetta he had been preparing. "Spilt it." Ed hums and you stand in silence for a moment when a waitress walks through the kitchen with a cup of liquid gold in her hand, "someone left this for you, Tab. Asked me to give it to you." Your eyebrows pinch together and take the cup, eyeing the scribble on the side, 'a replacement, as an apology.' Your eyes widen and stare at the waitress, "is he still here?" She shook her head, "he just dropped it off and left, it was weird." You bring the cup to your lips and groan in satisfaction, it was perfect, exactly how you liked it, light on the sugar and a heavy note of tanginess that lingered on your tastebuds.
"Destiny, eh?" You smile at Ed and shove him, the waitress taking the plates as he exits the kitchen, leaving you two to converse. "Head home Tab, get started on that menu." "Sure thing, thanks again Ed, for everything." For the opportunity, the advice, the support, for being like a dad.
He dismisses you with a wave of a hand and you begin your short journey home, enjoying the small amount of peace you would have before you dedicated the next week and a half to make sure the Royal Family wedding was perfect. You sit at your dining table and unfold the dietary requirements and food preferences, your pen in hand with your notebook as you begin to write notes, ignoring the tingling sensation on your wrist where the handsome man had touched you.
-No seafood. No peanuts. No Banana.
-Maximum 2 Entres
-Firm 3 Main Meal options, (no required Vegetarian/Vegan)
-1-2 Dessert options required. 1 Dairy/lactose Free option required.
You'll be fine, you could do this. It would only be easier if you could stop thinking about that handsome, nameless man from the markets, he would be a welcome inconvenience.
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vitalconviction · 5 months
Vincent Valentine for the ask game?
Sexuality Headcanon:
Unlabelled, but if hard pressed will say "doesn't make a difference to me" -- I also think he's full on demiromantic
Before he 'dies' for the first time I think he was quite casual about sex and the like in Midgar which was mostly a hobby of sorts since there wasn't actually much else to do in Midgar after the initial coolness factor wore off
After he wakes up different though, he's repressed city. The drive is still there, or it would be if he looked for it and if someone in particular he was soft on prodded him--but he is almost always rocking some level of derealization or depersonalization, if not totally dissociative in general so you have to Ground him first.
Romantically... eeh he's less restrictive on that because he's making the rightly false assumption he couldn't possibly be human enough to feel something, you know, NICE instead of BAD AND SHAME AND GUILT ALL THE TIME!
Gender Headcanon:
This one was a shrug always, just a vague who cares thing! I think overall he's GNC and likely agender or something along the lines of nonbinary, but after coming back wrong he's mostly concerned about whether or not he's even still a human so the gender thing is just beyond him LOL -- If anything, the lack of gender in general he feels after coming back probably plays into his fear of not being human anymore
As for how he presented himself, as a Turk he would be sauntering around below plate in whatever he thought looked pretty enough OR if it looked cool enough--whether it be a camisole with a dark colored lipstick that had alluring packaging Or a blazer he found that had amazing fabric that seemed to change colours in light! He's drawn to the abstract qualities of stuff!
As red bandana man, if he isn't sauntering around in his cloak, he's sauntering around in the most nondescript clothes ever. In the process of his slow recovery, given that he recovers, I think he would be inclined to go for a full-on androgynous look which would be the most comfortable for him. For work, though, he really associates it with masculine presentation so he feels quite weird when he makes the gradual shift Lol
A ship I have with said character:
VINSENG! Valenstrifesodos is also great :D I can be drawn in by the idea of Vinseph but in practice, ehhh, it doesn't fully hit LOL --also past-vinveld/future-vinveld, or even vinreeve, those two also are nice ships if the other guys aren't available to kiss vincent themselves
Vinseng is seriously the ship I have for him, and it's all based off the one au I have rattling around in my baby brain. TLDR for the ship basis is, Vincent finds purpose in caring for others and has chronically and historically been the person who cared too much for the role he was in. Tseng is literally THE SAME GUY but he didn't get turned into a science experiment. Every compilation expansion featuring Tseng has further added the narrative of him being far too invested personally, having too much compassion, caring in the way turks aren't supposed to.
They're both internally in opposition to their roles, still view it as a necessary evil (Tseng in particular doing mental gymnastics that would make an olympic gold medalist blush), think they're bad guys, and are RIPE for atonement but neither of them have canonically moved towards helping themselves because it's their disposition to let themselves rot. They both tried, and failed spectacularly, in going against their roles, with Tseng in trying to save Zack and directly going against the company and trying his damndest to keep Shinra away from Aerith for as long as possible--and Vincent in trying to stop the experiments on Lucrecia, and therefore also on Sephiroth. If they had been successful they would have literally changed the course of the entire fucking story.
I think if you smashed them in a room together and forcibly socialized them like two cats, which is what happens in my au, they would do the thing they always do which is care too fucking much. In this way, they seriously have the capacity to slowly heal together! I just want their cycles of pain and violence and self loathing to break man.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Honestly, not any! I suppose Barret and Nanaki would fit this dyanmic though! I really like seeing it in fics so I'll go with this :D
A NOTP I have with said character:
Vincent and Hojo existing in a relationship together, namely with Lucrecia. I can't even entertain the thought of Vincent/Hojo in general--and I mean this in a romantic ship sense, fucked up stuff I'm so down for, but I take ship to mean literal relationship in which there is a semblance of happiness LOL
Honestly Vincent/Cid is the only true NOtp for me because I can see someone who was an abuse victim falling back in with another abusive person, but I can't imagine myself liking this ship in any circumstance LOL I don't even like it in the fucked up way. I just am not the biggest fan of Cid I've found.
A random headcanon(s):
His mother was absent and he never met her, and his father was negligent in that he was abroad for work and rarely spared time for Vincent, so his childhood was pretty lonely.
He's from one of the islands off the coast of Wutai, their region was under occupation and he was almost displaced. He grew up under the occupation and subsequently learned their language as a tool of survival. During the fullstart of the fight back against the Kisaragi led occupation, his father panicked and pulled strings to get Vincent out. He started going fulltime to university as a student after that and even graduated early but it still wasn't what he wanted, so he left for Midgar.
Names and stuff of the place and language of the Island he's from I'm sparse on as I haven't gotten around to settling on etymology, but generally the basis will be Korean and Thai oriented :D In a similar vein, the Midgar language I had considered Nordic but since they're directly next to the plains there's probably Celtic too, but since the President Shinra is THE white guy of all time in the story I gravitate towards calling the language in Midgar Seaxe (anglo-saxon)
General Opinion over said character:
I LOVE YOU BANDANA MAN! This guy deserves to heal so hard. FUCK! He's an amazing character and I want to put him in so many situations. I also want to put him in my mouth like a chew toy.
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captainkurosolaire · 7 months
Profile ~ Sinbad the Young
☼ Roots ☼
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話 "Never again, will I fail her or anyone." 話 - Full Name: Van Gah'd Sinbad - Namesday: 4th Astral Moon of the 7th Sun - Blood Type: B - Patron Sign: Byergot, The Builder. - Gender: Male - Nationality: Ala Mhigan - Age: 22 Summers - Height: 6 Fulms 9 Ilms - Weight: 289 Ponze - Build: Bodybuilder Muscular, Defined. - Voice: ~ (Ref) - Debut Chapter: Parley of the Oceans - Ancestry: Orphaned - Race: Highlander - Clan: City-Born - Crew Role: Second Mate
✯ Core✯
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- Alignment: Story-Dependent - Sexuality: Hetero - Marital Status: Engaged - (10) - Personality Traits: Aggressive, Imposing, Dominant, Straight-Edge, Tough, Blockhead, Egotistical, Fighter, Champion, Macho. - (0-6) - Most Potent Qualities: Soldier, Bodyguard, Fighter, Tough, Young, Caring. - Quirks: Hard-shell softest interior. Cannot refuse cute animals. He'll practically melt when alone with an animal. He's a soft-heart when away from others. One of those people who wear sunglasses indoors. If you get through the density, that is not just the overcompensating body, but stubborn mind as well. You'll have a valuable-endearing friend who'll listen to any plight and beat-up any problem you've got. Is a straight-up soldier dog. He's wearing unusual shoes always, that are so painfully-deterring from his outfit or attire. Instead of combat-boots, he'll wear rain-boots. - Weaknesses: Like most alpha-believed man, the moment things go array, they crumble harder than any other. Feeling completely vulnerable and useless. One duty failed is worth thousands. He puts himself on a pedestal pressured, not just by his society, but all. He cannot afford to appear weak by any sense. He must be an example; a cut above. Internally he's soft like jelly with his true-friends, and animals or critters. - Appearance: Meat upon meat, burly and masculine and chiseled by granite putting the Twelve to shame. Sinbad carries himself in high-regard, otherwise it'd be piss-poor reflection to his lass. Often cologne with the most top of the line, highest-quality. Clean with the right rugged-edges and groom, he atypically sports-shades to give off that 'big deal' touch. Carrying himself like a Legend in the Making in presentation. An absolute-total-package and unit. To thrive in this sea-world, he's still got to be more and command an even more vast presence. - Scars: The Brand of Y. - Tattoos: None. - Piercings: None. - Primary Residence: Worldly Finder - Wealth: Has piles of troves and claimed multiple from other low-rate pirates, but a great sum. - Achievements: Is Undefeated against rival Pirate Captains in parleys. Defeating even his longest idol and current Captain, he watched in the stands take on a Noble of Ishgard and cried seeing that Order's Shield can be broken, an orphan teen grew up into a man that day from inspiration. The Youngest Pirate in history to survive Six-Layers of Hell and be victorious even unconsciously. Sinbad stands for everything all other kinsman don't. Self-controlled, Disciplined. He's Straight-Edge. Doesn't have any vices, bad indulgences. Is set on paving his own path. To become the next role-model of the seas. Has a work-relationship with sponsorships from Aethertap (All Natural Purified Water) to Gruff & Rough (Razor company) - Influence: Has an admirable wanted bounty for 27,000,000 Gil actively at an early-age. Hence has attained the title "The Young" Lifetime-highest-ranking in the 5 Star HVSTC/SN Top 1000 Wanted List, #485 / D Rank. - 5 Foods: Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat, Icecream. - 5 Drinks: Meatshake, Chocolate, Banana, Water, Aethertap - Profession: Rigging, Boatswain, Lifting, Hauling, Dueling, Wrestling, Brawling, Pit-fighting, Street-Fighting. Fencing, Delinquency, Mercenary. Thievery. Plundering. Pillaging, Diplomatic. Breaking Necks, Changing Lives, Lifting Weights. Bodybuilding, Skirmishes. - Hobbies: Animal Fundraising, Kennel Caretaker, Wildlife Rescuing, Making Stuffies. Kid Toymaker, Building Miniature-Replicas. - Experiences: Brawling. Wrestling. Rigging, Fencing, Ship Pillaging, Plundering, Battling, Parley, Skirmishes, Fighting. - Favorite Color: None - Language: Eorzean Fluent - Prior Mentors: Self-Made.
❤ Relations❤
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Crewmate’s Dream & Loyalty Mission: Avenge his woman's pride alongside himself, survive the impending bloodiest War. Dismantle, conqueror, burn down the entire Nation of Omonga. Relationship w/ Captain: (OOC Commentary) Sinbad idolizes the grizzly-older Seeker sharing their scrapper backgrounds. Dedication to spit and spew against what's ethical, to stand unconventionally and stand up for not just yourself but hoist loudly your freedom's flag. He held no mentor, or parental guidance to teach him how to be a man. But by just looking at the Sun. He was inspired and basked and came into his own. It started with that littlest bit of confidence. Then... The Sun dissipated, lost and thought gone forever when needed. Hurt and abandoned there is nothing like a scorned-fan, they go from the greatest admirer; to the most venomous hater. He lashed and antagonized when it peaked the glimpse of resurfaced. How dare that Sun hide masked behind the shadow's cloud! A claimed victory became his own he crushed that incomplete Sun. Yet he too was incomplete, unsatisfied, not dazzling or burning and felt truly high in the orbit, lacking experience at being the victorious, the moment you are held-high, you're merely the ultimate target to the giant's who were meant to eclipse the skies, those which; tower and stand above all lifeforms. ☝ Allies - (Major Supporters / Family / Friends) Unlimited Stoneworks Trade Captain: Biological Brother who's was slain by Klethera who was more wicked, cowardly. He distanced himself from that. Mendi Flowers: His Fiance Wild Crew ☟ Antagonists - (Rivals - Enemies) YORE & The Bloodbrand Mount: N/A Pets: Several fostered-puppies and wolves, all nursed back from neglect or injuries by himself.
❀ Prowess❀
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Job: Underground Boss
"Sinbad's" Move-Set
Self-Explanatory: Punch, Kick, Gouge, Groin Hits, Elbow Strikes. Judo Throw: Uses an opponent's momentum against them. Guillotine Choke: Why did you let him get that close? Rear Naked Choke: There's no referee. Sumo: Becomes nearly unmovable in stance. Powder-Keg Punch: A strong-arm punch that feels like you were in-proximity of an explosion. Wrestling: Pins his opponent's or disarms them, controls the battle. Brawling: Stands his ground, and just one, two, combo's, until the other person isn't moving. Heavy-Grappling: Throws his opponent's around like they're trash bags; which they typically are. Adrenaline-Fighting: Classical when is busted-open, fights with no qualms of most injuries until it's too late. Tough Skin: Many equate Sinbad's skin to be like that of a shark especially when his muscles are tensed. Enhancer: Sinbad fortifies his muscles and manipulate the testosterone with his aether, becoming an unnatural monstrosity with zero-regard of proportions, hellbent to crush, doing so will mess with his nerves, joints, increase his risk of heart attacks. Afterwards his muscles and body deflate severely gaining more flab, suffering body tremors. Everything that has to be physically reconditioned. This requires an insane work-ethic, dedication an utter-drive. At any reason he were to lose that mental-resolve, fortitude, he'd begin suffering. Therefore Sinbad even if wheel-chair bound will curl a dumb-bell and push limits, lifting away his problems and slam down protein. Proficiency: Revolvers, Shotguns, Hand to Hand, Grappling. Signature: Hulking Tackle: Charges at his opponent with full-velocity, and sheer power, to absolutely break his opponents in half. Typically breaks their spine on contact, or knocks them into a new timezone from their concussion. ~ Finishers ~ Limit Break: N/A
⚝ Equipment ⚝
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Main Arms: Bare Fist' Giving Dem Hands. Person's Container: Brass Knuckles, Small-Wrist-Rope, Gil Sack (15k) Switch-Knife, Luxurious Watch, Shades, Eye-patch, Bubble-gum. Athletic-tape.
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siriannatan · 1 year
Count fWhip's Biggest Secret - WitherHusbands
Guess who took a break from other stuff and wrote more WitherHusbands?
o } o
fWhip didn't have many fears and secrets. Being a dragon hybrid was hard to hide. He was not ashamed of being a vampire on top of that and did not hide it. In short, there were a few things his allies (friends really) didn't know about. And he'd not mind most of them getting out. Most.
His love of romance literature for example. He was quite sure Gem knew that one from the romance novels she hid among books they often swapped since some of their hobbies - alchemy - matched. Or his love of ballroom dancing. Any proper noble should know how to dance well in case there was ever an occasion to dance. Even if he could do either part... There were just no good occasions to dance among their group of rulers.
No. Those people could know, he'd not be ashamed. But... there was one thing he would never want anyone to know about him. A little hobby he'd rather nobody knew. He'd rather spend a full day in the sun than have that secret hobby found out...
The thing was... 
At night when everyone was asleep and there was the lowest chance anyone would need him somewhere quickly fWhip liked to dress up.
You'll say, 'but fWhip. Save for your sooty leather jackets you are practically wearing suits all the time'. That was not that kind of dressing up. What fWhip did in his free time was put on fancy dresses and maybe dance a bit to himself. They just made him look really pretty okay. Nothing weird or anything like that.
So. One night he went to his secret, usually locked with keys he always had on him, room for said hobby. And put on a really nice, open-back, sparkling ball gown. It was really sparkly... his dragon brain loved it. And it was really well made and fit him to a T and he could not help but do a couple of twirls. He really liked that one. 
No. He was not changing into heels. He was not weird or planning to break a leg.
What was Sausage doing in Grimlands... fWhip's mansion to be precise around midnight? Well. Being the chosen of a god like the Blood Sheep came with some caveats. One being, less need for sleep meaning a night of no sleep about once a week. But at least he wasn't the only person with sleep troubles... Well. fWhip just didn't need to sleep and if he ever decided to have a vampire nap... he'd do it during the day. 
So, at the current moment, Sausage was looking for his good friend... who he might have a big crush on. But who would blame him? fWhip was handsome. Strong. Smart. Really Handsome... Like really really handsome. And Sausage might have had more than one dream about fWhip. And maybe thought it a shame how many layers he usually hid under - understandably since the sun did hurt him quite badly.
"If I were a vampire-dragon hybrid where would I hide?" he wondered taking another turn. He was pretty sure he was in that corridor already but it could have been another very similar corridor that he was thinking about. Having already checked all the usual rooms fWhip could be found at - his library, his reading room, his various workshops. He even checked his bedroom. No fWhip anywhere, so he was left with the aimless wandering of fWhip's ancestral manor and poking his head into any room he passed by in hopes of finding the man. He did knock. He was not here to annoy fWhip.
He was about to just start shouting for fWhip, but there was no one else in the manor when from behind the door he was about to knock at came a yelp. A fWhip yelp. And thus, as any proper knight should, he just barged in ready to save his friend and froze in the door. 
There was a fWhip there but... Since when was fWhip wearing dresses? Ball gowns... And... why did Sausage think he looked good in it?
"Sausage... you... Why are you here?" fWhip asked not even attempting to get off the ground. Sausage for some reason really wanted to see him in full dress...
"I couldn't sleep so I thought we could hang out... I can leave if I'm... interrupting anything..."
"No... you... you can stay but no telling anyone about... this..." fWhip stopped him and tried getting up. 
Sausage took being allowed to stay as an invite to help fWhip up. He did not shoo the help away what was probably a good sign. "You look really nice..." Sausage mumbled and quickly shut his mouth. fWhip looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. The count was not known for his patience or for being nice to those who offend him... But he did look really nice in red and it was making it hard to focus on anything but his exposed collarbones. And freckles. All the freckles the dress showed that were usually always hidden...
"Thank you... um... I really mean it when I ask you to never tell anyone about this... I'd be very angry," fWhip sighed, leaving Sausage's personal space to get to a nice chair next to a whole rack of nice dresses. 
Dresses of varying length... Suddenly images of fWhip in a dark navy blue dress were in his mind. Bad Sausage... "I mean... who would even believe me if I did tell them?" Sausage could only chuckle nervously and shuffle in place. He had no idea what to do with himself at this revelation. And his imagination was running wild.
"I suppose no one would expect this from me," fWhip joined in on the chuckle and took a sip of blood. Another thing Sausage was far too curious about... "Care to share what's on your mind?" he asked with the most mind-melting smirk ever and Sausage had to take a while to reboot his brain.
"You're... really distracting like this... Pretty I mean... not that you aren't pretty usually just... It's very different and..." he froze when fWhip set his glass away and stood up. Red was really his colour...
"It's flattering to hear... Care for a dance?" he asked, shocking Sausage even further. "If you're good enough a dancer I might change into any other dress you want?" he added with a smirk. One hand extended to Sausage who tentatively accepted it. 
He was still pretty sure fWhip was about to kill him for discovering his secret. But a dance with fWhip was worth a painful death. "I'm not too good of a dancer..." Sausage mumbled following fWhip to a small dancefloor.
"Just relax and don't worry, I'm not going to bite," fWhip chuckled, setting them in the proper position for a dance.
"What if I want you to bite me?" Sausage really wished he could shut up for once in his life... But here he was, blushing like mad and looking at anything but fWhip. Thinking of a way out of having his arms around fWhip. Why was he supposed to be leading the dance and not fWhip?
"That can wait until after the dance, now come on," fWhip chuckled as music mysteriously started and Sausage was dragged into a dance. An activity that usually utilised his whole brain. With at best a third of his brain functioning...
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