#no seriously though im. honestly speechless
stxp1dsxmp · 5 days
plz call me Mel btw💕
OMMGGG MEL♡♡♡ HI AND WELCOME TO MY PAGE- but u are DEFINITELY onto something. I can't see him folding, but I CAN see him being EXTREMELY suggestive about it-
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𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠! 𝐴 𝑏𝑖𝑡 𝑠𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒, 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑜𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑢𝑦𝑎 𝑏𝑦 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑌𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑌 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑟, 𝑓𝑒𝑚!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑎 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑏ℎ
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"Damn it, doll, I said I was sorry-" Chuuya had completely forgotten what this arguement was even about. All he remembered was coming home to a grumpy girlfriend before you started complaining to him about the last bit of your ice cream being eaten. How was that his fault? Not everyone can resist an amazing frozen treat, not even a port mafia executive with a god nestled inside of him.
You had noticed his lack of communication after the half-assed apology. Was he seriously zoning out now? That was your last straw. Normally, you were patient, but something about today had pissed you off more than usual, though when you came home craving something sweet to calm you down, it was gone. The last thing you needed was for Chuuya to ignore your complaints.
So with the last remaining tolerance you had, you marched right over to your boyfriend and snaked a finger around the sleek leather of his choker. You watched how his eyes widened as you brought him closer, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of victory at regaining his attention.
Unbeknownst to you, he was actually shocked by your sudden boldness. He couldn't help but feel a bit turned on by it. Honestly, he should be ashamed. Here you were complaining to him, and he was hot and bothered by the sight of it.
As you were about to argue to him a bit more, your plans were ruined by the sound of his husky voice. "If you're so upset about it, why don't I just give you something better?"
You were rendered speechless, taken aback by his suggestion. You didn't know which was worse, the fact that you considered it, or the fact he brought it up. Either way, you were scooped up in his arms, a victorious smirk on his lips as she brought you into the bedroom.
Arguing over ice cream, marking him as the culprit –even though he was, but he could easily buy more ice cream if you asked –, and then pulling him by his choker. You were definitely for an eventful night.
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wraitingtoyou · 2 years
Love at first fight
Alhaitham x gn!reader
The scribe's logic is simple, never fight with fools. You made him feel like the fool this time though.
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Alhaitham's way of talking is smooth and sly not everyone can make out, he doesn't argue with idiotic logic instead, he uses that to manipulate his way into making them believe what he wants them to.
But he never met someone so dumb that he can neither win or lose in your fight at the library. It seems you were the type to drag both parties down.
"So what exactly gave you the thought that telling the sages closing down all artistic activities would be a great idea?" Your grip on the book you to cover half your face to conceal your lip bite of anger got tighter.
"A tactic? I can't tell you the exact details but actions speak louder than words is the answer"
You rested the book on his folded arms " You do see the look on my face right now do you?"
"yes I do"
You opened your eyes "what does it say?"
"That you're mad at me?" You started hitting his arm softly with the book continuously "Wrong". He raised an eyebrow.
He was ???
You clenched your jaws " See I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but I knew I had a bad feeling about you, and I've met you only today. Your alpha wannabe walk, your smooth way of talking, the way you indirectly shut sir Zakhir up as though you are more capable of being an instructor than him. Putting down my documents saying it'll be waste of energy AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE REASON IM ANGRY"
Seriously? You're only wasting your breath now is what he thought. "See we both don't have much time we're busy people, these stupid squabbles will bring nothing but-"
You took one step forward and got very close to him "See my point is you make decisions and plans without thinking the chances and how it may affect others if it does not succeed. If I'm ever one of them who get involved in it" you pulled back your book that rested on his arm "I will hunt you and bury you, I don't even care if the akademiya will be after me Mr scribe, I see you with the divine knowledge. The bazaar has my eyes." With that you walked away huffing.
He was left speechless, was he supposed to be surprised? Threatened? Disrespected? He didn't know he was just drowning in the thought how you were so keen and gutsy despite having a clumsy and daydreaming behaviour. He felt that you may be an interesting person to get involved with for his future plans. Something that you just not so long ago told him not do.
It felt as if he judged you wrong. With that his judgement has never been wrong, to him atleast.
Legs on top of eachother and heartbeats colliding.
You heard him smirk, "What's making you so happy?" He smiled and replied "Nothing, I just got reminded of a time."
You eyed him suspiciously "what time huh?"
He smiled, a smile that speaks he's entertained and mocking someone "Remember the time you threatened to hunt and bury me?"
"uh.....ahhhh that, you were an asshole you deserved to be threatened." you rolled your eyes. He put his hand on your back and used the other to curl your hair "Would you now?"
You pulled his cheeks "If you dare to disturb my balance of life then why not." how do you even survive after doing and saying such things to Alhaitham was what always surprised Kaveh. Maybe Alhaitham just had double standards for some people.
"however from what I've realised you've come to love how I disturb your balance of life isn't it?" You shuffled and trapped him in your arms "Because you need to try more. The actual stage where you can actually destroy it."
He raised an eyebrow and gripped your wrists "Oh? so are you telling me I'm not perfect? Very gutsy of you."
You chuckled "Sometimes I realise the scribe may not be upto my standards honestly."
He closed his eyes and smiled "Ah yeah as you say dollface."
You were a brat, an asshole even. More than what Alhaitham was and that's what he failed to see.
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ashtraythief · 6 months
Hey! So ive been a long time reader of ur underneath verse (since like.. 2018? Maybe even 2017?) and i just wanted to drop by and tell u how much im enjoying rereading ur writing! Like in general i think this is one of my fav fics series just bc its so extensive and well done and thought out and fleshed out so well it works so well? Like seeing all the different angles and the way u choose to frame things is really fun for me and kinda inspires my own writing in some aspects.
Ive never read the whole thing all in one go before so ive decided to do that right now and im just about done with the pied pipers song - more specifically willys chapter. And i kinda needed to let u know that ur series really stands out to me just bc of how many glimpses into other characters and all these different povs of the same thing like on it stands out on a technical level but then ur actual writing of these things is so good and compelling and like as an outsider pov bitch it hits the spot for me so well? Like ur writing is never stale and its always interesting.
I specifically wanted to take this time to mention that i really love willy and winstons characters and how u went about it. Like im ngl the way u wrote them kinda makes me want to cry tears of happiness for them bc they have found ppl who appreciate them and they have connections with other ppl but then the bittersweet tang of jensen and willy is kinda fucking me up rn /pos djjdjdjd like in general u really do the bittersweet jensen is stuck undercover angle really well and it HURTS so good
But yes i dont really have a good concise message or comment to leave beyond the fact that i keep stopping every few sentences to get up and jump bc im so excited about what im reading i need to get rid of that excess energy lol so sorry if this is all over the place and a really messy message! I just really wanted to let u know how much im enjoying reading it all rn. Thank you so much for sharing ur writing with us and for continuing to write for this series its so fun!
omg nonnie, I'm kinda speechless here (this is the second wonderful message in two days so I'm kinda overwhelmed. is it send wonderful messages week somewhere??)
I just am so grateful and this message made me so happy. never apologize for maybe not having a five point outline lol, this is amazing.
The underneath verse has always been my fandom baby, so praise for it is already amazing, but the pied piper fic and Winston and Willy epsecially, it just makes my heart so full. Ten years ago, they definitely started out as stock characters of mob drivers, because I didn't think this fic would get so big, but then it did, and Willy especially became a real character. a) because I knew he'd fall in love with Jensen too, as anyone does really and b) because I looooove the bittersweet undercover Jensen shtick where I write from other character's POV and the reader knows how wrong they're getting it but they don't *mu har har* (yeah I'm a little mean sometime. sorry?)
but in all seriousness, the Willy chapter, I'ev been working on that for months. And I kept adding things and rewriting things and trying to get it perfect even though I know that most people who read the story mostly care about Jared and Jensen (which is totally fair and understandable), but I care about him and there are a few people out there who do too (and I love you for it, so much), but with Willy, I just wante to do this /right/. I've come to love him so much, and he's come to be so important to Jensen, it felt like he and Winston really deserve their own story told even though that's kind of ridiculous because they're not real, but they're a little real to me now. All this to say, nonnie, this comment and your appreciation of Willy means so fucking much to me. And my poor alpha reader who read like four drafts of this (seriously, M. is a saint) and my beta readers who then had to beta four iterations of this. To know that this effort is appreciated this much honestly make me cry a little (I am not having the greatest time right now, so I cry easily but the point still stands. Thank you.)
This message was actually such an energy boost I'm currently trying to fix the next timestamp, lol so I'll have something to post next month. You're a true treasure, nonnie <3
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a-library-of-old · 2 years
Hey! I love your blog and dedication to Big J 🥹 I’m so obsessed with him rn and I love your hcs for him!! (Seriously your writing gives me life! And I hope you feel better soon. 😭🙏🏻) One prompt that has been on my mind is; How would Jack react to one of his hired mercenaries refusing payment in gold and instead wants a date with him? Like Jack is about to trick the reader into grasping the Midas touch, when he’s caught off guard by being asked on a date.
Ahhhh thank you so much anon im- *happy flaps and head shakes* also good news! I'm all healed up!
If there had been any build up before this it probably meant you'd get worse missions, which might be why you went for 'better' payment
So you definitely more then earned the big payment you've been workin towards! Only you and Jack seem to have different ideas about *what* this big payment is
Since Horner thinks he can't employ you anymore and certainly agrees you've earned a life wrapped in gold! Even if his definition of that life is a bit....statue...e he is playing up the payment to!
So imagine his suprise when he's got his (gloved) hands on the midas touch and he hears you make the request! Oh if only he'd been facing you, would've gotten to see him wide eyed and completely bewildered! A small blush even- just so cute
Quickly however he's back to normal and getting control of the situation again, agreeing only on the conditions he gets to pick the place and you dress accordingly
Honestly come the night? He won't be doing much in terms of the ol 'gentleman act'...semi changes once he sees you though!!! Gives you a semi compliment to like 'I didn't think you'd actually take my advice' (about dressing fancy) which is big steps for one night!!!!
He'll ask you why you did this to, like almost immediately he'll wanna know your motive, which is where some fun can really come in! Since I'm assuming this was a genuine wanted to go, which he didn't so hearing you say otherwise? That you just wanted a chance so to speak?
He's speechless for a moment! Especially because by now he'll know when your lying and then? Your not lying!
The rest of the night will be as casual as you can get with him and he'll even get you home if you didn't drive over
Yall will be going on another date...just for payment purposes though of course!
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manicpixiefelix · 8 months
I just read part 7 of your salt burn series and IM IN LOVE! I loved the dynamics between Felix and reader and the Oliver and reader throughout! Everything is so detailed and paints such beautiful imagery in the mind. I’m honestly speechless and it’s so hard for me to put into words how much I love this series and just the over all writing. I really like how much of the reader we got and how they interacted with not only both the boys but the friend group as well. Felix and reader getting so intimate and then Oliver and reader fucking too which MAKES FELIX JEALOUS. Then Felix reaching for her even without meaning too and the part where only she calls him FI! All this reader stuff makes me feel so special. I love this like favoritism (I think I would say, not sure if that’s the right word) that reader is getting. OBVIOUSLY I LOVE FELIX AND OLIVER TOGETHER TOO but there is just something so rbjdkenodmebsubfi about the complexity and sensuality with reader and them.
seriously though, thank you so much for taking the time to indulge in my writing, and to send such sweet, detailed thoughts (they feed me and boy you have made me well fed, fam. sorry i refuse to phrase things in a normal way).
i work very hard, especially in my longer fics, to make it feel like the reader has a place in the world and in the story, like if im giving you the same essential beats as saltburn, i want there to be a reason for you to stick around, to see what's different, to see what this film would be like if you (or this version of you that i've created) lived alongside these character.
still there's absolute favouritism; it's a wish fulfilment fic, of course there's going to be favouritism! i think the reader allows felix to somehow be both better and worse than what we get in canon, we give him the support and genuine love he barely even receives from his family, while also enabling his, at times, self-obsessed hedonism. that's something that i've actually wanted to talk about it that is one of the ways that Oliver and Reader differ despite their relatively similar functions in felix's life. where Oliver calling Felix messy and cleaning up for him and forcing him to see how much people have to pick up after him is Oliver bringing up uncomfortable truths, when it's established that one of the reader's habits is looking out for felix and getting him whatever he wants/helping out all the time, that's an established Game for them, that's their roles, the reader does it without any kind of resentment, and has made it clear they take joy in it.
anyways as much as i love oli, and the dynamic he's building with fi and reader, fi and reader themselves have something so damn special honestly. love love love them looking out for each other, being jealous, being in love, but still being weird and image conscious and unwilling to let their youthful, stupid freedom go and fully commit to each other. they'll get there. <3
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streaminn · 1 year
For the streamer enid with a twin au
I don't know if you like country music but I was listening to Mercy by Brett Young and I swear that's literally just Enid's pov towards wednesday especially after getting those late night calls from her. This au is so damn heartbreaking that whenever I read all that angst I need a minute to get over it 😔 though I will never say no to some emotional pain or jealousy from Wednesday. Enid is my favorite character so I like it when she's hurting but I feel like most of the time it's her being jealous and stuff so it'd be nice to see the reverse. Only if you want to or like that idea of course I'm not trying to be pushy.
Oh there's another song called speechless by Dan + Shay and Tori Kelly that I think works pretty good for any of the aus where they're happily together.
My favorite so far is the demon baby au though. Gotta love those cute kids. That said I really enjoy all of your aus and I'm so glad that you're willing to share them and your art.
an au inside an au, is WILD
but anyways, listening to the song and im ;-; i didnt expect people to really like enid being sad asf while wednesday goes and gets married. Seriously, that is Enid's pov.
She's just "dam, this is my life now. Stuck lingering on the shadows of Wednesday Addams." i think the reason why she hasn't moved on is bc she hasnt at all confessed. She's the rock remember? the stability and Enid, even if it hurts her to admit, loves that position. She loves that despite wednesday's family being there, Wednesday goes to her. She's special to wednesday, not special enough to be married- not special enough to spend forever with but special enough to go to her and that..?
is bittersweet. Enid takes that position with clenched jaw and blurring eyes because its better than to be nothing.
honestly the only reason yall dont see wednesday jealous is bc i mostly write things from enid's pov and she's a very unreliable narrator in most of my aus. For all she knows, Wednesday could be jealous asf and longing too in song 2.
glad you enjoy my aus anon its flattering :)) demon baby au is so cute too and now that im thinking of it, devotion au has the same premise but is much darker..
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yandereshingeki · 8 months
omggg so i was in the middle of making a pizza and i realized that im now able to come and say hi :> hiii forest ! thank u sm for all of ur compliments on my drawings on aleks' prev blog <3 ive just checked ur art tag and omgggg ure amazing at drawing im speechless ! for how long have u been drawing ? and which are ur fav and least fav things to draw? im v curious but u can answer those questions only if u feel like it <3 just wanted to thank u for being nice overall !
HI CANNIBAL ANON!! I am so sorry this took so long to respond to, you sent it just as I was heading out for work and I wanted to wait to answer it so here i am!!
You’re absolutely welcome, all of your drawings are absolutely adorable!! You’re so talented, I love seeing all the little doodles you do!! And you and lunita are so cute 😭😭 I could cry
And thank YOU for enjoying my art!! :,) I’m comfy with answering anything so dw!!!
I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember, but if we’re being specific I’m pretty sure I started taking art more “seriously” around the age of 5 (that was when I looked at tutorials and started drawing a lot more! I actually still have the first notebook I started to draw in, and i have almost every sketchbook I’ve drawn in saved so I could probably go back and watch myself progress if i wanted to ejdhwkehka)
personally I also really love to draw bodies!! I love drawing all the lines and details in the skin & figuring out the way that the body looks when it bends and twists certain ways! I love studying muscles & bones to try and improve too, its my favorite part about drawing agahsjshea (if we’re taking about a favorite thing to draw tho, I absolutely love drawing my blorbos… especially eren, hes so easy for me to draw)
i’d say my least favorite thing would be clothes, because even though i enjoy it sometimes, clothing is sooo hard for me to figure out ;; not just for drawing, but also figuring out what to make a character wear?? I’d rather just keep them naked tbh but thats not always possible 😭😭
And let me say thank you to you again!! I was honestly so surprised seeing you follow me sjegajveksje im honored 😭😭 🫶 Appreciate you sm cannibal!!
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h5eavenly · 6 months
oh my god i just fell down to my knees in the middle of the parking lot
first of all y/n is a better person than me bc i would've denied everything. bc how are you gonna pull up TO MY PLACE and rat me out to MY BF under MY roof???? just ain't no way 😭 i can't really defend y/n on the bet thing but i will say the absolute fucking NERVE to show up to her door and expose her in her own household yeji was so wrong for that i'm cryinggg 😭😭 i would've gaslit them both into the next lifetime like my love she's clearly not in a right mental space rn don't listen to her 😭😭😭 it would've been so bad bc ain't no way you're giving me a read like that under my own roof baby we can go outside for this
but in all seriousness woah this is really crazy. your gf is telling you that she was forced to sleep with somebody and that she was threatened and harassed for months and you're telling her that it's always everybody else's fault but never hers..... yea it's really crazy. i understand hyune's frustration and where he's coming from bc he basically just found out y/n had been continuously lying to him even though he created many opportunities for her to come clean to him and i understand he didn't really mean it but that was a lot. btw the chapter was beautifully written as always, and i particularly love how you work with these characters and make them so nuanced and three-dimensional that you can tell when they're saying stuff they don't necessarily mean but still can understand where they're coming from + how their statements validate their anger bc even if the statement itself is absolutely out of place, their feelings are justified and both things are true at once so you can't bluntly judge one of these things without acknowledging the other. ik i sound like a broken record but the intricate layers that you work with regarding this smau make my literary theory loving self so happy and you deserve all the flowers for it. im absolutely obsessed and my heart is still 200 metres deep like we might as well just bury it atp but i loved every single line 🩷
good news is cat is finally out of the bag!!!! and everybody cheered bc now yeosang has nothing on y/n and he can be finally dealt with. ik we still have a long way to go bc honestly seungmin's revelation gagged me a bit i was like oh???? we still haven't seen hanji and ayen either and im honestly so seated for their carousel debut. but woah this was really the highlight of my week i haven't felt so many things in such a short time in literal days
NO BC same id deny everything like my life depended on it worst case id pretend to fall into a rare amnesia out of nowhere like uhh WHO ARE YOU GUYS EVEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE🤨 🤨🤨
it feels like hyune was too overwhelmed by the weight and length of her lie to fully register what shes saying like he heard everything but didnt really listen
baby :(( idek how to respond to you rn im speechless im just so happy that you think so of my writing i wanna cry and scream and idk thank youu so much i have stopped writing for years and this series was the first thing ive written in a while so to see this overwhelming love and positivity is insane to me :(( also i dont think the rest of skz are gonna debut in carousel tbh han might make an appearance in the past like seungmin but thats about it🥺💗💗 im happy you enjoyed this ty for writing to me🥺🥺
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love-love-you · 4 years
so...I went to hell last night
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athyathye · 3 years
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Two pretty Best Friends
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Author's note 📝: From this request!
➵ Wherein Reader has a weird dynamic with their attractive friend
Warnings ⚠️: Violence (because Baji's included- im kidding, partially-) Swear words, and more
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Angry :
❥  Why would you do that to this poor baby-
❥  No but seriously. Angry, despite being a well-known gangster, has a huge heart. As said by his own brother. His feelings are pure and his intentions are nothing but good.
❥  Despite the chilling glare that had the same intensity as somebody who could kill, if somebody ehem you ehem were to ask him about a certain thing you desired, he’d go the the ends of the world just to fulfill your wish.
❥  He was that willing to keep you satisfied and happy with him. Your happiness was his happines, cue a severely blushing blue ogre.  Best believe he thinks of you as the prettiest person in the world and that he sometimes wonders if he’s good enough for you, as annoying as that sounds.
❥ Now onto the main topic. If a scenario like that happens...honestly I think he’d just be insecure and quiet.
It was a lunch date, a very fun lunch date where you kept trying to make him blush. And of course, he did not disappoint. Looking like a small plump cherry, you wanted so bad to pop or at least poke those cheeks of his.
Angry was avoiding your hands that kept wandering to your cheeks. He felt as though he was a plushie or any kind of toy that a child plays with. Pretty unmanly, but he’d always lower his pride if it meant getting pampered like this.
The day was going great, no annoying orange-haired pests came to ruin the date nor did others know of this meeting. If they did, he might have had to endure a whole lot of teasing, one that even you would participate in if you knew. But oh did he speak to soon.
“-So as I was saying. -Is that you, Y/n!?” A familiar voice shook you from the conversation you were having. Unlacing your hand from his, Angry frowned. A second with you is a second that makes his day brighter. Who in the world is trying to lessen your time together.
“What’s this!? You’re on a date!? Are you cheating on me?! Ah! My heart has been shattered, bruised and strep on!” A man who looked brighter than the stars just with his eyes appeared, falling to the floor like a miserable child.
Souya looked incredibly taken aback and confused, but by the time he took a glance at you, you were already next to the sobbing handsome man. Did I mention the fact there was a group of girls flocking said person?
“And you think you’re not!? You have other women all over you left and right!” You turned your face away from him, arms crossed with a pout on your lips. But the man continued the act. Purposely clinging onto your legs.
“Nevermind. I was an unfaithful one, but even if it was you, y/n. I’d gladly be a part of the many men who eat up every crumb of your affection.” What the hell was this? What the hell were you doing? And who the hell is this man?
For the first time in his life, Souya didn’t know what to do. He had no older brother near him to beat up the people he didn’t like. No friends backing him up or cheering him on to beat people. And no you, who always held his cheeks and grumbled they were like pudding.
For once, Souya was rendered speechless. Before he could stop himself, just by the sight of you helping the handsome man up forgetting about his existence, he teared up. He hadn’t even noticed the fact that the rest of the girls had left.
“Haha, thanks for that y/n. I owe ya one!”
“No problem! Oh by the way, this is my boyfriend, souya- Angry!!?” You glanced worryingly at the appearance of the crying blue ogre his brother had warned you about.
“Is it because of this ugly thing!? Hey you! Nevermind leave! My boyfriend’s crying over your ugliness!”
Angry saw the way you effortlessly touched the man. The way his eyes turned soft even when you were spewing him insults. The scene could be considered straight out of a novel-
“Anyway, this is my annoying cousin, she’s a girl!”
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Shinichiro :
❥  You were beautiful. So much so that other people would do a double glance when they saw you. So much so that it had Shinichiro wrapped around your dainty little finger in the first second he laid eyes on you.
❥  He knew to an extent how lucky he was to have someone like you. How could he not? When even his own gang gossiped about you, right to his face sometimes.
❥  A dork like him was something way out of your league in others opinions. But the guys at your school who confessed dispersed like cockroaches once they found out about the fact that your boyfriend was a gang leader. So in a way, you guys were compatible.
❥  A picture-perfect romance story where a bad boy falls for the good girl. A cliche story where the heroine is loved by all and hated by none. Except, instead of the genre being romance, it was comedy.
❥  With two little demons- I mean siblings constantly vying for your attention, also with annoying friends that love riling their leader up. The chance of both of you spending time together was close to impossible. Add another person into the group and that just spelled chaos.
“Y/nnnnnnn!” It hasn't even been five seconds since the both of you entered the school gates and there was already someone competing with him for your attention.
“You think I’m cute right?! At the very least I’m handsome right!?” Now who in the world had the audacity- Shinichiro glared at the oncoming male. Though, he had to admit. The boy was dashing. Comparable to the prince charming in the books Emma loved to read.
The way his forehead was shiny from the slight sheen of sweat, the way the sunlight hit his extravagant face causing a shadow to form on the left side of his face, showing just how tall of a nose he had. Shinichiro was sure, if he was a girl he would have fallen for him.
Shinichiro glanced at you, hoping you weren’t as captivated as the others (like him ehem) were. The man got on his knees in front of you, crocodile tears flowing down his smooth glass-like skin. He was about to cling onto you, but not on Shinichiro’s watch.
“I suggest you move away.” Shinichiro always had a calm and dorky behavior. Rarely was he seen with a face that actually looked threatening and domineering. The way he glanced down at the man caused even the girls nearby to shiver….or look at him as if they changed their preferences from the man earlier.
“What are you doing? It’s 7 in the morning.” you uttered, tired from the squealing girls busting your eardrums. Nevertheless the guy had ignored both of your remarks.
“I heard from somebody that I wasn’t that attractive! That isn’t true right? You’d fall for me if you didn’t have a boyfriend right!?” The man was confident. He had every right to, but that doesn’t mean Shinichiro didn’t like him any less.
He glanced at you for an answer. He didn’t really feel like you were the type to agree. But you were honest, one the brutally likeable and dislikable features of yours. He knew you hated haughty men, but you also liked the confident ones. That was the type of guy you told him.
“You’re pretty.” *Shatter!* That was the sound of Shinichiro’s heart plummeting down to his stomach and breaking into tiny shards. “Pretty annoying.” Oh.
“You’re way too arrogant. The way your face shines is annoying. You act so much like a charming prince that it makes me think you’re doing it for attention. Not to mention the girls that tail over you in the morning.” Harsh. Okay maybe Shinichiro did like the honest side of you.
“Oh…” The man at the ground weakly punched at the ground as if he didn’t accept the fact that those words came directly from your mouth. The man then stood up.
“I only like confident guys when it’s my boyfriend! The dorky type and isn't afraid to cry or try even when embarrassed!” Shinichiro became so touched that he wanted to cry right now to prove your point. But surely, one crying man was enough for your patience. He snickered mockingly.
“I see. Sorry for bothering. Hey wait a minute! You! Shi- something! You’re dating my little sister-”
“I told you to stop saying that! People will misunderstand! Childhood friend, Shinichiro. She's my childhood friend.” That explains a lot, Shinichiro thought so himself. Wait...she?
“Anyways. Just know. If you even have half of the fanbase this annoying pest has, I’m breaking up with you.” You looked at him dead in the eyes with a flair that said that wasn’t the only thing you were going to do. Seems like you hated pretty boys.
“Oh haha. Haha. *gulps* good to know- but she???”
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Baji :
❥  He’s the confident type. We been knew.
❥  Baji knows he’s pretty and also takes advantage of that fact if he didn’t feel like using his fists.
❥  He also thought that one of the reasons why he even bagged you was because he was pretty.
❥  Cause let’s be honest. Pretty boy + Pretty girl? = Campus couple crush.
❥  Baji wouldn't be threatened by any of the guys at school, but if anyone dared to approach with an intent in mind? He’d chuckle, Sees them as bugs and will treat them like bugs. He was always so confident that no one could ever be enough to compete with Him of all people. Thank god he got humbled.
“I can do that too!” He heard an unfamiliar voice inside your classroom. Baji paid no mind as he stood by the closed door, whistling to quell his boredom. But then his eyes sharpened, almost like it could cut something.
“Stop making it a competition!” He heard your sickeningly sweet, honey-wrapped voice. He pushed open the door, that was when he saw you. Dangling from the air as a man held you like how a cat would with his kitten.
All Baji saw was the fact that this man had the confidence to carry you like that, in school. Where his reputation was widely known and feared.
“The hell d’ya think you’re doin’!?” He kicked a nearby table, shouting so loud that everybody, even in the next room over became quiet. Flinching from surprise you turned to the source. Seeing your angry bull of a boyfriend walking fastly towards you. Not even a second was wasted as you shook yourself off your friend’s hold and ran towards him in alarm.
“Keisuke! Calm down!” He heard you urgently speak, holding his arm that was now around the man’s collar. Now that he had a look. He tsk’ed from annoyance. This boy(girl) was certainly good-looking. Clean brows, wide lips with smooth skin. Not that he didn’t have anything lacking though.
‘I have great hair, y/n said so. It’s better than this b*stards. I got pretty teeth too! y/n likes it when I smirk. All you’ve got is feminine features. What’s so great about that’ He grumbled to himself
“Keisuke! Put em’ down!” For the first time, your voice infuriated him. Or was it your words? He honestly couldn’t decipher. All he knows is that he’s angry at everything including you.
“Should I beat that pretty face of yours huh? Bet you’d look real good with a black eye” He began to raise his hands, not caring about the many people trying to hold him back. In fact, to make it easier, he raised the man in the air.
‘What the? Sk-skirt?’ “Huh- OOF!”
“BAJI! What the hell is wrong with you!?! You wanna get ‘Punching a girl’ In your record!? You damn b*stard let her go!” He heard you scream as he tried to regain his vision.
Getting slammed with a heavy bag sure does a lot of damage.
“Wait- girl?”
“Yes! She’s a girl you dummy! Oh my god! Are you ok!?” You fussed over the obviously shaken girl. Taking her arm around your shoulders as you walked your way to the infirmary.
Looks like he’s gotta have a good excuse. Or else. Baji shivered from the look you gave him, more scared than when you referred to him as your last name.
Gosh was he screwed.
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
New Episode Update Let’s GOO!!!
Warning : This is just Yume having a mental breakdown, seriously. This episode update was WHACK.
I know we ain’t participating and all but the game reminding you that there’s 10 minutes left to prepare is seriously bad for my heart.
Aah, shiet. Vil is still hurt.
He still has small wounds and scratches that he hid make up. Daddy, I’m worried.
Apparently, yeah, I’m not the only one cause my homeboy, Epel just asked to switch the center role with Vil. THE CONFIDENCE.
Aw, he’s worried about him falling over during stage (And make the performance look bad) Come on, Epel just be honest-
...He finally became the ideal poisoned apple that Vil wanted, huh?
Vil being proud a mom.
But the queen inside him is STRONG.
He’ll embrace the villain in him, OUR QUEEN CAN STILL GO. INJURED, WHO?
...AAND he proceeds to roast Epel again lol Typical Vil.
I love how Epel just accepted a nickname like “Doku Ringo-chan” lol It’s so cute, senior-junior relationship goals right there.
Everyone is actually really confident hahaha
I really wish Deuce’s mom, Ace’s brother, Jamil’s sister, and Vil’s dad were here in person to watch.
Look at Jamil’s solo SD dancing. LOOK AT IT.
I really fucking love Vil’s singing voice aaa
Album when disney.
Is Vil okay.
...aight im hearing some high quality panting here
...dont mind me listening to it a bit too much...
...they’re going to be great reference for some spicy- leave me alone
Vil panting is making me feel SOMETHING.
Unmei no megami is giving me idia ptsd here.
Heartslabyul Senpais are watching their kids, looking all proud *sniff
Oh god, after playing Obey Me, it just occurred to me how similar Cater and Asmodeus’ voices are...
Watch these Senpai dorks act like Ace and Deuce’s second family. Trey being the dad, Riddle being the mom, and Cater being the supportive big bro. It’s so beautiful.
Riddle’s voice is a lot more softer now, I just realized...It’s so soothing...
God i miss u too octavinelle never change
Yeah, why tf did Floyd not audition for this
Bro, can you imagine Nobuhiko Okamoto in the squad as well??? IMAGINE-
Of course, he wasn’t in the mood back then. Of course. Why did i even ask.
Omg i miss u too octavinelle never change
Azul’s gonna overblot again with Floyd’s marketing skills lol
Jade coming in like welp i guess thats that. Too bad, huh Azul?
GOD i miss u too octavinelle never change
I wonder if these mfs knew that Vil just overblotted and malmal was the one who fixed the stage lol
oooh Leona’s sus about something he a sharp boi
Speak up my guy—
still so weird leona taking his job seriously
Malleus looking happier seeing this performance rather than Lilia’s lol
I miss the simpery in Sebek
Silver’s not in the verge of falling into a coma for once wow
Chenya’s so cute.
fcking shotacons man...im not one to talk
Aw, they didn’t show Neige performance...
The simping in the crowd is a MASSIVE mood.
These night raven fuckers better vote for us and not pull a “oh shie my hand slipped lololol” i swear to god- im gonna throw hands
*me holding my phone and pretending to vote as well
Suspense music intensifies be like-
vil pls dont overblot again-
Noooo grim’s tuna cans-
These children do not have the right to be this cute. I wanna take Timmy, Toby, and Shelpie home.
I swear to god one of these dwarves sounds like Cheka lol Is it Toby?
This background music too though im deeeeddd
Jamil impressed about Vil being “calm” and Vil just going “h e h. you dont even know.”
Monsieur Rook. WHAT did you say.
ROOK VOTED FOR ROYAL SWORD. Are you kidding me. You snek how could you- i loved you
WHAT DID I SAY- Ya’ll night raven fuckers shall not slip by their fingers when voting rook.
Vil is in the brink of passing out aaaaa
I have never heard Ace this pissed before whoa- lol he sounds like Deuce in his delinquent mode
Aw...Rook felt that Neige’s performance carries a stronger bond than theirs :’( it’s hard to put the blame on him when he’s saying all these stuff
It’s just like what they said in the past episodes that it’s really hard voting for your own team when you know the opposing team is better.
Aww...He just wanted Vil to believe in himself more...Rook is such a best man. Im crying-
Oh noooo is Vil gonna cry too nooo- daddy turned to baby really quick SOMEONE GIVE HIM AN EMERGENCY HUG
Well- at least...at least the 100 year record of not being able to win is still going, yeah? Um...bad joke? Sorry, i’ll see myself out-
NEIGE NOT NOW AND YOUR VII-KUN BULLSHIT- we’re having a moment here
Neige is such sweetheart but aaaahh— This makes it worse, we can’t even hate him aaa—
MOTHERFUCKER just got exposed by Neige himself lol
Going to Neige’s shake hand events, sending him letters, buying all his merch and shie- HE’S A FULL BLOWN NEIGE STAN
...actually- my japanese is lacking- im not sure lol what is a ブロマイド??? Lol I feel like a clown.
Rook is sweating profusely LOL
...what do you have to say for yourself, monsieur rook.
Wait- huh is that-
Neige fanclub??? Eternal Snow??? What kind of creepy-ass- OH, HE EVEN HAS A MEMBERSHIP NUMBER TOO-
Props to Neige with his :) expression unfaltering.
I’m- I’m speechless.
Vil is just looking down at Rook in disappointment like- “you’re more pathetic than I am”
Queen just went “I think you need this handkerchief more than I do now” THAT’S RIGHT. REPENT MOTHERFUCKER.
Rook crying is cursed.
But damn, I’m kinda liking this new relationship this bitchy relationship they have
Neige just dragged everyone’s ass back on stage and his snow white energy just said “LETS ALL BE FRIENDS AND SING”
What a somewhat happy ending, even though Rook just backstabbed us I’m crying Beauté 100 points!!!
LOL Vil realizing he’s having fun singing with Neige- “SOMEONE JUST END ME RIGHT NOW-“ The desperation in his voice-
I love how Neige’s yahoo yahoo is messing with everyone’s head, even Vil wants to pass out lol
haha Crowley is so depressed lol
He looks like your typical grandpa- and his outfit looks like that one mickey mouse wizard outfit but blue—
Old man just went “we won lol” just to piss Crowley off I like this guy’s energy already-
Crowley being most likely as old as this guy—
ooohh this man just sensed something in this stage- Leona did too, didn’t he???
* Damn. Crowley talking so fast sounds like he’s making a load of bullshit lol
Anyway, I’m just glad that it’s not mickey mouse who’s the headmaster— I would’ve lost my shit.
We’re back in our dorms and I forgot that the squad doesn’t live with us anymore. It’s suddenly so lonely now...
Grim is getting the yahoo yahoo ptsd too lol it’s too goddamn catchy
oooohh shiet- mickey is calling us again
YES we finally got a good picture of this motherfucker
It seems like nothing is disrupting our communication this time, so MC thought to call Grim but—
Grim is not here.
Uuhhh...Grim? Where you’ve gone??? We’re getting flashbacks of the first parts of the game.
Is this because we didn’t win his tuna canss nooo
Legit I’m sad, please baby don’t overblot like this...
He learned a new move though- SCRATCH
Ooh— We’re seeing some Ignihyde scenes here~
Idia getting a lot of emails from bigshot companies whoa—
THAT OLYMPUS—?! EXCUSE ME??? Ortho what- Are we finally getting that Hercules episode—
Damn getting a hot chance in olympus only to put them down the recycling bin oof— Idia why edit : Yume was informed that olympus is kind of a company that sponsored VDC sorry she was mind-fucked at this moment and the ability to understand proper Japanese just went whoosh lol Thanks to @starshiningsirius for pointing it out for Yume~ ♥︎ HONESTLY YUME’S JUST GONNA WAIT FOR ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATORS AT THIS POINT LOL Don’t trust me for important situation too much lol
Aaaahh...We’re getting this shut-in out of his room in the next episode, are we?
And that concludes the whole Pomefiore Episode! JESUS CHRIST 75 CHAPTERS ALL IN ALL!? How long is the Ignihyde chapter going to be, huh!?
This was a really, really fun episode lol I’d consider this a fan service episode actually cause of all the things we get to experience— The singing, dancing, and the new songs, THE DRAMA. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
But then, the plot thickens, no? What’s going to happen to Grim? In the Ignihyde episode? And those reoccurring memories of us? And our relationship with Tsunotarou lol ALSO WE NEVER REALLY DID FIND OUT WHAT ROOK’S UNIQUE MAGIC IS. DISNEY EXPLAIN—
Thanks for reading this shitpost of Yume losing her shiet lol See you all in the Ignihyde Episode~ ❤
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ak8shi · 4 years
Bokuto + Kuroo + Iwaizumi reacting to you tying up your hair Tiktok prank
part 2
warnings: slightly suggestive/nsfw?? I guess, mentions of dick
Bokuto Koutarou
So you’re in your boyfriend’s car, sitting in his passenger’s seat and scrolling through Tiktok
And this one tiktok comes up where this guy is playing video games and his girlfriend starts tying up her hair like she’s going to suck his d*ck, but then she leaves him hanging saying she only did it so she could eat her food
You think Bokuto’s reaction would be so funny LMFAOO
SO,, once you get home, Bo collapses on the couch and you’re like this is the perfect opportunity
You go to sit between his legs on the ground, his hands automatically going to innocently stroke your hair
You secretly set up your phone on the coffee table, he doesn’t notice because he’s so engrossed in the TV show he put on
Making sure you touch his knee to subtly get his attention, you turn around to face him
“Oi, what’s up baby?”
You smile up at him, reaching for your hair tie and pulling your hair into a ponytail
I’m screaming we all know he’s so eager and loves when you initiate ANYTHING
His eyebrows are like touching his hair line please LMAOO
He’s already reaching for his belt, HE IS READY and EAGER
But then you get up, trying not to laugh as his face goes from :) to ;(( REAL fast
Him: -Wait babe, where are you going? :///
You: What do you mean?? I’m just getting up to get a snack?
Him, stumbling after you: BABY :((( I AM the snack!!!
Kuroo Tetsurou
You were scrolling through Tiktok and you saw this prank trend, and you’re like,,, I’m about to end this whole man’s CAREER
Like he’s the one leaving you speechless most of the time, so you’re so excited to turn things around
One day you’re in the car with Kuroo, and you secretly set up your camera against your purse in the seat
He’s talking about how practice is going in preparation for nationals, and while he’s doing this, you start to lean closer to the center console
You, with your head resting in your hand: Hey ;)
Him: why is your eye twitching like that
You reach over and place you hand on his inner thigh he almost swerves off the street
You go for the final blow when you reach for the scrunchie around your wrist, putting your hair into a low pony
Him: oYa 🥴
He’s in disbelief that this is happening honestly, this man is PINCHING himself
he’s smiling like he won the damn lottery
You lean back into your own seat, taking out your handheld mirror to fix your makeup
At this point you can’t even look at him without laughing,
You don’t get to see Kuroo embarrassed often, but this is one of those time LMFAOO
He’s highkey salty that you left him high and dry and you playfully argue with him that you never told him you were going to do anything
Him: The signs were there
You: the only signs you should’ve been paying attention to were the signs on the road ❤️
You feel bad even though you know he’s not seriously upset over it, so you make it up to him later
Iwaizumi Hajime
You’re watching him pack up his things after practice, you two being the only people left in the locker room
You thought his reaction to the prank would be super cute
He’s putting the last of his things in his bag, when you scoot closer to him on the long bench
Him, already: what are you up to
You:… nothing
He’s the type of boyfriend who can always sense when you’re up to something
You lean into him a little bit, resting your hand on his muscular arm (....maybe you contemplated sucking him off there for a second)
He like tenses up a little as you run your hands up and down his arm
Then you get down on the ground and start tying your hair into a low bun
Iwa: 0____o
He somehow regains his composure and I feel like he would’ve definitely fantasized about this happening before
You make up an excuse to the extent of looking for your contact on the floor LMFAO
He’s like ??? and super red in the face for thinking his fantasy was going to come true
But then, he’s like she knew what she was doing,,, let me get her back
He pulls you towards him by your elbows, and holds your chin in a firm grip
He’s looking down at you with his iron gaze, lit rally SO intimidating that’ll make your pussy throb
You think that he might try to start something when he tilts your jaw back, leaning down to press chaste kisses along your neck
So then you’re like,, s-sir it was a prank we can’t do this here
It’s your turn to be embarrassed
He pulls away, taking the hair tie out and ruffles your hair
Him: I know loser, get up so we can go eat, I’m starving
He’s still blushing tho after seeing you that way he definitely thought about it later
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ffsg0jo · 2 years
hey i just had to scream in your inbox how absolutely beautiful he love ms me (not) was. the vivid heartbreak from tearing each petal off and the acceptance and oh my god it’s stunning. i usually don’t enjoy to read angst at all but this was an amazing experience
okay so i saw your tags and i genuinely started crying when i read them because they were the sweetest tags in the world honest to god and now this ask?? im literally speechless, i love you so so much mel and i appreciate all of your words and your thoughts. im honestly so flattered and honoured, you don't understand.
i still remember writing that ages ago and i think it's one of my favourite things ive written. i know it could be soo much better but im proud of it and im even more happy and proud that you liked it so much. i just wanted to write something where the reader knows her place and that she deserves someone better. even though itll hurt and itll take time, there's always some form of light at the end of the tunnel and you just need to accept what happened and move on. i also wanted todoroki to suffer lmaoo, the bastard, that's what he gets for cheating
mel you're seriously gonna make me sob you don't understand how much your ask means to be and how flattered i am. it's seriously people like you that motivate me to keep writing and keep exploring new things with my writing. thank you so so much for taking the time to reblog my fic with your beautiful tags and thank you even more for sending me an ask, i will forever be grateful, seriously. i really can't thank you enough im just so glad that you gave my fic a chance and that you actually liked it !! i appreciate you so so much, thank youuu <33
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figuringthengsout · 3 years
end of the year reading survey
How many books did you read? Did you meet your goal? Honestly, I don’t think I surpass 10 books (the count is nearer 5 than 10 i fear). HOWEVER, my goal was 5 books, so I achieved it!
Most read genre? 🤷‍♀️ It feels like it’s fantasy, but it’s probably not. I’d say YA, but I don’t really classify it as a genre.
Longest and shortest books you read. Longest is Siege and Storm (435 pages), shortest is Novecento (62 pages).
Favorite book published in 2021? I didn’t read a book published in 2021, but I’m really looking forward to reading Never by Ken Follett, which came out this year!
Favorite debut book in 2021? I think the only debut novel I read this year is Seven Ways We Lie and I really liked it. So that one!
Favorite book not published this year? Novecento.
A book that lived up to the hype. Siege and Storm.
A book that did NOT live up to the hype. Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke. I was expecting a more psychological approach to the “horror”, I just felt grossed out by it.
Book that felt like the biggest accomplishment. Academic readings (I’ll cross that out because I don’t count them). I’ll go with Seven Ways We Lie because I honestly didn’t believe I would finish it. Not because of the book, though, the book is really good.
Favorite character. I mean, I feel like me saying Mal (Siege and Storm) is mandatory, but also Alina and David. I also really loved the characters in Seven Ways We Lie too (especially Lucas, Olivia and Matt).
Least favorite character. Juniper in Seven Ways We Lie for sure. I really wanted to skip her chapters.
Most shocking book/moment. I mean, not shocking per se, but the whole development of Alina and Mal’s relationship. Some moments really left me speechless.
Favorite couple/OTP. Mal and Alina, of course. Despite their up and downs I’m still rooting for them 🥺. But Matt and Olivia really surprised me, I really loved them.
The best written book you read this year. I have to go with Novecento, I just love it so much and the first time I read it it really inspired me. The reread didn’t change it. It flows so well I get actually lost in it.
Book that you pushed the most people to read in 2021. Unrelated to the ones I’ve read, but Shadow and Bone thanks to the Netflix’s show. Sadly no one picked it up (but they did watch the show 💪).
Favorite book cover of the year. Siege and Storm (it also matched the sheets on my bed, which is a plus).
Favorite book adaptation. Novecento adapted into The Legend of 1900. But I can’t help but mention Shadow and Bone on Netflix, even if it’s not the adaptation of Siege and Storm.
What book made you cry the most? Honestly, I don’t remember crying, but Siege and Storm did make me emotional.
What book made you laugh the most? Maybe Seven Ways We Lie (?), the characters have the right balance between seriousness and comic-relief.
A new favorite author you discovered this year. Mhh, I didn’t really discover anyone new. So I’ll pass this one.
Favorite book you re-read this year. I’m sorry for the many times I had to already repeat myself, but Novecento.
What is the best non-fiction book you read this year? The Ambivalence of Show Me Love by Stenport. Not really a book, but I feel like I have to go with this paper I read about the movie Show Me Love that (in short, like, I’m honestly not making it justice) identified the differences between the Male Gaze and the Queer Gaze in movies and how love in movies is portrayed differently thanks to the shift of the focus. Normally the focus in on the “gazed one” (with the male gaze), but in the Queer Gaze the focus shifts to the “gazer” and on their reactions caused by the object of their love. I don’t know, it really made me think and I felt like my third eye was opened haha I reevaluated my way of writing love/falling in love thanks to this.
Thank you @bloody-wonder for still considering me a bookworm after this miserable reading year! 😂 
I’m tagging @ethantorchios @holygrround @essence-29 @im-booksmart @sir-see @siriuslyarrogant @criswisstuff @candydancey No pressure, but I am actually curious about all the books I missed this year 😂
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babygirlwolverine · 3 years
Hey dear! Your specialty as a fic writer (other than making me swoon lol), is writing food. Seriously, all the drabbles you’ve done, I’m constantly amazed at how good you make food sound! For example, I am NOT a fan of strawberries (idk why they just are not good for me), but in your Valentines Day drabble with chocolate covered strawberries? I’d eat a whole box! Anyways, ily!!! <3
Hi sweetie!! Okay i saw this message when my flight landed in the UK a few weeks ago and I smiled so much my sister asked why i was so happy jasdfjsfjdsgfj.
i‘m so happy i can make you swoon hehe! Oh god oh god wow! No one has ever complimented my writing of food before and this just completely blew my mind!! this has honestly left me speechless oh my GOD i literally cannot form words to say thank you right now im just screaming. Thank you a billion times!
This. This. This. This is the best compliment i’ve ever received! I can’t believe my lil valentines drabble about the chocolate strawberries made you want to eat a whole box even though you dont like strawberries. This just…. CAN YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING RIGHT NOW. I’m smiling so much all over again! I’m so honored and so grateful that my descriptions of the strawberries came across so well! I LOVE YOU! Thank you nonnie for this extremely sweet ask! <3
anonymously tell me what my speciality is as a fanfic writer!
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subwonwooagenda · 4 years
Candy’s Regulars | 1
Pairings: Camgirl!Reader X SVT
Constant Warnings: Group masturbations (sometimes), smut, use of toys, kink usage, language
Chapter Notes: This is the first official chapter of this series. I hope you’ll enjoy it and please don’t hesitate to leave feedback, good or not. Thank you for reading! The story will be in POV’s but it’ll be in third person limited (search it up), there will be no smut in this chapter, its more about you getting to know your lovely regulars more ;) That just means the next chapter will be filled to the brim with smut, also, Cheol has a hamster, enjoy that XD
Chapter Warnings: language
Jeonghan’s POV
Jeonghan was in awe. He didn’t know what to do or how to act with the message invite that seemed to be mocking the scream he gave as he slammed his computer shut two minutes ago.
“Okay, Han. You can do this. It’s not that big a deal. Your favorite cammer sends you an invite to be in a group chat. Happens all the time.” He tried to hype himself, his shaking hand hovering the mouse over the accept button as he screams internally. 
He gave a final sigh, pressing the right mouse button before squeezing his eyes shut. After a minute of having his eyes closed, he peeped one open, seeing the active chat that he was now a part of.
candy_princess: Oh good, Hanni is here!
He winced as he heard his audible whimper. God, he could only imagine what his name would sound like coming out of your mouth.
thetigerkingKS: Ayye, welcome to the VIP’s dude
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Holy fuck that just hit me- We’re Candy’s VIP’s bro
DroopyEyedJun: We the superior ones-
Jeonghan gave a small laugh as he read the chat, the men that were with him certainly were funny.
PrettyHanni: Ahh, i would have joined sooner but i was having an internal crisis, i guess you can call it.
S_Cheol: So basically, you were fanboying?
GentleHong: Dude, who wouldn’t fanboy over Candy?
HappyVirusMinnie: OOF
With a shake of his head, Jeonghan typed out a reply, figuring there was no sense in hiding his blatant fanboy moment.
PrettyHanni: Oh yeah? Don’t sit there and tell me you didn’t freak the fuck out
skyscraperGYU: I know for sure i did
S_Cheol: oh im not, i literally threw my phone across my room and scared my hamster- 
Jeonghan laughed loudly as he got himself comfortable on his bed, propping his laptop on his lap.
candy_princess: AWW you have a hamster?!
S_Cheol: haha, yea i do, he’s a little shit though
sweaterpaws_Wonwoo: Dude dont disrespect your hamster like that smh
S_Cheol: okay well when he decides to crawl into your hoodie sleeve and bite your armpit then you’ll realize-
As Jeonghan was reading (and laughing) the chat, he started thinking. He’s been watching your lives for a long time now, almost a year and a half, with the same thirteen men on a constant, yet he knew nothing about them. Then again, most people don’t try and make friendships of the basis ‘Hey, i jack off to this camgirl and i know you do too, wanna hang out?’ He gave a laugh at that thought, just imagining the scenario until he was brought back to reality by the chat.
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Hey, Candy? can i ask something
candy_princess: of course!
SuperiorMaknaeDino: I’m not complaining, but why did you make this group chat?
iconicboyhansol: I’ve been wondering that too
As Jeonghan read what he typed he tilted his head, getting lost in his thoughts once more. Why did you make the chat? What was so special about the thirteen of them that possessed you, who rarely did private streams and never did private chats to want to talk to them like this?
candy_princess: oh..well to be honest with you guys, it was mainly to say thank you for alway supporting my streams. Hell =, you guys definitely donate the most out of any of my viewers, you practically pay my rent, so i just wanted to get to know the men responsible for my happy living.
musicgodWoozi: im not crying, my goldfish stepped on my eye-
FashionistaHao: Imma be a man and admit, my eyes wet af rn
Jeonghan didn’t know how to stop his heart from pounding against his chest. He knew you were cute but this was an entire nother level of adorable and Jeonghan liked it way more than he should have.
candy_princess: Noooo, don’t cry please :<
S_Cheol: You tell us that adorable information and expect us not to be soft, Princess?
PrettyHanni: Honestly, you just became 10x more adorable to me-
He chuckled as he watched the other guys tease you for your adorable mini speech. It was strange, it almost felt normal how comfortable he felt talking with you and the others, like he belonged there with them.
iconicboyhansol: i needa google how to not fall in love with a woman ive never met-
candy_princess: awww guys >~< my blush is real right now-  but seriously, you guys make my camming so much more fun than it used to be and i appreciate that~
musicgodWoozi: We appreciate you too, Princess, i don't know any other men that would drop everything at the notification that you are live
Jeonghan chuckled at what he said, never relating to a sentence more in his life.
candy_princess: which is why i wanted to offer something...
Jeonghan’s brow quirked in interest, sitting up a bit straighter as he read your message.
DroopyEyedJun: What do you mean, baby?
candy_princess: I wanted to ask if you all would be interested in doing a few private streams, one on one, and possibly filming with me, one on one, if youre up for it...
Jeonghan’s breath hitched in his throat, causing him to go into a coughing fit, almost dropping his laptop. He was speechless. One on one cam streams as well as filming with you..holy fuck he was getting lost in his imagination.
S_Cheol: Oh fuck..you actually mean it?
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Oh fuck please don’t be playing
candy_princess: Im dead serious, i swear, but only if you all want to.
Jeonghan didn’t hesitate as he typed out his answer.
PrettyHanni: Oh fuck yes, i am 100% down
S_Cheol: me too
iconicboyhansol: Id rather die than say no, so hell yea
DroopyEyedJun: Please yes-
sweaterpaws_Wonwoo: I think i speak for all of us, so they dont gotta type, that all of us are up for it, babe
candy_princess: Then how about i message you guys privately and we can set a time and schedule?
S_Cheol: works for us baby
candy_princess: Ill start tomorrow morning but its late and i need rest if im going to be giving special treatment tomorrow ;)
Jeonghan gave a deep sigh, heart practically failing from the thoughts of getting private cams from you as well as the opportunity of filming with you. He could feel himself getting excited just at the thought of it.
GentleHong: Alright, Princess, get some sleep okay, but first drink some water and get a shower before you get too sleepy.
candy_princess: yes sir ;)
GentleHong: fUck-
Jeonghan chuckled as he watched you say your goodbyes, his own tiredness starting to set into his body as a few of them said their own goodbyes, his included. He shut off his laptop and ran a hand through his hair, sighing as he thought about the night he just had. From getting off work to jacking off as you pleased yourself on camera, to being offered the chance to be with you one on one. He was in awe. He stopped wallowing in his thoughts and got out of bed, changing into some pajama’s before getting into bed, mind not entirely prepared for what the next days would bring.
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