#no reason there is no Ieyasu
usagi-milktea · 2 months
One thing I love about ikesen is that without it I would have never heard what the sengoku period was. Im so glad I’ve come across this game and come to b aware of this time period.
(Currently learning bout (irl) hideyoshi’s failed invasions of Korea- very interesting stuff!)
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schoenht · 1 year
What do u think abt yanderes?
they're okay !! they're not rlly my cup of tea, i do have friends who like them but they're not my favs tbh </3 i, unfortunately, have a mad tsundere radar. i am staring directly at the otome guys whose routes i chose first
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Kenshin's Sequel Preview
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
Spoilers ahead.
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Once, he became a demon for my sake.
The deep, dark obsession he had was gradually turning into something more gentle.
Kenshin: "As long as we are in a truce, the Uesugi clan will not attack the Oda clan."
Kenshin: "Moreover, if the world becomes more chaotic, I could lend a hand in bringing peace, depending on the conditions."
Masamune: "A god of war would see a chaotic world as an opportunity for battle."
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Kenshin: "That would only sadden Mai."
Kenshin: "Easing her worries takes precedence over everything, even the joy of battle."
Ieyasu: "I can't believe this is the same man who once tried to destroy everything for the sake of one woman."
Amid our happy days, I was sure that one day we would attain the calm of a serene sea, but...
Wounded Soldier: "Sorry, but I have my reasons."
Mai: "Ah!"
(He's going to kill me.)
A sinister hand reached for me as I accompanied them to battle.
As pain surged through me, the image of my beloved came to mind.
(No! I can't leave Kenshin alone.)
(Not like that time again.)
In my final moments, a memory and regret pierced my heart.
I never wanted to see him become a demon again.
(I wish I could go back in time. I wish I could redo everything.)
Would my desperate wish bring a miracle or something else?
Kenshin: "You're pale. Are you in pain somewhere?"
Mai: "Huh? Me?"
(I'm not dead?)
From that moment, an unknown power to turn back time began to awaken within me.
When he learned of this, his heart began to crack secretly.
Kenshin: "I haven't given you permission to speak."
Kenshin: "Normally, I wouldn't even allow you to breathe, but I'm sparing you so you can spill all the information."
Man: "P-Please, spare me."
Kenshin: "Didn't you hear me? I told you to shut your mouth."
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Mai: "U-Um, Kenshin."
Kenshin: ".........."
Mai: "!"
(It's been a long time since I've seen Kenshin with this expression.)
Kenshin: "You must have been worried, Mai."
Kenshin: "There's no need to stain your beautiful eyes with such an unsightly, tedious interrogation."
Who was it that first opened the box that held back his madness?
Kenshin: "Let me make this clear: I am furious, more than I've ever been."
Kenshin: "I'll protect you, no matter what. And I will kill every last one of them."
I wanted to give him as much love as he gave me.
Mai: "It wouldn't mean anything if I'm the only one who survives."
Mai: "Not using that power is the same as letting them die."
Kenshin: ".........."
Mai: "Please, I've made up my mind."
Kenshin: "That's the part of you I fell in love with."
Even if I burn my life away, my soul will shine only for you.
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Kenshin: "I thought you were teaching me a gentle love, but I was gravely mistaken."
Kenshin: "The desire to possess you consumes me like a sweet poison, and it will never fade."
We are two halves seeking each other in a twisted way.
Our tightly clasped hands will never part, even in the depths of hell.
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signalburst · 5 months
Shōgun Historical Shallow-Dive: Part 1
Does everybody else's heart hurt? Good! Let's get learning. These characters and the people that inspired them all deserve their own post, but here's a quick one if you're wondering what happened. This is a shallow-dive because the history is extremely complicated, and a condensed version of just the events leading up to Sekigahara (the battle depicted in the finale) take up entire volumes of history. I'll do my best to answer questions about what happened to our three protagonists, in the show, as well as real life 🙇
One note: given I'm not a professional historian, I've got no obligation to not have biases and favourites. I've tried to keep most of them out of this, but if you want to punish yourself by trying to keep track of who's who in the Azuchi-Momoyama period, this book is the best English-language overview.
What happened to Toranaga (Tokugawa Ieyasu)?
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Gif: @yocalio
I am not as strong as I might be, but I have long known and practiced patience. And if my descendants wish to be as I am, they must study patience. - from The Legacy of Ieyasu Tokugawa
In the book, Toranaga reveals that it had been his aspiration to be Shōgun from the very beginning. That was what drove his alliance with the Taiko, that was what drove his feigned alliance with the Heir.
History follows a very similar path. I re-read some chapters on the battle of Sekigahara last night, and there is no easy way to explain it, but: the result of Sekigahara (an enormous, two-day battle with 200,000 samurai and ashigaru warriors in the field) was an enormous victory for Tokugawa, Toranaga's real-life counterpart.
Years - sometimes decades - of scheming by Tokugawa had made Ishido/Ishida's Western Alliance completely fragmented. In the months leading up to the period displayed in the show, Toranaga was calling in a lifetime of marriage alliances, diplomatic advantage, defensive pacts and childhood friends who'd risen to high status. Re-reading the sources, the names of all the lords of all the important fiefs and castles makes my head spin, let alone the ones that turned out to be pivotal to Toranga/Tokugawa's victory. But it was a resounding victory, and by both the numbers and the disposition of forces, he should have lost.
Historians have a consensus that if the 'Western forces' of the Heir had have fought together with a unified command structure, they would have won, easily. But they didn't - orders from Ishido/Ishida were ignored, Toranaga/Tokugawa endured onslaughts, and the Regents' opposing armies eventually fractured and melted away. This was a last-of-an-era battle. Families were fighting on either side, every single unit that could be brought to bear was on the field. It is no exaggeration to say Sekigahara is one of the few, unambiguous battles upon which the beginning of a historical era came down to.
Toranaga/Tokugawa triumphed because he spent decades building unity of purpose and strong alliances, simultaneously sowing division amongst the Regents, who ultimately balked at being commanded by a bureaucrat like Ishido/Ishida. Whilst there was no one decisive moment of an extremely bloody, rainy, two-day battle, the fact that Ishido/Ishida's forces refused to be told what to do by someone of lower status was the main theme of their defeat. A crucial army stationed on the hill stayed still, refusing to commit to either side, until Toranaga/Tokugawa fired muskets into their ranks. They made up their mind, and attacked Ishido/Ishida's Western army. Ishido/Ishida's one trick of firing a flare to commit the reserve army didn't work. The commander ignored it. Instead of being there to fight for something, Ishido/Ishida's coalition was there to oppose someone. They all had different reasons. And ultimately, the man that brought them together didn't command enough respect to command a battle.
As our show Toranaga said, the Regents fell upon each other. He might have been a bit optimistic about how and why this would happen (they fell over each other in retreat, and it took two days of horrific combat), but it happened. Tokugawa Ieyasu was famous for richly rewarding former enemies, and most of those he defeated kept their heads. This reputation is a strong incentive for leaving the field when things start going Tokugawa's way.
The two exceptions were Ishido/Ishida, and Kiyama/Konishi, both beheaded in Osaka (Ishido, bizarrely, was upbeat about his fate, until seconds before the sword came down). Killing Ishida was the obvious move, as the man schemed and bitched so much he caused a civil war. Killing Konishi was more calculated - it opened up his trade-hub in Kyushu to being ruled by a fervent Buddhist daimyo and ally of Tokugawa.
Toranaga/Tokugawa forces soon captured Osaka Castle after the battle of Sekigahara, and with it, the Heir.
Toranaga/Tokugawa 'reluctantly' accepted the Imperial appointment of Shōgun three years later, in 1603. In 1605, he abidcated, passing the title to his most malleable and competent son, Hidetada. He was the real power behind the throne and ruled until his death in 1616.
The year before he died, he was able to fully secure his legacy. The Heir (in real life, Toyotomi Hideyori) had begun to gather daimyo to Osaka castle who were opposed to Tokugawa. Tokugawa used the flimsiest of pretexts - the opening of a shrine - to order the Heir out of the castle. He refused, Tokugawa forces besieged the castle - twice. The first one was called off because cannon fire nearly killed Ochiba no kata, and she pushed her son to sue for peace. By the second siege, there would be no peace: the Tokugawa forces defeated all oppoosition, and secured the legacy.
Toranaga/Tokugawa's descendants would rule for 250 years of internal peace and external lock-down of the country from barbarians (and Christians), except for limited trade.
The big question: did Toranaga/Tokugawa really want to be Shōgun from the start? History tells us, rather unambiguously, yes - before the campaign, he was writing his 100 Articles for ruling Japan, which would be instrumental for his family holding on to power and preventing internal strife. His plan may well have gone back to his formative, teenage years. At the very least, it is highly likely it was solidified when Toranaga/Tokugawa was a vassal of the Dictator Koroda/Oda Nobunaga - the man Mariko/Hosokawa Gracia's father assassinated, who was brutal even by the standards of the day. We don't have time for him, the Taiko, and Mariko's father today - but my opinion is that the motherfucker firmly deserved to be assassinated, and the only amazing thing is that the inspiration for Mariko's father was able to hold off for so long.
But that killing set off a chain of events that would lead to Toranaga/Tokugawa becoming sole ruler of a unified Japan. So much of history is contingent on individual actors and random events. It didn't have to happen. It was extremely unlikely. But, through patience (and by my reckoning, a lot of luck), he made the world he wanted to see. Whether that was worth the price in lives is for the reader to decide.
But by all accounts, Toranaga/Tokugawa died very satisfied in the knowledge that his legacy was secure, his realm was unified, and, finally, at peace.
What happened to Mariko (Hosokowa Gracia)?
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Gif: @yocalio
As is probably obvious, Mariko's purpose was fulfilled before the conclusion of the show. As is also probably obvious, her historical counterpart - Hosokowa Gracia - did not have an affair with an English sea pilot (😢). She did, however, change Japanese history, and tipped the balance of noble support towards Toranaga/Tokugawa. Her death had meaning.
The framing of her marriage to Buntaro and exile after her father's successful assassination of a brutal dictator is almost exactly correct. She was one of the most desirable, valued and accomplished young noblewomen of the day. The stain of the name Akechi would haunt her for the rest of her life. Real life Buntaro, Hosokowa Tadaoki, genuinely sent her away for two years to save her life. The Hosokowa family even went so far as to pretend that she had died, to save her from the Taiko's vengeance. Whilst her marriage was an unhappy one (though not, as far as is known, abusive), she was beloved by the head of the Hosokowa clan, the show's Hiromatsu. They went to extraordinary lengths to keep her safe.
Her main comfort in her life was her faith. It's perhaps here that we get the strongest through-line from Hosokowa Gracia to Mariko - unafraid, intelligent, and fierce.
She first came to learn about Christianity from her Christian maid, who extolled the virtue of the faith, and the opportunities for intellectual stimulation theological discussion could bring. In 1587 (five years after her father assassinated the dictator, three years after she returned from exile), she decided to take action on it. She snuck out of Osaka Castle and visited the main church in Osaka - she had lively conversations with the elderly Father-Visitor, and was an excellent pupil of both Portuguese and Latin theological texts. I don't know if you guys have ever tried to read those things, but even in translation, they are torturous. This woman was extremely intelligent.
As a noble woman of the Taiko's court, she knew he was about to issue an edict outlawing Christianity. Being the (excuse the language) absolute fucking badass that she was, she had her maid (baptismal name Maria) baptise her before the edict was issued, transforming from Hosokowa Tama to Hosokowa Gracia. Even though she had to keep her faith a secret due to the Taiko's edict, she found a way to hold on to it. She had a special sake cup made with the Hosokowa mon emblazed on the lip, which, on very close inspection, was actually a Christian cross.
During this time of her religious conversion and education, a primary source from a Jesuit priest says that 'I have never disputed with a woman of such clear judgement, and such definite knowledge.' She was known for being fiercely intelligent, and this is commented on in many European letters and journals that have remained from the Catholic church's time in Japan.
Her relationship with her husband - like Buntaro, a senior retainer of Toranaga/Tokugawa - was frosty. They never reconciled after her father's (Akechi Mitsuhide) rebellion, but her husband did recall her from exile when it was safe to do so, and she lived to serve a very similar purpose to Mariko in the book and show. By virtue of not being an interpreter, she was less close to Toranaga/Tokugawa than in the book and show, but she was still dedicated to her clan and her clan's overlord, as will become clear.
Just as in the show, Hosokowa Gracia agonized at the thought of seppuku putting her soul in mortal danger. But she perceived her duty to be to ensure death before being captured or otherwise dishonoured.
To put it bluntly, Ishido (Ishida in real life) fucked up. Before any military manouvers had begun, he went to seize hostages of friends and enemies alike throughout Osaka castle. His forces tried to forcibly seize Hosokowa Gracia from the family quarters. She gave orders for her senior retainer to kill her, her daughter, and set fire to their section of Osaka Castle, so that none could be taken and subjected to dishonour. She arranged with this samurai to stand on one side of a shoji screen, facing him. He stabbed her through the heart with a naginata. She died, satisfied in the knowledge that:
...the death was not suicide, and her soul would doubtless be spared from the torments of Hell.
Although not doing this directly on the orders of Toranaga/Tokugawa, it's highly likely she knew that she was making a statement (many of the other hostages went quietly). This furthered his cause immensely. Inspired by Hosokowa Gracia, families streamed out of Osaka Castle and other Regent-held castles by any method they could. Her example ignited a firestorm of controversy surrounding the gall of a jumped-up bureaucrat (a reputation Ishido/Ishida would never escape) forcing the death of one of the era's pre-eminent noblewomen. Although her husband was relatively unbothered by her death, her father-in-law - the book/show's Hiromatsu - was furious. Because of Hosokowa Gracia and his granddaughter's death, he immediately fortified his border castle.
He defied a large [Ishido/Ishida] army of 15,000 men with only 500 men of his own.
Many of [Ishido/Ishida's] commanders held [Hosokowa Fujitaka/Hiromatsu] in such high regard that they went through the bare motions of laying siege. On a regular basis, gunners 'accidentally' forgot to load their cannon with iron shot, and so Tanabe Castle's walls reverberated daily to the harmless booming of blank gundpowder explosions. [Ishido/Ishida's] military offensive had launched to a disastrous start.
The siege only ended because of an imperial decree (it's a long story - Fujitaka/Hiromatsu knew an oral tradition special imperial poem that risked dying with him, nobody could refuse the Emperor). More than this, any chance Ishido/Ishida had of convincing skilled and respected generals to commit to his side ended with Fujitaka/Hiromatsu's defiance. Such was the respect that he commanded, and such was the rage he felt at the death of his daughter-in-law, that he worked tirelessly to gather support for Toranaga/Tokugawa, despite his advanced years.
Mariko/Hosokowa Gracia's contribution was an inflection point to what many samurai, busho and daimyo were suspecting - that Ishido/Ishida was a snake bitch who couldn't be trusted (I believe that's the correct historical term). Her actions galvanized resistance against him, and continued to spread the wildfire that would seal his defeat on the battlefield of Sekigahara: 'Why are we taking orders from him?'
Importantly, Hosokowa Gracia's remains were gathered by a Catholic priest, and given a Christian burial in Osaka. From everything we know of her, this would have been very meaningful indeed. Just as with Mariko in the show's depiction, Hosokowa Gracia's death was not senseless or without meaning. It meant something, and continues to resonate through the centuries.
What happened to John Blackthorne (William Adams)?
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Gif by @cinematic-gif-archive
The short answer: imagine an alien landed in America. It was smart enough to avoid death. It ended up chief special advisor to Obama, and they became bros. That is William Adams's life.
First things first: Blackthorne stays in Japan. 'Old Rich Blackthorne' scenes are basically fever dreams. I was worried when the episode opened with a flash-forward to an old man living in Tudor comfort. This would be a huge change from both the book, and history. The novel ends with Toranaga confirming that his plan is for Blackthorne to never leave Japan. Blackthorne finds his place there. In history, the same is true of William Adams.
In episode 10, the 'is this a flash-forward?/is this a dream?' question is answered halfway through the episode. Blackthorne drops Mariko's cross over the side with Fuji's family ashes. As soon as that's done, the aged visions of Blackthorne disappear.
For those who are more textual than visual: the episode is titled A Dream of a Dream (a play on the title of the Taiko's death poem). Concussed, grief-stricken Blackthorne is dreaming of the dream he used to have - returning to England with riches and glory, his family name secure, with every comfort Queen Elizabeth the First can offer a pirate-explorer like Sir Francis Drake or Sir Walter Raleigh. But as soon as he lets go of Mariko's cross into the water (earlier, actually, when he sincerely attempted seppuku to try and save the people of Ajiro) that dream stopped appearing. The dream he had of exploiting Japan for riches and glory was gone, replaced with the reality of the life he is left to build.
In the show and the book, Toranaga is explicit about never letting Anjin-sama/Blackthorne leave Japan. If he builds new ships, Toranaga will burn them again. He needs Blackthorne's knowledge, expertise, and - in a bizarre twist of fate - friendship. We leave him hauling his wreck from the harbour, ready to salvage the keel and spars, to build a new ship in Japan.
So how does this marry up with history? Extremely accurately. As far as we know, the historical William Adams was slightly less of a pirate/privateer than the book/show's John Blackthorne. His hatred of Catholicism was more driven by their fervent desire to kill him, which they kept up for nearly a decade. His interest in exploration, in the show and in the historical, was genuine.
The show's story very closely follows what actually happened in real life (again, sans romance... although he does have love in his life, which we'll get to). His crew were initially imprisoned, he was summoned by Toranaga/Tokugawa, and met with him many times to discuss his knowledge of the outside world, trade, and Christianity's impact in Asia. The Jesuits did pester the Council of Regents, and Toranaga/Tokugawa in particular, to execute him. Toranaga/Tokugawa refused, saying this barbarian had done nothing to harm Japan or its people. The Jesuits would not forget this.
He did train elements of Toranaga/Tokogawa's army in how to work the cannon his ship possessed - a skill he possessed, but no one else was willing to offer. He actually followed Toranaga/Tokugawa to several battles. Recent primary source evidence has revealed it was highly likely he was actually at the Battle of Sekigahara, which is a very recent development in the historiography of his life. It is just bananas insane, but it demonstrates just how useful (and likeable) Blackthorne/Adams was to Toranaga/Tokugawa.
I've read two biographies of William Adams, and he was very, very like the Blackthorne portrayed by Cosmo Jarvis. Other Europeans in Japan complained that he was arrogant and dismissive - historians see this as Adams adapting to his station in Japanese society, and being extremely frustrated with European manners and bearing in Japan.
Once Toranaga/Tokugawa became shōgun, Adams - already a samurai - was made hatamoto, and forbidden from leaving Japan. He was granted many generous cuckoos (250 of them!), an estate in Edo, a fief at the entrance to Edo bay, and rose to become Toranaga/Tokugawa's chief trade advisor. During Toranaga/Tokugawa's remaining life, he built two Western-style ships (which Tokugawa came aboard and was very pleased with - that's nice!), and took over piloting duties of Portuguese and Spanish ships making landfall in Edo, pissing off the Catholics to no end.
On Ieyasu Tokugawa's death in 1616, his holdings and fief were confirmed by the new shōgun, Ieyasu Hidetada. But his relationship with the court wouldn't be the same. My reading of the sources leads me to believe that James Clavell was right here: Toranaga/Tokugawa Ieyasu genuinely liked Blackthorne/William Adams, and wanted him around.
As more and more Europeans arrived in Japan, including the English and the Dutch, Adams served as translator for them, and - for the Enlgish - fixer whenever they did something barbaric and rude that would warrant execution. He seemed to view spending time with the (no joke) drunken, whoring, disgusting-smelling English trading factory members as an extreme annoyance. He seemed happiest at sea, and at his mansion in Edo, where he married the daughter of a merchant in 1613. Whilst her name is lost to the historical record, they had two children, Joseph and Susanna.
He wasn't a deadbeat dad - he wrote to his wife back in England, explaining that he could not return. She was a firebrand, and eventually extracted a form of life insurance from the Dutch company that had contracted Adams's piloting services. Partly she was able to do this because of a proclamation issued by Toranaga/Ieyasu Tokugawa: 'William Adams was dead the day he was made samurai, and Miura Anjin - the pilot of the fief of Miura - was born.' That sounds like a badass quote I've made up, but that's one of the English translations of Tokugawa's proclamation.
Adams kept up his maritime adventures, charting the Japanese coast, going on several trading missions to Southeast Asia (sailing to Thailand and meeting with the King of Siam, furthering his amazing ability to charm and dazzle). He struck up firm friendships with members of Tokugawa's court, fellow Japanese merchants in Edo, and the much more polite Dutch traders, despite the tensions that had grown between their two countries.
There's an important aspect of his legacy that endured for centuries. Toranaga/Tokugawa, suspicious of what he had learned of Catholic conversion and invasion of other Asian states, was already disposed to be wary of the Church. The Church in Japan would not let Adams rest, attempting to kill him, convert him, bribe him, and offer him passage home in 1614 on a Portuguese ship. In the same year Portuguese priests claimed that only Spanish miners had the skills to open up the mineral wealth of Japan. Adams warned the shōgun, again, that this was the Catholic way - first the priests, then the conquistadores.
Influenced by these reports and counsel, and because the Jesuits legitimately were conspiring to do the shit Adams accused them of (always a tough charge to defend), Toranaga/Tokugawa Ieyasu expelled all Portuguese priests in 1614, and demanded all Japanese Christians recant. Apart from this leading to the Dutch being the only nation allowed to conduct trade with Japan, this was the end of Japanese Christianity, until the country was forced open in 1855. Christianity never took root in the same way it would in places like Brazil and the Philippines. Was William Adams the only factor in this development? No. Was he a factor? Yes.
He died in 1620, after twenty contented years in Japan and Asia. His will stipulated that his estates and belongings be split evenly between his family in England and Japan. One of Adams's colleagues recorded that Ieyasu Hidetada transferred lordship of Adams's fief to his Japanese son, Joseph, as well as his katana and wakizashi. His line fell out of the historical record, but memory of and monuments to the Anjin remain in Japan.
Faring Well
Shōgun, the book, was fiction, written by a man fascinated by Japanese history, driven by a desire to bring it to the world. He was overwhelmingly successful. It was an excellent start, and even fired up some fascinating academic discussion at the time that I'd definitely recommend. The 2024 adaptation, in my view, changes many of the elements that have aged poorly, were flat-out wrong to begin with, and - like all great adaptations - adds to the work, rather than cheapening it.
Despite being based on real people, the fictional characters created for the show - Blackthorne, Toranga, and especially Mariko - feel real. That is an amazing achievement.
I hope this opens up an interest in Japanese history for some viewers. Being able to visit the places where these events took place is a truly awesome experience. Like all history, it's for individuals to judge what they think of the players.
Hiroyuki Sanada said that he admires Tokugawa Ieyasu because of his ability to bring forth 250 years of peace out of nearly 500 years of chaos. Was Ieyasu motivated by altruism, or self-interest? Does it even matter?
Anna Sawai saw in Hosokowa Gracia a moving, powerful woman, deeply committed to her faith, and to doing what she believed was right in the context of her time. As a person without faith myself, I found this portrayal of genuine belief extremely moving. The demonstration of her convictions was one of the most amazing performances I've ever seen.
And as for the English pilot, Cosmo Jarvis said he wanted to capture the restlessness of Adams, his slow transformation and growth, and the unique qualities that allowed the man to survive and thrive in an extremely deadly time. One thing he nailed that I think even James Clavell messed up was how deepy strange William Adams was. Not weird, not insane, but just a very singular individual. Biographers talk about his aloof, detached, self-aware nature being misconstrued as arrogance by Europeans who encountered him in Japan. Part of it was his annoyance at their inability to learn how to be in Japan; part of it was that he was simply built very differently. In embodying this, I think Cosmo Jarvis succeeded amazingly.
From what we can find in the historical record, William Adams and Hosokowa Gracia may not be 'great' in the sense that Tokugawa Ieyasu was 'great'. They did not build an era. To borrow a phrase from one of my favourite historical writers, whilst they may not be 'great' people, they were good people. That is vanishingly rare in the history we celebrate, and I think, for that reason alone, it's important to remember them, and the things they lived and died for.
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sh0jun · 1 month
Ikemen Sengoku Modern AU
Boys as various university professors or teachers--
I'm not elaborating it much for now
Maybe there would be updates idk--
Oda forces
→ Nobunaga Oda (Academic Head/Economics teacher)
He's gonna have a separate drawer in his office FILLED with candies
That drawer has a lock on it all the time (he doesn't want Hideyoshi to find out about it)
→ Hideyoshi Toyotomi (history teacher)
Really looks up to the department head
Very patient with all the students and will help each and every single one of them :)
You'd see him in the halls A LOT
so be careful. If you get caught breaking the rules you WILL be lectured by him
He keeps a check on every teacher's health too- also he would tell you to take it easy if he sees that you're not well
Also pretty good at giving motivational speech
→ Mitsuhide Akechi (computer science)
Okay hear me out. This man will be GOOD with computers and technology.
The event stories prove it
He's the teacher you'll go to every time there's something wrong with your iPad
And he WILL tease you endlessly
→ Mitsunari Ishida (Maths teacher)
For obvious reasons.
Our clumsy but very smart angel.
He'll be very kind. And calmly teach you if you're having trouble with a math problem no matter how many times you come to him
But no matter what you do, you won't be able to get his attention if he's reading
The janitor has caught him several times in the library reading books in a secluded corner when it's late in the night
Librarians sometimes have to kick him out
→ Masamune Date (food tech)
I think it's self explanatory (I don't have anything to say about him I'm sorry-)
You'd always. ALWAYS. catch him at the farmers market.
→ Ieyasu Tokugawa (Biology/ chemistry teacher)
He knows his stuff when it comes to plant and medicine
He'd be very cranky if you come to his with a question but he will answer it in full detail
He does NOT like the math teacher
The math teacher and the physics teacher seem to constantly fawn over him which he does not enjoy.
→ Keiji Maeda (Drama/music teacher)
Pretty self explanatory this one.
He and the literature teacher are good friends :3
Best friends in fact.
He's the cheery teacher. Very enthusiastic.
→ Ranmaru Mori (teacher assistant)
The principal's assistant to be more specific
Running around doing errands for Nobunaga. Looks very cute and is very helpful
The students love him
Kasugayama forces
→ Kenshin Uesugi (specialist PE teacher/sports department head)
Martial arts. Fencing. Horse riding. Swimming. Sword fighting. You name it
This guys knows EVERYTHING
he trains students in these sports for competitions.
The group sports activities go to the other gym teacher
Very cold. And seems very rude and icy. But will teach you if you ask for his help
Also do NOT expect him to go easy on you
It's your first time learning judo? Will TOO bad. You will be thoroughly beaten up by this guy
→Shingen Takeda (DT/department head)
The hot teacher who's at the carpentry workshop
Many students attend the workshop JUST to see him
Very nice. Flirt to everything that breathes
Loves sweets just like the academics Department head.
But doesn't like Nobunaga at all
→Yukimura Sanada (PE teacher)
The worst PE teacher you'll ever have 💀
Doesn't know how to talk to students or teachers which result in him getting some pretty snarky comments
Is in charge of preparing sports teams for sports competitions
Does not like Kenshin's guys but has to put up with them
He's best friends with the physics teacher and they sometimes show experiments together (yuki is the lab rat of course)
→Sasuke Sarutoki (Physics teacher)
That fun physics teacher that shows experiments in the class
Uses memes in his lectures
All his lectures are extremely fun
The students are often confused as to how does he always has a straight face
The PE teacher is his guinea pig at times
The sports department head has some beef with him for some reason
→ Yoshimoto Imagawa (Arts teacher)
The guy LOVES art and appreciates it to his fullest
This job was MEANT for him
Will appreciate your art and also give you pointers if you ask for it
Very charming
Students fawn over him
Has a very soothing voice along with a pretty face
→ Kanetsugu Naoe (Literature teacher)
Teaches English along with Japanese
Very strict
He's pretty and has little fangs but the students are afraid of him
A very good teacher
But also does some very strict marking in tests
Do not try to fight with him cause he will point out all the grammatic errors
Lone forces
→ Kicho (linguistics teacher)
Teaches other foreign languages
Like French, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, German, arabic, Russian. You name it.
This guy is a genius
He and the computer tech teacher are cousins
Seems very tired always (cough blackholes cough)
→ Motonari Mouri (portugese teacher)
No comment on him.
Those who know him well will probably get it.
Will teach you every single curse word there is >:D
→ Kennyo (History teacher/ religious studies)
He does not like how modern studies are taking over
No phones allowed in his class
Very calm but also hella intimidating
Uhhh- does not put up well with the Computer tech teacher's antiques
Usually eats alone outside with cats.
Animals love him <3
→ Mai Mitsuzaki (Textiles teacher)
Das right. Mah girl gets her own category
The most fashionable teacher on campus
Everyone loves her
Shingen, Masa and she are the DT trio
Will teach you all there is to know about clothes and fashion
Designs the best clothes
She should be a designer.
Tags: cause idk who wants to be tagged--
@ikesenanigans (we came up with these together<3)
@rubia8 @bakersgrief @nightvers @ginshoujo @y2ashlee
Anyways Enjoy :D
This is my first hc that i wrote--
Leave in the comments whatever else you want to add? Idk how this works bro- ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
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gothmayoi · 1 month
ikemen sengoku texting headcanons
doesn't include lone forces, keiji or kanetsugu (sorry)
nobunaga: Makes sure to use proper grammar, as well as commas and periods. Adds "Nobunaga Oda." at the end of every text.
mitsunari and hideoyshi: Love using emojis, specially heart emojis ❤️ They both text like moms
ieyasu: either all lowercase OR ALL CAPS WHEN HE'S PISSED. doesn't use emojis a lot but the only ones he uses are 😐, 😒, 🙄, and 🤦. he likes to pretend he doesn't enjoy texting
ranmaru: uses a lot of heart emojis (including <3), exclamation points, and says "hehe" all the time!! (god bless him)
masamune: Capitalizes Every Word For Some Reason
mitsuhide: he does anything he can to annoy people, and he somehow knows what each person finds more annoying and uses that to his advantage. he says "your" instead of "you're" and vice versa just to piss people off.
shingen: you know this man's most recent emojis always look like this: 😍😘💋💖🌹❤️‍🔥. otherwise he texts normally
sasuke: all lowercase. uses 😭 a lot + acronyms/abbreviations like btw lmao tbh etc. quotes vines and memes regularly. occasionally uses ":3". also he says "girl" sometimes (like "girl what") and everybody thinks he's talking to mai. mai is the only person that understands any of his texts
kenshin: i feel like he simply can't be bothered to text, but he became a lot more open to the idea once sasuke told him about the knife emoji 🔪. when he does text, he surprisingly texts normally
yoshimoto: ωнσ тσℓ∂ тнιѕ мαη αвσυт ƒαη¢у ƒσηтѕ? 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲𝐬 ☺️, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ❤️ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 🌷.
yukimura: The only normal guy here
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the-stumbling-samurai · 5 months
The Warlords- Dad Headcanon: Hideyoshi
Hideyoshi my beloved <3 The man deserves a vacation into my arms or at least a decent lunchbreak, >Girl dad like Shingen, but "cursed". >5 daughters, all somehow seeming to take after their uncle Mitsuhide in one way or another, at least in Hideyoshi's mind. >Wouldn't trade them for all the sons in the world though. >Professional at playing pretty princess dress up. >Starts fighting off and worrying about boys at a young age. Sees his 4 year old daughter holding lets sayyyy little Nobunaga Oda Jrs hand in the castle gardens and nearly decides to switch sides just to get away from them. >Such a bragging parent. “well myyy daughter managed to hide the sweets this week and it took lord nobunaga double his usual time to find them.” >Meanwhile, the only reason Nobunaga found them was because one of Hideyoshi's daughter's is a master negotiator. >They suckered Nobunaga for some ponies in exchange of goods. >Thrives for his father daughter dates. He makes sure to do something special with each of them individually every week, even if it's something as simple as fixing her hair while sitting outside as they talk. >Takes all 5 on monthly father daughter outings to the local tea house. >Wants his daughters to stay as far away from war and fighting as possible so struggles when they start becoming interested in what he does. >Ropes Ieyasu into teaching them archery as a distraction and some basic protection skills. ".... Two horses, a new set of Kimonos, and a kitten." The little girl looked up at her father innocently. "That's all I asked for this time!" She sips her tea.
Hideyoshi sighs, rubbing his temples."Girls, you can't just say no to Lord Nobunaga and try and negotiate things with him! He's our Lord! Its not nice."
"But dad! You say no to him all the time! We were just trying to help!" his oldest daughter chimes in, the other 3 nodding their heads eagerly."He was trying to get into the candy again! So we hid it!"
"And instead of telling me so I can stop him you blackmailed him?!" Hideyoshi looks at them incredulously. "What in your right mind possessed you to do that?"
"Uncle Mitsuhide said to make every moment an opportunity! He thought it was a good idea and even helped by showing us a good hiding spot!"
Hideyoshi sighs, running his hands through his hair anxiously. "Of course he did." He groans, but he can't help but let a small smile slip onto his face as his girls giggle around him... "
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the12thnightproject · 6 months
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Warlords in a Snowball Fight
A general winter themed flash headcanon, as a gift for the Flash Exchange. @flash-exchange
Headcanon: Warlords in a Snowball Fight
In Azuchi…
Nobunaga – Strides through the field of battle, easily packing the snow into efficient weapons. Cooly confident that nobody would dare...  Splat!
Masamune – A snow battle? Bring it on! Runs wildly into action, skidding to a drift, quickly forms lopsided snowballs, and throws them with surprisingly good aim, especially given his blind side. Which… by the way… Splat!
Hideyoshi –  Sets out a list of rules, including, no ice in the middle of your snowball, no throwing snowballs inside the castle, absolutely no running! In the midst of announcing the rules… Splat!
Ieyasu –  Splat! He goes home and locks himself in his panic room with his emotional support sourdough starter.
Mitsunari – An army is made and broken by its organization. Carefully stockpiles snowballs at strategic points throughout Azuchi. Then gets distracted by a new book and forgets to join in the battle.
Ranmaru – Finds Mitsunari’s useful stacks of snowballs, and climbs to the roof, where he systematically picks everyone off, sniper style. Splat!
Keiji – Stands in the center of the field of play, grabbing the closest snow at hand, and throwing it randomly. He’s a dervish. Then he opens his arms wide and yodels, “Who wants to take on the wild child of these war-torn islands, he whose name is sung far and wide, the roguish misfit, Keiji Maeda?”  Splat! Splat! Splat!  
Mitsuhide – Excels at sneaking from hiding spot to hiding spot, surprising victims by popping up out of nowhere and disappearing before they can retaliate. Is also the reason Ieyasu is hiding.
At Kasugayama… things are slightly more dangerous
Kenshin – Instead of snowballs, hurls icicles like spears.
Kanetsugu –  When people complain about flying icicles, tells them they should be honored to receive such attention from the God of War.
Shingen – Organizes Yukimura and Yoshimoto into a team and carefully strategizes the best times and places to attack. Has also built a working snow catapult. In spite of all that, he ends up strangely covered in snow, because, let’s face it, the man looks great in a wet kimono. And out of one.
Yukimura – Is an athletic and efficient snowball thrower, very good on the front lines in an all-out battle, but not terribly good at sneak attacks.
Yoshimoto – Is every snowflake truly different? Let’s find out? He wanders out into the garden. Is not seen until spring.
Sasuke – After getting hit by one too many icicles, packs his snowballs with ground spikes and sets off smoke bombs to escape.
Lone Forces…
Kennyo –  Tricks Azuchi and Kasugayama into fighting each other, then goes off and feeds hungry forest creatures.
Motonari – Snow? Snow doesn’t burn. Hell has frozen over. Sets sail for more tropical climates at the first sign of a flake.
Kicho – Sets off an avalanche.
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shatcey · 6 months
Why does it have to be him?
He was already a love rival in Hideyoshi's route. And it was so sad and painful… I think one of the reasons I don't reread Hideyoshi's route is because I don't wanna go through it again.
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Yes, Mai used to be called Ichiko…. What can I say… at the time of choosing her name, I only knew that name)
And now again in the Kicho's route!
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You are merciless!
I expect it to be Motonari. They're at least somewhere nearby. But why Mitsu?
Do you think it's funny to make relatives fight over a girl? Literally shooting at each other? Do you think it's funny to make this perfect man suffer? I don't think so! Yes, I was very happy to have the opportunity to see him more often than usual, but not at that cost! Mutsu, honey, I love you! And despite how sweet and wonderful your cousin is, I still prefer you!
Now that I think about it… Ieyasu was a love rival in the Masamune AND Keiji routes… So this is not something uncommon…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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selenacosmic · 10 months
May I have a Teen MC request pls in which MC pulls a Mulan (by secretly dressing up as one of her brother's soldiers and causing an avalanche onto the enemy)? Of course, she gets caught by the said Warlord as she tries to escape during the battle (so it would appear as if she never left the campsite). I know that the Warlords would both be angry yet impressed by her stunt (and that she's also okay).
Thnks anyway!
Hello! And yes, I agree. This is a really cool and interesting concept. Thank you for the request!
Teen!MC pulling a mulan.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
It’s needless to say that Nobunaga wouldn’t be very happy… at first glance. He will use his authoritative voice when he calls you, which will make you scared and sure that he will scold you. The serious way he is looking at you also doesn’t help.
However, before you can try to explain, Nobunaga will pat your head and congratulate you, a wide smirk on his face. His little sister is very fierce, after all.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Hideyoshi will raise his voice, though not too much, when scolding you. He will look more like a parent than your older brother, his hands will be on his hips as he nags.
What if you got hurt? What if the enemy attacked you? What if that avalanche had managed to bury you? He can’t stress enough reasons as to what could have happened.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Mitsuhide will be surprisingly serious for once, asking you if you even have a brain between your ears. He isn’t one to scold, that’s Hideyoshi’s job, but you were in serious danger.
However, even though he will be angry, he will still praise you for doing a good job, even if it was a sloppy one.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Ieyasu isn’t one to nag either, but he will make you feel bad, he was worried about your safety and couldn’t believe you would sneak in as one of his soldiers.
Still, Ieyasu can’t stay angry at his young sister, so he will pat your head and tell you to go to your tent and reflect on what you did.
Mitsunari Ishida.
You might think Mitsunari won’t scold you, right? Wrong, he will. The difference is that he won’t be scary while doing so. Instead he will go on about how much he was worried and how important you are to him, Mitsunari will become more clingy towards you as to make sure you don’t leave his side.
You will feel a bit bad for making Mitsunari worry so much, he truly was afraid of losing his sister.
Masamune Date.
Masamune will be… conflicted, he doesn’t know whether he should praise you or ask if you are crazy.. which will also receive praise from him. He believes that it is important that you have surviving skills like that, since he wasn’t sure if he could be by your side to protect you.
He can’t really stay mad at you, so he will encourage you (which will make Hideyoshi scold him for being a bad influence).
Ranmaru Mori.
Ranmaru isn’t one to scold at all, instead he will hug you tightly while saying how worried he was, he isn’t used to being a big brother so he isn’t sure how to go on about scolding you.
He will more likely pout at you while making an attempt at scolding you, which will remain an attempt.
Keiji’s mask will fall, he will scold you a lot, clearly angry that you were that reckless. Sure, he will praise you for your idea, but that doesn’t change the fact that you almost died.
He will wait to calm down first so that he can praise you properly.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Kenshin will be another one who will be conflicted, on one hand he is proud of his little sister for fending their enemies like that, with such a great plan, but on the other hand he almost lost you. He won’t have the heart to scold you, instead he will tighten security around you.
Shingen Takeda.
Shingen will be on the same page as Kenshin, but instead he will be able to scold you properly. He doesn’t raise his voice but makes his worries clear (aka I am not mad, just disappointed).
He will praise your idea, though. You managed to think fast in a situation like that… maybe he should train his little sister in the arts of war.
Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura will have more reason to call you a boar girl, crazy enough to defeat a whole army by starting an avalanche. He will also see potential for you to train with him, but don’t think he isn’t panicking.
He will ask if you really are crazy, only to receive a hit on his arm from you.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto doesn’t scold, and that’s because he has no energy for it. He will, however, give you the silent treatment for a while until you apologize for sneaking in battle. Then he will pull you into a tight hug, happy that you were ok.
It’s hard to know whether Sasuke is scolding you or praising you. He will be more worried, while also saying you were just like mulan.
He is the kind of big brother that wouldn’t scold you, but would remind you to be more careful the next time you do something like this.
You thought Hideyoshi was scary when scolding? Kanetsugu is worse. He will not only scold you but he will also punish you by grounding you to reflect on what you did. Perhaps it becomes worse because of the tone of his voice and how serious his face was.
Lone forces.
Motonari Mouri.
Motonari will give you a light hit on the back of your head, nothing that would really hurt but it caught your attention. He will scold you angrily, not happy that you tried doing something reckless.
Still, he recognizes your talents, so he will warm up to the idea of training you, you had a lot to learn from him.
Kennyo scolds but not in a scary way… much. He really just tries telling you that you are still too young to be running off to battle like that, not experienced enough and that if you were only patient enough, he would teach you how to be a soldier.
… on second thought, you are his little sister, no way would he want you anywhere near the battlefield.
Kichou’s approach would be much like Nobunaga’s, but instead of unexpectedly praising you, he will give you the scolding of your life, to the point where you call him “sir” or “lord” instead of big brother.
Deep down it all comes from genuine worry.
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stirringwinds · 7 months
i like thinking about the helltalia nations and nature imagery, and with kiku we understandably associate him with chrysanthemums and sakura for obvious reasons but 🤔 another motif that i think is really nice to think about is the Japanese black pine (kuromatsu). first of all, we see loads of them in different aspects of Japanese culture: in bonsai, poems, art and woodblock prints including those by hiroshige.
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and even more suitably—they’re painted on the walls and screen doors of places like Ninomaru palace, which was commissioned by the first Edo-era shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. everything in the decorations was political symbolism. it was explained that the shogun's power was represented with birds of prey, tigers—and the japanese pine trees—because they’re eternally evergreen throughout the seasons. ergo, ieyasu was making a point about the unending power of his family. of course, shoguns come and go, and whole regimes fall—but as a nation, kiku really is as eternal and evergreen as a black pine, compared to how the humans around him are akin to the beautiful but transient cherry blossoms of spring. i really like this thought because y'know, nations may not age, but they aren't unchanging statues unaffected by the currents of history either—and trees capture that blend of change and watchful immortality.
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amenomiko · 4 months
Modern AU
A situation of "I lost my boyfriend at a party", Ikesen MC version
MC: Oh no.. Where did he go...
Definitely at the candy area.
Munching candies while commanding.. Yes, COMMANDING, the HOST to pack it up for him.
Mitsuhide is the accomplice. Duh.
Is... Somehow helping in the kitchen.
Or with the staffs to clean around.
And- "MITSUHIDE!!!! What are you doing encouraging our Boss to eat more unhealthy stuffffff OAO!!!"
Drunk and become a mat (people accidentally stepped on him).
Or if he is not drunk, he become a pole dancer.
And MC will wonder where did all the money came from-
( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) 👈 *Sits at a corner of the room, silently enjoying MC searching for him.*
Until his boss spotted him that easily to become the accomplice of packing the candies.
Continue with the above scene when Hideyoshi spotted him.
The one who choose to pet any pet of the host.
Almost HISS to everyone nearby. Especially Mitsunari.
PANIC silently realizing he got separated from MC
Enters the party normally.
Enjoy it normally.
Until he saw a book on the floor and didn't budge AT ALL making MC think she have lost him.
Enters the party normally +1.
Until his positive side drained, he went away for a while to bar section.
..Then saw Masamune and joins him for pole dancing.
Glaring daggers at almost EVERY MEN in the party.
When he saw the bar section.
Sip sip sip drink drink drink. Another one to pack every good drink.
He is not available to any women to flirt anymore so there he is, at the candy section.
Glaring contest with Nobunaga.
Escapes when Yukimura spotted him.
Awkward dot com + Why I have to be here dot com.
Ehh.. This food and drink is not bad.. Wait isn't that..
"BOSS SHINGEN! WHAT DID I TOLD YOU ABOUT EATING THOSE??" Thus the reason he got separated from MC.
It's easy.
He enters the party normally. Until he saw Kenshin creating a scene at the bar area..
Blend in with the wall no jutsu. I'm sorry MC, I will get back to you soon.
Enters normally + glaring daggers.
About to take a drink for MC when he saw Kenshin creates a scene at the bar area.
Joins him.
Enters normally, eat and drink normally..
A certain decoration caught his interest.
He have been spending hours on admiring the object until MC didn't realize he went missing from her side.
Enters with MC but since he don't fancy this kind of thing..
He is at the balcony area.
Silently watching MC searching for him + grinning to himself.
Enters normally + do his part as romantic partner by serving MC with food and drink before himself.
Was about to get a dessert when he spot a special section : Japanese Snacks.
Was there filling his mouth with endless senbei.
As always the sweet type, getting all the food and drinks to share with MC.
Joins Nobunaga for the fun of it.
And later joins at the entertainment area to sing like an idol. He is a star of the night.
........I will just...sit here.
Oh.. A cat. *Pet pet pet pet* Alright I'm done.. MC?
Ah.. *Another one to PANICC*
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natimiles · 7 months
If you needed reasons to love Ieyasu and Mai:
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I love his compliments are about things like her smile or her personality. Of course, he compliments her looks, but it's not the main reason he fell in love.
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otomefoxystar · 3 months
Glow of the Moon
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing : Ieyasu X Reader
Genre : Suggestive
A/N: Part of the Sunshine & Starlight Creation Challenge with prompt: Late Night Trysts
Hosted by @violettduchess and @lorei-writes
 You remember the night it happened, but with someone like Ieyasu, it was unexpected. One moment, he was berating you about how you had organized his medical herbs. Then his lips were on yours, and he was hastily moving aside your kimono and fiddling with his hakama, and he ravaged you against the wall. That was the first time, and you both said, never again. Then there was a second and a third, and well, you had lost count. 
It was late, and mostly everyone was in bed. You felt the rumblings of your stomach, so to the kitchen, you went. You had found strawberries you had picked earlier in the week; they looked delicious. That was when Ieyasu appeared, “ You’re still up?” He asked. “ I was hungry,” You said as you bit off the strawberry. He looked at you with wanton in his eyes. He reached for the bowl of strawberries and grabbed your hand. “Come with me.” 
He led you to your room and looked down the hallway before entering with you. He placed the strawberries on a table in your room. Not another word was said, but he was holding a strawberry to your lips, and you slowly bit into it. “You seductress, I don’t think you realize what you do to me.” This time, you put a strawberry in his mouth. As he chewed the fruit, you saw his strong jaw moving, and that in itself made you weak. 
“ And I don’t think you realize what you do to me.” You pondered for a moment. Had the two of you just admitted you had feelings for each other in a roundabout way? “ Ieyasu, we need to stop this.” He regarded you for a moment, searching for a reason why he had upset you. “ I don’t think I can stop. I’ve become addicted to you.” He leaned forward and kissed you, his tongue tasting like strawberries. Your body was already heating up from the ferocity of his kiss; he had never kissed you so thoroughly before and with so much passion. 
“ I don’t think you get it.” He says as you looked into his emerald eyes, they were soft and tender. A complete opposite from the raw hunger that was usually burning in them when the two of you were alone. “ You’re intoxicating, the taste of your skin. He lifted your hand and kissed the inside of your wrist. Your breath hitched, “the sound of your voice.” He kissed your fingertips so gently that you barely felt his soft lips touch your skin. 
What was he doing to you? You had denied that you had feelings for him to yourself repeatedly, however, with how your heart thumped against your chest and how you suddenly felt nervous with butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Your body was saying the opposite of what you had told yourself. “How your smile reaches your eyes and your nose crinkles when you laugh.” Ieyasu l drew a line on your inner arm from your elbow to your palm, making the hair on your arm stand on end. “ How ticklish you are.” He looked up, “ How you have a bleeding heart. I’ve seen you willing to fight for someone if it meant it was the right thing to do.” You swallowed, and the butterflies in your stomach increased their fluttering.  He put his warm palm on your cheek. “ You are invaluable to me, and I want you all to myself.” 
“ Ieyasu.” You said quietly. His lips curled up, and he combed your hair behind your ear.  He slid his hand from your cheek to the back of your head and captured your lips. He kissed you slowly as your mouth moved with his; his tongue slid into your mouth, still with a lingering taste of strawberries. He reached behind you and untied your obi as he continued to ravage your mouth. “ I’m going to imprint myself into you so deeply that not only will our bodies be one, but our souls as well.” He kissed down the side of your neck, and you moaned sweetly for him. He picked you up and carried you to the futon. Your legs hanging over his arm and your arm around his neck. 
He placed you down gently onto the futon and continued to drink in your body. He discarded each article of clothing with a gentle ferocity.  You looked up at him as he disrobed his clothes; the moonlight shone in the room, the light highlighting his muscles and giving him an ethereal glow, making him reminiscent of a god. You looked at him heavy lidded, Finally he kneeled and as he climbed over you he kissed each of your eyelids, and he took you in. The luminous glow from the moon making you look angelic, as if you had been carved out of the heavens and placed here just for him. He placed tender kisses across your body as if you had been made out of porcelain and would break if he was too rough. 
As the two of you bathed in the light glow of the moon, your bodies came together. All the nerves you had felt before had turned into love, and it poured out of you and into Ieyasu. It was hard to tell where he ended and you began you had truly become one.
You expected him to leave afterward as he had done so many times before, but tonight, he wanted to bare himself to you. He laid next to you with your head on his shoulder. His fingertips ran soothingly up and down your arm. In the bliss of the afterglow, he kissed the top of your head. “You’re mine now, I hope you realize what you’ve started.” 
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hokkienmee · 7 months
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"I have never liked men, and the reason I asked to be a maid is because I would not have to marry if I worked. As I got to know Miyo, I realized what my true feelings were. Since I became your concubine, I tried to do my duty at all cost, and I have done my best while denying my feelings, but... Each time you touched me, I felt like vomiting... Now that I've come to know the real me, I can't do it anymore." Dou Suru Ieyasu どうする家康 (2023) subs provided by Avallac'h
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verdantcrimson · 16 days
Heaven and Earth / Epilogue
(Unproofread )
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[A few days later. During the filming of the ending video for ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth R’]
Keito: “♪~♪~♪”
Keito: Phew… Somehow, we managed to cross that precarious bridge.
Kuro: Still too early to be gettin’ complacent, danna. What we made this time was just a prototype.
Kuro: The real show starts now. If anythin’, things’re only gonna get tougher.
Souma: Hehe. Somehow, before any actual running has occurred, one already feels exhausted.
Keito: Things were truly very difficult this time around… However, it’s a relief that everything has fallen into place somehow.
Keito: All of the ‘Three Sages’ were convinced of the plan we presented and were happy to cooperate.
Keito: With the support of senseis, ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ will continue to be— No, it will become, more than ever, a show that viewers will want to watch. 
Keito: An educational show beloved by all that allows you to learn history in a fun way.
Kuro: That’s the thing though. Even though ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ s’gonna stay on, and it’ll probably be a great show that the viewers love—
Kuro: Oogami said it too. In the end, we ended up completely changin’ the contents of ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’.
Kuro: It’s like we’re tramplin’ on the wishes of Ieyasu-sensei, who said he didn’t want ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ to change. I feel kind of bad about it.
Keito: You still understand nothing, Kiryu. You’ll have to continue your studies.
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Kuro: Now why am I bein’ criticized outta nowhere?
Souma: Hehe. The person Ieyasu-sensei had the most profound interactions with was Kiryu-dono, who had been put in charge of him.
Souma: And so, from Kiryu-dono’s vantage, what has Ieyasu-sensei’s attitude been? Has he perhaps been lamenting the changes to ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’?
Kuro: …… No. In fact, he was so happy that the other sages were stunned.
Kuro: I get it. Seems like I was only lookin’ at the surface of things again.
Kuro: Suppose that’s the downside of havin’ been a delinquent.  People kept their distance from me ‘cause I intimidated them, and I used to keep my distance from them ‘cause I didn’t want to get involved.
Kuro: We haven’t changed ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ at all.
Kuro: No, we haven’t changed what Ieyasu-sensei found most valuable, the essence.
Kuro: Sensei loves history. That’s why for all these years, even though he’s become a dodderin’ old man, he’s still researchin’ it intently.
Kuro: Sensei wanted to share that love he felt with everyone. So when he was younger, he made up his mind and teamed up with his buddy from the TV station to create ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’.
Souma: Indeed. It is just as what we discussed in depth during the prototype edition of the show.
Kuro: Haha. It was pretty interestin’, seein’ how the outrageous old man was outrageous when he was younger too.
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Keito: Yes. People have history. And those myriad histories, that don’t appear in any textbooks, are just as worthy of love.
Keito: They are fascinating and brilliant stories that mustn’t be ignored.
Keito: We will continue to watch over them, as ‘Spirits of Light’. And we’ll learn all sorts of things through our amusing investigation and interpretation. 
Keito: What is history? What is life? Does good and evil, right and wrong, truly exist?
Keito: We are still young and inexperienced, so we can’t draw any conclusions yet. We don’t know what the right answer is.
Keito: The aged Ieyasu-sensei, and the talented Hideyoshi-sensei and Nobunaga-sensei, none of them would ever triumphantly claim to have “understood”.
Keito: We know very little about this world— about the heavens, about the earth, and about people. 
Keito: That is why we research, we learn, and we discover. With care, perseverance, bit by bit, step by step.
Keito: It’s what Ieyasu-sensei and his colleagues have done, and it’s what we will do from now on as well.
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Kuro: That’s right. The reason Ieyasu-sensei was convinced was ‘cause we didn’t change the most important aspect.
Kuro: Even if everythin’ might’ve changed on the surface, the soul is the same.
Kuro: We’ll make the ‘soul’ we inherited from our senseis shine too.
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Souma: Indeed. Let us shine so bright that even the sun would envy us!
Keito: Yeah. We’re AKATSUKI, after all.
Keito: Life is about learning everyday. Graduating from school doesn’t change that.
Keito: So we’ll keep learning, keep growing, and become fine adults.
Kuro: Followin’ in the footsteps of those senseis?
Keito: To learn from their good qualities, you know? There’s no need to imitate their flaws.
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Keito: No. A lotus blooms from the mud, swallowing all purity and impurity.
Keito: Let us create an innumerable amount of such flowers, and make this world into something even more beloved. 
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Keito: A hundred flowers, blooming in profusion.¹ That’s what AKATSUKI is.
Keito: “♪~♪~♪”
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Kuro & Souma: “~......♪”
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Translation Notes:
百花繚乱 (Hyakka Ryouran) is a phrase that, while literally meaning 'A thousand flowers blooming in profusion', is also used to refer to a period of time, or space, where many talents 'bloom'. A familiar example of this would be the Renaissance era. It is also in the title of AKATSUKI's first ever song, 百花繚乱、紅月夜 (Hyakka Ryouran, Akatsukiyo).
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