#no one should trust me with this knowlege
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friendlycursedspaceotter · 10 months ago
it's wednesday but I can make this worse
horse mouth bird lives inside your head horse mouth bird lives among the dead horse mouth bird wants all your bread and eats it while you're sleeping
it’s friday! post horse mouth bird
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sofy-tofy · 1 month ago
Women enemies in horror deserve a mention for their effective scariness in narrative, especially when the lead is also one. Is normal for us feel safe when the same gender is around but.. when who should understand your struggles is instead against you.. is fucked in many ways 🧵
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Let me explain it using the examples, starting with Mary from Clock Tower: She is a teacher, a figure which kids are told to trust and feel safe from danger, but that is what is scary about her. A woman who use this knowlege for pray on young girls for her satanic situal desires.
Dahlia from Silent Hill is more fucked in my opinion. Like Mary, she is obsessed with a cult-like religious identity but she take it to extremes. While the first use "other kids" for her mission, Dahlia literally abuse her OWN child for complete a fanatic and miserable ideology.
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Daniella from Haunting Ground is, in my opinion, one of the best PS2 horror characters to analyze. She, like Fiona, was abused by the men in the house and heavily objectified simply because of her gender. But heres the thing: instead of understanding Fiona, she does the opposite-
Daniella despises her, seeing Fiona as competition regarding what the Belli family men taught her about women's duty, especially because she owns an "azoth." Rather than respect and help the girl to escape and return to a normal modern life, she hunts her down for be "complete."
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To end the conversation, let's talk about Gloria (or Elisa) from the Remothered series. Due to the heavy pain caused by her brother and anyone close to him, she decided to take out her anger by taking down, step by step, anyone involved in her misery. Using the "Red Nun" figure-
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This figure is actually, in this case, a "true face" of something that was somewhat watered down in modern media: the nun. These religious figures can be truly despicable. Indeed, this character does have moments when he talks in a very misogynistic way toward our protagonist.
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Her point is to show how, even knowing how badly the world treated her, Gloria herself became part of the same problem. Another point to show is how she represents the "sister," despising the person who she consider as such due to things honestly no one could have controlled.
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All of them played with figures whom we are told to trust, love, and respect but… we also need to realize how cruel and unfair the world can be. No matter what, some can be a danger. End of the talk! What do you think? A character i missed you think deserve a mention? Lets talk~
For see the full and better vers, check here!
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Or here as well!
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john-laurens-hamilton · 4 months ago
“I am indebted to you, my dear Hamilton, for two letters; the first from Albany, as masterly a piece of cynicism as ever was penned, the other from Philadelphia, dated the 2d March; in both, you mention a design of retiring, which makes me exceedingly unhappy. I would not wish to have you for a moment withdrawn from the public service; at the same time, my friendship for you, and knowlege of your value to the United States, make me most ardently desire, that you should fill only the first offices of the Republic. I was flattered with an account of your being elected a delegate from N. York, and am much mortified not to hear it confirmed by yourself. I must confess to you, that, at the present state of the War, I shd. prefer your going into Congress, and from thence, becoming a Minister plenipotentiary for peace, to your remaining in the Army, where the dull System of seniority and the Tableau would prevent you from having the important commands to which you are entitled; but at any rate I wd. not have you renounce your rank in the Army, unless you entered the career above-mentioned. Your private affairs cannot require such immediate and close attention; you speak like a pater familias surrounded with a numerous progeny.
I had, in fact, resumed the black project, as you were informed, and urged the matter very strenuously, both to our privy council and legislative body; but I was out-voted, having only reason on my side, and being opposed by a triple-headed monster that shed the baneful influence of Avarice, prejudice, and pusillanimity in all our Assemblies. It was some consolation to me, however, to find that philosophy and truth had made some little progress since my last effort, as I obtained twice as many suffrages as before.”
The rest of this letter has not been found.
I find from this letter three observations, one from Laurens’ affection to Hamilton and two about his mannerisms and interests.
The first one is, as it’s not visible here, where it says “progeny”, what Laurens originally wrote was “family.” It was lazily crossed out and replaced by the latter word. Maybe Laurens didn’t want to accept the fact that Hamilton had found a family, and decided that addressing his children as “progeny” would be more impersonal. It was a common thing they did: in these crossed words, they hid the meaning of their affection, which they both couldn't let die, even after this was written two years after Hamilton’s marriage, about a month before Laurens' death. For example, once Alexander wrote to John writing “and now, my dear Jack…” ultimately replaced the nickname for “one.” Jack was a nickname only his close family called him. And “one” can be a move similar to Hamilon’s comma-after-dearest.
The mannerisms are the way Laurens mentioned his all-black-batallion in every single letter written to Hamilon, as he seemed to trust his friend with his abolitionist ideals more than anybody else, as his family benefited from slave work for decades and he didn't have many other close friends—“friends”—like Hamilton. Second, is how he abbreviates words such as “could”, “should,” and “would” as cd., shd., and wd. It’s just adorable.
(source: https://www.founders.archives.gov, https://john-laurens.tumblr.com/post/160878012808/you-speak-like-a-pater-familias-surrounded-with-a, https://john-laurens.tumblr.com/149243379883/fun-fact-alexander-hamilton-did-use-the-nickname )
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yesterdayiwrote · 2 years ago
Some of the takes I see about George online are actually insane.
I saw someone saying basically the issue with the W14 is that mercedes followed how George felt about the car in development and not Lewis, therefore it suits George and that mercedes should not have taken georges opinion in development as seriously as Lewis's. That they should have focused on making the car suit Lewis and have George adapt.
Its like people aren't aware that these cars are a different era of cars to what lewis won his championship with. Plus it isn't like the engineers are gonna go sure we will go with George in this even though what Lewis says will be faster. They go with what they feel the fastest concept will be, they don't just decide to go with George because they like him more than Lewis.
Plus it ignores the fact that George was working in the Mercedes simulator all the way back from the brocedes era. It was his work in the simulator which gave him opportunities to test drive cars and do free practice sessions and tire tests. Surely he must have some abilty in the sim and the engineers have alot of trust in him. They are always praising his technical knowlege. Just look at last weekend. Lewis even admitted that George chose the better set up and strategy, even though on paper it shouldn't have been.
Honestly I feel for the lad. People insulted him last year because apparently he didn't do enough for development for the car and lewis was doing all the experiments and it cost him points and now because the cars a bit crap its all his fault because they put more weight into what George has said about development. Both cannot be true. You can't say George didn't do any development last year but also blame him for the car being bad this year because of what he said in development last year.
Okay, I’ve been trying to think of a way to answer this since I got it, and I’m really struggling to find a way that covers ALL the nuance of the situation whilst simultaneously airing my frustration and trying not to be a biased dick about it. I do genuinely like both of them.
This creeping narrative that everything that goes wrong is because of George and everything that goes right is because of Lewis really does fuck me off big time because it’s just such childish bullshit and I can’t be dealing with it. That said it’s so ridiculously childish that it’s barely worth giving much credence to. The people know what they’re doing and sometimes you just have to let people have their copium and just… laugh?
I think people need to allow Lewis to be vulnerable and this aching need by some people to paint this picture that he is a perfect, fully rounded driver with absolutely no flaws or weaknesses does no one any favours. Sure we haven’t seen them as much, because success has a tendency to conceal these things, but even the GOATs have areas that need improvement. Merc have no responsibility to treat him as a first priority in all eventualities, and doing so would do Lewis more harm than good? If they had insisted on switching the cars in Jeddah like some people wanted, it surely would have been ten times more humiliating for him when he got passed by his teammate five laps later going quicker on the harder tyre?
George has a really solid eye for strategy. He can call strategy in the car while he’s driving a race and that’s no mean feat. Personally, I feel Lewis is weaker in that area. He prefers the team to lead his strategy and he puts his full faith in them to get it right and that’s fine, plenty of drivers do that. It’s not a glaring void in his arsenal, but in times when things go wrong it gives George an advantage he can draw on. People get angry at him doing it, because he’s ‘putting himself first’ but equally sometimes you’ve got to control your own destiny.
The whole situation with the car design is getting a bit ‘He said, She said’. Lewis said no one listened to him and he had all the right answers. George said they all agreed the direction together. We’ll never know who is telling the truth. Chances are it’s somewhere in the middle. Some teams do design their cars to suit one specific driver over another. I don’t know that I buy into any theory that suggests in Merc it would be George, even if he did come out on top last year. I said before I was a bit disappointed with Lewis’ comments and I think they were ill advised and borne out of frustration, as did he in the press conference, and then effectively doubled down and said something just as contentious in the post race interviews 🤷🏼‍♀️
We know George has done car development. You can’t joke about him being locked in the Sim and then simultaneously accuse him of not assisting with development, and then simultaneously accuse him of driving the entire development direction to suit himself. Like any sane person knows all of those things can’t be true cos the maths ain’t mathing?
Lewis isn’t ultimately responsible for his fans and the things they say, that being said I do feel like he sees more than he lets on and he knows when to give a crafty stir of the pot. They all do? This is purely his fans doing it though, not him, even if Spinz hasn’t helped matters in the past 😒
I think it’s a shame it’s got to this state though. I feel sorry for George and I do feel sorry for Lewis as well. It is a tougher situation for him in light of 2021. None of this is George’s fault though and it’s sad to see the online discourse getting so… tribal at times.
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wildglitch · 11 months ago
Random Stuff for that NightGuard Denki Au I sometimes think about.
Im giving this lore so I can get it out if my systum
-I HC that mha happens about 100 year in the future from it was released. So 2113. If quirks appearred in 1913. Fnaf 1 took place in 1993 so make it a year earlier 1992. Im making it so that Denki was born way before canon, around 1977 give or take, so ge can be 15 when he starts working at Freddys
-since its about 100 years before canon, quirks are still super rare to the point that him having an electricity quirk is either unique or down right unheard of in Utha and it would be something people look for, to the point of ignoreing child labor laws. Landing Denki the job.
-I probably explained it in another post but to rehash it, Denki need money to pay for his aunts summer rent or else hes neing sent back to Japan where he will be grounded for forgeting to save up money. Make sense? Cool lets continue.
-Denki is givin the job for the summer, or the 6 weeks hes going to be there. His personal goal? Getting put onto the day shift. He dose not really feel like ruining his sleep the whole summer, so hes determend to get switched to the day shift and not get fired.
-I cant totally see some weird William worshiping going on in the company. Cause theres no way he could have gotten away wity so much shit and no one in the company knowing. He just has a little cult following working to keep everything under the rug for him. They are also very creepy, thank you for noticing
-Denki decorated tf out if the office
-His schegual gets wrecked so he spends his nights exploring the city on a skatebored and hanging out at empty parking lots
-he meets Michael, the son of one of the founders by chance when he was standing at a 7/11 at 3a.m on a sunday. He was gettung a slurpy in his work uniforme cause he noticed it gets him discounts and Michael notices, they chat for a bit and screw around a bit in a parking lot
-Michaels age is fucked so here my take. 1983, the bit happens, Mike is a crappy teen so lets pit him at 16. Years later, in 1992 hes a 25 year old guy hanging parking lot wity a kid thats around the age his brother should be.
-The Ghosts fuck with Denki hard! Or at least some of them do, its kinda a toss up. You see the ghosts recognise that hes a teenager (kid) and not an adult and that changes a few things. For some, its positive, since they had older siblings and/or trust the big kids enough to protect them, so they leave denki alone. Others, had older siblings. Thats all the explination I need, they attack him purely out of spite.
-Denki figures out pretty quickly that the robots are posseded, and he uses this to his advantage using things he liked as a kid to get on their good side, since technically they are the same age.
-He asked Michael for help, who wants nothing to do with Freedys, but gives in and help out realizing, whole crap this place is actually haunted. This sends him on a rabbit hole of trying to figure out what happend with his dad and sister. Cue Fnaf Sister location happeing on Denkis last week.
-Also, everyone thinks hes somr sort of lunitic for working at Freedys cause of all the rumors but he dose not and can not care. He needa money.
-I see Denki either, surviving multiple summers at Freedy until he gets killed and stuffed into a suit or dying on his 6th week and getting dragged into Mikes and Williams beef as another casualty.
-I can see Mike setting Denkis soul free and Denki just being like "nuh uh" and continues hunting Michale. Maybe trough a small animatronic or a plushie, and Mike feeling guilty decides, "ok fine, you live with me. Now help me plan on how Im gonna kill my dad"
-Denki in his undead prime, somehow ends up surviving till the MHA present day with a few other ghosts Like Michael and maybe one of the animatronuc kids and them with their animatronic knowlege and future tech get themselves pretty realistic looking bodys.
-Denki spends a few years enjoying life and decides that being a hero sounds fun, so he moves to Japan to try it out.
-the ghost kid find old cc tv footage of Denkis time as nightguard and post a compilation video online and it goes viral.
-UA kids and others regognize Denki in the videos and hes left in an awkwerd position of trying to decide to play it of or explain that hes actually a dead 15 year old that died more than 100 years ago
And thats that. Short, simple, not that complicated. I'll probably make anotger post with quick skits for this
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theravencawsatmidnight · 4 years ago
A Kings Touch
Part Seven
Art by @knifeewifee ily bb !
Reader is chosen to be Katsukis wife whos only purpose is to give him a son. He has lived for many many years and never once been given one forcing him to kill his wives and children. A curse has been put on him without his knowlege. And maybe you can finally break it.
Tags/ @myunicornpet-unique @tired-marshmallow @fukyouthink @happygalaxymilkshake @insane-without-delirium @random-fandom-24
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Kirishima was a little lost for words right now, he knew it would be bad if he ran after his King. there was no talking to him when he was like this. He wouldn't listen, only thing he could do was wait for him to return, hopefully calmer and more level headed. So Kirishima turned his attention to you with his hands up .
“So uh.. Dont worry about..that uhm.. Hes fine. Anyway! Lets have dinner yeah?”
“But.. the King..”
Kirishima pat your head giving you a fangy smile. “Trust me, you dont wanna go after him when hes like this, sometimes he just gets moody is all. “
There had to be a reason… something..someone? What about that room you cant go in?
“alright. .. uhm.. Are you staying for dinner?”
“Only to eat, i have to finish gathering supplies for the winter, cant freeze the second ya get here !”
You faked a giggle at the Dragons words and decided it would be best to get him out of the castle so you could go investigate. So you did what you did best, entertained.
King Katsuki stomped through the dense forest cursing up a storm at himself and everything around him. Heavy boots crushed the weak twigs under him and his sword cut through hanging branches like they were nothing. He had no idea if he was going the right way , was he lost? Maybe. But he could always call for Kirishima and be brought back to the castle. So he was never lost, just angry.
“Gave her everything she wanted.” kick
“Foul witch, i will have a son. This one has to be different. If not , ill kill her .. just like the rest. I cant die so ill just ...keep….trying…” very big kick knocking over a rock.
“Woah, easy there stanger” said a voice from the other side of the rock. “Cant plant crops if ya kick the nature around” the voice stood up revealing a tall young man with blond hair and a happy smile. “Are you the King or just playin dress up?”
King Katsuki stood his ground while he looked this person up and down. Who the hell was this? And why did he look slightly familiar… that smile… “i am the King, King Katsuki, youve got five seconds to explain yourself”
“Me? Im just plantain crops my King.”
“In the forest?”
“Yep, no one to bother me, and my guardian said its better for the crops to grow .”
“Your guardian sounds like a loon” spat the King.
This got a hearty laugh out of the young man, “shes alright, promise. But whats got you so worked up friend? I heard cursing and stomping not too far from here”
“Tch.. “ ‘friend’ “none of your business, why should i tell you anything? Im the King”
“Thats true.” the man sat down on the same rock that was kicked to wipe his brow of sweat. “But talkin might help, my King , ya know? My guardian always says to keep your thoughts out in the open , just incase ya get stuck”
“Hmph” Katsuki threw himself down on a nearby stump and stabbed his sword into the cold grass . “this … witch” he finally said, under his breath.
The young man leaned forward as if he was a child anticipating a story from a parent, stars in his eyes.
It did not take long to get Kirishima out of the castle; winter was coming fast and the castle needed to be ready. As soon as he left you picked up a knife and made your way to the room you were not allowed in. the chains on it were already cut which was weird.. Gently you placed the knife down on the nearby table and pushed the old heavy door open , the lock falling off its hook and onto the hard floor. Whoever was in here left in a hurry, the King? What could have made him so mad in here? A few more steps in brought you to the middle of the room where a single light was shining in from an old glass window.
“What is .. that? Its so pretty..” you stepped closer to the small table seeing a very large vase with a dying Lunar Tear in it . it had one petal but it was holding on for dear life, the rest were at the bottom of the floating flower making a pile.
“A Lunar Tear? Is he upset about this?”
You turned going deeper into the room to see the cribs smashed together in the corner of the room. They were so old.. Broken… . one crib had a small pile of blankets in it. They looked like babies blankets . “ Prince.. Katsuki?” you picked one up to read over the pretty lettering . “so the stories ….”
“Are true, yes” Kirishima said from the doorway making you drop the delicate blanket.
You jumped turning around to see Kirishima walking in with a hand up. “Its alright, your the first to go in here im surprised, then again he did leave the door open.” he sat down by you and pointed his chin at the flower “let me tell you, the real story y/n”
“And thats it “ Katsuki stomped his foot into the cold soil. “Thats the story, she gave me what i wanted, and i gave her what she wanted, and now i have this shitty scar on my hand and im cursed or whatever , i dont believe in magic, its all stupid!”
The young man was just staring at the angry King in disbelief . “wow my King, that sounds like its a lot im sorry ya gotta deal with that”
“Is… uhm.. Being immortal nice?”
“Yes and no” he was.. Surprisingly cooperative with this kid.
“Do you.. Miss your son?”
Katsuki looked at the young man with hatred in his eyes, he hated every single kid he saw now, ever since that damn day. They all reminded him of his son, even this damn farmer reminded him … “does it fucking matter? “ he barked .
“I.. i supose not My king, im sorry, are you hungry? My guardian makes -”
“No, im going home. “ he stood up turning away.
The young man got up picking up his basket of seeds . “it was nice to meet you my King, you remind me of me in a way, i cant place my finger on it.”
The young man turned on his heel walking back to the his home where his Guardian was waiting for him. She was a happy woman, not a peasant but well off . “hello Ski! Welcome home welcome welcome…” the woman hugged the man tight. “My Ski Bakugo, what took you so long?”
“I ran into the King believe it or not! He sure was upset , something about a witch. Witches dont exist though do they?”
The woman pulled Ski in for another hug. “No.. no my Ski.. “ the womans eyes changed to match the witches. “They certainly do not……”
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dragonrajafanfiction · 4 years ago
Caesar and the MC should be Best Friends - Hear me out
This sounds really strange at first to hear. But the game did a terrible job of summarizing the story and showing the characters. The MC should be Best Friends with Caesar, check out why, below the cut.
Act One: The Premise (The MC will be referred to as Female because my character is female and I’m too lazy)
The MC has been trained to fight and use her abilities since she was a child. She’s been competing against others for the privilege of being the best as well. By the time she’s arrived at Cassell, she’s seen horrors that not even the Cassell Trio can boast of seeing.
Caesar in the meantime is planning his wedding. But Nono is AWOL. He’s getting no feedback from her and it leaves him just shooting in the dark for what ‘sounds cool’ For all of Caesar’s big talk, he realizes that he’s not really reaching Nono’s heart and he’s feeling a bit lost.
In the game: You save Nono in the game. 
Why you would grow closer to Caesar: This is not easily reconcilable with the novel’s opening scenes, so if we stretch and pretend you arrive before Nono goes on her Walkabout, that would make one HECK of an impression on Caesar. He would have seen immediately that you are a step far above Luminous. Being a self-described ‘maniac’ he would not have been shy about approaching you and telling you you’re 10x what Luminous is.
Caesar is mischaracterized in the game to a great extent. While his misogynstic leanings and need to be ‘tHe LeADer’ is played up probably for laughs, he’s not that over the top. Here’s how he’s portrayed in the Novel.
Anjou put the two of them (Caesar and Chu Zihang) together and actually wanted them to sincerely cooperate? The move was similar to keeping lions and tigers in a cage, with Lu Mingfei stuffed between them like an innocent red panda. But Caesar decided to do his best, because this time he is the team leader. The success or failure of the task related to his honor, and for honor, he can bear anything. Along the way, he repeatedly warned himself to be generous, to have a leadership style, to be a corporal... Take Chu Zihang as a corporal to "victory", Caesar's heart is much more comfortable. This time he is immersed in the pink mood of preparing for the wedding, and he is feeling very charitable, even to Chu Zihang this serial killer looks more appealing.
There’s no way Caesar would ignore you as the MC. You would be of utmost interest to him. Far more interesting than Chu Zihang and Luminous. He takes responsibility for you as part of the team, he owes you one for Nono, and wants to see you succeed, probably more than anyone else there.
Act 2: Your arrival in Japan
The game skips the whole opening sequence introducing you to Chisei and Sakura. In the novel, those fancy Kimonos were given to you by Anjou and yes they all come with umbrellas. The whole scene is supposed to be funny. Chisei is mistaken for a tour guide, Lu Mingfei compliments Chisei’s Chinese in his own broken Japanese and fantasizes about cute maid cafes, Chu Zihang freaks Chisei out with his golden eyes by accident. So I imagine the MC stumbling and falling trying to walk in Geta.
But things get serious when the police show up and you realize that you’ve entered the country illegally and are now about to get arrested. The MC might voice that this make sense “Because I don’t have a passport or any identity. There was no way I’d ever get into the country.”
After Chisei loses the police, you’re taken to your rooms to stay for the night.
I wrote a little piece about this ‘here’
Why the MC and Caesar would grow closer: At the end of this scene, Caesar is completely isolated, drinking in his room and texting a silent Nono. This scene would change with you as the MC there. This would turn into an opportunity for you to bond. Perhaps you would notice him texting, talking about his love of Nono. You could touch on your past with him for the first time, or not, depending. He’d probably say something enthusiastically fiery and confidence building. He wants you to trust him and trust in yourself. For all his flaws, Caesar is very LIKEABLE and easy to understand. You don’t get into positions of power like his without some level of Charisma.
Act 3: The Mission Details
In the Game: This whole scene goes missing. 
In the Novel: You take a whirlwind tour of Genji Heavy Industries. It’s an engineering marvel that is practically embedded in the central infrastructure of Tokyo (The building is seriously impossible and amazing but that’s for a nother post.). 
You sit down with Masamune for tea. Immediately, something jumps out at Caesar.
“Are you Japanese?” Caesar gave Masamune Tachibana an examining look..
"I'm only half Japanese and the other half Russian." Tachibana said.
Caesar frowned, which made him think of the soviet icebreaker Lenin involuntarily.
"I've been in Japan for many years, and a lot of people don't see that I'm half Russian, Mr. Gattuso.” Tachibana said, inquiringly.
"Accents, your accents have Slavic characteristics, and you'll distinguish between hard and soft consonants, which are typical Russian pronunciations." Caesar said, "You're not just Of Russian Descent, You've Lived In Russia." 
This is Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang have no say in the matter since their two mother tongues are Chinese. But Caesar was aware when he heard the first words of Tachibana Masamune. He grew up as a different kind of man who could speak English, French and Spanish fluently in addition to Italian, and he could tell the language characteristics of every language spoken in Europe.
Even the wind demon villain Lang and yuan child in this seat are showing a surprised expression, it is clear that other owners do not know this matter.
Why this would bring you closer to Caesar: Not only would you pick up on the exact same thing, but he would speak with the same Russian accent as the MC. Languages are regional, Russia is a HUGE FREAKING COUNTRY. It would be no mistake that the Russian accent - Tachibana’s Russian accent - would match the MCs regional one.  Depending on how much your MC would have told Caesar, Caesar would have picked up a whole lot. Why you were awakened now, why you were sent on this mission... but that’s not even all!!
Later on, Chisei shows up after Tachibana leaves. He’s given you more information on the Lenin and why its sinking seems suspicious. But then he says this.
"Yes, the Lenin passed through the nameless port of northern Siberia, took a precious dragon embryo, and the port was destroyed in a fire. No one knows where the embryo is going to be shipped, the final destination may be Japan, or it may just pass by, but apparently it failed to reach its destination and the dragon embryo fell into the depths of the trench. Embryos have been hatching slowly over the years, but we haven't been aware of them. ”
Now depending on how much your MC might tell Caesar at this point he may or may not notice more parallels between the story of the Lenin and your story. You’re a hybrid, from Siberia who survived not just a fire but a bombs and getting shot. Heck imagine being the MC listening to this and realizing that this mission is intimately connected with you. In the game this happens way late, but in the novel it’s right at the start!
Why this would bring you closer to Caesar: At this point none of this would have been shared between any of the others. This is something only Caesar and you would know, shared knowlege that would likely mentally bond you two as allies.
The next scene is just more obvious bonding time. They all discuss likes and dislikes, their personal goals, dreams, loves, and ideals. The MC would still have Caesars favor but Caesar would fall more and more for Chisei’s charms. He’s bored and wants to see some ‘real gangster’ stuff. So Chisei obliges and takes Caesar to an operation between two rival gangs fighting over turf. 
This would be the first time you’ve seen Caesar actually get serious for once intimidating some gangsters in a comic store. But after that’s all over, he immediately gets interested in the comics. This is very important to note that Caesar is rarely serious about anything. And if he is it doesn’t last long. He tells a long story about wanting a PS2, staying up all night to play Star Ocean when the housekeeper smashed his console. So he purchased 200 consoles, gave the housekeeper an axe and every time he smashed a console he replaced it immediately and kept playing. Finally, they let him play video games 2hours a day after his riding lessons.
This is important. Caesar is pushy and insistent and confident because he HAS to be to be himself and defy his family.  This is is something even Chu Zihang can respect and he makes up with Caesar after, realizing that Caesar’s way towards him wasn’t personal, good or bad, he’s always acting out towards his family.
With you, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang closer than ever, it’s time to actually go on the Mission.  So lets recap: Caesar the Leader has pulled the team together, taken you off on entertainment, on adventures, and now just now, on the way to the mission. cooked for everyone while speedreading the the instruction manual for the Lenin.
Why would this bring the MC closer to Caesar? Uh, maybe because he seems pretty freakin’ competent? Almost effortlessly so? As Chu Zihang so succintly puts it:  “Sometimes I admire Caesar. Whenever and wherever there are goals, he’s rarely afraid and never discouraged. In a group of people he will always be the one who inspires fighting spirit. People can choose how they live, Caesar is the kind of man who asks himself to live like a hero." The MC who has never felt so helpless in her life, could have easily been inspired by Caesar. That maybe she CAN get back to the Lenin, figure out who killed her friends and give him exactly what he deserves.
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ao3feed-kakaobi · 3 years ago
Nerium Oleander and Foxgloves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3GmMAHp
by ChinaDoll120
Kushia love her husband, her friends and comrades but Kushia did not love Konoha the place that swore to protect and help her home Minato love his wife, his students and friends but he didn't trust Konoha the place that weren't concern with children disappearing and the darkness that crept around each corner no he wanted to stay in the light so he too wouldn't disappear
When Kyuubi escape they both knew something wasn't right no one should of know their location so when they laid dying and with their son Kushia used a seal to place their knowlege, powers, memories and pieces of their soul into the seal to help their son because while they loved each other, trusted their friends and student they did not trust Konoha with their son.
Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Shikamaru and Sakura knew Five facts in their life 1. They were a family no matter what 2. The village and leadership should not be trusted 3. The village must never find out about them and who they really are 4. They will find out the truth if they stuck together and one day they will be free 5. Do not trust Danzo or underestimate him
Words: 3139, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Kushina, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, Hyuuga Hinata, Nara Shikamaru, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Aburame Shino, Umino Iruka, Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, Temari (Naruto), Gaara (Naruto), Rock Lee, Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hanabi, Sarutobi Asuma
Relationships: Nara Shikamaru/Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Aburame Shino/Haruno Sakura, Temari/Yamanaka Ino, Gaara/Rock Lee
Additional Tags: Fuuinjutsu Master Uzumaki Naruto, BAMF Uzumaki Naruto, BAMF Nara Shikamaru, cute shikamaru, Nara Shikamaru-centric, Yami Shikamaru, Naruto is Feral little shit, Protective Naruto, Good Sasuke, Hinata tries to keep the peace, Sakura will punch someone if they make her little Shino sad, crack time, Writer is lost, help me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3GmMAHp
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swtor-legacy-sitcom · 4 years ago
First Meetings 2
Lana glared at Amun Raa, as the Counciler Darbin Sul was escorted away.  The Conquest of Corellia had proceeded exactly as planned.  But much had been withheld from her.
“You might have told me about half the mis-directions and distractions you were planning. there were at least a half dozen of them. I wound up running around like a chicken with my head cut off.”
Amun Raa smirked. “A Very attractive beheaded...”
“Don’t.” warned Lana.
Darth Decimus entered the chamber, and spoke in his thick accent. “The Conqueror of Corellia has departed. They had other more personal matters to attend to. Thanks to your masterful work, however, all the other Corellian leaders will fall in line. I shall speak of it at the next Dark Council meeting to Ravage.”
Amun Raa remained silent for a moment. expectant.
Darth Decimus continued, placing a hand on his chest and bowing, “You shall have your reward as promised, Dark Lord. I am a Sith of my Word.”
Satisfied Amun Raa nodded, then turned to leave. “Then my business on Corellia is all but concluded.”
Amun Raa and Lana Beniko boarded a dreadnaught in orbit.  The Dreadnaught was called ‘The Tomb of Isis’ and had belonged to Amun Raa’s Father. its interrior resembled a sith tomb as well, more than a dreadnaught.  Lana looked at its barren halls and turned to Amun Raa.
“You really should have this ship serviced. it’s a detriment to the empire that it is never used.” she said.
“It is.” remarked Amun Raa, “It will likely be scrapped at this rate. My Father had intended to turn it into a Sith Superweapon, like the Dark Harvester. But he was unable to find the right components and knowlege to comeplete the runes and pentacles that are required.”
“Don’t You trust me?” Lana asked as they reached the bridge. “I thought you did Raa.  You might have told me your plans to manipulate the Corellians, and trap the Green Jedi.”
When Amun Raa remained unresponsive beneath his helm she pressed, “Look at me.”
Amun Raa removed his mask and looked at Lana.  “I admit it. I was wrong... I just... You know it’s hard for me to trust...”
Lana kissed him. “I promise... I will die before I would ever hurt you.”
She smiled. “come on... You said you wanted to try out that throne on the bridge...”
Lana Grinned mischievously as she unbuckled the top of her green robes, more easily exposing her curves. “A benefit of an under-crewed ship.”
The two gave themselves to passion as the ship jumped into Hyperspace, watching the stars drag by on the viewport.  This was to be a tender embrace that both would recall fondly, and curse as it haunted them, for many many years.
Lana Approached Amun Raa. She stared at him coldly, and saw him seated at his throne with his Sith Pureblood attendants. Two missassi clashed their axes together as she aproached.  Raa however bade her approach.  The Kassai waited for Amun Raa to speak.
“What is it you want Lana. Some update, perhaps?”
“I just wanted to know one thing. What became of him?” Lana asked
“Who?” Asked Amun Raa.
“Our Secret. You know who.” Lana said.
“He is gifted. and Trapped within his gift.” said Raa evasively
“So You have imprisoned him. I thought as much.”
“You made your choice. It was a mutual one. You have no more right to say anything on the matter. He became strong in your absence.  That strength had to be... controlled. for his own safety.”
“You sound like Valkorian.” Lana said
Raa was silent. “If I was, I’d kill you for your impudence. Know that he is alive, and well. Who knows. I may permit you to see him. He asks about you, after all.”
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fierywizardmon · 4 years ago
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“Hey, I don’t appreciate snooping around so whoever is here show yourself!” Is what he called out. Chester found himself in a little forested area near the fields they camped in, one figure originally catching his attention. One figure turned into two before he was met with the duo. A cloaked digimon approaching first as the other trailed behind calmly, a smaller figure with short dark brown hair. From finally being able to see what it was chester was setting his eyes on a...human.
“Got any reason why you’re he-” he asked before cutting off as he saw the child get closer to him. A match raising up to it “Get any closer and I’ll burn you to a crisp, kid.”
The child chuckled, raising his hands in the air at the threat “I didn’t really think the rumors were true, I would think you would know how DemiDevimon like to talk...” it gave a smile “Gotta say, props to Astamon. It’s hard to get things started in such a hurry and he managed to pull that off.” The wisemon watched this event unfold, unblinking  as he looked over to the human. He hovered closer over to them leaning down to whisper “If he’s using this wizardmon for his purpose we should--” “I say we take him right now” the smirk on the human’s face was far from the ones Chester had seen on any other human: it had a hint of malice and mischief far from human-like.
“Wait… what are you talking about?” chester asked, match still raised despite his confused stare.
The kid raised his eyebrows and shook his head in disappointment.
“He didn’t tell you? Then again… I shouldn’t be surprised”
“That backstabber is going to use you for a ritual, Wizardmon” the faceless digimon said matter-of-factly “a summoning ritual”
Chesters match lowered slightly at the statement, he gritted his teeth in annoyance “Yeah and why would I trust a kid like you?”
“I’m not sure you’d understand, but in simple terms.” He gave a shrug “Lucemon is trying to get the demons lords back together and use that power to further the digital kind. My guess, from what it looks like got you tangled into this without your knowlege at all.”
Chester wanted to say something but the child went on “Tell me. how much do you think you know him?”
Chesters matchstick just lowered slightly as he thought and then shook his head, gritting his teeth harshly.  “Well fuck it! Nobody is using me and after I’m done with you I’m going to burn his face off.” He gets out his other match and lights both “So come at me you brat!” “Wisemon.” was the only thing to come out the childs mouth and the cloaked figure got infront of him.
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krpk-remaking · 6 years ago
top 5 leorio moments
1. when he punched ging
2. that time in the phantom rouge when the pairo puppet was talking kurapika into dying and leorio brought him back to his senses. loved that
3. when cheadle called him to join the zodiacs for the dark continent expidition and leorio was like “thats such an amazing opportunity, i should be the one asking you to let me join” and then he did that. i love you
4. when he asked killua if he was alright after the chimera ant arc (the only one who asked) and apologized to gon for not being there for him
5. when leorio let the snakes bite him so he could warn kurapika and gon
6. another one bc im weak: when he was yelling at illumi without fear for killuas sake and was ready to fight him and also was ready to kill hanzo for what he did to gon
7. ok another one. when he told killua it was okay not to fight johness bc leorio knew killua was just a kid and tried to make sure hed be safe
8. when he yelled at chrollo and the troupe without any fear to be sensed
9. im still going i know im sorry.. this was only in 1999 but when he told gon and killua to go to bed and then went out to put up posters to help them and only told them he went for a walk but was actually still working so gon and killua could reach their goal
10. 1999 again. the park scene just all of it you know why
11. 1999 once again his trauma flashbacks it made me cry so much i love him so much!!!!!!!
12. when he kept trying to reach out to kurapika
13. in the last mission movie when he was zushis medical advisor and also held kurapikas hands when he was poisoned
14. in york new he told killua “you can count on me” which is a small moment but killua was never able to trust an adult ever and him being able to trust leorio is huge!! and i know he does! im almsot done..
15. last one: when he took off his shirt. and was all sweaty...... yeow!!!!!!!
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16. i lied actually. when he used his pre med knowlege to determine that majitani was faking it
17. 1999 only again: when gon went to save him and when leorio saw he was there he put his breathing helmet on him in episode 20 when they were on those boats!!!!!
18. this is the real last one i promise: when he refused to run away from hisoka and still attempted to fight him for not valueing life.. (same as what happend with the old lady. leorio hates people toying with lives.)
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bibliomorgan · 7 years ago
the 1th season was my season
[the notorious ranting about season of Supergirl and how i don’t know why i’m still watching]
There’s this thing about Supergirl, first season, when I started to watch like a year later (I guess they were going to 2th season and all the “Who’s gonna be Superman???” stuff). Lemme explain: I don’t like superheroes, I have no respect for Superman or Batman and anyone who wears different underpants on the uniform pants (Makes no sense! Why superheroes? Why?!), my favorite character of comic books is Daredevil (Far from a usual hero) and the one who get me at DC is the Martian Manhunter (Or how we used to call here in Brazil: Ajax, o Marciano).
And there was Supergirl, the brand new series of DCU to save our geek lives.
I’ve always watched the 1th season as a story about an immigrant. Someone who lost every reference of living and part of her story while escaping, we see this kind of stories at news everyday, Syria (nowadays), here in my country there’s a lot of those who left the place they used to call Home and goes anywhere where they can find for many reasons (Most for trying to make money and escape from poverty). Immigrant story, right? That’s Kara from 1th season.
She’s not homeless, but kinda lost of her doings, her belongings, her story. Fragments of a destroyed world and tales of super awesome stuff her cousin did and still doing, must be hard to step out of shadow of someone for so long. And then there’s Alex. She’s Kara big sister, the best sister if you ask me about sisters relationships, still overshadowing since she came to Earth: Kara needs to fit, to be low profile, to understand that all what she lived once it’s over. Not going back, nope, forget it. Alex is there to reminder her every single episode that she can be more of it, more than the regular adults expectations. She can be Kara Zor-El, but most of all, she can be herself. And that's beautiful to watch.
The 1th season i’ve watched called me out for my own story, me and my family have moved of houses so many times we lost count, my big sister often tells me we never gonna settle as the other families because of it, sometimes I desperately wonder when I’ll fit to somewhere, for someone, I don’t know, maybe be normal, you know? Just like Kara from 1th season. That’s what we call somehow representation.
I’ve watched while I was very upset about how my life were going, how to fit, be the average seems so better than outstanding (and getting riled up for it),to be normal was a quiet and nice place to be. And every episode of 1th season gives us the completely opposite, empowerment, full knowlegment of our habilities, and ffs gawd Cat Grant and her weird motivational speeches! Every single episode hooked me so deeply cause i've saw something I was missing: I could be myself and be happy for it.
The Danvers's sisters relationship got me good too, I have a big sister, we don't get along so much since I was 13, I missed her so badly, but when we grow up we're trying to figuring things out. I still don't know how to get along with her, and seeing how supportative Alex and Kara are with each other goes to my soft spot. The 1th season was that mostly, their relationship, their trust about each other, their struggle to be as a family even with all the worse odds (The House of El dysfunctional family, hello?). It remind me I also can be better too. I loved Alex Danvers character at the first sign, I want to be like her someday.
And all this 1th season was like a blast to me, as a viewer and as a storyteller, as a person. That season means a lot to me, for real. Because I've grow up watching television shows that never gave too much attention to these particular topics (And match with my own living): how to be the outsider, having the most wonderful sister support ever and not get lost. And includind the space dad J'onn J'onzz? My favorite League of Justice character EVER?! That plot twist was amazing, right at the solar plexus feelings for good!
Aaaaaaand the season 2 comes.
The writers just... i really don't know what happened right there, it's just... The 2th season it's a completely different show. I can't relate anymore to anyone, I can't see anything as a nice way to keep the hopes up, I definitely can't stand the way how Kara's development was subsided by some misogynist plot ever (FFS of Rao! We are talking about the Girl of Steel, she should not bend like that!) and well here we goes Alex Danvers, my true hero, get out of the closet. Oh well... We've seen this situation before, I finally related to that too, i was pretty older when I finally got the nerve and say out loud I was gay, so been there, done that Alex! All the hugs for ya honey! I hope they didn't fuck your coming out story with cliches. It was the best I could ask for them (writers), do not fuck with this plot. Because this plot it's already doomed since ever, we don't wanna go there again. Make a change, please? 
We saw how it ends, right? And I don't know where exactly the writers and producers wanna go with this mess of plot they invented. I just want to say I miss 1th season Supergirl, because that was the truly storytelling of someone trying to figuring out to be human, as we normal boring humans do everyday, even not realizing it, but we do. That's the power of some of media does to us everyday, shows like Supergirl has all the potential of bringing nice messages and bring people together not only for the fun of watching, but because maybe the story that is telling is about them, about us, everybody, somehow.
(BTW thank you Kate McGrath and Odette Annable for saving the plot, I wish Krys Marshall was there since the very beginning - that would be a A+ of dramatic background for the Worldkillers)
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bidisasterevanbuckley · 7 years ago
it has a title now!
Caught in the Middle (2/?)
prev. / next
Red flags were blaring in Bills mind when he’d finally gotten an update from Stan. If his job didn’t leave him with the knowlege of what goes on out on the streets they work he would have written both of them off as paranoid. They were being watched by someone because they were now connected to Bill. He already managed to get Georgie safe from his line of business, he can protect his new friend and boyfriend.
Bill felt niave, he hadnt realized how closely they were being watched until Bev had handed him a manilla folder. She simply rose her perfectly sculpted brow silently telling Bill to follow her. Avoiding grabbing any unwanted attention, Bill followed her to her office without a single peep.
Once safely shut in her office, she plopped into her chair and waited as he sat across from her, pulling glossy photos from the stiff folder. The picture on top was the day Stan let him meet Richie. Or let Richie meet him depending on your prospective.  They were at a little cafe they had helped through hard times. The pictures in succesion had shown Bill arriving at the table they two had gotten comfortable at. Stan standing to give him a hug. Then shaking Richies hands before the three re-situated themselves. They had been there for hours just talking. It was a wonderful day, but a chill ran down Bills spine now, that day started this all. He should have been more careful, people follow him with typically empty threats all the time. They shouldn’t have to deal with this.
The next set was of Stan at work, slightly blurred in the window of the building. He was placing books back on shelves, his co-worker fixing tags close behind. The following picture, Bill almost wanted to keep. Stan looked beautiful, mid-laugh, probably at something his co-worker said. Who is now looking familiar through the blur. The one with a big genuine smile had Bills heart skipping a beat.  Bev cleared her throat to break him out of his daze, flipping through the next set of pictures.
It was Richie at work, his shirt was an awfully bright color wit the kids gym logo on it. The front tucked into his pants as he had lead by example, handstands against the wall. Face red from being upside down for god knows how long. The pictures in the set had Ricie returning to his feet, looking graceful for once in his life.
Knowing they are being followed to their place of work has Bill unsettled. There was still a hefty ammount of pictures he hadn’t looked at yet. That fact put dread in Bill. Where else had they been followed. He almost doesn’t want to know.
Taking a deep breath, Bill moved onto the next picture. It was Stan out early in the morning, the ligt hitting him so perfectly he looked godly. He was at the park binoculars and all, birdwatching before everyone flocked to burn their kids energy. Birdwatching. He was birdwatching. Bill felt a tug on his heart strings, he looked cuter than ever doing something so mundane. There were more from that morning, Stan taking polariods and sticking them in the book he brought along.
The pictures thusfar were all taken in public, Bill felt uneasy but full panic had yet to set in as he flipped to the next set. It was pictures of them alone, or hanging out together but all in public.
Bill could only hear is heart beat as he continued. There was a picture, crystal clear a shot into their living room. Both boys on the couch, a bowl of popcorn inbetween them, wrapped in blankets as Richie chose a movie. He was slipping through them faster now. Richie asleep on the couch. Stan making breakfast. Stan asleep in is own bed. Richie in is bed.
Pictures of the day Richie had locked himself in a public bathroom and called Stan crying. Him practically running across the street and into an arcade. Stan showing up. Then them both leaving. The creep was close enough to have a clear shot of Richies red blotchy face. Stans knuckles white, holding Richies hand so tight. That was followed by the two curled up in Stans bed, both clearly in a restless sleep.
“Wuh-What can I do right now to protect them.” Bills jaw set as he looked down at the photo in his hands.
“There’s always having our people watch them, it’d open a window to find the crepe taking these.” Bev offered.
“I don’t want them to feel eh-anymore puh-paranoid. They already feel this creeps eyes on them. I wont go behind their backs.” He pointed to the picture of Stan and Richie outside the arcade “He luh-locked himself in the bah-bathroom. He cuh-called Stan crying. He nuh-knew this creep was f-following him.”
“What do you want to do, tell them about what you really do for a living? Get them involved in this? Then what?” Bev had a point, he hated that she always had a point.
“Could we assign bodyguards to them? I won’t give any in-information about what we do. Stan thinks I’m a normal duh-debt collector.” Bev was rubbing his temples. “I’ll ask Stan how he fuh-feels about it, then we can move on from the-there.”
“You’re making this job harder, Denbrough.” There was a beat of silence. “Make sure he’s a hundred percent okay wiht being watched like that. I’ll pull files of our best people.”
Bill could kiss her. “Thank you s-so much Bev! I owe you one!”
He could hear her laugh as he left her office. “You always owe me one, Denbrough! Let me know what happens!”
He and Stan were having lunch in the shared appartment when Bill brought it up. “I duh-don’t feel com-comfortable leaving you and Richie alone.” Stan raised a delicate eyebrow placing his glass back on the table.
“What do you mean? We’re fine.” Bill eyebrows drew together.
“Meeting eachother halfway from work and home isn’t fine.” Stan now had sat back with his arms crossed. “I nuh-know you and Richie are more than capible of taking care of yourselves and I may be over stepping a boundary.” Stan didn’t look happy, this wasn’t going well. “It would give me a puh-peace of mind knowing someone was here for you guys, watching out for any sus-suspicious people. I know it would take a weight off both of you to not worry about being alone for extended puh-periods of time.”
“I appreiciate your concern, but this is someting I’d have to run by Richie” Bill noticeably relaxed as Stan dropped his defensive look.
“If you ch-choose to allow body guards in your life, I’ll bring you some files of people I trust.” Stan snorted.
“How many guards do you need, Denbrough?” Stan was now leaning forward, chin rested on his hand. “Is being debt collector that dangerous?”
Bill laughed this time. “You don’t know the ha-half of it, Uris.
If Bill took longer to get back because Stans lips were addicting, Bev didn’t have to know. Being pulled back into the appartment to soft lips again with whispered words was something he didn’t want to give up. Yeah, Bev didn’t have to know.
A weight was lifted off his shoulder when Stan texted him that night a list of time he and Richie he were home and to bring his files of body guards. Once he glanced at the time a new weight entered, Stan never texts him past midnight. First thing the next morning Bill swiped up the files of body guards from Bev and headed to the shared apartment.
Richie was the one to answer the door, he looked tired. He squinted at Bill witout his glasses on, dark circles under is eyes. "Hey, Bill. Stans in the kitchen.” The shorter boy stepped back letting him in. “I’ll join you guys in a minute.” Richie patted is arm before heading back towards his room.
Bill smiled as his eyes fell on Stan as he’s pouring two cups of coffee. “Hey,” Stan turned and threw a smile over is shoulder as Bill left the files on the dining table. moving to place a kiss on Stans temple. “Good morning.” he was met wit a mumbled greating and a cup of coffee handed to him and a kiss placed on his own cheek.
Stan looked as tired as Richie. Dark cicrles and paler complextion. “How’d you sleep last night, babe.”
Stan sighed into his cup of coffee. “Something happened. Richie wont tell me what happened.” He hadn’t looked uo from his cup. “He stayed in my room last night, he didn’t fall asleep until late. Even then it was restless.” Bills eyebrows drew together, no wonder he accepted the offer of bodyguards so soon.
Before anything else was said Richie showed up, looking sligtly more awake, his glasses magnifying his own circles. Looking like actual bruising on pure white skin. He sat down, placing his water carefully of the files sitting on the edge of the table. “So what do you got for us, Big Bill.” he wasted no time swiping up the one on top.
Richie had been drawn to Mike Hanlon. Given Mikes file is the only one her was interested in enough to completely read. Many of the others he read one line and passed over to Stan. “Are you really just a debt collector, Billiam? Why would you need to have worked with all these body guards?” Richie had a goofy smile on is face. Bill looked to Stan who was hiding his own smile behind the folder of Eddie Kaspbrak.
“Shut up, Richie.” Stans tone was light, he had this look in his eye. Bill was caught off guard by Richies scoff.
“A betrayl, Staniel. You of all people.”
It was Bills turn to laugh “Staniel, really now.”
“I’m amazed we’re still friends Tozier. Once that trashmouth gets going, I shut off.” Stan had punctuated his statement, mouthing a blah blah blah while hand puppeting it. The two errupted into laughter much like the day Bill had met Richie. They played off eachother scary good.
It was all going smoothly until Richie opened up the last file, “Wait Stan don’t, you work with Ben?” Bills heart stopped as he handed the file to Stan. How did someone like that slip through.
Stan had directed his attention towards him. “Why is Ben in your files of bodyguards?” Time to lie his ass off.
“Do you mind if I see? Our files are guh-getting re-or-rganized, there had to be a mix up.” Stan hesitated, before handing the Bill the file before getting a chance to read it. Bill hoped the relief wasn’t clear on his face, Ben was in the wrong section. He’s been a look out, not a body guard. Bev must have pulled his file for something else, she knew from pictures alone that they knew eachother. “Ben suh-sometimes hands over the puh-payments for your boss, we keep them all on file.”
Richie shrugged his shoulders in the shit happens manner. Stan previous expression fell, “Okay, babe.” Bill didn’t like the glint in is eyes, like he didn’t fully believe him. “Now tell me about this Eddie character. How much do you trust him?” Stan gave Richie a look for not asking questions before he chose Mike.
Bill however took the chance to change the subject. “Eddie is most feisty person I’ve ever met. He’s on the short side but he has so much fight in him when logic goes ou the window.” Stan looked impressed, Bill took the second to turn to Richie. “Mike is the best option for you. He can stop a problem before it arises. Better for slightly reckless and spontanious people.”
Richie fake gasped. “I’m not that reckless, am I, Stan?”
“When we met in middle school you were running for your life from Bowers. You still had a baby face and you were picking a fight with Bowers. I’d count that as reckless.” Stan had on his deadpan voice. Bills eyes were wide, hoping it wasn’t the same Bowers he was thinking.
“Henry had it coming and you know it!” Ofcourse it was the same bowers that had given him trouble before. Honestly how rude of you to leave out the important part of the story.“ Richie had turned to Bill. "Bowers had stolen Stans yarnmulke that morning. I didn’t necessarily pick a fight, I ran through Bowers gang and snatched it back. I may have called him an asshole, yes. But i didn’t pick a fight.” Bill felt proud of the shorter man before he glanced back at Stan who was smiling with a bit of color dancing back to his cheeks.
“You are one buh-ballsy idiot, Richie Tozier. I like that.” The three shared a lighthearted laugh. Yeah this would work out fine.
Their morning was cut when Bev started texting him about what needed to get done today. “Sorry to cut this wuh-wonderful morning short, gentlemen. But duty calls.” Richie snorted at Stans pout. “I’ll call out my boys and see how fast I can get them on a schuh-schedule to watch you guys.” Bill leaned down to kiss Stan. “I will however see you tonight.”
“Get a room.” Richie groaned as he swiped up his glass of water and making a quick exit. Stan laughed against Bills lips before kissing him again.
“I’ll see you later, Bill.” He didn’t want to leave, Stan looked so soft. Shooing him off, pushing his files into his arms. “You got work to do.” Bill laughed placing one more kiss on his a beautiful boy before he absolutely had to leave.
He placed the files back on Bevs desk, reorganized, who they’re hiring, rejected and Bens file which he will be asking her about later.
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lionwrote · 5 years ago
To Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens
Preakness, New Jersey, October 11, 1782
 Since my return from Hartford, my Dear Laurens, my mind has been too little at ease to permit me to write to you sooner. It has been wholly occupied by the affecting and tragic consequences of Arnold’s treason. My feelings were never put to so severe a trial. You will no doubt have heard the principal facts before this reaches you; but there are particulars, to which my situation gave me access, that cannot have come to your knowlege from public report, which I am persuaded you will find interesting.
 From several circumstances, the project seems to have originated with Arnold himself and to have been long premeditated. The first overture is traced back to some time in June last. It was conveyed in a letter to Col. Robinson; the substance of which was, that the ingratitude he had experienced from his country, concurring, with other causes, had intirely changed his principles, that he now only sought to restore himself to the favour of his king, by some signal proof of his repentance, and would be happy to open a correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton for that purpose. About this period he made a journey to Connecticut, on his return from which to Philadelphia, he solicited the command of West Point; alleging that the effects of his wound had disqualified him for the active duties of the field. The sacrifice of this important post was the atonement he intended to make. General Washington hesitated the less to gratify an officer who had rendered such eminent services, as he was convinced the post might be safely trusted to one, who had given so many distinguished specimens of his bravery. In the beginning of August, he joined the army, and renewed his application. The enemy, at this juncture, had embarked the greatest part of their force on an expedition to Rhode Island; and our army was in motion to compel them to relinquish the enterprise or to attack New York in its weakened state. The General offered Arnold the left wing of the army; which he declined on the pretext already mentioned, but not without visible embarrassment. He certainly might have executed the duties of such a temporary command, and it was expected from his enterprising temper, that he would gladly have embraced so splendid an opportunity. But he did not choose to be diverted a moment from his favourite object, probably from an apprehension, that some different disposition might have taken place, which would have excluded him. The extreme solicitude he discovered to get possession of the post, would have led to a suspicion of the treachery, had it been possible from his past conduct to have supposed him capable of it.
 The correspondence thus begun was carried on between Arnold and Major André Adjutant General to the British army, in behalf of Sir Henry Clinton,4 under feigned signatures and in a mercantile disguise. In an intercepted letter of Arnold which lately fell into our hands he proposes an interview, “to settle the risks and profits of the copartnership”; and in the same stile of metaphor, intimates an expected augmentation of the garrison, and speaks of it as the means of extending their traffic. It appears by another letter that André was to have met him on the lines, under the sanction of a flag in the character of Mr. John Anderson. But some cause, or other, not known, prevented this interview.
 The 20th. of last month Robinson and André went up the River in the Vulture Sloop of War. Robinson sent a flag to Arnold with two letters; one to General Putnam inclosed in another to himself; proposing an interview with Putnam,5 or in his absence, with Arnold, to adjust some private concerns. The one to General Putnam was evidently meant as a cover to the other, in case by accident, the letters should have fallen under the inspection of a third person.
General Washington crossed the river, in his way to Hartford, the day these dispatches arrived. Arnold conceiving he must have heard of the flag, thought it necessary for the sake of appearances, to submit the letters to him and ask his opinion of the propriety of ⟨comply⟩ing with the request. The General with his usual caution, though without the least surmise of the design, dissuaded him from it, and advised him to reply to Robinson, that whatever related to his private affairs, must be of a civil nature, and could only properly be addressed to the civil authority. This reference fortunately deranged the plan and was the first link in the chain of events that led to the detection. The interview could no longer take place, in the form of a flag, but was obliged to be managed in a secret manner.
Arnold employed one Smith6 to go on Board the Vulture the night of the 22d to bring André on shore with a pass for Mr. John Anderson. André came ashore accordingly, and was conducted within a picket of ours to the house of Smith, where Arnold and he remained together in close conference all that night and the day following. At day light in the morning, the commanding officer at Kings ferry, without the privity of Arnold moved a couple of pieces of cannon to a point opposite to where the vulture lay and obliged her to take a more remote station. This event, or some lurking distrust, made the boatmen refuse to convey the two passengers back, and disconcerted Arnold so much, that by one of those strokes of infatuation, which often confound the schemes of men conscious of guilt, he insisted on André’s exchanging his uniform for a disguise, and returning in a mode different from that in which he came. André who had been undesignedly brought within our posts in the first instance remonstrated warmly against this new and dangerous expedient. But Arnold persisting in declaring it impossible for him to return as he came, he at length reluctantly yielded to his direction. Smith furnished the disguise, and in the evening passed Kings ferry with him and proceeded to Crompond where they stopped the remainder of the night (at the instance of a militia officer) to avoid being suspected by him. The next morning they resumed their journey Smith accompanying André a little beyond Pine’s bridge, where he left him. He had reached Tarry town, when he was taken up by three militia men, who rushed out of the woods and seized his horse.
 At this critical moment his presence of mind forsook him. Instead of producing his pass which would have extricated him from our parties and could have done him no harm with his own, he asked the militia men, if they were of the upper or lower party, distinctive appellations known among the enemy’s refugee corps. The Militia men replied they were of the lower party; upon which he told them he was a British officer and pressed them not to detain him, as he was upon urgent business. This confession removed all doubt; and it was in vain he afterwards produced his pass. He was instantly forced off to a place of greater security; where after a careful search there were founded concealed in the feet of his stockings several papers of importance delivered to him by Arnold; among these were a plan of the fortifications of West Point, a memorial from the Engineer on the attack and defence of the place, returns of the garrison, cannon and stores, copy of the minutes of a council of war held by General Washington a few Weeks before. The prisoner at first was inadvertently ordered to Arnold; but on recollection, while still on the way, he was countermanded, and sent to old Salem. The papers were inclosed in a letter to General Washington, which having taken a route different from the one he returned by, made a circuit, that afforded leisure for another letter, through an illjudged delicacy written to Arnold with information of Anderson’s capture, to get to him an hour before General Washington’s arrival at his quarters, time enough to elude the fate that awaited him. He went down the river in his barge to the vulture, with such precipitate confusion, that he did not take with him a single paper useful to the enemy. On the first notice of the affair he was persued, but much too late to be overtaken.
   Arnold a moment before his setting out, went into Mrs. Arnold’s apartment and informed her that some transactions had just come to light which must for ever banish him from his country. She fell into a swoon, at this declaration; and he left her in it to consult his own safety, ’till the servants alarmed by her cries came to her relief. She remained frantic all day, accusing every one who approached her with an intention to murder her child (an infant in her arms) and exhibiting every other mark of the most genuine and agonising distress. Exhausted by the fatigue and tumult of her spirits, her phrenzy subsided towards evening and she sunk into all the sadness of affliction. It was impossible not to have been touched with her situation; every thing affected in female tears, or in the misfortunes of beauty, every thing pathetic in the wounded tenderness of a wife, or in the apprehensive fondness of a mother, and, ’till I have reason to change the opinion, I will add, every thing amiable in suffering innocence conspired to make her an object of sympathy to all who were present.8 She experienced the most delicate attentions and every friendly office ’till her departure for Philadelphia.
   There was some color for imagining it was a part of the plan to betray the General into the hands of the enemy. Arnold was very anxious to ascertain from him the precise day of his return and the enemy’s movements seem to have corresponded to this point. But if it was really the case, it was very injudicious. The success must have depended on surprise, and as the officers at the advanced posts were not in the secret, their measures might have given the alarm, and General Washington taking the command of the post might have rendered the whole scheme abortive. Arnold it is true had so dispersed the garrison as to have made a defence difficult, but not impracticable; and the acquisition of West Point was of such magnitude to the enemy, that it would have been unwise to connect it with any other object however great which might make the obtaining it precarious.
 André was without loss of time conducted to the Head Quarters of the army, where he was immediately brought before a board of General Officers, to prevent all possibility of misrepresentation or cavil on the part of the enemy. The Board reported, that he ought to be considered as a spy and according to the laws and usages of nations to suffer death; which was executed two days after.
  Never perhaps did any man suffer death with more justice, or deserve it less. The first step he took after his capture was to write a letter to General Washington conceived in terms of dignity without insolence and apology without meanness. The scope of it was to vindicate himself from the imputation of having assumed a mean character for treacherous or interested purposes; asserting that he had been involuntarily an impostor, that contrary to his intentions, which was to meet a person for intelligence on neutral ground, he had been betrayed within our posts and forced into the vile condition of an enemy in disguise, soliciting only that to whatever rigor policy might devote him a decency of treatment might be observed, due to a person who though unfortunate had been guilty of nothing dishonorable. His request was granted in its full extent, for in the whole progress of the affair, he was treated with the most scrupulous delicacy. When brought before the Board of Officers, he met with every mark of indulgence and was required to answer no interrogatory, which could even embarrass his feelings. On his part, while he carefully concealed everything that might involve others, he frankly confessed all the facts relating to himself; and upon his confession without the trouble of examining a witness, the Board made their report. The members of it were not more impressed with the candor and firmness mixed with a becoming sensibility, which he displayed than he was penetrated with their liberality and politeness. He acknowleged the generosity of the behaviour towards him, in every respect, but particularly in this, in the strongest terms of manly gratitude. In a conversation with a Gentleman who visited him after his trial, he said he flattered himself he had never been illiberal; but if there were any remains of prejudice, in his mind, his present experience must obliterate them.
  In one of the visits I made to him (and I saw him several times during his confinement) he begged me to be the bearer of a request to the General for permission, to send an open letter to Sir Henry Clinton. “I foresee my fate (said he) and though I pretend not to play the hero, or to be indifferent about life; yet I am reconciled to whatever may happen, conscious that misfortune, not guilt, has brought it upon me. There is only one thing that disturbs my tranquillity—Sir Henry Clinton has been too good to me; he has been lavish of his kindness. I am bound to him by too many obligations and love him too well to bear the thought, that he should reproach himself, or that others should reproach him, on the supposition of my having conceived myself obliged by his instructions to run the risk I did. I would not for the world leave a sting in his mind, that should embitter his future days.” He could scarce finish the sentence, bursting into tears, in spite of his efforts to suppress them; and with difficulty collected himself enough afterwards to add, “I wish to be permitted to assure him, I did not act under this impression, but submitted to a necessity imposed upon me as contrary to my own inclination as to his orders.” His request was readily complied with, and he wrote the letter annexed, and with which I dare say, you will ⟨be as⟩ much pleased as I am both for the dic⟨tion⟩ and sentiment.
  There was something singularly interesting in the character and fortunes of André. To an excellent understanding well improved by education and travel, he united a peculiar elegance of mind and manners, and the advantage of a pleasing person. ’Tis said he possessed a pretty taste for the fine arts, and had himself attained some proficiency in poe⟨try,⟩ music and painting. His knowlege appeared without ostentation, and embellished by a diffidence, that rarely accompanies so many talents and accomplishments, which left you to suppose more than appeared. His sentiments were elevated and inspired esteem. they had a softness that conciliated affection. His elocution was handsome; his address easy, polite and insinuating. By his merit he had acquired the unlimited confidence of his general and was making a rapid progress in military rank and reputation. But in the height of his career, flushed with new hope from the execution of a project the most beneficial to his party, that could be devised, he was at once precipitated from the summit of prosperity and saw all the expectations of his ambition blasted and himself ruined.
  The character I have given of him is drawn partly from what I saw of him myself and partly from information. I am aware that a man of real merit is never seen in so favourable a light, as through the medium of adversity. The clouds that surround him are shades that set off his good qualities. Misfortune cuts down the little vanities, that in prosperous times served as so many spots in his virtues; and gives a tone of humility that makes his worth more amiable. His spectators who enjoy a happier lot are less prone to detract from it, through envy, and are more disposed by compassion to give him the credit he deserves and perhaps even to magnify it.
  I speak not of André’s conduct in this affair as a Philosophe, but as a man of the world. The authorised maxims and practices of war are the satire of human nature. They countenance almost every species of seduction as well as violence; and the General that can make most traitors in the army of his adversary is frequently most applauded. On this scale we acquit André, while we could not but condemn him, if we were to examine his conduct by the sober rules of philosophy and moral rectitude. It is however a blemish in his fame, that he once intended to prostitute a flag; about this a man of nice honor ought to have had a scruple, but the temptation was great; let his misfortunes cast a veil over his error.
  When his sentence was announced to him, he remarked, that since it was his lot to die there was still a choice in the mode which would make a material difference to his feelings, and he would be happy, if possible, to be indulged with a professional death. He made a second application by letter12 in concise, but persuasive terms. It was thought this indulgence being incompatible with the customs of war could not be granted and it was therefore determined in both cases to evade an answer to spare him the sensations, which a certain knowlege of the intended mode would inflict.
 In going to the place of execution, he bowed familiarly as he went along to all those with whom he had been acquainted in his confinement. A smile of complacency expressed the serene fortitude of his mind. Arrived at the fatal spot, he asked with some emotion, must I then die in this manner? He was told it had been unavoidable. “I am reconciled to my fate (said he) but not to the mode.” Soon however recollecting himself, he added, “it will be but a momentary pang,” and springing upon the cart performed the last offices to himself with a composure that excited the admiration and melted the hearts of the beholders. Upon being told the final moment was at hand, and asked if he had any thing to say, he answered: “nothing, but to request you will witness to the world, that I die like a brave man.” Among the extra ordinary circumstances that attended him, in the midst of his enemies, he died universally esteemed and universally regretted.
 Several letters from Sir Henry Clinton and others were received in the course of the affair, feebly attempting to prove, that André came out under the protection of a flag, with a passport from a general officer in actual service, and consequently could not be justly detained. Clinton sent a deputation composed of Lt General Robinson, Mr. Elliot and Mr. William Smith15 to represent as he said the true state of Major André’s case. General Greene met Robinson & had a conversation with him, in which he reiterated the pretence of a flag, urged André’s release as a personal favour to Sir Henry Clinton, and offered any friend of ours in their power in exchange. Nothing could have been more frivolous than the plea which was used. The fact was that besides the time, manner, object of the interview, change of dress, and other circumstances, there was not a single formality customary with flaggs and the passport was not to Major André, but to Mr. Anderson. But had there been, on the contrary, all the formalities, it would be an abuse of language to say, that the sanction of a flag for corrupting an officer to betray his trust ought to be respected. So unjustifiable a purpose would not only destroy its validity but make it an aggravation.
   André himself has answered the argument by ridiculing and exploding the idea in his examination before the board of officers. It was a weakness to urge it.
  There was in truth no way of saving him. Arnold or he must have been the victim; the former was out of our power.
  It was by some suspected, Arnold had taken his measures in such a manner, that if the interview had been discovered in the act it might have been in his power to sacrifice André to his own security. This surmise of double treachery made them imagine Clinton might be induced to give up Arnold for André, and a Gentleman took occasion to suggest this expedient to the latter, as a thing that might be proposed by him. He declined it. The moment he had been capable of so much frailty, I should have ceased to esteem him.
  The infamy of Arnold’s conduct previous to his desertion ⟨is⟩ only equalled by his baseness since. Besides the folly of writing to Sir Henry Clinton; assuring him that André had acted under a passport from him and according to his directions, while commanding officer at a post, and that therefore he did not doubt he would be immediately sent in; he had the effrontery to write to General Washington, in the same spirit, with the addition of a menace of retaliation, if the sentence should be carried into execution. He has since acted the farce of sending in his resignation. This man is in every sense despicable. Added to ⟨the sc⟩ene of knavery and prostitution during his command in Philadelphia, which the late seizure of his papers has unfolded; the history of his command at West Point is a history of little, as well as great, villainies. He practiced every dirty art of peculation; and even stooped to connections with the suttlers of the garrison to defraud the public.
To his conduct, that of the captors of André forms a striking contrast. He tempted them with the offer of his watch, his horse and any sum of money they should name. They rejected his offers with indignation; and the gold, that could seduce a man high in the esteem and confidence of his country, who had the remembrance of past exploits; the motives of present reputation and future glory to ⟨cloak⟩18 his integrity, ⟨had no charm for three simple peasants, leaning⟩ only on their virtue and an honest sense of their duty. While Arnold is handed down with execration to future times, posterity will repeat with reverence the names of Van Wert, Paulding and Williams!
I congratulate you my friend on our happy escape from the mischiefs with which this treason was big. It is a new comment on the value of an honest man; and ⟨if it were possible, would endear you to me more than ever.⟩
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"List of things I need to do, during lockdown"
No: 10 Draw a half moon mandala 🌙
Ok, let me begin with this. I was bored. India was under pure lockdown. Whole country was scared. Social distancing, wearing pretty masks & zoom classes were the new normal. And still it is. I wondered and coped up with new quarantine life. Until, I thought why not jot down few points on what should I do during lockdown. Trust me, it was easy to write, my mind started working as if a new chromosome began to act.
I finally jot down 12 important things I would like to do. And this mandala is one of them. Basically, if you see the picture deeply, you will realise i am not at all artistic. But, I haven't explored this artistic expression much in my life. So I gave a shot. It seemed good. Matter of the fact is, i enjoyed it. Learning about mandalas and gaining knowlege was an cherry on the top.
So basically, with my experience I can tell one important thing. We don't need to be expert on the first day. Trying is the new expert. Opening arms for a new venture is the new expert. Learning about yourself but indulging into things that has never been done before is the new scene.
I am learning more. And wish to continue even if, there is no more quarantine. I have explored something special while sketching this beautiful half mandala. Is that, I was happy.
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habibialkaysani · 7 years ago
replied to your post
“@therewas-a-girl yeah and I’ve been trying to reassure myself of that...”
To be completely fair with u, i dont trust ur parents judjment in saying ure on the wrong path bc lets be honest, they have zero knowlege of the field. They wouldnt k ow ifnits wrong ir right for you its simply not their area of expertise. Not to mention the fact that they might even say that not cause its true or cause they really think its wrong for u but bc they had sth else in mind for you. And this is not law. Its not weong just bc its not law
yeah, I said that to them, and they said “when we were your age we would never dared disobey our parents” and how they’ve both been on this earth longer than me and therefore I should listen to them.
replied to your post
“@therewas-a-girl yeah and I’ve been trying to reassure myself of that...”
Idk about ur uncle and how much u can trust his word either. Like, why does he even think that? Why would this - the one thing that makes u happy and that u want to do - be wrong for u? Why?
he says - and so do my parents - that I’ve invested a lot of time in law so I shouldn’t just ditch it. and when I said it was literally causing my anxiety going to my internship, my aunt’s response was that I need to deal with what’s causing the anxiety rather than running away from it, not realising that the internship was the cause of the anxiety. like I kind of got where she was coming from but I don’t feel like I was running away from my problems? idk, it’s hard to explain.
also. maybe it’s just the law firms I was at but I encountered a lot of homophobia when I was interning. in an ideal world I would like to be out to my colleagues at the very least, but I can’t do that when I’m literally fearing for my safety just at the thought of telling anyone I work with that I’m not straight. even the job I’m at now - it’s not safe for me to say anything, and I hate that and feel suffocated by that. so one of the reasons interning caused me so much anguish was actually because I couldn’t fully be myself at work. but obviously I can never tell my family that.
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@therewas-a-girl replied to your post “@therewas-a-girl yeah and I’ve been trying to reassure myself of that...”
Whats his reason for saying that why does he think so? Idk. I think you have a good way of putting concepts and ideas to word and paper. I think u love this and i think that makes u better at what u do. I think youre determined and that u might get discouraged but u know what it is to fight hard. I think u can adapt. Ur family gets all kinds of compromises from you. They can’t have this too. They should stay in their lane
thank you. I mean I like to think I’m not half bad at the whole writing lark and it’s really nice to hear it from you. I just wish that my family would realise that this is what I love.
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