#no one cares what my favorite edd moments are but i think my taste is maybe a little different than your average youtube compilation
doubledyke · 2 months
scrubbing through the last couple episodes of season 5 and just got hit with a wave of violent irritability
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
How the GoT Characters React To You Being Very Affectionate
So the original request was “HCs for characters being touch starved” and I dont think all of them would be necessarily so I kinda just did this? Sorry to that anon lol I did my best. we are slooowly working through the GoT request pile
In this preference, you’ll be doting on: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Dolorous Edd, Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Podrick Payne, Petyr Baelish, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Beric Dondarrion, Gendry
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Initially, your affections and sweetness were a little overwhelming for him. He wasn’t used to such attention, but he really didn’t mind them. Even when he teased you about being so close and touchy in front of all his bannermen, he wouldn’t change it about you. Ned’s favorite thing is when you’d find him in the middle of the day and touch his face to reassure him, he liked to lean into your hand and enjoy your touch before he had to return to his duties. You had a feeling that Ned was only nervous about it at first because he was being bashful, but once he was comfortable, he loved the evenings when you sat in his lap and freely kissed and touched him.  
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Robb loves how open you are about affection and he feels so, so lucky that the gods gave him such a sweet wife. While he has to maintain his "strict" lordly facade when speaking to his men and other lords, he's more than relieved to melt into your touch at the end of the day. Whenever you’re by his side, holding his arm and beaming, he’s so proud and in love that he doesn’t even notice the eye rolling whenever you kiss his cheek or his hand. It honestly helps Robb get through the weight of the war and he sees you as a source of strength, rather than a weakness, as many less worthy lords would think.
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Back when she first met you, Sansa loved how unashamed you were of affection. Some in court may see it as weakness, but still today she sees it as proof of your great compassion. Your touches and hugs comforted her greatly when you were friends, and when you became lovers, your soft words and kisses are just what she needed to bolster her spirit and be strong. Sansa takes great amusement in the fact you both can hold hands, sit close and whisper to each other and the court writes it off as "just close friends". She's happy and grateful to have such an affectionate, romantic partner, and she tells you often. Sometimes it’s difficult for her to return those honest gestures, but she knows you understand.
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Jon was completely flustered at first; even if it was a quick hug and kiss, he’d get red and stumble out whatever he was saying. At first he thought it was just because you were a girl, and he didn’t have much experience with those, but even just simple touches like holding his hand or brushing his messy hair out of his face would get his heart beating. Jon would realize that he’d never had so much attention and concern before, and while he liked it very much, he’d have a few moments of total surprise before happily returning the affection, albeit clumsily. Sometimes when you’re just holding his hand while talking, he’ll get distracted and grin at your connected hands, amazed he’s so lucky to have found someone like you at a place like this.
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Benjen adores this part of your personality, and he always takes it a step further just to tease you. Other times he’ll hold you close and not want to let you, giving you a taste of his own naturally affectionate nature. He’s glad you both are compatible like this, since there are times when you can’t see each other for a long time, and he loves that you’re just as willing to make up for lost time. Whenever you both have a long time alone, good luck being apart from him - aside from intimacy, he likes just having you in his lap or leaning on him. Tease him for being clingy all you want, he just gestures to your arms around him and says, “Well, that makes us a perfect match, doesn’t it?”
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While it initially flustered him to no end and took him off guard more than once, Jory easily adapted to your touches. He was glad you loved him that much, and you weren’t afraid to show it. Sometimes … okay, really often, he’s gently teased for it by his uncle and the other guards, but he wouldn’t change you at all. When Jory is feeling more bold he’ll return the light kisses, regardless of whose around. He’ll let you hug and touch and kiss to your heart’s content when you both are alone, and before long he’s total putty in your hands and will do whatever you please.
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It always made him nervous when you’d take his hand to get his attention, or when you stood so close, which was often. Edd used to chalk it up to you being a girl, and from a better family, besides… But once you two were alone more and spent time together, he realized you were just a naturally touchy, affectionate person. Eventually he realized his nerves were from a damn crush. Before you were officially together, he watched you carefully, hoping you weren’t giving so many sweet touches to your other friends (you weren’t, and that’s what gave him the courage to talk with you about his feelings… that, and Sam all but shoved him to do it). Edd totally relishes in your affection, as he’s been lacking it in for years.
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Mance enjoys how sweet you are, and thinks it’s amusing that such a young woman would want to lavish her kisses and touches on an old former crow like him. He always indulges you and even during meetings, he’ll let you sit as close as you want. Once you both are alone, he takes comfort in how easily you fit in his lap and how you rest your head against his chest. It gives him a warm feeling, one that feels like home … Something he hadn’t felt so strongly in a while. His favorite thing is when you doze off next to him, as nothing helps him think through his plans better than your scent and softness. 
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Oh, Tormund can’t get enough of you, and he’s delighted that you’re just the same. He thinks this just further proves how perfect you are for each other, and he’ll say it loud and proud as he holds you up in his arms and spins you around. Yes, the other tribes are exhausted with you two and find you nauseating … but the last man who complained had two punches to dodge. Tormund especially likes that it isn’t just lustful touches and looks; he adores that you’ll kiss and hold him just because you want to, for no reason other than you’re in love. Everyone knows when he’s thinking about it because he grins like a dork and seems lost in his own world.
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At first, he’d always use your frequent touches as a way to brag to Robb and Jon about how you prefer him. You were flirting, obviously, and you must have wanted to be with him. The thing he didn’t tell them is how much you puzzled him, because your touches were so … kind. Gentle, even, when you brushed a leaf out of his hair or took his hand to look at a cut. He didn’t know what to do, and his usual ego was no help. He’d never been cared for so gently like that. Your kisses were worse because they gave him such a foreign, fluttery feeling, he thought he was getting sick, yet he kept yearning for it. You’d be able to get past Theon’s usual bragging and discover an amusing, needy side as he’d follow you around, almost waiting for you to hug or touch him again.
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On one hand, Yara has her tough captain’s reputation to maintain, so she has little patience if you have a need for her while she’s working. She can’t be seen accepting your kisses and hugs, no matter how much she yearns for them. She understands you might be hurt by this, but she’d hope you’d understand. Besides, she more than makes up for it later in the evening. Even if Yara might consider you needy, there is a comfort in how readily you give your affection and how much you enjoy touching her. She can’t remember having a partner who kissed her so sweetly, not just lustfully, and of course her family didn’t give her so much reassurance. Her appreciation for it only increases when she’s drunk, because you’re going to sit in her lap and there will be no escape, so touch and kiss however you like, she’ll just laugh and go along with it.
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When she was in the throne room, carrying her heavy queenly persona, Daenerys couldn’t afford to glance your way and seem distracted. Once there was finally a chance to be alone together, Daenerys just soaked up the affection you gave her. She loved that no matter what terrible thing happened to you, your nature stayed loving and doting. She admired that. When her duties felt like too much, she relished in being able to curl up in your arms and feeling your fingers run through her hair. She makes sure you feel loved too, of course, but she’s so grateful you let her be selfish now and again and just take up all your attention. She often tells you what you mean to her, and anyone can see the way she looks at you.
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Oh, poor sweet Jorah. He’s so overwhelmed by the affection at first, it completely distracts him from what he’s doing, even if all you’re doing is coming up behind him for a surprise hug and kiss. He leans into your touches so eagerly and it confuses you, because wasn’t he married once or twice? Still, it’s cute how weak you can get him, and you definitely take advantage when you’re teasing him or trying to get his attention. In the evenings, Jorah will waste little time in pulling you into his lap and muttering how sweet you are and how much he adores you, usually making the affection lead into something more. More than once you two end up getting lost in your own world and forget who's around you; only to be reminded by the Dothraki whooping and laughing. Truthfully, Jorah is very happy that you’re just as doting in public are you are in private. 
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Your closeness and touches made her heart flutter and her hands get clammy, and it confused her at first. She’d be touched inappropriately, always against her will, but you always asked before you held her hand or hugged her. You were always so warm, and you smelled nice, and why were you hugging her, anyway? Missandei liked it more than she wanted to admit, but she wondered why. Once Jorah and Daenerys gave her enough hints, and you finally gave your confession, she realized she hadn’t been touched so sweetly and innocently before. Even after you’ve been together for a while, it’s the gentle cuddles and chaste touches that Missandei likes best. You don’t miss how she nuzzles against you when you cradle her against your chest.
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When you first took his hand as he escorted you through the market, you thought you overstepped your bounds. He just stared at your entwined hands, not even noticing the bustling activity around him. There were other times when you’d hold his face while cleaning a wound on his cheek, or sit close to him at a meeting table, and you could swear he stopped breathing. Grey Worm never told you to keep away, but he also looked so much like a caught animal that you felt bad. In truth it made Grey Worm so nervous when you touched him, and he hadn’t the slightest idea of how to react. No one else did this to him, and you rarely did the same to others as far as he observed. Finally Missandei noticed his palpable confusion and helped him work out his feelings. When you two are together, Grey Worm never denies the affection you want to give, though sometimes he’s clearly startled or confused by it. He slowly begins to return it on his own terms, squeezing your hand back, resting against your shoulder, or gently touching your back as you two walk. It takes time, but you slowly get to see his shoulders relax and a soft smile appear on his face. 
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As anyone would have expected of this man, he’s clearly proud to have you on his arm during social gatherings. You’ll sit close at the dais, sometimes leaning in closer to whisper something to him. The whole of the court gossips about your relationship enough, and you give them plenty of material with your affections. Tywin stays passive, although after a while he began to brush your hair aside and stroke your hand. Privately he continues to tell himself it’s for show and means nothing. That works until you both are intimate or enjoying a rare moment of peace together and he finds himself wanting you to stay close. He lets you cuddle close and kiss and touch, denying how much it affects him to the very end. It’s bad enough he has to contend with your wit and schemes during the day, he doesn’t need more reasons to become attached to you.
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Tyrion drinks in your affection like a man crawling in a desert; you figured that out quickly. You figured he was a naturally kind and loving person, and he was clearly taken with you, and you wouldn’t deny him the affection that came naturally to you. After a while you began to see how much he depended on it, how much he needed it. In private you gave him all he wanted - sometimes he still struggled to ask for it openly, you so took the lead - and in public you had to be careful. Not just because the court found your marriage a great joke and it was exhausting to deal with their gossip, but because it distracted Tyrion so much when you held his hand and gave him a simple kiss during a feast. He’d never grow tired of your attention and would tell you again and again how much he adored you for it.
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He relishes how affectionate you are and returns it tenfold, and more often than not ends up getting turned on and wants to take it further. While you’re fine with that, sometimes you just want to express your love. It doesn’t have to lead to anything more. Jaime was confused by this when you explained it - he tried to think back when someone kissed his cheek, stroked his hair or hugged him … just because they loved him. He especially needed that love and attention when he came back from the Dreadfort, and didn’t feel at all foolish asking for it, but he rarely needed you. You just always knew when to hold him, as if he needed more reasons to love you even more.
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The first time you held his face to bring him closer, he flinched like it hurt. You noticed he was more willing to accept your touches when you were in bed together, and even then, his rough pace would slow and falter as you kissed him and brought him closer. To say Sandor was unused to affection is an understatement; he hated the panicky, anxious feeling it gave him, and his instant thought was to push you away when it happened. The feeling wasn’t a welcome one, but your touch and warmth was, so needless to say just simple touches gave him a mix of feelings. He tries to be gruff, but as time goes on he starts to just lean and melt into you, especially when you both are alone. He doesn’t want to ask for it, but you can tell he’s yearning when he sits around just staring and sulking at you.
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At first he brushed it off as you just being one of those silly women, and you’d get tired of doting on him eventually. He thought you were trying to get something from him, but he didn’t have much to offer a lady besides the bed, which you weren’t always trying to get in. It confused Bronn when you kept doing this, and he denied himself how much the attention began to affect him. He started to get used to them, to want them, and he overcame these weird feelings by pulling you to his lap and trying to initiate something deeper. Pretty soon Bronn couldn’t deny what your affection meant, and began working out a way to tell you that you ought to do better than him. It was for himself as much as you, he wasn’t ready for this, but then you’d wrap your arms around him and the thoughts quickly left his head.
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You had to be careful when you were sweet on him and where, because the poor boy would redden to his ears and try to stammer something, if he could manage words at all. You thought it was cute that even after knowing each other for so long, Pod never got used to your affectionate nature. Sometimes when he’s working he gets distracted thinking about you, leading to him spacing out or making mistakes. Once you’re together, he begins to slowly gain confidence, although you’re still the one who usually initiates things first. Holding your hand or arm while you two take walks is his favorite, he feels all his anxiety slowly melt away.
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Oh, he can’t hide how much he adores your attention. He tries to keep his cool, but the more you lean on him and look up through those pretty lashes, the less Petyr can resist giving you whatever you please. In private, he can’t keep himself from pulling you closer to keep encouraging you. All you need to do is act your usual, sweet self and you have him wrapped around your finger. When you both are intimate, his greediness is even more evident, he wants your hands on him and sometimes he even trembles from all the attention. Sometimes he breathlessly asks you not to tease him so much, but you know he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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He hadn’t the slightest idea of what to do. You noticed that right away when he flinched anytime you expressed your affection. You outright asked Stannis if you should stop, and it’s not that he hated it, it was just… It was so new, he wasn’t sure how to react. It was difficult to dial back your naturally affectionate nature, but you did, taking things slower. Gradually Stannis began to enjoy the attention and return it in his own way, and he let you be as clingy and sweet as you wanted when you were intimate. He couldn't express it well with words, but he began to look forward to your embrace and anxiously yearn for your presence whenever he had to travel. Whenever you stood by his side during meetings, close enough that your shoulders brushed and he could feel your warmth, he’d feel a distinct sense of security and confidence. 
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Davos finds you incredibly endearing, and he’s always considered himself lucky to have you, but he’s not always sure if he deserves your affections. You have so much of it, and he often wonders if you ought to be giving it to a younger man of a better station. Of course anytime he has these thoughts, you’re right there to reassure him and make sure he knows there’s no one else for you. He “scolds” you for being cheeky whenever you show affection in public, but in private he lets you do whatever you please. He can’t get enough of your cuddles in the evening and how you just curl under his touch, he thinks he might be the luckiest man alive.
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Oh, Margaery thinks you’re just a doll. She loves teasing you about it, but she’s the one who pushes things and sees how much you two can get away with. The court assumes you’re just “good friends”, although her grandmother has given her plenty of scoldings about the rumors floating around Highgarden. Margaery loves being spoiled by your attention and often waits expectantly for a kiss or hug - you can get back at her by “forgetting” and walking past her. If she had her way, you’d be draped around her all day, fawning over her and she’d give you sweet praises and pets in return. No, this mental image is not awakening anything in her, don’t ask. 
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The old knight thought he was too old for things like this, which is to say, a beautiful lady doting on him and wanting his affection. For a short while he thought you should give your attention to someone else, but as the relationship went on, he felt like an idiot for thinking that at all. When you hold and kiss him, Brynden just melts into the warmth and comfort. He loves the more gentle touches you have, like when you hold his face as you kiss him or rest against his chest and curl up in his lap. Half the time he can’t even make a jap about your neediness, because he feels he needs it just as much. He loves feeling your warm skin under his rough hands and it’s even better if you start getting hot and bothered from all his touching.
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Edmure loves it because he’s just as absurdly affectionate and touchy feely, and it makes him giddy with happiness when you take his face in your hands and just hold him like that, you don’t even have to kiss him. All of Riverrun knows how sappy you both are and it’s both sweet and just sickening. Brynden can’t decide if he’s amused or annoyed by it and Catlyn just dies inside at the ‘impropriety’ of you two mooning over each other at dinner. You two have quite a reputation in the Riverlands for being such a loving couple, and the smallfolk adore you. 
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Your knight had such a strong reaction to your touches that you thought she hated it at first. You’d do something simple, like brush her hair out of her face to better see a bruise or hold her hand when speaking to her, and her face would go red as an apple. With great difficulty, Brienne finally explained that she didn’t hate it, she just … Well, she trailed off, but you could tell she felt like she didn’t deserve such attention. It’s worse once she realizes her feelings, she gets so flustered and starts to read into every action you take, wanting it to mean something, but positive that she was just projecting. You’d have to take the first step in confessing and reassuring her. 
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He used to take advantage of this, grasping you when you came close to brush something off his tunic or fix his hair. As much as Ramsay’s clingy nature could be suffocating, you were always an affectionate person, and you felt it was all you’d get in the Dreadfort. However, you began to notice that he’d be off-put by your genuine concern and softer touches. Sometimes he’d just stare at you, trying to puzzle out why you were doing it. He didn’t think he disliked it, he wanted your attention all the time, it just gave him such a startling feeling. After a while you were able to calm Ramsay’s more unstable moods by just keeping hold on him and distracting him with touches. Whenever something pulled him away from the Dreadfort, he'd grow antsy with each passing day, both from wanting to be back in your arms and not understanding why he wanted it.
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Even if you weren’t pleased with the arranged marriage, you couldn’t help but hold Roose’s arm as you both walked, or gently touch him to get his attention. You steadily got a little bolder, because you noticed there was a brief, strange look in his cold eyes anytime you touched him. You knew he didn’t dislike it because when you slept together, he’d almost shudder as you ran your hands along his body. You began to figure out what made him pause the most, what he responded best to, and that’s how you could sway him - just by being considerate, comforting, and a little needy. It was always a surprise how such a cold man began to expect and want the attention, although Roose pretended he didn’t care. He was more honest about his feelings in private, expecting you to give him even more.
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Oberyn adores that you’re such a sweet and needy thing, and he teases you about it all the time - but you know he’s the same and he wouldn’t change you for anything. He doesn’t care whose in the room, he wants you in his lap and just beams with happiness when you lay your head on his chest or wrap your arms around him. Eventually Doran will please ask you two to reign yourselves in, at least during important dinners and meetings. It’d be up to you to dial it down, because Oberyn will stubbornly want to keep you on his lap or right by his side.
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While he was initially bashful, Beric quickly began to relish in your affection and seek it out, especially when the day’s events were hard on him. In the evening he loves nothing more than resting next to you, his arm around your waist or letting you sit in his lap. When it’s time to sleep, he feels so much more peaceful when your head is on his chest and he can pet your hair as he slowly dozes off. Beric tells you many times that he’s grateful for your sweetness and warmth, and he gets plenty of it, quietly worrying he’ll forget something one day.
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The first time you took his hand to pull him back from running into someone, he nearly dropped what he was holding. You kept holding it as you two walked home, and he was praying you didn’t notice how sweaty his palm was. You were like this as long as he could remember, always giving him hugs and standing so close and holding his hand far beyond the age when you two should’ve stopped. It was never really anything you two discussed, because it was just who you were, and as much as it made him blush, he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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becky69lu · 5 years
Ed Edd n Eddy Music Taste Headcanons
Last night me and my friend came up with ideas of what the kids from Ed Edd n Eddy would listen to for music. And I thought I’d share with you all :) (You’re free to disagree but this is what I think the characters would like)
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Ed: This guy would definitely be into soundtracks. Video games, horror movies, etc. He’ll enjoy them all. I feel like he’d be the type to explain why he likes a song on a soundtrack, like the vibes it gives him and how good it was in whatever game/movie it was. 
Double D: Growing up he’d be into classical music by default. It’s all his parents played so it’s what he’s conditioned to like. I feel like as a result he’d never really have a preference to listen to music because he mainly uses it as a form of relaxation for studying or concentrating. But when he entered high school it’s a whole other story.  He ends up befriending (or dating, depending what you ship) Marie. She introduces him to her music (which we’ll get into in a bit!). You’d expect Double D to hate it. Hardcore rock and heavy metal seemed a bit extreme. At first he might think it’s just noise. To his surprise, he ends up enjoying it immensely and starts to understand why people listen to music for fun.  On more than one occasion Ed and Eddy will catch up to Double D in the hallways or the walk home from school and catch him blasting some heavy band. It surprises people greatly what Double D likes, but in a good way. 
Eddy: This dude is the embodiment of the meme where you listen to rap with the homies but something else when alone. This guy will listen to Lil Peep and Juice WRLD, and don’t get me wrong he genuinely likes it, but it reaches its max appeal at some point. By himself he’ll listen to old school music. He really likes Elvis, Frankie Valli and Frank Sinatra. It’s what he grew up listening to with his dad in the car and loves it to this day. He’s not ashamed of it but prefers to look cool for listening to rap around random people. Really only Ed and Double D have listened to his playlist with him.  The only thing he kind of hides which is a guilty pleasure is NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys.  I feel like in high school Eddy and Kevin would be close bros, the kind that constantly pick on each other for fun but they really do appreciate each other and will be there for each other. As a result of their constant roasting, both of them listen to rap together but end up going home and listening to completely different things. 
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May: Growing up, all three of the Kanker Sisters listened to Country. Their mother enjoyed it so she’d play it around the house a lot. May’s the only sister who’s favorite genre is Country though. She loves Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, etc. In high school, her music taste opened up slightly. She likes pop music and enjoys a bit of Marina and the Diamonds, and Melanie Martinez (which she heard from Marie’s room and thought it sounded good.) She’s still a country girl at heart but enjoys bubblegum pop too. She’s also the type to enjoy basically anything, but she refuses to listen to heavy rock. Her limit to rock music is screaming, and at that point she wants to shut it off.
Marie: A rocker at heart. Of course she always dressed the part, but didn’t actually listen to rock music until she was 13. She entered her emo phase and never left. She likes classic rock, modern rock, and anything alternative or indie. Her favorites are Asking Alexandria, My Chemical Romance, A Day to Remember, Falling In Reverse and In This Moment.  In terms of other music, she really likes P!nk, Avril Lavigne, and Ke$ha. The only genre she hates is country. For her, growing up listening to it constantly made her hate it because it was overplayed. She refuses to listen to it and sometimes her and May butt heads when in the car trying to play music. 
Lee: This girl takes pride in her music taste. She flaunts her love for old school rap. She loves 2Pac, Snoop Dogg, B.I.G., Tupac, and Eminem. She’ll play it around whoever is willing to listen and genuinely enjoys it. If her and Eddy became friends (or dated) she’d get him into Eminem especially.  Regarding other music, she enjoys anything 2000′s like Nelly and TLC. She still likes Country music too, but doesn’t listen to it as often as other stuff. 
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Rolf: He listens to foreign music. I feel like this one’s obvious but it’s true. He listens to music that’s poppin in his homeland. When he’s around Kevin and Nazz he actually grimaces at their playlist. He probably won’t like any of it, even if he’s open-minded about it. On occasion he’ll end up liking a few songs or artists from them but not a lot. I feel like he’d like a little bit of Post Malone. 
Jimmy: He’s a THEATER KID!! When he goes to high school he immediately joins the theater program. He’s definitely that one kid that’s liked by everyone. But for music, he’d definitely enjoy musicals. Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Wicked. You name it, he probably enjoys it. He also likes disney music as well like the soundtracks from Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, etc. And he’ll definitely be in every spring musical and already know the songs. 
Sarah: Since her and Jimmy are best friends, of course she also becomes a theater kid. She’s probably one of the most disliked people in the program but doesn’t care. She also enjoys musicals but not to the extent that Jimmy does. They still listen to them together all the time. She probably really likes pop music. Katy Perry is one of her favorites. She’s definitely a Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber fan. To be honest she probably went through a hardcore K-POP phase where she had a stan twitter and everything. 
Jonny: He mainly just likes whatevers popular. He probably enjoys songs off of Tik Tok and is that annoying kid that plays meme music over and over. All Star by Smash Mouth is banned from the Cul de Sac because of him. He probably enjoys some soundtracks from video games as well. The type to just blast Revenge by Captain Sparkles for hours.
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Kevin: We’ve already established that him and Eddy basically listen to the same thing. Lil Uzi Vert, Xxxtentacion, etc. That kind of thing. He tries especially hard to be cool. He’s definitely that kid with the speakers in his backpack blasting music down the hallway. But like Eddy, he listens to something else when he’s alone. He probably likes 70s and 80s hip hop and a little bit of classic rock because of his dad. Listens to Motley Crue, Def Leppard and Blackstreet. He’s not ashamed of his music taste, but definitely only plays modern rap in the car with the homies. 
Nazz: She’s a carefree spirit. She likes old school rap too but appreciates a lot of older stuff. She likes Fleetwood Mac and Queen because of her mom. But she also really likes pop and Jazz. She likes Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, and Rihanna. Probably a big Beyonce stan too.  Because shes a free spirit, she’ll listen to anything someone plays. She’ll enjoy heavy metal if someone puts it on or even Country. She doesn’t care. If she likes something she’ll definitely go home and look up more stuff. She probably has the most diverse music taste of them all. 
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pandaskull101 · 6 years
The Boy and The Demon chapter 9 the Pieces of the Puzzle
Hello everyone i am back again sorry for the long wait i have been having some medical issues and bad case of writer's block. Anyway enough about me here is chapter 9 of the story i hope u enjoy.
Kevin never liked cars, driving, fixing, or perhaps building one from scratch he liked. Being a passage in one, not being able to do anything but waiting for the driver to reach the destination, was his least favorite. However, the situation he was in right now was beating his underlined claustrophobia. He thought that getting a ride from Double dorks mom and dad wouldn't be so bad, free rides wins over walking, oh how wrong he was. ‘This is what I get for choosing to walk than drive my bike. Man this sucks, they can at least turn the radio on. Anything would be better than this fucking silence.’ After a few seconds go by Kevin nerves couldn't take it anymore. “So um thanks for the ride Mr. and Mrs. Vincent I really appreciate it.”
“Hm oh it is no trouble Melvin now where do u live again.” Mrs. Vincent turned her head to the back seat to look at kevin who was behind the driver seat.
Fingers twitching he smiled at Edd’s mother “It's kevin and I live right across from you guys in the cul de sac,”
“Oh you are the Barr’s child then. I did not know you were friends with Eddward, how marvellous.” Even Though she sounded happy if you looked close you can tell what she said left a bad taste in here mouth that may ruin her taste buds forever.
“Actually mother,” Edd intervened seeing Kevin eyes become a dark swamp green color and his clenched jaw. “ Kevin and I have been friends for quite a while now actually. He was the one who escorted me to the nurse after someone had thrown a ball at my head.” Hearing Edd speak made Kevin relax a bit but not much.
“He seems somewhat well mannered than those two children you call friends. Honestly i do not know why you still associate with them, they will only bring you done in the long run.” cold, distant and harsh but smooth and strict. Mr.Vincent voice cut the air in the car like one of Nazz's katanas, sharp.
Licking his lip Edd responded “Father they are my friends my best friends in fact.”
Eddwards father didn't look at him he just faced forward eyes on the road oblivious of his son’s nervous fidgeting.
“Oh that reminds me, Your extra curriculum teacher emailed me a few days ago about your grades. In the email it stated that you have been lacking in your studies and your grades have been slipping do you know why?” Mrs. Vincent asked her sweet welcoming voice turning slightly cold and annoyed.
Eddward and kevin tensed both looking at each other knowing why his studies have been affected. Taking a calming breathe Edd answered. “ No I,”
“I think it is,” her voice cut him off the sweet tone gone replaced with a neutral tone of someone who know they are superior, “Because you are spend too much time with those two children, if not that than it is those useless contraptions you seem make for them.”
“But-but mother,”
“Eddward i have told you if you want to stay here you must keep up your grades both in school and your college courses, honestly you need to start making a effort all i have been seeing is work a toddler could complete with no studying to prepare it.”
“Yes mother i will work harder,” Edd spoke softly and sadly as he looked down into his lap.
Kevin having just seen his somewhat friend's parents put him down made him uncomfortable and anger, but what pushed him was the sadden look in his eyes. He wanted to say something anything to let them know that they are hurting him, but he never got to. In his anger he never noticed they had arrived in the cul du sac or that Double d was talking to his parents only when Edd opened the car door for him did he snap out of it. Getting out and stretching he looked around and noticed the retreating backs of Double d’s parents.
“Kevin are you okay,” his head snapped to the shorter man his face blank, “ I asked Mother and Father if I could walk with you to your house if that is okay with you of course.”
Shrugging his shoulders he slid his backpack on and started the walk to his house with Edd beside him. “So your parents don’t know you off people for a living,”
“No they do not know and i do not intend to tell them that i am an assassin i mean what would they think of me kevin.”
“Well to be honest they don't seem to think all that good of you dork. If you wanted my honest opinion i think they don't really much care for you, like to them you're more of a um pet.”
“Are you comparing me to an animal kevin.”
“What no i’m saying from what i saw and heard they don’t care for you like like,”
“Like how your parents treat and care you, no one parenting styles are the same kevin anyone with a child can tell you that. Furthermore my parents love me maybe not in the way your parents love you but they love me. See you tomorrow at school Barr.” with that Edd turned and walk back to his home leaving kevin in the middle of the street bewildered.
“Wait what”
Back to the Celtic Island
“Ian and Savannah vincent huh?”
Rave narrowed his eyes at the duo next to him, “That's strange when you two walked in here you called her grace not savannah.”
Smiling kindly and gently she replied “Grace is my middle name,you must have a fantastic ear and memory to remember that.”
“Well it is nice to meet you as well. Kevin never said he knew another pair of Vincent's other than Eddward and his parents.” Rave almost missed the clenched jaws and twitch of fingers from the raven haired duo.
“Oh yes we haven't seen them in so long i wouldn’t be surprised that Kevin wouldn't remember them.” The red haired male said somewhat nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Mh hm so,” picking up some of his sea salt fries and dipping them in ketchup, “how do you 4 know each other if you don't mind me asking.”
“Charlie and i met during work and the wives met through us.” Ian not missing a beat to answer nicely and cleanly.
“Speaking of meeting people we have to go meet those people about the house so.” Charlie intervening in the unlining and sly interrogation.
“Oh right come on honey finish your drink and lets go.”
Downing her drink in one breathe, she stood and turned to face rave and nat,“Well it was nice to meet you Rave and Nathan i can’t wait to see you both again.”
With that the four took their leave, as the the two teens sat at the bar watching them. “Well that was strange right? Goldberg? Goldberg? NATHAN!”
“Huh what did you say sweet cheeks?”
Rolling his eyes Rave picked his shake up and sip through the straw“you okay you seemed out of it, like you were plotting and that is never a good sign.”
“No i'm okay just thinking is all.” Smiling, Nat slipped his hand into raves empty one and brought it to his lips and kissed it.
“Care to share those thoughts,” rave pulled his hand free from from the golden eyed teens loose grip.
“I can show you better than i can tell you beautiful,”
Rave never blushed so much in his life and nat never had so much food thrown in his face before.
Nazz's house
“And then he just walked away and left me in the middle of the street nazz. I mean what the hell is his problem i just said what i thought and from what i saw, they treat him like shit. Who treats their own child like a pet or a person who is not good enough to breathe next to them. Edd is hella worthy, he bust his ass in school and work as an assassin, doctor, and cleaner. Plus he is also taking college courses nazz college. We just started freshman year and he is already a step ahead of everyone in school.”
Nazz sipped her tea watching her best friend pace in her room ranting yelling and sometimes cussing about what happened with the beanie wearing Ed. “so what happened is that you were being a insensitive jerk to Edd and plus you found out that he has a lot on his shoulders and now you feel bad but still pissed off that he just shut you out right.”
Kevin stopped pacing he look at nazz, after a moment he collapsed on her bed and pick up her pink fluffy pillow and screamed his anger and frustration out. After a few minutes of muffled screams he lifted the pillow from his face. “yeah that's basically it i guess, i feel like i should apologise but i also feel like i shouldn't.”
Arching a blonde eyebrow she stood and sat on her bed next to him“And why is that don't you feel bad about what you said?”
“Of course i do but i know that by now he probably told his parents what i said.” He took a deep breath at this know full well that Edd very very likely told them, “I don't mind apologizing to Edd but i meant what i said about his parents and i will say it to their face too.”
“Well at least you want to make amends to double d,” smiling Nazz place her hand on his knee in support, “lucky for you he never misses a day of school and if you need any help to get him to listen i will gladly help.”
Placing his hand over hers he gave a small smile.“Thanks nazz,”
“So,” her sweet smile turning into a mischievous cat like grin, “it's Edd now i thought you called him double dork or dweeb or was it double dweeb?”
Kevin faced palmed and groaned out over Nazz's laughter.“Oh god not you too,”
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eternaldarkness55 · 5 years
The Little Mermaid of King’s Landing
(StoryInfo)(After Ariel became human Gabriela wanted that too plus her voice and hearing. Tritan gives her what she wants. After he does she ends up in King's Landing where she is adopted by Bronn. Joffrey finds out what she is and becomes obsessed with her both hatefully and lustfully. Gabriela/The Hound)(If you think this story is disrespectful just because I made a deaf character not deaf anymore then you need to look in the mirror at yourself before you start insulting and screaming at me and my story. This is not disrespectful get over yourselves if you think it is.)
Note 1: This story is inspired by Hunchback of Notre Dame and there will be some singing. But only a tiny bite.
Note 2: The Hound is no longer afraid of fire
Note 3: Women are allowed to join the Night's Watch
Start of story
It happened so quickly Gabriella was begging Tritan in sign language for him to turn her human and give her hearing and voice. Then suddenly she was standing on the beach of King's Landing wearing a long pink sparkly sleeveless dress. She could hear the beautiful sounds of the waves and the birds. Her heart filled with happiness. With this new life she could finally sing, play instruments, and dance like she always dreamed. She started singing " Daring to Dance. The same song she sang with Ariel once. Someone must have heard her beautiful voice because soon a man walked over to her.
Bronn: Hello miss, do you need any help? I will be more then happy to help you.
Gabriella: Well I have no home, my parents died when I was nine. I been on my own since then. I ran away from the place I once called home.
Bronn: Well I always wanted a daughter. Come live with me in the castle. I will keep you safe and protect you. Be my daughter and you will have a home and family.(Held out his hand)
Gabriella smiled, took his hand, and followed him. Two years went by Gabriella was now Bronn's daughter and Tyrion was her best friend. She was very close to Podrick too She loved her bastard name because it matched who she was and where she came from. Gabriella still loved swimming. Joffrey was her enemy he was always sneering at her. But what she didn't know is that Joffrey both wanted to kill her and sleep with her and make her his wife. Something else she had no clue about was Joffrey's bodyguard Sander Clegane was madly in love with her. But she had no idea who that was. She was about to leave the castle to go sing and play the harp for the orphans like she did every Saturday when she ran into someone.
Gabriella: I'm so sorry sir
The Hound: It's no problem miss, I'm Sander
Gabriella: Gabriella
The Hound: Beautiful, so much better then Sander
Gabriella blushed
Joffrey: Come dog, leave the freak to her freak work(Walked over)
Gabriella walked away with some soldiers. When she was done she went down to her favorite spot like she always did when she was done. As she enjoyed the sandy beach and the breeze she practiced her water skills. But she was unaware that Joffrey was stalking and watching her. When she returned to the castle and her room Bronn, Tyrion, and Podrick were there with worried expressions on their faces.
Gabriella: What's going on?(Shut the door)
Tyrion: The Hound told us he over heard Joffrey telling his soldiers that he saw you using your water magic. Joffrey knows you're a mermaid and he wants to kill you. I arranged you to join the Night's Watch with Podrick. He'll keep you safe and so will the Night's Watch. Your father and I will miss you so much but this is the way it has to be. This is the only way to keep you safe. And I'm sorry but there's no time for goodbye's. Come, I'll show you and Podrick the secret passage out of the castle. I already have horses and supplies ready for you.
Tyrion quickly grabbed her hand and ran with Podrick and Bronn hot on their trail. Tyrion opened the secret passage and they all ran in. Once they were out of the castle Gabriella saw the horses and her and Podrick got on.
Bronn: Remember, you're a sellswords daughter. Show them what I taught you. Show those boys what a real fighter can do. And remember I love you and I'm always with you. And please show Podrick how to fight, I never seen someone so terrible.
Bronn made the horses take off when Gabriella and Podrick arrived and walked into the yard they saw three boys training.
Grenn: My word(Gasped as he saw Gabriella first)
The three men turned around and saw Allister Throne walking up with a breath-taking woman and a boy.
Throne: Tell them who you two are
Gabriella: I'm Gabriella Waters daughter of a sellsword man in King's Landing.
Podrick: I'm Podrick Payne, I was a squire for Tyrion Lannister
Throne: If you're a sellswords daughter you must be an amazing fighter. So let's see what the boy can do first. Rast, see what the boy can do.
Podrick and Rast fought but it didn't take long for Rast to knock him down every time.
Throne: Well sellswords daughter let's see if you can defend your friend. All four of you get in there.
Jon, Grenn, and Pyp joined Rast and went at Gabriella but she beat them every time even Jon.
Throne: Okay that's enough, so it seems we have another very skilled bastard at Castle Black. I have a feeling you'll be a ranger.
He walked away
Gabriella: Well fought all of you(Smiled)
Rast: Piss off bitch!
He walked away as Sam walked over to her and Podrick.
Sam: Did he hurt you?(Asked Podrick)
Podrick: I'm okay
Sam: You were amazing, I'm Sam Tarly(Said to Gabriella)
Gabriella: Thank you Sam, I'm Gabriella Waters and this is my friend Podrick Payne.
Gabriella and Podrick became friends with Sam, Jon, Grenn, and Pyp right away. They also became friends with Edd Tollett when he arrived that day. Gabriella was made a ranger and Podrick was made a steward. Meanwhile in King's Landing in Joffrey's room.
Joffrey: Why do I still desire her? She's a filthy mermaid!(Said to himself)
Joffrey: Tell me why I see her dancing there? Why her brown eyes still scorch my soul? I feel her, I see her. The sun caught in her black hair Is blazing me out of all control. Like fire hellfire, this fire in my skin. Why do I feel this burning desire? It's not my fault I'm not to blame. It is the mermaid the sea witch who sent this flame. It's not my fault. Protect me, don't let this siren cast her spell. Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone. Destroy Gabriella and let her taste the fires of hell. Or else let her be mine and mine alone. Hellfire dark fire now mermaid it's your turn. Choose me or your pyre. Be mine or you will burn. Have mercy on her, have mercy on me. But she will be mine or she will burn.(Sang)
The Mountain: Your grace, the mermaid has escaped!(Ran in)
Joffrey: What?!
The Mountain: She's no where in the castle or King's Landing. She's gone!
Joffrey: How?! Never mind get out! I'll find her, I'll find her even if I have to burn down all of Westros!
The Mountain ran out of the room. After dark at Castle Black Gabriella took off on a horse while everyone was sleeping. She didn't care about being safe if her dad and Tyrion were not. She left Podrick a note explaining that she's going to get somewhere safe with her father and Tyrion or die trying. She arrived in the city of King's Landing the next night to the sight of Joffrey harassing a man and his wife by their house. She spotted soldiers by him including Sander who was holding a lite torch.
Joffrey: I found this book on mermaids in your house. So you two like mermaids huh? Have you been harboring the King's Landing mermaid?
The man: We are innocent, we know nothing about this King's Landing mermaid.(Said truthfully as he pushed his wife behind him)
Joffrey: Were going to burn down your house unless you tell us where she can be found.
The women: We don't know-
Joffrey: Burn it dog! Did you hear me dog? I gave you an order
The Hound held the torch that glowed like Gabriella's beautiful smile staring at the fire.
The Hound: I don't know how burning down this house will help us find her
Joffrey: Are you disobeying an order dog?
The Hound knew this was the moment he must make a choice.
Joffrey: It's that girl isn't it? She's gotten to you hasn't she?
The Hound: What girl?
Joffrey: You know very well who I mean. I saw the way you two looked at each other. You would throw away a promising position for that? Life with me or death with her?!
The Hound heard Gabriella's voice in his head. But had no idea she was watching him. He blew out the fire and threw the torch on the ground. He had no armor on that day so when Joffrey stabbed him in chest he cried in pain and fell to his knees.
Joffrey: Kill him!
Gabriella: No!(Yelled as she ran over and helped Sander up)
She and The Hound took off running
Joffrey: Don't just stand there shoot them! I don't care if you have to burn down the whole city!
Some of the soldiers took off after them
Joffrey: Hunt down the mermaid Gabriella don't let her flee and vanish in the night. These are the flames of Gabriella. While she's free our torches will burn bright.(Sang)
Bronn: Fire fire smoke and flame, Gabriella are you safe? In the dark I call your name. Is that all I can do? She's out there and I don't know where. I got to find her!(Sang from inside his cell)
Joffrey: Why do I long for Gabriella? Why do I hear her voice inside my head? I'm here to expose that pretty head. Where is the mermaid Gabriella?(Sang)
Gabriella and The Hound lost the soldiers by the time they arrived at a room in an inn in Mole's Town. She gently laid The Hound on the bed who was unconscious.
Gabriella: Sander, Sander(Gently shook him)
The Hound: Gabriella?(Slowly woke up)
Gabriella: Shh, try not to speak. I need to go get some stuff for your wound(Said gently)
The Hound: Gabriella come back!(Yelled as she ran out of the room)
The Hound's mind was on the pain but also on Gabriella and the danger she's in. As Gabriella grabbed some supplies from one of the maids she made her way back to their room. But on her way back she ran into someone.
Gabriella: Oh my god Podrick!
Podrick: Thank goodness I found you! Don't worry I'm not taking you back to the wall. I'm going to help you!(Gripping her shoulders)
Gabriella: How did you find me?!
Podrick: I left the wall tonight, the minute I arrived in Mole's Town I saw you arrive.
Gabriella: Thank you, yes I do need your help
She took her supplies and Podrick to her room
Podrick: The Hound!
Gabriella: He's helping, he disobeyed Joffrey's orders to burn an innocent couples house. He's injured and needs to recover.
Podrick: Okay, I'll help you heal him
Gabriella: Thank you, but you'll be healing him yourself at the moment.(Squeezed Podrick's hands)
Podrick: What?! No! Where are you going?!
Gabriella: To get a ship with the money my father gave me. As soon as his wound is good enough cleaned and bandaged were sailing to Meereen.
Podrick: Meereen?!
Gabriella: Yes, you heard of Daenerys Targaryen?
Podrick: Yes
Gabriella: She was born and raised in a place surrounded by the sea. She's one of the people in the world that loves the sea and feels one with it. I'm positive she loves mer people she'll understand me. Plus she has armies and dragons. She helps us, and in return we'll give King's Landing to It's rightful ruler, a Targaryen. We are giving Daenerys Targaryen King's Landing like she wants and deserves. We are ending all the Lannister's except for Tyrion of course.
Podrick: What about Tyrion? Doesn't he deserve King's Landing?
Gabriella: He doesn't want it, he rather be Hand of the King again. Or in this case queen. He told me himself. Not harming Tyrion and making him her hand will be one of my terms when I talk with her.
She took off Podrick cleaned The Hound's wound and put gaze on it. When Gabriella returned they left immediately. When they arrived on the Meereen beach they were surrounded by Unsullied men.
Missandei: Welcome to Meereen, I assume you three are here to have words with our queen?
Gabriella: Mainly me but yes, I have favors and offers for your queen. Ones that will help her get the Iron Throne.
Missandei: She will be delighted to hear that. But first would you mind handing over your weapons?
Gabriella: Of course
The Unsullied took her, The Hound's, and Podrick's swords. The Unsullied took them to the castle and into the throne room where Daenerys was waiting.
Daenerys: Thank you for meeting with me, please state your business.
Gabriella: I'm here to help you get the Iron Throne. But I have conditions and favors first.
Daenerys: That's fair, who are you and what are your favors and conditions?
Gabriella: My name is Gabriella Waters, I am a daughter of a sellsword man in King's Landing. My father is named Bronn and he is Tyrion Lannister's sellsword. Because of that we live in the castle. Or I should say use to live in the castle. That little shit Joffrey has hated me ever since he met me. But the minute he found out what I am he wanted me dead. My father sent me away to keep me safe. I don't know if my father is alive but if he is he is Joffrey's prisoner. Help me defeat and kill the Lannister's, free my father, and let me and my father move back into the castle and It's yours.
Daenerys: Who are you that would make that boy hate you?
Gabriella: A mermaid
Daenerys: A mermaid really? Prove it
Gabriella turned into her mermaid form then turned back into human.
Daenerys: Very cool, any other favors and conditions?
Gabriella: You must let my two friends here move back into the castle as well.
Daenerys: And who are you two?
The Hound: My names Sander Clegane. I was the personal bodyguard to that little cunt. I finally got away when Gabriella saved me. Joffrey wanted me to burn down an innocent couple's house. I refused and he stabbed me. The minute I met Gabriella I vowed in my heart that I would be her personal bodyguard instead.
Daenerys: You swear you're loyal to her and not the Lannister's?
The Hound: I swear with all my heart that I'm loyal to Gabriella and that I always hated the Lannister's.
Daenerys: Okay I believe you, and what about you boy?
Podrick: I'm Podrick Payne, I was Tyrion Lannister's steward.
Gabriella: That brings me to another favor and condition. Tyrion Lannister is the one Lannister you must leave alone. And you must accept him as your hand. He is a good man and nothing like his family. He is my best friend. When this is all over Pod wishes to be Tyrion's steward once again.
Daenerys: Okay I believe you three about everything. I accept your conditions and will give you everything you three ask for. If your father is still alive we will free him. We will leave tomorrow night. For now I'll have Grey Worm show you to your rooms and we'll have supper sent to your rooms.
Once Gabriella, The Hound, and Podrick were brought to their rooms and they ate Gabriella went to The Hound's room and knocked on the door. The Hound opened the door.
Gabriella: Will you please take a walk on the beach with me?
The Hound: Of course
Once they got to the beach she grabbed his right hand.
Gabriella: You took a terrible risk disobeying Joffrey and trying to help me. I haven't said it yet, but I'm grateful.
The Hound: There was one thing I lied to Daenerys about. I don't want to be your bodyguard. I want to be your husband. I'll be Tyrion's personal bodyguard instead. I love you Gabriella Waters.
She jumped on him smashing her lips against his and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Joffrey: Very touching, I been on your trail since you left Mole's Town. I was just waiting for you to come outside. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the beach or taking your dog out for a moonlight walk. It seems Mr Payne took a moonlight walk before you came out here.(standing there with ten King's Landing soldiers)
Two soldiers walked out with Podrick who was struggling to get free from their grips but failing.
Gabriella: Let him go you little shit!(Cried angrily)
Joffrey: There will be a bonfire in the castle courtyard tomorrow night and you and the dog are the guests of honor.(Gabriella and The Hound were seized)
Joffrey: Take them away!(Yelled angrily)
Podrick: Please no
Joffrey: Lock them up like her father when we get back
A soldier: Walk(The three of them were dragged away)
Before any Unsullied men could stop them Joffrey and his soldiers were long gone and out of Meereen with their captives. The minute they were back in King's Landing Gabriella, The Hound, and Podrick were thrown into separate cells. Joffrey entered Gabriella's cell shutting the door behind him.
Joffrey: Do you feel as uncomfortable as you look?
Gabriella: Just let me go(Said angrily)
Joffrey: The time has come mermaid, you stand upon the brink of the abyss. But even now It's not to late. I can save you from the flames of this world and the next. Choose me or the fire!(Walked over so he was behind her)
Gabriella: You would have a mermaid?! You're truly evil(Fear in her voice)
Joffrey: No Gabriella, my curse is that I'm human unlike you.
Joffrey: Mermaid witch I have a foolish wish to set you free. I'll be your sanctuary. I will save you and we'll share everlasting sanctuary.(Rubbing her arms)
Joffrey: Think of what I offered you. Save yourself.(Rubbed her right cheek)
Gabriella: I rather die then be yours!(Said angrily as she ran out of his grip and away from him)
Joffrey: What about Sander your dog, would you rather him die too?
Gabriella: No(Cried)
Joffrey: His fate lies in your hands
Gabriella: Why?! I don't understand! Why me of all people?!(Cried)
Joffrey: I wish I knew, sometimes we are drawn to the things that destroy us.
Gabriella: You truly are a monster!(Cried)
Gabriella: No! No!(Cried and struggled as he seized her and tried to kiss her)
She pushed him down and ran to the door clutching the window bars.
Gabriella: Sander! Help! Help! Please help!(Cried and screamed)
Joffrey: Guard!(Yelled as Gabriella ran away from the door)
The guard: Yes your grace?
Joffrey: Bring Sander Clegane to this cell(Stood up)
Joffrey: Perhaps my dear this will help you think of my offer.
The Hound was pushed into the cell
Joffrey: Exchange your last words with one another. Unless of course you change your mind.
Joffrey: Don't let them stay together too long(Said to the guard)
The guard: Yes your grace
The guard shut the door after Joffrey walked out.
The Hound: We have to stop him. What did Joffrey do to you?!(Said angrily)
Gabriella: He offered to set me free if I give myself up to him! If I say yes he'll spare you!(Cried)
The Hound: I don't care what happens to me!
Gabriella started crying
Gabriella: Either way it wouldn't save me. So no I won't take his offer.
The Hound: We have so little time left to say goodbye
Gabriella: So let's say it while we have the chance
They rubbed each other's right cheek. Then they fell on their knees sobbing as they held each other close and tight. He grabbed her face and they made out as they stood up. The next night after they were pulled into the courtyard Gabriella and The Hound hugged each other one last time before they were pulled away again. Gabriella was pulled onto the platform of wood and tied to the post.
Joffrey: Think of what I offered you. What is your answer?
She spit in his face
Gabriella: Never!(Yelled)
Bronn: Let my daughter go Joffrey! You know she has done nothing to deserve this!
Joffrey lite the wood as Gabriella cried
Bronn: Gabriella!
Before the fire could get too high Podrick and Tyrion ran out. Podrick freeded The Hound and Tyrion freeded Gabriella and pulled her off of the wood.
Tyrion: Run!
He, Podrick, Gabriella, and The Hound ran inside. Tyrion took her to his room and made her sit on the bed with him.
Gabriella: Your such a good friend Tyrion(Leaned her head against his right shoulder)
Tyrion: Yes I'm your friend(Gabriella passed out)
He saw that her eyes were closed and she was not moving.
Tyrion: Gabriella? Gabriella?! Wake up! Wake up!(Said worriedly)
Tyrion: Oh no(Gently laid her down)
Joffrey: Is she dead?(Walked in)
Tyrion: Because of you(Growled angrily as he stood up)
Joffrey: Good, at last Westros is free of Gabriella. Now that she's gone her poison dies with her. It was her choice uncle, I could have helped her and loved her.
Tyrion: What do you know of love?! Who have you ever loved?! You're weak!(Podrick ran in)
Podrick helped Tyrion throw Joffrey out the window. As soon as Joffrey hit the ground and died Daenerys showed up with the Unsullied and her dragons killing Cersi, Jamie, Tywin, and anyone loyal to them. As Tyrion kneeled on the floor sobbing The Hound ran in.
The Hound: Gabriella!(Ran to the bed grabbing her hand)
Tyrion: She's gone(Crying)
The Hound: No no
The Hound sobbed on her stomach suddenly Gabriella started coughing.
The Hound: Oh my god Gabriella! Your safe now and your home! Daenerys is out there right now with the Unsullied taking care of Cersi, Jamie, Tywin, and anyone loyal to them.(Helped her sit up)
Podrick: And Tyrion and I threw Joffrey out the window. He fell to his death.
Gabriella: Do you really think I'm safe?(Smiled)
Tyrion: Yes
Gabriella: Thank you(Rubbed The Hound's left cheek)
The Hound picked her up into his arms and stood up.
The Hound: Podrick, Tyrion, please bring mine and Gabriella's things to Jamie's old room. That's the room we're going to be taking.
Tyrion: Of course, I agree
The Hound walked out carrying her. He carried her to Jamie's room and gently sat down with her on his lap holding her close. Once Podrick and Tyrion left after bringing everything The Hound spoke.
The Hound: You're so beautiful(Rubbed her left cheek)
He kissed her forehead
The Hound: Everything is okay now It's all over. Let's get some sleep. You must be exasted.
As soon as The Hound got his shirt off and Gabriella had her night gown on they crawled into bed holding each other and went to sleep. Once the battle was done and won Daenerys and the Unsullied moved in. Bronn was sent straight to the medic room to take care of the wipe marks on his back. Daenerys took Cersi's room of course. Tyrion who became her hand like she promised took Joffrey's room. Bronn took Tywin's room. Tommon and Myrcella were unfortunately perished during battle and Podrick took Tommen's room. Podrick became Tyrion's steward once again, Bronn became Tyrion's sellsword once again, The Hound became Tyrion's personal bodyguard, and Gabriella offered to become Missandei's handmaid so she did. Thanks to Daenerys any punishment Gabriella and Podrick would receive for deserting the Night's Watch was canceled. Three weeks later Gabriella and The Hound married. Five months later they gave birth to a baby girl. The baby had Gabriella's hair color and The Hound's eye and skin color. Gabriella named the baby Ariel after her best friend who just like Gabriella got the human life, true love, and daughter she dreamed of. The baby took Myrcella's room. Seeing his true love almost get burned to death broke The Hound. It took ten months for him to get over his fear of fire again.
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Saudade; Chapter 1: Sweatervest
"Perhaps a sweater vest wasn't the best choice I could have made today. I should have at least tried to dress like the others."
Eddward looked down at his semi professional attire before pulling his vest down over his collared shirt. He had felt so strongly about this outfit last week when he had picked it out; it was the first day of high school after all, and it was a fresh start for the Ed boys. Now that he was seeing what Ed and Eddy were wearing, he was starting to have his doubts.
"At least Eddy looks confident to start his first day." When Edd approached Eddy at the end of the cul de sac, he almost didn't recognize his childhood friend. Eddward had gone to Space Camp for the summer, having little more than phone call and email contact with his neighborhood friends. Eddy had broadened out a bit; his shoulders finally squared enough to fit into that leather jacket his brother gave to him on his thirteenth birthday. He had shaved the sides of his hair and gelled back the top in the odd pseudo-1970's style that he had picked up from his father's outdated Playboy magazines. Acne marks littered his forehead and slightly darkened peach fuzz had started to line his upper lip; he was determined to develop a mustache as soon as possible. He lifted his fist out to bump against Eddward's.
"About time, Sock head. We were about to go without ya, right Ed?" Eddward returned the fist bump.
"Oh please Eddy, like you would ever intentionally be early for a day of school. Am I correct, Ed?" Both boys turned to their third partner, who had been staring absentmindedly at his torn up converse sneakers. Ed's curly red hair had grown into waves covering his thick eyebrows and freckles littered his face. The green sports jacket that Eddward had grown so accustomed to had been replaced with a Peach Creek Cobblers letterman jacket. Last Eddward had heard Eddy was attempting to convince Ed to try out for the football team. He must have made the cut.
Ed continued to look puzzled for a moment before looking up at his friends and stating "I think I left my socks at home, guys."
Eddward couldn't help but chuckle. "Pretty sure you left your brain at home, Ed."
Eddy just scoffed. "Pretty sure he's never had one to begin with."
Without much more to be remarked, the boys started their walk across town to Peach Creek High School. The boys exchanged events of their time over the summer. Eddy had spent the summer in summer school and claimed to be hooking up with a few girls in the area, but would not mention who. Eddward assumed Eddy was fibbing, perhaps hoping to "start fresh" with a more radical reputation.
When they approached the school campus, the boys could see the other children corralling around the bike rack and the front steps. Nazz had started high school last year along with Kevin and Rolf. Meanwhile Jimmy, Johnny and Sarah were still in junior high across the street. It would be weird to not see them as often as he was accustomed to. Everyone had changed slightly and yet not so much at all it appeared. Eddward was overwhelmed with the lump in his throat. Eighth grade was overflowing with such conflict and insecurity; High school held promises of new beginnings and self discovery and he was anxious to discover what kinds of new starts awaited him.
A high pitched honk startled the Eds into jumping back onto the sidewalk from the street corner. A familiar streak of green and red flew past them, skidding to a sudden halt in front of the bike rack. Nazz was heard cheering with delight; Kevin had arrived.
Red 5'o Clock shadow had taken over Kevin's cheeks and chin, while his hair had been cut short into a slightly grown out crew cut. This was much different than when Eddward had last seen him, with shaggy red waves and a clean shaven face. The football jacket draped over his now square shoulders matched Ed's; they wouldn't have official placements and numbers until initial practices were finished.
Eddward suddenly felt extremely self conscious of his sweater vest.
"Jesus Christ, Sockhead, look at him! Buzzing around on that piece of crap like he owns the joint! Who does he think he is?" Eddy gestured wildly in Kevin's general direction. Eddward started at the redhead thoughtfully; it was a rather good question.
Memories of the previous school year flashed in Eddward's mind. Terrified green eyes staring into his and rough lips…the alluring stench of Axe Body Spray…
Eddward attempted to shake the memories from his mind and put his arm around Eddy's shoulders.
"It's a new year Eddy; a new start. Let us try to reintroduce relations with our neighbors with a positive effort. After all, we have so many adventures to look forward to! There is no sense in dwelling on the past!"
Eddy grumbled the corniness of Edd's statement before ushering Ed and Edd to approach campus.
Eddward believed his statement. He could not dwell on the past. He could not afford to.
The first day of classes filled Eddward with enough academic excitement to wear anyone else down. He had been placed in some AP classes, much to Ed and Eddy's chagrin. Eddward had seriously considered not taking the AP classes, but decided against it come registration time. Ed and Eddy protested, causing Eddward to compromise and promise to tutor them at lunch. They reluctantly agreed.
It was going to be a difficult year without having his friends in each of his classes, but Eddward could not help but at least try to meet the expectations of his teachers and parents. He had been told before the school year had even begun that he would be almost guaranteed valedictorian when he graduates and this piled on many expectations on him from his community.
His reputation preceded him; Teachers had already started pulling Eddward aside to discuss accelerated programs, skipping grade levels and early college acceptance. The packets of information handed to him were overwhelming. Eddward could not help but tuck the impending concerns into a folder for later review. His parents would insist on acceleration, Eddward was sure of it. But it was too early to be thinking so far ahead. The vision of such academic success was almost too exciting to bear, but Eddward was perfectly happy graduating with his friends and his high school class.
The lunch bell alerted students to the cafeteria. Eddy slammed all of his weight into the blue plastic bench by the window. He was peering disinterestedly at his lunch. Ed had already started eating.
Eddward quietly placed himself in the chair opposite Eddy and began to unpack his homemade lunch. The school lunches were too questionable for his tastes, and the discolored items on Eddy's plate only made Eddward more appreciative of preparing his lunch the evening previous.
"Man, I'd kill for a slice of pizza right now…What's a guy gotta do to get some decent food in this school?" Ed looked up from his food.
"We should go down to Cheesy's Pizza guys! Gravy and anchovies on me!" He exclaimed, beginning to salivate at the idea of his favorite pizza parlor. Eddward couldn't help but grimace at the memory of their last gravy and anchovy pizza. Eddy vomited for two days after. Eddward went home without eating that night. They tried to humor Ed. They really did.
"Well Ed, as pleasant of an idea as that is, only upperclassmen are allowed to leave the premises for lunch. Surely as we advance grade levels, we could arrange such endeavors during lunch time." Eddy scoffed.
"No one is going to take us seriously if we wait until we're juniors, Double D. If we're going to make a good impression, we need to start showing everyone that we're not dorky little kids anymore."
Ed gave a wide smile. "Wait until they see how much I have grown!" Eddward raised an eyebrow.
"I am sure we will develop respect from our classmates at our own pace Eddy. History has shown that extra effort on our end often causes more-"Eddy slammed his hands on the table, interrupting Eddward's comment. Eddward jumped back.
"Oh no! We tried that in middle school and look what happened! Nazz turned me down last year and Ed is still a virgin…and those rumors last year about you and Kevin? Super messed up." Eddward felt his face heat up at the memories.
"This year is going to be different. We're older and we're going to be hotter and more experienced than ever this year! We'll show them how much they're missing out by blowing us off! And the ladies will be all over us!" Eddward frowned. Ed seemed hardly concerned about his sexual debut, and Nazz was never going to fall for Eddy. They had nothing in common. Nazz was on student government with Eddward, running for class president. She was a cheerleader and part of the track team. She loved Gossip Girl and reality television. Eddy collects antique records and plays games on his Xbox all weekend long. Nazz would hardly be interested.
"Oh please Eddy! You can't really be serious. This isn't some Seth Green movie that you and Ed watch. This is real life! High school popularity is nothing but a fickle blimp in our lives to come."
"No one is going to mess with us anymore Double D. We're going to come out on top! I'm going to have some money coming in and I'm going to make sure we spend it right! Nazz and I will be spring fling King and Queen, and you and Ed will have ladies draping on your arms in no time!"
Eddward couldn't help but roll his eyes. The last thing on his personal agenda was obtaining a girlfriend, and Ed couldn't seem to care about anything more than food and football. Eddward looked down at his salad wrap lunch, hoping that the conversation can now transition into something less problematic. Eddward racked his brain, searching for a transitional conversation to distract Eddy.
"Oh Eddy! You mentioned that you have some money coming in! Did you get a job?" Eddy smirked.
"Well, you could say that." He hinted with a chuckle. "My brother knew a guy across town and his little brother is taking over his business, so I'm going to be working with him." Eddward lit up and leaned across the table, showing interest. Perhaps this was the conversation they needed.
"That's wonderful Eddy! Employment can be quite fulfilling! Tell me Eddy, what kind of work would it entail?" Eddy crossed his arms and grinned.
"Oh, you know sales. I know I'll be good at it!" Eddy smirked before looking over to his left. "Perhaps you should get a job, Ed." He commented. Ed looked up from his meal.
"Had one all summer Eddy! Construction with my dad! Dad wants me to focus on football this year. Yup! He says the gravy train is calling! Yum!" Ed paused before standing up. "I'm getting seconds." He stated before walking off, empty tray in hand.
"Jeez, Ed's a human garbage disposal I swear. He'll eat anything." Eddward could not argue.
"Hi guys!" Eddy and Eddward eyes jumped up at the sound of the feminine and cheerful voice of Nazz. Eddward had to admit that she was developing into a stunning young woman. She still kept her hair cut short and her smile bright. She beamed as she quickly pulled out a flyer from her purse and handed it to Eddward.
The flyer was colored neon yellow with highlighter pink lettering; Hideous, in Eddward's opinion. It was information regarding Nazz's birthday house party at the end of the month. Since Nazz's family renovated their home, the cheerleader would find any excuse she could to throw a house party. Eddward had been invited to some, but had only gone to one, her "End of the School Year Bash" in May, before he left to camp. Eddward peered up at Eddy, whose brow was beginning to moisten with anxiety. Nazz did not appear to register Eddy's body language and continued.
"It's on the 30th- a Saturday! You should totally come, Double D!" Eddward couldn't help but notice Eddy's sharp eyes glaring jealously across the lunch table. Eddward couldn't help but smirk as Eddy's face glowed red. He was not remotely interested in Nazz but was falling into her favor much more successfully than Eddy could.
"How kind of you, Nazz; I shall certainly consider your offer."
Although Eddward was feeling quite confident at that moment, his reply lodged itself into his throat as Kevin slowly meandered to the table, football jacket slung over his shoulder casually.
"Hey Nazz, are you ready to hit the-oh." Kevin's smile faded. He paused as Eddward's eyes lined up with his. Eddward's face began to feel warm.
The smell of chlorine suffocating his nostrils… Red hair…warm, wet skin…rough lips…
Eddward cleared his throat.
" However, with my academic schedule as intricate as it has become…" Nazz interrupted his attempted excuse.
"Oh c'mon silly! You have to come! It's not a party without Double D!" Eddward could hardly concentrate with Kevin's eyes burning into his. What was he trying to say to him? They almost looked….
"Well, I shall certainly make an attempt to attend. Thank you Nazz." Nazz let out a cheer of excitement, turning to unexpecting Kevin with glee.
"Isn't that great Kev?! The more the merrier, right?" Kevin's eyes slowly pulled away from Eddward's, and he suddenly plastered on what Edd believed to be the most exhausted looking smile he had ever seen.
"Yeah, of course Nazz. You're party will be poppin' with the right people." Nazz beemed, her tilting head causing her hoop earrings to fall. Eddward wished he could be that positive and cheerful consistently. Perhaps he would feel less insecure with himself.
Eddy's stuttering caught Eddward's attention. His face was red and is brow was creating perspiration.
Good Lord, Eddward mused to himself. Eddy can be so dense sometimes.
"N-Nazz, you look r-raddishing today…" There was a brief pause before Eddy had realized he had messed up. Eddward balked. Nazz and Kevin started to roar with laughter.
"It's ravishing, Eddy. Ravishing!" Eddward whispered; it was too late though.
"You're so funny, Eddy!" Nazz gushed, tears of laughter beginning to form in her eyes. Eddy sunk down beneath the table.
"What a dork." Kevin commented as he started to walk away. Eddward and Kevin made eye contact once more. Eddward could swear he saw a glimmer in Kevin's eyes.
"Oh…right…." Kevin offered. "Catch you later, Double D." Eddward felt his face flush again, feeling his stomach fill with butterflies. Eddy watched Nazz trail after Kevin, chattering about the events coming up. Eddy slammed his face into the lunch room table, despondent.
"Aw man. Why does this shit keep happening to me?!" Eddy howled, pressing his hands against his temples. "You need to ingest more fiber, Eddy!" Ed commented, plopping in his seat. "What happened, Eddy?"
"She didn't even invite us, Ed!" Eddy exclaimed, lifting his face from the lunch table. Ed appeared confused.
"Nazz's birthday party, Ed." Eddward prompted. Ed smiled.
"Oh yeah! I got one of those this morning!" Ed reached into his back pocket and pulled out a wrinkled flyer, identical to Eddward's. Eddy wailed with grief.
"What the hell?! Why did you guys get one but I didn't!" Eddy slammed his head down again. "Why won't she take me seriously?" Eddward couldn't help but muse. Nazz was a cheerleader, therefore friends with Ed, a football player. Nazz was also on the student council with himself, therefore, they had become acquaintances. Eddy had made no effort to bond with Nazz on another level. How does he expect himself to obtain Nazz's affections if he makes no effort to get close to her?
Eddward caught himself. He could hardly judge.
Eddward hated the high school lockers. They jammed far too easily to be coincidental and Eddward seriously considered sending a letter of concern to the main office. He yanked and jiggled the padlock multiple times before it finally unleashed, causing the locker to fly open and send Eddward cascading to the floor.
He felt his back hit the linoleum floor and heard his books thud harshly beside him. He opened his eyes to the bight florescent lighting above him. How embarrassing.
"Curse my impulsivity." Eddward muttered to himself. A tan hand slowly entered Eddward's vision.
"Have a nice trip, dork?" Eddward followed the hand to see the owner, Kevin above him. Flabbergasted, he allowed Kevin to assist him to his feet.
"Thank you Kevin, that was very kind of you. Tell me, how was your summer?" Eddward probed. Kevin's eyes narrowed.
"Fine." Eddward paused.
"Well, mine was just splendid! Did you know that within the next century, human kind could be living on Mars?" Kevin adjusted his hat and started to turn his body away.
"Fascinating. Gotta go…" Eddward knew that it may be best for him to remain silent, but as he watched Kevin start to depart, he couldn't help but speak up.
"Kevin, wait…" He begged. The redhead turned his head back towards him.
"Can we get together soon and discuss last year? There is much left to be said." Kevin shook his head. "Dunno what you're talking about Double Dweeb. Nothing happened last year. Quit making stuff up man. People will think you're crazy or something." Kevin stalked off, leaving Eddward feeling particularly vulnerable in the hallway.
How could he say that nothing happened? How could he pretend? There is no way he could have forgotten…
Eddward looked down at himself.
Stupid sweater vest.
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chamaelhyun · 7 years
so i just finished reading stephen king’s it...
... and i have too much feelings for it i think i have to write everything down, more for myself than for anything else lmao
first and foremost, bill loves georgie so much just thinking about them makes me so fucking soft??? and georgie kissing him on his cheek that day legit brought tears to my eyes knowing what’s gonna happen to him
also, stanley did not take that fucking bath i refuse to believe it no sir
“it was easier to be brave when you were someone else” - richie tozier
eddie my dear boy why would you marry your mother smh
ben loves beverly so much okay!!!!
i feel like bill and eddie’s friendship is so underrated so let me just put it right here -- bill thinks of eddie as his only real friend prior to everything that happened that summer and eddie "would have died for bill", if bill had asked him he would have just responded: “sure, big bill.. you got a time in mind yet?”
"..richie’s mouth was like a half-tamed horse that has a way of bolting for absolutely no reason at all” uhHHH IF THIS AINT THE TRUEST THING LMAO
“maybe sometimes things didn’t just go wrong and then stop; maybe sometimes they just kept going wronger and wronger until everything was totally fucked up”
eddie loves bill like a big brother or a father if this isnt the purest thing ever im crying
RICHIE LIKES PINCHING EDDIE’S CHEEKS OKAY DO NOT TOUCH ME “i hate it when you do that, richie” “ah, you love it, eds” 
i’m such a trash but richie!!! winking!!! at!!! eddie!!!
uhh richie telling eddie about his ambition when they were hanging out in eddie’s garage??? good shit right here
from eddie’s pov -- richie has an “enchanting, often exhausting charm” okay
the savage bill that usually comes out when richie is being such a little shit, i love it!! “best part of you ran down your father’s leg” kids pls lmao
stan “i think that must have been my father” the man
“it was just richie. he could drive you bugshit.. but it was still sort of nice to have him around” oh eddie spaghetti
isn’t it adorable how whenever richie says something which eddie thinks is bullshit but he isnt really sure is bullshit, he just turns to bill for confirmation??? “is there such a thing as a sift bill” 
“you know about fucking, don’t you, eds?” uhhh richie dont corrupt my innocent little son like this??? (tho of course my son is well aware thanks to this taliendo boy?? whoever he is??)
uh ben is such a genius??? youngest architect y’all. this. my son. right here.
that time when they were caught by mr. nell building the dam and everybody -- even richie himself -- was like, “shut the fuck up richie gdi!!!” and stan was holding on to richie’s arm ready to squeeze him hard if he starts being a little shit it’s like one of my faves of them idek why it’s just so funny to me??
also, richie is such a trash for bill istg??? “..maybe just seeing bill’s eyes light up with their own excitement was enough” ???
ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE RICHIE MOMENTS (and there’s a lot considering he’s my fave loser) -- him making bill feel better and less guilty about georgie’s death and then comforting bill, tho awkwardly, when the latter started crying 
uh idk if i maybe missed it in the book or in the movie but why is almost the entire fandom saying that his parents dont give a shit about richie?? cause i think out of all the losers, his parents are fairly regular (bill said so himself) he even gets to joke around with them?? and from richie’s pov: “he could read both of his parents like books -- well-worn and well-loved books” so im really kinda confused??
“they’ll pinch my cheeks and tell me how much i’ve grown” “that’s cause they know how cute you are, eds -- just like me. i saw what a cutie you were the first time i met you” uhh richie how many times are you gonna call eddie cute?? well i dont really blame you, my son is a reaal cutie
also!!!! bev and richie’s frienship??? hello why was it not in the movie????? cigarette buddies??? my badass babies??? 
richie: “likes bev a lot. well, he likes her, but not that way.’
also richie: *blushes and flustered when bev teased him if he was asking her out on a date*
ben not believing himself when he told richie to shut up, oh child you have all the right in the world to make him shut up lmao
bill and richie are like two of the bravest losers but after escaping the werefolf from the neibolt house they both just hugged each other and cried and oh my god my poor sons they do not deserve any of this theyre just kids ffs
uhhh beverly on the plane on the way back to derry was just a mess who couldnt stop laughing and just?? if i could smack tom rogan i would gladly do so and her father too for good measure
ben and bev and eddie just hysterically laughing is my aesthetic my kids deserve all the happiness in the world pls
ben always stands up for bev he’s so sweet?? he doesnt even care much what others say to him as long as they arent disrespecting bev and i just????
my pure innocent eddie not understanding why bev isnt allowed to have boys into the house when there inst anyone else there oh boy so precious
what’s worse than frightening stan uris? offending him, that’s right
the losers have forgotten about each other for more than twenty years but when they remembered and met up again its like nothing has changed at all????
uhh richie trying to calm eddie down but the latter just rounded on him telling him not to call him eds!!! and not to pinch his cheeks!!! cause he hates it!!! and richie recoiled and just?? my heart hurts
“i wish stan was here” you and me both mikey
“she wouldve died for him” why are they all willing to die for bill oh god these kids
“he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”
dafuq richie is really so funny istg??? im not playing favorites with my kids here but he’s so funny?? his voices are so funny i hate him lmao
The Apocalyptic Rockfight (need i say more?????)
excuse me but richie (and bev) taking care of eddie after said rockfight
bill is like the president of the losers club and richie is his right hand man am i right or amirite
I JUST LOVE HOW THESE LOSERS KEEP SAYING THEY LOVE EACH OTHER??? they’re so vocal about it and just??? idc if they were, like, brought together by this turtle to fight it,, their friendship is one of a kind and they deserve all the best thinsg in life
“stan did not have much sense of humor, and the bit he did have was sort of peculiar” UHH I SHOULDNT BE LAUGHING THIS HARD
“i don’t call you dick, as in ‘you got any gum on ya, dick?’“ OHH EDDIE STRIKES BACK YES
uhm excuse the fuck outta me but richie called eddie “my love” do not fucking touch me
“the losers are still losing, but stanley uris is finally ahead” uhhh fuck you pennywise???
I JUST LOVE IT WHEN THE LOSERS ARE BEING KIDS AND JUST PLAYING AROUND TOGETHER HAPPILY this is how it shouldve been anyways they should all just be happy and protected 
stan catching the losers’ crazy yup
richie being so proud of them, of his friends?? losers or not losers?? he;s just proud that theyre all together?? im so soft
"he shouldnt be down here” - richie when he heard eddie coughing when they were in the smokehole im such a reddie trash i feel like i notice every little thing between them lol
bill is eddie’s hero it’s canon
uhh when the losers visited eddie in the hospital and not even richie was smiling uhh why dont you just step on my heart???
“no good friends. no bad friend. only people you want, need to be with; people who build their houses in your heart.”
"it hurts, doesn’t it?” “yeah, why, sure. it hurts.” RICHIE CRYING CAUSE OF STAN SOMEBODY HOLD ME
richie asking for eddie’s aspirator and the others doing the same before they entered the house on neibolt street
UHH EDDIE IS LIKE THE LITERAL BABY OF THE LOSERS DON’T FIGHT ME ON THIS he’s often called cute (by richie of course) and often described as fragile, vulnerable and beautiful. and also,ticklish. so yup. a baby. The Baby.
“sure i can. i was alone last time. this time i’m with my friends.” SEE AN ACTUAL BABY THAT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS
“anyone who tries to steal your aspirator, we kill him. but we kill him slow.” oh richie just say outright that youll protect the baby itsokay son say it
“hey eddie needs help okay?” richie making sure the baby is properly assisted by the losers (ok im such a trash really, sue me)
stan,,,,, makes me so sad istg yes he’s like the weakest among the losers in some ways but he was brave enough to go with them that summer okay and that says so much about my poor baby!! “i don’t have anything” YOU HAVE YOUR FRIEMNDS SON PLS DONT HURT ME LIKE THIS
uhh can i just say,, i love all my children,,, but no to cheating pls????
these kids are such,,, kids lmao that part where eddie wanted a lick on richie’s ice cream (i think) and richie’s like no??? germs??? sharing??? your mom wouldnt like it?? then began to eat faster and eddie’s just like, i’ll chance it. so richie reluctantly let him have a taste but snatched it away quick lmao then stan offered his to eddie
“she says henrys gone crazy” “shit you mean he used to be sane??” richie istg
baby eddie!!!!! richie’s like no eds youre not going your arm is still broken and bill’s like he has to so walk with me eddie ill keep an eye on you (and protect you and carry you on my back and)
that moment when eddie called the others fucking pussies cause he’s doing that mashed potatoes all over it and he’s got a broken arm!!!!! ahhh i love this kid so much?????
and then after when the eye is gone and richie is mimicking eddie and was like “not too shabby, eds” and eddie was all “i hate it when you call me eds” and richie just goes i know and HUGGED EDDIE and says, “but somebody has to toughen you up, eds...” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?????
FUCKKKKKK it’s the part when my kid’s arm got cut off and my heart just hurts so fucking much????? he doesnt deseve this?? none of them does????
‘richie was weaving and tumbling toward him like a drunk at the end of a long hard night’ “--eds--” STAB ME IN THE HEART WHY DONT YOU
 “richie, don’t call me eds. you know i..i...” FUCK YOU ALL I HATE YOU ALL
uhhh lets not talk about that thing that happened so they could get out of there im still so fukcing disturbed??? 
“son, you did real good” i wouldve smacked this turtle thing or whatever had i been a loser,,, i mean???
“we gotta get him out of here” “it’s too dark, you know.. it’s too dark. eds.. he.” RICHIE MY POOR BOY MY SON MY MOST PRECIOUS SOBBING OVER HIS BELOVED
“fuck you, bitch!!!” 
ben and beverly yes its what they both deserve
“even if we forget each other, we’ll remember in our dreams”
mike went through so much,,, i mean he was the only one who stayed in derry and looked into all that happened there beginning from god knows when. he was scared as fuck when the killings started again but he put off calling the others cause he wanted to be absolutely sure it is back before he disrupts the other losers’ lives??? he wasnt envious whatsoever of the success of the other losers even though the difference between him and them is so fucking vast?? he accepted it -- that he stayed in derry for a reason and that is to call the others back to finally end it hwen it comes back. he has done all these and more. let us not sleep on him. my boy deserves all the love and recognition he deserves. 
YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKS ME UP SO MUCH IT’S NOT JUST THE DEATHS OF MY KIDS it’s the fact that after everything theyve gone through together, they forgot about each other in the end
but maybe it was better for them too. to not think about the nightmares. to not think about the lives lost. but is forgetting really better than not knowing at all?
they went thorugh so much together and in the end they’ll forget
maybe cause as richie said, “nothing lasts forever”
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