#no one can take destiel away from you without your consent
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i'm just gonna say it. idgaf about the spn youtube channel and their destiel baiting for clicks. idc if they're teasing something (usually they tell ppl that though...) or if they're trying to backpedal or (worse imo) trying to validate the viewers they betrayed for twenty years. i genuinely do not care and i do not want to see it and i do not want to hear about broken promises again when nothing comes of it or it all goes to shit. WHEN are people going to stop surrendering their agency and the control over their emotions to faceless corporations who don't give a shit about you and actors who can't tell you apart? like. i'm venting. if you're taking joy from this, just keep scrolling. i'm happy for you. i don't understand you, but i am happy for you. me? i'm old and cynical and can't wait for Big Destiel to die and leave us in peace with our blorbos.
#this is like that eleanor roosevelt quote about no one being able to make you feel inferior without your consent#no one can take destiel away from you without your consent#no one can take away what the show has meant to you without your consent#y'all are the ones putting your faith and conferring authority on the crew and cast but it's not theirs. it's yours. it's ours.#and you're just offering it up on silver platters the second they give even a hint of validation and like.#lemme just say.#the largest ship on ao3 by orders of magnitude is all the validation you need to know that your opinion matters okay#tumblr is thee destiel website for goodness sake. some podcast going “oh damn. it's right there!” isn't conferring anything.#WE DID THAT.#okay. i'm done.#like i said feel free to keep scrolling if you disagree#you're not gonna convince me otherwise and i understand why people want something after all this but. it's not for me.#you do you and i'll do me etc etc
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Feeling nostalgic for Supernatural but like…. different?
How about a completed cannon divergence fic that veers off in season 5 and just keeps going from there?
It’s a Destiel fic where Dean and Cas and Jimmy Novak, the man Cas is possessing navigate consent issues, work through trauma (Alastair gets mentioned) and talk about their feelings in various states of undress.
If that sounds like something your interested in, check it out here. If you like what you see, maybe give this post a reblog so others can enjoy too. It veers off right after the episode The End. So Dean’s fresh out of seeing that horrible possible future. Here’s a short excerpt from the first chapter.
(Read on AO3)
Love Notes Written In Salt And Lipstick Chapter 1: The End
Dean pulled Cas into a kiss. Didn’t even have to think about it.
Like. Sure Cas had been dead before, splattered across the walls of Chuck’s house like sick modern art. That had been bad, but at least he’d gone out fighting. This time... Dean had watched him die in that bleak, bombed out future Zachariah sent him to, where Lucifer was wearing Sam’s body, and Dean had turned cruel. The sort of person who sent Cas to his death casually. For nothing. For a distraction.
So if right now he was standing on some random deserted street corner in Kanas City with his arms around Cas, trying to protect a body that could take a knife or a bullet without flinching - if he had to kiss him to let him know that he did matter, that this mattered - and say sorry to that other Cas, who a few days ago, five years from now, was throwing orgies he was too high to remember with women whose names he didn’t even know… well. Dean had never been the poster boy for healthy coping mechanisms.
All he knew was Cas’ kiss didn’t taste like smoke or absinthe. It didn’t taste like anything. And Dean kept it going, until he managed to convince himself that it was real. Mostly convince himself.
He broke away. Felt Cas go as silent and rigid as a statue in his arms. Probably, it was a decent idea to back off. But the second he did, one of Cas’ arms curled around him and it was like backing into a wrought-iron fence.
Cas stared at him. Head to the side like he had been asked a question.
“Cas. It’s - I’m…” Dean could do this. “Good to see you. Really, really good timing.”
He could make this right. He could call Sam, tell him he’d been an idiot for saying they should split up. Make it so that nightmare future never happened. Take better care of Cas.
... but then, he knew that he was guilty of looking at Cas and seeing, well, Cas. Not the normal guy who let an angel wear his body. And he was important too. Dean sure couldn’t ignore the broken bits of Jimmy Novak floating around Cas’ head in that awful future. He was still replaying that heart-stopping moment when one of those pieces seemed to surface, and all Jimmy could do was scream.
“Hey Cas…” He wasn't even trying to fight the angelic strength. “Is Jimmy okay?”
Cas looked confused. “You are referring to my vessel?”
“Yeah. You know. Is he... how’s he doing?”
Castiel gave Dean a strange, glazed look. Then the arms holding him shook, the body temperature cooled. Dean had zero idea what was going on, but didn’t have time to do anything about it before the grip around him was different. Now the body leaning against him had a totally normal, totally human amount of strength. And was breathing hard.
“Jimmy?” (Read the rest on AO3)
#Love Notes Written in Salt and Lipstick#The Jimmiad#destiel#supernatural#SPN#Jimmy Novak#Castiel#Cas#deanjimstiel#DCJ#Destliel#Dean/Jimmy/Cas#Dean/Cas/Jimmy#Cas/Jimmy/Dean#Cas/Dean/Jimmy#ot3#supernatural season 5#canon divergence#SPN Fic#Croatoan#past Dean/Alastair#If you feel like you've seen this post before it's because I made one similar to it while the fic was still being posted#but it's been completed for a while and we've changed the title since then.#NichePastiche#wisteria_lodge
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Destiel prompt from Twitter; kissing each other to prove there’s nothing there, even though, it’s a lie, and the kiss proves it (from this prompt list)
“I’m just saying that I don’t think you’d get this defensive if there really wasn’t anything between you two -”
“There isn’t, and I’m not getting defensive!” Dean argues, decidedly defensively.
“Methinks the lady doth protest too much,” Sam offers with a shrug and a smirk.
Staring down into the open grave the boys are in, Castiel glances between the brothers and tilts his head, wondering if perhaps by a different angle, he may better understand what their expressions mean.
“We’re bonded or whatever - that’s it, man! There’s nothing else going on!”
“I’m not even saying there is anything ‘going on,’ I’m just saying there could be, and if that were something you wanted -”
“I’m not qu -”
“I know, I get it, I hear you, humor me for a second, okay? All I’m saying is just - if there were something between you two, and you wanted there to be something ‘going on,’ where there is currently nothing ‘going on,’ I just think you should, hypothetically go for something rather than settling for the nothing, because, personally, I think there is something there, and you could have a great thing going if that were what you wanted.”
“Even if - which I don’t - I’m not - listen, though, okay? I’m not, and I don’t want that - not that there’s anything wrong with it, or something, just - even if that were the case, Cas isn’t like that. He’s not a being that experiences shit like that -”
“I’m telling you you’re wrong, Dean! The way he stares at you -”
“He stares at everyone!”
“Do I?”
The Winchesters jump in unison, both with hands on their guns faster than should be possible. They both visibly relax again, though, when they realize it’s only Castiel interrupting.
“Oh, hey, Cas,” Dean greets, his voice markedly more gentle than it was with Sam only a moment before.
Castiel appreciates it.
“Hello, Dean.”
With a cheeky grin, Sam clears his throat, and says to Cas, “your timing couldn’t be better, actually, Cas - Dean and I have some questions -”
“No, no, we do not have questions,” Dean growls at Sam, eyes blazing dangerously.
“I am always available to you boys for whatever inquiries I can assist in. Is this pertaining to my staring? It’s academic in nature, I assure you - frankly, I am used to having a form that hosts many more eyes; being in this Earthly form can present obstacles, as my perceptions are more limited than I can remember them ever being. I promise I do not mean to insult anyone.”
“Oh, I don’t think anyone’s thinking of it as an insult,” Sam intones; Dean shoves his elbow into Sam’s kidney to shut him up.
“This is you being defensive, by the way,” Sam wheezes, doubled over, but still smirking at Dean, “What’s the big deal if there’s nothing going on?”
Flushed, Dean scowls at Sam, drops his shovel, and tells him, “I’m not being defensive! There’s nothing to be defensive about! And I’ll prove it!”
Clambering out of the grave, Dean brushes the soil from his hands onto his dirtier jeans, and stomps more than walks up to Castiel.
“You’ve a cut,” Cas murmurs worriedly, spotting a knick Dean got on his cheek earlier in the day.
“It’s nothing. Listen, Cas -”
Before Dean can get anymore out, Castiel reaches for his left-side cheek, cups that side of his face, and spreads a cooling sensation that knits the skin back together neatly and cleanly.
“Uh - thanks, Cas,” Dean mutters gruffly as Cas takes his hand back.
“My pleasure, Dean.”
Uncharacteristically nervous, Dean glances down at the ground, his hands shoved in his jean pockets, then his eyes skim the ground until they happen upon Sam’s again, and whatever silent exchange they have works Dean up again.
“Cas,” Dean begins, looking into his eyes with determination, “We’re friends, you ‘n me, right?”
“Yes, Dean. You are my most cherished friend,” Castiel answers.
That gives Dean a moment’s pause where he seems to be searching Castiel’s face for some sign of sarcasm or deceit; there is none to be detected, of course.
“I - thanks, man. Uhm. Now - this is gonna sound like a weird question, but bear with me, ‘cause I’m not about to assume consent or something.”
“Okay,” Castiel says in confusion, tilting his head again.
“I’m tryin’a prove a point here to Sam, and to get it across - just - would you be okay with me kissing you? Like, just this once - I promise I won’t make it weird or anything, but I gotta ask, you know? I know you’re not into physical stuff like -”
“You’d like my permission to kiss?” Castiel intercepts neutrally, “Like people do?”
Something about that is funny - or startling? - to both Sam and Dean, and Castiel can’t tell which or for what reasons.
“Yeah. Just this one time,” Dean repeats.
Though he takes a respectable count of four seconds to seem as though he needs to consider his options, Castiel nods, and replies, “of course, Dean. Of all the favors you’ve asked of me before, I assure this is certainly the most convenient and pleasant of them.”
Sam snorts a laugh, Dean tosses a glare at him, and then settles gentle, if a little nervous, eyes back on Castiel.
Dean steps closer into Cas’ space, bringing them toe-to-toe and he finds himself staring down; he’d not realized Cas was shorter than him. It’s not by much, not really enough to be remarked upon, even, but it means that Cas winds up looking up at him from under the cover of long, dark lashes, and even in the dark of the night, his eyes shine like twinkling gems.
Swallowing with some difficulty, Dean holds loosely onto the lapels of Cas’ trench coat, and he means to go in chaste, he really does, it’s just that he’s actually struggling to breathe a little, so his lips are just barely parted, and Cas - as far as Dean can tell, Cas takes that as a cue.
Because Cas’ full lips press in, but so does his tongue; before Dean can even secure his footing, Cas makes his loose hold on the lapels go tight, licking up into Dean’s mouth without hesitation or mercy.
Praying his shocked gasp wasn’t audible to Sam, Dean just tries to hold on while Cas turns his head, bites Dean’s heavy bottom lip, and then pushes Dean’s mouth more open with his own, and then he drags his hot tongue against Dean’s, coming in broad, and soft.
Dean hears himself make some kind of noise - he can’t tell what it is, because there’s too much blood rushing in his skull - there’s stubble. Stubble. There is stubble in this equation other than his own, and that’s new, and terrifying, and should be wholly unwelcome, but every synapse in his brain dedicated to pleasure is telling him otherwise.
One wide hand insinuates itself under the hem of Dean’s weathered flannel, calloused fingers pressing into his left hip possessively while the other hand glides over his pec, and shoulder to the back of his neck, pinky finger teasing the sensitive skin just under the back of his cotton collar, and thumb brushing the fine hairs at the base of Dean’s skull.
Dean thinks he may be swaying - he’s dizzy.
Cas is dragging him closer, pressing their hips and abdomens together, and Dean’s hands have somehow found better purchase on the front of Cas’ button-down dress shirt than his lapels.
Dean thinks he hears one of the buttons pop off with the strain of his hold, but neither of them seem inclined to do anything about it, so he figures it doesn’t matter; he tries to establish himself as a bit more dominant, thrown off his usual groove by the absolutely sinful way Cas apparently kisses.
To Dean’s simultaneous horror and delight, Cas doesn’t relinquish any control; he won’t be moved, his hands get tighter and hotter where they touch Dean’s skin, he only presses them harder together, and he kisses Dean like he wants to eat him alive.
He kisses Dean like he wants to crawl inside him, like he’s hungry - starved - like kissing is an act of carnage just as much as an act of love, like those things aren’t mutually exclusive.
He’d rather die than admit it to anyone, but Dean’s knees get a little weak, and Cas basically holds up his entire weight by just the grip he’s got on Dean’s waist.
Before he knows it’s happened, Dean’s hard enough to carve stone, and Cas readjusts how they’re slotted against one another to better accommodate Dean’s failing balance, and Cas feels it - he must. Even if he doesn’t feel how hard Dean is against him right away, the guttural moan Dean will deny having made til his dying breath clues him in.
What sounds like hundreds of cherry bombs going off has them stumbling away from each other, and frantically looking about.
The streetlights have exploded. There’s glass everywhere, and based on the echoes of car alarms and distant voices, it’s becoming more and more possible that Cas destroyed the windows and lights of several cars and nearby homes.
Even he and Sam’s flashlights are busted.
In the blanket of darkness that’s settled over the graveyard, Dean can still see clearly, because Cas’ eyes are high beams cutting through the fog of the night.
They’re both panting, Dean’s pretty certain that a resting heart rate isn’t meant to feel like this, and Cas is looking positively feral.
“Jesus fuck!” Sam curses, his arms crossed over his head where he still plucks a shard of glass from his hair.
Reminded of Sam’s presence, Castiel’s head swivels to him, the glow of his eyes dims down, and then he looks back at Dean, visibly frightened.
Dean takes no pleasure in Cas ever being scared, so he reaches out, takes a step back into Cas’ space, but that spooks him more, and in less than a blink of an eye, he’s gone.
Not cool, Cas, Dean thinks loudly, hoping it counts as a prayer that Cas will hear.
Reaching into the front of his jeans, Dean uses the near blackness of the power outage to his advantage, and readjusts himself to the best of his abilities.
It really doesn’t do much.
“Well,” Sam starts pointedly.
Dean, weak at the knees, lips criminally swollen, face flushed, hair mussed and harder than he’s ever been in his life, turns slowly to scowl at Sam.
“That was not nothing.”
Dean doesn’t see a way of winning the argument, so he kicks dirt into Sam’s hair, and leaves him to finish burying.
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Destiel Trope Collection 2021 | Day 23: Omegaverse
16 fics under the cut!
A Product of the Times | @pbandcas
Rating: Mature Word Count: 1,995 Main Tags/Warnings: Bottom!Castiel, Top!Dean Winchester, Omega!Castiel, Alpha!Dean, mating cycles/in heat, Alternate Universe - Croatoan/Endverse Summary: "Why do you do it? Why do you let him mark you in every way, other than the one you both want?" "Because. When do we ever get what we want?" In which 2009!Dean can't understand why his and Cas' future selves aren't mated.
Trapped | @vampamber
Rating: Mature Word Count: 2,451 Main Tags/Warnings: ABO, omega Dean, alpha Cas, heat sex, first time, pining Summary: Dean and Cas are trapped in a cabin during a hunt gone terribly wrong. What better time for Dean's heat to hit, right? Though at least his luck isn't all bad, because he has a nice angelic alpha to offer a bit of aide. After the emotional stuff gets worked out, at least.
Stripper-Gram | @vampamber
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,268 Main Tags/Warnings: ABO, alpha Cas, omega Dean, stripper Dean, porn with plot, Dean in panties, panty kink Summary: When the unknown omega pulled away, Castiel couldn’t help the whimper that escaped his mouth. But then reality came crashing back and he remembered that he had no idea who this stranger was that had just kissed him stupid. The alpha stepped back, if just to resist temptation because those lips were made of sin incarnate. He cleared his throat before asking “Who are you?” The omega chuckled, the sound going straight to Castiel’s libido. “Dean Winchester, at your service. I’m your stripper-gram,” he explained. He smiled when he finished, and Castiel had to stop himself from whimpering again. Until Dean’s words properly registered in his brain, that is. “Wait, stripper-gram? What on Earth?”
Falling into your life | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,602 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Omega, Knotting, First Time, First Kiss, Scent Marking, Omega Castiel/Alpha Dean Winchester, Top Dean Winchester, Sub Dean Winchester, Bottom Castiel (Supernatural), Dom Castiel (Supernatural), True Mates, Sassy Omega, Topping from the Bottom, Abusive John Winchester, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg Summary: Castiel had just moved into his new shitty apartment when, to top it all, someone crashes through his ceiling right into his living room. Castiel is not amused and angry at the Alpha, but it turns out first impressions can be very wrong and the shy Alpha does seem cute.
When in Heat | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,812 Main Tags/Warnings: Allusion to past abusive relationship, Smut, Omega Cas, Alpha Dean, Top Dean, Bottom Cas Summary: All Dean wanted to do was get a drink with his friend Charlie, who owns an Alpha Service. But then a last-minute request comes in from one Castiel Novak who needs an alpha to help him through his heat. Since all of Charlie’s alphas are out on assignments, she convinces Dean to take care of Cas.
Arranged Marriage | @useless-fanfictions
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9,148 Main Tags/Warnings: alpha!Dean, omega!Cas, prince!Dean, prince!Sam, prince!Cas, dub-con, explicit sexual content, mating cycles/in heat, alpha rut, scent kink, John Winchester's A+ parenting, happy ending Summary: Alpha and soon-to-be king Dean Winchester has to step up and marry an omega from another kingdom to unite the two. Dean is upset about his bachelor life ending until he gets the chance to talk to the omega Castiel.
milles éclairs | @thanks-tacos
Rating: Mature Word Count: 11,902 Main Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort,Past Abuse,Alpha Castiel,Omega Dean,Hurt Dean,Arranged Marriage,Misunderstandings,Angst,Fluff,Alternate Universe - Roadtrip, timestamp Summary: Cas is pissed, he's pissed at Dean, and it's all Dean's fault. This is the first time he made Cas this mad, and the first time he can't sense any guilt or remorse in the alpha's scent. He's just angry, angry at him, and he doesn't try to hold it back. They're in the middle of Yellowstone National Park, surrounded by trees taller than mountains. There's no service, no way to contact anyone, and Dean can't walk. And it's all his fault.
Music to his Ears | @envydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15,035 Main Tags/Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, truemates, Rejection, Bonding, Masturbation, Claiming, Scenting, brief mention of past Dean/Benny, Hospitals, Hurt!Sam, Hurt/Comfort, made up ABO medical stuff, Hurt!Cas, omega!cas, Alpha!Dean, Bookstore Owner Castiel, Pianist Dean, Bar Owner Benny, Mating, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: On the way home from work, Castiel hears the lilting tune of a piano and eventually goes to investigate. When he does he finds his mate in Dean Winchester, who rejects him right off the bat, sending Castiel into a debilitating heat. Ending up in hospital, Castiel and Dean finally meet again... Series Part 5 of SPN ABO Bingo 2017
Cursed | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 17,594 Main Tags/Warnings: Strangers to Lovers, Pining, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alpha Dean, Omega Cas, Bottom Cas, Top Dean Summary: Dean’s dick has been cursed and Castiel, best healer witch this side of the woods, is the only one who can help. Only lifting the curse turns out to be more difficult than expected.
No need for an Alpha | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 21,821 Main Tags/Warnings: Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Castiel , Abusive John Winchester, Angst with a Happy Ending, Michael is an asshole too, abusive behaviour against Omegas,First Kiss, First Time, Love Triangles, Knotting, Bottom Dean Winchester, Top Dean Winchester, Top Castiel, Bottom Castiel , Switching, Sexting, in Panties (both of them), Mating, Modern AU, Bakery AU Summary: Dean doesn’t need an Alpha, he can take care of himself, thank you. Sure he met this cute Alpha online, but there is one problem: He lied about his own second gender online. And then there is this Alpha group that comes into his bakery every thursday and makes his life even harder. Even though one of them… seems different.
On Breeding Vacation | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23,345 Main Tags/Warnings: Mutual Pining, Dorks in Love, Cuddling & Snuggling, Omega Cas, Porn with Feelings, Alpha Dean, Mpreg, Top Dean, Bottom Cas Summary: Cas wants pups, but without an alpha, that dream seems out of reach. Luckily, fertility ranches have long since specialized in giving omegas who are incapable of being loved the family they so desperately desire.
Alpha Spunk | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 24,763 Main Tags/Warnings: Mutual Pining, PWP, From Sex to Love, Heat Sex, Rut Sex, Omega Cas, Alpha Dean, Top Dean, Bottom Cas Summary: In order to alleviate bad heat cramps, Cas’ doctor recommends ‘potent alpha seed.’ At the drugstore, he not only gets his prescription filled, but meets the sexiest alpha alive…
boulderplains, AZ | @thanks-tacos
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 27,942 Main Tags/Warnings: Omega Dean,Alpha Castiel,Bottom Dean, Top Cas, Past Abuse,Arranged Marriage,Alternate Universe - Domestic,Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con,Dubious Consent,Misunderstandings,Mentions of Violence,Hurt/Comfort,Healing,timestamp Summary: It takes Dean a while to recover, but he leans into Castiel's side all the same. As he calms, so does Castiel's heart, confused and slamming against his ribcage, undecided whether he should be aroused or scared or handling an emergency. It will be okay, Castiel tells himself, firmly. It will be okay. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know if he believes it.
What A Difference A Year Can Make | @vampamber
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 31,385 Main Tags/Warnings: ABO, Mpreg, omega Dean, alpha Cas, recreational drug use, true mates Summary: True mates. Something that rarely happens, and then only between an alpha and an omega. So the electric shock that Castiel felt the first time they touched had to be something else, because they were both alphas. At least, that was what Dean had claimed. And two people fitting together so perfectly, that could happen to anybody really, right? When Dean’s secret finally comes to light, though, it’s only a big deal until something bigger comes along. A lot bigger. Nine months worth of bigger. But they can make it through anything as long as they have each other. Even things like abrasive family members, body image issues, and out of control hormones. As unexpected as it was, and as awful as some of the changes felt, it still ended up being the best thing that had ever happened to either of them. It’s always amazing just how much can change in just one year’s time.
Lacuna (WIP) | @wynterfiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 48,141 Main Tags/Warnings: Omegaverse, Alpha!Castiel, Omega!Dean, Prostitute!Dean, Prince!Castiel, Bottom!Dean, Top!Castiel, Angst and Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Non-con (not between Dean and Castiel), slow burn, AU - Historical Summary: It's no wonder Castiel, Third Alpha Prince of England, feels the need for some freedom and independence when there are constant expectations thrown at him. So when the opportunity to leave everything for a few months appears before him, he takes it. Freedom feels amazing. But he never expected to find something even better. Dior is a high-end omega prostitute at one of the better brothels in Paris. He's not sure how life has managed to fuck him over like this.
Angels and Demons | @clarrisani
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 51,879 Main Tags/Warnings: Mpreg, Miscarriage, Torture, rape Summary: Demon Dean has captured a weakened Castiel and is intent on mating with him despite Crowley's advice. Sam is dead set on finding Dean and Castiel and asks the angels for help.
#destiel trope collection 2021#day 23#omegaverse#Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics#destiel#fanfic#supernatural
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Summary: When Dean finally finds Castiel in Purgatory, their reunion is all consuming.
Pairing: Dean x Castiel Rating: 18+ Warnings: Non Con/Withdrawn Consent, Major Character Death Tags: Destiel, hint of Denny, Lovers to Enemies, Erotic Cannibalism kinda… IDEK ok Word Count: 1,102 Created for: @spnkinkbingo - Leviathan!Cas | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Lovers to Enemies Fic | @spndeanbingo - Rough Sex
The sight of the angel by the stream is euphoric. Thrilling, incandescent. Dean doesn’t know when he turned into such a fucking pussy but seeing Castiel again feels like being whole. Cas has been an extension of him since he put that goddamn brand on his shoulder four years ago. And even though the scar isn’t there any longer, Cas had marked Dean in other ways. Deep, invisible ways Dean never intended to admit to, but recognises in himself now, with Cas standing stoically and bedraggled by the water’s edge.
“Cas!” Dean laughs as he pulls him into a hug, one the angel doesn’t return. “Damn, it’s good to see you.” He makes himself let go and pulls back to look at Cas more closely. “Nice peach fuzz,” he pokes at Cas’s unkempt beard, raising his hand as if to run his fingers across it, but then remembers Benny and lets his hand drop. There was a lot that had gotten complicated since they’d been separated in this hellhole.
“Thank you,” Cas responds in his grumbly timbre, and Dean can’t help the smile that comes to his face at finally hearing his voice again after so long. And to hear him speaking sanely again, back to his old grumpy, wooden self. Dean’s missed this Cas. Now they can finally get out of this god forsaken cesspit of crazy and creepy.
Except Cas doesn’t want to go.
“Cas, buddy, I need you,” Dean admits with a breathless laugh, the closest he’s ever come to saying what he really wants to say. Cas’s expression drops, forlorn in his convictions.
“Dean,” Cas shakes his head, but Dean doesn’t let him finish.
“And if Leviathan wanna take a shot at our ass, let ‘em. We ganked those bitches once before, we can do it again.”
“It’s too dangerous,” Cas protests.
“Let me bottom line it for ya. I’m not leaving here without you, understand?” Dean isn’t taking no for an answer goddammit, not after how long it took to find him, not after everything else. Cas pauses, takes a deep breath, considering.
“I understand,” he nods gravely, and Dean breathes a sigh of relief, pulling him in for another hug. He hears Benny scoff behind them but decides he doesn’t care enough to break away. Cas tucks his head against Dean’s shoulder, his new beard scraping roughly against his neck. Dean shivers in his grip, but reprimands himself. Now isn’t the time.
As if Castiel had read his mind, and it isn’t the first time Dean’s wondered if Cas can do that, Cas pulls out of the hug and kisses him. He grunts in surprise against the angel’s lips, greeted with an onslaught of tongue and fervour reminiscent of what Dean could recall of Cas kissing Meg against the wall of that grimy warehouse. Dean remembers feeling incredibly conflicted about that, simultaneously jealous and turned on. Experiencing it put him on a whole new plane. For an angel who was still a fucking virgin so far as Dean was aware, the guy knew what he was doing in the tongue department. He could hear Benny trying to talk to them but his mind was far too distracted to discern any of the words.
Suddenly Cas pulls back and Dean is left staggering, staring blindly at the angel, who is panting hard and staring back at him.
“You two done yet?” Benny grunts, arms crossed over his chest, clearly unimpressed, and if Dean’s reading it right, just a touch jealous. He’s flattered, really, that he’s so desirable. Dean grins sheepishly at the vampire, with a shrug of his shoulders as if to say ‘well, can you blame us?’, and Benny rolls his eyes back.
“No,” Cas grunts, and both Dean and Benny turn to him. It takes Dean a moment to realise that Cas was answering Benny’s question. “No we’re not done yet.”
The breath is knocked clean out of him as Cas pulls Dean down to his knees and shoves him roughly back onto the bank of the stream, climbing over him and kissing him again, fierce as ever.
“Jesus Christ,” Dean hears Benny groan somewhere behind them. “Come find me when y’er done.”
Dean tries to grunt out an agreement but it turns into a moan as Cas’s fingers fumble down his chest and land on his jeans. Cas isn’t careful with the clothing, and Dean’s not inclined to care about that right now, though he may regret it later. He reaches down to get Cas stripped out of his garments too. The trench coat comes in handy as a blanket to lay down so he doesn’t get mud up his ass.
It’s rough; messy. Just like everything else in Purgatory. Dean is wide open, vulnerable as he’ll ever be, but even in a place like this, he still feels safe. This feels right.
The pain of Cas pushing in is dulled by the pleasure of the angel’s hand on his cock, pumping him roughly in his spit-soaked palm. Dean’s eyes squeeze shut against the onslaught of sensations, too overwhelming, and he lets himself go, losing himself to just another primal urge that seems to be all he can cling to in this place.
“Fuck, this was worth it,” Cas grunts above him, and Dean groans in agreement. This was absolutely worth the wait; Cas filling him up, finally being inside of him, not just near, not just touching, not just scarring, but actually inside. Part of him.
“God, Dean,” Cas groans, thrusting harder, hand dropping from Dean’s cock as he chases his own pleasure, arms dropping to either side of Dean’s head as he falls forward. He fucks into him without mercy, Dean’s hips banging into the ground with every push, and even though Cas isn’t jerking him off anymore, this new angle is getting something inside him that’s pushing him over the edge.
“Shit, Cas!” Dean moans, punching his hips back, trying to force the angel back inside him. “Fuck, gonna cum.”
“Almost,” Cas hisses through gritted teeth, breath hot and sharp against Dean’s ear. Then in a blinding rush of heat and pain, everything is over.
Cas straightens up, pulling out of Dean’s body with a relieved sigh. He cracks his neck, shrugging away the tension and ache in his muscles. He’ll be refreshed soon enough. Dropping the obsidian blade back to the ground he stretches his mouth wide and roars as his teeth sink into his prey, devouring from the head down.
Other Leviathan frowned on it, but he always thought it was more fun to play with your food first.
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Famous Husband
Dean is a pretty famous YouTuber, who is happily married to Castiel, a normal teacher, who doesn’t like the spotlight. He stays behind the scenes, but when someone offhandedly comments that some people believe the Husband doesn’t exist, he starts to rethink his decision to stay unknown.
On AO3.
Ships: Destiel
Warnings: Cas has two students, who go digging into his private life, so if you are sensitive to that, be careful. I do NOT condone their behaviour and if you do I reccomend you rethink some of your choices. WHat they do in this fic in wrong, but I needed it to further the plot, so apoligies :)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Castiel Novak-Winchester was a normal high school History teacher known as Mr. Novak. He was a bit of a dork who was lenient with his students and sometimes surprised them with his meme or pop culture knowledge. This last fact was not because Castiel was secretly hip or up to date with the kids, no this was because Castiel was married to YouTuber Dean Novak-Winchester, with as handle: Dean. Nothing fancy, just simple, like he was.
Castiels students of course didn’t know he was married to the popular YouTuber, he had never starred in a video or even spoken or appeared in the background, because Castiel was a private and shy person and Dean loved him and would do anything for him. So, no matter how much Dean wanted to show Castiel off, his angel was carefully edited out of every single video.
On Thursday Castiels Junior AP class streamed into the classroom for the last lesson of the day with bored expressions on their faces and all sagged into their seats. Castiel shook his head as he decided that these kids deserved a bit of a break today. Then he started the lesson, but fifteen minutes before the end of class he closed his book and announced: “We have some time left, so we’re going to watch a fun YouTube video to relax. Any suggestions?”
Immediately their faces perked up and one girl, Rey, said: “Just before class Dean uploaded a video, can we watch that one? I really want to, but I don’t have the time today otherwise, please.”
Castiel hadn’t expected that, he of course knew that his husband was a well known star and that kids in his classes watched him, but it somehow still came as a shock. He hid his feelings though and instead asked if anyone had any objections, when none came he looked up the video under the careful instructions of Rey.
Then his husband showed up on the board, he was sitting in his car, the beloved Impala that all his fans knew from his video series on how to take care of her and his rants about her on his streams. While he drove he told the camera: “Today Sam is off from doing boring lawer-y stuff, so we’re going to drive over to our uncle, Bobby, you might know him, but it’s a pretty far drive, so when I’ve picked him up we’re going to do a Q&A while we ride. See haters, I’m efficient. This is YouTube-ing at it’s finest.”
He then laughed and it cut to two people sitting in the car. Sam said hello, before grabbing his phone to look up the questions the people send in. Castiel remember that this weekend the two brothers had taken a trip to Bobby’s place, so they must have filmed it then. Sam started off: “So, @Deansgirlnumber1 asked: “how do you feel being so close to 7 mil subs?””
Dean made a turn while he answered: “Good question, I don’t know man. I never thought in my wildest dreams that anyone would even watch, so the fact that all this happened is crazy. I am very grateful for it, so I think I’m gonna have to go with that, incredibly grateful.”
A few more questioned followed, about annoying habits, special interest, or embarrassing memories. Then Sam said: “@MysteriousHubby asked: “can we at least get a description of your husband, please!!!!”, yes it has four exclamation marks.” Sam looked over, “I know you love waxing poetry about him.”
Dean got a dopey smile on his face and a dreamy look in his eyes that made Castiel go soft as he saw it, that was his favourite Dean-smile, the smile he only used for him.
Then Dean shook himself out of it and frowned as he said: “I do love to do that, but it’s not my fault that his eyes are absolutely stunning and he’s very sexy, but as you know my sunshine is private and I respect that. I would never want to push him to do something he doesn’t want, we have boundaries and we believe in consent, as should all of you. So sorry @MysteriousHubby, but all I can tell you is that he is beautiful.”
The girls in the room squealed and Mary gushed: “Isn’t it adorable how much he loves that man, you can see it in how he talks.”
Another girl swooned and said: “I wish someone talked about me like he does about his husband. He never gives anything away, but he always manages to turn it into a complement about how sweet and gorgeous his sunshine is.”
Castiel paused the video and with faked confusion he asked: “I’m confused, why doesn’t he talk about his husband?”
Rey was quick to explain: “Well, he’s been married for a year now and he’s been dating this guy since forever, but he’s very shy and he doesn’t like camera’s apparently, so Dean edits him out and never mentions him by name, only calling him cute nicknames like angel or sunshine, or he just calls him ‘my husband’. It’s very cute how he seems to melt every time the man is mentioned, but a lot of people are curious about this mystery guy, some don’t even believe he exist, I do though, you can’t fake being that madly in love.”
Some girls agreed and Castiel nodded as he let the video continue. He mulled Rey's words over and mused, I didn’t know people didn’t believe I existed. Dean must have hidden it, because he thought it would hurt my feelings, how sweet of him.
He watched the brothers do Deans sign-off: “Bye hunters, see you on the road!”
Then the screen faded to black, before anyone cold break the silence the bell rang and the kids were out of the room with a quick goodbye to their teacher. When Rey walked by she said: “Bye, Mr. Novak, thank you for letting me watch the video. I’ll make sure to do my homework.”
Castiel laughed and said: “That would be a first.”
Rey shot him a quick grin and a wink over her shoulder then she was gone with everyone else. Castiel shook his head to himself as he whispered: “Teenagers.”
He left the building and left in his tan-colored car for home. There he walked to the door and was greeted by Dean with a kiss on his forehead as he took Castiels stuff of his hands and helped him out of the trench-coat. After he was done he asked: “So, how was your day, sunshine.”
“It was pleasant, Dean.” Castiel told him with a smile, “I watched your video with one of my classes, you have fans at the school. You were very handsome in it. How has your day been?”
“Good, but it got better when you walked through the door.” Dean smirked.
Castiel gave him a slight shove as he said: “Sap.”
Dean batted his eyelashes and said: “You love me for it, darlin’.”
With a quick peck Castiel said: “Yeah, I do.” then walked to the kitchen with a happy Dean trailing behind him.
When they were sitting at the table with homemade burgers Dean started up the conversation again: “So, I have fans at your school, maybe I should come and say hi to them.”
“Dean.” Castiel said with a glare, “I know you want to, but they’ll never leave me alone after that. I have to be an authority figure and I can’t do that if I’ve done dumb shit like getting covered in whipped cream on camera.”
“That was one- well, not one time, but come on. Please, Cas, consider it.” Dean whined.
“I am.” Castiel told him.
Dean perked up, like a puppy near a bone. Castiel rolled his eyes fondly at him and said: “I have recently been informed that people believe I don’t exist and I don’t want them thinking they have a chance when you’re mine, right sweetheart?”
Dean swallowed, Castiel hardly ever used nicknames and the possessiveness was kinda hot. Dumbly Dean shook his head, but when he had found his words and tried to ask him about it Castiel steered the conversation to another topic.
Three weeks later and Cas hadn’t mentioned it again, so Dean had let it go, sadly enough, thinking it had been a one time thought that had been discarded after more consideration. However, the opposite was the case. Castiel had been planning proving he was real carefully and now it was time.
Dean was doing his Sunday live show in the living room, this usually meant that Castiel would hide, uhm, grade papers, in the office until Dean brought him a coffee to inform him he was done. Dean always chilled the same way on his life streams, so Castiel knew exactly from where he would be in frame and he had even checked before he left.
So, when Dean was thirty minutes into his stream, Castiel entered the room. When Dean saw him his eyes went wide and he quickly said: “Babe, I’m live.”
While the chat practically blew up, Castiel played his part, giving his husband startled eyes as he asked: “Am I in frame?”
He knew he wasn’t, but having Dean confirm it soothed him. He held up the mug of coffee he had made Dean and said: “I completely forgot, but I made you coffee, it’s black just the way you like it, wait I’ll bring it over.”
He carefully made his way around the edges of the room with Dean guiding him, so he was certain he wouldn’t be spotted. He was lucky they didn’t have any mirrors or that would have been tricky. As he was doing that Dean was ignoring his stream as he followed Cas with his eyes, when his husband came up on the other side of the laptop he gave him a smile that Castiel shyly returned. Deans gaze softened with that and he gratefully took the mug out of Castiels hands. Handing over the mug happened just above the frame, but when Dean had put it aside carefully he stood up to give his husband a quick peck and without thinking he said: “Thanks, Cas, I love you.”
Cas didn’t mind and he answered: “Love you too, Dean. Good luck with your stream, sorry for interrupting.”
Castiel walked away just as carefully as Dean said with a grin: “You can never interrupt me. Have fun doing boring adult stuff.”
“Having a normal job, isn’t boring, it’s called being a productive member of society, you should try it sometime.” Castiel sassed as he closed the door behind him, through the wood he could hear Deans laughter.
He quickly hurried to the kitchen to watch the stream. He was just in time to see Dean wipe the laugh tears out of his eyes as he said: “I love that man, he’s the best. You look at him and think, ‘oh what a sweetheart’, but he can be a little shit if he wants.”
In the chat people were rioting: “AAHHH HE’S REAL!!!!” “OMG DID YOU HEAR THAT VOICE SO FUCKING DEEP!” “WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!?!?!?!?” “Ahw, look how soft Dean got when his husband walked in” “DID I HEAR IT RIGHT, DID HE CALL HIM CASS? GUYS WE HAVE A NAME!!!” “IS HE GONNA APPEAR MORE?”
Castiel rolled his eyes, he didn’t mind that the abbreviation of his name was out there. It might be easy to connect with his first name, but most students didn’t know his first name and it was a major gap to link.
Dean ignored most of the comments, but he did say: “For all you non-believers, you just got converted. A real life angel just blessed you with the truth.”
He laughed some more at his own silly comment, before getting serious and saying: “For the record, this was a mess-up, not a promise for more husband content. He stays my sweet, dorky, shy, angel, so don’t make a big deal out of.”
He tried to talk about some other things, but nothing stuck, all the comment section was interested in was Castiel, which the man found kind of flattering. After ten minutes of trying Dean gave up and said his goodbyes before ending the stream.
A few seconds later he came into the kitchen and was surprised to find Castiel there. “I thought, you’d be up in the office grading your papers.” Dean said.
Castiel shrugged and said: “That was originally the plan, but then I thought about you doing the live stream and the people who didn’t believe I existed, so to make myself feel better I started watching, but then there were all these comments about how sexy you were, which are true, but you’re mine and before I knew it I had entered the room and now that all happened.”
Suddenly the realization of what his actions had meant came over him and he had to lean against the counter to keep upright. Dean was with him in a flash, letting Castiel lean on him while he petted his hair and whispered soothing words into his ear.
When Castiel had calmed down a bit and was sitting at the counter with a mug of tea Dean said: “Let’s first see how everyone reacts to this and if they’re very intrusive I’ll make a video telling them to back off, yeah? Maybe they’ll be chill and cool about it.”
Castiel rubbed his face and said: “I hope so. I also hope that none of my students recognized my voice, I’ve never been so happy that they never listen to me.”
Dean barked a laugh at that and soon the stress of the day was forgotten in front of a nice movie with popcorn, blankets, giggles and kisses.
Monday morning his Junior AP class got into the building and his classroom. Rey and Mary were loudly talking about what had happened the day before. Rey said: “I still cannot believe that just happened!”
“Yeah, I know right. Seven years and nothing, then suddenly a whole conversation and a name!” Mary answered, “He sounded a bit gruff, like he had swallowed a lot of gravel, but he was funny and sweet, so Dean hasn’t been lying.”
Castiel walked up behind the unsuspecting girls and asked: “What might be so important that I cannot start my lesson until the news is shared?”
Both jumped a bit, but Rey quickly explained: “Yesterday Dean was doing a live show and his husband walked in!”
“Yeah,” Mary added, “It’s like major, because of the mysteriousness surrounding the guy. He was bringing Dean coffee, which is so sweet, but now there are theories everywhere about who it could be.”
Rey nodded frantically: “Some claim it’s a big celebrity, who’s trying to hide he’s gay and there are sound bits comparing the voice of the husband to some those of celebrities. I personally think it’s someone like me and you, just a shy everyday Joe, you know.”
“Me too.” Mary said, “Oh and we also got a name, or so we think, Dean said: “Thanks Cas, I love you.” So the name must Cas or it’s a nickname, so people are looking all over social media for people with that name.”
Castiel nodded along, he had never been more grateful that he had decided that social media was too much work for him to understand, so he’d never gotten it. But he had a job to do so he told them: “I’m sure it’s all very intriguing and interesting, but you know what’s also interesting? The Civil War, which is what you will spend your time discussing this hour. When the lesson is done you can get back to your mystery man.”
The two girls groaned, along with the others who were listening to the interaction.
Castiels strict start soon mellowed out and by the end of the lesson most kids were on their phone or slowly working through the questions for the homework for next lesson. Rey and Mary were watching a theory video about the stream. They were distracted by Mr. Novak, who clapped in his hands and said: “The bells will almost ring so you guys can put away your stuff and go be a productive member of society.”
The two girls gasps were drowned out by the noise of people packing, but they had heard it clear enough, their teacher had repeated the words of Cas on the stream from yesterday at exactly the same time it played on their video. There was no difference in the voice, their dorky teacher might be Deans husband.
Castiel groaned into one of their couch pillows and Dean smirked: “Rough day, buddy?”
“You don’t even know, it seems like all anyone could talk about was that stream of yours. I didn’t even know people at the school watched it, but even some staff members were talking about it.” Cas told the pillow.
“Ahw, darling.” Dean said as he sat down next to his husband and massaged Castiels hair: “It’s gonna be okay, soon it will blow over and everything will be normal again, I promise.”
Castiel rolled over to face his husband and said: “I hope so, two of my best Junior AP students, Rey and Mary, are obsessed with it and I am very bad at keeping secrets. It’s surprising, honestly, that I’ve managed to get this far without slipping up.”
“Don’t be self deprecating, honey.” Dean said as he kissed his face, “I hate it when you talk shit about my favourite person.”
The sweet words and the tickling of Deans hair made Castiel giggle. When he did that Dean made such an adoring face at him that Castiel couldn’t help but melt, this was his Dean, his husband, his world, his everything. Dean had made sacrifices for him, helped him through dark times and now he was still here as adoring and beautiful as ever and all his. He whispered: “Dean, I’ll love you till I die.”
Deans eyes widened a bit, before he blushed and hid his face I his arm. When he removed the arm he was still red, but he was smiling softly as he said: “I’ll love you for my whole life as well.”
They stared at each other for a minute, just taking each other in, Castiel had his head in Deans lap and Dean was looking down to him. Castiel was counting Deans freckles, he had never manged to count them all, but damn did he love to try. Meanwhile Dean was trying to figure out how eyes could be that blue and how he could drown in them.
The moment was ruined by the rumbling of Deans stomach that send Castiel back into a fit of giggles. Dean smiled as well and said: “Shall I get our pizza’s out the freezer and into the oven? Then you can find us something to watch.”
Castiel got up and said: “I saw a documentary about bees, would you like to watch that with me?”
Dean smiled and said: “Of course, Cas. I’d love to.”
And that was the truth. Dean couldn’t care less about bees, but Cas did, he got that adorable intense look in his eyes as he would focus on the facts and images that played. When something particularly interesting or new came by he’d look at Dean with a sparkle of excitement in his eyes, which was just too precious. All that made watching a boring bee documentary completely worth it.
Mary and Rey were doing a live stream on their quite popular, joined Instagram account named @Deanmustbeprotected, here they posted drawings from Mary and edits from Rey about Dean, but today they were not talking about that, but about their recent discovery. They had a pretty big following for a fan account and a few hundred people were watching the stream. Rey began: “So, I know we don’t really talk about like theories or that stuff, because we respect privacy in this house, but-”
Mary interrupted: “But this is too big not to share, because we think our teacher is-”
Together they finished the sentence: “Deans husband.”
“Now I know this looks like everybody who claims they know this Cas,” Mary said, “but we have some serious evidence.”
“Their voices are exactly the same for example.” Rey said, “And I mean creepily the same.”
“Yeah, yesterday in class he said “go be a productive member of society” which is exactly what Cas said and it was the same.” Mary pipped in.
“Like the same, the same.” Rey said.
“So, we did some digging and according to our school mail, his name-” Rey started, but was cut off by Mary who said: “No, you got to explain that first. So, if you mail a teacher via school-mail you can type in the last name and their mail will pop up, but also their first name, so we looked up-”
“And his first name is Castiel!” Rey squealed.
Mary nodded enthusiastically: “Which fits perfectly into the theory that Cas is a nickname, therefore our teacher must be Deans husband.”
Rey said: “He’s also one of the best teachers ever and mega sweet, so that’s also proof if you want to believe what Dean says about the guy.”
“Uhhu, he’s the best, so no shit talking him if it ends up being wrong.” Mary warned.
“Or right.” Rey added.
Mary nodded: “Or right, yeah.”
People in their comments went wild, but there were also skeptics, which was pretty fair since there were two teenage girls claiming that they knew the mysterious husband of their idol. Mary didn’t care, but Rey didn’t really let that kind of things go easily. She said: “We’ll investigate some more and come back to you all, but this time with solid evidence.”
Then they ended the stream. Soon after the clip had been uploaded by a popular theory fan YouTube account and the video spread through the fanbase, ending up in Deans sphere.
Dean was going through videos to monitor what people were saying about his husband when a video popped up of two girls claiming their teacher was his husband. That set off alarm bells in his head, a teacher was in the realm of possibilities.
He quickly made his way to the office where Cas was bended over a stack off papers. He looked calm and in his element and Dean almost felt bad about disturbing him, but this was important. So he knocked on the door frame to get Castiels attention and said: “Two girls uploaded a video claiming their teacher was my husband. Do you want to check if they’re your students?”
Castiels face turned tense as he nodded, so Dean showed his the screen. Once he had identified Mary and Rey he let his head thunk on the desk is despair. Dean winced and said: “I take it they’re yours?”
Muffled the reply came: “Sadly. Remember those two obsessed Juniors I told you about yesterday?”
“Rey and Mary?” Dean asked, “You adore those girls, right?”
“Yeah, I do. They’re hard workers, who are fun to work with and good people to have in the classroom, so I want to be mad, but I can’t.” Cas said.
Dean rubbed his back and said: “They were nice about you in the video. Here watch.”
He played the part where they talked about how sweet their teacher was, then paused it and said: “This might be a good thing. You can talk to them, maybe tell them the truth and ask them to leave it alone. I feel like they would understand, they seem like nice girls.”
“You’re probably right.” Castiel sighed, “I see what I can do.”
End Wednesday was terrible, because by that time most of the school had heard about the video, but Castiel managed to avoid talking about it luckily. That Thursday he was in a terrible mood and most people seemed to have picked up on it and left him alone.
When his Junior AP filed in that last hour, he was done. He said: “I am not really in the mood for fun today, so everyone be quiet and work on your sheets. I do not want to see phones or food and I don’t want to hear you talking. I’ll be grading papers over here, so if you have any questions you can come here and ask.”
The class shared looks, Mr. Novak must be in a really bad mood. He always allowed music, because he found that music could be soothing while you worked. Food was necessary for energy and concentration. While talking and working together led to discussions that helped with studying. He found them essential, so canceling all of that was bad news.
Rey and Mary looked guiltily at each other and quietly got to work. They had been looking forward to this lesson to investigate more about their hunch, but making their favourite teacher mad like this, they hadn’t planned for or wanted that.
No one dared to ask a question that lesson and when the bell was about to ring Mr. Novak stood up and said: “You can pack up now, make sure to finish those worksheets before our lesson on Monday. Rey and Mary, can you two stick around for a bit.”
It was phrased like a question, but it was said like a statement. The two girls swallowed and sat back down in their seats with heavy hearts. When everyone else had left the room they came forward and waited for Mr. Novak to start the conversation.
Castiel leaned back into his chair and rubbed his face. He said: “You know girls, I’m angry with you, but I’m mostly just very disappointed in you. I expect this from others, trolls or stalkers on the Internet, people who like conspiracies, but not you two.”
The words felt like punches and they couldn’t find it within themselves to even try and defend themselves. Castiel went on: “But, I am soft and I believe in giving second chances, so I want to know what you two have to say for yourself.”
He looked at them expectantly as they tried to find their words. Mary was first: “I’m so sorry, Mr. Novak. I really didn’t mean it like that.”
“Yeah,” Rey agreed, “we didn’t think this would happen at all.”
“Can I ask what you did think would happen?” Castiel asked.
“Uhh...” the two girls blanked.
Castiel nodded and said: “I thought so, I know excitement can sometimes overpower rational thinking, but at least try to get a few braincells to work before you make important decisions.”
Rey snorted as Mary blushed. Castiel then let his frown and stern look fall and took on a more gentle look. He told the two: “Like I said, I believe in second chances and I understand why you two did what you did, even though it turned my world a bit around and soured two of my days so far. So, I want to ask you two, why you want to know so bad? How will it impact your life?”
Both seemed to think about it and Mary spoke up first: “It’s kind of being invested, I suppose, we know so much about Dean, his brother, his uncle who raised him, his friends, his history, his hobbies, everything basically, so not knowing something is weird, makes you curious. And I get that a person wants privacy, so I can’t blame him really, but Dean is really influential with a pretty young audience. He helped me with a lot of stuff, like cheered me up when I was down and made me happy when things were rough, you know. But not knowing his husband makes that connection less real and seeing him would fix that small disconnect you have when it is a pet name instead of a real name.”
Then Rey spoke up, a bit hesitant: “Well, my answer is kind of the same, I guess, but it’s just that Dean always seems so happy when he talks about his husband and that always helps me believe that I have a shot at that as well, you know, that me being bi isn’t something that can stop me from being happy and having someone that loves me for me, so seeing his husband, knowing that he’s real and out there, that he really is as sweet as Dean let us to believe, well it would give me hope, I guess...” she trailed off and shrugged.
Castiel nodded at their words as he thought them over. He was kind of convinced that he should just do a video with Dean and get it over with, not this theorizing bullcrap people were doing now, he knew Mr. Shurley, the principal liked him and because of his investment in the GSA it was kind of known that he was LGBTQ+, so he wouldn’t get fired over that.
While he was quietly thinking the friends awkwardly looked at each other, when it became clear that Mr. Novak was too deep in thought to break the silence any time soon, Rey broke it first: “So, were we right, sir, are you Deans husband?”
That earned her a slap from Mary and a tired look from Mr. Novak. She cringed a bit and apologized, but Castiel waved it away as he said: “Sorry for drifting away on you, I was thinking about your words and you’ve convinced me.”
Mary and Rey shared a shocked look, was this really happening or were they reading the situation wrong? Castiel sighed: “I am Deans husband and I’m doing the video.”
Both girls squealed and jumped up and down, Castiel just shook his head fondly at their antics. When they had come down from their excitement, Rey breathlessly said: “Are you really gonna do it?”
“Yeah, I just want to walk up to my husband in the store to give him the milk without having to worry about the group of teens that have surrounded him.” Castiel said, “But the video is probably not going up until later, so please don’t shout this from the rooftops until it is out. Can I trust you with that?”
He gave them a stern look and they practically fell over themselves to assure him that they wouldn’t fuck up this second chance he had given them. When that was done Mary shyly asked: “I know this is weird, but can we take a selfie, so that we an post it on our insta to prove we were right? It’s weird, sorry, but some people were getting really mad at us for lying, so if we can clear this up maybe they’ll leave us alone.”
Castiel looked kind of awkward, but he wouldn’t let his students get bullied, so he sucked it up and agreed, he would have to get used to it. After that the girls wished him good luck and Cas decided that he wasn’t going to come in tomorrow.
On Sunday instead of a live-stream a video popped up on Deans channel called: ‘Husband reveal!! No click bait, it’s actually happening!!’
It started off with no one on screen and a camera adjusting, you heard Dean first: “You wanna sit with me already or come in later?”
“Already sit there, I don’t want to awkwardly shuffle into frame.” a deep voice replied, that most recognized from the stream.
Then Deans intro rolled, it was a drawn impala that came down the road, it stopped in the middle of the screen and the drawn Dean gave a wink to the viewers, then he sped off again and the smoke was bridge back to the video.
Dean and the mystery man were sitting next to each other and Dean excitedly started the video: “Hi Hunters, welcome back to the channel! Today we have a very special guest, and can I get a round of applause for him… my husband, Castiel or Cas! Jup, your eyes are not deceiving you, this beautiful man right here is my husband, because he finally agreed to do a video with me!”
The man in question stopped with lovingly staring at his husband to blush at the introduction. When he didn’t say anything Dean said: “Want to say hi to everyone?”
Cas blinked and said: “Uhm, hi human people audience watching…”
Dean giggled, he had never giggled on his channel before, and when Cas heard the sound he smirked, but when he looked at Dean he plastered a confused look on his face and asked Dean what was wrong. Dean fondly shook his head and without any bite he said: “You are ruining my badboy-nothing-fazes-me image I created here, dude.”
It cut and they were looking at the camera again. Dean started the off again: “So first Cas is just going to tell you about why he didn’t want to be on camera. The floor is yours.”
Castiel said: “Well, at first it was because I was looking for a job and being an openly gay man in a relationship meant that I might not get hired.”
“Because people are assholes.” Dean cut in.
“Yes, Dean, because of that.” Castiel agreed, “But then I got a job here and we moved to LA and I know now that I’m not going to get fired over it, because I told my boss I had a husband and I help with the GSA at the school I work at, so I’m good on job security. But as a teacher, I realized that these kids I teach watch YouTube and therefor also Dean, so if I showed up here and did weird stuff like eating pie until I vomit or-”
“Hey, that was actually one time.”
“Hm, sure. Or participate in ‘never-have-I-ever’ none of them would ever listen to me again. So I decided that staying off the channel was for the best if I wanted my students to actually learn something.”
While Cas was talking you could see Dean was listening intently, even making comments, but overall he was focused most on staring at his husband like he was the most beautiful thing ever.
Castiel finished: “But it was actually two of my students that convinced me that this was a good idea to do, so here I am.”
Dean snapped out of his trance and said with fake indignantly: “I thought your love for me was your only true motivation. Have you lied to me?”
Castiel frowned and replied: “That is always my first motivation, but this was an extra, and currently more relevant, explanation.”
Dean dropped the act to smirk at Cas and asked: “How is that also your motivation when you leave your dirty dishes for me to do?”
“Well,” Cas started to explain seriously, “you have very nice arms that can only be truly appreciated when wet and lathered in soap.”
Dean blushed and laughed, then Castiel started laughing as well, also with a blush. Between gasped Dean said: “Dude, are you serious.”
Castiel looked mortified and said: “Are you going to keep that in?”
Dean shrugged and said: “I don’t know, Sam wanted to edit this video because, and I quote, “An insider could never do justice to the sweet Destiel romance that I had to suffer through in real time”, so you have to ask him.”
The screen went white and in black a message appeared: ‘I am not sorry for that, it took them four years to get together and I was present for all of them, so you can imagine how I suffered. Besides, I want to bet that they would have edited adorable moments like this one out, because they are idiots. ~Sam’
Then it was back to the video. Dean said: “So since this is a video about us I thought we could tell you about how we first met. So, you might know my roommate Rick that I talk about from time to time, yeah, well, he isn’t real, well he is, but he dropped out after a month, so none of the stories about him happened with him.”
“You are being very confusing, Dean.” Castiel told him.
Dean glared at him and said: “You can try later, see if you fair better.”
“I assume I will, want to bet?” Castiel challenged.
“Winner does the dishes next week.” Dean said.
They shook hands and Dean went on: “Anyway, after that first month there was a mishap at another dorm and Castiel moved in with me. It was kind of awkward that first day, because he came late at night and I was in the dark room alone watching a horror movie when I heard the lock wiggle. Turns out this idiot had forgotten his keys and was picking the lock, but I didn’t know that at the time, so I was scared shitless. Then the door swung open and a dude was standing there with the hallway light from the back only making him a dark figure, a hallway light that chose that exact moment to flicker. So, I screamed and jumped him.”
“I had a bruise on my chest for weeks, you know.” Cas complained.
“Well then you should have knocked.” Dean shot back.
“But there was no light coming from the door, I thought you were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you. I was being considerate.” Castiel defended himself.
“It was creepy, but anyway we fought, I won.” a cough, “It was a draw.” and eyeroll that was ignored, “And we became good friends after that!”
“Now, Cas is going to tell our first date. It was the last month at college and I was planning on moving back into Uncle Bobbys house and help him with the cars until YouTube picked up some more, this is all relevant background information, by the way.” Dean said.
“Yes, so I had gotten a job teaching in LA and I realized that I didn’t want to say goodbye to Dean at all, so I talked to Sam who said that I had to get my head out of my ass and ask Dean out because we had loved each other for the entirety of college and apparently he was suffering. I went up to Dean and gave a very embarrassing speech and we-”
“Wait, you’re not going to retell the speech?” Dean asked.
“No, like I stated before, it was very embarrassing, Dean.” Cas said.
“Pleeeeease.” Dean gave him The Eyes and Castiel broke like he always did.
“This is what I said, keep in mind that I was very nervous, “Hello, Dean, I have found a house in LA and this is were YouTubers live so it will help in your career, so I hoped you would buy the house, with me that is, I don’t want you just to buy the house alone because that would be dumb. The house is actually more of an apartment and it only has one bedroom, I tell you this, because it is relevant and I only looked for houses with one bedroom, because I’d hoped you would share it with me, because I really love you and I want you to be my boyfriend, please.” See, super embarrassing and dumb.” Castiel pouted.
“Nooo, angel. It was the sweetest, you were the cutest little dork ever, it was very nice and I liked it.” Dean reassured him.
“Really?” Castiel asked, Dean nodded enthusiastically.
“So, after that, I took him stargazing in the impala, because he likes to drive and I like the stars. I brought pie and burgers and beer and it was very lovely.”
“It was a very good date, did anyone help you with it?” Dean asked.
“Yes, Sam was very eager to help, he even gave me your ring size, so he was dreaming a little bigger than me, but he was helpful.” Castiel said.
“Did he really do that.” Dean wheezed.
Castiel chuckled: “Yes, yes he did.”
A new note appeared: ‘Like you didn’t find that information very useful a year and a half later, Mr. Denial (and yes, I was suffering, a lot) :( ~Sam’
“I’m probably gonna end the video here, wedding talk comes later, maybe even with footage.” Dean said with a look to Cas.
Cas raised an eyebrow and said: “I thought you had a “badboy image” to maintain, can’t really do that when you post hours of footage of you crying.”
“I didn’t cry, you cried.” Dean said, “Maybe you thought I cried, because you couldn’t see through your own tears.”
“No, you were the one who cried, it started the moment I walked down the isle with Bobby, admit it.” Castiel said.
“No, I didn’t, I swear I didn’t cry.” Dean said.
“Okay, that’s it, I’m grabbing my laptop and I’m proving this.” Castiel started to get up.
It cut and they were looking at the laptop. You could hear the wedding march swell and Dean moped: “Yeah, ‘kay, so you were right, whatever. It’s not my fault you looked way too pretty to be human.”
“Ahw, sweetheart.” Cas gave Dean a peck on the cheek.
Then it cut to the end card and Dean was sitting alone. He said: “So that’s this video, Cas is not here, because he is setting stuff up so we can watch out wedding videos again, because we felt like it after this. If you liked the video, please leave a like and comment, to subscribe click over there, to watch more click right there and maybe you will see Cas in a beautiful wedding gown, but for now: Bye hunters, see you on the road! Oh yeah, and comment I was better than Cas at my actual job.”
Then the video was over.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Omg they’re sooooooo cute!!!!!!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Get yourself a lover who looks at
you like they look at each other
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Is anybody going to talk about
how hot Cass is? Like wowwww
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Did you see that little smirk that
he hid when Dean looked? That
is love people. Confirmed Deans
Hubby is a little shit in love
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
so… he’s real…. great another
hot guy of the market…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hahahaha I died at 3:35 when Cas
talked about Deans arms 100%
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Castiel was better, like to agree
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sam little comments had me in
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dean cried on their wedding day!
My heart <3<3<3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Destiel!!! They named themselves
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
All…. The… Stares…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wait did he say wedding gown,
we stan one QUEEN!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Soon after the video went up a picture appeared on @Deanmustbeprotected with the two girls known from the insta stories and stream smiling and doing peace signs with a confused Castiel in the background. The caption read: ‘Did we lie though?’
The top comment was from certified Dean: ‘You be nice to him on Monday, girls’
With a lot of freaking out underneath it.
That Monday the Junior AP class practically ran into the classroom to question their teacher thoroughly, but Castiel refused to answer any of their questions and just started the lesson: “So, the Civil War brought many changes to America, which is what your homework was about. I will collect it now, so please put it on the table and while I do that can so someone tell me what those changes were? Yes, Jule.”
“Are you really not going to talk about Deans video from yesterday?” Jule said instead of answering the question.
Castiels shoulders sagged and he said: “This was exactly what I feared when I agreed to do that, guys I am your teacher, I am getting paid to teach you and make you into a functioning adult and I am not here to talk about my personal life.”
“Tell that to Mr. Delaney.” a boy yelled, which earned him some laughs.
Castiel smiled and said: “I know, Mr. Delaney loves his fishing stories, but I am not Mr. Delaney. I am trying to tell you about the Civil War and how it impacted America, something that will be on your test, which is far more important in this setting than me and my husband.”
“Please, sir, just a few questions.” Shelly asked.
“Will you stop after and concentrate, because this is a two way route.” Castiel said.
When he got a chorus of yes he sighed and sat down on his desk. “I’m answering five questions so, hands up if you have one.”
A dozen hands shot up and he picked the one closest to him. It was Nate, who asked: “How is it to be married to a celebrity?”
Castiel chuckled and said: “I never thought of Dean as a celebrity really, when I got to know him he was eighteen, still couldn’t grow facial hair and a gigantic dork, who filmed himself doing a bunch of weird sh- stuff with his laptop web cam. So, I would say like any other marriage.”
He pointed at a girl in the back who asked: “Dean said you got married in a gown, is that true and do you have pictures.”
Castiel knew this was coming and he wasn’t ashamed or anything, so he calmly answered: “Yes, I did, I think that how different genders present themselves is a social construct and I thought a wedding gown would be neat.”
He looked up his favourite wedding photo, it was Dean holding him in his arms bridal-carry style and they were both grinning like idiots at each other, he had it printed and framed and it hung above their bed. He projected the photo and a lot of the girls awh-ed, but before anyone could get out their phone he warned: “No pictures.”
He then pointed at Mary who asked: “How would you describe Dean?”
Castiel thought about it and then said: “Kind, handsome, charming, loving, maybe a bit self sacrificing. He really is just a lovely person, who is good at cheering people up.”
Some people ahw-ed and Castiel blushed, so he quickly moved on to the next person. It was Kevin who asked: “So, how is your relationship with Sam? You must know him, right?”
“I do know Sam, yes.” Castiel answered, “He is a great person and we are close friends and he is also a great team mate in prank wars.”
People laughed at that and before he could point out someone else for the last question someone, he didn’t see who, called out just loud enough to be heard: “We’re probably not allowed to ask who tops, lol.”
Castiel pulled a tired face and said: “And that was the last question, which I will not be answering. Now back to Jule who was going to tell us about the changes in America after the Civil War.”
Some groaned and others chastised the person who ruined their last question, but they did follow up on their promise to pay attention and actually do something that lesson.
Castiel untied the knot of tension that had formed in his chest that hadn’t been as bad as he had imagined. He only had to repeat that every lesson that was to come and after that it was mostly back to normal, only he could kiss his husband whenever he pleased now without worrying, which was a definite plus.
#RR writing#dean winchester#castiel/dean#dean x castiel#castiel#Destiel#Destiel AU#destiel youtuber au#youtuber dean#teacher cas#married destiel#Sam Winchester#supernatural#spn
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 2
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity. Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 35 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Kiss and Make it Better by annehiggins E | 9k
Both the forces of Heaven and Hell are after Dean and Castiel, but sometimes a kiss really does make it all better.
Sweet little loving and bonding fic.
Retreat into Silence by annehiggins E | 16k | Fluff, Angst, Alt!Canon
Written for this prompt by deceptivechasm on the no longer exists LJ simon_says_dean: “Something very traumatic happens to Dean while he's with Sam (or Sam was away) which causes him to stop talking, *again*. Sam didn't know about the first time, and has to ask Bobby (or John) about what happened after his mum died.”
Sweet, adorable, and really schmoopy with added angst.
I Know What You Like by JinxedAmbitions E | 4k | Pornstar AU, Bottom!Cas
Castiel agrees to help Gabriel out by being a production assistant at his porn company. However, when porn star Dean Winchester comes onto him on set, who is Cas to say no, especially when Dean seems to know all the things that turn Cas on most?
Consort by Valyria E | 139k [WIP] | Angst, Medieval AU, bottom!dean
When King John of the West Saxons forms an alliance with a neighboring Christian kingdom, his eldest son Dean ends up playing a role he never expected.
Valyria's fabulous (currently WIP) Medieval AU is a must-read. Definitely a slow burn fic--includes very bad/painful sex, but with a great payoff.
What Was Lost Still Leaves Its Mark by shieldmaiden_of_celestial_intent E | 4k | Hot, Alt!Canon, Sub!Cas, Demon!Dean, Dom!Dean, Praise Kink
Demon Dean captures Castiel and tries to force him to play out a few of his fantasies. Cas soon finds himself willing because Dean still retains some of the good qualities of his human life. It starts out with dubious consent but consent is given later. There is a confrontation where Dean makes Cas strip. If you love Dean's panty kink this figures prominently. This is from Cas' POV and gets romantic and hopeful toward the end. This is canon compliant up to the season 9 finale. Castiel is powered down and has human drives like sex and sleep. Dean dominates him but does not hurt him.
I'm not usually a huge fan of subby!cas because it usually feels ooc to me, but this is. I'm. This is just... Yes. Really hot. Warning for dubious consent at the beginning.
Words with Friends by betty days E | 22k | Human AU, Sub!Dean, Dom!Cas, BDSM |
"Dean Winchester is as straight as an arrow. He’s a lady’s man of epic proportions: the king of the one night stand, the messiah of the friends with benefits paradigm, the emperor of perpetual bachelorhood. Except, apparently, when it comes to his best friend, Castiel Novak. Wherein a longstanding acquaintanceship leads to friendship, then best friendship, then sexting, then dirty talk, then mutual masturbation, then, inevitably, fucking.
Smoking hot and full of feels.
Little Motels by Lovely_Phrase E | 238k | Human AU
After John's death, Dean must travel to California to find his estranged brother and deliver the bad news. He takes Castiel with him, despite the newness of their relationship, and finds himself falling in love while staying in a series of little motels. What he discovers after arriving at Stanford is enough to destroy what's left of him, but Dean isn't willing to give up what they have together that easily.
Wow. This was RIDICULOUSLY long and I can't really believe I finished it. Regardless of the intimidating length (heh), it was a captivating story. Though it edged near soap opera levels of drama at times, the plot was sure, the characters grew and developed, and the writing was excellent. Very good read--highly recommended. Perhaps not for the sensitive (in regards to Drugs or abuse). Also not for john!stans.
Dragon Healing for Pleasure and Profit by whelvenwings G | 6K | Fluff, Wizarding World AU, wizard!dean
When Cas, a zoologist and aspiring author, moves into the house next door, Dean can't help but go over and say hi. He hadn't reckoned, however, on Cas' determination to discover whatever it is that's living in the nearby woods. Dean should follow his instructions and send the guy away, and yet there's always something stopping him. After all, whoever said a muggle couldn't heal a dragon?
OMG AMAZING!! Wizarding World AUs are the best, and this muggle/magical person romance is super sweet.
A Fine Frenzy by the_gabih E | 8k | A/b/O AU, omega!dean, alpha!cas
The rest of Dean's family have these romantic, almost fairytale stories of how they first met their mates. Dean? Not so much. But he's okay with that.
Super hot. Apparently an abandoned WIP, but it's mostly porn so that doesn't really matter.
The Vessel by chellefic E | 7k | Alt!canon, body sharing
When his vessel goes missing, Castiel turns to Dean for help.
I love this fic! Vessel fics/sharing bodies is always a fun and sometimes sexy trope. This definitely delivers on both of those fronts.
There's Only One Sure Thing That I Know ❤ by leah k E | 20k | Fluff, Alt!Canon
Dean doesn't even get halfway through explaining before Bobby starts laughing. When he lets himself think about it for more than five seconds, Dean can almost see Bobby's point: he's faced down demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, and Satan himself and now he's been defeated by the God damn Midwest.
This fic was AMAZING. I want to wrap it up in a blanket and cuddle it. Maybe hump it or something. Idk, I'm flexible.
Unusual by Yosei E | 12k | ABO AU, omega!dean
Now that Sam was in college half-way across the country, Dean needed a roommate in order to keep the spacious apartment (with his own room!) that he'd come to love and call home. With Sam's non-stop worrying, he finally convinces Dean to meet a possible roommate. Who knew that it would be the beautiful dark-winged archangel with a PhD., Castiel Novak?
Come a Little Undone by FagurFiskur E | 3k | Fluff, Teacher AU, Bottom!Dean, Top!cas
"Well?" Cas prompted, turning his face to the side to look up at Dean. "Are you going to get started? Something about the annoyed tone in Cas' voice, as if he were the one doing Dean a favor and not the other way around, pissed Dean off enough so that his better judgment took the backseat for just a moment. Unfortunately, that moment was long enough so that by the time it ended, Dean was already straddling Cas' thighs. Written for this prompt: Cas and Dean are teachers. It's the end of the year. Cas is stressed out with grading. How does Dean help?
Short, sweet, and hot. Pining!dean and massages yay.
Sex 101 by betty days E | 50k | Hot, Dancer AU, Alt!Canon, Slow Burn
or: That Time Castiel Asked Dean to Teach Him How to Have Sex. "I want to have sex," Castiel announces suddenly. Dean chokes on his gulp of Baha Blast. Wherein Dean teaches Cas how to have sex, and Cas teaches Dean why to have sex. This fic is filled with music, literature, fluff, angst, smut, feels, and glitter. Lots and lots of glitter.
This AU will just suck you in. God, I love dancer!dean. It started out with some super hot vouyerism, and progressed to self discovery and more super hot things. Yay.
Dean Winchester Is a Gay Virgin by betty days E | 79k | Hot, Angst, College AU, Mafia AU, Gay Panic
"Dean Winchester has a grand total of two big secrets: Secret #1 is that he’s a virgin. Secret #2 is that he’s gay. Dean Winchester is a college junior, a full-time mechanic, and a baseball superstar. He's so far in the closet, he can't find a way out. Then he meets Castiel Krushnic, the totally dreamy President of the LGBTQA Alliance at school, and finds out that Cas has some dark secrets of his own.
Wow. This is not what I thought I'd be getting into by the title. I was expecting a nice college AU and then there was unexpectedly the mafia, gritty angst, and family feels. What a ride. If this were a book, I would buy the fuck out of it.
Learning to Breathe by underneathitall E | 114k | Fluff, Angst, Hospital AU
Dean Winchester was just admitted to the Psychiatric Ward for minors at Lawrence Hospital after a car accident that killed his father but left him alive. When he finds out his roommate is a kid he used to go to school with, Castiel Novak, they start to make a hesitant friendship. At first, Dean's only focus is to get out as fast as he can without any attachments. Soon after that, he discovers that making friendships with other patients in the hospital and developing feelings for Cas might be what he really needed to get through this all along.
ahhsgahahhHhhh I loved this so much! It manages to be weirdly fluffy and feel-good even though it deals with majorly angsty stuff (mental ward, hello).
Just Kisses by tiptoe39 E | 2k | Hot, PWP
Castiel's not ready for anything beyond kisses. So Dean just kisses him. Everywhere.
Hot and sweet.
Tales from the Bunker of Domesticity by teaandjumpers M | 17k | Fluff, Alt!Canon
Moments of domesticity between Dean and Cas (and occasionally Sam) in the Men of Letters bunker. Essentially, this is a story about the boys building a home together.
NnoOoOooOoOooo this was so domestic and lovely!
The One With Dean's Anal Beads by triedunture E | 1k | | Hot, PWP, bottom!dean
Complete PWP: anal beads, multiple, dry/painful orgasms, & dirty talk.
Landing by ladyzanra T | 3k Angst, Canon!verse
“You think in terms of days, Castiel, but there are no days in Heaven,” Hannah tells him, before he leaves. This, Castiel understands, is the reason she does not stop him.
Fuck everything I'm in PAIN.
Simple As That by ashwinchester4 M | 2k | Canon!verse, First Kiss, First Time
Dean Winchester is not very good at doing things in the proper order. That includes his relationship with Castiel. After Cas becomes human, things begin to change slowly, simply, easily. Until everything is different.
Gorgeous. Simple as that.
Let Your Grace Guide You by angel_kink E | 24k | Alt!canon, wing!Kink,
After Castiel heals Dean at Stull, the hunter finds himself with unexpected abilities. He becomes determined to use his newfound powers, with Castiel’s guidance, to rescue Sam from the cage. In order to ensure that their venture to Hell is successful, they are forced to team up with Crowley, who has his own agenda regarding what’s locked up in the pits of Hell. During the course of their alliance, secrets come out, feelings bubble to the surface, and Dean finds himself once again facing an impossibly dangerous situation in an effort to save his brother.
Napoleon in Rags by linzeestyle E | 42k | Alt!canon, fallen!castiel
“So,” Dean says eventually, breath ruffling Castiel’s hair. “You gonna tell us about this place? “I don’t have to,” Castiel says, pushing himself up on his elbows. “If I’m right, it’s nearby. Near something called Tucson.” Dean looks at him incredulously and Castiel scowls. “I was hiding an invaluable relic, not purchasing real estate. There's no such thing as a hunter retirement plan.
Amazing!! Canon compliant from 8x17 and diverges from there :D
Kryptonite in Shades of Blue and Green by Annehiggins E | 12k | Superhero AU
Dean is the only member of the Winchester family without super-powers and has lived with the threat of being used against him all his life. When Dark Angel finally makes threat reality, Dean ends up trapping them together for two months. A lot can happen in two months. Written for this prompt on the spnkink_meme. Technically Dubcon.
Chasing Cars ❤ by ratherbehere E | 45k | Fluff, College AU, Stripper!dean, demisexuality, Slow Burn
After an awkward accidental encounter at a local strip club, Castiel discovers his college roommate, Dean, has a secret career as a stripper, and their relationship begins to change and a bond begins to form. They face the joys and challenges of life together and discover along the way how deeply they've come to care for each other.
THIS WAS AMAZING! So much UST, Demisexual Cas, which is my favorite, and a long, slow burn romance where they are best friends primarily. Love it.
A Weekend Project by narrativeimperative E | 16k | Lawyer AU, a/b/o, Omega!cas, alpha!dean,
Castiel Novak is a lawyer for an important firm. He’s also, to his chagrin, an omega. With the help of heat suppressants and some serious denial, it’s not a problem ... until he meets Dean Winchester. And then it’s very definitely a problem.
Literally the best.
Viva by crowleyo E | 38k | AU, Stripper!Dean, doctor!cas, accidental marriagE |
Dr. Castiel Novak swears he will never let his sister talk him into a surprise trip again. Now he has just woken up in Las Vegas with a hangover, an unknown ring on his finger and a beautiful man next to him. It gets even better, though, when Castiel's last memory from the night before is seeing this man up on a stage in a skimpy cowboy outfit. Now, Castiel has to learn to live a cliche.
Hush by Braceyourself & dresden E | 105k | College AU
He'd heard all he needed to know about Dr. Novak, really. Straight-laced academic, prioritizes punctuality, favours the smartest students; it doesn't bode well for Dean.
Wow, so great! Dommy!Cas, teacher/student AU. There is rape in it, but not between Cas and Dean.
The Seraph by Hywar E | 135k | Creature AU, Dub!con, Dom!cas, Sub!dean
Ever since the seraph were discovered, there's been one rule society has had to adapt to: stay out of open water. Powerful, determined and aggressive, the octopus-human creatures are in a league of their own and have no qualms with taking what they want and attacking what they don't. Now, children learn to swim in man-made lakes and beaches are deserted save for researches and the fool-hearted. Dean Winchester is neither of those things. But a hunt has brought him and Sam, his brother, to one of the many abandoned beaches, where Dean is left with no choice but to take refuge in the water. He should be safe, he thinks, he doesn't go too deep - just deep enough to hide himself and to deter his pursuer. He forgot just how fast the damn things could be, and how determined they were once they had their eyes on something.
AMAZING. Love love love! Dominant!Cas who just wants to take care of his willful, human mate. Also tentacle sex. Be warned for dubious consent (because Cas is very convinced he's doing what Dean wants/needs but Dean is not so sure).
Contact by clotpoleofthelord E | 16k | Alien AU, Tentacles
When aliens land on Earth the first time, Dean ignores it. When they land a second time, he's a little curious. When the third landing happens in his back yard, his life gets very complicated, very fast.
Taking Wing by riseofthefallenone E | 44k
Dean frowns around the cave, his head spinning as he tries to make sense of what he’s seeing with his eyes and his echoes. The smell doesn’t hit him until he’s already staggered to his feet, claws clicking on the stone floor. It’s the scent of another bat; different than any kind he’s smelled before. It’s not exactly unpleasant, but it does strike home a realization that turns his stomach inside out. This place belongs to another bat and Dean has pretty much just basically invaded their home.
This is adorable. I didnt know I could get so attached to two gay anthropomorphic bat people.
Rain by The MigratoryLane E | 2k | | Hot, Canon!verse, PWP
The fact that Dean Winchester was a strikingly handsome man had not eluded him. But the low burn of arousal that now flowed through his veins was entirely foreign not a month ago. Where as an angel the mere sight of Dean’s neck elicited no greater response, now Castiel found that he wanted nothing more than to trace his lips across the stubbled flesh beneath his jaw—to lick and kiss and suck at it until Dean moaned with the sensation.
Cheers, Angel Eyes by wannaliveindeansdimples E | 20k | AU, bartender Dean, Cop Castiel
Dean Winchester is a bartender. He's noticed a new semi-regular and even given him a nickname. Pretty soon he and "Angel Eyes" become friends. Dean wants more, but is secretive, awkward Castiel ready to give it?
As the author's tags say, no matter the universe or circumstance they always find each other and act all schmoopy.
A Little Slice of heaven by authocracy E | 5k | AU, bottom!cas, wing!Kink
Welcome to A Little Slice of Heaven, where angels stationed on Earth can come, relax, and enjoy themselves. Dance your cares away at our nightclub, or treat yourself to our world-class spa treatments with staff specially trained in the art of wing maintenance. Let our experts turn your stress into pure pleasure. The War is over, and Castiel finds himself bored and lonely in Heaven. He runs into Gabriel, who remembers him from the battlefield and offers to give him a tour of the best places on Earth. The archangel introduces him to his friend Dean, a masseur with magic hands. Castiel, a little self-conscious and shy, doesn't know what Dean means by "extra services" but is eager to spend extra time with him regardless.
Long Time Coming by authocracy E | 13k | Hot, genderswap au
For the prompt: Okay, so in my head, girl!Dean likes her anonymous hookups, likes her slutty biker look and her oversized flannel shirts and skinny jeans. Granted, she's getting a little old for the club scene, but she's always been more of a bar girl. And maybe Sam kind of despairs of her because he's all "RESPECT YOUR BODY AND YOUR MIND DEAN(NA?)" but Dean's never really bought any of that - she likes feeling close to people, and it's hard to with her lifestyle. Plus, there's something powerful about being hot enough to attract as many guys as she does. Thing is, she's not that easy to get off. It takes her time and effort when she's on her own, let alone when there's some guy expecting things of her. And let's be real, a lot of guys in the kind of places she goes to don't really know how to get a girl off. Maybe she's never even come during sex with a guy. Enter Cas.
I love my genderswap fics, and this one is um... really hot.
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reaction post typed while watching JIBcon videos (part 2 of ?)
Cockles panel
in which Jared is abusive to Misha :C :C :C (and Jensen is maaaaybe angry about Destiel not being canon??? whoa)
previous post HERE
how long’s it been, 3 days? 4? idk but HI LET’S WATCH MORE
i was 11 minutes in, after 2 hours. oh boy
just rewatching the bit where the fan asks if they can sip the apple juice and i just realised jensen said “no!!” at the same time misha nodded and said “yep”
aaaaand jensen watches misha drink before he licks his lips and drinks too *u*
misha: “supernatural the series will be ending, it’s been announced, but we will be doing a puppet show in jensen’s backyard... for another ten seasons”
i would pay money
misha’s joking but i would pay money
and jensen’s mouthing “oh my gaaahd” at misha bc he did not expect 500 people to cheer that
yes it is
“no seriously i think we’re gonna do that”
i would legit love that pls do
the apple juice is getting to him already
fan: “what one thing you won’t miss after it’s done? and don’t say each other, that’s not true”
shoutout to that fan right there looking out for all of us
misha: “i’m not gonna miss jared and jensen hurting me”
jensen goes all quiet, misha touches his leg
this is so fucking complex but also probably so simple
on the one hand that touch was automatic, assuring jensen, but also misha’s aware of how that exact kind of touch is not especially consensual in the context of what he’s talking about
they kind of seem to have two separate relationships, the personal/private/convention-performance one... and the on-set one. off set, misha’s in charge and jensen is his princess, but then on-set, misha is a sexually abused puppy
and honestly i don’t know how i feel about this, so i try and figure out how misha feels about it. like... it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t enjoy being hurt, but rarely actually gets upset about it (i.e.: the airplane), and still maintains an apparently consensual, respectful and emotionally intimate relationship with jensen and jared outside of set??? it’s confusing to me and what i’m seeing here isn’t really helping me understand yet
oop the video finished, time to move to the next one
i’m still torn on this issue
like it’s...... funny, i guess? jared army crawling onto set to hurt misha? BUT ALSO IT’S NOT, and it shouldn’t be, it’s only funny because they apparently find it funny
or at least jensen does, but jensen loves misha the most, so like..........
god i still don’t know
every year i’m still baffled by this
i just want jared to stop hurting misha
those poor inner thighs
part 2!!
JIB10 - Jensen and Jared and Misha panel part2
misha’s now talking about mark (sheppard?) and how mark wants other cast people to make “an environment where people are happy to go to work” the way the spn cast does
back to the thigh pinching though. so misha can quote that with total conviction... so i guess despite the pain he does enjoy it?? maybe he’s just a masochist and likes being hurt, idk...... and yet he says he won’t miss it once it’s over
who knows if i will ever understand this
extended eye contact with misha as jensen says “i would’ve loved to have slept in”
in which jensen is being misha and misha is being jared
“yeah you sexy bitch you like this”
and then misha pulls jensen up by the hand~
that did not last nearly long enough
OH it’s not even everyone else it’s just jared
does he have internal alarms that go off when jensen and misha are being publicly intimate and he has to show up with a cowbell and a taser
jensen is definitely tipsy now
jared: “i was like ‘shut up bitch’ and you were like ‘yeah, hit me’
jensen facepalms and misha mouths “no i didn’t”
jared is such a wildcard in this dynamic
on the one hand they’re advertising themselves as the model set relationship, and there’s obviously love between them, but on the other hand they’re all being abused by jared
i’m so perplexed
misha to jensen: “do you... you wanna tell your... your dream?”
jensen shakes head “nope”
jared: “whoa!! this just got really romantic” (backs up)
(thank you jared for trying to keep out of this, i guess)
i just took a lil break and i’m back now
i thought a bit about what i’ve watched so far today and compared it to the first part of the panel that i watched last time, and i’m trying to figure out if the energy is different because i’m in a different mood or whether it actually changed around the same point i paused last time, around the 11 minute mark. the first part of this was flirty and silly and fun, and then that vibe kind of plummeted... i guess it was because they started talking immediately about the abuse on set
but yeah, no, just typing that made me realise i’m right, the energy did change. misha mellowed out and jensen followed suit. despite getting tipsy and being more open to shaking his ass, he and misha remained subdued
like.. jensen clearly finds the abuse hilarious but i don’t think misha does. he loves jared and jensen both but i think there is legit pain there. people can be both abusive and loving, you know? jared’s awful but also nice, and i guess i enjoy his obvious outward support for jensen and misha’s romantic relationship, but i’ve always found it harder to appreciate him, compared to the effortless love i have for misha.
misha always, ALWAYS demonstrates that it’s absolutely possible to be dominant without hurting or demeaning people, and jared is just... not like that.
and yeah this upsets me enough that i’m now blurry-eyed with tears while typing this
it’s been kind of hard to enjoy this part of the video and i needed a moment away to figure out why
my favourite jibcon will always be the one where jensen leaned in to kiss misha. he was upset and misha went to comfort him, and supported him the whole time. i was thinking the other day how that energy was fresh. like they’d only just begun a sexual/romantic relationship in real life, or were about to and were eager for it. and this time it’s clearly been years and they’re more comfortable with their attraction.
but like.
yeah i’m disappointed that jared is on stage now. i can’t help it, i always am. his presence just seems especially upsetting after everything misha’s told us
i’m in no way saying they’re not friends, because they are, and i can’t doubt that they’ll be friends for the rest of their lives, happily and comfortably, but at the same time i will never be able to deny that jared is abusive. he violates consent in every possible way and just because it’s funny doesn’t mean it’s okay. these three spin the stories to make us laugh, but truly, under all of it, i find it upsetting.
someone’s always gonna say “but misha’s fine, he can take it”
but abused people can be fine, because they tend to be the strongest people, yet that doesn’t make the abuse okay. he’s not agreeing to it, he’s showing up for work each day because he has an obligation to and a family to feed. and he does love working there, and the people he works with, DESPITE the abuse.
i just. i don’t want people watching this to ever think that it’s okay for friends to hurt you. it’s possible to be bullied by friends. in fact that seems most likely in my own past. you may still be their friend, and your love for them may be warranted, and understandable, because they are lovable, but that doesn’t make their actions okay
misha: “are you wearing a t-shirt that says destiel is real?”
jensen’s hand ZOOMs to him i.e. “stop talking”
also he tied the pocket scarf around his neck and it looks good
omg remember when people would boo
is jensen like........ pumping for more cheers or being sarcastic? can’t tell, it’s kind of both
and then jensen just goes “DESTIEL IS REAL”
his tone is like.........forceful joking? but also he just SAID it ???
jensen: “is it? is it??”
crowd: “yes no yesss noo”
jensen: “where? where is it real?”
misha: (pulls jensen down) “don’t get in a fight with people, honey”
me: wrote a fic called He Called Me Honey
misha is the best and will always be the best and his support is the best and i love him more than words can say
k but
i think people’s claims that the destiel thing annoys jensen do have truth to them. his middle finger is on the mic, he’s PISSED.
but ........
honestly i don’t think it’s for the obvious reason. right now, *tilts head*.... looking at this, i think he’s actually more annoyed that destiel is not canonically canon. from what he sees, people are seeing something that’s “not there”, because despite him acting, he can’t hide his attraction to misha. and it’s still the old stuff from season 4 and 5 that put down the basis for all this, when he didn’t realise his pupils were dilating in the first few weeks with misha. and the storyline pushed them together.
theory: jensen’s annoyed about the destiel thing because it’s not as canon as he wants it to be.
just........ the way he reacts to destiel stuff out of panels seems way more supportive. he’s just currently feeling attacked by the disparity of opinion in the room, everyone yelling about their take on it, whereas his question was legitimate: “where are you guys seeing the romance?” because (despite his best efforts?) dean still hasn’t kissed cas on screen.
deleted scenes = deleted destiel. i’m still 80% convinced when cas came back from the empty, there was a shot where dean kissed him. and it wasn’t used. (i have no proof. this is a theory. just with the setup to the scene, and the way jensen flirts with misha on set, i refuse to believe there wasn’t a kiss shot at some point. even if jensen was messing around for giggles. he knows what’s up, deep down.)
anyway, my point is, i don’t think jensen understands the romantic subtext. i think he understands physical touching, spoken words, kisses. and he hasn’t seen that in the show. i think he absolutely acts dean as being best friends with cas, but the subtextual romance comes from the writers, editors, and people picking up on jensen’s unconscious attraction.
but jensen has not seen what he would interpret as Romance in the show. and i think he’s miffed that other people see it, because in his interpretation that means it’s actor bleed. i think he just doesn’t get it. not saying he hasn’t studied subtext and stuff, as a director, but i think for him personally, romance is romance when it’s seen (hence him touching cas a lot more when he directs). and any bold choices he’s made as dean interacting with cas have been hidden away by the producers.
again, this is all theory, my take on it. the other theory is that he doesn’t support destiel and doesn’t like talking about it at all. but THAT IS NOT TRUE and if anything, *THIS* and *THIS* prove that
k well those links just took me 20 minutes to find, and i still can’t find the version with the actual fanart. it was sunshine yellow, dean and cas were naked in towels, drinking coffee, and dean has a boner under his towel, and jensen drew a speech bubble saying “who the fuck are you?”
but yeah i think i gotta stop for today. I WILL BE BACK. maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days. still got 4 minutes of this panel and then jensen & misha’s solo panels to watch. and i wanna get all my reaction posts up before the ‘good omens’ series drops at the end of may!! because maybe i’mma post reactions to those on tumblr too c:
hope you’re all having a decent day <3
Elmie x
#Cockles#Jensen Ackles#Misha Collins#Elmie watches things#jibcon#post of postiness#shipper!Jared#shenanigans#abuse cw#J2M#Jared Padalecki
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did you ever like dean/lisa together ? i think lisa is a great character but i never feel like she was dean's true love. i was mad when he erased lisa and ben's memory
I think Lisa as a character was awesome and I wish she had made some sort of comeback. There really should be consequences on Dean's end for making that decision. It goes along with that theme I've been talking about in my anti Dean Winchester tags wherein he makes decisions for other people without their consent because it's easier for him to live with himself, not that its necessarily easy or the best for the ones he's making decisions for. He thought it would be best for Lisa and Ben to forget all about him because it makes it easier for him to live with the guilt about all the crap he brought into their lives. I mean, I'm sure there's a part of him that was thinking, "this is best for Lisa and Ben" but if he truly loved them and truly respected them, he would allow them to make that call for themselves. Not to mention, stripping those memories away, at least before they knew about the supernatural world but post season 6, they know nothing and that's really dangerous particular since the supernatural society knows about Lisa and Ben's affiliation with Dean.
But I think it might've been cool to see Lisa make a comeback. Maybe pop up around season 9 after Cas's fall; maybe when he became human, everything he used magic on such as the memory spell used on Ben and Lisa weakened and Lisa began remembering things (at least I think it was a spell Cas used, it might've been his memory stripping ability). Hell, maybe she and Ben are a kickass Mother-Son hunter duo right now. But it would've been nice to see tfw encounter Lisa again if for nothing else that to see Lisa teach Dean a lesson about taking decisions away from other people even if you have good intentions behind it. I mean, Dean stans are always talking about how Dean is supposed to be this beacon of light for humanity and freewill...so how is it that he spends more time than any of the other characters taking away others' choices? And Lisa could be the driving force to tell Dean, "Hey, this shit is messed up. You need to grow up and let us make our own choices and not try to romanticize us into your ideal fantasy." This is something Cas and Sam can't do because plain and simple, they're still caught up in their own emotional trauma with Dean. But Lisa isn't in that situation, she can tell it like it is.
I was never a big fan of the Dean/Lisa relationship, I was always way more interested in her as an individual character. Plus, she's also way too good for Dean. She was kind and patient and empathetic but also fiercely independent with her life very much put-together, I honestly have no idea what Dean brought to the relationship. In fact having her as a recurring character in season 6 was one of the better parts of the season if you ask me, so what if they only really used her to play the "damsel in distress" trope, I could still like the character for what she was and I wish we had more of her and got to see more of her play an active role in learning about Dean's world. Now, did Dean love her? To a certain extent and in his own way, yes. Destiel stans in particular often try to invalidate the relationship by saying Lisa and Ben just represented a fantasy and the only person Dean could ever truly love is Cas. But I disagree. For one thing, it takes away from Lisa and Ben's autonomy within the story and that they didn't matter other than to show Dean the "apple pie" life wouldn't work and Lisa and Ben deserve better than that kind of narrative. So my own process on all of this, yes, I think Dean did love Lisa and Ben as part of this fantasy he's always had but that doesn't mean he didn't love them beyond the fantasy. And to those who ship Destiel, Dean can still love Lisa and also love Cas. It is possible to have more than "one true love". We fall in love in different stages of our lives. Sometimes the ones we view as a "one true love" don't work out because of the situations our lives were at during that time but that doesn't make that love any less epic. TVD is complete trash, I know, but one line always stuck with me and I loved it because it's so true. Stefan has decided that he's going to move on from Elena, he's going to admit that his relationship with her is over and as he laments to Lexi that he doesn't know how he could possibly let an epic love like Elena go, "What if she's 'the one'?" And Lexi responds with, "You can have multiple 'ones'. Dean can have multiple people he loves. He could love Lisa and still love Cas. Lisa could've been his epic love that didn't work out because of the situation. Will Cas fall into that same bucket? Who knows. I'm highly skeptical on a Destiel endgame and it's definitely not something I want but hey, I'm not going to trash on someone else's ship and tell them there's no hope. Now with all that said, I'm still not a fan of the Dean/Lisa ship. Even though I said Dean probably loved her but being able to infer the writer's intent vs what the actual content is are two very different things. I can infer Dean and Lisa's feelings for each other but that doesn't mean I found their relationship in any way believable. Dean decides to meet up with Lisa after one night he spent with her and he expects her to still hold some kind of flame for him? Dude, it's been years. And he just shows up to her house just expecting her to take him in which is a testament to how genuinely good of a person Lisa is but again, what is it that Dean actually brings to the table?
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14x02 - Episode Review - Without the Bells and Whistles
Bucklemming colour me impressed. This episode was a rich character driven story that left me full and satisfied and that is something I NEVER say about Bucklemming. I am amazed at how character focused these first two episodes are and truly hope that Dabb keeps up the momentum among writers. It is a change of pace with the show, and a change of focus, but it is WORKING so far.
As always with BL episodes there were some pacing issues and clunky dialogue in parts, but damn Dick Speight Jr is doing a fabulous job making the show look beautiful. As with 14x01 there is a lot to discuss, though I will try to be brief as I have a desperate need to write a separate post about Cas because my angel had me in tears in this episode and he needs an essay written about him in it.
Without further adieu, a long review is under the cut.
Michael and the Bait
Firstly Jensen did spectacularly in this episode. Such a drastic difference from 14x01 and I’m not sure if that’s because of Dick being a more hands on director or Jensen finally making a choice but he has settled into the role and plays Michael as a sinister psychopath on a mission. Michael has far more personality in this episode. He is more interesting to watch and managed to hold my attention unlike in 14x01. This makes me happy.
So what’s the deal guys? Michael spends this episode focusing on his monster experiments, brags about owning Dean, and then just leaves? Obviously that’s not what happened. The clue is in the key moments:
“Why be the hunted, when you can be the Hunter?”
“Rule no.1 you can’t have a trap without bait. Rule no.2 Once the trap has been sprung, you don’t need the bait anymore.”
Michael’s plan has been set in motion. The scene with the vamp girl being foreshadowing for the bigger picture, the bigger goal. Is Michael going after the hunters? If his plan is to make a world where Monsters are in charge, then the hunters need to be eradicated. It makes sense. It also therefore makes sense that you would set your sights on hunter central – the bunker. So Dean was let free so Michael could keep a watch on the bunker and it’s residents through him. As far as the rules go, if Dean is the bait, then releasing Dean is Michael not needing him anymore directly. The trap itself is the mystery, but I suspect we will find out more about exactly what Michael has done in 14x03, and it will most likely all have to do with this mysterious scar. I don’t think Michael is hiding “in” Dean so much as has an “open connection” to him where he could jump back in at any time without Dean’s consent. But we shall find out soon enough I’m sure.
Mary x Bobby
Obviously I support this ship, but I support it even more seeing as they have now paralleled Mobby to Destiel in two episodes in a row.
“My FBI is a little rusty”
This week, Bobby is our Cas mirror and Mary is our Dean. The fond pat on the back was the only hint we got that this was romantic, but like with 14x01, I ask you to try to find a single viewer who doesn’t see “something there” between this generic heterosexual couple? They are continuing to show their relationship through nothing BUT destiel parallels and it continues to delight me that this is now the shows go-to way to portray romance.
On a slight side note, Bobby being from an apocalypse AU world, he is the classic hunter right now who only sees in black and white, and the way he went for the vamp girl even after she tried to explain how she had never harmed a human. Bobby’s take on things this season will be an interesting one as it’s a continuous theme in this show to explore what makes a monster, something that dates back to John Winchester days (the ultimate black and white hunter). Also his understandable suspicions about angels making the dynamic with Cas a potentially interesting one. I wonder if this Bobby will ever utter the phrase “family don’t end with blood”?
Nick – It’s a chicken and egg situation
*sigh* I’m still not won over, and I probably won’t be. I expected this episode to be Nick heavy, and the flashbacks irked me because I simply don’t care. But I get that they would be necessary for a general audience. My lack of care is my own issue. It doesn’t matter how much Mark P acted his arse off trying to give us a decent performance (his first in years), I’m still not gonna be a fan. I’m still gonna skip those scenes in subsequent re-watches but that’s just me. I just don’t find it interesting even if he is being embedded into the story in a way that is paramount to the plot and the characters own struggles and development. I will acknowledge that importance and move on. I suppose the take away from Nick’s role in this episode when not specifically tied to Castiel (which I will yell about later) is whether or not he murdered his wife and child before he was possessed by Lucifer. The set up in the episode, the scripting and the direction implies that yes, he did. Though that could be a misdirection.
At the beginning of the episode, when he was asking Castiel what would possibly make him say yes to Lucifer to begin with, he had seemingly forgotten all about the brutal murder of his family, until Cas reminded him. Perhaps he had just repressed the trauma to the point that he had removed it from his mind to save himself further torment – but then murderers do that as much as grieving widows. Interestingly of all the things we learn about the murder case, we never actually learn Nick’s whereabouts, only from Castiel saying “you weren’t there” which is entirely unreliable because how would he have known other than from reading about the case himself? We know Nick’s neighbour is jumpy around him, so what did the neighbour actually see? We know his wife and child were killed with a hammer – an extremely intimate murder weapon and one that has been meta’d before in relation to Demon!Dean. Strangers don’t murder people with a hammer. It’s the weapon of crimes of passion, of extreme emotional connection to the victims. There is nothing cold and detached about a hammer. People who pick hammer’s to kill seek out the mess and extreme violence that they cause. It’s horrific and so much more gruesome than a knife or a gun. To kill an infant with a hammer? Even worse. To then see Nick murder the neighbour in the same violent attack, it is very easy to assume that he was the original killer as well.
If we assume Nick was the killer what does this mean for the canon of the show? Is this how Lucifer picks his vessels? What does this say about Sam? Who had to consume gallons of demon blood before he could contain Lucifer, Sam who had to be “corrupted” from a young age to prepare him? Was Nick already corrupted enough thanks to his apparent violent streak?
OR was this new kill with the hammer a result of what Cas called Lucifer’s “influence”, the “damage on his psyche”? Did Lucifer create the monster? Or was the monster already a part of Nick? If the season is going to continue the themes of previous seasons in exploring the shades of grey between men and monsters, then Nick is a key component. Is he the innocent victim of the devil? Or is he a tormented killer, who just so happened to get what he deserved? How would this affect the boys? If they are already struggling to find compassion towards a man wearing the face of their abuser, how does this potential new bit of information fit into that story? Perhaps, if Nick really is the killer, once this is found out it gives the writers an easy way to ultimately have him killed off without any guilt of tormenting and villainising an innocent. My money is actually on this theory. Plus it gives me a reason to continue hating him for the hell of it. But hey, that’s just me.
Castiel – The Angel with Too Much Heart
Oh Cas. What DON’T I have to say about you in this episode? I was amazed by Bucklemming’s dedication to Cas as a character and devotion to getting him right for once… I feel like I have slipped into an alternate universe because of this.
In 14x01 Cas was physically beaten, and in 14x02 he is emotionally beaten. I can’t help but wonder if this spells gloomy foreshadowing for Cas in the coming episodes. I want to write about this in depth as this episode is a fascinating insight into Cas’s psyche and his character arc going forward BUT I am leaving that for a separate post so in this review I will just sum it up:
Consider what happens to Cas in several points:
He overhears Bobby saying “angels ain’t known for their veracity” about Jo – that he doubts she was telling the truth. Cas shrugs it off and “tends to agree with him” but the awkwardness is obvious. This isn’t the Bobby who saw Cas as a son after all.
He is told he cannot go along on the mission to save Dean because his “angelic presence would be sensed by Michael” therefore his grace has rendered him useless.
He is made to relive his own possession by Lucifer “you were in a lot of pain, and Lucifer saw a vulnerability and he exploited it” though not talking about himself, the implication is obvious to anyone with a good memory of previous seasons.
He is made to relive another dark chapter of his history when his grace was stolen and he was human. Cas gives Jack a heartfelt positive speech that does show he is in a better place now “I had Sam and Dean, but I had something else that was extremely helpful. I had myself. Just the basic me, as Dean would say without all the bells and whistles” (which btw is so so good for human!cas meta) but the truth is actually far more depressing than Cas lets on, and the pain of what happened at that time, how Dean kicking him out of the bunker only encouraged the view that without his grace he was useless and unwanted by Dean – hence jilted lover.
He is surprised by Nick trying to “snap” him to oblivion which could easily be a trigger for Cas bearing in mind Lucifer has blown him up before via that very gesture.
He had to relive his “greatest regret” and what he did to Jimmy and his family. “You’re just a stone cold body snatcher, you’re no different from Lucifer” and you can SEE how much that pained him. How much Nick twisted the knife at those words.
He was told by Jack that he wanted to meet “The only real family that I have left” which is a slap in the face to poor Cas who sees Jack as part of his own family (and his reaction to that line is heart breaking).
Then the worst thing, he is made to face the possible conclusion that Dean may have to die to save the world. “Dean doesn’t matter” oh boy. No hate to Jack who doesn’t really have any real reason to put Dean ahead of the world, but to Cas, who is in love with him? Yeah that’s the killing blow right there.
Right at the end Jack says “Do you think he’d want it any other way?” and Cas KNOWS Dean wouldn’t, because they have been in that situation before as well, and when that happened Dean asked Cas to take him out. So he had to relive that painful moment as well. One that he refused, and because he refused to fight Dean, got beaten to a pulp after proclaiming that he would “be the one to watch you murder the world”. I have no doubt that Cas would still take that view over the alternative.
So Cas was emotionally beaten all episode. Forced to live through his worst moments and biggest regrets, and then have to face the fact that putting Dean above saving the world just isn’t right and he needs to prepare himself for that eventuality. If this episode and the last have told us anything, it’s that Cas is once again in a pretty low place. That much beating, both physical and emotional, are going to have an impact, and I am now really concerned about where Cas disappears to in episodes 4 to 6.
There is so much more to discuss, specifically in relation to what his view of his grace as “bells and whistles” could mean for human!Cas meta writers, not to mention the basic fact that any argument now about Cas hating being human just isn’t true. He still had himself, and he still believed in himself even when human, and even if he didn’t back then, he does now. He doesn’t see that period of his life as a total negative. That is HUGE.
A+ episode for Cas development. Amazing as that is being a bucklemming. It has also left us with lots to speculate and theorise which is always a great thing - keeping people tuning in. The Michael!Dean mystery as well as the Nick mystery probably won’t get revealed any time soon, but are enough to have people talking about them for a while.
Sam was still very much in Leader mode, though didn’t really get to do much this episode, but the way I see it, 14x01 was for Sam, 14x02 was for Cas, and I fully expect 14x03 to be a Dean heavy episode (which is fair since I am sure we are all missing him by now). Jack is also one to watch. His inner turmoil is textually acknowledged several times over and seeing as he is basically a mini Cas, the possibility that Jack could decide to do something drastic is probably very likely. I wonder if we will see Kelly’s parents again any time soon - I kinda hope not as I reckon that would spell certain doom for them.
It was a strong episode, and I enjoyed watching it (other than the Nick stuff). Probably my second favourite Bucklemming episode if I was to rank them all now which is very impressive (11x18 will always be top imo).
That’s all for now, as I am in the mood to write some Cas stuff. As always if you read this far kudos and please reblog and comment and send me asks as I love all that stuff. :D
#supernatural#episode review#castiel#spn meta#spn speculation#spn spoilers#season 14#14x02#my meta#my review#my thoughts#my poor angel#mirrors and parallels#michael!dean
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Destiel Trope Collection 2019 Day 30: Wing Fic
Entwining Your Broken Parts With My Love | @wildsofourhearts Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5405 Main Tags and Warnings: Dom/sub, Safe Sane and Consensual, Gentle Dom Dean Winchester, sub Castiel, Switching Dom/sub roles, Bondage, Wings Shibari, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary: Castiel hates his broken wings and a fading spell has rendered them in their corporeal form. Dean wants to show how beautiful they are to him and to help Cas feel better about them, even if just for a while.
Wing Grooming, parts 1 and 2 | @yourspecialeyes Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3187 Main Tags and Warnings: wing!kink, frottage Summary: Cas needs a helping hand with his wings, but getting him to accept that help takes a little coaxing.
Grooming Instincts | @jemariel Rating: Explicit Word Count: 26153 Main Tags and Warnings: Dean/Cas, Angel mating rituals, massages/back rubs, wing grooming, angel wings, wing oil, Castiel in the bunker, first time, grace kink, grace sharing, mating bonds Summary: There's something going on with Cas. Dean is determined to help him through it, in whatever way he can. He might end up with more than he bargained for. OR: Dean helps Cas scratch an itch. As it were.
Wings and Wishes | @imbiowaresbitch Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2795 Main Tags and Warnings: Porn without plot; light angst Summary: While on a case, Cas takes a hit meant for Dean. Dean confronts Cas when they return to the bunker, and feathers fly.
dream in color | @reallyelegantsharkfish Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5087 Main Tags and Warnings: Wing Kink, Angel Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Alternate Universe - Angels Are Known, Touch-Starved Dean Winchester, Grooming, Wing Grooming, Wing Oil, Lonely Dean Winchester, Masseur Castiel, Hurt/Comfort ,Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic Summary: The last time anyone did this for him, Dean was young enough that there was no component of lust. Oil didn’t soak his feathers or drip down his ribs then, there was no discomfort from his hard cock trapped in his jeans. Grooming can be an innocent affection, but it can also be more. Cas is a professional, and Dean is a fucking creep.
a fair price to pay | @duustbunny Rating: Explicit Word Count: 57281 Main Tags and Warnings: Slavery AU, Slow Burn, Consent Issues, Past Rape/Non-con Summary: Dean makes the mistake of accepting a rebellious angel slave named Castiel as payment for a job. Selling him is proving harder than he was led to believe. “What did you expect when you got us into this, Dean? That we’d just post ‘angel slave for sale’ on Craigslist and ship him out by FedEx?”
Just a little nudge | @angelneedshunter Rating: General Word Count: 1136 Main Tags and Warnings: wingfic Summary: Dean gets to experience Castiel's wings.
Under a Witch's Spell | @noiproksa Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6394 Main Tags and Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Castiel, Witch Curses, Angel Wings, Wing Grooming, Angel Powers, Team Free Will, Canon Compliant, Friendship, Fluff Summary: Cas is under a spell and touching Dean seems to be the only thing that can help him focus his powers. ~ Sequel to Angeleech, but can be read separately.
But With the Mind | @pluckydean Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1561 Main Tags and Warnings: Bodyswap, Wingfic, Fluff Summary: Dean gets bodyswapped with Cas and discovers something unexpected.
Tamed | @cas-lost-grace Rating: Explicit Word Count: 39302 Main Tags and Warnings: Wing Kink, Winged Castiel, Mating Bond, Hurt/Comfort, Xenophobia, Bottom Castiel, Slurs, Domestic Fluff Summary: In a world where supernatural creatures are coveted for their powers, and often kept as pets, Dean and Sam are infamous hunters. Known for capturing creatures too dangerous to own and selling the ones that aren't. When they hear about an Angel sighting, they know they have to find this rare and dangerous winged creature. With a help of an Enochian book with instructions on taming Angels, they manage to capture Castiel. When things take an interesting turn between Dean and the creature, Sam realizes he may have made a translation error that will change his brother's life forever.
Runs in the Family | @babybluecas Rating: General Word Count: 1497 Main Tags and Warnings: alternate universe, fluff, kidfic, past minor character death Summary: Dean's new boyfriend, Cas, has been wary about him meeting his child, Claire. Dean gets it, they've only been seeing each other for a few weeks. What Dean doesn't know is that Cas might have more reasons for worry than just a premature attachment.
The Wireless | @almaasi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 58543 Main Tags and Warnings: Alternate Universe - Radio, Carnival, Fluff, Romance, Adventure, Solarpunk, Radio Host Castiel, Fallen Angel Castiel, Psychic Castiel, Journalist Castiel, Castiel in Makeup, Hunter Dean, Smart Dean, Bisexual Dean, Dean Winchester's First Time With a Man, Dean in Makeup, Hunter Sam, Kissing Booths, First Kiss, First Time, Tent Sex, Tattooed Castiel, Angel Wings, Coming Out, Long Distance Relationship, Sea Monsters, Global Warming, Team Free Will Summary: Cas Novak hosts a popular radio show, entertaining hunters with his psychic powers. But, in a world where monster-hunting is commonplace, he harbours a powerful secret: he’s not human, but an angel, surviving in a society unsympathetic to his kind. For six years, Cas has read out news stories describing a particularly impressive man: Dean Winchester, distinguished hunter and accidental prophet of God. Not by chance, Cas meets Dean at a sunny autumn carnival, where Dean’s taken a job at a kissing booth. One kiss - perhaps two - and they’re already old friends, sharing fairground food, a carousel ride, another kiss on the ferris wheel... Finally, safe in the tent Dean shares with his brother, Castiel feels comfortable enough to reveal those unknown pieces of himself. But come morning, bigger events separate the trio: an ancient beast is waking up, and a fearful world desperately needs to be united. Now Castiel has a reason to confess his true nature, broadcasting live on Hunter Radio. Of course, Dean is listening. And it’s only a matter of time before he replies.
Our Garden Home | @almaasi Rating: General Word Count: 36364 Main Tags and Warnings: Fairy AU, Schmoop, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fairy Dean, Miniature Dean, Fairy Castiel, Miniature Castiel, Leviathan Castiel, Winged Castiel, Socially Awkward Castiel, Grumpy Castiel, Living Together, Nesting, Domestication, Seasonal, Gift Exchange, Slow Build, Eventual Romance, Cute Overload, Autistic Castiel, Social Anxiety, Depression Recovery, Family, Food Issues, Supportive Dean, Character Development, Ableism Summary: Flower fairy Dean has caught a thief in his trap. As it turns out, it wasn't a mouse stealing his food. It was Castiel: a hissy, bitey bat sprite with one wing and a forlorn, lonely heart. Dean offers a warm space in his nest, where Castiel can stay until Springtime comes around again. However, Castiel becomes more than just a guest. With a little effort, he helps make Dean's nest a home.
Angel-Mine | @relucant Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4274 Main Tags and Warnings: wing kink, frottage, friends to lovers Summary: Cas exhaled. "When an angel's wings are injured," he said to his feet, "the healing process can be augmented by… grooming, I suppose, would be the most accurate word. Removal of the maimed feathers to allow growth of healthy ones. Otherwise, they're left to fall out alone." He tilted his head towards the nightstand. "As you see." Dean stared at him. "So… that's why I can't help?" he said slowly. "'Cause I can't, y'know… see 'em? Or touch 'em?" "Yes," Cas said, slightly too quickly, and Dean snorted. "You're still a shitty liar, Cas," he informed him. "What ain't you tellin' me?"
The Angel's Widower (WIP) | @60r3d0m Rating: Explicit Word Count: 50823 Main Tags and Warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Slowburn, Hurt/Comfort, Soul Bonds, Claiming, Mating Rituals, Wing Kink, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: After Castiel dies, the portal to the other world opens and obliterates the universe that Sam and Dean know. Bobby takes them in, teaches them how to survive in a world with new rules and new consequences, a world where humans live in camps enclosed by high walls to keep angels out, where angels will do anything and everything to seduce and lure humans away. Why and to where beyond the wall, no one knows. While Sam struggles to find a way home, a grieving Dean loses all hope. But then one night, while Dean's guarding the wall, in the middle of a snowy blizzard and under the cover of darkness, an angel with beautiful black wings and a familiar face appears. His name is Castiel. And he asks Dean to go with him.
#destiel#supernatural#destielfanficnet#deancasfanficnet#writersofdestiel#destiel trope collection#tropes#wing fic#2019
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Misha and Cockles
Tinhatting made it's grand appearance in the Lord of the Rings fandom. Fans of Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan were convinced that both boys were in love with each other. Initially the Ringers, whom I consider to be one of the best behaved slash fandom's ever] tried to make them see reason, but when they realized that the girls were very adamant in the beliefs, and not harming anyone, the Ringers did what any smart person in this situation would do. They left the tinhats alone. That is how you deal with tinhats. Giving them any attention, both positive or negative, can prove detrimental. Attention is akin to fanning the flames. The Domlijah tinhat fanbase eventually died a natural death after running its course, without any external attention [especially from the actors] whatsoever. I have no issue with tinhatting, provided you keep your theories to yourselves.
Larry Stylinson is the prime example for the worst case scenario for misbehaving tinhats. Harry Styles and Louie Stylinson were children and, therefore played up the theory in front of fans, at the behest of the company [Modest Management] that managed them. They should never have done that.
It is rumored that Modest even penned the first slash stories for this pairing. Any publicity is good publicity I guess. Even if you are hurting two children in the process. Things got so out of hands, that the boys stopped working with Modest and eventually disbanded. If all that is true then, Modest is a horrible company. Louie said during an interview that it was the tinhats that destroyed his friendship with Harry.
There are two tinhat groups in the SPN fanbase. J2 and Cockles. On their own they are not likely to be intrusive. However one person don't know subtlety: Misha.
Misha always speaks about subjects that he has miniscule knowledge of. Even if the subject has to do with him and his wife engaging in sexual intercourse with Jensen and his wife. Did he get Jensen's consent for this? Any publicity is good publicity, I guess. He spoke about Cockles unprovoked at Denvercon, Nobody asked him about it. He inserted Cockles into his answer for no reason.
If Misha's fans are capable of sending death threats for destiel, imagine what they will do for Cockles. Cockles tinhats hate Jared. Danneel is part of their theory so they love her. They are Genevieve's cheerleaders because she keeps Jared ''away from Jensen'' apparently. Tinhats usually find one villain in their theories. That's par for the course. Jared is the Cockles villain and the tinhats are constantly reaching out to damage his career. That is the flame Misha is fanning. If he would only take a page out of 1Ds book about how maniacal a juiced up tinhat can be.
The funny thing is that J2 are not stupid. At Birmingham, Misha brought up the shirts again because he simply had to. Someone was holding an invisible gun to his temple, don'cha know? J2 reacted by saying they've shared underwear. I wonder how stupid Misha felt sitting there. I would hope that this means J2 are becoming wary of Misha's tactics, and Misha will be forced to moderate his mouth. But knowing Misha, his non-existent filters and the fact that he is stuck doing solo panels so they are not there to correct him, that seems unlikely.
#supernatural#spn#spnfandom#spnfamily#destiel#dean winchester#deancas#casdean#dean x castiel#misha collins#jenmisheel#jenmish#cockles#jensen ackles#sam winchester#sammy winchester#sam and dean#sabriel#sastiel#john winchester#wincest#jared padalecki#genevieve padalecki#padackles#danneel ackles#bi dean#dean is bi#j2#j2 tinhat
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A Very Supernatural Christmas Party, Chapter Eight
As you may know, I’ve decided to write a fic for million Christmas December Supernatural Prompt Challenges. The challenges include:
Gabriel’s Monthly Challenge @gabriel-monthly-challenge, @archangelgabriellives, @ttttrickster, @archangel-with-a-shotgun, @warlockwriter, @archangelsanonymous, and @revwinchester
spnfanficpond’s Weekly Episode Writing Challenge @spnfanficpond @mrswhozeewhatsis
Supernatural Amino’s Holiday Prompt List and their Hunters Writing Club Challenge - December.
You can find me and this fic on AO3 Archive of Our Own
I’m also on Ko-Fi
If you’d like to read this chapter directly on AO3, here’s a link: A Very Supernatural Christmas Party - Chapter Eight
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
A Very Supernatural Christmas Party
Summery: Metatron’s annual Christmas parties are the stuff of legends. As in, no one has ever been able to stop Gabriel bitching about how terrible they are. This year, Gabriel decides to ask one of the Winchesters to go as his date. Guess which one. Castiel has a similar idea, but things don’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Sam, Dean, and Charlie discover the true meaning of Christmas. Spoiler: it’s shopping, and a lot of booze.
Ships: Destiel, Sabriel, the rest are surprises!
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Charlie, Metatron, and a whole lotta angels later
Chapter Eight Summery: Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Gabriel head to the Christmas party at last. With a little help from some old friends, they manage to make it a night to remember.
Chapter Eight
The Christmas Party
“Welcome, one and all, to my five-thousand and twenty-fourth annual Christmas party. I am delighted to see all of your smiling faces. Your gracious host of the evening is I, Metatron, the Scribe of God. But enough about me… Before we begin the festivities, I’d like to a read a passage from one of my favorite books. No, no… it’s not the Bible… a passage from a book I didn’t write… hehem.”
Metatron began to read aloud. The Christmas Party was being held in what looked like an old Gothic cathedral made out of ice and dazzling crystals. Stalactites hung delicately from the ceiling, and a grand chandelier lit up the banquet hall. Despite the wintry wonderland around them, the room was warm and cozy. Blue flames were lit in white fireplaces, and tall, fully decorated Christmas trees flaked the entrances.
Angels filled the marble dance floor, all holding drinks and staring off into space as Metatron performed his quote. He was on a stage a foot above the other angels, speaking into a microphone. He chuckled to himself after a joke, cuing the angels to laugh.
The crowd was dotted with short, curly-haired cherubs holding appetizer and drink trays. They were all wearing green elf costumes. Metatron himself had on a red suit, cotton topped hat, and a false, white beard.
“So, let us toast to the spirit of Christmas, and to the New Year to come.” Metatron gave a wide, self-indulgent smile, then lifted his champagne glass to the glimmering ceiling. He took a great breath, then stopped. There was a commotion in the hallway outside the main doors, causing every head to turn.
“I told you, we should have taken a left when we crossed the arctic circle.”
“Oh where’s your sense of adventure? The caribou were cool, right?”
“You mean the large, angry deer? Oh yes, very cool.”
The crowd of angels began to stir. Metatron’s smile twitched as he tried to talk over the murmuring, “So! As they say… let us be unheeded, happy...”
“Besides, I like to be fashionably late.”
“What, precisely, is so fashionable about being late?”
“Stow it you two, hurry up!”
“Stow it all three of you! Who cares if we’re late? Like you said, Gabriel. Metatron’s a great big...”
Metatron’s voice rang even louder, “...and near to the wild heart of life!”
“...bag of dicks.”
The double doors creaked open and the crowd’s voice died at once. Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Gabriel stood in the archway, frozen in the gaze of over a hundred angels.
Metatron glowered at them.
“Well. That’s awkward.” Dean muttered. He spotted the bar and tried to slip away, but Castiel grabbed him by the arm.
“Winchesters! And the Archangel Gabriel. How kind of you to join us.” Metatron said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “A little late, aren’t we?”
Castiel tilted his head.
“Late?” Gabriel scoffed, grabbed a shrimp stick off of a nearby cherub, “A wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he means to. Shove that up your stocking. Come on, Sammy.” He popped the shrimp in his mouth, grabbed Sam, and made his way into the murmuring crowd with Sam muttering apologies left and right.
Castiel sighed and let Dean lead him after Sam and Gabriel.
Metatron cleared his throat loudly, causing the room to silence again, “Like I was saying, a toast!” His warm smile had returned, with just a flicker of annoyance.
The angels lifted their glasses in unison. Castiel and Dean scrambled to grab glasses off a moving cherub. Gabriel was handing Sam some he’d already swiped.
(“I don’t need three!”)
Metatron sipped his champagne and smacked his lips with relish, “Good stuff! Now… may you all have very Merry Christmas Eve! Huzzah!”
A band began playing music from the stage, and chatter broke out among the crowd. Angels all drifted back to their partners and friends, although there was a halo of silence around Sam and Dean. Neither of them seemed to notice or care.
Sam was staring at Metatron as he joined the revelry.
“Is he… Santa Claus?” Sam asked.
Gabriel just finished chugging his last glass of champagne, “Yup. He does that every year. You gunna finish that?” He asked Dean.
Dean handed him his champagne instantly.
Castiel was trying to drink his, but he kept tasting it and frowning, “There’s too much air in mine.”
Dean took Castiel’s glass and passed that to Gabriel, too, “It’s called carbonation, Cas.”
Sam laughed.
“Alright, well, if you guys need me, I mean... us, we’ll be at the bar.” Dean grabbed Castiel and led him through a gap of angels. No one stopped them, they just stared as Dean and Castiel passed.
Gabriel sneaked his five or six empty glasses onto a passing cherub-elf, then offered Sam his hand. It took Sam a second to realize what he was doing.
“Oh! Um...” Sam glanced around.
“Don’t worry about them.” Gabriel nodded over his shoulder, “Metatron might have told us not to invite humans.”
Sam took Gabriel’s hand, “What? Why?”
Gabriel feigned thought as he put an arm around Sam’s waist, “Probably so the Winchesters wouldn’t find out and crash his party.” Gabriel grinned.
Sam smiled, “Nice tricks, Trickster.” He put his hand in Gabriel’s and danced with him to the music.
“I’m impressed, Sam.”
“What? I took a ballroom class with my ex.”
Gabriel gave Sam a flirty look.
The stares they were attracting gradually shifted from stares of alarm and concern, to stares of curiosity and interest. Several other angels joined them, dancing to the music with their fellows.
“So.” Sam started, trying not to notice the audience, or how good Gabriel looked in his suit and tie. Even his hair looked nice. Did he use product? “...Um.”
“Riveting discussion, Sam.”
“Shut up.” Sam looked at him. Gabriel’s smile was infectious, “I’ve been thinking.”
“Go on.”
“You know how I said, no tricks? No… funny business.”
“Well, you’re pretty much all tricks and funny business...”
“Gee, thanks.”
“No. What I mean is…” Sam took a breath, “All that stuff is what makes you, you. And... I like you.” Sam looked at him, “So, I take it back.” Gabriel was silent, “You should just be yourself.”
“You do realize what you just said, right?” Gabriel clarified.
“Yeah.” Sam smiled resignedly.
Gabriel grinned at Sam. As the music reached a crescendo, Gabriel spun Sam around and kissed him. Sam’s laughter melted away. They shared a kiss under the mistletoe and tinsel decorated icicles, savoring the taste champagne on each other’s lips.
“I don’t feel right leaving Sam and Gabriel.” Castiel was saying to Dean as they made their way through the crowd. It was easy, all the angels were giving them a wide birth.
“They’re both consenting adults.” Dean said, “Plus, Gabriel’s an Archangel. Not even Metatron’s dumb enough to mess with them.” Dean said, making fearless eye contact with a few interloping angels. For a brief moment he saw a ray of hope, a beacon of angelic light shining ahead: the bar. They were a foot away when someone stepped into their path.
“Hello, Castiel.”
Dean and Castiel stopped.
“Oh.” Castiel said, “Hello, Hannah.”
Hannah smiled politely, then glanced down at Castiel’s hand, which was currently being held by Dean, “I… just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.” She regained her composure.
Castiel nodded stiffly, “Yes. Thank you. And you as well.” He inched to the right, trying to allow Dean to keep moving.
Hannah inched to the left, blocking him, “Um, I also wanted to say, congratulations.”
“For what?” Castiel looked confused.
“Bringing a human here. After what Metatron told us, I mean, it was brave of you.”
Dean rolled his eyes. He inched next to Castiel, making himself completely visible in front of Hannah.
Hannah chose to ignoring him, “There are some here who will not appreciate Metatron inviting you, but, I want you to know that I do. Appreciate you. Coming here...”
“You done?” Dean asked flatly.
Hannah glanced at Dean, “Yes. I suppose.”
Castiel nodded awkwardly, “Right. Well, thank you again. We’ll just… be going.”
Dean pulled Castiel away and walked roughly past Hannah. He stepped on the foot of an angel wearing a fast food uniform without even noticing. He only stopped when they reached the bar, grabbing onto it like a life raft.
“How did I let you convince me to come to a party where no one understands basic human principles like leaving me the Hell alone?” Dean sat on a crystal barstool. It was oddly comfortable.
Castiel sat numbly beside him.
“You alright, Cas?”
Castiel glanced at him, “Yeah. Of course. Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Dean muttered, “I get it.”
“Get what?”
“That angel back there. Hannah?” Dean explained, “She has the hots for you.”
Castiel looked taken aback, “No she doesn’t.” He scoffed.
“Right. Well you weren’t the one getting the death glares back there. If I wake up dead tomorrow, I’m telling you, it’s her.”
“That’s not funny, Dean.”
“Can I take your order?” A tall, square jawed angel asked. He was wearing a black dress shirt, a grey suit vest, and red and green bowtie. He had a string of Christmas lights draped over his broad chest that he clearly was trying to pretend wasn’t there.
“Hey, I know you...” Dean started.
“Yes, aren’t you Gadreel?” Castiel squinted at him.
Gadreel took a deep, calming breath, “Can I take… your order?”
“Yeah. Uh, do you take Mastercard here or is it just Disney Bucks?” Dean asked.
Gadreel sighed, “It’s an open bar.”
“Wow.” Dean glanced at Castiel, impressed, “That was a mistake. I’ll have your top shelf whiskey good sir, and don’t bother with the ice.”
Metatron was making his way through the party, stopping to greet each and every angel. He clinked glasses together, even though noone but him seemed to know why, and dropped phrases like, "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” As he passed a confused looking Hannah, he noticed Gabriel and Sam dancing.
“Metatron! Good to see you. I was hoping I could have a word...” Hannah had stopped him, but Metatron kept walking.
“Uh… yes, yes. Merry Christmas to you, too.” He said distantly. He left her in the crowd and marched up to Gabriel, “Gabriel.” He snarled quietly, standing in Sam’s shadow.
Gabriel pretended not to hear him. Sam followed his lead, continuing to waltz.
“I thought I said no Winchesters!” He hissed after them, following them back and forth awkwardly to the music.
“No, you said no humans. And seeing as how Sam and Dean have been dead, reborn, turned into vampires, etc, I hardly think they qualify.” Gabriel winked subtly at Sam. Sam grinned.
“You know perfectly well what I meant. I told you, explicitly…!”
Gabriel swept Sam around and glared over his shoulder at Metatron, “Then maybe you shouldn’t have lit my pants on fire. By the way, nice castle, Elsa. Ciao!” And with that, he slid gracefully back into the dance. He plucked a Christmas rose out of a vase and put it between his teeth. Sam cracked up.
Angels filled in the space between Metatron and Gabriel, leaving Metatron fuming and muttering to himself.
Dean had been keeping an eye on the confrontation from the bar, but it seemed Gabriel had taken care of it. Dean felt his big brother instincts relax a little, so he turned back to Castiel, “So Cas. I’m not sure which one of us is getting more death glares, you or me.” He sipped his whiskey.
Gadreel had made Castiel the ‘house special’ which was a red and green cocktail with a cherry and mistletoe sprig on top. Castiel just kept staring at it, “It’s probably because I rebelled against Heaven, killing hundreds, and you were the sword of Michael, whom you sent to Hell with Lucifer.”
Dean stared at him. He didn’t need to say it.
“Subtly. I know.” Castiel sighed.
Dean sipped his drink. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Hannah approaching the bar. Dean put his drink down.
“So, Dean. I...” But he never finished his sentence. Dean had put his arm over the back of Castiel’s stool, leaned over, and kissed him. Castiel stared in surprise. Deciding he wouldn’t question it, he kissed Dean back, tasting the whiskey on his tongue.
Dean saw Hannah change direction mid step. Dean smiled into the kiss. He felt Castiel kissing him back and decided to make it a formal affair. Gadreel cleared his throat, but when neither of them stopped kissing, he walked away to serve someone else.
“Well well well. Someone gave that squirrel wings.” A low, raspy voice cooed from behind them.
Dean and Castiel broke apart to see Crowley at their side, watching them in approval. Dean immediately reached into his suit jacket.
“Dean.” Castiel stopped him.
“Yeah, Dean.” Crowley said, “Can’t kill me here. In case you didn’t notice, we’re surrounded by Heaven’s choir.”
“So what the Hell are you doing here?” Dean sneered.
“Yes, why are you here?” Castiel repeated.
“I was invited, obviously.” Crowley said, sipping a red martini.
“By who?” Castiel challenged.
An arm slipped around Crowley’s shoulders, and the figure of a distracted, British angel swooped into the picture, “Yes, yes, of course I’m on Instagram! Message me later.” He said to a group of angels passing by before turning to greet whoever Crowley was dragging him over to greet.
Balthazar looked at Dean and Castiel in surprise, “Well! I wasn’t expecting to see you here!”
“You?” Castiel’s brow came together in confusion, “Balthazar. You brought… Crowley?”
“Oh yes.” Balthazar began, leaning on Crowley who was looking immensely smug, “It’s a funny story, you see, we met up at a banquet for the Purgatory Orphans Fund, dreadfully boring by the way, would not recommend, anywho, one thing led to another, and we’re getting shitfaced in my hot-tub and f...”
“Okay! Okay, nope no no no.” Dean interrupted.
“...ing like rabbits.” Balthazar laughed to himself, “Great night. So here we are.”
“Yes.” Crowley sipped his drink fondly, “Here we are.” He raised his brow at Castiel, who was looking nauseous.
Much to the delight of both Crowley and Balthazar, Crowley seemed to be unnerving every angel around them even more so than the Winchesters. Metatron kept shooting Balthazar mutinous looks, but even he was staying away from them.
“You are such a devil, you know that?” Balthazar murmured to Crowley.
Crowley smirked, “Already aware of that, darling.” He purred.
“Darling. I love it.” Balthazar said briskly.
“What’ll you have?” Gadreel appeared in front of Crowley and Balthazar.
“Oh I’ll have whatever Cassie is having. That looks delightful.” Balthazar said.
Dean and Castiel exchanged reluctant looks, both sipping their drinks in silence.
“I must say.” Balthazar leaned in to speak just to Dean and Castiel, “I brought Crowley because… oh thank you, Gadreel. I thought it would piss off Metatron...” Balthazar glanced around quickly, spotting him glaring in the distance, “And I think it’s working.” He smirked. There was a twinkle in his eye.
Dean considered this. He downed his entire drink then, to Castiel’s surprise, said, “I can appreciate that.”
Balthazar nodded, “I knew you would.” He clapped Dean on the shoulder, “Great seeing you two gents, really.” He took his drink and let Crowley lead him back into the crowd.
Castiel sighed deeply, “I will never understand Balthazar’s antics.”
Dean allowed himself a smile, “I dunno. I think he’s got the right idea. Any chance to mess with Metatron...”
Dean looked over at him, “Yeah?”
“I’m glad you came here with me.” Castiel said honestly, taking Dean’s hand, “I don’t know how I would have gotten through this without you.”
Dean licked his lips in thought, but he chose not to say anything. He rubbed Castiel’s hand, leaned over, and kissed him.
Back on the dance floor, Gabriel and Sam had taken a break. Angels were coming by to say hi to Gabriel, including a young man wearing a fast food joint uniform.
“Alfie! Good to see you.” Gabriel gave him a one armed hug.
“It’s Samandriel.” He reminded him, “Sam, good to see you.” He shook Sam’s hand formally, “I see you aren’t following the rules as usual, Gabriel.”
“Rules are for squares.” Gabriel said.
“Yes, well.” Alfie glanced around quickly, then whispered, “I’m glad someone is bringing a little life to this party.” He gave Sam a small smile then walked away.
Soon, other angels were following Alfie’s lead, coming over to say hello to Gabriel and gawk at Sam. If Sam didn’t know better, he’d think we was Gabriel’s trophy date. But Gabriel’s pride wasn’t coming from challenging Metatron, it was coming from Sam being there with him, so Sam was happy to play along. He made sure to put his arm around Gabriel whenever Metatron was looking, and whisper sweet nothings into Gabriel’s ear as Metatron passed. After a few more glasses of champagne, Sam and Gabriel were truly having a ball. Finally, Gabriel suggested they get something more substantial to drink, and they joined Dean and Castiel at the bar.
Sam froze when he saw Gadreel.
“What? What’s wrong?” Gabriel asked suddenly.
Sam shook his head, “Nothing, I just… I feel like I know him.”
Gabriel ordered for them while Sam caught up with Dean.
“Did you see Metatron? He’s pissed.” Sam smiled.
“Yeah, this is actually kind of awesome.” Dean squeezed Castiel’s hand.
Castiel seemed to have finally relaxed, and was sipping his frozen drink contentedly.
Gabriel passed Sam a green mojito and sat beside him.
“So did you see Crowley’s here?” Dean asked.
“What?” Sam looked around wildly, reaching into his jacket.
Gabriel stopped him, sharing a knowing look with Castiel.
“Yeah.” Dean huffed, “Balthazar brought him as his date.”
Gabriel gave a shout of laughter, “Oh… that’s genius.” He smiled fondly, “I love that angel.”
Sam gave him a look, so Gabriel leaned in and nuzzled him affectionately. Sam laughed and pushed him off.
Soon, a group of angels from Castiel’s old garrison came by to say hi, and Castiel introduced them to the group.
“Sam, Dean, this is Uriel, Hester, and Inias.”
“Yes.” Uriel said, “And Anna is over there with Hannah.”
Castiel and Dean both looked over to the two women chatting by the stage.
Sam looked away.
“Good. Good” Castiel nodded awkwardly, “Tell her I say hi.”
“I’ll call her over.” Uriel said, oblivious to Castiel's trepidation. He caught the redhead’s attention and waved her over.
Dean was looking anywhere but at Castiel.
Anna came over, smiling at him, “Hello Castiel. And… oh! Dean.” She stared at him.
Dean pretended to just notice her, giving her an overly politely smile, “Hey. How are you, Anna?”
Castiel couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Anna looked in a long, purple dress. He kept eyeing Dean.
“And, Sam! How are you?” Anna gravitated towards him.
“Hi Anna. You look nice.” Sam swallowed, “Say, Gabriel, weren’t you just asking me to go do something that’s nowhere near here?”
Gabriel looked at him, “You mean go make out in the coat closet? Hellz yeahs, let’s go.” Gabriel took his drink and dragged Sam off.
Anna’s gaze fell back to Dean. She bit her lips, nodding awkwardly, “Right. So.”
“Dean’s my date.” Castiel told her brusquely. Dean nearly facepalmed, “He’s here as my date.” He clarified unnecessarily.
Anna nodded again, “Right. Well. It was good seeing you, Dean.” She smiled at him, then left with Uriel, Hester, and Inias.
Dean stared at Castiel.
“W...what?” He asked.
Dean grinned, “Smooth.”
“She was… flirting with you.”
“Yeah, probably because we hooked up on her last night on Earth.”
Castiel paled, “Exactly.”
Dean set his drink down, looking oddly smug, “Don’t tell me… are you jealous?”
Castiel’s eyes widened, “You were jealous of Hannah.”
“Yeah, because she wants to jump your feathers!”
“And Anna wants…!”
Dean cut him off, “Wanna go make ‘em both jealous?”
Castiel faltered, “What? How?”
Dean glanced around, “Come on.” He took Castiel by the hand and led him away from the bar. Soon they were weaving into the crowd of dancing angels. Dean caught Anna looking away, so he held out his hand for Castiel.
Castiel stared at it.
“Take my hand, Cas.” Dean muttered, “And put your arm around my waist.”
Castiel did so, then was surprised to find Dean pulling him close. He led Castiel into a slow, simple dance, moving in the time with the music and the other angels around them.
Castiel relaxed a little, “I didn’t know you could dance.”
“I can’t. Not really anyway. Just follow my lead.”
Castiel did as Dean said. He couldn’t take his eyes off of him. Soon, Dean and Castiel had both forgotten about Anna and Hannah, and were dancing happily together, joking and smiling.
“Hey.” Sam appeared beside them with Gabriel. He was retying his tie hastily.
Dean eyed him knowingly, “How was the coat closet?”
Sam grinned sheepishly, “Good. How’s Anna?”
Sam smiled, then let Gabriel lead him into a dance.
As Sam and Dean danced with their angels, they both noticed Balthazar and Crowley on the other side of the marble dance floor, doing a kind of tipsy funeral march. They had just gotten done talking with Naomi, who was now giving Balthazar a dark look. Her date, a clean cut angel Sam thought was named Bartholomew, sighed.
For once, Sam didn’t mind Crowley being there. He shared a look with Dean, who seemed to feel the same way.
“Alright everyone!” Metatron had gotten back up on the stage. The music quieted, and everyone turned to look at him. Metatron was back in full swagger, gazing out over his adoring (sort of) audience, “According to Greenwich Mean Time… it is now midnight, December 25th! Merry Christmas!” He cheered.
There was a general cheer and clapping from the crowd. Fireworks of red, green, silver, and gold lit up the high ceilings, their lights dancing like the aurora borealis.
“Merry Christmas, Sam.” Dean said.
“Merry Christmas, Dean.” He smiled back. Then Gabriel was taking Sam into a passionate kiss, and Castiel followed cue, kissing Dean under the mistletoe.
Once midnight had struck, the party became a bit wilder; Or at least as wild as angels could get. The band picked back up, playing upbeat, jazzy Christmas music, while Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Gabriel traded spiked eggnog shots. Even Balthazar and Crowley joined them. Soon, Dean was leading the angels in toasting to the New Year, something Metatron had been trying to initiate for ten minutes.
Metatron glared at Gadreel, who blatantly ignored him. He’d taken off his Christmas lights and given them to Gabriel, who had put them over Sam’s head. Crowley chuckled in approval. Even Anna and Hannah stopped looking away whenever Dean and Castiel kissed. By the end of the night, the two ladies were holding hands and dancing together. Even Alfie was sharing a dance with a short angel named Ambriel, whose glasses were slightly skewed from laughing too much.
Dean had his arm around Castiel, and Gabriel’s hand was permanently fixed in Sam’s back pocket.
The party finally winded down by sunrise. The castle seemed to glow in the morning light and one by one, the blue fireplaces flickered off. Gabriel and Castiel offered to take a now tipsy Sam and Dean back home.
“Nah. How about you send us to a beach somewhere. That sounds better than Kansas.” Dean slurred.
“Here here.” Sam agreed, “We can get more Christmas trees.”
Gabriel grinned, and even Castiel gave a rare smile.
“Yes... been enjoying the unusual cold spell in Kansas I sent for you?” Metatron had appeared between Sam and Dean. They both stared at him, sobering up instantly.
“You… you did that?” Sam sputtered.
“I did.” Metatron grinned proudly, “I thought maybe you boys could use a little Christmas cheer for the holidays.”
“You realized that made the news right? ‘Global warming crisis in Kansas, USA’.” Sam laughed.
“I call bullshit.” Dean added, “You just wanted to snow us in so we couldn’t mess up your party.”
Metatron frowned, “Yes… but I can see my efforts have gone to waste.”
Gabriel and Castiel both a step forward.
Metatron raised his hands in mock defensive, “I’m not here to make war. Just to wish you all… a Merry Christmas.”
Dean considered him for a moment, then held out his hand to shake, “Good party, Metatron.”
Sam, Gabriel, and Castiel stared at him.
Metatron took his hand hesitantly, “Thanks. Maybe I’ll relax on my no humans rule next year. You hall do seem to have quite the Christmas spirit.” He admitted.
Sam smiled, “Sure thing.”
Metatron walked away, leaving the four of them to their conversation.
“So. You guys ready to get out of here?” Gabriel asked.
Sam and Dean shared a quick glance.
“Yeah, but...” Dean started.
“Just… one more thing.” Sam nodded at Dean.
They both got up and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Gabriel and Castiel in curious silence. After a few minutes of chatting with Gadreel, they reappeared, and Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Gabriel left with the rest of the departing crowd.
“It really is beautiful out here.” Castiel said as they stepped out into the cold, polar sunrise. It was a frozen tundra of sparkling white ice and snow; A beautiful, alien world. The castle behind them now looked like nothing more than an igloo. Sam idly wondered if a survey crew would ever stumble upon it while searching for penguins.
“What do you say we go find those caribou?” Gabriel grinned.
“No.” Dean said firmly, “Let’s go home.”
“By the way, what were you guys doing back there before we left?” Gabriel asked curiously.
Sam and Dean exchanged looks, “We’ll tell you about it later.” Sam said.
And with that, Gabriel and Castiel poofed them all back to the bunker for a warm, festive, Christmas morning.
Back at the castle, Metatron and Gadreel were cleaning up. The place was littered with empty glasses, mistletoe, tinsel, and other miscellaneous rubbish. Metatron still had on his Santa hat, but he’d removed the beard. Gadreel was wiping down the bar when he called out for Metatron.
“Yes, Gadreel.” He sighed.
“Someone left something behind. It has your name on it.”
Metatron glanced at him in confusion, “What?” He went behind the bar to see what has happening.
Gadreel handed him a large, wrapped gift with a green bow on top signed, “To Metatron. Merry Christmas. From, Santa.” Metatron chuckled to himself, “Ohoho… a secret admirer perhaps...”
“It says… from Santa.” Gadreel corrected him.
Metatron rolled his eyes, “Go clean something, will you?”
Gadreel dropped his rag and walked away.
Metatron set the package down on the bar and opened it greedily. His face fell. It was some sort of Santa look alike. Before Metatron could figure out how it worked, music roared through the castle, magically magnified as if by angelic means.
“Feliz Navidad! Feliz Navidad!”
“What on Earth!” Metatron hollered, “Gadreel! We’re under attack!”
The music shook decorations and icicles off the ceiling. Liquor glasses shattered, icy pillars cracked, and Gadreel was no where to be found.
“I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas! I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas!”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Chapter Eight Prompts:
Here are the prompts for this chapter.
Gabriel Monthly Challenge AU/Trope - Fake Dating for the Holidays
Amino’s Holiday Prompt List 8. underneath the mistletoe 13. igloos 14. the North Pole 24. Santa Clause and/or his elves 30. fireworks
If you’d like to read this chapter directly on AO3, here’s a link: A Very Supernatural Christmas Party - Chapter Eight
Thank you all for reading!
It's not quite the end - I plan on posting at least one more chapter. My last prompt is 'Happy New Year!' so I intend on making it a very happy new year for Sam, Dean, Cas, and Gabe.
Enjoy! And Happy Holidays!
#gabriel#gabriel supernatural#Gabriel spn#gabriel monthly challenge#gabriel monthly challenge december#supernatural#fanfiction#fanfic#holiday#christmas party#my writing#sarasaurusrex#archive of our own#archangel#archangel gabriel#kofi#Sam Winchester#SamWinchester#sabriel#dean winchester#deanwinchester#Destiel#castiel#charlie bradbury#christmas fluff#christmas feels#christmas fic#prompt#multi chapter#angst
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Writing Romance | The Ins, Outs and All-Arounds
Here’s a fun fact before we get started: you don’t have to like the typical romance novel to enjoy writing romance yourself. You don’t even have to be a romantic person. I see so many writers saying things like “I don’t like romance, I’m not romantic, I’ve never had a romantic relationship!! I can’t write romance!!” These things are not mutually exclusive to one another.
Can’t do it? Then stop. Walk away and find a TV show or a book series and run over to Archive of Our Own to hunt down some fanfiction, then write some of your own. This works best for the non-canon but super hinted-at ships, like Destiel or Johnlock, the kind of ships where the characters are friends, but their chemistry is so strong that everyone winds up agreeing that these canon-stated heterosexual characters are actually closeted non-straights in love with one another. In the long run this doesn’t matter too much, since you need to ship the ship yourself, but that’s the gist of it.
The only thing to do from there on in is practise, practise, practise. The groundwork has been done for you, which means all you have to do is write something that keeps true to the characters’ relationship, carries over the qualities that make people ship them in the first place, show some intimacy, and. Oh. Look! Romance! (please bear in mind this is simplified and I’m about to get into the gritty details now)
That’s all good, but how do you go about then making your own groundwork?
Consider the things that go before attraction is the answer. Whether your characters go from friends to lovers or enemies to lovers, or anything else along that spectrum, there is a list of things that must, must must be present before any kind of romance can begin. Most media misses these out and thus warps our perception of how we as writers should be showing love, adding to this idea that we just can’t write it. If you look past the bullcrap of consumer-orientated romance, you’ll notice these fundementals missing:
This is more than Him holding the door for Her and thinking about how great her hair smells. Respect is knowing who the person is, understanding them, and not trying to shape them into your opinion of how they should be. It is asking for consent, not kissing to cut off an argument, accepting set boundaries, being willing to communicate, to try, to give space and know when space would be damaging. Respect is such a broad term, encompassing everything from basic human decency to the begginning of admiration, understanding and adoration. Romance is nothing without respect.
Your two young women in love are never going to be able to take that love further until they understand one another and what makes them tick. And when I say “what makes them tick” I am not talking about turn-ons or sex, not in this context anyway. Loving someone without ever understanding them is tantamount to being in love with the idea of someone you hero-worship, or adoring a Victorian house for its antiquity based on the facade when the inside has been completely modernized.
Understanding isn’t always knowing your significant other’s turbulent past and understanding that it has warped their moral compass and trying to fix them (Don’t use the moral saviour trope in romance building, ever). More often than not, understanding is knowing that your Significant Other(s) doesn’t like loud places and respecting them enough to just take them out of that place; it is understanding that your SO will tell you why they have this problem in their own time, if at all, and that they don’t like having questions asked.
See now that these two things are both exclusive to their own, and intrinsically linked? You can’t have one without the other, and you can’t even begin to think about inching your plot or sublot into romance territory unless they’re present. Respect and understanding are how you have two characters forming a connection of some description. Ergo, groundwork.
So what is the groundwork anyway?
Groundwork is all of the aspects listed below. It’s the things that happen after, or in tandem with, some very basic respect and understanding being established between your characters. They’re not a recipe for loving or crushing- that happens on its own, and I’ll come back to how to write that later on- but they are a recipe for writing your blooming romance into an actual relationship that people will love.
Pre-established relationship
This can be a friendship or a fued- (if you’ve ever looked at the Romeo and Juliet fandom, you’ll see a huge amount of people shipping the sworn enemies, Mercutio and Tybalt with gleeful abandon)- a previous meeting years ago, High School friends, whatever. There just has to be something there, and that something needs to be some sort of chemistry. Love is chemicals, after all, and nothing comes from nothing.
Thinking of Romeo and Juliet, let’s study this classic example of “love at first sight”. Whether or not it was actually love is something I can debate for hours, but it could definitely have become love of the strongest kind. And what was the clincher for this? Chemistry. They had that in bucket-loads, and given a healthy environment, they could’ve built a solid relationship. Romeo was head-over-heels with Juliet’s beauty, she stopped him short with her wit; he suggested, she responded; she was level-headed while he was headstrong. They balanced one another so perfectly. Shakespeare knew what he was writing about. People are still shipping and writing fanfiction of this play 400 years later.
Chemistry can go in another direction, too. Let’s look at Destiel, the most popular ship on Ao3. God, Dean is so frustrated with Castiel, and Cass, in turn, is so aloof until he learns some humanity. The two of them go back and forth, back and forth. Granted. I’ve just finished season seven, but the chemistry in there so far is enough to set something on fire through an exothermal reaction. It’s hatred, love and loyalty in turns. Anger, despair, betrayal. Maybe not the healthiest, but it’s still chemistry, and fans lap it up.
Feeling Things
Indifference is the death of love; things are where it starts. Slow burn and enemies to lovers are some of the top rising tropes in fiction today. That’s not to say you can have someone loving the abusive jock who used to bully them or a serial killer who took their family- there are lines, and you as a writer have got to lay them out- but when the protag brings out the best qualities in the antag without changing who they are, that’s good romance material. Any strong emotion provides a great framework for romantic attraction to someone.
Basics down, let’s look at how to write love itself
The best part of any romance plot or romantic subplot is the buildup, but only if done well. If done wrong, it turns out like an infatuation, and that’s just unhealthy- or as indifference, indifference, oh wait they’re together? Love, done correctly, is a really fun emotion to write. You can take so much liberty with narrative, and even the way you use the English language! The possibilities are huge and with all the tools available, there is no such thing as “I can’t write romance”
It’s the little things...
If you’ve ever felt anything even slightly more than friendship for anyone, you’ll know that it’s the little things that catch your focus: the smile, the small quirks, hand actions, things nobody else notices but you do. There is something so delightfully intimate about these details, and it’s fairly simple to convey these feelings through writing by including- yes- details! I reiterate: your character is going to start noticing little things about their love interest(s) that other people generally would not. There is a misconception that writing these details is the buildup to a sexual relationship, but it isn’t; it’s a simple fact of any kind of romantic involvement. If your relationship is going to be sexual as well as romantic, then maybe your character will notice sunlight on skin, glimpses of exposed neck, etc etc, but generally speaking these details are actions that would be simple to anyone else, but become endearing.
An example:
Jack smiled. It was the kind of smile that Aryn had to respond to: gaptooth, lopsided. A youthful shift in a weary face that always made Aryn’s chest tighten, just a touch. Only a touch. It couldn’t be any more than that, but, he was unable to deny the safety in the way Jack’s eyes wrinkled at the corners.
That was pretty cliche, so here’s another one that’s less so and does the same thing:
He had a way of running his thumb under his bottom lip when nervous, a tic that reminded Cooper of a bird, in some ways. Or maybe not. It was familiar anyhow, and quaint, after the fashion of the colourful characters of childhood film.
I’m assuming here that Cooper really likes birds. Not that I know who Cooper is, but the point of the exercise is that the descriptions link back to positive things, some of which are specific to the viewpoint character. With the second one, I didn’t even need to describe how Cooper was feeling- no butterflies, breathlessness or any other cliches of the romance genre that I find hard to write- just left the description open to positive interpretation.
If a character’s love interest makes them feel safe or dizzy, include words linked to these ideas in the descriptions and narrative, such as Cooper’s birds or the boyishness to Jack’s smile.
I mentioned sex. I guess I owe it to you now to explain how to put this in, too
It isn’t a part of a relationship for everyone, but for some people, the attraction within a romance is physical as well as romantic. When that happens, you’re free to unleash sensual and sensory language to get your readers excited and your characters’ chemistry really boiling. Make a list of words/phrases that relate to sensuality and sexuality and scatter them in the paragraphs leading up to a sex scene (whether you decide to write this as explicit, implied, or somewhere in between). such as:
Nessa watched Athenais’ fingers caress the curves of the chair absently, the skin of her hand a soft charcoal blue in the dim light. The night was sticky and wrapped itself around them.
This is the same technique used for demonstrating feelings of endearment and love, but taken to a new level. The words should be closer together, the description not too heavy but not backing up either. This helps with the tension and anticipation of the moment.
Some other ways to write attraction, physical or emotional, are:
viewpoint character paying unsual interest to how their love interest(s) walks/moves/talks
Intense conversation
Noticing freckles, beauty marks etc and wondering if they continue below the line of clothes
Glancing away, unable to meet eyes, trips of the tongue, blushing (but these in moderation.)
“She’s so good at singing, it’s amazing!” I don’t think she’s that good. “I do! Really-” (Heightened opinion, especially in comparison to that of other characters)
And last of all, swings and roundabouts
Your budding romance shouldn’t happen in a linear fashion. Characters need to recognise their feelings, push them away, deny them, attempt to reduce them to platonic ones; maybe one of the characters is afraid of having a relationship, while the other isn’t, but they both really want it. The rule of thumb in writing is create conflict, and that in no way ends when you write romance. Only this time, it’s a conflict of interest, of emotion, internal conflict.
The tug and pull is what makes romance fun. You can drag out the angst and build up to a lovely, healthy relationship that your readers ship and you feel fulfilled writing.
I’ve done my best to condense all I’ve learned in how to write romance, but if you’re still struggling with one aspect or another, send me an ask. I hope that this has helped: best wishes and happy writing!
#artie gives advice#romance#writing romance#writing advice#writer advice#writing help#writeblr#writer#writer blogging#writers on writing#writers of tumblr#writers on tumblr#writing love
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This week: Destiel in Canon!
[Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful submissions to Week 2 of Spn Fanfic Submission Thursday!! If you want to participate in next week’s fic submissions, check out the schedule!]
Totally Platonic Bunkmates by @braezenkitty
Five times Dean and Cas had to bunk together, and one time they didn’t.
“He could be an adult about this, it really wasn’t a big deal. He’d just keep to his side of the bed and face the wall, away from Cas. It wasn’t a problem at all. So why did his stomach feel like he just ate a handful of worms?”
Teen and Up. 5.5k words. (Complete)
[Sharing a Bed, Sexually Frustrated Dean, Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss]
Silver Lining by @darkheartinthesky
After Castiel is severely injured during a hunt, Dean and Sam have a talk. Dean realizes what it is he really wants.
Teen. 6.5k words. (Complete)
Tags: Hurt Castiel, Caretaker Dean, Sharing a Bed, Supportive Sam
I Can’t Go On Without You by @destielonfire
Something is killing couples who participated in a secret Valentine’s Day ritual, leaving Dean and Castiel with no choice but to go undercover as a couple to investigate the murders. But when the ritual uncovers some long-buried truths, will this mean the start of something new between them?
Teen. 7.7k words. (Complete)
[Fluff & Angst, Sharing a Bed, First Kiss, BAMF Cas, Fake Relationship]
Wake Up by @destielmixtape
Dean is having a mental breakdown, and Castiel is the only one who might be able to help. Can Dean let down his guard enough to let Castiel in? Can he reconcile his feelings for Cas despite his own crushing insecurity? And can Castiel fight Dean’s inner demons without losing himself in the process? Will someone, anyone, please just use their friggin’ words?
Explicit. 58.5k words. (Complete)
[Fluff & Angst, Wing Kink, Grace Sex, BAMF Cas, Angst, Smut]
A Letter to Mom, from Dean by @hetaliankilljoy
Dear mom,
It’s me, Dean. Where are you? You’re an angel now, right? I don’t care about freckles, I just want you to kiss me once more please. I’m scared, can you sing me this song, that puts me to sleep, and helps me feel better when I’m sick? I miss you, mommy!
Teen and up. 3k words. (Complete)
[Songfic, Season 1-5 spoilers, love confessions, hurt/comfort, angst]
Heartbeat by @cardinaleyes
Castielsentries is a current canon blog that posts a new entry per day and has AU days, which is what this day was. This was written at the end of season 11 when Cas did not know if Dean survived Amara’s power. Soulmates can feel each other’s heartbeats.
Teen and Up. 1.2k words. (Complete)
[Canon Compliant, Season 11 finale coda, Cas POV]
This is Real by @compulsive-baker
Castiel and Sam return to the bunker after Dean confronts Amara. Castiel keeps his promise to watch out for Sammy after Dean is gone, but he can’t take care of himself as he falls into depression. His mental health is slipping, but Dean comes back to fix his angel.
Mature. 3.3k words. (Complete)
[Canon divergent season 11 finale, Smut, Tender Love and Care]
A Photo Booth and Funnel Cake by @deanisthebeesknees
Dean and Castiel end up at a county fair during a case. Dean shows Castiel the awesomeness of photo booths and fluff ensues.
Teen and Up. 1.9k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, county fair, photo booth, funnel cake, Shipper!Sam]
untitled by @woefulcas
Cas comes back human after the events of 12.23; Dean and Cas cuddle in bed.
General Audience. .5k words. (Complete)
[Season 12 Coda, Warning for Extreme Fluff™]
Ignorance is Bliss (Usually) by @60r3d0m
Dean and Cas have a very public deathbed confession and officially become an item. And this would totally be thrilling—except Sam gets knocked out during the fight and misses the whole damn thing.
Or, the one where everybody except Sam knows and Sam thinks Dean’s sudden newfound celibacy is a witch’s curse.
Mature. 8.2k words. (Complete)
[oblivious!Sam, jealousy, Established Relationship, Miscommunication]
Ultraviolet by @mittensmorgul
The world seemed to be settling back into a somewhat regular pattern of supernatural activity after Sam officially rescinded the British Men of Letters American visa and Cas had moved into the bunker as a full-time Winchester. What seemed like a milk run hunt goes pear-shaped when Dean becomes the latest victim of a soul-devouring curse. Breaking the curse and saving his life only lead to a bigger mystery when someone unexpected steps out of the Impala and walks right into the middle of their case.
Mature. 8k/45k words. (WIP; posting a chapter a day)
[Case fic, Human Impala, Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, First Time]
Holy, Holy, Holy by @deanirae
There was a hell-hound gnawing at the bones of Dean’s legs, each bite a payment for Sam’s breaths. To the very end, Dean thought it was a good price. He was willing to pay. But the angel who listened had learned about the great plot of using a brave, righteous man to start a petty Apocalypse and sacrificed everything to ensure it would never begin. It was 2008 and it’s probably still Wednesday now and Cas is keeping Dean safe, away from Heaven, from Hell, from everything. Despite Castiel’s best efforts, everything remains pretty determined to either get its hands on Dean or just get him back where he allegedly belongs. But there’s at least four theories about where that is and Dean seems to be the only one who doesn’t have one. Most of the time he just feels something is amiss and he keeps wondering when it’s going to be Friday and if the purple dog is ever going to come back.
Explicit. 54k words. (Complete)
[Canon Divergent after 3.16, Angst, Unhealthy Relationships]
Warnings: Major Character Death, Uninformed Consent, Emotional Manipulation, PTSD
On The Inner Workings Of Non-Angels by @babybluecas
The way it began couldn’t get more cliché: Dean kissing Cas in the rain as they turned their ‘goodbye’ into a bittersweet ‘see you soon.’ Three years later, Dean can hardly believe what his life has become: he’s a happy civilian, shacked up in the bunker with Cas. The whole messed up world seems to have left them alone, at last, and the worst things that ever happen to Dean are the rom-com marathons his better half tortures him with. Even Sam’s living his dream, back in law school.
A true happily ever after for all.
The problem is that those, in Dean’s experience, don’t last forever. So when Cas starts acting suspicious, with strange phone calls and daydreams and the walls of yellowed books rising around him, Dean has a full right to be worried. He’s no longer sure he could handle their perfect, little world falling apart.
But Cas, of course, says everything’s fine.
Mature. 39k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Angst, Established relationship, Fallen!castiel, Post alt-season 9]
Forgotten Angel by @justrandomspnstuff
Cas looked around his empty apartment remembering when he’d had a purpose, when he’d been someone. And he realized at that moment why he kept his angel blade–because it was getting harder and harder for him to convince himself that he hadn’t always been a nobody. Hadn’t always been a whore.
Explicit. 86.4k words. (WIP)
Prostitute!castiel, Slow burn, Angst, Bottom!cas
Warnings: Rape/non con, Self Harm, Drug Mention
Fives Times Dean Called Cas Sweetheart (As a Joke and the One Time He Meant It) by @profound-boning
Delicious breakfasts, beer with dinner, countless movie marathons after Dean and Sam hooked up a television and VHS/DVD player in one of the sitting rooms, hot showers, the smell of clean laundry… Yes, Castiel definitely enjoyed a lot of little things about his new life with the Winchesters.
The chance to get closer to Dean certainly didn’t hurt.
General Audiences. 3.2k words. (Complete) [Men of Letters Bunker, Bunker Fluff, Human Cas, Miscommunication]
Then I Defy You Stars by @spearywritesstuff
They won if you ignore what they lost. Lucifer was cast out and the Darkness departed, but they couldn’t save Cas. So Dean gave up. With the passage of time and Sam’s support, Dean makes a life for himself miles away from hunting and anything supernatural. He runs a planetarium and teaches classes on astronomy, because once, long ago, Cas told him that when the ancient heroes fell, mankind could still find them in the stars. Dean looks to the stars.
Explicit. 81.8k words. (Complete)
[Angst, Temporary Character Death, Canon Divergent after 11x18]
You Can’t Get Rid Of The Babadook (And Years Of Unresolved Sexual Tension) by @mijrake
When the queer community accepts the Babadook as their new found icon, they accidentally create a Tulpa that starts killing homophobic people. Of course, Team Free Will rises to the occasion.
Explicit. 11.9k words. (Complete)
[Case Fic, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Bisexual Dean Winchester]
Arrow by @all-i-need-is-destiel
In which Sam starts to act very weird all of a sudden, centering his entire attention on a certain blue-eyed angel, Dean doesn’t know what to make of this strange behavior and his own confusing feelings, Castiel just goes with the flow and Gabriel has got the time of his life.
Teen and Up. 7.1k words. (Complete)
[Friends to Lovers, Familial Love, First Kiss, Gabriel being a major douche]
helpless when the sky explodes by @envydean
He’s been split up from his brother. Can’t even hear him, shout to him or anything. It’s like a part of him has been ripped from him and he sits in the corner of the cell, back to the wall and ass on the cold concrete floor. Food is shoved through a pass through but Dean doesn’t touch it, barely looks at it.
Mature. 5k words. (Complete)
[Suicidal thoughts, hurt/comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dark Fic]
Wardrobe Change by @phangirlpenguin
Sam’s been jumpy around Cas ever since they defeated Amara. A wardrobe change may help, but how will it affect Dean?
General Audience. 1.6k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Cuddling, Get-together, possible consent issues]
Hot Like Ice by @relucant
“I… I can’t feel my toes. Or my fingertips. Is that bad?”
Dean swore under his breath. “Uh, it ain’t great, buddy. Can you move ‘em?”
Cas furrowed his brow in concentration. “I don’t know. It burns. Why does cold burn?”
“It just does, Cas.” He picked up Cas’ hand, and his fingers felt like ice. He peered at Cas’ face, and caught a tinge of blue on his lips. “Shit. OK, Cas, we might be gettin’ into territory where you think about usin’ some grace. Not on me, I always run a little hot, but you’re lookin’ like you’re gettin’ hypothermia.”
“I don’t think I can,” Cas said slowly. “There’s so little left, and I’m so cold…”
“Shit.” Dean scrubbed his hand over his face, then came to a decision. “Take off your clothes.”
Explicit. 3.8k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, First Time, Bed Sharing, Bottom Dean, Top Castiel]
A Night on the Couch by @caslikescoffeeandfreckles
Dean and Cas get in an argument and it leads to one of them sleeping on the couch for the night.
General Audience. 1.7k words. (Complete)
[Gratuitous Fluff]
Cinnamon and Sugar by @liraelclayr007
Dean has feelings for Cas, but he is afraid to show them.
Cas has feelings for Dean, but can’t find the right words. So he decides to say it with pie.
Teen and Up. 1.3k words. (Complete)
[alternating pov, Cas bakes a pie, Cas loves Dean, Dean loves Cas]
Worthy by jad
“… you wanna what, now?” Dean asks, because he definitely didn’t hear that right.
Castiel tilts his head, a leftover tick from his angel days that Dean would be lying if he claimed to find anything but idiotically endearing. He knows this is his own fault, owing to that rather memorable moment a week ago when Cas wandered into this very same kitchen with a (fairly) legitimate question and Dean just didn’t know when to shut up.
Explicit. 15k words. (Complete)
[s9 bunker fluff, human Castiel, porn with feelings]
Blame It On Me by @coffeeandcas
Castiel has left the bunker and is trying to build a life for himself, alone, and is failing. He moves from one homeless camp to the next, struggling to find his place in the world and feeling more unwanted as every day passes. He never meets April, and with no form of identification to prove who he is, he never gets offered a job at the Gas n Sip.
Eventually, he falls in with the wrong crowd and his life takes a sudden, violent downward spiral. After months of searching, Dean and Sam manage to find him and bring him home, but at what cost?
Explicit. 44k words. (Complete)
[Human Castiel, Men of Letters Bunker, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Prostitution]
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Drug-Induced Sex, Rape/Non-con
382 notes
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reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x02 “Gods and Monsters”
Cas gives the softest, most loving advice, full of character growth, and hello yes where’s the petition for me to adopt him as my angel dad
the title reminds me of Lana Del Rey’s song of the same name, and/or the cover of the song from American Horror Story, and by extension, that song has reminded me of Cas in purgatory ever since purgatory became a thing. i used to sing that song to my rat Barty, definitely up there in my favourite songs of all time
oh no this is a deadly duo episode
immediate dread
please don’t make me hate the song
here we go
michael!dean: “yyeeesss... good boy”
on the one hand, yes dean please do praise other men like that while giving them something to drink, please do that a lot
but on the other hand NOT THEIR OWN BLOOD PLEASE and it would be great if you had their consent and you weren’t possessed while doing it
in other words: yes but NO but yes
file thing under sexy things i would rather came with a different context
bobby: "voracity”
mmm good word
sam: “cas you know why you can’t come with us, right?”
cas: “my angelic presence will be sensed by michael, thereby nullifying your hopes of a sneak attack”
like i know people were complaining cas was kind of useless last episode but THIS TAKES IT TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL
great idea
last episode’s uselessness was kind of explainable and excusable but this one was just like “hey let’s point out exactly what we’re doing under the guise of a real reason”
cas: “nick is *chuckles* just a mess”
sam: “it’s not his fault”
unless the squint is cas’ surprise that sam understands nick’s predicament
nick: “i don��t get how i could let lucifer possess me”
um.... victim blaming much
cas: “you were in a lot of pain, and lucifer saw a vulnerability, and he exploited it”
this is probably destiel tbh, given lucifer possessed cas for half a season and basically used that time to mess with dean’s feelings
bobby: “if they were doa, do you have an eta on tod?”
i probably watch too many murder mysteries if i knew what that meant before i even realised he was using acronyms
aww but isn’t this cute?? sam gets to run a case with his mom and his kind-of-dad <3 <3 <3
...i.e. my family yesterday
you know, i just realised what bothered me about sam saying “you know why you need to stay behind, right cas?”
it’s not the fact cas stays behind, because he’s clearly needed here in the bunker, and he gets his story, and he gets to do stuff, and we get to see soft caring cas. so i’m not mad.
but what bothers me is the... i guess condescension from sam? not in his voice, since jared acted just right, but in the script. the fact sam had to give a reason, and ask if cas knew why. and it could’ve just been cas saying “hey you know what, i don’t wanna screw up your mission, i’ll stay”
and maybe sam could’ve argued a little and then cas puts his foot down and say no (and maybe cas doesn’t want to see dean possessed because it’ll hurt too much)
that would’ve read better to me
how the hell do they have old books on angels in the bunker library??? before angels showed up in season 4 nobody saw them for years???? and i thought there were no books on them
how does jack come up with figures like “a month” to replenish archangel grace
jack: “what did you have left?”
cas: “well - i had sam and dean”
the way he says that makes me smile
and i love that this season they seem to be going for a “cas knows he’s loved” thing
cas: “just basic me.... as dean would say, without all the bells and whistles”
<3 <3 <3
“the past... is important, but it’s not as important as where you’re going”
can cas be my dad pls
oh nick has muscle memory defence mechanisms leftover from lucifer
cas: “even though he’s departed, there may still be some of his influence within you”
i snorted... “influence”
spn conventions ruined that word
i can’t imaging misha got through that line without making dirty jokes at least 5 times
*crosses fingers* pLEASE LET THIS ELEGANT BROWN LADY IN THE RED DRESS NOT DIE HORRIBLY and/or be raped or something
i don’t trust a red dress, too close to a red shirt
micheal: “now... summon your master”
oh no is this gonna be another one of those familiar-is-a-brown-person-and-the-white-master-has-sex-with-them things
(sidenote edit after watching this episode: i feel like the deadly duo has been sliiiiightly less racist and sexist in recent episodes they’ve written? i mean a woman died this episode and a background black dude, but i wonder if they’re Trying Hard and i’m (we’re?) ignoring progress because of past mistakes. still not a fan, but... i sense something a little different here. just a bit??? mayhaps. could be wrong. time will tell.)
cas: “in all my thousands of years... what happened to jimmy novak.. is my greatest regret”
for reasons unknown this became my favourite cas moment this season so far
there’s a lot of jensen in michael’s expressions, it’s weird
also feeling weird about the fact michael seduced a woman to get to her male boss??
if he could track down that lady, why wouldn’t he just straight-up track down the dude instead? i mean, besides heteronormativity and establishing michael as Straight
but then again, maybe it’s a bisexual subtext
he acts like he wants the woman but actually wants the man
okay, that makes more sense, way less weird now
jack: “mrs kline?”
i love this shot
thank u richard speight jr
you know what, at some point this season i wanna see cas bawling his eyes out and ugly crying because of dean
but then being happily reunited with him and everything is fine
(and then they kiss)
oooooh boy maybe nick’s friend was the murderer, that flicker in his face gave it away.........
nick’s gonna murder him isn’t he
and then trigger something and have some kind of ex-lucifer power
which is gonna cause a huge fuss but at some point is gonna be directed at michael
oop no, nick was maybe the murderer, and his friend saw him coming out and was trying to protect him.
well it’s over~
not a bad episode? favourite bit was cas imparting good advice, and jack being jack, and then dean talking to sam at the end
probably not an episode i’ll remember a single thing about in 2 months, besides gifsets of cas from this episode showing up in character growth compilations on my dash for the next 5 years
but a decent bridging episode between the last part of the story and the next, i think
i guess this season’s starting slow and working up to something, and it’s clearly going somewhere. i await more lady characters having episodes of their own, and fun monster of the week episodes with team free will ?? please and thank. in general they’re the best ones imo
also... i thought of this while jack was talking to his grandparents: i kind of feel like they’re trying to wrap some loose ends up, just a bit. the season-4-onwards story seems to be coming full circle with michael and lucifer, i think sam will probably end up being some sort of vessel for lucifer (?) at some point, again
but that’s a theory and there’s no telling what direction anything is gonna go in, given the track record of setting up plots and then not following through
not as bad as merlin though, nothing will ever top the lack of follow-through like merlin did. still salty so many years later
but ?? i am not disappointed by this episode so that’s good right
8.5/10 maybe
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