#no one can say i’m wrong cuz it’s my birthday tomorrow :)))))
lovablegf · 3 months
and one thing about me is that i will always use salted butter. recipe calls for unsalted? must’ve been a typo. i fucking love salted butter
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permanentmess · 2 months
Can we pls get a Peter maximoff x reader fic where Peter is annoying the reader and ofc the reader is getting annoyed by him and then he explains how he only does it cuz he likes her attention? Pls and thank you :]
attention (peter maximoff x reader)
a/n: thank you so much for the request! you’re actually my first request ever!!! i thought this idea was so cute. fem!reader in mind but could be read as any gender easily. reader also has powers but it’s unspecified and unimportant to the plot.
word count: 754 (just a short and sweet thing. i can make a part two if you want more!)
warnings: none! just fluff, mentions of being tired (aren't we all), unestablished relationship but not entirely platonic
pt. 2!
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You were dead exhausted. Like eyes blurry, body aching, could fall asleep standing up tired. 
You loved being a teacher at Xavier’s school, you really did. But between trying to grade exams and homework, training after classes with the other X-Men, and then lesson planning, it made it hard to not be exhausted. And on top of all of this, you still wanted to hang out with your friends. Storm often invited you out of the mansion, Logan offered for you to share some drinks and watch movies, and Peter, well, you didn’t care what you two did, you just wanted to spend time with him. 
But you needed a break from life. That is, of course, right after you finish grading the exams you’d been putting off all week. 
You’re rubbing your eyes with your hands, taking a quick break in between two exams when there’s an incessant knocking on your door. You have a suspicion on who it is, but regardless, you open the door with a scowl. 
“Hi,” Peter greets you with a grin. You can’t help but smile back a little bit. He’s infectious with his happiness. He looks insanely cozy in his sweatpants and plain white t-shirt, slippers hiding his feet. If he was officially yours, you’d hug him in an instant and fall asleep standing up.  
“Hey,” you reply, leaning against your door frame. 
He raises his eyebrows at you. “Can I come in or are you just going to leave me standing in the hall?” You give a short laugh and nod your head towards your bed for him to sit. 
“I’m warning you now, I have to finish grading these exams before I can hang out,” you tell him as you shut the door and go sit at your desk again. 
“That’s alright, I can wait” he says, swinging his feet back and forth off the side of your bed. “What’d you do today? What’s the exam on?” 
You take a moment to respond, but it’s not quick enough for Peter. In an instant, he has moved to your desk, making some papers fly away from the force of using his powers. You close your eyes, trying not to get annoyed. You know he’s just fast by nature, even in his mind, and you know you’re just exhausted. 
“Oh shit, sorry,” he quickly rounds up the papers and puts them back on your desk neatly.
“‘S alright. This one is for the life and health management class I teach,” you tell him, continuing to grade. 
“Oh nice,” he says, staring down at your papers, before moving to go look at the things on your shelf. He did this often when he came to your room, but you’re not sure why. “Where’d you get this from?”
You turn around after marking a question wrong, looking at the picture frame in his hand that held a picture of everyone in their suits. “Uhh, Jean gave that to me, for my birthday.” You turn back around, going back to mark the last question on the exam, writing the grade at the front and moving it off to the side. 
“It’s really pretty. What about this?” You sigh and turn around again. 
“Peterrrrr,” you whine. “I really gotta finish these exams, I told the kids I’d get them back by tomorrow.” 
He puts the object down. “Sorry, I know.” He walks over and puts a hand on your upper back, running over it softly. You relax a little at his touch. “How many more do you have left?” 
“Okay so how about this: you hang out with me tonight and I can finish them tomorrow morning for you, before your class?” You look up at him, contemplating his offer. “I feel bad for annoying you, I just like having your attention. I thought that was obvious.” 
You grin. “Well, I mean, yeah.” You look back down at the papers. “Sorry for getting annoyed, I’m just exhausted lately.” 
“Then cmon, let’s watch a movie.” He moves to your bed and pats a spot next to him, grabbing your remote to turn on your TV. 
You’re hesitant, but oblige. There’s not much space on your bed, so you’re pressed up against his side. He’s put on a movie you two have seen a thousand times, so you decide to relax into his side, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“You know, I like having your attention too.” You tell him quietly. He rests his head on top of yours. 
“I know.” 
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
jin: namjoon be honest are you bald by choice?
namjoon: yes
yoongi: pretty shit choice
jk: namjoons bald?
tae: cancer :/
jk: OMG???
y/n: that’s not funny tae
tae: not cancer
jk: oh…
jimin: why do you sound disappointed
namjoon: why wouldn’t it be by choice
yoongi: cuz it’s a shit choice idk
jin: was wondering if tae shaved ur hair off by accident or something
namjoon: why would that ever happen
jk: why would you choose to be bald?
namjoon: it’s hot
y/n: hot as HELL
hobi: drop it like hot
namjoon: i hate summer
y/n: wait
jimin: we’re talking about temperature btw
hobi: not the seventeen song?
y/n: not namjoon?
tae: i’d get him pregnant if i could
y/n: 🙏🏽
jin: what
tae: i’m a man full of love
yoongi: full of shit
tae: some say i over love actually
i overlove
i overthink
i overfeel
jimin: you underbathe
jk: i love to bathe
hobi: it doesn’t show
y/n: i have to dress jungkook everyday so he doesn’t embarrass me
jin: that’s sad
yoongi: why would the way he dress effect you
y/n: we live in the same house if i let him dress himself some people might suspect child neglect
jk: neglect
namjoon: the worst part about it is that you let her jungkook
tae: what have i told you about standing up for yourself kookie
jk: i enjoy it actually
tae: stop talking
you can’t keep embarrassing me like this
jk: i’m sorry
tae: if you were sorry you would change
jk: i will change
for you i’ll always change
jimin: get a room?
hobi: is it not jungkooks birthday today?
jk: happy birthday 🎂 💜
oh that’s me lmao
jin: idiot
y/n: it’s tomorrow
jk: when she knows ur birthday 😍
tae: when’s mine lol
namjoon: are we having a party?
yoongi: not coming
jimin: let’s have it at yoongi’s place
yoongi: what
can you not read??
y/n: we can have a sleepover party!!!!
that would be so cute
tae: super cute!!
it would also be cute if you told me when my birthday was loool
jin: give up
i’ll bring drinks
namjoon: i can do snacks
jimin: NO YOU WONT
last time you were on snacks you brought us a whole load of plant based crackers
hobi: i can be snack man
y/n: i can decorate yoongi’s place a bit before
yoongi: wtf is wrong with you all
when i don’t open the door to any of you
y/n: i have a key?
yoongi: you do?
y/n: don’t act like you didn’t know
yoongi: idk what ur talking about
that’s pretty scary actually
jimin: get a room pt 2?
tae: let me in the room lol
when was i born @y/n
jk: all of this for me 🥺🥺
jimin: don’t flatter urself i just want to drink
hobi: what about a cake??
namjoon: i can get one
tae: you can just say the month i was born forget the date lmao
jin: how old is he turning?
jk: 26
jimin: 25???
hobi: i thought he was 23?
namjoon: i think it’s 24
yoongi: 1
y/n: he’s been 24 for like 5 years in a row
jin: somone google it
actually nvm i don’t care enough
namjoon just gonna put 24 on the cake
jk: is it a surprise party?
yoongi: are you stupid?
jimin: yes now close ur eyes ok?
jk: ok
hobi: there’s no way
y/n: jungkook…
yoongi: he is stupid
tae: i’ll give you a hint it ends in ember
namjoon: tae shut up
y/n go tell jungkook to open his eyes
jimin: here comes the fun police guys
y/n: sir yes sir 🫡
tae: lol i’m into that
hobi: tae got a really round head
my head is perfect
jin: no because i was thinking the same thing it’s BIG as hell too
tae: ur wrong
if anything
yoongi’s head is CRAZY ngl
yoongi: why the fuck did you word it like that
y/n: yoongi and tae fucking omg???
jk: plot twist
jin: look who opened his eyes
jk: it’s me lol
he’s talking about me
cuz my eyes were closed
jimin: we know
hobi: open your eyes - 7th sense nct u
y/n: neo got my back 💚
tae: whose neo why is he touching ur back
is this consensual???
can he fight??
namjoon: you all are getting to old to be acting like this still
hobi: wdym jungkook is only 24?
jimin: maybe he’s talking about jin
namjoon: i’m so tried
jk: i bet ironman is tired rn
yoongi: didn’t he die??
jk: you can be tired in heaven as well yoongi
jimin: beyoncé probably tired rn but she still looks pretty what’s ur excuse namjoon
hobi: bald people can’t be pretty
tae: about to cook guys wish me luck
yoongi: kys
tae: what
jk: keep yourself safe?
yoongi: kill yourself
tae: i’m gonna ignore you
y/n: jungkook shake ass on tiktok
jimin: ew
jk: ok
jin: you literally have no backbone jungkook
jk: ummm yes i do
i am no worm
namjoon: 😕
hobi: if she told you to jump off a cliff would you
yoongi: pls
jk: who
y/n: jungkook jump off a cliff
jk: what cliff
where is it
i’ll do it
jimin: not surprised
hobi: i think every year he decreases in age
jin: that makes a lot of sense
tae: i just deep fired an apple
y/n: why
tae: stay tf out my business
y/n: i hope you never see happiness
namjoon: what time is the party btw?
yoongi: never
jk: happy birthday 💜
hobi: we ride out at dawn
tae: should i bring deep fired apples
jin: i don’t even fuck with you all i won’t lie
y/n: do you think nct will perform for us
tae: sausage fest woah
yoongi: there is something really fucking wrong with you
tae: me and ur mother be fucking lol
yoongi: he’s not invited
someone kick him
nvm i’ll do it
yoongi kicked tae from "namkook month!!"
jk: do you think fish get lonely when they’re alone
jin: you think fish have kinks?
hobi: what if fish were behind the titanic crash
jk: what if they were in front of it
y/n: wow that’s insane
jk: ikr sometimes you have to think outside the box
jimin: you think outside the box constantly!
hobi: bro thinks outside the triangle 💀💀
jin: what does that even mean
jk: thanks guys!!!
namjoon: i asked a question
y/n: are we in school rn?
jin: yk i love a good bit of role play 🙈
yoongi: isn’t it better without him
jin: who’s him?
yoongi: exactly
jimin: i’m him
y/n: i could throw up
jk: do you know the muffin man?
namjoon: can we decide on a time pls
jk: OMG
what if we all just show up and see if we’re all in sync with each other
namjoon: that’s stupid
yoongi: i agree i’m not mentally connected to you guys in anyway shape or form
y/n: yoongi’s lying we talk telepathically all the time
jk: YOU DO???
jimin: ….
hobi: i agree with jungkooks idea
never thought i would say that
sorry give me a minute guys
jk: take all the time you need bro
yoongi: he just insulted you
jk: WHO?????
jimin: i’ll be there at 6
PM btw
jk: i don’t think you understand what we are doing jimin
ur not supposed to tell us
jimin: stop talking to me
namjoon: 6 ok
fucking finally
y/n: dw jk jimin’s a bit yk…
jk: ohhhhh ok
i’m sorry jimin
6 sounds like a plan wink wink lol
jimin: never fucking wink wink lol at me again you rat
hobi added tae to "namkook month!!"
yoongi: do you hate me
hobi: sorry he wouldn’t stop calling me
i don’t like being harassed
tae: hiii guys did you miss me
yoongi: no
yoongi left "namkook month!!"
jin: if i was to ever pass out it would go like this
HELPPPPP 😩😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😨
🫨🙄😵‍💫😵 (that’s my eyes rolling to the back of my head btw)
now i’m passed out £2!2£2&:&&;&;&;&;&;&,&;&;;;8;&&:&&:8:88;87,7,7,£,£,£;&;&;&,7,7,7,77,7,8;&:,&,&&,&,&,&,&,?&,&&?&&&,&,&,&:7,7,7,7;77;£,£;7££;£,,£,7,7,7,&&,&,,’cmnnmmmm98828:&,&,&,&,&:&,&,&,&,£,£,£,£,
and scene
jk: wow that was really good
it really felt like you passed out
jimin: wish you would pass out for real
jimin left “namkook month!!”
hobi: i don’t think it’s healthy that after one conversation everyone just ends up leaving the gc…
namjoon left “namkook month!!”
tae: no but fr who is namkook and why is it their month what a selfish bitch
y/n left “namkook month!!”
hobi: nvm i get it
hobi left “namkook month!!”
tae: lowkey i think you might be the problem jungkook…
jk: you think so?
tae: yeah lol
jk: why can’t you be the problem?
tae: why would i be the problem?
jk: i can’t always be the problem
tae: you seem to make it work
jk: ur not invited anymore
tae: what
jk: to the party
don’t come
ur uninvited
tae: don’t say things you’ll regret jungkook
whose gonna bring the deep fired apples if i don’t come??
jk: i’ll make it work
like i always do
this is goodbye taehyung
jk left “namkook month!!”
tae: what the fuck
happy jk day !! clearly this was written yesterday lmao
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amor-immortalem · 1 year
A Change in Routine
Word Count: 5.4k +
Repost from yesterday cuz my dumbass queued it for the wrong day!
A/N: Allergies were kicking my ass last year, so I didn’t have much energy to finish this up before Mammon’s (and Mahlon’s) birthday hit. I’ve had a whole year to work on this instead, so we’ll see if it’s still any good.
“What do you mean he won’t be home for our birthday?!”
“Honey, your father has a lot of souls to judge.” Arella frowns at the look on her youngest’s face. She always hated it when any of the kids were let down. “He’s trying his best to be done with his work by the weekend but unfortunately, sometimes these things happen. I know it’s disappointing because you two always celebrate your birthdays together, but there’s always next year, right?”
The boy only looks away from his mother frowning. “Yeah, I guess…” and then he runs off to sulk.
“He’ll be fine.” the human tells herself, “Learning how to accept changes will be good for him.”
As the week goes on, Mahlon seems to get more upset over Mammon not being home on their birthday. He doesn’t do any schoolwork- not that grade one offers that much schoolwork to begin with. Even if it did, the little one was too distracted wracking his brain over why his father was really missing their birthday. It had to be something he did.
“Maaaahloonnn, are you even listening to me?” Oliver complains as he waves his hand in front of his cousin’s face. “Helloooo, are you in there?”
The pair were waiting for their mothers after school let out that Friday as both Azalea and Cyrus had been stuck in detention, Henry had cut school to stay home and play video games all day, Melissa and Solaris were at cram school and Aurelius had a photoshoot at Majolish right after R.A.D had gotten out for the day.
“No… I wasn’t. Sorry…” the apology was half-hearted at best. “What were you saying?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” the older half-demon sighs as he takes a seat next to the freckled boy. “You’ve been like this all week- I thought you would be super excited considering your birthday is the day after tomorrow…”
“Daddy won't be home for it this year so what’s the point in being excited?”
“You’re sad about it? I thought you’d like having a party all to yourself this year…”
“I like sharing my birthday with Daddy. That’s the only good thing that makes me special from my brothers and sister… you wouldn’t get it. You’re Aunt Paisley and Uncle Belphie’s only kid so things are different for you, but I have to compete for my parents’ attention with the others…”
Oliver only shrugs as Paisley and Arella arrive.
“Hey, boys.” Paisley smiles as Oliver runs up and all but leaps into their arms. “Did you have a good day?”
“My day was good! I didn’t fall asleep at all during class!” the blue and white-haired boy smiles, “I missed you lots and lots though!”
“Awww, I missed you to, baby.”
“And what about your day, Mahlon?” Arella asks, “Did you have a fun time?”
Mahlon only shrugs, he won’t tell her about all the teasing and bullying that went on throughout the day.. “It was okay, I guess… not a whole lot happened so I guess it was kinda boring…”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Arella kneels down, “I know you’ve been kind of down in the dumps this past week so how about we go get some ice cream to make up for the day, hm?”
Oliver’s eyes lit up at the mention of sweet treat. “Can we go too, Mommy? Please, please, pleeeeease?”
“I don’t really want ice cream,” the black-haired boy says softly. “Sunday, I’m gonna have cake. That’s way too much sweets for one weekend. I just wanna go home…”
Arella and Paisley share a worried look. Mahlon loves ice cream- it’s his most preferred treat when his mood is off and to hear the boy turn down such an offer is surprising.
“He’s really taking the whole news about Mammon being away for his birthday pretty rough, isn’t he?”
“Unfortunately…” Arella sighs before turning her attention back to Mahlon. “Alright well, if you change your mind later, we can always go then.” She offers her hand to him which he takes. “We’ll see you all on Sunday. Have a good night, Paisley. Please remind Belphegor we have that meeting on Monday at 8 am and unless he is actively judging souls in Hell, he needs to be there, awake and alert.
“Alright.” They smile, “Also when is your next trip to the human world going to be? I’d like to go visit my sister and see the sun.”
“Next week, I think… I’ll let you know once I check my calendar.”
After that, the two humans part ways, their children in tow.
Once Arella and Mahlon get home, the boy goes straight to his room. He doesn’t even greet Azalea as she sits in the middle of the living room floor attempting to beat the final boss of a new RPG Levi had lent her. Something not unnoticed by the 20-year-old.
“What’s his deal?” she asks as Arella takes a seat on the couch behind her.
“He’s upset that your father won’t be home for his birthday.” The human frowns. “You know how he likes these types of things to be the same every year and the fact that it’s different this year has been affecting him all week.”
“Oh, he’s so dramatic- it's one birthday.” Azalea rolls her eye, “The kid’s gonna have a billion more to celebrate with Dad, one year won’t hurt nothin’. ‘N besides, Cyrus isn’t doing so hot in his training which is causing all sorts of back-ups for Dad- and I’m out here putting in all this hard work behind the scenes so Cyrus can know what he’s doin’, and yet, it’s being wasted.” She feigns a disappointed sigh, “You can tell he ain’t got the spine for the job... so annoying but what can I do?”
“Well, I appreciate what you’re doing to help your brother- and I’m sure your father does as well even if he doesn’t quite realize it yet.” Arella smiles. “Changing subjects, you had an eye-doctor appointment today- how did that go?”
“Shitty.” the freckled girl replies, “Turns out I can’t see for shit out of my remaining eye. I’m gonna need glasses or a monocle or some shit like that. Hey, do ya think if I got a glass eye to replace the one I’m missin’ that that would be weird?”
“No,” Is all Arella responds with at first, “I think it would make for some interesting pranks with demons who don’t know you very well though.”
“It would, wouldn’t it?” A mischievous grin paints itself on her features, “Thanks for the idea, Mum.”
“Any time, my dear.”
“So, there’s absolutely no way you’ll be able to make it home in time for Sunday?” the human chews on her bottom lip as she washes the dishes from dinner.
“No.” Is Mammon’s response, “I ain’t even gotten through a small fraction of the souls I had to go chase down after Cyrus summoned ‘em but couldn’t judge ‘em fast enough. There has to be a good 5000 left. Probably another 1000 still out runnin’ around the fourth layer too. Some even escaped back up to the human world- Thirteen told me she’d round them all up and haul ‘em back here for me but the whole situation is just a mess.”
He runs a hand through his hair as he sighs.
“This ain’t what I wanna be doing on mine and Mahlon’s birthday of all days. I’d like to be home with y’all, but it just isn’t meant to be this year, I guess.”
“Yeah, Mahlon’s taking it especially hard. I don’t know what it is about your guys’ birthday, but he just refuses to compromise on it. He didn’t even seem too keen on a party because it’s not something we usually do for you two.”
“It’s cuz ya spoil him too much, Babe.” The demon teases, “Every time he even looks like he’s gonna have one of his meltdowns, you cave.”
“And you don’t?” She asks worriedly, “You’ve seen what he does to himself when he gets that upset- the biting, the hitting, the head-banging, the scratching-”
“Yeah, I’ve seen it all. But I don’t let it happen either. I lock the kid down ‘n hold on until he’s done and had a chance to calm down some. It ain’t all that difficult to keep him safe and not let him have his way at the same time.”
“Easy for you to say,” Arella sighs, “I don’t have the physical strength necessary to hold him down like that and with how hard he bangs his head, he might actually break my ribs if he decides to bang his head against my chest, so my only option is to give in to his demands.”
“And that’s why ya have the hardest time setting limits with him, ‘Rella. Get one of his siblings to hold him down- ‘Relius and Cyrus both know how, and Azalea’s seen me do it enough times that she’s got the gist of it too. Anyway, I have to go before I lose these souls that I just managed to bring back. I love you, and I’ll see you... hopefully sometime next week?”
“I love you too. Come back soon.”
She doesn’t know it yet, but the demon’s been lying to her this entire time. He’d managed to catch up on this disaster his son had made earlier in the week and now didn’t have nearly as much work left as he’d told her- maybe just a single night’s worth of work left. All this lying was meant to just be a big surprise for his youngest.
As the pair hang up, Arella can hear some kind of commotion going on upstairs. She runs to go check it out. To her surprise, she sees Mahlon being held down by his sister as he just wails and struggles and screams.
“Hey, hey, it ain’t the end of the world, kid. It’s just one day. It’s not worth hurtin’ yourself over.” Her words end up breaking with each backswing of the six-year-old's head against her chest before she shifted her hands to grasp both of his wrists in one and the other’s placed against Mahlon’s forehead so he couldn’t headbang anymore. Azalea even has her legs placed over his to keep Mahlon’s legs from kicking violently. “It’s okay for things to be a little bit different.”
“NO, IT’S NOT!” The black-haired boy shrieks at the top of his lungs as he coughs in between sobs. He starts squirming to get out of his sister’s grasp, but she’s got him locked down. “I WANT DADDY!”
“Well, Daddy ain’t here and carryin’ on this way ain’t gonna make him magically appear either.” Azalea’s tone is stern as she looks over at their mother. “Look, Mum’s here. You’re scaring her by acting like this. I can let you go but we need to have a calm body first.”
“NO!” Again, the six-year-old wriggles and squirms. “I WANT DADDY! I WANT DADDY HOME WITH US FOR OUR BIRTHDAY!”
“Mahlon, honey, this is quite enough.” Arella is kneeling down in front of her youngest. “I know this is a big change for you, but we can’t help that your father won’t be here. Nothing can stay the same forever. Everything always changes even if it’s just a little bit.”
“B-but I don’t wa-nt it to!” The little half-demon's voice hiccups as he starts to calm down. He’s still heaving breaths as he sniffles.
“I know, Baby.” the human smiles sadly as she wipes the remaining tears away, “But as time goes on, that’s just what happens. There’s no reasoning to it.”
As the child finally de-escalates, Azalea let’s him go. Arella can’t help but try to cover up the wince her face takes at the sight of his little arms all scratched and bitten up. All the wounds were superficial, thankfully, but they still look painful.
“My head hurts...” is all Mahlon mumbles as he leans against his mother.
“Well, yeah, I bet.” Azalea grumbles as she rubs the spot on her chest that he’d been all but bashing his head against. “You’ll feel better in a bit once you calm down a bit more.”
“I can give you something for the pain,” Arella says as she wraps the six-year-old up in her arms. “Azalea, do you want anything for your chest? You look like you’re in pain.”
“Nah, I’ll be fine.” She’s scrolling through her fabsnap when she comes across a shipping video between her, the poster, and her twin. “Grooooossss, why’re people even inta real-person-fiction? It’s kinda depressing to be honest.”
Arella merely shrugs. “Comes with the price of coming from a family as well-known as ours. Just block them and move on.”
“Those are the types of people who didn’t get bullied enough as kids and it shows.” The 20-year-old chuckles. “Like we’d even be into sharing partners with each other anyway.”
“Azalea. Just ignore it if you’re uncomfortable with it. The longer you watch and engage with it, the more frequently that type of content will appear on your feed.”
“Fine, fine, I’m done. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a project I still need to finish before the party on Sunday.” She’s off before either Mahlon or Arella can ask what she was working on.
It’s rather early in the morning- just before the crack of dawn- when Mammon sneaks into the house. This was supposed to be a surprise, not only for his youngest, but for his wife as well who was none the wiser about what was really going on. He finds her in the kitchen, brewing her usual morning cup of tea.
Quietly, he inches closer and closer until...
“Gotcha!” Mammon wraps his arms around her waist.
Arella reacts immediately, head flying back and hitting the demon square in the mouth. The white-haired male recoils letting out a pained groan as he stumbles back.
“Mammon!?” Arella’s surprised as she gets a better look at him in the dim kitchen light. “Oh, Love, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
“Totally,” He’s still covering his mouth as he leans against the counter. “I’m fine.”
Unconvinced, the human only grabs an ice pack from the freezer. “How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that? Let me see your mouth.”
“Hundreds,” Mammon does as he’s asked, revealing the freshly busted lip he received from this exchange. “I thought it would go better than this...”
“Well, unfortunately that’s not the case.” She sighs as she wraps the ice pack in a towel and hands it to her husband. “You could have told me you were coming home early, you know?”
“And have you ruin the surprise for Mahlon? Nah. Speaking of, is he still in bed? I thought he woulda been up by now even with it being a rough night for y’all.”
“So, you heard about that? You can thank your daughter for stepping in to help.”
“She did? I’m surprised.”
“Yes, she did. Anyway, to answer your question, yes, he’s still sleeping- well more like he just fell asleep not too long ago. There was a lot of self-injurious behavior, so Azalea’s been sitting with him the past couple of hours. You can be the one to wake him up later.”
“Yeah sure, but for right now…” Mammon wraps his arms around her waist as he leans in for a kiss, “since we’re the only ones up ‘n all, I figured we could-”
“No.” The human chuckles softly as she dabs at his lip with a paper towel. “After I have my tea, I promised Azalea I would finish wrapping the present she made for Mahlon and after that I’m starting on the culinary prep work for today’s party and then breakfast. Buuuut if you’re a good boy today, then I promise we’ll have time for that later once the kids all go to bed.”
“Fiiiiine,” The demon purses his lips in a pout at the rejection. “Can I at least get one kiss? It is my birthday after all.”
Arella leans over and presses a kiss to his cheek. “You can’t trick me that easily, Mammon. We’ve been together long enough that I know one kiss isn’t just one kiss with you. Now, run along and go get some rest. You’ll need it if I’m going to have my fun with you tonight.” She gives her husband a pat to the cheek as she turns back to the kettle that was now whistling.
“Nah, I think I’ll stay and help.”
At about 11:30, after a whole seven and a half hours of assisting his wife, Mammon decides it’s time to wake Mahlon for the day.
As he ascends the steps up to the second level, who should he run into but his daughter. She was just coming out of her youngest brother’s room when Mammon calls out to her.
“Thanks for helping your ma out last night, Zay.”
“Hmm? Yeah, don’t worry about it.” The half-demon yawns. “Cyrus and Aurelius seemed pretty fit to be tied with the kid last night, so I just dealt with it. Don’t expect it to be a regular occurrence though.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it- anyway, it’s just nice to know I can count on ya to step up when we need it.”
With nothing more said between the two, Azalea stalks off back to her room and Mammon continues of his mission to wake up Mahlon.
As he enters the child’s room, he knelt down beside his son’s bed.
“Mahlon, time to wake up, Buddy.”
The little half-demon grumbles as he rolls away.
“Mahlon,” the demon tries once more, “Mommy made breakfast for you. Its gonna get cold.”
“Noooo,” this time there’s an audible response as Mahlon pulls his pillow over his head. “Want Daddy.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m the one wakin’ ya up then.” Mammon’s voice is a little louder, a little clearer than the gentle tone he’d just been using.
It takes the boy a little longer to process what he’s just heard than usual, but when it clicks, Mahlon sits up frantically with wide multicolored eyes.
The seven-year-old leaps forward, nearly knocking his father to the ground as he wraps his arms around the demon’s neck in a tight hug. Mammon’s able to catch himself before he manages to topple over though.
“You said you weren’t gonna be home in time.” Mahlon’s voice comes out muffled.
“Thought I wasn’t for a minute there,” Mammon sighs as he stands up and heads downstairs, “but I worked extra hard so I could be home in time to celebrate with you.” He sets the boy down as they reach the kitchen.
“There’s the birthday boy!” Arella smiles as she sets Mahlon’s plate at the table. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Mhm. I slept really good. I’m still kinda sleep.”
“Didn’t know being an obnoxious little brat could be so exhausting,” another voice grumbles under their breath from the table.
“Aurelius, enough.” The human replies sternly. “Finish up your breakfast so you’re not late for your photoshoot.”
“Don’t got one anymore after a certain someone decided to bite me so hard his fangs broke skin,” his green eyes send an annoyed glare towards his younger brother who misses the malice behind it completely.
“Don’t have your arm near my mouth then.” Mahlon shoots back as he sticks his tongue out.
“Don’t be so out of hand that I have to restrain you!” He stands suddenly and Arella puts a barrier up between the two of them to keep anyone from getting hurt.
“No thanks, boys. We’re not doing this right now. Both of you need to finish your breakfast and then you can go your separate ways until the party.”
“And when you’re done, Aurelius,” Mammon pops his head in through the kitchen serving hatch, “come see me in Mom’s office. I wanna talk to ya about something.”
Mahlon just gives his older brother a smug look when neither of their parents are looking, thinking he’d won their little exchange, to which Aurelius just rolls his eyes and shovels what remained of his breakfast into his mouth.
“So, you wanted to see me?” Aurelius asks as he closes the door to the office. He’s surprised to see his older siblings sitting in the chairs in front of the desk. “Well at least I know I’m not in trouble if the two of you are here as well.”
“Ya weren’t in trouble to begin with, kid.” The demon has to suppress a soft chuckle, “Pop a squat, it’ll only be a couple minutes for you. Your brother and sister however- well I got more than just a couple of minutes worth of lecture for them.”
Once Aurelius has taken a seat next to his sister, all three of them wait patiently.
“I want y’all to stop helping with your brother.” Mammon starts after a long pause. None of them can believe what they just heard.
“Come again?” Azalea is the first to speak. “Did you say ‘stop’ helping?”
“I did.” The demon nods as he looks over some files on the computer. “Mahlon’s seven now so he won’t need as much constant supervision like he did when he was really little. Not to mention, I’m leaving modeling altogether after my next photoshoot so I’ll be able to home all the time now.”
Aurelius’s eyes widen at hearing the news.
“So no more babysitting after that?” The youngest of the three asks. “And what about your throne in Hell? Are you abdicating that as well?” This was great news.
“Nah, I’m still gonna hold onto that for a while. With that whole mess that your brother and sister made for me to clean up down there, it proves to me to Cyrus definitely isn’t ready to take over just yet.”
Cyrus only looks away out of embarrassment and mumbles a small ‘sorry’.
“That’s all I really wanted to talk with you about, Aurelius. You’re free to go. Majolish will probly be calling ya by the end of this week to see if you’re interested in filling my spot so be on the look out for that.”
“Right,” the half-demon gets up and heads out, a new spring in his step as he can hear his father lay into his siblings about summoning all the souls that had escaped the throne room in hell. “Well sucks to be them I guess.”
With the party in full swing, Mammon and Mahlon both find it difficult not to let themselves have a good time. While the adults and the older kids were all occupied by hearing embarrassing stories about Mammon’s past, much to the demon’s chagrin, Mahlon and the cousins he was closest in age to just ended up snooping around his gifts- well more like just Mahlon and Oliver. Hakan was trying to help himself to a tenth helping of chips and a taco dip that Isabella had brought.
“What’re you even trying to do, Mahlon? The ginger-haired half-demon asks as he enjoys the newly acquired dip on his plate. “Usually, when people snoop around their gifts, there’s a lot of shaking of the boxes. They don’t just stare at them.”
“I was trying to see if my powers had come in yet or if I had any magic like Mommy yet…” he sighs, “but I guess the doctor wasn’t lying when they said I’d never get either…”
“You don’t need any of that though,” Oliver smiles. “I like you just the way you are.”
Mahlon doesn’t say anything in response. As the adults announce its time to cut the cake, the black-haired half-demon takes off.
Mahlon hides out in the backyard behind a tree as he tries to stifle his tears. How could his cousin say that? ‘I like you just the way you are,’ what a joke. They’re family. He has to like him even if it’s only just a little bit. What Mahlon really wants is for his peers to like him.
As the boy wipes at his eyes, he feels someone take a seat next to him.
“Was the party too much for ya, buddy?” Mammon’s voice is soft, worrying that any louder might push the child into an overstimulation meltdown. When the seven-year-old only shakes his head, the demon lets out a sigh of relief. “That’s good. Do ya know what’s got ya so upset?” A nod this time. “Did it have something to do with whatever Oliver said to you?”
“Kinda… he’s not in trouble, is he?”
“No,” Mammon smiles as he ruffles Mahlon’s already messy curly hair. “We were all just really confused when you took off like that. Ya wanna tell me what the deals is?”
“It’s dumb…” the freckled half-demon admits. “You’ll laugh at me.”
“I really won’t. You could tell me the dumbest thing in the world ‘n I still wouldn’t laugh at ya.”
“… it’s ‘cause I don’t have any powers or magic yet. The other kids at school tease me, call me a freak and it hurts my feelings.”
“Oh, Mahlon… I’m sorry, buddy. I know that’s gotta be really tough to go through, especially when you look at your siblings and cousins and see them with theirs…” Mammon wraps an arm around the little one and pulls him into tight side hug.
“They say th-there’s s-something wrong with me. That I-I’m-m broken and-and-”
“Hey, shhh, it’s okay. Just take a couple deep breaths, alright?” He brushes away Mahlon’s tears and holds him tight even as the green-to-blue-to-gold-eyed boy starts to thump the side of his head against Mammon’s chest. “No, we’re not doin’ any of that right now, lil’ man.”
They sit in silence for a few moments until the worst of it passes before the demon speaks again.
“It doesn’t matter what those kids say to you Mahlon, ‘cause they don’t know nothin’. I know what they said to you hurts but you ain’t broken. You’re just built different and that’s what makes you so special. When you grow up, there’re gonna be opportunities that only you will have because you don’t have any demonic powers or magic.”
“Like what?” His multicolored eyes peer up at his father.
“Well, for starter:” Mammon smiles, “you are the only one out of you and your siblings that will be able to have the choice to live in the human world if that’s what you want. No magic or powers means you won’t be so easily clocked as anything other than just a normal human.”
“Really, really.” He smiles. “‘N besides, why would ya ever wanna be just like everyone else when you can be one-of-a-kind? The teasing and bullyin’ll be short-lived but one day, you’re gonna meet people that will like you for you, not what you can do. Trust me on it.”
Slowly, Mahlon nods. “Okay.”
“Good,” Mammon stands, with a slight bounce, making Mahlon laugh as he grabs on tighter to his father, “now, let’s back to the party. There’s a big ol’ piece of cake with your name on it, literally.”
The rest of the party goes off without a hitch. After it seemed all the presents were opened, their family began to take their leave. That’s when Azalea pulls her youngest brother aside for a moment.
“Here,” she produces one last gift from behind her back and handed it to Mahlon.
The box is pretty as the black-haired boy inspects it. He begins to open it slowly, pulling the lid off and peaking inside.
He looks up at her with surprise before reaching in to pull the gift from its container.
“A Blue Jay!” He smiles wide as he hugs the stuffed toy tightly and is delighted to find the toy lets off the calls of the bird it's made after. “Thank you!” He wraps his arms around her in hug. “I love him.”
“Yeah, yeah, no worries, squirt. Just make sure you take care of it. I’m not makin’ ya another one if ya lose it or it gets broken somehow.” Azalea manages to extricate herself from the hug before walking past her brother. “If y’re up for one more surprise, follow me out to the Aviary, yeah?”
And that piques Mahlon’s curiosity as he follows his sister’s lead. When the pair arrive, they’re greeted by Mammon’s crows all huddled around their master as he fiddles around with the doors of the incubator he has for eggs some of his younger crows won't care for.
“I got him, Dad.”
“Thanks, Mahlon, c’mere. I wanna show you something.” Mammon picks up something out of the incubator and kneels down to his son’s height.
The young boy can only watch in awe as a fledgling jay pokes her head out of his hands to look around at her surroundings. When the bird sees Mahlon, she chirps happily.
“Wanna hold her? She’s yours.” The demon asks as Mahlon nods furiously.
“Where did she come from?” He asks, “We don’t have blue jays down here.”
“A cat brought her down here to make a meal out of her- if you look really closely, you’ll see her wings still kinda messed up so she can’t fly all that well yet.” He explains, “in a few weeks she’ll be good as new but you’re gonna help me take care of her til that happens.”
“So, what’s ‘er name?” Azalea asks, one of her own familiars swooping down and landing on her shoulder and dropping a pretty rock into her left palm.
“Doesn’t she have one already?” Mahlon asks.
“You’re her master,” Mammon explains with a chuckle, “wouldn’t be right if anyone else named her.”
“What about… what about Azul… that’s a good name, right, Daddy? Azalea don’t laugh at me!”
“It is if you say it is.” Mammon swats at Azalea to get her to stop snickering at the name her little brother had chosen for his first familiar. “Now, let’s put ‘er back to bed so she can rest her wing. We’ll see her in the morning.”
Mahlon nods as he gives the bird in his hands a gentle kiss on the head as he sets her back in the incubator.
As the three of them all head in for the night, Mahlon can’t help but think this was the best birthday he’d ever had.
Once all the kids are out for the night, Arella takes the time to seek out her husband in the living room where he’s just finished cleaning up the mess left from the party.
He hasn’t realized she was coming up behind him, so Arella takes the chance to get a little payback for this morning.
“Maaaammmon!” The sound of her voice and the ways she wraps her arms around his neck as she jumps up onto his back makes the demon jump.
“Wha- Arella!” He’s not amused by his wife’s antics. “I coulda really hurt ya just now.”
“And it would be worth every bit of pain. Think of it as payback for this morning.” She kisses his cheek and drops back down to the floor. “Did you have a good birthday, Love?”
“Yeah, it was great actually.” He nods as he turns to face her, pulling her close. “Third best birthday ever.”
“Third? What were the first two?”
“The last one we had with Cyrus before he went missing and the year we had Mahlon.” Mammon smiles as he takes a seat in the couch, pulling his wife down with him.
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed your special day. I actually have one more gift for you. Would you like it?”
“Do ya even gotta ask?” Mammon leans in for a kiss, but Arella stops him by holding up a small box to his lips. “Oh, you meant an actual gift…”
“Don’t worry, Dear.” she laughs softly at his slight disappointment, “We’ll still do what I promised this morning, but I wanted you to open this last- when it was just us.”
“What is it?” He studies the box before opening it. “A new ring? Thanks, Babe.”
“Look on the inside. It’s engraved with a message.”
“For my soulmate, I would conquer time, space, and even death itself…” he takes a moment to take in the words etched into the band. “Oh, you are so corny… but I don’t think I’d change it for the world.”
He leans in and presses a kiss to her lips, leaning his forehead against hers once he pulls away.
“Love you, ‘Rella…”
“I love you too, Mammon. Happy Birthday.”
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Happy Birthday (y/n) | Genshin Impact Girls
Ok, it's my birthday and this is a little self-indulgent so don't @ me, I already exposed myself. Anyway, I hope you like it <3 It took like 3 days to complete this :') they do get repetitive, but you're only supposed to read one-
[Guys here]
Characters: Amber, Baal, Beidou, Eula, Ganyu, Jean, Ayaka, Keqing, Kujou Sara, Lisa, Lumine, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Rosaria, Xinyan, Yae Miko, and Yoimiya.
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She frowned, realizing how late it was already. You would definitely be asleep by the time she got home. she really didn’t mean to be so late, yet here she was, getting home way after sundown.
she opened the door and walked in, seeing your sleeping face right there on the couch. You always waited for her to come home and today wasn’t any different.
she sighed as she moved towards you after locking the door. she got down on her knees, a small frown on her face.
✩ Amber
“Aw, man… I guess I’m not as fast as I thought. I guess I’ll have to make it up to you later today. Hey, did you know (y/n), I have the coolest date set up for us? All your favorites and whatnot. You’ve been so busy recently, you know? And I’ve really missed you. I’m glad we’ll both have some time tomorrow. I think we need it. Aside from it being your special day, but also as bonding, you know? Oh man, I’m really just talking to myself, huh? Cuz you’re asleep and whatnot. Ok, um… sleep well. I can’t wait to spend time with you tomorrow. Happy birthday and I love you.”
✩ Baal
“As I thought. You’d be asleep. I don’t know why you insist on waiting for me when you know I’ll always be home late. More often than not, I find you already sleep and on this uncomfortable couch no less. I suppose I should be grateful… you don’t have to, yet you do it regardless. Heh… you’re pretty cute, you know that? You look so peaceful when you’re asleep like that… I swear to you, (y/n)... I will build a world that’s always so peaceful for you. So that you may never experience any pain… so that you’re always smiling, so that you can always sleep just as peacefully as now. Ah- I’m getting off-topic. Happy birthday, my sweet.”
✩ Beidou
“I knew, dammit… you fell asleep. Sorry, I’m late, babe. I guess I could make it up to you tomorrow… but I wanna say this now. Even though you’re not exactly awake. Thank you for staying with me and loving me. We’ve been together for almost four years now and I just- I sometimes can’t understand why you’re still here. Not that there’s anything wrong with me but… there’s so much to explore in the world. So much to see and do, yet you’re still here with me. I just… love you so much that I can’t even comprehend it sometimes. Weird, right? Oh! The point of this was because… here… I wanted to give this to you before you went to bed but hey, maybe you’ll like it when you wake up. It’s not the prettiest ring, but it looked beautiful to me. So, I hope you’ll like it. I love you… and happy birthday.”
✩ Eula
“Ugh, I knew it! I was gonna be late! Oh- I should be a little quieter- no, no, no don’t wake up… oh phew. I’m… sorry for being late. I really thought I would be on time, but I guess I was wrong. WAY wrong. But! I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, I swear. I have a wonderful date planned, we’ll have nice food, drinks- huh… wow… you look so peaceful and pretty. You know, your smile is my favorite thing to see. Ever. So always smile for me, ok? No matter what, because if I can see your smiling face, then I can handle anything. Happy birthday, my little snowflake.”
✩ Ganyu
“So cute… you’re so adorable when you sleep. Oh but I should be apologizing for being so late. I was supposed to be here hours ago to wish you a happy birthday right at midnight. But here I am… well past 3am. I guess I can do it now. Happy birthday, I love you.”
✩ Jean
“Oh no. I knew I shouldn’t have stayed over time but I decided it would help everyone tomorrow. And I even brought you flowers… I suppose I could always give them to you tomorrow. I mean that’s my only choice, I’m not going to wake you up. I really wished I could’ve said this earlier but… happy birthday, my dandelion flower…”
✩ Kamisato Ayaka
“I’m not even sure why I thought you’d be up. It’s already so late. I was thinking about telling Thoma to cover for an hour while I came back home to wish you a happy birthday, but I decided against it. And here’s my punishment for that. You really shouldn’t sleep on this couch, it’s not very comfortable… but you do look so very peaceful. Let’s get you to bed, my love. Oh and happy birthday.”
✩ Keqing
“Happy birthday… I was supposed to say that to you hours ago, but I suppose now isn’t that bad. Thank you for staying with me as long as you have… I mean we’ve been through five of your birthdays already. And here’s a sixth. I thought it would be time… so tomorrow… um… say yes, ok? Please say yes. I’ll make you the happiest person in the world.”
✩ Kujou Sara
“The bedroom is literally 40 feet away, yet you insist on falling asleep on this terrible sofa. I’ve told you time and time again just wait in our bedroom so that in the event you fall asleep you can- *sigh* am I really lecturing you? On your birthday no less. I suppose since it’s your special day… I’ll let it slide. Be prepared for tomorrow, it took me all year to plan and execute actually so I hope you’ll like it. I love you, little bird.”
✩ Lisa
“Oh, I knew you’d be right here, sweetie. I’m not surprised, you always insist on waiting for me. Normally, I’m never this late. I’m sure you were very worried too… hm I really hope you weren’t super anxious when you fell asleep. You’ll get nightmares like that. Well, I’ll be here to ease any nightmares… happy birthday, light of my life. I hope you enjoy what I have in store for you tomorrow. I love you.”
✩ Lumine
"Oh you're asleep already, I guess I should have known. I'll have to apologize better when you wake up but for now, I'd just like to say happy birthday (y/n). Out of everyone I've met you've tried to help me find my brother the most. I can't thank you more for that, you're so kind and caring to me more than I think I deserve. Happy birthday (y/n) I hope you enjoy your present when you wake up. I love you forever and always~"
✩ Mona
“I’m… sorry. Gosh, I’m really sorry. I wanted to be here before you fell asleep but I couldn’t do it. I suppose there’s no crying about it now, I always tomorrow to make it up to you. Thank you for everything you’ve given me, I swear to give you all of me too. You’re so special to me- so special. And I cherish- oh wait, I should tell you this tomorrow when you’re actually awake! Good night, my star. Sleep well. I love you and happy birthday.”
✩ Ningguang
“No matter how much I tell you, you always insist on waiting for me. It’s one of the cutest things about you and I adore you for it. Thank you for trying my love. But tonight, I shall take the blame. I was so late, you fell asleep. But worry not tomorrow, I shall make it up to you. I hope you’re excited because I am. I love you.”
✩ Noelle
“You’re… asleep… no. You weren’t supposed to fall asleep. Ah- I can’t wake you up now. I wanted to wish you a happy birthday and give you your gift, I was even going to- oh. I mean, I do have all day tomorrow so it’s not that big of a deal but I really wished I could've said it earlier. Anyway, sleep well. I love you, birthday baby.”
✩ Sangonomiya Kokomi
“Oh dear, you’ve fallen asleep. I should’ve known, but I decided to be a little stubborn. No matter, I already have tomorrow prepared and I know for a fact I can make up for this little mishap. Hehe… say (y/n)… you ever think about getting married? I hope you’ll say yes… because I’m proposing tomorrow. Not in front of a crowd, of course. In private. So be ready, cutie. I love you and happy birthday~”
✩ Rosaria
“You’re so lucky it’s already your birthday or I would scold you for trying to stay up when you knew I’d be late. The fact that I was planning on surprising you and failed is beside the point. You look so peaceful, I feel bad for even thinking about scolding you. Well, I have a surprise for you tomorrow. So I hope you’ll like it, I got all your favorites. Happy birthday, my sweet. Love you.”
✩ Xinyan
“Aw damn! I thought I’d make it in time, but I couldn’t. I had a song prepared for you, did you know? Well, of course, you didn’t. It was a surprise. I planned on singing it to you right at midnight but since I’m late and you’re asleep… I’ll sing it to you tomorrow. I hope you’ll like it. You were my inspiration after all. Happy birthday, my love.”
✩ Yae Miko
“Asleep… as expected. And here I thought I could actually beat time. Forgive me, my love, for being late. I wanted to be here right on time but alas, things came up and I couldn’t get away from them. I tried, yet it wasn’t enough. No matter, I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. I promise. I hope you’ll be well-rested for it. I love you and happy birthday.”
✩ Yoimiya
“Aw, you’re asleep. It’s ok, I heard you had a long day. I’m not sure how long you managed to stay up, but I would’ve preferred if you’d fallen asleep in bed. Hey, (y/n), are you ready to have your mind blown? Tomorrow, you’ll see the best fireworks show in the history of fireworks and they’re all for you. I want you to see how much I love you. Tomorrow, we have a busy day so you better be well-rested. I love you, my firework. Happy birthday.”
☽ ☾
Her hand pushed your hair out of the way before her thumb brushed over your cheek. She leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips for a brief moment before pulling away and gazing at your soft features.
So beautiful- that’s the only way she could ever come to describe you. You were the light of her life and you made her so happy she could never find a way to put it into words. But she would surely try.
Quietly standing up, she ever so gently lifted you into her arms and walked towards your shared bedroom. She was definitely going to make it up to you for being late tonight.
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Taking Care of Their Drunk S/O After a Girls’ Night Out
with Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou 
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genre : [ ☀︎ ]  fluff!! & a tiny bitta steam~
hc prompt : how would he take care of you if you come home wasted after a girls’ night out?
author’s note : this is my first time writing headcanons!! idk if this is good hc material but lemme know what you think! :) **gif not mine!!
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first of all, blasty is annoyed that you’re going out and ditching his elderly ass at home. it’s a wednesday night so who in their right mind would be going to the club?? sure it’s your close friend’s birthday but they couldn’t just push the celebration to the weekend like a normal person?
sure you have work tomorrow but you’re young enough and it’s your friend’s birthday, they just went through a breakup so you just wanna be there for them, physically and emotionally. and bakugou gets that, but he’s still gonna be crabby about it cuz he usually drags you into bed at like ten pm.
more importantly, he likes to have you tucked up in his arms, nose in your hair and tbh your ass on his crotch. it’s just so much easier to fall asleep knowing you’re safe and there with him, and even though he complains about it, the sound of your gentle snores really lull him into slumber.
therefore he has a hard time falling asleep just because you’re not with him, but then the fact that he’s in his large bed and you’re out and about, looking killer in that sexy clubbing number... he’s gnashing his teeth and twisting in the sheets no doubt. knowing you’re most likely very far from sober doesn't really help either. and just thinking of all the creeps that’re probably eyeing up every inch of skin, every curve hugged perfectly by that black sleek dress he usually loves but really despises right now… ugh, he just can’t sleep with his blood boiling like this.
so of course he’s still awake, very agitated may i add, when scratching noises at the door start at two thirty in the morning.
you’re pathetically attempting to open the front door, but the key to the apartment is almost identical to the lobby key and then… the elevator key is there too and oh my goshhh the mailbox key is so small it’s hilarious!! like it’s a baby or something and idk you’re just vibing, laughing at the mini object drunk off your ass.
and a disgruntled katsuki swings the door wide open while you’re giggling at your fucking keychain like an idiot.
caught like a deer in headlights, your expression actually makes his frown melt into an amused smirk, the corner of his lip twitching upwards. “hey dopey, what’s so funny?”
shaking off the embarrassment, you throw your arms into the air and close your eyes, a great big grin on your lips as you loudly cheer his name.
katsuki has a huge weak spot for you and you just look so genuinely happy to see him that he doesn’t bother to make fun of you further, he just slips an arm around your waist and gathers you inside.
he asks how your night was while he bends down to take off your shoes, instructing you to lean on the door for support because you’re all wobbly and clearly not capable of standing upright on your own. god, how did you even make it back by yourself in one piece?
once the shoes are off, he scoops you up like you weigh nothing. years of training have paid off, i mean, his biceps are probably the same circumference as your skull so… it makes sense that he’s able to carry you so easily but it still blows your mind every time he does it.
sets you on the edge of the bed, kissing your forehead when you ask if he’s always had such sparkly eyes. oh, how they shine in the moonlight. lmao you’re a cheesy drunk. he shakes it off with the classic bakugou tch but you know deep down he loves it.
he takes off your constrictive clothing so all you’re left in is your underwear, and yeah his eyes linger because you’re literally perfect to him. but it’s like three am now and he just wants to get you ready for bed, so he puts one of his ground zero shirts on you because he doesn’t trust himself to not escalate the situation with you sitting naked in front of him like that.
has you sit on the sink counter in the bathroom while he hands you your toothbrush, toothpaste already squeezed out and bristles wettened. as you very sloppily brush your teeth, complaining about how the mint flavor is “too spicy”, he’s busy getting out the makeup remover and wipes.
he watches you do your little routine every night so he’s well versed in what to do. he ties your hair back and you’re surprised, like, how does he know how to tie a girl’s hair?? you figure it’s from past experience so you let him know your thoughts.
he’s red from ear to ear with blush, and he adamantly explains that “it’s not that hard to do, smartass, i didn’t learn from that.”
is all pouty and grumbly as he swipes the cotton pad across your face but his touch is sweet and so careful, loving. you lean into him like a cat, and he gets even redder because fuck you’re really cute.
after you’re done brushing your teeth, katsuki hands you a glass of water and tells you to drink it, or else you’re not getting any cuddles tonight.
“slow down dopey— i didn’t mean all in one go!”
he puts on your skincare stuff too, and he even rubs it into your skin in the right direction and pressure.
you just kinda sit there and then suddenly you’re tearing up because your man is so considerate ?? and gentle?? and he’s just, ugh, perfect and all yours and you’re just really in your feelings all the sudden.
katsuki is shook when he stops focusing on rubbing the moisturizer into your neck to see tears gathering along your lower lashes.
“hey, what’s wrong, princess? did something happen? do you feel alright?”
you just pull him close and hold him tight. and katsuki is the smartest guy you know, he picks up all your social cues. so he softly wraps his strong arms around you, calloused fingers rubbing into your scalp.
“i just really love you,” you whimper, muffled his now damp shirt. “i’m sorry for keeping you up, i meant to just sneak in and slide into bed. you don’t have to do all this.”
he’s quiet for a moment before he squeezes you carefully, letting out a low sigh. “you worry too much, baby. you know i’d do anything for you...” he leans back and his thumb rolls over your wet cheek, eyes half lidded and a small, sincere smile on his lips, “and, i really love you too.”
kiri isn’t really the type to get super overprotective, and he does his fair share of partying so he is more than understanding when you tell him you’re going to the club with the girls.
he does pout a little when you tell him he can’t come, but he quickly accepts the fact because he understands it’s “girls’ night” and he probably wouldn’t want to be there for that anyway. although he does quip out a small comment about how sexy you look in your clubbing outfit, and how much sexier it’s gonna look on your bedroom floor later on.
safe to say you leave the house with a blush on your cheeks and a little heat between your legs.
you’re out with the 1A girls tonight— you’d all stayed pretty close after graduation and somehow you’d finally managed to get a night that all of you could attend. you can’t remember how many rounds of shots go by, and by the time the club is closing, your friends are all in various stages of drunkenness.
tsuyu and ochaco are playing some children’s hand game and singing along to it while they clap their hands together incessantly, jirou and hagakure are stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk as some kind of competition and yelling in indignation, and mina and momo have their arms around your shoulders as they debate what would be tastier right now: takoyaki or taiyaki.
honestly you keep tripping up on the words because they sound so similar, so the conversation just keeps going in circles until one of you finally decides to call a cab.
it’s about one in the morning— the group had left the club to get a snack before the easy mart across the street closed and you’d each gotten probably too many foods, your eyes bigger than your stomach.
kirishima laughs when you walk into the apartment, wobbling a bit with the (surprisingly full) plastic “thank you!” bag swinging around in the air.
“hey babe, whatcha got there? woah now—“
he reaches out and catches you before you tumble over, a red brow raised teasingly at your questionable balance.
“you alright baby?”
his voice is always deep, but it sounds even more intoxicatingly velvety in your drunken stupor, and all you do is give him the eyes with your tongue poking out between your lips.
he laughs at you again, nodding and whispering a “later, eager girl” in your ear as he sits you down on the couch, large hands fiddling with the straps on your ankles.
kiri frowns as the heel comes off, angry red marks marring the top of your foot, the back of your ankle faring even worse with a blister rubbed raw laying there.
you hiss when he touches it experimentally, a look of surprise on your face and frustration on his.
“y’know you’re really deadly in those heels babe, but if i’d known they’d hurt ‘ya i wouldn’t have let ‘ya wear ‘em out for so long…”
he disappears into the bathroom for a moment only to come back with the first aid kit. he gingerly holds your foot with one hand, the other dabbing some antibacterial cream onto the wound. he rips the wrapper with his pointy teeth, and you stifle a laugh at his red hero logo littered across the bandage.
he chuckles at your laughter, pressing a gentle kiss to your knee as he repeats the action on the other foot.
once he’s done and you’re all bandaged up, he sits next to you on the sofa, pulling your legs up across his lap.
he is not afraid to stay up late with you— actually, he prefers it because he just loves talking with you, especially when you’re all giggly and blushy because of the alcohol. plus he doesn’t want you to go to sleep still drunk (which he can tell you clearly still are), cuz he thinks you’ll have more of a hangover and it’s not that he doesn’t wanna take care of you tomorrow, it’s that he doesn’t want you to be in any pain if you can avoid it. he is a gentleman after all.
kiri inquires how your night out was, and you inform him of all the fun you’d had with the girls. he nods as he listens, big hands coming to rub your feet with the tiniest bit of strength— just enough to soothe your aching feet.
he tends to your every need;
fetching you an icy water bottle and encouraging you to drink from it frequently— “take another sip for me baby, I’ll add another minute to your massage if ‘ya do— haha that’s it, good girl!”
turning on the fan when you say you’re a little warm— “you’re hot? yeah i know. kidding. lemme get the fan for ‘ya.”
flicking on the TV and putting on your choice of entertainment. he doesn’t mind that it’s that show you love, even if it’s his third time watching this particular episode— “great choice babe, this one’s funny… hey, what’s that look for? of course it’s alright, i love this show!”  
it’s more of a background noise anyway as he talks with you, genuinely enjoying your company and just being there with you. he just wants to chat with you; share your smiles and hear your thoughts from the night, make silly jokes about the show and hear your laugh, lay his cheesy pickup lines on you even though you’ve been his for quite some time now.
and it’s so cute to him how you stumble on your words and amuse yourself when you’re drunk like this, and then when you remember you had bought snacks he swears his heart skips a beat at your squeal of excitement.
“this one’s for you!” you chime happily, hand outstretched and offering the box of pocky to him. his heart melts a little (okay maybe a lot) at your gift— he’d said he was craving chocolate last night and you had remembered, even in your intoxicated state.
gosh, he really loves you.
he’s about to voice the emotion when his thumb brushes over the perfect spot on the arch of your foot particularly hard, and a loud moan erupts from your lips, your brow furrowing and your lip pinching between your teeth.
you share a heated look before he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“thanks babe, but the pocky’ll have to wait,” he murmurs as he tosses the box aside, pushing the bag of snacks onto the floor. crawling over your legs with a sharp-toothed smirk on his lips, he growls lowly, a glint in his crimson eyes. “there’s something else i needa taste of now…”
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➥ masterlist — thanks for reading as always :)
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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cherryatiny · 4 years
𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐒/𝐎 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑜ℎ𝑜𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑖'𝑚 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔), 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡𝑦
𝐺𝐼𝐹𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠
⩥ 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠
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„Y/N pass me the bottle.”
Said the stern voice of your best friend Hongjoong, you were at a bar, with your other friends, celebrating Hongjoong's career success.
He finally got the chance to join a musical company and fulfil his dream of becoming an artist and a song producer.
Seeing your best friend happy that his dreams came true made you sincerely happy of course, but a small part of you was kinda sad about that.
Hongjoong has been your crush since you two were kids and now, that he is going to become a well-known artist, he'll for sure find some hot idol-model girlfriend and your love will go in the drain.
Maybe it was the alcohol in your blood, maybe the pent up rage and courage that made you confess.
„I have a confession to make... I-i love you Kim Hongjoong.”
Everyone looked up at you in disbelief, it was until you felt your stomach tightening from embarrassment, urging you to vomit, running out of the room to a restroom to push it out, without knowing Hongjoong was following you.
As he saw you scrunched and hugging the toilet he came to you, to hold your hair from falling into your face.
„I may like you too, but that's something we'll talk about once you are sober."
⩥ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚
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„Oh, come on, it would be fun, trust me.” Bullshit.
Going out with your best friend Seonghwa and his crush "to support him" was never a good idea.
Not only did you have to observe the cringiness of Seonghwa's love blind actions, but also see his crush treating him so poorly since she clearly did not have any interest in him.
As the movie ended and it was time for you to go home, you stood in front of the cinema with Seonghwa as he bid goodbye to the girl.
„Bye, be careful on your way home and have sweet dreams, I hope we could go out on another date soon.”
„Ah yeah, sure, bye."
You sighed softly, how could he not see the disinterest. As he turned to you, to thank you for helping him overcome this evening, your words stopped him before he could even start.
„Seonghwa, please stop hurting yourself by loving someone who's clearly not interested, when I've been showing you affection and interest for two years."
„What? Yo-you like me?”
As you realised what you've just said, earlobes and cheeks turning red from the embarrassment.
„I mean... kind of.”
⩥ 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨
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„Y/N, I'm waiting outside the house, come on, let's go.” said Yunho over a phonecall.
You were celebrating the end of the semester with your classmates, and since you've had some drinks in you and despite that, you didn't know how to drive, you had to call your friend and deep-down also crush Yunho either way.
Rushing out to finally see your crush, you were met with the breath-taking sight of Yunho leaning to his car, one hand scrolling through his phone, the second one chilling in his pockets.
„Yuyu, my love, you’re here.”
„Gosh, Y/N you’re so drunk, I’m glad you called me and didn’t try to go home on your own. I don’t want to imagine what could’ve happened.“
„But nothing happened since I called that handsome guy I love.“
Yunho shook his head at your drunk talk, were you talking about him? Not knowing the sincerity of your words, but in the depth of his soul, he hoped the words that came out of your mouth were true...
⩥ 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠
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„Happy Birthday dear Mr. Kang, happy birthday to you.“
Handclap noisier than the song of celebration for your boss, Kang Yeosang.
Although being a CEO, he was really warm-hearted and kind, not like the basic CEO type who’s cold and arrogant.
Being his secretary helped you to get to know him better over the years, but also made you grow feelings for him. You sometimes just zoned out and stared at his handsome face for hours, just like now.
„Y/N, can you please follow me to my office, I need to talk to you.“
You had no idea what Yeosang wanted to talk about, feeling only one emotion. Fear. Did he find out you like him? Did you do something wrong? Is he going to fire you? As he closed the door after you two, you couldn’t even look him in the eye, rather observing your high-heels.
„Y/N, what’s with you these days? You seem... different. Your mood’s been down lately, you’re impercipient. You know you can tell me anything, i want my most important employee to be happy.“
Employee. That’s all you were.
„I know you’re probably gonna get mad and I fully understand, feel free to fire me, but truth to be told, over the years I’ve been working for you, I grew feelings and I just can’t get over it... I-I love you, Mr. Kang.“
Yeosang’s face went pale, absorbing the words you’ve just said, mind going blank from the sudden confession.
„I don’t know what to say, Y/N. I mean... you’re a nice, young, hardworking girl, but.. I-I might need a few days to let it sink and think it over.“
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧
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San's hips moved to the rhythm of the music, his hands on the waist of some random girl, their sensual dancing just irritating you.
It wasn't like you and San were dating or anything, but you still couldn't stand the thought of him being with anyone else. An annoyed groan coming out of your mouth as you picked your glass and took a shot to drink away those thoughts. San taking the girl by her hand and coming your way.
„Hey Y/N I just wanted to say goodbye, since I’m leaving with Sora to my place, if you need anything you can call, but I don’t think I’ll be able to pick up, since my hands will have other work to do, so rather try Seonghwa.“
„Yeah, I thought so, just don’t forget to wear a condom when you get your dick wet, cuz it looks like you’ll end up with STD.“ you responded, rolling your eyes at him.
„Why are you so rude and foul today, are you jealous because I get some pussy and you’re left with no dick because no one wants to approach you since you’re so mean? Get your act together and we can talk tomorrow.“
„No San, you want to know why am I so cheeky? It’s because I have to watch the man I love fuck around with a random hooker. Go enjoy your dick appointment now, you must be busy.“ Without thinking of it any more, you left him there, your aura for sure full of pure rage.
⩥ 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠
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„Ew fuck no, Yeosang that’s nasty, I wish I could go back in time to five minutes ago when I didn’t hear this confession“ laughed Wooyoung at Yeosang’s confession in the game truth or dare.
Wooyoung took the bottle from Jongho’s hand, ready to spin the bottle and let it pick another victim of his stupid asks and dares. Spinning the bottle, it landed on you. Wooyoung's eyes already glistening from the excitement of daring or asking you something.
„So, Y/N, truth or dare?”
„Dare” a playful smirk finding its place on Wooyoung's face
„I dare you to kiss the person in this room, you have feelings for.”
You immediately started to regret telling him, that you like Mingi, the look in your eyes scolding him.
„Okay, but you all have to close your eyes.”
The 8 boys and your other 3 girl friends closed their eyes, as you hesitantly got up, making your way to Mingi, your crush of 5 months. Sitting on the ground next to him, your fingers landed on his jaw as your lips met his. Mingi’s eyes shot open as all your friends started applauding at your confession.
„I-I think i have feelings for you too Y/N...“
⩥ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
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You were currently in the changing room, packing your belongings, to take from your workplace. You decided to leave your job as a makeup artist and stylist for the group ATEEZ. The reason was the fact that you liked one of the members and didn’t want to cause any problems to the groups, you knew it was inappropriate to like him, but it was irresistible.
You attached feelings for Wooyoung when you first started to work with them. All eight boys were absolutely amazing, but Wooyoung was just... different. He sparked a flame of interest in you, his personality, his talent, his looks, all those drew you to Wooyoung.
As you cleaned all your makeup brushes, the door to the changing room opened, as the figure of the aforementioned boy stood there.
„What are you doing Y/N? Why are you packing your things, are you going somewhere?“
„I’m leaving, Wooyoung.“
„What, why?“
„That is none of your concers.“
„It is, you’re my stylist, but more importantly, you’re my friend.“
„Yeah, that’s the problem Wooyoung, I’m your stylist - your colleague, that’s why I have to leave.“  
„Why would you have to leave because you’re my stylist, what ar-“
„Because I like you Wooyoung, okay?! That’s why I can’t keep on working with you and mix my feelings into my job, it’s inappropriate, now if you excuse me, I’m leaving.“
The boy stood there as a column, without any movement. Should he go after you, accept your feelings and then you’ll keep on working with him and being his friend, or should he stay there and not go after you? Either way, it was already too late...
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨
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„So, what’s new in your life, Y/N? We haven’t seen each other for a long time because of our busy schedules.“ Jongho said as he sipped on his boba tea.
„Well, not that much happened in my life. You know how it is, a lot of work and stress, and lesser free time and sleep. I’ve bought a new notebook since my old one broke down and uhm... yeah well... I’ve been catching feelings for this boy lately.“
„Wow, really? I’m so happy for you Y/N, tell me more about it, I need to know what kind of a boy owns my bestie’s heart.“
„Well, he’s a really talented singer, he’s kind and funny, he’s more of an athletic type, hmm... and he’s really really strong. But he’s for real one of the nicest and best persons I’ve ever met, I like him, but I don’t know whether to tell him, because I'm not certain of his feelings...“
„Wow, he seems to be a nice guy, but don’t be blinded by your feelings, if he doesn’t like you, let it be, I don’t want you to get hurt, because of some stupid boy who won’t acknowledge the feelings such a beautiful and amazing woman like you has for him. Anyway, do I know him or who is he? I’m like really really curious right now.“
„It’s you Jongho.. you’re the boy i like.“
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246 notes · View notes
liptonsbabe · 3 years
Sirius Black x reader
Summary: Reader’s mad at Sirius ‘cuz he forgot her birthday. Something normal in him. Now he has to apology somehow
Word count: 1.6 k
Warnings: none(?
Same note as ever. English not my mother language. Tell me if something’s wrong pls
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You were very excited, you could not camouflage your joy even if you tried to do so. The next day would be your birthday and you felt very happy about that. it would be your first birthday with Sirius as a couple and you were fully convinced that would be great. You left the Gryffindor common room in the way of the great hall to meet your best friends and your boyfriend. You greeted everyone with an effusive kiss on the cheek and Sirius with a kiss on the lips. Everyone looked at you confused
"What are you guys doing?"
"Nothing, we were waiting for you for breakfast" James replied raising his eyebrows looking at you confused
"Oh well, I'm here, let's eat!"
You smiled from ear to ear making James raise his eyebrows even higher
"(Y/N) are you okay?
"Yeah, why?"
"Nothing, it’s just that you look different. It is weird to see you like this”
You laughed at your friend's comment
"No, no. I'm happy, very very happy. That’s all"
"And why are you so happy, love?" Sirius asked putting an arm around your shoulders. Remus lowered the book he was reading to look at you with a bright smile 
"Well ... let's say that tomorrow is a very special day"
"Oh yeah? Why?"
You ignored Sirius' question. You knew he was joking, he was your boyfriend, obviously he had to know what would happen tomorrow. Maybe he was just pretending so you wouldn't notice the surprise party he was throwing for you or something. Although you had to admit that Sirius knew how to hide that secret perfectly.
"You know why" You flirtatiously winked at your boyfriend and then gave him a kiss on the corner of the lips "Let's have a quick breakfast, we have History of Magic first thing in the morning"
The marauders grunted at the same time. You laughed and then had a well-deserved strawberry cake for breakfast.
The day had passed very tediously. You had done very badly on potions, transfiguration and charms and you assumed it was because you weren't focused enough on the subjects to think about the surprise that Sirius would give you the next day
On your birthday you woke up earlier than usual, quickly put on your uniform while doing your hair a bit, took some makeup and put it on your face, smiled at the little mirror you had on your stool and got out of your room bouncing until you reach the common room.
The place was deserted, you were the first to get up and get ready for the day, you bit your lip and waited for Sirius and the others to come down
It was more than half an hour until Sirius came down to the room still wearing the bottom of his pajamas, since he tended to sleep without a shirt; he rubbed his sleepy eyes and saw you smiling in the common room. He came up to you and kissed you sweetly
“Good morning doll”
“Good morning Sirius”
You waited for a birthday greeting, but it didn't come; Sirius just stood there, next to you looking at you with a lopsided smile. You raised an eyebrow
“You have nothing to say to me?” you questioned. Sirius shrugged
“Like what?”
“Something about ... today”
“Today?”He remarked confused until he seemed to remember something “Ah, yes, can i copy your astronomy homework for today's class? I just didn't have time to do it. James and I had a problem with a couple of Slytherin boys and we completely forgot about it”
You crossed your arms, disappointed
“Sirius, do you know what day it is today?
“Uh ... Tuesday?” He rubbed the back of his neck at the sudden angry tone you used. You shook your head
“Forget it”
Sirius's mouth was left in the middle of a word from your sudden escape. He heard you curse him under your breath and sob, but he couldn't understand why. He dropped into one of the chairs until Remus came jumping down the steps two at a time with a package in his hands.
“Hey, Sirius, have you seen (Y/N)?”
“Yeah, she just leave”
"Oh great," he said smiling. Sirius pointed the package
“What's that?”
“Oh! It's (Y/N)’s birthday present
Sirius jumped up completely scared
“It's a hand knitted sweater. I didn't have a lot of money to give her something better, but I hope she likes it. I did it myself ”he said proudly. Sirius paled
”Oh no. Oh no, shit!”
“Remus, you're going to kill me but I forgot (Y/ N)’s birthday
Remus Lupin rolled his eyes holding the package tighter
“I'd be surprised if you didn't. Sometimes I think that you use the obliviate on yourself at night, I have no better reason to excuse your stupidity”
Sirius ran a hand through his long hair
"Help me, please”
“No, i won’t”
“Will you be my slave for a week if I help you?” Sirius stuck his tongue out
“I’m sorry for you then. Good luck”
Remus walked towards the portrait and before he left, Sirius stopped him
“Wait! I’ll do it”
“The offer was only valid when I proposed it. Now, solve this by yourself”
Remus strutted out at the great hall. Sirius ran up the stairs to his bedroom so fast that he bumped his little finger on the way up; he cursed his bad luck and put on his uniform as fast as he could
Sirius entered the great hall seeing how Remus and you were sitting together; You were putting on the sweater that Remus had given you over your uniform while smiling at your friend. The sweater was in Gryffindor colors and in the center was a baby lion. Sirius felt a twist in his stomach. He walked up to you and as he walked, he noticed how the greetings were raining down on you in the great hall making him feel bad
It wasn't even two seconds after Sirius sat down on the table when you stood up and left without even looking at him. James clapped him on the shoulder
“Remus has told me everything and you know? I think you are a moron”
“Yes, I know”
“What are you going to do now?” Peter asked
“Buy her a gift. A huge one to forgive me”
Remus chimed in
"She doesn't wants an expensive gift, she just wants you to remember the special dates." Sirius frowned.
“You don't know anything about women”
“Well, I know more about your girlfriend than you do” Peter and James laughed ”Look, if you want to give her something, just make sure it’s special
“Yeah, something like ... a necklace or something. Girls like those things”James added.
Sirius nodded
When classes ended Sirius's feet ached from following you through the hallways to apologize. You were ignoring him and Sirius felt very jealous when the boys from other houses greeted you and you thanked them with a smile; he felt terrible that others remembered his girlfriend's birthday and not him.
By that time, Sirius had already found the perfect gift and kept it in a small wooden box that he had gotten thanks to Peter. He hadn't even attended classes to find something you might like; In the end he decided on something very simple. He went to your room and knocked the door
“If you are James, Remus or Peter, come in. If you are Sirius you can fuck yourself"
"Baby please ..." Sirius begged behind the door.
“Don’t “baby please me” That’s not enough!”
“I know, but I've been asking for your forgiveness all day. I feel like a fool”
“Well that's what you are!”
"Love, open the door, please. I promise that if after what I have to say you can’t forgive me, then we will split up and I will walk away from you forever”
Sirius waited for five minutes for an answer. He was about to leave when the door opened. Sirius rushed in and knelt in front of you
“I'm so sorry, princess.I hate myself so much for forgetting such an important day. I'm a monster! I couldn't remember your birthday even if you indirectly told me the other day, I'm a fool. Don’t leave me please. I love you. I love you so much”
"Sirius, stand up" You helped him stand up and he handed you a box
“I bought you something. I know you might not want it after what happened, but I bought it with all the love in my heart”
You took the box and opened it. Your eyes filled with tears.
On the box was half a silver heart with a caption  on the front. Sirius took it between his fingers
“I have the other half. See?” He said taking the pendant out of his shirt. You connected both parts and saw that the caption said: I give you my heart "I carved it myself with my wand. I know it's not a big deal, but ...
You kissed him unexpectedly and then hugged him
“Oh Sirius, it's perfect”
“It is, but not as much as you are”
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starbuckie · 4 years
𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐩
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challenge: clair’s 22nd birthday bash by @romantic-barnes​
prompt: soda pop
pairing: 40’s!bucky barnes x reader 
words: 1222 words
warnings: fluff, a lil baby bit of angst, a smooth fucker named james barnes, and language 
summary: getting to work early wasn’t so bad after all.
a/n: happy birthday clair! i hope you like this, cuz i had a lot of fun writing it. this prompt was super fun to play around with, and 40′s bucky is a little sneaky charmer. also, i had to look up forties slang, so i have no clue whether it’s accurate or not. as always, thank you to my sassy but amazing beta @transparentfestivaltiger​. anyways, enjoy, and if you haven’t already, you should join @romantic-barnes​ birthday celebration! thank you so much <3
main masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
The diner was empty when she went in. Sighing, she headed to the back of the dimly lit room and hung up her coat on the hook in the kitchen. The first shift on Wednesday morning truly was the worst.
“Callie, Sue?” Y/N called out, but no answer came back except for the echo of her voice. Today wasn’t her day. Of course, it had been her choice to stay out at the dance hall, but her bastard of a date, Richie, had left her to dance with another girl, and she spent the rest of the night wallowing in the corner and drinking her woes away. The bin of dirty white aprons wasn’t under the sink like usual, so she went up to the front counter and saw that there was already someone waiting outside the glass doors.
This early? She could’ve sworn it was eight-thirty when she entered, so she checked the clock right above the jukebox. Yup, it was only eight forty. Figuring it was another drunk, she unlocked the door and spoke. “Good morning, sir, can I help you?”
The man looked up from the ground and smiled at Y/N. Boy, was he a dreamboat. Nicely pressed uniform, neat chestnut hair, pretty blue eyes, and a charming smile that could knock anyone off their feet. Y/N’s knees nearly buckled on the spot.
“Yes, I was wondering if I could come in and get some soda from a beautiful gal?” She visibly flushed at his words, and he grinned wider when he saw.
“We don’t open for about another fifty minutes, but if you’d like, you can sit until the others start coming in.” 
She opened the door for him, and he stepped in with a quick, “thank you.” He seemed to have never been there before, and he looked around in wonder. “I’ve gotta be honest, this place is a whole lot nicer than some of the diners where I’m from.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed as she walked behind the counter and found the aprons. “Are you not from around here?” 
“Just across the bridge in Brooklyn.”
She smiled. “So you're another one of those Brooklyn boys, aren’t ya?”
“Ah, so you’ve heard of us?” When she just rolled her eyes and walked to the back, he grinned. “What about you, sugar, where are you from?”
“My daddy moved up here from Virginia, but I’m from Manhattan, born and raised.” The workers in the kitchen started entering,  and they both could hear the clanging of metal in the back. “I should probably go and check-in with the guys. Anything you want while I’m back there? Or I can get you a good cup of joe?”
“How about a cola, with two straws, so we can share?” He posed it as a question, a lopsided smirk accompanying it. 
She leaned over the counter, her face inches away from his. “And why should I be sharing a drink with a stranger?”
“The name’s James Barnes, doll, but you can call me Bucky. Close friends only.” 
Y/N scoffed and walked to the back to grab his soda. Truthfully, her heart was racing, because this handsome man was charming her socks off, but she had a history with men like them. They were sweet in the beginning, then they used and cheated her. Maybe she had been corrupted at a young age when Carl had left her for another girl in high school, but her mantra remained the same: love is for fools. Regardless of that loud voice screaming at Y/N to stop interacting with him, she grabbed a cola from the icebox, waved to the boys who had started working, and grabbed two red straws walking back out from the kitchen. 
“So, Mr. Barnes, I see that it’s fair that I tell you my name now that I know yours. I’m Y/N L/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Bucky.” He winked at her and took the opened bottle from her. 
“Now, we aren’t strangers,” he smirked, “so how about that soda pop?” Seeing her rolled eyes, he laughed, and Y/N couldn’t help but feel her heart skip a beat to this man.
“Okay, but I start my shift in,” she checked the clock, and saw it was nine at this point, “thirty minutes, so you best be gone by the time other customers start coming in or they’re gonna think I’m sweet on you.”
“Are you not already, sugar?” He mocked an expression of offense, and she laughed. “Well, damn, I was putting on my best show!”
That was what struck a chord in Y/N. A show. It never lasted long, did it? Once they got bored, they stopped the show, the circus, and moved on to their next location. Her sadness must’ve shown up on her face  because Bucky noticed her small frown. “What’s wrong, Y/N? You feelin’ okay?”
“Are you a heartbreaker, James?” Her harsh tone surprised him. “Because I don’t waste my time on a silly boy, who’s gonna take my love and trample over it. Who’s understanding and kind, but then sees another sweet thing and leaves. I don’t want that anymore.”
Her eyes teared up at the confession, but she couldn’t help it. There was no luck for her at this point and the night before had just been proof. Bucky immediately took her hand and placed his lips on it.
“Doll, I swear on my life, I have no intention of breaking your heart, and I’ve gotta say that if anything, you’ll be breaking mine.” With a sigh, he continued. “Maybe another guy showed up, and maybe the fella did you wrong, but that doesn’t mean that that’s all love is. He’s a rotten man if he couldn’t see the gem that was right in front of him. Love, it’s real Y/N, and giving it out is scary, but when you find the right person, it’ll all be worth it. And right now, my heart is in the hands of a pretty beautiful dame who’s standin’ right in front of me.”
Tears silently trickled down her face, smearing her mascara, but he didn’t care. Y/N had held his heart from the moment he saw her through the diner door. “What do you say, doll, you trust me?”
Her face broke into a small smile. Nodding, she grabbed the two straws and dropped them into the opening of the cola bottle. “How about that soda, then we can start talking about when you’ll pick me up for our date?”
He grinned and took a sip of the cold soda. “Tomorrow night, seven o’clock, at the Roseland Ballroom. You’ll wear your nicest dress, and I’ll have my hair all slicked back, and I’ll pick you up from your house. I’ll make some talk with your daddy and mother, and we’ll hold hands as we walk, and eventually spend the whole night dancin’ until our feet fall off. Then, I’ll walk you back home and kiss you sweetly by your front door, and give you my number so I can take you out again. How does that sound?”
Y/N’s lips widened into a full grin, and she managed to nod before taking a sip of their shared soda pop. “That sounds real swell, Bucky.”
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cheeseburgersstuff · 4 years
Life As We Know It
Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Warnings: language, mistakes, shitty writing...(2.7k words shit)
A/N: this is for the nacho-baby weekly challenge @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @captainchrisbaby​. Go check it out and support these loveliess!! <3
This is completely based on the movie:)
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“I can’t believe you are doing this” Ransom scoffed sitting on the couch watching his best friend fixing his tie. Peter turned towards him and a frown. “What do you mean by that” 
“I mean look at you, we used to have so much fun but then you suddenly decided to get married,” Ransom said, making peter roll his eyes. 
“You are saying this because you have never experienced love but one day ransom you will be standing there trying to fix this damn thing and I’ll not help you” Peter spat, still struggling with the tie. 
Ransom stood up and helped his friend. “You know that’s not gonna happen. I don’t do this love shit.” 
“Yeah, I know. You are an asshole. I mean you even didn’t take y/n out that day ``Peter sighed remembering, setting him up with her to- be- wife’s best friend. 
“Oh god. Stop it, Peter, she was such a bitch to me, I was just an hour late and she insulted me in front of all those people.” 
Peter didn’t say anything, knowing Ransom wouldn’t accept his mistake…
“Omg, Alice you look so beautiful.” y/n said, her eyes filled with tears to see her best friend getting married. 
“I’m so nervous, it’s time, right,” Alice said pacing around the room. y/n nodded and led her outside where everyone was waiting for them. 
There she saw ransom standing beside Peter as his best man and suddenly her mood was spoiled because of his face. She knew he was going to be there but she wanted to avoid him.
The ceremony started and when the priest announced them as husband and wife, ransom made a gagging noise, which to her surprise everyone laughed at. 
y/n shook her head in annoyance. He was such an asshole. 
The whole evening went without any hitch, ransom got busy with some chick and y/n was enjoying her time with her friends. 
And finally, it was time for speeches. Everyone made their speeches, even Ransom. y/n waited for everyone to finish, for her emotional speech. 
But when it was finally her turn suddenly a tipsy ransom started the music and danced interrupting her in the middle. She felt so mad and was ready to hit him when Alice pulled her into a hug.  It wasn’t the first time ransom was being an asshole to her, they had always been like this especially after the date, Peter and Alice set up for them.
 Everyone knew about the rivalry so they ignored the rude intrusion of Ransom.
The next time the two saw each other was on Sophie’s 1st birthday. Ransom didn’t want to go but for the sake of his friend, he went there and because he was the co-god parent as well.
On the other hand, y/n was excited and was preparing the birthday cake for Sophie’s birthday. Ransom and Peter entered the kitchen. Ransom was picking up Sophie and brought her near the cake. 
Sophie giggled seeing the bright colors on the cake. “You like it, baby. You like your cake” y/n cooed at her but suddenly barfed and started to cry. 
Fortunately, the cake wasn’t ruined but ransom was laughing loudly. Alice stood up and took the baby in her hands.
 “Omg this is hilarious,” ransom said, teasing y/n only to receive a deadly glare from her. 
“Oh you two, don’t start now. She must have overfed” peter jabbed in before they could start to fight. 
Everyone gathered in the living room for the cake cutting. Alice put Sophie in y/n’s hand and mentioned her to cut the cake. y/n looked at her in confusion but did it anyway. Peter also pushed ransom in their direction.
 “Go on, you both are the Godparents” And with that, they both grabbed Sophie’s hand and cut the cake. Everyone cheered, making the baby giggle. “Say cheese,” 
Alice said and clicked a picture of them. Everything was perfect, all of them were living happily. Sophie with her parents, ransom his bachelor life and y/n focusing on her career.
 But suddenly everything was shattered when both y/n and ransom received a call of the accident. y/n was in the hospital when ransom came and saw her. Her eyes were swollen because of crying. Ransom looked at her in questioning but she shook her head. 
The doctor came out and declared their friend’s death. y/n couldn’t control herself and began to sob.Ransom reluctantly, pulled her into his arms. 
They both were worried about Sophie, she was too small for all of this.
The next day they were called by Peter’s and Alice’s lawyer to their house. They both were sitting awkwardly next to each other, waiting for the lawyer to explain things. 
And the things they had been told about blew their minds. “What?” they both declared. 
The man in front of them just nodded. 
“They made you both the joint guardians of her,” he told them again. 
“What does that mean,” ransom said. 
“How could we do anything. How are we both gonna take care of her?” y/n cut him off. 
“Well, it’s all up to you. But whatever you guys decide, just remember if you couldn’t take good care of her they’ll put her for adoption.” 
“They, who they?” ransom asked incredulously.
“Child protection services. They gonna observe you both for few months before you guys officially become her parents” 
“Parents? We are not even married” Ransom yelled. But he just shrugged in response and stood up to leave. 
y/n kept sitting in her seat, without moving. She was too shocked to understand anything. One second she was celebrating with her friends and the other, she was a mother? 
But Ransom’s condition was even worse than her. He was worried about his life, he never wanted to be a father, he never wanted to settle down. But it wasn’t an issue right. The CPS wouldn’t be satisfied with them both and… Sophie would go to some orphanage and then some family would adopt her. 
He didn’t know why but thinking about that made him feel worse than before. Sophie wasn’t an orphan, his friends made them her godparents. 
He looked towards y/n who was still sitting there. “What are we gonna do?” he asked, for the first time like a normal person. 
“I think… we should try this. For Sophie, for them” …
It was a tough decision, they both knew. But somehow they both started to tolerate each other. They still fight but not as usual.
And surprisingly ransom was enjoying this life, with Sophie. He was preparing the milk bottle for her because y/n was taking too long in the shower. 
Sophie was crying in front of the TV which ransom thought to switch on to distract her. “Shh... it’s okay baby, here I come” 
Ransom ran towards her with the bottle and took her in his arms. Sophie started to feed, with her eyes now glued to the tv screen. And suddenly it was peaceful.
y/n came downstairs after some time, her hair was still wet, and saw ransom sleeping in an awkward position with Sophie comfortable on his chest. 
It had barely three weeks since they were living together and y/n’s opinion about ransom was starting to change. He still was an asshole but he could be responsible too. 
He had helped her so much, always volunteered to take Sophie out whenever y/n would be working from home, he sometimes helped in changing her diaper as well. 
She walked towards them silently and bent to take Sophie from his grip. Her face was too close to ransom and her wet hair touched his cheek making him open his eyes. 
y/n’s breath got stuck in her throat when he opened his eyes. Ransom on the other hand didn’t understand anything that moment but then he looked down, their hands were touching as they both were grabbing the little girl. 
Ransom gave her to y/n and sat up. y/n turned towards Sophie’s room to put her in the crib. 
When she came back ransom was still there. 
“Have you eaten anything?” y/n asked as she was warming her food in the oven. Ransom shook his head, so she served him too. 
They both kept eating in silence. And for the first time, y/n thought maybe they could handle this whole guardian thing but god she was so wrong. 
The very next day they fought. 
It was evening when she was ransom getting ready to go out. 
“Oh, you are going somewhere?” ransom hummed without looking at her. “Well, take Sophie too then cuz I’ll be going soon too. I’ll have to meet a client” she said. 
“At this time?” he asked incredulously. y/n nodded and tried to give Sophie to him. 
“No, I’m going on a date okay. I can’t take her” he stepped back. 
“God ransom! Date?? I have a meeting to attend, can't you go tomorrow?” she asked but he just shrugged. 
“No, I gotta go, you change your plans this time” and before she could reply ransom went out of the house.
y/n let out a frustrated sigh and called her Eva, her colleague to ask her to keep Sophie for a few hours. 
But the time she dropped Sophie to her house and went to the meeting she was twenty minutes late. 
“I’m so sorry for being late Mr. James.” she apologized but the man just shook his head complaining how long he was waiting for her. 
Aside from that, the meeting went well and she came back home with Sophie. She was still pissed at Ransom. 
Couldn’t he wait for one day to bang a chick? She wanted to yell at him but he didn’t come home and eventually she fell asleep. 
It was past midnight when ransom came and saw her sleeping on the couch. He ignored her and went towards his bedroom locking it from inside.  He knew there was a war coming tomorrow. But now he was too tired to think anything so he just went to his bed…
The next morning ransom went to the kitsch where y/n was making her breakfast. “Can I have some too?” he asked, his voice hoarse from sleeping. 
“Go ask the chick you banged last night.” her reply made him annoyed. 
“Oh C’mon y/n, it’s too early for your shit” he scoffed which made her angrier. 
“My shit Ransom? I was humiliated last night because of you,” she yelled but before he could reply the doorbell rang. 
He turned away from her and walked to open the door. A woman dressed up professionally was standing there. 
“Hello, you must be Mr. Drysdale,” she said. 
“Ransom” he replied grumpily. 
“I’m Jenny, your CPS caseworker,” she said and walked inside. She looked all over the house, and ransom was internally panicking. 
y/n came outside and saw the woman. “Hello,” Jenny greeted and explained her reason to come. y/n and ransom sat in front of her, as if were in some interview. 
“Where is the baby?” she asked them. y/n got up with a smile and brought a sleepy sophie downstairs. 
Sophie looked comfortable with y/n as if she was with her own mother. Their behavior with Sophie satisfied Jenny but she felt them a bit rude with each other. 
Their answers were not the same about Sophie's routine. 
“Well, you don’t know that cuz I took her for check up last week.” y/n whispered angrily to ransom. 
“Oh so now you're gonna act as if I don’t do anything for her? I was the one cleaning her shit when you were too busy with your work but look I didn’t complain like you” 
But before y/n could reply back Jenny cleared her throat awkwardly making them look in her way. 
“Well, look, you guys are really good with sophie. Trust me I've seen so many worst cases but what I’m worried about is you two. If you couldn’t adjust with each other how you gonna keep Sophie as a family. So it’s better you decide to patch up or we could look for a new family” jenny declared and stood up to leave. 
“Two more weeks, before that, decide whatever you want."
y/n and ransom watched her go and sighed. y/n sat on the couch. 
“We can’t do this.” she whispered to herself. “We can’t be them, they were perfect, they never fought. And look at us.” she chuckled. 
Ransom frowned at her but agreed. “You are right. This was never going to work out. I’m even surprised I made up this far.” he scoffed. 
That day no one talked to each other. Even Sophie could feel something was wrong. She looked up at ransom and cooed gaining his attention. Ransom looked down and smiled at her. 
“D..da..d” she made, grabby hands towards him. His breath stuck in his throat hearing those words. Who knew someone would call ransom drysdale a dad? and he would even like it?!!
And that moment ransom knew there was no way he would let anyone take the single chance to live a happy life… 
y/n was in her room packing her things. She thought she would be happy but she wasn’t. Living with ransom and Sophie became normal, just like they were a family. 
But they weren’t perfect, as a family should be. 
y/n was looking under the bed to find her things when she saw a box. She pulled it out and saw dvd’s and albums inside it. 
It was all Peter and Alice, the moments they captured. The wedding, honeymoon and when Alice got pregnant. 
“No Peter not blue” Alice yelled behind the camera. They were painting the baby’s room. 
“But she will love blue sweetheart. Not all girls are the same” peter argued. 
And then the video ended with their silly arguments, just like her and ransom. Wait, did she just compare her and ransom with them?
“So they weren’t perfect either” ransom voice came from behind. She turned to look at him, expecting him to wear a smug smile but he wasn’t. 
There was a weird sadness in his eyes. y/n shrugged. 
‘Does it matter. They are gone and now we will be too,” she wanted to cry for sophie. 
Ransom walked towards her and kneel down. “Last try? And this time not just for Sophie or them…. But for each other too?” his eyes were filled with hope. 
“This time, i won’t be late. I promise”  y/n chuckled, the tears spilling from her eyes. “You better not be” 
Ransom smiled and kissed her hand. 
Two years passed and the small arguments between Random and y/n were still there. But what’s the fun without arguments? These little things are what makes a perfect family.
“C'mon sophie come to me” y/n said. It was Sophie's second birthday and yes, y/n made the cake this time as well. 
Ransom chuckled seeing Sophie ignoring y/n and continued doing her thing. 
“Hey, princess come to me, it’s time to cut the yummy cake” hearing his voice, Sophie giggled and took small steps towards ransom. 
Y/n watched them with a wide open mouth which only made ransom smirk. 
“You know she loves me more, she even called dad first.” saying that ransom ran away before y/n could burst out on him. 
Everyone was present there, their friends, family, celebrating her birthday. It was the best time for ransom. So after eating the cake he walked towards y/n who was laughing with her friend. 
He tapped her shoulder making her turn. Ransom knelt on his knees and took out a hand. Everyone gasped seeing this. 
“Never in my life I thought I would do this, but y/n… you made me do this, you made me experience what love is. And now I want the same thing Peter did.” 
Sophie came from behind with a small black box and gave it to ransom. “So y/n y/l/n, Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" ” 
Y/n jumped out of excitement and nodded her head. Ransom placed the ring on her finger and stood up to kiss her. 
Everyone cheered at the couple. 
She looked at her parents smiling at each other, a picture of them smiling was hanging on the wall from Sophie's first birthday.
And that moment both, ransom and y/n thanked their friends to choose them as the guardians...
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - II
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 3291
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: N/A.  Jungkook continues to be just a cute pie here ok dont touch me.
Chapter I  -  Chapter III  Chapter IV  Chapter V  Chapter VI Chapter VII
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You have always been enchanted by hybrids. You grew up surrounded by them, they were friends and family. Literally. For exemple, your favorite uncle adopted your cousin, a cat hybrid, when you were five and she was three, he and his wife wanted a second child but could't have one biologically anymore, and you got a friend as a gift. You never saw your cous being treated diferently from her older sister, indeed they were equaly loved by the whole family. You two would run and play for hours together. 
You learned some diferences between you and hybrids when living with your cousin in childhood. The first one was that you, unfortunately, don't have fluffy beautiful ears and tail like they do, more than once your mother needed to comfort you before going to sleep cuz you were crying, wanting to be cute too. The second was that you were always at a disadvantage in games like hide and seek and tag you it, but you still had fun. The third is that hybrids can't go to school like normal kids. Until a certain age you were home schooled, taking classes with a tutor, when you turned eleven things changed a little bit, and you started studying at an elite college. Your world expanded, you started to study more hours a day and met new people, new teachers, classmates, you made new friends that gradually showed you a cruel world that you didn't know. Most of your friends were also daughters of politicians and entrepreneurs, just like you, and just like you, they grew up surrounded by hybrids. But while they were family to you, to your classmates they were butlers, maids, pets. Soon you started to understand the injustice of it all, of why you were bullied when you talked about your cousin, why you didn't like to go to some friends' house where you would see them treating their hybrids coldly. 
The last straw came when you were fourteen, more specifically your birthday. Until then you kept your friends from meeting your cousin, for fear that the situation would be strang, but it was you birthday, you wanted all your friends in your sleepover, including her. At the beginning of the night you were apprehensive, but your friends did nothing but find your cousin cute and be kind to her, so you relaxed. Everything was going well until one of her best friends decided that she liked your cousin so much that she was going to "ask her father to buy her".Your cousing didn't understand at the time, it was the first time that she was treated as something and not as a person. You were so angry that the party ended right there, most girls left, even though it was two-thirty in the morning. Days later you were expelled from school for getting involved in a fight and assaulting one of the girls who used the wrong word to define your family. You went back to school at home, with the best private tutors, and the world outside was no longer so beautiful. That's how you, already in college, joined a radical activist group for the sake of hybrids.
The concept of owning someone was disgusting for you, that's why you never adopted any hybrid, just fought to free them, in and out of law.That's why you don't recognizes yourself in the decision of getting Jungkook home. But here are you, driving your SUV with him sitting next to you in the passenger's seat. You want the best for each hybrid you have ever rescued, but never before have you been so involved that you are directly responsible for one as you are now doing with him. 
Jungkook have followed you to your car, where you gave him a oversized hoodie of yours to wear - the nigth got cold - and snacks that you had prepared for your trip back home. He was really entertained comparing flavors of three diferent chips, that he didn't even noticed when your black outlaw clothes are gone, replaced by a summer dress in a cardigan. Well, he couldn't remember the last time he had a chance to eat chips, it was probably when he was a kid, and there weren't that many flavors. Of couse, he was refraining from asking you too many questions, that were filling your head like: How is house? Will it be long before we arrive? Do you live with someone else? Do you have other hybrids? Do you do these jobs every night? ... But he kept silent, like a good boy.You said the drive to your city would take about two hours, that he could sleep, but he wanted to keep awake and looking out the window at the landscape, the trees he had never seen so many together and other cars, once in a while passing by with their lights on. It would be beautiful during the day too, he thought. The music playing softly on the radio is also cool.
"Ok." You brake the silence. "We have sometime before we get home, we can talk and get to know each other until then."
Jungkook took a sip of his soda before answering. 
"To know each other?"
"Yeah. Like a  game where we tell things about ourselves and ask each other something..."
"Got it. How do I win this game?" Jungkook got excited.
"It wasn't supposed to be a competition." You laughed, and then got thoughtful. "If you make a question you got one point. If you tell a fact about yourself without being asked you got two points..."
"Whoever has the most points wins. Ok." Jungkook softly clapped his hands with a happy soud coming from his mouth, the gesture doesn't go unnoticed by you. You showd him where to find paper and pen in the glove compartment for him to write down the points. In one side of the page he writed your initials and in the other, his - JK.
"I go first. Hummm... My full name is Y/N Y/L/N and I'm twenty-three. And you, what' is your age?"
"Woaaaa, Y/N! You already have five points, you are good at it." Jungkook excitedly wrote down your points, already thinking about what to say. "I'm twenty-two, but not for long, my birthday is in september. I'm a virgo. What's your sign?"
"Y/S." You responds. "You are into zodiac?"
"Not exactly. But it was a fact about me." Jungkook smile to you making you look away from the road for a moment longer than insurance so you can look at the dimples under his eyes. "Among these three chip flavors, which is your favorite?" "Both cheddar and bacon, I can't choose between them" You answered without hesitation. "Actually I love cheddar and bacon in any context. Did you decided wich one you like the most?"
Jungkook thoughtfully compared the chip packs.
"Nope. I like them all together. I like sweets more. Do you live with someone else?" Jungkook took the courage to ask something that was really on his mind.
"No, is just me in my apartament. But theres always a friend or relative visiting me, almost everyday. " 
Jungkook he felt a confusion of feelings, he did not know if he should be happy or disappointed that you lived alone, and as a result, that he will live only with you. It would be nice if you live with siblings or your parents if they are good like you, but at same time if they are bad he prefers to be with just you.
"How is your family?" He asked before you could make your next question.
"They are great." You said, your tone of voice and eyes ligthing up with affection. "I'm single child, but my family is quite big. We are all focused on progressive thinking of liberating hybrids. That's why I'm part of activist groups ... Of course, only I do this more clandestine work, and my mother doesn't even know. She would be crazy worry. You will like them I think. I have like six cousins, two girls and four guys... Oh my God, they will tease me so much for bringing a boy to live with me..."
Clearly your family is a trigger for you to talk non-stop. Jungkook concluded that your family must be really cool, for you to like them so much, making him wanting to know them too. It got him a little nervous. What would them think about him? Your talking makes your family look amazing, while he’s no big deal. Worse than being uninteresting is not being liked, and there are really bad things about him ... More bad than good things actually. Your family not liking him is scary, and thinking that you might know about his bad past and not liking him any longer suddenly made him anxious. 
You were bragging about your great-aunt's cooking skills when noticed Jungkook got too quiet.
"You are ok, Jungkook?"
He looked at you awkwardly, eyes round like a deer caught in the headlights.
"Sorry I talked too much." You let a weak laugh out, feeling embarrassed. "Is your turn now. Go ahead."
Jungkook looked through the window, avoiding looking to you.
"I don't know what else I have to say... You already won anyway." He showed you the score, your inicials with no space left to write down points. 
"Oh I bet you have a lot of things to say."
"Not good things." Jungkook dared to say, already regretting it as soon as the words left his mouth.Your voice softned.
"You don't need to tell me anything you are not ready to tell. Even if you're never ready. But I know that you are a person, and people are made up of many things, not just bad things." A moment of silence followed, you thinking about the next thing to say. "If you don't want to talk about past things... Lets talk about the future. What do you want to have for lunch tomorrow?"
At some point Jungkook finally fell asleep. You drove an entire hour alone, slowly sipping an energy drink, his soft snores beside you not letting you forget about his presence. Everything you want is to sleep too, your eyes heavy, your body numb. You were thinking of it an how you would be in your bed about time, in your fluffy pijamas and warm socks, when blue and red lights appeared in your rear view mirror.
 You pulled over and waited to the cop to come closer to lower the window
."Good nigth, officer." 
You greeted in a low voice.The man just nodded writing down your license plate. 
"Do you know why I made you pull over?" He said, louder than you.
"No, sir." You calmly answered, shrugging. "I was not above the speed limit and my tail lights are ok."
He made an approving sound.
"Papers please."
You turned on the light and reached out to get your documents from the glove compartment, making Jungkook open his sleepy eyes with a groan.
"Y/N?" He called with a pout. The ultimate pout."Shhh. Keep sleeping, babe. We didn't arrived yet."
He obeyed immediately, leaning his head on the window, and you can tell he didn't really wake up in the first place. He was with his cap and hoodie on, so the cop couldn't see his ears and know he is a hybrid. And theis way is better, you thought. 
"Your boyfriend?" The cop asked while analyzing your driver's license.Time to improvise with your acting skills.
"Kind of." You timidly put a lock of hair behind your ear.He scanned the trash in the car."Any alcohol?"
"No, sir. Just energy drink and soda." You smiled.
He did the breathalyzer test on you anyway. 
Since it didn't point to guilty results, you were released to continue your journey.
 You took a deep breath, glad he didn't asked to inspect the car, he would surely find something that would link you to the terrorist act against the shelter, as the newspapers would for sure report the next day.
The good part is that forging Jungkook's adoption document in your name with a date prior to the rescue will be super easy, as the shelter's records blew up in the explosion. That thought made you relax and start driving normally. ________________________________________________________________
"Jungkook. Jungkook wake up." You shook his shoulder, his sleep too heavy. His head fell forward, making him jump in his spot, blinking heavily, the ultimate pout making another appearance. "We arrived, Jungkook."
Jungkook slowly regained consciousness, seeing you standing outside the car, beside him, holding the door open for him to get out.
"We're at home?." His face got bright.
"Yeah. Come."
It was a courtyard at the back of a small old building, it was still early in the morning, the sky was still dark and no one in town was awake. You turned on the car alarm, and guided a still sleepy but very attentive to the details of the new place, Jungkook, to the back door of the building, taking the bunch of keys out of his pocket - of your hoodie that he was wearing. He liked the proximity, the soud of the keys and the smell of the place. Actually the smell was pretty amazing, specially when you opened the door and everything inside got your smell, and others good things.
 You noticed his nose working in the air and laughed.
"Is a flower shop. Do you like it?" You asked.
Something made sense to Jungkook, it's not that the place smelled like you, you smelled like flowers because of the place.
"Yeah. Is pretty good." He said still sniffing the air.
"On the first floor we have the shop, on the second the shop office and a photo studio that I rent to a friend... And on the third and fourth is our home." You tell him as you go up the stairs, he following you closely. "Early on, both the store and the office are open, but this should not be a problem if you want to sleep till late."
You two whispered up to the third floor, a small corridor with two doors on one side and windows on the other. You stepped forward to the first door, the entrance to the living room and struggled to fide the rigth key in the dark. 
Jungkook noticed a faint light coming from under the door and a murmur inside. There was someone in there. He got alert and slightly apprehensive.
You finally oppened the door and got inside, dropping your heavy bag on the floor, the keys in the corner table, kicking off your boots. Jungkook got inside with short steps, looking around cautiously, looking for the person who would ambush you both. The light was the TV... He smelled a cat. 
"Y/n?" A sweet and sleepy voice reached your ears, a little form lifted on the couch. A sniffing soud and the sweet voice got hostile. "Who is this?"
"Yeri, you are here." You smiled, not really caring for the mood changing of her. Jungkook stepped behind you a little. "This is Jungkook. Jungkook, this is Yeri, my cousin."
"Hi." Jungkook tryied.
"What's he doing here? You never brought anyone home ..."
And by anyone she meant hybrids, and Jungkook knows it. He couldn't see her face in the dark, just her luminous cat eyes with vertical pupils, the dominant presence of those who had their territory invaded radiating from her. 
"There is always a first time I guess." You say, still ignoring the awkward atmosphere, taking off your cardigan and hanging it on the rack behind the front door. "Are you in the guest room?"
Yeri got up and turned off the TV.
"No. I'm sleeping with you."Clearly she didn't trust Jungkook yet. If you bet, she was ready to sleep in the guest room, but now she decided to sleep with you to protect you from the stranger. 
"Ok." You said.
"Ok." She said. 
She turned on the light in the corridor, taking a few steps to the top floor, with bare feet and cute pijamas, and then stopped looking at Jungkook. Now he could see her face. The scariest cat he has ever seen. "Welcome to the family." And than she disappeared up the stairs.
Jungkook gulped, not sure what to think about it.
"She liked you." You told him, putting a hand in the small of his back.
"How do you know?" He asked you with round eyes.
"She didn't say she disliked you." You smiled. "Yeri is pretty honest about her feelings."
You took him to a room in the hall, with a messy cat-smelling bed in the middle, an empty desk and an armchair close to the window, and an empty closet. Beside the bed on the floor was an open handbag , with women's clothing showing up.
"She said she wasn't going to sleep here..." Jungkook pointed.
"Yeah, she lied about it. She wouldn't let me put you to sleep on the couch, though..." You went down the hall and came back with another blanket. "Aaaand, this will be your room. You'd better get used to it."
You fixed the sheets and changed the blanket and pillowcases, probably to help with the cat smell, odorless bedding help to make the bed more of him.
"That's what I can offer you for now, after all I wasan't expecting to adopt you. We can fix it later." You tiredly said, picking Yeri's bag from the floor.
"Ah... Don't worry.". Jungkook wanted to say he was already happy with what he got, that being adopted in firts place was more than he expected, that he was greatfull of your caring so far. But he couldn't find the words to put in on.
"Good, bucause I'm dead tired... I need to sleep, and you do too." You gave him a pat in his back, and went to the door. "If you need it, theres a bathroom in the end of the corridor. Good night." And than you closed the door behind you.
Jungkook waited for the sound your staps desapeard to start moving and breathing again. He was in his room! He ran to the window and opened the curtains a little to see outside, it seemed to be a main street in a small town, but Jungkook had never stepped in a small town before to have reference. He tryied the armchair and conclued it was confortable enouth to take a nap on it. The closet was big enough for him to fit in - he tested it - another possible place for good naps. With leaps of joy he imagined all the things he could kept there, the clothes and shoes he didn't have yet but dream of having. Fantasizing about when you were going to take him to shopping, he put the hat on one of the top shelves and closed the double doors carefully, to make any noise. And then threw himself on the bed, scenting the sheets, sighing contentedly. He took off his shoes and placed beside the bad, his wallet in the nigthstand - open like a picture frame, showing the photo of two hybrid little boys embracing and smiling - , and the suffed bunny lying next to him with it's own pillow.
All in this room felt so real to him, as much as your smell. If you said it will be his room so it's true, because se believe in you, and he is so happy.With the thought of a bright future with you Jungkook finally fell asleep again.
Tag list: @stayunderthelights​ ​  @deolly​ @panconte​
Thakyou!!! Let me know if you liked it... <3 <3 <3 This is a sub blog so I wont respond coments, but I read it all.
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crazycrackersworld · 3 years
Today at 1:30 p.m. my Aunt Theresa passed away. She had been in the hospital with pneumonia and covid for about 2 weeks they never could get her oxygen where it was supposed to be , and couldn't get her to keep food down they couldn't fix her.
Just a couple weeks ago we were all together in her house throwing her a birthday party for her 70th birthday my Uncle Mike came down from Colorado and had surprised her the place was full of family and friends and laughter joy and happiness and none of us knew what was right around the corner. None of us had any idea what events were going to be getting to unfold within a week or so and I don't think we would have believed it if someone told us.
She got sick thought it was pneumonia she was dealing with it and I'm one night my Uncle Jerrry couldn't get her up out of the bathtub she didn't have the strength to do it on her own and he couldn't help her so he called the ambulance and they took her to the hospital and that's where she stayed.
And in that amount of time Uncle Jerry spent two stays in the hospital of about a day or two each before getting sent home on cousin Tim went to stay with his dad to help him out but clearly he was sick right away he's been in the hospital since this past Monday hopefully he gets better.
My mom did not pick a real winner to be my biological father since I've never met him since he pretty much ran and disappeared as soon as he found out she was pregnant. So for the first few years of my life my mom's family stepped up and between my five uncles and my grandfather it was like I had six dads and between my mom and my grandma and my two aunts it's like I had four moms. Everybody helped, I learned different things from everybody and I consider myself very lucky to have had all those people in my life.
A lot of times people in the family made jokes all my Aunt Theresa not being The brightest bulb on the tree or the sharpest knife in the drawer it was always done out of love. In reality was she the smartest person no, she wasn't the dumbest either she did have a tendency to forget things or get things wrong and we just chalk that up to being Theresa.
But despite any of that or any shortcomings she was one of the kindest most caring most generous people I've ever met in my entire life. She truly had a beautiful soul and had a way of lighting up a room when she walked into it almost always in a good mood even when she wasn't in a good mood. I remember her smile and her laugh I remember how even as an adult when she would come back to Wisconsin to visit after moving here to Arizona and she would see me it was like just taking a look at me just brightened her day.
I had made the decision to not move back to Wisconsin permanently and and to stay here for the foreseeable future couple weeks before her birthday party and I only told a few people cuz I wanted to keep it a secret because I wanted to tell everybody else at her birthday party I wanted to tell her at her birthday party it was kind of my present. And I remember the look on her face when I told her she didn't look like a 70 year old lady she looked like like a little girl who had just gotten the doll she wanted for Christmas or the piece of candy she had begged for all day and she gave me the biggest hug and she was so happy that I was staying. And now I'm here and she's gone and it does not seem fair or right I am hurting more than I have in a very long time.
My cousin Jeanette lives in Maryland and Tim even though he's here obviously as I mentioned he's in the hospital. And so my Uncle Jerry who isn't in the greatest health in the first place is all alone in that house because he just lost the love of his life and I honestly don't know how long he'll last without her. I always thought my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Theresa would be one of those couples that once one pass the other one would just kind of give up and die of a broken heart soon after. Because they loved each other that much. I'm sure their marriage wasn't perfect, they had their problems and their issues with both of the kids but they stayed together through all of it neither one of them ever gave up on the other one neither one of them ever quit. They had the kind of marriage that I always hoped one day I would have.
Obviously my love life has not turned out that way, but seeing them together still always gave me hope and I guess it still does.
I can't list all of the things that I am going to miss about her so I guess the only proper way to say it as I'm going to miss everything about her, just everything. I'm going to miss everything about her.
There was a time in my life where I had moved out of Mayville didn't tell anybody where it went and I distanced myself for my mom and my dad and as I was slowly beginning to patch that relationship there were a few times that I did reach out to my Aunt Theresa for help for a ride somewhere you know maybe even a few bucks for some groceries and she never judged me she never lectured me she gave me the ride or she borrowed me the money she was always there for me.
I'm not saying other members of the family weren't I'm just saying the entries that was a little different she almost felt like a second mom sometimes let's face it I probably needed more than one mom i'm kind of a bastard.
So today at 1:30 p.m. I I lost one of the most beautiful people that I have ever known and I am here in what is still a foreign land and I feel so alone and I'm trying to be strong for my mom and she just lost her sister and I'm trying to be strong for my Uncle Jerry because he just lost his wife and he's worried about his son and I am trying to be strong for him because he just lost his mom and he's in the hospital sick with what most likely killed her.
So I try to be as strong and resilient in front of everybody else as possible when inside I am just falling apart cuz it's something I can't make better I can't fix this and I want to I want to fix it so bad.
So I will probably cry myself to sleep after drinking half of my jar of moonshine and I'll wake up tomorrow and I will try to hold him to tears so I can be there for my mom and everybody else because right now they need them more from me and I'll just have to keep my grief inside as much as I can and realize that other than family nobody really cares if I'm broken or not.
But for everything that she ever did for me, heck for me Lisa and Katana at the beginning, the least I can do is be strong for her sisters and her brothers and her children and her husband. The least I can do to honor her memory is to be there for everyone else like she was always there for me.
I don't know about everybody else in the world but she seemed to always see the Best in Me even when I was screwing things up left and right she always Saw the Best in Me. Two summers ago and her and my Uncle Jerry were up in Wisconsin they they picked me up from jail to take me to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and then to basically break the law and take me to Sue's apartment so that I can give Sue some contact information and some other stuff cuz we really haven't been able to talk cuz I didn't have any money on my books. And even when I walked out of the jail and she's standing there I mean there was no judgment there was nothing she was just happy to see me and happy I was safe. I mean one of the most lowest points in my life where I'd screwed up just about as much as you can she just hugged me and told me she loved me.
And that was my entries I know her kids might have some criticisms and they might not think she was always the best mom and maybe Jerry might think she wasn't always the best wife and maybe my mom and my Aunt Margaret and my uncle's might not think she was always the best sister but I can tell you she was just about the best a screwed up kid like me could ever have and I thank God that she was in my life and I wish she was still here.
For me myself I can definitely say that my life has been better having had her in it and it's going to be a little emptier now that she's gone and I hurt so much I do I hurt so damn much I miss her already.
Oh God I hope I get some sleep tonight, some good sleep unbroken nightmare free but I don't see that happening.
Because of all the covid stuff I mean Uncle Jerry was able to get my Aunt Margaret and my mom in to say goodbye to her but that took a lot of arguing apparently. I was at work and nobody wanted to tell me what was going on because I wanted to make sure that I was safe and it was paying attention to where I was driving and I understand all of that I do but I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.
So I guess that's what I'm going to do right now I'm going to say goodbye. Auntie Theresa this is your nephew Sean, I am so sad to see you go and I am going to miss you so much. But I know you were really sick and I know you were really scared and I know you were in a lot of pain it is cliche as it is I am glad that you're not in pain anymore I really am. But the selfish part of me wishes you were still here because I don't want to say goodbye I don't want to lose you I don't want you to be gone forever because forever it's too long.
I'll do my best to keep an eye on Tim and Jerry and even Jeanette I'll do that for you because I love you so much I just love you so much. And it hurts so bad that you're gone. And I just hope that I can keep making the positive changes in my life that I know you were so proud of I'm so proud to watch me fix myself and I just want to know that you're looking down and you're still proud of me. That'll mean a lot.
So until we meet again someday goodbye my sweet sweet aunt I hope it's peaceful where you are, and that Grandma and Grandpa were waiting for you and that you weren't scared.
And in addition to goodbye, I love you Aunt Theresa I'm going to miss you....
Love Sean
May you rest in peace
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Survey #414
“mirror, mirror, tell me who you see  /  am i you or me?  /  i can never remember”
How many people have you kissed? Four. Ever kissed someone you weren’t dating at the time? No. Of the people you’ve kissed, how many do you regret kissing? Two. Ever been kissed by a legal adult when you were a minor (or vise-versa)? Yeah, with Jason, but it was only a two-year difference. Ever kissed someone on a dare/as part of a game? No. Where’s the most public place you’ve ever made out with someone? Nowhere public. I wouldn't do that. Can you snowboard? Never tried. Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone? No. Do you use recycle bins at your house? Yes. Do you own more than one bathing suit? No. Have you ever kissed someone who smokes weed? Jason did occasionally with his best friend, but he stopped for me. How are you right this second? I'm all right. Last night was pretty rough, so I'm just glad that's over. My body is just tired. Is there anything you disliked about your last birthday? Honestly, I barely remember what I did on my last birthday. I just remember it was fine. Oh wait, actually, on the way home from going out to eat, we had to call the cops while behind a car whose driver was obviously drunk or high OFF. HIS. ASS. He was swerving like crazy and almost hit SO many cars. I was having an absolute panic attack. I pray to God that guy was more than just found and fined. Do you keep a diary or journal (offline or online)? No, unless you count surveys, I guess. What were you like a year ago? I was the unhappily the same. Is someone on your mind right now? Fucking always. Having a warm dream about him last night didn't help. Who was the last person you sat next to? My mom. What do you currently hear right now? My screen is split so I can watch John Wolfe play some indie horror games. What’s something you need to go shopping for? I need to get new bras baaaadly because I'm tired of none fitting properly. What’s the last thing you ate? I had a donut 'cuz Mom stopped at Dunkin' for coffee. Do/did you do good in school? I did up to college. Then I just... sucked. Do you always get along with your siblings? I mean I don't see/talk to them every day or anything, not even very regularly even, but we generally get along fine now as adults. We disagree about shit for sure, but keep our mouths shut. Or probably talk to Mom about it while I'm not present. I don't even think they like me half of the time. Are you frustrated with anything? So much. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? There were/are a lot of factors. Just she as a person is phenomenal. What’s your younger sibling’s name? Nicole. Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? A tiny bit of German. Do you ever fear of falling asleep? With my nightmares, I used to dread it. Now, thankfully, my APAP mask has prevented them from happening, mostly; I've only had two in the month that I've had it, and I ordinarily had them every single night. Do you have an idea of what kind of profession you’d like to have? I do, but I honestly doubt I'm going to succeed in even making it a part-time job by this damn point. Which beach would you say is your favorite? I don't have a favorite. I don't even like the beach very much. What kind of cookie is your favorite? Chocolate chip. Have you ever had a churro? Yes. Too crunchy and ridiculously sweet, not a fan. Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? A good personality beats good looks any day. How is/was your chemistry class in high school? I actually didn't take chemistry; my graduating year, physical science was offered as the alternative, which I took. How does alcohol affect you? I get hot, and my face flushes badly. It'll make me more talkative. Have you ever tried lemon brownies? No, and I don't want to. I don't like lemon-flavored stuff like that. What was the last type of meat you ate? Beef. Have you taken any medication today? I have prescriptions I take every day. Have you ever watched Parks and Recreation? I've seen some of it at Sara's house. What is your favourite kind of pasta? Just spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs, really. I've been on a major chicken pesto kick lately, though. Have you set an alarm today? No. Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names: Literally just the chance to say "I'm sorry" would be fucking amazing. Just two fucking words. What if there were two of you? Would the world be in trouble? No. That'd be a waste of space, though. Not like I'm contributing much to society. Would you prefer an ice cream sundae or an ice cream cone? I dunno man, it depends on my mood and what I want in the moment. Do you watch movies with the subtitles on? No; I find it to be distracting. Is the last person you kissed yours? I hate this saying. She's her own person that belongs to nobody but herself. But to just go along with it and answer the question, no, we're not together. Do you think you will be married by the time you are 25? Welp, I'm halfway through 25, so. Do you have siblings over the age of 21? All of my siblings are. Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? No. Especially as I've aged, I'd say I'm pretty quick to accept if I've fucked up. Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? Jason will probably always have that power, even if he's not in my life. Would you ever be a stripper? God no, nobody wants to see that. What are your plans for tomorrow? Just get through the day, man. Do you owe anybody money? No. How would your parents describe you? Reserved, shy, a deep thinker, animal lover, uhhhh... What is the most you have ever weighed? Let's not. Would you ever work at McDonald's? No. I'm never working in food service. If you aren't already, would you go vegetarian or vegan? I want to be a vegetarian and being a vegan would be perfectly ideal for me, but I really don't think I can healthily accomplish either. I am FAR too picky to where I'd almost definitely become malnourished. To make it even worse I absolutely cannot "suck it up" if I don't like a food, so it's not like I could choke down stuff I don't like. Not to mention I'd be pretty sad without any yummy food to look forward to, aha. Coolest person you've ever met? Uhhhh I don't know. Do you wear boxers? No. Girls, how old were you when you first learned how to put in a tampon? I don't remember. Would you ever attend a gay pride parade or festival? I would absolutely love to. Did you see Paranormal Activity 2? I think I've seen all of the movies. I liked them, given paranormal horror films are probably my fave. What would you do if an old man grabbed your ass? Kick him in the fucking balls so goddamn fast and probably slap him across the face at the same time. Probably cry later from feeling violated and having my fear of men aggravated. Do you like moustaches? It depends on the person, but I'd say I generally prefer an attached beard and a mustache versus JUST a mustache. Could you hack into someone's computer if you tried hard enough? No. I have no idea how to do that. Have you ever smoked a cigar? No. Do you go out on Black Friday? Hell no. NOT worth fighting people for deals. Do you have curtains in your bedroom? No; I have those blinds that you can close upwards or downwards. Did you like the Spice Girls when you were little? Yeah, I did. Can you sing the entire Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song? I think I can. Do you get heartburn? I'm literally on an antacid prescription, or else I get insane heartburn every day. Are you scared of elevators? To a moderate degree, yes. I'm terrified of it getting stuck. Have you ever seen a dead body in person? Yes, at an open-casket wake. Have you ever seen The Goonies? I have. If you're white, do you ever wish you were black? Or vice versa? I'm fine being Caucasian, but ultimately don't care. Do you bake cookies all the time around Christmas? I don't bake. Do you like your hair pulled? Uhhh... I'm assuming you mean this in a suggestive context, in which case no. Never pull my hair, actually. What kind of jeans do you like? Ripped skinny jeans. What do you think is overrated? Who really cares. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. And what are your goals for the remainder of this year? Lose lots of weight, find a job, get back into old hobbies and develop new ones... Name a city that starts with A in your state/province etc. Asheboro. Name a landmark that starts with M in your state/province etc. I'm blanking right now. When was the last time you gave a horse a carrot? Been years. I think I've only done that once, and I can't even remember where it was. Have you ever had to shovel snow? No. How many seasons is your favorite TV show in so far? MM was just revived for its fifth season! :') Where would you most like to go in your state, etc. that you haven’t been? NC actually has this really old Wizard of Oz theme park! It's on the other end of the state, though, and NC is one wiiiiiide state. What was the last bird you saw? A robin, I think. What color was the last thing you drank? Green. Has a wild animal ever been loose in your house? Besides insects, no. Well wait, scratch that, once or twice we had a small mice problem when we lived in the woods. What’s the name of the bookstores in your city? The only one I know off the top of my head is Books-a-Million. Where do your parents live? I live with my mom, and Dad lives in the same city as us. Have you ever seen or touched an iceberg? No, but that would be cool. What colour are your father’s eyes? Brown. If your ex turned up on your doorstep now, with nowhere else to go, would you let him/her stay? Well one, this isn't my house, so I can't make that decision. My mom being who she is though, she'd let pretty much anyone stay the night. If it was Sara, Mom would let her stay as long as she needed. The last time you cried, was it connected with someone of the opposite sex? Ugh, yes. My PTSD was BAD last night. Delicious warm brownies or a giant cookie? I'll take the brownie. Have you visited a haunted building or area before? No, but damn I'd love to. Have you been to North Carolina? Ayyyyeeeee that's my home.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
Day 14: The Last Day
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Hi guys! Here she is! The last of our quarantine fic as the world is opening up, whether it should or not. It’s short, but felt complete! Huge thanks to everyone who read and reblogged! A huge thanks for @dirtystyles and @emulateharry for the read throughs and cheerleading! I am sure there will be other little odds and ends-
Harry’s POV maybe...
Day 14: The One With The Loss
"Where the f ..." Elise felt frantic, she could not find her bracelet. Her grandmother had given it to her. She didn't care at this point if she had to leave everything else behind, but she couldn't leave that.
She'd been incredibly close to her grandma Rose. On Some hard days, Elsie would have said she was the only one who ever really loved her. When she was dying Elise had gone to the hospital as much as possible to sit with her, at first to play cards, and then to hold her hand, and finally to curl up next to her and cry. When grandma was still able to talk she'd told her to go in her jewelry box, the one that was packed from her room at the assisted living facility and find her opal bracelet.
They shared an October 21st birthday. Grandma Rose said she'd had the bracelet since her sweet sixteen. Elise was a little older than that when she got it, but the bracelet was priceless and irreplaceable at this point. Her random t shirts and even her books could stay, but not her bracelet.
She'd been packing for a couple hours at this point. She wasn't aware she had this much stuff, or that it was so spread out. She'd been pretty unemotional through the whole process, until she couldn't find her bracelet. Elise might have been crying inside before then, but she was really freaking out now.
It was the first time she had cried since the talk with Harry.
"Is that what you're so scared of?" He'd said.
She'd scoffed. That got her back up. "I'm not scared of anything."
"Are you kidding me?" He actually laughed at her. "You're scared of everything!"
"Fuck you Harry! You don't know how I feel."
"Of course I don't. It might actually kill you to talk about your feelings or be honest." His hands were crossed over his chest.
"Honest, feelings? Cuz you are the king of talking about real shit?" Her hands came off her hips and she was pointing. "All we do is play, or fuck. You may actually be a lost boy."
"I'm just trying to read your comfort level, love. That seems to be the depth of life you're willing to deal in. Gotta keep it light for poor Elise, or she will run away. I'm dont even know why I bother." He sighed. "If you liked spending time with me at all, without being entertained all the time, I would not have to lure you out of your room every damn day with some promise of food or comfort or sex. It's so damn hard to know you."
"How dare you!" She seethed. He'd insinuated she was shallow right? That's what that bullshit about depth implied. "I am not shallow. Or a damn child who needs to be bribed. Maybe if I had any idea what I was doing here, or why you were being so nice to me, I'd not be so damn afraid I'd need to hide. I don't know you either, and your intentions are even more obscure."
"What you're doing here? I was just trying to make sure you were ok, or safe. Take care of you. If you were unwell it would be my fault."
"Cmon Harry, we both know you could have got us tests and sent me packing ages ago. What little fantasy are we living out here?"
"Yours!" He shouted.
And the conversation got more intense from there.
"Where could I have?" Elise's cheeks were wet; she was nauseous. This day had already been too much. She'd just got her head in her palms to weep when strong hands came onto her shoulders.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Harry asked into her black hair before kissing it.
"I can't find my grandma's bracelet anywhere. She gave it to me when they told her she was running out of time." She turned a watery frown on him and he placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.
"Ok, well tell me what it looks like and I'll help you."
Elise described the delicate piece and they each set off to look. She was essentially tossing things out of her way adding to the mess. The room had already looked casually like a bomb went off, but she was a mess when she looked for things. She did notice Harry was orderly in his disarray.
"When'd you wear it last?"
"I don't wear it. I'm too afraid I'll break it." She told him, and he chuckled.
"If you say something about patterns or bad habits I will cut you." She mentioned.
He put his hands up in surrender. And they both laughed.
He had a point.
Elise was thinking about how their fight the night before had gone when Harry said. "Is this it?"
"Oh my god." Tears filled her eyes anew and ran down her cheeks. "Thank you! What would I do without you?" It was an honest question. It had only been fourteen days but she honestly couldn't imagine not knowing him, really knowing him, not about him, or speculating about him, or inferring about him, or projecting about him. Knowing him, underneath his clothes, under his skin.
"No need to find out!" He smoothed her hair and then gave her a smooch. "Now, can you grab whatever you need so we can pretend we hate that we have to be locked in a house together for an undefined time."
She giggled. "You don't hate that you are stuck in your house with me for who knows how long?"
"Are you going to let me turn up the heater and stay naked?" He picked up one of the boxes she'd put together.
"Not all of the time."
"Then some of the time?" He curled his tongue and poked it to the side of his mouth.
How was she supposed to say no to that. "Maybe."
"Then hurry." Kiss. "Up." Kiss. " we need to go play strip scrabble."
"Im not playing scrabble with you." She said for the umpteenth time.
"Strip monopoly?"
"Apples to apples?"
"How the hell.." she just laughed at his hugely dimpled smile. "How about we just go in your hot tub and drink margaritas naked."
"Deal!" He started tossing clothes wildly into bags. It was out of character except for his insatibility. "Hurry up! We have plans!"
"To have sex?" God he was sooo cute. "More sex." She clarified.
"Yea, aren't those very important?" He stepped into her space and planted his hands on her hips and his flag in her heart. He'd leaned in close, but didn't connect their lips.
She gulped and leaned up against his arms keeping her feet planted and away from his tempting lips. "Yes, very important."
"Yeah." He said and kissed her silly.
She'd never done it on that bed. Seemed funny to do it after it had been stripped and with the knowledge it would never happen again.
It could have went another way. Elise kept catching herself in moments and feeling grateful, that once Harry started talking, he really started talking.
The day before, when he shouted the truth about living out her own fantasy, she'd started to walk away. She couldn't handle the truth. It was at least half true, it was a wonderful two weeks of her life, and it looked like now it was over. Elise knew she couldn't handle going back to his place and fighting more, or worse facing silent treatment. Plus, if he had wanted her there, he still hadn't said that today or before. She was about to cross the threshold of the room. Harry muttered something about her walking away.
She stopped and turned. She only had to walk away if she wanted to be done.
"This has been a fantasy, of course it has. Like a dream come true. And I'm really scared. I have no idea why I'm here, not really, or what we are doing, or what..." she sucked in some oxygen. "Or what." She felt tears building in her eyes. "How you feel about me." She expected him to say something, but instead he just stood and stared at her, waiting for her to talk. "And what happens tomorrow."
"What?" It was the first thing he'd said during her rant.
"We' re almost done with friends." She whispered.
He was nodding. "We are. so?"
"You said." She swallowed. "Last week you said we should finish Friends, the you said we only had three more days to finish."
He was nodding. "I guess I did, but Elise, the end of friends, it doesn't mean the end of us. And I'll answer all the questions you have. If you want the answers. But, I'll be honest and say I have no idea how you feel about me, like the real me, too. It's why I held back so long."
"So long? It's only been two weeks."
"Pretty intense two weeks." He wiped her tears. "It felt like forever. I wanted to love you up by day five."
She giggled. "Me too."
"Ugh." He groaned. "All that missed opportunity." But they were both smiling. "New challenge: make up for lost time now."
She was shaking her head at his ridiculous eyebrows. "So, you like me?" She asked.
"At the risk of being really obvious, I like you, like really like you, maybe could be more." He tilted her chin up. "and you like me? Me me?"
Elise nodded then thought she had already been this brave. "More than like, I think."
He beamed. "Honestly Elise, when I first brought you home it was out of guilt and because it didn't initially occur to me to just get tests." He looked down. "I had Jeff do research, and we had to wait a few days, and by then, well, I really liked spending time with you."
"Me too." All these confession made her feel like a feather.
"And nothing happens tomorrow. It's not some scary end date, I'm not kicking you out at check out time." He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "Honestly? I'd really like it if you stayed with me, for however long this lasts. We've already been exposed to each other.."
"You think?"
"Very exposed to each other." He laughed with her. "And then after, whenever that is. We talk about it. You can keep your place, or save the money."
"I could pay for groceries."
He sighed. "Ok, you can pay for groceries." He quirked a brow and the dimples that bracketed his mouth wanted to break free, they just needed her response. "Does that mean you'll stay?"
"I'll stay." The full wattage of his smile was really like A full moon on a clear night. He bridged the space between them and swooped her into his arms.
"Good, I'd miss you if you were gone."
"I'd miss you if I was gone too." She was honest, hopefully it would become a new habit.
"Then let's not let that happen." He kissed her then, and it was a piece of this tiny instance of forever she'd keep always, if they wound up married fifty years or broke up by pandemic's end.
"Can I tell you something really crazy?"!She asked with her ear pressed to his heart. She felt his body nod on her head. "I'm so glad you sneezed in my face."
"Yeah?" He asked. "I could do it again?" He offered, his body vibrating with his laugh.
"I'm good now thanks. But, I'm still glad it happened."
"Me too baby, me too."
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selfcareparker · 4 years
LMAOO I WAS GONNA BRING UP FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER BUT I WASNT SURE IF YOU WERE WATCHING IT HSKAJ (are you liking it? i know it’s only the first episode but ya know, another one tomorrow night- well tomorrow night for me, and did you like wandavision?? i loved it!!)
oh my goodness i’m watching lion king while writing this and i haven’t seen it in a while and i am..... emotional. but anyway, i love that streaming services think that imma pay for them while they charge $50 a month. like yes of course i have that kind of money and i am going to give it to you to watch tv 🙄 that $50 is budgeted to sims thank you. (ALSO SIMS!!! i’ll get to that in a minute) now see if i don’t google levidia right this minute LMAOO, not that i’m gonna use it.. just for the research...
AND HDKSHS SEND THAT CHAOS WALKING LINK LMAO i saw it for the third time with a different one of my friends and she wasn’t the best one to see it with? she literally was on her fucking phone and i was like ok whatever her loss not mine, and idk if you’ve read the books or if you’ve seen it by now, but by the end of the whole movie, after they’ve confirmed THE THING throughout the whole movie she asked the dumbest question and i’m like diD YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE, and i guess she didn’t. so. this sounds so vague but i don’t wanna spoil the movie for you just in case lol.
THE STORY LMAOO, so A DIFFERENT FRIEND LOL, like my oldest bff, we had a day together and we wanted to go see chaos walking. and i honest to God thought that no one would be seeing this movie. like NO ONE. every day, i checked the theater seating and no one was there right? plus i really wanted us to have the theater to ourselves. so we sit in the wrong seats, the row in front of us, STILL THINKING WE’RE ALONE. and then these 3 older people came in AND IM ABOUT TO SCREAM FHSJSH AND IM LIKE “are we in your seats?” and they we were like uh yeah, AND IT WAS SO BAD LMAOO , we’re moving and everything would’ve been FINE but my friend’s reclined seat was going down so slow and as it’s going shes LITERALLY SAYING ALOUD “awkward awkward awkward” so she thinks forget it, lemme just get up. HER BAG GETS CAUGHT ON HER CHAIR AND HER FRIES AND THEY SPILL ALONG WITH HER HONEY MUSTARD 😭😭 ALL OVER THE FLOOR! so i’m trying not to laugh lmao but those aren’t even our seats and we just made a mess, so naturally, i get on the floor and start cleaning it up with my napkins (this is going for too long) AND MY FRIEND IS STILL SAYING “awkward awkward awkward awkward” and i’m really abt to crack up bECAUSE LIKE SHUT UP HAHAHA and we’re cleaning it and shit and the oldest lady is gonna say “yeah you’re not gonna make an old lady get on the floor, are you?” AND I WANTED TO LAUGH AND SCREAM AT THE SAME TIME BC DID WE ASK YOU TO, NO, so then i had to get the manager and she helped us clean it, we got new fries and everything was fine, it’s just a crazy story bc LITERALLY WE COULDVE AVOIDED IT AND EVERYTHING BUT THESE ELDERLY PEOPLE HAD TO COME AND SEE THIS MOVIE😭😭 at least the gentlemen was nice.. he helped us clean. but then his wife was like “i aM nOt siTTiNg tHeRe” and at first i thought she was a teenager bc of her stink attitude but her husband was nice. and it’s not like we weren’t cleaning it up, we were!!! like i was so apologetic- anyway.
about sims! do you play console or pc? wait,, you already told me you play pc bc your computer was broken, i’m glad you can play now though :’)) litetally when i read in the tags that you’re playing sims !!!! and are you hyped for bunk beds? i have cc so i’ve had them for a bit, but they were glitchy... but i’m so excited we have them now! i should really play sims today...
GURL IM SO PROUD OF YOU 🥺🥲 i know you aren’t fluent in everything and you aren’t a linguistic genius LMAO but it’s still soooo amazing :’) here i am reading the captions while ur just going hahah, yea i tried duolingo but.... i didn’t stick to it HDJSH talking to you though makes me so interested because you know all these languages, not even studying them like that, but you have this foundation and ahh it’s just super cool. LOL YOU DONT SOUND LAME HAJA IM TELLING YOU ITS SO SO COOL, i’m loving this lesson btw oh my goodness- HSKAJS YOU THOUGHT I WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT??? HDYSJHS MY ONLY ENGLISH SPEAKING ASS??? HAHAHAHHAH i find that word (Rindfleischetikettie- i’m not gonna write the whole thing i’m sorry) very interesting... like... wow. did you have to google that or did you just know lmao
OKAH THE WATER THING HDKDJDKS UR GONNA TERRIFY ME HAHAH OH MY LORD- first of all CROATIA 😍😍 but thinking about it like that, I WOULD FREAK OUT TOO HAHSGSG i never go that deep into the water, or if i do i have my dad with me lol and i kind of hold onto him bc ive seen/heard too many things about people being dragged into the sea. but i loveee the water (i wanted to be a mermaid soooo bad ohmigosh)
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW ONE CANNOT LIKE MUSIC ITS AWFUL !! lmao yeah i haven’t even listened to harry’s his first album, everyone says they love it more. I WAS GONNA SAY IMMA LISTEN TO ONLY ANGEL BUT THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE IT HUHAHAH also i have never listened to anything by mgk (i actually had to google who he was IM SORRY😔) i’m tempted to listen tho lol PLEASE JUSTIN BIEBER- I PROMISE IM NOT LAUGHING AT U IVE JUSY NEVER HAD SOMEONE SAY THAT B4!! like i don’t know many people who’ve liked him bUT NOW IM GONNA LISTEN & the cardboard cutout- okay. 😭😭😭
oh my goodness to see the vamps live 🤧 TO SEE ANYONE LIVE PLEASE JJDGSHAHGD and little mix is so good oh my goodness- i actually haven’t been to that many concerts.. i was at my first one, elsie fest (it’s like a broadway thing really) in uhhh october of 2019, yea i took my mom for her birthday bc she loves darren criss and i’m obsessed with glee lmao OH MY GOODNESS YOUVE BEEN TO SO MANY!!! and those are such great artists 😩😩
LMAO UR FINE, hamilton is a musical that lin manuel miranda wrote and i think generally made? i’m obsessed, but basically it was on broadway and then recorded and put on disney+ ... idk i guess it counts a film bc it’s like a movie really cuz it was recorded but in what 2018 or 2016? i don’t remembers the date that is on disney+ but it’s strange how i got into it, a lot of my friends were obsessed and i was like uhh why? and while researching it and watching it, trying to figure out why people love it... i fell in love with it LMAO but the music is FANTASTIC and lin is incredible😭 but yes yes yes i loveeeee high school musical!! my dad actually took my cousins to see it on ice or something (i absolutely forget lmao) but i don’t know how people don’t know hsm. it upsets me.
OKAY IM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM HAHAHA (it takes me so long to respond, now i’m on lion king 2 WHICH IS SO GOOD PLEASE FHHSSHHSHSH) i could respond in chunks but i kind of enjoy responding like this? it feels a bit like a letter but if this whole thing is overwhelming i’ll cut it up lol
+ yes that was me about your fic and sleep and everything lol but it was so good😭 i don’t understand how you write peter so well like you have this ability to capture his.. everything? i’m crine. all the time. over your fics. & i cannot describe my happiness for youuuu :’) i’m so happy you’re writing again 🥺🥰 the thing about how you only want to write the long peter fic but you don’t know how to continue... i feel that so so so hard, i don’t think i told you but ughh i was so blah bc of that feeling of having pent up inspiration for only one fucking thing and not being able to write it. it’s so frustrating 😭
not to add more to this but i need to vent a bit? the situation is definitely different bc with your major it obviously requires for you to ya know, know english lol, but uhm bc i’m homeschooled ive been cheating on all my work SHSHDHSJ like i google the answers but i’m still learning! it’s just..... i find it so unnecessary, like going for an audition no one is gonna say to me “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” like tf??? there’s literally no point. i’m gonna be getting into voice lessons again soon and i’m already doing dance, AND i’ll be doing this summer camp program (more hamilton lol) and thinking about school is only making me stress more, like i haven’t been able to rehearse dance at all this week bc of it...... so
hahaha reading your tags, lonely anon would still be accurate HAHAHHAHA // another add: yea i love ur current theme, i’ve gotten used to “seeing you” like this, but anything will look super pretty :)) ALSO HOW IS IT STILL SNOWING THERE, i swear it’s getting warmer and warmer by the day here 😭🤧
these long ass posts, my gosh🥲 lonely lovely anon <3
Omg yes it does feel like a letter sldkdj and then the few days of waiting also make more sense okay i love this ❣️💕❤️💓❤️💞🧡💜💘(wtf)sksjhz
Dear lovely anon,
ALSKSJVKD yes i‘m liking falcon and winter soldier dlkdh i haven‘t watched the second episode yet but i‘ll watch it tomorrow! but i didn‘t watch wandavision........ eidislskks i was going to but idk i wasn‘t that interested in it and watching series is already too much of a commitment (what can i say i‘m a Sagittarius—🤧 (no i’m joking i actually know NOTHING about starsigns)) didjj that i couldn‘t force myself to watch it, ALSO i hate (idk if this is an unpopular opinion) when every episode is like a whole hour. i‘m rewatching an old series today (it‘s german so i won‘t even get into it) and the episodes are 25 mins each and i‘ve already watched 8 episodes today ridlndjdjd,,, and i feel like if the episodes were an hour each i wouldn‘t have gotten past episode 2 today like idk.... even if series had the same length in total, i prefer when the individual episodes are shorter idk why tho tbh (so yeah i already wasn‘t 100% convinced about watching wandavision so i just couldn’t make myself watch a bunch of 1hour episodes— i‘ve heard that it‘s good tho- but i‘m not much of a series person so. Dldkk (have we talked about this already??? sorry i don‘t remember what i said lol and i couldn‘t find my own post anymore so dkdjsh) (WAIT I JUST CHECKED THE WANDAVISION EPIOSRDES ARENT EVEN THAT LONG??? Okay wait i might watch it now - did you like it? let me know if i should watch it— why did i think they were 60minutes???)
okay another confession i‘ve never watched the lion king????? i mean i watched it when i was a child but i was too young to actually pay attention to any kind of plot i just liked the songs lol sldkdj i‘ve been meaning to watch it for years tho 🦁 (idk it just felt appropriate to put a lion emoji lmoaoo)
OH MY GOD THE CHAIS WALKING/CINEMA STORY AHSJSKKS😭😭😭😭 NOOOOO (very fitting that there was so much chaos when you were watching a film that has chaos in the title loool) and the “awkward awkward awkward“ SAME SKSKSLSKDJ, that‘s literally me 24/7 ahajshshhshshsh. Like i was so skdjdjdkdllsldksnsnsnsb while i read what you sent me djslslsjdjdbdn why are old ladies always so grumpy btw 🥲🥲🥲 at least the man was nice tho! and wait did i read that right... you have fries (which, to me, are called chips dusuusldk) at your cinemas?? (Movie theatres sorry sksjsh) we just have popcorn and nachos and drinks i want chips too when i‘m watching a film what😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also i still haven’t watched it so thanks for not spoiling it!!! (idk when i’ll watch it i’m so bad with films and even worse with series💀💀💀- same with cherry. i literally forgot all about cherry, i was SO hyped when the trailer came out like i’ve never been so excited about a movie... and then it came out... and i still haven‘t watch it like what‘s wrong with me???? Dkdjdjdjdklsl i feel like i‘m not gonna watch it anytime soon tbh, but i wanna watch chaos walking i just have to find the time
Okay and @ your other friend who wasn‘t paying attention like why are you even watching the film then???? but ok (omg this sounds so mean i‘m sure she‘s very nice but in this situation just like❔❔❔)
SIMS ahhh, BUNK BEDS, ahhhh sdljdjdjdkdkdldksj i actually haven‘t played it since the update 🤧🤧 i made both of my sims (enisa (bestselling author already, thank you) and michael (aspiring doctor)) go to university and bro it takes so long 😭😭 and you can‘t do anything else if you want them to do well so literally the last three times i played sims i was just constantly clicking their homework and computerd to write their assignments (i play it in german so idk what its called on the sims) and do their presentations and do them all over again so that they get better or whatever for HOURS, but imma play again soon
also i‘m living my fanfiction life loool, so i made my two sims neighbours (on the same plot tho but i made two small separate houses lol, i still wanted to control both of them at the same time but i made sure they didn‘t interact before i wanted them to skdjdjdk). and first they both experimented and got some experience in the love department you know (all genders, cause i have to live my sexuality even in a pc game slskdjh— wait, i‘ve never lived my sexuality irl like i‘ve done NOTHING nothing with guys nothing with girls (🥲) but maybe that’s why i want to do it even more in the sims) and then they met at uni and realised like hey we‘re neighbours and now they‘re together (but michael accidentally had an alien baby with another woman (who was an alien which i was not aware of) cause i wasn‘t paying attention like i said woohoo not try for baby like michael why is your pull out game so weak tf LSHDDHDJDJSKKDKSKDKS okay but making out and flirting and doing all the fun stuff in the sims turns me on way more than it should PFAHAHHAHSH) so idk why i told you this but I’m creating that neighbour!au in the sims lmaoooo
i did not have to google Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsübertragungsaufgabengesetz (just did it again😌 sisjshhs) but i might have mixed up the words überwachung und übertragung or i might have even forgotten a word skskks but in the end it doesn‘t matter (by linkin park- ok i‘m so sorry it‘s 2 am and i have a headache from having waveformers in my hair all day but i still wanted to reply to this now so sorry if i‘m not making any sense right nowbahahshah)
i wanted to be a mermaid too dldjdksksj like h2O and all those series convinced me i could be one like. i remember i‘d always go in the deep pool and attempt to swim like them in all the series with that wave motion i must have looked so crazy with my goggles as well dkdjsksöksj (i was like twelve but still)
so mgk has two sides one is hip hop/rap which is like ~~~~ idk he has good and bad songs, but his latest album is like punk pop snd I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, so if you like punk pop I’d recommend his album tickets to my downfall (i don‘t blame yoj if you don‘t like it tho like about a year ago i would have HATED that type of music dkdkdkkd)🥴
Okay talking about music, there‘s this german rapper and he is... not a good person. he‘s literally a criminal and extremely sexist but to me he‘s still hot???????? he‘s even cute at times even tho he has tattoos everywhere and is like 6‘5 and is super aggressive but i see him and i‘m like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 my heart beats only for you💘💘💘💘and he released a new song today and i watched the video and i‘m wondering wtf is wrong with me 😃 (he did look particularly cute cause he was high so idk he wasn’t really aggressive in this one) 😭 so i thought i‘d share that LMAO IDK
(not saying tattoos aren‘t cute btw i LOVE tattoos imma get some soon, but you know he looks like someone your grandma would be afraid of (and in his case rightfully so💀)
okay wait i‘m getting so tired it‘s 2 am i think i‘ll have to do the rest tomorrow but i wanted to do it now😭🥺🥺 see you tomorrow
it is now 3:42 am and i couldn‘t sleep so here we go again
girl you can laugh at me for liking justin tho skskks i wanna laugh at myself idk, like i said i really really really liked him a few years go, basically my life was at least 50% justin and then he went on a break for a while and released an album last year which i hated 🥴 but this album is wow. (Still weird to me because it‘s literally the definition of pop and i don‘t ever listen to pop?) and it‘s so weird because i used to know so much about justin and had so many friends who loved him as well and now it‘s like I’m listening to someone new? Don‘t get me wrong i never KNEW justin and i never will and i‘m aware of that shahsh but yeah i used to be soooo used to him and it‘s like reconnecting with an old friend and you realise you don‘t know that friend anymore- like you don‘t know them anymore at all. I mean justin is weird nowadays 😂😂😂 so pls laugh at me tbh dskksjsjsh
awww it‘s so wholesome that you gave your mom tickets to the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i gave my mum tickets for pink like 2 years ago and she loved it so much and i was like 🥰🥰🥰 (i went with her) AND OMG GLEE ok so unfortunately i barely remember glee, but i used to watch it too!!!! And it‘s actually on my list of series i wanna watch (again) so youre making me want to watch it even more (but like i said i‘m bad with series so 😩😩😩 who knows when i‘ll rewatch it)
When all this pandemic shit is over (let‘s be hopeful <3333) then you need to go to as many concerts as possible!!!!! i‘ve been to SO MANY and it‘s literally one of the things in my life i‘m the most grateful for, concerts are some of the best experiences i‘ve ever had in my life especially the ones that are in smaller concert halls where you can feeeel the vibe and everyone‘s energy (and that sounds awful thinking about it mid-pandemic 😐) anyway—
Okay omg you‘re absolutely making me want to watch hamilton right now like omg i WANT TO WATCH IT NOW but it‘s 4 am sodndkdldl
what you said about my peter fics🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺like omg i love these emojis they literally just describe how i felt when reading what you said so, yes, 🥰🥺 + thank you :) it really means a lot <3
and no omg i totally get the studying thing. like last year before i graduated .. was that last year? yes wtf omg okaykdjdj, so the last three months before i had my final exams we were just in a lockdown and we didn‘t even have online classes. We had nothing except one teacher who left our group chat (😭) because she was mad at us (?) and one maths teacher who did an online ““lesson““ once a week. he‘d ask: so does anyone have questions. us: . Him: okay, bye then. So. Yeah dndldldj. But we had one online test and it was in german and like i read the book wee were supposed to read? but the questions on the test were all unanswerable (is that a word?) and i had to google everything (got an A tho 🤪 but only because i googled everything so i was so scared that i wouldn‘t be able to get a good result on the final exam because what if i‘d gotten used to just googling everything and i couldn‘t do it by myself anymore? anyway it was all fine in the end but yeah at times i couldn‘t even study because i had so much anxiety about studying and yeah- like this whole annoying cycle. but you said you‘re still studying———- okay wait 👁👄👁 i forgot what i was going to say??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Like wtf. Is wrong with me? And i‘m reading what you wrote again and i just don‘t know what i was going to say? Like i get what you‘re saying obviously but i‘m like? Idk 4am brain ayeee, please vent more if you need to and elaborate further because right now i‘m???? Too dumb to respond to this right now wtf. I‘m so sorry lmao ddlkdjdjd what is even going on like i‘m sitting here open mouthed just like ? But btw the fact that you have Voice and dance lessons is like SO FUCKING COOL like oh my god that is sosososos cool wtf, i was thinking that when you first talked about it too
And “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” ODHDKSLDBDJDOFIDKDNDLDK
Yes i know about the weather dkdkdkjd but it‘s getting (a lot) warmer here too and where i live we kind of get a weird type of wind called föhn (which literally means hair dryer but idk if that‘d the reason why it‘s called that, i‘m too tired to think of whether it makes sense rn) and it gives me headachesssssss and the changing weather is also giving me headaches 😭😭😭😭 so this season right now is just headache season and i hate summer so i wish it would just snow again lmao (okay it‘s getting so late that it‘s early already snd i can hear this bird chirping so fucking loud wtf i‘m also getting a headache 🤧🤧🤧) but at least i can do my new theme soon (i hope it‘ll look good🥺 and omg thank you for what you said about my current theme- i always feel like i‘m so bad with aesthetics, i obviously like my theme but i feel like every single person on tumblr has a theme that is prettier than mine so it was very nice to hear you say that you love it👉🏼👈🏼 (i‘m so used to it by now that i actually hate it lmao so it‘s getting yeeted soon and i‘m making megan thee stallion my pfp 🤪 (if the graphics and shit works out skdjdjdj)
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imaginethathaikyuu · 5 years
Okay birthday request for Kuroo (that dorky cat). Where he's a fox demon and it's been like a long time since he celebrates it or haven't at all. Reader finds out about this and decides to throw him a small party.
PSA  i know nothing about kitsune boys or whatever, i just wrote my own thing and did absolutely no research on them so..if i got some lore wrong or whatever, sorry about thatalso i tweaked the request a bit to fit my idea of kuroo a bit better hope that’s okay ;P (went with “fox boy” rather than “fox demon” cuz thats just what i was feelin tonight)
kitsune boy!kuroo gender neutral reader
The stories of a half fox, half man residing in the forest of the mountains in town had always interested you. That folklore seemed to call you into the woods, where most people wouldn’t dare set foot, in hopes of finding such a thing. 
You didn’t think you’d actually have any luck. 
You believed he was real, you really did. But in the back of your mind you heard the voices of those in the village telling you you’re dumb for trying to find such a dangerous creature - others told you he wasn’t real at all. That it was just a story. 
But you knew better than them. You’d made the familiar trek into the forest every day for years - since you were a child. You had been looking since then for a boy you once met, who had ears and a tail, who you had only met once.
“I’m not stupid,” was the first thing he said when he suddenly emerged in front of you, seemingly out of nowhere. You were only about ten years old, and he looked to be the same age. He spoke clearly, he sounded wise even though he was just a child. “I wouldn’t show myself to someone who’s dangerous. I’ve watched you a lot.” 
You didn’t get to say a word to him, as a noise that you could only describe as a high pitched bark perked his pointy ears - you watched them turn toward the sound - and he ran off. He was gone just as quickly as he had appeared, and it felt like you had dreamed the entire encounter.
And you did dream about him. For years to follow, that boy was in your dreams. He seemed to grow with you, his appearance altering in your dreams over the years; he grew taller, bigger, older. As if he was somehow visiting you in your sleep. But you knew that was impossible. 
Or… was it? Wasn’t the entire idea of his existence impossible? But it wasn't. He wasn’t impossible - he was real. You knew he was. 
That’s why you made that trip to the forest, every day for years. You ignored what others said, their warnings of fake stories or dangerous creatures couldn’t keep you from those woods. Their words weren’t louder than the voice in you head demanding you settle the curiosity in your heart and find him again. You were searching for that boy in your dreams. That boy you had met so long ago. Years past before you would meet him again. 
But you did meet him again. 
Just like all that time ago, you didn’t see where he came from. You didn’t hear or see him coming. But you turned your head, and there he was. And he looked just like he did in your dreams.
He was tall, you wondered how he was able to hide himself with such height. He had black hair and pointy ears pointing out of the fluff. But he had a human’s face and a human’s body. Apart from the tail. He wore clothes, though they looked like garments of an old man, decades old.
You didn’t know what to do, but you didn’t sense any danger from him. Although you hardly sensed his presence at all. 
“There you are,” he said to you, as if he’d been waiting for your return. “I’ve been looking for you, you know.”
Were you being scolded… by a fox? 
You wanted to ask him where the hell he’s been, what the hell he meant when he said he’s been looking for you, because you’re the one who was looking for him all this time. He’s the one who’s been hiding. But all you could choke out was, “W-Who are you?” 
He scratched his head. “You don’t sound like I thought you would…” 
He laughed softly at the sound of your voice - you must’ve sounded different than anyone he’s met before. And that only made you wonder if he’s ever even met another person before, or if you were the first. You hoped you were the first.  
“I’m Kuroo,” he said before turning around and walking away with his hands on his hips. “What’re you?” 
“What?” you asked again, following him. His footsteps were silent, while the crunch of the forest floor under your feet seemed to echo through the trees. 
“You have, like, a name or something, right?” 
“Y/N,” he repeated, before twirling to look at you. He wore a sly grin, his eyes shined with mischief. “How fitting. Y/N.” 
And you followed him through the woods that evening, asking him question after question - most of which he didn’t have an answer to. 
By the time dusk had arrived, he was shooing you away. “Go. Get back to where you’re supposed to be. But come back soon, alright?” 
“Tomorrow,” you said. And you kept your word. 
You visited him every day since, learning more about who he was and how he lived. And you kept a journal of the things he told you, so you’d never forget them.
He was playful and kind. And he was a prankster, often jumping out from behind a tree to scare you. He got a good laugh out of doing that. 
On this particular day, you had brought your journal with you with the intention of filling in some missing information. You had grown quite keen on the boy, you had to admit. You wanted to know everything there was to know about him - not just because he was a mythical creature, either. But because he had the kind of personality you were drawn to. 
He was really interested in your handwriting, and you had promised you’d teach him a few things about reading and writing if he’d answer your questions. Surprisingly, he complied with you - that wasn’t something the troublesome fox did often. 
“When’s your birthday?” you asked him first, pen in hand. 
“Yeah,” you said. “The day you were born.” 
He was laying on the ground on his back, his arms resting behind his head as his tail swayed back and forth to his side. You were resting your back against a tree. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I’ve never had a birthday.” 
“Everyone has a birthday, Kuroo.” 
“Not me,” he said, matter of fact. “I never have, and I never will.” 
You rolled your eyes before looking down at your journal and writing one word: Stubborn. 
“You have to have a birthday,” you said under your breath. “They’re actually a lot of fun.” 
He sat up to face you. “How?” 
“Well, everyone tells you Happy Birthday, even people you don’t talk to every day. And sometimes you have a party. Some people get you gifts. You get to do whatever you want on your birthday.” 
Kuroo scoffed. “I get to do whatever I want every day.” 
You laughed, “Right. I forgot about that.” 
“You have to tell me when it’s your birthday so I can get you a gift,” he said, giving you a sweet smile. “I should celebrate your day, too.”
You smiled right back at him, “But we need to figure out what your day is, Kuroo.” 
“I don’t need a day,” he said, getting up to go check out whatever it was across the woods that caught his eye. “Every day is my day.” 
“Kuroo,” you groaned, getting up to follow him. 
“And I don’t need any gifts!” he continued. “The only thing I want is…” 
You walked a bit faster, trying to catch up to him so you could hear him better. “What?” you asked, waiting quite impatiently for him to continue. 
“The only thing I want is for you to keep coming back,” he said. “I’m always afraid you’re not going to. Or that one day you’ll have one of those loud killing things instead of your book.” 
A gun. That’s what he was referring to. He’d seen hunters carrying them before, when he’d gone too close to town. And he watched them using guns, too. He told you about the experience in detail - it was the only one of his stories you wanted to forget. But you told him what they were called, and he either had a poor memory (he didn’t) or he was too stubborn to correct himself (he was.) 
“I don’t even have one of those things,” you said, smiling sadly at him. He nodded. “I still want you to have your own special day, though.” 
“Today can be the special day,” he said, shaking his head. “But it always feels special when you’re around.” 
That made you smile more than you’re sure Kuroo intended for it to, and you closed your book and put your pen in your pocket. You agreed with him. Every day did feel special when you were around him. 
For the rest of that evening, you decided to focus on the moment of being there instead of taking notes on Kuroo. You’d have plenty of days to get to know him, after all. 
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