#no one asked what's NOT transmasc music to you asshole
horce-divorce · 1 year
I've never listened to cavetown but everyone fucking hates him so much that I think I like him by default. specifically to piss off the haters a little more
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After the overwhelming one (1) note response, have the first third of my transmasc!reader x Judgement Day fic. Lead-up to smut.
Warnings for this section: f-slur
Want (Part 1/3)
It’s hard to believe you were able to save up enough to see WWE’s Monday Night RAW live; you had driven most of your coworkers to their wits’ end talking their ears off about how you couldn’t wait to make your goal so you could quit.
“And what are you going to do after that?” they sometimes asked, trying to poke holes in your plans.
You’d move to the next place, find the next job; maybe end up with something you’d want to stick with for a while. Hell, who knows: maybe you’d end up a wrestling groupie after this show. “Whatever I want.”
The roar of the crowd behind you brought you back to the present. You had managed to snag a spot in the front row and had already cheered, booed, and sung along to the theme of a few of tonight’s wrestlers, but you weren’t about to let the soreness in your throat stop you from enjoying yourself. You might, however, need to get some water. But was it worth leaving the front row? The show was about halfway through-
The lighting suddenly shifts and new music comes on, dark figures and lightning projecting on the tron.
Once the Judgement Day walked out of the gorilla - despite not being listed to fight that night - it became clear this was another “We run Monday Night RAW” speech. Your dry, sore throat is louder than the wrestlers, the announcers - even louder than the crowd currently booing the muscular group clad in black and purple. You decide to take this moment to go for water, pushing through the crowd and trying to remember where you last saw a water fountain.
After what must have been three full minutes of chugging water, you decide to take advantage of the building’s one-room restroom. You were sure you passed well enough to use the men’s restroom most of the time, but earlier years of transition still made the situation instinctively anxiety-inducing.
Upon leaving the bathroom, you hear a gruff voice huff “Finally” before getting shoulder-checked by a dude making a beeline for the door you just walked out of. You groan at the sudden hit to your shoulder and hear “Pft, fag” before the door slams shut.
“What the FUCK, ASSHOLE,” the words leave your mouth as if someone else is shouting them, the shock and anger sending a wave through your body.
You don’t even get a chance to calm down before an unmistakeable Australian accent barks out “How DARE you interrupt me!”
You feel your face getting unreasonably warm as you turn around to see Rhea Ripley marching directly towards you, the rest of the Judgement Day closely behind. Oh fuck.
The interviewer they left behind gestures to the camera to stop filming.
“No one interrupts Mami” Dominik Mysterio jeers, smirking.
“You disrespect one member of the Judgement Day, you disrespect all of us” it’s Finn Balor, standing close enough to punch you - if he really wanted to.
“So you’re going to make it up to ALL of us,” Damian Priest growls, the last to surround you.
[end part 1 of 3]
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/719312061520347136/want-part-23
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beefcake007 · 7 months
I want to preface that I'm asking this in good faith (or at least trying to), not trying to be edgy, a troll, or provocative.
The outrage from the tiktok of the cis person excluding transmen from their music request because "all they listen to is sad ukulele music" reminds me of cismen complaining "Not all men!" everytime they heard a ciswoman say something disparaging towards men as a gender. My genuine question to you is why is this not at least similar to that?
It is different, I'm not saying it's the same. The oppressed minority complaining about their oppressor only to have the oppressor whine about it is very different from the oppressor making the generalization and the oppressed minority having an issue with it. If that's where the issue begins and ends then okay.
But he's some random tiktok idiot. Just like a guy screaming "not all men!" to some rando saying something like "all men are cheaters", it looks on the outside that a bunch of transmascs are responding "not all transmascs!!" to a random tiktok asshole who doesn't matter. Guys are chastised constantly to stop taking casual social generalizations personally, why does that not apply here for transmascs?
As a post script— if you feel my words may be harmful and don't want to spend the time answering then definitely don't post it. Again I'm not trying to be inflammatory, I'm seeing a pattern and want to know if the comparison is at all valid. I value your opinion or I wouldn't have bothered. Alternatively, if you don't want to post this but still want to reply to it you can just address "The "Not All" anon" and I'll see it. At the very least I fully appreciate you taking the time to read and consider, thank you.
The point of my post was NOT that “Not all trans men make ukelele music”. Cause like… who cares? Like I said, some comments I saw were saying that, and they aren’t wrong because of course trans musicians exist in every genre. But like… that’s not the point at all.
This wasn’t just a random cis person pissing off the thin skinned soft bois, this was a cis person with half a million followers explicitly excluding transmascs from the category of trans people and trans artists. It is a problem that he feels he is an authority on that, it is bad that cis people feel they can be the ones ascribing value to our creations and points of view.
I could go on, like frankly I don’t really think it’s a great practice to generalize and dump on cis men either, but I’ll cap this off and explain that the function of crying “Not All Men” is to misdirect and obfuscate broader conversations so it gets nowhere and nothing changes. I’m not sure what pattern you’re seeing here, but if you can recognize that it IS in fact different, it’s a problem you’re you’re seeing any male minority defending themselves from public ridicule as crying “Not All Men.”
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blood-injections · 1 year
You know what. Rundown of my killjoy ocs becuase I don’t i ocpost enough
Ignition Wizard-
He/it, transmasc, my self insert. Zoneborn but never really had a crew, host of the radio station Lucky 107.7 , which he broadcasts from the bus he lives out of, always on the move, in zone two one day and six the next. Just a funky dude. Will give you free tattoos if you ask.
Cal-e Condor
Agender they/it amab. Ummm gay weirdo, wacky name, you just say it like Cali as in California Condor. Cowboy. Has twin bedazzled blasters and carrys daggers. Wears a crazy tasseled leather jacket with a thunderbird painted across the back. Lots of piercings and tattoos, currently has braids down to their fucking knees. Hottest mf in the zones honestly. Lone wolf, no crew but lots of friends, really outgoing and bold/flamboyant but simultaneously quiet and mysterious? Absolutely fucks on the dance floor. Engineer.
Virtuoso Viper
Comes off as an asshole but is actually cool. He/xe dirtbag transmasc. Lowkey Condor’s homoerotic rival. Cocky bastard of a motorbike racer. He has a crush on Kobra Kid and it’s kind of pathetic. Can fly a plane, at least he claims he can. There’s no planes in the zones. He wants to build one. Sings and plays guitar in a little folk punk band with his best friend. He can often be spotted hanging out at the tip of that one old radio tower by the Nest(it’s the tallest one in the zones), he loves to climb but really needs to stop before he falls and breaks something. Also he has orange hair but a key lime green blaster it’s so fucking ugly. He has zero style. At least he’s confident.
Mold Moth
He/she amab but not cis. Nobody is cis. Um. Biggest faggot in the zones. He idiolized Mad Gear so hard he became a younger, nastier version of him. Like Mad Gears a crazy guy but Mold is fucking batshit, like something is actually seriously wrong with him but whatever, he’s cool. He’s fueled by anger issues and gay sex and dreams of being the main character in 80s horror films because he thinks it’d be fun. He named his band Mold Moth and the Rot in Your Hole and his music kind of sucks but in a sexy way. He wants to eat button batteries so bad, like by the handful like mnms. Fucking Freak(affectionate)
Miss Lithium
Dommy mommy. Who said that. Genderless giant. She/they/he/it/fucking anything they don’t care. Over six feet tall. Badass, goth, etc. DJs sometimes, can build bombs. Smokes weed and fucks. Not in a crew, lives with Prince Computer and they’re technically dating but the relationship is open. Is secretly scared of death.
Prince Computer
No one actually calls him that, sure it’s his name but one day he saw the word smorzando written on some sheet music and was like that would be a cool name.. and now he’s stuck with it. He doomed himself, his girlfriend won’t call him anything but Smorz. (S’mores). It’s cute. He/it, Fun Ghoul coded, as in he’s a dog of a guy, fucking puppy ass mf, assigned bottom by literally everyone and they’re not wrong. Kind of a slut, flirts with everybody, is a medic. Writes fucking angsty poetry he’s absolutely pathetic I love him. The most little meow meow out of my ocs.
Saint Silica
Haven’t decided much about this oc yet but they’re doomed by the narrative basically. What I do know is they’re cool and people are scared of them because they’re like, literally ghostly in a way. they have a scary aura about them, but they’re actually really gentle and troubled, don’t like violence but hate bli so they fight anyway. I think they’ve just been touched by the Witch. But they’re lonely and scared of losing their purpose. Basically they’re just a really fucking cool name that I’m still trying to come up with a crazy story for that lives up to it
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
@letters-to-lgbt-kids' 22 Questions for Nonbinary November!
1.Which labels do you use? Transmasculine, nonbinary, genderqueer, nonbinary trans guy, transmasc. (only counting gender labels)
2.What are your pronouns? he/they! No preference.
3.How old were you when you came out to yourself as nonbinary? Uh... idk exactly but it was like a year ago? ish? depends on whether you count the other 3 times i came out to myself lmao.
4.What’s one thing you’d like to tell your younger self? "hey there's actually a Reason you hate being called pretty and avoid mirrors like the plague and really want a flat chest. Wild, right"
5.Is there a myth about nonbinary people that annoys you the most? that we're all unaligned and want to be androgynous. I DO want to be andro, in the sense of being fem and masc at the same time, but others don't. Also, i'm masc-alligned.
6.Is there a nonbinary celebrity you look up to? This might be cheap lol but Demi Lovato, i like their music, so... yeah.
7.If you’re out, how did you come out? I am not ~technically~ out. But my friend knows; i was like "hey i think im transmasc" and she said "ok cool". but i came out to my family and it was. interesting lmao
8.Is there a gender-related pun you like? non-beenary. Also: trans people should handle the money because everything we do is a transaction im so sorry
9.Do you have friends who identify as nonbinary, too? friend-ish people, yeah. Also i have a friend who jokes she's "{name}gender" and says he is ok with literally any pronouns so... we may have an egg here.
10.Do you have a favorite lgbt+ character? Hmmmm Nico Di Angelo is my namesake but i honestly can't pick lmao.
11. Lgbt, lgbt+, lgbtqa+… which one do you usually use? Queer. I have a long, long post explaining why, but i hate being called LGBT unless you also call me queer lmao
12. How do you explain the term “nonbinary” to people who have no idea what it means? "i do not vibe with gender". or, "boy is here, girl is here, no gender is here, and i am here" *points between boy and no gender*. they usually get it
13.Tell us a fun fact about yourself (gender-related or random!) i am absolutely obsessed with books and if you want a book of any genre or type or trope just ask me via asks or anon and i will throw ALL THE RECS at u
14.How did you find your name? I stole it from Nico Di Angelo <3
15.If you’re in a relationship, how did your partner react to your coming-out? I'm a single pringle who doesn't wanna mingle lol, but my FRIENDS were all pretty good (except one. she's a transphobic asshole and i kinda hate her now)
16.Do you prefer partner, datemate, significant other or something else? i mean i've never dated and don't really wanna but my theoretical partner would call me boyfriend or partner in crime. the "in crime" would not be optional and i would not date someone who would object to it
17.A piece of advice for questioning kids? don't treat labels like they own you. E.g. if you ID as straight then really wanna date a boy/girl/ur gender, don't jump thru hoops explaining away that emotion--just use bi or pan or something else that fits. Also, it's ok to change labels!! i did like 20 times before i settled on my labels i've been using for about 8 months now!!
18.Which flag(s) do you use? nonbinary, genderqueer, aroace, bi, trans, transmasculine, asexual, aromantic. Look em up urself, tumblr won't let me post the images
19.Any tips for bad days? read a book. write a story. draw a picture. it doesn't have to be good, just do it. it helps
20.Do you have a favorite nonbinary blog on tumblr? i like @neopronounsmybelovaed, @lgb-positivi-t (not NB specific tho), and @letters-to-lgbt-kids (also not nonbinary specific tho). idk i havent seen a lot of NB blogs--reccomendations are appreciated!
21.Feminine, masculine, androgynous - or none of those things? i would like to be all of them at once but also femme but also manly masc boy but also 'my gender is gay and my sexuality is nonbinary' but also do not percieve me but ALSO-- (u get the idea)
22. What are your three favorite things about yourself? ah fuck uh. i like my writing. I like my ability to usually find good friends. i like how i will literally consume All The Information related to the things i like (in other words, talk to me about the raven cycle or writing pls).
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melon-official · 4 years
Character profile thing: Dew maybe?? Unless someone else said it already 😳
Full Name: Honeydew Melon Gender and Sexuality: nonbinary, transmasc, mlm/nblm Pronouns: he/they Species: inkling Birthplace and Birthdate: born may 20th in the middle of the city, raised in a suburb idk Guilty Pleasures: staying up SUPER late turfing and making himself frustrated, eggs. so many eggs Phobias: running into one of his parents by chance What They Would Be Famous For: finally getting good enough for his team to go to league What They Would Get Arrested For: accidentally breaking part of a stage/map OC You Ship Them With: fry (also @carniecarnage we have brainrot together) OC Most Likely To Murder Them: jazz (@sapphic-agent-4) for not showing up to practice on time Favorite Movie/Book Genre: fantasy + musicals Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: anything with tiny text Talents and/or Powers: powerful arm/core muscles bc hes a roller and splatling main. very practiced at drawing/sketching, knows more than he lets on about fine art techniques Why Someone Might Love Them: hes good at offering genuine compliments n criticism when someone needs it Why Someone Might Hate Them: ppl tend to assume hes an asshole right off the bat. super bad at communicating + managing emotions How They Change: does transitioning in middle school count? he’s a lot more upbeat and impulsive than he was when he was a kid, i guess Why You Love Them: hes my splatoon2 sona, so i make him run around in-game a lot which is super fun
i dont have any other asks in my inbox rn, if yall wanna know things about ocs i haven’t already talked about :]
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the folks behind the blog!
so, I figured I may as well introduce myself, since just cause this blog isn’t a personal blog doesn’t mean folks might not be curious. my name is Ellem, and I’m the current most frequent fronter of a small system known as Kit or the Kit Folk, also sometimes the Yellow House Collective- specifically, Kit is the name us three fronters use for convenience, and the Yellow House Collective refers to the total six of us, including our three insiders. we were officially diagnosed with DID... wow, I guess it was almost four years ago now! our body is transmasc, and all of us Kit folk identify as male and use he/him pronouns individually, and they/them collectively, but prefer he/him when in doubt! our body just turned 22 years old (March 30th!), though we been told we look like we could totally be twelve haha. us Kit folk are all together with our fiancé in a open relationship, though the closeness varies, and we’re planning for a super gay wedding in August. us Kit folks are dirty kids, aka nomadic crust punks. we live on and off on the road with our fiancé and our service dog, Yogi, previously outta our trusty old Subaru Impreza, Graham, but now upgrading to a really badass truck with a camper built onto it! our home base is in Western New York where we have some family, namely the body’s mother and youngest sister, who we’ve grown very close to. as I mentioned, we have a service dog, Yogi, who helps us with our PTSD symptoms, sleep disorder, depression, and Addiction among other things. he’s a total sweetheart, and we really adore him- we actually trained him (mostly) ourselves with help from a friend that’s a professional dog trainer! he’s a brindle catahoula curr and is basically the cutest. we’re recovering heroin Addicts as well, and are a few months past our first full year in recovery (yay!), and we have a lovely fiancé with whom we’re in a open relationship, and he’s stuck with us through thick and thin, seen us at our worst. we’re super lucky to have someone we love so much! the only folks it really feels relevant to introduce in our system is us Fronters, since well, nobody else is really around so much. there’s three of us; myself (Ellem), Callaghan, and Will! I‘m Mexican-American from Los Angeles, and am the only one of us that speaks Spanish! I’m about 25 years old (and have been for like three years haha). I specifically have recently been diagnosed with ASPD, and have done a lot of work with or therapist recently to kind of find balance in the ways that I’m different from what I call ‘feelings people’. having ASPD doesn’t mean that I don’t or can’t have emotions or care about people, it just means I experience them differently than a lot of others do, and that sometimes the cards are stacked to make it harder for me to be the person I want to be than it is for other people! our system doesn’t really use roles (we consider ourselves to be a anarchist/anarcho-communist system, even and especially in how we navigate our multiplicity.) but if we did, I’d most likely be described as a protector, and possibly sometimes a avenger or persecutor. what else... I like horror movies a lot, live for change and excitement (maybe a little too much sometimes), and have basically permanent resting bitch face, mostly cause I’m just a asshole. I’m the primary fronter lately cause we’ve been having health problems that I handle best of all of us, so basically I’ve been frontstuck for a while. hmm what else? well, I love horror movies, folk punk. punk, and emo trash music. also, Callaghan and I are... dating doesn’t sound like the right word. I guess in love is the most accurate descriptor? but yeah. that’s about all I can think of, though you can of course feel free to ask anything you’d like! I’ll likely introduce more of us over time, but now you have a little bit of an idea of the man behind the tumblr I guess haha
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vampire-core · 7 years
kennith for the headcanon thing (i wanna know what you think about him too!)
since u didnt specify im gonna do both >:3c
also ty pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
under the cut bc….. Logn,
1: Let’s do a weird headcanon thing
What they smell like
he prob smells like a mix of pot/cigarettes and perfume tbh??
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc)
he moves around a Lot and prob has occasional nightmares, +normally curls on his side or Sprawls the fuck out. has knocked steph off her bed in a few sleepovers. he goes to bed waaay too late and wakes up rlly late, or he just pulls allnighters
What music they enjoy
he DEF likes 60s/70s rock, and def psychadelic rock. +hed prob like marina and the diamonds and the mountain goats??? a mix of rock and weird indie shit
How much time they spend getting ready every morning
tbh i see him as either spendin a fair amount of time doin shit, like makin his hair look nice puttin on makeup etc, or running a hand through his hair, brushing his teeth, and Goin bc No Energy. gotta love mental illness! +he obv takes the time to put on his binder but
Their favorite thing to collect
tbh i can see him as collecting mechanical pencils??? like a SHITTON of different lead thicknesses (he prefers 0.5 prob), designs etc
Left or right-handed
ambidextrous, but leaning towards right-handed more
Religion (if any)
atheist!!! :00
Favorite sport
kennith fucken Hates sports but like. hockey isnt too bad in his opinion prob??? and plus hot dudes
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc)
i wanna say his fav thing to do is prob acting like an obnoxious tourist if that fits. his dream job is asshole and also he loves the glares he gets its fucken Hilarious. he prob would love checkin out cool buildings tho :00
Favorite kind of weather
he prob fucken LOVES rain like. its so peaceful and nice and he would die for puddle-jumping so
A weird/obscure fear they have
USING THE STOVE its prob an Anxiety thing and smth IM tryin 2 get over but like. kennith is a bad cook. the last time he tried anything he prov burned himself and the kitchen. he is fucken terrified bc he does NOT want to get scalded thanks
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail
those fucken racing games prob bc kennith is RUTHLESS. hes horrible at things that involve aiming tho pls dont ask him to throw anything accurately.
2: send me a character and i’ll tell you
sexual orientation headcanon
GAY gay as hell. also hella grey-aro
gender headcanon
TRANS BOY well transmasc genderfluid. mainly between guy/demiguy/agender im guessin?? and he uses he/they but not she use she and he’ll deck you or cry
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon
>:3c who said projecting furiously onto ones kintype? me
ok obv obv hes a depressed bpd socially anxious mess, but also i def see him w dpd/avpd and not just bc of me and my canon and i see him as hella adhd too???? and pprob an ed, +a dissociation thing?? and hes. def got some drug/alcohol abuse problems, tho if they could count as alcoholism/addiction is. questionable
most of this is furioius projecting and shit from my kin canon but
3 random headcanons
1: hes SUPER flexible, like foot-to-head flexible, and ALWAYS wins twister bc of this (dont play twister with him)
2: has a sister whos MUCH older and gave him his first cigarette. shes not a good influence but shes nice enough
3: Not Good parents. this is also projecting from my canon but??? he just. does not seem like the type of kid to come from a happy family
4: one more bc i like this one but e has a cat whos name is dick
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